The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 29, 1838, Image 3

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    ` - It/ a 111
Ptets4/411. 'dupe4 s ,l
WHEAT FIJOU R. by the inad Was wu
_V 50.
W ,
HEAT - 1 80 per pasbelas demand.
RYE' FLOUR 200 per cist. in • •
BUCKWHEAT PLIIKTR 215).par cwt. i
RYE. by the load 70 mei by the • •
ale • • '
RYE CHOP 65 cents pee bnaherie d
OATS 37 cents—istady tale.
POTATOES $1 50 cents per bushel in •4
eXIIIN-65 tents per bushel in demand
CWVER SEED-415 50 per barbel.
TIMOTHY SEED-112 00 per bushel.'
FLAXSEED-61 12 per barbel in
- WHISKEY-42 e v ents per gallon..
BUTTER-14 cents per pound—in K
EGGS-12 cents per dozen. •
LARD-10 cents per pound.
TA LLOW4-9 cents per pound.
HA MS 12 cents per pourd.
CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel indle
BACON-12 cents per Dotted.
BEESWAX-18 cents pet pound.
FE ATIIERS-62 cents pet pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per poun
MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1.1112 001 d
SALT-2 624 per tobl4 87 per *obeli
rl.4Brelt worth 700 per tun.
HAY $lB per ton.
or 'Nichol& Extensive CI
- 1
NIt.:HOLS most , respeetrill;s
17 to the inhabitants of Pottsville
Orem will be opened for their auto]
Monday and Tdesday, the 17th and 1
r,4 all that isj
r of the 1
y i s
i must tint
11 tnstrom tt
$1 Hotels.
A. 6:lo—Pit 25
Doors open at 10 o'clock,4. M., arid
and 7 F r AM• iI
Pottsville, August aft, 1038. j 67-6 i
A. CA IRD. 1
MRS. Shippen's Scowl liar young adies, N
.LT•E 2, Mt. Pleasant Row, Mahantan n at. co
,tinuea open far the receptitin of Puptl • who w 1 1
be carefully instructed in the various ranches fl
English Education. Terinalls per t. F
and Drawing if regal/ado:in the usu,s terms. 1
august 29 '. 1 3t— I
riNHE Corporation of the Offi•rmaii Rail R. d
••• and Mining Compan.. heteby • iee Nati*
that an election will be held on Saturday. the
eight" day of 'September next; at the Wtiite,Swin
Hotel, Race Street, in the ICity of Pbilidelphw,
between the hours of °olio o'clock, it. M. a4d
three o'clock, P. M. tut the purpose of cboosi g
nine directors. .
au • . 22,'1838. • , 6.5-3
coacs .11141irL1 .
T HE Subsersbets re.(netitilly aueuuneea to
the Citizens of this Mutate' and Begion,•nd
their friends in general, that they arelpreparedlio
manofaciute to indef. anl will constantly keep
on hand, ti t the corner of Coal and INurwegilin
Streets, in the Roroogh lof ' Pottsville. CA it,
GI e 3, SULKIES, Bt.:ABB° :NS. OIGS. din
of the very best materials. and anise lewest rates.
All work entrusted to 0144 care. they will war.
rant to be manufactured (lust to !any in (the
County or elsewhere, both in point Of nesimeisa
and dartibiltty. They hope tnat the public before
purehadog elsewhere, will call, examine and
judge TOY themselves.
All kinds of. Vehicles repaired at the abort:est
notice, and on the moot ar4commodating term.;
• Pottsville, August 25. i 66 —3me
For 4'ale.
AV AIX iraefell .and it %'ayne Trolon
%hip, Schuylkill irniirlity, near rirdenatirg
on the I: oad so Potteville, 'adjoining land. of John
Snyder, Daniel Berger and nthemi containing
filly mien... ofwhich are about fitorteen acres wand
laud well timicred, the raja' is clear and well enl
tivated. about five acresiegeellent Meadow, ithe
improvements area twolfitory Westherboarided
Dwelling House with a Kitchen Mulched. a Barn
and Weavers Shop. it no( sold before the ?..2d
of September next, it will he exposed on said Iday
at 2 o'clock in the •ttelnonn. at the House of
Lokenhill Icikeeper, at friedensboig. by Public
&ht, either is the wholei or pareel to oust imr.
chasers. Terms may hld heard of b applying to
the owner on the premians. .
AnEnst 25..1E08, 1 66-4
i re
la the Beranek of Mitietivil
R Ia. RESPEC'T'FULLYULLY minces to the Citieens
of the Coal Beginand his friends in gen
'eral. that he has commiel
ced the Cabinet Making
Business, on the Main treet, in the Borough or
Alineritville, where I.e 01 always keep un hard &
make to order, all kin+ of Furniture, each an
'Fide Boards, Secretaries, Card Tablrs , Strfay.
Bedsteads, Chairs &c &c. which he pledges him
self to the public shall; be manufactured of the
very beat materia la: in the neatest manner] and
o u as accommodating terms as they can be pro.
cured elsewhere: He l respectful, imbeds all
those in. want of Furiiitlore to •call and examine
for themselves. ~ .
-- A good Journeyman who can come wejl re
commended, as to hone ty, and siohnety, wanted
immediately, to 'whom wages will be given.
bt inersville, August . 1838. 664 6
--- 1 - 111 Sale.
By virtue of • wr .
sued out of the C
Schuylkill County. en
exposed to Public Sale.
of September. next. at
innkeeper. in the Rom
kill County. at 10 o'cl
iota mewmage. tene
situate in the Boning
county of Schtillkill
ket Street, in tllk rear
west by the eastern pa
the emit by warren at
, feet, and io•depth nine
part of -lot which is ma
of the said town li/ilk
Mite preatises. which
Itirlfsret his wife,
George. .Grioi by
April A. D. One T
and Thirty. impaleer
totwo ry Etc;
thereto at
sheds. one pomp of
t the right of one half
front of the home—
, Talrern—late the est*
,Belted. taken In es
pane% Office, Orail
berg. Aag. 2S, lr
. ' - • = (74111 . 11, 1: 4 1 5 '!.. ,
.. -.. --. ,....f- - The-Cointimumahhiot Penriitylsi
. (
. - Lennie to 'hi-Sheri, Wf....Schnylkili
't k
.) •Comity Greeting: 'Whereas at atiOv
- t- -- -..- • pkame-Coort be.lid at Ortorigaborgr, in
. St. for themes:my liffichnylkill: OS the
third da of AngnakA:D. 03K beGMytheillien'
°rattle C lain Blythe,Proddent. A. George Rigid,
and Dan el To &quire,. his AimittlateasJedre
of the Mule Courl.• Frederii.k.Senti . mger..hi in .
termarried with Elisabeth vithe demob
tern mut 'heirs at law, of Pater-Katin. late of East
Brunswiek Township. in the said Comity at
Schuylkill, 4eecatied., meet:Med his netitionlo the
arid Coots, stating that the mid Peter Kapp, died
intestatel on 'the twelfth day of Febritary, A. D -
One Thoemand Eight Hundred - end 'flirty Light,
leaving retina:a children ' namely to wit: Mary
intermit ied with. George Muller, now deceased.
and now resident in itte State of Ohio, Elisabeth ,
tfiti.wifeWf the paid Petitirtner, and Margaret. in-
termarrled with 1-vac Rensicger. and that the'
said intestate died. shied iti tine demesne as of
fee, of, and in • certain mesemage or Tenement
and traet of land, sittude in 'East Brunswick
Township., aforesaid, adjoining' lands Of Semuel.
Rartrilel l Ironmaster, George Rickert and Whirs.
and amtaining about two hued . d and nine acres.
be the Fume mute or less Witk t e apoertenaneesr,
and therefore praying the Con to award an in
quest to make partition or valuation ef the premi
see ece`ording to law. We therefore command
you that taking with you, twain free honest and
lawful men Of rout haliwick. vies go toand nom
the prontises arinessid, add their by their milk r-r
solemn aiffirmatien, that yoismake partition them.
oft,. and ninnntthe ciliation iorjhe said intarstat.,
in stieh winner and in widh ninlntsrtinn an by the
laws of this Crimmonwesfth in directed. it such
par . nri, can be made without. prejudice Mind
spoiling pf the whole; butif ouch parrito cannot
be made thereof, tit aforesaid, that limit yotkvaloe I
and appraise the same aCcording, to law. 'And
further, that you cause the 'said inquest to en
quire or ascertain *whether the said real estate'
with the appertenanees will conveniently arsiom.l
condole morn than one of the children of the mid
intestate. and if an. how many of.the said children
it will Omeeitiertly acrommndate. and that a
Jury for that purpose will be held on the premises
on , Monday the 2411 i, day of September next. at
10 o'cloqk A. M. by
I Sbzrifri Office, Or wigs. i
urg, Aug- 94. 183:2-
on F
that 1 .
I ‘ment
ihe F" o
Ten at
TO be held at the House of Michael Gruff. in
the Borough of Orwigaburg. on Saturday
the 15 day of September next,• at one o'clock in
the afternoon of the said bower and lot
in Market Street in the said Borough, now occu
pied by 'Mrs. Lewis, and twelve times of land
throogh. t he t :entre Turnpike Road ppm, a imall
distance shove the town otOrwlesburg.edjoiuing
ends of Daniel Delbert, Benj. Pots and Joseph
Zoll—late ,the estate. of Waliain Sheapskoaks,
deceased, and to he sold by
. Executor.
Persons wishing lo •iew the said pro - petty, Joey
apply to John Bennet', in'the Borough of Orwigs
• (Fiume: .Parker of WilLinats )
HAVE removed on the oppre , ite ride ofGentre
Street, a few doors above Norwegian :Groat
where they offer lur sale a select arrairtmerst of
superfine Broad Cloths .and Catoinieres of the
moat fashiunable colors, with an elegant
anent of summer cioltus:Vesionp", Linen and Cot
ton Shirts. Collar*, Flamm% Stocks. Glover. •Ses
torittlers, linen and onion Itme. and all kinds of
Gentlemen's Weaving iipperel. which will he
made to order in The inort approved aisle as to
the workmanehtp, and Warranted to 6t equal to
any in the mitt nr elkewbere.
P. S. P. & Co. keep on 'hand an excellent smart
ment of reads-made Clothe; , of all kinds, which
will he sold at vety low rates.
june 17
Fyn E Pann.rrhip rzirtine between Robert la
Nebel. Gnaw Pi Pleligh and Frederick
Nicely. trading under he firm of RAO & Co,
wee dissolved by midnal rOnsenl on the OM or
April kat. All persomi indebted Weald ertn, are
rennested to make rmmediate payment In Rob
ert R. N.•liyh, and all ',having claims, are also re:
oriented fo.Pnrent therein him few aeo dement. who
is authorized to.senle the Rosin/4w nt rlae late
firm. ROBERT
Antos! 25 66-3 t.
I t of Larari Mies. is.
rt ut'Common Pleas of
to me directed, wlll be
o Moodily the lOth day
' HOWIC of Daniel Boyer,
!h of OswigiburgeSebuyi
A. M.—All that w.
t Woo or lot of ground.
of Orwivihorg; in the
.onded in front by Mar
a public alley, op the
I t of Italie,. 16, and on
containing in fropt 62
rehes, and is the major
bed in the feneritPlan
to number 16 being the
Christian Schwan'. and
ranted 'and commie(' to
dated the - 3d day ut
sand Eight Hundred
ith the berestitaments and
. tonguing of one two,
Dwelling House, sad one
I; rick Hoare and Kiteken,
iechrd. frame ruble and
ater near the Kitchel*, and
f a pump of water it the
same is occupied as a
of Georgie Grim.
atitae, and to be sol by
. .
Public Sulu
Or ingsburg. Anguat 25, 1838
PENNY cYcLOPEDIA end Penny Mere
tine fin. 1fL17,--jdet reoeived Volk ti f 9 end
10 - Penny Cyclopedia,: end Vol. 6 Pinny Mar
tine for 1837, and for isle by
Aainst 25,
raper Hangings.
ANEW Apmwirmewi,-eonsilemi nig variety of
New Patterns. for Manna and Entries, a► r with' choice Borders, just received 'and ft.r
Ewe QS. ; t 66
►■'HE undersigned having (recession to visit
Europe, from 'whence be will return , by the
twenty second - of October nest. all loiters addrew.
ed to him. and professional hosineva entrusted to
his care during his istbssmee. will ba promptly
attended to, be Chinks Witman, E.
Orwiriburavaugnil 45,1838.
Bishop White.
A Few engraved. lull length prints.ortbe late
BISIIOP• WHITE, suitable for Cronies, juiet;
rev bred and for sale by the subscriber: Prim!
7S cents. B. BANIIAN.
aug. 42. 1838. ;
To Rent.
,rIIIE Coal Schnee and Landings beinnging,
a to the Denville & Pottonlle Ran Enid Coat.'
patty. at Mount Carbon. The same being in es- ,
ery cornea well calculated fir the • shinning of
coal. The same may be reeled with or' without'
twenty Owl Cu,. all in 'mod this:
large warehouse and whirr. •
Enquire of •
Mount Carbon. July 95
Beading fish do Iron Works
1101. AVE on hand Wee Init. sheet of various
mantles de. and also. all the different aim bar
iron; also, round and aqua= lien . from i up to 3
inch Railroad iron of the various shims," punched
and enanteranek.and eutto the any* ready *
um and band bee.. .All ablen mils sodoPik" --
also, cue iron of superior qUality.. All of 'hash
are alliwed_for sale at the lowest tsl7_PAloss ,
=UM WHITASSit i a.,
ReedingatiselS. ID& -
I , 1 - , .:*
'No } torion.—Tbta ezirauirdinarylihemiesi
einnposition. the result of science and the limed
don of a celebrated medical math. the iiitindliedon
of *hien to the public wee invested midi the am
lemady, rtf a death bed bequest. has since pined a
reputation unparalleled. full} militantly* theater
rectums of the lamented. Dr. Ondler a lastcan
fitoden, 'that be dared 'not die without grainirto
pratterlty r ahe benebt able knoirledireonihisardr.
jet;' and he therefore la ineathri to his frictid
attendant Solomon Hays. them:met °fide diacove
;t tV now used in the principal liaapitall, and
the private praenpe in oar tiountry, first and
mow certainly forth. cores °few P iles. ;ancl eke
an exteneiveiy and elPetnally ervlto .
env foli
tai oakum where its effects ere witnessed. Ester. -
willin the following complaints.
r Dopy.-4.;reating eattra'ontisarr absorp
lion at once.
AU Siorf ings.—Reciociut ihratin a few imam
RkeinictiwiL—Acute ar Cbrowic., giving quick
Sire There.--Br cancers, otos4*. or colds.
' Cron. oad Who pies Conk—Externally, and
.ovei I he chow.
AU Bridges. ISpnritar sad Earns, cared in a
thw hourit. - !
Soler and Crlee re—Whether fresh or long stand
ing and fever Wires.
Its tmeratipna'opon adults and children in ro•
docing rheumatic r'itrellings,
.fie loosening coughs
and ughtnisil of the 'chest by relaxation of the
parrs. has been surprising beyond Conception.—
The common remark allure Who have used it
to the Piles. I. "It acts like 4,,eharm."
'rig PILL?* —The prim Sills refunded to any
person Who will ore ■ bottle of /hr. Liniment
for the Pile.. and return the empty bnitle without
being cured. Thiwe Ore the prniitive wrier* of this
proprietor to the Agent.; ■nd out of many thou
sand■ wad; not one has been unsweeessfill.
%Ve tined horn certificates to any length, hot
prefer that 'hose who Sal thenytiele, shauld
hlbit the miginal to putehssers.
CaU 1100 I.—Vine can he genuine without •
splendid engraved weapper, on which is me
name. and shut that of the %iota.
Said wholnale and retail by IX) bisTwic &
Sole Agent.,. 2 Fletetr,r •treri, New- York,
and retail by W. P. EPTI NG. Centre at. Potts
will«, Pe.
Read - the Following.
bitcresting and Astonishing Facts.
MORE conelFwe proofs dam extraordinary
4 .v-a efficacy of - R. WA. celebtated
Camomile and perient Antioilious
.Pillr in al
*violins afflicted mankind.
To James Dickann.,36. hornbill, Boston. Agent
for the sale of Dr. Win. Earana's Camomile Pills.
Nov. 15. Isl 6. -
Dear Sir—.Enowing by exporrienar. 11,11 every
reference that the afflicted receive of the henefi•
cial remits of medicines, I cliceriiilly offer mine
tn the public in behalf of DR. WAL EVANS'S
CAMOMILE PILLS. I have ken Jawed for
the last ten yews with distress in the head and
cheat: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in sucerwinm, but have never
finond relief by Any of my friends' preperiptionP,
until in, wife saw the advertisments in the paper,
when she persuaded me to send for some, which
I did. and obtained two boxes - andbottlea, which
resulted in almost completely retoring me .to
health. although I have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this any benefit to
yourself. or the public, roa have my cheerful per.
mission to publish rt. Vaunt. rennectfidly.
THUS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist. .
A Hem.', Camomile node and .Family April
451 —M r. ItENJ A N IN BOW N. cnrtirr of
Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelplits, affect
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness. by
which he was tint able to write has name—his
symptoms were.erustation.daily epasmodie pains
in the head, lose of appetite. palpitation at the
heart. giddiness and dimness - of eight, otter ina
bility of entwine in soy thing tint demanded
vigor .or outrage. sickness and weakness .ex. I
terne disturbed testa senors of pressure
and virgin at the stomach Mier eating. great
mental despnndenn7. 'severe flying pains in the
chest back and sloe, costiveness, a ,dislike far
society and conversation.' Mr. B. has made trial
of various medicines now before the public. but
to no effect. until. observing in a public paper
some eines perfoinied by Dr. William Evans 'a
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient PAIN he
was induced to give'them a trial, of which he is
at any time happy to state that thee effectually
cured him of the 'have distressing disease.
ETPerenns who doubt the above cure. are most
respectfully directed to the above mentioned Or
ion it the north sett corner of Shippen and
Gergsa streets. BENI A MIN DOWN.
Philadelphia October 516,1837.
Mrs. Hannah troOne. wife of Joseph Browne,
N. 6th strew, near nd, NlNlismsborg. afflict
ed for theiast ten . Years with the Liver emphint.
completely restored to health through the vest
ment nt Dr. Wm. Enna. Symptom—Habitual
constipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite,
ezennisting pain of the epitomic region. met
demotion of spirits, langworend other symptoms
oferreme debility. Waterbed sleep, inordinate
How of the mensev.pain in the righrside. could
not lie on het left side without an aggravation
of the pain, twine high eskereci. With other symp.
Toms indicating great derangement is the Am.
tiims of the liver.. • r . . •
bf re. frowner wee wee* by three Odle first
plsysie isee. but remised bo MU* relief hoes Their
Meditate. till Mr. Ike' ism Imitated write Dr.
Wm. Dress's Jingled& Orepereilasr. width ef...
fivtailly relieved her -of ilis aboini 'dietresibigr
symptoms. Stith Other% wlireh a is art seektlal
city sad Counts tirike. Yierk. es.
Joseph Browse. 4 Wilhomabore. Loa" Nand
. Isi' tie duly mem. did drool% sod soy that the
diets is yet *crib tease within idattpuest, to which
bi siddisaid!tatels. are jest emit tree.
' ''Wind 1 the odd thaussit liteeetre.
Ikoddlifkite_ rad tide:4th at husrpllll7.
.; "prig
.-• • . ,
~.~` `,,
ititaiptiets— r Me; Saiti Roe! crePsilirieri *befit
did. of September iit: - 'tbeTWlSits:lolkchOwnt
Itrect:laborior ender Ore tiaintritsrmpt
A Slight spittintof blood. dietre - wing etinglh'
tended.with an expectitnitiretor pireleni . welter.
sight_areate, general .emachititie.
breathing OD eiiititio.iebh a well Matlied hectic
Rush ow the check.. Ott 'examination. the, cheat
was found to sound well , every where except In.
tier the lift clavicle. and in the aim pit-of the
same side:. ' •
to - taki 'the restorative.
Canioanie Pine, with the expectorating .cont
pseud. at the Attne time ate inkwell:wt. to' vale -
CISIt Irar4 when the.wight swells had ceased. the
expeetoration slightly nuninishisd.his light al es
coughing sail remaining in the morning. Or.
dered es usual to continue the medicine. 'and to
call both. coarse or a week—when his health
continued rapidly increbeing, without the least
cough. Called at the takes 'on the ilthAif this
suonth.quite runway:scent returning his sincere
thank. fur the benefit he had obtained.
The above patient c.biefly used milk regimen
' Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill. afflicted with
the skive disteeming malady. Syniptoms—great
languor, flatulency. disturbed res-t, nervous head
ache. difficulty of breathing, tightness and attic.
tuns Illerti•M the breast. dizziness. nervous irrita
bility and ressleiumesis, could not lie in a bort.'
tonal position. without the sensation of impend
ing suSication. palpitation ut .the heart. disyres
big cough, costiveness, poi; of the shirnach: decor.
(opera, great debi li ty end efficiency of the wit
s-US energy.- Mr. R. Monroe gave tip every
thought of recovery and dire despair wt on IN
countetianee of *every person inhowed in his
existence or happiness, tiff by accident lie noticed
in a public piper some tures effected by Dr. Wm.
Evans* medicine, in his complaint, which
red him to purchase a package of the Pills, which
resulted in completely removing every ay mptom
of his disease. He washes to say his motive for
this declaration is, that those afflicted with the
same or any symptoms similar to those from
which he is happily restored. may likewise receive
the same inestitnable benefit.
Aims lirenhiser, corner ofSeeend street and
nantown Road. Philadelphia. affected fur the
la sis rearm with the Liter Complaint. was
comp ely featured to health by Dr. WM. E.
VANS'SCamumile Tonic and Fwiiily Aperient
Pills. Her eruptions were habitual cnativenew;
excruciating pain In the !stomach, depressiim of
spirits, languor. eftretrie detolsly,distorbed sleep
great pain in her fide. couldfiet lie on her left
Fide without an.aggrarostrun of pain, dist:fiewi iu
.the brad, chstmem of sight, with other a% misoms
indwelling great derangement in the functions of
thel,iver. Mrs. firenhtser has tuade trial of ca
rums-medicines now beture the public, hut rs.
ceuved nit !Nita until she was advised to make
trial of Dr Evan.'s Pulls, of which she is happy
to state that they effretually relieved her of the
same distressing eymm ((((( a, with °theta, which
are not essential folio
Mr. Brenhiser, ttuishand of the abase Mrs
flrenhiser, had been Iwo years
.evicted with s
twarrewil siege piles and. Costiveness., of which
he was effectually cured.
A palea ogre. effected by the treatment of Di
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street. Williams.
burg, afflicted with the above complaint-for *Fee.
years and nine months, during which time 'h.
had to use crutches. His chief symptotbs were
excruciating pain in all his joints. bat especially.
in the hips. shoulder, knees and ankles, en ag
gravation of the pains towards night; and for the
most part all times from extetnal heat, in obvi
ous thickening of the fascia and ligaments, with
a mropleto Ines ofnuasculai power. For the ben
efit of those afflicted in a similar manner: Mr.
Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains
have entirely ceased, and that his joints have
completely recovered their natural tune. and he
feels able to resume his ordinary business.
Mrs. G. Kenny. Kn. 114 Louis street,
betweenidtanton and tionstain iderets. 'filleted
for ten year. with the following distresainr aymp.
Acid eructation. daily spasmodic pains in
head, lose of • ppctite. palpitation °film heart. gid. I
dines, and dimness of sight, could not lie on berg ,
right side. disturbed rest, utter inability of ems
gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or b
course'. sometimes a visionary ides of i ti aggri.;
ninon of her dice se, a whimsical aliersuie to
particular persona and places. groundless appre t
hensinne of penman! danger and pi:witty. en irk
sameness and weariness of lite. discontented. difir i
quietude on every shad oCcasinn, she conceived
*he could neither die nor live. she wept, lamented
desponded. and thought she led a most, miserable{
lire. never was One so had, with frequent mental
hallucinations. Mrs. Ken..y had the ethics
Pilfer.) eminent physicians, and had recant* to
numerous medicines. but could not obtain, •:
temporary alleviation snier-distressing state, till
her husband persuaded her to make trial of mY
mode of treatment. She is now quite rulieired
and finds herselr not only capable of attending ti•
her domestic affair'. but avow. that she enjoy. 10
Road hsalth at present as she did at any priod
arias existenee. .1, KEN‘Y. ,
Husband of the aforesaid Anne germs.,
Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836.;
Pater Pinckney. Com. of Deeds
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street.
Y. afflicted t h e five years with humeral habit 1
Asthma, applied at the °trice 100 Chatham ma
on the &A of October, laboring ender the fol • .
ing symptoms. A semi of tightness across
chest, with this greatest difficulty of breathie
distressing cough, genera with
emcee:l99oton of viscid m, dhdurked
the 600 turbid end of a ivid hue—could not is
in aliorizontsl position without the sensation .1
immediate suffbeation, %arm, dicaraisen, a •
diagram in the head, and loss .f appetite.
Mr. 11. applied to the most element physic%
in thii-eity, likewise used several other 'mad
arithaaysktaining say permanent benefit, . it
his Mande persuaded him to pWle himself s
Dr. William Enna' treatment. He. I. Sow
Raved of his complaint, and called at the
Yiletaiday, slowing that he bald net words to .
p. Maratha& for the bine& be bad •
ed. Oetoicer 21,1877_
We do hereby sobseribe our signatures le
truth of the above cures' that the atm 5. 21
every respect tow SARAN 1111 EMI IS
_ JOHN or tar, Raker.
n tie* lE4bils stmt. Maid&
ranillelphiiiMee. Mot. len
Dr. WMACVANSS Medlid Ogee. Ihr
eile of his oilman 3!leiiiii. is atria. 1904
&eighth • ' - •
Sit by IT.:1111111111MIL
If* Agent fir Ilasylkitigli.
William Evens
.-4=. ; 6. - :i • i - -,E:. ~,,,...,., ...i•i;- 1.......
.... . .. ~
Tlvi . ..
:-' v;-w , 'iii - ,:aa''''':,': -7 .,
:,, . 3 7 L. 14-Z - 7,.• - ,',,• - r.,- -- - -- - ' •
~ 1,-, ,Aii,ii '- iirof - Co:a . ri'Litect -7--
1 - -,-- . •,-, • - ~...A. -- --,.-:.,;' ;,.
1 'Y, iNGertittbeino: In-the larinahto otteorita
moriatt; oh the Weir litturch eartbeittia ,
nehßall*Road.aboutaur toilet. tram Seirmyl
iii Ilatutt—thero_ I. as. Or .otore.Coet Veit
irons through We . aud.•• For tabrunitiai * to
y to • . •JAJIX:111 REED;
• ' it Pauline; :,'
it Mr: HOFFAAN. i
Mareb 2:: 34-. at Reeding. i
. •
Public, NOtice»
S it appears, thatbreause ttr.Cfane oblaiiitni
no patent' for orneliti.g Iron.Orit . t.-11.t An i l
hracite Coal in this country, mint' ouppose tha t
hey are now at liberty: to adopt the method' n i
Melting Iron ore with ;Anthracite by the use of
heatedair blast; iilthinigh I gave- notice lioil
' eariliat I had a pattot for smelting 'lrak Oril
ith Anthracite Coal. bOth by the use of * cohl
litmoopheric and *heated air blast, I would two
nloym the public ottani, that on the 14th of Jaw;
iiarj , ..lB3B. I received ii; letter from the linniith.
firmer of Patents at Warhingtottoitoting: ' , Sgt,
noon examining the case or Mr. Ciatie's applies
inn for a patent for Smelting Iron by meanie' 0
Anthracite, I have viewed, hiss Maim aointerterin:
twill' you , patent of Dec. 1833, and hove give.
hatice to lus attorney of this drcinion." Ever
!attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by th .
lug of a heated air bladt, is anlntrtitgement opm
my - patent. against whictr f, caution and 'wars.
011 men; as I shall prosecute every one totting/tie
hpon inc rights, according to law: And j., fur.
her o ff er to dispose of patent rights! for !heave ,
mg of furnaces,-according In my patent, iipin
cry moderate terms
. Niw York. May 16.1838, ' 37-1 v
1 the grandest orna.neni belonging) to the human
n frame. How strangely the Inas ofu changes dic
icountroanrs and prematurely brings on the al TWO'
lanCe 01 . 0111 age. which ranges many to lec:oil at ben g
'uncovered. and sonminass even to shun society to •
!void the jems and angers. of t hear acquaintance; the
'minder of their lives are consequently*apent in re ,
i tirement. In short, not even the' loss of property fills
the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking
igliaimi as does the lugs otplis hair. To avert all these
;unpleasant circumrancen OLDRIDG EN HALM Off
CUM BI A stops the lair Ruin :ailing off on the first
'application and a few potties restores it a in. t
likewise p ro duces eye ws and whiskers; p vest s
the hair from turning grey. makes it curl ifill ,
Ep i c
and frees it from scarf. 'Numemus certificates of e
firm respectabi ity in support of the virtue of Okiridgere -
Balm. are sho aby the proprietors. , .
' *cad the fo'havring r
ROBERT HAIITiI N. Esq. late Mayor of PhfiL
delphia, hal certified. a may be l / 4 seett leliiv, to tie
high character of the lb kissing gemlemen. . '
Therunderaigneddo hereby certify that we have need
the Balm ofrolumbia divcovercd by J. Oldridge, and
have found it highly serviceable not only as a prevel.
ti we against the laliing offal hair. but also a certain re.,
etorative. IV M. THACH ER. senior.
Methodist Miaisterin St. George charge. _
I No Sfi North Filih-street. •
JOHN R. ING LES. 331 Arch at met.
JOHN 0 THOM IS, M D. 1113 Race st
JOHN S. FURRY. 101 Spruce at.
H l!G II Me. THDY..243 Smit . Wet. • '
1 ' JOHN GA RD, Jr. 113 Arch st.
The aged, and those Wrhn persist in wearing wigs.
may not nionlYnentlerientee its restorative qualities,' et
it will ceriainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the
public, when it is harms that three of the above sign
era are more than 30 years or age, audthe others not
less than 34
From the Mayor.]
Cityttf Philadelphia
T. ROBERT Wll AWi 11N. 'Mayor of said city of hereby certify that I am wellgequaint
ed with Mews. J. P Ingle. John S. Fumy. end laugh
McCurdy whose names are signed in tbe above coll
.-6cm.. that they are gentlemen of character and re
spectability. and as much full credit should be given
to the said eendieate.
In witness whetrof.,l have hereontdielcmy hand.
and caused the real of the city to be affixed t`tis
(L. 8.3 sixth day of Member. 4c.
‘Cantion.—None genuine without a splendid steel
engraved wrapper of Palls of Nvagra. with agents
names &C.
bniesale and retail by Ccrmetoek and Co. 2 Fletc6
er Street Neer Ysek and reviled tq
57.1 y
Pottsville. July U. 1898.
Eyelids Nett Bookai. -
TER German and f.nglish Note Books. E just received and for sale by
Pottsville. Jo* 21.19&; ' • 54--
- Da l t:Gard% 8::
Valuable Real Prcperty in Pottsville,
TUE undersigned offemNfor sale all that well
known three story ,BRICK srptes AND
DWELLIN,O HOUSE and the appurtenances
situate in Centre street. Pottsville. the property
of the undersigned; to/either ' with nine other
Alinements in the emir or said baiting. and the*
he of ground Wharton the whole stands. The
brieik budding akieeraid, contains thirty feet in'
front—finished from the basement story to the
ak r
garret in the bee stile of worlimaoship,and '
as a business stand and a :residence. is " fa,
moodily situated . The foregoing propert will
be mid en low and accommodating terms: tit
or the Purchase meek/ may remain on the el* ,
arty fie a few years. it desired. Title mil _ ta
hie. sad possession, can liii given inunedis
apply to , G. M. ;EDNIN $.
Apr112232-0' ' ' ! .I .
rat' Pe:
Pottsville Akeesileutpty j .-- Fresh _'-i. _ Neklod Sebum.
$ -.1 .- t . . ortefs.
WOR Young Ladles, enbdoeted by the Steter,u. WiLd e i o , wi de . pm futtiNf,' .; ''.l AG V- i
of Charity . TM ezeicime of itodlpittlop . 1 -. old -p ak , shin , Wi ne . .d o -•-, , :.‘
.... ; ir go, V t
will be rammed art StimOityl, the. ii rrell' ii• of - otivatoom do \ AO: .:': - 1.. ' ri., , ,i
September nett. AU am brenithes fa good
. mg., Old nut .do AO' --- ' • a la' . l
Bah odoestion artytitight Mob care &a by etim. Old Liebon do = C6 , , ,- .7 cis . ' ", I M.; . i ,
want t me h ani. . Ti m * mem , 4,f, th e - s y e h Chvmomene. ePtunetut.l_. _dli''' - t' ;-: ' $ i n l IA "
Lonindon &Im Mont. dot
_,.,- li '', . Try
kiwi" tofit 1 her atitlitlis lengneatee of. PrptoYes.Anuttea tr tztv-hrre'..lC..Y;rebtAl4.; . • 1 :,.:.
.. f i,
and RnolaPs'nad• bill lanalit , if requited.: ' trran• Adynateyos of itoyly ot. -rettl'o;lo4_olor . SW' 'i
front V SO iii $3 re quOtor t LaiseigN *z . • Pinkies/Ix andltboiriodie calristif**lol)
.. . ,
Irs: ._ i . ! -- • • • , way attsaboe l :
'lrialliißkh•lie.seil.llll,. . . 0-4 rionitka NO 11.• *ll , •„... •
• _
, -
-nratDiik-CH.E4 - WT:e:k"
-SIC ,
'tomb flsr this dualleOttrazesimillsesswavetyiday. '
•csinistiv certainty it tnitreetitiallatallmlian -
That so iitnehain&iiptiliiiikt:labataracOlist il
ari hunt aupPseusprx,oraiiielectitait Piii'*istisa s
cure istrab eviirrett ofMnehMaiefilmiettr.ltiosay:
',s oiree the publiK ttiat int h'etetaWNO-Mttli'
mined as will [atilfince .Iha simar;:cstliak4 : 4 l l ll,
1 4 Thellifea CV it BCtliiiiiiiiieipkitaikplihi"os -
it 'is an admitteir feet that thut,cataphilaielailithar,
called sick Ileadaelbe. orliervoißcifesihielM,Missi
primarily Dom the scomset-r-thore
havethe Nervous tfeada. he: ma 'ass_ t
this organ. the stomach. is die drat anisatthafiliff.'fi
spawn hasAmMeanevitiated orifebilutitskihisitiabilia'
stootaeh. and That snip through the jl4lllllll ebnika ,
muai.they impost a restoration °robe - aamial sat
healthy functions of the system.' This ".'otilitet - -
-Stiohn's remedy •is eminently calculated to' musks.„,,l
The truth oft lre position cannot ha ssinuomstakatill::
thetoonerauffeMrs with the headache ' heiteatt ;to.'
viscid of it, the sooner will their sofferiali oaf
maturation to health. Dr. Spohn pkifees
Anne) reputation on this fact. TtaTtaity,l2llll,,Mi
had of apothecaries, -
Wholessle and Retail by Comstock 416,; s
'Fletcher St. New Torii. and Detail by • .
Pottsville. Jab 21.1838. • -
Miskinls Pills,
MIME Original Ityggian Vniversai,*ege tabist
11 -Medicine, prepared by W. MiSilkt.LiEwp,
Member of the 'Royal College otfiiiiites;,tieens,
irate-of Apothecaries Company, Fel/M*"
Court Society. Surgeon to the RoYalllokitaiiii
skin Association..- Lancaster' platei. I.Nitterierth-
Bridge; and Perpetual PupiratiusyyryliiiikSC"
Thomas' ilospitals, London. - •
These pills having gained acelOrityraj,ifiiiwC
leled every section of the Unieil. atolfio***gr
Iridered by all those wholraluegnod.fre•WitidiesT
pensatde as a family medieine4patriMieri by' 'a
numerous body of the mostemipentPhyeitiiir
both in this country old in Europe.—ii - soffiOjent o
it is presumed. to stamp their charictetiti threw: -
timatiim of every thinking man, and
a far better recommendation iflatt the course
sorted to by ignorant and unpnncipled:pretcliderN,
who to mislead and deceive the public.„ publish
what they call practical proofs and certificates tit'
'Cares. that exceed eliviteuede of ratiorititoredibils'
ay. add most of which, Jinni all.-are ridate gross , "
t'abrications, or procured by fraud androithivenews •
The' ditor of the Long island Farmer: Stiya,*!i.:-
"This Medicine has obtained an tanmeiteriented,..
degree of' well preserved popularity. .Hristigtilt.'
en these pills mirkr lee, to advamage and evitsceliv:
ed their beneficial effectfon others.: we lialvlr*
hesitation iv. recevittnendync then, iothe,poblicsie
a pee. salutary end useful family, rtiedieine44 l
* *None are genuine without the signatbriMr
the General Agent on the lahrlAy whom the
bore medicine is imported intolhis emmtm
A et
2 •11111
5" 4
t .. 11
• r I.
JNO. HOLBETN. 19 . WuTetg Plate,._ ; -
Gen'l Aprnt for .6.
A mop* ofthe ahove Medicine jital
and for sale by 'I R. BANICAN s
Sole Agent for Schuylkill ccuitity:r
July . l6
Boarding and Da 4chool for Yiiittc,
Centre St. 3d door 'bore NoTreas.
THE coarse of instigetion under the a >< piria
tendence of competent teachers, will enirate,
Oithograpny„ Reading ; Writing. - 'Arith l rontie i ,
Grammar. Geography.. Map Wawing..
Composition, Philosophy, Astronomy; D rawing dz. .
Painting „Music. Plain and Ornamtntil tierithi
• Work, dm, Ike. The Seminary wilt open on tbs.°. •
20th inst Terms made kncwn on sppliention.
Potissale„ Asigin.t I I, I MS. 63—onto,
Resumption of Itusinelts.
• -
NEW DRUG sTattp,-.
'IIH E Subset iberrei urns his grateful achnowf.. , •
• edgeruent* to the chi:ens - of Pcietiiille• and ••
others, who stepped forward to his aiitistatiee at.,
ter the Ins, of his property by fire iii - December.,
hist, and would also acquaint them aruttliennb... :
ho Kroening, that he has again comment - pi - the '
Drug, Business in the house forinertviieciinied by i
Charles W. ' Clem' no, in Centre: : She et. in the'.
barouglyuf Pottsvalle.where may. idwitiails bad. I
a v neral assortment of, , . ~, ,
. Drugs, 11 : 111edieitiptit,
Paints, ' - Oils, . . - - 4
Glass, . ' Dye Stt^,:: ~.,,,q
And every other, article in the above Init. lehlett '
he is disposed to sell on very'iow and al.comanie•• :
dating terms. ,
it .
Physician. preactiptioni 4najraintrip; 1..
put pat the shortest notice. , ' ,• '." :' -.„ 'I,
• ' wm:7 : EPTIN G: ,
Putivirdle, May; 40,18:18. • • - •. - •'-'''-'• •-•• ..... !. -
THE undersigned cautions the pnblie evelen
, purchasing pt It wing the' ract °nand ealls,4l.
Clinton -Tract, oh the Kest Norwe - gialf rad ti
Ostn Elissbefh idpnhn. nr Henry Morita lorbii
he the underligned claim. title
*ail institute a !tit against any pr.lll!aq;l4**,•
in, to take the Obasesrina Omer._ , . 4
JOHN ICirft . '''f f
• •int 1.
Manbeim, April . 2B. 1838.1
...*.CArRII): : •
... I_,: . -:,
.._„....„ .
1 SUMMER AiRAN.GEMENT::-.,,:-.1.
JekiliN,i ..
SILVER - 1 ~ , ..: - . 4,41 i
it AIMS pleasure is informing hielftiendir,stiti*_
public. that' he continues bisAtiscitiefustidt,- . 1
••Penaryhrinia Hail." in Pt..Mrvilke,..!lki-l'holisii,7
'peat reputation far keeping* respectablifEti
idoat„ acquired during the expenencet efly 1
a d 1411311118 line of baldness. and a . desks; te pf „,
r urb
tydmerit a continuance of their throve litittf 1
it, .
JOHN SILVER has mode arrangessentiirithlte. -I
Robert HannerAirthe 4 Conmeo*."Nol:44l:ll6rili .=
street. Philadelphia' . fora supply of all the
Isilicaeies winds the Phdattehibia market can iamb i
during tbs Sunueer isessots:' • • • . • , 1
Row Bee geld; gm plats..
• Canted• do do
I h rigni. 'de
~q nirtwaay.- . de
et '1
f,'•;01.1'4 ii