The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 12, 1838, Image 1

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    i ~,,
VOL. 1.
Staibir •P i girnit
Timer Dotailitit MID Furri e !
.payable'semi-annually in lulaance.
in the year, Twill be charged to -
--7ceive the paper free oTpoatage. T.'
As per annum. 4f not pa within - .1
- will be added to the price °fie ,
.. WE lf LIG •
Two Dot.t.ans per *miaow, pa i.
is advance, If not paid within t
bo charged - • I
Advertisements not exeeebeg tW
'charged el for three insertions—mei
insertion. Larger ones iii propertt
All advertisements will be inse
oat. unless the time for wtil .
:h they 1 ,
is specilled And will be cli.irged ace'
Yearly ad.ertisers cha ,
ineluditig subscription te the paper ,
of keeping one adveitisentent not
Manding during the year, hind the i
:er one in. each parn4 for Oiree slice
All letters addressed to the editor
otherwise no attention will be paid
All notices for ineetirigs, arc
which have hereterwe been Mae
h arged 25 cents etch, except Mar .1
° Exchange at New Yor
9 a 9t per cont. premium.
Rail Roads.—ln 1827, there
tions . lor rail roads, and 79 act! _
at an estimated cost 0tAfa,861,285.
A Convict:—Mr. Samuel Terry, a convict from
L i
Manchester to Sydneiabout 50 earsago, recent
ly died worth half a Million.— 111 funeral was
generally attended, as l his latter years had wiped
away the ignominy oil his form r faults.
.--, Tice - London and Birminghe Roil loaf is- to
open on the 10 of this monthj The estimated
cost of the Kilsby (mine' on this route wad £7O,
'OOO, the actual cost 4150,000,jtve times the ori
ginal contemplation ? 1
IrLighteing.—The pMnacle-of the New Church
at Shardlow has been struck by lightning, and so
much shattered that it was si ssary to take it
' Tin Boat —The Lincoln Oa to states that a
boat so light that two youths Can carry it, has
been conatrocted oft - 'sheet tin --i-what next?
- 'Fire Dimp..--An explosion Of fire damp took
place at the Woodhead Collieryi near Cheadle in
Staillirdshire: eleven men 'were in the port only
suae escaped, and he was broug t out insensible.
Cotton.—There is no change rom last advice:l.
Sir Putney Malcoln is ileac'.
Sir Edward Blahney is anno4nced as Sir John
Colbourn's successor n Caned
tc t
Another Carlist con piracy hen been discovered
at Madrid and sever arrests _Made. I
The Smithsonian 1 Racy of about half a million
to endow a publick li rary at 'tab has been re
ceived by the Media r,. Mr. Rosh has returned.
A person of the ea e name Ins the immortal
Shakespear has appeilred in the ' dramatic world
as an author. Doub exists as to his alleged de
scent from the Bard of Avon-
Billards on horse heck have n played for, a
wager at Paris. -
Lieut. ilynel has ascended t e river Euphrates
from Bussorah to Hit 500 miles i 120 hours with
out opposition from the nativ or any peculiar
dificults in the navigation. He hopes to reach
Beier from' which to transit to Alepj will be
comparitively easy. 1 : _
A French fleet Of ip vessels so rumor says, has
sailed ',with 15,000 troops to attaek Vera Cruz—
donbtfrilt _.
i se
A Loose to ter!—dear Loud n this inscription
into belormedon the door of th 'Three Magpies.'
It has lawn interpreted Ale ho to Let. "
The ! Liverpool cotton marks continues steady.
A Bill m ineet 4 a Lightimuse at Gibmlter has
passedtthe House of pornmons, one shilling stet•
ling tell to be charged on ever ship passing.
Bullyls portrait of the Queen is exhibiting at
Liverpool, it is highly commended. •
The demdnd for illumination lampv on coro.
i nation Bee was unprecedented ten shillings p o, it
I doz. was charged only for tiled loan. This was
making light of a serious e•tbj t.
175,000 Newspapers were Mailed ode day at
London—so much for the mar4h of science.
'Mrs..Trollope is dying—she twill hie still when
in her grave.
The Duke - of Northam berlarid is to pay all the
expenses of Sir John Ilerschers observations in
the Southern Hemisphere : this is princely mu.
nifieence. ' ; I
A Cab moved by gleam was ately tied in flydo
c l i
Park—its average speed was twelve Miles an
hour. It is presumed that for mmon travelling,
it will in a measure rival railreade.
An Egg 7i inches; in circus forence 41 inches
long and weighing near 5 oz. Was laid by a duck
only 31 pounds in weight. I
Two brother. Wm. and John Crosaby, were
killed recently in coal pit ai. Northowran be
longing to Messrs. Bolt & Co. ".t
..t - An new instrument called tb Miners' Compass
eas been invented. : Its objet is to correct any
levation of the needle in a mi , t produced by the
attraction of inetallie veins.
The wife of a weaver nem,
lag, near Holmfortti has been
• Henry Lee has been crush.
Midland Cu) Rail Road by a
Jahn Cave, was ruQ Over by
the inchnd plane at Little
Impressions of fontstops
rock 37 feet below the surface
Quarries in Cheshire ,
.0 IMO 060. sterlillphave
'railways during the. present -
Alining Companyi of Ireland —The half-yearly
assimbly of this CoMpany was held in the Com'
mese* Buildings on Tucsduy, Isaac English.
Esq. in the chair. ;Mr Purdy the
thareport,of the Blard of Di tors of the state
of the Company ' s affairs , and an abstiact of the
accounts for the last heir -yea ;by which-it sp•
pew that thQ profi yielded' y the mines during
that pertod'are . .£l 772 6s 4d Of this sum £2,
359 .I7s 4d. were e 'perided I opening two lead
mines and two cop r mines, o d .C 1,286 10.. 9d.
in erecting a steam. ngine an making other per.
raiment improveme sat the r oes , of established
value. This MO! ' the nett po rfi ts £7,126 10s.
Id.; and the Board roposed diVide £ 4,900 of
that mini among' th slouch dam at the rate of
seven per cent per a num, u n l.he depositedtap-
Ital retaining the sit plus. T ereport was adopt
ed: The dividend ccomme ded by the Board
was declared payable on an d• au the s lat Sep-
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„. 1 WILi. TZ41.01l Youlr?,rmit..citowiLs or THZ MARTHA/HO BIM° °MOON ?TIM HiLvkillis 01 , Tfritif A ms..nri*loriindi iriziiiits r . ii!:iiriti:O'ilor, H'i,ril 4WD stnuier Air. SAVORS TO
• ,
. .
. .
. . ' • • -
. .
--• , .
tembeeist tillh-compaly,,e-offictratol-akt the office ;
of H. abdiU.lohnetief & 'ect.
Paper.) ,
'• per annum.
If not paid with
, I those who re-
: - mail subscriber,
he yesr, 50 ce nt.
Thr; qiaiguw. yeas** have advanced then.
prices one half-pennypisr ell. Work plenty.
At Ilunodn on the.letS solleirradr* the corona
tion an corder svm given that every man should•
bring htieses with him,—By a gallant Printers
mistakelt read.every- Man should bring a lass
With him.
I bis sew-anneal'
'year,s2 ao will
elve lines will be
50 cents for.ene
Fishing bbats arrived at Perth • brought por.r•
which are called strange fish—they sell in
N: York a•tentr piece.
£25;000 have becit 'appropriated to improve
Montrose Harbour. .
ed until "otdere
- to be continue
1 1 ljlY per annum;
with the privilege
ending 2, squares
sertion of aThmall-
The corner. Stone oleo independent Cathedral
has been laid at Caroavon.
, lye thne:s;'
most be po*paid,
to them. ,
. . - .
Lord_ Emlyn, eldest son of the EMI oitlawdon'
hu arrived Wt years of discretion; it was.properly
celebrated at Pembriikelihier. I ,
The Hopyards in Hereford are mat,F4ially iml
proud.. •
Woo had advadced lie per cent.
Samuel Thomas of Pen..y.darran was killed
while sinking a pit by the earth falling on him.
(01l other netiees
ed grstis, witl • be.
iages and Deaths.
William Yenning wail found dead in the woods
near.Aberdare. • -
William Jones was hilled it the Downs Iron
works. ;
, on LOndon
ere 11 8 applica
Ily commenced
Wm. Jenkins a meson at Dynaspowis was
crushed to death by the falling of a house.
The Porter papers declare that if John
Stonebraker's Affidavit is true—he has
made - his father out 'a villain and a knave.
If it is true thatlie is a villain and a knave
pray 'Mr. Porterites, what must hon.
eat David R. Porterlbe, who made him so ?
Every man who• advocates the Sub-,
Treasiiry, acquainted withits provisions, is
an Enemy to the Business of Schuylkill
county—an Enemy to the busines of the
country---in favor of !converting uur Re
public into a LIMfTED MONARCHY,
and !consequently mist be an Enemy In
our l apublican Institutions. Van Buren
is th Futher . of the Sub-Treasury-=an d
Davi R Porter is one of its suppor!ers.
C ristopher. Leiser, Esq.—We learn
that he Porter weft are circ i ulating in the
coon y that Clirisbapher Loeser, Esq., Of
Orw Sburg , is~a Porter man. Such isnot
the ct, Mr. Loeser publicly stated ip the
pres , nos of the editiar of this paper but a
shor time before he le ft for England, that
he d i heretofore o I posed Joseph aitner,
but intended to so port bun at the next
eleCtrion—because e had made a good
Govertior—und be
ridC. Porter.
C . /totahitl Stret Biidge burnt. —The
uppe bridge croasibg tho Schuylkill near
the Water works, was destroyed by fire otr
Stiturdaylnight Ist !inst. supposed.tobe the
wo=k of incendiaries. It was 340 feet in
heigit and cost $1150,000. Insured for
$4u,000. It was Owned in stock princi
pally by Jacob Ridgway, Esq
ayu ,
Mellor at Pog
timed to death.
to death on the
fill of earth—and
lon* wagon on
a been found in
.f the Storton Hill
Icould not support D.
Mexican porta are to be blockaded
I ntha longer4ao says the N. 0. Pic
- nship.
i t
1 ry large meting of the Democrat.
üblicans of Brunawig township, and
3ng districts, "was held at the bottle
Duel Yost, on Saturday the Sth inst.
ki!EL BOCK ivas appointed President,
WILLIAM Annetruso, Esq. JAXT.I3
Z 4 Esq. Jos', ABRAHAM
GHT, Mi3j. iToHM SHAEFFER, and
•it Swim ViCe Presidents, and Dr.
. Treichemi, William J. Moyei., An.
404*, antit i lei-ga Neiswender, See
a motion a committee of 45 were ap.
ted to report proceedings, to wit : _.
bides Witman, Esq. John Moyer,
b Emrich, Dana Neiswender, Joseph
ight, Isaac K.' Shaeffer,. Geo. Medlar,
1 , William Koch, Kremer,
b 1 A. Leib, Henry Kremer, sen.lon
n ,De Long, Ilj organ Bensinger, Peter
er, Henry Koch, Wm. Yost, Charles
tir. John Heisei, John Bond, Wm. Reh-
Josiah, Pensttr . maher, Daniel Dun
, Daniel Koch; reddrick Pillager, To.
ileddiriger, dharlee Jones, John 'A.
. i ii
,4iacob El l a , braliam Albright, Eli
1, Sam'!., ieso ; Michaelnder,
1 iam Garret, oh 9 . Hobart, James
raeff, Esq. ohn over , jr. Henry
or, Geo. Ber er, m. Wise, Edward
r„ Samuel R. Lattieiore
h Henry Hei
, eo. Leining r, &mud Yost, Nicho.
es. - •
committee then iretited for-a abort
end l i lt
repo the following proceed.
, {which were PrefaW with some, Ye.
eloquen an appropriate remarks,
li l ies . . eff; Ksq. They. were
sinimansly adopted.
iocuakbent upon as as
- tit liberty achieSed
off'' forefathers;
it 1 -
en to.
by tl
oriel ni
tionirs inaeircatettititeL
rveniment to enlarge its
onatritetiona of the con•
tae, a
th Rule
by f
stitutional ehart'riitiiia,,Whereni. •if en
croachment' litati out rights andltberties
are not Check d.' y titnueopkiut their bud,
they may beecinielie •rdeeply - rooted as to'
caw the speedy' dowitfidt of our republic- .
an institutions; slid whereas, the energies ,
of the patriot should ;not steep .when his
country's nitwit --Therefore
Reralsed,t.Thet we view the j to at
tempt 1 4)144,1*Yata, gAtrea' ILO'. is fill
lowers in Cottignms, to Fitsce„the." aortal
power of motley tad trot*, u erthe.
disguise. ot the, "eh Inaw . l7,tioctke .. ~ in';
the bands thechiatinalpstrete," ' Jahn
tcoi to our Atboiesould.thtt we will not
as nemocrattsuppor‘.Men`for office .who
are. the. advocatei of Ifigiin Aran - Buren's,
Sub -treasury scheme,! 'Which Would. place
g k
under his imujed l iateenatrol the 4ld and
silver of th‘iiittntry, without fre rd
the currency of the ueciple;
Reloiecc4 Thai Nokia Vaci.3l
casting his vote While a member of t
ate, in ,fasot of .rhe . .crw law, has
that he entertaii4 pnriciplee more
to liberty and free dircusaion, than
ditiou act of 17P0.-
'Resolved, That we recognize to the
leaders of the Van.Buren party, the eame
men that were . th e supporters of the elder
Adams, aqd the rerilem ofJelrersou, Mad
ison and b:knioe,
Resolved, That it is an insult ',to the
people by the
_followers of Van Boren,-to
style themselves, democrats,' whe it is
well known that their - chief is a F ederalist
of the Hartford Convention stamp; iMd that
he is counselled by such menestHuthanan,
Woodbury, Taney, Rush, I:ikons:4J dec.
federalists of the old school, anti wiould be
Tories if they had lived in the Revolution.
Resolved, That the unlawful tampering
with the currency by the Federal Govern.
meat, .is the cause of ' our, cruel
suffdrings; and that we will laborlWith un
tiring energy .to defeat the pant which,
fur the sake of experi ;. - . • . , has trought
upon usthat nationig l eal'.. ty. ,
Resolved, That e' - • . electioniin
Ninth Cardinal Indi . ' hod°, Island,
aad Illinois, evince e disposition on the
part of the people, to I . rise in their majesty
and throw off the yoke of radicalOppres
sion; and that we welcome them to the
enviable honor they have attained, by
breaking loose from the party shaOkles of
those who have lorded it over the lhwilind
constitutions. ,
Revolved, that we =inept sitpPort Da
vid R. Porter because he is the advo
cate of all the unwise measures of the Gen
eral Government, and if elected *odd be
the p:iant tool of Maren Van Buren;
Resolved, That we 'hare no cohficjence
in the integrity of David -R. Pure r, and
that he is tot the ' man to whoset eepint
the rights, the .huuorj thplfelfarei L and in
terests of this great cominonweiqth may
be with safety. entrus ted. ' ,
I. Heeinkse be •i dee ladedthose
"who kauw 'brie" - tOhe totally void of in
tegrity and morality. i
2. Because he stands now. charged by
his neighbors, under oath, with the wilful
crime of perjury.
3. Because.'after he was disch,
an Insolvent on his, oath, he r
money due before his insolvency,
and book enemata, -to the amount
rel. thousand dollars, and applied
own use, tbut,defraeding his he
unsuspecting &editors.
e Pees
4. Because since he was disch.
has refused to pay his just debts,
ed before his insolvency, though
tirnated by his friends to be worth
and though suits have been ,
their recovery. .
5. Because a short time before
the fearful oath to delivel. up all
erty foe the use of his creditors,
celled bonds; deed., accounts,
other property .to the amount
$5OOO. . - .
e. Because he was not only
enough to defraud his creditors, . 1
enough to sneak into a- garret t.!
his concealed horde, and draw . ;1
for collection,, the prOcen.di of w
and not his creditors, received.
._:7..Because the foregoing chat!
against David R. Porter up to , i l
unrefuted, although] an, upper*
been afforded him to enter into
ble actioritO be tried by ' his ~'
on a wager of *lOOO, to dispro 1
the charges if he cduld, but whi -,
his friends have hitherto_refir : .1
Resolved, That- -:m jorieph R I
farmer of ,Washingtotr County,-
ri n
nize an' Executive , . iting the i
of patriotism ,. trio . • firmnevi,, u;
devotion, te.enlighe ned freedoM
great interests of t6 l is COmmonw!
Resehied; tint. i* the allmini - -1
Joseph hither we bale realized
~ expectatinns. ~ oer . •
released from an oueroussyst ..., I
lion, rendered necoreary By his
Aor. Our public rinpreVententil
idly apptoaOttlogit..complpti ,• ,
At single ..dollir.ollincFesse to .'
_'That Ote glisige - of
got up against Rotopti. Muer by
e. al papers, ieproved to -be 4
• - •
4 _•••
r -
t IaTISEkt- 4 • 2
NESPA* Moll,l)l4tip s*.rTkanivit 12. 1838.
foundation and -only invented to keep •the
public attention from the: illanous acts. of
their ow oluadidate r .and tbet are disclaim
*O7. connection with .abolitiiin, colonize,
twn ovioyather society formed for like
-purposes,but,that We have, ust ground to
charge the Ironer partyt with abolition
and amalgamation, 'frinielliVevell_ known
fact they have aupporoeCsirschard M.
Johnson for -the second citketin the Gov.
ernnient—one who - has' living
avidenesrof his adhesion to, : thb practice of
, • Roolied, - That lo an* the .baso by.
- pocrisrofthe Lilco fuccialibwhave raised
a hue and cry about ihe Grettysburg Rail
Road, in hopes of injuring Governor Ra
iler, it is . only necessary instate the fol •
lowing facts, viz:— .
lit. The Gettysburg Rail Road was
commenced' • hi 1835. - under Governor
, *e Sea
the se
2rtd. The lloave t Aftepresentativea of
4136 . passed a 1141140roprating $l5O ,
000 to the 'Gettysburg Rad Road, for
which Bill; David R. Porter voted. • "
3d. That bill was vetoed by Governor
H itner, and dm house which passed it
was composed of a large majority of the
political friends of David R. Porter. .
4th. David• R. Porter voted last winter
for an appropriation of . $45000 to the•
said Gettysburg Rail Road. - •
Ruction,. That with the foregoing facts
or. the poklic records; it is evident to every
unbiased man that the false representations
of the Gettysburg Rail Road are made by
the Porterites for the purpose of directing
public attention from the misdeedi of their
own David R. Porter. - . .
Resolved, That this meeting view with
in) ordinary feeling of disgust, the perver
sions of truth sent forth in the address of
the Van Buren and Porte' central commit
tee of Harrisburg, and to which the Loco
Foci) State Treasury David Sturgeon was
base enough to lend his name, charging
the present administration with an increase
of State debt, *hen it is incontrovertibly
proved from the official records, by the
Secretary of the Comiimuwealth and the
auditors general Messrs. Burrowes and
Hobart, both of whom are with the State
Treasurer Commissioners of the internal
Improvement Fund, that the State debt
was on the 4th day of December 1835
1;24,330,000,32 and that' it was on the
18th day of-August 193424,230,003,32
which makes it $lOO,OOO less than it was
when,Go`venior Ritner came into office.
Resolved, That the Ticket settled by
the Democratic Ritner Convention of
Schuylkill county is highly approved and
'will be cordially, unanimously and zeal
ously supported by this meeting, and that
we can and will elect the whole Ticket by
a handsome majority.
Resolved, -That we approve of the re
cumbiendation by the Young men of Potts
vale to hold a General County Meeting
in the Borough of Pottsville, on Saturday
the 29th inst., for the purpose of adopting
such measures as may be deemed necessa
ry to further the catise of the people and
secure the re-election of our present Wor
thy Goverhor and the Ritner county Tick
et. •
rged as
1n bonds
of seve
to his
eat and
Retotold, That ' the pro6eedings be
signed by the officers; and published in all
the Democratic papers in the county.
After the adoption of the procebdings,
tdrgidm Audenried, Evq- was called upon
and addiessed the mpetingin a very able
and impressive manner, for about three
quartets of an Vour in the German. lan
The meeting ifieti adjourned, and gave
six hearty cheers for Joseph Ritnet, 'the
Farmer -GovernOr.
(Signed by the dirteee a.)
ged, be
.o us es
ght for
be took.
is prop , .
he can.
f about
The Porter papers, (After Sauna/ Stur.
geon swore that David R. Potter of
bored to cry his claim against him of. up
wards of 11700, for tlfBo provided - he,
Sturgeon, would Ore him a certificate
that he was an honest man, wjiich be re
fused to do,) pronounced him.a perjured
scoundrel and vagabond, upon the nerd&
cabals done Pat X Madden; and another
persona by the name of Fuller, who cert.'-
'fled that he Same/ Sturgeon had_ put.
.chased` a Farm* in Armstroarcountyfrom
Abraham Fiscus, jr., whicli.he; in imita
tion of David R. Porter, did not deliver up
to his creditors when he took the benefit.
It will be observed by the following; that
Mr. Fiscus has steed that he did not sell'
Samuel Sturgeon a farm, and that the char
acter of Samuel BfitrgeOn deride high a
mong his neighbors. '„
For the honor and credit of the State,
•we 'hope ; that David R. Porter eadvindi
cite him4elf a's- triumphantly as Samuel
Sturgeon has, from thefoul charges- made
against him.
The Undersigned citizens at Armstrong comity.
do-certify that we Nivel fir many Jear
untidy acquainted with Captain Simnel Stqrseon,
a president of Plum Creek toweiihip,
tyvend fiverear perionsfitnowledge of his ten:
. era) character. itorklunt and ropatation,,we In
flate him'to be a man of ' , enmity andiniogrity
end that he would Dot make any statement to o
public ant strictly true. That he has at all time
received the confidence of his niiighbovaNand. fo
t mean
ich he,
- stand
his day
ity has
n arnica•
e any of
h he and
to do.
-r, the
e tacos
nd to the
• alth.
1. talon of
.. r moat
ple are
1 of tut
are rap
I 0
ur Stile
. ,
the Fed
Mute o
tow citizens, by ;wturn imbrue been eki_eted Fos
:several years put. to taller of Mgt and4ll l o ugut
funny belonged to the .lacitson party.. •
•Ainistrong. 'illy 515,
J. M. lonian.
Ode" sander Clark,
,•4mziel George.jr.l ,
. 4:4 C. Ppittey,• -
limes Woodward,
thus, Armstrong,. ,
Anthony P. Bobvin,
William B. Martin',
4anuis Simplon.
Archibald Jameson, •
Door& Shore,
James G uthree, , •
David Berkey,
Mei. Johnston,
Robert Martin
William Jo/nu:tun,
.Jonathan Yount,
Barney Miller,
Andrew Mitchell, '
Kohn Crisman, , •
Philip Reasteb,
Jacob Snow,
John Smith,
Same' Stream,
James Martin,
Wiltism Kelly,.
Minim- Blackburn,
Joseph Thomas,
Alexander Elgin,"
George Williams,
Yhdtp Mechling,
D. W, Foster. •
certify that that r ` been acquainted wilh
Samule Sturgeon, nog is resident of Plum Creek
township, Armstrong calmly, since be was sit
yesifii of age; that be hiis resided in Armstrong
county-fur a number of years, and from my cc
quaintance,witir him 1 b6lievelnaii to be a man of
honesty, veracity and intbgrity.and against whose
charactelid never heard; a-charge &hedged. until
recently throtigh the public prints. '
August. 6th, 1838.
&third Graham,
James Wick..
Thai. Taylor, a
James Rowlambi.
'Thomas 111',Haster.
Smith Hoak , •
Abraham Fii.env.
David liMtillouglb
Wm. TemPlaten,
Wm. Oliver.
W. W. Gibson.
Robert Woixlward,
Henry Fraily,
Samuel M'Cailaey.
Thow I. golly,
Hugh Elgin ,
Samuel Speicher,
John Ra
Philip Hoover.
James io L
ekt a,
Janke M. aka?
Robert H. Adams,
William Cessna,
William Wynkuop,
John Henderson,
Samuel Davis,
Daniel &dram, sr.
To which is added thp following; showing that
&mule Sturgeon did not buy laud in Armstrong,
county, and own it When he took 'the'benefit. of
the insolvent ilkWiN as wan asserted by the Porter
itea, on the strength of which be was charged
with purjury. We call npou those Porter papers
which have pobliahed the foul slanders against
-Mr. Sturgeon, to re-pubhsh these certifieates from
the records of Armatnuig county, and do Ace
to the innocence they have injured.
Personally appeared before me. a Justice of the
Peace in and for said County; Abrahnni Fiscus,
jr. who being duly sworn, says that he never at
any time sold tiny land to Samuel Sturgeon, of
Plum Creek township, ni said county, nor does he
believe that any person of the name of Fiscus, a
resident of the said township ever sold any land
lying in the same township, to Samuel Sturgeon,'
but some time in 1818 fie entered into a contract
with Robert sturgeon, and sold to him about-one
hundred acres of land,lin. the neighborhood -of
Middletown, in saidcouhty, and made him added
for the same. , That- he gave the said. Robert the
possession of the, land,: aodthe said. Robert still
continues to occupy the same. That he has been
well acquainted with Samuel Sturgeon for the last
twenty years, and that he never knew him to pur
chase any land from am man by the name -Of Ft&
ens during that Mime.
Sworo and subseribed.
before me, this 7th ,
August, 1838, 4
• SAM`t'ItliKEE. . , 41%
1 Johu Meehling,Recorder-in and for Arm
strong county, do certify that there is recorded in
my office, in Record took vol. 3, page 274:4, a
deed from Abraham Fiscus, jr. and wife, to Ro•
bert Sturgeon of plum Creek township., for one
hundred acres of (and,,, nore or lean, situated on ,
the waters of cherry Rim, in Plum Creek town
ship, for the consideretion Of four hundred del.
hale—That the said deeds dated 26th' March,
1818, and was recorded 21st April, 1818. 1 also
further certify that I hive made e careful exam
inimoit of the Records in my Officei and that I do
not find recorded there any deed from any person _
of the, name of rums to Samuel storgeon.•
**.r*******„* Witness my hand and meal
: Seal of * of office, at flattening, this Bth
: Recorder's : dalof ust, A. D, 1838:- •
: Office, : lOW MECHLINg,
' *a sal * Re:Order.
Such is the character of Samuel. 'Star--
geon among his neighbors who,,,the Poi...
writes now let a perjured vagabond,—
The Flier -paper, in Araistront county;
have no yet, nor ,dare not, publish the
charges against -Samuel Sturgeon in the
Porter j opera in other parts of the State.
The edi or knows that if he did, the whole
county I would rise up and testify to the
character of Mr. Sturgeon.
Patrfarehat.—A Dunstable paper men
tions the marriagelorMrs.- Elvina Adam,
relict or Eleazer J. Adam, to - itttrii L.
Eve. The' bride, may =Aran tin the
words ottbh negro's sermhti. -• '
Ada4n" was de first man, Eve: was de Wei."
az oss Aso rLiiisimur)42...tomaiol.:
A Sappy Pair.—,4dartied in Philarkl.
phis; on the leth by.• Alderman .Me.
Michael, Samuel :Lively; of Bucks eounti,
to Miss Harriet Bright, of Philadelphia.
May the parties ever be
LiVely and bright -
As theinbonbeam's light
On the verdant mormtaMbeaMia .
On•tire de*,
allied Marti ii (ready gleaming. j
Trqja, 4Var.-‘-In Troy,'
Henry Z. Paris, has espoused' Mil" Helen
J. Townes. Weiriist, the auliablirileka
o f the amorous Park - -grill' tiotefircltha
i!seeinsd,Troy." -
Fire liuntraltiainetr-tha ginitt 'fire
at-Nantueketpniobrof the. peoplehase je=
eured theirproFiert3t—much like locking
the stable Saar tl#Plibrse is stolen. •
1. I •
.t Ar-,,
nit' s aCWlTAollo.o l 4o .- 4 6 „rie.iii
ton (N. - „
from fioilidiriihiiiiaw*oloa-1004'
We Imo 'the
tend to their own trite _
oublatibem here;
- • •
iatArn.. •
4 1 'ITTTINi irtetB44l l ; -
: 11 1 4 0ant'iWth 4: :YiKiltitoPTi: 10 4 I*
buitador.p r each - , tentli'.l l l l *4o t .
the gireeit'oo O-Oroaitififtotitasiiiiir
shat Souk at ''rrince, Count Ilia r Atoroi of 8014
Prince Schasstscatiurg. of,Austris.:l l- y* •
bon of• 40. ace;
'red Sarn+ of al , PobaliW mail, el MC 4.omra - T -
liurin as the reprcsitnti ' dirict:tits faetier ?.
praihprofr•hr; United Stales,.!•l'SieClPOlNk A lt4
et.eulpaiii non hotet"—"A Illaniteinio.,l4:ho_lia 2';
and has no fault. Wit ' 'tjap,' to show
that Mr. John Van Buren ,tirit; *lwolia*staitii.
reel:gassed among the itrobareiohis 2 rdrtr _ ' •
nary orKillits sent by die 80*011W.. 64 f5.10.1
eat at the Queen's. carom., thin, and Ao- supersatis_
od that occasion the.Mtnisters. - ,!..Wert*iikakt"
DIMOCILACIF of the cousitri,*thorli4t4iatriprit
pared to recognise or enoorsolhO‘. •
of this young geailiartn.-- Mirk vok • '
Rapid for rho hart`-Bdrinillex;
twos of [lavender*: Rockliindl*le paritialime
of the new Principles of
.paliiikeltY - 30-
mulgated by the t*brighi Veinsof deeseerimy."..' •
Fanny Wright, and 'adopted- bap the. cabinet ,at
Wuhington, held apolitical meetiaeat' Gnaw:
Point Hotel aantormarl Junes De La Meats.
nya wu called tqpresidtkOverihe - pions conelave;*
the requisite number of Duncan's speech put in a
way for distribi4ickn—cartilidalea f i zed - upm - .
oances regulated and the rescialdritieaorerealeisz
semblages gone throneh
ings can take plice at noon day - is a -Vulva=
community without excitingyuldraindign#llue
agrinitt the party which participates terandimipes,
ticina them, we have indeed reee.hedifearftdc#o •
in the moral sentimenia-of the -Msople:l:'\ •
3 ! 0 , 'ThOtrilied4
Here you little :anal, walk ovank actioir.t
for Yourself, where have Irodbeenr,....
`Alter the g irl, father. ,
6 Dont you knot, better %Mr ait thatv=t. rid
ever know me to do so when.' was stioDytt,
Highly ionpot4ani - from FiersincrAn
Lion under LieuL CoL Hardin. lial;rdeitiniiiir
ptiard a camp "Lath hadjuat .
To Ttis Plate
OE' or Two goon jonniaiinait ?hilt
Worker.,. Whonte mobeYosiliaitsfoolir:incit t ,
will meet with *nay etiiploymantaind—libirai
eneciartigemant,rby applying irto%
Mockaz , & STUART. .
, Danyil4, iept! 8
Ilrotke: -
via; ;Subscribers to 01e /ea* #lBif
A SECOND ilnigalnient of Tit* SoloWaxidi,
ra• fifty cents* each Aare
to be paid , to titefsubscrilini, nibifeWlkiet,
Monday in October next.
By order tbe Bona. " •
Ittfltr i r:ll4:o4ukTtejur.
upt 8
ACONS Mhl. shotildeti . 14 : ptfine:ll"gde
AAP for sale tv -
Sept .1.
A SMALL lienenteitt.
.aIL suitable lot a small Muni isralietitra . 1 sits- ,
alien Apply 10 this (Aim _ .
Pottsville, Be*,mber Ism
A LL personaindebted b:ptbe.gatate,ofka!iteH.,
Ade4V. are reatiOtOilii
and'isettla the same, on of befottino:
&somber. as atkgr isiktinill_th/LOSPY4L:faII be
OiLiced in .the )Lands O r a Itilas*grasti fbrei
: .
Pollndb,Seigemtler 1-IVeni:44l.
Stray ttlißlirs • ',' • '3: -
egTRAYED Sway from theEkibserilissi,iiesdhir.
I ^7 at New Castle, on the 2iithef.lialyi . LIGHT,
BRINDLE ItoYlf, she had'ost a light.
Bell—therm hinds legs willia entire a whits;
spot on each °noir liplsoiei. ind One fthislbre.”
legs retro' .e' abtive the lime, line , astrif.
which has been bred. Anypersna gi. Iglnfor.:
-matt= of** imets shalt bikstdtabl7 .
•- , \ 4.1041.1111 , : .
New Castle,' Eept. I, -` ''' : liB4 2
- Piano tbrAgile:. -
A first rite l irtano;',beloailitg
Reitulanlol be , sold - orbry..kow. -A
pain UK
an° CID beat the PerasylgapialtalL,-Apj:
ply to ' LalUSHEß,Wateli-Malier.
Pottsville, Sisplainbeir 03&
• visteromumainow ~4 ~ ,i .
or Nicht , . Esteaudiv cirtos:
Am R. igIC OW misit - reiiiiafollfiiiiiii
hx-IL to the • bitantelirPonirißMlNlOdist:
Circus, will •Ils openeol.*, their rumissio**,
.sed Tuesday. tittrj.WO„o 7 4l4Apsir
The eutertaitnens Om'ilii ttif:iii, iPiefil.'
to AlerricaltepreismlitiiiiMfthaiiii4ToSi
of Actre*Asi Streritit,'l,9yamissisf.
De %
florsemaushi 'i• 4600401mM iit*Sittio4les
prides reels,
Foirisurtllitt • isfiltafil'iitliaiW ,:,. /: •
Admitiii ' :134.60rei Co'4Pii SS .3
Dositiort ICI o'cliscli.:ii. 111.,/ sad ops!est f lr
-POttsvii!Osrif 49; iii*A-'
. r WY,4 llO qO ,
Painiiiog, lig Dat-Scheet jer reeing,
Centre St. 34 ow* Nap', 40,5,
MBE counts atitustio,backm%lutrip? :
I. ' tendence 'of cum Pallet *gad% wdfleallb . 11 4 , 1
OnhogruPhY. Readingvz , "Writhwl'Aritillitis7
Grammar, GtograPhVeMaP -- 1 .. ,
~, , , PARiptity,"
Cosnixoutiont 41 , 0 0 07 i, '' , 3 t 3 ',J,_ 'err
Painting,. It 1; *lieu - "RC! . '''-`:--- 5 teldlbc
Work, &c. s e. The'ffeaiuisYY ' - .'-' . .' )
i i
-20th just. nut riutdelnoinfia i:", . : • ;,- ' ';,'
pciustikltiuguit 11(-1100.1 1 .iz , .. -?(011.4401'n.
.., ,,, 7. '"i....-0
.. I =4 , 4TA*W4ANr
• i; ; ;! - 1 , ; 4-1
• • - ;''': " ." - i : •4 * .VIC- 4 * " •
' • I.' • -*;.•*••$::,-.
Wei'l,f,g7 7 •‘ - y.' 1.1 • `,•-,..:; J&1
L.. - 7L'Llf*4
••• ,- ,4) ZIP ! • .
- u ~:a .-
1 , )