The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 05, 1838, Image 1
E!!!!!• , 1. EIFERIE PRINTED AND B Y .WEIYJ4tIII ill XErviiir • lii ; Ulf, Tuaite Dr/LLAMA AMP is ry Curt* pet annum payable s . nmi-atiteitially in' ; since. If!ssepaid with- ' !in the year, $1 will . he c • ; ; to all those who r* 'cease the paperfree ',foist ge. To mail sub s hers 113 per annum- -lf not paid within the{ year, 50 cents 'will be added to the ;nice faubscriptilon.. EE LY Two_Dot.e.aas ;per %tan ro. pattel inenet-annuall in advance. if not paid iv thin the yCar,s2 50 will the charged Adveruseinentsupt ex big 0046 lilies will be sehmiged ill fol'ihree insert ons—and*cents for oue: -ius.eruon. Larger ones in prop"rtion• . Alt advernsements will be insertuntil ordere .not:uiles, the time for whi ih they er to be continue iisspecified.and will be chlged acco ingly. * i . to 'rawly ai!vertivers will e charged 12 per miaow: tmclutling subscriptiorrto t paper—With the prtfilere ref keeping one advertisement not ex intil squares %tending during , the year; rind the us rtion ofa small. qsr , iris. in each paper fort reeaucc me times. .te eir •. ; All letters addressed to t ' editor ust be post paid. "Otherwise no attention eel Ibe paid t them. • -- All notices for meeties ,&c an other notices 'Which have heretofore'bet n insert gratis.' Will be • 'charged 25 cents etch, exlept Marriages and Deaths. 1 The Fa , lily tarele l • . - - Prone the fli , York ilftiTer. , r. • ' =crass , INTO tflre. It is doing a service t , mankind to destroy the ,prejudice which lis - erally• entertained that youth is educated / when 'me cant has been taken •of their infancy-1 This prejudice, or other bad .effects of it. auspends th - zeal ofthet small number of individuals to the Middle ranks of life, who wish to give their children the best education they possibly can. From a 'else notion that the minds -of young persons are furtnee at a very early pe riod. they Suffer them to be their own masters at a time _when they eland most in need of a guide - to direct them in the course of *he most impor-. tint period of their education. by the wisdom of his counsels, the gentelliess of his 'insinuations, and the force of his miample. 'Few persons, in their infancy, learn the art of cropktying and got , " •ernteethemselvei;- and* is very difficult to learn _ till the faculties of the mind are full-blown, and the character has taken its true bias. When young persona, therefore. are entering upon the itempestuonsmcitan otlrinan life, then is the time when they roust be iau ht the pilot's art, the man ner of steering theirlase, so as to avoid 'rocks i anti quicksands. A p ilosopher might begin to c take the charge of ell ation at a time when the vulger think it is finiiiheil. • Many, persons ale capable of educating lehtldren in the ordinary method—there are few', very taw, who are capable - •of forming men. DIDUWIIIIT, 1111.87111. • It is with us as with other thing. in nature. which by motiots are I preserved in their native purity and pet lett ion,'n. their sweetness, in their. 4ustre- , -rest corruptin g; debasing. and defiling 'tfietni,a . 'Elbe water tun eth, it holdeth clear,sweet end fresh! if the air 3.3 fanned by winds, it is purr and wbulesomili int from being shut up, it groweth thick :and putrid; if nietals be employed, they abide vnionth sod splended; but lay them by, and they soon contract rust; rf the earth be bele bottre4 with culture, 4 vieldeth corn; but lying neglected, it Will be!lel-grown with brakes and 'thistles, and the better tie soil iti, the ranker weeds it will produce: all nature is Upheld in its being, .'order, and mate, by constant agitatioN.every ores. tore is incessantly el' hployetl in action conform' able to its designed end and use; in dike manner the preservation and =prevenient of our feed ties depeed po their conduct rind wholesome .ex emu*. " .. What voice may speali to the, tomb builder, Time! Thou and art, and she Ilbe, whan the breath That holds commm4ion now, is bushed in death. Upon thy tablet earth—a pare sublime— • Ate ebrouteled the wrecks of buried years: The cares of the lade sepulchre— The rebel's of heaven's WI thfuhaninister— Yield up their hoarded history of tears! The. pyraiitid and mausoleum proud. Attest of thee. and tell °ribose that were; 01 sounding narraesDow hoard aa-empty air— That °bee were as the some or nations look The Perloaris and the Grim,' are crowded there— Fends are forgot when foes the 'Darrow dwelling crowd! KIT% *CT.— He Wilds too low who builds his hopes beneath the skies. Let us then be chiefly ansumbi respecting the present that we may know how to piufit newt be it. and respecting the futon: only as t is connecter . ' with our interests in an oilier world. • 13041 the various exquisite scenes which open before Our eyes as we proceed in our walk. Look at that path which winds before us till it is lost in shade. See how beautiful its liar dens are diversified With plants of every tint and and every form. Nark how the fight breaks in from above, and hoot it trembles among the leaves. Listen to the note of the wood pigeon,. the distant lowing of thenattle,l and the bark of the watch -dog. How bi:sotifl, how delightful is this scene and its linens:4lot ci cunistances! Yet all the cantle' ii sibangeable: The yellow tints of autumn' h e' - tready begun to discolor the leaves; the win will speedily lay those leaves in the dust; and the' whole-face of 'you're will soon be veiled in the. aniowit. mantle of winter. 'All these circamstan • therefore. all these changes. even to the falling f a leaf. enght to be received by us as so many' arningo ndt to vest in present scenes, bat to piens forward to those which are -eternal. And al •gh there is nothing in this 'sentiment which 6: •and times. yet 1 pealed or trio deepl Missouri —S idence 'of Tho butuboirger—h over 800 votes; gave at the P touch fur the po home. Points by R inan of New it subScription, t. comprising Ger Life ; Mt. Johwl caster, a nation I ems comproing giiive Pieces. Mr. D. was *Whig, al 'Morning New , poetic attainrne high in . the lyric ' 41.::•. -II - .1-'4 , 1 • . -t r .; i • • !'t • ' 7 IL • • WILL TEACH ,TOll !ILIUM". Tali 1104141.111 . 4iirims: 10 . 1141 rii# 41 0 6 , 0 . 11 1 1 1. 119a r l if r iC lav #W O l i- -7514 .1 1 -1: 1 P 11441 " 11174a-11111Ica 1.1 F" .,1111,1113tant0401 1 1 1 1 1 . 1111 : 41 MID TU8.13/CIL. • ALI 141170111. TO 0011 arms arm rif - 11 _ I~ PUBLIOHay. Nail *NAN • 79th ihiJekkirkiThl;tl . o)lilltsrAvicellikhitlf : men of the 'bth ffiellaniilers, about tokiii dir": charged at Chat hani..aboat tu, 263 yaarrtltef, tr. all Wateripotnen—sotne of then?. were present a the late battle of Copenhagen and shared are th glories of [lid Peninsular war.: There are out • t wo..oilieers and, five men iernaliiitig, in thl regi went who were at Waterkar--,Sciptcheuisn',l" Iciesiing, irsaking.—iVe. are glad .to Figment., from the Joh? p'Groat Journal that the appear , 'ince of herrings. on the coast of Caithness ha given an impetus to the preparationsoftlukearet About 5.59 barrel of cured fish were forwarded ti ; Leith far-last 'stea incr.-330 front Sultsrall, an. the remainder from l Wielt. b. : - • • " • Accident e t Leitk.—We re to statalbat cur of the ludividials injtired brth lisploiiou '4of fire ythi works on Lau . . Linksok Thu ' y evinsingolier- , late On Saturday night.- Remus* young awn about sevenmen. nephew of Mr. Thonipeont gar' 1 maker, head;of Leith Walit.:llr.Thompeon him self is still confined, but-vie understand is coo sidered oot bf danger. A boy bee in the Leitl. Casuality Hospital moth injureltbut is in a fait way of recovery.—A women who - received seyere . injorieron one of her legs is still Under medical care. Other indiviijuals who were more or lets burnt we believe are all doing well. - • Coronation 491ender.--The following laughable occurrence happened at a small town not far die Cant.—A printer having been applied to, to print a notice for closing the- 'bops, thc., 'Or the Coro nation, by some mutilate, purposely or ar.cidental ly made, the letter C was pot in the place of S. which made it read as followca-"Notice is here. be given, that all the trades people have agree:l , not to open their durps on Coronation day. This of course, was an. unlucky inoottooemeni for many when the roast beef and plum pudding came in view.—Perthshire Courier. CZ:3I not been repeated a' tbou .llef it cannot bete often re. felt. - Louis County—the re'- 'H. ißeatiot, r the great given.* Whig trutithify -of hundred more than tt esulential election. So. ularity of the expunger et us Dators.—Mr. Cole. ' rk, proposes to publish by • l e poems of MT. Dawes, !,Itline,;a Romanic of Seal 1. Eve,* Fairy Tale • Lem I Poem ; Occasionil Po Songs"' and Odes; add Fu ently amebae& with. the d. is now in the Sunday, tp gentleman of fine ta, and is destined to rank annals of our country. " mow. POTTSVIALLI%,,P,A. WEDNAVDAY - DioItNING SEPTEMIfEit t: • _ _ _ ." .I• SCOTLIND. Mr. Maw, Treasurer to the Asylum for the Blind, has received from the Trustees ut the late Mr. Walter Brechin,:. surgeon,. Shisgerr , being one-Girth Of the -residue of Dr. Butchin's Estate, after deducting legacy duty,&e. • Pulpit Eloquence.—A venerable divine of the "auld Light class, now gathered to his fathers, whose Busk congregated in a Strath on the line of road betwixt Air and Edinburg in expatiating on the temptations of oluierted-only think of his matchless impudence, my brethern, offering the Saviour of the world all the land as far as could be from the top of an exceed ingly high mountain! Basejiar that he . was to mak ony rich offer!—him! the loopy loon, that never had a furo' lawn a' his 'days. 11 kir Adeertisero A firld of hay on the Ayr and Irvine road roup ed this week brought about seven ponds per acre. , • A lot of clothed was carried away on Friday at Flatfield„ near Symington, Ayrabirc, by a whirl wind. They were seen high in the air, after which they entirely vanialled,;and have not mince been .bee^rd 15C-- lb. • . WALES. Ancient Coin—There is now in the possession , of Mr. Hey wood; watch and i clock maker. of this city, at Whose shop it may he inspected by the curious so antiquarian rusearch, a gold coin in the reign of Henry VI celled an "Inge'," in ex eellent preservation. Its yak eat that period was 6s. Bd. hut if now broken up flor melting, it would• fetch double the current value; as a relict of the olden time its-value must be, considerable. The coin was dog up out of the Oath at Clynog mid way. between Carualron and ewlbe IL North 'Wales IdAtenicie. A child of Mr. David Powiell, of Libanue. near Brecon, between iunr and Bye lean old. born blind lately, underwent an opelation by Dr. Lu cas., which was attended with complete success, the bkwumg of sight havinglbeen restored. • Mita/ Accident.—A &meld old Man, named Slack. from the neighbourhood of Enniskillen, while -bathing at Bundoran, lou the 6th July, to •cautionsly ventured too far a to the tide, and was carried off; his remains w • washed on'shore, a few htiuM afterwards.—f& • sewn Bereft. • is hy the •celebnited. towers of rm. which' attle Intermission. than dust rain, remain: hou be fair, 'rain na mar." .. Limerick Chiron. LitersOura.--threetioli o a letter snit in the Poet Office, at tilyn Neat "To King Jorge, Priordy; Carmarthen, for na Lode? tck, Poop Aabergwegly perish At Merioneih.hire Qua the 6th inst. SUM Jones guilty for being ibund .0 Vaughan, in the night. in resisting the keeper whilst bend hi in, and Sentenced onment in liulgelley gaol I Wales Cbronick, 1 - The 'tillage of Oliver ieY I cog onetion, been the scene -took pl4ce on Tnesday;in riege of Edward Lliiyd Hall, with Jame, second di Forbelq-Esq of Calendar F- Sduciy4iitti was ushered St. Switirrin with copicius s continued until night, with “th.. Sadism's day, if For forty days it will St. Swithin!S day, it • Fur forty day's 'twill The (air of goßiskillen July. *as one ofthe brink ! rano ire bale had for so! or everi , kind' •riilized• • -• their o nera.—Eras Pack Bridge of 21114eae.— • • cad in Athlone. fur the riingeaients Met Shaun"- Co4sciente.-Messr Co. Jew.eliers, Boston' ThOrsday through t taitdasls, but n o any - 4t.' An. elogiteo l as theivome uf - 00i e Noiolie hae•the,•!`t, us. Huth letteis•!..iftle many of the `hti r ri 1 0 02' admit ed into die 1114Rdel avid inockiwN Handel. awl 11 -"tuto firebomb flew ceivedland for sale by Pouinrille, August 11, 1 - . -,-.,:::.110.?7,--;•:77----1-"'"';'''':::-L"...-",..,.!.H.4.e.-1-v'`.4.°1'''':';,'-.:',%.,,,:1:',-1-;- :-..,".•,Th ;'l'.l:!:F,'.' • . .. ' % . tr,...,.'. ..l.j;. ..I. . . . . r 41.. .. .' ... . ~ , . . .. ...... •zi- . A. . .. • ~...., . ...." ~,,, . , . _, ~, ;,., ~. , .r. ., 4 „,,,,,,......,..,--; t „.... ... - .2 , - ..... y .. .. uwa - . :(.54 - - ., 4 .: 10 1 ., 11: - .w. ..... e :' , ..w 14 : - N .: ''' .l ..- f 7 ..10 .. 0i. ~,....... 1uir.... . r ..rivela ling .:'. .:j:i.*- ';i7•l6."k:' -‘::''' 41. ..- : '. 8 . -..-. ' • ' . CS .'. ..'.- ' - • - - - --.,_,-,..:.,, ...,.,...v.: ~------_,--.-. - - • - - - - PAiwisivrattige W EQDIPSDAY, aiORNINGt. sErr. ; 4, 1839. Florrats46:. Oaths; Cards; BOW lagnsg. via Amara' qf every +.; iTage4 l fa Offia We Ow lateen iota prices. . -V"' 0. 171 : 14 !! • Mir+ + foe_ Vara BUrexkatd Porter Lo CO - F oao .ventral. Commit tee, publish. n address auto the colar:wearers op t'ae th, August est, in , mbichtbemostimbl ing and sggerairl, niatatemems- kr O r mate o tie Public beta are giiApAnd4r the bane ion of the.Stve: 't atr reasurer Daniel ,St ;eoet, among i eritiCh .we wilt:point out the - 1. That Governor Rimer had, in Ikfee years, ineniaitedllM State Debt, ,1116718;- 783,504. H. In swelling up VI bich Oiticteasedm mount Of 'State Debt, the State-Tretuturet Deludes Temporary Loans. 111.•• That, Governor•, Ritner :ins ex ',ended, in three years. $0,954,760 28. IV. "That not one cent has been add ed to the permanent revenue of the cum. monweiltb," iiovernur Rimer. V. Tbat Governur . Rimer has com menced public works, that will .min $17,- 000,000. VI. That ' he, has only expe . nded to wards these public works, $1,940,000. VII.. That the. 'saurus expended, - and debts created , by Governer Rimer," a mould to ;24,704,760 23. VIII. Arid, finally, that . there * i!1 be a deficit, the present year, in the Treasu ry, to the appropriationtaintd -demands-upon it, of 0,468,080; and that to meet tips, and othei claims, 0,856,080 , must he ap- provided by the next Legislature. ' The above changes have been answered at length in the Harrisburg ehrouicle, by the Secretary of the 'commonwealth and the Auditor general, but a the details would take mete room than - we can spare; we shall simply show the gvuse injustice, not to ray wilful falsehood dt asset.. lions. • The first allegation is that Governor Rimer iu three years, increased the State Debt $5,718,788 58." The List of loans in the Auditors offire will show that the , permanent State Debt on 4th, December 1835 amounted 'to 424,330,003 32. t h is is an aggregate -of $025,432 24 teas than the amount . stated in the address of the Van Buren Central Committee, because temporary limns and unpaid appropriauous are included incorrectly in that statement. On the 18th Aug. 1838, the permanent State Debt 1v05124,230,,003 32; the loan by act of April 1,1806, of 8100,000, bay ing been paid off—therefore the perma nent debt ts•that sumsEss than it was when the present Governor came into office: 11 a temporary loan is to be boniiistered a State debt s we sill. only mate that in four years Gov. Wolf's tempaary loans am Hunted to 111,424,348, trhile Itering Gov. Riiner's ae, ministration of three years, only 8715,000 has been borrowed; and out of that sum $35) 090 were negotiated for the express purpose of.paying instalments on interest, *Mei sholahl have been pro- vided for by - Gov. Wolf tivi) other loans. - of 655,000 and 874,000, boutisicted by Gov.. -Wolf, have likewise been paid off, and are included in the abate estimate, so that the actual ternporary loan during Gov. Ritner's three years,. amounts only to $685 560. On about two (birds ofthis' and interest of only 4 per cent is now. , paid, when formerly it was fi ve per cent. ' The third charge is, that Gov. Ritner in 3 years has expende.l 88.954,760.28. In-this estimate is concluded the default in the revenue of The present year, amount. ing to 84 . 818,079 62,' that is, Gov. Rut tier is blamed for having spent what was never in his possession—with as much propriety might one of our coal dealers who, cleared say 86000 by his.operattons • 'lad year, be accuse?! of lavishing end ex. pending a like' sum this . year, because the experiments . of tholeneral evernment ' have stagnated business, and his anticipa ted revenue has not -heen realit.edl De. ' ducting thi; amount ' s tbegrosscbarge, will leave 87,138, 66. Froth this, we have three other terns - to deduce, for. k o the simple' reeeirn th t they never came into like:Treasury, a therefore could not bespent; sit: $25% _ deficiency in toile, i $150,000 deficiency n repair fund, and $400,000 to re-construct the Juniata ea , real. DedOct thiilBso,ooi), sad we have $6,338.680 66, which amount ban been nearly appropriatedin the fedlowing man ner: . an g Sends:moon 'may. was tried and found t the premises of Col., search, and sadessourtog to appro. to ten moothd bard labour.—bagh has agate. once the give festirity, which -lebratienolthe mar me; Eng of Gatacre. ughter of tbe late W. - n Tuesday. the 10th -t, for business on the e'tuaSe. ' .Horses of si lady well. led Meek - eaarseenalon to l k..iselan . ere halr4.; aril , pose of at; bridge across the Extensa* of Ciaal Etia; VOO.OOO For the N, do WAlrartols Molt 89S QF Far the laitatilai Feeder and -Whew oars rotal. • For Ilia artitatoirciliiil , Fir 6)141010T - oats litolfroni Phil: to Pittaborg, repaint, rumoring defioaira work s 1788.564 Two American locomothea .to amPlaoi the asperiatratoriioported diva 216.64 For Cicala and Rail Roads fi* the panda:emit 'of Wands* agautat the adrift 14.000 For torapArto. Mati rood. aid - bridges, 9 / 7 5.300 internal-Education. ' • f. 343 919 For expenes-or eosaeolies, • 300.000 J. .Bidgelow & rewired -V 'elle. e pod 4111See i eatt . • 'nature Apr - word at 'letter t eierttli !S=ll Ce" 10 Write gentienien teeeilrir •• 11 petition to be aria See lei?" 'wiled; blest ra O. BADMAN. K = 62- ' - • - *315418 The next assertion *that net onecent hu been added to the permanent MMUS ME of the Cdtifiim tmtionaftiiv. Rimeri‘ • •We wiltseer how; far Obits and figures Wilhiubstatituite4lll:- In 1885, ihe 'find 'yearrof Gov. Wid(ta niiiiistnition, the reventteidthe State from tolls amounut.onlir to: $886,257 1886, Guy. Ritneesafril per,' the am ount was $827,605 alt in , 1837, Aioy were $975,350 49-audi in 1888, up to 18th August, them were $780:800. • ihe'rehoie six yeark of Goy. Wolf's ad the inn , ' a inimite febni pub- . lie worts was $1260,488 06," and in ken and. 0 hairyeark of Gcn4 tinier's tern' it has iiinnimied to $2,503,156 21, Inn -king an increase in-tittle over one third thelime, of store than ail ins revenue for Ira svecesaire torus of ofcw, $1,332,:. 699_15 !.!!! . . Charge Y Ate VII is; ifiat - Gov. Ritner has colirnierited public wprks th it wilt eost serenterin tniltions!-Thal the Erie exten- siott, the INlorthand West Stanches, were etimmedeed by Gov. Wolf, every one 'knows, 'lid tifTrom the workit estimated to - 5Q001) 450,000 EM7% - I FEW wit that sum, we. deduct those so com menced unproductive and dilvpidsted, the balance will not cost three ninon:. The sixth 'charge can 'be refuted by the estimate etutdelutder The third charge. where it is shown that instead of baying expended only 1,940.000' dollars on the public work% be has actually :aid out 4, 101.1001 The seventh and most wilful assertion is, that the expended and debts cre ated by Gov. 'Rimer; amount . to 24.704,- 760 23 dollars. The component pacts of this expenditure are ' 1. Amount required to •tionithedi public works, 35060.000 01) 2. Amount added toSta'le bat. 2,718,7t13 58 . 3. Amount gnrea to, College,. Academies, Hospitals, Asylums, • Surveyors, dce. 690,000 00 4. Amount received a flank Bonus, 3,235176 65 2004560 WI The first of these has 'been disproved wider the fifth charge- 7 tbe fallacy of ;he seceud shown in the fact that in the first charge temporary loan is considered as ad damn to State Debt—as regains the third item of this expenditure, appropriations to purposes of eilucatiOn, science and chari ty, the assertion bears on its face the im press of mistake, for if the Tresssury has paid out one half that sum, it has done so without taw - or authority, -mod slotting to the knowledge of the. Secretary of the. Convention wethe Auditor General, has been so disbursed-, but as regular legal 'appropriations. The fourth item includefr i about three millions and a' uerter, receiv ed as Bank Bonus, which is estimated as debt. To use the language of the above named gentlemen, "it will be pleasant news fur the Banks, though not fur the people,-to hear that such donations were. ..debts, and are to be _ ' The last charge is that there will be a deficiency of 1,486,00 dollars on the Ist January next, and that to pay this and current appropriations for 1839, the Leg islatere must raise 8.856,080 dollars. As yei no deficiency has name place, the • State is solvent--interest on State Debt all paid off the public works progressing. all the appropriations of last year au strongly resisted by Gov. have been met, and the credit of the State so good, that Money can-be raised at 4 per cent; at skims when it is worth more than ; ever it was before; and when 5 per vent has heretofore been -gown one third of the navigation season, and the most pro fitable part of the public income is yet be fore us—and these is no reason to foresee that the appropriations of next year can not be met by the current revenue and the fourth- instalment of the .surplus revenue, and when Gov. Rinser came into office, the permanent State Debt was 100,000 dollars more than it is at the present date! W here then is the foundation for all these charges? where but in the imagination of , those who are striving to misconstrue the situation of oar state, and impeach every action of our State Executive! A similar. charge against theßieneral- Administra• tins, would be indignsuitiTrerlied by,tee, friend. of Porter, and yet mark the eon trio; our State is solvent and on ly its own resources—the U. &mei are insolvent, and depend on an immense emission of Treasury Ehie piasters to hot- Ater up tlfeir reptltitiaf r . llßld gibe alSin porary credit to their tailairiassed dribs. Such are the facts—let the candid Mind draw its ainclusiont. I Young Menlo Reding. -At a very twee meeting in the Young Men attire Borough of Pottsville, favor& We to them election ofosrpreeeotsorthiy Governor JOSEPH RII NE - 14 luta de cidedly opposed to the Lop) POW eau& date D. it. Porten t (We poet Man'is ene my convened at the public Wised Wit. ham Wattages on Saturday tsveaing, Sep timber 1, 1838. The Minetini was or plotted by appointing- , SA MUEL 8. 10UNG President—RAC Glum, Aum Bimincan, Dallas. Vasa; Wham* Pot , 10c=, Jams P. Oinrinutax. Ottawa Mon TIMIS, and J. R. Tacna Vice Presidaatp, PSIMPI4 MIMEO - - . e.. .and ban ~ . . ..aelififis..Wlll6 1 4 4 .. sr, ,H Allreli,...George, P. WA .sad la . Tivait Sieretaries.4. - i . Alter th -'-"meeting was thus orgia Was - • • " • •' - 1'; - , ~Resobtf - That -IL com mitteeof, I appointed, b draft a Preamble and R lions, ei - ive ufthe aentinientw, 'meeting, wher.ttpon the (Wowing: persons iti to appointed :—Joe. C: John:Fran ' Charles Medary, Si, Lord, Ser town Mond, Jacob Milla r hiiel Fs .i : ertjamin-Niter, Lim e' tor, Sint I G.:Sand:7, Jactito 'Gaiter, I Seiler, J. DIM lebeiger. John-WJA" I I ry, J. D. ahn. Joseph hi athews,9 Bode, W Sillytaan k Timothy Mon CharlesS ilyman. Charles Lawton,' 1 Stager, Wesley Mortimer, -Thome Ridgway, Renleario Shaul 'Gear toed; Chitties Lutd, Daniel Yeager,l *rick Homily, John'tilleb ach. ,11 The committee then retired, Morin the absenive of which, the meeting :ea* a dressed li Robert. M. Grant, its At ver fluent m Mier, after is hich Mr.-Jelin ' °Retina" made a few.ttat very eli)qu retnarks. I The C matte ben Monied IQ 4 4 potted t follo•Wing which were, mass mously. opt ed. I — ' W ' The pre-ent Gubernatorial Election one which, vitally conceive the characte of mar State, the dignitylicif its laws, a he (peat political principles ulk on whic halone the prosperity 11 our countryn be judicious barecl,—* dottiest phatically between the lure eign pen 'foul then-unprincipled iind utn just ste ids, in whichlt behoove' evet w a! friend of liberty, every lover of hill coo try, and ve.y co-citizen of ourg' t rip. pithlic. to battle against* prestuni g a toctacy, who i have abused their d t ; 111 powers, ltd forfeited the publicwcui en , and whiireas the true issue %as now been ilistinctl,, made on the question 4 "sts- TREAsuile" or'-No gon.'llt Ride "I'r. in plaukinguage w hether the .E' Fe n shall knee the Entire control of pu gc, tic movie*, aecoantabk only hits "li m ct and ifter . ho/ders, and *bermes u 'Ott t; demand" a bead who shall be opp to ll suck Dtctation—to all Soh. Tea seheases l i4ul all Shin Plaster • es, a, t whe•eiss we toneeive JOSEPH R FIN II the PeOple'srriend—tlfe Proinol es. "r. 3 al Education, the supporter of , fil!r I ImproveSeents ; and the Chain • , of n dividunlilitterprise, opposed is imoispol. s to be stichitiman—aridthereas•rio r u puliticall annals, .no crisis in our Wolin t has called more loudly 'Upon ouS „yro i men to, achieve a victory of prinOiple which the eyes of all the country are n directed 'with confidence and hope.- i viewingfit as a paramount duly tit use i ery honnrable and lawful means tollproc r. the extensile dissemination ordure p in ciples by which alone such a Muni% al be Rained feeling. too. duo on oar co in 1, ty as one that has heretofore contained majority, who have advocatecithWnroceled 4f me of Ole Executive, it is more ptsrticu at ly incultibent In reject their teen" tont i Lions, and protlaint our dismolindl r from their specious delusions, there, r Resolved, That we view the' deci iis of the, approaching contest hew/teem r sztni'Rix - NEs and David R. Porter t t , of bits importance to, our welfare tt coon sh ay, and that false, result' : i jape t es the republican institution 1 our untry , and carri a Into)) of ari ululate evils in its train. . Re loci: That from recent eve! pe men's,which have law s( him even he nft. dence Of his original nominator; We n= not with any degree or propriet give our support to D. R. Porter, who In ode ow before, l the public, , charged by s n h : to t m' boors' With the high crime of P 'wry Rerfved, That in our coda) tion it is an ins lt, not only to the good nee. b, , he i orality of any high min ed ' t to ask his support in favor.of se a nat for CR Sernor of the State. _ l , "'-• hied. That we view me l l tfi I iparamount to any polio.. Idi - i' inion, in forming en est,... 02 , , , for the office. - ..'5l ..! ~ -, dived, Thatwete his or ! ,w p. acter _unsullied as infotinitg„vsi , uld a In his &dietetics to the doctrines J . :the pt Trees , 7 —his vote - fis ,flenate Alia ,ot the i ~ 0 of. Treasury Shinpl - f ers eed I les his au 'Sri 91 . the EsectOse in I &sit , I 0 , , loos tpeas_ures, and his t . ( - iof req - ' s te qui — Filicatto• no would . 1 . au . 'Sot grow . on which to base our . . _decide oh' Ansi: - - ' z ' a • k . - . 111111 if would -It . pear fi t G. l 1 , TA the . rupt measures or ine, 0 er 'T, , that David ILFOrt twee chi !in • Willie's toelfor 'their p - ,ts indll niaTif equally cOrruPis 0 1 'if 01 141 the i fluent% apart, het o, . bet-ehic ed .,B ; i renniligania , tke,Pf"F Liitlif, , 1 ) - faildliar With', crinte. 110 . lbettetiii * ',fist - theirlnSurpost `Pith -: tem - - Goverimienti- •••• •'-- • - ..:"' ' ' litelL Thst'itile lett '`grid -el w fe e ► twit iii 114 0 ' - ph t Alli t t i mai Jaws Wiry* e. b . Jtr' i -- character' isl un s Oliiia— b and: equipments serktund t, lode • ing 6 flue Pi - yen ILM4 ••••-• •-4- • '••• ;- • • -r rr,...‘; xr NI TIEEI ISNE . .. ..,.. _,, _ 47 . 2 , .....,.. ),...,.. .. • . .• . . - • ' triore --•':- . •••••_ -- ! ,• - F.-I'll- ~ 1, . :., . .,-4-,.,'.4. z -;•', - 7 - hor:ot of his office;.lmdei:wheie kietVW - Itti • - Cl(lolteltruslberity 'tif 'the ilcatelialt:Stitfh' [ Preserverr-L4vho lota' relleiedzihif:iteriple --..-:,• .frinWan - (Aims state' tai, - 4 -TOPhlthialW 'ererikerwri ' ty,-and ailrieden vigil& ; lint ierrikl no 'ventairawitionit`‘reio - rtihiglii 7 - 1' , .Y.,'-' bevy ' edit ittine,", - beiricrennitnt the ;. - 4. X _r - - • :-?4 , slatirdebt. ,', ''''''' "•-•' ',--- : = - - ; •-.'l;-•. 1 ' &Solved,. That we view kialreto of this : : :3 unborn. th Appropriation Bill therifed. 1. l eat measureofhiscdiiiihistritkak,?ffiiiiiinch as it - ,prevented . the , State ,- ff. 6 itivelirin* '.:`,.* him! to -- the -anoninirld;io; ~ for •, , lt : q thit'agniodulviriferitifprivitelilehrperati4, . -- 1,1 thoioection o f . which'whnlelNiveltin - - -;':- totally to check all stile .Resolved, That we '..vieirt the "policy; of :AZ Joanna - Rrin sw .in adopting - hirt - ititerttat --' ‘ 2 ,'_ . Z . : imprimen.ents: to our ifitertrW_Seitititirear; -.. ',..i' l tii be the index tiro' ago pblitiblaihindet- perieneeilTounicier.''' . : '• - =:4 - I'- - ; Resolved, That *wawa!' toAhe lait 4. 4, ::. , pose those rtreits;tres which , tininld veteran ..-',. spedie solely 'for office hirldirii` . inittage .i., for the people. c • --.::,-.-=',--' '::',---' -4. - •'. : i' " 'Resolved:.= 2 hat tie:ltt**iiii•iitatb the. feelings of tilie-poinstfoiOlt-therie/r, ' • ."'i rkitinidoyedars. firepleyerik:itiiirt..iliirvit tempt to introdigeirs triiiiikiiieriniirehic , is Vbortky Oaf, of titk ettedry to inlrcriiillt; try, hisfatont men aitt tiir: God. '' " - ' ... I Resolved, That we giro our Inhat j etir• drat concurrence tis the Oritirity - Tiekets, nominated in crstivektieMbtibit friends cif : Jussru Ruling, oh SatUrairyjast,lxffiainfj ing the candiditei to be. such - now '.di uticompromisirig worth Arid coritfie!tt,":mq; ' N as the present crisis requir . iii and:denten& Resolved, That We *ieve - " - bipici. , : - , - Eint*.a*. as. a mats whom the v .''.` ox Schu)lktll will be proud - lb horthr. "a" ,7. who will represent tie interests of f, • . whole county without regard' to party - and licel feeling, and one.whosti Aintilic °awl ... private character are abovethe breath of Ei, Ar red calumny. - iterotbeat, that it is high time fur chit people of our county to elect -to *heir Leg- , i ldtire Assemb!ies men ..of business,. who will look well to"their cintstituents eats, without prolonging :amines fot pur posed of pulitteal ferment and Aliscusilok. thereby wasting the public money, and 4isi. grading the dtguity . of legiohitive -mem: hies--nen who, when public bu'siriess it finished, will return to-their humek and their private affsirs,in,..thet true spirit .of. I republicanism.—men win/donee mike4he public Witness • mattes-.of .gain i ent Nr but who can conceive:lAA: duty r : they we thtir country:AM patriots,mben y taped upon, to act with Twodiplfiesb.sted g ,dopatch. • o Resolved, 'hat it-be recommended to w the people of tichurlkill crustily, to hold a 'General County Meeting. Ahtt , Benough. ✓ of Pottmville, on §sturilayihe *gilt .ind. at re • 3 o'cloik - P. M., for 'that*iiiitise - of 'coo n. •ou'ting together, and ad-Mtintritiell Merit in urea as may he deemeit tureeittftir% tor; R . the ciinse °Niter immplk'ind'accurtri a the re-election - of our protect wo4by Got. I."error, Ind the Rimer county rtckel. ' r. Radioed, . That thei follotiihg Yohol s r 1 Men -be a CommitteitiitVigilinee for phi Pottarille Diatric*. • •- re rrhe 'fientee trill atipeeir - ilext VeeLl' nt.!O.:. Jolts M. ettoskialt;"iiiiii thttii celled upon to addreirt thildtetitigOrka he did in a very - able speech Or Suite length. Risofred,. That the pmeeedititt , signed by the elNiere'vediWitilhated in, till the Demoaritic - phoeik,*l%*cintittf: . _ _ [spied Vie F. dpem The ir ' 4—Wel' find iftelfulloWing in the Louisville, Jourial 4 "(eiWnitcit's paean) ' News lasjust reached Morns. notorious as 4'itie: Tom. itionitit7 h. attacked the senior 'editor* this peper,(4 the - yard of the Harrodtilturii is Mr. Moose, advanced tirtip.i'M Priterrrci gut with a drawn OitoletutifireilAt.':L.hiuMtir. en Paarrrice then- fireo,),Akeither, Isbot.lekier tin effect. . Pint.WriciAmtit I Woad pis iul,.vihen Mr. Monett - 41 - 6HW, , and said be pi bad no other:ages; whereepeil Mr. PAWN' at ; ' mpg from stiperaliondint. Sitaibiltdittfitjr pp spareii the miscreant!! ••••,t.; 4 , 64 . 4otts Moore is miking free 'ate s , gee. • Notice to Cam , .v , James ~ R ivel;anit:lranaiiiierliipMl.l "knit, ruia: • 14 A Mobilo tatting teilliiintidalli'l l ititeent a( ILYileiburts thillikh&Pliiiither Dist. f an the *WS* now eiderCinitrilat.tre the Wit of am blitabetinsgeitbit idea tied the City et • Theeet 14644; Locks. `. Cs l i - Atiedeitii. - 2 Towing path kid iertaurdainea firer,)` " • • u` lied , and front es.lieveril heavy settinbellaillielek.• - •4ackt it heiraild the. Shia Ridiga._ Vi l e Looks will t. ;headiest with Oink. • ' The iitniticki alto Smitii - ipiobiiiiid - 00 1 e . tteCtiatractora by the 4:l4bust*gbisiritliii ' line; and the teberel p.bes r be exhibited at the Olga attheetillitedberiitlikel: City of kinhoixidi untilthe Stdierailiteitiersempf id in 1 . - YnditOri 1 4 the` teillOr ' 2; o f The van at the 'AR* am a ikv .. _ 4 CHARLES ELLETAXISWArbIubIi of tiffs J:' H ciiin. • Julfy 28th 11830. . _ • I Mtgs. ris - - NE=MO7OI !' 4 ' ' - ~ ~ƒ ~ {! ~f %~ ~ ~~ ~ eV;v•i••4. )