The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 22, 1838, Image 3

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_ The:Stoise,brakeri S
Mombent of the Method
Immediate Neighbors,
'3O Citizens- of Huntingdon
We stated in .our last Jo
before our readers
hittitelnents, in, vindication -d t
`'of the BtOnebralters.. How g
'refutation of the leas call..
blicken -every Man •
bow theabrvitektied to Nan
Porteriam ; arid bow mdagre
Certifiers appear in • their
array against. them. Read'
and be convinced..
Wi'the undersigned, bein
the MethodtaiEpiscopal char
doll county, having heard our
Stonebraker Senr's share
vilified and'ibused in the p
deemed it our duty, as fello
the 'church to which we • .
sustain the cause of truth a•
reputation of' an honest and
contradict the assertions 'at
heaped upon - the charach
, John Stonebraker, 'sen.
in order to disabuse the -pub
spect to pie honesty and •
said John Stonebraker, sea.
information of tbe public, th
moag the oldest members
dist Episcopal Church 'in
has been a member of sa
upwards of thirty years, a.
•since we have had any kno •
sustained an e:evatedCtia j ta
and -veracity, and as aft
tian in our church; and vt.,
]lave him . to be a man of so
whose charactr, until no
prints, has nexer even bee.
dishonesty, falshoods, or
and we further believe, tha
gee and assertions attempt
upon his charactir in the
otherwise, contrary to ho
and piety, are wholly with
and entitled to no credit
are only put forth by •
gogues to answer their vile
not make this statement for
but with
,the sole end, aim
retrieve and save` from cal
actor of a beloved brother
which has been unjustly an
peeved and assailed.
James Steel Valen
Frederick Hyskle lames
. The B Hyskle Georg
•Jacob Genoa, jr. Alford
Daniel Brusler Jacob
'George Bressler James
Abraham Moore David
Elijah Weston Martin
1) A Thompson Jacob '
Hyskill A Step
J Mothersbotigh - 13 fil'PEI
Andrew J. Hunter Hugh fi
•John Marks Joseph ]
John Conrad f Bertj Hi
Levi Wilhelm Wm. Vf
'Samuel 'Fulton Joseph
Jacob Mattern John
Daniel Conrad Daniel 1
• Samuel Mattern • Washin
Charles Welch - Geo O.
'John James , Wash
His Neigh
Coierain Forge, Sept
. We, the midersigned,
iin.townahip, Huntingdon
in the immediate neighbo
Stonebraker, and being
‘quaintnd with them for
general character; condu
'solemnly believe the • .1
acity and integrity; and
not make any.statement
'strictly true; and that
'entitled to all the coni , l
That any other good : citi .
monwealth would be. ;
All times received the co
neighbors, and against w
, Verbays never heard an •
now in the public
'charges we believe and
`false, and entitled to
think it our duty as fell ,
neighbors of the Messrs.
give our names to the p
James M'Qdaid
Wm. Burley
Joseph Hopkins
Thou Butler
Robert Keith
I Hugh Sharp
Joseph Sloniker
Robert Moore
N. Lytle
Benj.. Pawling
David Stover
Moses Conan
James Dysett_
J. MeKinny
Daniel Hoffman
Jobs Wolf
03atnuel Taylor
Henry Wolf
Jacob Kellerman
John Dimino
John Women
IC Denny
A. - White )
WEIR ichard
Jacob 6:oared
Abraham Wopdring
' J. Hunter
. . -
George SiMere John Idarkei
liapri Fulton W. lifers
J. Holdermin ' Suitt
James Travis • John Williams
G. M. Thompson _ David S..Pkotner.
at churbh,
J .
nal that
he follawing
oriOtis is the
des, Which
ho'does not
; nrenisto and
do the ,three
he following
We, the undersigned citizens Of Hunt
ingdon county, know him fora number co
years, matiy . of us for the greater part 'of
a life time, and do soleMnly assert' and
belieie, that his character has been here
tofore, and-is yet, sithdut a stein. .
for tnany-yearatellis been a nteMber
of gocid standing in the MethodlsrEpisco
pal Church; and all who know bid) can
not but be grieved, that the virulence_ Of
party eicitemeAt should ha $e produced
such a wanton and unfounded attack upon
him. Knowing him to be a man of strict
truth and veracity, we can abjure the pe o !
ple of'Pentisylvania, that we 143 ti ly believe
he wdutd hot assert Or swear to that, a
bout 'Which there was, or could be a sha
dow of 'doubt. That, although he is about
or new sixty 'yettts of age, he 'l3 yet. an
active man, aid * believe his ideas of
right or wrting, ale 'so . strictly. i 'dorrect,
that wherever he had or ought toluiVebriy
doubts in relation to a matter, be ivikld
make hoixisitive assertion about it, much
ess wobrd 'he shear to such assertion.
_ IC.
L members of
. offlunting
ter assailed,
, lie prints--
Icing, 'and to
virtue, a
good ma n; to
(opted: to
r of the • id
" e therefa
c mind in
eracity of
state for t
t he is one
f the Met,
this Coon
d Church
John s Aurarat
'John Lytle
D H Moore
Peter Hewit
has always
ledge of - hilm;
ter, for trtkth
solemnly be
nd mind, and
in the ptiblic
sUipected for
ant of piety;
all the cher
:d to be made
Wspepers,l of
•sty, veracity
ut foundatien,
litical deltic
ends. We do
olitical effects
a des
nddesign to
ny the char
t' our Chutich,
wickedly' as-
W m Donaldson
Jacob Snydi3r
J W M'Cord
Vi'm 'Shorn°
James Coffee
E Galbreath
Al:. Kook
John Fleck
Philip Roller
James Morro*
'ln conformity with in invitation from the Navi
gation Company through Mr. Cole, a meeting of
thcise'peivons engaged or interestedil the ship-
ping of Coal, was called at Pennsylvania Hall on
this 'of August last.
'The meeting was organized by calling T. J.
Bairil to the Chair s anil appointing Robert Neligh'
and AndreW Russel ecretartei.
A Committee of siz:bamely:
West Brand—A. Eiteinberner, L.Chapinan.
Wait appointed to aVebmpany Mr. Cole, for the
purposes abrive mentioned: On Monday the 27th
of August the Comesittee Inet agreeably to ap
pointment. Messrs. L. ,Chapman and Whitney,
being unable to attend, the Committee proceeded ,
to fill their places by the appointment of Jesse
Turner and W. S. Chapman.
Ou the following *rising the Boat, "The pride
-of Port Carbon" was Ohactd•ed and weighed light
in the We,igh Lock et Mount Carbon, and found
to Weigh 'l3 Tens 'll Cwt. The water in the
Boat was tbeh these different placesi
'namely: Bow, StertS and lLdshipa, and fond
'when lidded tegethei.'hs aniount to firs inches of
water, which said fi ve inches becatite the stands
and for the committee to all Subsequent weights
of the Boat and Cargo.. The detnmitteis pleb pm..
ceeded to test the weight. itiadefiia . .of on th e .
Weigh Locks . by sealed weights of the City of
P Thirty of these 35 lb: weights:were
then tried upon the patent balance which the
committee had seleeted for weighing the Cargo,
first by trying ten, then twenty, and lastly thirty
of these weights. In all which experiments the
committee found no variation.
ge Winger'
entries: 1
i env -
einth „
6 eyman
; atson
l ion Welch
The ebmn3ittee then proceeded to load, into the
Boat a quaniiiy of far Tion weighed by the pats
ent balance previotiely allude-
ed to, the boat Wu again Cwt. Q ta.
weighed and found to weigh 23 6 2 0
Light weight of Boat 13 17 0 0
r 313
er 4, 1838.
tizono`of Frank
cdOhty, rebidifig
hod of MOurs.
personalty} ac-
any y ears, }their
and reputation;
be men of ver
that they Would:.
,o the not
'-ir attchivitsi are
ence .and 4redit
-n of this Com
nat they have at
fideade of r their
.•ose characters
charge alleged
riots, atid Which
' now to be base•
cjreilit, we
w 'citiiena, and
Stonebrakare, to
bile in that:. be-
gainining over bal. tit
it farther quantity of Iron
was weighed into the Boat, a.
gain weighed in the Lock and
wae Round to weigh
Light weight of Boat
shua Porter
ha Larking
hn James
niel Conrad
n M. Leech
a Conrad
Huot I
er Call
r a. Hamilton
Davis - ,
AI &ate
11-1. Under*ood
1 . : Moore,
W.. T.
ha K ate,
• ary 'seta
r o: T. M'C
I.a ime
. W.Phi
:ph Keli
arleihl l (
es McC
I. rmick
Mort Friends.
Robert Lytie
A 7 Steivart
'Wm RamMond
J H Siover
John Johriitbn
H H Sharp°
Abraham Vantries
Henry Neff (
Matthew Garner •
tH Davis
James Dysart
Michael Wallace
Navigation Weigh-llOckli.
Pousvitte—T. J. Baird, G. C. Wynkoop.
Port Carbon—A. Bolton, C. A. Whitney,
Making The Cargo
latatead Of 'balance jireight
Ylakhag the Cargo to 19
Instead of the bal. weight 24 19
Thhe tithing over bal..w l t. /- 0 0
A further quantity of hod
was weighed into the Boit,
and her weight by the Lk&
found to be • _lO 11
Weight of Bost
Making Cargo
instead of balance vreriglit.
Thus gaining over baL *V.
The Cargo *as further in
'created and the Boat fond to
weigh by the Lock
Weight of Boat
,Making Cargo 50 A 0 0
• Instead of ballance Weight 50 0 0 0
Thus pining over.baL wt. 0 1 0 0
During the suspen7sl6n of the Boat in the Cradle•
with her foil Cargo, the Levers were fohnd to
spring about* ofau inch.
The committee the following day proiwidad
test the Weigh Lock &c. it Schuylkill &Van In
the lame niatilSer.. •
The Beat arid. her Cirgo being placed in the
Cradle,. the water grip goaged end rodnced to S
inches ai Defers, the Levers springh4 one inch
and aAtiartei. • • - •
The Boat and Carlo weigh.
ed in the , Lot.k
Weight of .Boat as attbsar
Irently weighed
Making the Cargo
Instead of balance weight
Thum gaining over brl. wt.
A part of Iroti
charged and the Boat*ed tb
eight of Boat -
• - •
. ,
"tithing the Quid . 49 .. 0.0
Instead ofibalatust weight .12 3 26
Thus gaining over but. wt, 0 9 0
The Cargo being further di. • •
tninfebedi the Seat war fodis
- ' --- _; - T , 4 -
. ' Wth t
Cargo .
Makuig g re
Instead I bilance - wehOtt,
Thus ining over beak.
The Cargo was now in
creased, and the Boat found to
weigh .•
jtaktrigt*Calio :
Insteadlofbalanoe weight
4 rhus giiihihg over Gat wt
The Cargo again-augment
ed. and the Boat kind to
Weight, of Boat-
idaking Cargo
Instead of balance weight
Thus pining over bal wt
The following afternoon the
Boit reached the Weigh Lock
at Serfsiville'knd was found
to weigh on the Lock
Weight of Boat as unbar.
Making Cargo
•Instead of balance weight
Tticiigalning "over bal wt
The Leven springing I of
an nick.
The lioat being unloaded 'her light weight 'ins
aseertilhild, MO the following morning a part of
her Cargo 'put on board when . she was Mond to
weigh by the Lock '43 4 3 14
Weight. of Boat 14 1 1 08
Maltdng the Cargo 29 2 2. 6
• - Indeed of balance Weight :99 3 0 27
• Thnii iboai4 Fran bal 1:1 11 2 2
Tbei Cargo augmeneed and
found to weigh
Weight of Boat
Malting Cargb
Instead of balancb %fella
Thiis gaining over bal wt 0 0 2t 14
- Thel Boat reached the Fairmount Weigh Lock
leforellmon on Monday the 3d Sept. and found to
weight, 64 0 1 20
Lre;*isiiringing about Inches.
In Consequence of not finkidg 'any oetson au
thorized to obtiih therneerssary *mistime° to un
load the Boat the committee was compelled to
skspeod operations till 'ruestlay morning.
Weight of Boit and Cargo
felondey . • 0
Weight of Bokt 14
Making Cargo
Instead of balance wdight
Min . -gaining over bal
The Boat being Itiiided 'with
Part of her Cargo was. foOnd
to weigh
Wbtgbt of atfit
Maliing Cargo
Instead of balance weight
- Thus gaining o'er bat wt
The Cargo increased and
found to weigh
Weight hi Boit
53 3 2 10
14 1:1
. P o :
rgh . „ - 9 . 22 10
liesteed of balance weight 39 4 2 14
IThits kiosk% fr'oln be! 'lst b 2 0 4
The whole cargo being shipped gave the follow.
mg results in different positions in the Cradle, via:
1. 63'18 0 0. wt. of-boat 14 T. Cargo 49 18 0 0
. 63!18 0 le. .49 18 0 16
2. 630,8 1 4. 49 181 4
Til l ,boat on Monday weighed with ! her Cargo,
64 120 wt. of Boat 14 T. 00 01 20
It ,it worthy of remark, that as the Iron was:
weighed each 'cipie of the Committee noted the ,
weight of the draft and the numberlif pieces of
which it was composed, and at each subselluent
dischkrging ind lbading, die toitices were counted
and their weight 'calculated.
Ddring the whole of the tedious investigation
which listed ftum Monday•morning the 27th Aug.
till the following Tomtit,' afternoon, With a short
interval, die Codidithie here viccoMpirlia by Mr.
Cole, by whoge great liatieliceand perseverence,
the committee were enabled to makejihe most
satisfactory examination of the•Scalcs, Lochs die.
tbroughant the line.
At the several Weigh Locks at Mchmt Carbon,
Schuylkill Haven and Hanisville, thb committee
met with the utmost promptness on the. pat of
the Gentlemen, in charge of the lociui and every
facility "forded by Meth til A teit the adales &c.
Prompt aid wee Om afforded by the superiaen
dints of the Cadal at Mould 'Carbon and Kern..
villa, in fbmishirig the uticesitirry aid to unksid
thd emit 10 : 6 •
At Vairniount the Committee were detained
from Monday at noop till Tuesday inconsequence
of finding no person Authorized to furnish the
necessary aid to unload the Boat, and were 141.
ly indoced to cut short t heir tprestigatuin oh
Tuesday, in cOnserineace id the confusion OCca.
shined by the passage bf the great number of
Boat, previously detatiard by the burting.of the
Bildge, and a hat that they might be considered
al rather Intruding um the tilts aid patience of
some of the managers the Naafi' alien Company,
whom they believe we r e present. •
2 ~2$
38 16
13 17
o o
o d
? 1
2 N
0 0
0 o
3 17
48 il
48 12
0 0
3 36
0 2
0 1
'63 "81
13 17
It should be borne in mind that in all the
weights contained4e the above report.the utmost
nicety and precision was observed and that ounce
weights • were employed to ascertain. even the
number of lbs. Contained hi the Calle, Which is
n;ci done in the ordini4 ireiginng of cosi,
.w re oothingehort of a ewt.2l taken notice of.
The coninlitteeatter akir and °ireful Wend
retion amid hot eanchule that the i reit discre.
piney and toes of terries. of coal ittliftle in most
fuses [rote the difference in the Registered light
Weight of the Boar, and their actual weight at
tithe they ire 'weighed with the cargoes.
any Boats on the line, the committee are amour.
t i e
are rarely weighed, but when they commence
it W ing and are comparitivily dry, whereas, a
• imeterial difference thust oceor froth leakage
&c. The committee. tiefecdatink that an inch of
whet over the whole *Warn of a Ildat will
weigh about one Too.
lilr here the N avigation Company to binli a new
Weigh GSA at Pair Mirarit., which the committee
cannel bat perceive Is mulch . wanted:, tied keep
the present one for weishinl right agile,
the committee are Ofity ifeweirdeo that Of pre.
edit Ail redid hi - i great measurer he obviatela.
Al an Instirihe of thediscrepenisy in the Weifhts
or empty Boats as above alluded to, the Committee
*mid listeners ttie Boat which they employed on
gisti i4P!itictil' illisigs
"gig. l2 8 b 0
„weight w ~,, .
She whittled on the Locke 13 17 0 0
. 1
. ~_ 14 00 0
, . 14 3 3 0
hit, abOWing t dirweitoo of abode two Tons
114: •14 0 14
i 4 3' 3 0
SO 10 1 .14
b 18ii it
5 0
3 3• 0
TEEN 'Mt its
25 0 3 11
3 - - 3 0
10 15
'o 1 'i 's
39 1 :a
14 3 3 0
24 17 1 0
24 11
8 . 11 8
64 9 1 7
14 3 3 0
50 5 :P 7
'5O 0 0 0
'0 5, 2 7
44 . 5 /2
14 2 1 08
50 3 1 14
50 0 0 0
0 3 1 14
ft 2 3 22
14 2 1 8
.30 p a f 4
150 0 0 0
0 -0 1 20
S 12
14 0 b .
13 16 3 12
13 15 2 14
0 1 II 26
‘ „
between her 'Militated and actual witik ni all of
which is respectfully submitted, '
T. - J. Bea* W. s . aid
G. C. Wyakorip, 'Arse - Turftei,
A. Steisairici., 'A. Bolton.
Resolved, Thatotheireas, front theta Rep
Peort, the„thacreteuteice iq Mae& of the Coat
shipped on the Canal brpr • owkiiir to tkie
incorrect weight of the empty • end wrereas
the colliers and purchasers of Coal have beyond a
doubt, been subjected in consequence br each er.
memo weights pi *I aggregate to large losses
—it le to be hoped a temetliow kip prespribel by
the Navigation Com y, as ipsidlly 'asilireptica•
bin in the manner in the said Report.
Resolved. That the proceedings of this meet
tog and Report of the Committee be published in
thellinere Journal.
. Vides Canal Meeting
A numetows meeting of the citizens of Schnyl
kill Coliny,iinif varior seeklonalf the pla t 's, in
terested in the widening and irupfoving of the
Umen Canal, convened at Pinegrove, on Satni
day,'September IS, 18311
Col. CHARLEIIi McCLURE, of Cumberland
county, was called to the chau; W. Liman, of
Tbiladelphia, and George A. P'rictli, of Columbia
were 'appolUteil Vice -premAeot, ap9d Gangs 401.
kairt, of Schoyikiß, and D. krauss of Dauphin
On motion of Drikkert a committee of Thir
teen persons were appointed to prepare matters,
for tho.consideration of the meeting; whereupon
the chair appointed
Mr,,'Eaert, of Schuylkift;
" rause, of Dauphin; ,
" Levan, of Philadelphia;
" Denatdsen of ColumbiE
" Prick, of do•
" Oliver, of Schuylkill;
" Barna of do.
" °roof, of
" F'raike, of do.
" Strungter of db.
" Ingram, of do.
Strong, of do.
" Hoover, of do.
The committee retired, and after some time In.
tamed with a statement of the object Of the meet
ing, sundry resoluuons which were severally read,
amended and adopted, as fuliwet '
Resolved, inasmuch as the objection has been
made in the legielature, and out of it, that there
is not sufficient water which may be brought into
the Union Canal, to enlarge it, so as to pass boats
at the size used on the Pennsylvania canal, that.
for the purpose of answering such objection, the
Union Canal Company be memorialized toret
the Canal Commissioners forthwith em ploy a
competent,and disinterested Engineer, on behalf ;
and at the cost of said company, to ttikke a tbo
' rough examination id said Union Canal, the
mount of water Which may be had as an addition.
al supply to filed said canal, and generally the
practicability of malting the same as large and
usefbl as any of the branches of ill, Tevania
canal—said Engineer to make laid nation
this season , aod make report to neat lature;
arathat Wargo A. Prick of Columbia; Ake Barr,
of Sobuylkilt, and John thole, of Lebanon, be a
committee for that impose.
Resoloid, That a committee of 'ST persona
appointed to publish a brief description of the
Sisal= Coal Region—to estimate the altiount of
Tonnage which the enlargement of the Union
Canal will bring upon the State Werke, and to ex.
hibit the advantages which the whole common
wealth will derive by making alt nutlet to market
for the bwateri .waL
• The chair appointed Hwy K. Strang George
N. Eckert, d. Holmes, and can &see, of Scholl
, kill, and Limn, of Philadelphia, said
X 20
0 0
1 20
0 0
Resolved, ediatnittneof 9 be I'pp:dated
to the-People of, Pififfitent counties
of the State, interested in the enliirgemeol v ot the
Union Canal to , appoint Oehosites to . meet In !
Conver'dmit at Harrisburg on the dist ?uerdey
of December next, for the perpose of fathering
the application to the next legislature for aid tn,
increase said canal to the capacity of the Penn
sylvania Canal.
The chair appomten D. Krause, of Dauphin,
Charles McClure, of Cumberland, S. Guilford, W.
Oliver, 3. Stimpfler, and Peter Filbert, of Schuyl
kill, Wm. Donaldson, of Llklpmbia, W. Milnor
Roberts, of . COmberland, and E. Taylor, of
said corninittee,
Resolved, That the proceedings of this 'Steel
ing be attested by the °Ripen and published 'in
the papers of Schuylkil4.lokuphia,•ebanon and
Berk. counties, and all other piters friendly to
its objects. C. mocarks. Pres%
6 W . il ir ucL alt ` t V. President,.
a r
G. N. Eckert,
-71. Krauss
Come up to the Mark Porter
You who boast of getting from 1000
to 1900 majority in Schoylkill countY :
" _We iin-authortled tiVolfier the following
That Porter will not 100 majority in
Schuylkill county.
That he will not htie 200.
That he will not hive NV. •
950 '
That he will hot have 400.
$lOO • .
That he will not have Ma
That be will not have .600.
That be will not have 7Q O.
Thitt he will not have 800:
That he will not hue 900 1 44
lido •
”at Ritner will have it majority in
Schitylkill county.
The ahoye to be taken ciollectivitly.
To tie Subscribers if qui rows Hall o f
BECoND Instalment otTwo dollars and fir
ty emu on each share ottatodkb ie reqoired
to be paid to.the eabscribsr.'oi► drill** the first
MOndaj in October neat.
By oilier of the Board,'
JOEIN T. frattraditik Trear
SeIPL 22
• strait CIO, ..
Qtr., yed. from the subscriber, a teed •rui•6. •
1 1 4
''BLACK MULEY COW • **till**, the
black covering both arson. left eye thin, is
a partial defect. Whoever * Otani aid Cow
to the subscriber; la be ste y rewarded, and
nimbi the thanks of the ow r. '
BR 'min.u&s.
at blab Town, Walk, to rot Oulu&
.tkitt. id it 3
. .
tv-Nr. - -;,-• c t •
ditsti-lei Treasury Ts.
00 &mentor
*I Era silliNEß.
• Cawresi
Walter C. Livhagston.
Aiiemb/y •
Gaiiige N. Eckert.
Comeau' ioners ,
A.braktim L. Boughne* 2 lrtF•
Dausiel Sholleaberger, a years. ,
Diretpr of the, Poor •
Gan*. Nolvii.
• t•
Geoigel J. Nuatiiitger„ 3 Yetis.
Cbarlea Dengler, 2 year*:
Challis Wittman,
Michael GraeiE
Coroner -
Jacob Reed, Val. -
Sid-Tre Ticket.
For Oa.Orrotr:—Da ?Wier.
For Contress:—Peter Newhard. .
For dooestily:—WiWa*Mortimer..
For Corniter:,-Nathaniel 3no.Snyder.
For Cortiosirs:--Edward Connor, for 3
PPM Benjamin lLanhar, foil year.
.4Aniefor# the poor:—"Daniel Bartels!.
For Atuistrieter Kula. for 3 years. Ed
ward Huntlunger, 'U years.
For Tnislees:--John M. Biala, Joseph
Oiehaylkill Coal Trade.
Shipments of al for the week, ending- on
Delaware Coal Co
C. :
8 Heillier i & Son
A'Coal '93
Bell Bohon
Charles ,Lawton
George EL Potts,
8 0 Reevo,& Co
John Stanton
-Stockton Ar. Stevens
Mikes &Spencer
Hodson itco
T C Williams Co
Wm Wallace & Co
Potts & Bannon
L Chapnian
Sillyman & Nice
Payne it:Allen
J fterrl) • ,
A SteinBerier
R Rickart
A 8 Niclicds
Davis &Olwine
J. C. Cireovine
Cast Dotlirherty
Bennet t Tiyler
R Lehir
8 .1 Buckle 4 CC.
W Bos_blabell
F J Perrin
Sundry Shipper"
Par list moil,
Schilylk 50 1 6 :4 -
5234 r
The rollowitig it the amount of Coal tranepor
ted on :dla:Bail Road, for the melt ending
Thitredam ereping lam: 2,318
peklLatreport 50,861
iotal 53,379: .
• NATHAN CLEAVER, Collector.
The fo4owineis the amount of Coal transported
on tilts road for the week endintonWedoeirdsi
. tinning lit ' 1,097 'tons
Per - Last Merit, 37,502
Total 38,599 ,
GEO. HADE§Tif, dor.
The following is the amount of coil transported
on this Rail Road for the week ending ,on
TM:irony evening last 3,090t0ne
Per last Report 101 5 504
Rookit C. HILL, Collector.
The fcdlouriat of the animal of Coal transported,
- on tide Road for the creek egiank oh Saturday
evening last, I,4ltitonn
Per twit terfo, i 8.72 '
• ....—:.:—
_ L a j _____ . akin
li. IL POTTS,Collector.'
: • Gant c9Az TUADE.
For el jig
posts Toos.
Mask Chunk, 152 0,573
PartriUs; 39 1,311
Penn ,tlasin, t 1 572
M anc ial,s clu i r ; . 2,460 • 10140
Parrpille, 061 =.927
Pen, tlaveo. 102 • 8,54 t
Stray ,Cow.
aimed Opal thelloutwoibor dead sia- weeks go.
1 1 .• a* is about. 8 year, old, a lightiorimile.stnpe
dovO,tha too . t.Aetz.lderra, a whitarayain the fore.
head Oldi. each bora; short tail alma
two *et Widett, ito ft** sad. Whoever will
Mori mat* "Wzies taimMatiew wham ahe
. may 'in 6.l4,4mainiii. En% Domitils
' . Oak EttD, Werwegisa Tamale*
manryjoyear4Wr, of Y ,
JKM used our re putheourtof 'cosine.
SchnilkilfCciunty; and to me •
u ,
itobAio *IP ' LJ Zr.
,r 4 A lp girfty:t h bt k tray; of 1041#1!,
bey niat ‘ ati i the.botes,of John
• the town of .Priedensburg; at 3 o'cloik,
All that certain message, tenement 'endstratit"*;! . 3• Wayne towsishijoi cara' ic
iilchayiltillotioundad by lands of Jtesib'
- John Lenard; Beinthardli land, • .
lanti'bffienry, Fithr.and,ithenhAtetK. -
1] I ' thining 230 ache, mire arlsatOrMln 4.
LI the apportesenceiv *
9 10.7
story log dwelling hobs% switier
story log dwelling house and stablesthilit.:
tate of Benjamin Badge. j
Onslitanday the ilith of tkit igal43: •
tbehoussaffeter ffilberepiankeeper *the
of Pinegrovp. • at 10 o'clock. A. 124
lain lot of ground Milks ha thi
ough of Pitiegtire..bettileilf"
lowa, to wi4 on thelso4rieetliteiter - • .
Telimsbookin streets 60 1 filet; ea t
north engine lot 180 feet, ea the *kit: 20 aelt. ••
alley 60 feet, and on the moth lot '
coy 180 feet, with the appurtenanosa
of a one story log dwelling house with se - Mimi
kitchen thereto attached, and a fausieshillfir
the estate of Jame Kreger. - •
Jlt the *Mite time and-piai*fili -
that one equal undivided eighth 'part, the ;whilliti
to' be into sight parts, parted and ihvidediVeg;
that certain tract or parcel of coal hind, slissitek
Pinegroie township; coital, aihniald,,, adjohaierg i
on the east, land of William GraeKtitth.a'...,eastlk.
and west the Swatara Coal - Commie,: tattles& •
_smith the Swatarcriver containing 113 aciik
108 perches, with the apptubmanittir the
estate of Henry W. Conrad, •
At the same links and pitiee w -ali
-that certain lot or piece of grotilit,
situate in the borough of PinaleSt4 •
• •
• s s county aforesaid , boinded. briber
IS Rail Road on the east, by Orwlgsktil .
road on the south, by Tolkhockeit raid en the
west,.and a fifteen feet alley on the nortb,-iimk •
tabling one acre more or less. With the appro•
nences, consisting of a large two story diirelluit
house and kitchen, opting house, office, find a
frame stable; the 'House is now occupiedles
tavern—late the estate of 'taffy CALIII,II4IA
.412 the alike time imuVilem4.
• that-certain undivided half of wet
tail lot of graketd, sitpite in. the ho
s se
I • rough of Pinegrove.Schuilkill Eons;
• 111 ty, bounded by Tulpehockii. skeet
on the west, by a public street on:the. nerdy 'by
an alley an the east, by land of Eldrldge . dt . Vs;
on the south, with the appurter m ees.
of a tiscilibirifhtme dwelling se and kitchis:
and frame stable. Also , a tra Of; !sad; :inset/
in Pinegrove townthip a county alleressid.htsuidi;
ed by lands of.Jacbb The, Frederick - Muth:4k
others, containing one hundred acme Ole
less, frith the appinianances, conliating 'tits'
story log dwelling house And log bans - late Abe
estate ofleau Mother. • , -
"Oft Tuesday the 16th ";of oetaher'
peat, at the house of Wm. Marti: ter, bor
ough of Pottsville, it 10 o'clock-A. M. ";li It that
certain lot of groun„di taints•on a Kirty:• het wide;
street in the borough of PoUsville, y_ s ef
Schuylkill, hOunded and described aalialcireitt -
wit: beginning at a tinier of said .40 foit . .;, - Wide
street and Seitzinger's alley: thence' aloe/ ;sail
alley south 60 degrees, west 198 feet to 1'
thence south 30 degrees eta 60 feet fie a eirlie4
thence north 60 degrees, east 198-feet
forty hist wide street; : , thence diet slit Sliest
north yr degrees. west 0 feet to,*
giening, containing allot of retold Ifffeetii
Inns andl9B feet in depth, and Satlebatiki.
lot which is marked and numbered kit* vet.'
al plan of the said tioroogbilf risu
villa with No. 92. with tft_
ounces, consisting of tw o . threw it*
frame dwelling bootee, toge th er
sheds, barn and °tar buildinp—lite the elute:
of Nathaniel J. /tiffs. .
At the game time andpiacei „ea
that certain moiety Or undivided
part, portion or interest of, is - . end to
lifti all that certain menials, _
and lot of ground, situate on till
meth westerly stde of Market Sheet in thellsoreel. •
of Pottsville, marked in Pott & Pattersoces addl.
t ion to Pottsville, with the Noe 15, bounded ca 1k
southwesterly side by lot, of property of
Levy, sod beginning al the south Both
stone, thence north 60 degress, east SSt .
stone; Glance north, 0 degrees west 190 feet to
post; thence south 60 degrees west 50 fest; dint*,
south 30 degrees, east 132 feet to a ppik fib teak
south 60 degrees Best 2 .fiset to a peat"thiniTher
south 30 degrees east' 8 feet to the place ones:.
ginning, containing in front onelliarketlitieltlifk
feet. in the rear SQ. feet, and 'hi depth ..190
with thp appurteridiessi eonsisteig ora tie kir*
partly brick and partly stone dialling bcparialtd •
atwo..tory stone kitchee thereto Outlet ateki ,
a, one story flame. ewelling laisse with:atria*
_kitchen thefato attached-late .the estate ot://f104 .
fel Ckrjslisii. ~, ' •
All salted, taken in eiscutioe,end.tole _
PETER. P. LOWIO, Enron : , k.
Sheriff!. Office. Otwitri
t, -
burg, Sept. 22, 1838., . . 7,
,259 12,196
4203 f 262,209
.i 14,408
have applied to Ake .JtidOs s .otte . TIGT-oulitocCenint—
mon Pleas of pah*lkill conotiAr the beeteAltiortbot
several Apo ofAesembly Payed loilh* ei lng •
solvent Detente, & that the paid Jeditee.bavt
Mondry the 29th' 4 410 °Met. oemat te 411 V• '
Niteatioe. at the Cook Douse, in.CIV for**
hearing *fug and our creditors. when.aod where_lket:
ally attend if think_ prpspA •1 . "
• . - PETER W •
WRY Vides of a writ ot.Eatieri
am out ofthe Court ofcomamn Plena eiftleheYin
kiltroority„ind -to me directed, will le ead
Public Sale, on 'Molehill , ' thertith day Ofeetibe4
nest, at the bin or 'Peale 116 Mi s, at Dania Sejtisi
in Orwigaburg; (on thisitrembiesy at tßeetecti o `
A. M.—Alt that certain manage,. ne,i'aiistW
TatensMonse and lot aground, alumina %Alit
Borough of °millibar& in' SeticylkilliCimetyre
kneaded in front by Market atitet;uktki
a public 'net, on the West tif the-WectireLpilik..
of lot nuniber airteen, and oditheEng
seri street' cootaining in froet
depth' 9 perches, being the ma ( pogiber9f
marked in the general plan of, ;;,.1 1 41 . :-
16nnit the same which. Cliriabto,:, Inas'
Margaret his wife - b] deed 'dated Ike ill
,1830. ranted , e nd csereyed te.Geoespi.
, , r,
'Consisting of a two Story Sloes .and ilt Innikanter.
Brick Roam With latchenr h Togo.
Stables aitd.Sbeds. of fume s a pemPet—
tie Kitchen and, the lialfeCilenep,. -
home-Alta the estate of Oilk,a rie,le,st.r..?:''
• • Seised, taken in emend* 'OWN* -
PETER r. LIMMVIth','lSllk' *ii i;s
1 . 41 . ,&
!_! I q!IMUZ
. •
WILLIAM GORGAB,',.: - • ,- • •-•
. -