The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 08, 1838, Image 1

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"ie.,. i 1
11. - !141.1.^ . • '
• ;01 •
rzlArt: .
4. 3
ILlty,,uttV3l4t..“ ti Gl7
47,1411 - t. :CAT 53.71 ,, r1 .ts , r
,141114 Y0U "
usual E,Sw
:, t jt:,4X..'4,,ttXt.liti)"-iff ' 'l ;,iiitfb:l) .: '.:
• IM-1f" 0E 11 Jlirdi ,!,N AN hi 4 1 011,.. ~
Itfinite .tioti4les:Rso.iiir ;:.I piers .per annum
• yabldse'iut- tnndiilljl is ilten .- . • trait pa &WA
'. th► ,1114 will AN chard to elk - those ho re*
its the elleer free ofpowege., To mallets ' , ra.
3"ohrisbnitt ' led& mild wit ,11 the year, Celts
drbiraddedtothetptice 0L
~: 'OWL. '
• —4. r,.7 , - ,, r+ WitEllik '' , •
. TWO-Domete,tterlanntini, , *rade sell Ronan
*dee* ~I f Got paid within the year. in 60 will
, 'Chet* • ' ... •
4idyertitithentstwoi elceediti tiThlatill ' Orillbe
excited fifer three t neer • AO cenuelfor one,
sertion..,parger one. imp' win*.
All'ideltrtitetrianti Will be i edited' nntill orders
tit. unleu the tiara for whitb t y are to be chntinne
. meothed And will be charged ccordingly. i
Yeerly,ac•extieer i s aral be ch rged $l2 perlamonm;
clodittg botrueriptiontottsiret r—withthe . rivilege
rkeeping nee advertipenseet exceeding leuerett
one in 'each pair r for three 4c
mating during the yells. mad t insertipon o Remelt.
Al I letters addressed to the ed ter meet be et paid.
otherwisea° alumina will be id to, them.
All notices for meetings. & and other'
whieh have hwetofore been i erted gratis
charged OS cents trtchi except arriagea an
TR 041, Coss 'rynse,
Agency for ine of Pa
%IMP spascp - BEK ,
gent for tbe Merin.
iota Packet*, bet - heat Liver . .
and Wilt receive the Nowa
who wish to send for the
country. and st.o. prof:.
•ro* who itt.q , wish to Ire
ThrP.,cketa belonging
In in a soparinr tnan4er, an d
,pranne whu pay groat
, 10 cup,iFu'vuca w imasvag . !
ri•at rt.:rte. , inn to -
grants ytho intend manilla.
flock it advantagp tq l
in this Line, isVoriti4 . 4
by so long, save the tare a l
York to' Postaitolohia, whi,
lora tor each indi v idual.
The rates of lire will be
ing at the office Oldie Mt
jone SO • -
_ To Coal 1 eaters. ,
THE Sohscritiers !Arlo taken the arge and
corrisnodthos wharf o Calltewhill street (or
corner of Cailnwhill and Mien) et Is; on
the Schaylitillotear Farr M. unt o Ph ilad I phia; are
prepared to - rerative any pie -ty of Clia Lumber
i i
&c. on wharfage or storage on the opt wharf or
under cover, on the most re sonalite ter . Every
attention paid to coal consi ned to the
RefererterV—llir. -George Bast; Schtkill Ha
ven; Air. Philip . kir ffn.„ Pott Tills, .
Philadelphia. idly IL llif
filff. - TE
.E 1", ' •
' "43
: (frtmt Philo aphids.) I •
WLltaili e Dial . I
laysiPftin 4 POLLY t o deri her rvioes to
the'Ledia OrPottivil andthevi Wily, and
hopes by the neatness of lieu .work, nick des
patch, led moderate charges, to merit share of
their patronsge.
Her. residence is at Mraf B. Mason' e, opposite
the store of Messrs. Nathan & Co. lin Centre
June 2 . I 1 4.1-
• . 131. e
biolesalie an ti1,,1 Dry
' i
Good tore,
pOLLOCK & WEAV ..R have jut received
in addition to their e tensive assortment of
DRY 0001)S, Super 8 ' r Blneiand Black
Cloth,'sitperior fancy cola 4
red do. neve style t,
stmeres,.sattinetts end veneers% miner,' fur .
Clans, 4-c..., - I ! Feb 1$ 14-
,-- •
• .
(Formerly Park e r Williarlis.) • 1
%VE removed on th opposite side ofCentre
• Street, a few doors ave Norwegian Street
*here they offer fin. Sale a select assortment or
Superfine Bmad Clothe and Cassimeree of the
most fashtonable cokits. with an elegant assort
spent of summer cloths' ceilings, Linen and Cot.
ton Shirts, Collets, BcentiOs. Stocks. Gloves, Sea
penders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kindly's(
gentlemen's wearing alpparel, which will be
*ode to order in the m et approved style as to
tbeVorkmanship," and- unlined to fit opal to
any jo the city or elsewh re.
i s
Pi. S. P. & Co. keep on hand an excellent assort
'tient of ready-made Clo hes of all kinds, which
will be sold at •y low tea. ...
junel7 .
' Etwourag,e Haile Mamgfactarts. -
— t -7 '•
Confectionary Manufactory.
T HE subleAber teaphetfully *nommen to the'
igic,that he has mmeoced the Mannfat
terettf Cint&tctionary i allita various branches,
at his Store - in. Centre ticetooarty opposite the
rettiville Mame; vibe "Confitctioderi and uth.
era can alwayti be itapp ied lutholtenht and reta il ,
atthe towest'Philatied ia , cash prince. -- 2
l'oP ittilPettit z rY siolicited
stock We , parchnting
1 ti- as
.16 ft
• •••-7 ,i t • e ,••••••:•:•.,
i:, ...,
‘'"•• l 7s‘ iiiiPg•ed and Vocrh4
knOer addle*”
eimutikidly on' hind:4l4*i
parcihisers,apoicatiielditioin ta!
• .
P‘mipg Machine! •WJ
va T-44
County e
*ins' Coort
& further
third daft of Aiwa. A.
arable Calais Blyitie,Pr
and Daniel Yisat. Biqa
of the same Coart. -1
taravarried with Vital
tell awl heirs at late. 01
Firanswiek Towaditp.
titelaiik For
said• Conic atitdik that
inteatatii ow lbw twteV
Will be
OnaTnotwasad DOA.
leaving isswelthur chi
intermarried with
kets from ' Liver.
e/phia. L
and now rcaideat to the
the wife of the mid:Per
termarried with Isaac
Paid intestate died, Me
fee of, and in a cattail
and tract of land, sit
.Townahip, a fo resaid, r
Bartolet, Imoms:ter,
and ormtainioß abckit
! been appointed A.
t , pe's Line of Liver
!, I end PliilOalptlia, -
money from those
' friends in'l i the old
,Il re Bills for tl rest per- .
isn't% uaoney to their
!I•this Lindre fitted
li L
I ere CXIMITI it doi by
won to the i cumetiort
ts—nr.d hdve g I V.'ll
-t Y. genei ally. gal I
t in this region, will
I• ngage their passage
tfaiderribrat /hey will,
expense loin New
h is four or flee dul-
be the same more Or
and therefore praying
quell to niche partfitioa
yes ageordiug to
you that taltiug with . rit
Isseful men of yens' bah
the premised lan/8610d,
solemn afFirmatuin, that
of to and minim the elm
in such manuer aqd in
laws of this' Commons
partition earl be made
ppoiling of the whOleil
be made .thereaf. as aft
and appraise -the fame'
further, that. you cause
quire or asiertain whin
with the appertenineesl
modiste more than. on-
ade known apply
r lawsuit
B. BAlil NAN.
nteatate, avid if so„hcryf
t wall coormiertly at
A itsry for that purpose,wil held on the puein-
Dols on Monday the WM daiufSeptimbar Date
at 10 Aloe* A, M. by
. PETER . L DWIG, Shenk.
Sheriff's Office, Orwigs- •
burg, Aug. VS. , 66-4
Arirat plitraroitzi
•. • -
, I ll i E Subscriber rethioeh . " g,rattifol-seknoir . i I
-m - edger:gents . to , the aloe or Pottsville and
°there, why stepped fer Ward t his assistanceilif
ter the loss) of his propeoy 14 Bre in Deeernixtr
last, and would also atOuaintl then and the MM.
tic generally, that he has again commenced the
Drug Business in the honse formerly occupied by
Charles W. Clean Mt. in Centre :Street, in the
borough of Pottsville, where May always be had
a general assortment of - • 1,
Drugs, . -Medicines,
Palmas, I , olls, ,
Glass, I Dye Stulth, '',,
And every other article. in the above line. which
' he is dispOsed to sell oh very low and accouinto•
dating ter
N. B. I
pot up at
That so m
wi bent
care is
assures I
vented as
lt is an
called eta
have the I
this organ
system hi
mast the 3
health ; fr
The 6136
the maim
stared of
sional r
had of al
, c OfIN & C. [MARTIN
I • • I 58-11
ed, sad isp4-oow
-wiLiwwwwwwit AT finish
(which will be sold wori
PR WHItE & soN.
, t 11.18381
It length pa nts. of the lite
jitbiuMe Notes, kid
by the Aber. Prim
• 'filivtirts' tti iiit
newt* *I return by I.4fiq letters atidestwo
ional- too , - trzid tot
likeeelluar bit--p
14 . 1/411 4 •••
„ t
2211fila •
'5.-tC-q• "'to
dy.,* .*3l, l nit
10, 7 and ,pned.
d lots to •
Phil. Co. .1
•Physicians prei r scriptioess earefolly
he shortest spike.
i ' WM. T. EITING.
e, Mal 3 . 0;183EL .
eitthisnristressinni" reputation
cr a mp n lais iba t i t s pr eve .B 4 " day
nal a matter of much utexushinent
i ch Jill ertni should have existed for F ogel'
y discovery of an effectual preventive, or
y a subject armada regret. but Dr. 81 now
public that inch a remedy has boa in.
will convince the most 'credulous. ; The
upon bich it acts ate simple and plain:—
mu foot that this complaint, whether
H abbe. or Nervous Rche. , irises
ea t 3
rom t stomach — thou who 'think they
arsons 'Headache • May rest assured that
the otomsch, le the that cause. that the
i become vitiated or debilitated. through the
.:: f . a iivasseri n ie,cei, d th t ny h : a poini t saa n ew n tituith: l restooth y nnee t thear b syst"inai nm aynoheada g omt h ntLoutli th ocreoTh e hett.tneaw atm trobecont:oa c tiart ; :e4. c te l to a . n connandaDr n_: -..
it, the goofier will their sufferings end is
to health.; Dr. Splohii platys his inefite
' on this fact The tweedy dm be
a beceries. ,
I le end' Retail by iNtmetock 44 Co. .Ne . 2
• Ne w York, and Retail by
. July
et ir i t i Wfd. T. EPTING.
-..- fiti-ly
. •
y CYCLI3 . PEDIA and Pauly *age
for -1837 T ioet teoeieed Nola Bi 9 and
!y-Cyclopedia. end-VOL 6 Penny *aga
-1837,. and for sale ty
23 114 ANN aH
10 Pen
nine for
undersigned, wo Id respectfully inform
ihose who! base s hweribed totra!'42 the
ci through,
'the mate
untl to pea
) pay the
ivoui„ when
labia to ley
(08 . ND.
latittimna OWN PILOMMIX FAT times v i m*
••= • . .
`P ti
tentZM ••• 1 444
torkereitikt rata . : •
viont «mauling proofs of the eitiiiiirdiiiao
v•Am• elliesey Dit. EVANlreeloritCd
Camomile - end Aperlent;.Antibiliatia PiW be til
leviating afflicted tneoliime ~ 1 •
To James Whet*, 34 (*IAA .110 Aunt .
for }ha sale of Dr l ,,Wm. EvanstiEainostii‘e irills.
• Urns. N0r.11011136..
Dear Shr...lineWieg h 7 leziarrjßinct tbefemay
referent* that theraftheted receive of the *wet:
cial results of medicines,,lcheerfully-olfer mine}
to the ,publie In Behalf, of DIL 'W M. `Efflltid.:
CASIONTILO PILLS. 1. bite hMit 'eMiAfe'd fur
the but tea yea* with Alletreat in thiihaid tied
chest: often en bad we te deprive mirefeleeirfar
three or,fiinceighteineisetweeloa * butlieve weer
Arend relief by, any imf nryfrisumW.,prescrigtmeni,
until my wife sew die advutilitnerittiole pater,
Whet the'persueded to Mu' ff'for eellie.l 4ll lch
I did, mid obtained two bores mid tatttkiii k i which
resulted as • skrietit ecietpktelp , ,veteduelm&M
beab-t6 e h I have not yet,: eat** aniAltd
Bliquld you coosider tlqa,
yourbelf;or the pada, yeti Wit my eh • '`
mission to publish it; Tours; Asper' Are
111 f 1; G cesz prernrr
cured .
Easeit's Catruuttile TeisiC end cured
eat Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN EttlWll, citron of
Shipper and Georges streets, Phitadelplits, abet
-ed tbr seven years with extreme nervoesaem. by
which he was not able te l ,write bit onme,--his
sym wareormmeetion s daily apasinoiltr pains
in the lied; lois of appetite,' palpitation' of the
heart. giddiness end dimness of sight; taller inm
bilitly of
,pegaging.*. thing. that demanded
vigor or .ixierami. . m i nd mealmsem ea
ten* debility, disturbed rest s ' saute ol . pressure
and, weight at the stomach' Mier 'eating ,, great
mental' deepondeney; severe Eying
,pain's in the
cheat bent and; side. dostivenese, a dislike for
society and conversation. , M.D. has madelrial
of various medicines nrs_befare the public, but
to no effect, until, observing in e public paper
some cores perfeamed toy Di, , William Emma%
Camomile Tonic end Initially AperieerTille, be
was induced to give them a tritikof which be is
at any time happy to ,state theft they effectually
cured Lim of the abase distramang iitseasp- •
&Pencil* who dtuitit the abie. care, me Moat
respectfully directed' le the above mentioned per
son, at the north west corner of. Shiflett and
Georges streets. liEls.l 4 A MIN ,DOW
Philadelphia October 26,11= .
ad Oa
the floe
Age RestA
tut, /Ogee
get, 3, hi.
'thelleuith ;
of limit
aunty 41,
ion to ti k e
op, died ,
tp A
.Litht 4
r demi ,
Eliza -
tstioet, 4.
11 that the
wane as Of
aroma iCk
of Ramie]
read others.
Itne acre's.
raid an in
the mail
mnest and
to add upnn
titt4t oath ,r
tiiion there.
id onteatape,
t.eaby tile
tett, 'req.])
'dice to and
ition cannot
yowl waffle
law. And
bunt to do
.1 teal estAf in
lastly accotn
en of the said
he sail/ ctiLikfinu
IRUi . : •
Mrs. Ratirials Drowns, 'wife Of Joseph Bi.wne.
N. 6th street, near Second. Wiiliamsborg, afflict.
ed for the last ten years with the Livet complaint,
completely restored to health thrciugh the treat
men' of Dr. Wat. Evans. •filyrriptorna--11141Atual
constipation of the bowels. totaklosn of appetite.
excruciating pain of the epigadttio- region, great
depreasioo of spirita.languor also-lather senroorns
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate
Row of the nienses,:pain in! the eight side, 'resold
not lie on ber left 'Adel without an "climatic*
if the pain. arias high eeloted4 wilbother. Weir.
toles indicating, great asninglunriat in the func
tions of the liver. .
Mr. Browne was handed ofilie• first
physicians, but received but little Teller bete their
medicine. till Mr. Browne procured wee of D.
W:m. Evanes invaluable preparatioas,
fectually relieved her of *the aterie .distressing
symptoms, with others. which it is ect .essential
to intimate. , JOSEPH BROWNE.
City and County of New Yorit„ as...
Joseph Rumen, of IV.illtantsharg, Long bland
being duty sworn, did •deposn sod say that the
facts as set lorth in the within:statentend. to which
he has subscribed bicaame, its just and true.
fitiesand of the midi Hannah Ittoome
orn before me this 4th day of .Jatioary.lB37
PETER PINKNEY. Cow of 41416
NTEIESTING CASE f f.Torbscalar
samption.—Mr. John Rustelapplied no the Ist
y of September. at the office 100 Chatham
eet. laboring under the folkiwtng symptomm,..—
slightapitting of,ldeoll,, distressing cough..
nded With au expectoration of .purulent matter.
li g ht sweats,. general emaciation, difficulty of
l reathidg. on exertion!. with *well marked hectic
ugh on the cheek. On examination. the chest
as found to sound well every where except on.
in the left elavicle, and in the arm pit of the
me aide.
Treatment. —Directed to take the restorative
emomile Pills.. with the, expectorating corn.
and, at the same time ea injunction. to call in
ur days when the night sweats had ceased. the
I xpectosatioo slightly. ciiminished, sus light at of
• ughing still remaining in the morning. Or,
ered as usual to continue the medicine, and to
II in the course of a mesh—whew his health
untie. rapid l y Wagoning. without the least
• gh. Called at. the office on ,Itie 4th of this
onth, quite convalescent returning sincere
anks for the benefit he had obtained.
Thiabove patlcat . chierity ueeb
,mttlk rtlitien ;
virkg his treatmeni.
I Mr, Robert Mum*. Schthylkill, afflicted with
above diatvesaing malady. Syntpturna---great
languor. flatulency. disturbed test, nervous bead.
I ache, difficulty of breathing. deities* and attic.
s ure across the breast. d; i: ec ti ossa. nervous itvita4
bility and restless sn . not lie in a „boti-i
/D otal oMitiott.,wi th out di iimastiort of hopes&
mcsukocationoialOult of t4a * art " di =
l ice
ing cimlgholiu,. 4 .. Ten ! ". Pa . ar .ki1i1aa1aa,.. a11. ...... .. ' l,
sines.. great asouttLand ne.l,or Hinr.rrehl
oua energy., .111t...,'R. M °MB gave , aP:raf/1
tholight of tewrterr i aoli "re de . lpar 2 ost 0,1/, tee
countaiiiiiiqe of every piirso ) , Arlir-r941,
_,u) -Mil
existence or bappinels. 141,byeecidiiii:telMeed_,.
in a public paper ansoksturkelpwarlikkY Pr'aP 4
Evans'. medic*, 1M his comphitnt„.whic buy:
e4lB him to Pulth 4 l 4ll l l ailialql- 4 0 4 •Pilla
resulted io complitely, rentovthgevery syMptom
.oi his disease. liewialsWlOWry Mr MagiTril, fa
this derilaration ia, tbat litwo *Poled ,with , the
same se soy SvOlithrfirs 4 131 4 1 . 11 ”011 4 101 1 all
whieWhe is lievilg. retd. msiliite, ore roadie
the same iirstiosalde , ertt:, ~ , 1..,,„ , .. i
`- Lrvlit ' ' . apr,iiktur .
lities. skliPtit
Lvm Antos Itrenhisecommer of Second strsip4-a
•GcwilantogioeodilVfibilidslphlikalSibbar Air t hh
me i
lust six years -wi the 1414mComplidistioria:
,comphqsly tar 1,4 Jill/ IkAil v ilkrvM..
r YANSfS carom!' Tpiws_rund
.rstilly Amisql
im " a. waftWhibitail cristinwati.
41Jc:to:whit pain In the T othialwai-ia,4
1 ii,4,winire—dowit—
vest pun Is Or elie, apli. apt lie a. in
pear se, loo
Pit 4 WM
loniliehes of
:311 - sui WWI yM}=a'• -
illlo4la *mei
(1,),) r.4-iibrranani 3ls-972it kiztl
g4i ;ii;
WIIIRIPI 4117:11; «31' ' T . 13'09 ri ' : . I=' 0 110;44"$' V. .--`s"' ''..l ''))i.--. it. . , -, i- -:',...!.
vr , ~, Int' sgrielossEßAAB3ol•......;:l uveo:: 051.1 .v . „7,..wv
. 4. , •1i; :': i ,r, 1,, s ' , ;.1,,,..„„; rA • •
, el-544 W 0 Lt. -. 0 018 444 1 t',,W trP" ' Arm.-1111r3
1 118 . ,OPlPONKe(oialot,s , with Whet IstSejOlote
Illaicalbsitgiestidenin it* feeethips
the Liter. lieur:Biebiiest tea
rib= medicines rorwriekiiii' the poblici'
(*rived it° jf* until she was advaleit:to_stake
t~iil of Dr' Etaneti Vills;')OfirtfirtiAit - Vherapl
tootate t im
0 1001 diakeseing 1 17111090310sith ethos; whici
i tto-111110. myptial W
Mr. thashiser, &ahead - oft alar m
. Itts
Brenhiser Asibeeo two loan" as
giststate leika u — id:Catateeeis, of , which
was edgicloalfy: eared; '
• .• •,
A iorrtielcurs
, 46:ted tie tryststeat .f Do
- ~fi iraa lam. -
, ,
Mr.-Join - V . :el` tAtti suety , Williams*
bortr.afirteted tvitbylre tlotp complaint for three
.. k.
year', itichi months , during eihitth time he
bed Prose ern . Hie chief symptcens-weie
cacreAleti_tig in allittis leis!" Out especial!,
in the hips.* 1 , knees sod attirles,Jus,etc,
grairation - Of the 'paiLltowarde njetitiltill for the
moot krt all it*, from' extetinitheat.4dobvi
oas thickediaraf twill - stir azettitrallients t , with
a coMpletit tom of cementer pour. 'Yorlhe ben
efit in those afflicted in s t ilmillt manner,. Mr.
Gitmson.cooeeives it meet to aey that the wins
hale entirely ceased, antkthot his joints have
cornpletety reirentai t h eir Natural tune and he
Nell' able to rieeime Ma ordiaartbusineks:
:Mrs Arms Hi Kenny : No. rts. Louis guest,
hotelmen Stant". and. Houston relate, agitated
for tea roofs with the /*ming distressing a/mil.
UM= • 4
Acid eructation, daily epeemmille plinfi in the
heed. Isim of ispia, palpitation ofthe heart, gid
diness and dimness of sight. could not he on her
right aide, disturbed rest, otter inability of en
gaging irf any thing that demanded vigor or
°dotage; sometimes a visionary Weaafeti eggra.
entice of lam disease,* whimentateverston to
pertimilarparsone and placee, groundgme appre
heneinne of personal , danger and povejty, an irk.
oinienetreand weariness of liteoliscuatented, din
quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived
she Could neither die nor live, she wept, lamented
, ifespinidadond drought she led a most miserable
life, never wairone,somental
hallueinattons. eni.y , had the advice of
treverareMinciit physician'', and had recant se to
naineitans'inedientes, but could not 'obtain even a
temporary alleviation of het distressing sane, till
her husband. persuaded :set td make trial of my
mode of treatment, Site is now quite relieved,
and Einde herself not only capable of }trending to
hitistomestfe sirsirs, hut avows that she enjoys as
good healtb , at preamit as she did at any period
of her **Manse. i. KENNY.-
, flustuoid.of the aforesaid Anne Kenny.
Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec' 1836.
Peter Pinckney, Cormorikeirs
Mr. Chattel Robert,- No. nal Clrgues street, Nq
V, seliel plied
five years with &littoral habitual
Amine* lied at the office - 100 (*nth's= street
on the VI of October, laboring Wider the follow.
ingeyemptorna. ' A sense of lightneies across the
chest. tbeAtteated difficadtl of breathing,
twa t ,
if ' cough. generally endin g with copious
expect , ; of'-viscid phlegm,. disturbed rest.
the faciturhid„ind if a held bue-..could not he
In a horizontal position without the sensation of
immediate suffhcatien, languor, drowsiness. and
diseineglin the head, and Loss of appetite.
Mr. 11 . .. applied to rue most eminent physicians
in this City, likewise used several other remedies
without Obtaining any permanent benefit, until
1 his friends persuaded him to place himself under.
Dr. Wilhein Evans' treitutent. He is now re•
hewed 'of' hie complaint, rued called at the office
yesterday,, aVtivriowthat he' had not words tb ex..
press hia . gratitirdalti the benefit he had receiv
ed. (Veber ill, 'sat
. . We do hereby imbscribei.oor signatures to the
troth of the •hove CUM, that the statement is In
every rearg true. SARAH BRENHISER,
th.Ei iltstreat, TWA&
No. IT nortl _AOC- .
Ptiilidelphiii, Oct. 91Pti 1837-
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office, fiv the
sal* of bio excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north
Eeightlr 'street,- Philodendra.
Sold bar J. T. WERNER.
Sole Agent for-Schoylki9 County.
IT ALES pleasure in informing hie friends and the i
A public. that he continues his REIMPTOVI under
the •'Pennsylvania IlaII." in Pnturrille. lie hopes
his past reputation for keeping a respectable Estab
lishment, impaired daring the experience of a ycnis
in the myelitis of boldness, and a desire to please,
may merit a continuance of their favors and patron-
JOAN SILVER has madearractpwriebts with Mr.
Robettliknner. of the "Cornucopias." N 0.44, North
Third street,'Philadelphis for a supply of all the
delicacies which the •Philadeiphia market can affool
during the §ommer season.
,•, .. AM or /Fare.
Roam Ikef,.cold, ' per plate, •
Coralid dr , do
Fria trAstvt Eggs, • do f
geed Turtle Soup. da '
, .
botern, .
te n Viclded Salon.
t • • : -'*;"
tl c = Wine. per bank,
fele Sherry Wine, do. i
• Old &own do do ' 1
Milton i do do
Old 'do do
Chlapaigne.lPaimetuo do •
London Brown Stout, do.
Peppers,ihmorr & IbtaeTrlMPabrAle , .
:- Apeomente CM Abont/a•ildOadinom for 6 1 Ru
&rush*, and those who call maf unter-VOrocelve
every atteediete
:Pottsville. der Infill 26: ... • . - i 1 ,88.4 f •
ithirtlirganD -e-ipleilaiglAseartinetit of
lir -*tog AD& SUgninft egiiiiating 103
I lli F iat .hi;* ''.
- • • . , ''', ~ .... .
o pa l
A-11 I::: .i '' 1... • •O l tE ' 0 , , -t: •
vz ia yer es ever
lir ibilivieridoVar iiiiiii. Sr rjW - vr
I - umeirridedwieseikswiele
.1i 4 MIL -
rk,- Amte,4,,
1 .a4,1 ,0 .41
• Ji • -
Armabnuilik.ThialiWlCoca Land) r
theienyiaphip - ofiticirv*
11 ) 1 Lif ,thlPkiimaxAlt 144* afar tbe ,WcAt
!Via - - ffivec—.oeke of ,1010110 . aid %hut
pisiint thiotsilb Atai rat
k' '"- •I i 4AIXLII RAED,7 t
• • • •- • it
• • •404OFFMAN. ;
starch sr yr-
.:„ -
.Public Nolice.
A Sitappeari,thilt betwoseMr..Craue obtained
~ P patent for saselth‘g IrottOre. with An
thracite Coal in thiscottuary.. many suppeee that
01 ere now et liberty ti , a+pt the mrthod of
'smelting Iron ora With Anthracite by ihe use of
a betted air •blsit; although , I. rave notice. last
!yt.wr that I had a , pateutiTor imaging lion Orel
with Anthracite Coakboth by,,the use of .cold'
atmospheric and a heated am blast ? I viola, noel
inform the public again that en the 14th of
earl.; 18311 t, I readied ;letter' from the Commis'
more? of Patens at Wathinghm,statings - "Sir,
upoo r csatuthing the‘ease of hls. Crane's applica
tion. for a patent forateltior, Von, by , meson of
Anthracite s I have viewed his claim as interfering
witNyout pitent of:Dee., In 9, and hive riven;
notice to has attorney of tlechtiocr." , Every
attempt toemelt Iron are-:with anthracite by the'
(mole hea;ed air bliwit..isAn,infringoment upon
my patent, against which I. caution' and wan
all men;as 1 shall proseittte every mut inftioring
upon my' rights, according to law. And I for ,
ther tau to dispose of patent rights for the erect- ,
iag et furetacev. according .to my patent, upon
eery. moderate terms.
New Inrk„..l_V
_lt yi 16,1838. 37-I,y
I die- grandest °mama( belonging . to the baleen
.int, -fiesta. Row strangely the, Ices of iieJtenges the
cot - Mtenance and prematurely brings on the appear
aide of old age, which - cautes many to recoil at being
eneavised, and sometimes even to shun society to a
void the jests and sneers, of the), acquaintance; there
mainder of their fives are yorisequently spent ip re:
titer:Pent. In short, nit eien the lon of property fills
the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking
gloom as does the loss,of his hair. To avert all theme
unpleasant cimunistanices OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF
COLUMBIA stops the Bair from falling off on the first
application and a few bottles tonere. it again. ; It
likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers • prevents
the hail from tOrtilliggliy, makes it Curl beautifully.
and frees ligroin Knell Numerous certificates of the
first respectability to support of the virtue ofOldridge's
Balm. are &ewe b the proprietors. . I
• - lIGr Read the fteldwing i
ROBERT WEI AIRTON, Esq. late Mayor of Phila.
• dee:. has certified, as may be seen below; to the
Ili chtlYlicter of the following gentlen ea.
undersigneddo hereby certify that we have wed
the Balm OfColutabia discovered by J. Oldridge, and
have found It highly
. serticeablaaot only as a preven
tive *piaci the falliagedforbinr. but also g armlet*.
storauve. WM. TERMER, senior. ,
. Methodist Minister in St:George chugs.
No 86-North Fiftli-suiet,
JOHN P. INGLES, 331 Arch street. .1
JOHN D. THOMAS, M D. 103 Rate_ rt. ",
JOHN S. FUREY,: 101 Spruce at.
HUGH MoMRDIr. 243 8,0 10 11 Id at. I,
JOHN GAIID. Jr. DO Arph it.
The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs.:
may not al weyaexperience its tratorative qualities. yet'
it wdlewriainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the
public, when. it is known that three of the above sign
ers are more thin 50 yeirs of ige, and the others not
less thaw 31). . •
POI the M_a_yor.] -
Corceoriola wrat or r[nivart.varna, i
' City of Philadelphia.
I, ROBERT WHARTON; Mayor of said, city of
Philadelphia. do hereby certify that I am well acquaint
ed with Messrs. J. P ;bets, John S. Furey. and Hugh .
McCurdy. wliosinantes are i signed to,the aborecierti-
Scats, that they' are ' genderitear of emitter and re
spectability, and as numb NB credit should be given
to the said certificati*
'ln witness whereof, I have hereunto set my band.
- and caused the seal of the Chy to be affixed, this
IL. S.] sixth tray of •Dinber, &c.. • • .
, .. ROBERT WHARTON . Mayor.
Caution.—None genuiai without a splendid steel
'engraved wrapper of Fulls cit Maim, with agents
names die.
Wholesale and retail by Comitock aid Co. 2 Frei&
er Street New yoik and retailed by
-- '------,-- - --- " --- W. - T.. - X171140. - ,
Poustilleditly 15, IEtP. ' , . -. , -, c 171 .1.
_„, s . -I 4 _;....- nisr, ...t , --.:
IrCirti Clinton, Folmar .• .
WiLlo•bo s at PtiWatialle,Vie fottodly
.„.. . pleasantly, hailed at, roll clinton,Seboyl t.
kill untidy; ItO et) , " reasonable iiirma! ! This
Fotiiidry is It 'I Ctimministfient or the Little
SchuylkiliTzand , - amnia , Rail. Road, mow ,
making; and will init short inns bs t ooolof tie
best ;ligation, in the gpontry to, do a largsktiat.
nests r! ) fl te t r i a ltOPPOPPl tb
. . Iron Ifoimders, Phtladel iii...
of-IE44E4YR i. ,
—.---- XorkCli tan.l
1 50 ,
1 50
1 50
1 0 0
41 i'gli
Reading Ngil 4plifon• W , , . ii,`
wiv/ hoiCOohn Ito :
noheetii- "
nzsdand alo, a11110,410004.0i
.. 1 130
iron; ask odays-irnfom"'fU)l3l
toichitki eioolf Ammos" nig* nebtd.
" 41 / 6141 - Pi1 101 0 0 4 c . 1 9 0, 0 1
.bi tell , ,3; Iln' f
1.04, .01-rCt t ekr i t- , , Ilkilln
no olio . Anaiity.' - Alp) ' - irlich --
iiiir - ' ibViatii• ille4o4lltriailliy
vf:r- 1 0-411111WWIUMKER: 'Oki
lisidinOas 25, mans.
: -,
' " - c . •
t)rs - i!'tk st-Orme usnr.oo4tvivag: a*itiOilV t 2
001k4111 . 0.:
X 4 ,
a .
gk. .
7 4 :1WS
a" X.'
"'~ i
41;‘,1 ofirixs. ..41 : 1444.
..fer rvit! • ' A
•-- • . - • zart
Thomas' Flospitils,Lofidon. • - . .
i t These pills having gained iCele ' ity riPitrith r
-Jelediwaverseetiografr - theolibtim tiogood.dilln e r
sidered by P.Vthole ir.Lo via* nol Wall indiw
pensable sea family medicine .
numerous body of the most' eininedt Pftilite r i
both in this country sAd in,Europe.—Europe.
it is presumed. to stamp , their 'olunirater iir , thepa.- -
timation ofevery thmlittigmiii; arilililsinifed,-
a far beXer-recornmendation :thairtlie'reorsolo;
to by ignorant and unyrinciplcdrciendatai r
who - to mislead sad deceiva the ptiblitpirliihslir ,
what - they eat/ prettical proofs and il f ertifiestinsot
Cures, that exceed all bounds of riktionaterellibil...r.s i..
ay, and moat of which , . if not all t lirn either *Mitt'
fabricationiket•ProcoredbYfilladAntembilo 44 .' '
721 e editor of the Long Islandmarnieriinat....
*Tr - medicine hai obtained in' unPre Cideilltd.
degree of well preserved-popularity:l Basing-11k,
en these pills ourselves to advantagtrisid.:Abiorn
ed their benellcial effects on ot l fers. see haird lick• if
hesitaticin it-. recommending.thev teithepubliiiss , •
a safe. salutary and useful fandlymedict f ar .4- -
* *None are genuine crithoikthe s aigtiiiinni - of)f.
the a General Agent on the label.* libeerr this' , a..,,•
bore medicine is imported inbatihiscountsy,„ ? ., . -. ,
JNO. 130L8E5N.129" Waverly ?lace;
• Geng Ageit,fay 111: Ei.. -44 5 4 •
A supply of the above Medicate jost....mseeljedo .'
and for sale by . B. BANITA'N.
Vole Agent for Schuylkill county.
July 15,.'‘14;;..-"Ar. , .
NO CURE 110 -
- PR"' SAG .-1"
_ .
No' Fterion.-tbli eitieititilhiiiriliiiiilea II
compiwition„ the result ol schttite7and.thwin ca
tion Of a celebrated medteal.min:thiliiiibdtisding.
of which to 'theiroblic wit , inireistO With throw, •
ta l e
lemnity of a deatb tied bequest: has inetvgahied sk,4.
reputgtion unparalleled. tullEstis ' ning_the tem.:,
recipes, of the lamented Dr. GOA y i sial..l4oo-r-
fession, that' 1- . be dared not die wititonigtatit. ' .
posterity the bene fi t of his kiniwledie on this b+: , _ ...f,
jest," and be therefore beggeatbedlo his ' , iV- ~ .'i
&t at
attendant Solomon Hays, the w:mat:Whitt e t - -
It is now used in dm principa heepltals, t
the private practice in' oaf' . itiAtq,lifili - ` t - ,
[ most certainly falba ewes Of the' Plifesi. add tallow
so extensively and effectually iota thaffieventohilid
ty..unlett where* Weds are
... 1 0 1 0.•. AF'"ler.i
no/ly in the following compliant": ,
_; . , _ _
For Dropay.— . Creating'extraWrilleirilaiiiMpT ,
Hon at once. z ,_
All Swel li ngs ,-Reducing Ha:mls a. i few-boors.: -.1
Rketiniatism.—Acute or Chronic, giyingtipii4
ease. .
Sore Throat.—By eancett, tt l tN ati . 1
Croup. and Wlicoping Ceittg4A-1a
over the chest. I $.!. 1 ,_ A.irtif • azt , 47: ~.
AS Brwittes,,Spraine dittle,-.4er...C . ctip iii , ,
. •
few hours .. ~ , , - t :, ..„.;.,.,.., . t . 4 .
Seres.rid.Ucirsey- , ilitkeilaitirrea oral , itindr, • ,
:int andlever„ 'area. . ; • --ite,,.d.,-4.,r,tc.a - ~,.4
14 9P 6 ,1 3 0,9 01 upon 1 4 0 4.aAk9kikifrkjirm , ',L' •
dotingn rheu m atic nweilinvid•ftuoreninceriarha i
iid tiglithess of the ales* latiiiattort 'AAA. 1
:Parts; has been, surpriiing beyentiltotiirriilCiit .
The common remark of thrinr•Wiletut iiiimit g:! , ,i
in tho Pik". is, " t it act* Jike.A tkirotory4.4 l ttgt ;
.771,,5nih*E'u 4 .041 1 4 14 . :
f ictsinvi lit* gal Ala a. Wile of ort yr! „Li r t ,
for the Piles, mid 'retain theiimpt,r,bottbi* r,"
tieing cured; • These ate din pueittireirdte :
I Pretnietok t€4 l, emus end. of*liiT 74 4 l ,,tik .
r sainds. eel not one pas.ines liiiiiiiscansfirki ..,,, •
We in" Wingert certienitites* anylisnitkbta '-'
.., AO : , -• 1
r preferth ihoWWiro self"is tteille;:p4cialit *ear l _
hibittha mini) ttoperehitreitei ''''-1 . `'-'1 /1044 .:.
CA . ON.--NtLmi pundit* 1/".141:. a ::: .
c liPlendid, glngt7ffil, AirlaPPer.timb-.10.10#40 4 01 -, . , .
name, an
i ntaattet of Ole k"gfailt• ~,,4 0 14: • s';-•*,- ,- ,
trr l
iiiriate end retail'ltiy COMB K.
. :•
lAA tii 2,lFleicher stwitc,Pieoar*T - .
tby W. T. EPTl4p.gettitrelt*fglis•-
, ' , -,:t: rvi ..izlitzbu r
•a Sold w'
and vela
are, Pa.
200,41gr, - Arr- .i. , +
rereilh oied: htilAte iii," ,pop4-___ . , Opi. ;
• thielilliiilark !
fiaihrti _ •
here: ti ' s for Otaintuip****l4.. •
Mat itt the line 4 4 /0.041:1. , 4::!i
, ... ~ - •.. 41.
. . .._ ..
•` • T
i ts e l
Oct 2
I 3
• . .