The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 15, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
1 IN 11114NNAN•
• 5
II wry ckarrit per _minute.
sanee„ If sot paid with
. arged tolall those who :re-
Iris. 'To mail sabtscribers
i wathie th e yehr, SO C./Iti
' •
, Tiara Douras AN . i?
;payable semi-annually kn
,In the year, $4 will he c
,ceive the paperfree of po
$3 per annum. If not pat
gill be added to the price
KIX, • •
um, payable, Fein-simian,
ithin the year, $2 50 wilt
eding -I tttiiNe lines will be'
ions—anti 50 cents for one
• WE:
Two DOLLkfte per an ,
pa advance. if not paid
e charged
'Advertisements not eac
xharged $1 for titres laver
tnsertion. Larger ones i
. .
MI advertisements w be inserted until ordere
out'. unless the tim , or w ih they are to be continue
isspecified ;and will b 'rged accordingly.
yearly ac:vertisers I e charged $l2 per annum;
, including subscription to t
. e . papet--+with,i he privilege
of keeping one advertiseto nt not exceeding 2 squares
standing during the year, t d - the insertion of a small
er one in each paps r for I ree successive times. .
4 All letters addressed to t e editormust be post paid,
otherwise no attention will he paid to them.
s, &c and other notices
/. n inserted gratis. will be
!ept Marriages and Deaths.
All notices for meow'.
which have heretofore ho
harged 25 cents each.
The Desplicate.
TOR Road Tax for Wegu Norwegian Town
ship, was found a few days :since. It can
11 . .jaid by applyiag to
'North American Alines.
Sept. 12,1838. ,
Notice to Ipmployers.
'THE Directors of the Poor and of the House
of Employment of the County of Schuylkill,
hereby give Public Notice, that in pursuance of
an act of General Assebly; passed on 13th day
of June, A. DI 1836, it l ithe duty of every house.
keeper, who 'receives re person intri his house,
that has not a legal resilience many part of this
Commonwealth, (all seamen and, every other per.
son who arrived from a foreign country immedi
ately in :this Commonviealtb, only accepted) to
'notify the Overseers of{ the POW' ..of the proper
'district, in writing, within ten hays after such
person has been received as affirsaid. If any
housekeeper should neglect to give notice as A.
'forested, and.if any parson as afeirsaid should be.
come poor and unable 63 maintain himself, and
'cannot be taken to his legal place of residence,
if he should have one in any other state, such
'house keeper shall be compelled to maintain such
•indigent person. Without leaving sufficient prop.
erty to defray his funelial expenses, said house.
Steeper shall pay to the lOverseets of the Poor, so
much ae they shall have reasonably expended kir
said pUrpose. if such housekeeper should refuse
to pay such expenses, the Directors of the Pour
'shall charge him with Xuch an amount as may
be necessary to maintain such indigent person
per week, or such sum is may' be reqiiired to de
fray his funeral expenses, and shall have power
to aoileet the same under an attachment, and if
uph delinquent should not posses property or
goods, that, may be Belted upon, then he may be
cast into prison, there i 4 remain until he has paid
the same or until he hes been othei wise legally
'discharged. WILLIAM GRI EFF,
Attest - Director!' of the Poor.
September 8, 70-3
PURSUANT to an set of the General Assem
bly of the COmmonwealth of Pennsylvania,
'passed the 15th day of February, 1799, 1, Peter
F. Ludwig, Hig h Sherrill' of the county of Sch uy I -
kil), do hereby give thiS public notice to the c
hart; of the county of Schuylkill aforesaid, t a
General Election wilt be held in said county n
the Second Tuesday irilOctober r•ext, which ill
be the 9th day of the sifid month, for the par
of choosing by ballot
One P erson
Fol i brovernOr or Pc vlvania.
For to represent ; Leligh and Schuylkill coun
ties, in the Congress o the United Stakes.
i l r
To represent Schuy kill county in the .House
.. • of Representa .ipies of this *ate.
Two Persons'
For Coronore of Sch?ylkill county.
• Two Persons
For county Commissioners , one to serve 3 years
l ed the ether two;
. to oupply a vacancy
One jPerson
FoiDirector . ofthe Poor. and House of Ethploy
merit of Sc uyikill county.
For Auditors of Sch ylkill county.
Two., ersons
For Trustees of the Orwigsburg Acadeiny.
And that the Electis of the county of &Amyl
kill aforesaid, 'are to aerobia for the purpose of
choorting by ballot the officers aforesaid on the
second Tuesday in OCtober nest, at the several
districts and places 'composed of the several
boroughs. townships ale. thottiota, to wit—,
The electors of the borough of Orwigsburg will
hold their election at the Court Houye lb the
borough of Orwigsbur
The electors of Wes
hold their . election, at
torougb of Orwigsb ~
The electors of Eas Brunswick township will
bold their election at it e house ' r Henry Lutz, in
the town of 141!Keanob
. rg.
Ths electors of Pin grave township will hold
klieg election at the h use Of the late John Be,, ;r
now' Wm. loch. of se d totraship. .
' The electors of Wayne township will hold their
*illation at the bowie or Leon drd Sholl...inifteeper,
fn The town'of Friedertsburg.
The electors of Urmer Mahantango township
will hold their eliw.ticri aura, 'house of Samuel
Moyer. in said towns sp.
The electors of Bar y towns
house lately occopie by Nt
Mr. Rawn, Will hold trair elect;
Henry Bolig, in said ownship.
The- elector's of Lo er Mahi
to Schuylkill county, residing
described bounds. wnich ,fo
district, called "Williams, VA
ginning at the Dauphin sad
!me, including the Tavern H
Mcaantain. now occnpipd by Ws
*lots the Pinegrove wnship
hamlets the .Lower +theater'
knifing in a direction to Grat
nicht the ridge of th Mounta
itattaksbuylkill county line to
ning. *rail hereafter hold the
Rouse of Jacob Heberlirig, Jr.
occupancy of Samuel KimraeL
Brunswick township will
the Court House, in the
Sl a •
The eleetore of the remai
Mehantrinire township will
leetion • et the home - er Ph
taw nship,
The electors of'West.'Pi_._
.',..their election at the bowie no ,
Forreideton said townanip. , .
The electors of ceion tosumship 's
general election at the booed of )ohr
in said tiaiinship. 1
The electors of Basil tow l toship it
genera! election at the hated o'fJoh.
keeper, ie said township. .
All that part of Norvyegin tow f ship, in the
county of SehuylkillOymg *eat on he following
line, to witt Beginning at the point of intersection
of the West Branch of the ricer Sehuylk ill and '
Manheim tow nship--thenct up the east side of
the West Branch of the t3chi ?Will to its internee
lion with Barry township, shall be
r e seperate e
lection disitict, end the electors then f shall.hold
their general elections at the hou 'Of Joieph
Mills, in the borough of Minarsville, n said town
ship. , , , , I 1 _ ,
The electovi of Scheylki town • ip, residing
east of a point fro u the tow sMan
in a straight line wit the qld Forge in.
ship I ne of
eluding the same, from then to the house now
occupied by Jacob YVommerlincludinglie same,
and continuing front thenceg a straight line to
the Rush township Line; sh hold their general
election at the house of Frederick Bensinger, jr.
in the township of Sebuylkill, in thelsaid county.
The quali fi ed voters re,siding in t e townships
of Norwegian and Setinylkßl; in t e county of
Schuylkill, within the folloarr
ctio district, viden :bed bounds,
shall hereafter tie a separate lez:
Beginning on - the line between the wnships of
Norwegian and Manheim: ftbm theee a straight
line to the house now occupied by J ohn Penman,
bl i.
including the seine—from Tenet:, the Norwe
pan church—and from then eto th farm house
of F. B. Nicholas, E/41. including th same—and
from thence a straight line-tcl the tin between the
townships of Norwegian a Barr —and from
thence folletwing the towheh hoes Barry and
Rush eastward to a point from henee in •
straight line southward tot e Old orge exclud
ind the Same, thence to the wise ow occupied
by Jacob Wommer, excluding th same, and
thence in . a Astraigbt line to th a place beginning,
excluding the town orNew i rCastie, and that the
qualified electors residing utithin the before des,
erased bounds shall held their electiop at the Port
Carbon House, in the town cif Port Carbon.
The electors of the borough of Pottsvllle and the
remaining part of Norwegian township, and of
r y
that part of Manheim tow s lip lging between
the river Schuylkill s od the est' branch thereof.
(not included in the &buy! ill Haven- district,)
'trill hold their election at the house now occupied
by Henry" Stager, in the bar ugh oflPottville
The electors of the bo - rou h of Femaque will
hold their election at the s hoof incise in said
' That the electors of that part Of Macheirn
township lying southeast ofkhe following-line:—
commencing at the townshi line ofzWaype and
Matiheim towZsliip on the umnierti Hill, thence
aloivg the Summer Hill andl , Orvdlgehurg road, to
the house of Widow Sweiclud, and the house of
John Dewslt, excluding the same, thence to the
house of Philip Drusillteiter,,thencei to the house
of John Deibert, at the centra tufnptke; thence to
the house of Julio Betz; thence to 'the house of
Philip Rock; thence to the blouse of Shane,
Jr. including the same : then ce to the township
line of said Manheim and chuylkilf townships,
shall hereafter hold their ge eral elections at the
Court House, in the borough.of Orwligsburg.
The electors of the remai;rig part of Menheim
township Will hold their ele4tion at the house of
Philip Boyer, innkeeper, inithe town of Schuyl
kill Haven.
It is directed by an act of, the General AMT.
bly of this Commonwealt h ' passed the 17th of
March, 1896, that the ins p ctors of the general
election shall be chosen by allot op the Friday
next preceding the first Tudirday to October, be
ing,the 28th of Se Pteber' and the elections for
i'nspectors shall be ho l den id such places in each
town, township; ward, or district. as is appointed
by the-laws for that parpoite, by the respective
constables; who are requited to give at least one
week's ngtiee of such election, manned by two
qualified citiiens 'chosen by ouch citii.e.ns qualifi
ed to vote as shall he (Hein:present. And it is
further required by the dell& assembly regula.
comma wealth, elections in this commo wealth, that the in
spectorsat the placated their respective: dis
tricte. tins, townships, and w ards, the day of
the genl election, at nin o'clock in the fore
noon; to perform the duties ' aired of, and en
joined on them by the sere 1 acts at assembly,
The return judges oT theiresPective districts,
towns. townships, or wards foresald, are hereby
required to meet at the rt House, in the
borough of Or gunboat, on rid gy next, after the
2d Tuesdity in .October next being the 12th day
of the niontli, then and jli re to perform those
things required of them by aw. .-
In purstiant of an act of the general assembly
of this commonwealth, passed the 2d day of April,
a farther supplement to an; act to regulate the
general election within this dommonwealth.” that
every person.who shall hold Ong office or, appoint
ment . of pie& or trust undehhe Government of
the United States, whether a Commissioned officer
or otherwise, a subordinate fficer or agent, who
is or shall be employed und lr the legislative, ex
ecutive, or judiciary department of dip United
States, and also that every niember of congress is
by law incapable of holdit74ar exercising at the
same tithe' the office or ap fitment of judge, in
spector, or Clerk, at any election in this state.
In pursuance of an 'act o 'the General - Assent.
bly, passed April- 16th 1831 - it is provided that
no inspector judge or 'other officer shall be eligh
ble to any office at such - eldction, nor shall anV
person hulding an office. bider the General or
State Government, be an inspector, judge, or oth
er'officer.ohiny such election.
Given under My hind at Airwigsburg, this 2d
day of September, in the yar of. our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and, thirty-seven.
. .
IN including the
i hael &dig s ' now
,on at the house of
Many) township,
ith thgtollbwigg
a new °teeth:in
ley," to wit: Be
•ehuylk outlay
use on the Hroad
liam Hall, thence
e to where it io
o tovenshipi line,
torn, and thence
n tho the Dauphin
place of bey!)•
r election it the
ono br late in the
Palter lisingingc
• •
4 NEW Assortment, defog of a variety of
Nevi -Patterns, for ROMs and Entries, to
• •ther with choice Borders; fast*sired and ki
ale by f BANN,AN.
August 25, . 66
'DENNY- CYCLOPtDa" and Perin,. Maga•
JI• sine for 1637 just snidely/id Vol.. 8.0 -and
10 Penny Cyckipedis. and Vol. 6 Penny , Naga
tine for 1037. alit for mak by
1 fi. pANNAI%.
• .
August 9-c - ,
- -,
i • ' 66--
t• •
: Of TO
Id th
lip On
God save the Cimt)sonmealth.
Sept. So 1838:
_- _r~-__,_, Ii
alg\ •
-•• ' •
LATH AND Janke pur P&OX TRH caTALNI/ o THIC Molnirramis, MIT Aili WHICH iru.L.Gyvit aritiporraro 001111 : &XDII .11/16 ECiISCP£I4 . ICITOILIC TO olrs. Uss Asy .
- '
I •
111 t of Lower
it general e
,, an ; in -said
WHEREAS the convention to propose A. mendments to the constitution; have a.
greed' open sundry . amendmenti to be submitted
to.tbe people of thiseommoeweslth for their rat
ification er rejection. Nowry therefore 'in pursu
ance of the provisions in such case wide an and
by an act of . ibe General ASsembly, pasted the
29th day of March A. D. ;83111,! and 'authority
given ty,said convention: ' '
!hip will hold
ed by Moritz
wen ;
hold their
r ill hold Their
Notice is' Hereby GiV,en j
That an election will be held in the several town
ships, wards and districts' of the said - county of
Schuylkill on the iaid second Titesday of Octo
ber next (being the day for holding the General
elections of the cotmiionwealth) filr the ratifica
tion or rejection of the said Amendments to the
Constitution. The Judge*. and Inspectors of
said election are acqui*toveceive tickets either
printed or written from citizens qualified to vote,
and In deposit themin a box or boxes, to be for
that purpose provided by the proper officers,
which tickets shall be labelled on the outside
"amendstenter," and those who are favourable to
the amendinents .may express their desire , by
voting each a printed or written ticket, or ballot s
containing the words, "For the amealmente,":
and those who are opPoled to such amendments
May express their opposition by voting each a
pcintedlor written ticket or ballot containing the
woods "Against the Amendments."
'Given undar my hand and Peal at Orwigaburg,
the 15th day of September, in the year' of our
Lord, one thousand eight .hundred and thirty
eight, and the sixty second year of the independ
ence of the United States of America.
Sheriff's Office,
burg, Sept, 8, 1838. Ir
CadlCilf aissicirra
T ILE Subscribers respectfully apa§un to
the Citizen+ of this. Borough and RR , and
their friends in genertirthat they are red to
manufacture to coder, end will const "tly keep
on head, at the corner of Coal an Norwegian
Streets. in the Borough of P rifle, CAR
of the very beat materials, zed at the to at rake.
MI work entrusted t 6. eir care, they will war.
rant to be .manofae 'red equal to. any in the
county or elsewhe , both in „pomt of neatness
and durability. hey hope that the public before
purchasing e where, will call, examine and
judge fort mselves.
MI kipds of Vyhteles repaired at the Shortest
nottcc e and on the most accommodating terms.
Paittsvßle August 25.
HAVE on hana .
R 4IL ROAD do.
Bar Irint of any , size drawn to order. Noes
and spikes of all awes, for sate at the lowest City
prices. ' REIMS, WHITMEER Of CO.
Reading, May 82,1838. 40-6 mo
THE undersigned cautions the Puha° against
6 %
purchaaing'or leasing t e tract of land calls('
Clinton Tract , on the East orivegian 'rail road.
from Elisabeth Asiohn, or enry Morris lor'her,
as he the.undersigned claims title thereto, and
will institute a suit against any person attempt.
idg to take the possession thereof. •
flinheim, April 28, 1838
To Old Country stem
Agency for Line of Packets from Liber
pool to Philadelphia. •
THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed A.
gent for the Messrs. Cope's Line.of Liver
pool Packets, between Liverpool and Philadelphia,
and will fel:five the passage money' Blom those
who *fish to send for their *nth,
,in the old
country. and also i will promire Bills fur thou per
sons who may wash to Afansuitit money to thei
friends abroad.
The Packets belonging to this Line are fitted
up in a superior manner, and are mainlander, by
persons who pay great attention to the comfort
and conve&ence of passengers--ar.d have given
great Juitisfaction to psa!Mers generally. Emi
grants who i ntend residing in this region, will
find it to *Mr advantage to engage their passage
in this Line; and land at Philadelphia; they will,
by so Acing. save the fare and expense from New
York to Philadelphia, which is four or Jim dol.
hire for each individual.
The rates of fare will be made known by apply
ing at the office of the Miners' Journal.
june 20 E. BANN AN.
BY Virtue of a writ of Levan Ferias, issued
oat of the Court ofCoirrinon Pleas tif Schoyl
kill County, and to me directed. will - be sold by
Public Sale, on Monday the Bth day Of October
next, at the inn or Public House of Daniel Boyer;
io Orwigsborg, (on the priming) at 10 o'clock,
A. M.-AU that certain messing% tenement,
Tavern Rouse Xid lot of ground, situated in the
Borough of Orwigrititirgi in Schuylkill „County;
bounded in front by Market street, in the rear by
ra pnblic alley. on the West by the Western ?an
of lot number sixteen, ands tel the Elks( by War
ren street, containing in front 62 feBt, , and in
depth 9 perches, being , the major , part Of lot
marked in the general plea of Orwigilnirg; No.
16 and the same whicki Christian Schwartz and
Margaret his wife by deed dated the ad 'April
1830, granted and conveyed to Geoige Grim,
Consisting of a two Story Stone and a-two Story
brick MAW with Kitchen thereto, extensive
Stables anfSbedi of frame, a pomp of water near
the Kilobit' Aind the his of 9 pump, the
house—late the estate of G eorge Grin.
SeiXed, taken in attention and will be sold by.
13berif rirlDffice.-Orw" t
burg, Sept. 121038. (
New , Goods.'
WE have hut fel:goad; and ere now opening
lahge-ang. j aanOtoent
and aearainable loods.-Ihiphrin be 'bid at very
reduced id* for cub.
Mount Carbon, A:ogust 11,1838.
Sheriea sale.
5 ' I
TAKES pleasure in informing his friends and the
public, that he continues his Rxerc-roar under
the 'Pennsylvania Hall." in Prineville. HeAope•
his past reputation for keeping • respectable &slab-
Hellman, acquired during the experience of 3 years
in the same hue of business, and a *wire to please.
may merit a continuance of their favors and patron
JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr.
Robert Harmer, of the "Cornucopar," N 0.44, North
Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the
delicacies which the Philadelphia market can afford
during the Summer season.
Rill of Fare.
Roast Beer. 'cold, per plate,
Corned do do do •
Fried Ham It Eggs, do
Green Tulle Soup, • do
Fresh• Pickled Salmon;
Spiced Oyster.,
Old Madeira Wane.
Old Pale Sherri NVme,
Ohl Brown do
Old Pon do//do
Old Lisbon do / do
Champaisne. (Patmettig do -
London Brown Stout ' ' do
Pepper s,Smithlgechera XX Pale Ale. -
Apartments ate ways in readiness for Supper
Parties, &c. and tfinse who call may expect to receive
every attentidtj e '•
Pottsville. y 11, 1838.
l 1-
aeading N ail & Iron' oWrks,
WEon hand boiler Iron. sheet of various
du. and abut, all the different sites bar
,n; also. round and square iron -from up to 3
inch Railroad iron of the various sizes, punched
antl.countersenk. and cut to the. angles ready for
use; and hand iron. All sizes nails and fpUiell—
also, eun iron of superior quafity. All of which
a're- offered for side it the lowest oily price..
Reading,inne 25; 183 . 8. 50—tt
r r The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn's
remedy for this distressing complaint is every day
gaining is certainly a matter of mach tonfinishment
That so much' suffering should, have existed for ages
wi bout any itscovery of en effectual preventive,. or
cure is truly a subject ofmuch regret, but Dr. S. now
&morel the public that such a remedy has been in
vented as will Convince the most credulous. The
pnaciples upon which it acts are.simple and
It is an admitted fact that this complaint, whether
'called sick Headache, or Nervous Headache. arises
primartly from the stomach—those who think they
have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that
this organ, the strimsch, is the first cause. thg t the
system has become vitiated ordebtliated, through the
stomach, and that only through the. same channel
• must they expect a restoration of the natural and
healthy functions of the system. This object. Dr.
SlN:dues remedy is direinently calcalared to attain
The truth of thisposition cannotbe controverted, and
the sooner sufferers with the headadhe become con
sived of it, the sooner will their sufferings end in
restoration to health. Dr. SpOhn pledges his profse
atonal reputation on this fact. The remedy may be
had of apothecaties.
Wholesale and Retail by Convitock R Co. No. 2
Fletcher St. Neer York. and Retail by
Pottsville. July 21. 1838. 56-ly
7 IHE undersigned baying occonic% to visit
Europe, from whence he will return by the
twenty second of October. next. all letters 'address.'
ed to him. and professional b‘siness entrusted to
his care during his absence,. will be promptly
attended to, by Charles Witmiri, Esq..
Orwigsbarg, *agog 22, 1838. 65—If
.Vehuytkill County, u.
The Comtironwealth of Peensyl
•-• same •to the Sheriff of SchfiYlkill
. -L County Greeting: Whereas at-an Or
phans' Court held at Orwigsborg, in
& for the county uf Sc,tioylkill. on the
ird day of Atigust, A: D. 1838, before the Hon-
o ble Calvin Blythe, President, & George Raush
a Daniel Yoet, - Esquires, his Associates, Judges
of same Court. , Frederick Bensinger, Jr. in
termarried with Elizabeth Keep, one of the daugh
(era and heirs at law. of Peter Kano, late of East
Brunswick Township, in the said County of
Schuylkill, deceased, presented his petition to the
said Court, stating that the said Peter . Habp , died
•intestate on the twelfth day of February, -A. D
One Thousand Eight Ilkindred and Thirty Light,
leaving issue three children, namely to wit: Mary
intermarried with George Miller, now deceased,
and now resident is the State of Obin, Elizabeth
the wife of the said Petitioner, and Margaret, in
termarried. with Isaac Bensinger, and that the
said intestate died. siezed in the demesne as of
fee of, and in it certain messnage or Tenement
and tract of land:situate in East Brunswick
Township, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel
4 • •
Bartolet beninaster,Gtorge,Backert and others.
and containing about. two hundred and nine acres,
be the same more Or less with the appurtenances,
and therefore praying the Court to award an in.
quest to make partition or valuation of the foetal.
sea according to law. We therefore command
you that taking with you, twelve free honest and
'lawful men of your baliwick, you go to and upon
the premises aforesaid, and their by theit.oath or
solemn affirmation, that yon teaks partition there
of to and among the children of the said intestate,
in such manner and in such proportion as by the
laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if each
partition cad - be made without prejudice to anti
spoiling of the whole; but irsuch partition cannot
be made there if , as aoreiiiiid, that then you value
and appraise the same according to law. And
further, that you cause the said inquest to en
quire or ascertain whelho the said Jail estate
with the appertenancea will conveniently acconi
rnodate more than one of the chi
-se ldren of the said
ofthe id
intestate, and ifso, how many children
it will conveniently accommodate. • •
trothonatiry. ;
•Aitirjiiir that purpose will-be held on the prem
ises op Monday the 24th day of Septet:ol;er next,
at 10 o'cloiik •
Sheriff's Office. °twigs- e •
bore, Aug. gs. 1838.
Clotho and Cassimerea
Subsatnber has in Wore a ita w nLi
AL. general juwortment of Blue, Black, Bro w n
Green. torieible Green, drab and mist •
Also. Black, Blue, drab sod nazi Caasimeres
which wilT be ieold very cheap.
non ' 54-
• For Sale )
A =lrina ble Tract of Coal 'La , %; '
LYING and being in the tow it
nshi • b °tw.
waging, on the IVesr Branch the West
Branch Rail Roa4, abonthiailni trogi Orninyl•
kill Haven--there is in or,lisre Coal: Vying
parliang through ilia .and. For infoqtration ap
ly to AACOB REED.'
/ at PoUsville,
or. HOkEMAN,
at Reading.
blie No
As it ap rsohat . because Mr. Crane obtained .
no tint foi smeltieg Trop Ore with An.
darnel .Coal in this country, many sopiese‘thit
the are now it liberty to adopt the method of
a • elung Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of
• heated air blast; although I gave notice last
year that 1 had a patent for smelting Iron Ore
with Anthracite Coal, both br the use of a cold
atmospheric and a heated, ir, blast, I would now
inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan
uary, 1E35;1 received a !quer from the Commis
sioner of Patentidat Washington, stating: "Sir,
upon examining the case of Mr. Crane's apOlica-,
. non for a patent for Smelting Iron by means. of
A nthracitc,l have viewed his claim as interfering
wjth yew patent of Dec, 1833, and have- given
notice to his- attorney of this decision." Every
attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the
use of a boated air blast, is an infringement upon
my patent, Skeins: which A caution and warn
all men; as 1 shall pr9semote every one infainging
upon my rights, according to law. And I fur;
?her offer Indispose of patent rights for the erect
ing of furnaces, according •to my4patent, upon
very modera t e terms.
V 8
/ bob•..
2 00
New York, IVlky 16,1838. 37-ily
Ithe grandest ornament belonging to the human
frame. How strangely the loss of it changes the
countenance and prematurely brings on the titipear
once of old age, which enures many to recoil at being
uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society like
void thejests and sneers. of their acquaintance; the re
maindor of their lives are consequently spent in re
tirement. In short, not even the four of property fills
the generous atilt/sing youth with that heavy - einking
gloom as does the loss of his hair. To avert all these
unpleasant circumstances. OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF
COLUMBIA. steps the hair from falling off on the first
applieation and a few bottles restores it again. It
likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers • prevents
the hair from turning grey, makeeit curl beautifully, -
and frees it from scurf: Numerous certificates of the
first respectability in support of the virtue ofOldridge's
'Halm, are shown by the proprietors.
lite• Read the following: ...
ROBERT 'WHIARTON, Esq. late . Mayor Of Phila
delphia. has k•ertifted. as Mal , be seen belqw, to the
high characterof the fill/01mq gentlemen:lL
The mid eraigned do . lsereby inert 4 that we used
the Balm ofColutnbia discovered by J. (Aldridge.. and
have found it hilety serviceable not only os.n. preven
tive agamat the hating effof hair. but also a cautions
storauve. WM. THACHER, senior,.
Methodist Minister in :St. George charge.
No. 86 North Fifth-street.
JOHN P. INGEES.'33I Arch street.
JOHN D. THOMAS, M n: 163 Race it.
JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st. .
HUGH McCURD.Y. 243 Seeth 7d et,
JOIN GARD,j. 123 Arch it.
The aged, and those w ho:persis in wearing wigs,-
may not always experience! its restorative quatitles, yet
it will ceriainly raise its vitt:main the estimation ofthe
,public, when . it s• known that three of the above sign
ere are more than 50 peaty of age, and the others 'not
• less than 30. •
From the Mayor.] 1
City of Philadelphia. ,
f. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of saidjity of
Philadelphia:do hereby certify that! am well ac saint
ed with Messrs. J. P Inglii: John S. Furey; a' Hugh
McCurdy. whose cames are signed to the abosetCetti•
fleets, Oa; they are gentlemen of charecter 4nd re
spectahtlity, and as much full credit should be given
to the said certiftraite. . " • 1
la witness' whereof. I havelereunto set myt hand,
and caused the seal of the city to betilEted, this
[I. S.] sixth day ofDecember. &c.
Caution—None geauiit without a splitedid steel
engraved terapper of Falls of Viagra, with. grants
names arc. ' 1 • 1--
wholordeouxt retail by Comstock and CO. 2 Vetch.
er Street New Yttik sod oetaile4 by. i
W T. krrtric.
Pottsville, Julyl2s. c ..574y
.ErdnAEHE * CO: -
(Formerly. Perko- 4 imam.)
HAVE removed on the oppOsito side of( ~ •-
Street, .a few doors above Norwegian Strg*
where they offer for safe a select assortment it
Superfine Broad Clotka and Cassimenti•oftim
most fashionablq colors, with en'elegant isiort
moot of 110111M6f cloths, Vestiog4 Wen and Cot.
ton. Shims. Coders. Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, Stu.
pendent, linen and cotton Hose, and all - kinds .of
GentlemeW o wleark t ig Were. which
,will Ji ft
of MI the ade to ordertobst approved ityle. ai ,
the workmanship. and warranted to fit • ectuarto'
any in the city dr elsewhere. J. • -•--
5..P4 Col. keep on band onstrcellent. assort
ment of reside-made Clot/see adtlibull,,whiolt
led kt
! be soil vbiy lei tilde -
Juni 17 . • •"'
AFew vs , ' givf‘ fall tertirtli- prints, of the la*
BISHOP Billitymiitidde for frain . ,o4,-
ramiyed and for sale ky . malumriberp.l. Pk*
75 cents. H. BONAN.._
aug. 1838
March 25 34_
1 ,
lititEd2P- R&M ifillA
Valuable `Real Propaiiin .". ' . -- ' 1
z . 'FOR . SA - , , gv-.. , .. .
THE undersigned offers ih i -"-
Vial wea
known 'three story ,Blilef4 RE :AND
11WELLIAIG HOUSRUnd 14' i ices
situate in,Verktie street, Pidnivilk, ,
of the undersigned; hai ger, *ilk tannt,Other
tenements in the rear of. e
giia*lilidei;:iiiii UM
lot of grtend whereon d whOle-standsi , Ile
hrkk building afixessid.*tentainiftli4ty feet in
from—tinshof,i_from theit*metilltOgy:ol.loo
garret in the bescstyle oilillihasinal 0,00 4
as a business standstill's reiltdeifee,AßlOC
inerably 'situated. The fOregninglropeetx, titt
be sold on lowand acCom*dater tiiwi,.s. :reit
of the purchase ineseY lolly-te '. tin the Pr°o2
arty for a few years, it desired . _ Tit e indigent.
ble, nod possession eau be giv . ire cdiatel.Y—e
apply to ' G. .JE XING& ...
April 2232-tf .. ' Poturtille
‘,l l / 1 '6.E.011 - S, I, ()AIM V.
Mitikin's P;118.1
TBE Original llygcian Un l ivertwr Vegetitat
Medicine, prepared by
.wf. BlltiMlNi' Esq..
slenibew of the. Royal College „ Burgeons, Licen
tiate of Apothecaries Colispn "Fellow or,. 801.
Court Society, Sorgeori to the !Limn:Mien Pea l)
ohm Association, Lancaster — pleas,' Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Orupil Gu n and St
Thomas' Hospital'', London; -:- • ,q. .
These pdls having gained a lebriOunparlds. every section of the.ll "liii,,ilit low eon.
sidered by all those who 'sled titAtkilth, India.
pensable as a ,family medic'," ` - plitunpmed by 0,
numerous body of the most ipenl , nyeietatia
both in this country ald in Europe,.ib sufficient.
it is presumea, to stamp their,e,buiuttetimthe es.
timation of every thinking map, and it_ie 11404
a far better recommendation than the .courettuin,
sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders;
who to mislead and deceive the public. ploiliisil
whdt they call practical-proofsland etirtilleateirof
Cures, that exceed all bounds of milting credibit.
ity, and most of which, if not all, aret either pest
fabrications, or procured byfroid and counisitice.
The editor of the Long. 'plead .Fanner says — 7 ,
"This medicine has obtained In . unpre cedented
degree of well preserved populirity. 4Haviuglailt%
en these pills ourselves to advantagetind le t ae s%
ed their beneficial effects on oltienc - , -We. ihe
hesitation in recommending them lathe pu btu
a safe, salutary and useful faudm
lyedieme. •j•
10 .1'None are genuine withoid the .signatare of,
the General Agent on tliellibe, by w,hom the's.
hove medicine is impeded iituthie coutitr s..
;NO. HOLBEIN,329I.W.svarIy Mace.
, . Gen'l Aent fin U. b. - .:, •ti
A supply ofthe above Ilfahcincr just..recesrM
and, for sole by. . , --.);: BAINNAN,.,
Sole Agent fotSclisylkilf comity... - -
. 6. F .
g' r
C.p t co
qt ..4
eit i P
c k 2
=4 cl
.... cm=
ot , nil
1 ri
2 P
July 16
PRAM $l.
repotaiion.unpandieled, folly - iiristsi' ning - tbe, co*.
mums, of the lamented .I.3*.pridlerklast e.novi
feavion, that " be dared not ilieSsithoutigivingto
posterity the benefit of his kmarledge on thissnb....
)cct," and- he therefore bequeathed to his friend
attendant Solomon flays, the secret of his diary
It is now used •in the prin • hospitals, mt;
the privhte practice in our . conntry. Snit, end,
most cerihinly fiiithe cures of Piles.,and Aso
screitensitiely and effectuellY ilisto baffle credyilk,
ty; unless` where ha effects ore,yritnesiied: /torn.
nally in the following complaints. . ;
Igor Diopsy.—crestipg extrallpitry.'ithearp
tion at once.
All Sineltiva.--Itainciug emits n4w:lxinrs - :
RheumFam•- Aunt c t nigsgtv-Int `Pick --
ease. ' ,• • ,
Sere cancers; Ice** c01*4, - ...1
Crimp :and !having Coil —Futernally,titul
over the Chest. • .
- AI2 Britise" s, Sprains and urns, eured_hiAir
few howl: .
gofer and Vice g.—Whether relator lon
ing and fevir. sorts , , . • „..
Its operations upon adults and - ehlldriniiiqns;,.
'facing rheumatic•&
and tightness otitis= Chest eifthe
perts i las been euritthitni beyond contloPtilitt.
The con34rion rimprkofikaßelirack l ,hifetOtlt
in the Mrs, is ''•lt lets iikirir ; Oiiint 4
person vrho , will uses-bottiti-4finrs• Liniment
for the Piles,. and return thiseopt,i..botthi wilbeno
being cured.. Theirinrethe Positive hidersiffibn,
- proprietor to,thei Agentst'int tint of many SOO;
sends sold, not one-bas '
We might insert certificates tiiiiky length, b
puller that those who sell the snide, slusMiejliki ,
bibitthe Original to putebeiers. •
CAUTION.-.Note can be genrdoe....
splendid wrapper , . o a:**SittiV
mime, ind iihmtkat thrAysts....aiAg- ,
Sold iiholeLle and retill:h y pnigiTocg4 .:
Sold Agents, PIMA
d retail by W.''. EPTL:p:Centre it. •rottai.
ille, Pa: • •
. To :Mhterii.)ll,
, ViprßollGir. r Iron -
v v &diet.; from I ofiti
intornWainmeter Suitolo44;
Sept. 1 0 818 . '
--., W.::sti~p
';" '' . .-''''.'3 l .44 tej..'.' .'"?...: I
; " - , ?ist :A :4.3