II II POTTSV M RNI Checks, rr ' 4rnd Chu Del !'tie Chi Prt Sht 1:100 hiot cam at tl Putt at 2 dor also Sub ciu► day. By order of the Standing , WILLI • CHARS DAV]] LEON JOSE/ Ritter, Democracy, Democratic rune Democratic Besiablicana A- Township. who are ini favor tpf lion lof Joseph Ritzier and * agent' .1 sill and gold and goad beak ho Rat t the profigate Aministration Van Buren and Porter's Shinplaster red inable Treasury Notes.(Continen anepectfully invued to attentra met hel on Saturday the 15th ling., at 1 o M. t the house of Jacob Leckenbitt, in ti of reidenshorg, for the purpose or pn the Election of our present worthy farm ern r and the Democratic county u 'bet, su other objects which may tend up ca .of the People. The Democra oof joi ing Townships are politely re, estr ten Feverai speeches will be mid in eh h and German languages. its MANY FA ' 1 4i , rayme Township Sept, Ft 1 4 133 ''iii,r- lie trier; Gold €.6 Silber, itn Treasury; Treas MEETING of the ifriends o Gt and opposed to the. locloo Foe° hi didate. ,David ft , 'Porter; will hi of Jacob Ropp, in 'Onion tow Ail a_y the 22d lust, at 2' o'aluck, P. A Democrats, and support your use. Sept 8 - . Porter & Demoe k MEETING of the friends of an Porter, but opposed to the Se yll ination far county officers, h d I will take place at the ha se 4 1 . after, East Schuylkill Haven, o St h instant, at 2 o'clock P: M. MAX V' Septenther 13, 1838. PII7IILIC AIME Pittsburg Bele._ 'MEETING of the Citizens gion pvili be . held • THIS EVENING tember 12th, at Stager's How this 13nrough, to hear the Re rg Delegation. ' MLNERS TAKE NO IC If William Haleitoo, late f.w Wee, Nova geotia, - will call at th • -iv. a letter from hie wife, Whig nomination to Co nferees of Lehigh and Si tee, met agreeably to appo :0106 of Gideon Oswalt, i township. They unanimou" WALLTER C. LIV IN ofLeblgh, as Representati elision 'was one of great elm I neightMrhood, and upward from the'neighboring tow who all testified their unq Lion of the choice, and tbei Were biw 400 majority is fame enthusiasm which is prevalent, manifested itself ititepcthd . the conference. 'lriV present utir ent TAttlintlitir Cowry AND ! xxrp and we can with sett, that a stronger array integthy have never been voteri- of Schuylkill and ; nominafions bave through;! ted by an ardent wish to I those .who can justly and • right" from eccroachment I I to tell our enemies their Eliot the dignity and puri WIWI and the laws. If . . . lint, our (vire ticket gnus I Crisis.—[o (hotpot on; Wation,no era has been "iltiepitnicirbing iotereet as -Therfarti supporting. the surd ot the genetst titt been gradually iiilting utto now the most strenuous! ea • kintto revive its strength insidioosdevice the zeal o The idiictrineis of Vattl3u usheYfatio the world,- viecr . his whole political car signing end birpocriticat dog bitternese of the gilded pill wt iiiot at first-perceptible within its attractive covering. Much was to be emended, much reforined- - and for some tune the casual observer was really, deceived by the ap pearance of prosperity; an'ovexplus in the Treasury of forty millions wore an aspect ofcontinued success, sad its division a-. mong the States was a healthful .omen of national happiness. But alas! these were. only the gaudy trappings which served to cover the , stern ciefarawity and sterility of all beneath. degrees our eyes were opened—the wierd sisters never "kept the word of promise to the ear, and broke it to e sense," more effectually than did Mar tin an Basica and his poPitical 'skivers. Fro an ever whelrotne majority in our national tigress, the demented admiois tration now And themselves in a minority. . Nothing euuldlield them from public re.. huke.: their throng .of of holders and, wealthy supporters in vain lavished their'L sale' ies and their gold—a subsidized and corrupt press in vain belched forth their vonutings of spleen arm gall,— ander was rebuked—falsehood detected--an he true democracy of our country arose in eir grandeur to say to their imperious rules*, thus far shalt thou go and no farther." ' Their experiments were their rain. The wide spread commercial desolation which followed like an avalanche, carrying fear and destruction with it, aroused the dor mant faculties of our nation. They found they had been de wived, cheated and tri:. fled with! They sought the ballot heir for redress, and its influence is 'already felt throughout the nation. The Strong holds of tyranny are broken up—the flood of popular rebuke is overwhelming them, and a place iq public sentiment, 'which is the only ark of safety amid the waste of waters, is denied them. Citizens of Penn sylvania! the moment that declares Jos,eph Runtr to he re-elected as your GoYernor, will be the sun rise of renewed prosperity; the dark cloud which has. overshadowed us will be withdrawn-I'le plagues will be removed from Egypt, and as marked', a difference will be seen in our business, our Public and our private works, as in the sunshine after a tempestl This desirable end is within our reach; a few slight ef forts and it is accomplished. But we must lee on our guard—all that political prialli• acy can invent will be brought againstus. The fascinations of 'Calypso and her nreaphs—the gold of Plums, the windings of tbe Cretan labyrinth will be out-fabled by their ephemeral promises, their spe '!does bribes, and their artful machinations all will be in vain - , it we are but true to 'ourselves- Corruption, profligacy, exac tion and oppression , will be -ended—our name will no longer be a by-word and our country a reproach; ourbark ofgovernment will again put out to sea, manned by:ex perienced pilots, and wafted by prosperous breezes, we will again enter a secure ha ven of national prosperity and joy. E! ng. ot • 1 ough of Stp alt th, count , worth' *bait ell the 20,0f10,- by Von the 'reavo y to to t egfi f in t. ALT v, a d t 111:111WM OP the Pto. ef the mmitt 1 LER, tisq 11113 DENT 191L1., J Stlol FF.RTI d Go ld. g. .f WO , ne he re-dlec . errancy of and a -1 of . Mdrtia and the ir ta I Modey,) ing, go bo 'clack P. the town woofing Gov. tver. a, '44i an. for hot , the th e l , ad d t at. th En 1. Ltb- Nitner, aster • t the , Sat , Turn EMI n dln di lkill even on t e of !canon 4tur ay the Miner Meeting in Brunstoig township. —On Saturday last the friends of Gov. Ritzier held a spirited meeting at the house of Samuel Yost, in Brunswig; 118 persons were present, and among them' were rec ognized several former supporters of Wolf and Muhlenberg, who are now going for the farmer Governos. Our friends iu this oeighborhoo& are full of confidence and will take a large slice out of the former foco majority of the - county. The farmetv turned out with great enthusiasm. Wagons were constantly pouring in, and two•were decorated with appropnate flags and emblems—"no Sub treasury," "No Shinplasters," "Gold and Specie." OT:RS iii l .al Rai t Street, Pitt' the Albe36 - he will Oue team filled with working men was a glorious sign of the prosperity-of the goad cause—a sign that they were up and do ola. We feel certain that Bonnswig will dO — its duty. . ess.i—To! uyikt(l cou tail at t Wes Pen', The Paisburg Coneentign.—News of the first day's proceedings have been re ceived; there were nearly 4000 delegates present, the largest chuich could not con tain them, and they were -4 obliged to ad journ to an open grove ; The C invention was organized by the appointment of Wi/- hum Iheater, Esq. of Reading, as Neil dent, assisted by 41 Vice - Presidents, a mong whom we recognize the name of Dr. George N. Eckert, of Schuylkill county. Committees were appointed to prepare ad dresses, resolutions, &c. which as soon as received will be laid before our readers. The utinost,harmony prevailed—but one spirit manifested itself, -which *as honest opposition to David R. Porter, and pride of Gov.' Ritner, This meeting is the greatest triumph yet achieved- by the • Whigs--the' largest - meeting ever assem bled in our country, and it will speak• to the State in . language,ivhich will cause the myrmidons of party to quail,.and -carry convicti o n to every honest mind. We await with -intense anxiety the report of their proceedings. $ lam' When our deletes return, a meet- • ing will be;called to hear their report, of which due notice will be given!: - 1 , ly noMinai '. c TON, J. , . e. he oe 1 temen in the • fifty rulers ips a tended, 1 itied a proba. determination Lehi4h. The every,' where moue all who re Ari6rr-SuA Trc onfidenee •as of tarot and resented to the , high. The ut been dicta. bring 'forward .ly defend our and who dare tilts, and stand y of our consti party by vigi prevail. ' • tical annals of .o fraught with the present.— . bnogious mea• nistration, has a minority; and i • rtione 'are ma- , Qom- We. learn frton Leading that be tween' thirteen and fourteen hundred per-, sun* attended the Reading Porter ponven -1 lion on Monday IW. Needy one bailor the number were from Berke county.' '. 1 and blind by ...heir opponents. ;niiiirwhen 'fluff on, -a par with —specious, de- The nausea. Van But en.voted in the New York Con. vention to amend the tonstiiwtion v against pertniying any person to vote unless he was a hoose-keeper. What say , yea to that, ye single -voters. "Der Joseph 'littler ist der imam, Der onseym Sisal regieleo keno." ISM Gibbons med o tie , B, but 46, has which • nea P hese: carts, and with gresitlrir, but it at he did not o r hat he could go to Iturne4 out that he would‘cime to hem• ock, and lea at tour, the Wheelbarrow oasis th 9 o'c which was a peciarpt dia consequence . . charge. As soon as this was done, the cry of prom 'ption . and persecution. was raised, and - be the case with every idle vagabon sent off the work, be was a Porter man immediately. He then pub lished a st tement how the State was eos i n cheated by I 0 Commissary, providing for the lien, an gives a him list of prices, which by co parison we find on an aver age to be l than the articles were selling for in oar B rough, at he same titne—he attributes al to partyyland Thaddeus Ste vens—says be was engaged on the .30th June, and ws told to make no distinction of party in his engagements, but that on the t of July[ (the next day,) Stevens came alo . the bite of canal and discharged all the friends pf Porter. He then induced some of thti men in his employ to give a c -1 h certificate oam get ting anothe job, but when used fur politi caleter under color of purpose , many persons on the list have disclaimed all intention of giving him any character, but from a charitable motive. These impsitions are too gross not to be perceptible to all, and. we shall hereafter show some of its grosser inconsistencies, which want of room compels 'us now to de cline. lealin that a Bet of $5OO was made in Reading a few days since, that }Liner would have a gain of 7000 in only ten count‘s in the State. A gain of 6500 more han nullify the united majority of Wolf and Muhlenbeeg against him in 1835. -1 Kr The Steeple on the New Catholic Chapel inithis Borough, 57 feet high, which is to be slitrmounted with a Cros4, and in which a Town Clock is to be placed, was raised onSaturday last. lAihy are nut the Settzinger's names attached lio the Address to the Anti-Ma. sues of tie State? They were appended to the A drelit published in Reading. 1:1r. I, John Stonebreaket is a tying oagabrmii, of notorious bad character, &c. as the lapis state, how is it that was ta ken for bail fur David R. Porter in the sum of $BOOl If he was a vagabond, David R. Porter must have been very fond of vagabond's company.., f)::r trite Messrs. Stonebreakere -.tire member# . of the- Methodist Episcopal Church, to good standing,, and areewell known to several clergymen of that per suation,lwho testify -to their . good charac ter and tanding. Yet these men are pro noutice4 by ;he Loco fuco Porterites to be' lying Igabonda. Conrg Still.—The Montrose Regis ter gives us additional namesof those for. merly Opposed to Ritner, who will now vote fit him in pieference to David R. Porter, , which, now swells the. number to g l 174. n 1836 there was a majority of 289 a lost the Whigs in all Susquehannaii Co„ a d the neighborhood of Montrose alone knocks ofrthat Dumber. , New York Election.—Bot4 parties have i l girded on . their armor for the coming. conffic in November. The whit woven. lion T mbled at Utica—the Locos at tjerki er. it will be a desperate sung. gle o n, he part of the office holders and their yrroidons; beaten last year, all their energies will be directed to repair their losses-hit is the wild death struggle: they are already gasping.for breath, and before. December is ushered in, the cannon 4 Whig rictory will fire over the tomb of the 8u b trearuiv party, and its death will tie droWnedin the triumphant shout of mil lions Of freemen. Fu . t a her returns froth Itli,nont still render the bernatorial election in this State doubt ul. It is now stated that the Ad minist lion canduibte has probably am. teede by u small majority. . . Th news from the 'Vermont election is gloriobs.Notwithstanding the boasts of the co s'Lbs of the "greet reaction" in this State the Whig ticket has increased ma, joritiel as far as heard from. The election in Maine took place on -Monday last. The Government - has sent at least half a million dollars in this &tie to , carry it. The Eiperiments bay ing redhead thousands -,to poverty- = they sre now endeavoring to buy ~them up with the public mewl! 't: 'he Porter wipers are making a, great noise because Jantes,Duniop of Franklin county, some time since said, that be did believe the charges preferred iiirainis • orter. _This is notating very strarigat- .7 Therwere hundreds, even in Huntingdon county, not acquain!ed with the circum stances, who di4 , not believe the cliargen, until - Porter bad the suits pending. against' him put off—and the Stonebrakers have sworn to his fraudulent Inseh)eriey.— They now believe it, and will not vote for him. MMI= _- , ''';;J:* 7 4‘' • MI miriz friends ill( Palau in Carlini:rim countyhavenottrii)oo4 Mrs fietornan for the Aasembly, and W. G. litairiey, to represent Colombia and 'Luzern Counties in Congress. A "mad hose wasmogaged heal Rooting; Aiwa' batten• statement io missal to tkis be The Jail Candidate' for Goverper.— it • appears that George: Davis, Esq. the partiC.Rarfrienii AndAtieighbour of David PCITY?r wda tlf&person wholiut, him in jail,' on a hairpiece. if - the friends Red neighbors of David 11... Porter could not trust him, and 'committed him to. prison, can the people-of Pennsylvania trust him tor Governor of the State. eta are simply *cork he stated n even a Porter Editors Bricking oat'—We leant from the Miltonian that Gabriel Yearick, Editor of the Union Timed, a violent tripportei of Porter loco foooisosebas tbs4uatulated. He has thos 'proved himself a locomotive stibtressoer, leaving 'lts hostess, a poor widow mines about $3OO, as also the Hinter, Tailor, "tinker, cobbler" fore his departure he was for selling out his inter , est to . the Ritaer pinky, bist as that interest turned out to be nothing, it would not answer. Well he's gone,—where ninny, more pill follow after the election; we. expect to see a caravan of 13C0 editors start for Mitssouri,the latter end of Octo ber, as being the only soh when! their principles vegetate. eOngressional Conference. The Democratic Repo') an Conferees from the Mounties of Schuylkill and Le high, convened at the - house of Gideon Os wald, in West Penn township Schuylkill county, September 10th. 1838, for the pur pose of nominating a suitable candidate fur Congress. The meeting was organ ized by appointing PETER. FILBERT, Esq. of Schuylkill, President. Gamma Yus-r, of Lehigh, Ss*uaa D. LEM, of Schuylkill, Vice Presidents ; John Smith of Lehigh, Charles Dengter, Esq. of Schuylkill, Secretaries. The following' Conferees were present. Frpm Schnylkill.—SamUel D.. Leib. Peter Filbert, Benjamin Hefner, William Wolf, Charles Dpngler, 4s q ., David Kist ler, John Shoemaker, From Lehigh:—George Yurrt' , John Smith, L F. Ruhe, jr., Joseph Morey, G. A. Sage, Jonas Seiberling, Esq., Charles W. Weant, Esq: On motion of J. F. Rube, jr., seraonded by Win. Wolf, Col, Walter C. Livingston of Lehigh, was declared to hp nominate. by. a unanimous vote. On; motion; a ,committed of five were appointed to draft Preamble and Rcsolu tions, fur the adoption of the meeting, viz.: G. A. Sage, S. D. 12+ etb, J.• F. Rube, jr , John Shoemaker and Jonas Seiherling, Esq., who, after retiring for a short time, reported the following which were unani mously adopted. Whereas, this meeting has been con vened' for the purpose of nominating a suitable person, to represent the Eighth Cog;, essional District, composed of the counties of Schuylkill and Lehigh, in the ensuing Congress of-.the United States; and Whereas, in the performance of this high and responsible duty, we desire to be' governed by sound republican principles and usages, a due regard to the wishes of ' our constituents, and the welfare and pros-' perity ofiker - people at large• ' and whereas the abuses and corruptions' o f the present National Administration, have reached a point of enormity, unprecedented in the annals of our country, calling -loudly for re. f.;rm, and a recurrence to the fundamental i princirles, and devolving upon every free-1 man the duty-to active vigilance and e'er., tym, - to rescue the violated Constitution end Laws, restore the happiness and pros perity of the people, and check the pro gress of political profligacy and usurpation. Therefore Resolved, That we unimanimously nom hiate Col. W A LTER C. LIVINGSTON, as a man in whom we repose the •highest Confidence'and well qualified to represent this district in the Congress of the United States. Resolved, That we recognize in him a sterling Democrat, ñ friend to 'lndividual Enterprise and Inßustry,, an opponent to Incorporated monopohes,in f l ror of a sound currency and opposed to di . Shin Plaster and Sub Treasury Systems. RMolved, That we Sill oppose all nom Mations that are made by our opponents, that support the ineas4es Martin Van Buren and Porter, either by pledges .or etherwise, because we believe those meas ures and pledges, are in principle arbi trary and,detrimehtal la the• welfare of the peopk. Resolved, That we, recommend, to all our 'friends Union and Harmony, Vigi knee and Activity. • - Resolved, That we entertain the fullest con6denee in the sound Democratic prin- Ciples of our present Chief Magistrate Jo. eeph Ritner, and in the success of the good cause we advocate, and that a glorious victory . will revraid oar exertions. On motion, Resolved; That the Pro ceedings of this Convention 'be published in all. the Democratie Whig and,.• • Ritzier papers of Schuylkill and Lehigh Co. Resolied, That the contintion Adjourn, and. thp officers oftbis meeting sign the proceedings. frrwi are 4no enemy i to the Vice President. We hope, that fie lire to a good old age and then die ealetly'he the anne of hie wile.— Western Statesman. .. Io that CUB, the verdiet i ae inquest will be "pied in , the wool." Los' • Journal", We oruieretand, that o rjDEL a:SUTHER LAND has accessed the inatioo of the "Dem ocratic: Conservative" the -feat Ceagreesionef Merrier of able State- , LM MOEN El . . , Read . the SatiOwin it makes the reelection oil !ne 'v. Ititnertertstin. roan Can losiger"bare any , doniotsabout the rests!** _ • • The Re-eleetion of Goe. kitner conceded by.t eknetn,o._ A REASONABLE . ESTIMATE.I The promulgatiOn of the estimate, codeocted by_the Porter Central Committee,- has excited sect generiA contempt anti ridtente,that Olath e'. estimates that may be made between this and the elemiumr—nomatter hew correct the data on whieb they are fanned, will be looked upon with suspicion. Still — the following, with regard 'to twenty vounties tidy, appears to moo tea nable, or.we should rather say, so liberal with rd to the enemy. that•we copy it with confide'. per fectly wiltinitto'test its accuracy by th . its. limey also be well enough to repeat here,-for the information of „thou; whe pay little .attention to the subject, that the :Porter Committee admit a Ritner gain of MORE THAN FIVE TROD SAND VOTES in ten counties alone! Alto, that Governor Hitner's vote has CONSTANTLY INCREASED at every successive contest; turd that in 1835, he RECEIVED' WENTY-FIV E HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT MORE THAN MARTIN VAN BUREN RECEIVED IN 1836. it should' also be remembered 'that in I 832, when Wolf and Racier were the only eandi didates in the, field, and when Wolf was assisted by the patronage of both, the National and State Administration., and. backed by the popularity of General Jackson, hie majority was a little more thin 3000 votes. The Porter men admit a change of more than 3000 in favour of Miner in Phila delphia city and county alone? Not. only this, but one of ,Vier papers; the Key Stone, argued with great pertinacity some time since, that the appointment of Messrs. Stevens and Dickey as Canal Commissioners, would make a difference of 10,000 in favour of Ritner. Take their own I statements, therefore, and Governor Ritner must be elected bia triumphant maj only. He beat Van Buren in '36, before that individual had Iden tified his fortunes with the atone Sub-Treasury Bill; and lt,will be extraordinary indeed, if we do. not overwhelm the Van Buren SubiTreasury Candidate for Goiermir, especially as titepopular current for the last two years has been lunging I as,rapidly as the waters. of the St. Lawrence, , against Loco Foconum its madness, its measures, and hi men. - . We invite Attention‘ to the subjoined estimate of the probable result of thellection to the eoun ties mentioned; - Railer% • '; Porter. Philad. City , & County, • 2500 ' • • • Maths. _lOOO Franklin, -- . - 300 iilleghany. ~ : 1200. . . Beaver, ,• ' • 1000 Mercer, _ ' 700 Crawford, ' 100 Erie, , - 1300 • . • Bradford, 200 Susquehanna, ' 400 orthuoiberland: - - " " 600 Lyeeming, 500 Luzern, - 550 rive,. , ' . 300 Schuylkill, 450 Coluenbia, . 900 • Armstrong. . 550 • Fayette,4so . Cumberland,. _. -• 500 Berko, - 2500 rattier, Epoo Porter, 7,700 In 1835 Ritner was beaten in the same coun ties, 13,000 votes, by Wolf and illublenbnrg. We have estimated our majorities- below - the mph, while we have given Porter in the fbrego ing estimate, heavier majorities than he can pos. sibly command at the coming election, in the counties, enumerated. The result In the twenty counties, including this city, will assuredly ex hibit a gain for Wittier, compared with his vote of 1835, of Imo° . votes, tNus completely break ing down the aggregate majority over Ritner at the last electienj leaving thirty-two counties in the commonwealth wholly excluded. Now, we yen. tared to. perilfel; that Porter 'Till not command in ten counties, the combined strength Of Wolf and Mahlentierg; conimpiently, his defeat is inev itable. Unless .we greatly err, the Pan Buren, Sub-Treasury, Loco Few candidate will in oar opinion, be completely used op by the hard-fisted' and warm heatted yeomanry of the Key Stone State. No "miming nag" can reasonably hope. to out ran the Farmer Governor. The majority for Wolf and Muhlonberg in 1836, fell short of 13, .000.—[People's Advocate-) , Come up to the Mark Porter ..A . ites, .• rim who boast of getting from 1000 to. 1200 majority in Schuylkill county. ' We are authorized to offer the Minoring . . Bet.: ASO That 'Portei, will not 100 majority - in Schuylkill county. • $5O. •i Tehat he, will not have 200. $5O That he will not have 300. • ••• $5O That he will not have 400.Itk i r • Sioo That he will not have 500. $2OO That hexid mit j tiave 600; _ $2OO That he, will not have 700.. - $2OO That be will-not have 800. $2OO That be will not have WO; and • $lOO - Ritner will. have •a majority in Schuylkill county. The above to be taken collectively. PUIILIC SALL& IWILL be sold , M Public Sale at the House of the Subscriber, residing at the Dem: Park. on*Nooday the 24th inst., at 9 'o'clock. A. M. a variety of Household otensile and Farming Stock, 4ko. among which are the - following arti cles, to wit: Seven good Rail Rood 'Horses and Harness, two Cow.. two two horse Wagons, one new, one Dearborn, one Cart, Plough and 'inv.' row, Win lU,Cutting Box, three Stacks of good Hay, bell ii: a quantity in the Barn, three Stacks of Oats,. se for pester, together with a variety of other .farming froplements,. Six ' Bedsteads. together with a lot of other Honsehold and Witch- Ain Furniture. Four of the Horses are now en. gaged. in hauling Coati for Milne. and Spencer, and the purchaser can have the contract for.hawl. is p; fit snits him at any time. Sale positive-- - -Terms calk ill Silver or gtild %pit Notes, as the subscriber is going !feat; . , MATHEW MARSDEN. Deer Park, 5eFt.12,11138. ' .. 71-30 Mil=M2r= MAME eibittiSte‘• Treas. • . ' Gomm?' JOSEPII K 1 _ congress - Walter- C. • Livii , < Asada* GeOrge N. Ec ert. l n e 00ouniisio Abraham L. Boa ner, 1 ye, Daniel Nllollenber r, 3 year ,• - . Director of the oor Oeorge Mover, ' Auditors ' t . .I. Kuntz' ger, 3"yeA George u Charles Dengler, I veers. . Teuctees 1 Charles .Witman, -.. Michael Grraell: Coroner • ' i i Jacob Reed 4 "Esq. •I, Sisb-l'reasuryTViiket. For, Governor:—thisid R. Pixter. 'Fbr.. bitagresc—teter.Newhard. Per Aasesibly:—W illiam Mortimer, For Coroner:—Natbaniel J.lYlitle,mno. gn • . For Cortunissionere— , •Edwaril Connor, years. - flenjamin Lantter. for I year. Director of the poom•--Dan , I Bartolet. For Auditorav—lteter Kut fur 3 years. ward lionizmiger, 2 years. For Trasteern—lohn , Biekle, Woidison. • Informa tion Wanted. AFEMALE calling he 'ell Maria Blrtlb, or-Byrnes, who was tra ening from Oliw to meet her uncle William George B•roes, residing near Pottsville, was received by th, sub a scriber neat Tarrinqua, in a , eiy distressed tate, and, sick. Any information • ill be a chsri y. • - WILLIAM I INALDSO . t• ' • ' Tama. us. • In the matter of the E tate of Wi ham Reeeel In the Caere of Cemmom • county of S ' NOTICE is 'hereby give Russel, Robert Woudsi ver t , the subscribers, have tees. of the Estate of Willie debit akiesaid, by the Con and for the County . of Sch debted to the said William property belonging to him to pay and deliver all sucli property due and belongio Reevely, to`the said Truett: tors of the se R sired to present their tee mends to the said Trust AN DR ROBE • MART repiding in the Bo September 22. 1838. - Lid 'of EMAINING in•the / 541, Septeuiber I, 163 K Anderson William Andersen John Hr • Atthey Jonas Adams John ' ()tech William Bickley IL S. Bartin George 1 Birk beck Alexander Beierage • Brunei - bus Solomon • pule John 1 Bork Anthony Berk Thomas • .Brickman Israel Bowman David , Brison' William -Bian.David • Barber Wm. • Bennet John - Brengnet Daniel Braman Thomas Ceinpfielit John 1111 Campbell Daniel . Carnessene Patrick -Carlini& Hugh ' ,Coreran Williarn Courtney - Daniel Cockhill Johan/in 2 I Hoehn)! Irearick Davis Miss margaret pa Dinkelspiel Abruham • E Dewalt. Abrahaili 'Darwin John Eddy Willund i Egan-Michael • . l ta t . Evans Evan Farrelly, Andrew ' . • y FettingJ . p 2 , • Fox Mcinry Fortner B P Garrison Leads Gottachall Conrad • Gembeding Samuel Gilmer Andrew ' Gray Abraham Grim Peter - it / Gingiva Frank W 2 Gordon Newel I • Grisswold Chester F Grehan Thomas Haggerty Patrick Hovlahan. Daniel Higley Isaac H Hodgson Sophia L Handrew James • Head-Thomas Hahn Charles ' Hebner, Simon Harlon. William Hirschman Wolfgang Healy Thomas Hamemblor Solomon Hubbard H Hem Absalom Irwine - MissJone Marl Jones-Wallin . , Jones Abraham. B . • Janes Hanna Jones Willhun 2 JaffersJimer Jones William henry Kendig Jacob Kantniarllessillagdale Knott .James • - Kelly Anthony • Klebalttel finglehari Kitchen Elisatb 'Kendigh, Jae° ' Lturnuorad Re rt . Lane Cornelioria Levan Mr. Laver! Dinie/ Monoham Patrick Mediu cleo.lT: iooren Wiliterri l ayer John . oyer Edward oyier Daniel oor Patrick. Moore Stephen Miblen Peter Milian Peter lyen Henry 1 arta Abrahatti organ flopkitl4 Cotta Mariati i lents. Jacob Lorna Richar4" ' lagiutran Thoinas i laxwell Wil 'm leDade David W Willi 'm i IcDonntll Pet i IcManus Cha 1 lcDonald Joh, leConnell Dal EcDonel Jollip lelAnghlin /13, IcAlarney Jol feff John lealon Patric )Id Daniel ?llinett Horati Penal) Miser Pitied Jacob 'realer. John toigly. John leca James ;tigers Henry Iraq Miss .yne s Arthur Ritter John Reiser' Jacob. ißowland Am IRuckle Zo ichards Joseph' Rice Catherine Riegerte - Cha les Richarte Owe Smith Jacob Smith John Smith Willie Smith Willie Sweeney Luk Shisler'llenr Sporrnan F Snyder John Sanders Will Snadden Das Spencer, Fran Sc o tt. Willie Shiver! Mn. Seheibelhud Shaffer Sam Minpadu Skeen Josef Skievper.Pme Winer Willi ' Tigert John Thomas Klav Thom Will Trize Trevillion Jo then John Erbil John 3 Wallle Tho aWalteiJa Wilson Mrs Waiters Ale Wesel Con Weil liseph Whelan St I Watts Edm Wollker Th Williams - William Jo I Williams L, - CHICEST TickeL . ER. pton. • teas in and the Whereas Andrew .y i : n t t i e le d , , d T e f r e u ; i•e and Martin Wee, i .. R n ee lk v P e P° l 1 of emotion Pleas le Vlkill, all persons in. Reevely, or holding are hereby required ' sums of money and to the said William , , and also all credi. •vely, are hereby de. olive accounts or de. W RUSSEL, : ' WOODSIPE, `N WEAVERS I • - Truitt:ea. •ugh-ot - 71-6tw • tters • at Office at Pettaville M W ) WWI If mead D 2 ebecca Richard Sii FE am I Alm =ID 'hen r!d as drew 'hi Jones = 3GO