The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 19, 1838, Image 3

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    'Como up to the Nark
delly .
You who boast of getting '
to 1200 Majority in Schttylluti
We are authorized to of ter
7 • $5O
That Porter will not 100
Schuylkill county. -
That be will not have 200.
$5O '
That be will not have 300.
• $5O
• That he will not have 400.
That he will not have 500.
That he will not have 600.
$2OO •
, °That he will not have 7i I
• - • $2OO
. That he will not have 800.
$2OO • i
That he will not have 900,
That Ritnes. will have ti
Schuylkill county.
. The above to be takenco
*044-Sub Trainer. Ticket.
Walter C. Li gston.
George N. Ec
Commisstone -
Abraham L. Bong ner, I year
Daniel Shol len be r Ler, 3, years
Director of the 'opr
George Ho et.
George J. Illmfizinger, 3 years.
Charles Dengler, 4 years.
• Charles 'Mrs,
Gra tC
Jacob Weed,
For Governor:—David
For Congress:—Peter New
For Assembly:—William M
For Coroner:—Nathaniel J.
for Conimisstoners.—Edwa
years. 'Benjamin Limiter, fo
Director of the pony:—Danic
For Auditors—Peter Kutz,
ward Hunizinger, N 2 years.
For Trustees:—John ai l
Vor oulisvn•
IIpHE Directors of the Pub'
helm, tures& t 9 recci•
employ ment 44eig ht 'compete
in the PubliciSchools, of Ma.
ensuing season. Part to tea
to teach English. None nee.,
who can cootie well recomm
'.and of good Moral character.
' •the subscribe-oi.
„...11SFORGE -MO
September 19, 1838
Stray C
WAS brought to the' sub
inst., residing in iL
'COWS, one is a brindle :.'
-;:other is a Black and White
°steer ur owners are retie
prove property, pay charges.
ms:herwise they will be sold a
.September 19. 1838
First Troop Schuylkill
WILL meet for
. Parae,
mat., at 2 o'clock, P.
By Command
- Reading .%ail &
HAVE on band boiler
A-imaizes do. and also, all
iron; also, round and ' , slier
inch Railroad-iron of the o
and conn,teraunk, and cut to
Otae; and band iron. All si
also, gun iron orsuperior 1
are offered for sale at the II
Reading, June 25, 1838.
Cloths and
IH E Subscriber beds
general assortment o j
'Green, invisible Green, dr'
Also, Black, Blue, drab
'which will be sold Teri CI
July 14083
. •m• sine for •1837—just
10 Penny Cyclopedia, an.
ziriejor 1837, and for'sale
August 25,
Valuable Reat Pr,
frnEandeisigned off
known three stor f
situate in Ceittre street,
cribs undersigned, tot
tenements in the rear o
lot of ground whereon
kirk burldini aforesaid
finale finished front th
-garret he beet style o
a* a bu smen stand end'
poorebly situated. The
he sold on low and a- • •
of the purchase money iy remain on the prop.
arty fora few pate, kf desired, Title indisputa
ble, and posemaies can be /wee immediately 0..
aPPI,to • Q. Id. .lENNINGS.
,April 11932—tf • jottevife•
• Per • •
'pat. neachogned 4re for Sale his eels* will
'''' IccuPied by lion, 'pilenailing of 155'ar.ree ir
good red gruel . lac% situated On the tfld toad (from
moteabstrirg to 'Or' . • ,In ewisiii Vat.
ley,'Hnion township, ' oylkill county, *bind
SO miles from-PoUtsvi andAs from Cattawisse,
about 35 acres are dared, having good fences,
and the rest is heavily ' fllmbereft, cinnfort.
able Homilies House, aro. Horse filtableil3inine.
House. with a never itilirig spring. & eery larg e ,
Garden, Orchard an . d a Storehouse, 'Where for.
many - years store has ' it kept,ried still 'Walesa.
is carrying on. Th is also a good Saw Mill,
and House on the Lit e Catawisa Creek. below
the,junction of its tw ' branches, of which each
already, drives sever mills, and which here
united hese sufficient ater power for any kind of ,
mills. The 'Little : ylk ill and Susquehanna
rail road passes tilong through the laud and quite
near the fair mill. P rt of the pluchese jmoney
may remain on the operty for a few' 'years if
desired. Title indisp table , and possession given
on Stead of April net, or sooner.
,; • H. A. MITHOFF.
Slept. 15, 1838. 1 72-3*
coo repo
e following
ejority in
- • FOr i .
Mtn New Castle id F Ude
rench Town Rail Road
Company; will 4 ispose of a part of the Iron
taken from the flat r track. the bars UPC an
good condition, 21 bill. A sample may be van
it the Company's Orme, Chesnut street iitar4
Philadelphia. - 7
thiladelphia. Septilt. 1838.% 12-2 mo
migority in
AYOUNG man 4, Attend' in . the Store, 'one
who speaks Gertlan would be prefereds=Al-
so • Boy 12 to 14 yel re oleo.. Apply to
./W' Era WHITE .&. SON.
Want Carbon, Se 4. 15, 72
Strfsy Coto.
Cvre in to the lantslosuretif the Subscriber,
on br''befoie theft/ mist. a PALE RED QOW,
supposed to be abou ;5 - years old, of a ml'ddle site,
White face and belly Some other while about her.
Tke owner can ha , her by applying to the'sdb
seilber, and paying for this advertisement. West
4ilmiteb rail road,'Utie and a quaster miles South ch
Of Mineraville. ''
l loci
3. R. BEATTY. an
Sept. 15,1838. 4 1 , 72_3 tin
PilltEEß 8c CO.
Mercer:o 41 6 Tailors ) . f
INFORM their . vends and the public in gee.
- 11 .`eral, that they ;Olive removed to their former
stand in Centie Streit, Opposite to Miller & flap B e
gety's Store,) where they have on hand, a gen
era' assortment olluperfine Broad Cloths and 1 ,
Casinnieres of 'the Omit fashionable colors, with i f
an elegant asseittObnt of Summer Cloths, Sati ,
Sulk, Valencia, MtOscilles and Velvet Veati gs,
Linen, Cotton and Chintz. Shirts, Satin, Silk and
Bombaseen Stocks; inen and rhints Bosoms
Collars, alvo Linei and Chintz Bosoms without
Collars, Silk, Cott4, 'Ehread, Beaver and Hoskin
Gloves, Linen snit; Cotton Hose and Halt Hose,
Fancy Linen and Silk handkerchief. and Gum
Elam Suspender 4, They also ha ve,on hand in
elegant stuck of tatintlemen's and Bny'a wearing
apparrl. aueh as Fjock and Dress Coals, Rounds
how., Vests atrial Ostaloons, made after the latest
fashion and the -beet wiginanship, which they in.
tend to sell at - ica.Mitable_pricea.
P. S. Wanted tittle or three good Journeymen
Tailor., to whom :iconstaut work will given
throughout the sere on.
Pottsville, Sepi.4s,
file. J no. Snyder.
d Connor; fur 3
4 year.
fur 3 years, Ed-
Biala, Joseph
is Schools of Man
- applicatio4 for the
t Teachers fa each
helm township, the
h Gei man and part
apply , except those
oded as to capacity
Apply to either of
In the Court of j Common Pleas of Schuyl-
: kin County. .
In hiematter of I hejEotate of Cheirtei Ft alley, Esq.
. W IfER EAS John Schell, assignee
. _
-, of Ciarka Frailey, Esq. did on the
, 3d dpty of August, One Thousand
. __,.•
Eight Hundred and Thirty.Elght,
•• • file 4, the officesifiiiie.Prothonntary
of the Court of gnomon Pleats for the County of
Schuylkill, a statement of all concerns of the said
Estate. il•
NOTICE a hereby given to the creditms of'
the said Charles "Ft ailey. E-q
,and all others in
terested in the sitd Estate, thai.the Flor.orable
the Judges MiheiC'ourt of Common - Pleas al ,re..
sent. have impoinied Monday the 22d . day of Oc
tober, 18314,_5i FP o'clock, A. M. at the Court
Douse in the Ilitougit of Orwigsbnrg, for the
twisting of' the Palhe, arid for chewing cause wt y
the amid acenontlonght not in he allowed, and,
in default thereof the oanie stnliNsivonfirnied.
'Maw as the 110RMfable Calvin 13lythe, Presi
dent tit our iusidACOurt at Orwigeburg, the 12th
day of fit ntembei A. D. 1838. .-
Orwigeborg.Fitpt. IS,
GER, '
5 NGLER, Esq
73-3 w
crawl.. on the 13th
e Borough. 114
niry Cow, and the
spotted Co*. The
d tn come forw Id.
•nd ta ke them !away.
cording , to law.
County Cavalry.
on Friday theZdth
OLISTON, e. 8.
:n Works,
rom sheet of various
e different sizes - Isar
iron from 4 up to 3
rious sizes, punched
the angles ready for
s nails i gnet spikes—
VAII of which
weal city prices.
HITAKER of 6).
PURSUAN'T'i o an met of the General Asaem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennavlvania,
passed the 15th flay of February. 1799, 1, Peter
F. Ludwig, 111 igh Sherriff of the county of Schuyl
kill, do hereby % ve this poetic notice to the elec.
tors of the counky of Schuylkill aforesaid, that a
General Electioo wits be held in paid county on
the second Tuesday in October eest, which will
be the 9th day ctr the raid month, for the purpose
of choosing by Shllot
One' Person
For Gosernuij of rennodvauto.
One Person
For To repreat* Lehigh and Schuylkill-twen
ties, in. the Conereas of the United
(litne Person
To represeo ; Schuylkill county in the Rouse
of Reppeeentatives ofthia State,
Irwo Persons •
For Coroner* orSchrtylkill county.
iwo Persons -
For 'county Uhresitssioners, une to satire 3 years
n Store a large and
'it and mist Cloths—
and mist Cassimeres
A and Penny Maga
'ecei4d Vols. 4, 9 and
Vol. 6 Pulpy Maga-
and theotber two; to supply a vacancy.
I'm Pelves
For DirectrOf the P. and Hume of Employ
men.* of .SChuythill county.
'VIVO' Persons
For Audito r !! or e gar
eituylkiil cou .
l wo r emus
For Trust ' of ihe Oriiigsborg Academy.
And that th '-Electors ithe county of !Schuyl
kill aforesaid, ;lore to mumble for toe purpose of
choosing by bUllot the officers aforesaid on the
second Tnesdi in October /text, at the several
districts an d places e. m paged 4 the several
boroughs, tow strips and districtsoo wit—
The elect . ! f the borough of Orwigaburg will
hold their el ' tion at the Court House in the
borough of Or igiblesii•
.. The el 1 r West Eninswick township will
bold their ekrittiort at the Court House, in the
borough of Oro
riphitig. .
i •
The electod i of East Oswiek township will
hold their el on at the honse - ef Hiatt Lutz. in
the town of Keansburg. '
The ideate:* of Phrgnyve township will bald
,RAJAN 8 I ! t
Tty in Pottsaill,
• he, kr male all that well
nd the appurtenances
ottasille, the property
r with nine other
stud bulking, cod the
he whole outride. The
contain* thirty ket in
basetnent story to the
. workmanship, and both
residence, is most :
foregoing property will
modating terms. Part
hilt *1 1 , ••• 4 litllni fioixitt* hi ' • ilat t ra
noW'W : Ilitilit. or sankthethaliiii.
•:',' - 2 1 . -..' ' '
me, - - tbr Wavle township will Melt
Illeetioll ' thilditteeoftionardSholl, k iii ter,
in the t . n ofFeledenshurg. '
it atUpPerjiliabantango - 'whir
will hill. their elect en itttbe , No** Oil Samuel
Moyer, , 'altlirtewnship. ' I
The ; kale of Barry township. inelOding .L. the
bowls tel l y occupied by Michael &dig, new
Mr. sa ' ' n. lefillold that election at thOlonseir
Henry lig,ln eald'lewnship. " , 1- '
i The leeton of lewd! Mithlitibingo nohips l
is Sch liiill counti, residing with &hieing
'dined d llietieds , lir high tennis a election
dist& called "Williatlea Valley," ilvit Be
&nut a
t tbe Dauphin and Schell county
line, in lading the Te,etn Hcluse OD he trued
4 a4
Mount in, now occupied by William theilite
along the Pinegrove townshipliseto tie it in
tersect* the Lower Mahantengo towit lap toe.'
leading' in a direction to Gratztown, iiid thence
along . t e ridge of the Mounuiin to the Dauphin
rind uylkill county line to the pier:webers.
ning, ball hereafter hold their elechitin at the
house t Jacob Heberting, Jr. nosy aerate in the
occupy cy of Samuel Kunntel. ' 1
The electors of the remaining part hf lower
1 Mahs ago township will hold theit!renew"' e-
Ilectiiin at the house of Philip Ortroft, in said,
t)wns ip. ;
The eleitors of West Penn townshi p' will hold
thei don at the house now pecupitid t by Moritz
For r. to said townsnip. .
The electors of Union towoithip willhold their
genes t i election at the house of John Eisenhower
in rat townebtp. - i 1 ;
• Thai electors of Ruth toemshipwillthold their
generel election at die 'house of John Brain, inn
keepeS, in said township. I.
All that part of Norwektmn town llip. lit the
coon! offilehuylkill:lying west on t e follow/he •
line, wib Beginning at the e:tint ollikteraecuou,
ofihel West Branch of the elver Selitiylkill and
Manheim township—thence up the Cast side of
the West Branch of the Schttylktll to ink intersec
lion e l ith Barry township, shall bee acperate e- .
leetine district, and the electors thereof shell hold
their general elections at the house of Joseph
M dis t rict the borough of Mineraville, an said town.
43414 1 .
This electors of Schuylkill •town**, residing ,
east Of a mutt_ (Vab the township line of Man.
beini t in a straight line with the Old Forge in
lode g the same, from thence tb it°, house now
-cu ied by * Jacoh Wommer inclu ir the some.
id '' inuieg from thence in ti s a ght line to
le h townslilp Line, shell hot their general
ect gat the \ house o f Frederick Bensinger. jr.
th township of Schuylkill. in the Judd county.
TI qualified 'voters residing in 'the townships
• N rwegitnu ard\*.huvikell, in Ole county of
: ' lkill, wittlinthefollowing de.cribeh bounds,
tall hereafter be a itepte. election iliiitriet , viz:
egi ningon the 'line lien the townships of
or egian and Mghheimi Rom theirce a straight
ie the house raw riectehodsby • lioltn Penman,
ricV ing the seine—from thenerd to, the Norwe
g is& church—and from them* tothe.rarett houtii'S.
of Fi B. Nicholas, E-q. including tkul slinie--.1o&
front thence a straight line to the lineibiraween the
townships. of Norwegian and BalrY--ited from
thefulloo ing the township Imes iif Harry
,and .
eastward to a point—ft...o Mime in\i"
etre ht line southward to the Old-Forge exclu
Ind e same, thence to the house now occupied
by 'Jacob Wommer, excluding the same, and
thettee in a straight l u te in the plane of beginning,
excliiiiing the town df New 4...i'mtle. find that the
qualified electors residing within the before des
cribed bounds shall hold their eleetirip at the fort
Carbon House. in the town of Port Carbon.
The electorrot the borough of Po4ville 'indite
re9aming pert of Norwegian towlithip, and of
that putt of Illanlidint, township. ling 'between
the !river Schuylkill-and the West brush thereof,
(not included in the Schuylkill lliaven district,)
will hold their election at the house pow occupied
by Henry Stager, in the bjrrough of Pouville
The elector, of the borough or Tamequa will
hull their election at the schodl 'house in said
bor ugh.
That the electors of that .pert. ,o f Itilseheim
township lying southeast of tire Ifollowing line:—
commencing at the township line df Wayne aid
Mitritieim township on the Sumxnet Hill, thence
at the Suinnier Hilt and Oriirigeburg road, to
thcbouse of Widow Sweicker, land the house of
John Devesit., excluding the po i se„ thence to the
hoUse of Philip Drumheller, thence to the house
of .)uhn Delbert. at the centre turnpike; thence to
thl house of John:4lam thence to.the house of
Ptlip Rock;thence in Ihe house of John Shane,
Jr.i including the same: thenoe4o the township
hob of said Munh,emi and Schuylkill townships.
shall hereafter hold their gtneral elections at the
Cohn House. m the, borough of Orligshorg.
'roc etecioa . of the reinaing park of Menheim
loweihip will hold their election abbe house of
prop Buyer, innkeeper, in the-town of ,Schu)l
I kill Haven.
is , ' 11 i is directed by an act of the General Axiom
bly of this Qoininantivealth, passed the 17th of
Miirch, 181111, that
,the inspectors , orthe general
1 election shall be chosen by ballot on the.'Fridav
mixt preceding the first Tricadey tn 'October, be
ing the 28th of September, and the elections for
initiii.ctors shall be holden in such'places in each
toWn, township, ward, or district, as is appointed
bi the laws for that Purpose, :by '.the respective ,
rainstables, who are required to glve-at least one 1
week** notiee of such election. assisted by two 1
qualified citizens chosen by such enizen, qualifi-
ed to rote as shdl be there present. And it is
fOrther required by the act of amembly regale. ,
trig elections in this Teminonwealtb. that the ie.
specters be at the races of their respective dm
riticts. howns,,townehipp, and wardie or. the day of
e general election, at nine o'clrick in the tore
n n, to perform the duties requite d of, wed en
j fin ed on them by the amoral ac of assembly,
aroreasid.. •
i The return judger of the vesp l edive districts,
wits. townships, or wards alisetiaid , are hereby
r quilled to meet at the Caput i House, in the
k u L
gh of Orsogsborg, On Fr day next, after-the
* Tuesday in October seet,lbieitig the i2th day
of the month, then end there td pertnrin those
things required of them by hie. i ~,.
tenin pursuant of an act of the general assembly
this commonweal*, pawed theSd day of April,
farther supplement` to an act , th regulate the
oral electi.m within this comnionweafth." that
very person who shall hold may Office or appoint. 1
meat of profit or trust under tit* Government of I
the United Sates, whether a=issioned officer I
dr etherwiae,e subordinate or agent, who
or shall be employed under tit', legislative, ex•
cutive, or jiidiciary department of the United
1 . ta t t n es . , , a a n nosairce d also t o b f at e e n very act : th m: B o ne f wo re g o : tn is .
law incapable of holding or
i l i kessiiming at the
e time the offiee or appoint ent ofjudge, in.
petstor, or clerk. at any election,in this state.
y, passed April 18th - 1838, ii is provided that
inspector judgc or lather isificbr shall be eligi.
e to any office at inch eleetion. nor shall any
person holding an office 'flitter Itite General or
Nate Government, he 'an inspectrir,Jedge,rit et&
er officer. of any such election. i
Given' sneer my hand at Orlidirahure. thiaild,
Jay of September, in the yr Of our Lord. one
libotiaand eight iteadred and thirty.eeven.
1 Chiseis die Cienlianinieldi.
i &pt. 11,18111
--meibiltnentsla tba;Onuititutkes• have is
*reed sPoWintaidry atirelikitenti to subn*teir.
*the people of th iacomtdonsieilth fer theiriat.'
&cellos or rejeetion. iiiiiiiiista
ance cif I the,prirvisiosis in ittich'easetpadel lux and
by an edt Of 0413eneral , Asseuttay4assaal :the
29th id.riy of March A. D.,1838,--enti lArthotiti
silica by said coaseationt
Notice is Hwy tatrellop
That en erection will balield - in-the 4es4el thwirkT •
ehips, Wards and district* of the miid,edunty of.
Schuylkill on tho said second Tuesdky ItiOcto.
her next(being the day for holding the (ideal
erections of the 'orm..ionerealtb) fair the retinces
lion or rejection rarthp said AmandMents to the
Constitution. r . The fridges and 'lnspectors of
, said election are acquiretfto rewire *lieu either
• 'punted or written front deities qualified to vote,
and deposit thug. in a bok dr tikes, tp be for
'that 'purpose provided 'by the proper officers.
whiith 'tickets shall be labelled on the .ciatside
"Maiitifibeents," and those who are favourablelo
the amendments may express their drake .by
'voting each a printed or written ticket, -or ballot
cociaining the words, "For the amendments,"
and those who treopposcd to such amendments
•roxy express their Opporituin by voting each a
printedlir Written ticket or bathe containing the
win dr "Against the A triendtaents.
Given under my hand and neal at Orwigslitirg,
the 15th day of September. in 'the year m our
Low& one thousand eight huadred and thirty
etglit. and the sixticaccond year:Dl:the independ
ence of the United Slates of Amerita.
Sheriff'• 015ee, Orwigs.
burg. Sept. 18. 1838. .‘
'to OM Coainte-guseta.
Agency for Line of Packets from Liver
pool to . Philadelphia.
THE SUBSCRIBER has' been appointed A.
gent for the Metiers. Cope'• Line of Liver
pool Packets, between Liverpool and Philadelphia.
and sill receive the palmate 'money from those
who wish to send for their friends in the old
country, and alio, will procure Bellafiir these per-,
coos who may wish to tramintit .money to their ,
trienda abroad.
The Packets belonging to this tine are fitted
up in a superior manner, and are :commanded. by
persona who pay great intention:to the comfort
and cornieMence of passengers—end have given
great to passengers genet ally. Emi
grants who intend - ninicting in this region, will
find it to their advantage to tanreike their passage
in this Line, and land at Philadelphia; they *ill,
by so doing, save the tare and expense from New
York to Philadelphia, Which is fearer floe dol.
lara for each individual.
The rates of fare will be made known by apply.
ing at the once of the Miners' Journal.
june 20 B. BANNAN.
Slserldre Sale.
By *Rue of a writ 'of Levaei Facia'. issued
out - 1W the Court °feint 'non Plea* of Schuy I
kill County, end to me directed, will be sold by
Public sale, on blends) , the Bth dar of October
al. at the inn or Public House of Daniel Bayer,
in tt. reigsburg, (on toe premises) Ate o'clock,
A. 11 —All that certain meseoage, tenement.
Tavern onse and let Of ground, situated in the
Bnrouffh Orwiesborg, in Schuylkill County;
bounded in .nt by Market forget, in the rear by
a politic alley, the West by the Western 'part
of lot number sit en, and on the Emit by • War.
run atrect, contain an front 62 feet, and in .
depth 9 perches, bei. • 'the major part or lot
marked in the gartered an of Oi'srigaborg, No.
16 and the same which Chrtistian Schwartz and
Margaret 'hie wife by diigd Milted the lid April
1830, rented end coriveved to George Grim,
Consisting of 1 two filmy Stone mid a two Story
Brick Rinse with Kitchen thereto,, extensive
Stables and Sheds ciffi s me. a pumper water awear
the Kitchen and thelialf of a pump INlule the
horse—late the estate of George '(brim.'
Seized, taken lb ezeeztion and wilt beStoldby) ,
Sheriff's Office, Orortga
lin rg. Sept. 12,1838.
/4 the *tatter of the Estate of YWtlliam
In 4fte learnt of Cenral :me Noes in ted for the
County of Se/ray/kilt.
David & Samuel Frank "I - of July Term A. Ds
trading under the firm $ 11 4 38.
of D. & S.. Frank. No. 1364
ea. Dumesite Misch-
William Reevely. meni. •
woricE is hereby Rivera Whereas Andrew
. 1 - 11
Rowel. Robert Woodside and Martin Wea
ves, the sotweribers. have Petit appointed Trus.
lees of the E-iaie of William Reevely; the defect
dant aforesaid, by,the Common Plena - in
and for the Cotinty of Schov i ltkill, all persons in.
debited to the said William Reevely, or holding
propeity belonging to him. are beret/ required
to pay and dettrr all ttidh tams ornionev and
'Property doe and belonging to the solid William
Reeveltt, to the rigid Trustees, and thin all creel.
ties ttf the uid William Reevely, are hereby de
sired to present their respective accounts or de
mands to the said Trustees.
All residing in the Boroogh of Pottsville.
September 13. 18.3. • • 72-Zits
viLL be void at Public Sale at the House
'of the Subscriber, residing at the Deer
Park, on Monday the 24th inst., at 9 o'clock, A.
M. a variety of Household etensile,and Fanning
Stock. Ake. smong which are the following arti
cles, to wit: Seven good Rail Road Horses and
Harness, two Cows, two two horse-Wagons, one
stew, one Dearborn, one Cart, Plough and 'Har
row, W indmill, Cutting Box, three Stocks of good
Bay, besides a quantity in the Barn, three Stacks
of,Oats. grew for passer, Welker with a variety
of other farming implemc'nte. # 4 l - Bedsteads.
together with a lot of/Aber Botwebolh - arid Kitch
en Enronnee. Four of the Dorsealize now 'en.
gaged in keeling Coal fur Milne. and Spencer,
•nd the pnrchasercan have the contrail fur bawl.
top. if it sons him at any time.
Sale positive—Termsfltiash. in Silver ar oed
Bank Fortes, as the sobstriher is gbing West
Deer Park, Sept. 19,11 MS. 7.1-3ts'
Wanted twilfre.
ASMALLTenentant. or thayart of a Rause.
imitable fin a small family to a central sit*
ation Apply at this (Mee.
Pottsville. &Member 11; 1838.
Tbe Dim
FOR Road Tiut lot west Norwegian Town..
ship; was , found a few days inc.. It can
M bad-by applying to
Sept. It. to
ap robba
;tisk 'vette& for 1 _- - 1r0n 041.10046 ,
*ate Catkin (
lib . .r . ' 1, tiiinty:lopYsiee * thrit
that age jr* ist: nail to adbyd. the ,inothOot q
ioneltiiik ben orit-;with Aot bracite 4,-thelhie of
0,,-beatedalir. blaat t al , gh .1 . ,- ion' notice last '
'c . o.-theft:flied 'a.Tiikte t„ . Ai - smelting-lairs OW
with AnthileiteCoir. Vith by -she use a TAO'
itincienhetinltact a hiatdifr hied, rworild now,-.
infortn thetpublio-egeit4 that .4 ( ther 14th of Jan.
ea11.'1834,t receive& a letter -fro:A - Ale Commie:
shiner. pf Relent* at Washitleen.Aittinjp "Sir.
opitiezanitning the,cayaofllty.tra)liel.opplica
lion for a bateaufcir SnleltfriElroolbf roans of
Antbracitd, 'halter viewed.hil claim istiaterfering
%nth your Ipateftt of pcc, '1853, and have given'
"Oaks to 11#a attorney of Oita 'decision. " Every
itterirPt trr,,smelt Vonore wilb an th racite by the
osentw hated air bloat.i'l-ao Infringer:tiara 'zijitm
my paterj against Whig' I caution a - nd saint
all mem . I shall prosecute every one mr,ingtnit,
upon'my tights; according to' law., 'And [ for
ther'offer to dispose of patent rights for the erect...
hog eft_ fointeek according la - toy patent, - upon
very. moderate taints- -
FREckeßicK W. GEtAseiliHoNtß ,
New Ybrk, May
. 16,1838. -:, 17 . —1 y. .
, . ._
Achasgiiktik ~ciiiitity,. s, - . •
~ -,
'• • The Chinnion wealth , . of •- Pennityl-"
Vainin ' to the 'Sheriff of Schuylkill
County GreCtiligi Wherea• at an Or
•, phans' Court held at thwigsburg, in,
'''' .a% & for the county orSchitylkilhun the
third &rat . August. A. To. 1838. betels the lion
orable. telivin Blyihe„Presidem. & George Reath
and Placid Yost, Esquires, his As•tocintes. Judges
of the saqie Court. ,-, Frederick Bensinger, t ilt. iu
teinsatried With Elisabeth Baup.rine of theaogh ,
tero and ieins atslaw, of Peter Keep, late of tart
Brunitviak Township, in the said County of
Schuilki)l, deceased; presented his petition to the
said Coat, stating that the said Peter Heap, died
intestateton the twelfth day of February, A. D.
'One Thousand tight liundred and Thirty 4r.ighi,
leavinglosue threeettirdien,'naruely to Witt Nary
intermarried with George Miller, now deceased,
and now resident 'nine Suite .Of Ohio, Efisabeth
the within! the said etitinner, and Margaret, in.
tertnarribd with Ise c Densic&r, and that the
said; intestate died, iezed in- the di mesna as of
' fee of. and in a cart in measuage or Tenement
and traet of land. situate in East. Brunswick
Township, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel
Bartolel4lronataster,Gcorgellackert and others,
and containing Oboe'. two hundred and nine acres
be -the lime more or leis withithe appertenances,
1 and tneyefore praying the Court to award an in
quest &make partition or 'valuation of the pewit '
sea accriOing to law... We therefore command
you that taking with yOn. twelve free honest and
lawful men, of your baliwick, you go to Ind upon
the preihisas aforesaid, and their by their oath or
«Aetna iiffirmatiun,thet yin:make pat titian there..
of to and among the children of the said intestate,
in such irkanner and:in such proportion es by the'
laws of this Commiinwealth is directed, it such,
partition can be mode without prejadtce to and.
spoiling of the whole; but if such partition cannot
be made thereof, as aforesaid, that then you value'
and appraise the same according - to Inw. And'
furtheri that . you cause the said inquest to en
quire dr ascertain whetter the said real estate
with the orpertenanceorwili conveniently *acorn-.
intonate more than yne of the -children of the said'
intestahe.-and if an. how" tunny of the said children
it will !cooveniertly aceoriOnodate. .. t
A Juiy for that porpose will be held on the prem.
ices cur, Monday fhb '24th day of September natal
at 10 O'clock A. M. by . .
SheriOs °Wide. Orwigo,
bnii, Aug. 95, 1838.1 i -
1 70-
AFirm engraved. full length prints of the late
BISHOP WHITE. suitable for frames,. just
rem ived and fro.side by the subscriber. Price
75 emits. B. HANNAN.'
magi 1838. , • 6.5 •
She - riff.
71-3 w
Grope, fror
twenty secondeit
ed t 4 him. sod
his urea during
attended to, by C,
Dor The dorm ,
rem edy Tor this
sainikit cernu I
That,so'mueh am'
tit hoot airriPte
eureLietrully are
agstres thi pub!'
vented as will e
tneinles open
t al an *drain • .
ea r i l l o r Isiah Head
p ant, from I
hat the Nemo
this. qpn, die
spa m hat
stotesch." , and '
m t th ey a
- ..
he ittetio
Spo 'a remedy
T , troth Of this
the Sooner ore?
vin 4M Of it, If
raithrstiett to - h
164;41 nepotatio.
- hatiof-spetiteet
i l e t t lesrie a
flSt. NS
Amedain K
11-3 i
Bishop White.
I'apr. BaugingB.
n r'
gned having occasion =to *44
ri whence he will- relent bY the
Octokey next, all letters adthretin►
roreettiotial hotlines" entrusted to
his witosenee, will be promptly
Males Witman. Esq. •
1 1 1411 st 4 22, 1838
i H
OR N.E11..17(1U5.
Mina', reputation that Dr.SpohiVe
'stressing comilaint n every day
ly a matter or much astonishment
ring itould have ter eget
eery of an effectual preventive. or
.'ect of tmich regret. but Dr:S. now
that such a refnedy been ii
orifice tire mosi - credulous. The
bath 'feces are simple lino
lb'ct that this coMplaint, wheelie?
che, or Nervous Headache. arises
' monaaclrthose who thiett they'
I Ilenda.tre May ren.a . selred that
omach. ir the first cause. that the
skated or del:Wilted. through the
only d*negh the channel
testoratioc offite iistorsil and
or the system This Mdse. Dr.
is erninamtly calbilatebto attain—
position cannot he controverted. and
resvith the headache treasons coo
. sooner Will' their sufferings end in
Ith. Di. Spohn pledges his profse ?
on this fact. The remedy molts
Retail - by Courtock d< Co. *
York. and Retail by
21,183 a
-, . irsiturile - 1
... . • (frolit • Philadelphia.).
Frill amass nourin k. :
a, t , •
ESPF7IIOLLY- tendon bet. *errato
the Lades of Pouovillo and the Wicittititand
bo by tho Okatoom of her work. -quick dal%
ips It
• ."mod - meliorate china, to twit a ober. r4'
tier rodidoit - to wt-Mrs. KMaseteo t .oiipolrito .
thil store of Nosors• ;Nathan' ' 4l -0 6 . - ift'ci
lkiNt. •
. .
. .';t:. - . y '"i"-,"'v im `''=`v.~.'.", rz-'ri''=.*,E':-~`~"-*"E3'~`~`-
. _
• •• # ,Tr.7., :
:kite - I it - '• Aklif'D - TA - KOMW
AVE TentiwOd on-theopppilWillt, aide LOrtil; 4 "(
areitZ ' '
they over fir -
8b Broad Cloihi Citiwitnima ;.stfie
'l4l"S*"bbkP)lteri6-iiitt 414014•414007.:T;
meat of snittSr clotti4Vestul/41,g4tiw,iiii4ccit?
ton Sliiii4c . olliiii;Vkiionsi;Vockeir Gird4:4lsai
piasters. linltti Vilottid nll-10001
F lientlemeei wearing ipperel, • iiihritt .
aside to side: t the India - approiid
the'itoilintariship. 'and warranted +lip.
i 6 in the city or elsewhere. . , • • -
PS. P & Co. keep On hand in eicelleit
went oCrtadv-inade Clothes of allitindis*
'OVA 'very low rates:
.. . . .
*Ober of the ttoyai College of s:it . —me -... ,
" --
ripZi:l - Ca' ' •
unto* lipe,thearies Co.npany, 1. elhaiii-idti... •
Court "sq4evra.,,surgeon to the 114•113n1ifi1Pi5 . .) ... ,:: .
Moo Arstietatiiiii: Lancaster' Pl,4 l': iNniellit
ihidge;"and Peririinil Pitpil of 'uarsi;:iiitni. •.'
Thontarel Hospitals, London. - ° • - .:-..- -
These pills having gained ace!, brity uoptusts,...:.
lelr in ery seetide of the 'Union, arelmarooaß ,
sidered y all those who value gokid health; hilts: - •
vensable; as a family medictriatrimraerkbyA :
nucroushody of the most etni'lem . t Phvisiciondr : `
Jot in this country rod inifstrriplei7--treid:fieitilk,.
. 1
it i presumed,la stamp their citeracksiiii:thilr#:',
' tintation of every thinking man, [hod it lirlliiipeit k
a far better recommendation thee tbe%xturse:pliir- •
, sorted to by ignorant and unprinchilcd pretender*:
who- to mislead and deceive theipriblie., publiali
whet they call practical proofs a d ttertifirAteiroV
' CrtriPs,,that exceed all bounds o f. 'aticinal credilar'' ' •
tty, add most of which, if not all v , 'are either grail — -
fabrications, or prqcored by froinkand tonnivatsto,• - .
The editor, at the Long IslandWarmeroilyi.....
..This medicine has obtained ad unprecedent4 • `
degree of well preserved populari : Ratiingtak".•
en theseliills ourselves id advent ire and 'witness. -
ed their bene fi cial ef fec ts on oth 'rs, we have -no ,
hesitatiorrir. recommending theti) to themblitrall
a safe. salutary and useful family meditime.‘ . ",..,
6 ,, , N0ne are genuine withoilke aignitbre tilt ,..A
theVeneral Agent on the label, ..r . wiiinn Abe ta.!.* - •
bovenweificinc is imported into this country. - ..... , :i -
.1110. ILIOLBEIN, 129 Viliiverly.Placie, , , '
ten'l Aceiit for U.S.
A supply of the itsive;llledicihe just Sepeliaill
and for sale by ; BjiIIANNANy
Sole Agent for Selibylialreotinti.' , , - -:
July 16
No Fiction.--this eitrackillictry chernieC,
composition, the result of science and the,lntrenli
tiro oT a celebrated medical man,the introductind
of which to, the public wait invested with the, see.
/enmity of a death .bid bequest, baa sitOM 'gained iv
roFiefittion unliarallefed, fully iinstaining tlitrom.
reetneas of the lamented Dr. Gridley's.. IstiCentk.
fessian„ that •• he dared not dili,ibriistit7initd""
posterity the benefit of his knii*Yedge on thisnaubt
ject.t . and he therefore bequeathed to flia r friernd'er .
attendant Solomon Hays, the Aeretofhis disclose:
ry. •
It to now treed in the .prinoipol hospitals, in&
the private practice in our„country. first and:
'Taint cerreinly -for the cures of Mie . Pilei. and also .
so ektttlistvely and efectually es to badge creduii; ' ..
ky. unless where its creels are britilessed: 4 lEstsr.....-
nay in the following complaints. „. f
Per Dropsy.—Creating es4aordittart . ateorpg
Ilion at finer.
All Swellings —Reducingdiem in i*Acparts .=
... Rhoutnaiisin.—Acute or Chronic., reing; wildly
Sore Throat.r.:-Igy caneere.tolcera,.or Coltli: "
Croup, and Whooping Congh.Esternilly;*lf
over the chest.
• • I,'
• AU Bruise. Sprains and.„' MUMS. cured- 11; t'
rewhours.. - • ' . • . • . -
:Sines Gad Vicete.-..Whetheificeitoillwil. l oaJW
log and fever , .
Its operations trixor - "ditto land - children i n m(
doting rheumatic awellings,:ife. loosening teaughei
and tightneSs of the chest 1 , .. rile:titian iir th etp
narnyhao helm torrpriaing beyond ceneerOen, , ..or '
-The conoried 'remark of tho 4 who have :need i#
in. the Piles. is ".It acts like ii °helm"
1 THE PLLES.—The price Si as reruniledtplei l f •
person who will use a boulqof Hay!tr . Liniment
for the.filea, end return the entitrks hotkle.itit; .
being cared. These are the #esititnelpser the!
- piaprietorto the Agents; and dni. atfTepiy*,...fiUnko
aiiida sold; not one has been! "Mtheteitifirl: ' - -
We might insert •cerlifica tii - iny length; bat -
prefer' ,
thiti, 'hose who se ll . til 'elide , slioidtriti •
hibit the original to.ptirchifdrsil ' • ' ~.. :.
CA ITICION.-..-Nole "can bit genitives widitiiit - .8 . -,
splendid engraved.' wtappett, on tisitelijit-, Jpiir ...
'name, and also that of the
t s hteals. -, '• ~'; :-.T:' 1!..
I.oMciltitifi s i*
Sold wholesale and retail lity.MilliffOglitodig , ..:
co.. Sole Agents, 2 Pre+ stnet„ , Acis:.l"o44,• .;
and reutik by, %V. T. EPTIe oJcilitFliii ; L: l6l
, t iles, Pi.' - , 1 _
~- - - '--•!::---..
' 1--..-• - " ' _f,- , ..7?: - ;:i*14 7 ...'n -! -'..
i City
00. '
THE I - Subscribers respestltilit..ltinotifteee! he , •
theqitisens Of this Bu. . gtrAititiliton and
Their friendaio generalithat theOrriiitirePar f 4tir
msnofkcture to roderi . :end' t 111 - 3.lcomitantlr•kesit,.:
on.haind, at *nom', nf. ) end ,lifiwireslit` , ,
Stieete.iii "the •Iforoneh'' liiinnillop.CAß.li '
RIAGES. - BAROUCIM rlfit ETON& .11113r4
, .
dIES. SULKIES.' DEARBOIIN ,Gc 0kiii,,, 4 .,
of,tho seep materials. it'd at tholoweetenteni.'...„7 , -
All work entrusted to theq cart,,thnt 4 faiillirat...--p .
rant to be manufactured levier Artlany...kiihin;
county or elsewhere. belh , o•Polot*P"ta*k
and durability. They hope that the Sink
rehesinir elsewhere , . iril! 'cirlti:ssintiimo
Jodie Ibr thenfiehrea: * :- ~, i . z .., . ..•.,,, . ,-..! . ...... s , . ; - i. :
All kind' of Vehicle, re ii 'ik ired,althetert_
notice, and mints most.ae6onseinnatin.
intlatWo.Aigoat IS , " , n '-? ; 46-1!*