The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 05, 1838, Image 2

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•."Sae the proceedings or I, e Yaw
Men's Meetiv, and the =pale of Stur
geon's Report on utir first page.
roses • Men's Whig Missing.—The
gooticanse ofiliTstiat ancrOznocnsey has
rouc:a -to congrattilitte itself on; as regards.
t hisi meeting itt our &trough, on Saturday
last.; The young Wen turned put, in the
right spirit—they ttet among -,themselveti
to eitpreas their opinion . and disseminate'
their views. Thefltadoo„bustling
cian to harangue-them in the set form of
all Ouch meetings, ibut the bone and sinew
of our land theinset e ses, spoke on this oc
casion; not perhopt4 wilck that oratorical
precision which can gloss _over a bad
cause, but with the broad, bold, unvarnish
ed arguments of truth. To hear the work
ing men of our laud rise in their places,
and show that the policy tif our• leaders,
the tenets of our constitution, and their
imperish ible rights as- citizen", were dis
tinctly known and justly appreciated—to
feel that-such is the happy formation of
our society; thatialent .in-avery class may
show itself and be apPreeiatedt to listen to
the outpourings of eloquence from those
whose every day pursuits in the thornier
paths might preclude the expecta
tion—was indeed a triumph for the dem
ocmcy,tof uttr land.- We.. refer our read-.
ers,to, the storited proceedings in another
part of our paper, and -again repeat; that
while Our young men act with Sueh.prompt
nese and decision, there is nit- fear of. cor
rupt tutors. There is a superyisnM they
cannot- escape=there are • watchmen on
the outw,alls whose - vigilance will never
flag r ; whose patriotism cannot be.corrupted.
• e
$BOO Bet. • --
The Porter men took the $BOO bet,
w,hie - h had been published in our paper
for several •weik's pa'st. They concluile'd
it would better ,to" lose three or fOur
hamtred dt,llars tor the benefit of the par
ty, than t • give up the contest without
any show of battle. Every dollar they
save they must'work hard for.
(::r-"Those who hoe in glass houses
shouldn't throw stones.—Zwo of our hon
orable members of Congress, W. W. Pot
ter and Daniel 'Shaffer, are on an election
eering Pilgrimage throughout 'the State,
deliVeritig speeches to prove that Joseph
Rimer is an abolitionist. • How far the
consistency of these gentlemen is to be
commended will appear by a reference to
the vote taken on Mr- Patton's resolu
tion to exclude aGolitfon petitions 'from
-Congress. - This resolution was-intended
81111 Rubicon to the two parties, and both
the honorable gentlemen. were found vo
ting with the Abolitionigts. They now
came among their constituents when the
ink is hardly dry which recorded their
-principles, and accuse the farmer Govern•
or as being an Abolitionist. If there be
any beam in their own eyes, gentlemen,
plitck it out, but you look in' vain,for moles
in any part ot portion of Joseph Roper's
political creed or private conduct.
Make Way for the Peopkt—We had
the satisfaction some time shim Of announ- I
zing the cheering news froth . Allegheny
County, that .77 former supporters of
Wolf and Muhlenberg had openly , espoused
the cause of JOSEPH' Rrrwmt. We are
now further gratified in stating that Res
nuebanna, where the Porteritea claim a
majority, is likewise showing itself nobly!
In the small town . of Montrose *lone, 54
have aired a-similar recantation of Van
Buren:stn. Erie county also comes out
with about 30. &aver County with 43
naturalized German citizens, and in eve
ry district of every county, we_ have the
same glorious re-action to record. Gov.
Ritner has been tried, and passed through
the fiery ordeal unharmed and spotless.
The majority of the people must prevail--
corruption must give place--sub-treasury
scheme be expunged our pubic records, dr,
loeofocaism exploded. The People are
moving—the sovereign people—tbe mon
archs of our country—and their .enemies
will meet their rebuke through 'the ballot
boxes in October.
Danville and Pottsville Rad Rand:—
, The completion of the Western Section or
this ~..toad already begins to'have its ef•
feels. Frum the Sunbury Gazette we learn
digit' the coal trade is already begining to •be
important—the locomotives are constant
ly engaged-'-.and about - 303 tons are week
ly shipped for the immediate uses of the
neighboring towns on the Susrehanna.—
'The completion ref `ttie • "ttdl water eaisit iin
Ist &Urinal, Val greatly 'increase the
trade, and the revenue of the-Pinnsylvaliia
Canal. Our internal improvement Gov
-tram will do all in his power to assist ihe
good cause.
Off- Porter Outrage end Coivardice.—
Last Thursday, as a plcket 'boat .iwas pass-
ing Clark's Wiry at lisrriabury, filled' With
alines Onlegates to the Pittsburg t.lOntlen
two, they were assailed bi a loafer Porter
mob, with-stones and othermisriles, under
the envier of night. As soon'as the lobelias
'on the opposite shore was
.eireiced, about
forty,, of,the delegates c ame *cps" 4he
Sridge-tokreirenre ilia insult, but_ ther,colB.
ardirdaskirds had fed, It is e'er thus
^With dais*, a stab to the bitch. oneasaleh
in'ttie dark; ie the extent!or itb courage . !
heettlhetn, the ballot boxes in Oil
Ruler will prove our surest defence, from
theltriarAinjoetilocoism and POrterisin.
IM 1111111111.111
road had beim associated with Thad. etti.
Stey • ns, by our erpponents, nutii it
recei ed the name of .'Steven's road," from
the', opposed interest he has in it, u it
painieit his iron works. We learn that
.Ir. Stesenthas for some years abandoned
his Adams co. works on account o r be
qual ty of the ore, and that lititillirnatte is
no in..Finitlein county.,
:e. Kenn 4denies -bevies made the e 4.:
serf that "if the convention had lmowe
, Poruires e.haracter they would not
hay- iselecied' him as a candidate. No
matitr—Ahere are plenty oth'ers besides
Mr. - Grove Who do say it—it will .not
seek ler a father as long as the "tinker
andlcobbler" Iras.
~114Coxiterers of Lithitrb s aid -Schuyl
kill j'county meet next Monday 10th inst.
at' C. Qsivald's, West Penn Township,
to nominate a Whig candidate fur .Coil
ad: "your Assertions!—The Ritner
eta ding committee or. Union County have
pre posed to the Porter party, .a
joint corn
init e.e, to cbnsist of three of each party,
whirse business it shall be to proceed to
Huntingdon*, 'uhdernath. and examine into;
all Matters touching the lueolvency of Da.
viol*. Porter; and to report thereon with
all I the aeceioary documents. 'l'hig is a
fair test, and we unhesitatingly make the.
souse offer to the Porter partiof SchuyP
kilt candy. Let c ttttt mutes:it be formed;
and the truth investigated. It id of impor
ta vice to our opponents, to disprove the - tm ,
quitlified assertions. which hre daily beipg
inde against -' their candidate ; aid Many
'w o have heretoif ore been,- the friends of
I.W If and Muhleuberg are leaving their
re iv, because they conceive thesitence 'Of
M Porter's- friends on the subject, to best.
tadit congession of its truth. (fere then
1 , _
the lists are prepared, K. fair field is upend
—the challenge given-they should' - ac
cept and cry "heaven favor the rightl"
This proposition IS so fair, that if not pc
.cePted, both parties throughout the State
tap place hut one construction on its ref*.
sal. Come then, gentlemen, th,David R.
Porter is calumniated„las you haTesilisertee
5r often, buck your assertions. . -
A Poor Mon's Friend.—The present
ajmittistration has frequently rimmed it
s 1 1 . as the poor mac's friend; has promo!.
gated views and doctrines which tended to
phice %hint on a parity with wealth. and
has boasted that its last two incumbents
vi4cre men who had made their way from
the lower walks 414, by personal indus
try and enterprise, and placed themselves
aiming the great ones of; the land. They
lapve 'allowed the inferencii to be drawn, -
that the deserving poor had a claim on their
attention, and that a guardian power should
.exercised over them. But if we take a
sirivey of the facts, vie. will find that pro-
ONitt' ion has not been followed- by practice,.
tbat they have drawn around them as friends
end cOnnvellers, those whose wealth has
beer. their recommendation, while ititegri
th however deserving, - , talent however
prominent, and pa.riotisin however ler
dent, have never entered Oa portals of their.
litvor, unless provided with a goldOn key.
Capacity has ever been a secondary
oreitterstion with them ; if an °tripe was
to be filled, where mechanical skill would.
be essential to the public good, some pain
Pored wealthy aristocrat, who never knew;
i.a -hawk from a ha.idsaw ' " has obtained
the appointment . Then Indian agents,
with very few exceptions, have been men.
entirely unacquainted with their bap its,
"their land agents have been favorite spec
idators-:-iiitleeil it would seen as if they
look delight in joining contrasts.—the ball
room soldier been embarked in our
wars;and our stern well tried leaders have
have been favored with petty commands,
!id , ordered against smuirglers. The naval
'ernes of our last war have been ruffered
Ito enjoy inglorious ease, while those who
Could tinker a broken figure head, or cok
ible under to executive patronage, with sic
ophantic fawning, rode the ocean in our
nuble frouting palaces, to convert decks in.
to .Jackass stables.
There is Soinet!iing galling in this—and
how blinded must be the judgements of
those, who cannot, or will not see where
this must end! The noble, the high mind.
ed officer will retire in disgust— the grades
be filled from tile national hot beds of arii:
tocnitic officers, who can only plan an as
souk on tipper, and 'quite Vauban as the
moque.. is taught its sentences. These are
the to u ts the present administration desire,
men bound to them for station and support,
that'. When'the time for revolution shall sr
rive, they' thin fortis a body guard 'fur the
Esettiiive Sanctity, and when it is I ,retailved
do longer to'ohey the [lnsatiate Of the peo
ple, they be prepared to enforce
deitioN Comeitind by force of arms:
Be: i nii longer d ceived-4he rivern.
Merit ts not the pOor man's friend-the rich,
thepinteOful; and the politically connected;
are the only ones they .care fort—foul! 'tete
the ariezin toits—fur these the husband
man garnerallis crop4ur iheie the lat!orier ‘
ezhatitivi" his strength and vigor. the Sea
man ploiaiths !he deep—to 'pay taxes lii
the sappoit of a curinpt administr ation, derailed —
, .
Another Editor gone./— The editor ,nf
the Mauch cheek Courier hal left bli
ekaii for "other parte," having go:unfitted
*riming pn tEe 28d.uh After *pep&
ingepi kpay-swortin *wage, , ate t traat
;otili hits again at4ie_toaat, mnre. tblto_
Oyer opposed to dis-usion of anjf
a~ _ :., ~
01; *.`• wn or 6. 1
mma 4,1-0 30 -10 1 4,4 11 !f . I °t*
ht ,ar
hu iorater_eppolimtalaie signed a recantation, I
'and' the ktitimian says,theze are Eighteen more
Win; opiiised his elicticio ta 35, who wilt lihme
Abair names on the list, beside thaws who do not
puiplisityps their names : at present.
'6641144 eitimitei or either &Mil. We are led
stoirsafiritentrinsioislhattheArotemißba reverswie
With assajecity Gayly dont+ for Ritner tuwhat
was *innerly cast ngaiast. 14m. Van Buresiam
and locathenieni sae egg" 4thisigalbint county,
si it yet is,rfileadeed:Porte;ibase the audacity to
claim .a.hime anticipated masority.
- Dertj , and tYpitei Swatsa prowl" us 300 of
the 1000 majority for the P oghboy io old Dau
;Maid Cardissien.—Th4ditor of therrank
lia Telegraph. In which tbel "Tape 'Worm" first
.crawled into eight, has. balm compelled to own,
that it was not a correct representation of the
Gettysburg railroad. We would prevent no one
from an honest coofessimi of sin. but Mr. Tele.
graph nsigat have saved himself the trouble of
acknowledging that it was s incorrect likeness,
for no weever believed it was a correct one.
J S Peuldiec.—A disclaimer has appeared
exculpating .the present Secretary of the Navy
from any participation in the recent attack oq
out brave seamen .
„and 'Accra. We are pleased .
, to hear this, hut shill be more so, ital. infamous
author can ImA:fretted oat.! It now lies between
Blair, Kendall and their other minions—and thi;
denial of pill reminds us W;riingly of the craft of
the two vogues in Mop's Fxbles, one stole the
mutton, hat hid it not—the one that had it, did
not steal it. • •
Wby Is this? At a recent Porter meeting in
Harrisburg, iii.the folretsa of invective, their orator
challenged 'any Ramer man who might be pre
sent to elmfote the atatements he had made in
?elation to the Goiinxies,administration. The
/ • .
gasintlet was not thrown vain—the chiialry of
deneicracy can always find a champion—the
gage was accepted, and the charges Woo
-1 pliantly refuted! Nayl more, the Porter men
' were bearded in their very 'dee to name a time
and place of meeting when • the leading questions
to the present contests might be discussed—this
the meeting even refused to do! They were a.
ware of the impracticability of supporting the
odious Sub-Treasury; they felt degraded and
convicted, and shunned the contest!
Maids Eledions—Cherriag IVems.—This glo
riosa state has made a political somerset, to which
the physical ones of the Bedouin Arabs are no
touch. They have elected their Whig Governor,
a Whig lied a majority of Whig
""Tbers bf .Cnnffreall---Stuart's majority over
Douglass in the 3d district; is 135!—1n the state
Senate the parties stand whig 11- 7 Admisistration
6. 7 Consertrativen 2—in the hones, the whigs ha ire
42 1 --Adinintstmtwo 31—Conservatives 4—last
year, the administration had 40! /fere' is indeed
"glory" enongh.—lnifitne, Lotman', Kentucky,
Missinippi, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and
though las: not least. Illino.s,all staunch and firm
whig States!—The Locos howevit have their por
tion of glory too, the Wale end:of Missouri. Guns
and cheers without number to the gond cause! and
black crape and muffled dromi for departed Yon
Bureniam.—'Farewell, a long farewell thy
New Berlin.—The Ritner yoUng men
of this townjately erected a pole with the
mar Options favorable to the Farmer Gov.
erunr& Specie. Payments, hut the loco fib
cos. cut it down dining the night, No
matter f..r Ritmer poles, my lade---there
are polls that,cennot be cut down—they
will he decorated in October with the name
of.Ritair imperishably !
Another Hint to the Rag merchants.—
The Guy. of New lentey, by proclamation
required all the banks of the State to re
,sume• specie payment on the first instant.
The people are getintrup their proclama
tion, that the U. S. Govenmsent
resume an honest currency, and burn the
Treasury wrapping paper.
l'here-ielmt One Spirit thrmiihout
our State—which is to "swim" with
Ritner, Specie and no Suti-Treisury.
Desertion I— Why dont General Porter
nffer a reward for Deserters f—with a
proviso however "not to be paid in conti
mond rags?!
The "Monster."- -Late quotations of
U. Eh Bank Stock in New York, place it
$124.- What a corrupt and rotten institu
tion it mina be! Let's do away with it,
and retain the pretty' shin-plasters--they
are such convenient anal! stoney.
A Sign frost pebanon.—The Morning
Star, (Morgent.sterti) a German !leper,
ultra _Loco fuco in its former doctrine",
has pulled down the Porter Rip This
said "Porter is, getting very flat-it
pricked ) , and bait no life. Lebanon will
giyeiltitrier at , 3he lowest estimate, 1100
maj n rity p .
Loco Nonsitiation.—The shin plaster
party of-Sebuylkill Gotmty have through
their -Dtaifitzeril neittiinifed-4noimember
of-emigre's, Peter Newhard, of Lehigh.
W.lthnow 'nothing of the gentleman, but
be is bad company,.. and as such must
be judged. At' wduld appear •- from . their
resolutions ibambe Locos have no chmee
-r-tbettitist toe that mark .theii political
'WORM& h.aVe - ara._wp for them, and swal
low Van Omen,' Sta•treasary.
tars and 411 The -Qonferees "approve of
the conductilmd vote olthe Hon. S . sr.
liuMaykandAestify thaircardial satinfacit
"DEVl WWl'il foithfill fulfilment ot: the -
Iprofeasiontundes- which. he came into:
kINE.RW4! - If(ttlYt l W — s
_ -
,vralSe end Aficiefit
that Martin Vai
confidence sod admi
ished degree, and that Mr.' Newhard' is,
selected upon Abe ground a his uniform
andunCompromi!lit adbesi . to the met
sitreiothis.adininistriition. 'r ' '
......Lislcuin.thilizmMar.lia-Y ..Hilts re
s t..
taint their toitrdeitce.'afie t r . , ell: hiaiusub
treasury "iiCtieopi," did thes * rids/drains I
after hiving iii a trifle over year reduced
the Treasury from forty in Moos surplus
to twenty m il lions public de t! .Oh blind
idebitorsi-debassioorerbres-befiate your
demi-god! bat . ysiti Will Ind Ike the Brah
ma of the Hibdoih he will !rewire your
body, blood ind soul . ! To be his
car of .Ikgernaut will not suffice-10u
must blindly throw yourselves beneath its 1
wheels, offer a prayer for, your deatroyer,
and - hare faith in his bounty! .
Resolved, That we approve ofitbe conduct ono
votes of our worthy representatt ' in the present
1 amens, the Hon . EDWARD HURLEY. of
1 .
Schuylkill—that we hereby ify our cordial
satisfaction with the faithful fu meet of the pro
fessions under which he came ;into office, and
sward him generally the mead of an honorable
and efficient discharge of his official. obligations.
calling for further tokens of Awn-fide:ice and
esteem. i
Bonier - War with hadiens.—Hy the Mowing
extract it will be seen that -our Western frontieria
in no 'agreeable situation. Thai numerous wiles
of Indians, whose passions haves heel inflamed to
their highest pitch by the stern, bat necessary
proceeding bf their removal, together with those
who look upon the whites as natural enemies and
encroachers on their soil, are it appears on the
eve of uniting in a pied story le:minion on the
settlements in Arkansas and Missouri by a con.
cenfiated and simultaneous movement. The hos
rile Indian tribes west of the Mlssissippi number
at 'mlt 75,000 warriors, that 'is including the
Osage and Kenai. tribes, whoin it will be seen
have bend excluded from any participation in the
prepantory councils. We have every confidence
in Gen. Gaines, and trust that such precaution
may be taken as to prevent the hermit of the
tomahawk and acalping-knife.,l
From the. Nashville (Tenn.) Kanner, August 18.
We learn from an authentic source that tbe .
Cherokees West of Missiasippl. have invited all
the braves of all the principal kriben, excepithe
Osagen and Kansas, residing near our Western
frontier North of the Red rivet, to meet them in
exoteil in the Cherokee countil on the Illinois
river, about ten or fifteen milen above the month
of the Barren fork, on or about the 14th Septem
ber next. The object of the council in excluding
Usages and Kansas was not known. A runner
was sent by the Cherokees With the wampum
and talk to the Senecas and her Small tribes In
that vicinity , from threes it as carried to the
Shawnee", Delawares and file epees near Fort
Leavenworth. A Kiekapoo rettiner then started
with the wampum, two strings, the one black the
tither white., to the Sacs, lowa* &c. No doubt
was entertained that the objeo. was to make a
simultaneous attact on the settlements of Arkan
san and Missouri. We may expect prompt mea
sures front the proper authorities toward off the
intended blow. ,
-From ibp St. Louis 12publican.
We are informed that an- uMportant despatch
l xn
his been forwarded by Major m Fort on of Gib
son, to General Gaines , the mender of this
Division. The substance of is communication
is, that the• Cherokees have built a council boon,
which isi paid to be considerably larger than any
heretofore erected by any tribe la Indians. They
have sent messengers, with the black and red
wampum, to all the tribes front the Red River to
d i m
the Sacs and Foxes on the Mi issippi--omitting
the Kansas and Osages—invi ing them to nicer
in council at the Cherokees council House in
September next.—The move t • is believed to
be but au incipient step to rther difficulties, and
made with a view of enlisting end uniting all the
tribes along the frontier in such measures as may
be adopted. They have proeeded with caution
and secrecy in the measure, Bad have endeavour
ed to keep all their proceeding li from the knowl
edg of their agents and of the officers of the posts
The 'Lae proposed for holdingithe council is sof
iciently late to admit of the emigrating Chero.
keel reaching their country.; All the infiirma
lion elicited goes to confirm the opinion napless.
ed some time ago, by General; Arbunckle, of tbe
hostile intentions of several of the tribes, though
it is not believed that any meivement is intended
by them unit the opening of spring.
General Gaines, we are told, his forwarded the
dispatch of Major Mason - to, the proper depart
ment, with a request that he ;be permitted to at
tend the Council with an armed force. This
would probably be the most effeetnal means to
owe them into a compliance •rith their duty, and
effeetnally prevent the formation of any plans for
a general and united rising. 'lt is greatly lobe
desired that his request shoal. be granted.
Committee of tigilanee
FOR sun U Y 1 Llf COUNTY.
porrsv4E. .
William' Shively, John COI, George C. Wyn
koop, Andrew B. White. Luke Lanakan• Edward
E. Bland, Henry Moll, Benjamin F.Pontroy, Isaac
Likens, Nicholas Fos.. Thpmas A. Simpson.
Jacob . Kline, Daniel Klapp, John Jenningi, Ellis
Derr, James Sillyman, Jr. Andrew Mortimer.
John Jones.Jeakins Rased. Ralph Lee, Benjamin
Haywood, Benjamin .Milnei, David Watkins,
George Reichert. John Fink, George Broom,
John Biddle, Peter Grim, Daniel MU, Robert
Woodiide.' Daniel Kaeteher. John Silver, Enock
McGlone', Joseph George, i---4Neveni. Phibp
Wolfinger, Daniel Stall, Pat e k. , 4Langton ' John
Beadle. Lewis her, Daniel ndernuith,Jaines
Penman . A. Thompson, Join Bindley.
Britton, Merkee, Henry Miller, John
Reed, John Daniells. Hiram .Rikg. George H.
Stichter, George Heisler, Ere John Frarilt,,Muera
Strati's, John Heffner, Wm. C. Lell Geoige
fladeaty, Nathan Cleaver, 11 adze* trans. Jere
miah Recd, John M .Crosiand,Jehn Morrie..
George Roush, Esq. Eli Elfamnier, Eli, atilliani.
mer, Joseph Hammer. Mich - el Greet!, Jame" H.
Graeff, Bernard Yeager,' J eii Keptier, - Jamob
Wereeri, Jai*, Matthews N icholas - Border,
Michaerhinder,Samnei P,Chairies Wigsniii,
:Coq. John lt, flohart,Est. Et ry Bowen, Wil li ani
Pheener, Doctor Merles Ha leir,Johrilithoener;
,Esq. Christian lone& Andre Sebiaahrt;Mi Rani
Boyer, ilaistib Bowman, .1 n
. Kisioner. - Jellipb
Milian, Miq. Wil li am Gar Pi Reinbeimer,
'Petro Leer, Jahn Spears, go Leffier,Ablin
y '~'~ <
*-A. 4,:' , Z-
• 111/:
itterit. John, Allover., Benjamin
• Maps
s. Daniel •
. - Tor PENN.
David r , '" Jonitkan Bout; Ellis Bel;; John
&finch. Jr; J , - !helm!. DaVilt; Hartong,
Christian H , Z. Jelin' Happen. lillitteet Hart.
nag, Abrabintl. Naliernaa.".llesekiab Halde
man, Michael I T.
Heppe,. Christian Haldetnan,
David Kegler. ao-oh Klechner, George Lally,
Peter Miller, I -" • 7;llautz. Gideiiii NVO4 John-
Shointnitet;*" i • me 4•Ahlirld—Zehner
Aquila He an.. Mt chaeh . . flartintir, Davi-
Wertman,Jose • Veleteeepeti. ;44 Lam
N Peter Filbe Wit: Graf, Paul trend, Wm.
Gorgas.. Caleb ' .heeler, : Philip Zimmerman, Pe
ter Stein, Jiihn J. fkine, Jos. Brown Isaac Her.
!I. John lii'. , Fit Snyder Jno.- C. Pealing;
Jacob Kern,. - • • . • ,
1 George AO • , 4thoity . Lei. ninon Bond,
R. A. Heati, Joseph Omer. Jamb Reese, John
N.Bim*, a n Hessler, John Dennistonobilits
Franklin, I lisiihner. Elise &not, William
Heggins. Jiih 0' igiley. John Walker. John K.
Smith, •I ' • 'David Homer, Henry. Stroub k .
, .
- I LUNION. • ' • .
Daniel . • Ile My Gibed. Rolando* Zimmer.
man. Mich el rah; tiletA.Zimenerreat, Richard
Adair.. .fetich Rapa.George Gilbert,Georgo Lin-
m n
. Itehni fowl .
I tt;:ie i l i ma ttii : i k.
Miller, David Roerig, Solo.
4 RUSE!. .
Aaron Booghner, John
in Rin e , Jonas Faust. John gaol, '
has Brame. .
Seal James Palmer .Roland Jones,
. GO. Lewis Dreher,rJaines Sloe.
et, Y l oonard Moyer. Jacob Shock.
i • ; Sam, Ave Bathe, George this
berjacob Heider, George R. Dry,
1 .44eirbuti Everitt. Samuel Bower,
Benjamin Be
John Brown.
John Riau;
Kleckner. 4d
Daniel -'
Jacob &Kochi
Michael Shoe
Thomas Pei
Jr. John Ethel !
er. George I
Neje! Made
gawk -flue.Ll
Ya . till.lAS:nnigETi a jCilebet.Pl4 l:l , , i lC hl7.l."4geßgißlLebni f i l i Eell°Hrim iir 'bnlrlamEagel lev ißGilmmil4peßini:lirtayjr:i ; D:G;e:P.3l°A.T a rijiliß t Plioh.l: v ra.Al i erYn n i e l . 2 . ll:W.TßjairElluarisiu ; ll2..ll B 4l:-In. cio t3r la'
Joseph lri mieiAlli althwm Charles
dnaeA u rardil l : : :
B i e i g
Peter Dillies , J n w B A it y tkr NF P .. eter Hillman Ansa
Yarnall, 1 / iltevena, John Debrief'. ' Jacob
Siagenfusit. ! &cob Marilee, John Dietrich jr:„
Jacob Dirh, 'cob' Heder. Jacob Railer; - Gideon
Merwine." El nry. Wii•OD, George Maurer, Jesse
Yarnell, Phi, p Cherry, Jacob Wormer.
Joseph Ferl, Jaxib.Minnieb, Dr. Thomas Ro
by, Andrew oz, Jacob Lakenbille, Peter Fens.
termacher, liVilliarn Strauch, William Riland,
Daniel Krenier lin., Joseph Ernst, Jolm W.
Halter. Dan el ltkenbille, Anthony Reibeam.
an jr, John Soydir jr., Jacob Heffner, William
fleffner„Willuun, Übe, Jacob Itaercher Eaq.,
1 Jacob Min'nfg*Dry' Faith Sen., Henry Vetch
Jr., Anther* Feßh. John Fetch, Jacob Witmer;
John Werner, Jo n Reed Sen., Joseph Hamel,
James Ifliat,ia Sheridan, Arthur McGonegle ',
er. Daniel Netschwender. Jo. 1
George Naisclrve d
eph Miller, belie -Meyers Esq., John Reiter.
• Geo Mettle, M ,tin Paul, Andrew Erdman,
Michael Summit). - Simon Weary,' Jr Adam
Herb, Geo Sholleitberger, Daniel Herb, W. F.
Heintzelman, Eaqj Geo Erdman jr Geo Paul. A.
braham Erdinan4Michael Dietz, Jacob Klinger,
Jeremiah Klinger sr.
Philip Phalan, . Samuel Henninger, Daniel
Wernz, John Haldeman,. Sen . Jacob Kaufman
John Dietee. Jaciib Schade, Michael Artz,Sen.
Jacob, Arta, Seri. genie! Haldeman, Philip
Dieter, fibery Berkhart; Joseph Snyder, John
P. Klinger. Geotie Klinger, John Haldeman.-
Jonas Kottfritan, ;Adam Smell; Dr. Barmen,
Charles Bisholea, Peter Bickster, Henry Fetter,
David Artl.,,t dm r.
Kuntselman, George Diete
John Zerny,Sen. .a muel Kaufman, John Stein,
Sen. Benjamin Sr. ....
John Heed, See. William Hand. Jacob Miller,
George Miller, Henry Miller, Samuel Kimmel
Philip Miller. i
Abraham Alb i r , tibt. Peter Albright, Solomon
Bentingoose Albright, Edward Bond, John
J .
Bond. John Becker, William-Dreher. Henry Hui.
aer, Charles ion* Daniel Heinle, Seth Lerner
ter, Jacob Miller Joseph Mats, William J. May:
er, Daniel Sholleitberger, Daniel Shoener, Peter
Smith, Jobe Stevens. David Walker. William
'Foot, Joseph Folit, John Moyer, Jacob K. Moyer,
• John • G.
F. Carroll, l Jo
quill. &lion
Abraharil P. •
ra, Jogepli Al
jr., Hartoe E
Holder, iroh
EAFti' nauNdwictc.
Br-- Dr d Bock Ar
Morgan ;Benninger, taniet Jock Andrew
Book, John.Bankis Jonas Bock, George , Banks,
Peter BoCkPeteiDreher,Jacob Elta,Dan'l Focht,
John Holland, Reuben - Jones, Nicholas Jones,
Creorge Koch, William Koch, Henry Koch ,
Benjamin Kleckner, Jacob Kleckney, Daniel B.
Kerahne ,
4 0
John W. Koch, Henry Long, Philip
Miller, ' rge Medlar Keg , Frederick Phlinger„
Henry etger,l Charles F. lbw, Christopher,
Reed, Jaitott Sterney jr., William Sheridan, la
sso R. Shafer,' John Shaffer, Doct. Jacob F.
Treichlei, Joseph Wingirt, Dania Weaver, Jobn
&heti, Samuel Lattimore, John Wingirt, Daniel
Yost. John Yost' BerejamiwYost, Jonathan Yost,
Simnel *SA THenry Heiser, Peter lone*,
CharlcsFocht,Cliales Drehr, Joseph Dreher.Dan, '
tel Bock, flank' k Rich, Abraham - Wetstoke,
Wnt a Re*hntl)'• :
• c : o - A.RRIEDt< :-
At die !real ; enee.of Mr. Sheafe, Carbon
Hill, by l .oe' ' V. Alfred A. [ Miller, •Mr.
se t
PRIME lOC. Ir*ll7BCl4 of Lancaster, Pa.
to-Mi Slazall A 4ine.
A find 0, 11.16 , 'ianisi . helm' gitir to Mr. L. C.
ar fliitztoto.toig'be sold kvery low. The Pi.
,ankt can imei it the Penitrylvania Ball. Ap.
'Jay to — 1 •1• l I :FISHER.. Watch Mahar.
l'ottav IM. Seirtemberl. 1838. 69-3 1, -
' - .
hr.t/eli -4 or' to be Rioted.
iiio tetroorof Lend (tilled the "Clio-
IT4el,l , ,,beliingiog to Elizabeth Spoke,
i n
i '. the I'o
. '-Norwegian Rail Rost! , next
land joining, th e Peach Mountain, is
: 'Wei amminmodatimg terms; or the
Vaft Ilse leased severally or together
ifrieditenust. ' Apply to ' .;,-
1 ~
11 . 3d & Wi t 7n*Birset. ' '':
27 , - 4 ; ,
ton I
north AI
:offered f.
Cosi Sti l
A> pfS'Aittibiligilioill
'!I f MILEIRA)4AdaiiII4I
Sept ';
- .31:0810141.1tnr
- Awlsl4,.
tee, rge 111'. Er*
- - Cgounissuntera
Abraham L. Hough'
!Model- ,hollenber _
iiiTeiidr of ti 4 -•
• George/ May
4k;orge J. Hunialoki
Charles Dengleri 2
haste t
Charles. Wito
, Michael Gott
! Jacob, Reed,
The Plowing, ticket ir nominated . 1
Saturday last. at Scbuyiltill h aven, . by t
isuppurtere of Van Ouren.a the Sub t
Pb Auelabtr—WilliamiMo
Pin`Coroiterz—Nathaniel jib, Ina. Boyd
Per Coneseiesioners.—Ettain Connor, fur
years. Benjamin Lanese/ 4 .km: year.
Director of the puo!:—Tteniel r .Burtolet.
Far Atirlitem—Peter Katz, fur 3.yezre.
- ward Bantstoger, it years:, I
For- Tretstiee:—John -O. Stelae, .1, .'
• ,
Porter, Loco Foeoism, Irr4deenzpble
Ivry IVoics and gagged Shinplaster
Democratic Ritn r Meet
cirtHE friends of our patriot Farmer Gover or,
An• Pnisph Ritner, of. West Brunswick and '
ecent Towships, who are in 'favour of Sp•cre
Payments. and • Sound Currency, and opposed
to David R. Porter. Shinplasters. the Sub-Trea
sury Systgni, Amalpmation, end the profligate.
and corrupt Administration of Martin Van ißu
rec, which expended upwerd4 or 33 Millie* of
Hollers of the Peoples money during the !last
year, are respectfully invited ito attend a pribtic
meeting. to be held on. &tardily the 18th day bf
Segtember—inst. at 2.o'Clock in the one/main. at
the House of Samuel Yost, in the aforesaid Triwo
ihips for the purpose of promoting
. the cause of
Ritricr and Democracy.-several speachea will be
made in the English and Germain Langnageir.
LL persons indebted to thri Estate of belie H.
4 1 k Moodie, dee . d. are respectfully invited to'eall
and settle the lame, on 'or before the 10th of
September, cc after oat time the amount. will be
plaided in the hands of • Magistrate for
• w,M. NICE.
Pottsville. September 1. JB3B. 684 i
Stray I oto .- :
. .
TRAYED'ititray from the subscriber, residing
at New Castle, on the 24th of July, ti- I:IGiILiT
BRINDLE COW; she had oa light collar end
hell--the two hinds legs whi e entirely. a white
spa :on each of her hip bone* . nd one of the fore
legs white above the knee. urge horns. one of
ti i
which his been bored.' . Any Person giving idrtn.
mation of the serge shall he mutably rewarded. ,
I . 1
New dipile, Sion.
. . .141 the Baran* oflihnerseilie.
RESPECTFULLY announces to
- the Citiiens
of thalCoal Region, end his friends la gen
eral, that he-has commenced die Cabinet Making
Bulimia, on the Stain StrectOn the Borough-of
Minetiville, where he will alwiys keep un harld
make, to order, all . kinds of
c t (imitate, such as
Side Boards, Secrejaries, • rd Tables, Solis,
Bedsteads, Chairs &c' &c. which he pledges aim
self to the public shall be Munufactured of the
very best materials, in the neatest manner, and
04 as acCommodaling terms es they can be Pro
cured' elsewhere. Be respectfully solicits all
those-in want of 'Furniture tq call and exiMine
for themselves. •
• A 'good Journeymen. whol can come -we
comlbendekn to honesty. and sobriety, • w
immediately, to wham\ gond nines will be •
blinersitille„ August 25,1 . 8'118.
t - ' 'MONEY LOST. I
AvrAs lost on ' Monday last between Pon ills
", and New Castle, on the Rail Road, a n on
, orderable sum of money, 'thong which.- w .
1120-" United Statei Bank-Bill—and four *lO U.
S.' Rink !fills. The money-was rolled op and.
kost out of the -pocket. Whoever will find said
money. and return it to. Patrick O'Neill, - r - to
John-McCarty, New Castle, shall remise ; 0.. e•
bore reward, and the thanks of ---,' i
New Castle August 29 - . , ,
or Nichols , ' Eitemitoirr -"
R. NICHOLS moat rpemfullv an
/T-E to
. the inhab itants, of-
..ottaville, th
Circus will- he opened:for t eii,amosemc
Monday and Tuesday, the I th and Bth d
Theentertainmenbr above ill that is won
an Alegarittit Repreaentatit.4 of the Globe,
of Activity: and Stength, :.Gyntoastit„Exeri
-Hisseinanehip. Miiitatint 4
praetor feels. eoafidlit itlailLinstinet the
. Fit particular's Bina at Hoteigr • -
Admittance: Box bO Centsp,Mit'SS Oen
-Doors open it Ilto'cloek, A. M., and o
'aiid 7 P. M.•
,Attgost 19, 1831 .471
Bogs strop Rio toffee.
„ _
90 do.prei*, lio4.410;
-Sept 1118313
i s 3 year
r 8 yei
.'sAO :Reward.
-1 In ed
t hio
lt oo
Sys of