I II aieit • ' • 00 t:bpi& Cot' •Deti• ;vatic Reputilicana of SelinAtiil county, friend to thu se-ekietion ofeur prelient worthy Chief • Majcstrate lOSEPII ILITIttER, whose Prods ation required the Hanka teinsuntelpe.• eie pa . rnents, and conseenently bantithed ail the Shin ' tasters from the State except Ithe 20,000,- .002 .1 iedcemakile Shin Plaster. isemea • by Van BUrell Administration, and opposcil to the elee tir blithe Shin Plaster Loenfeco Sib-Treasury eendidate, David R Poiter, are requested to meet et the 1411110 of Henry Stager, in the Borough of ruttsville, on Saturday Ole..noon, the 29th inst. at 2 olrJur..ll P. N., to consult tngel)mr, and a, dopt strelt measures es inhy be tlecu4d uccesisaey Soar the coining contest. • 1171 The meeting will be addressiekbv Wievres, .C. Littra3STON and Hr. GIeoRGE and several others ~kiy th)i committee Silo itespeesfullv invite the Candidates of the Sub Tressery 'Picket to come forward and pre elaim !their views on the leading ineSsures of the ;day, ,usi the occasind. By order pf the• Standing Commitiee. ; WILLIAM ROCK. CH ARLES DESIGLER, esq- DANIEL lllll.ll', LEON A lt lit stiqou., JOSEPH Rii tier, Gold)E? Sitrer, and no Sub ! Treasury. AO , l Erni NG of the , friends of Gov. 11)ner, opieisrd to the Lixo Foci:l.Bl)in plaster .eithdi ate. David IF Porter, will Lie held at the boil of Jacob Hipp. in Union towrielliti, on Sat; garde Abe 22d inst, at 2 n'olock i P. M. Turn out amorists, and surportgour ca t ata Set 8 OROUVII• 111EETING. A',N egri NG of the Citiieris ogilits Borough pill be held at John Jenningli'leHotel, Centre .Streci, in this Itrongh, this Even ing. Punctu al atrdanee is requested. I , MANY.. MELLOW curiztNs ) ..die on sour Guaid e have received intimittions that _ • the Porter Loco Foeos have an in..- tendon of manufacturing FORGED CERTIFICATES, purporting to be from those who have herntofore ex posed the Perjury and illegal acts , of' David R. Porter, witieh are to convey the impression thaitlhey have 4 Imea. deceived, and the accusations askinst Min are all fare ! These are to be industriously f;circulated 'through the country onl : the eve of the election, when it willf.be,too late to contradict them ! Ile on. your guard—theirs is -a hopel ! Fss cause—! and they will restirt to Forgery, Per- I jury,. and Misrepresentations to de e feat the election of JOSEPH RIT SER. Remember that six years a- - . -go the people were eht4ted out of their Farmer candidate by the Fon ;GED A...IITRoN Y LETTER. b y the by _experience . that nothing Is too • base for the party, and'`; remember lon tliat if the charges hgainst Da vid H. Porter were f4se, months have elapsed is whiehl his friends • might have disproved them—BUT THEY CANNG-r. lathier Meeting at triedens burg. 1 , On Saturday last, Um — tat:gest political meeting ever assembled 'in Wayne town' , shiponet at Friedertsburg„E composed of she friends of Gov. /timer. One hundred and twenty tight persons aMsembled in a' place which three years egh gavet,,Ritner 88 votes, but where this year he will re ceive 100 to 115. Many 1 1 ,1 f the, firmer supporters of Wolf and Muhlenberg attend. ed the meeting , and will roiw steadfastly adhere to the Farmer. 'llhe same eight] siasm was-manifested IA ts occasion as 4tas characterized the othe ,Ritner meet ings in our county. Many of the neigh ; b9rhig Farmers were present,although it tvssi.sseding lime, and kilicipat. with • great cordiality in the vierrs of Ilk meet 5, 5. --- 7 Our Calculation.—W4 find. our esti :l7 4:471 *rate alie-imornin t Electorarleesult. ei• :tensirity copied througho O the;State. We 'havii.retteived repeated aisumtices from .thiCadreretit counties, thwart hey will do as promised for them, ar..4 not a -.AlgerierCatinty has denied the truth o f our Itiajorjtie,s. • - - 14 ' folt . 4lice, L .q. • Maserulemma, fp Mostly aikido _Se - ator Aktemtr,st atobleinisbo lad !Oil* c'-t"_ 1 Trustess4 Porter's. property, his pub t. fished a statement n der Ms - own in which to makes t . summ • — 1: - the:tilts Tel . why - the - Trut did nsi'lic,t wet, alit no ittoPeftrc"la - bf found—it: was all aupted away. 2. -That heitatjtri Imam/ insal dealinga with the elder tonebraker for 38 Oare, and that be ai a member of the Metliodiat gpiscopal Church, and a men whose cha racter is spotlesg, and whose reputation none has. breathed itntil -the otomin ation of David R. pter Jed to the impor tant disclosure of hi assignment of_ PP:T erve • i 3. That Owens is net a member or el der of the Presbyterian Church, that be is a man or suspiciousitcharecter, and that a few; years, ago he :;our taken 14 by his ncighborsfor pa counterfeit money. 4. That a debt ditto to him, was the one on which Porter ha 4 his hail to surrender him when he went t i Fail to take the -in . solvent oath. '5. That the claim 'hes never been set tled, bat that within a fottnight. he hiti obtained judgment ;against„ him befcire Porter Justice-of the Peace in punting don. M tubs and ullosting 10 °ti e , 1 5 00 -2-50 6. That Porter refused to come to atiy settlement with him{ until after the election. We .willpaiblish the statement at lengtft to our next. Porter's Fraudulent Insol- • KT If any persim doubts the correct ness of of the thar4e made against Porter that he perjured hims elf, let him; call on Messrs. Benjamin P. Pomroy, Francis J. PaOvil, James M. Beatty, Oliver Dobson, John T. Hazzard and William H. Mann, of this• Borough, a4d Dr. George N. Eck• -ert, of Pinegrpve, mien who'e characters stand high in, this community, who were delegates to the Pittsburg Convention, and who saw the assignment of his property to John Sionebraker; before he took the hen. efit, and the origtnal receipt in Porter's own hand w tit ing,' for the receipt of part of I'the property back ;again sifter he took the I benefit of the Insolvent Laws. Character Of the Stonebra- 70- ON'E HUNDRED AIRD FORTY WITNESSES 42 Members dthe Methodist Church, 68 of his immediate neighbors, 30 other citizen of Huntingdon County,, have all come out; in vindication of John; Stonebraker and John H. Stonebralier. l Where ere the cot titers to elder Owen's • I character! The statement of the friends of the Stonebraker4 wilt be published in our next Journal, when we will likewise lay before our readers Further 'PrO43 Of Porter's Fraud I in transactions w!iich occurred in our own county! . Till then, all We "aan:Zsay these will place the Loco candidate in a still more criminal point t,f view, and show that Elder Owens is not that. eteclima man our opponents would persuade u*. More Backing Out.—As some of the gentlemen attendi ng the Ritner Meeting at Friededstierg, on Saturday, were start- Mit forliorne, a Porter man bantered them for a bet of COO on the . general result; the WTr t € was proMptly tak9, and a hun• dred more offered to back it; the loco plead off, saying he 114 no more money tole, upon which the friends of the Farmer of fered to bet,one {hundred ihillara more in specie, and to give the ensuing week to make the sum uP. Hunt about, or 'you are a singer to a bad tune, Mr. Loco! Many of you have been the victims of oppression, of tithes and .taxes in your own land, and. hive Fought this country as a refuge for ‘oarselres and famibes, not Martin V 4 Buren dying the same thing ? is he not creating a nations: deht and pensioningibis friends with - nffices, to pay for which fezzes must lie increased 7 Vote (her. for .tosepu RITNER, and the strength of Vanilluren will be havinle4— we will have dmall..taxes and plenty o work. Testing the . ies.—We have received the Report oft e Com - mines on thia sub• ject, which we pill publish nn Saturday. Pottsville AOademy.--tWe are pleased to learn that the trustees have succeeded in engaging the services ofa gentleman, every way competent to. undertake the charge of pupil, and that the Academy will be opened 'about the lat. October. Old Roanoke:—The Virginia District which boasted bf John Randolph, is unfor tunate in losinig its members of Congress. Mr. Bouldin is deceased. John H. Sitinebraker is 37 years of ag, and has a grosiM up daughter, was ebou 17 at the time