The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 04, 1838, Image 2

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In 413
, 2.ppputlanialuteibirimier; it ,
• , iGOVERNOR fiLfTNER,.• . ' •
, Proof roaave.- 1 , - • - -
tii, Keystone' aring publishe;llertik.
.. „.
.. , .
*cat pf persons who say they lie Wraith:
cint 0411 e outrage on the Oosiermar's real;
iledcef on the morning of the four.h ofJu
ily. We give below POSITIVE EVI-
L CE (from those It ho heard aril knoW)
' _orb ch must carry convictiati 'with 4. And
it ill be übserved.that, we giver b *nor
. S.
R. PORTER:!!// Thus have we met
' an 4, refuted the -falsehoods of those men
whb styled us "BASE 41CLUYLYWNES."—
, We have proved the statements of the In
telligencer true under oath, precisely as we
proMised, and sated we could do. Our
v - eailers will' see that we have out deceived
Per:kinkily appeared before me, one of
tb ' Justices of the Peace in and for said
nty, Andrew I. Junes,-Who being duly
ow n according to law, doth depose and
iayt that he resides on Front street, Harris
bull, one door south-east of Goa.
residence; the. two houses being as- it
were one block, the fronedoors only, eigh
teen inchces or sear that distance apart; that
on the fourth of July last o'clock
A.; 41. himself and family wr re much die
turhed by a great noise in front of the house:
• part of the family being UNWELL
rendered it very painful; that said deponent
- sr4se and went to a front witiclovi, and dis
covered about thirty persons, as,nearly as
be I could judge, on the pavement in front
of his own,
the G,rvernor's, and another
neighbour, Ulder's houses; that be and , a
young man Will was with him, and whose
&mina can be ,forthcoming at any time if
necessary, remained at the window until
the close or t he scene, and While there
herd sortie m embers of the party there as
bs.*mbled' call out for "OLD JOE," and
requested him to "BRING- OUT [US
CLIAMPAIGNE;" That the vote wag
tbep taken and decided that if he did riol-
Ortng out his champaigne he might let,,it
ekng. that he was a "DAMNED OLD
/HITCH EIOG," an I would not be long
there; that said deponent then heard tkem
' HURRAH FOR FOR TER, and in-'the
meintime a portion of them were PULL
/N.3 AT THE BELL'WLRE; l aid said
deponent beard many other expressions
siuiilairto the foregoing, but deems these,
all i - that is necessary to repeat to show the
chclracter of the men there itssenibled;
deponent is not. an active politician, nor
doss he ewer expect to be; but he likes
the truth to be proclaimed, and therefore
has thought proper to give the foregoing
statement; and further earth not.
Swim and subscribed
July 27, 183 s. } -
Before we
therstibstance of the above certificate
.is Ovorsi to by several other respectable
citi!geriS of the Borough of Harrisburg.
From the Ilunting,lon.Journal.
.14sitl of the Governor—Ora-'
tall Conduct of the Porter
1 . Men. '
n Tuesday evening of last ft weelt, &v.
Rier, on his way up the line of public
°roulettes, arrived in our Borough.
After his landing, and when . proceeding
to hotel to put up fur the night, we re •
g to say, that he was grossly and rude
ly, " a led with insulting epithets, and the
m t vile blackguard .laud. "HURRAH!
8 &TESS TO D. R PORTER, '.and
a d zeri , similar greetings were given him,
froiii; some little gatherings of Porter men,
Wit) accompanying groans, and hootings.
We had hoped that, common decency; .
and common sense would have -saved our
town from such foul disgrace. The re
speCt which is due to his station as the
Governor of this Comnaonwealth we imag
ined would have saved" up film being
• ll d upon to retold such brine! base
i e have before this, published the state
me t of the conduct of the Porter men - pt
Ka rishurg, when they assailed ;his house;
insulted his .family. - and cast their sneers
upoii his dutch parentage. We had (it
-tee, vainly) imagined that thihiatory of
tha ' transaction witsmzaggerated. it bait
bee clearly proven too; true; and Were
th no other proof at haUd. thii'digrace- .
ful ourse of Porter's frieuds iii this haven
wo be sufficient to substantiate it. - '
hat think you, people el PlnniylvaniS,.
think you, honest •Cninerstand Ger
In this town,- the reskitlr-- of Mr
gr, where any party,Han4 liny mei!,
respect either themselses. their psi
origheir native state,. 'Should bin& iit
' foil! disgrace. To see the IGlorerntir
ofyour state, hootedeqnsulted and 4
, as -though. be WPM a e slandering
ar or vagrant. And becititee-he is
r - an, So be insulted (Off' birp4rentag" i
yet ch is the fist. The puthie4asiO4
Har -burg. called hina 0 A MD • Oh
DU CH HOG," and heralhepu4 be is -
Out mvraniirthictuitruirdalthaforn:ld,thesorscrfacer"c7l.6:l
• --,,a, cor:---4..:- , - ,-,,,,,,,,,,,
I. .jile''''ieornorotto,f4; idea
.. inbroiitiAltstiiif:iiichr . 7'l ` - '`:4
lieil-irliiiiiee'hei' t 4elliiiisia Niliiriy.
I : aught : -Willyoni - lirliecil iirtibo
est, itaitdi4 reflecting Siinioli
;ill, to:such thing*, will, le " ` support_
e who are-inilty of it?.. ., !Aglow ,
~ rin patikanswe.r, = let n given in
1 language of insulted freeincin, at next
1 • BEft , . ' - , -
C ... he - Baltimore - Patriot, asrslglis various
re :aria for the - deep mortificStieir and:
grifmaisifested by the 'Loco Foos on tic
nt of 'the Proclamation or G.(iliftraor Rit- -
lies.' The editor of that paper bas 4 however,
probably not fallen upoir the trills, the real,
moving cause of their' rielanctaily wrath.,
- 4 'ho shinplasters which nowt wirer The
tad, and Which, at every tranpaCtion of'
6 iness, reminds hinh,buyerankl seller or
th existence atheJacksonian tidinialifie ,
ti , are the legitimate chi dreg nithit par
ty; i r r I.
L -
he grief, therefore, at the *ruing of.
the Proclamation, is quite as !natural as
(het Of Niobe, when sae behelct her four•
ten blooming children, miseraibly perish.
i t
in beneath the fatal afiafts sped! by Apollo
at Diana.
'Anguish and despair, it is Said, trans
ki raed Mike into a stone, and, it is not at ,
II au; prising, that a similar afflitionshould
g ; catty disturb aml distress the! Armies of
Win plasters. - • •
e l en 'ire tles! mci
and destructiveruc is i g h rve "4 r4.asie not
thlrenOof Latona, they spard none of
lovely oft' pring of Niobe, (While the
9 , gest and most vigoious of the chit
,en•ofLoco Focoism, the Treaaury Notes,
icape unharmed by the Phati! of Joseph
innerl. ,
. T hey stilt remain as p memento
the prolificness oftheir great parent.—
itiaburg Ga seta.
i WHIPPANY, Morris Co., Plisw Jersey,
July 26.—1 have beheld, during the past
night; one of the most di-tresiing scenes
that ever took place in our village. Mr.
James Begun, a respectable meahanic, aged
about 24 years, died this morning at-5 o'-
clock, with that truly awful - diiSase, hydro.
p obis. The first symptoms 4 -. the male-
d were not shown until Tuesday evening,
( , 4th instant,) -when his friends were a
bout to apply watm water to is feet.—
He shuddered at the sight. lie dte a hearty
IWeakfast yesterday morning, bin could not
drini. any thing with it.
Ho inquired of the owner iif the dog
that bit him about six weeks " since, if he
thought the dog was mad. An evasive
answer was given, when he replied—"the
dtig was mad—and Jam &dead stanc"
About 2 o'clock yesterda ' afternoon,
ha kad some slight spasms-whi li increased
until he died. Al 1 . 1 o'clock l ast evening
vie succeeded in getting a straight jacket
on Min, when he was- chanted to the
At intervals he would4allt Is ra
tionally as ever, aid agieed with us on the
propriety of his confinement." At one
'tale he cried out—kill your dogs! kill
your dogs! . i -
. A scene of this kind begganqsll descrip
lion. He was a -native of the !village, and
his father, mother, and sisters all among us.
This afflictive Prokidence hak thrown a
glooin over the whole vicinity:—Newark
Gaily Advertiser.
4 Match for the Rip Van Winkle story.
SINGULAR FaTeurrir.—Mri B. Smith,
t4Wolfordcounty, Kentuck , furnishes
editor of the Franklin Far er wilb the
rl i
rticulars bf an estraordinar case of fa
t lay which happened a few days since in
s neighborhood. It appearsithat a poor
an, by the name of FrancislNave, bad
t e misfortune to. lose the orgy cow he
hd, by death of a tumor o r swelling of the
t roat. Desirous to save alto( her that
as valuable, he skinned her a' it took the
tilde to the fairer on the ooly,hoise- he
pbssessed. .Soon after his return, his horse
Was taken with a swelling o 'the throat
atid . died immediately, and tha hogs that
ate of the dead body of the sow, which
Were all he li.d, died also in thq same man
ner; and some of his neghhors' logs that ate
if the dead carcass also died; arid lastly. to
chnse.t he tragedy, the poor fellow, fell a vic
tim to the malignant poison which was
communicated to his system byi, Means of a
sore on his hand.—Madison qpii.
Rzoi..—We ledrai from agentleman
tI at the men on the coal Whar fres on the
huylkill, have struck . for higher wages,
a. . are parading to the numbei',of 15Q
wth drum, and fife, and Bag. ,Those than
a parading, are a worthless libel of fiat., ,
to • s, who will cot work more than three i
, lE ys in the Week, by 'which they ' earn
: . ugh to pay forlheirloard ' whiskey,.
i -r lis said those that will work, 41o' over
.rk 19 the amount of $lOl -r
tremployerie bairn the inert toiwork from
art s
oft p with the! privilege of dot ing.the,
is alter 6 P. M., for, which 'ibex are
1. Wm, end lull deibled‘to I op- some'
dl' ney fora rainy dry, The . Tor :had
arge poll
,:fiireis on the i
g _ nd tan
I .r hairl'i
~ ',Wm' prepared td quell any
Ileti,dej : !igloos' ofa ricf —//41,y
The Riot.: The dialer ellen' tg
t he coal aibarrep oietbi tkeh litill:yosi
" . y• hylti ''' - iiiiiltiiiiits; - -- ie ''' -0-
... „. . i . wit,,,..japal Y
•yesterday-m b _
.. Attievor
.:' the."*PlOtiOtt r to- .41E4
f. 5: 'Ocist., 4t i ;. e;' ~,A4, ,z ., .. .eiltasiwe.g
, • • - \ , 3. ,,,,- ;'t)0,,,-5 . 1,- , ---
-.--, "i„:..i, • ~ . _., .. i 4.f ..„ • i''
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• irrp'
!M .'
,13.1:41L1t0114:4-: 11.
HE ORG ':lllieee
tediroPl Hoe"'
'llene, ithe J. ntildneAl
Bth4enom .
e: The
on i.the:l by the
of livered '
in Tee
at r
' tele
In ,referaripe to a denial of itemeeharge
made by Mr. Crockett,. in a loiter written
AD foie ofikeinnitituenti; he4nifuired;
~-..., W har does 4h:tr i dental o Francia,,P.
male aqiciiiii Tot pi it univerally known
that - 00iikheither,'. 'Resit' apr write the
troth When he can-invent.afalsehood? and
iltatArilivili - either' affirm lir deny any
thingici - the:waild, just as it ?nay snit his
. I Then, sir, I repettt the inter
xogatory)What does his denial amount to?
And be then - proceeded: . • . .
Sir, by . way of illustratinA rte- baseness
and perfidy of this official edftot, I will re;'
late a trick that he played "Alen me at the
commencement of this sessOpn. I hope
the fact is not forgotten by the House or
the country, that the Preside t refused to
allow to the Printer of this onse a copy
of his message under the or ,nary injunc
tions, preiionsly to its being ?•ead, as was
shown by a correspondence n the Medi
sonian soon after. This I t en believed,
and still believe, was a low a d pitiful ma
omvre of His Excellency, to throw patron
age in the way.of the blobtk The con
sequence was, that the Printer of this
House. was unable to supply the members.
with themtriliage until he coeld print them
after-it was delivered, unless he would al
low them to be furnished by; this favored
editor of the Globe. Owing! to this fact,
nand many others were compelled either
to submit to the delay, or bby from the
Globe office. Knowing the iront anxiety
of my constituents to see the message as
soon as possible, I adopted the latter alter
native. I ordered some two 'pr three hun
dred, and they were sent toil me already
enveloped. I had sent themiall away but
two or three, before I opened one of them;
and sir, what do you imagine my astonish
ment was When, I discovered a prospectus
ofthe Extra Globe smuggled in it! Thus
you see, sir, by a gross, fraud upon the
Government and a base imposition on me,
I was made to frank to my Iconstituents,
for aught I know, some two or three hun
dred prospectuses of the Extra Globe! I
spoke of it to sayers! gentlemen, who in
formed me that the same tri4k had been
played oll'upon them. Ndsv, can any man
believe that a wretch who ia capable of
such smuggling, fraud and treachery, as
this, in small matters, would ' of be capa
ble of any crime,- no matter h w infamous,
'f he thought he couldescipe eteotion and
punishment? 1
We should be glad to see the above to.
pied into every paper in the country, that
the people generally may be made ac
quainted with the character 'of him who
conducts die (pial organ oflthe Govern
' 1
The same trick was played off on a
numbe4r of other members of Congress.—
What a precious scoundre4 this Malt
mint be.
The Sultan's Letter of Cotigratu ation.
—A subject which has excited no neon
siderable talk in • the Court ire.les s the
' , letter of felicitation" forwsrcled by the
Sultan to her Majesty on the occasion of
her coronation. • It is a remarkable doer'.
meet in its form and stibstaece; it is re
presented to us as being about 36 inches in
Length, and between three and four inches
broad: the penmanship is very careful and
elegant, bearing in the margin the signa
ture of the Sultan, with all the titles of the
very high and puissant Seigneur which
from time immecndrial have; appertained
to the principal representative; of the Otto
man Court. The paper is of a very fine
manufacitire, approaching to vellum in ap
pearance. This letter was plot in an en
velope, And sealed with the aimorial hear.
ins of the Saban, and the wh le enclosed
in a cripison; cloth sachel or bag, some
what resembling a lady's ama I reticule.--
It is richly embroidered in gold; and a bur
sal and string of peculiar beauty of man
ufacture completes this uniqut billet dour.
The American part of the ,Coronation.
—The Mioi4er and other members of the
American ernbissy, itAglated. were in
the procession in two ciaiges, plain, but
chaste and,elegant, and coniidered to be
in good keepidg with the re üblican sim
plicity of lhe,:touttm which e - represents
at the EtigliAorCnuit. - liis h use when it
laminated at nignt displayed a eagle, with
the motto E Pistribus Untres beneath the
letters V. IL, bid,without an of the Col.
ored lampirwhich gave so gorgeous an ap
pearance 'co he mansion of Jul neighbour
Marshal Soldt: • Ascorrespoinlent- of the -
Courier eitYit,lamo t the fortligners pref.-
ent in thet;AlV s e a consierableeum
her ofytior tmtry e wh bappear to
hare, beep .qttrpredli ri - M\ a 4arked man.
tier - up,-the -occasiony lfrietid'CoL
Webb_ hailngrreceived, ; lass Than two
tickets of. ethuisaionn-pne holm the- For,
eiga;gffiees-ie-a-ettatiger lw Londe*, and
another MeV the • A meridari It:glister, had
presented ""- to hint a fey daysrevious to
the event.• dyer to Um
daa 'I/W . lW* ;lhe,Mironititnr. Jolni tVati
RareW - iti,,Boad'atreett-bas dine l
vitbalie "rid cutting a i
erial,figue ,-
~ 1;4 :1 I haVe
• .:431 . 10:31,111'"
.44-41-64 - 4
.ATAIORNING AUG. 418311. --
&mid D 1.411 b, •George teriler, gag.
obr 114: 1 1 Brojamin ,Bpases,
lames ' nar.. &Niger: Esq.
er g Arnim! B. White, ;
' Leif tiVa. *eOpile itentenaber
'• s; --,H; • th ,
voed-iothe.Senatelast Willa:
terto inastract our Senators.
and Representatives in Con
gress to vote in 'favour of the
odion. and -infamous Sub
ilTrea: y It 1. .
Also :iremember that DA.e
VID R. PORTER voted in
the Senate last winter,. in fa
vor oflthe Government issu
ing Shin Plasters—the only
irredeemable shin plasters
that w#ll be in circulatiOn in
this State, after the 13th of
August neat.
Is your time for News.
the Miners' Journal will be furnished
until the election, at the low rate of
Twenty-live Cents •
For each :pub - scriber—or-25 copies week
ly for $5.;
Notice tb all indebted to this Establish
ment.---!e would respectfully inform all
indebted to this Establishment, that we are
busily engaged in making out their bills,
which wed hope they will be prepared to
meet promptly. We would also inform.
them, !hot we made but few collections at
thk coinnliencement of the present year,
of"last: year's arrearages, owing to the,
pressure 0' the times—in consequence of
which wel l are sorry to state, that, we our
selves are now pressed, so that we are
under the necessity of requesting all in
debted to *s, to call and pay their bills with,
as little delay as possible. Our distant
friends will please also to make their re
mittancesi without delay.
A Collector will wait on those residing
in this Eterough,
Now is your time, Boys.
Another Proposition.
The subscriber is now ready to receive
500 subsiribers to the Weekly Miners'
Journal until the election, in this, and the
adjoining Counties, on the Mowing condi
'lf Joseph Ritner is re-elected, we will
charge eah subscriber 25 cents. c
If David R. Porter is elected, they shall
have the paper for nothing.
Kr If the Porter men are so sure of
electing their cardidate, they now have a
chance of 'getting the Journal for nothing
until the election. B. BANNAN.
GO- The continued absence of the Edi
tor at Coda, must account for deficiencies
and error 4, should any occur.
(► The degree of Bachelor of !Awe
was conferred on FitAilClB W..Hcosits,
Esq. of this Borough, at the commence
ment of Dickinson College; a short time
• Read the Following.
- Tb 6 Porter Meeting held at Or
wigsbutg Monday last, passed a reao.
lotion, without a dissenting voice, approv•
ing of the!' Conduct of the goo.. Edward
B.' Hubki;-the representative •frotn"- this
diitrict in Congress, who is one of the ever
melmorablii TWENTY-EIGHT ; who vo
ted again.* the repeal of the Specie Cir
cular, whip Caused the Banks to suspend
specie pa mants—nn# who also voted
theoughout in favor of the Sub Treasury
Bill, whicb, int had becoule.a law, would
haie prevOnted the' Banks from resuming
specie paimenta. Notwithstanding the
paOnge ofsuch a resolution, a large flam
be{ who c omposed that meeting, profess
to be oppoiied to the SukTreasury..Bill—
and they all pitiless to' be-opposed to Shin
plasters. Away with such HypoCrisy.
While at Court, we learned with sur
prise that the Porter men have circulated
rt nEts
p tty gentimily through the county, that
Ri wa.f losing in the Coal Region very
ra idly. The mail contractor went so far
.as o state that he would lose between 3
40b votes, w hen in fact, he only received
in tliet.Pot ille, Port Carbon, Minersville
`and Sehuylicill Raven districts, which em
braces neatly the whole Coal region, hut
32tvotitilti 1335. We ' will , -ooitr hate (or the inftrimation Of our.friendaiit The
county, that it the above metitionetlii,ii.
trials,. wham Governor • Rimer veceivia
; only , 322 pines in 1135., he; will, do the,
Second Tubsday ofeetOber "tielt - r - tiscejval
ile4r4n - ErLiVigN AND EIGHT BUN- 1
:-DRED IrOTAS., liVte pledgeremselies I
to, itra puhl O will be 700 . , and
PRY probably iSticeed 4 4so. This is die
way Gov.
i ßituerr is losing itt..the,Cootße
itioi6, witliA COnfitleck9f ean the : pee
place ii thippertoCci l oco. statementst:
. „ •
Ole huelpietingdon loernek
if afl 0.1060 teye,thit
y , Toriltrinvisitegt,ool
on the ilia l of 'the GeeererChiethip,
he ten.tuirf soloppOrtuoitx ertrtiesoilty.
t i r
ainthic mi rene i !MOiAlf4r-44f,
lyei'ioth.' , mid:dea:
~ . ,
ie. nearly
• " • •
4,7a1e0 . b.:Coithi, Bills of lietai;
qf every • lastly plated at
Ike Wait cake.
la • 11,Ge r
'•;.. • -
• rI64)PLIE,
' L _
Tueedarlaskliis proud. day fOr the
cimity. - , Irh• ireeettng , held,on that
day, we leatp from-lb* who have been
otd vesidinfanf:rthetcainty,:was.the larg
est political.meettnaih,t, ever .assembled .
Borough 01'0.V/14111P
nearly - twicelislargelffilhliTirrfak- sheet :
ing-hekt. on ;thin Prefiotaii ify:' *lvery part
*pike Court Hattie Was fulltnove rfloWingt
and we learn that a , Unmber could not get
insidktlie - House- The fainters poured
in, front all part& of the icounty, by wagon,
loads,frotri cab of which we observed a
Banner floating, on -- which:was „inscribed,
the Coal Region was also well reproeented to theineeting-,11 Miners and La:-
borers, Mechanics and: Boatmen.
end Merchents;:lit fact all clasties,and con
ditions, who feel . the ettects. of the ruinous
and reckli xi Experiments o'f the General
Government upon the credit, prosperity,
and• industry of the country, tame forth'
inaefislly on this occasion, 'determined to
raise their voices in *ippon of that well ,
tried and faithful:public servant, JOSEPH:
RITNER, who is opposed to these 'reek
fess experitnents and experimenters—who
is opposed to placing ; , the Sword and the
Pqrse in-the same hinds- - -who is oppoid
to the' present.vile Shinplaster, currency,
introduced by the bungling attempts of
the Administration to introduce gold and
silver—and wkich GDS. Ritner's Procla
mation will banish tram the. State, after
the 13th of August-.-lenJ gold and silver
will take take. its place, in despite of the
Van Buren 'Administration attempting to
prevent the - Banks 'resuming, by endeav
oring to keep the Specie Circular in exist
ence, and urging the passage of the odiou
Sub-Treasury Bill-z . -and who has thrown
himself in the breach to check the torrent
of corruption, which is now pouring into
the State from that sink of Iniquity, and
foul pool ofeorruptiona--Washington City;
and who is determined to prevent the peo
ple of this State from being delivered over
to "the ,Party," bound hand and foot, as a
political 'offering to appease the wrath- of
Martin Van Buren, the usurper of the
Rights of the People.'
The spirit which actuated that meeting,
was the spirit of freemen, who are deter
mined to maintain their rights at all haz
ards—e spirit which Cannot be checked—
its march is onward, determined to contest
the battle in this county; inch by inch. It
is"'a spirit that haehlready beaten the en
•emies of the Prosperity of the County and -
State, in Conventions f and • County Meet-
Itigs-and it is a spirit which we sincere
ly hope and believe will beat them on the
The Meeting was eloquently and ably
addressed by Lebbeus 'Chapman and, Wil
liam Andenried, Esquires; by request of
the meeting:
Frederick Layderbrun, Esq. a !farmer
of Brunswick township, presided, assisted
by twenty Vice Presidents and Secreta
ries, nearly one half Of whom mere Wolf
and Mnilengerg Men at the last electimf
The smite may also be said of the commit
tee:if fifty, whoreported the-proceedings.
• The Porter County Meeting held at
Orwigsburg im Manday last, considering
the great eaoriions made, to getup a large
Meeting—and Coinpaied with the im.
, mense meeting held on the follaring-day,
, may be •pronounced_ a complete failure.
From 175 to 200 persons were in attend.
ance, and the Court House was- not much
more than one-half 'full. Jacob Krebs, as
usual, presided; and the meeting was ad.
dressed by the' 'titerecityfied orators, Na.
than Nathani and Charles Frailey, Esqrs.
The former told some ivholesome truths.—
he stated' that:we were getting hemmed ]
in on all sides by corporations, (alluding I
no doubt to: the Coal '„Companies which .I
Charles Frailey and,Diiniel Krebs, Esqrs. I
advocated last wintei;), stated that Harris
buOg, during WE • Eisfieq of the Legia.
/ware, for the &at few years, had become
one of the most corrupt places in the whole
country, (he reigtit.haye excepted Wash
ington,) and he r i tttillinidedlosaun..the Brig.
ma upon the friendaof Ititnei r -but eignal
ly failtuk r .the Peciple - koewing : that if liar;
risbur eadteeakas4 o e,geraPt lgtho,ainter
season, ktntitit hairklietut corrupted by the
Van Bonin legirlainies that has assembled
there thallium( tub • iir`three - years: The
latter, made a liaadatip,eich loth the ,Mi t
%nitre' Joitintik,injtls - Itlint(tia usual.. He
raved rat the-",,,iaelaanit)Onlilie a:madman
:—=find *eellinay-A - he:-IVefirr that Proc.
lamation,*lo - Sproviir-Tor a winding ailed'
for the dad tir i entild - AtheYdrter party,
alleuthe 2 d . Tunday:,;ol *tabor nest. He
"inlYsaelareOwit to_ :convert truths• into
falsehoodiwank.falsehoods into tintha4—by
'Mann; that thi l ßinks I had agreed to re•
cut "the Stet of Ingust,,whea in la 4:
st: had:only :recommenited, without .6i=,
that petted' iesit - proper time for re-
~,umf i o n. Li Ali' *decessor, he: also
y i ir e pt i n -,:the4iMinpi 7 ,4pcl 'the • • meeting,
did, sieil itisiddad, him: when he. "took
- his' it. The.. (act illi , # lo, , leadets or*,
f P oi ef-pilitiiie #o* C 14,94 are, nearly all,
trading and broken &Ain poliffaim s
.7 .m en
Who have decei*Otl -, Att: ileopleAci:cdten and
io Jeagythar 41 4iinteO!Ctioiktlinia,cOnS1
derettoiDrther*.Cti;r-ei .t''..4z,'4•;lT.-, ,,, A..t - 4.: - c , ...i,
‘ t lAilileg -- 1 . 54
tell .en.sulf.flanV
;:. ir:4oo:4: _h Utitini
'iker , ,kr":lB3s., Was
Atchino - tfli!lf
reelect '_ltitnei.:
ilte,*hincettor lii
one ''city onli'wlll
m sjpritf *Mallow
consideration Mew
jir igatostAiiiiei:
010 iii iheeitY. - 4.
ing 0 gain Of 4400;
tither . ree,eiieri i
In Octoberhe- IV
about 6004-sholvh.,
in Alleghenit B.itner,
-about'4oojn 115.351"0
ceive a majority trom
a , gain of aboutloo.
,gitner",zeditsited a, meij
1:05;-in` October the.
leastlQ.o9 4 -ak*probithl
gi/in . oralti&ist• 900.
there was a' majority 01
'MO1010E135; in Oa
ceive about 5041 major
orabout 1000. In
pi*, figaiiist Ititner.
in 10* u Ociobir item
ofOboot 547 voteB;
;`ltitrii•iitilation of
columoo and it
- ;- -
City & county of'
. Adams
' Cumberland
• Here is a gajo of!
countien and the city el Phi! olphia, wits
out taking . Into Consider:it of l !the gra
gain tor,Eikner in Cralwfot , E rrmstrung,
NTiogie Schuylkill, rata tin, Buda
Cheater, Lancaster, 'N rth terland, Ly.
coming, Bradford,a ' rul in fat early every
County in the state; wile ,he contra.
ry the Porter men' a at . 4 nt .out a
Angie - county in the 'tat Por.
ter has gained—not , non 'agape
county, tibe county tohi 'I Ai lives.-
Even in thin. county t `nt 'o Ay will be
increased o. Gob. Rit 1.. , repeat —j
t er
how can fkbrter be el elected pat:hoot or
Pennaylvat,in? • I , -.1 11: .
Too Good to be Lost.—,
w ?otter thin from theeoun
beasting,in Philadelphie of th
tion of David R. Porter by
ity; and Also appeared to bej
quainted - with 4he ProbSble
'candidate would receive int o
girths State.. k Ritner my
search of
.information; liv
the gentleman to name the
jerities for Ritner and Fortgi
eat_ ipunties, and her would' ci
paper. The Porter sztSt' . eon
statement *as reeled oft—Whei
hold! it . made JOSEPH' Rill
'eftior by about 2000 majo4ty,
of the forfeit man can be be to
,than described. .
The ' willing tnia•name 1 '-mottsdiell
/lien is-again attempting 1 .1 h' hug the
people', by,stating that the . tOg Sapid;
!ill - resume in the Ist of A' 'rortatipt;';
standing thiOrorlanterion .
.r. f r Ottiiii. 7 l
nor. Goy. kitner'syrorla 0 retiftireaq
them to resume 'oii . pr . b ,• , it it 13th o 1
August. It •does-not Pitth. 3 ' . it' 441 -*
relanning before tho 2 ptri pi ey Una
proper ; ludo so. But 4o'.iitel Btir: , ,:.
all inast , re'stnne, orlriutitherf ielloaftig l
. , 1 _ ,
their charters. '
Kuria*, charged witiestneln i ,
money from' Mr . James if ot
Carbon, plead guilty, and a
to diree.yedrs confinements t
- i
Wit** Ayers 'thit negro ' ho thrice i
a t
bioktr into Wssrs. s l% di J. Nty's store
inthe Atirtiugh of Pottsville , n arch last, 11
plead=guiltY, and Was :sent i . ttf five 1
years tniprisomient in the e i enthityt
James; Hoppe; a negro, stole a'
valuable , berse from Mr.-Be lin Pott.•B
short tine since, plead guilt y • wassten
tenced to eighteen, months i isomment
. in the - Penitentiary.,
Henry Smith, charged it
,chickens, found guilty, and t
month to . County jail. 1 -
.lumes Farrel, a , ,child a bc
of age, charged with larceny,
and Iwo „pier* - II
in, thiiPenitentiarYt and
a fit for-the Eloti,
;Edward' 4yan, awl
00 kuilth 'and itur s
m ia.,
ciltriti pi l for tw*trinat i. , . i
I ffaidescre , W. , *liii ;• e , with
LaFeen37tki_ee JOiaia uti4 guilt7, l •'
' apt' was stiatea r cedWih 'Pe it iary for •
the tel l ß9fintelectit;on itch: n tment.
AUFrigie,4 o2 l l atri, ch arged , i
~ palings
!cOnnteribil Shin-PlaSters "T ''''
l i d
1 istitidl by e:Citttaari - irri = Coiniii- ...ii
fiY,Titair %Slid:guilty, an sen e tot WTI
jailiofPchnilkilt county for A l ei
olielyCai•lit iiird'iabor4pass n counter.s
l i
feii.shin.plaitters noel:Pell* a 0,410'
I .off,nce,,-.. ''''• -
~ •
'-„ ~,. ;
• The!, - .*Osecition against , r :41'4,
Tinbiiwkokoestpd for-hinsi , ' - ••Ofrence, ,
w6 - I'.:sibitidotied in . ccii( -" Of \the*:
° 4 l;bakillaUtheleee ail `.
". nal_ ik/ifK ;
'I P °44 AP rl r e fO liiii - ''.°' '''!
l' - '= , '-
eiiiclit majority 0 1
it Ogyibiltr he will re.
1, 2 to 119-:-81101Pintrtl
: In ll ama county •
lily f ,
,bout 400 l a
I. tnaj rip will he el
lily' 1 Iti—ehowie g i
lln fiddle County
If abo t tad° 'resale
01l Rltopr 'will re.
•tr hfarlng a gal e
um lend the ma.
, as a t •900. rotes
lf il
i be only be,
t ing a g em
114 ,
; iinee 1835
y i r Ph - nodal.
i 1 ' la 4400
e ci
cites in ea
1 - • learn' that
r 'wee lately;
• Villa elect:
1 ge major•i'
ifeetly peg;
Vity each;
ir• • couraii
a • 'meat, if
I . I
atits ma-
' the difFer.;
out it to, lied—thol
o o and be;
(ES- Gov 1
the lookti
1 • •
I '
.I....GZ. or i re
at pPo rgy
ced tnitet
9 2 11 1 11111
1 tkiirfir
r r
• Mt
1„.. 2
to ~the