The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 22, 1838, Image 3

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    Pottsville A. cadenty,
FOR Yuung 'Ladles, coo , octed by the Sisters
of Charity. The exercises of this institution
will be returned on Mondiiy, the tliird day or .
Septlieelber:pext.. All .he braleelies f a good Eng-.
Bah eduletion are taught. with care dm- by veto
petent teachers. The elentents of the Trench
language. together With Mel hrdgirages OlGreeee
and Rome, will he Muria [it sequined. Terms
from 50 to $5 . prequiti*xr. Langukges ex
Pottsville, aug. 22, ma 63-3
To Contractors
tion and N 1
l'hilanelphia and Rea
PROPOSALS will be received et Iteree Meet,
in Reading, on the 13th day of September,
.s(the ensuing month) until !the hour of:s P. M.,
for the grading of the heaviest sectioneorthe Rail
Road beiween Reading and Port Clinton, inelo
dipg a tunnel of sixteen hundred feet in' length in
the neighborhood of Port 'photon, and' for the
Masonry generally on this-litirtion of the Rail
The sections are to be let are very' heavy,
some of them involving {Mich rock excavation,
and the. Masonry consists, of cavorts of large
•opening, and heavy bridge ebtitments and
'Any further information in relation to the work
will be given on applicatioiX to wukT R4)IIIN
SON, Acting Engineer, or', the Assistarit Engi
neers on the line, and maps and profilris of the
line and plans and hpccifreations of the Masonry
will be ready for examtnathin at /Leading,. a week
previous to the letting. •
Persona unknown to the lEngineeve. will be
peeted to hand in with their proposal% satisfacto
ry'testimunials as to character and Competency..
Ptilsde!tibia. lIILE 18. 1838. 64
233 guperior Fa mily F tram
the AcqueMuct Mills, just received on
Consignment and for sale by
Pottsville, July 11, 1858
PRIG $l.
-Ati - 6%-/
No Flcritore.—This extraordinary chemical
composition, the result ot science idrid the inven
Con of a celebrated medical man, the introduction
of which to !the public was invested with the so.
lemnity of a death bed bequest,has ahlce gained a
reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the cor
Yeetness ot the lamented Dr. Gridley's last con
Cession, that '• he dared not die without giving to
posterity the benefit of his knowledge on this sub
Sect," and he therefore bequeathed t his friend 4-
attendant• Solomon Hays, the secret tifhis discove
• .
to now used in the principal hospitals, and
the private practice in our country, first and
most certainly for the cures of the Alea, and also
so extensively and effectuallY as to be fiie creduli
ty. unless where its effects ere witneissed. Exter
nally in the billowing complaints.
Par Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp
tion at once.
AU Saul ings.—Reducin them in a few Wonni.
liketintatiaTi—Acute oriChronic,lieing quick
ease. 4 1 ' •
Bore Throat —Bv cancers, ulcers. or colds.
. Croup, and Whooping Cough.— E i xternally,and
ever the.ehedt.
ALL Bruises, Sprains and Burnt, cured in a
few hours.
Sores and Ulcers.—Wheiher fresh or long stand
ing and fever mores.
lis operations upon adults and children in re.
docing rheumatic swellings, & loosening coughs
and tightness of ihe chest by relaxation °lilac
parts, has been Surprising beyond concept kni.—
The common remark of those who have used it
in the Pitra.•is "It acts like a .charm."
TIIE.PILES.—The price is refunded to any
person who will use a bottle of Hay's Liniment
for the Piles, and return the empty bottle without
being cured. 'These are the positive o!ders of the
proprietor to the Agent.; and out of hinny .p.bou
sands sold, not one has been unsuccessful.
We might insert certificates to r iiy length, bu
prefer that 'hose who a•U . the snick, shoukl ex
bibit the original to purchasers.
CAU rION,--Nole can be gen;ine without a
splendid engraved wrapper, on 'smith is my
name, and also that of the Agents:7-e
Sold wholesale and retail by CtrySTOCK ,&
CO., Solo Agenut,,g Fletohtr street, New-Yorlt,
and retail by W. T. EPTING, etaitrti at. Pugs.
lON Pt.
To Coal Dealeis.
T 4 obscribeis - having taken the large , sqd
co odious wharf oo Celbwhiil 'dreg! Or
corner Cellowhill and William itreets,; ( l.on
the Schuylkill, near Few Mount, Philadelphia; are
prepared to receive anyloantity of Coal. Lumber
Ic. no wharfage or atotage, on the open wherf e tr
"'odor cover, on the stoat reasonable terms. Ev
attention. paid to coal consigned to them. ri
Referenees—Mr. George Beet. Schitylkill
sem, Mr. Philip H'S*, Pottsville. •
rhiladelphia, July 11, 1838. 83-3 mo.
To Old Colintryinos.
Agency for Line of Packets free' Lieer
) pool to Philadelphia.
THE SUBSCRIBER inia been sp"pointed A.
gent for the Messrs. Cope's Line of Liver.
-, { pool Packets, between Liverpool and Pbiladelphia.-
. ; ,*ni will -receive the passage money from those
-, - who wish to send for their friends in the. old
'country. and also, will procure Sills for throw per;
eons who may wish to Ltransmit money to their
. friends abroad.
The Packets belonging to this Line are fitted
-up in a superior manner, and are commanded by
*sons who pay great attention -to the comfort
and convenience of passengers--ar.d have given
great satisfiection to pamiange . rs genela)ly. Emi
grants who intend residing in this 'Von. will
find it to their advantagelso engage thi n passage
in this Line, and land at, Philadelphia , ! they will.
by axi doing, save the taii and ettnal : from New
ark to Philadelphia, which is stv do!:
lira torreoli individual.
The Mee of Are will be made known by apply
ink at the . Aix of the Miners' Journal.
janeao l BANNANI.
- t
- •
• . Notice. •
'ME Register of Schuylkill County lufyint
•••• granted 4 fetters of Administration to the. Sob.
scriber, on the estate of An TiMMORIF h i k edf
Borough of' P3ttactlie t . Schuylkill mows,
deceased . . Therefore all persons hiving cifines
against said deceased. are *ettueoled- Mite , *
them properly authenticated far settlernent.snd
all *hove Indebted, are ivouristed to make imme
diate payment to the sub.criber.
• Administ ra tor.
PottsvilleA Ogust 4th. 1838. 604
for Eicava-
ing Rail Road
Bar Iron of any.size drawn to order. Nails
and spikes of all sizes, for sale at the lowest City
Readinz, May 2 .. 2,1838. 40-6 mo
Poplar Board:, and Plastering Loh.
20,000 FRET 3 inch . Poplar Boards,
.10 4 00() Plastering Lash, Glr sale by
Pottsville, July 14. 1838.
Reading Nail Jic. Iron Works,
HAVE on hand boiler Iron , sheet of various
sizes du. and also, all the different sizes bar
iron; also. round and square iron from i up to 3
inch Railrmd iron of the vitioua sizes, punched
and counteritunk, and cut to }be angles ready, for
use; and band iron. All Myna nails and spikes—
also. EMn iron of superior quality. All of which
are offered for velem the lowest city prices.'
K EIMA. WiII:TAKER 8f 1:10.
Reading, done 25, 1838. 50—tf
THE Subscriber is receiving from the A. Law
inn Collieries. a fresh Simply of the celehra.
landing at his %herr, Pine street. Schuylkill.
Orders left at the office, 81 Dock street, 'or
at the wharf, will be promptly attended to.
Philadelphia; May 12,1838.
Handel 'and Haydn - Music.
BOSTON Handel and Haydn Society's crillee
tioe of !Church Music, latest edition,just re-'
ceived arid for sale by
Pottsville, August 11, 1838.
Interesting and .Astonishing
MORE conclusive Faxon& of the extraordinary
efficaCy of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated
Cainomile and Aperient Anlibilious Pills;in al
leviating afflicted inankicd.
To James Dickson, 36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent
for the sale of Dr. Wm. Etans's Camomile Pills.
Lowtt.t., Nuv. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Know inz by exrerience that every
reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi.
dal results of medicines, I :cheerfully offer mine
to the public in 'behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S
CAMOMILE PILLS. • I have been afflrdted fur
!he last ten yews with distress in the head and
chest: often so, bad as to . deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights In anceission, but hate never
round relief by any of my friends' prescriptions,
until my wifir;saw the advertiaments in the,paper,
when she persuaded me to send for some, which
I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, which
resulted in almost completely retoring me to
health, although I have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this any bepefit to
yourself, or the public, you . , have my cheerful per
mission to , üblish it. Vann,. respectfully,
THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
& Evans's - Camomile Tonic' end Family Aperi
erat Pals—Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of
eilltiopen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect.
ed for seven years with ettreint nervousness, by
which he was notable to write his name—his
symptoms were, cruses tion, daily spasmodic pains
in the head,. lota of appetite, palpitation of the
heart., giddinoss and dimness of sight, utter
engaging in any thing that demanded
vigor or courage, sickness and weakness ex•
terne - debilityi disturbed rest, sense of gr.:wore
end weight al , the stomach alter eating, great
mental despopdency, severe flying pains in the
chert beak ond side, costiveness, a dislike for
auciety 'and cenveroation. ' Mr. B. has made trial
of variousnldicitieit now before: the public, but
effect,to no observ i ng ha a publiti paper
some cores performed by Or, William Beans*
Camomile Tonic and Filthily Aperient Pills, he
was induced to Owe them a trial, of which he is
at any time happy to state that they effectually
cured him of the above distressing disease.
31 - Peritimei who doubt the above cute, ere most
respectfully ti . ireetcd tp ttte above mentiotied per.
soh, at the north wed corner of Bhipp l en and
George. streeba BONJAMIN BOWN.
Philadelphiii October 26,1837.
Mfrs. - Hannah Browne, Wife of Joseph Browne,
N. 6th street,.near Second, Williamsburg, alias,
ed for thelast ten - years with the Liver coMplaitit,
ectropletely restored to health through the treat
ment nt Dr. Wm. Evans.; Symptoms—Habitual
constipation of the bowel's. total loss of appetite,
excruciatingpain ofibe epigastiie region. great
depression otepirits, languor atid'oiher symptoms
of extreme debility, 41241d:red sleep, inordinate'
flow of the nienses, pain in the right side, could
not lie on her left side Without an aggravation
of the pain, Urine high Oared. with other quip.
toms indicating great derangement in Utte func
tions of the l per. f
hdrafftro iie wail attended by three of OW fora'
physieiana, brit received tin little relief from their
medicine, till: Kr. Brown procured some of Dr.
Wm. Evan's)* invaluablepreparations, Which of
ireleirea her o f
the above distressing
symptom With others, Which it is net essential
to intima. I JOSEPH BROWNE.
City and t orinty of New 'fork, as.
Joseph IBrOwne. of Williamsburg, Long Island'
being duly sworn, did depots" and .sat the
facts as set forth in the within Waterneut.hs which
ho has sublet:Wiled but name , ate just anittrue.
ficui 'nd of the Said Hannah BUarne.
Sworn before ate this 4'l day of Janua ' .1837.
P.ESPER PIN K. Com. of '
INTER OM NO godE of Ter& Con.
7 itv, 4 iPtiati4- Mr. 4ilbn. line el applied 134 1 :he Ist
day, of Sultilinber at. that-office .100 atham
street, laboripg undettlie 4 following eymptornes—
A-slight spitting of bloodidis mg c o lagh. at
tended with !iin expectoration co paroleet,matter.
night meal,: general enia ' ion, dialeolly ot
breathinto 'exertion, with:a I marked hectic
)lush•on the , fheek. On exam n ation. the cheat
war. found td sound well every where exlmpt on.
der the-telk4avicle. and. Iht the arm pet of the
same aide 4 ,' '
-.. '
Read the Following.
- • • 7
I'Mataterit;• , -DIMOW tinalte tfin'leittoradive
CaMoinile Pitht[ - .4ititkPAliiir.:le„*taiitiiegtio".
policatiat the same time ka:kirituttiooo-IWrin
.thur ay* .rheas thernightAtieettatidtelio: ear the
exPectonltton'olliilitit COnittioheaqiitakticifit of
Coughing .till iemiinint In - threottc,,Or.
dared as 'mini to itontinnelhe de
... gli - .4ml to
Bali in the enuire of twee* - ' Olen' 'air. health
continued timidly increasing. ithont the least
cough. Gilled. at the Orme on the ith of this
month, quite ennvoleseen . t reaumiingz his sincere
thankkfor the beriett he had ohtitined.
The shove Mitient - chiedy used milk iegimen,
&wits biarealment. . - , - '
Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, Winkled with
the above distseasing malady. Symptoms.--great
languor. flatulency. disturbed rest, nervous head
ache, difficulty Of breathing, tightness and stric
ture across the breast, dizzinessi, nervous irrita.
bility and restlessness, could not Re in - a bori
zontal position, without the sensation of impend
lag suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distree
ing cough, costiveness. pain of the stomach, drow
siness, greaUdebility and deficiency of the nerv
ous energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave -up every
thought of recovery and dire despair sat on the
countenance of every person inttreated in his
existence-or happiness. till by accident he noticed
in a public paper anme cores effected by Dr. Wm.
Evans's medicine, in his complaint: which hide.
ced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which
resulted in completely removing every symptom
of his disease. lie wishes to lay his motive for
this declaration is, that those afflicted with the
same or any symptOms similar 'to those from
which be is happily restored. may likewise receive
the same inestimable benefit.
Amos Brenhiser, corner of Second street and
Germantown Road. Philadelphia, affected km the
last six years with the Liver Complaint, was
camplPiely restored tohealth by Dr. WM. E.
VANS'S Cambm4 Tonic and Family Aperient
Pills. Her symptonis were habitual costiveness,
excruciating pain it the stomach. depression of
spirits, languor, extreme debility. distui beit sleep
great pain. in her aide, could not lie on her left
side wiihout an aggravation of pain, dixeness in
the head, dimness Maight, witlrother symptoms
indicatinggreat derangement in the functions of
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser has made trial of va
rious medicines now betiactelbes public, but rs
ceived no relief until she was advised to make
trial of Dr Evans's Pills, of which she is happy
to state that they effectually relieved her of the
above distressing syniptoins, with others, which
are not essential to intimater
Mr. Brenhiser. (husband of the abuse Mrs
firenhiser, bad been two' yeartg;sflicted with a
distressed state plies and Cotiseiress, of whir.b
he was effectually cured.
A perfect cure effected by the trealta r ral of Dt
William Evans
Mr. John Gibson, of N.4th street; Williams.
burg, afflicted with the above complaint for three
years and nine months, during which time he t..
had to use crutches. His chief symptoms were
-excruciating pain in all his joints, but especially,.
- an the hips. shoulder, knees and ankles, an air
gravation of the pains towards night; and for the
most part all times from extetnti I beat, an obvi
ous thickening of the fascia and ligaments, with
a complete loss of muscular power. Fur the ben
efit'ot those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr.
Gibson conceives it meet to Say that the pains
have entirely ceased, and that his joints have
completely recovered their natural tone, and he
feels able to resume his ordinary business.
Mrs. Aram d. Kenny, No. 115 Louis street,
between 'Stanton and Houston 'atreete,• afflicted
for ten years with the following distressing aymp.
Acid eructation, daily apasmodic pains in the
head, Imis of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid
diness and dimness of sight, could not lie on her
right aide, disturbed rent, utter 'Mihail of en
gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or
courage, sometimes a visionary idea of v n aggro.
ration of her disease, a whimsical aversion to
particular persons and place., groundless appre
pensions of personal danger and poverty, an irk.
primeness and weariness of lite, discontented. dip.
quietude on every Plight occasion, she conceived
she could neither die nor live, she wept, lamented
desponded,and thought she led a most miserable
lite, never was one so bad, with frequent mental
hallucinations. Mrs. Renuy' had the advice of
several eminent,physicians, and had recourse to
numerous medicines, but could not obtain even a
temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till
er husband persuaded her to make trial of my
mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved.
avid finds herself not only capable of attending to
her domestic affairs, but avows that she enjoys as
good health at present as idle did at any period
of her etistcnee. J . KENNY.
Husband of the aforesiid Anne Kenny.
Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec.. 1886.
Peter Pinckney, Corn. of Deed
- ,bn• Charles Hoban, No. 123 Orangs street, N.
IT. atillicted for five years With humeral habitual
Asthma, applied at the office 'lOO Chatham - sweet
en the 4tit of October, laboring under the follow
ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the
clgLit: with the greatest difficulty of breathing,
distressing cough, generally ending with copious
expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest,
the face turbid and of a livid hue—coukl not he
in • horizontal positit i without - the sensation. of
immediate suffocation angoor, drowsiness, and
dizziness in thc.heaa. and /mu of appetite.
Mr. IL applied to the most eminent physicians
in this city, likewise used several other remedies
Without obtaining any permadent benefit, until
his friends pomaded him to place himself under
Dr. Wiffiam Evans' treatment. He is now re.
lieved of his complaint, end called at the office
yesterday; avowing that be bad cot wards to ex.
presehis gratitude for the, benefit he bad receiv
ed. October 21, 1837. •
We do hereby _ subscribe taw signatures to the
truth orkhe above cures, that: the statement _
every respect true. SARAH BRENHLSER,
_ 'IOEIN STEW, Baker,
No. 17 north Eighth wrest. naiads.
nilUgelphia, Oct. 21st, 1837.
Dr.iMrlit: EVANS'S Medical Office. fits 'the
sale of bts*Cellent Medicine, is at Nis. 19, north
Heigh - tit stivit; Philadelphia 4
Sold by. , ' .J.T. WilfiNEß. •
.-. bole Agent for Eichoylittil County.
LOSio. •
O N Satordej babe ie . titre street a Pair Rook
wrapped in a Fla; flaaltarebiett andel:kir, a
Store and Mein amount. Of no.uae to any per:
SOO bot lite owner. The &der Win be 'minted
by lei vid; the book atthe at of 2,lkpat..
ty'e. _r
Anted 11,11139. s 100
' *IC Br it '' '''"
- -rn c,
..0 cosi,
As itipiompoithiibecii, abhillo4
no Patent Ore with_ilit
thracite Coolie the. einmtry. mai, iiiiiiiMia
they ere now at adojitiPsse metho d, -
snieltiorline 'ore with Aothracift by-the-W. - of
a heated sir rdsan although '• I 'gave node. aitt
year Hiatt had-s patent for innidting Duo Ore
with Anthracite Coal, both bit 'WO en of i ta#.
at,nospberie and a heaved air WOO would. pup
inform the pciblic van. that ea the litlitif .1 '
nary, 1838 . 1 reaebreda letter from the Comm ' '
siooer of ratents-d WashingtoopalatialF "Si t
upon examining the case of Mr. Crantee applies
don for a patent for Suaeltiat boo by . ma** 9t Anthracite, I have viewed hisclahn as totetkri vi l
with yam patent of Dee, 1833., and have gi
notice to his attorney 'oftins decision." Beefy
'attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by t h e
tumor a heated air an isfringement upoim
my patent. against which I caution and wal'e
ell men: is I shall prosecute every one tnfiinging
upon my rights, according to law. And 1 . fog -
thee offer to dispose of patent rightefor the creak
ing of furnaces, according to my patent, updn
very moderate terms: 4
New York, May 16,1838. - 37—Iy i
Q. .
t.... rr
t 0•• CC„a.
4 z
ft a
C:Joi r ri
A r ip
1 4”
11. e.• t
tla, 1
ii.... i
i s the grandest ornament belonging to the huoian
frame. How strangely thi loss of it changes •
countenance and prematurely brings on the ap cr
ance of old age. which cauees many to recoil at r
uncovered. and sometimes even to shim society Ma,
void the jests and sneers. of their acquaintance; the re
ma miler of their lives are consequently spent in re
tirement. In short, not even the lon of property is
the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking
gloom as does the loss of his hair. To avert all these
unpleasant circumstances OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF
COLUMBIA stops the hair froin failing off en the inn
'application and a few bottles restores it again. It
likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers • preveins
the bah from turning grey. makes it curl beautifully.
and frees it from. scurf. Numernus certificates of the
first respectability in support of the virtue oftddridgiee
Balm. are shown. bv the proprietors.
rr Read the following i i
1 ROBERT WII A lITON. Esq.-late Mayor of Phila
v-derphia, has - ceriified. aa may he seen below; to the
high character of the following gentlemen. i
The undersigned do hereby certify that reharemed 1
.tbe Bahia ofC.olumbia discovered by J. Oldridge. and
Rave found it !uglily serviceable not only as a preven
tive against the tilting off of hair, bin viso acartsin te
entrance. NM. THACHER, senior.
Methodist hluuster in St. George charge, 1
No 86 North Fißlamatreeti
JOHN P. INGLES, 331 Arch street.
JOHN 11 THOM 48, M D. 163 Rusin.
JOHN S FUREY, 101 Spruce st.
HUGH Mc. 'V RDY. 243 South 7d st. :
JOHN GARD. Jr. 123 Ateh st. i
The aged, and those who persist in wearing Wigs,
may not always etpenence as restorative qualities. et
it will certainly rase its virtues in the estimation of
public, when it s known that three of tbe above ' -
ere are more . than 50 years of age, and the whets NW
a L be
less than 31.1.
(Tram the Mayor.]
City of Philadelphia.
I. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city of
Philadelphia. do hereby certify that I am well acquaint -
ed with Mears J. P highs, John S. Furey, anti Megh l
McCurdy. whose names are signed to the above certi=
fleatr., that they are tentlemen of character andire
spectability. and as mach full credit should be given
to the raid certificate.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hlnd.
- and caused the seal of the city to be affixed. his
[L. 8.1 sixth day of December, Na i
Caotion.—None genuine without a splendid Aeel
engraved. wrapper of Falls of Phagra, with agents
. Wholesale and retail by Comstock and Co. 2 Fields.
er Street New Yolk and retailed by . 1
Pousvillt, Joly 25, 183&
Eyer's Note Books. I,
EPER'S German and English Note Bobke,
jam received sod for sole by
11.13ANNAN. .„
Pottsville, July 21, 1838. 541-
Blood Pills,
AFRESH supply, just received and for kale
Pottsville. August 11, , 1,33. 64 •
.-- New Establifil I
Corner of Centre and Magiet .treets Poithrille
THE subscribers respectfully announ ' te
- their friends and the public qua:ally,- hat
they have taken the store formerly occUpie by,.
Jacob Bull & Co, corner of Centre and 111;ut
streets, where they are now proeided,witha 6skr
maortinent of
Dry Goods',
Liquors, ,&c. .
which they are determined tonsil et tbs4sryiess
eat prices. HAZZARD & RTRAUCH.
N. B. AR kinds of truantry Protitteehthla at
tbe-hi ghest market prices. ;
GRE.IT geel oar affstirti
Valuable Real Property in PottsaOle,
THE underaigned Oen far sale allithat swell
known three story fillet STORE 4ND
,DiVIILLING NOOSE and the appastamukele
situate in emigre street, Pottsville. the Prokiir7
of th e undersigned, toge th er with : doe ether
tenementsio the rear of did, banning, anCthe
lotofgroaud whereon the whole itabds. The
hrielsbutiding aibrssild, motairwthuty tht n b
front-s4inisbed from th e buethenl Story to the
garret babe best style etwor,kelan and',
as showiness stand and a =resifts ta. opt ii.
vaundily:aitnated. The thregainit7
he sold en low and accommodating • VS;
alb* eurelkose gooey may iemant oniftsjpop : t egis."years, ti desired.' Title inutinint-
Win and pomentaion can to vacs' =War
'PO/ to G. M. J
April 21132-tf
. .
, . , ..
nor Sal e s
A =taxable Tract of C00;,..Lin4, 1 -
i :VIRG sad befog in the township of Nerwi:
'Yeir.ori thelVest Hugel near the t iff t
Bras& ail Road. about itotisolleis from Stij/ :-
kill Eitaventhere it Asa or more Coal yen i
pieetot Waugh tkii.aad. For iollirtnati 'oil, a •
at Pottsville,
' or Mr. HOFFItAM4
Ntiskinls Pills.
THE Original Hygeian Universal Vegetable
Medicine, prepared by W. MISKIN, !Esq.,
Member of the floyal'College of Surgeons. Licep
(tate of Apothecaries Company, Fellow of Bel.
Court Society, Surgeon to the Boyaltlnimii Pen.:
sine Association: Lair-alter place, Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Gisity t a and Fit
Thomas' Hospitals, London,
These pills halting gained aterebrity tomarel
leled in every section of the Union, stile now colt.
sidered by all those who value good health, indis
pensable as a family medicine—patronised by
nuineroas body of the most eminent Pbyeiciaris
both in this country rain turope,—is putricle,L,
it is presumed, to stamp their character in theta
timation of every dunkin.g. men, and it is hoped,
• far better recommendation thbn the comm re
sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled prekenders,
who to mislead and deceive the puldip„ petdieh
whet they call-practical proofs and certificates of
Cures, that exceed all bormds of rational credibil
ity, and most of width, ifnot all, are either Ow
fabrications, or procured by fraud and connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Farmer, seri
"This medicine has obtained an unprecedented
degree of well preserved popularity. Having tak
en these pills ourselves to advantage and Witness.
ed their beneficial effects on others, we have no
hesitation ir. recommending them to the publiclas
a safe, salutary and useful family medicine."
• a •None ate genuine without the signature' of
the General Agenten the label, by whom the la
bove Medicine is imported into this country.
JNO. HOLBEIN.I29 Waverly Place,
• Gen'l Agent for U. S.
A supply orate above Medicine kik received
and for sale by L B. BANNATI,
Soto Agent for Schuylkill ciatulty,
St— ,
July 16
MRS. A. C. wiearukoort' s
Boarding and Day-School for Young pi dim
Centre St. 3d door above Norwegian St. i
/VIBE course of instruction under the soperin-,
0 .
tendenee of competent teachers, wdl embrace
Orthography. Reading, Wriiing, Arithmetic,
Grammar, Geography, Map Drawing. IfistOryl.
Composition, Philosophy, Astronomy, Drawing &
Painting.. Music, Plain and Ornamental' Needle
Work. &e. &n. The Seminary will open on the
20th init. 'Perms made knewn an applitailiol ;
Pottsville, August 11, 1838. 62- --
, .
Stray Mare. ,
CAME to the subscriber, residing
in Barry township, Schuylkill coun
ty, about six weeks ego, a BAY
MARE, about 6 or 8 year. old.—
The owner it requested tti crime
forward, prove property, pay charges, aid take
her away, otherwise she will be sold ,incoriling
to law.
August 11, 1838. ' 64-31 i.,
Resumption of Business.
THE Subscriber ratlines his grateful aeknowl.
edgetnents to the citizens of Pottsville and
oihers, who stepped forward to his assistance •f.
ter the loss of his property by fire in Deceniber
last and would also acquaint them and the pub
lic generally, that he has again commenced the
Drug Business its the hops, formerly occupied by
Charles W. amine,. In Centre Street, in i the
borough of Prittorille.ithere may always be "had.
a general aasortment of
Drags, • Medicines, -
Paints, Oils,
Glass, Dye Stud's,
And every other article in the above line. w h ich
he is disposed to sell on very los , and accommo
dating terms.
N.' B. QT Physicians preseripttops earelblly
put up at the shortest notice.. lr
Pottsville, May 30,1E38. : ,
Musical Instruments.
vIIHE subscriber has just received and open
JIL for sale
4 keyed German Flutes, plain,
Octave Flutes,
Fifes, • •
Violin Bridges, Pins, Wings and Bow-lultr.
atrium( Reeds,
° Guitar Strings, •
Violin Bows—extra finish.
He respectfully invites the public to cal and
examine his stock.
JOHN S. C. StAftTo'.
may S,TE3E.
Weitherill & Brot her,
Tram Dooms now inte.Contine or Anift ilr.'
PallleADWllliTh, • i . ;
Whim Lead dry mid l
.. Calomel. • 1 • i
. pound in Oil, Red Precipt. L -
Red Lead, white do
Uthtrite.Vitriol Alb.
Chrome Yellow , Solp. Quinine ~ •
- do , Genes Tart. Emetic ' • t
do Red - Ether SW* • '
Pateet.Yeihrw do Nitric
13opr Lead - do Main '
mm, . War Caustic
O Co I. Vitriol - ..Com. * do ; I.-
• *
Ail. Fortis 41larvilli I
reptsia '' .
Miriade Acid Ralph. do 1 1 ,
Epsom Salts Lac. Sulphur ', , I .
Tart. Acid ,Opt. de /Yuan:
Rap .Carb. Soda • Kerlearldineral :
Corm. Slab. Mere. .:E.thiopa_ dd.. t, . r • . ,
- Rdbieri o ( Champbor; Sal Plitre•BrOSOae.
,fie. Over ibr eoliths above' inintiosed Irtic to
tetNes with- even* Ismitatent of ?Meta. Dna*
ad Dzo %AL lord egret) Wee article iithe 'ha*
nal and Modielital rline.. • t - - - '''
Being manakentrentsf rill Om ankles.
ander thitabwri hind, der pledge dienMelren ail
2 their hilade 'and
_thoimblie oath" sent
Window and Pllante Glerw.. nest& 4 24 1 0.
Oet 11 Mk I 410 k
IPOist Elliation•
ILL i •
tiaTd it ghat* ssu e, thier w „ L fsilliagt . s :
pleasantly tituatedakPort -"On41 •
kilt , county, on very reasonable tertati . !A 111•..,1 , 1L
‘Foundrillt bi The CorturieneeisteuVilf 1 ,, 1
Schuylkill it 4 Sultqueharnia Rail kook !oft',
alakinit. Sod a short time .0nt,41,14,
' best situations in the country to do bW
um For terms, &c. apply_ to. •
PARKE &'7llglidtt;--
or ISAAC - . 1 1 1 M11 8 1;1'
- ad and Walnut PliOt
Phitideiphitt, June 30
• •
111 IA }EFS pleasure in inforining his - I}lssiiii as dif
pehlic, that he continues huritmrscreerapdek
the "Pennsylvania Hall." in Pvttasille. .Thr
his past reputation fgr keeping a respectable Etesib:
Inhalant, acquired during the experience en Jones
in the same line of basitiess. and a dean. to. Ow
may merit a continuance 'tif the# ramp and "aeon.
age. ....
JOHN SILVER has made arrangement' with
Robert Harmer. of the "COTOUCOWIeNo.d4, Zia*
Third street, Philadelphia fora supply
delicacies *inch the Philadelphia marietiputa
• _
during the Summer season.
Roast Beef. cold,
Corned do do
Friel' Hatri4 Eggs,
GreeriTurde Soup,
Fresh Piehied Salmon,
Spiced Oyster*,
Old Madeira Wine, pir bonle.
Old Pqle Sherry Wine, do ' •
Old Brown • . do do.
Old Port .do do
Old Lisbon do do' • 100 4 ..
Champaiane. (Palmetto,) do . 2 140' 1
London Brow Orion
St t, -o x - 34 - '1
Pepper's, Smith's At. Secbers Pale Ale. ‘: '
- Apartments are always in readiness for &AO,
Parties, & c and those who call may expect-Ye reeevelF ,
every attention.
Pottsville. May 11, 1833. SEP-if '-:
SICK it 11i ERV(HIS. k
O The ettraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohni"
remedy for this distressing botnelaird is eyery day'
gaining gaining is certain ) a-matter of inuchastoinahnsent.
Thataci much ani ering shouldt have existed for ages I
wi hout any d'scovery of an effectual preventive. or
cure is truly a subject of much regret. but Dr. S. now
assures the public that such a remedy has been it.
vented as will „convince the most credulous- Thee. ,
principles upon which it acts are simple and '
It is an admitteo fact that this complaint, whithet Jr
called sick headache. or Nervous Headache:lZ •
primarily from the stomach—those who think
have the Nervous Header be may rest award jthif
the argue, the stomach. is the first cause, that the'
system Ins become vitiated or debiltated, throat,* the;
stomach. and that only through the mope chamset.
MHO they expect a restoration oldie natursli
healthy functions of the system. This -objeet.i Dr:*
Spohn's remedy is eminently eaksilsfed to 'third—%
The truth of this position cannot be controverted{ int,.
the sooner sufferers with the headache become COO. • .
winced of it, the sooner will their sufferings end' is'
restoration to health. Dr. Spohn pledges litsprifellr(
Siena] reputation on this fact. The remedy may be
had of apothecaries. .1 „l
Wholesale and Retail by Comstock & CO. N..
Fletcher St. New VOA, and Retail by
56 * -
Polunrille. July 21.1838.
• Storage.
T HE Subscribers having tented the whar f aril
Fairmount dam, font of Willow St. Rail Roadil
joining the one occupied by A. J. Belton di.! C 0.4
are prepared to receive Coal. Lumber, &e on ',
wharfage, and commission. Enquire of the stits , "l.
scribers on the premises, or st2B South Wharves:l
• '
%NUE undersigned Cautions the public atiniej
purchgsing or leasing. the tractor limit
•Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail inside
,from Elizabeth Spohn, or Henry Morrie Wilier -
as he the undersigned claims title thereto, lank
will institute a suit against any person stietwptil
big to take the possessioa thereof.
Manheim, April 29, 1838.
Jane 40
Fresh Syrups.. -
LEMON ; Strawberry, Pine Apple,. Gn iiii tiiit
Blackberry. Alpo treat' Lemont. paPer It
Almonds, Resins and Figa,•just. rece ived by '' 1
Pottsville, 3oly 28. 1838.
4 Hardware store. * .: ,' 1
THE subscribers would reepectiblly anneinati..
to the public, that he has added to his forma*
stock, Iron and Hardware, consisting or mitt' ‘-
American and English Bar Iron. Hoopeandßin
Iron, Round Iron , assorted stem Cakt.Croily:
Sheer. Getman and English Blister , and A, 1141
Steel Vices, Mouse-hole aovils-Smith'i, Belkoi -
Cast St e el hand. choping and ' Broad ales, nail
and spikes, together . with a general , asscirtinen ,
of Iron Mongery, all of which Will- be sold at rtir-+
dueed prides, by JOHN CLAYWN. -
April 22
...- 4- 7 .
Benjamin' W. Cuminingk. - ..' ,
-4. ,
•17/ 7 0/47VE le ifT '4411Pk , 1 . i
wrAs removed_ his Office to Centre Bttiei, Op
Jo n•posite the Brick Building of Giotto - M.A . *
niugs, where be will attend to,ilrbesint* - 04.
trusted to Vat in the line of hilice4o9*- , ''''. l l
' Octal :- .. t:- , '. -49-ti
' -
1 .0 ..'.
; .
krLENDreo triiiii, Cariikht : i'iliiiit# —
?..-. cir Matting and rintry Cariseff *Not rase
;liy .
__ . . N.-NA *Co. 'lt.
• . ,
em i r
il Pottsville, Joly 21 , 1838 ' ' •-• ' '-- , • ...Mr— ".
-r-. , -
- • , .: 1 .:„,
IgrrIQUETTE for Ladies,*liliatir ,
J.-15 Beaaq. Jost neared aisOwiitale by
- • iNew Goods.
yam have just received. and are neveiiiii*.
V . a lar g e and general assortnieriCieri
and seasonable goods- 1 0 1 ga wiA
reduced prices for-cash.
Menai Carlson. Angled
HAZTARD & - sTaAl7Oll*
Dry-Goods, GrOcVer: ‘, hI
E 1
St",010:::?-4t-i . :„.: „d
Centerff Cadre. and Morifil*4l4 - :
Arne t- " • • " •OW "-•11
1 1 .' „'.7.-: ----:.4.<•:--.--j
Mill of Fare.
i • - tt,
1 so
1 50'
1 sii,