111=== MEM - = - Z • ~t`Tis te1.411 • 70N • . 61•12MTEATZ or -PENNSYLIiet. eleraltnienoilieveneradieleturion urior iranytorusearis k • -Salnareanntheamactis ne y. .eg 1 ea - Tatrg-nrcul'• 114 IQ ..a •, _ , , P••••••-•-•••• • , - 1 1 7E,TisePeerple oflthe Cominouwealth a Penn- Amends, ordain and establish this Constitftion fan . ' Geerapment. •- AlirlaE I. 1 - Sec d p n 1. 'the legislative power of this llommon ealth shall be eested •In a General Altembly, hick ihallebneist of a Senate and *wee ,• RePrat efitifil:--, .; , ..... i '' S - 0 . 41. ; ,ir' '', .• i eft 'AO ; ellasen n r r.,ffittielick.r . i. - - r -theelty or delphla .d •,,,:,gyi.4 - 03the nteig- - y, 4. ..,Istm4.l, ;V.f.,''.,.... - ,': . .. 7 ' ~"' d , - - . t ,i..k. -. •••.ailidi)ttt,4l:- Five. hp 7 L.. , '. . I.'_. Vief'sge'or -Poe ears, end &tins been a citizenend mhabita of the • tatelliree years randlpreeeffing his eleeti and The ash.par thereofatflohatitatt of the disirs.it in and r aelieMClf3te shall be chosen a representative, unless eithell have been anent on the public boa esti of r. es Unitidffitotes or of this State. . Section-IV. Wdthin three years after a first übAo e °"ll ,telro Ge o n f e a rli ev i e "s n y em eam bi , y nn an e d DlLME Witl i n tlo 7 ll e o7 . • i e intiabitants shall be made in e ' h man-% -. - se all be - direCted by law. 'The n her of eier4 4 ppesleutatives ehall, at the several periodi Of rash nghlbett intrunenttion, be fisted by the slature, ntapptartionat among the city of Philadel hia and hestravend reounties, according to the n ber of • blerinhabitants to each.: and shall nevi be less ben Slid) , nor greater than one hund . Each unty 'Mall have at least one representatiV , but no linty hereafter erected shall be entitled t't a eepa ffiliPresentatiop until a sofiltiera nuntheif of tax 'rad inhabitinei ehail to couteitied within it, to Mille them to one p resentative agreeal4 to the walla which shall tisk be established. ii • Section V. The senators shall be chosen dor three ears by the -citizens of Philadelphia el " of the ... elMilizoianties at the same time, iu the sine man atier, .and at the same Mimes whet* they edrall vote tor representatives. , 1 Seetran Vi. The =umber of ;Senators ifh, at the sefetat' periods of snaking the enumerati before. Unehtirmed, be filed by the Legislature a tipper. tented Among the districts Armed as Int wafter directed, accenting to the number of tratald Inhabi tants in each ; and shall never be lest an one ' Isoutto.,,sior greater than one-third, of - the 11; tuber of ' r enresenta fives. . • • I :oseetion VII. The !testators shall be choeln in di - tries, to he formed by the :egislature ; but,. no dis 'Viet shall he so formed as to entitle it to L ect more i than tiro senators, unless the number of t able in- I. habitants in any city or county shall. atnny time, - be siert; as to entitle it to elect more than tr9o,but no lefty or county shall be entitled to elect Mare than ; four senators.; when a district shall be Iromposed .of two or mare counties, they shall be lijsinine - 1 illeither the city of Philadelphi a ' nor any county shall be_doided in forming a district. , Section 1..1 li. No person shall be a se*or, ye shallmot hsve attuned the age of twenty ve years, and have [ewe aitixeri and inhabitant of 'the State four years Iles t befiae his election, and thti.. last year 1 thereof an inhabitant of the district for ivlncti he 1 shalt be chosen, stolen he.ctiall 'leave been 4ihsent on , the ['Odic bu.iriest of the United States Dr of this 1 Stritet and no person dented as aforesaid4hall hold said elm after he shall have removed fros*surA du , triet. ' r i ..l'eetion TX. Tke senators [rho may be'releded at Ilhe prrgelection alter tho adophOthe ante •to the constitutive, shall he. vs by i lot . . il i t ihree claws. The seats of the s - Ore ci . the • [class shall be vacated at the eritratiess of the year; of the second class at the-etpiration of the#cond year 7 and of the third cituut at - the er. pirriti9f the third year ; in that thertrarter one. thirill of the whole number of senators 44otrn emit year. The senators elected before; ' amend ments 0 the ermslitution shall be adopted; I hold before their elves - during the terms for which . .y shall 1 respectrvely-hase. been elected. '' Section X. The General Aesembly shelowet on 1 the find Tuesday of January . , in every ye r, unless sonnerreeneened by the Governor. 1 Section XI. Each house shall choose itel, Speaker ididether officers; and the Senate shall oi l ," choose a-Speaker pro tempore, when the Speakerdshall ex r curse the office of Gave nor. it betties Xl/ Each house sh ill judge of 4ie quali fications of Al members. Contested electiens shall be determined by a committee to he seleeta, formed fund regulated in such manner as shall be dp ied by I law. A majoilty of emit house shall co, dude a 1 rptorum to do business; but asm tiler nu r may atflottra from day to day, and may tie ant sized by . lldol to compel the attendance of absent m 4 then,in ~ siseh manner eilkunder such penalties sil may he I pi-twirled. h. • i ,Section XIII. Each house may determine the 1 j rules of its -ploceedinp, punish its the hers for ri diNrderly behaviour, and with the conc q. i rcnce of i two- th irds, expel a member, but not a 4 md timer - { 1 for the same cause; and shall hase all otlifr polven— iiteiegr a branch of the legAlatorcil of a free . State. Vir ' li 1 -,,,See fkr. The legislature shaldnot lore pacer 1 to enußtfetentaanulllng the coat rant ri( =th :a ree in 1 any case u here, by kw, the corona of thi4 ammo t, wealth are or may hereafter be empower to decree . 4 dil'em• 1 Section XV. F. ich horse Khali keep a rirnal of I` to rpact.,,tings, and pot -, lilt them weekly, except I such parts as may require secrecy: acted the yeas 1 sod nays of the mem , era on any questeck shall, St , fhe'desire of any two of them, be entedisid on the I journals. ' "'Seethe) XVI. The doors of each t'i and of committees of the whole small be , o , unless, r when the busineas shall be such as might" be kept, i secret. , 1- l ftectton .wit. Neither house shall, theta the , consent °film ether, adjourn for more an` three I day!, nor to any othrjr place than that i ei rsarldch the 1 .f-ii houses slob be eltting. 1 Section XVII!. The Senators and reprisentetives 1 eirall , reeeive a cod penestion for their see ice; to be ascertained by law, and paid,saut of the easury of i ts theCottunonwealth. They shall iti 'all es, ex cept [reason,' felony and breach or mu ty of the -- mace, be privileefd from arrest durin their at lentiNce ,al the itessioo of their respec e houses i aiat in gorag to atareturnink front the a e. And for any, ;speech nt,fielrate In' either 'houseAtheY shall fiot p be etitioned in any other tdrace. t . ' Tireetion XIX. Mt Senator or represent five shall, • during the time forehich 'he shall have' eleet ed,ffifirappoiistedrad.rasy.eivil office unde i this. Corn tlionlvealrlinthitlitullall have been ,cr ~ or the „ oundioneara of which shall have he increard Aut,ipr tale 4 times and rat member. of tnag . {Ca - Aber pertain fraldit4 iny office (except - ratraney at law and in the militia) under the United States erathis CemsnemietrattinetraiHra reranstrar-of.-witime house titrAdi Wif4 -4 liininnoi 10 Cofgliesf or in - • oirlle c- *Rion XX. %Own vacancies flapped In either braise, the Speakeriball issue mill df'ledthin to eftfleileit'eacarteiet. • • -. oiSeettots , XXLlAll bills for raising . rte ette shall " y ,entinateralit the house of represeekeria ~ bet th e . . Sumo gorpropo4e amendments assn o bills - . . .AllolialuilalL tlfet money shall be hsin from i p tit tre:rl.„s" W .4re°l l / l eilur!O of liPliroPtiallens • ~ -Ingo ig--/Pw.....' , '' beetWn Xsitt ' EvirY bill which';ball 'have = tele licadiles' shall he Prtsentik: mite. Go. A. . If he appellee he shall sign it, ton if. he 4lttift_ thrtt apprave - he shall return rawith his objets. , ..-4111 1 1 1 10 . ...lath* house in which lbehell havilatirelumemk, d;lAtim Alai rattec. lhe *helix , * of wean-their Kr.: th 7 jobrssis and proceed to .re-esrasider J 41, lifter Anett.neigmsielienctiocktwo-thiedissif than we. thin °BL.-So.igil. Pala 411 talAot,ball ''.. ne-nr'l nois e tbilg. r. 1 , 4 .$0 a-V 1g ~,i VU 1 10 ` ..„1 ,i :. . e - • , WO . a , 014- itilow.....iii.t ,re c i t ivEdand & . ~., - _ at . far pale by tbilgutactiHl,...!.. - c , l. 'qttilV, km. 18 . ..4. • ; iits. lilie_iiveltiltonleit tbinkai.tbak !Olartai li ' i 1 1 4 ,. ks -Cases 411 - voteilli hy yeakiiinfnapa; the .for or igiin* it - the bi ,ink ltillaidr nal.* ar each lieuals‘resPeell id 'ha retirmd. by the Go (Stnilays-eseepted) lifter i seined totimoit shall be it be bad_ Rived itoanless , their akijonnitoent, prevent' it Isbell be a law,Weis day", their etter nettaneet SeetiOn XXIV. Every o to whiea - Abe 'commence necessary (except on a 'vs shaft be presented tp the shalt take 4.lreet. be Op approredi Khali be honsee,siteording.to the psi serbe4 in: case of a bill. Section XXV. No Corp • trade, renewed or_extetule counting pribaeges, withal piddle notice of , the. inrinl .sane tit such manner as a ll Nor. shall any charter for grantedfor a longer per • every such charter shall co to thelegklaturethe powerl the same whenever i t n It i rims to the elfin.' ens of vuubses halreaer - that no it 1 corporators. Nolan: hereof mew ar estena the charter ration. , =ME ARTIC Section_l. The 'Supreme Commonwealth shall be ye . Section 11. The Poiemo second' Tuesday of October' Commonwealth, at the p i c spectiiielyt vote fur repro; re tatives. The' turns of everrelection for Gove or shall 'be sealed up . end - transmitted to the seat f "government, direited to the Speaker of - the Sten , who shall open and publieth them in the P rey a of the members of both houses of the legislat re. The person having ttie highest number. of v tes shall be Governor. Sot if two or more shall hie equal and highest 'in votes, one of them shall beiehosen Governor 11Y - the joint vote of the member} of both houses. Con tested elections shall be detiertained by a Committee to be' selected from both t a nultX 4 of the heCtOaturet and formed and regulated. Stich manner as Shall be directed by law. • Section 111. The Govenfor tethall hold his lattice during three ytars from thi4 third Tuesday of heats (try neat ensuing his e)edtion, and shall not be capable of holding it longed than six in any term of Witt years. - Section IV. Ile shall be at i feast thirty years or age, and hare been a wiz and an inhabitant of this State seven years n t het', me his election; unless be shall have bee absent 'on the public business of the United Sta or of this State. Section V. No member! of Congress or person - holding any office under the United States or this State shalfexenrise the unite of Goventor. 'Section VI. The Govemnr shall at stated times receive for his services a q muensetinn. which shall be neither increased nor diminished during the petierl for winch lie sh:4ll h ve been fleeted. Section VII He shall commander-in-chief of the army and navy of this Commonwealth, and of the militit, except when . the aft . tral ‘prvice of the a Section VIII. Ho aria a Conunantrind h during pi Hale and by and trxth the t Senate appoint .all judic . iffir-fes of court& of 'word, wriless irtheririse prpcuird f>.. in this Consti tution. He shall hots puird to _fill ntt vacancies Matt may happen in luck jhefir kit °fres durbtg the. rereas of the Senate, by eta rag rertritir•imu.which shall expire at the end of Ithefs - nett eerilon : Pro vided, that in acting on &fertility ri,pathia , ions the Senatestint! sit alai open oors, and in con f irming or rejecting the nomirutribne of the Governor, the cote shall be taken. by yet and naps. , zectiun IX. He shall h• "e power to remit funs t i and forfeitures, and gran reprieves 21 . 141 pardOns, except in elsec of frapt , ric ent. Section X_ He may requ v information in writing, from the officers in the e - entice department upon any sulgert relating to, Use deities of their re4per tive einem Section Xt. He shall, knit time to time, give to the General Assembly infoFtnation of the skate of the Commonwealth, and recutrimend to their roti sideraticM such wave ies sate 4flutll joke expedient. Section NM He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assiubly ; and in ease of disagreement between. the o houses- with respect to the time of adinurnmenit, Sdinorn them to such time as he•shall think pro er, nut exceeding four months. . Section XIII. He shall sire care that the laws be f iithfully.executed. 5..-ii... , XIV. In cn.e.4 the d,lth nr reci , noti , m of the Goverubr, or of hisi removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shtl av exercisa-the office of Governor, until, another enter - shall be duly qualified ; but in such calk anti*. Garenuir shet be chosen at the next ann4l election of repretenta- Iten pies, unless such - death, esisnqtion or renuniet4 shaft occur within three denier 'months '4llllllo4i eddy preceding., such next !stud election, in which rase a Governor - shall S e at the second suc ceeding assesoni election 'representatirist. And if the trial of a comes election shall continue longer than 'mill the rd Monday of January next ensuing the election f Governor. the Governor of the last year or the S kePof the Serrate who may be in the exercise of the executive authority, shall continue. therein u til the determination of such contested election, and until' Governor shall be duly qualified as afinesaki. Section XV. The Secretary of the Commonwealth 'stall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings of the Govesaar, and shall, when re.- suited, lay the same and all papers, minutes sad vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of the legislature, and shillerform such sillier duties as shall be enjoined him, by law. ARTIC E UL • Section T. In election, y the citizens every white freeman of the age of etc ty-one years, having re sided in this state one. g r„ and in the election dis trict where he cfers to v te, ten days tame/fiat ety preceding such elation, nd within two years paid a state or County tar, it 'cli shall have been as saunter least ten days, e the elect son, shalt enjoy the rights of an elector, qt a.citizenAt the uktya States who had previous! lees a ornalifini toter nnj f this State, and.removed 1 ;front and returnid i a who shall have resided in the eled ion district,,a paid lazes as aforesaid, Ibe entitled to vete,Erper residing in the statesix , . Provided, that While freemen, eiti - 5 6 , _s___Gf the. l l4gAtigWer, WWI*, i_lie ego of tetentitoos an 4 , -., .V-ttra der a,ad,,, *iv ling resided in-this State • gesjr,anif _ the stalks district ten days as erfo • • shall . splilparto vote, althlrugh•they shag have go* lages i r ~ • ' Section-U. All eteetin • obali hp, ,AA Witt,. i, Fr; eept those by persons in sic representative capa4 cities, who shall vote s' ;met.. „. .. .. , Section 111. .Electors II - in-all arid ' cases. etellvellaelon.V. Ind bee , , lor surety f Abe: Plee4 9 , -be 'privileged' trona 71,,a to uring,tbe &UAW : 4MM on ret \ rtun etectiOns, - .and in g - g from thew" , - .•'; i • P • 1. . AR I ItF. Ms • 4 - Section' I: the Ron of Represco . titiges 1401 ban therle posses:or ' Meg.' " ' '',' ', iketiOn n. AD imr meats shall te4ed.by i the Senate; when sit " I 'for' that . piO ' the Senators shallAe ma. . astEreig.ton . • tiPii son shall beteteavieted ' t - C therbearrenee of "two-thirds of the metal • • .9031 'FiraPkhirieof r fit ehbii to tiNn Ati tremoisl dross 'bold any otnee dflugstoel Commonwealth t The . „ 4 1011TFOrtIP., pnmNrestliell tirftinily use, received MIL! • Juni 3i IMPWIMM! -ttutklekgialikt -.C-FiZtita,cts • %al . .• ientelee. ty. at any bin aka! . ten 491- sball have tow pr,t • , inkaggpapoltaccur eIY I . itetarn,lo wtkick ••nsc • t back within Poet r'd resolufion or vote , .botb -houses may b tido of acijtiurotnesit moos, sal before i by bioa,'"or bring lisr 'l7 two-Thirds of beer and rinatations vrer bodg sholl be hcrefftet teV.h banking ot. , fiZ months previa:at Joe Thf bi presersled•by luv4 r Purposes gjoresaicl, by . than twenty ye ars, an sin -a clause resercing o per, rerok.ve annul apton St may_ be injtt, rownonwenlth; sigh; done shall be nt; tothie erei 'muted, sl, l ttltrechf, /pore [lxecutiee power ottbii t,liu % osri e Governor, e 2non the by 01.1. citizens of the whet* they Shall re- s he shall be called late InittAStates. I. paint a Serretary 4 the 4., and he thail 110aq :duke and consent qt Ito .1.1. • 81 se irk I • . 1 tar uptermt. 'efteklat i Ar l YeanP ,1 132 to 4431641 k 'ilk. Artiyilit itoP fiatW meouripdisquUststiegfig trinvot-Amfititkili v, whether ORTfriPtl°! v oi4M.Cartnti- A Vailrspiit 4(160 1 &14 and for pale by„, 4R It. BAGGErrit. . ......- '.5. at . rm..- ,-. ~r ivett.:.. ~‘ .... :.i,,_ ..'.,„: - .t; iliallviikiiiiiiiiit:ootiotable*telbc_..oc 7 j.,..,:., ...szfi, , ,spz,- 4 4 1 4.44 .-.:.•:, ....c,-,,t-t-L -f. 4 . : , ~.01. ttali , •S•r. .'t, 33 'A i .--Wv. :.•- •'' - '' f.t . l,.. I, , • ' ..' L :1 .1 01 C .4 .135TPt of 4 4 &rtt - , *IA 14,, - -OeovOnt t rfln r ,effoirreine -- t,, th Coop, ;.oYerttod Teiminiptanirge r nent alit Pe- - Uses",inc COitt - Of CotainiarillelkOrytilii'totri4''' "Reel! . 'Short, tria' : *: Court' Of Quarter 'Seisions id* ' for-esafoossity-f-in Justices of , the "PP* din such other Cowls se the legistedue *3' f . -4410 $ 6141 1 1 1 1k !' lt , - - A . .. 1/ 4 5 86 /gai rair* O ei/e. eil if t 0 TRIP - Pertia'n/tIWS-V = CalillitlNC Masi, and el sick. other Cowls Atßecord at. are or shall, be established amui C `Ay t a e,, be arstOrtatediildhe Go v ernor, mid by and=s . Ike. Vonsert ,of the Stenaie appointed and . 14 riiii- .. -- 7 '44. ,judges V tar gaieellie. court had their'iiffites for tke term of Aft...en yearsi t atent 4 , Crannies lane belattetkernsebres S.M. 'Thelpr jurfgeraf the general Courts Crannies. Meat' rV seer Other •CoStrts:of _Record as .trre sr . shailbe,..bertut *Ulu, andail other, jadeerore (interne be learned in the law, shall hotd.thdir officer :Or gur f i ersn of Ten years if they ihau ho long behave M well. Die Associate jr a of Me Courts V b n Pleas shall hold their esfor the rem officetars frt Ney abaft so °long re them:Wes well. ut for any riasenabto cause each shall trot e , be ground of impsaehtnent, She Govirnor may -r ' any of them on the address of two-thirds of 'each aneb of the legislature. The judges of the Sup; C ourt and the presidents of the several Mods Common pleas shaft at stated Mines receive for the services an. adequate coutpaiotion to be fired bilaw. which shall not be diminished during. t , thett cohttnuon . ce in citrus, but _they shag feeet6 no feet or_ pennants! V tyfireoupli hold any other office of profit under Mut Commonwealth. , Seetielo4i4. Unlit Otherwise directed by law, Mr Courts ijr ("minion Pleas shall continue avat present established: brotOlors,dturajtue counties shed! at any it time be r ' ncladed in one judicial district, organized for sal Courts. Seal n Pi. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Couraillail.eer.un aver the titate t and the Itutrt thvreof,:stroil,letsfts: lue ol- ilicii:ofiCes, - be iul.lur.'" or Oyer', anifti - nturier arid Geridal .Ten Delivery, in . , the several comical& L . . Seed to V:'The judges di ate Court of Common Pleas, n each - county; shaft IT virtue of their ollices,, justices of 'Oyer and Terminer'and Gene ral Jail Delivery, lot thq trial oi, icapitaL And other oirende therein; any two 6f, the 'said judges,- the preMd being one, - s hall lie a quornm : but they shah n t hold a court of oyer and terminer, or jail delivery, in any ntrunlY, when the judges of the .Suorente Limit, or any of them, shall be sitting in !ho auree,,county. The party accused, as well. as • ihe.Conirnonuimiith, may, under such regulations as shall liocirescrilird by law, remove the indictment and pOcetdiegs, rr a :transcript . thereof, into the qupreotU Court. Seetitm VI. The 'Pupreme Court, and the eeveral court. +f common pfeas,4hall, be 4e the powml henetqqwe um:3l4y eieeive.eci by them, have H* Power 41 a court of Chancery, so far as relates to the perpetuating of de•tin'ooy, the obtaitung of evidence (ruin .cd..ees nut w•itiain the Slate, and the care uf•the persona and estates of thupe who are nun computes mentis. Mel "the legialuttn - e sit.il rest in; the said riourfa ouch other pourers to grain, relief di (NOV, as gnall he found neeeasary and may, Ititto tune to time, enlarge or finrlildsh thoqe po Wenler vest thetn in strerother spurts as they shall jul4e proper. far the due atiministration of justice. Section Vll. Tire judges of the court id common pleis of. each county, any two of whorn !hilt be a quironi,' , h.tll conifiiise the eburt of Quart: r 64 , - 3313314 i 4 the peace, and erphans' court thereof ; and the register of will., together with rho , eel judges, or aoy two of them, compose ta, cegi.ter s court of earl' roomy_ . Section Intl. The judges of the dburts of common pleas shall, within their respective counties, have the like powers with the judges of the Supreme Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices. of the peiceand to cause itheir. preceediugt to be brought ti ' dfore them, and the like right and justice to.be fiect/oo ITS Thee, president of. the court in each circuit, within such circuit, and the judges of the coprt of common pleas within their respective counties, shill be, justices of the peace, so far as relitia!to criminal Matters. Re•:lion X. A iegister's office, for the . prohat‘of wills and granting letters of administration,.and an office fur 'the recording of deeds, shall be kept an each county. -Sectibli XL. The style pf all process shall be The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose scutionsi shall be carried on in the name and by the authority, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and codclude t't against , the - peace and dignity of,ttm same." ! - , ARTICLE vi. &Tam T. Sheriffs Mut cotuners shall, at the times and places of election of representatives, be chosen by the citizens of s each county. One, person shut:EU chasm for each office, whe shall be COMMlS sioned ,by the : Governor. 'They shall hold their offices for three years, if They shall so long behave Themselves well, and until a successor be duly qualified , but no perstxt shall be twine chosen or appinieti sheriff, in any term of six years. Vacan cies -in either of the mid offices .shall be filled by an appointment, to be made by She Governor, to continue until the next general election, and until a successor Shall be chosen and qualified as afore- said. Section ,TI. The freemen of this commonwealth shall be armed, orrinized and disciplined for its ; defende, when and in such manner as may bedirerted hy 'am . Those who conscientiously scruple to bear arms, shall not be compelled to do so, but shall pay an equivalent for personal service.' Section All. Prothonotreries of the Supreme Court shall' be appointed by the said Court fir the firm of three years itthey so long belwee themselves well. Prollanwterries and clerks of the several other courts, Recorders of deeds, an Re gisters of wilbmball at the times and places of A i\ election of representatives, sleeted by the quali fied electors of each Cott ,or the.eltstritts over Which the jurisdiction of ea emiris extends, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. They shall hold their offices for three'years if they shall so lohg behave themselves well, and until their . eueetessors shall be duly qualified. The legisla ture shall provide by law. the numbser of persons in . eaelt county who shall hold said. offiers..and ham many and_tuhich of said offices shall be held by one i ron. ' Vacancies-in sassy itl . the said of afir be filled by appoiritmentsfo be made by th'i Governor, to-eord6sue until the nee' oar ial dedion, and until'auceeturia shall be &did and Qualified as aforesaid. , • .Section IV. Prothonotaries, clerks of the peace and osithanstconrts, recorders of deeds, registers of and .shecit[S, abalt keep their offices in ,tbe county Mum of the comity in Wiiirh 4 ,4 7.FtsPfc- .lively, shall be camp, unless when the Vlveroor .shall,; rot special reason , dispense tbkrewM,tdi any renn not =air° years after the eovinty shall hive been Seaton V. All eommisfitms shall be in the name: And by - the atithoritY of the Commonwealth at Itenn.. l Vieth); and be waled with the State seal, and sign.; ed by the Camelot. Section VI. A State - Treasurer shall be dotted! annually, by joint rote Of both branches of the tegis:- tature. $q iqn YZI. Tactical of the peace or aldermen ilial4; be eleded suverai wards, bokiiighs,i andik=asifips at, the tfraieof the eleitiois bf con stalika by gat _gt!ahlip4 Lobes; thcreof t ttAieh t ataiiber 'balll 6n., 41IGX~e co nunissiwiatiriiibe4araiilltrai►ikilerrn ..re retwit.: and eo tatunship,.abantl4or 4i/taiga matt de/flame than iloopettieee of Ike peace ee men without the =ascii, eta riayeirstrof thisquer: *or electors sou tountel4i•tuard utibow ~„. • ipn or • wit(9 . .3 t te . d f o r rif this mtathnW! , 4, be iketiitter•ap*.ad its a be &retied, ERRIV ..a.s4gritabv. MI"! quality received ant , st,» T . 1. MILLER & tiPMErtilt. Sept • y mows , *.'faigirl_ _ 4 , -. oPK ra*: S ~, *;.: 47 f:740,1r'Ai,,0 - 1 4 '.' . - th 1. - ind If . bnittilkiikl'ikil*bo 'killed IT : licelx.. o 4o 4 'gffilk Pottn4 tiCha11,,. 1 ,.,„0.04:!,n,c1 . ' "ellaNtleineket-be . ...Weltaly. bA' r .emrpil agieliAti44. u 1 3 ,444. Of .' .•.- -Rie...: - -,, k, ~.4i toiit lei. 2241,1tib* iiiright; itisPel- ke-'' 7 *yore - 7iii iii, .it .-berg - ,.-' iigo___: . iblifiiiiiiiii n ite toiethet,lfortkeji 'aecgkito*V .... i'.4. 4t , - B ergit ''Remll gestegifid to itify tiithomiliiiite4willithepoareit': 'sisk.lgiK ; 1, 7 014., - _. ..401.1S of ;.10:i , orltivernmeht-for:iodeasi:tif grievatiata , lir other.- iminfy or counties. on/ err 'AV shall Aerial iel t ; ' Proper'peigideee, - Wpistithrii, 'skinks' or' union ifuromi."..??4. i ll ent k r, f/P 4. 8 . 411M ,4"41 : i .* . anneal * iktiiipi,.. 4 4 ' ''' . " to bear ' ii4,4, 4ll4 .:= e ri l e Urt : =ld thematrailaie stase,lo.:it , .. alis, shall at the same hold of ; 4 ; g i c i f i,d,,k , IpatatitMed. . XS ~:-, , r . . . ' , : X2CII. lefo • army OA la time j!k a it kelal __ : 4 1 9 :L z i" :r --4„*"yr_ era , er r Ofpmiee be kept ui=e r tonsent setae' . arc by- chime 49,0 mun. ~."4 c grg‘f„nr gislitar4end 'ffie.ithilitartahall, In all man, and ' ralig 7lty ima xo. suebetrpiesenai ale o.P.Os e oc ari ae. in - at powe atl n tenes e bah" etrica ,„ rhosdi : nation .to the dill .v iirsr. 4 ou se, o f reprassigtices ,thelifibeappoirdedily iii, &vela' i.LICIIII. No Jollier shall, in , time of pie", t orernor to any oljica 'awing the term for sakiM be Tweeted le sp y' hel/MtWitbout the consent of the ' Avec been ikacd. t r . owner,. nor in te n ,of. livir, but In a manner to be , -Section IX. All ewers fpr a term of . years Pren: l 4'ed2.. l3 °.- .. '„ .- ? gectron , A.MV . The legislature shall NA cask Oall hold their. o ffi cu f ur 10 e frring • re 'V edivel , a tn . title oT nobility er hereditsurilliff4tionosdr" E.qav e :fiody fon on th e condi On: t OW Meg o° 4 ung 'create any. office 'ffia *Ointment to siiiiebria ll be" - amormeives melt; and shall be removed enfora longer ler& thin doringloOd behaviour. iionssf aniabehiviouvAill eilfiee or of any.sn- llectioaXXV., , Emigratio n the -state shall femme crime. , not be prohibited. - ; . s ect i on 1. Any person ' AA a fi c i. a c .. Ration MM. To ward against transgresidcom adoption of Me amesnimc 'a p by this of tbe_high powers which we have delcsatml, WE Convention to the Constd ;vas, WI duel & e t? E '„.,o l t s 4 4-Y ni el g thi g ls : c r i-Sallsi e is ai - Send challenge far ad P' arcs er be eider a r , ;gill forr4 Ada Tastla T te?' s gt ' ; g m , - - abettor in Aiding a duel, be deprived of the .kfCtioiejtl- right of holding anyoifice honour or gr:(01 in .. kry omorrameoi or ornefiotoular to . A i r eos i feti . this &as, and shall be punished olierwke In such w on na y ;b 8 and t h o ,,g m ol e or R owse 4. gl e , meaner as is. or may be pegiscribed tulato : but • presentation, and if the. MUM shun be agreed taby . the executive only remit •tins said. offence and all a spajoralLytaf thonembere elected teeachlisnauVerA. its disqual ifi cations. 4 - proposedamen d ment tie- amernknmerg skeane vstereg ' ARTICLE N'll. on their journals, With the yeas and nays taken Section I. The legislature Shall, as soon as , eon- °erect'', en 4 the bk,er,,rarif of the Commombealit shall veniently may hr ,, provide by lair , for the establish- came the itti l4.lo be Wished three menthe before the meat of sehoo throughotit. tie State, i s , such nest election, in at least one newspaper In cum/ manner th-st the poor may tie trautcht gratis. cown4 gin which a newspaper shall be ptibi . r and Section ii. The acts and iciraccs shall 4 . pro- fir the te g ithiture V I a fi er T w4l ` ha " such -Fr° ' awed Morose or more seminaile - aof Minting. . 1 red amendment m ' 1110 " 0 / 1 / 3 de *ban be agreed to Section 111. The rights, Privileges, immunities'' on a maJaren 0 14 ,4 rfember- 1 atertedi. to air. k braes and estates of religious socieliell and corporate bo.. I Me Secretary if tpe Conusurn, icrigh s h ot;- camel die's, shall remain as if the eo stitutkin. of tills State t g ecane Vim to be:l 34 thir.v.inl i t Clume i a f i V e f ia, . tad not been altered - orsmeidletir • . • . -I nrh pr o wed 04IertPeen1 or lo,ividmeof dfoli hi submittea to der peogkiustkia manner aid itt such Section nil '' The k4thiklh q e I l f a wiiiitat;an Y ' time, at- ierut three m/inths, iEfler adage sii iv - greet& etb!rtftd e 613 0 or Itlifiviclu t d With the' privilege I , WV fm - d as 'the, leglstaturethatt prescribe s of taking **Nile PiVelYf,Prfubfic, ,useowithatet, and if the peopie!gran akPibis4 :aid ratify such requirsng sueletcmporation fir Min viauat to mane amendment or gmernbugangbg a nuyority raf thelsios, compensating' to the atone? said property, or , lifted voter:of this Mate toting thereon, such anutrukt: .. give adequate security theri , or, before such pro- 4 mertsi, or amendment' a shalt bileoine a part of the-eon party shall - be tideen. . . sti ion ; but no mterffirunt or amendments shall . • - ARTICLE Inn I . . be s ed to the people Omer than once in jibe ; : F t ' i rtnited,...... that if moire than Line___ .. aesehitimnst Members of the General Assembly,. and all offi- '., • Yf er ten, executive and judicial, shall be bound by oath ''''' 1 ,. e7 2 4,!,77, • beel w lace manner each i amendment Separately and dastencay, or a ffi rmation, to support the constitution of this {gnat that - the peopl e may vo te'er or against cnmm ,went.h and to vest,lm the duties of their respective offices With fidelity • ARTICLE IX,„ , • That the general, great and principles of liberty and tree government *nay be recognised and unalterably 'established, WE :DECLA RE,' TH AT Section L. All seen are t!otri equally free and in dependent, and hare certain hiherent and indefeasible rights, among 'which are those of enjoying and de fending life and liberty, of ocquiting„ possessing and protecting property and iimatation„ and ofpur suing their own happiness. Section IL All power is inherent in the people, and all-free governtnents ore founded on • their au thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; Fur the advancenteot of these ends, they have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, refoini or abuli their government, in such manner as they may thi nk proper. Section 111. All men haveu natural and indefk sible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can, of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to rshitain any ministry • against his cor.sent ; no human authority can, in any • case whatever, control or interfere with the tights of conscience ;. and no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishments or modes of worship. Section „IV. No person who acknowledge! , the be ing of '0 God and a future state of rewards and pu nishments' Shall on asiount 'of his religious senti ments !be disqualified to bold any office or place of trust or profit under this_Commonwealtb. • Section V. Elections abet/ be-free and eqttal. Sectiati VI, Thal by juty shall be as heretofore" thi m and nigtit thereof '_:remain inviolate. i! See • 'VII. The printing presses shall bfree to every tson who undertakes to examine the pro ceedings of the legislature, or any branch' of go vernments And no law shall ever be made to re strain ithe right thereof. The ft& commuSication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable tights of man r and every citizen stay freely speak, write and print on, any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions for the publication of papers investigating the official • conduct of officers, or men in a public pp:ltchy, or Where-the matter published is proper for public in: formation, the troth thereof may be given in evi dence t And in all indictments for libels the jury shall trace a right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in, other cases. • Soction.VUL The people sball be secure iri their• persons, houses, papers and possessions, from Onrea,- sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant to search any place or to seize any person or' things, shall issue, with out describing them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause supported by oath or affirmation. Sects., u.s. ,n all srimmai prosecutions, the ac cused t-ith a tight to be heord by ,hirnielf Mid hi* counsel, to demand the nature and cause of tne ac cusation against him, to meet the witnesses face to face, lo have compulsory process for obtainifig wit nessesin his favour, and, in prosecutions by 'indict ment or information, a .spetoly public trial:by an impartial jury of the vicinage; he cannot be com pelled to give evidence against hinabelf; nor can he be deprived of his life, liberty, or property; unless by the jocugmcnt of his peers or the law. of the land. • ! Section X. No person shall, for any inOktahle offence, he proceeded against c r iminally by infuria tion, except in cases arising in the land or naval (lures, or in the militia when in actual service in tune df war or - public danger, or by leave of the court, for Oppression and misdemeanour in office. No person shall, fur the same offence, be twice put in jeopardy of-life or limb; per shall any man's pro- party be taken or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatjres, and without just compensation being Section XL All email shall be (spelt, arid every man for an injury done him in his lands, goats, per son or reptitation, shall Wee' reitteily by. the due commie of law„'and right and justice administered, without Pate, denial or delay. Snits may be enqght against' the Commonsirealth in such mannerein such COl/0/4 and in such eases as the legislature may by dire , . . . ection MI. No pow e r of ..pe o pu rkg ,„i i vr, shall be exereised,utiless by, thp legislature, or its, an tholity. &clam XIIL Exctssive bail shall not be re qoined.nZii exiessice fines imposed, nor cruel pu nishments indicted. Section XIV. MI prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless fur capital olrepoes; when the proof is evident or presumption great ;, apt ;be privilege,of. the writ of Illsbeas comas shall egkite swiperulord, unless when, incases of rebellion or In- Taooo,,t)se imbibe safety may require it. Seitfon:XT. No COthlTEl3llloli of Oyer and Terminer ofri dertigri'sbali be boned. s , " egtkin ICV L' 'The person of a debtor{ where, tbitit Is' not Girding presumption of- frawi„ shall not be tontunsad in prison, afterdelivering up iiismstate far site benefit of hip creditors; in such_ rammer as shall besPiestebPd 1 1 7-IPwl , **A exlmstfacto law,norarky law APPl 4 4e 4 nVct s l bO l 1 4 O a "' WttonAV i Nd person shall be .attahited of ia 'cir (dimity thelegiaitbre.'. :Wee 7CI7L Noittafodeitillittirltk earrtiplida of blood, cog, except dbritietite lifesafithemifbednr: 411ifiltues istinitete ittt tier ammo .Itbtp ilie es-.; ,rater nif suarpessops - • .. toss° Uses, shall.deseendt.or. Tint es - 01,n:slung PM, 5 11k-iNiisuf 'Aim oolorki or ilattleymrdritrapeost rec.eiveli br -67 N. NAIEWNI 41144:b. • :Pcittailist•MY ll . laalic. • : SCHEDULE. Tliat no inconvenience may arise from the altera tions and ,saitiaments in the Constitetitni of this Commonwealth, ana in 014cr to cury.tkriAtme into complete, operation, it-is hereby deeluetfard ordain ed. That, Section L Alllatesof this Commonwealth Miami at the time when. the, 'aid alterations and arn4nd,- merits in , the said Ckmstitntion shall take effect, and not inconsistent: therewith, and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims, and" contracts as well of tndi viduals as of boOed corporate, shall continue 29 if the said alterations and - amendments had not been. made. • Section IL The alterations and amendments in the said Constitution shill take effect Irmo .the tint day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. Section 111. The clauses, sections, and articles of the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall continue to be conitnied and have effect as if the said Constitution had not been amended. Section V , . The General. Assembly winch sna.l convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, shall continue its session, as heretofore, not, withstanding the.provision its the eleventh section of the first article, and shall at all times be regarded as. the first General Assembly under the emended Constitntion. Section V. The Gusernor who shall be elected in October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be inaugurated on the third Tuesday In January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time the 'present execrrtiee term is hereby - extended. Section Vl.' The &nunisarions of the pities-Of the Supreme Court, whci mad be in office on the first day of January next, shalt expire In the following man ner,. Thescommindurt w,bich bears the earliest date ;hall expire op , the first day of jtainary, Anno Do mini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the commission next dated shall expire on the find dtty of January, Arhus Domini one thousand eiy,l4. dred and forty-five; thecomMission nextWsidiii expire on • the first day of January, Annti mini one thousand eight hundred-and fortyeight; the commission next dateti.shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eighthun, dred and fifty-one; and, the commission, tut dated shall expire on the first day of ..lartfiary,,Anno Do miffi one thousand eight hundred and tift, -feu/. _ Section VII. The commissions of th - judges of ttie seaml judicial districts associate law judges of the first judicial d expire as folhivra: The enuartissions of o those who shall have held their offices to more at-the adoption of the amendments to tution,sbaltelnise,on the twenty-seven bniary,otte,t4e,eight.bundred ind the' COTIMWS the ether half ibos bave'held their fticesheia*Yeatirormore tion of the amendment's' the coned expire on the twen+.loenth day ofi Fe. thouiand . eighe Mulched and :fbrty-two ; to embrace - those Whose commissions sh oldestlate. The .commissions of all the judges wha.shall_notbave . bold _their Years at the 1140Siest of the amendments. stitutioti shah expire"' ori Ole twenty-slit February nest diet the end of ten y dale of emir commissions. Section VIII. The Ilecordent of the se ors' Courts, and other criminal -cumin in pionwealtb, shall be appointed for die khd ih the hirriF Manner, as the presi of the several judieial districts ; of t office; the commission oldest in date sha the twenty-seventh dais of Febniary s o eight hundred.' and forty-one, anti the sni two years thereafter according to thein dates. Those .tildestial, dale exiting firs' Section IX. Vbeitgitliturtilit its first der the amended constitution, shall dividi associate judgeftlirthaiite Ipplfuer cla commissions of- those of the first class on the.itwenty , 7severath . clay of Faros hundred and Oarly4,of, thase of.ths the twenty-seVerTh day rif F ( n.linttity, • dyed and forty-onel df the S e. bf the the twenty-seventh dayof-Febrwa c k deed and forl i gislgior he on the twenWth nif.F hundred aild rins w fast to the f ilVbe Wu iteniorittof de - commissions ortlie Sec' tionle. tProthemotstriesi deities of 4:terra__ seven,. courts (excelltAtkerflepreiaelliblort) recorders of .4seiisetid litote's ofiellli o stObctept !lected ender the suriendeeconstitutiou a the el we bf V4pre• sentatives in e EaFeisteen"*:Orid and thirty nine, in suc a3titi4:..... , ribed by' law; Section XL- The a r tin power shall remidn u e ..; heretofore, silli • , intment of the .V.ilie de fill ,2 1 , ,continue in the ettermse or hc.ta ot peiLtivpstive - rigic es until the r 1 ' lattirets * ilto.o'illeirlaisiliis may be required •rthe 4 4 1141 1. 1 1tectlen' Of -o ..:te . kith `•tatiele. - of the entedltonentutiwir.•. - terid'atitil appoitaments shalt urstiatterenli4lstrettlitsestiiihleasUleircomnaissions othalkbeerupitirsdded,apwasweptlisinttnents, or shall sooner-eipiutt.tes,qww biaxial:toe., or the said eft r .Sjlajj hAsotnert , b7 , ,death or resigrrttioni ita draigstakt s6cad by. tlie first 'ems's-, iiirtviuffift3ll WO' ebriblittition. ' v ' , I 5100 . Section XIV -The first election fort aldetteen'ired 'dwatieettellfiehfill. I* Ole. it/Attunes Mght. 11 4 u Pl. - 'vrtdirgdugeitlrls't iPut tio,,focedrlochtfits election of conitabieg. Titelegislatur, at„Abirlyo • - -pqpi5t.,41.944 wovekvicmg 4 2-10400RFAZAitne 4 efaiPtarAWs44:l 40,000 Plaster injett ait: tr , 4 .71 - 4017. , F043? . ,Pcmaiiik• Mr 14 e 'OW. gum !Coons: ' The alderthee usi catitilire li roli: 1.44... ier etileettNittil Iltriactal by haw -ford liew commissions, at th e &TT:illation their commiationAhall. ha testimony that 'the • • ...dt•feepsztV convention, We '' eoriventiap have Philadelphia,the . aly, 41.11110 . pp0tt4. and thirty-tight, the 'Trilled States 1 .. . 6131;e1: . ri CI A VIdw i' ini M. plkraimßenlol. , ti t , o co hu b Y ßam . Ba d re obtr lay , , , - . . Aas. A. Berulla.. : ' ndrew Bedfoid,. 't, Thos. S. Bell, tames Cornell Biddle;' eblmua L: Bigelow Sam!. C. Bonham,,, -, r: Ow: Brown,' •.' - Jeremiah Brown, . William Mir . -, t. Pierce Butler+ • toamdel Carey, • ' hn CiennOesi,- t • • homier B..Cnal3M6ham. William cnell+ Wm. Dirl#loo . l4 ...._ . h. Chauncey, 'athaniel Clapp, • amee Clildkeeri ohn Clarke, "" illiamtlask„; , indle lea .M14 1 5:74 ,f.rUna, 43. !IL E. Cochran, .I h 4 ". htia P F C o4 l ) j Walter Craig, prt.. i ;Benjn.:Mattnt, John L MgCahen, • James ht'SherrY; - Mart Darrah, liarmar Denny, -John t Joshua Dick.ersa, .:Jacob. Jas. Donagan, ' J. R. Donnell, TI Joseph ht ttolini" ' 9 James Dunlop , • • Ai Thomas Earle, Jc D. M. Farreily, Robt: ' . • • Walterftrwanl, ,John FltuPSlDda Joseph Fry, Jr: John Fuller, John A.Gamble, ,-William Gearhart, David Gilmore, Virgil Grenell, William L. Harris, Thomas Hastings, • (Attest,lA. &JOCK, FAUS, .J. WILLI' SECRE" I certifyltillit. cops 44" the Cont Penlasylehas as a thinisand *tit Lands ieigbt,"'deposited , in t Febntary, 1838 s the and the tetnieed lion in mum le e President nd of the triet shall te-half of years or e tonsti . day of Fe ,. • rtyLnine 'Who shall the adop i h on, shall r 11217., I. e first half 1 11 hear the I remaining cgs for ten the eon .. th day of from the • eral May this Coin same l ent judges • V' now - in expire on eittousand hers every respective '50:15100 1111-. 'the other asses. The [ bit l e 4 i fs i tyire n ' d elss • on teen bun td class on teen hunl mirth clam' ~,- eighteen . AA Oin king tc• the litufges- • the --1 r 4 L ' " . 4 1 b i lt Vith r ina , prz . rpo'crAt q) ,, #i.eil, Wine* EirsorStive . 1 - , (1401 ( CS Ate t ililiesP 9 l 1e1 . 51 . ,T, : , IptlFOLemmeitiek .sitlt.M. ..PP 05141 1 0 i 's mmetlei them -*Amy 9.** * Try IP •aithiessocuiwatAfgeg*.mbiak they will, it. it ePhiladielpkialerices.• Pore ami Twin, kV r. ` l ,4 l " rL i r d e ii . fitm....‘ii:Tll/4Ximild do ell P 3 COLA/ d . -ge*--,— , ,..-.-ajormi. -r- - ,s. : ."•':l2 ad' , •qpsil 19. . :••:, • , . r..; 404.. .74.-. =.. : linggyA bigutrii tilAsvel-W•et 'MILLER & . 61 4". pee A Ahailorch of theist:lee' to bat= tie tixt duties of Idler the Aso issiOng of f 'which te;he, the ,ended Agreed tole embers of the E = =I Stiitteto, m 4 at - Sill, 3riti • . - S ' • ?h Seeriate, • 1 ihardesatit. siltpit; Tabora. 4 1 4 • WeeTer, re, 'oodward, E 28, 1838. 1 and litenl ;realth of , too of one thirty dh day of in inkst o t,Canatitu- gM k firnd- k t Storei and at the the -lowest at Phila• io CoVi. 7 VSMWillior bY: • 4POIMT•i EMI