The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 22, 1838, Image 2

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• • _4l l . Meeks. 'Gard*, Bills of „Lading,
• t 'isvatur of every deacwiptvviomatly jrnste¢
Oficia : t4helorest zeds "nem ,
'Cortrepeaßentte for the Baiaogb•of
George Heisler, Esq.
Benjamin Hannan,
r. Henry . Stager, Bal.
Andrew B. White,
People. Remember I
lb B. - PORTER
4 the Senate last Win
instruct our Senators
- nresentatives in Con
vote in favour of the
and infamous Silb
- Bill. '
The People rem
if David R. Porter
ted Governor, and the
•easury BM should
'Government war a
le sanks will be eon,
and they will again
Ipelled to suspend Sc-
seats—and the cann
y will again be flooded With
in *Plasters.
The Mineral Journal,
, Will be fuutiseed weekly to ellibit and
I - e're until tint election, at the following
tee.: •
14K) copies for
42 Do
itynble in advance.
Ritair,Dentocray, 4 Gold glut Oliver.
General County Meeting.
In puntuance of the recommendation of the
citing Men'. Meeting, held in the Borough of
'lle, on Saturday evening the /at of Sept.
:•• bar, a. Generdl County Meeting of all the
. • . Republitana of Schuylkill county,
• ndly to the re-election of our present worthy
;hid Malt:grate JOSEPH RUPEE, whose
i nsdamarmin required the Ban,ka to resume spe.
• paysamets, and cosequently banished all the
Illastbra•from the Mate ;except the %%pea
, irredeennible Shim:Plasters imam by Van
••• aßidnein . *ration, end opposed to the eke
i • • of the Shin Plaster Lectifoco Sait•Treasury
! ndidate, David 2 Patter, are requested to meet
I the House of Hermy Stager, is the Borough of
ottaeipe,: on Saturday afteritees, the 2Sth met.
! *Jodie P. H., :to consult together; and a.
~ p t sucli;*meuaree u may be deemed necessary
iltbir coming content.
xr The meeting will be addreared by Witurra
• Lmnaesott and Dr. Goa N. ECIUMT. unti l
ers by invitation—and , the cominittee
' • reviresfully invite the Candidates of the
! oh Treasury Ticket to come forward and pro.
laim their ?hive on the leading measurce`of the
ay, un the occasion. •
, By order of the Standing Conmittee.
' itner, Gold & Silver, and no Sub-
, MEETING of the friends of Gov. Either,
sod opposed to the Loco Foco Shin plaster
udidithe r ., David It• Porter, will be held at the
, ousoci4Mcab Rapp, in Union township, on-Sat
rday 22d inst, at 2 o•olocli, P. M. Turn
at Democrats, and support your cause. .
Sept 8 70—
rn-,•=w- T7 , wmi k ,
Let every friend of Ritner,
• very opponent of the sub
easury and shin plasters,
• very good Whig of Schuyi-
C I, attend the County Meet
ing this day week in our Ilor•
()ugh. Our candidates will
attend on the occasion to ex
press their views on the agi
tated questions of.the day, -
and we have every eason to
jinticipate a Great and over
whelming Gathering of She
People. Let no one remain
at-home—every one is Inte
rested—every one has a duty
to Perform, and we trust it
,sslllriot be neglected.,
/ T oeing Me ss Democratic Mectinf.
rriEiFt young men favorable to the re-election
of tOSEPLI [UTNE% are requested to meet
at thulium's Tavern in Centre Street, on Tuesday
Evening next, whe!e business of importance will
berogitopted for their consideration. A prompt at., expected, as preps:alums are feces.
nay te_enure the success of our State and Coun
ty Tidtst. .
rimfr,terhi Fraudulent Inset.
i vency. • - •
Mr* }filmy person doubts the correct
ness of the charge made against Porter
that he &Oared himself, let him call on
Messrs. Benjamin P. Ponroy, Francis J.
Partin, James 11443erdty, Oliver Dobson,
*card art& William H. Mann.
Of *hi Borough,fand Dr. Geokge N. Eck
ert, of Pinegrove, =On whose characters
stand Ligb in this cdrurbunity, who were
delegates to the Pittsburg Convention, and
.who law the assignment of his property
to Jo n S'onebraker, before he took the
bens ', and the origial receipt in Porter's
orn;. writing, for the receipt of pert'
or the properly back again after he , took
the *Pat of the heolveet /Awe.'
ThelFri aids - at oseplk
erwill attend a-lieeting of
e Party atticaries on Ind.;
nesday Everting sept. 'l6 l at,
8 o'clock' Precilely, When
-business of nunnent will be
aid before4hem. This meet.;
ing is :called in *ontbrinity
with a Resolution passed •
Wednesday eren!lng Wit
ELscriou ay isterwriftis.-•-Tlte choice
of Inspectors 'for our liorough will be
made next Friday; itis highly incumbent
on every.friend oflosep ' Ritnerto attend
and give theirvete owl is occasion. The,
stand old for Judges wi take place et the.
seine time: Let every ltiend cif his coun
try remember Friday, :Sipternber ; 28th.;
Be on the ground, show ourstrength and:
strike lorror upon your dventariis. F The.
'Loma will useevery exertion tcrearrf the
4nepeetars sad 3udges, [but es Ire have'
three votes to one agaitthem, nothing
but the most blameabl e. relessness on our
parts will allow such at( event. Do not
birgeti Every man must da hie duty
and success is certain.
The importance of having Well qual
ified representativerto sustain.the prosper n
ity of our County in •thei Legislature, has:
never been'mare evident than at; thtt i , pre-:
sent crisis. The growing importance of
the Schuylkill region, ad the various hi.
terests which are to be pdvoeatetl, require
a man of !commanding talent and untiring
energy. We have loci long been repre-'
seated by those who have been elected on
political, rather than ideal grounds, •and i
the censequence . is, arch infleence 'has!
never been !used to secure our • advance
merit -which the relatilie situation of our
county demands, and which is now becom
ing imperatively our !duty to obtain.—
Such a man as the present crisis of affairs
calls.for, and Schuylkill county requires, is .
DOeT. G. N. EcsaaTi, every way quail.'
fled ; and a ripened economist, be will al-;
low no partizan feelings to interfere with
the grand work of local advanrment; the
interests of ; • the whole eommui ity will be
studied, anti their applibations be sustain
ed with that additional Weight and dignity
-which talent is always `,aura to command.
No one more fully understands the situa
tion of our improvements, or the aid and
protection they require from the state ; no
one will
.more firmly advocate its rights,l
er snore ably sustain it& requirements.
Swatara Coal ! Region has long
wanted a suitable outlet fur its produce,
and an enlargement of'he Union canal for
that put pose is absolute)) , necessary. We
knowlthat Gov.Ritner is in favor of this
provement, and if Doct. ECKERT be elect
ed we feel every confidence; !almost a
mounting to & guarantee, that it will be
perfected. , 431
`The commissioners on our Ticket are
likewise o men of business, and -every way
capable of aiusting tb affairs of our coun
which antil the late reform have been
sadly mismanaged, add the clenty debt
greedy increased. The first year of the
reform commissioners, this evil was check
ed, and as we understand from $B, to 10-,
000 paid off. tis only necessary to chose
such men as the whigs have offered to the
public, to liquidate hi* short time the out
standing demands against the county.
M. Geo. Moyer, who is nominated as
Director dram poor, is an escell , nt farm
er, and a good man, who will honestly,
faithfully and charitably perform the duties
incumbent on that office. In fact the
Ticket throughout is uninipeachable-com
'bining honesty, talent. and, strict business
habits—just such merias we Want,and as
the voters of Schuylkill will doubtless e
lect. •
.5 00 .
, 2 50
I 2.,4
- Michael Wallace's -statement pro
inised our readers to day, is in type, but
crowded out by the press of new adver
tisements. It will appear in opr next.
Rain at last.—No heir apparent ever
prayed more devoutly for the beginning of
his reign, than our neighbors have for the
commencement of the rain ushered in by
the autumnal equinox. It was ankh
needed, and we will bear its outpourings
however violent, like grateful ,subjecti. .
Map of Wiaconsin.—la noticing Tay
lor's Map of the Wise-min land district,
we neglected to mention that all the town
ship sections and waiters are' noted, and
also ell the entered Ittniis up to Dec. 1837.
A person with the facilities Afforded by
the map, can purchaseAlmostUs well here
as if on the spot.
The True "nue.
After all the vacilliationsi and wheelings,
and turnings about of the Loco Press, the
question at issue for the people of this state
on the 2nd Tuesday in October has
solved itself into the nd rallying cry of
the shin plasterers, 'sub,- yew so AO
treasury.' • TheiTenpsy nian Which' is
the leadifig Van Bused paper : of our state,
and which is the wire - puller for the Editor i.
al puppets under the central of the general
government, has distinctly given the word
of contruandond the . 'automata are all in
full dance to 'i ts mus ic. It itut the . war
cry in Vermont, where it 'wits put down
by a trenandons majority of the 'people ;
it was the "sink or swim" Wipe in Maine
where Van Buren patronage, the pito
plea v money, bribery and: corruption
have apt it afloat for another year ;—it
"has been. distinctly asserted by the N. Y.
Evening !Post, the wire puller of that state
as the trteciasue ; - it 1 bar been approved
i F
THOitiVIERS 9 :4 1 1.111 , 7 4 4314:
. _
fivy,iVacy'Burin KUL* meeting
id our State, oval. district and conferee
Meeting this
Berks has pledged himself openly -to sup
port it ; the
.representative -candidatea
of that county have pledged themselves to
vete - for instrocting our members of Con
gresi to nMintain it.--in
,Itne,,the Sub!
treasury 43 placed " gltlirtgan their banners,
and ni4l,*l,to. tke,mast. for the 'approach
ing contest, and all other issues are ab
-1 sorbed* , its all engrossing tendency. And
still -there 'tire persons who say they Are
opposed to 'the Elaptreasury and yet .will
vete for Porter! What blind credulityl
.Mtve you eyes, ears, or senselhat you are
so imposed' upon', Can any tilling be
plainer than that the election of David R.
Porter is to pave the way to the re ; intro
, duction of" an-indepeturos Sub-treasury
Bill. Is it disguised by his leading sup
portersl is -Ite not pledged twit ? are not
the candidates of his party without excep
tion pledged to it T And yet can any-01M
Make Such a compromise with their ton-,
science and sense of right, ai to dismem
ber the two? DAVID R., PORTER AND
Twists f4icoroconat ; not to be sep
etited s and have exisience where one is
seen the other must be, bound , by a liga
ture so indissoluble that its parting must
be fatal.
Cometrvatives of Pennerylvaoie 1 . you are
deceiving yourselves, you are unjust to
your country, lou are recreant to her in
tereats if you give the sulmreasury your
support either *directly or indirectlyl—
The candidates Tor your chief offices
should before and unsullied as the Ro
mon wife "not to be suspected." You
canncit•console yourselves with the delu
sions that: you, are acting an independent
part, when you vote for Porter and oppose
a sub-treasury ! Are you not blindly
forging your own fetters, and are you
not voluntarily extendinryour bands to be
manacled' by the most - odious of Van Bu
ren experiments ? You cannot serve God
and mammon—you cannot support the
purity of our nobly free institutions, and
yet vote for David R. Porter /
Walter C. Liebigaton Esq. --This gen
tlemen who has been placed in nomina
tion for the Lehigh and Schuylkill Dis
trict in Congress is- eminently calculated credit to our party, and to advocate
title principles on which depends our
national prosperity. He is very popular
in Lehigh, and on every occasion when•
his name has been cared for any office in
the gift of its electors, has been supported
by triumphant majorities.
.He is related
to the first secretary of State under Genet
al Jackson's administration, and for sound
views and political attainments has no su
peric4 in our district.
There ,are many local interests which
require talent and untiring industry to pro
cure thatatteation they demand. One of
the most important is the difference of duty
on Bail Road iron when used by incorpo.
ratiais or individuals ; there is a difference
in favor of the former amounting to about
$4O per ton, and thousands of tons are re
quired in our region yearly to be used on
work above and below ground. Our for
mer representative the Hon. henry Zing
bad matters in a fair 'train to relieve indi- -
vide* from this unjust taxation, when he.
was removed because be could not, bow
the knee to Jacksonism., but dared to vote
against the removal of the deposites I
He was supeiseed by the Hen E. B. Hub
, ley who never did Any thing in the matter,
and we do not think the loco - candidate,
Mr. Neward has the talent requisite to
carry the question througbCongreas. On
the other hand we may rest assured that
Mr. Livingston's election will secure to us
an able protection of our interests, and a
faithful ally in all schemes for the future
prosperity of the Coal Region.
Organithe your Districts.—We trust
our friends in the several districts of our
county are all ready for the ensuing con.
test. Remember that it requires a strict
and ever careful watch to guard against
the wiles and inisrepresentations of the en
emy. They fight. under the banners of a
magician, and are not ashamed to resort
to' any kind oftrickery. Therefore organ
ize your committees of vigilance, cheer on
the cause, instruct the doubting, and our
county will , be. redeemed. Do not relax
your exertions until the polls are closed on
election day—every vote will count, and
in a content of so much importance, every
vote is of vital consequence.
03' At the Rititer Pittsburg convention,
no house or cburCh being found large e
nough to contain the delegation, they ad. ro \ lisre
joursed to an open g e where a scaffold
was erected for the speak .In the course
Oftbe lion Richitrd Biddle' marks he sta
ted thit it had never before occurred to
him, thit he should be brought to the ?cal
old for his opposition to Van Buren.—
Many however who heard his powerful
argumcnts were of.opinion, that although
brought to the scaffold, it was as the execu
tioner - Bof the loco loco party, for be bung
them dp to the public execration, and as
a Hercules , strangled theserpentlihe doc ,
tripes of the sub-treasury and shinplasters.
'Beira New . 1 I I—The Keystone pub
lishttllitn extra last• Friday to tell ue that
the Rtairmg loco convention last Monday,
week Consisted of over Three thousand
Delegates: Your informant must hate
been rre than boozy, for he saw more
thaw de alt's.
. , dir[.4oppenexta.,
—A .Nsebootioftbb most unblushing kind,
unbberbintrevenlor a lata paper is insert
ed in Some of the most abandoned of their.
Journals, which states that "'Joseph Rit-
ner approved and signed ElOren Rills for
. the Incorporation of'coal companies."--,
We have heretofore given the tfairthiitory
of Ger. Ritriei's acts -m misdeal° coal
companies, but.are compelled in self de
iknceto repeat them. The opposition take
every mean and paltry advantage to pro
duce an impressiowthat Joseph Ritner
favorable to the - increase of corporate Coal!
companies, *hen we know he 'is advent
to them, by profession and Neches. They
parade a list of these eleven companies
with the name of the Governor attached
to them. Now'who is auchl a tyro in leg
islative proceedings as not tolinow when,
an act'becomes whirs, the iiseterner - *wit
.fortnally approve it, teen if' he has aa
beed it before. 7"W hen a constitutional
two third maWty panes a vetoed or re
turned act, it becomes a law •despite the
Governor, and he MUST plit his nameto
it. Thus has it been with every coal char
ter applied for during Gov. Ritnei's ad
ministration: he never 'has. approved or;
signed one without•first Teturriingit'to the
Legislature to:extiress his disapprobation,
- except in the case of the Arbon Company
in Tiogii county where private enterprise
could nut be made available.
Could the Porter -party•for one moment
pause in their headlong career of deception,
and mirror to themselves the abandoned
depravity d 1 intentim i snd the utter 'hope
leanness of cause which could induce this
torrent of mendacity, they would blush:far
their degradation, Burthe anathema of
freemen is upon them, their days are PUM•
bered, and when they fall they will fall
" like Lucifer, never to rise again."
The State Debt and Trvasurer Slur
geon.--Vhe Doctor has taken a wrong
prescription, and wkei dp the wrong'pas
sengers in Messrs. `Burrower and Hobart.
lie has attempted a counteretatetnent,
wbickip very much crippled and garbled;
bat still persists in his former statements,
for the truth of which he Oakes his per
•spnal veracity! Mier haying been de
tected in gross impositions, intentional
misrepresentations, attacking the honour
of our Governor and the credit of "our
State, he now offers his personal veracity
as the pledge of his assertions. We Would
not give a Salt River Op atria plaster for
such a pledge.. Let him retract; confess
that he bas done wrong, and will afire
not to be led away by bad advisers again,
end perhaps public opinion may forgive
Mom Heip.,=Another adjunct to the
good cause comes to us under the title of
the "Pneemes Morirroa," published at
Warren, edited by Mr. Wm. Millington.
With the choice of the two gubernatorial
candidates before him, bei 4 utthesitatingly
expresses his preference flor the "Farmer .
Gov - rattle whose deeds, and works are
known—whose integrity has passed the
ordeal and been found pure, whose char
acter is spotless. Of David R. Porter the
editor says he knows but hide and that
litthrdoes not speak volumes in his favor.
As monitor to the people of Warren,, teach
them to rely on the justice of the cause
you have espoused, but guard against the
deceit of the locos. There is no place
so pure or perfect, that the arch-en
erny of man will not attempt to ingratiate
himself, .and there is need of continual
caution againkt the machinations of Van
Burenism, erviin until we know officially
that Joseph Ritner is elected.
The Reason Why I—The Porterites
hereabouts spin very tough yarns about
their majorities—the reason Is, they take
lessons from a Weaver /
&ortg.—The trifling min Which we had
here last week on Thursday, was a serious
storm at New York and Philadelphia, in
which places it did great injury to the
shipping, dr.c.
Hedging.—The Portprites are hedging
their bets wherever they can get a chance.
This (oohs squally- for the poor deceived
Loco focas. Porter ruined his creditors,
and Porter's friends are 'ruining his sup.
(MrThe Muncy Telegraph says that
Oeneral Petrikin has &continued his sub
acription because he sent him a copy of
Mr. Bond's speech I t It's a hardlpill to
Swallow hurt it general t " I wont take
(ha rhubarb
erin ont . —Complete returns have been
received, the Whig Gov. and Lieut. Goy
error have been re•elected by increased
and overwhelming majorities and several
additions made to the State Legislature.
Wig Governor of few York.—The
Whig Convention at Utica have nomina. ‘
ted Mr. Samasn' for Governor. This
gentleman is deservedly Popular, and will
break the magic link whereby Marcy has
so long•held on to the gdbernatorial chair
of the Empire state.
Loco Principles.--Ithe Postmaster
General says there are •" duties paramount
to the laws." We should almost agree
with'him if that duty wassi to tar and feath.
er such an apology for manhood.' such a
traitor to his country !
A Snout Peiniferth' e Leryers` onp
of the -Siamese Twice, has been arrested for an
await in Baton. Eng, - his heather' refire to be
anesteinith hint—What's to be done/
The. TO , TIME rut - LIG'
The undersigned, - delegates from Schuyl-
Itiftounty to •therecent Ritner conven
tibn. at•Pittaburrkni the •3d iust, hive. no,
ticid With skirprise the statements contain
ed in saved! papers friendly to‘the election.
of David R. Potter, connected with occdr
renew 'Which thdy 'transpired during
our session. they. wiuW - convey the im
pression that there was disunion and want
of harmony, and that a portion (Me - dele
gates bad retired 'Dim the ; Convention,
dissitisfiedantl dlegkisted. We therefore
feel it incumbent oh °elective to disprove
these insertions, and to assert that they
have their origin only in misrepresentation
and party invective. A more harmonious
assemblage, one apparently more atrziciu*
'to wirer - at truth on the treat questions at
issue,'has never 'balite been witnessed
•this stiite. The-most perfect concord and
cordiality' haracterized the whole proceed.
Inge, and the 'first intimation we received
of disagreement was on our return ;
circumstance somewhat astonishing, as
we Wended every meeting of the•CtiOven
don, and 'did neeleitte i ttittibmg 'Midi lifter':
its sadjottrnmetit.
While sddressig 'the public, we *oat
likeatise state that some of the original
documents connected . with David R. Por
ter's insolvency, viz: the Bonds assigned to
the elder Stonebraker only three days
before he applied for the - Benefit of the
Insolvent het, and the receipt for *Tor-,
lion of the proceeds ofthose 'bonds 'from'
George Davis idler he bad taken the re
lease oath, were exhibited at the 'corivee
tion, and their authenticity was denied by
neither friend or opponent.
•ffOHN.T. HAttAtD,
WM. H. MANN. -
Pcitterille, Seat. T9th, 1838.
Awn/Ming 'like Ids Irtith.-- I lt is cheering to find
the Porter press beginning to prepre for defeat.
The American Sentinel is of•the Napoleon creed.
that a general can show . more crews:mate skill;
u s tactician 4n retreat Wbewdefeated, than In'
a vidoridta advance. With this vie* le.preptifes,
fbr the worst by saying that the locti.Axatialf
ed "diariotwers have not the aliglittnit chance of
coming within some thousands of a majority
fur any of their •candidates it the next election
excepting the Governor:” Conceeding part of
this, we cannot see why the Sentinel should not
admit, that as the same general principle' operate
on all, the Election of David, R. Portals hal:what.
There in not a district, minty, toWnshigtoWage
in the state, who're tlardistinct issue la not the
same—it will bear *pee the most trivial office in
in of the people, and this issue is, "Sub
Treasury or no Sub-Treasury; Shinplasters or
specie." It has been distinctly asserted by the
Government press as the "Sink or swim quartion, 4l
and on that emend it is combatted by the Whigs.
Toaradicatoft ire at tOMlsertie from the root,
and. when we hare eleanani bat state legislature
if our Senators in Congress will oat do their thrty
on the qeestion, the whigs ,will either Msertfdt
them in that duty, or compel-them to give place
to others who will. The people seemed inclined
to Sllow the Yacitscraiat plant the have taken
the respormfbifity, and if their servants do not o
bey, they must resign.
Comparisons:—The Sentinel admits that the
political complexion of the Legislature will be
determined by there:snit el the ehrotion in the
city and county of Philadelphia.. Our aggregate
majority• Were will be frivin 2800 to 3000 Com
pare this and that, and what strength will the
tows have in the years 1839-40? Their epitaph
will b e .• I .ugherty fish" as Power has It
Judge Ly , ia-Carregs.--The Montreal lier.
aldy a tank to * pope. with a fool for an editor,
recommends thevolenteere of thot tatty to take
vengenee ontitnee charged With the Mader of
Chartrand tvho have been itequitted by a /tarp , —
he includes the Jamb In the denunciation; The
Canadians are net to be awed by the bleating of
inch a ea/ft
Not in the footsteps.—The Lewisburg
Advocate contains the following happy hit :
AUDI Warrramm.. of East litdlbloct, who whir.'
deed in this paper for the benefit of the insolvent
law, called at our - office on Wednesday last and.
dashing down a dollar, axclaimedt "Them, take
my stivetiisesitast oat :fiver paper, I will com
promise with my creilitota. I cannot be reduced
to the level of David R. Porter! We glory' in his
spunk! '
Mr - Look at Whit La
More of Porter's toiteeakd preperty
our own Camay.
In 'our Journal three Weeks since, we
gave the full details of Porter's Fra ' udir ;
lent Insolvency, both for and against, and
the evidence Under oath of the Stonehre;
ker's, No contradiction hue been offered
to • this but empty assertions; we have
therefore a mace crams as Facile,
that David R. Porter, after concealing
his property, took the Insolvent Oath,
thereby perjuring hipiself, as nose of his
property was ourrendergd to Trustees for
the benefit of his creditor*, and that the
property consigned to Stonebraker was
afterwards. - re-assigned to "him, and the
Mosey for the proceeds collected from
Geo. Dims, as kic-ours receipt proves.—
The Afiltonian now states that more
infamy has been discovered in the records
of Northumberland County. It is molter
'wigwag in favor of David R. Porter, as to Stonebraker before big InsOlven
cy, and afterwards re-aarigned to eel
kcted by Peter hisftelf I
' The history of the Judgment in Nor
thumberland County mu thist David IL
P°rterkUrus 4 ,ProPerrY 00 rasuldtV Rat
in Schitytkili
~Cpsity, which he liold ib
Henry Eckbert,ind othets,AMll, ii . their
bonds In part payment : In Rillit term, '
1 116, a summonwis enteral on t it r
girds of Northamberbind county oft orgi AI
enebonds,•nerwhiah in Aug; - teni)lBl7
a ju4ginent infirealtdted 'fiy kefitfientt re t.
menien paid to be dedili t ed,', antr°4o;,l
debt stateilate2lls. Various P ' it
we r e itisilicilbis juilgifieliVinitill 'tor
of -Potter's. ipaolvency, tind'`was Pa of 10
or ect e je k t h e time be wis hed to ta e,fila W
Debtoeit !oink kiiir t ise ' 'BA
chain to kb' ci , Atori? 1e; to • a
it to• Aka fitonebroker,in Order lie cos:
cud Oat/Um criditoes.'asd IfFst wart '
itito'Court vial thatte iv had mo 4 no as :
sikneseiticithe iirtiudiee ofkie Meinnwf
reea o
Now did 3ohn Stonebraker :se the
benefit of this Bon - di ° Itiowilhe wing ;
and it will show that after sere t years,
Stonetwak:r re•astigned it to Po pr.
- nillldgellliellitA. ii.
To AI :Winon those premium shil me..
Wherrie;tiut 'above 'stated
signed to John Stonebteuker, . 1
ideration by the life *mid.
tin a id the , year 18t8, with
the earne'edtddnotte ettileeted
knits therdto.ololBd, thatle,:ihe •
ter would pay %raid St.
us thereof. -Now.tinneya 'that
preemie, do assign ithd'eethrer
intermit, ehihn-tuid,dentand wha
to the abets *led Judgement ti
ter, BIS hairs Mid usigits with
sidetation that any further pr
ire not to be_tri my risk or az
Witness my hand and seal
June 4. II 1107. till - •
Witlieie Preoent. ft
George town. -
Benjamin Lytle
, - (Pikd June . 14,, II
Now Oen this 'judgment
hands of flavid A. Porter,
StonebrakeOn the praise
particular friem2, 'Gem
beaker retained it until P
could make part of the
ry Eckben, and then it
to bitn„, as wittesalhe Doc
berland Onetity, dimmcm
term; 1 1827; only a 'few
re•assignmenf: it it
• Pofter'sotbn R
'Sitarlaid.. 4'U.
ty. ,
for J. Stonebraker,
now for Daiid R. Por
of Aug
Henry' Eckbret wbo
burvived Dina • Stro: -
hecker & Abm. Reif
'nyder, with notice to
/oho fldtuiei,leeatit in
Reed. 31stIttly V 835 titre • • '• • lougurrenty i
6ve llollint of Henry Eektiteit' • fun payment at
the balance doe on this .fed •- ~ eit•—and I d 6.
hereby ,elease and discharge , • italddlenry Eck'.
brew and other defendants there I rer, tied do firrth
• empower said Ecktitet's A , • Wier the Pro
, °notary to tintor eaustketion theta* and I de
matt pfemsise aridtgtee 'l6 • Y aid diachatge
11 teal 'coati' (hit %Ns Jae! .. 04 the eele.
Autto Wel the said Henry MICA& halal
ess therece, : P , FL4PRTER.
Ope would have ineetwed that Mr. Mr. hisi
'old hare stopped trere=esi • white be had -
d every dollar in the would w • *eh Poor Eckbrat
1 1
. wired; that he Would bite sm ed hie hand. Ho
,ad a levy ' n all personal e " which Eckbret
as worth this 'aide of the g ye—theee he web
, etermined shoat! be sold, and h en Herter druid
that the Landlord hat hid in • a chi= for nett
hen thre and. unpaid We MA N INOUSLY
.mpounded with Holly FA brat r use hue.
red and seventifive dollars , b nt wearaiir.
d through Eckbret's friends. : Porter owl
re? Does he satisfy the doe et an pay off the
Cs. Nix—He suffer* Eck t be goad for
he tomr--Execution , ttilloWsi and inn the 25th
an . 1838 Mr: Eetinlet prodeteesii Ow Orme*
2 . • far 'the 'Vols....Thew coatsßeprise mint
, y some day, if lie elut be caught il an officer
. f tke La*.
, _ ~.. .
Here then la 11 fill detail 1 0:1( soothe
‘' iece of villainy—one which Illiporge ,Da
yrs was privy tooted which vet to place
a. deeper brand of infamyon the charactet
of David - R. Porter.. Can Any liipan doubt
that Porter has, with intent defraud,
assigned property to dohs ottebrakeri
and then lit the pith:cues Of4is Maker
testified that a ll was sorra ' red to his
creditohdf /Rad David R. Noes no- ef
fects'? why - did not .the A l tus"' acti be;
one f eve Mr: Wallace; one f them, no
priperty was found ) act ' i t where
wait iti placed in the hands Stone+
brake's, wd the Woke of his , conceals
ed in a garret in Stonebraker !i hoes", tt*
der a barrel) to which 'Porter id ace's,
at cliterent times,and whereq be Coolly;
calmly and 'delibrately formed plans to
cheat his creditors. thrlbY alfteing to the
diunningerime of Pei3ury. , ••• ',
And ,this man, fellow 44101, %trial ll
breath is it lie, *hose - oath iiiii' petiarre
whose touch fs pollution to wit r onee; man,
is a candidate for Governor the, Key
ia l ud
Stone State, and hasiluppe re too, Who
shut their eyes to his hiltuay, Will not
be convinced. Are. 46 le ' the mot'
al code •thar theft arid Moodie ty are tits
tees? Are We . steeped m m baba'
ism that iinelia - man. canhe supported t we
call on you> fellow Chian.; the punt' ,
of ,Pbr *tel . by the duty y , ' owe your
country, 0.7 • Yodt Jove Cif' vit , discard
this toad, bold man! Let u*'not muddy
petit only noble Country', ourilorious re•
public, wur in the manhood "of its fame
and-rAlatteeki ifeLnet e. . tellocktid,, al
It perjitreri.a libertioe, annb t Of Pm
ditine inntimen, 'have t OD ills
annals etas tallowy—let ht - die the mo?
rat Aliktli 'whicli must attend: the guilty!
let us riga from this frightM, mto
full conac,iotemesa of our rights as men,
and our duties as freemen! s
~anti wa s U.
114$guide con:
•.Parjiar, emu
cov ni llar D =
10 David R. Pot.
rakov the vat
. the paid John
ve eed by theme
ukT W. tit*
OF. in end
Dad R. Pee
'" !Owe nee.
es. '
e &ROA day art
Mti (LS.)
1- I
in the
afe!fgoad by
- off .Porter's
rter he
-y oet of Hera
, et of tolorthear
leas i iit* August
eels ' after the
.1 4, y .
Coiruskon Pleat
ambirlasul eosin
,9. 192, Angst
1 1816 ind No. 94
Terc, 1827 &a.