VOL. 1.. .. 'PRINTED AND OUBLLSIIF.D . BIC BENJIIIIIN MANN N. • . lizzazAtrzimaixisr. TNE6EI3 , II..LAILS ANQ Fi*ry CENTS er annum. payable semi-annually Dr achiance. It no paid with in the yeti, St Will be 'charged to all tho e who re ceive the paper free ofpowage. To mail subscribers $3 per annum. If not paid within the 'year, 50 cents will be added to the price Of liubscription. WEEKLY,' Two Dottotost per annum. payable semt.annuall is sideapee. Lf not paid' within the year, $2 50 will tiecharged A.dvertiseinents.not exceeding twelve lines will be OKarted $1 for three ineerticitts—and 50 cents for one insertion. Larger one* in proportion. AU advertisements will be inserted until ordere out. unless the time for whi :It they are to be continue in specified ,and will be charged accordingly. Yearly advertisers will be charged $l2 per annum; 'Fncluding embscri ption to the paper—with the privilege of keeping one advertisement not exceeding 2 squares standing during the year. an& the insertion of amnia er one in each pipr r for three successive times. All letters addressed to the editor must be post paid. herwise no attention will be paid to them. notices for meetings; &g and other not'inea Willett have heretofore beeti, inserted gratis. will be Charged 2.s , cenrs each. ezcepF narriages and Deaths. Notice. THE Register of Schuylkill County haying granted letters of Administration to the sub scriber, on the estate of "John Timmons - , late of the Borough of P.Mtsville, Schuylkill County, deceased. Theiefore all persona having claims against said deceased, are requested to prestent them properly authenticated for settlement, and all those indebted, are requested to make imme diate pity ment,to the subscriber. JOHN S. C. - Ni kRTIN, Administrator. Pottsville, August 4th, 1838 TO Coal ,llealers. THE Subscribers having taken the Ikrge dlnd 311 ; commodious wharf •on ('ullowhtll street (or corner of Callowhill and William streets; on the Schuylkill, near Fair Mount:Philadelphia; are prepared to receive any qnantity of Coal, Lumber &c. on wharfage or storage, on the open wharf or unddr cover, on the most, reasonable ter4rur Every attention paid to coal consigned to them. • References—Mr. George Bast, Schuylkill Ha ven; Mr. Philip U' ffh, Pottsville. S POUCH & HAN ER STICK. Philadelphia, J uly 1 1, MS. 53-3nto. ro Old Countrymen. Agincy for Line of Pockets from Liver- pool to Philadelphia. rip HE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed A. • . 0. gent for the Messrs. l'ope's Line of Liver pool Packets, between Liverpool end Philadelphia, and will receive the passage money from those who wish to send for their friends in the old country. and also, will procure Bills for those per song, who may wish to btranonit money to their • triends abroad. The Packets belonging to tibia Line are fitted up in a superior manner, and are commanded by ,persons who pay great attention to the comfort and conven'ence of passengers—and have given great 'satisfaction - to paintengers generally. Emi grants who intend residing ip this region, will find it to their advantage to engage their passage in this Line, and land at Philadelphia; they will, by so doing, save the fare and expense from New York to Plidadelphia,l'w hich is four or five dol has for deb individual The rates nf.fare will he mad.' known by apply ing at. the office of the hinters' Journal. june 30 B. BANNAN. It E Al DIN G NAIL AND IRON WORKS,. 1114AVF: on hand - 11 - 11 - BOILER . IRON, .'. 7 SHEET do. .. . . ROUND' 4 SQUARE IRON, • COAL SCREEN . irci. 8 iIIL ROAD d4l , .* Oar Iron of any sire drawn to order. Nails - and spikes of all sizes, for sale at khe lowest Ctty prices. .KEI Mtl, NV LUTA li ER 'Or CO, Reading, Miy 22, IS.M. 411—cimo Poplar Boards and Plaitering Lath. -20,000 FEET 4 inch Poplar Boards, 40,000 Plastering Lath. for sale by SAMUEL HARTZ. Pottsville, July 14, 1838. 95 •%..J ° F ' Reading Nail & Iron Works, HAVE on hand boiler iron. sheet of various sizes du. and alsn, all the different sizes bar iron; also; round and square iron from up to 3 inch Railroad iron of the various sizes, punched and countersunk, ant' cut to the angles ready for use; 'aria band iron. All sizes nails and spikes— also, gun iron of superior quality. All of which are offered for sale at the lowest city pricey. • wHINAKER 60. Readingoiune 25, 1,838. 50—tt GREJIT ,11.112G.ILYS!! Valuable Real Property in PtAtintrille, FOR: SA LE THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three story, ERICK - STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances situate,in Centre street, Pottsville, the property of the undersigned, together with nine other 'tenements in the roar of said building, and the lot of ground whereon the whole stands. Ths brick building aforesaid, contains thirty: feet in front—finished from the basement story to the .garret in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand'and a residence, is most fa. 'vourably situated. • The foregoing property will • be sold on low and:secommodating 'terms. Part of the purchase money may remain on the prop• • oily for a few years, it desired. Title indisputa. 'lsle, and possession can be even immediately— apply to G. M. JENNINGS. • . April 2232 7 V Pottsville. COAL. THE St bscribet . is receiving from the A. Lair. ton Collieries, a fresh supply of the cele.brit- • led SPOHN & LEWIS RED ASII COAL, now landing at his is her& Pine street, Schuylkill.— ; Orders left at the 'nffice,. No. 81 Dock street, or = : at the wharf, willibe promptly attended to. F. B. NICHOLS. Philadelphia, May 12, 1838. 42- ASHION A ABIZ Colord Leghorn Hats Ja: Prince de J nville, for taco and boos,just eveeived by N. NATHANS & o. Pottsville, Julyl2l, 1838. 56- 4 1 I WILL rza on YOU TO Putact ins Boviiie salmi( AND iIItSNO OUT NEON TEM CENZONII ON THICINDONTIRM Nrra" WH, l °, l ; ; 111 , 1 4,GiITN STUN MTh TO OURIi tB_LIiD OinaZOT 1421,4 OPt AND raZiguit• —• 04 J9/UtS - " Read the Fallowing.) laterating and Astonishing Faits. MORD conclusive proofs of the ektraoritin.r. -i-v-IL..effidiicy of-Da. 'W I& EVAN'S. celebrated Camomile and Aperient Antibilions Pills in al leviating afflicted mankind. To James . Dickson, 36, Cornhill, Boatoo,'Ageni for the sale of Dr. Win. Evans's Camomile Pills. town', Nov. 15, 1836. Dear Sift—Knowing by eiperienefi that every, reference that. the afflicted receive of the benefi. that results of medicines, I cheerfully teak mine to the public in • behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. 1 have been afflicted fur the last ten yews with- distress in the head end chest: often- so bad as to-deprive me of sleep for, three or four nights in succession, but have.never found relief by any -of my friends' prescri p tions, until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some, '.which 1 did, and obtained two boxes and bottleii K which revulted in almitit completely noosing me to. health, although 1 have not yet entirely finished them. Stioulityou consider this. any benefit to youiself,'or the public, you have my cheerful per. mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully; TIIOS. K. GOODHUE, Cents-41nd. iNTERESTING CASE Cured by "Pi. .Wm. Evaneir Camomile Tonic and Familolpfri eni Pills.—Mr. BENJ A M BO WN , corner of Shippeu and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect ed far seven yeffrarwith extreme nervousness, by which he was tint able to write his name—his symptoms were, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, Insti of appetit-, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina. bility of engaging in any thing Una demanded vigor or courage, sickness. and weakness tune debility, disturbed rest, a sense oh pressure and weight at the stomach. after eating, great mental despondency, sever e flying pain* in the che-t back and' sine, costiveness. a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans's Camomile Tunic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the atoms distressing disease. (CJ - Persona who doubt the above cute, ere most respectfully directed to the above mentioned Tare son, at the mirth west corner of Shipped and Georges streets. BENJAMIN GOWN. Philadelphia October 26, 1837. V ER•CON P I ST,IO . WARS STAND- Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife bf Suseph:lbowne N. 6th street, new. Second, Williamsburg, afflict ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaid,t, completely restored to health through the treat ment of Dr. Win. Evens. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the bowels, total less of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigasti is regidn, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could not lie on her left side without on aggravation of the pain, urine high colored, with other synip. toms indicating great derangement in the func tions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief kora their medicine, till Mr. Browne jrocured twine of Dr. Wm. Evans's . invaluable preparations, which ef fectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms. withmthers, which it iv net essential to. intimate. JOSEPII. BROWNIE. City. and Conot Y. of New Yen+, sa. Joseph ItroWnii, of Williarnshurg, Long island being duly sWorn, did donnas and say that the facts as set furl h to the within statement. to which he has sahaciVed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the saidliannah Browne. Sworn beforir:ne this 4th day of January, 183: PETER PIN K NET, Com. Of deeds. INTERESTING CASE of Terbacular Con stimption.—Mr. lobo Rowel applied on the lit day of September at the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the fullowmg symptoms:— A slight spitting of blood, distressiug,cough, at tended with on expectoration of purulent matter. night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty ot breathing on exertion, with a well mat ked hectic flush on the cheek: On eaaminatioq, the cheat was found to sound well every where excptit on. der the left clavicle, and in the armpita the same aide. Treslntent —Directed to take thec.rektorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating com pound. s at - the same time an injunction, to call in roar days; when the eight sweats had ceased, the expectoration slightly. ckminished, at' light - fit Di coughing still remaining in the morning. Or dered its Usual to continue the medu4ine, ..rid to call in the course of a week—when his health continued rapidly increasing, withqut the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of "this month, quite convalescent returning' his sincere thanks for the benefit he had obtained. The above patient chiefly used milk regimen, duricg his treatment. ASTIEVLUTTIREE YEARS STANDIRG,, r. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with the above distressing malady. Symiitnins—great languor, flatulency. disturbed rest, nervous head ache, -difficulty of breathing, tightness and stric ture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irrita bility and restlessness, could not fie in a hori zontal position, without the sensation of impend ing suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distres, in g cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drow siness. great debility and defitienci of the new cos energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave tip every thought of recavetrand dire deseniir sat on the countenance of every person in4rested in his , existence or happiness, till by accident he noticed I inn public paper some -cures effected by. Dr. Wm. Evans's medicine, in his complaint, which inch). ced•him to purchase a package of the Pille, which resulted in completely removing eery a mptoin of his disease. Ile w.shes to say his motive for this declaration is, that those afflicted with the same or any symptoms similar yo those from which be is happily restored. may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. LIFER COMPLAINT SIX YEARS STANDING. ; • 'MRS. SARAH 13(tRIH1SER, - wife of Mr .."-• Amos Brenhiser, corner of &Oen& street and Germantown Road, 'Philadelphia, affected for the lest six years with the Liver mplaint, was eemplutely restored to health by 'tHr. WM. E. VANSISCameMiIe Tonic and rtinuly Aperient Pills. Her symptoms were habitual costiveness, ii . ierneliting pain in the stomach, depression, of spirits, languor, extreme debility,ldisturbed sleep . . _ 4.; AND MI = I POTTSVILLE, L'A.i.SATIJR,DAY 09RNING AUGUSi IS. 11338. great pain ib her aide, could not lie no her left side without an aggnoratism Bfpain, dizziness in the head, dimness of eight. with other symptoms indicating visit denuigernent: in the - functions- of. the Liver.. Mrs. Broahiser hiss made trial ofva Hoes mediebutarnow• before the public., but re ceived-no relief until she , was advised' tp make trial ofDr Evans's of which the is happy -to eta - le - that they effectually relieved 4ter l of the :above distressing symptonia ( with.others, Which are not essential ` to iodinate. Mr. Breithiier thusbied of the shore Mrs Brenhiser, bad been 'two years istligfiud with a distressed state piles and Costiveness, of which he was effectually cured. • • PA It ALVIIC ItHEUMArIS*. A perfect cure erryd try ibe triatsteal of A WiUiom Boon. Mr. John Gibson, Of 'N.Ath street, Williams burg, afflicted with the above complaint for three years and nine montba, during which time hg had Louse moieties. Hie chief symptoms were excruciating pain - in all Ibis joints, bqt especially in the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the pains towards night; and for the, most part all times from eiternalheat, ap obvi, on. thickening of the•fascia and ligaments, with a complete loss of musculau power. Fur the ben efit or those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr.' Gibson conceives it meet' to say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that his joints have completely recovered their natural tone, -and he kelt; able to resume his ordinary business. .I.IITERESTING CASE. DYSPEPSIA & lIYPOCHOa DRI A CISM. Mrs. Ahneb. Kenny, No. HS Louis street ; between Stanton and Houston streets. afflicted for ten years with the following distressing quip toms: •. • . Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains an the head, lose of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid. dinars and dimness of sight r eould not lie on her right aide, disturbed rest, utter inability of en. gaging in any thing that' demanded vigor or courage. sometimes a visionary idea of en aggra. vation of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless appre hensinns of personal danger and povsrty, an irk someness and weariness of lite, discontented, die. quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die nor live, she wept, lamented dbeponded, and„thought she led a most miserable 10e, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. 3lre. Kem.y had the advice of revers!. eminent physicians, and had recourse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even a • temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded her to make trial of my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and finds herself not only capable of attending to her domestic affairs, but avows that she enjoys as .good health at present as she did at any period of her existence. X. KENNY. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Corn. of Deeds ASTIIMA.S YEARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five years with humors' habitual Asthma, applied at the office 100 Chatham street on the 4V - rof October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed' rest, the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not lie in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate sufflocetion, languor. drovreinese, and dizziness in the head, and loss of appetite. . - Mr. H, applied to the moat eminent physicians in Ibis city, likewise used several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his friends persuaded him to place himself under Dr. William Evans' yeatinent. He is now re lieved of his Compl,Ant, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that he had not words to ex press:his gratitude for the benefit be bid receiv ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby snbscribe our signatures to the truth of the above cures, that the statement is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHIS,ER, JOHN• ST Elf'. Baker, No. 17 north Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Ocf. 21st, 1837. Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical• Office, for the sale of his excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north Eeighth street, Philadelphia. -Sold by J:T. WERNER. Sole Agent for Scbaylkel County. Resumption of Business. STEW DRUG STORE. riIHE Subscliber returns his grateful acknowl edgcmients to the citizens of Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to his essistance of ter the Ices of his property by fire in December last, and would also acmtiaint them and the pub lic generally, that he has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Cherie,' W. Clemens, in %etre Street, to the borough of Pottsville, where may &twilit be had a general assortment of Drags, Medicines, Paints • Oils, Glass, Arid every other mtiele in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low mid accommo dating terms. N. B. rr Physicians prescriptions carefully, put up at the shortest notice. °. WM. T. EPTING. Pottsville, May 30,1838 t 'Payer's sole Book EYEIt'S German and English Note Bookr, just received and for sale by B. BANNAN. 54- Pcittsvilie, July 21, 1838: CALL AT THE New Establishomeqt, Corner of Centre and Market Streets Pottsville frEtE subscribtrir respectfully announce to their friends and the publiegenerally, that they' have taken the store formerly occupied by Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market streets, where they are now provided witha choice aysortnient of Dry Goods, Groceries, .f Liquors, tiro-- which they are;determined tosell at the very low. est prices.- HAZZARD & SWAMI!. N: B.' Alf kinds of, Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. April 1. 2-6 • • , se AS it appears, that bicause Slr. Crane obtained no *ant for snielticg ben Ore with• An. tbracite Coal in this country, many suppose that they Auction at' liberty to adopt the method of stinelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the use.of a heated air blast; although I gave notice- last yeat that I had a .patent for smelting Iron Ore witlAmthiaoitetoel, both by the use. of a cold atmospheric and a heated air Mast,l would. now inform the public sorin, : that on the 14th of Jan. nary, 1838, 1 received a letter from the Commis sinner of Patents at Washington, stating: "Sir, capon eitationing.the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a (patent for Smelting Iron by Means Of Antbracne,l have viewed his claim as interfering with you r petehi of Djc, 1833, and have enticeto is attorney of this decision." E very iven, 1 entice atempt 1 smelt Iron ore with . anthracite by the secure h ated air blast. is en intnngement upon my pgtent, against which I caution and svgrn ,Il Men; at I shall prosecute every one infringing spon my 'rights, according to law. And I fur !her uffer'tn dispose of patent rights for the erect lig of furnaces; according to my patent, upon eery morate terms. FREDERICK W. GEISSENHAINErt. New York. May 16.1838.37-4 y A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAN i sfra th m e l ra A d o ft w t s o tr rn an ar e e ll n . h h e e 1 l o o n!: n o g . i t t n c te n g h e u s m t a h n e coiintendnre and prematurely brings on the appear ance of rile age, which causes many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to a void the jests and sneers, of they acquaintance; the re mainder of their lives are consequently spent in re tirement. In short, net even the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom as does the loss of his hair. ,To avert all these unpleasant circumstances OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLtiMBIA imps the hair from falling off on the first appliiiation and a few bowel's restores it again. It likewise produces, eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, andirees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first respectability in support of the virtue of Oldridge's Balm, are shown by the proprietors. 11l - Read the fo , lowing:• ROBERT W.HARTON, Esq. late Mayor of Phila delphia; has certified, as may be seen below, to the high character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do herebyeertify that we have used the BASD of ColuniLis discovered by J. Oldridge, and have found it Uglily serviceable not only as a preven eve waist the falling °trot - hair, but also a certain re storat ere. WM. TIIACHEH,senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge, No 86 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. rNGLEs. 331 Arch street. JOHN a THOM AS, M D. 163 Race st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce et. HUG 11 IaIm.TRDY. 243 South id st. JOHN GARD. Jr. 123 Arch st. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs. may npt always experience its-restorative qualities, yet it will ceriaudy raise its virtues in the estinvition of the public', when it is known that three ofthe abovesign err are more than 50 years of age, and the others not Teas than 30. (From the Mayor.] COMMONWEALTH Or PENNSYLVANIA, City of Philadelphia. 'ROBERT WH A RTON. Mayor of said city of Philidelphia.do bensby certify that I are well acquaint ed Vith Messrs. .1. P ingha. John S. Ft - trey:and Hugh McCordy.whose names are signed to the above certi ficate, that they are gentlemen of character and re spectability. and as much full credit should be given to the said certificate. In 'witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal °Atte city to be affixed this Si sttih day of December, etc. ROBERT. WEI A RTON, Mayor. Caution.—None genuine without a splendid steel engnived wrapper of Falls of Ntagra, with agents .namais &a. W hnlesale and retail by Comstock and Co. 2 Pletth. er St eet New Yolk and retailed by W. T. EPTINC. Pottsville, July 25, 1838. 57—ly 1 ~ Tulsa vooss FROM !MR CORNFA or ARCH Sr. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF White Lead dry and / Calomel. • gtoilnd in Oil, S Red Precipt, Redl Lead, White do •Li4rlite. %It nol Mb , C c Yellow, Sulp. Quinine ' de• Green Tart. Emetic dO Red Ether Ralph. Patent Yellow - do Nitric Sur Lead do „Acetic Co penis Lunar Cauatic 01. 1 itriol Com. do . Aql Fortis A cet..Morphia Muristic Acid Sutph. do EPPOI Satta Lae- Sulphur Taft Acid Opi. de Narcot. Sap .Carb, Soda hermai Mineral Corms. Sub. Mere. Ethiops do. v Refiners ofChainphor. Sal N itre,Rriummte, Rorax. &0., Offer for sale the above mentioned articles, to gether with a general assortment Of Paints. Dregs and Dye Stull. and every other article in the Chem cal and Metheinal line. *king manufacturer , of all the srfieles enumerated under the above , head, they pledge themselves to sup pt their friends and the public on the moat reasons bli t erm. Window and Picture GLIM, from 6 8, to 2410. Oct 21 1837 48- Dye - Stuills Public Notice. Wetherill & Brother, AT 7Hk. OLD STAND No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE, rOSude' and Haydn Maisie. TON Handel and Hark Society's Collet:- ominon of Church Music, latest /dittos, j u st re , l iVed and for sale by 1L BANNAN. Pottsville, August 11, 1838. 82— For Salt,. • ealauabk Tract of Coal Lend, LYING and being in the township tif Norse wegian f on the West Branch netrithe Weal. Branch Rail Road, about tour wiles 01:m1 1 80h:3 - y1 Haven--there is /tie or more'Cissi Vetus peeling through title land. For information ep• ply to JACOB 'RHED; at Pottsville, qr Mr. HOFFMA-N, at Reading. March' 25 34 i / ROYAL COLLEGE OF S URGE ON S , J OAT DON Miskiu s st 7IHE Original Hygeien Universal Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. M 'SKIN, Esq., Member of the Royal College ot Surgeons, Licen tiate ot Apothecaries Co.npany, Fellow of 801. Court Society,'Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen ;dun Association, Lancaster place„ Waterloo Flridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Guay's and St Thomas' Hosp;tals, London. These mils having gained aeelebrity nnparal. leled in every section of the Union, ore now con sidered by all those who value good health, indis pensable as a family medicine—patronized by numerous body of the most eminent Physicians hoth in this country aid in Europe,—is sufficient, t is presumed, to stamp their character in the es timation of every thuthing man, and it is hoped, a far better recommendation than the-concise . re-. sorted to by ignorant and tin prindipled pretenders, who to mislead and deceive the publig. publish what they call practical proofs and certificates of Cares, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil ity, and most of which, if not all, are either gross labricatinns, or proeureciby fraud and counixance. The editor of the Long Island Farmer, saes "This medicine has mbtairied an unrcedented degree ot well preserved popularity. laving tak en these pills ourselves to advantage and- Outer's ed their beneficial effi o son others, ilia have no hesitation ic recommit riding them to the ptiblic as a safe, salutary and useful family medicine." b„allone are genuine without the Signature of the General Agent on the label, by whom the a bove medicine is imported into this er mum ' JNO. HOLBEIN, 11.9 %V averle Place, - 'Gen'l Agent for U. b. A supply of the above Medicine just received and for sale by B. BANNAN, I f s Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. July 2- • Information Wanted. r11(1E Subcriber wishes to get. information . of his brother PhilipAlfooren, from the county of Londonderry, Parish of Ballenogreen, from the Townland of Claufeit Crelon. The last he heard from him, he was in Williamsport, Lycnming County, Pennsylvania, about three years last Sill. The Subscriber respectfully solicits him, if this should reach his eye, or any .other person who knows where be is now, to give information by addressing a letter to PATRICK MOOREN, Pottsville Post Office, Pa. August 11, 1838. 62-3* MRS. A. C. 1071M - 16:00P'S Boardsng and Day-Schol for Young ladies, Centre St. 3d door 'alarm Norwegian St. • POTTSV ILLE. 'rill E. course-of instruction under the euperin il of competent teachers, will embrace Oitlingrapny, Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Map Drawing, History, Composition, Philosophy, Astronomy, Drawing & Painting., Music, Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, &c. &r The Seminary will open on the 20th inst. Terms made known on application. Pottsville, August 11, 1838. 62--3 mo Stray Mare. CAM E to the subscriber, residing in Barry township, Schuylkill coon. ty, about six - weeks ago, a BAY 11N MARE, about 6or 8 years - The owner it requested . to come forward, prove property, pay Charges, and take her skyey. otherwise she will be sold according ZIEIZI August IL 1&38 Lost Sidtpday lest in centre street a Pass. Book wrapped in a Flag Haekerchief, contairtirg a Store and Mining account, of no use td any per. son but the owner. The finder will.be!rewarded .by leatring•the book at the store of T. .d. J. Beat. ty's- JOSEPH GREEN. Potty/Ale, August 11. 183 d. .! 624 New Gootbf-. WE have just received, and are ne opining a large and general-assoftrnent of fresh and seasonable goods—which will be sold at very reduced_price' for cash. • JOSEPH WRITE $l, SON. , Mount Carbon, August 11,1838. : 62 LEIDIPB CELEBRATED Blood rills. FRESH supply, ju* JeceiVed and for sale A by . . B. WOMAN. Pottssille, August 110833. Musical 1 strum • • is riNHE subscriber has ust received' and offers 2 '. for sale 4 keyettGerman Flutes, plain, Octave Flutes,. • Clarinets, Flageolets, • V iol.ni, Fifes, Violin Bridges, Pius, Strings and Bow-hair. Clarionet Reeds, . tr Guitar Strings, • Violin Bows—extra finish. He respectfully invites the public to call and examine his stock. ' 5 21Z . may , 18— HAZZARD & STRAIJCIPS WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL Dry4iiikodsi Graf..err and Li' quor Storeii ,Corner ofeirdre. and Market* rests, Pottsville April e- 28- • . Port Clinton . Fon& FOR SACE xviLL be sold at private sate, v pleasantly situated at Port ainten t kv•-h-4,-; kill county, on \ very wisonabbr - tivitis . .l This Foundry is at the cornmencornent.of Ike Litk- Sohuyikill and Susquehanna Ran 4 9 4,•nenw i making, and will in a ighuit fime of Of best 'actuations *in the country to Jitrita ness For termt,&c. apply to ' PARKE& TIER 9 4. - • Iron Founglam, PhiladeiPhia. ' or - ISAAV'MYBRS. , . Port Clinton.' • • era-t• • • Davrs Safety Lamps • FOR SALE by MORRIS,TASKtR ' St. MORRIS. , 3d and Walnu k al4Philit. ' Philadelphia, June 311) 58-6tron JOHN SILIFEHi• . • . atKES pleasure in inlormitig his friends andthe: public, that he continues his ItErnecrroatuader.... the "Pennsylvania lia:l." in Prttsville. He limpet: his past reputation for kceping - a respectable Estab lishment. accrued' during the experience oft years . •in the awn° hue of business. and a deSirt in please.. may merit a continuance' of their favors and patron age.• 1 JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr. Robert I-tanner. of the -.CO r nue° P " N0:44, North. Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the ; delicacies which the Philadeiphia market can afford' during the Summer season. . 11411 of Taft. Roast Beef. cold, per plate, Corned do do do Fried Ham 4 Eggs, do Creen Turtle Soup, • dt:i Lobsters, Bardines,, • ' Fresh Podded Salmon, Spiced Oysters, Old Madeira Wine: per bottle, Old Pale Sherry Wine, do Old Brown do do Old Port . do, • do' Old Lisbon do • ,do Chainpaigne, (Palmetto,) do London Brown Stout, do • Pepper's, Smith's & Sechers XX Pale Ale. Apartments are always in readiness for Siappei Parties, &c and those who call may expect to receive every attention. Pottsville. May 11. ISM HEADACHE, SICK i)R NERVOUS. 10 - The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Seruhn'e remedy for this distressing complaint is every day certnialy a matter of Much astonishment., Thattro much suffering should have existed for ages wii bout any discovery of an effectual preventive, dr cure is truly s subject of much-regret. but Dr. S. now • assures the public that each a remedy has tieen in vented as will convince the moat credulous.' The principles-upon which it acts are simple and plain.— • It is an admitted fact that this.cornplaint, whether called sick Headache; Or _Nervous Headache, arises primartly from the stomach—those- who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ. a t stomach, is the first cause, that the system has become vitiated or debilmted. through the stomach, tind that only through the same chased, must they ' expect a restoration of the natural and '. healthy functions of the system-. This object, Dr. Spohn's remedy is eminently calculated to attain— The truth of !hie position cannot lie.tontroverted, and . the sooner sufferers with the. headache become con- . vinced of it. the sooner will- their stifferings. end in restoration to health. Dr. Spohn pledges hrs prefse.... aliensl reputation on this fact The remedy may be had of apothecaries. . • Wholesale and Retail byComirtock & Co. No. 2' Fletcher St. New York, and Tbritail ..•" %Vhl.• T. iEPTING.. - Potuiville, Julya2l. 1838. •. • sfe-ly HENRY BOLICII. 6:1-3, 301 IN S. C. MARTIN. . ,Nfx , 64,-11-• A CARD.. , _ SUMMER iiiiNGRMENT: Storage. - • T , • HE Sulwerthers having tented th e wharf on Fairmount darn, foot of Willow St. Rail Road; joining the one occupied by A. .I. Bolton & Co. are prepared to receive Coal, Lumber ! . &c. on .wharfage, and commission. Enquire ofthe sub scribers on the premises, oral 28 South Wharves. BUNTING, CLARK & CO: jnne 2.11 147-1 y Caution. E .underpicned cautions the public against pnrchaeing or lee4ing the tract of land Called Clinton Tract, on the Ea.st*Norwegian rail road,' from Elizabeth Spnhn, or Henry Morrie lot her,. ea he the undersigned claims title thereto, anct? wall institute a suit against any peraiiin attempt. • ing to take the possessiort thereof. JOHN PPTT. 74 . iintim, April 28, 1838. • . - 32 4.11.1PER1011 Jersey Canvassed:Name. jolt re. ttived by N. NATIIANS & Co. Pottsville, July 21; 1838. . ' 56-- Fresh Syrups. - LEON, Strawberry, Pine Apple, • Gmger,; . ; Blackberry. Alm, lresb - LentoM, paper 'Almonds, Resins and Figs, inst rete Pail by N. NATHANS. Pottsville, July . 28, 1838. ' 58-7 NEW IRON & Ilbfrdware More. TILE subscribers would resPectfelly ,announce' to the public, that he has added to his Gurnee stock, Iron and ilazdtoare, ennsiatirrg in part or , American and English Bar Iron, Ilioopa and . Band i Iron, Round Iron, assorted sixes; Gilt, erawly„ Shear. German ,and English /Mister and A. M. 4 Steel Vices, 11.10,use.ho7t.!Imre, Cast Steel hand, Broa4;:ita* Daile and spikes, together' with a .tennitalt,-..risiortment of Iron Mongery, all of whickwill.-lie — sold at re.' duced prices, by JOIIIII CLAYTON. April 22 Benjamin W. eninining l . sITTORNEr .11 L./in; HAS removed his Office to Centre Street, op posite the Brick Building ofOevirge . ll. Jen nings, where be will attend 16 all btuisneta in trusted to him in the line of . his prafession: Oct 21 484 f SPLENDID Ingrain Carpeting. or Matting and Entry CarpettngijnaVrineirod r by ,NATMAI6I3 &Co. l'Agniville, July 21, MIL . . .56- "WIQUETTP, for Ladies, or Hints, manuals . ' Beauty. just received:and for gaiety-- • :I).:4I3ANNAN. Pottsville, Atignet 11, 11330.• .624.7 BEI . :mot ~~3~'-'; ?';,;r. ~~ c ., , ~~x~..: wIP :~: :. _~; El ; BE $lB, 12i 25 25 1.50 ; I'so 1 50, 1 50. 1.00 2 00 371 EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers