~~• WEI I=E „ , V 11.,. i I ?MZI S PAY' X9RNi V,lkuistklets. Plea*. , Bills Ana ofinua t fiseivery - 6 'l 1 tlie town cesit ..-, Xoninmitten , orCoire . sinenlelee for iie 1 _Tonalities. _ • _ . : I. ._ • - Sininet D.iaib. - `Gedigefle , 1 litio Berner, . B lerniti Ban i *tithes' ISrßyrann, Jr. flatly :Sago , John T. Werner.. _ AnkewlEW 1 !-- •• •1 - - Sainuel ; Ha . • I '- et ;the Peopletj Hen that • on Voted anlhe Itenateella: ter 16 instruct Our Se send itepresettlatives V o s u s s to ki toje !trawl . . Treasury BUL • , LET THE rEor /E ---r t , . *lso Temember t 6 t DA. - . 111 D R. 1-011'11ER v ted in .the Senate last winter, , in fa.: vor of the qoveOnment ism.; jug Shin Pfasters-•-the only Irredeemable shin- - plasters lhat will-be in circulation in Ibis State, anerAhe 13th of August next., . : . 1 - . iltoW is your time for Stews. The -Nlitiers 4 Journal: will be 'i 111 it the election, nt the low ra - , Twenty-five Cea 1 Fo eaCk:ei.tbscrther—or 25 cell Iv rm. f 35 •-• • Notice to all iudebted to this. trbliih• *"- - viteat.--AW a would respectfully inform all indebted [Co this Establishment, that we are busily engnAed in making out their bills, 'which we bone they will he prepared to sucet promptly. We would sitso inform Them, , that - we made but few collections at the commencement - t he• present year, 'of last year's airearigeo, owing to the pressure of the times—in consequence of hich we are sorry to state,. that we our _saelves are now pressed. ; so that . we SiC iinder . the necessity of: requesting lain.. !Jailed to us, to.call and , pay their bills with as little delay at possible. Ckiir ciistant tfriends wilP please also to make their re itnittances without delay. - • ' ! A Collector will wail en those tesiding in this Borough. Now is your hint, Boys. . ',Another Proposition. The subscriber is now ready to receive ,i5OO sobscribers to the Weekly Miners' . Journal until the election, in this, atid the adjoining counties, on the foLloakingeoudi- Joseph*itner is Re-elected, we, will charge each subsciltheer2s cents. ' . If David - 11. Porter ip elected, shall have the paper for"nothing. 0::r Lithe Porter Erten are so sure .electing theircattlidate, they now have a chance of getting the 3uurnal for nothing until the election. • 'B. BANNAN. We'are aware {hat we owe an a • ~apology to our readers for cipdupying so , muc It of our columns with political patter, * - !iii the exelbsion of our usual tniscellane.' ous variety." Bet it will be admitted that' the political contest now waging, is by far thermost .-important which has occurred ; for many - years past, because the result is likely to he attended with consequences pregnant with - immense-good or evil to • - the ,whole country. . All eyes are now *bled On Rennsylvania, front every per. ''..'4iotscof the Union. Hence, the resift of - -'ber elections must be regarded as highly - influential on-the destinies of Mr Vah Bu ren. Eery possible effort is made by the Van Buren leaders at Washington, to se-:, cure her vote for the candidate, or' rather • the nominee of Mr. Van Buren. Travel ing agents, with iintne,cise sums of money, are commissioned to go about the country .and,uffer to goalie bett4. others to distribute' '.pamphlets and newspapers; and others to ' - hafangue the peope in bar rooms and at :public,meetiags., froM this, we see the importance with which our eltcrions are viewed by the Natibnal Administration.— . ',Now, in such a crisis, it behorives -every, tpublisher of a newspaper opposed to mis•- ~ inl;:and corruption, ant/ in favcrrofan hon:. ~ .est end independent Gairernor iii this State,. • t to'be at his post constantly, o ' the wateh ;Vier of Freedom. He , sh uld spread , i ibtiftistiihe people all the. evide sof the opnfiiness nod disqualification the - nom. .• mess of Mt. Van Bitretri . wbile. n the oth 'Cr Wind, heabould poi the pe le: iu. re* t -` ',Membrane° °film noblit aChie °meats of ....lbeir present Farmer govern ; aad if, in V 'doing so, he is obliged to oc upy. mare - space than usual , so ns'to encr ach oh his `miscellaneous variety, his read rs - will be - eduli,rent; because :they know he .is only doing h is duty. Besidea, tin* ill-re/nem ! bentliat the campaign Wiltotit Mal about .1 , 11 ,04- f irirt l o longer, after which the paper . pill t r eiMbie its ordinary course r , land,.fur, imisheyery variety of iqtelligence.- ; I Bithe. Aiffenn g ito bet slooo l agaimst 'lX:tutor-mai Fe •te.eteeteit B eri*etc - heir , v. 4 ' Ike Ritneepaperte iil,ttier W . ifOrealateAptituse tv,bira r e uA c 1 ilii o nmi n Porter Vim. - 1 ..I.lyriaretlil kern .Ikettk!rjes A Ora, .4,4q,istirret. _iltvotiftp:4;l: Mie 4 iiill'Oiunt?on)lliii intilrev'hil vi.-14.- -.1 ...4. - ." "‘, . - ."-" - -• I 11- ME .1 i -• l - I' 8,1838:. G. AUG ' iter,Sieneis k P ertic; -1 Ve - learofromi;joirney-..... 'earPen' 44:1 ,oshoixisitedtearly ill the reenter Shops in Philadelphia , in Marc of work,. St he Could natio' any-..and to employ ed in this -Borough. that he . f'" Heart T •all the **key men • Carpente were i n . 1 or - ollaoselltitibier. ' V ititis that iity-havili*en iloinbusige4 1 g- enough it a-Pipit:3E, who under thelit ' titgiving i ... 41 people 'Gild and Silver ,, ve robbed, , tt i , people 4alt-the Gold and 13 Iverin the - 0 utryi and,sibstiluted Shin la4erifor- I ' best currency in die bold nd whit ' , hr orsefheirkabe rdbinii tri - o WORE; v OW is thei only CAPITAL loluitlabor -1• ' man bait to trade on. .Th - stow de._' c{ re their "ieternmiationlo‘ tor ::those nt asures "which advances 't ifitereste and prosperity of the , coentry-r-measures Mbich Mill induco men of capi •I to build h'uses-•-in a word—they •inte.d to go for Ili TNS.R. -PROSPERITY , WORK. I isztriiir, putted al rioaib of ifiber Win- Mors Cow of the Sub- . The Porter Party in. their • , •tng strug. gibs bade - recommended two ~ ore State Conventions; dne to be - held at l •ading on; the 10th of ;September, •and . not her at 14ttabarg, en the same day. They will t i ;Ittith be failures. How can • hey expect tO get up C?reventions, •when they even ail ill County . Meetings. We 'would ~ 1. also advise 'the citizens of t towns in: Witich they Zssemble, to iner 'the Po-, lie during their sessions._ The tondect: 4tiie Porter Convention at Harrisburg; -t* should tbink, would render such , a step iiiteessafiy. : furnished e of S kee week • ~I.IITTSBURG CONNE; TION. The Democratic Conventin of Young 8 en, friendly to the 'election of Joseph itner, will a t itemble at Pittahurg on 'the of Septemberbeth Instead Jof the 12th; es published in the proceedings of the Cnnnty Meeting in the - last Jeurnal. .11 .i. The whnle West isin motirin, and there I no dou bt but that - the Cot errhon will much larger than the Y ung Men's, •convention et 'Reading, wh ki was, the' 1, nest Young Men's Convent n ever held tt the Tlpittni States. 4 . -- New Catholic Church. The new' 'Catholic Church in lilahantsl go 'street in this Borough is progressing ra idly tocom ruititio. It is one of :he 1. rgest sized :ldings ofihe 'kind in thisstate. , It is bat' ofstotte, v.:hich. is aupplieil by nor, ittouniains in q great abundan The ma-, Son-work appears to us to neat and substantial, :and the 1141 e of rchnecture i , of .the building is Gothic. I contains in (font 62 feet by 1:01 feet in de )h, 104,112 ikel in beighkinchidittg the,steeple. The steeple -will be b 7 feet in height from the base to the top of the cross, b' which it is in be surmounted. The building is flanked by towers surmounted with hattlement% the *hole presents an iinrising aspect, ;Ind reminding 'us ofthe maZinve edifices of thp middle -Ages: There will be a /lock - 1 in the steeple at the height of 80 feet frrm the paiement, which will be !bus visible, throughoul the town. The A ichiieci is Mr. Joseph* George. , a car. iientee by trade, but an jug( alone and I.ltilful, mechanic and architect. Doct. I.ltxtrilwitioirr, the Catholic Clergyman in dharge of the congregation, (which-is un. Usually large,) is entitled to much praise fOr his persevering efforts in i ce amain plii-Ninent 'of so extensive an dectaking. The 4 alkwited,_' vili fi ed, “IN ' t LVENT" Bank of the United &at ; —iatiet ibe Government had made em e ry , ”to dia pOse or the`Benda held by theat.Roita pot tion of the Stock of the late Ilinkltof the United States,—after they hatitiogied to the Agent pf. the "Money K ne, - En. rope,—=after! they had atteMOted ) iti form ti, cttitibi*ltiol tariState; Banks-, a nt Vie r: they Were...pill:sheSy:oA pp tor wide and yai Ndeiiicif V; Telt tr.); took k ~: m ter•band,. (andalas-re dy. to .lake-the tit 4) at par, and the, emtbled ' the di - ' 4dialiniis. 7:tpiivtiii4ita:eel:stitil;th::;, :nceir.l7°:44:4-14411":737:"18:14,er0nEeri-;p1;i:::1-1,;-7:iviltetiitie*ras:ii 41'..,:4''lltl:1'iltli''..m:Deln-li!Cllt*;,7:orelginnt-i:6P: it .... - lined icitrirlein fii4koiino -. ' ` T - ;! itt'the 1. k,,,, iiii o Vtestik:lolP,:** ;of 1 . .4- # 4, , ,,4 ...: ir it , Li. hj iti 4 . ,../ . 4 . - 4-, - '''t I . ,'-`• '• "^:";'',.,1 7 -7 , 1 1 . tiT..... ---*,;,... t :Li •_ r. . ~., . D., „a l : ~,,,, ...-.04-. , •=2,- •=E . .1.:-.:1 . ; is•tc+.7 ;-...7 '-:- ~,_ ' - ire men,, .11,8003 hat, t therilbr;l 1 ntin,!ose .tern:parl. te= he " e rs upal EMI = , MEE -PititeAti,'o ' ennurropnEn•Lossza, Esti. of Orwigs. burg,r goes out a pasienger irkhe Great Western next week s estined lfur Ireland, an business.. How came you to nomunate a man *with such' A L bad_ character as !hat of Da. 'tut it; Porter? said a Porter man to ancrth. - . Or leading Porter min In this 1 Doroug h.— Ohl ilever-i'mind : his character said the Porter' man, we nominated him ° because te minld not fi nd . any .gilled num better adapted to the interests of the pasty. Well, but I thought it was the interests of the country, and not the interests or the party, that We `went) for, said the other: but, as I find I ,at mistaken, I shall quit the, party, stud go fur the country. This is the situ ation of inany,boneet citizens, who, while they support • the party, fan themselves ilirpporting the coati:lvy- he interests of the Porter party are net lb interests of Pennsylvania, as every man who ender stands the views of that party now& A . if,e bad character of David Pater, , Ii no objection to lire as • cm d ilate, pro vider' be snits the interesuro titer Party. Comment is'unnecessare. • , I 4A--it , 4 ' 4k..V..19:4117; e:tta,A. MS i***.inoliseebeckii„im; the agioliV . alluOteOpiiiheiltiqta a- Na s thiftNreen iiiiiitikkethen4pwiiiht!4 out lona g iihiauto aPitist. them; .4. - - ,„ a _ [earn limn Porter mirs”.,:taat- GoiernoiltittisAwhile'ree4ntiy on tivisit to brother•in Cleurieliii County._ wee kressly insultod 'by 'two Vorter4nen. giaartli; Owthifiublia -Itikbaray; -;He med lately get,:sout leauiege, - add thoos both—and now some of that Porter, pl:! this up al a chairs against` Jain. - The Ibp6ple will all lenrg them-right.' Governor Kit. net can biat the ‘l2xxa any way4bey can • ' ilisiPierig Houses.—tluriog . , court - pod week,,; 'Samna' Biller, a negro, charged *ith keeping -a. diorderly house in the Borough of .Pottssi e,.was found guilty, end sentenced to e gear's' eon iftemeit at bard later by he Pettit - coda. Tv. We trope this will .prove to be a sal utary warning to all 'keepers or disorderly houses in this itoroogh. We learn that the Judge is determined to inflict the ftill 1 penalty `of the law on all such persons. wh -4 0 . may hereafter bs brought heforo him. Rebecca Butler, defighr of the shove named 8311i1141 Butler, fou nt guilty or lar. wog, was at the same tune} sentenced to one yecreit covfocaent in; he Pisnitentia -, fs - - , , . • . " The'PCnitmaitere . •neral.has discontitt ned'the Twine anil Wrapping paper Ages-, cies. These Agencies we re, created for the 'purpose of rewarding some of the faithftd; instead of permitting the Post Masters buying paper anal twine at first vela from the Stores in theineighborbood. i f i An Agency waszreated I nearly every . State.. Th e Agent's purr , sed the paper tied - twine far - them; then, at the lowest -rates added one hundred cent hi the price, and then sold it to the Government. We presume an empty Tueasury has.in _- duced the '- discon• thine the .Troubt learn frotri t the iat the Tioga col Buren men had . two candidates fay Cringressuli ti utt One 'faction, the . Stib•Treg ryites •nomin. ated the prevent incutnle44. W. Mor ris, for re-election. and the! Conservatives notninaterrWiniatot Wsliard, a conser native and.opitonent of the Outt-Trilasury, as their candidate. Slack -Transattions. Martha Van Buren;Pre4 dent of the U.- nitedStates, voted in the New York State Convention, which met in 1821 to re-mo del the Constitution, IN FAVOR of NE GRO SUFFRAGE. ' i Richard M. Johnson, Vibe President of the United States, has raiUed a family of Black children, and bought white hus bands for bis black daugh tem, by giving each about sto,oop. - David R. Porter had s paramour for a dumber of Years by the mitre of Rebecca Beatty,by Whom he had Oro children, a son and a daughter; andhe swears by the saarcher'of all hearts, t hat he, Torte; advised her to marry the aggro with whom she now - lives—and aßer she had done so, he, Porter,deserted her, without contribu ting onerieetoUitppcirt he children. Notiritbstatuling tbe a ve facts, the Porter papers are trinthroalty harping a- 1 bout Abolition and Anuilgamstion, and charging it on their op . , ... s. Oh Shamel where is .thy blush 1 . i Coate- up to (he eltal Porterites--if you dare.—Since thC Porer men are at tempting to deceive the G I rman Farmers by stating that Daild' R. 'Porter did not take. the benefit of the Ins#lvent laws, we are requested to offer a hot of $l l OOO l That David R. Porter diditake the gene. of the Insolvent Laws lin Huntingdon Cqunty. Also • ' sl l oool That David R. Porter wa l s , a prisoner in the jail of Huntingdon Connty. Estraeta from the Orati ; n delivered by JAMES-BUCHANAN - , tbe Wader of the Van Buten - Party in Peneuryivania, on the 4 ofinly,-11315, in Lanahunert kTb --- 'elleasoota . tke Adelinit seat &chit ed leaf sabot : manse/ea. ay wets oat sada aad with depriving It of t he o n of a Navy. bat tbey acted as tholgb tbaii had determined spas itsiaanibilatioo. - a . • 1 _ "IIME MIL NOT Ay r ..? W Mi To ENUITERATE ALL.TFIE ' welt ILD AND WICKED, PROMT6 OP . THE EU. °OVOID ADMINIBTRA i INN. 41! A(lu they had, by vermin United' States a tioatinuati emfieramed the -financial eon -. ment. - TELEX R ASHLYI PLO A WAIL'. • mGlisiloai if hie bilen,in the the Antiriean ehanteter bet eitreete. tea. Adeiboratrittea. _, - ..:TlkitAAK:thei. iii - Myen a. t: twe bitie ollain -060400041/ADITto DISC : AWOL AS tT IS; ',lll '' - e , mWeAetti - itee *rine: - Aytiirwir:moy w og r ud e " 0,44%4/ kilpites, het IP( AIM h al smyith i gtiwiok** All Moo winemis "Oil ' , Alf iiamilitm:PisTigiatfel it .7 .9' * !! frostjhhinsiiesit i . el(airrll44." --' • ,- . : ... themi /:)as serit, , hrFicli. blood 7.ionita. buil Wind 004 1101Al l iiitt ist be ii the !Older i if tie Van bum Jorty ..-,4ltif toe Seepatuylof '.;. /A HES BUCHANAN isalooilleterad; >s' of iiiii*slteicpirkiti- hi PO ite le!., ilisirartetitisliiiii34 , ii 1111 0: 7 've - liiicoite,t4t*ii ". '2 t . ^ :. -4:- , .. 1, ' ... - n-V5 :4"4 0*:44 , ge. *., 2 . 4 , .. .t., - ••43 rilaircOrreillitstibit*liiiikelh, ii .-- , i ..' .. 4 '+. ' . ' ' ... Dottarrositc7ol;o. 1838 . 1 'l, sin :viable iie preientin givi you. a'entrent: antimafia ealcalation ofabstecita, of thininabtrit but tiros. wits are curretiant with thipigitjes,44 Botlisiounty,stitethat Ritnet'a majority cannot liiiiiiiart , :oc4oo - c+l ti lsigiiieliz.s*6oo. thi linkinfq teau!.ilmni irf ealktrat Ailvtbetwnen 1. fiat-4nit nt . - g mit electioktherestill.bS it PuSild_.% ll 9 loo ii!,, l l l 4% inP4'!offsr"lmilla have, 4i N si? piste in favour 4 Zither since the lest elect • don, nag Germane h: the lappets:3d °Alm want ty are alliiiinfing out for Miner. Ortrrdamtia.Jitv2.s;lBsB.. 4a i-Adamitematy, Ritner's majority . l6lll3oi by lesii.thanlooo, and probably may reaehhom 141 :10-1,500.. dn'lll3llAt was about 200 Mai, ; W. act on the go-ahead princiile in th 4 . is county, The Sentinel, at the last election,anistliiin4a t i Oran' paper, and sines that tam sential as tn. 'men in,l'ennaylvania, haisitist.raised the Rita.* Butner. The fast is, the popolarity'of the Old ritmer hi tialleconnty is so - grear, digit *wee* :erel 11 *4 bikes-it* • 1, ? ''' : -i,. ~ i.%. 0 .k atr ia•llluit,Tuly 24,1838. 4 , • .t. r ill majority in Risyne county irf 1835 against , i Miner, was.6o3 votes---and at the ensuing elect tion, Porter cannot get a majority Ofmonr tha 300 yotes, if i.e gets that. If every county will do as well, and cut down the majority over hali , i *inter. mast be-re-elected by , a triumphant inii errit7- , 1. \ - *Glisint' tii' solo, Ja1i 4 29,,T898. In antiwar to yours, I will state for your infot: maim, that theznajority in Westmarelanteonotii• :against Ritner in 1835, was 131 votes:and at the " ensuing election, the majority against him can. not exceed 800. The changes are very . noinsi-, one in this county, and principally from",the Muhlenborg ranks, while we only know of 3 or 4' that have left us within the lest duce years. ' r Usioarrows, Fayette co. July 30.1838. The prospects for Ritner in this county at the Octsber Election liatattaring indeed. in /i385,' Wolf and ftlubleributes - majority over Ritner in this comity was 805 votes---and I am confident Porter 'cannot get a majority of more than 300, if he gets any at all. In ibis small , place. I can 'count between 40 and 50 who opposed. Ritner three years ago, whir will now support him. en 4 the change appears to be in the same ratio all, own , the county : Rest assured Fayette will do, 'bet dutY. Baoosarnas„ Jefferson co: Adg. I , 1838. I can assure jots that the good 'itaose is bright. enirg every day. .We have many importaid changes in Jefferson county in-tailor of onr Worthy: Governor, from the Wolf party. In this county in 1835, them, was a majority of 103 votes agaimit as, next October .there will be a mdjority for Trorganifor Ranee In the thrcitirmallcoonties of Jiffeirson, Warren and'McKele, will hexapod Or about 500 votes-and from thehesaoffiriliation can get !tither will have . a gain in ever county West of the mountains, which would be more thais roffirierit to elect him Governor; hid we look to our friends East of the mountains to swell that majority so-as to satisfy the Loco Taco party ; that the people are determined to put firm and their infamous measures (lowa, aye, and keep them down. The changes in this Senatorial district since 1835, arer very great in favor of the Farmer GO*. erne,. In•Cumherland, in 1835, there was a ma. jerky against Ritner of 881 —in Franklin a ma l . jority against him of 552=ind in.Adscias a rtisa jority Da him of only 200;7 In 1837,11 ad mejoratio: for the Whig - Senators was, to the coonty of Franklin, 235—And an the einanti of ; idams. , lo2 —and the Lotio *two majority in.,Cumberlar4l ea only 420, showing n gain 'hi that distriei siice . lB3s of 1510 voter": But there have been * great manyschairges since 1837, and the pin it the ensuing election for Joseph Miner in this Senatorial distriet alone, may be set down ai about WOO votes. The gain in Adams will be from 800 to 1000—in Franklin shoot 1100, end ig Cumberland between 5 and 600; Franklin will Ewe% majority of about 600 for Ritner—Adarril; from 1000 to 1500—end the majority in Clambei r land will not be more than 2or 300. ilus is Si cheering prospect, but ii is only evidence of that regeneration among the people which is_ evr* where exhilirated, - and which will soon overtiii i n the heavy oppression which the tyrant. et Waskr ington, have imposed en the country atrid people. • BRIBERY AN) COIIRDPIION. ;It, Loco ,Foco Despeildion. . Two respe4iable gentlemen of ...Butler county,. formerly !whinging to the Van Horan _ paity. ail: pert - that they have bliii Offered 'B5O • piece the loco foam , to support Hasid It Pe w ter.:' Th affidavit grease them appears in the Jut. Botlei IntaUfgeneer ' affirming the tact. This. le ,ime of the - Ways iner.hich 'ha expepsmor the &Merit Government have . beeir mertanad from thirteen afghans TO THIRTY:EIGHT ,MILLIONIti , slime 1828. The following is theaffeiatirellethid 1 i abetter - • • • ‘ ' -,-, "- :4 ''' i '' Lae° foto COritaribiiirtibid 1 .. „ ~ _ . ~ ~ people notrup or rdle. -- h We nnithei:j . ffiloWitigileni the'ttittle ; - la - At" g i ne bi,i .f , - •. -,, a . - , ..:::: : x:._ , -.. t -es . ; ,:s 1 r e , : , !"Mr. Iht*r-41avinkbeen valleitopomtolgivn wnteefii.6•Afe i• • ka.ti.V ••• eoltredieted hf :the ,editors of ,thil RePtwif•th In Om dome of DtP OO6 4: *icy; I dishitnotteftweil therefore. hereby eertlfsi that I have hietflifferad Fifty'Ddiaktr:iiiielit: her tf• the Porter , YounkflieWeenveitti**, condition that ~would vote and nee inyinfluemie ailt. David R. 1 Porter. thk Sob-Treasiey mind limn lii - Opfernor, I,risflitiedr:the bribe with disdain;lvi:rdidthe authored It: :`, i• - , ~. • - ~.* , . I .t. - .Rthipeititimy--j,iiii--_;.. , :. , ::...ES-- ..-2,' - e, - ',:! i: • ::11: - &-INTA DOER: irawbw winikevoteeihoixtene - Vin afford n finitti-thin ' , ratet - i:.lsidging•yrillts. the priUe . theyfoffidr; they - 1,,, r 410s itt 4 _want. of id IWthet VtarbitV.' , - r'l:;_l' - k-? ".-- .f« t - •'''. '''..._::'.. , 4;"."''':'- :: 3 Si4ai,. _ _. " -.1MPP1.0441- . • ..,... _ ifißew „' , .n.,.. flit ...._.l 04 4-tifii I'VA ~ 1 ' ' ' ' - . . ': :- •-•;-i- , 7 , ..4.1 1 '.0,c.- the Bank of the ef their charts; • ofthe Govern- GED CIS INTO e • filed degree. to 1 11 44 teeivi is the eximuu.iy., July 28,1R38. I'~F~~ latiad 1:1 eveTiviat t saga We, learn thit Maswell litiCithead. Esq.. Poet. 'Master at Itellovi - 'slirtrigi..Thintiogdon county; bas,beett remOvedfromtret resdersiwjet meiob2r"tliat bit: yaeurs in the seise prstii goon 4e. Totter., sag gave a certificate scone weak* mince no.enarii had beep made; Go thus talairying theAseertion of Porter end hut frieede. I ehc swift :*lord `ten. Imitsce a tits ?inkiest sfielmilklkitraarehniqtr hi. aieette AremorKindall, ltas !sited him rand', he has-fieen pesiehei for Os hommay_ s oc,fer se the hail& 6rolkileineritGireenment ecold reach hiin.: l Thri:tariirt Mid itimidene intsrtareMmt Van Soren, on Ode -arid Ottier occasion,, hi odr_ eitate,politicioriltrjOt edemas tkecause 'Ol tiffs . 0 14 F ti " : 441 1 .trr Iwe, Airs eridibit innorneil;thit in 'lli*: regh.ofitie+isr.-tbere 'mei leant mete.' per son" *in have.beretoGnempfeeed Jacob aline!. li t flint now dee re ibeOeleee. in'his Aver. The bider rocsliar 'lnoit'wently,deCeived.ibout.Baki 'conntir. , •The 'Eranistin kir •Vaetureniiiii bay , been t both uf his Toeke.—:Lebeeilie Covier. •Theteditorof.. the COurier ha* - made a mistake;• Thrielveele alro; ninetY•tems 1 .Changen freterWolfind Mithienberk-Could; be coentel - in the. Botoigh' iter Readittg.7±.' And as Porter is losing - CO(1 - 4*y; thechae:e' 'gest agliniehimletust:imilv` be upwards of one..itticired. 1 .'4'` We* tiled L',letiin - that the 1 -majority in .be-Biirimgfrof '. Readiii- for Porter, if- he receive* atiy,"' wiltbe' fiery. small. Reerdiect`titti, Pretlibilencrkal 1-Coutity wid , ..not , give . `over - otte Atitticeul, :majority for Porter. ''''' ' ' ''° .'' 7 . .-‘,tl;''. --'• i •.-,,„ . , • Tilt OLD PARMB R I lq VII& PI E Lb . , • The folkieringitalten iiiiin thcliiiHoman', 1 shows - thaf - Goi.i.Riiiter has noir:forgotten how to handle . a cradle, ecythi:ig rake; ahltetiliChek., lath' ilioC'Vlictniiiiini, -teen calledlroeilthit jthiiiih to goy.etniherstate. ' - - r 00gallailddlithAti: ' .: ' ' ' - iik - iiii* iitii:-I:ltiri lig thiitteserit lar vest; - 'ooW,tittreir 'visited' many cif . the -fieldi tildarn Orti finitittirions ~hibonst was. employed. - , In one, these 'were several Potter men; 'they rather insulted his Ex cellency, 6ered their Cradles, &c. calling him aTarin i;;and:Wishid to knoir wheth er he tike;:hitt hand in cutting down the' grain.* ,Old Jnii pulled' off" his' coat and jachet,.and thettael in 'fiir a through. The readmit:Ai erhisiiili Ave well . manned Cradles follt.iWing - : when The, party came up 'to the bottle The leader "halted. The Governne cries out-“ Nat Inrys We go another, through before we drink."--Tbc others citified on the joke. Before the, next through tiras,halfdone the leader gave : 'out, and Old' Joe (ouir Dutch Farmer, Governor) led thq patty round to the .but "de, 'whereldrreg'aled themselves and ex .-., , . , , pressed t :great slitisfactiun at . Waving the hanot toliandle'a Cradle -along side of the 1 GiweinCr'orPenuitylvania, although stig mithiedlry 'nine ps-a begat, nog.. PORTER'S- DEPLENSIDN. ' . We'areinfoniedtrain a source entitleq . to . ..credit, (hit goiter a short time since' " -went to the office of the . Huntingdon Ad sonata bribe 'phipose of having his " `nam e withdrawn es tit Candidito to Governor,_,. This was 'Merl some of the . recrt tinsel (Temente- had come MA, and he was, -ups;". t'in, hi -ups; ". but he'nia4 pniveinted . fro the ' aht .by hitt Olinda. : T,he Lilco gocb or; : gans attain!) - t4:trepy this !'act, "but we "ar e ' steered that it titicbc well ,estattliatied.4-: We Mire 1 itt'Peiter'will not . be; AllowedtO Withdiiii„,'is". w i feel - call* that. the Loco FoO,iis,elfiVrint obtain: *Maher candi date more iiiniiiiinifer or ttn;' Worthi i irititity . ,:lll . fAili iihorei, poty. *2 --1 1.4 0; 17 :C.T. e 4 e g".9 4 ' . • . ' . :11 .. • ',:44:II.II'NER POLE: '' _ - ~ iloylesto!tpt,, /is t ' Augtiii 1. 18. 4 1t1,—, Om Saturday evening last tfie Loco , Fu t cos of our B i birgb, _were throWn into ,a: consiaeraaegrei orszeiteMent on, the unexpeaed t :. erection of a RITNER, POLE, by tbellA RD WORKINGMEN of our, WWII+ he laboring_oliss of .1 our citizens • it,O ; ems have been ,degii!roye ,for. some timeiasi of _expressing their sent::. Tents -414 or.orfbe "OLI/. FARMER: OF • WAR INGTON ',COUNTY, and they bay* a :i.ejdingly hit open_ th.e.,49ve, excellentplant . , of erecting *fan white.pOirt : ir/aik (poOlYpele:bearince,:white can. ,vaai tlllit, i r i lAlie,..folliaring insetiptinn, in large -capital lett:ei-.0-- - AIII4IR 4 i FOR; RITNR.,4IIsiD.APEtigpAYSENTsi: ,ot' :Tilt ,44 01 1300,: C,iNlip Xugusi). -will IRltatil BER;ED At THE. 'POLLS ,O N TII E StCQN 4 TBE4 - pAY of " OCT iiEit: - Ntrr, .•ity r THE. WORKUStOr.AIEti. OF O'L D BLICKS"I't „:SiAnidliti,:'Weinriatti'Riiiiiiitili'ohn: sts , oy i gintsttitilitMitef'of thii - fate'rtehitleiit; ir& the'-foriniMit-ni'- iii(l*enei6iiiii:tilent of Vie li,dynMiteit tifhisasucamsior, 'in the Statist'? Ohiii,:hhe:relionnietthisliittei'pWt ltiebor (Of 2sni* iiiilly. It iliiipi:` ..ta 'rb#liiiiii*ifiliikigitr, 7 iiii radii upisti'Whieb to 4i - 11g a hope' that” Mr. Vin 'Buren will ever' thatitti bitlAilityi Ile has . bee* - ikrsied Min linsiviStinid. gehiiiiiiiiiiim: ii*redilidliiiiiiiiiiilied, but to no piiiiibsPi 11A"WikifOlved;to sink or swim wittriky! Ssibtitite inersirklY . ,stotwithitanding !heir -ejection by Congress; =and the isinsprri: , iiebritkint ottliti - pCopleWhicif:the)/evis 'litiiiiV"-We cannot in . Witii-bitiiii - i:We cannot longer ', oppose o !!,,, l f in .l ii : l ift' - ' 4 . go' fOethb itihn::" go - oppoekton'to'. 21. forMeN"-.'wOuld - bi - neuttalikedlir;ttsh t ibli , -' 'twitof . !Oetlitter'''' N i * l6 :4 3 r . `liiilelifiti: balk long bewail 7! i 'Pbsiiii.dirr thikkliiife! -.' _-- '. . '-• "- : , 2;44.41;e: Bakii,botll4.llloilailk7:ri I 'sittings; I ime tiA11444104, lie f Ar. , ' AA* * ithisrvadl " lllloll4 I : . '**VY ' ll'il4it ' ' ' l'ilaaltai“Valif.'" - imam IMO Id* -10ref* ~ ,i 0,4'1:.-1-:i* • ' PI! rAri• 'Fri4o- i'4 r'ole . " ar a , a , ~, ElEl BUI . . .---;„::,..21.7,,,,, ,-Tis•4 ,541‘ 1 1-t . a Winan s I ii tW.Flin . InKirena ~gos,-* Jotqlloreace r; ' - .' . ike.i'r,t*k - ijr4i;Cai'tnt- ' ''-..iiiiiivas fi n . 'fliiiiii:*oo, -- OC , • - 604 ,1 ***.of,'H ont i ng. - 4142!0 - o(eii - Airbit - tclic, 0 xotiest n e t ih . ' •biti'ooeitalifit;4ol-pa . *4l a Ril e ei tt e 4 igni4,!'thettividencel'oFT . . _ rs: insoint. ley -- lialibme4l—"l e fit''_ . -4 that it ' the . :P.Tier 'who *kale; ! , _, ip. trai l iiiii(m i /I'l o l ,F u nttli•PlT , 1 -- ,' r , 'lliT',.rito':litie Ili*: piy,,l 'i 7 , rt'A',.- -P : N - Yl_ t irrilEt. l .THE c. .into RAs. - CA:LTRAZCIXRAT ' MIT OF ~• i a , TH,E,:letr17110::::: . ~, EVENTy r i GcillitiOV,- WOO ''l thL - NEvErt i i ‘r.crrEi ORRI'MP&— i, „....4t, - *01.1:1 a 1 •• , of Porter'. r',: . aiihoneerwrillei'eiliel 'tallit* every . .. ~ Fiiiiiii4FifiltStat t•'..trc ! ':. 1 . • i„:,-. , Yh w i fibrairelki! 'o,!iiitter. iellt Gazette, ha s ihefullavi9g,plaAal _P: . ..!;•.-"rill.Wart' ii.",,toovp .11 Xi all oakefr o •'• ...1 .4, .`l,tik#oo,o•••siStigi'''i It , ,.. t aihltitner, GM • i f ..ini'9l,..,aft:'.t.ntinailiatiet. ~ . ,when a I ! , • itinitaCcest tatJac .' My ` Att indepew ent.'farnie r•of- Cia .h J erla• neat; Pen t . ''' nill.. .:. • -. t•- : -7- I ! i-.....Vitiefig . .Csiiibiti '.—f o<. *Virgin, she, ' icies t wcimatit 1'111110.140i , , h Ore, she is r eihemek - ico4o• to liMl fe ..- ..., wit,' and m it 1 . hei : Sci f i o nin the *04411d .. ad Pathetic or i Mir; ;: eeil . ,*(iiroithre jettheir obedience, if, dwi t 3 ':iiiii I kg*t i !firho . .St iii;tpir -4 _!..'hi the io n , . ' iiihrei.Aoritto pretend, etty , i co#olii ',tells in ' libell'reetilved Dee to:igen:lh house till he rip • , teittiMiiiit. - I and . icriordieo *lee up • Wen t Mid=rematos there :Or hi — V i h,emie fie comm *wormier •iviowijlinglYi to ••beL.:Vied; or tb bogie& hinOirtillitlit. • '' '' . ..A:Sifetad boy.—su!igc T. traoiliin g In mot 1 the Northern iionntilmet af,bo, with shorn ', - Mitered - hiliiimaierril on,-ad riOe much awed. f ;with Vie ihrewdeesie '".•thii , . 4.-.. arapaqw. la ; • ielifiliniciper*he.4 taatiz4-4 le tried VIA : wow' -: li t . !), hitiitateitalitile,l, ad.* aennued done .1 o*deit he litsdolit,like, to bee gyeator. "Arr. j eciver,?`' &id the Itre i . r by an emit,. I ‘ ll 4*-9 6 J‘MPI!i'd tii 'Vs. _ mealy our he 'trite act h t ite „Ones fathers miliWai-ileoutorike have !(ea 'Mr tomb* i A II 7pi K 1 , Thaw leliers,,iwil _Wllishow the, ACPse.lllO 01. Jos: , o I'swarce of . tlierabowe riiidlw . .. i'his-idlution" will be?` Wile iiiirtliciier 160'10 7rheli?llpwl9g tsttbe•r colol i83 . 1/which ««emu kb ; - • ; ri • ,W 6 H.L , sc , twyljaltlialtei c File!fem4org , -,1 4Fig, Sithaalling% ,lif4hantiuw), Pio,e_ErQires «33 . • ' 4 . g ‘ t: P 1 0. 11 ° 1 04 1. - 4 S ChgI .Y4 I kiRI• %. ' 1, 4 1 rur..P r k y* I T P Y 11 ..44 - F ... 8 .0 4 ;:: ; 4. ft 1 44 . :1:101P1/1"1.-4W i 4„.1) 1. 44 4 ' 44, '')VEJ Governor tit ectioy(Wiji i C, • . t t'. lal c&evinla ;2. ; ;.1 $6l Pieerevey„ , lfried.cnsburir - trete,*Statirikinreirl ltni olop. 18 1 ; • 4 , r r•- , ifiriicroltte , ' • Tciiparboi4 - 5 *.** 1, 4 2 kZ1 teheylkitkir Area..] 1 7-r...:+.-A • : 4 - 883:: .-`z• • - - 4, 1 2q,'; AKA RI -Voir S • in'of , Pottivillitti 1.1 A:scrota era, Potp •••itisaoe'Society; will{ be bell El IDDL O. k i heir- p arid a' CM diiod i efur -J . 0' 4' '-- -' 4 -0 5 ; .S 4 • . :‘,... : , e, - .-439 ~ 8: , - :47-118 .-, 4 4 ' '..t - 0: -- - 438 '--. 81' :4:if . 414 -44;411-',;, 63 1 . 0....fr-,105 ~!..: ...i.t . : • - 08 1 1 - - ' 53 - .f , ,.0.0. .'''' 41 ~".i.4 : .5i , .:. 49 ,:,, it ~ i'' 90 1i.„''f;.4.4: 37 I ': v. 1..,116*,... m r, 1 , , ,:-." .: 31'' . CZE rvec.: - 1# 24 ,V 1272 te* for - 21 1 W7 1 1 145 119 ; 48 lter * • I4' I . 1' ' ,:41 lb- :t 0 1.:1-: ~....2 8 , • i -z" • ..,.. •: , ,I , ...1,...1-410":4-45. 'Rev Wm.- iiZttii Miss Ira 'Mr . it Bf.A*ll4. MI ce-- 14kb 9.1 d pip ;i f the apt •C'4l4. o Represa f*totoce 10' rmAimuce: 311., MIME SEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers