The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 11, 1838, Image 4

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'; } rWM BY A NSI,' ',
'NON ILE - I , IL ks.; I.
A.OBE. ~o EFFECT,—When a 50U811 and eel
earths r tnedy of diseases has lung been In gene
~. public, bestowing blessings anthreceiv.
MOV:4 Pt ittaar,Pely in the power of scepticism to
Mite vii
.ea. or ofenvyto deny them. ,
hop it. Achieved en ascendant career of utile
elle - Oh Afilltanees the ceumeution .di- mere
,I4"tension, and bas.secw-ed a con*picuotts
, 'bun iversal favor, by intrinsic worth alifiee,
priel May point out the causes of list superi
i y, . with lit mcurring the suspicion -tif Manliest'.
,'firiA . taring the comparison.
' hts!,:C MO rill.,c; and I , A %lILY ,APCIRIE , Nir
LS, factured to , Dr. -Williain Evana. at' OU
iatham street. do not require his ortilattation'iof
itr. acknowledged efficacy—for the mostietnioe s tit
.1, '*iiinir , ifiroqattout the United States will Remy,
... ed id, state the reasons which have induced
a :;ltonieorninend them . r extensively an d warmly
ibey,doi And those - reasons are. that these milt
i•.• medicines never terture even the inost del.cate
a eatitutiv-es, and have, in almost every individual
' se for which they are prescribed, a marked. an evi
-1 ut,a truly happy and permanent effii_aey l'11)91-
ti us. moreover, see that they era not offered to the
s blic north-any. quack theory of purifying the blood,
the otter destruction of the stomach and bowels.
P rify the blood from all diseased humors, they unde
a My do i but not by destroying those irtseera,,,by
Inch elope the blood can be sustained. rThey are
e wounded upon a theory which Kil pposee 2 stomach
t bet eery esseutial .agent to health; and food,well
d gaited , au be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
they fio not pun . ) , men to ghosza, and make them
1. ok like' beings too refined to remain lung an the;
erld; but they make them as human as poi:made, and
to ene.oenter the haidahips. 311 , 1 fulfil the 0ec0,,a.„
Pc one rife (sublunary itle. 'They do not muteatm
a t purgatory of this life, to ilre, , are men the ter
if r onothor. They proceed a. on the atorp4saintranai
rt a ildoodj muscles, nerves. orgina, excretory and se
• -• etory gird. mucuituaand te;uitteniary membranes
i ~negon brawn, of every human licihg ; rram,,de to
'• supplted with nrinri , hineut from as healthful a ate.
• ch 32 'tan be in ide and ke e l ; and Maur die (1.,ii:1- me
at unless the stnitioch and !v•weh a re in .4.(31t1 ender.
'. e blood end every other pan of the system will be in
And how is it ex:meted 'hat they will achure health
lithe stomach and bowels? Why by enatding the one
, o digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
er the: nutriment is eztr icied in connection with
temples of bile, and the foul humors ot the flood,
nous teetibraces,and atom ich. A nd they accom
"dish there great feats of med ICI ne In the Mist siiiip.e
watritmvinable. ThetArEldla: si r i- ASIILY tc „. FLLS.
, f the stoettach he affected with wind; bile. Or coated
, • we llections, clear it out, by a ha tura I bat a most in•
- *enable poritent act.on, and cleanse, the smile al,-
trientary emit. without rapine and leaven,; it aft free.
without debility. as nature ever desianed it tolae.—
They do hot take the skin off the stomach timid lio.t•els,
and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phy,
'Omani khow the siroii drastic pills Ali, ' NO they
take natdre kindly by the band wahine onistittig her
fingers. ,They cleanse every thing, with tut :nitrating
-or Injuring any thing.
When this is effected. as it usual yin by: the rine Of 3
elli Or .hle FAMILY A P i.: RI r:NT !'l l, 1.. f.. i hym come
a b
cele rated CA .1105IILli: or Tir Y. IC PILLS. te
itrengt n a mom ich mid bowels whichpie6ire. per
haps, ak• end foul becaeseL h
ey were weak. and
°dews ahem with strength to perform their limper-,
taut funetions. without the aid of physic, The t'A -_
9 , IOMILJE FW.VE.II, when Ott vailleite I , TIOC;p)..S
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged by ail phy
sicians, in every age, to he the be,t ve l etanlehonic
knownin the science firms:lime rhete is nitiiing
known to the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nothingthatts At imce so harmless arid 'o ei2ormisli
- kreatttifut, end in proof of thy the moorietor of thy
Ter:maned pills that are made from its purest particles'',
Might quote almost innumerable. 311thors,it.roth ancient
end modern, if his owe practice had not proved it to
t ens of thousands.
Theeffects of these pills are not milylpereeived in
aoMerlase of appetite and general ifireterth..but in
a sestorstion oldie body to that MU Verf . Bl ',lgor in all
ifs fanetions which indicates the. reins to perfectly
sound, health,—The face, and general! crimplezion,
speak volumes in their favor. and thoutaands,of fe
tnaleasan testtfatAbwrintich they have edintributed to
their ''nfort,their complezron. and their strength.
wherrievery other remedy hid proved 'Wairsethat, use
lees. • isttervous d.seasisb of all kinds. they are n• w
acknow'edged to be preeminent; grad , rally reaturing.
l angriest , of body and mild without tleise.,amiii . t.l.l.,e
and ceangei wish other nedvous renieth es ere stein 111WFAT'S i
_ _
.1 lieppy woulddt have been for malty yeena persOnS
of both Sexes who a'e now in the• :filmy 4 - egetzibie 'Lite Pills and Pike
! had learned to check the.'morbid of their nix Bitters.
stentvell and bowels by dress our,- Metes arid a,teri-
CLI- a CO NIT;t.VS l'.--All nations. BcTti the yew*. emit,* ing te eal , k rerried rs. i h•• tiam.,
1 of whieh are cone will. KO of thee lin"w test a 2-8, hav had ships. but relumbus dilly found
nothing.. That dreidful scourge C.) ill •,I trek) N,4 reit itie way to America Hafore the tittle ot the
might have beett`che,kea , r , .1,,,.„,v,,,e n ,,,,, eii ; an d, Ha v,gatirr,..eoide were end) enabled to
diaappointed of its rev. all over the imitl. if the fist eaddie 11'""'" the ah 'Tea. Jut' • with thOdre Med
-yr:Mame of nersourciebility hid Imein counteracted I icin.s I. to WI two short yeas s Inca Virg( vain.
by CAMOMILE chemically, nreparnil; and tho,v tired upon an teilitiown oceau.and I have ivicove, e a
, bowel comp! tots which Mut to a hiss :of fa:al mils . im. •r, c eu. illitect I was in see reh 01-11EALTIL
1 dies, might have b e en rut ~ v n e d by Oh t. time I
alealiiik , Vemeahle medicines were 'lidera] ktiown why is 1.c.m..
exteact rit rhediarb; se es A leniind iin : ,..h en t i n meite•al my search. but their use was not. By the
the %PE:R(I...N l' r' \ \IILY 1'11.1.a... lt,.fnre troth of ; use ,ir them, I have not enly passed,from the &levet,
these medicines, which are ad toted to%, a tnlj n rif, aI. the. hale hearty am stew. m it ref bu.on na s,
the purposes for a hundred otherk are nn 'N.C.:S. I but, coma r:ItiVtAV apetiking, I have rceewed my
manly iised. fever., ?gees, b 1.0 is ,I,rirde s. heada(tes, : reit h . I can thus, with Confidence In gni own exee..
faaAle debility, male decline, I ndweittnn. alto I,Ver nonce. advise with my ielloW citizens . Does the
vented/dm, %Muhl have •enttjatily d iSapiiea led. wit, re • reader w • tit proof that thi VEC ETABLE OFF, ad ED
anitritof them have pro..'? - 'tai . I ICI N lIS are ,iiitable to his own easel 1 Wave on file
- lEtithe it disdi-mly understood that tliese, , n efbe I nes ' ,
at my , RiFif 6,54 i; Sinai! wa v . but dreds of hitters, from
are not offered instead o f ti l ese iiaturall tireans of the some of than:ono re. iectatde citizens of thin. art Ha.
body winch other medicine' dispense With. in a very tine land. voluntarily •in testimony iof tbe vir.
Lamm ary Manner. Tl, e y are i,,,, n a, 4 “ ; ,on [teal .mil toes of A ( ;000 vi G ETA BU.: all:I rItINE.
linowlerlae. and not en it ke v. and do 'Mt take all the I I'vreons W 114 I.e , nnsututions have bee n Lom a ) , ru .
red l ee - tilts nut of the hum in 1/1 'unit lilll'h, the pre- inkidiy the -all infallible" mineral 'pre ', ratio., of
. fence Of 1, nrying at. I n prnefk,,,l . wh4clh ,lllfvren,c nI the day, will bear me wsiness. that the ihn Alan'
dgfeei let ahe fares and fe ~s ni. , at.saite be it testi- eines..ind such only.areahe true cause to:imminent!
*non!. They constitute a useful. ellpeqtal arid gene- good health. JOAN MOFFAT. ,
aally aonheable Claes of medir emit fee every family.
and being. bkili sonic alio a e e ri etit, efid el the beat , C,F:NF.RAI. REMARKS IfELATIVE !TO 1110 F
lareparationeewn. no person or Nelda shoold he I - 1 , a I"S LIFE PILLS AND I'IRENIX HITTERS.
without theta. They can be obtafilisi! le and i Thew inedicines have long been know.' anclappre
retail of the proprieter, le.. Wad EV A NS. New York, • ci o ' c ate , l t . , [or the . tr , ext t r'a he n a rat t inary andamouredihte poweas
- arida iiitt agents in towt, and tmeniiiv. with •direc- ring i . fec Ih. to persons suffermi nin ter
trivia foruart—They arri- idly super4m I•ne all other "
neatly, f.,,, eve ,a, kind every of sitsease, to s hich he !nitwit
remedies 'advert in the public pelno2, becattae they
kZound to belong to a very superior al , se of popular I r i g : many hi c Moreds of ce•lifictited inst nces,,they
seine. A tangle trial useally places them high in pre h ' •
have eve reseeed sufferers from tar, very veigeird an
rate estimation, as they are known to be in public i „ r o li n e ry zrBYe.afie: all the dereptiv e astrums of
preference, and in the opinion of physicians. i t he day had utterly failed; melte many thotaands they
Dr. WM. F.. 1/ a NS' OFFICE, N 4. i 9 !VORTIi
- -. , ..irorm e ' sines. -
ST. ['MLA DELPHI I A. whr4e his medicine
may be had. Dr. Wm Evans! Office,loo Chathatn
t : New York, where the Doctor may be consulted
•t/ usual. •
fntereCing Sslmon.Greeit at
above T - ard sa. Phdiadelphia, arilic4ed for several
yearn with the following distressing lanritons: Sick
ness at the stomach, headache, Marineau., palpitations
of the beam impaired appetite. sometimes acid and
potrecsent eructations, coldneas and weakness of the.
extremities. emaciation and general debility. disturbed
rest. a sense of pressure and weight ut Ibe anorriach
afterearr nightmare. great mental destind.aacy,
severe nyi g - pa Ina in die cheat,...imek and sides costive- v.l
ries% a is ilte for society, ar conversation. i n volumnty
Sighing ad 1 wce,ting languor and garionle upon the
leartAraereise .
Mr. Salmon had. applied to the '
eminent phyvi- ,
ciatut.Whe consideredit beyond the power of mob
tine to restore hint to hcaith ; hrkverier. to his alflie
ions had reduced hid' to a very deplorable condo tdn,
and having been recommenddd try a relative of his to
make trialor Dr. Wm. EVA NS' Medicine. he with
•-diffeculty repaired to the office and proen red a package.
to which, he says. he is indebted fqr his restoration :to
life. health and friends. He is now enjoying ad the
blessings of perfect health. Persons desirous' ,of
further i nformation, will be satiated with evert , parti
cular ofhisu.stoniehing tare at Dr. Wrtr. Evans' Medi
toil Oftces.loU Chatham at.. New IV etk and in Phil
adelphia. No. 19 NORTII Eictrrn
Snle Agent for SckeiylkillConetp
•PnturnSe, Nos. 25 1-1 1
WIMTPIIALTA. fIEVMS,-JA fear tilide •Mf
priMe Wevit.ha lie llama; pm sp exw r blip
fo family '43iitt received and for! vale h 4 •
Jo a a 4a
. • .
. • '.Nalhans-45; tea.
tItYEB For - sale at ;heir wholesale 40k...retail-Flank
lk? ly Grocery !More, Centre, 3 doors below lalaket •
atieet, a primp aaaortmentof freak Groceriewconliant
ink of
• Jaya. trio, Laguira.
St. Domingo anitiarnwn.o
N:Orieans, St. Croix. brown and /Sug ars
white IllavnanaJoaland lump
New Orleanar. West
and sugar house] M olassesa
. I inPftint, Gun Powder, Young I
Iffs on;Pouchoog.Orange ?cc-, Teas
co. S9uchnng and Bohea
• , Bakers. Chasea,Spaninh, Schmitz 2 Clineolits
ti Lieu's. and sweet spiced .•
' Prepared C. a tn. Cocoa shells
, Reading. Carice, Harvey. 1
John Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy. ISances
Canino soy and Curate'
_Gherkin, tomato. pepper.
Mixed;Ornon, Mangos, Pickles
LemOn and French
capres. Anchovies
Cayenne pepper. ',titmice and Ginger
•Cloires, Mace, Nutmegs and cassia '
Rice. flour 01 rice. starch
Currants. Vigs. [Limns. Pnines
Sweet and bitter almonds. citron
Olive Oil. wine bine rs. lemon syrup
Preset veil ginger. cheese, codfish
Herrinz. mackerel. salmon
White and colored was. ' , Perm t.c an di e
Moulded and dept tallow •
Palm. variegated brown and yellow soap
Old Niadetra, old port, claret 1 .
. Brown and pale ohm ry. t-tiamonigne Wines
Old hock. Lisbon. dry n t laa3 }in wood
Sweet mintage. muscatel itis bottle
Mallusev, marseilles,t Sicily Made,. J
Scotch:lrish intitioncal, e la corn wfdakey
Anntsette anniseed ar peppermint cordials
emmac. cbani •.e, Spanish it- can brandy
• Nolhnd A tor.Gin.N. E Rum
- Jamaica spirits
Kurt sup span. inferior do
ll.dr Spanish and corn:non Miran
c,,i &own and moulded gl Asa Ware
Citula and crockery
e If.
aIIIF.IISONB wishing ti engage paasitge fir
. 1 th. it Irtcnds, in first rate ships, from the a.
hove places, may now doss, by aisplyintr fo
For the accommodation of those rs rsona enga.
gi ississa L se for Ih,tr friends, Nhu may wish I'3
..end them p,oraey% t i enahh• them to prol7ide fur
thilvoyar,e, drafts, wt . ] be gtvco on the 011oceing tnerrlitints, viz:
F ir . W. Burnes, No. 3. W„..v.riion Roadl, Liver.
D nu. 1 Wright. k Co. No. 3, RohisisOn mt. eer
William Miley, No. '2.5. Edrrl Qnay,
may 136
'li 11 E b uh.eriher has nos- on hand at hos Short
. fish,' Storehouse on t.'.rnire and Rill Roar'
41..rcis; a full assortnariit of Goods; suitable for the
con: rrglon viz:
11,.ri Iron 01 assorted sizes,
.114nel arse fittrop do do
- ria,:l. nod [Wit. Rods do do
.Stecl, Itooirod & Squn re do do •
Nails and Spike* do do •
Coal Shovels do do •
hardware, a general anssOrtment.. ..
, All of which he•is selling at reduced prices.
in •11
e n
Cloths and Cassitheres.
pm.: So',scriber hail in Store s large and
A grneral etwort ment or Bit*, “Leie Brown,
Green, In% 1:.11.1e Green, drab and' mixt Cloths—
Also, Effuek, Blue. drab and mitt Cassimerel,,
which will iTh cold very Cheap.
4—Pdraville,ly 14, 1838. s—
. . .
. ~
have Minh -Cully seeltred tharrn.ilorin enjoyment of
health, without winch life itself is but a Fuirtial bless
ing. So great. iiiii ed. had their etricacy, ievarintife
and i-ifallibly ;wove& that it has appeared scarcely
leas than intraculous,to thoeir who were.° a cquainted
with the beautiful philoidaphiral prilli
rile; open
they are com,munded, and 'upon, Nth they
consequently act. It was to their mane and sensi
ble, acuon in purifying the springs and Ichatinehrof
life a nd enduing them; with renewed tone and vigor.
that they were indebted for their name, which was
bosomed upon them at the spontaneous; request of '
several individuals whose Ines die' y had obviously
The proprietors rejoice in the opponutlity afforded.
bq the universal diffusion of the daily prelim for plac
his VEGETAPLE LIFE PI LLS within the
knowledge a iulfeach of every individual ;in thecom
munity. lletiite the,host. of pernicious lipiackeries.'
which boast of vegetable ingredients, the -Life Pip e
are purely and sown V VAGISTA IMF, and cordate rel.
the, Mercury. Antimony.-Arsenic. nor any other
mineral. in any form whatever. They are entirely
cemposed efestrarts from rare and powerful plants,
the virtues of which, though long known to 'event'
Indian tribes. and recently to some etninient plasma
cantles' nnetanna, are altogether treknowe to the ignce
ranepretend ere to medical science; and were never
before; administered in so happily efficacious.* coin
Their firstoperation is to looser' from! thecoatsof
the stomach and bowels, the various imionlies and
crudities conirtantiv setting around that* and to nee
move the hardened forces wllicb collect'. m the-COD.
wiltitions nrthe small intestines Other medicines
only. partially Aeansethese.and leave Bei* collected
masse* behind; as to produce habitual cosdriniess..
with all its Min of evitkor sudden iliarrben, with its
imminent ilangeris; - This:eamis irell . Ithown to all
regular anattuunats.loi examine the hitinan bowels
adfc.dertlesidlintine the prejudice ortheiti well in.:
formed men 'against the quack medieinen orthiage.
The .ienOria !it'd of the' VEGETA:BM LIFE
..,..e. , ••••••
!It I as.ortment of Dry Gr4xii:'ltc. &a. all of
hcy 3re disposed tq sell on themost manna
' m.. fiends of Families and Tavern Keepers
'nit:Wady ,thvited to call.
age from England, Seal
land and Wales. •
PILLS is to lie; nil iliektine7l.ind the bladder.ert/ "-
by this means, the liver htt I the lungs. thelhenkhroi
action ofwhich entirely depends upon the regularity
of the inn, organs. The blotto. which !takes its
red color m the agency of the liver and the lungs
before it into- the heart, -being this purified 4
them a sou lied by food-tenting from a Clean
stomach t eon flab thrti#gh - the veld,. renews
every part if thee end triamphandyrnounts the
banner of health iathe blooming; cheek.
The following are atbong the dietreseing variety of
'homes dilemma, to whielvitte 'Vegetable Life Fills
are well known to be infallible.-- • i - •
DrspEpeha, by through], cleansing theand
-second stomachs , and creating a flow of re healthy
'bite. instead of the stale and acrid kind ; • hdeney.
Palpitation of the Heart, Loss!, Appdste, peart.ineen
and ileaduae. Reutlasness.ll . AnaYety, Lae
guor.andJUdaricholy which are the genera symptoms
of Dyspepsia. will vanish, as a natural con d ente of
its -cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the who e length
of the intestate; with a solvent process, and Without
violence ;'all violent names leave the bo'Weis costive
within two days. Diarrlim and Cholera, by remove
ing the sharp acrid fluids by which these corrineuits
' are occasioned, dby promoting the lubricative
secretion oft he gIEMIC membrane. Fevers,/ aff kinds.
I by restoring the blond t regular circulation. through
the process of perapirati in some eases, and the
ihroulgh solution of all in testmakOst embeds in others-
The w . f.: Pi Lis have been liiin to cure Rhea
matins[ permanently in three ifeeksknd Gout in half
that lime, by removing local inflammation Rom the
muscles and ligaments ca the joints. DrOrSiei of all
kinds, by freeing and
,strengthening the kidneys and
bladderythey operate most delightfully on these or
gans.and hence have-ever been found a certato reme
dy for the worst cases of GraveL Also ittrorms, by
dislodging tram the turnings of the bowels the slimy
matter- to which these Creatures sdhe e; Asthma and
CORMS relieving the air vessels af the lungs
from the mucus, which even slight colds Wont remov-
ed be omen hardened. and produces thoile dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Ulcers and inveterate Sores, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pdla give tp the blood
and all humors; Scortnate Eruptions. andt Bad Cam
perms,. by their altmattee effect urn vhf thirds than
inorhid,siate ni-svbich occasions all Ertl:else can.
plaints. :~slices. Cloudy and ether disagrCom
'dawns - The use of these Pills for a ver• sh e me.
me. j
will effect an entire cure of Sall rheum; Erys i
and .t sinking improvement in the CloOness the
skin Common Colds. and bithien= will always be
• cured by one dose. or by two even in. the Worst cases.
Piles—as a remedy for this most distressing and ob
sonata malady. the Vegetable Life Pine-deserves a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well'
known to hundreds in this city, that the, Proptietor
o f t h ese invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with
tli.s c..mplai et for upwards of thirty fitryews. and that
he riled in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the Muteria Medics. kle'however,
at length, tried the meditne which he now offers to
the nubile-. and he was cured in a very short Dart
after his recovery had been pronounced not only
improbable. but absolutely impossible, by any human
means. ,
- DI RE:MONS TOR USE--The.proprietors orate
Virtr seta Uri PILLS dpee not follow the base and
mOcenary practice of the quacks of tbeday. in-advise
tug personalo take his Pills in large quantities. No
prod medicine can possibly be so required. These
-Pills are to be taken at bed time every' night. for a
week or fortnight. secord,ng to the obsrmacy of the
disease. The usual dose is from 2to s...according to
the constitution of the person. Very delicate persons'
should begin with but two. and increase ks the nature
of the case marrequire:thotie more robukt. or of very
costive habit, may begin -with 3, and increase to 4. or
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a suffibiently -happy
change to guide the patient in their - fitrther use.
' , These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and vomry
ng, though very seldom, unless the stomach is vile
fool; this. howeher. may be considered a favorabe as die patient will find lumisf at once tit
hewed, and by perseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are (Ivry much , encumbered.
They-may be taken by the most delicate females on.
der any circumstances—lt is. however; reeommend
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy shuukl take
hot one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels
open: and even two may be taken where the patient
a very dqative. One pill_ in a 80(407 of two table
spoons full of water. may be given to a infant in the
followingdoies—s tea spoon fall every two hours till
it operates; for a child from -one to five years of age.
Ulla fromfive to ten. ode p4l.
TAP. PIKENIX BITTERS, are so Oalled.beeause
they-pm:sees the power of restoring the expiring em
bers of health: to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Phornix is said tribe restored to
life from the ashes °fits min dissolutiain. The Plue
nix Balers are eutitely vegetable. composed of root
found only in certain pare of the weptern country.
which will'intallibly cure FIVERS AND AGUES
of alrkinds ' • will never fail to eradicate entirely all
ties effeilts of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most
powerful peeper:roans ofSarsapantla. awl wul iMMP.
deftly cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE
-H ED; never fail in the sickness 1110c1CIti to young ,
females; and will he found a certain tremedy in all
cases of nervous debility mad weakness ' f themon am
pawed emir tuitions As is a remedy fbr Chrraiieend
Infitunatorij Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phreing
Bitters wall be.demonstrated by the use eft single'
bottle. 'The usual dose °Mese haters is half a wine
glass full. in water or wine, and this *entity may be
taken two or three times a day, about bairns, hour
before meals, or a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted *ph indigestion
alter meals, these Bitters will provq invaluable, as
they very greatly-increase the action qf the principal
Tracery, help them to erferm their funetions.and en
able the stomach to discharge into th bowels what
ever is oaisive. Thus andigestionis easily and
spekly removed. appetite restored. )and the mouths
t;if the at sairbent vessels being cleanied. nutrition is
fkeilatated. and strength of 'sody and - energy of mind
are the ha "lay mediae For fartheri lgarttebbirc of
TERS. nobly at Mr. Moffat's office. N 0.546 Brodway,.
New York. where the Pills can be Obtained for 25
cents. 50 cents, or 111 perbox ; and ifs , Bitters for el'
:or 32 per bottle. 10' Numerous ce lifreates of the
`wonderful efficacy ofboth. may be the re inspected.
fn some obstinate and complicated hetes of chronic
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Litre? Complaints.
' Weyer and Ague. Dyspepsia. Palsy. ries iteuryfrom
they've of mercury. quinine. and other diseaties of inif
standing. it may be necessary to its both the Lite
Pills and the Plume: Bitters, in the, dose blare re.
N. B —Theist-Pills and the Bitters. widget the
mercuryout oft he system mtimiely to ter lb the best
preadtratetaris ofSarsapartfia, and a ccstain re fm
the rushing of the Mood to the head. ea , an eioknt
rsomrk &Jenne:, &c.—A II persons who are privies
Posed torrpti*exy.petay, &c., should Dever be without
the LifePdhl or the Bitter*, for one dose in time will
save life. They equalizo the eireula4on id' the blood.
draw eft pressure from the bead. Oresptration. and
throw off eseryimpority try the parish of the akin.
For sale by • mtiLLEit & 14GGERTV,
• • Agents for the Proprietor. \
Pottsville, 26 t
OTd Grope Juice Port 'tai : e,
V ERY superior old grape joie! Port %Vine,
do • do Royalvorupirny do do
do du bottled i do do
Very superior do East Ineia Marini ' in wood
end bottles. Very suptrior old 131. Lobo and
Duff Gordon Co. Sherry wine 4 Pico Madeira,
Sicily Madeira, L. P. Tenerife, old Pale Lisbon,
dry-Ind sweet Malaga wines, ha &e. for sale by
aril 28 3 32
Religious W4Fks.
n BANNAN hos just receiv the following
-0 - 11 * religious works, London a d America ed
Won., which he offers for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermons. I yule.
Massillons' Sermons, .
Leland'a view of Deistical !Moro,
Sturtevant's Pgisaetier's Maolgial, 2 vole,"
Drew on:the Resurrection, I,
Drew on the Soul, i
Bridge's ma the Psalmcacn l
Faber on Infidelity, -
. .
James' Cbrisiion Prolbssor,
Prize Battey on_Reftgione Dassensionei
CbriatiatiFatber at Howie,
A Mother's Request, &c. itd,
• PeuirlCAßßalv 4--
Soirutg !Fluted 'Society.
THE Port Carbon, Saving Fund Society, is
now open everiilay from 9 tit, S o'clock at
the Office of Discount and Deposit, for the par..
pose of receiving-deposits to any amount not ex
ceeding $5 O O, from any one person, upon which
an interest of 4 pet pint will be paid otrevery
and upwards,lint no interest will be allowed on_
any fractional' parts ;Of ss.' The whale or any
part may be drawn out on givicg notice i law to
fivir weeks, 'vibe officii on giondays. - . The bd.
sines of the Society will be conducted by the
following officer. 40 managers, until the finit
Monday in May text.
President—:AQUlLA BOLTON.
, Samuel 3. Potts
E. S. Warne
- lease Turner
Joseph Carroll
Edward Hughes
Jacob Bull
L. Whitney, Secretary. and Treasurer
Article 3d bf the Charter. ••Nor emolument
whitsoever shall be received by the President
or ?Managers for their services. nor shall any
Manager become a born:wet from the institu
tion. oct 3 46tf
For the preonnion 4 cure
B P.e . ' of o C n oz a ka riio C m a l e d 5 , A s s:h i :7: f ,
..:* . ,4 , C . ' C
I fi r lid Blood. Dr of tie
Breast and Lungs, ikr:.pre
p ri,-... 0 pared ht, Dr.CLARKSOA
13E111dN, of the City
• ..........0 0 "
of Lancaster.
Accompanytng • each bottle of the Specifick,
pointing put in a, constncuous manner, all the
s ymptoms in the different stages of these dntres
sing diseasee--also particular 'directions respect
ring diet and regimen, and how patients are to.
conduct through every stage until health is re-
stored—for vain And useless would be the pre
Scriptions of the ablest physician., accompanied
with the most powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions are mot faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed that thedepositions of
287 persons have been taken before proper. au
thorities in the cit.) of Lancaster; all completely
oared in the most desperate cases of consump
tion, some of which are detailed in the bills ac
companying each bottle.
s u e A supply cif the above Specifies bits been
eccived and is for sale at thisoffice.
8223 M
''gymiin's Panacea.
Athe intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening,thet ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering-the blootkinore impure: and as thou
sands have destro y ed their comnitutuas by neglecting
to apply the propel reniedies—to such, Swalm's Pan
aceatni4 . ll be, and has been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain ant effectual meant of - restorag them
to perfect health atuivirr. Few 'families are whol.
ly exempt from scOrbutte affections, which exhibit via
nous symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and dejection, All arising from impure
blood. and if not properly attended to, produce the.
greatest injury to the constitutution. and may
parted to their ofFipring.. "Swaim 's Panacea is recom
mended at this viciviontriVe year, as a valuable resto
rative of the syateit, t hereby In via° ra tiag rite eonirlito-.
lion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summerveason. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood. diseased
liver, depraved appetite,orprediapositon to affections
of the lungs. No one, however. unadvised to use
it without convincing themselves of the truth iotwhat
is here stated.
This medicine is now used with success in sai parts
of the World, and is gaining great reputation in Eng.
A fresh lin pply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by B BANNAN.
~ Bole Agent for Schuylkilleounty.
, a t ocadsupply the above medicine wholesale to
them '••ii wish to sell again; et Philadelphia
4 :lice*
blay I.
Insurance Company.
AKE both • limited and perpetual insurances
vim on Brick. tStone or Frain& Buildings. Stores.
Hotels, Mina, Barns, Stables, Merchandise, Furni
ture and Property of every description,against loss
or damage by FIRE.
The Delswarb County Insurance company wd.
also insure against losa qn all kinds ofmarine risks
and, against the damage or loss upon t'be transporta•
don of goods„wires. and merc-sndise by water, or by
rail way, upon terms as favourable as .anz other in
For any further information on the subject ofin
surance. either against Fire. marine or inland risks.
Apply to 111 NRY G. ROBINSON. A r tot.
%t Schuylkill Haven.
A t Orwigsburg
july i 6 841ef
Fire liasnrance Company.
MAKE both Waited and oerpetual Insurances on
Brick, Stone. Or FilEMe Builaings,StorraJlotels
Mills. Barna; Stables, Merclumdize. Ferneure.and.
Pmpeny of everydescriptkia.against loosen dimage
he FIRE.
T subscriber bas been appointed Antler for the
'above mentioned lamination and Is now prepared to
make lamas aciss span every descnption of property
t the lowest races. BENJANDIBANNAISI.
Potisvilie,Feb:27. 4836. 15
The Philadelphia Fite
MAKE 'both limited and perpetual Insurrnees on
Vril . Black Spine or Frame 13td Idings.Siorea. Hotels,l
Mills. Barns. Stables. hlerchandiwa. Furniture, and',
of every description. against tam or damage
b VIRE. t.
The su bv e r t *, has been appoinied AGEKT for the
abate mentioned Institetion and is now prepared to
make Insultatrims opooevery description oferoperty
at the lowest rites., BEALIAggeg RA (Y AN.
Poturrille.Feb 25 1837 . I.
lam's ranacea.
a d % DOZEN Bwaines Panacea, lost recelit4
Ad"' ed fresh from the proprietor : Urniards of
Seventy -Five fresh
Bottles of this valuable
medicine irere sold last year. and. the demand it
increasing.. Fur sakrby The dozen. or single bottle.
Price S 2 per bottle, or . three bottles for $5 by
Bole Ageist for 13cbuflkill County.
Also Swahi's Vernsilbge.
41. -
Arm ViuM 40511014 TIIAT
D 1114. LEID.Y.9_I3
Sarsaparilla :Miami Pills.
Are Mescal ejecivalpurtiterophe Blqixl
and Animal Finida ikOf have ever
been descoverpi.
The Fallowing are some only of the
-Effected and heard from dans, the . ,peal 2'WO
..,• tPkitade/pAist.
Laidlrt SimPson, cored of violent, pa in in her head
and Wet wile auiChileiddineta ip which the "vas
autieet far three years. • I " ' •
Jowl Stocker, relieved froui=habitnal costiveness
and want of appeute, with otrcn.rve breath and bad
taste. .
Joseph Marlow, cured elan eleerated leg and arm.
Israel Jones. cured of I breaking out all over-his
whole body.
%Crab Jones, cured of pain in her breasts and sides
much .headactie and - sickness after eating,
al Them Mowbray„ cured of a Rheumatism, and
swe ling Mins legs and fnet.'having been unable to
wany distance for six months past.
Michael J. Roams. cured of swelling undcr his
arms and on his neck, with considerable, brksking
out on 'his body.
Elizabeth Crantner ' cured of - swelled breasts, pain
in her aide , constant disgust to fwd. and-much. sick
nesr at her Stomach. , •
- Jeffery Cline. cared of rheumatic paini and dwelled
joints. • - .
Samson G. Howard, cured of a tetter and rash, a
breaking out over his body, with some renning•aores
Rev. A Canby, Cured of an affection of his throat.
soreness and ulceration, which 'previously affected his
The following aresomeonly of.the large number of
cures effected in Bertis Montgomery, Schuylkill. Le
high. Lancaster, and Northampton counties. during
the past three mind's:
'Jones Green. Esq., cured of a scorbutic affection.
ulcerated leg,- swelled joints apd rheumatic pains.
Adam C. Ca-pemer, cured of violent pain in his
sidea , muchcostorenets, bad appetite aid a shortness
ot %math.
itachel Snyder, mired of a difficulty in tore thing.
habitual cogiveness and violent pains to her herd.
}lichee! Jones, his two daughters and oungest at n,
cured of a breaking out of dry and sometimes watery
pimples over their whole bodies, attended with great
itching, frequent unpleasant feelings in their heads,
sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart. &c.
This family was afflicted for years, and never found
relief from any medical treatment, or from any medt
cams, until using Dr..Leitly's Blood Pills and a wash
directed by Dr. Leidy. •
Sarah hlcluiosh, cured of violent pains in her back
aid loins. rheumatism, swelledyesintra, don-
Andrew Green, cured of griping pains, loss of ap
petite, disgust for food, and habitual costiveness •
Adam o,...Hinnis,cured of scaly ever/prima and break:
in out. sorehess and pain through he:bones.
Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and tetter.
Henry C. Ho. ney., Esq. cured of inward revery,
aorenees of his mouth, throat and nose, glandUlar awe!.
George Rieman. - cured of a memorial election and
violent rheumatic pains ochis head mei no es.
iloauthan Stroud, Isaac Colman and John G. Thom
-eon:cured of Tenons allectioni of the head. 'cos ire
dens. sour eroctations. sickness at the stdthach;&e.
• Sarah Jenkins, Alfred an. Tracy Jenkins, cured of
affections ofthe skin, breaking out, pains in their limbs,
. Numerous other instancesmight be published. but
to swell theism wo .14 unnecessarily increase the a
venge of pablishing them.
• It must be plainly seen 'frail the fore„oing, that the
Blood Pi lh arc an excellent corrective for a disordered
stomach. the cause - of dilemma to which the human
system is liable. togetharola the impurity of the blood.
which, exists in all diseases. and in conjunction , with
disoldered stomach; very rapidly proitratea the hir.
Men body.
' 'Vhese pills do not ridge Is powerfully as 'do most
0010 of the prated day. (which prodnce as much ous
daoasdideverwereury. or armloads. by weakening
the system,destroying the tone and vigor of the body,
and rendering it a prey to constant and uni.ersal
ease. distressed and bodily suffering) but are mild and
mild and gentle in their operation , and only increasing
the *word darehargeselganaly to cdrry of impuri
ties as they are by their use, not rendering
necelaary any restraint from occupation or business.
obangrof living or -diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their use.
The process for extracting the virtue of the Sarsapa
rilla without onstroying ita efficacy ,is known only to
the proprietor.
Plipared only and sold wholesale and retail. nt Dr.
Leidolleolth Dinticiriurw, 2nd St below Vine, No.
191.—Also Soklby B. BA NNAN,
June 9 44 ' •Pottaville.
Tirdaderful Cures.
*roe been perforatidin this city, and throUghout
he cannery.
BEING a concentrated Raid .extract of Sanutrarilla,
combined with other vegetable extracts, which mi
llers it as a 'medicine of great 'Utility in the cure of all
diseaseirarising from impurities ofthe blood, from im
prudences In life. and constitutional diseases formed
or produced by the injudicious use of mercury. are
wic. orquinine. in short, it is-an invaluable rem
edy rural!. -.
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, Ulcerous
sores. white -Swellings Diseases of the Liver and
skin.. Ulcerated Sore Throat, Ulcers-of the N ose, Co.
ries. or diseases oldie Bones; ScreTula,er
iril4F.rysipelas. or St. Anthony's Pre, Add all Unplear.
‘ant and dangerous affections consequent tp
Luca Venereal, &d &c.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of
;various &tears for which it is recommended. that It
is far stmercedin„ all other prepiratioes of Sariaparit.
P4nacea: die. ,
It is now etnpliyeti by numeron• physicians. and
'has been introducedliy, the n into many latplials,
firmaries &c lbrOughout the United States,'
It is a preparation of -greater strength (consequently . '
I ofgreater efficacy) than any other extract now made,
is also touch cheaper, being but one dollar per bottle.
;which is sufficient to make. one ealiOn of Syrup of .
Sarraparilla. and is bought by different druggists for
'that purpose.
Numeniuscertificines larebeen received and pub
lished from time io time, but in consequence of the
grew espouse attending'newsraper puhlicatinn of them
the most incredulous - tan be convincedtf the tromrum
efficacy of Dr isetely's Medicated Sarsaparilla, by
taUhtg at Dr. Leidy s- Health Emporium. No.- 101
north Second street, below Vine. sign of the Golden
.Eagle Set pente, whereeenificatesandrefenencee
can-be given to bundredsof instances of the moat re
mortable eaves ever performed by any medicine.
Sold by 'II..BANNAN.:PnursIII6
Jane 9
Wholesale'and Retail Hard-
•). ware• Store. .- •
'DOLT:OCR &WEAVER biie just received in ad
dition to their former stocker Hardware
Motisehole a nvils,spring key d vices, patent polished
wi t in
germ& plaits. wanted cast steel axes, broad axes,
nano ilialatcbets. ers,'Boattys & Mullins adzes
socket and firmer hisels...driwing knives , blacksmith
bellow& cut & * ttiaill,4.4a, 8&V in. cast spikes.
ilngle, - cut 'and dou leplane irons and planes , assorted
locks, Imelda , bi w 1 screws, round and square
bolts, steel,platediend iv . 41 squares,
All of w inch &reoffered onibe most accommodat
Mg tenns I FeblB 14
It '
ew Goods.
• •• -petal a . .: , • r
rand seasonal*
-.IA/ - Tzrio;;;;itred-com!liting ip parvot:
Ur" IGOOdly
Btackeiell )
Sail,- Philter, kc.
which will be eeld, , lewlerteeib., 4 1)it
price paid in easbAtill knideerpouitriproduce.
iii,OI3EPH iyaixg...eolorro
Moon% Cartop i Dpeg- •• sor,
ItiiiiiirdrlooolVlV6i .i P Dr.
L - eidi' , s ' SioOp
inllt or Bi
4 i 4.
-., rills
sold in rhlaaelphiaidin
4 q s- . ..::
- I
WU does *otiatat Me virtirekajkacti ine4 two disable
imPrx/ies , ithe B an'ilPrz4 ll .f '7 : - . ili - l. _
WeVEßlPtrian.womam and child rho reld; can
MU answer the above, as every nee4p. l 'i ikrongh
rfti the United Stateatont&insaccaints . .f F. hither- ,
k saletfiyael.ef,Eanapsrilla, its pirifying oi l
reinottinitfrdin Lie ka ft ans syst el aati ..,
Ask anylespectable physician Om nu_ si , vti 'if W.
bribe most Afteecitsislystitierrf tke.~ 1- 4 newt*
will be, : kattsar.uitl4l.a.. .. , . .. .
. , _
Suffice It to ily thii, 411 physician , timerAt ,
it so universally eddiberter cadence • tit ... iftflt
:Di Lilo, has diecovered s method . w eret4the
virtue of the Santarilla is obtained ina lily cob.,
centrattidform. et n such miiiitici' . toile' ake - mihr
theretrom, maker groyne: 'irt hie t . 84,, , ..„.
This cannot be - done 17 any other per ' e link
ces,s_is knoWn only tar Dr Leidy; and is envoy of
hp, Own. , 1 '.. -..,'
These Pills are offered to the - public bl, le ilkultor
1 „
. • DR. LF.IDVITie. i i .
compounded principally of Ssritapar . lall Stid 'nib
which is combined ingredients.(triendl torOisconsti
union) rendering them more •effectua Itii,p44.gently
is:alive. in theieeffeicts. thus' carrying off Corrupt hu
mors from.the Pygmy' very gradually.and diithout pro.
aucaig debility or any inconvenience. ITittio in NC .
6cient quantity.'howeier. they will poig 'llidely. and
may be employed or, given to the most ellcate. and
even to infants.. being a saf e . and truly . o , 'pu s . mfr.
fr rt d7v m.m . rtrizgo or: r f e i straint fron
om a Lvtditi.oligron
1 r
These pills have been pre eminently is utostul and
from theirconienient form, must , soon r later, take
the place of all the different prepriratio e'f.b.tarsitpa
nth*, such as Syrups. Demotions, Kin ctri,.ilc chick
are contained in &Wei!, lie* to he - I rid are in
convenient for Sakai or being cat'ried a
Theite'pills have. during the past two • *ars. been
amply tested. Newaparer advertising b Erg CO very
expensive. ample testimonial, from at 133 ' 11)11/1 physt.
clans and others accompa y the direct r , O .! •
They are particularly 'recommended in,41 . :
Rheumatic affections, v Dry and . .014fr pimple*
General Debility, - and pustid 41 the face
Ulcerous sores of th and body!, :1 . •
throat: nose and hotly. Scaly ettiptio 0, and blot.
Diseases of the Liver, ches of the kip,
Skin andl3ones.tTetter. Ring rms.- •
Pain over the region oftb IS.„rofula, ErySiPelaa. '
heart. breast. and st • aundice..lie iburn.
' mach. 'tomachco ghs. Liver
Pain of the sides. along complaints Ivraterbrash,
the back and spine,
Inivard fevers, foul breath,
s•bad taste in the mouth
Flatulency. went of app
Cite. costiveness. erampa
of the stomach, and in
and the whole train of dn
rity of the blood, as alr
ty m ..._ _,oa, as also constitutional ;teases pro ,
duced by the use of Balks:Quinine, Are a t act Mercury
or other Minerals. also in impendeniiiiis dffe,Syptd
lit, Liter, Venereal. tit:. 4c. r •
Pride 25 Cents a Box.
4tR :,_,
-Prepared only and sold Wholesale iiinetail at Dr.
Leidy 's Health Einporium. 2nd at: 'Weis:Vine, Arr.
191 -
.. lit
. [ ,
• Consumption. : p i
READER..if you hare a coagivorict ei t beware di
their. consequences. :Colds gen , I progress
imperceptibly. and insinuate themselre'd Ithroughodt
the human system,'finally. Settling upon *slung s aid
ending in 'iconsumpt ion. , i li ' r - ~
l ist
• A WORD TO . PAREN l'',
'Rd* Often Is youth cut down When 1 " expected
by the consumption, and fiilloWed lii i ' br i trairea by.
paretuswho are in a measure the cle ar eir prern
mitre death , in neglecting to remedy oitykNyben' exist
[ ing in childhood. looking upon them ,as i. fling affec-:
tiona, and not attracting their notice - until' eitertro3er
hos ,commeficed its work and modeirrita aiStilla•
Thuds nat.:Lilienthal representation, fori kg, minter-
ous instances. occur which prove the fitcri . .
InManbrind colds terminate in the ini.*; — "ltrtrielint' do
not progress no rapidly as In youth; - , itlitauld bow , '
ever. in both youth and manhood be rtar
attended us
and not regarded-as trifling affection . f ' i t l is a A..
rive idea that,-harxio doubt shorteneditheOlvesof them.
[ sands. ,' / [ ,
' (Price 50 rents per bottle. ~
lean invaluable preparation, •discoveleti la by a - *egoist
and celebrated.Cerman physician. who it emplo,led,
it upwards of 'fifty years . in hit own
_p a rtite in Ger-
Many, throughout which country it 1 a been during
that time Main extensively. and sum , pilly employed
in Coughs,tolds. brifluenzas.tauirrber,,A iithmas.Spit..
tine of Blood, Whooping Coughi, Paino ef" the Breast
and Sides. all affections of the Bteolt it ' d Lungs, and -
. --t- .
arnest of approaching consumption. I : 0 -
.Much may be said in praise of the it vonineflicine,
botnewspaper advert:sing being too e en i rve. every
satislactorrevidence wit' be fon . ICI its effects
upon trial. aswell as numerous rec ehdauona ac ,
compan,ing the directions. Uywa s el l 'ffxo bottles
I were sold in Philadelphia alone e "n the past win:.
ter, a convincing proof of ibretficacy,or iip lame a goon-
Vey would' never have been sold.. trhi above medb•
tines are prepared and sold only ai h' : 1
DR. :.11301e'S REALM lIIPORIUM. ~
Secon , belerto Vine at.
READER, did you eversee a t
und leorn•bis sufferings? if
he is a palm Ilia and Fbaetly le
apparently banging by a threw'
unluippy,tiii-sofferingif Elude-
Are rlirtuticl trdobled - tri
Sour eructations arising fry
want of appetite. Warr
mouth.orlool brealb.• F
mach, Sickricasallerez
once favorite dishes,
with anyofitbe forego'
the picture •ior-Ni Di
remedy the e.onsequi
• A never failingt
Aid the vihole'traie
eaeesefthe Liver.
The Shone medicine
or othenminerarprei
brely ofyegetables. safe
pleasant tO ihe taste. It
youncand old, requiring
diet only.
Rutrierobs testimonial
published; iterentnation
ment upon Its 'virtues is ,
.they incornatendations
round each bottle
ET' Price One Dol
Sold in Philadelphia
Dr. N. it-Leidy', 7
Vine St.—and by
May 5
, parghteed
-WM; ai
• ' "'Air
4uPe,P •
RAJ7.4*IZIRON . --AND 1.
2111 541 inches Railway Fl
2.11 y do ao d
1 -Str do Boilable for
All the Iron coianteraon
at ao angle of 45 degrees at t
Platt:soul Spilies to suit the
•'• A.&G.lLfaik
( ' tio.„ll3outtartmot - '
Phibilielphia; Much 15,1
, wt..,
Sour eruct4i. and add
• itietrof the ininnach,
Glandular ;• a relations. as
swelling arid, : hardening
oft he &dada totthe peek,
in the geoid i under the
arm,' end along the
opine, (he ti ea#l, &e.
.aces reaultingi tom hand
- - , ui! ti '
tat 1
1070 N.
mid Dyspeptic
iittee it to tsy
314 m, t. tus Ifs
creratde ssid
da -
ilec,nndlir ont
r /WPM&