The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 19, 1838, Image 1

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- 'VOL: 1.
SEMI — "17 1 r41
Wage Dfna.rute AND IFT
payable aemi-anjitially adran
in the year, lig will be charged
ceirelhe Paper rim . of postage.
S 3 per annum. Itnot paid wit
will be lidded to,the price °Nu
1 . 4.0 0C17,LA401 per annum,
in advancit. • ff nbt paid within
be charged
Advertisements not exceediai,
ic hailed $1 for threemasertions
insert on. Larger ones in pro
all adv . ernaetnents will be. a !
out, unless the time for wht th
is Opeeiqed : and will he charged'
`Yeirly acvertisers will be db, I
Including subscription to the pap
ofketspitig one advertisement no
standing daring rite year, and th,
er one is each pap" r for threes
Ailletters addressed to the
, etherwiee no.ettentina will he
Ate nOticeg for meetings. &.
wltich liSse beretrirlre been in
..dirtedls'e e Qv. etch. except
•.(From . the New,Y ,
'Come to me ere the slid lea
And the- shrill winds wt
Ere autumn's gorgeoes col
Clettigesits xeby dye. 1
it t
Ere the Benito glories wa away—
. Of violet, gold, and pear
Era the steantlet stills its utmuring lay,
And sweet waves cease curl.
Ere the song birds wend their certain flight
Far through the silent axy,'
To where more genial climes requite
There thrilling melody.'
Come, oh. come,. to my c4age.boose :
. Thou'li fir.d .by Elles'idireart
'Spellbinding ea - t spirit-giimne—
. Nor shalt thou et e tlepar! :
I.`hc Nuns o frioli.
The (inter to which th . CIMIVelil belongs
is' unPrececlently. severe.; but there were ,
even here twO nuns remarkable for t•heaus.
tern y' of thir lives. TI eir fee . es had sr!.
dom been seen, end when they were, the
beholders regarded one with pity, but
turned trom the other as from an unholy
sight. They were known by the names of
Beatrice and Rosalie. end had both been
residents here many years. Nothing wa.
knows of the ca,usee which first induced
them:oo renounce the woad : and if curl
osity had ever been awakened concerning
them, it hk.liong since dumb 'red. They
held no coo union tog they, and - ea%h re.
gamed .the hers ga a Stranger ; yet still
it seemed as if a mysterious tie connected
them, which neither Could define ; and
they were oftener seen! kneeling side by
side, thaii any other tWo in the convent.
Op the attenuated fulim of the sister Ro
salie, sorrow had stanied all the ranges
which "Time's effacing jfinger" usually ac
complishes. The light of her eye was
quenched, and the amide that had once
beamed on her lip, vvealled. • Her cheek
was deadly pale,- and; she looked as if
wasting with anxiety fat the l ime when see
should 'he called hence.' But her habit
ual.expression of grietwas softened by a
-natural mildness, which appeared like a
ray of sunshine upon a uin ; a remnant of
that whrEl,l once shed ladness on many,a
Far different were 4
the ipind of sister Be
of beauty, that had bee
tailied their haughty c
dark eyes emitted gla
penances had failed to si l l
of her charms seemed'
sudden paroxism of pa
ing of d 'volcano, wine
in its reach. The rep
ed deep within the he
felt; and although FII
murmur to penances f
form would have shr
'ready to inflict more t
though outward suffer
crime,-yet, placed one
her unsubdued spirit
again accomplished its
'But. the silence whic
slated between these t,!
-tined at last to be bro
Ritual one morfiing lyr
of the chapel, before i
to,whom she had been
er far mercy and pard
aly smileless, and we
cell, where she soon r
to ask fur Rosaliaom
alone with her: M
rendered my presence
sudden--attack should
and I Was perini'tted t
, .
apparent that her stre
declined, she could
Much longer. Her
_ die exerted herself to
~ g_ty tai :- • .
-. ir A have dwelt here,!•shatiegan, 'yet
• iicarceti has a wool been tittered between
• glut:m.l have thougl t., when praying by
tby side,that my spirit was absolved in sin
I n
1 nbw feel that I - shat - soon meet the re- -
ward 'dim to -my cri ea; and istesiitable
impulse compels me to•urifold the case of
-qty misery. In va t have I confessed.—
The priest his no p4 wer to pardon. In
vain have I lacerateray body. I cannot
kill the undying worM l'
t iier voice now hi:tome more piercing;
tor eyes seemed bursting from their welt-
•:, j
•. - °
• - •
. •
. . - ii *liiiititt ' ."
' .rint -1- '
1 WILL TraiCH 'MU fil . iCic tift ietwilLis iir 'OE 11431,1117 AND MILINGopr ilea* 'lnc ZIIIOI3NT.IIIIIII.
, x -",•.' -',' , • , --2.4. ',in - V - I , 4- I- 1 •1 . -,
1-i , 'A. - . 1 :: 4:r ~... -. .f.,i.• -..-.1.:11 N ifAitc.,
eta, and wnocietbig around tie r cnitiPtier,
as if in pinsu4 n(nome_9..bjnet seen by hei
. .
selralorre. . .
. .
‘ln sleep J see dwell' she tnurriturid'i
lawake,they tyre ettli Before ate t; Soon
shall 1. be. even as ye. are! No ! she
shrieked, .not as ye are,: for ye were inno
cent, are blessed, whilst I—'
C ENTIt per asummi
e. J r sot paid with
.to aJI those who re-
I To mail subscribers
On the year, 50 cents
She paused, and turning toward Rosati a,
continued•: 'While 1 have strength, let
me reveal to yoti my dark transgressions.
Look'. said she,. throwing littc)t her veil,
'and see if ye can discover the beauty that
was once my beast
Her dark eyes flashed proudly ;as
spoke, but the light soon- died' away, and
in the .meagre form before us we could
scarcely imagine that aught whiCh woo
lovely had ever there its chosen seat.
the year,t2 50 will
! twelve lines will be
andso cents for one
aerted until ordere
• y are to be continue
• ccordingly.
I rgeii ¶l2 per annum;
r—with t he privilege
exceeding 2 equates
insenion of a small.
'tor moat be postpaid,
land other notices
erred gratis. will be
arriages and Deaths.
4tairy were the waiters that the fame of
my wealth and beauty drew around me ;
but I listened to their love with' haughty
indifference, and felt &secret Pride jrk the
pangs they appear to suffer. My ihseriSi
biliity to other4 l woes has been puniihett.
by my own. t too have loved—wildly,
madly loved!
'1 was in Venice, surrounded by all that
was noble and magnificent. Among those
who came to see if report Snake true, was
rine whom no fe male eve could lank upon
arid not remember. He seemed dazzled
with my beauty, and I exerted myself to
ea ottiale him. Accustomed ro • homage.
I deemed that tcould command it. Prom
bun I never received it! In vsin I tried
the power of intim. I could not melt him.
•The eloquence that had so, often charnied
others, he rega:rded with cold indifference;
I rallied all my powers, but • I could nut
wan him. At" accomplishMents might
havn, awakened his wonder, but they did
lint touch his! heart. I grew silent .and
timid in his presence, and from being the
delishtnf sucie4y 1 became apparently in
diffecedt• to ittlf, around me. Mast it was
not indifferende ! Too- rest desire to
please, had tali.en from me . the power
My books were unopened, my harp un
touched, and pie stbords, as they broke,
-sounded to mrear the pr es age of my own
(talk fate. 1-
',Driven alt4st to Madness by the inten
sity of my soaring, I forgot for a moment
the dignity otimy sex. I knelt—yes, she
continued, a trlirisiel4 crimson flush suffu
sing her pallid cyturtenance. knell to
him, and told dim my shante. With a look
of mingled pity and acorn, be turned away!
Years have passed, yet the memory 01
THAT LOON is itleep in my heart !
I never sakliim more. He becanie
suitor to another—one who was indeed
love!) , ; yet in My. pride I . never dreamed
that she could rival me. Can it be, said
I, that foi••heril am scorned, perhaps de
spised I Andt 61411 he, with all a lover' -
fond ardor,
'Drink the rich fragrance of her breath, and sip
With tenderest touch the rates of her lip,
k - M irror.)
!yes fall,
!lade by;
whilst lam ca . .4it off with contempt". The .
thought Wit° tfitterest agony.
Who can intint my emotions, when ev.
r ry one arounl ate spoke of their approach
tog nuptials'? For whole days Iwas lost
to myself all to all who watched beside
me ; and wen I fir,, returned to. a sense
of my misery, it was to burn with a fire
that even no*Ticorches my very heart and
l e dark workings ni
lee. The remains
da zzl i na?st ill re •
taracter, and' her
cgs which all h er
ften. The wreck
I wrought be some
stun, like the burst
destroys all with
mence that is seat.
I , rt, she had not yet
brain Hatrhd to all human kind, but a
hove all towaird her who had rubbed* me
otall I prizedi was my consuming passion.
Even be, the loved one dol not escape.—
All my thoughts were directed to one ob:
ject, and thait was • - vm,usexcE!" With
a gasp that seemed her last; she .added,
,And I have 14Ai. it , 1 The bridegroom and
the bride sleep ea Ma, same cold gray% !
'No, not both t' shrieked Rosalie, for I
am here! The cop was death to 'him a
lone !' •
bowed without, a
om which a sterner
1 ilk, and was ever
an was exacted, as
ng could efface her
More in the world,
fluid probably - hhve
: work of desolation.
i g e had so long sub
lwo . sisters, was des
. en.- Beatrice %las
.g on the pavement
he. image of a saint
offering up her pray
uh , She was utter
nveyed her to her
•• overed sufficiently
to desire to be left
Beatrice never recovered the shock of
that moment and Rosalie did not long sur
vive the destioyer of her happiness. i Two
stones mark 4ie spot where the victim and
the murderttssleep side by side ; and
many are thil ; ,fpravers offered up by_our ho
ly sisterhoodilior their salvation.
Exchang4 at .New York i - ilin London
9 a 9* parAfant. preiaittag:
The Mask Baronetcy, is to he renewed in
the person of :11., r..Worsley Esci.,of Yorkshire.
A counterfeiter being seized in London by a
01ficer,'swailinied five half-crowns; by dunking
him four fell opt.. '
capacity of nurse
ecepary, lest some
gaid overcome her
remitin . : for it was
gth !hart" so rapidly
.t possibly survive
oice was faint, yet
tell her tale - or hor-
Mr. Cooper tailor of London obtained a verdict
of £lOO tgainiit the Times -newspaper for a libel,
having asserted that he had,been hired in •wkme
eMbtioneering tbusiriess
What Soitakell 'Aid for Johnson has Bagwell
4ape for. atimildl.
. , raLtOtif : 1 achliing in Smitihr.idge• reeleted
tour feet nin . mites in iirenenterenee, in height
(hi, Feet. 1 ' their loyalitY is as gretit is their
puddings, Vic
~ ha has someAtreog epptortere.
i _ The .101 l o jibe Worcester and-Birmingham
- FAIT' for 113.4 last-throe mirth greatly exceeded
/the retureS-. iiir kiwi, presiotur shoilat length of
time, a half yeerly dividmid 0f.:.£2 per share . Was ,
declared. - [-, -
... : . , , ,
The Teignritooth Bridge weir Exeter.; fill has
ty with a tretWeiodoes.eraith; tom :mare, arches ;of
the bridge distrigaged themselves. ' Nothing was
• sung at, the time toaccount for !the fall, but
some Minh w
it the effect of daspetaing the lieu liy,
the steam dredge. ~ .. . . „ -
• . . . ,
•Y. 7 .7.:Nit ).gGI L ..._
rf...1, 7 41, - ;•..2 • ' ?AI - 7 - 2;•• r••
. l•!`•4 t •` . . 4, •04? •a r:r.q.
, - -1-, ,
►Orr i giritVE A T ESDAIrMoIIiNifi 9101
ett lAgI I TElitliEll0 1 3
L tminvr s thrif 15.7
• The Biralltgbarn,liregiel.luVit4 i# 8 : 1 '11 1
Teadriadtesdity . 13tercastrig : ,, ... ,: ... , .
A gentleman having , MdidAat_utup .frwer titan
Orerof bar msjiirity's rearditiftiiinpr were tribe
miiiied," a lady reiplied, 'Nib fir the . Orestes
in Wolfing I regime:" , ' , /•• 1 '-' - - •
iCe, seerilies.:-LAnn" Ncdde It yeses of age- . was at'Brightnn. Berle:suits resided
in, Lewis' Buildins., ,sk Child ea o,Elisabetti
If.aye:,.wasecrusliedtto death by 'S cos cart near her
greed fathers Jain Claiton , on' th Deeton rode
near York. John Lee, blanket! nisiiutketurer of
Earlsheaton, war, killed by .the drachma', of a
lomied : percessiesk gnu barrel, seteitiateti from the'
stock. .Plichnison a joiner a nativioi York was
drowned at Tancaster.
' Mr. Green, the Celehrlited Aeronaut ascended
lrem'Vewhall London in the traiiimi Balleon with
air gentlemen end- twoladiss. , t
'Three military prisoner, receritlylescape&from
the-Sower, but: were efurrwardli retaken—their
Oita ree . verAr ii.A7nions. . ' • .
' By' a ;:geent Misiter'raiigilmentiWin Oftivelve
hours is obtainedbisivecLotteldiiiirid Liyeryaol.
'A tab drlver recently 'died in &melon, Tram
glanders recidentally eaughtifrorria horse which
he rubbed down.with a pocket s ll 4kerchieL 1
The Schoolmasterr,of London red yieinity,to
the. number of 200 met to take into Consideration,
a proposiiion of the London Universityi College
to admit them to the benefits 'conferred by that,
Institution. Lord Brougham piesided by re
The Maine Boundary Question vas the order
of the day is the Housent Commons on the lin of
A. notorious - outlaw and robber er the name of
Thunder Fox. who fur the lasttdn kears.has era.
dad the vigilance of the law, has at length been
arrested between Ratheore and Sommerhill
Meath Go. The police. had used every exertion
to secure hinrilLbut he constantly escaped them
At length one of the officers disguising himself
as a beggar \knocked at his door---his claim was
adinittee, and he was hospitably received. After
discoveNng that be was. entrapped, Fili made a
desperate attempt to escape, but was finally over
powered by numbers & Committe4' to Trim gaol.
A civel officer Lamed Hays froni Glen having
arrested a man fur debt it Shoot-golden was
atoned to death by the prisoner's friends..
Peter Jones.—A converted Chippewa Chief is
preaching in Limerick.
.11,5011 - rs been subscribed towards bnilding
. a Chapel at Sydney New South. Wiles.
Healy the Painter, is an American born hut
the son of an frishman,who left Dublin in '9B
during the troubles. H is family were poor; at
12. years Healy was a plough boy, then a bakers
apprentice,during which time be used to stotr do
liMg to study models in the Wilidowliof-pr , int shops
that he was Lamed off; he then tout to sign pain
ting and color grinding; and after various vicis
situde has reached his present eminence.
500,0001b6. leathers are yearly sent to England,
from thii Country.
21dr. Juhn Setilly,inne of the Cethdlic magistrates
lately appointed•by Lord Mulgrave wee recently
attacked near Duaila while tiding to. Cashel
chapel by several men with blackind faces, who
Wished him to swear to the cOntents . oi a pa •
which they handed him 6 threetning to shoot
in ease of refusal. He replied hmwoutd act bon
oinbly without to oath, upon whiall they rtletsed
Most of the clergy, dye thotiMerick Chrcmi•
cle have been excluded from ltkei commigaion o
die Peace. ,
'Si. Patrick's. Day wax celebtatbd at Colombo,
island of Ceylon. '4
A Marriage 1a about to take place. between the
lon. C. F. Ponsonby Oldest on 11" the Et.oron de
Morley, and the daughter of Viscount Duncan.
non. !
; A young dare devil.* trial tit lienagh for rob
fiery, threw a stone from the dotik at his prose-
Cuter whiCh severely injured intit and- was about
tp throw another at the Ju.dgejsqlesa the officers
interfered. The trial tirticelded-:-he was found
kailty and sentenced tl setlitn gears transports.
Edon, upon which be said he shOuld beihappy. to
return with a monkey Minch:the bugs from the
.fudges wig. i
The Irish Municipal Bill.avasl!ad in the hotie
bf Lords . July 26. without a division.
' The River Tab' hda beeri 'ficioded and severe
lives lost near the Pendynch Iron works.
The number of mar riages ,atiMerthyr Church
the year previoias to ;uly 1, t!a252.
The apple crops theineig i
hoead of Leo
ininater is a complete tailor., iv ole orchards ha.
`wing the apperanrc.of being strunk by lightning,
rise of malt may ; therefore Ete eixpected.
, Snob is tati ; eignrmirus incr; of the Swansea
r driveuthai, single raj lAtely purchased
to the amount of X 16,0150: ' . • • .
• The Greet Weilen :Rsll!srai to Maidenhead
yroceede most, prosperouslY. - In Juue I{ooo
ime.sengeraper reVere 41 0 ,1m0/tell -at an ay.
erage tete of 28 mi per'huhr.e,
The Breweil of Messrs. Mill am of itakit hag
1 been destroyed by Ore. '
Messuies aritaking to'hatm k enitaire hospital
provided n't the renthyrrslite cliteri; nearly 2000
persona are employed in theinmitur, and:the num.
tser ofaegislentsahat occaultlivelied to their deter
mination, •
• - , '
The neiLhborbooil of M i rtiotb has been
ite.l with a tremendous : the Troth/ over.
spread its land, saideeOirie teilees bridges &C.
Grousmool, DingestimAltairafren ind other pl*.
cos partimpautd to ',its sever' '
Dr. Richert:ls &Inerlyg r eefor. otSt. Martnii
has bequeathed.X 4. to
An 'attempt his'! , -.:l:"Aiidtg 'te'reausditite. the
Leith Saud Riteou'tt is 2Ziesia time they , vrere
removed. to the,Morael how 0pr0c,.....,
The ancient lira vs - proartul the Three
Lotidana heid..lktetr, 201 41 . • 1 1 , 11 14 ff4ePtil.lit
Z i4l.
oil 41 - e JO ) 1 07: . 1
- • ' ' 't , •
Mr. Leslie, the it P nen 'albite* of'.
Me9;,baditiattiisHetilty l itr - Iptilhi Moo - mate
parishioners. litiroini to teeltiiisie• to lireloh,'
he poarallr flmodaldivtrhiiregatione , fishing
•.:. 1 t.
lAt i :
w ,t,
01: 01 01 irsilasiag atabisav 4104:oeitAis _amdon:
theybere ...potting thew 'lode" in the .e.harritatti •
he elpoetulated and reiineatetiltheinio'inter
Chereht they - lo• - do* , Oakes he..
.e 00 1 .4.
throw the stone lather thee thfetelq! .Ider.:ePeent
took or his coat and 4 Pitched the atone at such I
distance thit none couldolenepeer his mark -- ,
Deetily tmpreiWird withi his trOireritheyafterenkiiit
abstained atithcrequalt iiciaralli•Stuidayfainuse
lnaPlL 1 • ,I
firer*: Fishery,--Prii:,fishery
_in Lochfine
has thii season been ttry productive: it is daily
increasing. 'The Beekbeven beef tiu "emitted
for theatortherh'stetions. iltattie East 'beat was
starting from the -shore,‘al watett • belonging to
one of another crew .alteitd i y stetted. was found
to be left behind; they. were , going to. mill back,
when the cry from the beach wee—"gin ye do ye
wit hue nee tuck" - and - te MAIM the soperatitton
another boat was manned to convey the watch
on board.
The Clyde river is much improved at the har.
bout. The view ,rrom Glasgow bridge would
astonish any one who,haditie t . veen tSe Broom
ielaw for a year or 'two. Sevirallarge American
vessels knideci with cotton! had arrived, and high
compliments are:paid Ito their compact and
gaol. proposUorts. . •
Malcolm Di o,toci. the Leirisinorderer whose
sentence of execution i,is respited, is to be,trans.
ported for life. . .
' The Duke ofeathbridge and the Marchioness
of Breadalbane were admitted membirs' of the
Highland Society it liiverness i by acclamation.
rows ILLu.
traps.—The, LocriP of New Jersey to obtain
'cribs of a religiops sett, have plated a respectable
Methodist iclergyman on their ticket. Mr, Van
Buren in the' New York Convention voted to ex
clude miniaters of religion from is scat in the
legislature. We should add in justice to the feel=
tugs orthe religious persuasion named, thpt the
proceeding' has been *no where approved.
Riding a Rail. —The Locos will never get ti
red or riding their new Hobby, the Gettysburg
Radioed. It will be 'a roogh ride for their cause.
Every. insertion of the tape -worm gains na a do
zen votes—sa ride away if needs must, with whip
nd spur:
Who killed Cock RobinP—,The cobbler and
tinker address can find no parent in the navy de
partment. and the late Treasury Chelanr de
manding duly on certain free silks is like tosliare
the same fate; The Secretary denies having ever
authorised such an act.—That mischievous Mr.
Nobody is in' Washington—du arrest him and
put hint Jandir bonds to father his own children.
Texas has been invaded by 310 dtsaffeeted
Mexicans and 1500 Indians supposed Cherokees,
they aresnow near Lebbseca--Gem Houston has
made !ivery arrangement to give them a propei
Rather .RquiroaalLondon critic
says MN. Honey plays i• Woman's the Dev
il" in a truly natural at*. .
Q:7' is it possible that i 3 tinker H ill is to
be levelled ? Forbid it, enius uf old mor
tality !—One tenth , of the money - we
Whigs are to win on the next eiectiost.will
buy it up let's mat% a subscription, re.
lain it unpolluted, arid aa'a monument of
another revolution shout' to-he.effec ted, al
most as important its the one cradled on
its classic grounds. Do not plough the sod
wet with the blood;. of :Warren and his
Ready Wit.—"Yau broke my window,
did you not?" said a breathiest, storekeeper
to a youngster wilo,was overtaken _while
running from his accidental destruction,
"To be sure I. did,"-was the quick reply,
"don't you see I'm running home for the
rntiry to pay for it." . _
IP° Boats.-- An Iron steam ship left
Liiierpool in America for March, hut the
irpti so affecteirthe compais that she was
complttely bothered and twisted about,
and was spoken and taken in tow by a
French corvette, when out, of fuel
A Wit Upset:—Theodore Elook, the
wit and poet waathrown out' of ins cab by
a clumsy market wagon. The wagon it
appears was right wrong, nothing
was left-hire but -a tumbler —he however
made the upsetting of his cab a vehicle for
punishing the retailer of greens.. ,
Ctarles MattbeWi'and
lila. lady , (late Mad am estrta„)
. ttre kick
ing up a dust at the falibionable-VaeSs is
the State of New ltdrlt','by sending' "their
servants to the' piblie• tables."' EicUse
thern a little while,: till they learn 'better.
Mainers in our roptablicau;comttrj . -iif re ,
i;o l r . 't speaks truly, lit iwould be a &liter
breach of decorum Should:the lady herself
mingle with respeclable pen*. •
Fall of Stocks.HWltite •Ciaira . taltre•
considered eke 'by the exclusives;
and black itocksioted mit of fashions We
sha'n't try the exphtirneitt in the coal re.
•gion. •
What's. in a .riarael-4Thofidaia,tiloPe
is a patentee for aliew 'invented double
threaded aogra.
* Mane' for thr, Better:—trine of .the
ten patriots arello be. transported for ;life
,-- - they should he,
,Ivared at the idea
oftWingewpielpdf 'Anigh - aplaee,—*likt,
we never read X 'Miner. - '''. , • ,
U. S. Bank-- - ha Whet Waked the
bas, 'en lai4aoc[ao,addresi
delivered .by the chitUcti-Mr• Waters..
Who will he, orator, fat the. Xsa...Buren
t 3 ulitressr7-al,pket ri, ~ • --,0-,
11" 4
a - tr7l)l.:t
. . ,
1 ,-- • r 4 " : Orilyyt•Ploltrir ::" - - ,, 1
u'll'lN - JWA46.NE-TOWNBBtt:':
! l ately latke me,etingtittliii i itt . or
'W ‘i,ttlid 'the idlliiiiine fitaiitihipis4On%
ven , Willie -housed of - .lsibb iiikintill,lo'
Priedertibiligi bisatuiti4 the 1 1011 i ilatilf -
JACOB 'lt AgIICRW.E4. - i w,i!s eilPi:li
to the chair, and Mak-4,tlibt Parr; POfeit
Fztiarroims Eh; Joao! Mibitiliton,ll.-
COB !W RAY , HENRY 13 socreit.„ ifkititiar
Y ENO, Sin. IliziiiirSirii,
Jr. rice' P sidents• and JacobAtinnids,
..Esq l l ' Daniell Snyder, Dalaid Knits& and
Difiiiit Ely ,ISeiteitaries. '
The ohjecl of the limiting 'Wilt stated
from the chair, when on motion a terninit
tee 61 . 40 sieav appointed to akaft proceed
ings for the meeting.
While thi chair - WatrselectiOg the com
-mittOe, Wialticiaw, Atideliried; Esq. iras
colloid on; Rod 'addressed the meeting
'the Germaal language.: Bili 'addiess waa .
received with great applause, and, he was
repeatedly iitternlpted Witlthe plaudits of
the 'people. I ' ' '" ' - *,,
After he tioncluded, the Chair announc
ed the following committee, to vie- Dr.
I.:bommi Roliy, Jusepb,fertig,aien....Daniel.
lire:Mir, Sr. rmdwig - 13ergei:, 'Simi:in It re
me r, Wan.l?..ylitradia, Daniel Sterner, Au
thoriY Reibsimen, jr. John Mitidig, Janl3,
Kremer, Wait. Sterner, 'John S. Ster er,
.JacobFauil, Augustus Hoffman, Jo as
Dieter, F. Haas, Esq. Pitir Wunder,: V.
Straueb, Laic* Dish, Simuel Fenster a
chil., John Slitner, Fred'k. WerntO, S nt
uel Kaerahei, John Kremer, Joseph er-,
i i
tag, jr. A.. Hiebsamea, jr. Jacob Min ch,
Henry Fenstiermacher, tlenrySeylor,J hn
W. Heliner,lJoseph Kuehner, Geo. ' itc-
Iteobilli s Leonard Sholl, . Jacob Leeken ill,
H. Darkens, 'Jacob Figig, David Ma ha
mer, Samuel Achenbach, Jacob He ler
Frdd. Shaeffer, who - retired a short til
and reported the following which 'werl
nammously SdoptecL•
Wher . 6as, Ale time is tipproacning wben
the freemen of this Commonwealth will
be called up 6r
fellow. citizens to pr ide
n to chons6 by ballot imp
mongst their
over the great State of Permsylvani,
Chief Magistrate; and whereas, the tri - nds
of the National adrninistration <6 ry
where arelonking with intense interest od
anxiety to this State as their last hop tn..
a victory here as a rallying paint for t eir
discomfitted and broneo forces, and are
1 :
bearing all heir energies to effectuat to
thMn the most 'desirable 'of all 'objects; and
whereas, the administration Of the ii airi -.
of this Cominuawealth under JoseiilLit-:
- • '
tier our preaent' worthy and enlightened
(;Fief Magistrate, has been eminently Sim:
ceikful and; prosperous, because ' has
pursued a 'Course characterized b 1 the
most untiring zeal and faithful devotion
the true interest, the welfare and happiness
1 3 :1734e1a . ' ;'.. r - $ . 4 .4 1e ".U.. 1,4 f(. •
• y 1,61 i`
,hv..~ 8`'l~"'.1~ `?fit_ wb .:.~.
51_ 6rt: evitior..l 13.1
of the whole people; and whereas, it-is an
inclispensable doty as citizens and (seemed.
sensible of the obhgatioe of patriothon oh
all suitable . occasions, to - recognize the
1 cliiims of all fiithful public servants: l and
to reward ieir invaluable del-vices by our
icialnus„su rt, unwavering confidOce,
'arid afeddfa t attachnient, knowing ti* wis-1,
do, that evelry great and good man Irrho ,
ml l e
dkstinguishr himself in the cause o hitt
c4untry, wi Ibe aasailed ',with cu (' ilies''
and - false.hoo.l2, for thi purpoie of 44 act:
ing from bOltwell merited fame, and t re-. 1
by destioying his abilities to seri_ his,l
felloW citizetis: Theretore,. _ I • 1
Iteartlvect 4 That. Jotieph Ritper, l , the
Washington Farmer,-•is worthy of our,
°i n o osed sluppert and confidence, and that
like all trine patriots, be has earne d for him.
self a clean . title. to the' gratitude and ht-
tichment of all lovers of their country b3, l '
hisin-Valuable public seriiCeal r• '. 1 •
Resolee4; That-in him we tecogniike ! tin
*meat man,and one of the ablest andtest
• Governors Ithat Penney! vaniatas eve had;.
one who.- I -.-- administered : the offal ?of
-this tii ~ , citi.wealth in' a itipirit!•or 'pi Orn
aOdtcliali ;uprightness and
unsure-- --, in the histaty of this or'ailY
.Other a. :! •Trisiiadt.i . „.
,: itesph, -. ,;' ~That :Osseo Itzmort„ !a , *4!.
. tit* 'he,. gratittide , of the
,pcOple l Of
; Beet -' he has sustained thaciid, t 44;
finances rd• the Commonwealth; tmishpAr
d;in times cflenerateinherrassment, 0:
ficulty and datigetr.--r' , ,. • , '.‘ . . • ' 1. 1 '
.... 0 13,ecatitai" he bas dierinislied the'S ale
ebriand .increased' the income- . f our,
pubtit - ivoick4 igi 141 - to make them yiel 'in
tittre more limn tido Years, 52.,216`
_ 4,
Whereas during - the siltywire Of 'hi , b
censor; Geo, 3Velf, they paid:Ai:tit'
i . • - *-: reduced • i
. Because -he- b a g great p-.. 11
liurthen of taxation.. •.- -• : ; Li- : '
1-J6e : rause ,Iktio Wilts protected i
seirstik.of Pennsylvania from. State i
and her institutions-front Federatyi ri,„
, .._ . • ~. -. •- : ri
. .. 0 ./ . . x
;„,./Zerofved, Mutt Joseph ltitnec t
tied tti.the credit and honour of: 'n
41mconntry- In- sapecie currency.: ti
.:ordy, \ paper now in circulation: in..l' a 3
Ivltailti and notfcouvertibla in ' . a t
.place Where issued, are throse.nfAtts
. ..
•:1.- • • - •
..,k,,,--;-...,,,,...rz_—=` ...—.4,-- - -•:;.;-2,, ' - .......,..01
I, ' 4- • 1-!' 7 :;-• t• ',,A „:...L." . 1 - 1-'-tre'' '
4. - ' .... '_. . • ..........
, -7,1- , --.4•••• 4; --,-, --c- : ..., • • • - *.. c 4 • 10 , - 4 - vc;- I *lrt
•-f-- tt' •,;.: '- • .1,-. 1 / 4 :-'-' '..5.'1" , -4-_":- -'i•-• ' • -' , . - 1, 4 .-4:..',"..T1.; - •
1. .i---.1.'-.. '-
.4 - ,-... , ••-•-...-7 •••4.-4 , ••••• - 6P-- , ... , ..., •;,..'t Nri..44-„5t..2,..:
ij'APer Vig; no' .."'C'reV,'
. •
te4 , _ ;71
;;Gooiritimt, and laticr.fiiiiiitliatrielli
- Now' kinitrk ind Marreptalau to the
vanity of - Philadelphia, atufgaidingiti the
Aounty which iij priPt conclusiviid
hat the name-' of Shin ; aster', be=
otift*-toltheLDwitod not .
.4', , ratinived,...,VotAVlefrandulerit insolret.
petictitd;.satne,,ged,tiy. evf
dence::of '
tingdoncer4fri COoott*:ehdyliy Abe ,
receipts" of Porter hint Iti'Jmitiiirte hand'
l_eriting herei!' his fries& dare-sot4tnys
and-that a man who is thui:prarair4o the
vintld cif.the'high ,ICeitnetifoatjury,„
iewlt tworthy to rule free and iineektireol
ple. .
'Reso/oed, That David R. totter la
man whom we unapt cqiisdientiottaikeilP.
port under any circumstancei for the of
,fiee of GoVernor,
1. B ec ause hip - netghborriaai t ti4beX
alike destitute of talentaand integrity:;
2. Because he is the Locofimbendoth
t.twaty eandidate. it. -
3. B eca use he is in,teicrt4ViC
plaster isistew, as , the conduct of Mona
and patty proves. - • ,
• 4. Bel he never the Statattny
as his whole lifikproves:. -
That the Chargea , „made a ,
eainst Joseph Rimer about the Gettysblirg
Rid! Road i s an attempt to ithpoeeitpon
the people a fabricated and Maliejous •
falsehood, kn o wing at theet
_nciljtnti that
said rail roc cominencedender. :the'
administration of 'Geo. Wolf, and•the first '
appropriation that was made was voted
by their own candidate, David,R. Porter,
and vetoed by Gov. Ritner. '
Resolvid,, That the late report of the
Secretary of the Comninnerailth andAu
ors, hi 13urrcia es :.arid:lllOblirti
(hoth of wham are commissioners of the'
internal ImproVement Making.the
State Debt 8100,000 less than it was when' .
Josephtßitner came into office,Tiroves eon.:
elusively the eharge of- the Vati•ztEuren
end Porter Central CoMmitteo - arititiris- .
burgoigainst vtitti, ttkiltOrea,4 o ., ors
tite o State deht,- to be. false,_ mfd4latfars to
'hat degradationthey Voluntatilytwiltsub
mit themselves, to deceive if Ojeado; so '
honest totirmunity. j
,Resolved, That the come ep,,,titagifigkeer -
drieif WailcogVen 040 - wtll6,Witrilien'
- month 'piece, at the ma k xfot 41414ivinciplea'
of the meehatile lipplyilig* them
the name of tinkers and ebtatirsVind . ds
neuncing them as unjust to bilekivated to •
eifice, because. forsooth,they-Inay,inokiikei
„a Sherman,
.or Greene, have
..receinil s -
- college•education, ealls!forth 'ardrittiga
led scorn and conteatpti-•of every lne
-9f the country, i * 2,
RCSOlted4 That-the attempt.,tmthaidlas- -
pe rate Portermen; to caricature Governor
Rioter by vulgar w3od-iiigitivinWletiseir
:papers, making a ridicule cif - bia4lemtwirat.:*
m babas, and his plaio.republictin -mangers, insult which they democraey;cif,the
errantry _will, know how to rehnke'!ifthifl •
ballot boxes:
-Resolved. That we approve oftherinnitt
ination of .Wie.ter C. Livingston,,, of }Le
high county, as .a candid Ate ter.„Coegmoi
helieving him io be an:honingirid Arne
•Ilemocrat; and that 4e pledge-01'10*am
to - give him together with :•the:e9Rotr *
,Ticket nominated by the Ritnerrdemorit
in' Convention, ' otir,tidivided ' - ,*titilams'
i• •
Resolved, That we iipproie orthatpun,;, -
i ty Meeting' to be tlia,-09rwigh
,Pottsville on Saturday the 29t of Se,p_telor
r.Z.7,3 •
• Resolv4i Tint the . prftee,dh Teo the'
ifiltreting lte Ruhlishedi* ail thq peper!
-the county friendly to the re.electitat of
'Joseph Rioter and signed" by the Ctfficers.
James H. Grad; Ri4.; Oriviii!ourg:
was citified upon, who-infdreired the -meet- '
lingin-a,spirkted 84014p:tin plgtelneAtiting"
all'the charges mactemgatayt l
e:f ioseylt.Rit- -
I ner, andturn thalablet upnifilialn by
tiNtiPg : OkkghVgiel.orLdtnatiolifkixid R.
Porter, WeC ./I:4„Afana, Esq., a delegate
who attendeethe Pittsburg. Coritention,-
-gave a- @story of whit he sale andtheard
at-Pittiharg,—whenitiffr. , .T....>.,T,Jrcraer
,ivair called upon and,addressed thipapting:
in...the German LarignageottiOtempluded'
by„reading Gov..Shottaa'i'llatteri'wlllClV
was. ilceived with threeelitirty ehisetai
'On motion the tritieliaglicgeuirnid antr
gave three hearty claideit fitr. -I,4roles Joe..
; ,(Signed hy,thelciffieem.) '
6 u-
.61411114r.TED: owoy_ , llinnitiw•fiobaariberii.on
11 th o[-August int; a RED COW.:With a.
spot on - each and:foot; jrs afwvir the hook •
th'elito of it iiallar—aboat tiolyy4ro
• J old. , 4•Whoever will retOrnlaitid - ant.tritive in- •
.1-1 4 .,tornsatiwwwliere.abo can be'lzidishalimicwire a
anwird.of 115 and the thanks ofthe'ainwNi '
Poitayrbers, Sept - = 72.4 R
Il.lla — Nibere 0 1 1 114 , ifirdiblifTh lideffile.
tipHE Vaettion' isill'4Metidoline likitetikilezt
.-11.. month: end the. Wintelv.Terme thelt llak ,
month, when l 4l l onhohMturrtilniittimi: • - -
Apply to. • Eri
f mil ii: l 6: woo, - -
• Kintberton, Sept. 15,1230..i”:tpr - 5 , VII-3t