The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 04, 1838, Image 4

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. --:--- - 7
•,,,,,,,,,„,*,,,,,;•..-- i••..a...., •
„R... 4 .1 )
, , --0 A.
s'iliti-.. by
'doubt its
,-, fulems ' whic
,biptstful met : ,
, ,sta#43o :in eat
." ite . preppeter i
'iirity; withqg
11Mge,iii itistit
'• ••, - The • Crkh 1
.4 , EILLS. Man I
,- Chatham et
tliir tackle)
riVis • ''
' V 1 1 0044
- ' - 'tli ' - titireco
. asAthey
,40, ,
- - riiwitS iiStdtel
' aage,ror *hi
dep • ~,,,
Mine. moreo
Tic upon
' to ilie otter
- '- P ' thigh
cu 14 do ;
w 'c - alone
di ;Melds ix!!
' T ley do no
holt like ti ,
w irld; but II
fit to eneour
trona of a sr
kit purple
, fiw another.]
t4e blood,, r
etory plan
b nes and
1.) :applied
mirk as ea/
'that airless
the blood a
i And how
ito the stom
tb digest foi
Fer the n
e sarplul
(Mous m
lish these
Way iiingii
Vhe stem
illyee d
`bey do rt
. ' ad leave
n s c T s • 1
r injurm
When t
Few of ih
'she teleb
!hap*, wea
Je oduwa
; MOM( LI.
!are chemi
!mums, iii
j known ill
i k.iiktvii in
might till
. an mod
r tamp( th
an increat
- ,
ra,n tto the 111cie .a.
i,..Wali.: ElireA*B- 1 - 1
- ''''ErFEarvithen. ItiOnad and
edy mf diseases , has. longihetso in g .
abb '
e bestowing bleseinte,searceel
• , g4 /1 19 1 . - / in th e power orilloopticisin.
s. or OteiTiy to deny the b*
achieved'au aseentlantil.ateer of
distances: the mimpititroli • of
-nation: ardhassecured i Col2lllplall
i erek raver, by ;gannet 'worth
~E,4 point out the cal lof ite sit
a incurring the Ivepicio . ofilieldso
tingthe coMparreon.l ' • - '
thetured liy , Dr. Willielans,-at l
, do nut i require his Oplartatkut
!edged efficacy—for the) poste
roughout the United' S es will
state the reasons whie have hale
, , Mend them so extensiv ' y and w
And those reasons ere. hattheiejui
i , ell 'never iffiare even th lactilidelie4
r and 'have4 in almost aftery individ
- • they are prescribed, a ;narked. an •
; ppy and permament e cy. Ph
i r, 'see that they are n t offered to
ny 4uack theory of purr ' g the hi.
rc ;a
. estruCtion of the sto ch and bow
od from alt diseased hurdent,they
• t Ant by' destroying those viscera,
..the blood can. be suatahlieff. They
upcin a theory whichstipPoies a sto ~
I essential agent to health,Vand -food,
' a:valuable friend to fleSh antibl.
w . purify men to ghosts, and make t
mg! too refined to retnldn-long in
ey - thake them as human its possible,
ter the hardships, and Ildfil the , ...-
'denary life. • They do pbt make a
y of this life, to prepartLmen the f •
. Therproceed a; on tltd supposition
useles. nerves, organs. e4cretory an
mucuous and tegunientitry memb
rains.i of every human being requ
I with nourishment from as healthful
.be made and kept ; and upon the doe i
ithe stomach and bowels ate in good 0
d _very other part of the Illyspea will
I t
is it expected that they will secure It
I chard bovrelst Why hyMnabling the
ii, end the other to carry off- what i
utrifrient is extracted. in bonnection
lcof bile, and the foul huniqrs Ofthe b 1
mbrates, and stomach... And they ac
t greht feats of medicine infthe most in
i able. The A PE,RIEN•f PANIILY Pll
i hbe affected with w i nd. bile,tir r
I slur it out, by a naturld but a !no
!vent action, and cleanse, the .whol '
nal without griping. audit-caving its
bait', as nature ever designed it to
t it take the skin off the stomach sad
hem like . a piece of red velvet, as al
1 w 'the strong drastic pills do t but
• kindly bythe hand withbut erushin
;hey cleanse every thing, Without im i
iaally thing. '"
is is effected, as it urinary is by them e ofa
• atod CAMOMILE or ',IONIC PIL '. to
a stomach, and bowels which befoiper
i and fliul because they. were wee „ and
am with strength to perfarea their it por
nit- without the aid of physic- Thd rA
, FLOWER, when Its valuable prinleiples
i Ilv extracted . is acknowledged by all phy-'
ii every age, to be the bed vegeta tonic
the science of medmine-There is n thing
i l lt a .hillyeigetable kingdom of tiaturet o
.. s al it;
tls at tnee so harmless and so la g peel;
and in proof of this the, propriethr f thy
itpills that are made from its purest particles:
to almost innumerable authors, both ancient
n, if his own practice hail not proved it to
t usands.
eof these pills awl not lite! y peree itee
e of appetite and general streng th,'
v '
. . -_
a restorat 11 2 1
n oldie', body to that universal v' ;
its functi fis which indicates the return to
sound h 16—The face, and general 'corn
speak v canes in their favor, and thousands I
males can testify how much they MOM contri
! their conifort, their complexion, d their
when err ryptherrensedy had prov td worse th
less. In ervous diseases, of all kinds, they
acknowl dged to be preeminent ; gradually
-; firmness r - body and mind. without those an
I and cha es which other nervous remedies°
I happy nuld it have' been for many young
1 otbotb xes who are Cow inihq 'pent gray
had learn . to check the morLd tepdencies
; stomac hfin d bowels - by these pumitonies an
f ente.vrit out resorting to quack reteedies. t -
of whi rye concealed, and Of viihich th
I nothing. ! 'Dist dreadful E m il ie Orptsum
might ha re . 1 been checked in 'ts ceinmencerm
disappointed of iti prey, all over the land, if
sr / stoma tit t nervous debility had been cone
by tAIV 0 MI LI.I chemically prepared; an
bowel co ;dainty which lead to a host of fat
dies, mi ht 'have been obviated by' that fine
extswet I rhubarb; which is a leading in
the; APB . - II k:NT FAMILY PILL* Befu
1 . theie - m i ines, which are adapted to a m
• • thepiwp sea for which., hundred others are
airily - es fevers. agnesrbilioug dittoniers. he
female d bdity,-mile decline , indigestion. a
menplait would have entirely !disappea
runny of hem' have proved fatal. '' ",
Bit be it diaditctly understood that these nv
, am are ered instead of these natural ergar
.../ body wli hlothcr medicines disperme with.
i t
summa •mminer. They are fouittledupen
kitowled edand not quackery, and :do not tat
'red part' let out of the human blued under
tairccrOf Arying it: In proof of 'Which duff
effeek," t e faces mid forma .of i gucAts I
inany.l. 4 .I) constitute a useful: ectuaL
rallyn bin clank 'of me.rlicineri for eve
atnA.toido ' tit tonic ono aperielit, and ui
promos o known, no person - our family sl
srithr ' he . They can be obtained wholt
i ror-
g , . 1
without , ..ty can be °M at, A !... _
retail bfatelproprietor, Dr. WM EVANS.N w York.
and of b s agents in town and country. •,• direc
tions for unit.—They are rapidly soperceding , - 11 other
remedief ve
rtised in the public Prints. • - use:they
arefettnB t belong to a 'very superior chino popitar•
medicine. singletrial usually plaom. them . : h inkri.
rate lw. ‘ Talion. as they are knoWn to be public
t #
and in the opinion ofplosician
• DC.' 11 . EVANS' OFFICEO,' No. 19 011T11
ElGnr - . PIIILADEEPHIA.ithere his edicine
niay be • Dr.. Wm Evans! Office ,100 halbert'
street.S pi York,where the Dotter Maybe . . t.#l
az usual. '' 1 . 1 t.
k • ' 4, and IirPOCIAONDRI
~ ing Pam.—Mr. William Salmon
i d at, Philadelphia. ctell . r.:
he following distretailitaymptci ,
'atomach, headache. di*ness. .
4t. impaired appetite, heineetimee I
t : =does, coldness Ited wean'
I-- emaciation and genettltjebnity. ,
. eof pressure and weight at till]
, g. nightmare, great mental d.-.
e lain r it i i iv n t i r ty.o
chest, r
co ion
ba nmsst liapdaid:
ro i - ,
Li; weeping-languor ail, laaattide
WI '
years wit.
• nese at t
of the
, - -- putrecse
a:tie - mini •
rest, a, -
after •ea ~
severe! •
ners„a ,
lean eze
hir.• - •
clans, at ,1
tine to
ions had
Sind ha
-make tri
to which
on had applied to the,mostemin
considered .it beyoadijhe pow
• re tint to health ; tiOrever. u
ced him to a yerideplerable
been kcatementled hie: tel e :li
f Dr- WM: Ie,VA.NSTiMed
trod tolls office and ;primu
H says...he is hadebted i fer hi. •,"
andthends.. liniriaow ehjo
perkct health. rnut d
tmationewillte sada isith
astonishing curt' at'D
-100 Chatham st..NeOrk t
'll:l9Nofrril ER=
• • '.. Sole Agent foricchaylkill
Nov. 25
I_ _ • •
further ti
eels: n I
adelphin I
Sun] .1
PtIATAA fiAMS44—?‘ . few
ine W.enpbalia Ilan* -put og
iklei received and fir Side by
I • _ • !II
fur f
. 4 :::.,, k.A.:' , 3M.2.
- 'l .
_ , ,
. , r .111a l titlns4SPI...--.1.
ita r mst.
' itint- ZiWillieli-Waiiota4retaii run
____.) ..Cash:o..34o*
__, . iukM
IFF•r4;I4O-400 mmOsloffresh Grocerunt
1.--. .bi l / 4 4 wr.- 0 1...a.ri L.e... :v. 4....40-.1, - . '",,,:.... ~: .. . 1.-.. :
i • Yava, Ma, myna. 1 c o ffee ' '
a St. Dorpingto/u4 banned, _
r- .
,11:*eans, 84 Crass broWn MI 'sugars
0 whim/lavas • loaijan ? d lamp -
4 - ~: .
414 . 11 r W l* "
0 I n andmi y no os e'
111 1 /1003.101:0 'Foram; Young} - V.'
0 Hymn, P szOmage Pem. Teas - I• -
44 : :- - allaibillim. .
i. Ch i t i rlanisk &Wilda i ch ow til e •
s. & oggs. sweet spiced. s ,_ ,
Pregared CI I*.Cocoa ishadlts • '''.' il
7 Raman. Haney. 1
)0 , - - Johi Who, bater.Ancbovy.. Sauces..
or ' Campin soy COrrie , , - .. 1
ut . Gh kin. T io4pepper.}
11. MZl,Onio '. Mango*, .. Beidei !
ad Leinon and tench. .
ay .. Olive*. ca luichoyies ' ' 1
. _
h. _ Carnmape .allspimmilid Chiller' " I
Ito' :' Cloves, Ma image and mai* ' ' •-
kal 'Rim. Hour film: stuck -
VI. Ctin Magog /tibiae. Prunes 1
tai. sweet and lose almonds. citron ' i .
be , ' 01400 ii. wipe bism it
rs.lemosynap t •
ode Preseised in TeNcheese,cddli — sh I
as. flailing, met salmon -
de. White and lored w asolPenajCuidie I
by VI" Madded d' tallow - ---I -
are Palm.'vari ridlirown (may ow soap i
keb . Old Maki :0111Porr. claret _1
rell Brown lug eshiery.champaigne Wows
1..-, Old hock. bonp.dry wimp . in Wood
aeet malaga, muicatel 7
his Irnsev.7Maillea ill Sicily Mader.
Mur Acti.lris , Monongaheta & com whis
i Pa- AMnimette. nniaded & pepperinintcordialts
tlO- Cciguac. ckuinipagne, Spanish 4. coon bniady
mei Holland & kom.Gin, N. E.. .Rtim i
'which tbp,
ble terths•
ere pitric.
`Passage from England, Ireland,
' /and and Wales.
'. gitSONS vrishing to eceie pringte for
11 1 "
IL _ their Iriecuis, in frit.' rataships; from the a.
bove places, mar now do so, by applying td
• %V lit HAGGERT'VI,
Cer.treSts'eet. •
• For the accommodation of those persomi . enga•
ging, passage for their friends, who may lamb to
send them money, to enable them to provide foe
the voyage„ drafts will be gtven on the following
named merchants,
P. W. Byrom', Nq. 3, Waterloo Road, !Liver.
pool; Daniel Wright,..- Co. No. 3, Robinsod ',Lee
Glasgots; William Miley, No. 25, Eden Quay,
Dehl'rnw . may. 6 416
Cloths and Cassimer s.
Tr HE SubseViber has in Store e' and
AL general am ortment of Blue, Black,' pawn,
Greco, Invisible Green, drab and mist WM.—
Also. Black, Blue, drab and mist mires,
which will be sold very Cheap.
Pottsville, July 14, 1838. • 54
'IN El E subscriber has now on band at la Store
and, Store:bowie on Cigars and Ra Roae
strectsisaull asetkrtment of Goods, Boilable for the
coal rcsir viz :
Bars-Iron qt• assorted sizes, . • t •
Band' and-Hoop do,. I
Nails and i Fpikeßodade- i da
Stool" Round &Square-do do , • •
' Nails and, Spikes do ; do .
CORI Shovels do do .• . 1 -•;
, • Hardware. 4- Onentl asssortmenl.
All Of whichle ti .se4LW/La4 r.edooad Prices.
Jan 13 2' J CLAY4FON.
• MO,FFAT*-. -
VegOtable Lift Pilliraild fite7
i 'nil Bittift. - - ! •
04rieNTRAST.—All undoes,. frc4e IRMO.
testa hard bad @hips, but Colum timed
out ,t ei, way to America. Before the time of the
lien Spanish navigamr,pedide were only *fled to
paddlehbout the shores. Just so with thc TeMed.
icinea .1 It is but two short years since 1 net e'en
lured upon an unknown ocean. and I have Mscovered
the oremous object I was in search of-111 EALT.O.
Vegetable medictneitarmitiodeed linowewheratiert
menced my March. hut _their use was not. By the
use of a hem. I have rib:Only pitied Dottrel= dejected
invalid is the bale hearty and active man'et al pineasi
but. c mpatatively apeaking, I bate rim my
youth. 1 rcan thus. with confidence* =Yount eerie
nence,, advise with my iellow citizens res the
reader ;want proofthat theVEGKTABLE LI EMED
WINES are suitable= his own easel. 1I( e milk
at my, idfice.346 Broadyay. hundiedson ea, from
dome ilf the Most ' i.,pectatdecitirend of th s my na
tire laid, voluntarily :olferedint testimen fthe vir
Perris *liege constitutions have been t 'ratty eta
ined b the - all infallible" mineral' pr,epa ' tie 'a
the da .: will _hear me witness. thatthe 'Neill
eines. pod such only. arethe true cense= rmanet
good health. i JOHN AI AT. '
Thesemedicines bane kmpbani,knowu indeppre
Mated for theirextrierdinary and immedia . -powers
of restoring perfect health, to persons Radar
. every kind of minute, to wig*, . .
(camels liable.
In Many himdredit of certificated debt' " '''', they'
Gave #ve rescued sufferers from thievery Min of an
u tll iiir e l w t; l 2:4 l ,:s c tl y" - - (b ey
hate 'neatly redthatunitor= en tof
heel ; 'mho= ilk life *telt iabut a , bias*
lag. So 'Oat. In . • innithhit efficeo.7, innabl_'•
and infallibly proved, .that it has apPea - -fiandaal
Jen than miritisulous to those who were ' Waled
with the bitantifidpmpophical_. plinfii lea :s
which they ate . ..Tie nriedmid opine hieh
=mitt...di act - t .w.aa to OSir 11 14" 1
bk. ectioli nd ifturifying the springy and of
lifit akd e g them venh rent:sired - tone and vigor,
that they we indebted for theitynone, *kb was
bestowed upon them at thamewitnneami.yequeet of
eerreral individuals whose Bre6
4 ,7)0' obviously
"IVO- .1 • • •
-- The pretidetors =jolt** the o— t h eded
'•- univer=l dilinsion - of the der '' for pin
-mg h is VEORTJABWUFE - P 1 illahhe'ilia
Imo" ed
. ger t tr ar niai e
.' individnid jet they:lm
munity. ike 'the host =joule quackeries
.lehich boast • vegetable in` ienta the Lire Pills
are porelpitid sour . , van= mr. and lontaineid
ther Miami ~. nollmokt. 4 ia•-aar 10- '--
malraPni L. 'Tainflana 2 Thei amen
composed 4) WM* et and, powthritil plamm,
the` noes' Vilic-It t h iiat Itioierti_
..,.ler, lei 1 , ,
Ind' =ibid. ind teceinyto some ',intended Phnom- ,
ce • thernizta. sirealtogethirimknown *thereto:l
AIM, , maio.lizeihked atiencmend Were never
bar° laflan in 1 40 lial4iill=an aanW
r terad
. . ..,_ . ~. „.-,..,,i.,
re• leas
eier • opemiloolalolin*W mat" 041,0iiiiiZeiii*Porowhie , 'te=ite.
... mac and ArliWels.oa thrioos.hamindan and verzinr - -' o w - .. , "*iteit r- Wittei7
trm ini 4 seedier =nand liteao -. V • I lu e er W I- - . 6 1 3 T • •
illo . link , , SanktmlkideKeekijabOt, , I 31.14 0 11 A gdielßer ' , pany do do
vo ' oriaX mall'intosuses,, , aid**. .- s f ,. . ,-T , I:t:olai:n.01 - d o b o ttW :
,dii do ,
eh , elegihid*WiAlOd laavii • a= ,Y;p4osted Very superior do rotat:lii&Videit*t iii•vpio
i tte
ma ~ I niterinhacei 'Wimp! ' , ..trod ilOttleL' — i f ery — t -• hr "'mod
.widliell,ita i roriiwile.or eiddinedian*OZ,liitlii vorG on ki n 4. • ' - :Madeira.
3 iri m net 4., tirrof =nil ilimieweir banana-10 all i tt , At t d e i ni „tz li Timoin vo ld IraliaLhlimi,
! molar anal miata s who examine theinsthaw-hoWeli i d ( 1 - i hir -- -
iiii - . • Faked*
4,6 , 4r . ..S4 l l:b!titLftlmitiediclora - Sireitia: . i ,_. Arfiel. en
-ii,h_44:riiii7 iii'aulu 'effogit or - VIIIIVEV IN AIId ti tI 1, Vggi l 11441114" . xis
. 4
- • . i t "moalfv ,
I t IntiT I WI-
-1, , , A . :-• 1
... , •
. "P'-• r 1 1., • - . . ..
T utmeg
• of the
a very
e all the
he pni
•nce of
it . t testi
id gene
the best
paid be
Green at
1, a : Sick—
I acid aatd
stoma 66
:Emden .
epee the
! nt Ord.
cf l
i i
•a r 1.4
l n.
i• of Rio o
0 - bt 'Or h
!I . on 0
n i g rot it
i bf
' ER. 1
1 4 41 • °
mar Pr
_ f
rr do
imon cigars -
e 4 &nil Ware.
j.Gilotr, &c. Smell *f
en ()kiln most miscue
and Tavern li_4pers
w _,.,...„..
1_...i.p.,:i„„,..--..;14.,,„,. maw..
*two--;Aeuiviii z oogi.tholow,
, action ofyridlerk • ' ' 'inison dm Vhty
FortherawiaselLerslo‘,:Tharblobdi -whirkr . ' ',its
or Ny
fedcolor from die ofllbe liver istri•C - Hap
before:4lone Joy , . ", br..
thus'" t'
food coming' fironba echiso
Mona* courses f ' through, thekWrini.teriews
every! ut Of the AndtriumAintly *tam Ile
banner of health in thet Maiming-4c00 4 . z - , t
Thrtfollowing aresisong the d':' . 01114 - %iivarlierjoi
.411011149845"welotifilieb .1b4446M4e1., *OS , bile
areweliknown toliejtifanihhi ; , -. ,c . .. -
'''DYSPErgIAr hitiv9oll l 4 ;,4 ..". ' , first and
seeped stomachs, and emoting*** u " healthy
bile.' dotthe stale end send kiedir
~. „
; kosum ttlie Heinle Loss i g e 4 er gights; A =2-triern
• Lr
naK.Meleneholy whisk trObeieionisil+yraptonns
,of Elystnaisse.will vanish. as viatitukce .
.... of
its cririlACostioaseis. bY:eleoptioc4iioir 1* • leatth_ ,
Miiiiiintestinee..with a solvent prticessi-si , , . wit hout *brace ; all violent retrges Jeafe ilia tmi Is costive
within two days Inwrkan and Cliakern, . remove-.m6 the sharp acrid fluids by Whiehlheie- •. .. plaints
are occasioned; and by Pronto** ilO , - obnutive
.secreition °fibril:emus membrans. ail lisels.
lu restoring the blood to a regular,eniodi ' . . think
the process *Ups:aspiration it , -; - . arid the
ihrouglieolution ofall intestinal . . , . ..," .: witha l .,
The • LIFE. PLUS have beet[ Own to,; - „Rhea
pietism perm:Windy in three Weeks, and - , -, an tali
thatet t ime,* removing local intim:Uri ,
..., . f.lobrihe
Muscle, and ligaments of tbiriciints, .„ ; '7". '. , ' jou
kends, by freeing and auengthearingt.dir . . er, and
4 ain
bladder; they operate most 'delightfully . these or
gans.and henceliave ewer been foundsi ' reuse
dy foe the worst cases of Gryniel. Aloe orassiary
•dislodging flour the tossing' of the bo the slim
platter to which_diese creatures adheret." admit aid
Cansmirptism by relieving the air vessels or the luogi
Ilium the mocusewhich mush& colds if of restos.
al becomes hardened, and produces . dreadful
inseams. Sae*, Meta and 'fiewierets *die
perfect purity which these Life Pills give t the Hood
aid all ImmonkSeorbatie Eruptions. and Bpi Cass •
presions. by their alterative effect upon th *tide that
i a,
mbrbnl state orwhiCh occasions all - . corn.
plaints. -ballowitlowity. awl. al t er d - c m .
pfertons The use of these Klislisr ay shoretime.
will effect an esters cure of Salt :r ' Erysipelas
and a striking improvement- in,the cf the
skin Common • Colds. and infinmext. or' alwa ys b e
cored by one dare. cig by two even to the ors:roues.
Piles—as a remedy for this moyidistressing andeb
ciliate malady, 'the Vegetable life Pills descries a
distinct and emphatic recommendation., It is well
-known to hundred. in this city, that the', Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with '
this eomplitint for upwards oftkirtylveyeirs, and that
be tried in vain every remedy prescribed_ within the
whole compass of the Materia Medics He however..
'at length, tried the methane which be new offers to
the public, and he was cured in a very i short time
after-his recovery bad been pinnounc4d not only
anprotable, but -ateiblutely impossible, any human
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The proptieton oftbe
Flames= Los PILLS di . Mtlinas follow base and
mercenary practices:Abe quacks ofthe ay. in advise
E m m ons to take r his Pills in large qu titles.. No
medicine can pouibly be an requ . These
iambs cakeicatber time ev night. for a 1
week *fortnight, according to the ti imicy of the
disease.. The usual dose is from 2to 5. scouting to
die constitution of the person. Verydel e parsons
should begin with but two, and incre ase ' the nature
of die case maymizirmthose more ro .or of very
...costive habit, may begin with 3, and inc use to 4.,0r
even 5 Pills. and they will effects an ently happy
change to guide the 'patien!, in their further one.
erc e
These Pills sometimes occasion nick's and vomry
ng. though very seldom, unless the m well is vele
foul; this, however. may
consid `a favontne•
trimpiom, as the paddle will lad himslf at once lit.
hived, and by perseverance will soon recover. ' They
usually operate within lii 0142 hours. aid Dever give
pain; unless the bowels are very such encumbered.
They may be taken by the most delicate &Maks on.
der any circumstances—lt is, however., resenunend.
&lanai those in later periods of pregnea , should take
Interne st a time, and thus continue ti p the bowels
. opera and eirn two may be taken w the patient
is very-costive: One pill in -a solution oftwo table
imoons full ofwater. may be', to ad infant in the
following dosen—a tekspoon II every.lwo bouts till
tf*mat. , is4f# I Child-from oto ffirg years of age,
half a tll—em . d *trio fiver to ten. onepift,
TH , mugs, BITTERS, ass so 011ed,becanse
they pun' the power,of restoring the expiring ens•
bets c 1( Isealth,'lo a glowing vigor throughout the
.constitothm, as the Weenie is *sidle) he restored to.
life - fries the ashes of its owndissohnicfn. The Plan
nix Bitten are entirely vegetable, composed of root
-found somly in certain parts of the weirtern country
whichwlll, infallibly perA tIiVEBS 4ND AGUES
Sfidlltrodi4 .eSill waver failto eradiOte entirely all
- the effecm qf Marry. infinitely sooner than themost
powerfepreparktioti tifSirsapardia. end will Immo.
IEOI4 , F orotheristerminetiiicif BLOOD TO-THE.
'HrAED•• never, fail , in. she sickness misideat to ymom
female4stid willbe found a certain remedy in all
nisei Ofrierousdelardy and weakness tifttremost im
paired coilialtierus As is a rereedy,fer Ckr onic and
Infaillegor 3 , RheleadiZa, the efficacy of the Phoenix
Bitteraiwill, be demonstrated by the use of a single
bottle.. TIN.- nual ewe oftbese tumult is half a wine
glass full, in water or wine, and this sfilantiky_mayrbe
takeirtwo , ce.thrlie tininiri day, abode half an hour
before meals. or I less quantity may be taken at all
times.: To those who are afflicted With-indigestion
after meals,lhese Bitters . will prove! invaluable , u
they 'seri greatly iacrease -the action of the principal them to perform their functioas.and en
able the stomakh to discharge inter the bowels what
ewer is offensive. Thus indigestion :is easily and
speedly remaved, appetite restored. and the mouths
of thei atserbent.yespebt.Vansbd. nutrition is
facilitated; and strength of • and Inuit, of mine
.are the-lump y
_l , m - - For . her_lparticulan hf
MOFFAT'S LIFE.= PILLS,' and h er _
T.ERS, apply - ethic Morat's office, 1'i11 n 546 Broder*,
Nevilforki-where the Pills can be brad for 25
mow 50 cents. or Ill.per-box ; and t Witten for $1
ortitieralottle. Dole Numerous. certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. ma be there inspected.
InitigteAbitinate and cosoplicited uses of chronic
and inftwunatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaints,
Fever aid'Agter.Dy4pepok•PalsY. - Pqes , 6 0/7 64
the ass of wool, gidn*ne, and other diseases
,o „imago* to rake both the MI
Pills and the Plistamßittirs, bribe idost before re.
' 1'i . ...8. -. nsolo 'Pill aril the : Bitters , will get the
merciry Dot ofthe *Mai hi fi nitely hider than the I
preparationseflitarsaparills. and a eaten remedy fie
-the nrimwoltkefilood to the kind. orlnll sided km&
males .pedmomrs, &'—Aftpersonewbo are profits.
posed to,irsielinc., should never Ise-without
do, JA L enietiassistmamilli
save ; ,:l'lsey.equitlisailarciirtasistipa Other Hold.'
drawAltpressure-fmm .dur..head, Respiration, and
throw off .eysoliammity,hytheporee of the skin.--
IFor ode ty .., 4.1.11 TAR& HAGGERTY,
.-." . !, 1
Agents for the Promirear•
icsi ( "o*- 10 5- ‘. ,
!. I C Renetillsl. AVOitil‘a_
alßANlON'tka*at received the Tolloling
, • reltilotill worlflgVandoik . and A46:fleas:ell
• • ea. willitilas offeiffor sale ehisti. '• .
. 1 ~ Orienia • t Familillereaona, 5 bole. .Y ' ''' . •
' hkedlkous' Sermeite„
• : ' Leliaireitriew olibietaleal Writers, .
ter - e - w on the Resterr.T l
`)Drew off thiSol4 " "
" -7
Faber " ' •
Prelblinr -
Primal:Nay antibiligitrallinirsensione.
iletlieekirstrolit; &E. Itel
• 0
_- ,"°''*.
.~' .~r~
, .
'WEE 'CarTlion:'o6.halEciciesty, is
^.-now open eveir diiicfrour dock 3' - o'a
tin throe et;DisixontAind-Depoilli - foribe t Our-
pose of melting Onpcisitir to apy iunount not ex
ceeding 000; from any one'persOni op" which.
an interest o(4 per . „eent, wilt be paid on i., -
and upwillii.tont - noind wail 4fid=allowi:eon
any frutionid pinttn_of4s. ,Tht whole of any
part alai yeAraWn otrotigiv,itniAinKtiiiltzt
fiviiwimelis;nt thi - ofriee - on Moo chys. =The , bd.
ones lit' the Soelittirill 6s cOn' ducted by, the.
Rillowingi Ai:ern:and *tams; until
Monday in-May.gezt.
BbL i rciN.
Joseph tirioU &mnel
Edward Engles - . •E.S.
_Waroe._r , -
Jicoh Ban , -
L.,V7)ntney, Eiiretity and Tuns'
Article 9d of the Charter. NO ismidniiinit
whatsoeierlibill bi readied .liy tlinTrisident
or Man*gers for their eervicc4
_ o p. or shall Any ,
Manager lineklie a - borrowsetkiEn the instils.
tioo- • ,le • • oct 3 46tt
, ,
• For the preventive - itnue,
A ' 1 1 1 P40 0\ ofe•wessiColdc,AsOnwee.
I i l ‘ .. - \ 117 .n.
Diseases iiiii • i f yie tZ
1 4
It . i'i . t: - Hymn:sail laggigw,4e.pre.
• ' # ' '
' K.,..".
'*• I F I t C l tr .
t 4 '
'aili otßii7 ' •Y ' •7La mil e .
, • '- „ ;' DIRECTION,
Aocompanjtrir each bottle of the. Specifick,
plating - oat in a conspicuous inanner, all the
iriptomala the different stages of these distres
sing diusuuscn alfic particular 'directions respect.
ting diet and regimen t and' how patients 'are to
conduit thinrigh every stage until health is re
stored-for vain and useless would be the pre
scriptionamf the ablest physicians, accompanied
with the mostepowerfhl and usef ul medicines, If
the directions - am not - faithfully idheretto.
The public are informed that thedepositions of
287 pangolin - have been taken before proper an
thciritics in the city 'of Lancaster, 1111 completely
cured in the most desperate cases of .Consump-
Lion, sonic of which are detailed in the bill ac
companying each bottle.
Al a ,* lA. supply Of the above Specifiekiras been
received and is for sale at thisoffice.
March 12 . IS
Swaim' agacea..
A S h t a h st e e ' n tirm s pen
the :Le ge % d oi lti sc iti o g n o ti f e the age ,
and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou-
sands have destroyed their colistitutionabineglecting
to apply the proper remedies—tb such, Swaim's - Pan--
aces netst4and has been, more-than doubly valua
ble as a in and effectuak restoring means of restong them
to perfecthealth and vigor.. Feet families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections. which- exhibit ve
nous Symptoms,
.as .eruptions. ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and dejection, all arising from impure
blood.andif not properly attended to. produte the.
greatest unsay to the txmamitutution. and may be on
parted to their °Spring. Swaim 's Panacea ta recom
mended at this season of the year as a valtuible resto
rative of the system; theieby invigoratingthe constim.
don. and enabling it to bear the debilitating actual'
the summer season. It is convsyed by the circula
ting fluids. and corrects their teidency to 'all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite.orliredispositon to affections
of the lungs, &c. Nerne.lowever, isisdiieed to ass
it without coot incingthemaelveeofthe truth of whit
,is here stated.
This medicine is now used with success in all parts
"of the world, Midis pining great reputation in
A fresh supply of the Medicine jest received And
for sale by B. BASSO.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Whocan aupply the aboteAsedicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia tee&
May 14
Ifisstrann Company.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances
AY-A on Briek,'Stone or'Fraine Buildings, iStoree.
HotelaiMMS,lMroa. &able*, .Metchandism Fawn'.
tare and Proptartioreverf deacription,acidmi lam
or damage by MR..
The Delaware County. Insurance company wi).
also :F re against less on all kinds of marine risks
and a 'est the damage or loseopoi the transports
don goods. wares; and me , r , dise by water. telly
mil way, epee terms as &ramble as any . other in,
IMMO". • - .
For any further information on the subject °fin=
mince. either against Fire: marine_ or bib* risks.
- Aeply to HENRY G. ROBINSON; Arent. •
Anly 15 34-tr - Haven.
• orIITILIAM - 13. 'parrs.
• At Onrigiburg.
AmrAiczbottnithwram e ltliarawaii.i.
LTA, Mel. Stone orFraide'
Baroo,Scablee, Pit Forintureoind,
Prone evemtleseriptiori;againstiositoi. damage
Thopubocriber buboes •appointed Aazier forthe
atiofe*lmentioliciP. liistitoticio sod is now phipared ttoF
ma 6mi:outwits otwoperty
at the foriniittoteo • 8M1A.40 LIVINAN„,,
l'ediMilti‘F* ll7 4/ ; ,
°T6e:~'hilfldelbut Fire
CAPITAI. Avitstarpl6t- LAW,.5500,0001
with li F; ioTineMltuMgaiiiiiatilA
SteseorFrame ftildnigr.Shires. Motets,
ANN. /knot; laitables;Alerelomdize, Anniumy:-/M
sibeeriber,liaitbeiniminied Aourefaitho
awe menuos‘ed-*litakipotad Is, sow p re p ers d t o
make litsimascas upon everideicription alp perm
at the lowest tate& BENJAMIN:A torr
eaIi:POZEN. - liwiiheollPqactoOtOrecejv..
411 0.7. 7 eiftesh froitilor proptsetor. , Afpwaydir of
,goveattrive Thoosood- Bog* of.o4.iralighlo
medicine[' sOldloot.7*, thii - Amarl4 4 *
ineteasii . F0'401441 the dolo, or alai). IsOf#s.
lolik4or throe tkdoo
BA foi*by.
Bois A
t - Bois Agent for Solokylkill , Couoty...
, 41so Siraim's Varinifuge. tn-u-• -A •
1,1417EN11411411X,Vf4W&5P0;' , 17,
7 -
*.:4 , - DRiaIEIDY I .B .
.. - . sirsapar# l lll4s lo 9kPilis.:
Aili-iiiO' ticto#P o ofier'VAFß l O 4l
'"iiitOeAiiiiiicte '' . ` t h at litiar*F'' 1.
1:- t Tkie following nth' me only of the .
I • . • LATE ' 0 RES •
.11:Jjectid end heinj-frain rani Ake pia TWO
'")“"t";..4KWlllWEliilir .41101Peise•;...-..,,,,,,,,,,
• I,,ovisaaiipsoi.«ilet of • Oh! in Aftr, IsiOd
and: saleitarithr much , , Ifi,„7, lll Pk A° 'M I !
"subject far` three years. : • '•
,- 1 -'" '•
36 °°• - fs° 4 • l 4 lobe ' nallabitiacoitivimess
Soil siansf*PP•OteL "Okt- irrlisSlblesak - LaS d ‘b si t
tuts: l ~ „,„. , ~ , , '
Jom4ilf Mark:Mr: l air - 'aria elnetnied leitind aim" . I
; Israel Jones , cured ' " a breakipg old, # over-Me l
whole, body:. . , , ,-•.' '• , , i „, : _, i '
... _ , •
~ 1
BarshJimits,'Mlf'o iiaiiiiilielibreasts shdlides I
Mac* headache and s nosia ft ereiting: l * -' • •"'l '4; I
, William thlowbray,-.waredrof a . ,-,Etheentatimn,:and"
swell!, of his lege sad feet; baysig been unable to
Wilk' y distance feral: monthr'past. '- • - •'-'-' , '
Mtcbael J.'lloiskiwectledair.swiithig,ander his
sripslisd on his Sfiekr rtk P°PsidOlgeO sr°4o g ,
oliPiii his body. - 4 ,' " j , , -
Elisabeth Crentner; 'cared of svielliad firma tsi, .pain
in fieratde;topsuutt diagirstro fiteaklud muck sick
dem atther. stomach. 1 -' ' ".,••••'' • • .
Jefferi cline, cured of rheumatic pains 'Barmenlid
j o i nts! " • ' - .-r-„,,,,,.., jt...` T , 6 ,it ,-, ~.
84 : 1 , 9° P o*.H°Vard. cured of 4,letter,and. • "rash,
breaking out over hiiiiMili, with some tanning sores
and assess
. Req. la: Cafibvenred or an', affecti 4 on of his throat.
soreness and ulceiation' r _orhieh previously affectedlus
'speech: •
The following are sointatmlyofthe large ninnlier of
-curesmeeMed in ,flerlisi MoutgomerkSchpylkill. Le
high, Limicaster, and Nor thampton counties, during
the pUst three months ” - - ' • • '
Joni. Glow. Esq., cured of a methane affection, ~
ulcerated leg, swelled joints n# rheumatic pains.
Adim C. Carpenter, cored Of `Melia pain hi his
sidemanoch costivenessitiidipfatite aid a'shertness
of breath. •,.t •- ~, ." , k- ~ •• . • -, i ' •
Rachel Snyder ;. cured of a difficulty in. brethin.
babithal costiveness andidolentliaiftsm her herd. •
Michael Jones, his Hio'daughters Ind youngest am
cured of ,a,breaking olry - , a nd Sometimes Vaal
pitiples over their w ' jai, bod-r- . attended with * great
-itching, frequent unp leasant'feedings' in' their' heads,
sickness at the stomach. and painsitifer the- haw k &c.
This: family was afflicted for
,yeari, and never found
relief from any medicidtreatment, or frem any Medi
cines ungl mug Dr. Leidy's Blood -Pills ancia wash
direntedbiy Dr s Leidy. , - i
• Borah Mclncish,.cuied of violempains in her back
and loin', rheumadeni, swellediointa, dre. - '
Andrew Green, cured of griping veins, loss orap-.
petioe,diegust for food, and haintual - nostiveneas. „t
Adam R. Ginnis.curen orscaly eruptions and break.
in g_ out. soreness and pain throughltis bones: - - "
- iftrinkGrowley, cured-of ringworms and tetter.
Henry C. Rotney. Esq. cured of inward fevers;
aomiless of his month, throat and nose. gtandularsw el.
linge.lic. L. -! •
George Layman, cured of t mercurial affection and
violent rheumatic paths of his hadiaiid pones.
JOnathan Strand; lease Colman and John G. Thom..
6mo:tired of various affections of the head corive
oess. sour eructations, sickness at the stomach. dm.
Sarah Jenkins. Alfred and Tracy iJenkins, cored of
affections of the akin, breaking out, pains in their limbs,
&c. '
•dt • . -
filimeromi in s t ancesother n maiht be published, but
to swell the liarinti .1d unnecessarily increase the ei
pensieof publishing them. -• I
It must be plainly seen from the forkping, that the
Blood Miasmas e.tilellent ciarrective for a nisariferw
stomach, the cause of diseases -th which the brim=
ardent Übaldo, together with the 14674 40014=4
, which erlitsin all dummies- . and in conjunction with
a disindenedatonstoli, very rapidly 'prostrates the ho:
ursibody. • ~, .
These pills do not purge saPowrfully a0,,d0 most
editor - the present day. (ana Produce as muck' Sao
cbi.fardidnerrinerouty„sr daisaimirmbaby Weakening.
thesysmin k dosiroying the =sand vigor of the body:,
n i o
and rehdenng it a prey to COMMA and universal die;
ea*, dispersed and hodilyaufferf but are nal and
,- - as is asii °Mai" Svid 0 4.9 isirsssig
that disOals°.s s fisS ik nosy, 0 1: 12 V 1 STI•
tier are mtrm- ,w by th eir'; temlet rendering
necessary any restraint from occupation or baldness,
cluoige of hunger diet, or even I. liability of taking"
cold from their use. ,
The process for extracting the virtue oftlie Sairsapa
milk without atatroyinghs efficacy .is imoire imly to
the proprietor.-,-
P , 'Pared only and sold, wholesdeand :Mitt 11. at Dr.
Leidy'alleattll Enninituen;,'fflid Sr below Vine. No.
191.—Also Sold byl ' • 'B. BANN AN.
Acme 9 44 ' - Pottsville.
. 0 , .
.____ , ----.
Wonderful' curt* • '
bees *Plaudit - A is 'was 04, led tkiwitidlitit
- ' '-' • :- las esonfry. • .
~. --,
. - • •, --; : DR. -LEIDY'S ~_
EYING' - coneept*ted Said estlact of Siumwasills.
couibinekarith othieserigetable extract,. which run
diriV it a Medicine of weal utilityin the core of all
distehieliiiiiibreTriMi hiworitieeedthe blood, from im
prudences in life. shrlsonstituti.Mal diseases formed
or produced,by the *Judicious u - of mercury, arse.
sic..;tark:or *mac. In sliort;it •s an invaluable rem
ed[ofrut 1•- ' ' •" v * '• ;
tic Affection. General; Debility, Ulcerous'
Sotra.k white Swe)liqs. Dillea9ll of the Liwy . -and!
skirs,Ukirated Rose Throat, Ulcers' °Ohio Nose, Ca•
tie*. or diatom/4Mo -Bone* Scrofula. or. ;King's E.
iiliErpipelas..or St. Anthony's Fire, and ill unpleo.l
sari and dangerout affeaSiOns consequent to Sypbilia,i .
Veneresl,ll4. Ave ' .1..>,' '' • ' • :
effect* ,haoltbis medicine lbe, in. the 'are"fl
diseases for which-it is oficommended.shat i
is' r duperEillintall qtbespeparations offdarsapaill
la. &nacos: dm. : 7. ' "e'-' v . l' -
is sow milr. IMe_Osooloto •Pbriohlo. olidt
_teen introuue by the n in i t s many hospitals, ini
iirihahris, dad thiorighdia.thel! le d Sofro.
. Iris& pterwroticin cd greater gth (conaequendy
ofereuer effioloytt ) ifwoox suhrit, esipos how snadipj,
is Olio much . cheiiiier,'lieing bin due didlar per bottle;
whiehtis suffielektiol 'mike' mid 4mllion nr Syri of
ts.nwm Falk' 134.1* bought , : by 4wereardampsta rot.
that purpose. . . ~ . _A
Minimal CaTtipaltel tar e beinflieeited and 'pub+
Naiad fromlisne sti time; but ' , ui coosespoinie -of th
dreitioatititredul 'Otiose be coavineed Ofthesupexis
efficacy of De' .IA rili. Medieited'Elansaparills; •
oOPOVk ai ilt ;.• Of ;Paldr - itlPP°Olno•-" , 1 4
1410 .0
omit' . be (kW Vi od ; sip of the'Ciddeia
,Eagle an d roe*s.'" where oert &Ries arid reformer*
cakipe pen to.haradredsof instaidier ofthe Mose rO
-111,tP4.TRla. ~
..,Vl3.lry,sediciiiet,; i
... ,ikugeop.;.: 11-•,au...1 , ,, , .4-;,4_,0 , 1„r•;_ , - , • • • ,I. 44-
` l o 7 4 l rle w Th * " .. irclitaTO
tixidcliwk - Xvildit t iluseieci4;dfp l .
bit toilleittotineiatnei
ittoAleikiittStiillotidrialtkey.Wriees, patent polisi
.crew plates: wit Wante d. east *feel axes, *clad axes,
.:11116"1":4200tialinnts; $c iiys 3i ' hlullios adieu.
;.t.-1 1 0, aid firaseOteltisekt.drairOg•kaiveds.blielistnit#
!grsl9o(w s te:mittils,4. # &6.0 7 nut seiO4 , 2
eat and,doeW.platnt itois and plane;assortea
lofa siniews, round and aquaria
lo",owrirtt.9h-itt. ".0,4
i—*a. , laiteri,:acciNfk
gii k jint ,t..! - :Jimpi- Wpb 11« :nil 11 . it
pries 4: it
'fiXiatkom iiretisinti vi-`l*od
itAittilm-e - lso ,
' ing 6' 4-144 Nost.* - 4151. vA , ..,,:t...1w1104+.11 . ',
1 , . • I
. I .
VPWartijOhti(4oo.o4lol&l 4 Dr.
-.l.eittifiSiiiispa ' rub** till nu.
'l4;lobiladelOhh! .aloia i _
'' - ';a_:(titiisTlOlNttl': -
,--- , 7.42.-_,L- li , iit . no - th , t4 -. 4 ii ; maguer.
• . a° - 7,.,.,
__, ~.1 r 6 . 4. 3 !. ..., lI OPT. I 4 111 1 • , - ;-1. ~: --;.,;, . 4 ~,,,
EVERY - mini womae4 and child that iteMil.taa
anawer,the above. as every Otty,lia . *Me , '"
oht the United'Stites contains accounts maven \
te,.. ii ttLi ii ifillenuipen_ilit. tijonitjfivig. P. 1.4
- jrasithillusete .0 . !.. - air - - .
' - ' 1 Ask any respectable-physician therit ' ' rifkai
in Ike mostAfficiacstnetpanifier' .ifikelikl: lamer
Will be, Seasarmunt+ , -, ."..-..,,i„ . ~,,,,;.:•,. ,
Suffice it to MY:thee - Of illcpkijeleimi ' • mend
oso ttniversiily, wind hater enniencentte ' grit,-
Mcahnisleproyeritee . , -,- • 1 •
i ie
1 Dz. !amt Au diactinered 3 e'ine ne by the
dartatiof die-Stuniparilla ie Wile: ed iti - My eon.
tientiattidtbrn4 - Mid in inthitatinien i.e. s k i! , p ig s
therefrom, witheut 'tintirlfire ilVeregre /kW,.
This cannotle done by mt:other 16 ;h e pro.
cris 113/010,49 1 7 Wl*. 401/4 1 3'. revery of
' own."•i ~* i-i , z,
.... • , , , , , s ,414 , ' . "l ' , II
. These raiiiiinfrereigtoitherpu jab Ilte name./
' - s DP4 , i4EI-0- ts. i •,1
, • ELOISAPARTIZA . - 011 , . : 14,0D .
compounded e rineWly of..".lkinteparilla! rend with
which is aniiimilari:lrtifiglittiC he smllti
onion) made:Ant, distal mate
~IFecn k , t mg gently
laxative in their efibila;thlaa'talleing °lr . ' "IV ha"
Coors__ fra, „la,. ll, a,4 l f4.ivaii iral/a B o7 , ag4_ ' dam Pre.
acing uelit7 °PlayAncenvenience. •tre en i n nut
cient quintity.' - hoereveriihey"Will 'verge reely, and
ay be employed or Oen to the~
!even to itifaate,'llein i g a 'Wife aid trek „ per.
mice, reparm :,no rattail! from
at o
root regtdorfaibits alit" Mettpatiew ' kind.
1 Theta tallekieve been Preemmently Omelet and
from their convenient form; stunt; sonnet oPlater, take
the plaCelnf all die different preparations
i'illa3theliltif Wipe: =
are contabiattn'botden liable to-605ra , er a in.
reajeag_ ,Pr taking °I ; .4YfAff carried a .
Ilene lulls have, during the past Pito, bees
mply tested. Newspaper advertuntig _ ng so ye ll
le.spensite, ample testimonial s 'nine•
Mena and others senora* , yI the direel ,
1 They are particidarly r mcommended 1 _
{Rheumatic aff ections,, . . thy, and t, y 'pimples.
Genernt Debility,4 ' , end Pt) oin kof the hes
!Ulcerous Oren' of "tb end l body If •
i ' throat; noise and body. Seely e.rop nit. end blot-
Disewees of the Liver, . ehes of e. . in,
Skin and Boais.. , etter. - Rie TM, -
Pain oneetheregl4 alb St. iarlil e a; Ell ago •
heart. hymen - and ado lucid 4.`ne burn.
mach - . 2... - ' -, Statneeb • ' ghs, Liver
Pain.i.of , the , .eidely Men , zetatim, ' tmaterbresh,
rucithe b a ck and spine, ' .... - .3 taamilitcid
`lnward fevers foul breath ' ire. of the
' a bad tatste,to themouth ~ as taShetions, as
Patuileniny, want of ap ~ .
.swelfita .' l , hardening
tite.postivenes4erani* :''iifthethi i,: oftbe neck, .
of' the. stoniach, and uf. - woe _ ''tinder 7.. tinder the
nigestion;' , ' '`.! '' '' - ' '41 10 1 4 ." an the
and the whole train. of rewshieg rot e , lmpu- .
'rity of the blood: as illSOAODIltitOOlOl. . ' ' ' Pro
&iced by the.use of 114 e, Quinine...A . ic. /dermal
or other hlieeiels, elnii.laimpendenci . - ' hie,Syphi
lis. Lam, Venereal, && ifc. 7 " .
. ' • Price 25 Cents a - :'. r '' I :
Prepernionly and sold - Wlideiale anith at Dr.
Leidy'. Beilth k'mPorinini2iid lit. 0 Vide,; he.
191 -•- '-", I * '''' * I
m i lli
. • -,•• Consumptio Air
RLAT/Mg:Poo have a cough or ' , benrawn of
their 'CODlE'ClUelleel. Colds g Ilya=
imperceptibly. And insinuatm ik
th ,"
the hiunatimatem, finally settling
. upo tilie Mess and
ending in con - srim, ption.
- • '''A-WORD TO PAR • .
Rowans* is youth cut down w lila expected
by the consumption, and followed to '' r raves Ay'
parents *Mime in a measure 'Weans - ' tkleprent- '
inure death, in neglecting to remedy- when mdse.
dug in childhood. looking..upnethem u lg' ' Ake
done, end not attracting , notice- deette,yer
has ititimeticed Rework' and Made tinitrieual.
This in.tiilinciful repieseatatien. iti Idly me
oue instances occur which prove the. .. , • , ._';
In manhood colds terminate larlhe - !iii ;bib do
not program an rapidly's@ inlouthr - th lnv
. manhood been attended*
sod noc.regarded u trifling. affections hi ' It t ist del*.
sive idee that hisino dituta shortened I Milled
sttibi.''' '-. " ~ -I. ` 2 ' ; '
_ '....,,J1M1L BECHT -.1.5. .; '.i ;..
--- ' (Price •''' . CO Cents bo et ' ,-, !,, , ~.
Is an invahlableperatiow ktnbir I . *I It'Aehm
and nelehtated German physician, who, .it end 'ed
it upwaida,..tif f years in lie own , • ' . - 'tin' eti.
manyilinitighOnt , which country 'it ‘.• ''iteen; e 4a
that, tisimmoatcztensively, and .
in Coiighl;COlde.' Influenza,. caw:: '•• ..
fi lm o f Blood, WhOoping Cott. ' ',' ." roe DiallZ
and Side4all affections of the Cott.
- ' -Lidig4
arrest ofipproaching consumption_ .... !--., ~.,,; , ..X i ,
Much may be said inywiise!,eff the ..„.. . - Imelda",
but newspaper adveitising beift mot 37:::,. ' • in , , tin t it ) ' .
satisfammy-evidence will be sunds-Z: lliteeffeeni
upnetriaL as well as nitmeronsl-reso , . . - - dolwr.1100:,
comp . !' tog the direitions. Uywa . . 7000 buttlii .
weresofil In Philadelphia, alokreid' ' , • . tint; "Mint
ter,s coniinclog prof ili IVA . ~ • lar.lllllllll-
tity would fiener have been ito •.
' ' 2 atanfaiwtedi l
E l ;
cineithre'pre*red and sold en it.'
- i - DR.-LELDYI3IIEitt 11' PORIDPffr I
, „ .., ~,,i , ,; , _
.„,. .... . , Second Vine st.
--- !-PIkEMOIIIITAIMIII t .. , t;i' .., •
.i. ANik-niPOR TA/VT. r 1 i' . emp a r e ,- ,
Ipff.AlDEß,did you eterseereo . ' •
agAtietkleam hiesuffenngel it Ifs , „ ..• t t o a ny; ,
he in elnle,ltiti.and ghastly:Molds ipi ' Itlii'M
apparentliiinging by* thresChe blow* '
tihellPYi_ilia 'ad RV aill. indescribable -, 'l I ' • • - ••• , "-i
, . Are you meal trimmed trithfflatulimey. Castieenew
SiwirernetatioiMerising (rani yours m*.h,Matsii:tMff
trk igot
wintlor .appetitm , Wittertirash. a imam in yard
mouthoor foul breath...pain or a Kea • at your Ito
mach, Statical afatieadeg,lleadache, ' 1 t=o
once favorite' dishes,ate. , If you onetime
WilkMi, foregoing ' symptomal *eV ballogYwg
the picture Of,,..thi,Dynpeptic. and hiving icsolved , ‘ ts
remedjthe'notilemiences,iitimediately rocare • '
miriziorsvaritc AND A Ntrt Dirgf i grnai
~-;''''';"' '- ' .CORDIAL. i . ~.,: ._-4...5,--..
." A never failitmitnd efficaciouereMetr , '''•••••
And the wheilertiiiin kffiffections resulting Trion'
it eseseifthe Liver, Stomach and litestetes.; n l t ,,.
• The - above medicine is warrantafrte fro , „maw
ry eir, o th er mineral prepsnaimar; itis .e.e . , .Seif- ,
u t eri
watt ifiegetables. safe end easy t „ qv? . ,
pleanantto.die taste. It may be safely/o*w . . - to ,
..yotm, tend. 014, requiring but, moderme
. 11' . _ . 111 . r!!Ii911 .. i l it i
diet' nii.r.' ... ...T ,:- . 4'••
„ Ntimertms testimonial , hailer Imagaiiigila . tatinnne
published; in; reputation ialle, t
~, All ie. f50 1..
= it
meni upon ita virtikea-ia nun ..„, , lit to az,
re filo Mtge Piano tir ' I !aka 'ition.‘, 'Tar- '
ther reemethealtatagsa'-gg-ttailig4 1 0 &leak" 6- -
Mond each bottles ;`j• , 4..,..,, • ; •ri
H a- racer OrikDoilar per'6Ottle , k -•". -.1-
Sold;in' Philadelphia oi i :.--, ~ . kr-,..1 ~... A -- • $1.,-1.3,
lIM. N.B. landep,kleiltla Emma Irceind , ,helew
Vietitle. -- -indly . -,-." - ''' 11 - , SOMA .;./ratileaallp,
7: ztil•l . - Ti.ii ; . • ,' Iltil'o - ' '
, , ... . .., ~ , ~•
;, - •..: ... SCREENS. ;I , • COAL:.. '
2004itt l eititeRailiviinit ' ' Digr7: 4 ,
„,,,1dit:tr„,.,,,,d0.. 4 , do 1:- d o V ..:',...': ... f., ;
It s )V44 OM x.+4 - Stillablef - iiiikerkkis
v.Alftlitr,itotrliay, eountillunkli 0 14 - 11 ii ..r* -•
at:..etkzaoirle`ol'4s•'degree a at the eilds, Retramie ''
tll,o.,ol*Rpiliiii to , sett the alibi,. - - k''',
- f' ,. :-;:'''
A. Oa' a. - RA 4.!_tiC - 7",
. 1 2i jeil-No:4 Soiath'Freii( 1 13tiet • , li k ti: _
k•fhilatielphia. , Matelf l 4. lB3 : • Vii 414:- -7-
~... 000 *- i! - :bit
ielti Itri'
-4.0,,,,„*...-1.,T,::,-., t,- AV.• ° •. ' . .
itakt'SililtrPi&eill 16144iiitA
,--, lipt:lotgale st'lrriltArt
1 1
'.. 1