U Tar. coNtrrrnr lON ' ST VIM I . 1.. ANNFEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Amon) SAt cosini*rum or ONF•7I3MAJID LOW =ADECD 61r15 TUIRTY-11MN- , - WE, !The People of. the Cominonvrealth of Pena ;lvantn;ordahi end establith Condit*ion for Govenmeitt. • ARTICLE L Sealant 'Tlei legislative power of this C.hinaron: tialth shay. be :vested itrtai-General Asiretably, hieb shall condit of a Senate end Nettie of Item 'laves. - Section U. The iepresentatives 16414 chosen nnally by the citizens of the city of PhitsidelOhis tad of each county respectively on thediecodd Timis. yof October.. • . Section 111. No pencil's shall be a representative Ydle shall noehave attained the age of twenty-one ears, and have been a citizen hard inhibitant of the State three years next preceding his election, and the bat year thereof an inhabitant of.thegin and which he shall be chosen a repro ; unless he shall have been absent on the public b iness of the United States or of.this State. , • '. Section IV. Withiii three years after the first meeting of the General Assembly, and..ivithirievcry übsequerit term of seven years, an enumeration of e taxable inhabitants shall be made - in such man er u shall be directed by law. The number of pnesentstives shall, at the several periods of unik- . ' ng such enumeration, be fixed - by the Legislature, ~‘ d apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and e several counties, according to the number of taxable inhabitants in each: and_ shall never be ; less than silty. nor greater than one hundred. Each ii unty shall-have at least one representative, but no linty bereaftet erected shall he entitled to a sepa late representation until s siifficient 'Amber of tax ' able inhabitants shall be contained within it, to ;title them to one representative agreeably to the do which shall theti be established. '- . Section V. The senators shall be chosen for three ears by the citizens of Philadelphia, and of the veral counties at the same time, in the same man 'ier, and at the sane places where they shall. vote or representatives. Section VI. The number of Senators shall, at the Several periods of making the enumeration before mentioned, be fixed by the. Legislature and appor • Finned among the districts formed as hereinafter' pi:vete:l, according te the number of taxable intiabi- Rants in each; and shall never be less than -one ''ourth, nor greater thau one-thin!, of the number of representatives. It • 5 Section VII. The senators shall he chosen in dir *cts, to' he formed by the leeislature ; but no dis rirl shall , be so formed as to entith , it-to elect mare I.n has two senators, unless the number of taxable in abitants in any city pr county shall, at any lime, e such as to entitle it to Wert more than two, but no city. or County shell be entitled to elect more than min senators ; when a district shall be composed •f two or :dote c•omties, they shall be adj,ining; neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall be divided iiii,,rming s district. - Section VIII. No person shall be a senator, who shall not have attained the of twenty-five years, and have been a citizen and tnhabitant of the State mar years noir before his election, and the I..sfyear ttiereof. an inhabitant a the district fur which _he. shall he elvsen, unleso.i he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States or of this State; and no person elected as aforesaid, dual hold said office after he shall ha v e removed from such dig ' trirt. . Syetion IX. The senators who may be elected at the first gene/-In ele.tion after the adoption or the .mendments to the constitution, shall :be di-sided by •t into three classes. The seats of the senators of Me first class shall be rarated - at the - expiration of the first year; of the second class q: the expiration of the second• year ; and of the third-class at the e.r ,iration of The third year ; so that thereaftei one third ofthe whole number of senators may be chosen every year. The senators elected before the amend ment:4o the constitution shall be adopted, sh4l hold their offices during the terms for , which thigahall. respectively hare been elected. • Section X. The General Assembly shall net on the first Tuesday of January, in every year, unless scssner convened by the Governor. Section XL Each house shall choose its' 4pea.ker andsother officers; and the Senate shall also choose Speaker pro temp re, when the Speaker shall ex orcise the (Are of Governor. Section Xl , l Each house shall jolee of the qualr llications of its members. Contested elections shall Ibe determined by a committee to be selected, formed land regulated In such manner as shall be directed, by Paw. A majority of each house shall constitute a 'quorum to do business; but a smaller number. may ladj.mrn from day to day, and may be authorized by flaw to compel the attendance of absent members, in urh 'manlier and udder such penalties as may be !provided. II Section XIIT. Each house may determine the 'rules of its proceedings, pune.h its members fur disorderly behaviour, and with the coneurrence of Itwo-thirds, expel a member, but nut a second time for the same cause; and shall have all other powers rnecessary for a branch of the leg.slature of a free !State. ' ...s e ed= XIV . The legislature shall not hrtri power Ito enact laws annulling the rontrart of - marriage in ipty rase where, ty, law , the raurts 'wealth are or may hereafter be empowered to decree 0 divorce. Section' XV. rach house shall keep a jOUrilal pf 'ts proceedings, and publish them week.ly, except finch parts as may requite secrecy: and the yeas and nays of the members on any question shall, at the desire of . two of them, be entered on the journals. Section XVI. The doors of iarb' borne and of ! committees of the whole shall be open, unless, .when the business shall be such as ought to be kept !secret. Section XVII. Neither house shall, without the !consent of the other, adjourn for more than three I days, nor to any other place than that in Which the I two houses shall be sating. 1 , Section XVIII. The Senators and representatives I shall receive a compenvati9n for their services to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth. They shall in all cases, ex cept treason, felony and breach or surety of the I peace, be privileged from arrest during their at tendance at the fission of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same. And rfor any speech of debate in either house, they shall I not be questioned in any other place. I ' Section XIX. No Senator or representative shall, .during the time for which he shall have been. elect ed, be appointed to any civil office under this Com monwealth which shall have beep treatetyor the emoluments of which shall have been increased durinv such times -and no member /of Congress or other person holding any office (except of attorney et law and in the militia) molar thc-.United States of this Commonwealth, shall be a niepiaer of either . house during his continuance in contgess ,or in Leffiee. . . Section X. When vacancies happen • • In ,_either house, the Speaker shall issue writs:of election to such raeaveies. - Section XZf.I. All bills for raisingireventrif shall originate ill the house of representittives, but the Senate may propose amendmelfts asih other bills. Section XXII. No money shall tie drawn trent the treasury GM in consequence of appropriations made hy laws Section XXIII. Every bill which shall have pissed both hotrsys shall 'be presented ttrthe Go vernor. If he approve he &ball sign it, but if tie shall not tipprove he shall return it .tvith his objet tions to the douse in which it shall have qigtosted, who'shall enter that objections it 14e upon their journals and' proceed to re-consider it. ft, QOM' such re-consideration, two-thirds of that hause-shall agree to maius the bill, 4 shall be soot with the ab I LO PE. CH BRANDY. Old .Lrinalca Spirits. Do Clierry Bounce,—for sale by MILLER & HAGauRTy. -- Sudo 23 , 48 IA relaii ( ti . iiikirtietibillier*Vidinikel4 . ~,..,g be ft - e o 9 4 defied,. end, aVyppoe, rid: ,4 1 4; , tbutig of tutbohse *4O he a law. ,:lligp, eWaei cased th e emits if htth leirsee'isiiit be_ :a id by yeas alircnsylcalid flit; iMinerisf Perms ei ' i for or against the bill shalt -he entered itrithe' . nab of each house )resteetively. if onrhill t not im _retuned by;the Governor within , ten (Sundays exceptedlafter it shall hums , been tree seated to him', ri shall be a law iiiike.n3ansior as if .- 1M 'had :,sipred, it, Miless the General Assembly', by their adjournment, tijeveut'lts return, in which ease it. slmll be ta low,brnlehs sent - trairmitldh„ Aimee days after their Me.hi meeting. - 1 Section XXIV.: 'Every order, revolutiori or vote . to which the.cont hrrence of-both haloes may be umessaryleacept rib: a-questiin of adjournment) shalt. be .4mosentedito . the Governor, and before it 6. shall take effect, be approved by him; or-being dis approved, shall be . :Tepassed by twottbinla of both houses, according toAtte. rules and ,limitatiorm 'ttre scribed in case of a!bill. Section XXV. Al corporate body Made hereafter . Created, renewed oriarimuled, with banking or: die- ,1 Counting prtvilegeS, trithesd - six. months problems I Public' Welke of , the indented application for the . 1 acme in - such Minsrurrni skedl he prescribed bOtrio...l Nor Anil any charter for the mops= . eitaresald, he granted fora longer pailod than twenty ireamiznit,. *eery truth charter /dell Zantain a dmice.reseirhing SaMe ke i tature th# power to utter, revoke or elnnul Me smite whenever On their opinion it may be fbiu rims to. the citizens of the. conwwwwealth, in; such, manner however that - ho infustiee Arai be done to the corporator*. • No Air hereafter snorted, gall create, renew or extend ther,chanter of more than one cmpo ration. • - Amax tr. Section L The Sioreme Executive power of this Commonwealth-sh* be.vesteit-in a Governor. Section lb. The Governor shall be chosen on the second, Tuesday ofiOctbber, by the citizens of the Commonwealth, at 'the -places where they shall re spectively, vote for representatives. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, Ivho shall open and publish them in the' presence of the' metishers both houses of thelegolattire. The person having . the hiOtest . , windier of Votes *hall be GidretVicir. But if two or more shall tie equal mna - higheit in. votes, one of there!vhall be -chosen Governor by the joint vote of the 'members of both houses. 'Con tested elections shall be determined by a Committee to be selected front both houses of the legislature, and 'funned and retelated in such manner as shall be directed by low: Section 111. The, Governor shall hold his -office during three years from the thild Tuesday of Am ery next ensuing his election, and shall net be capable of holding it longer than sir in any term of nine years. Section IV. He kball be at least thirty years of age, and have been a citizen and an inhabitant of this State seven Years next before his electron; unless he shall have been absent on the 'public business of the United States or of this State. - Section V. No member of Congieas or person holding any.office Under the United States or this State shall exercise the office of Governor. , Section VI. The tlovernor shall at stated times receive fur his services a compensation, which abutl be neither increased nor diminished during the perivd fur Which he shall have been elected: Section Vli. Helsball be commander'-in-chief of the army and navy of ibia Coinmunwealth, and of the militia, except when they shall be called into the actual service of Stirs United States. Section VIII. Ile shall appoint a Secretary of the Commonweal h during ideasure, and he shall nomi nate and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate appoint all judicial officers of courts of record, unless otherwise provided for in this Convi tution. He skull hare . pewee In fill all raranclea thaa` may happen in such judicial 'Ores during the rerese of the Senate, by creating commissions Which shhll expire at the end of their next session: Pro vided, that lit &Yule on- senttire- idealisations the Senate shall sit with openaloors, and in confirming or rejecting the 'itimanations of the Governor, the rote shall be tolcen,by yeaS and nays. Sel!tion IX. He iha/I have power tn remit fines and forfeinires,.and grant repneves and pardons, except 'in clues of impeachment. Section X. He may require information in writing, from the officers i 4 the eltecutive department upon any subject' relating to the ditties of their respec tive offices. Section XI. lie shall, from time to time, give to the deneral Assetribly information of the state of tie Cummouwesittl, and recommend to their con sideration sick meitauies as he shill judge expedient. Sectihn Hoary , on extraordinary occasions, convene She Gentsrat AsSembly ; and in case of disagieement betwken the two houses, with 'respect to cue time uf adjournment, adiincn them to such time as he shall think ppoper, nut exceeding four months. srctlue XIII. Ile shill take care that the laws be Idthlully executed. . c. XIV. Irvel.e of the depth •,•• of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of Governor, until. another Governor shall be duly qualified ; but in such ease another Governor Owl. be chosen at the , nei t annual election of representa tives, unless such death, resignation or removal, shall occur within three calendar months immedi ately preceding sirrh next annual election, in which ease a Governor :ball be chosen at the second suc ceeding anauat'ekrtion of representatiees. And if the trial of a ConteSffid election shall continue longer than until the third Monday of January next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor of the last year dr the Speaker of the Senate who may be is the extpcise of; the executive authority, shall continue therein Until the determination of such contested election, and until a Governor shall be duly qualified as aforesaid. Section XV. TA'S Secretary of the Commonwealth shall keep a fair register of all the ;tat acts and proceedings of the Governor, and . s 1, when re quired, lay the sairre -and all Papers, minutes and snitchers relative !thereto, before either branch of the legislature, and shall perform such other duties as be enjoined him by law. . Section fn elictions by the citizens every White freeman of the ag of twenty-one years, having re sided in this statesme year,. and in the election dis trict where he crers tarot., ten days immediately preceding such +rims, and within tuns year. paid o State or County tax, which shall lame bees as sessed at least 470 pp Wore the election, shall enjoy the rights cf an ekktor. But a atizent of the United States who had ireviousliy been q qualified voter of this Stoic, and removed then/rain and returned, and who shall have raided' in the-election district, and paid tares as aforisald, shaUbeentilled to vote, after residing in the sale sit manthg,Pravided.that white freemen, citizens sy. the United Stales, between the ages of tiventy-o. ne and twenty-two years, and hav ing raided in thelState mw yew, and in the election district ten days !te nforesaid„ shall 'be entitled to tote, althlmgh they shall not,have.paid tarp. , .„ 1 Section - 11. All eletionesbilt be by ballot., lic- Cept those by pentons in their representative . capa- Cities, who shall-Tote viva voce. , . Section 111. Electors shall in all cases, except treason, felony, a4d breath or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest, during their .stbendanim on elections, audvin going to and returning from therm . f tARTIeLE Iv. Section k That Ho usti of R4resentatives aball have thesdle power cif latpohing. Section I. All imp-manlints shall be tried_by the Senate I when eating for that ptupose..the Senators shall be. Upon oath or affirmation", .1 10 .Pere: son shall tie convicted Without the concurrence pf: tWo-thirds of the paembets.ptesent. - - - Section 111. The Aovernor, dad. all :othitt civil Olnektk under 01141C411/001/Weilill, gabs " liable to impeachment futility misdammutonr.la ottlocl? but: judgment, in such shall go.gstend further than to removal -tram a and,rtisgrisbifseatkoht huld any office oil honour, ernst.or profitorudert panunotiwtalthc,trhe Partroscheithm: =Meted 411 ALMON, Sti D &e::-.4.ickled _Selman, No l• I fihed, No. I Mackerel; Bologna Swage Surltilenh•lieferlifrAdArr sale' by - • .4 MILLER & HA:3l4tittr r June 23 48 zAwrict.n in. MM:M -.; k• „ , . jegnhte , shalt Haredblible to Indictment, ttioWleginonts4b4oidobtottit , weocthog to lion • • :" ' ' ' : ' ''''OtTIME`V " . lettiorrt The jintritial passer or this .Common %Wealth-shall be vested • its -a - Supieme Court, in .Courts of 'Oyer and Temsbser `sod General .Xs il -De- Reny, inla Court-of Common Pleas„OrphaiseCourt„ Register's Court, and A Court of Quarter Sessions of-the Nice; forLOSCit 'et:Allan In Justices, of the Peatsosdissistch•other,Courts as the legislature may from time to time establish: , Section IL The fudges of the Su p reme Court, of 'the several Coyest of Cetitile-Pleas, and of such other-Courts of Record as-strew shall be established. biatuo, shalt be nossinated4y.the GOvernor,sad tti sad with the gum/a fibs Senate, appointed and coinsissioned hy host. - ' The judges,of the Supreme Court dial hold iNeir Ogres for the term of fifteen years it they than so long behave thenudass sod/. The pretident judges of the several Ono* if ' COMMOn ' Pleas and cgf such other. Courts if Record i n are or shall be established by law; and all Other judges re ' quired-to tss horned is the kw, shalt hold their offices far the-term of ten years if they shall so long behave themselves welt. .The, desocktte jus4 . irs of The courts qf Common Pleas/ha r l tokfltiti " es for the term -of fire years: fr hey ;ma sPionS*Pulve; them"' VCS . Well. But for any reasonable rause which shall not be sufficient ground of impeachment, the Governor may remove any of them on the address of two...thirds of each branch of the legishature., The judges of the Supreme Court and the , proidents of the mesa/ Courts of CrmanowiPteasehat afatated limes receive for their services .sta adequate cnnipensatiow to be . fixed by lam, which shall not be diminished daring ' their continuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold, any other office of profit under this Commonwealth. Section 111. Vaal otherwise directed by bur, the Courts afire:ninon Pleas shall continue as at prom, established.. Not more than five counties shall al any time be included in one judicial district orgrhsized • for said Courts. • Section IV. The jurisdiction of...the Supreme Court shall extend over the. State ; and the judges thereof, shall by virtue of their offices, be justice., of Irnr,and.Terminer ind Get:tarot Jail peli j . w r i , in, the etteeril counties." i 1 -4"- -• :tt 4 ' ~1 . ~. . Section V. The judges of the Conn of Coining? r Pleas, it :each county, shall by virtue of theu . offices, be justices of 'Oyer and Terminer and Gene ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and othei • offenders therein; anylwo of the said judges, - .lto president being one, shall be a quorum i but they shall not hold a court of oyer and territhier, or jail delivery, in any county, when the judges of the Supreme Court, or• any of them, shall tie sitting ••in ,the same county. • The party accused, as well as the Commonwealth, may; under such regulations a; shall,be prescribed by law, remove the indictment and proceedings, dr iI transeript thereof, into the Supreme Court. Section VI. The Supreme Court, hod the several courts of commute pleas,-shall, beside V: e 114, , V , ..% heretofore usually exercised by them, have the power of a court of Chancery, so far as relates ti the perpetuating of testimony, the Obtaining of evidence from places nut within the State, and the• care of the persdns and estates of those who are non compotes mentis. And the legislature shall rest in the said courts such other powers to grata relief ip equity, as shall be found neter,wy : and may, from time to time; enlarge or dimMieli thnee powers or vest them in such other courts as they shall judge proper, fur the due aJministrarion of justice. Section VII. The Judges of the court of common pleas of each county, any two of whoin shall be a quorum, shall compose the court of Quarter Se— shots of the peace, and orphans' court thereof ; am; the register of wills, together with the said judges, or any two of them, shall compose the register's court of each county. Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common shall, withib their respective counties, have ehire powers with the judges of the Supreme CAW et.,to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of the peace, and to cause their proceedings to be brought before them, and the like right and justice to be done. Section IX. The president of the court in each circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the court of. common pleas within thew respective counties, shall be justices, of - the peace, so fir as relates Co criminal mitten. Settles' X. ktegister'is'office r for the probate of wills and gratititig let Ithfilet" idirildhtsition, and an office. for the lecoldinefirdeeds emit be kept . in . „.. 1 eachosotiiity. ' --",.." ti• Sectioh XI. The style of all moos- s a ei4be " The Coirtmonaiealtkof Pennsyl ' i t', e rel cutions shall be carried on.in the;na e- berthe authority of tini . Commonwesiitth, of epiitsitle, 2 , ande:orteAude "against the ',saki *IVA Wilirthe same_" -- ARTICLE VI. Section I. Sheriffs and coroners *hall, it No three* and places of election of relfresentativesAe chosen by the citizens of each-county. One person shiitU be chosen,,fith bike, who shall be rotnnuA tiolied V the,-Trorertiox they shall hold their oor threniearsi;;lf Ibex shall to long behave themselves ai sor biL went anktinlill a. duly Cet . qualified; but no perioit shall .140. ce chnien or appointed sheriff, in any ten:knits. yi rs. ',Vacan cies In either of the laid Acti shall l be filled by as appointment,. to be made ..by ithe,Governor, t continue until the next general eleetlon, and until a successor shall be chosen and qualified as afore said. Section 11. The freemen of this; commonwealth shill be armed, organized and dismplinedjhr 'ham defence, when and in such manneras may be directed by law: Those. who conscientiously scruple to near arms, shall not be compelled to do so, but shall pay an equivalent for porional service. Election m. Prnthemotaries of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the said Court for the term of three years if they so long behare themselves well. Prothonotarus,and clerks of the several other xourts, Recorders of deeds, and Re gisters of wills, shall at the times and places of election of representatives, be elected by the quali fied electors of each county, or the districts over which the juriscrwtion of said courts extends, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. They shall-hold their offices for three years if Uuy shall so long behave themselves well. and until their successors shall be duty quaffed. The kgisla lure shall provide by law, the number of persons in each county who shall hold said qfficee, and how many and which of said officeraluill be held by one Pefson. ram/tries in any of the said of fices shall be filled by appointments to be made by the . Goveraar, to anclinive until the next gene ric! election, and until intecessors shall be elected and qualifiedds aforesaid. ' Section IV. Protlonotaries, cletics of the peace and orphans' courte,.recorders Of deeds, registers of wills, and sheittl — a, shall keep their offices in the county town Of .the county in which they, respec tively. shall be officers, unless when the Governor shall, foe Special reasons; dispense there With, for any term ant exceeding five years alter the county shall haie been exec*. Section V. ; All counialssiOns stall be in the name and Vibe suitharitiof the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, aniitieirealeii with the State seal, and sign ed by the Governor. , - Section VL d State Treasurer shall be elected annually, by joint vote of both branches of the legis lature. &akin -VIL-lustiees of the peace or aldermen shall koe deck& era..the teveral wards, boroughs; ane.totanthip at the time of the .elediros . of. bon stableslistilse-4Seabfied voters' thereof; in such itifiber at AO borm:beed4 taro; ancr 'Mali be eoplaiisilaruil by Me G avernor fora terra fire Year' ka-ab:knonaip, ward pr borough shag dud more Man two justices of Wm peace or alder men without the-assume ef a snajonly of the qua &fled iketors withirreuel township,.ward or bo- Jit s w • • YE11:".41oi whose a edion ar ;11)4 ..*O4W—ffiria tki‘eundiltfa" 4all be elected or appointed as shall belt cited Bow iissif*Osi . ArDSTliiiefavoYand for "ale a @lipid.) , of Bow iatrrow Liqoa. HAZZARD & STRAUCH. . • 7 • Tia 4 pirsein irhatt - De ;0 Sill& tiketly op: flee -within aririatW_y Who shrill'net Ease beena eifiten and an inhabdant therein one ear nett before his appoinfe*nt, if the county -shall hare beeriso kmg erected j but tf it shall not have been so :long ,ereeted, thMz within the limits of the catintrar counties Mit of which it shall hare been taken: . No mentberV Coriresa . frons this elate, or day person hokling or exercising any office or appointment of trait or profit under the United Slam shall at the same time hold or exercise any office in this state, ta which a salary, ii, or fees or perqtrisiter are by.ldw; annexed; and Me legisla ture may by Jourdellore - what State ekes ere in compatible. No meinber of the Senate or of the house of representallixo shall be appointed by the Governor to any ojfice during the term for which he shall hare been thcled. 'Section IX. All Vfieers for a term of years shall hold their offices frr the terms rapectively spftlfied, only on thk condition that they so long &have tbelgueives wield ; and Shall be removed on corwittion of misbehaviour in office or of airy in famouir trimr. ttVetion X. Any person who shall, offs" • the adoption of the amendments proposed by this Convention fo the Constitution, fight a guel or send a chalfrigre for that purpose, or be alder or abettor in fig:htinga duel, shall be deprived of the right of holding any etgice of honour or profit in this State, and shall be punished otherwme in such manner as is, or miry be prescribed by law ; but the executive may remit the said offence and all its diatuatfications. • ARTICLE VII Section I. The lel.rislature shall, as soon as con veniently may be, plovide by law, for the establish ment of schools throughout the Stale, is such manner that the pooi may be taught grltil. .Section LI. The arts and sciences . shall• be pro moted in one or inure seminaries of learning. Section 111. The. rights, privileges, immunitte, and estates of religious societies and corporate by dies, shall remain roi if the constitution of this State had nut tern altered or amended. Section IV. Thelegislature shell not enrest any corporate body or iralividual with the privilege oflakiug private property fur public use, without requiring such corporation or individual to make anopensation to the - inoners of said propesN, or give adequate security the n , before such pre laxly shall be taken. • . - A ItTICLE VII[ Members of the f;erkeral Assembly, and all offi cers, executive and 'judicial, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to stipport the constitution of tbti romm.nwealth and to nPi fin m th 9 duties of their respective offices with fidelity. ARTICLE IX That the ganeral,.great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognised and unaltetably established, WE DECLARE, THAT Section I. All men are born equally free and In dependent and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and de fending life and liberty, of acquit ing, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pur suing their own happiness. Section 11. All power is inherent in . the people, and all free governments are funded on their au thoi ity, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness ; For the advancement of these ends, they have, at all times. an um; lienal-le and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in such manner as they may think proper. ' Section LII. All men have a natural andindefea sible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can, of right, be compelled to' Attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any-ministry against his consent; no human authority can, many case whatever ; control or interfere with the rights of conscience ;. End no preference shall eve& be given, by law, to any religious establishment!' or modes of worship. Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be ing or a God and a future state of rewards and pu nishments, shall on account of his religious senti ments be disqualified to bold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth. Section V. Elections shall be free and equal. . Section VI. Trial by jury Wall be as heretofore, and the right thereof rentaiii inviolate. Section Vii. The printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the pro ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of to- veromentr And no law shall ever be made to re strain the tight thereof. The free communication of thoughts. and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man; and every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions fur the publication of papers investigating the official eouduct, of officetsoar men in a public capacity, or where' the matter phblished is proper for (labile in forniation, the truth thereof may be given in evi dence And in all. indictments rot. libels the jury shall have a right toidetermlne the law and thelacts, under•the direction of the-court,ss in other cases. Section VIII. The people - shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or things, shall issue, without describing them ss nearly as may be, nor without probable cause supported by oath or affirmation. bet criminal prosecutions, the ac cused bath a tight -to be heard by himself and his counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the ac cusation against him, to meet the witnesses fire to face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit nesses in his f.vour, and, in prosecutions by indict ment or inform dinn, a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the vicinage; he cannot be com pelled to give evidence agaiii‘t himself, nor can he be deprived of his. life, liberty, or property, unless by the judgment of his peers or the Liw of the land. ' Section X. No person shall, for any indictable offence, he proceeded :trains; criminally by infurna tit' in, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of wax or public dancer, or by leave of the court, for oppression and misdemeanour in office. Nu tierwm shall,-for the same offence, be twice put in jeopardy of life or Limb ; nor shall any min's pro perty be taken or applied to public use, without the consent of _his nuneseutatives, and without just compensation being made. Section XI. All courts shall he open, and every man for an injury done him in hid lands, goods, per son •or reputation, shall have remedy by the due course of law, and right and justice administered, without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought against the Commonwealth in such manner, in such courts, and-in such cases as the legislature may by law direct. Section XII. No, power of suspending laws shall be exercised, unless . hy the legial#ure, or its au thority. • Section XIII. Excessive hail shall not be re quired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pn nishmerits inflicted. Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable, by sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, when the proof is' evident or presumption great; and) the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases or rebellion or in mien, the public safety may require it. Section XV No commission of trver and Terminer or jail delivery shell be issued. Section XVI. The person of a debtor, where there if not strong presumption a.. fraud, shall not be continued in pra.son, after delivering up his estate for the field t. pf , 'his creditor", in, stick manner as shall be preicrihed bylaw. •• • Section XVII. No espastfacto taw, nor any law impairing contracts shallhe made. Section XVIII. tto 'person shall be attainted of treason or felony by the legislature. Section XIX. No attainder shall work corruption of blood, nor.exerpt during the life,of the Wender, forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the es tates_ orSuch petions as shall. destroy their own Uvs, shell descend -or mist as in case of natural wo-srting‘ LBS. BACON, just received end a"U" 1 - 1 I F ‘rfor side by the subscriber,' - J. CAKERN. 46. jone 16 * - Settion IV.' ' ' —era 'Assembly 'watch shut convene in Dectf nue . ' ber;eigliteen - htmdred and thirty. eight, shall con Oa session, as heretofore, not withstanding.th ,provisiou. In. the eleventh section of the first erne and stutil.Oall times be regarded as the first Getiara 4sisembly under the-amended Constitution. Section V. The Governor Who shall be elected in October, efeeis hundred and thitty-eight; shall be inaugurate on ; the third Tuesday to January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time the present exet4utive term is hereby extended. Section VI. The tominissions . of the judges of the Supreme C,outt, pho may be in office on the first day of Januarrnexti shall expire in the following man. ner: The commission which bears the 'earliest date shall expire on i.he first day of January, Anne. Do mini one %oust eight hundred alai' forty-two: the commission nex dated shall expire on the fi rst day of January-, An Domini one thousand eight hun dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of-January, Anne. Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight; The Commission next dated shall expire on the first day of Januad, Anho Domini one thousand eight hun dred and fiftyine; and the commission last dated shall expire on first day of Jahuary, Anno Do mini one thousind eight hundred and fifty-four. Section VII: The commissions of the President judges of the several -judicial districts and of the associate law kidges of thetrst judicial district shall expire as Collects: The commissions of one-half of those who shall have held their offices ten years or more at the adoption of the amendments to theenatti tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe bruary, one thohsand eight hundred and thirty-nine; the commissions of the other half of those who shall , hive held theiroffices ten yearsor more at the adop tion of the amendments to the constitution, shall expire on the tiventy-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; the firsthalf • to embrace those whole commissions shall bear the oldest date The commissions of all the remaining judges who shall not have held their offices fur ten years at the adoption. 4 the amendments to the con stitution shalt expire on the twenty-seventh day of February next 'after Ste end of ten years from the date of their commissions. ' Section VIII: The ftecorders of the several May ors' Courts, and other criminal roods in this Com monwealth, shall be (appointed for the same time, and in. the same manner, as the president judges of the several .judictal districts; of those now in office, the commission oldest In date shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight 'hundred and ffirty-one, and the others every two years thereafter, 2i:cording to their respective dates. Those 'eldest ip date expiring first. Section IX. The legislature at its first session un der the amended constitution, shall divide the other associate judges of the State into four classes. The commissions of those of the first class shall expire on the twentyfseventh day of February, eighteen hundred and forty ; o those of the second class on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun dred and fortyione ; bf those of the third class on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun-. dyed and forty-Iwo; rind of those of the fourth class on the twentyieventh day of February, eighteen hundred and forty-three. The said classes from the first to the fourth shall be arranged according to the seniority of the ..C0M114148i0113 tif the several judges. Section X. Prothonotaries,. clerks of the several courts (except of the 'Supreme Court) recorders of deeds and treaters of stills, shall be first elected under the amended Constitution, at the election of repre sentatives in the year eighteen hundred and thirty nine, in such manner as may be prescribed by, law. Section Xl. The acipointing . gower shall remain as heretofore, and all officers in the appointment of the death; and if any person shall be killed by casualty. there shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof. Section XX. The citizens have a right, in a peace able manner, to assemble together, for their common good, and to apply to 'guise invested with the powers of government .for redress of grievances, or other proper purposes, by petition, address or remon strance. Section XXI. The Tight of citizens to bear arms, in delence . of tbemseEves and the State, shall not be questioned. Section XXII. No .standing army shall, in time of peace, be kept up without the cortsent.of the Le gislature ; and the military shall, in all cases, and at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil power. Section XXIIL No soldier shall, in Time of peace, be quartered in anyhouse without the consent of the owner, nor in Mile of war, but in a manner 'to be prescribed by law. Section XXIV. The legislature shall ; not grant any title of nobility or hereditary distidiction, nor create any °thee the appointment to whips shall be for a longer term than during good behawour. Section XXIT. Emigration from the state shall not be prohibited. Section XXVI. To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, WE DECLARE, that every thing in this article is ex cepted out of 'file general powers of government, and shall fur ever remain inviolate. ARTICLE x. Ang amendment or amendments to this constitu tion may be proposed in the Senate or Rouse of Re presentatires, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House, such proposed amendnient or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereokand the Secretary qf the Commonwealth shall cause the same to be published three months before the next election, in at least ,one newspaper in every_ coma' g in which a newspaper shall be published; and if it the legislature neat afterwards chosen such pro posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed ta by a majority of , the members elected to each house, the Secretary Of the Commonwealth shall cause the same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and such proposed • amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people in.such manner and at such time, at least three mi;iiihs, after being so agreed to by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a majority of the qua_ lifted voters of this , Thiale toting thereon, sucherthend ment or amenitmentstshail become a part of the con. stitution ; but no amendment or amendments shall be sub m itted to the people oftener than once' in five years ; Provided, that - if more than one amendment be sit fitted, they shall be submitted in such manner and rm, that the people may rote for or against eachamendment separately and distinctly. . ISCHEIittE • That no inconvenience may arise from the altera tions and amendments in the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain= ed, That, Section I. All laws of this Commonwealth in force at'the time when the , said -alterations and • amend ments in the said Constitution shall take effect, and not inconsistont therewigind l all rights , adieus, prosecutions, claims, and tracts as well of indi viduals as of bathes corporate, 041 continue as if the said alterOlints said antealftukts• had not been made. Section 11. - The alterations'and amendments in the said Constitution shall take effect from the wit day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. Section 111.. The clauses, eeetirms, and erticles of the said Cons4tution, which remain unaltered, shall continue OS be construed and have effect as if the said Constitution had not been amended. exectiu.fr uetikirtmeist shall cuiiiinue in the exercise of the liutiet of their• respective offices until tht legislature shill pass such laws as may be required by the eighth :section of the sixth article of the amended conatitution„ and until appointments shall be made under Inch laws i unless their commissions shall be eltpurseded by new appointments, or shall sooner expiray their Own limitations, or the said offices shall nie vacant by death or resignation, and such lawn shell be enacted by the first legisla ture under the amended constitution. Section XII. ;The Suit election for .aldermen and justices of the peace shall be held in the year eight een hundred Land, forty, at the time fixed for the election of constables. The legislature- at its first Crab Cider. 3 F1111)51. tiluperior Clair Cider, received and for sale 1 .b7 MILLER & 114GGERTY. Pottsville, fly 11, 1838. 59 M=M=LM „ a Bession.rieltdett , -' - '..i. •,.... - i Pcto• • ;vide for t' the said irection.ittZfei au' -, -drenal election , - ` ‘- Vhei st * iderrant_indlttitiaLe Z imi P csl ln now in'commissk;eir eialmo.ltaiy iti sue be appointed, shall contutie to dise - lduties of their respectietkeiftleni-unaSheen'dn'tn/illic ttlti day whichshaltbe,fixed.bylVe -100*'.49Wil of new commissions,* the” efpirlitiOn pt.. liir•it Wok their commissions shall expirea . .. . ;•,' - la testimony that this 'foregdir t LiMeadad constitution of Pennsylvania - , 'to, in i ted convention, We the offleera - if the convention have hereunto signed - _ at Philailelpliii;.the twenty-second - dm 04 Fern air aryiAnno.Dominf cue thousandf • ht hundr ed ILIA' thirty-eight, and of the Ing e dfneiliAf the States of America the skitylisectiad ' '*- . max SEI‘GE.MO, Tresislesk Daniel Agnew, -• . Ezra S. thiyhdrst,i - .. 1 Wm. Ayres, , , Wm; Hays, , ' M. IV. Baldwin, Abm. Helffensreiri, Ephraim Banks, • M. Henderion . i John Y.'llarclay„ Wm. Henderson, ' Jacoh•Barridolar, Wm. theater, i. • ~.,,, Chas. A- Barnitz, m Willia H.4h L - 1 ' Andrew Bedford, Jos. tiopkinsoli,.,, , Thos. S. Bell, • John Houpt, , James Cornell Biddle, Jabez Hyde, #i Lebbeus L. BigeloW Charter Jared nem 1 Saml. C. Bonham, : Phs. Jenks, .r - • Chas. Brown, . George M. LK* 4 Jeremiah Brown, James Kean : y, Williamßrown, , Aaron Kerr, Pierce Butler, - Jos: Ko r Samuel Carey,. Jacob Krelasi . John Cummin, ' •H. G. Long, Thomas.S. Cunningham, David Lyons„ !' • Willlam'CurD,' Alex. Magee,l ; - W.m. Darlington, Joel K. Menai ,' deorgeChanabers,W. M. Meredttlho John Chandler, - James Merrill, ~ stns.ll- Chandler, Levi Merkel , ' Ch. Chauncey, Wm. L. Millet,. Nathaniel Clapp, James Mon tgqmegy James Clarke, . Christian liters,;,, John Clarke, D. Nevin ? ' ' William Clark, Waft Overfiel . , • . A. J. Cline, Hiram Payne, .. Lindley Coates, Matthias P,eo, ytaeker, , - R. E. Cochran, - ' James Porter . Thos. P. Cj,pe, ames hlar n Pinter, Joidina F. Cox, - . Sainl. A. Pueriariee Walter Craig, 8.C. , Reigarti .r , Richd. M. Crain, A. H. Kell ' Geo. T . Crawford, ' Geo. W. Rh r, Cornelius Crum, Jno. Ritter, Benjn. Martin, U. Gold li. rs, John L. hppi.' hen, . • . Samuel Roy tr • E. T. M'Dowell, • James M.f RM:sell, James M'Sherry, Daniel &legt, , Mark Dartah, John Mo - 11 eolt„ Harmer Denny, Tobias Sent , John Dickey, G: 'Seltzer, :... ' . Joshua Dickerson, Geo. Serrill,, , • .Jacob-Dillinger Henry Scheer, Jas. - Donagan, George Sbilleto, J. R. Donnell, Thomas It. Sill, ... Joseph M. Doran, Geo. Smith, t • James Dunlop, Wm. Smyth; - Thomas Earle, Joseph Sikivilly, D.- M. Family; ' Inn. B. Ste re, Roht..ElemitiV Jacob &him , - - Walter Foroiard; F.benezet Sturdevant ' John Foulkrod, Thomas Ta ' lb, Joseph Fry, Jr. MorganJ. Thomas, John Fuller, . James Tedd • Jan A. Gamble, Thomas We ivec, vec, William Geathart, Jacob B. W4dman, • David Gilmore, . R. G. Whit Virgil Grenell, Geo. W. Wopdward, ' William L. Harris, .R. Young, Thomas Hastings, 1 .; . (Attest,) S. &wen, Secretary. G. L. -F-Aus, ? Assistant S' retaries. • J. Wu.t.tasts,3 SECRETARY'S OFFICE,..; f - HAHRISIPURG, FEBEIPLILT 28, 1826.1 I certify,,that the foregoing is an Cart atd literal copy of "the Constitution of the Cam onWealth of Pennsylva ,ja as amended ' by the Con ntion of one thousand gbt ffi hUndred and thir ty ; ill; 1' vest -thirty eight," deposited in this o ffi ce on26th day of February, 1/338'; the amendments , beiiig in iita4c and the retained portions of the preterit Constitu tion in roman letter. , 1 -4 THG. H. BURROWES,4 `Sec'y of the' oh BOOK-BlNlit Fp BANNAN has conimencee al • lii.ok B cry in ennnectinn wiih his Wok Store, where elf kinds of Books will be hoUnd at the .hortestntitice at low rates. Blank Booksc. of every description made to order tit the lowest rates—and the trade supplied whol le at pale: delPhia prices. April 11 Leaden Pipes d, 111311 rains. n BANNAN has just received a,lotior Lead -11-"en Pipe, which - he will warrant to be of a -uperior quality, j, it and inch.. Also,Summer and Winter Hydrants. constructed of the best inaterhals,aß of which he will seß , eleiig. • . juue 13 • 1 4.5 11 . 1911, YEARS Old Monongahelale Whiskey, being the stock ola private G letnen..de. c•asefl, and sold by order of Exec ors, just re. ieived and for sale by HILLER & 'HAGGERTY. June 23 . 48 TARIJYAS For the instantaneous cu .of THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHABE t inr• This is to certify that 1 have tried vont Tapoy as Elixir in Several cases of Teeth Ache; in w Mat I have certainly found it of very great eereice. .1. B. ITAPVEY, Member of the Royal College ofr;Suigeoriir; London, Sept. 10,1830. ',I A friend stepped hi to say that bellied visited the Fire Bing this morning, and stitnessed>hia marvellous , cure of the Tooth Ache t i One little boY.in , particular,..ihnkmkee enom„eMnlh tothe a ten penny nail clear off, in ten ininotea smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pate...a 8. Gazette ,3 4- A frealt !apply of the above Elixir Orr/Niels. ed and for sale by B. 8 * Sole Agent for &buy ill only elf 1-4 Y July 13 Famely.Ribil4 FA MlL.'ir BIBLES, from ;lS to ST each part re ceived and Int sale lid . June II - '1 AAN. ik • ' •• .--- - giKritra tialei . 1 . .11Y Virttie of e writ of renditidni IS:panes. a-al issued oat of the Court Of Comilion Newel Schnyliiill County. 'and tome directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, on Monday klbei2oth day of Aognst next, at I l o'clock A. Al.. i , , t_the Room of Pelee Filbert, tillkeeKl. 41.1 a 1 i MONO A lf Pinekroim , • . ' '' 3 '' ' Allithid ce rtain 'lot of Ground. ' Xituate it. Vas Tulpeltocken Stunt and Raitiih - Perk' Iliad, , adjoining LandUf tbe Swatters COial; liartiy.kill it round. containg ring ante, strict oreinkii- Or leas, known as the Deborah Sp i *4 , 4:with the appertenartees late the eata I Hear/ W. ConTo . 4, .R.sin . ; -!- ' • • '-'' k' ' ' .'• - Besze4; taken tomiecutiOmmier • 6olii - 014.-by • ' •• - rerEft• P.; , Luitw ;littera!: Sheriff.% ' ol fice; -01101 4 1 't '. ' '‘ P r . - L burg. Aug. 4, 1838, $ • ,1 i ' 60-5 A FA ... 11 11