The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 15, 1838, Image 3

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    The c!
The recent showers'
'to raise the water qi •
'boats still remain ir •
boats that were fast k
bf Hamburg, lave
',_ting oat the water
Run Reservoir, and
' Spliding the dgference.
party in Missouri," says
`triumphantt success. '44i
"bat we've' put a wedge
'splinter it up next."
Loco Foco Dagnity.—he rag
. ;..ons of old
'Connecticut , care "riley all nut ," because
:Gov. Ellsworth since his Welkin" parent:a his pri 7
vale practice in the lai They think It is as
"mean is the leetle end of °thing whittled down."
Why dent they allow . ,t, 'r Governor a respee
'table salary—a clever mi er here, or an inteligent
'mechanic in any comm nity can lay up more
money after supporting. s family, than la allow -
'ed as a yearly stipend to eir Executive.
Usefel Medicine.—One Reuben Hill recom
mended a "Dyspepticrdial" Which he says
'cured him of the rheuma m, his Vife of the sick
head adhe, his mother o a bad'coligh, mended
the cellar door,, and putssipiallint brat Co sleep!
'Golden Humbugs .— T i e Mormemites worship .
`la Golden bible of Joe.with, and the loco focus
worship the golden min I
-drops of TOM Benton.
dt is not therefore to be ondered at that the for
mer voted for the latter iii the Missouri elections.
Trouble is the Camp.4The New York Even
ing Post and the Philade l phia Sentinel are at log
' gerheads on the SubTreeaury question.
Talent and Worth.—Tie Hon. J4N Stmaratirr,
and the Hon. Geo. W. To ND, bevel been re-nomi
nated forCongresa by th Whigs Of the Cite of
Philadelphia. ' ;
The Retrenching Systein.—The expense of the
last issue.of Treasury Shinplasters for engraving,
signing .ek.c. Cost 11:20,0010,—all right—drive on
coacher! $30,09
Turning the Tables. Man was robbed in
- 1 1 A
N. Y. and on bringing th thief before one of the
Justices,—a lo
t a ton oil coal, by some
'hoods poeus, the suffer s was incarcerated, and
the sufferee let clear. ' ` rued himl right for car.
vying gold about him, 4 was no office holder,
had no claim to it, and tio the depesites were re.
— moved.
,_ • ' '
• Mettallit Currency — l t (Miss.)
a bar keeper asked his e pl oyer r wages—the
, lose drew trigger and of him deed—this was
paying in pislolea a real better •cutirency.
,i .
Remarkable Escape--A lady from Philadelphia,
fell trom Wood Ward Rock 94 feet into the Cones.
toga, near Lancaster and escaped] unhurt.
'water gallantly broke het fall, and she wasl un
harmed. , is the lady a/iy way related to Master
Sam-Patch 7
Murder will out.—After a laps i o of two years
'one of the murderer!' ,oflan old Man near Phila.
.delphia has been entitled at Mon rose. fie was
'recognised by a gentleman residi in Allentown
as one of the two men seen in cn nipany with the
deceased a few • minutes before his' murder.
page The Philadelphia. pa s state that the Locos
in .the 3d district, are no censurable tor the nom.
imams. or Tory ange r 01l for Congress. They
were looking round for 'mother man, when a per.
'savior! message was reOeived from Washington
'requiring his nominatiori. They rooked at their
'collars; and cur-like barked out his nomination.
I '
A fallen Angel —A forged cheek for $6lO
presented at the Ph ix Bank Hartford Conn.
by P. Angel and paid. he forgery was detect.
ed in time to secure the ogne.
The neat 'President.. Maelzel's automata are
to be sold in PhiladelpF.i . Let the Purterites buy
up the chess player an run him for next Presi
dent. He will be a greater card than the little
magician, and, will be certain to follow in the foot
steps &c.
• •
in Nero Jersey: The conflagration still
:continues to an alarmin extent. Burlington and
Monmouth counties ate ntirely devastated. Ma
ny houses and , thousan s of cords of wood have
been destroyed, and it i faired a number ofer
snits hemmed in by the amen have perished. -
Messrs. Stockton an Stevens have procured a
Sheet Iron Stram Boat from Liverpool, for the
purpose of towing Boa throughout the Delaware
and Raritan Canal.
QT Samuel Sturgeon by honest industry and .
has paid rill his debts, after having
been compelled to take the benefit of the act by
the dishonesty of David R. Porter, who has never
settled with him, but is now aeknowledged.bY his
friends to be worth $4O 000.
El The Bonds, Receipts &c. connected with
David IL Porter's fraudulent insolvency were
shown at the Pittsburg Convention on the public
speaker's stand, and identified by ill, both Ritner
and Porter men, as being his band writing
97' David R. Porter
went ef only $9O in fav
entered by a default.
pie of this state, will
less than four week..
• rr The Locos have
attacks against Samu
his own county, beca
false, and falshood , w
• Absence of Mind.
, named Seitzinger, we
when they woke up ne
opposed Joseph Ritner
ET Signs.—The Ne Jersey Whig convention
at Trenton, finding no lace large enough to con
tain them ; were obli 4 to adjourn to the State
lititise Yard. The S to itself will soon be but
large enough to hold e party:
Flipfiaps.—The Po terites establish small pa
perk iu the western co nties, ostensibly as Ritner
presses, and in, a few week, they `change from
principle, and then co es a loud haze.
Glorious Minority 0 . , One/—The Hon. Ezekiel
Whitman of Portland, (Me.) has been nominated
for Congress by the Whigs of Cumberland Dis
trict. He was a Representaive in 1809-10 and
1812.13, and had 379 otes out of 380 caste •
Fashionable Menem nis.—The Siamese Twini
are in Baltimore--Ma tin Van Buten at the Vir.
ginia Springs—The vernor of New York at
Boston—Jim Crow i New York—Cambrelling
in. Ulster co.—Mr. illis under a bridge in the
Wyoming Valley—the credence' of Departments
here there and every here; and the Authorif of
the-Navy and Treasu Circulars the Lord knows
where! " .
A claimant.---The .Ir , •;._, Gazette advertises
for the heirs of Mr.Th man Stewart, a Scotchman,
who came to this eau try 40 years since there is
a large fortune await ng their call. We bad a
'great grand aunt MIA d Steward, cant We come
- in fora slice. To se e lawyers fees in .partition
"1 ;0
&c. send us on $25, and say no more shoat it;
with the rest the adm nistrator tiny found a hos
pital or convert it in • Stewart fend. for the re
lief of the eihninist on. •
Breaking • • a..—f* man w
New Prison of et citv i i rtif N. Y.
of Justice, riot ri inking oirLorpr
broken in >
r !e wins bawls o
having the atattile bock at their
terminall to d4tain hint until it
tamed whether r .0 offence waf
nal. 1
have be 'n too slight
• re, an !the loaded
ble to' start. - The
n the nelighborb.ood
• a set afloat by let.
thel Tumbling
ue Motintain Dam.
Bribery ti:tu, i Corrupti --The New.
ark Adverti t ter states that -410450 have
been subscri dby Sixteen risons-to aid
the administrttion to buy up *tea in New
ISrtiey..s'22 4 00 hitve also ti sent from
e l
Baltimore tot Maine, and t ere one htin
itred dollarstave be'n of ed for a :O
gle vote. 1 ' Detroit, a cub has been
formed of Gicernatent office holders, who
hold secret titeetings, cones and with the
Central Club; at Washingto , and others
in almost every city in-the Onion—each
making up all purse to buy ' p votes, and
throw in aidito weak points This is the
system of thiii magician—th mare bribery
and corruptidn brought to I work on our
elections, and thus would tbe administia.
Lion think ev:ery one a Judas to be bought
1 1
with the price of blood—tb life blood of
lour countryllt Be on your guard, Penn
sylvanianele not deceive by craft, an
open bribe t 'ey dare not tier you, but
their machightions have no oiinds, and in
some unguarded point they ill be sure to
attack you. 'Repel them a you would
the arch-fiend—crush them as you would
an envenomed snake!
"iron' up our
1 loco eat:" at Bentoti's
!" says hid Whig friend
in this year, that twill
Jemmy Ttoitcherism !—Why does not
the Van Been Press seek to defend the
measures of their leader, rather than heap
recrimination on their opponents. It is
very much JemmyTwit,:ther's defence.
—when accused of stealing', eggs be ar
gues "vel vat of it—did ob never ?"
And although he stole th:rri, in the ardor
of prostestaukin cries, "v , • did'nt suck
em." We Chink John S•ft n should be
made leader of the Glo Editors—ht
could -teachihem a thing .r two with his
Jemmy, wholis a regular I. .•foco.
The Great' Ninet
, again.
whh are the A nti•
The ape
_stet e.that Meagre. I
G.Lineaw . .. .0, Henry Ort.
John Krause .end others are
that Dr. Li. eiiweaver and 3
as allowed another judg
r of a Mr. Wallace, to be
he Jodgemnt of lig pew
entered against him, in
~ever dared to publish the
I Sturgeon ►n Armstrong,
se they know them to be
.uld therefore injure their
. me acquaintances of ours
t to sleep une night, and
t morning forget they had
three years ago.
never known its antimasona, th:
an adhering *won, and that 1111
Whig Candi, iite for the Pr
either a gr.. , t*istake, or
eney in all tWis,
(ix And IN* at this too:!! !
xaminer and Herald says th t
man whose ru me heads the ni ett,
his otbn assuleance that he toi . ni
R. Porter, aild entertain but itfl
will be with Bat the taming /end
So then the 7 Seitzingerr,
from Lebanon,•and the file litadi
ter either dont know their oivn
been most shamefully traduced,
• Reading Aar, Connenii ,
cd a letter tiara one of the ,
tlemen in Reading, conkmin l
Porter Coriv6tiou in the I.
where 660 delegate from of
from Berko in all 1240,wh0
mon, without including themll
All Abatk!-LThere is no
on the geneial result piths
mountains. The Porterites
their fingeri i and wisely kee,
A Split armiewhere.—Our
triously reporting that there
Whig Pittsburg Convention,
left the meeting—our dele :
—something wrong, Doctor
irr The &west: in lllipoi'
ful, with respect to. the trove
of Congress: A majority. of
Whigs, which we believe is
girds qt . :A feather.—Ro rt
infidel is a loco member of e
Lark., and David R. Porter, has
20 yeari, alyld still an owing .
Expunging.—Where are
have . been taken from the
of H untingdonpo. in relation' i tn
The last Mek.—Joseph Rite'
re- elected, Wiy the Locos, be
been sct low in the §chuglkill 6
Er The English by their attentipn to Marshall
Soult, are endeavoring to wipe) away the stain of
Napoleon's exite—it must adbe4e to them for ever,
even should the sea-girt St. II- a bepwallowed
by pn earthquake.
*hats in c ... name7—Tho' Sotnetset Whig, the
Democratic Press and others are rank federal,
lone foe.° paper.
- We publish the ,followi.
quest, from the Lewistow ,
Porter paper,ofSeptembe
- --- 14. CARD. I,
David Cando; Es.i., having Id
lished communication that. he ha.
with the taking of the 'deposition
ty, and that he "never saw hir a
appeared in the public 'mints,'
otherwise assured ins of the lignme
hereby as an act ofjostice to ttn, l
part, that lam glad of it, and a
I was mistaken in the fog e . s
particimited in using the pit'
would be pleased if this coul ' ...,
colated as the note in which e
i , act of -al . 4
- rough, dated t "; , _ .
1 Mvxcy, facipt.' 1 111,111138:.
i • e rhe cbuse of the - old !Fa rAis - dolik
well in Lyiorning. Tha• • - ftico'sptill
alaim 1000 majority, litkit ciintitit neasti-
Oly exceed 400. . Mark ft; li - would*.:
d i ii i
tltivprise me if Rimer wald I vet 'the iris= ;
jority. We atealnowst* • _04060h:I
Our member of Coekresse: r.'Merrill, of.
I,Tnicin,) by a large rnajorit ...aver Ham
mond, of Northurnbaancr bi - , the . Lo
a° foco candidate. -in . the. Whig
i tirospects aretnily cheering. Last Teak,
ire had oar 'County ; meeti and friends
and foes agree that l it was tb largestever
O t
convened at our court house on any occa
sion. The house was croed in every
corner, and 'many could nq • in. Old -
gray heads wereilibre,en ho for years
had left the young and midal aged ;oars
1 .....
ry out political movements. , Hut lAt itilir
occasion, in s the language f one I con
versed with, "We laid acid our crutches
and hastened here tb cheer the young
in defending the liberties oour beloved
country for which we foug and bled.—
i t
"We could not," says lie, "stay .away
while our - country is in danger—no,
thank God, I have strength sufficient yet
to meet you here; to raise m feeble Voice
against the ruing:xis schemes of Martin Van
Buren and Porter." ')'has snake the old
man, tottering under the w e ight of years,
and who must soon totter into the grave.
Liberty is yet dear to the old man—and
he would willingly spend his. remaining
strength in defence of her sacred rights.
Fear not the result. Bradford will
give from 500 to 700 majority for Ritifer
—Susquehanna will give a majority for
Rita er—Luzerne will not give Porter over
500—Northumberland about 500 for For.
er—Union about 1100 for. Ritner. •
detected In the
the Halle
• -
the police not
(Ingers ends de.
could be "scar-
Gov. Shutzeout in favor of the •re eke
tton of Governor Ritner.
We stop Our press to insert the following itl•
portant letter from that firm Democrat and patri•
ot, Gov. r•actrze, which reached us in the Penn.
sylrunia Inquirer of h.-day. It will be eagerly
and eztensiyely read.
g of Hoffman%
W. K line, 'Dr.
cob Goodhart,
FELLOW-CITIZENS—Before the receipt of
your letter I had heard that it had been represent.
ed that I was opposed to the re-election of-Grover.
nor Bauer, and I had been requested to. make
known my opinion. An unwillingness to ob.
trude myself upon public attention, and a fear
that I might be thought presumptuous, preverit
ed me from publishing my opinions in any other
way than by making them known to such of my
neighbours or triends as called on me for that
purpose. They all know that i have never hesi
tated to express a preference for Joseph Ritner
over D. R. Porter. I have no unkind feelings or
personal unfriendliness towards Mr. Porter. I
in that county,
ocidhart were
I A the Doctor is
re in favor of a
ars,. niers is
apge inconsist.
'The Lancaster
lA . :Henry nib:sk
ihat they have
tote for David
'doubt that he
d i nt ! ~
am wholly influenced in my opposition 'to him,
by PUBLIC PRINCIPLES. He is nominated
and advocated' by those who declare they have
entire confidence in the principles„patriotifon and
talents of Mr. President Van Ewen. 'while I
he aiz or eight
r from Lancer,-
HAVE NO CONFIDENCE in the qualities thus
attributed to Mr. Van Buren. I have never seen
any evidence that Mr. Van Boren has any FlX
ED.principles, any patriotism or talents. I well i
remember, in the war of 11312. that 111rU Van Bu
the WlSE,the GIFTED, and the PATRIOTIC
JAMES MADISON, and was strongly in favor of
DetVitt Clinton, who was "THE PEACE PAR
TY" CANDIDATE. I -know nothing cif Mr.
Van Buren calculated to inspire confidence. •He
has trod too exactly in the' steps of his p ieces.
nor." and seems dispesed,.ll his SUBTREASU-
Ft Y SCHEME: to dip a httlelgeper intoTHE
sible contrivance or misrepresentation, Pennsyl
vanian -should elect Mr. Porter Governor, then
would it be blazoned abroad that the people of this
OF Mr. VAN BUREN, and a Cloud, deep and
dark would overshadow the now . bright prospects
of THE DEMOCRATS throughout. the L. States.
For these and many other reasona,it shall be my
pleasure, as I believe it to be MY DUTY, to do
all in my power to insure the reelection of GOV.
RITNER! I feel assured that the desire to sus
tain our good old Constitution will bring thou.
asidemore to the polls than ever yet voted at any
election, and I have entire confidence that the
work of the good men of the Revolution will not
be laid aside, to take up and adept the place of
patchwork which was put together by the late
generally condemned Convention. The Geripins
i n
he is a GOOD PENNSYLVANIAN; andthat
with ECONOMY au& CARE, he watches over
PEOPLE. They will outcast away wind. they
• have tested, what they KNOW TO BE GOOD,
to try experiments with constitutions ,or with
men, which may turnout to be good foinothing.
My correspondence his been extensive„ and my
other opportunities good, and I do assurelyou that
Tn E RE_ [ EL - 110N oPi GOV. R‘ • ''••
I have said re than I intended, but pe •
.., :.:•
'not more th e is necessary to give you a „
idea of the pp ciplea • which ' influence M .. nj
duet, and ,gry -ME such confident hope. ',. -
triumph Will tiredly. be followed, by- one ti
mote impotta t, the election of a GENU t EF
, . ..
minds, or have
How is it
i..t.reipectable gen
• ouraccoont of the
at icrtroal. There
6-r •unties, and 580
ed in the prone.
rialk of betting
ion west of the
t.hey save burnt
out of the fire.
master is in
a split in the
that a i:miler
say i is a lie
is it?
1 ; remains doab
and one member
• Legislature are
ceded, by our op•
Dale Owen, the
Indiana Legisla
been for the last
documents that
•honotary's office
Porter's inbolveo-
r should nolbe
'se the water as
• al this sum er.
letter of the
I have compl
nicated my vi
it* State, wit
tiog. , .
With Mob respect, I remain,
'Your obebtcnt servant,
Tq John L. WOO% J. Wuhifigton Tyson, Joel
Cook; Geo. R. Smith,
E wers
The Getteysborg Tie Road.
The last Humbug.
The Loco foco paper, contain what they call
"Memel- representation" if th* Improvement:
It winds about in a very trtrtooth courser and re
seinbles more the erratic'ourse or the -"dation
tuition at Washington'an ant thing else we
remember. The repres entation 1 about as near
reality as the practice of •the general goverment
is like its profeadoos. But no matter what may
be the character of the Rail Read. it ISO•alVall
by George MIA and we Wish our man to WIT
and by re
apublica4, a
lared in a pub.
nothing to do,
)f Peggy Beat
Ind hating
things. I do
declare on my
I now believe
o that he had
' strannent. I
u widely cit.
am implicated.
ffr BANKS.
r 16,401 Tit
;of ~iia:so=
August :29. 1838.
tb inst. m reacherime yesterday.
with y our Wishes, and drimmu•
sr" on the, question now agitating
eaedour4 and my isntite eonvio•
E EM 2 r
iiurrii4 2 .ol4-.DAVID..E. PORTER VOTED
OF $146,0011 .
This tie inimose is to AI. pot s bid: 4ll 4 o ° fi ' -
eos as Retell& moieties of Porta% love of mon
tatty. ' It is 'the firettime, va iirtir Marto& a par
employing Ainehl argionenut e-
Sif!! BB df.. , .
Conie*P 'to the Aid* Portet‘
. - .
You who boast ilt ra s etting from 1900
to 1200 majority in lhoylkill county.
' We are authoriked O offer this following
!et :
That Porter will 14°1,100 majdrity. jn
That he will not have 209.
That hi will. not have 300.
'That he will 9 net have 400.
That he will net have 600.
That he 111 no 6 t nave 600.
That he will not have 700.
That he will not have 800. - E
That he will not have 900, and
9100 •
That kitner will have a majority in
Schuylkill county.
The above to be taken collectively.
anti-Sub Treasury Ticket.
Got ernerr
Walter C. • Livhtgeton.
George 111. Eckert.
Abraham L. IlOughner, 1 year.
Daniel -sholtenberiger, 3 years.
Director of the Poor
, George Moyer.
George J. Hun*zinger, 3 years.
Charles Dengler, 2 years.
Charlie" Wittman )
Michael Grata:
Coroner •
Jacob Reed,. Esq.
Sub-Treasury .Ticket.
For Oovernor:—David R.Torter. .
For Congress: Peter Bonnard.
For Assembly:—William Mortimer.-
Coroner:—Nathaniel J. Mills, Jno. Snyder.
For Commissioners.—Edward Connor, for
years. Benjamin Lantzer, for 1 year. '
#ireetor of Ohs poor:—Daniel Bartolet
For Anditorin—Peter Kurt fur 3 years. Ed
ward Bone:anger, 31 years.
For trustees:—John M. Biala, Joseph
On TM:n*loy evening last; in this Borough, by
Strange N. Palmer, ,Ir. Joan S. Mantis, late olf
Philadelphia, to Mill! MALY Rowtxt, late of
Mauch Chunk.
In this Borough on Saturday the Bth inst.t.lo.
carts infant son of Joseph Comaworth, aged 7
months and 15 hours.
In Camden, N. J. Wednesday, sth inst. in the
22d year of her age Nita. AMANDA Ann, wife or
the Rev. Dr.Henderporr, rector of Trinity Church,
St. Augustine, Florida. '
This excellentson, although celled away so
soon, had exhibi a bright specimen of the
ri l
christian life, in several' stations of a daugh.
ter, a sister, and a wife. She accompanied her
husband, to whom she had been married about
four month,, on a tour to visit her young sister'
and other friends; and they were about to pro
ceed to Philadelphia to attend the General Con.
stntion„ to which he was a delegate, when she
was attacked by a Inver, wb.tch resisted the most'
judicious applications of medical science, and
the constant endeavour of kind and affection
ate friends, and in •eleven days terminated her
existence. - (
Her relatives and friends have reason however;
to be consoled for her loss, by the annul:ince that,
although she wis happy in her lot on earth, she
is now much MOM S% for thrice happy, yea, obis'+
aed, are the dead who die in the Lord. .
Shipments of Cosi ror the firee.k, enact on
Thursday evening last : ' 1 .?
Shipped by Bests. lens
Delaware Coal Co ' ' 19 982
Stockton & Stevens lio 785
Wm Wallace & Co 11 532
Bell Balton
Charlie Lawton
M. Murphy
. Stllvman & Nies
. bid
Hamm & Co
T C Williams 4 co
, A Coal Co •
S . Htiloar & Soo
J. C., , Cirsorias
8.8 Reeve &
A S Nichols
R. Hear •
!Mines & Pommel
Pavia & Otwiss
C M Hill
George B. Potts.
A Steinberitt •
Per last report,
BAcomsis fib& aboidders in rim order
for deb,
Sept 1.
1 1=M1
MS following is the amount of Coal transported
oo this Ria Road for the Wes* ending . on
Ziprsdny evening last, , 2,5131t00s
Per tut Report - ' '9023 '
toti :4 I I W4-41TiViit7734
For the vvistk4snOing 16th inst. '!•-• •
Boats Tons.
Maub Chfink ,; I , 148 5,568
Parryvilla, . 7 ''ps . 1,361
Penn Haven, • , 'lO 524
Mauch Chunk, 2,316 - 94,787
Parry ville, ' Eel $1;616
Penn Haven, : ! r 151 7,975
, IfottraiLy. - Septanber 15.1838.
VIAEAT FLOUR!. by the load was worth' ott Fri
day.s7 50. • L .
WH KAI` I '7o' per pushel, in demand.
' RYE FLOUR 200 per cwt. in demand. i
BUCKWHEAT FOUR 250 per cumin demand ,
RYE, by thedload ,85 cents by the bushel—macly
sale. .
1 1 ,
RYE CHOP 85 cents pe 'bushel in demand.
OATS 45 ceuts—ready sa .
POTATOES $1 140 cents r bushel in demand.
r,4314N-430 cents per bush 1 in demand.-
, • CLOVER SEND-45 50. l'brishel.
TIMOTHY 'SEED-412 per bushel.
FLAXSEED-All i per abet in . demand. •
WRISKXY T A2 ins per alio..
BurrEß—vi ce is per a nd—in Kegs 12 cents
EGOS-12 cents per d ' . .
LARD—IO cents Per pawl
TA LLOW-9 cents per ed.
HA MS 12 bents per, pour
CORN CHOP 80 cents r bushel lad emana.
BACON-14/ cents per ad.
BEESWAX-20 cents pe pound. ~ -
FEATHERS-62 cents
COMMON 'WOOL-7-40nts per paned
1111ACKERXL. by therbb N o 1. $l2OO No 2. $ll
SALT—I 50 per blll47sper bushel
I.I„ASTEFtIis worth 7 00 per ton.
HAY 118 per tos. •
. 300
4 198
4 15
4 194
3 • 145
2 " .103
2 103
9 - 93
25 109/
4649 254,781
490 , 6162.209
169 8260
,496,1 - . 210.469
. I
ilfaotut* . b - • '
ito, . ...
grin's the amount- oi Cot haispeited 4
this litsAl R , opi the ,see ending jou
': - :rsday evening - . 3.107 toter
vie last Import i {7;764'.!
CLBATTE9 Clipector,.
Taal -
mount of transported
ireek ending Wednesday
36,333 ants:
r. • following is the
ibis road foe the
ri L last'
Ter t Report,
37,502 ;
. RADESTY CoSector,.
: . I ttAD.
RoilikT C. HlL44'Cdtlictor.
he following as tile amount of Coal transported
on this Road for the weekending on. Saturday
Bening last, 1,7231ima
Per last report, .
fr. H. PCITTS'i Collector
3,289 134,378
Del. Sc. Illqdson Coal Tra , C.
Arrived of Randall from lioneidette; tip to
Sept. lit inclusive.
. , 46,402. tons.
kIEVIEW F rUE mitlth F:1
r-11-\LIE Vacation will commence the let of nest
month, and the *inter Terme ft of 11th
month when new scholars may be atimitled.
Molt Itkm BER,
HiWtherton, Sept- 15, I:4k 8. 724 w
AA YOUNG Man to attend in the Store, one
who spots Getman would be prefere4--Al
so a lb:iy 12.t0 14 years of age. Apply to
Mount cal-bon, Sept. 15, 12—
Stray Com
QTR.A . VED away front the Subscriber, on the
11th of August laic, I RED COW, With a
white spot On eich hind foot, just above the boofi,
of -about the size of a dollar—about 7 or 8 years
old. Whoever will return laid cow, or give in,'
formation where she can be had, sh e ll receive-al
reward of SS and the thanks of the owner. -
Portrarbon. Sept 15, 724
stray Cow.
CAME in to the enclusuro.of Sulis i criber,
on or before the 7 inst. i PALE RED COW,
supposed toy be about 5 years old, cit a middlq
white. face dnd belly, some other white aI:KW-het;
The owner . can have her by applying to the sub
scriber, and i paying for this adverusement. . West
Branch rail road, one and a quarter milt* &Mb
of Minersville.
Sept. 15 6 11838. 1.2-3
M' Sat& ' ; • •
%IDE unilersigned offers for sale his Mate, now
g ild
. 0 - ocoup by him, consisting of 155 acres of
good red vel tandoitukted on the cdd.road from
Mc'ffeans org to Catawmaa. in Catawisia.Val
ley, Union 1 towpsbipi Schuylkill county,l about
20 miles from Pottsville,and 15 from Caltawissa.
about 35 sere* are cleared; hating good,fenees;
and the relit is heavily " timbered, with a 6M fort.
able Dwelling loose, Barn. Heise Stable,Mpring
House. with a never Miling.storhig„a very-large
Garden, Orchard and a Storehomet where for
Manyyogi store has been kept, and still, tininess
fa rryin on. There is alto a good Bait Mill
and Rouse en the Little Walvis* Creek, beldw
the judeti of ili two branches, Of tibia each
already d i ves
. enteral - &ills, and which . here,
united have sufficient waterpower for any ikind of
mills. The Little Schuylkill and Suatidelnuma l
rail road poises along through the land and Ow
oear the saw mill. Part of the parchami!money
may renta it on tbs. **sporty for a - kw ; years it
desired: Title indisputable, and possession given
On the let of Aptil nett, or saner. -
-• 1 1 11. A, MITEI s OFF.
Sept : 1 1 836 .
, 1
M: 4 castkt irrlite. " and alle6All Fseneh i-lit Tow7Rail flg: Rail
-.. - 111 . Coin . ifill (Owen era set octhe JOG
taken fie. th e. Sat _ear track: The bate ire in
geed thin. 21 by I. A 'Wimple' inii 'be inn
(K t
at a.. Akre eillee, - Obeinet tat* *hail'.
Pbliadel it. - . . -I
1it05a.44;644,14.1835. "•;!•'
t.; •-.. "
KFETlNG 4 theesiNearlil*llßMA
tereetstl en the Coal T tle; 'ii--iegawlii.
Monday evesing nest at the PennOirthi'MalLtio" .' •
bear the repair of the con6iittco:spliointetf=li .."
teat the Welsh Locks shoes he ImirOrlll - 01,!*),
al. PuneAtud *andantes '1 he
.IBy grsler of the 'conduit -, - ; •
4 4 -4 . ; *4_
Pottliille. Sept. 15.
INFORM their friends atiiisrhamddieirs
ml, that they Sava removed to theifJorwj,
slam:Fin CentreStreet,(oppeisitetio Milletßafictr4
gertraßtore,) whore the on' hiekt
oral- agoortinerit of MiperSee 'Broad: Clotho 40-Y
Cassinieres of 'the moat . fashiotiidde.Coka.AVW ,
an elegant imortment of Sommer .Ck4K,Sitltiv . ,
Silk. Valencia, Marseilles and ,yeliret - .Vestinim;,
Lieu, Cotton and Chintz Shirts,' SatiO,'Sillivand
Bombeseen Stocks, Linen and Childs Boiom~ and.
Callers. also Linen and Ch6its Soloinewitbrit* , .
Collars, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Stant
Gkiyes Linen and Cotton Ham lind,Half Beee,
Fancy 'Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and Gum.
Elude Sispendars. They also hare tokiiind.'Werj:,
elegint stock of Gentlemen 's and Boy's westing 7
apparel, such as Frotk and DreasCoars..oMkodk-:.
boats, Vests and Patakems c made idler. thehtgsj .. ;,. :
fashion and the beat wonnaiistdp, whiddi they ,to.
tend to sell at reasonable prices. _
P. S. Wanted two or three good Joonieyiren'
Tailors, to whom constantl work will be imp
throughout the season. ••• . • .
Pottsville, Sept. 15, 1838.. _
In the Court of Comat4Plearof Sehte•
. .-
kill County.. - - •.•, , ,.i t
In the matter of the Estate of Charles Pitfall, ;Eq.
- . WHEREAS JohnSchell. asaignes '
, j, ; ...• 'of Charles Franey, Esq. did.on tins
,N. 3d day of August, One - Thousand.
. ~_.. ~ Eight Hundred and Thirty-Eight.
_ ..... 5 )
. • file in the uffics of the Prothonotary:
of the Court of Common Pleas for the County-4
Schuylkill, a statement of all Minumma of the gad a
Estate. - .
NOTICE is hereby given to' thn creditors of
the ;said Charles Frailey, Esq. and all Others in.
ierested in the said Estate, that fife Bonorahlit
the ,fudges of the Court of COM:MD Mr.!'" afoiro
said,have appointed Monday the 224 'dity
',tober, 1838, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the Court
House in the-Borough of Orviigaburg„4or thaw
hearing of the same, and for she Wing cause lay,
the amid acconot ought. not to be allowed, snit
in default thereof. the same will be confirmed.
Witntas the honorable Calvin Blythe;'Presi l
dent of nun said Court at -Orwigsburg, the 12th
day of September, A. D. VMS.' ,
Orwizeburg. Sept. 15
WILL be sold at Public Sale at the' Elaine
of the Subscriber. residing -at the Deer.
Park, on !Bonder the 44Ith. inst.,- at-9 o'clock,ls:
M. a variety Household ntenaile and Farming
Stock. &c. among which are the following nrtb.
cles, to *it: Seven good Rail Road Horses and
•Ilartiess, two COWS, two two horse Wagons, one.
new, one Dearborn, one Cart, Plough and Hair:
tnw, Windmill,Cutting Box, three Stacks pf good
Hay, besides a quantity in the Barn; threnSticki
lel Dats.'grass for pester, together with a varier .
of other farming implements, Six . Hedsieedic
together witi elot of other-Household And •Eitch;
len Furniture. Four of the Ibises are now en.
;gaged in hauling Coal for Milner and Spencer,
and the purchaser can have the contract fur bawl.
Ing, it'll suits him at y time.
Sale positive—Term Cash, in Silver oi*ort
Bank Mites, as the sn criber is-going-West.
Deer Park, SeFt. •
int School
In the matter, 0f1 1 . 113 7 ate of .-Williati
Reevely. - •
th the ditirri of Commons 'Nea in and fin- till
• „county of &hrylkia. • •
David & Samuel Frank of July Tam" A.. Dl
trading under the firm 4838.
Of D. & B.. Frank. ,No. 136.
,Domeatio Attaelil
William Reevely. merit.
OTICE is hereby given: Whereas Andrew,
4 - 11 Russel, Robert Woodside and Martin
see, the subscriber., have Dem .pnoioted Tres-1
tees of the rsSiAtt3rif William Reevely.,the deka. '
dent aeoresaid, by the Court of COmmOtt Pleas io
and for the County of Schuylkill, all periions i '
debted to the said William Reevely, or holden
'property belonging, to him, are hereby tenni
to pay and deliver all such sums of money •
property due and belonging
,to the said Willie
Reevely, to the mid Trustees, and alai) alleredi
tors of the arid William Reevely, are hereby dp*
aired to present their respective Repentance
mends to the said Trustees." - .
• : 'Trustees. -
All residing in the Borough of Pottivillis... ,j
September 12, 1838. ' "72-6 W f.
To Tin Plate kers.
of Two goon journeyman Tin Plata
‘, Workers, who ate sober. -industrious men'
wit -meet with steady employment and libera l,
encouragement. by applyinOmmediately,to.-
MOORE sfc STIJARt . i •
Danville, sent 8
To the &Antihero to the Vitra Hall of P
ASECOND Instalment of Twe dollars a
fifty cents on each share of stock. is requital,
to be paid to thOsubscriber. on or before thet-fi4
Monday id October next. i =.4
By' order of the Board. - 1
JOHN T. IfftZZAßD,Treaa:l
VICTORIU Jkl(101114.- - " j_
or Nitholo , Ellteiptiive : Gii>'c '-
.1.1,1 R: NICHOLS anoe'e respiettafif litinoom4s
to the inhabitants orftittroille t; _that
Circus will be opened foi theaMOsement
Monday and Tuesday. the'l7th - stid itith days 41"
September. -, , .
TN:entertainments abewwall that is wages:Hill
Ale!orical Representatitms of the-Globe, Fes4
of Az:ultra:id Strength. Gyrnisastie:HzereisaiN':,
Horsemanship, ace. while it most aniure, thOrys...
pifetor feeli confident it will Instruct the.publiai ,
For partici:lire see Bills ot
Admittance: Box a 0 Cents-IFit 25,104* - .
• Doan' open at 10 o'cloc:14 A. hi-oinks:pea s
' Pottsville, Augall 29,'
• Wanted_tollite: kr
SMALL Tenement; ofti*;:per Of . . iiiaaV
AIL suitable fora festal faiiity,au
Apply at this dill*: •?
Pouivilla, Septerobei
g riOFFRE 50 Bojo stook
30 do. Gown Loirouri:de;:hiloislsol
MILLSR. .‘ - iHro l otneri,l 4 ,
l e s Lugs e• •
1 , ••
• ' •,.