The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 04, 1838, Image 1
4 - -..-.4 • . • " I= V -4) 4. i.. - •t: PitttiTiD AND. : PUBLIS • - tft ti A. N 'Taint tkiLxikitli AND FurTr Cs F u troteintat u tiegilt h a a dzca to . i f natio tip t apettee Orptistage. To mr Open !nun: •If noV--paid within the will bentkkautlherice of subllfnint • Nit,gEKLY. Two DoLLAAtt; pet !tttaltr ! pEr- Tab.. inndtatice If n ot paid-within the yelr, $2 50 tinChafged. 7 . I 1 Advertisements not riiceading twelve lines will be cliarged ,Stfor three insertions—and 50 k cents forlorn) lusaYtion.: Ltirgiir ones. in propeition ei i • L All adirertisemhnts .Will be Wink until ordere si out.nlesithe time for whi 7.1 they sae obe continue 'in apwifind Amd.Willbe charged accordingly. i Taniidyndverthiers will be charged 12 per anputot tricludingsqbacriptionto the paper—wi h the privilege of keeping ontiadvertisement not exceeding 'it squares standing during the year, and the insertion ofasmitll - annin - tinebpaprr for three success ve times: _ ... A IlletteriaMreand to the editor must be'poslisid. otherwile no ideation will be paid toma. Ali notifies' for meetings, &c: and other ntices agt i , vrhichlrirre heretofore been inserted gratis:will be hanged 25 cents ennh t except Marri and Death;, THE partnership heretofore miring be ween i C. Leib and Charles Grist , te &rig im4selbe firm of Leib. - and Christ,lmarebants in the Borough of Pottsville, was dirlved bY tual - efrnsent, on the first. f April, 838. All per= sons indebted to the firm, are requested toimelfe immediate payment to Wm. C. Leib, arid all those - ,having claims will also prase it them ko him for settlement,lbp being authorised to settle tht bnainess of the late firm. WM. C. LEIB. • • CHARLES CHRIST. Pottsville, July 28, 1838 s . 38-3. . Administrator's L"'LETTERS of AlliniMstiktioa .granted upon the estate of Gashretick, deceased,' late of Pal hereby giverito all those indebto to make home Late payment, and' claims' against Veld estate will pled for settlement on or before Monde of September at the house of D: Pottsville. at Which time and pla t tradwa will Settle all accounts pr cated. FREpERICK BEGK, D. G. YUENGLING, Admininiatorri. Pot swipe, 7nlq 18.1838. 1. Stry Dor*. WAS taken op on the Sharp Mountain on Thurisday last, a RAY , j lll l, k, HORSE, with a ' rope round hid Ilipa neck,' about 14 Years old, and is marked on the flank by the collar. Th. owner is requested to come foaward, prove peUperly,, pay charges, and talichim away, other wise he 'wilt be'sold according lo law.. , J. B.OVERBECIt. PionntCarbop; Joly 21, 1838. 156-31.• A BEAUTIFUL HEM) OP HAIR IS the grandest ornament belonging to the human frame. How strangely theoils old, changes the countenance aid prematurely doge oti khe pr niancerof old age. which cancer any to recoil t being i ncovered.Andsomettmes even to shun soci etyto a void the jest, anctsneers, of theit acquaintance; the re minder of their lives are consequently I spent in re. t i reseet p„, : japhort,mst even the loss of property fills t h sg enerespr i thinking youth with that heavy sinking dan k sOldes the loss of his Intr. To wen all these / 3 u4lftsint circumstances . OLDRIDOR BALM OF MDUMBIA stops-the hair from falling Roo the first arignation and a few bottles restores it again.- It la m ililit produces eyebrows turd Whiskers; prevents the hair .from mitring grey. mikes •it cud beautifully. and frees it from scarf. Numerous certificates of the find' bilitylsupport ohe virtue of Oldridge's - shown the proptors. , Dr ead the following: sai l T WHARTON. Esq. late Aver of Phila. del phia, his ?certified: as May ,he seen - below, to the Mgt' ,idisracter of the followidg gentlemen.p The und ed do hereby eartify that we bereaved the Ralitib - Mo bra discovered by Jillarklge. and have found it higrrll serviceable not is a preven tive againstthe falluigotfof hitir..but 'a a certain re storative. "WM.TIVAPH*R. see' r. Methodist Minister - hi St: deer charge. Flo3AlVo iftb-street. JOHN P..14_61.68.23h *reef. ' JOHN D. THOMAS. M. p /i 4 lute -at. JOHN S. FUREY,IOI St 'AL • : . HUGH McCURDR. sa Ho th-7d se. JOHN.GARD. Jr. 1.23 Arch , , 'The sgestitd those-who:persist ' w ` 'AA ImtlY.Dot liwils'exPedtmc.a its ,rwtyltati qu ' es. it 4 1 tr i tt l. 1 46 4 6 ' 21 7f /4M itsw/Tin the ' bribe au ' when du known tha three r ati f u re. ve Ape , co) renVelhintso years Tare, the therm got leap,;; . :: 1 From the Mayor.] i l • 4- f . r PENNS Llra,Nu, • Citypf Philkdelp hr. iallisn.lfirltAßTO t , Mayori of acquaint. ty f phiMelltelgt, :,,, tiled sai wel witgqi.dewrir.' Trinidist, l OM'S. Furey. and Hugh wo m b; w hew , . signed le the above mint - ficatokik um armaee, - ~ of and fe e - thud' i widii (Wadi* gives to tk9 • b lotuses' whereof .'l'. . tie iutoribind, • and canned'the led . the city be affix Abis IL. 13 •1 sixth day *rpm= . . 44u... - - ' 2 4 , ~ ROBE' IVLIA jt.1114*1." ',14 :9141 0i T i 4- per of '' "bet4 of N .- * liiii ir ld idi urlis °l44l aivatuniir; 'iwk .4"". - 1 ' VVW4 , .. ..3 - 14kbidemle and mail by Com sto ck' :1110dili , + ,effilimilitedilebik andseue!lud I v --i i. , 646: .' i item 57-17 Pottsville" July 25.1_81% 1 1 . ~~. ey...~... w~ ~-:~r ~~ ,~ _. . ESS • " V, I , 4:- =ME s/Lou vo'cororizios4nits I MIL/. 11ToUcc to. trot:, , , James River' andlutia M I /ut - raiiiilMM: . - - meni, ,Virginia.. ,; ~ •., ~ . APublic Letting - will "beleld In the:hi - Who( Lynchburg, on the 120 September 'Deli. of oaths work nut now under Contracts .1 10 4 0 00 " Of the Catiil bet Ween that place ant the - ; thy of Richland. ' •' ._ _ _, . ~....._ 1 , .1 Thu work consists of 39 - Lonlmi-4 3, Cultisnis 3 Aqueducts, 2 'hewing path bridgea.(onit 'of which is across Juba Tiver,) **Mt 120 fluor and Road Bridges., end from 30 id 40 sedionii; beiides several beery sectionstotween LYnCh burg anifthe Blue'Ridge - --! - 1 "" _ ' _ The Locks Will ' of itfi.i 31 ' "7: t i ny sheatherl.with plank. - .. . 4 - - • ' ' The situation of, the :work - 4111,6Lp* 1310 V to Contractors by the Asaistant.Etigintireie‘tho • line; and the general-Oahe Mid specifitiitioacwill • •toti exhibited at the trio - albs subsi.riber.ih - the City of Richunind v ontiltho9thoftleptembe4. and in Lynchburg at the time of letting. 4 . - The viilley.of the James River is riaimfitably healthy. -. • CHARLES ELLET. jr. Chief Eat - • of the J. R. and K. -nom) July 28th 1838. MI •. ) ' per anu et paid rrtlT e ose livseirit I sub ar, 50e ti ! enn-ann all' . • 1 Swataia and Good Spring Creek Road. - N I DT/Cele hereby given, that norsoint to al further supplement to the actoratitled n act to incorporate the Swaim and Good Soria .Rai Road Company and its gipplement 800 wit be kept open by the Commissiomrs or of them, to receive subscription to tie sine •of the above Rail Road. At the Merchants Coffee House i s the qity of Philadelphia at the licival ofJohnrisemie to the Borough of Eteading, and at-the Hone ofineiny W. Conrad in the Borough.of Pinegro VO,OO Mon day the 30th day of Joky 184 and a: thid House Of Eliza Shiedel in the "Borough of Leb4rion at the House of George Nagle-tin the Bonnie; of Harrisburg, at the House of Mike's! -Graeff in i'the Borough of Orwigging, at the House or Samuel Hamon in the Borough Danville, -.end at the House of George Ferree in the Borough of Carlisle, on Monday the 13th day of Augist 1838. The said Books will' minesa open for bie days at each place,- and will be transferred until there is a imfieient subscription lb complete said road, which is not to•ezeeed 100,000 dollop at /150 per share, fire dollars:wit/his veeeived l ablitirery share at the time of subscribing. 'lsaac Starr,. ~ , Wm. M: Roberts. Isaac Eckert, John Hither, „ Marcus Caoffman, Pant Barr, . Simon Guileford, David Kra use, Cherie McClure, Wm. Levan, I • . . Charles A. Snyder, Samuel Webb, Peter Filbert, Sarong Gam Win. Donaldeori, Davit Grienawald - Charles Hailer, Commissioners. 54-9 t otice. I basing been John ;Georges seiile, entice is to said estate all thosttliavirig Se present them I v the third day Yuengling the fildminis. perlj allithepti July 14 1838 ROYAL ('( )1,1,EG ()I.' 1,() /10N. • INGskill's Pin': THE Original Hygelan Universal Vegetate Medicine, prepared by W. MISKIN, , Esq.,, Member. of the Royal College of Surgeons. Licen- tiate of Apothecaries Company, Fellyw of 801. Court Society, Surgeon: to the 'RoyalUniou.Pen sloe Association, Lancaster Once, I- Waterloo Bridge; and • Perpetual Pupil of 9uay's and at Thomas' Hospitals, London; .. f These pillshaying-gained. ac . elehrity tamers'. lelee in every section"bc - the Union, are now con, sidered by ail , those who-valtie good health, ipdis- pensable as a family Medicrati=patroitised by a ' numerous body of the most eminentPlifsicians both in Rile country aid in Europe,— sufficient, it is presumed. to-stamp their diameter in awes timaticin of irretithinking man; unit is hoped, a far better recommendation than t hS coarsere sorted to by ignorant and unprineipk.pretenders, who tomislead and deceivethe pubhil. psiblish what they call practical yrito6 Ctittllllirifficalea of Cures, that exceed all botindi'pfratiolial,credihil , ity„ and mostiof Which, ifnot.till, ire iiiither'gross fabrications.or procured by frond add iiiiiivance. The editor, of the Long Island Fanner, says "TMs meLlieint has obtained an., unpr ecedented degree ofivell preserved pepitlerity. Having tak. rim en' pills onrselves to advantage d whams se heir bentifielal effects on Others, ism have no mrn li tat ion ir. recommending them fh the public as a safe, salutary, end useful faMily m icane."' beNone are gedikims with Out 09 1 .• ' 'lure 10 this.Heneral are on the label, by : honk the a. bore medicine Is imported , into this , try. 3tlo. HOLBEIN,I29 'Vra r:rnacv, . Gen'l Agent f S. A supply oithe ib,ove Medicine diet received and forsale hys . ' , - 'B. ,11111§1NAlli, Sole Agent for ilichoyliiill county. -2- §• Icl -. a m . 0 2r. CD nil . 2,_ 'vv.' Sm.' row • runL p , C . O A " aIII4.K.W _ RIMPECTFULLii announces to his. friends and the public itt &amid. that helm alma commenced the Cdali•Maksog Donlan in Nor wegnai 'Strict. three! doorilielow the Anildeln the borough of Pou+lnne. - :*4kine; ie matt to manufacture to alley all kinds of hided at the shaiest.pollce.of tha.bestlattterials,-And. aktbei lowarraten. labia also on headi ready -made, Ilarouchea4 !Carryalls.' Phietane.l - Chariataa. otacheen; Buggies, ilic.'which he Invitee the pub. hoto call and - sun ice fin' thematic& Thear: - . tieleiare ti!! Manelfaetared adder flit towittl ana ßepatteilota he ways*, L t them taring to atm alsaibike,. &rimy 41elich` ptbiti-diteb eaneticepd on the moat reaboonhlinternii. N. 11 .. . mired isisayatent far- abielan:= 7 -- - - 1 . " -'3lll July 16 VIASI3IONABLig - Cilaid. : Sin Hiti: 0 - - Pnssa als.,,Wsilledirmee -boys, ksit received by_ ....• -•,.;, , ,1. •,..-1 4 1q- I NAT 13 & Co. Polstrille; Jay gi,113313t , I'4l : -, 511 7 ' • I Ey • *- ••' 1 1 v l ii o 4e v.•:zi' ''' 1 .EYEWS . ' latiils , .Ia rssivai l 6rgr,lo Pottv&4 in 1 i - 2 AlB 7- ! . a' . ' •-,."; • I .tr , M't ,FLOA : 4We. 91. .rott., ! lle, Jeljge. 18311. s I . 11 . 64. : • , OMMzM . - .. • 2:'== [4; ,-11,4nTS1r,/ = - FLY • - .1•4".-!?4.1, 1 • • ME t i ltitar 7r iVii ' w;r l inge-40riajibsigssie •Boollion v-, 4 /01Fri ---. ,; ,ittilltAliNitt : office" - .Esr ear ebe oliew.l • stindird works-St the rry low.prieerlat: lathed. • "', '' • . '-'" .1:: , , ~,-. thawsinaku.,irpd Millers*ilind c • ''" • . e r , - 41011. cheep; .lilb Pk - - $lO ' OO -ClirkiPiCotnidentark(4 so s. sheep ; ' 'l2 00 -Welley's iorks,lo Ws. - Plite, • t ' - 11-10 -BOOM. Theologiestworks. 0 vols. sbwi • 400 ali Bcett's Bible • ent-Zoin tray, 3- -.* ,-• --_ : I - she* • .1t'...1. , + • rrx ,, ,, ~.. ...,-.• :IP 00 87d1rit 'verb% DeArtsb#l* Billkileiefteelit: 4 '25 RallbaN,Anctient , ilisteryi 1, 11 . 0 1 .; 4 11 0•14 Desiberne's - Editioe 'with hisiptiuld .t - _ 4 4• 1 4(..0 -• . Jr.'•- - -' 4 25 ;folispitoi,l viiii:itt I si," _ : 44 - 11• 1 0•. •fililnulekt; l 2._ 1 poL ma -oSire'rwerts,..LibratiZatlon: I:Burnamorlci.4 • . ... 1 ...f..:, 'Cowper etni-Tbompeon's *kg, • Ez i .:Paletre - works - , Burden's.village Berman 'Doddrtdra.'d Family - ' 1 ....... ,1 • Enctickwedialif GeOgrat... (. _ vols. with ' 1240 cute and 100 Mips. 10 50 Foee , frook of:Martyrs; with plates, .3 25 5141conzievsoott 137 TOgether, With a variety. ofother. - Books at very low rates, to suit the timtia. . ii 4.9 I i 32 tarieer ny. it HAZZ AR 0' All SVRAIUCH 9 S WHOLESALE AND RE 7 . 4 1.r. Dry-Goods,. Grocery and quer Store, Caviar of Centre' sad Inrkd Streets, Potiseille: - April 8 • Wholesale an Retail Dry Good StOre. . , lICDOLLOCK & WEAVER have just received m• in addition to their extensive assortment of DRY GOODS,Super Superior Blue and Black Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style caw. simeres, sattinetts and Beverteensi miners' fus tian', fp. Feb 18 14- Caution."er frIHE undersigned cautions the poblie against . purchasing or leaslnrthe tract of end called ClititorsTract, on the East Norwegian rail road. from Ellubeth Spcbn. or litsay Morris tor her, as he the ninlenigued claims title thereto. and wall institute a suit agdast -I any person aUempt. • ing to take the possession thereof. JOHN POTT. Manhedm. April `28,18381 32 _ • EXPRESS =NM Or STACIE. - I loot Proprietor, of this Line.(winch Liu been . -a-- fitted up in a superior manner for the 'Lamm moilation of the Travelling Community 4 respect. folly announce to the public that the Line will positively commence..runaing tetween POTTSVILLE' 4 PHILADELPHIA, si Wednesday tki 2d of May, and will continue to leave their office at the Pennsybenia Heil, daily. at 6 o'clock. A. M. andwinve in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. ait.iia the following rates of Fare: To Orwigsburg4 • • 50 • Port Clinton 75 Hamburg, • 100 2 00 . Pottstown, , 300 30i t , NOrfistown i , . . 4 50- , • -Philadelphia; : ' • 500 • For Seats :apply Jat the Pennsylvania Pottsville; Herrs: Miter, Reading; wad 'at their Office, No. 25, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, • MINTZER & ( i )). Pottstown. 1- BAWL. EfFENSPINE; .- • . EVANS d CAL,DWELL.Po. May 2 , Proprietors. NEW . lIRON ' . Ilarthare Store. - I. 'THE subscriber" lirould reepectfolly, announce to the public, ttiet he hap, added told, &twice stock, /ran and Hew lame, consisting in part or American and Engßib, Bar Iron:Hoops and , Band Iron, Round IrnfiS i orted siur,•Cast. Crawly, Shear, German an English 13lister. and A. Steel Vine* , Mon anvils. Sinith's Bellows, Cut Steel hand, cooping and Broad axes, nails ands pities, togethe with general iyisoruneni of Iron Mongery, a ll of Which will Weald - at re. duced prices, by .1 - JOHN CLA.YTON. I April 22 32' lEr . popish: PROPOSALS Abe received b 7 the Com munkuterr of Behetylkill boiiiity at their of fice in the borough of Orwigsbarg, on Monde,' the 30th of July, 108, 5:1: builiiicg stone arched Bridge across the river 13chtivikill. at bliddleport, with two stone' abutments. - The -`Bridge in •be roofed and weather;-boarded, and will be 50, feet tone float to be .1.2 feet' 'above Irni water tnerl4 the paesigeitO be that Wide Slid ,12 feet, high. # Tillie construe ' pee the plin of th e 1541071. kill Raven 13i 8.4 • 4. ,1 1 111L0 OSMAN,, , • .. 1 . BENJAMIN Porn, , . I AVM. L.'BOUGIMER. Orangeburg,. Use t6'. - • ,'- .481 • lie - 1422i* M. .01122i12211112i4 -: atiirrOßefri; TAT-Letnr, • "WAS,- removr4iitActi titentio stititiVig,.. a a points the Arilding-Of Owergseligilen-• 1 pings. wbere,he, 'llfattentici all husleolien. tritium/into hi inrellnitif his lenisssiew... . Oct 21 - -; illFiabseriimir hisliasveiioilted' 'llia W : Wks fa/ ads ‘ • . i ,i' . AP,:"'" "'.' l• • • timed Gionmin rotas. plub.- -:„ -•-• i • . Oda!, ThOssy • Z • :4 ; Ohirionete; , , , Viciliir, ',.-` !,,4,T .m551 ...,,-,, ~,,,,. .. I , ;7145, ._-'• "." - ' '' - ' : ~. ' pi,a r iiggia4 l . 1 4 04 0 0E 1 11 4- 11 i . • 4 4 ' , ,cbgdosetitimai*,.,. --,_> 1 , - :'''''' .'` •.d, , Gai t ig.§ ll ol4P*.AA , i ' •itt4A •,10/0 : 17Iolue zoiwitiani lisiss v ,4_ _ _r , .:t-.& ' 'St '.. 1. -illil,_4ieitt.Tailefitriabil.PP 'di mid i JOHN,.. C. 144 TM. , may 5, ipe. 1 416; 1:2023 S i -.:,.•1,.-,, Miller *NY** 'Sri &alb" . . (Kell door to. ' enablea them to h eliearackimeat of Philadelphia prices. and privateAmilies, 'judge for themselves. —sprit • 19.: - - • .1 'loo g Boards. • - - ‘7IAVOLINA wor flooring Maids; plough. tvJ ed, tongued and grooved 'auditor loiter; 1; 11 and .li-inches of dilfereot quality and petits, evrotantly on' hind, and for saki ,urkoto to wait ,purelaiero; upcui ap Neatien'hi - fetter to NES M. PmEN; 3 go 25 900 225 .9, MI 00 9 50 Planing Math' spra i •* titor.‘. .• T., - - 'OA - L. I THE Subscriber) receiving from the At Law, a too Collieries. 4 , fr esh supply cif the tielebra: ted SPOHN &LE IS RER ASH - COAL. Dow' landing at his whaq, Pine street. t3ehoylkilL.—) Orders left at the arum, Nu. 81 Dock street, or at the wharf, will lid promptly attended to.. . . ~ F. B. NICHOLS. Philadelphia, Mal 14,1838. 42 - • kS orat Te. RE Subaettbe, having tented th e wharf ori Fairmount dini,thot of W illow St. Rail Road joining the one clied by A.. 1. Bolton' & Co. are prepared to ive Coal, .Lumber. &c : oil wharfage, an corn Lesion. Enquire of the 24. scribers on the prethiroa, er at 28 South Wham* BUNTING, CLARE & CO. 47—ly t - New and .. pletadid- Goods. 1 fIrHE Ladies of ousville and vicinity-ars res. -IL pectfoilv limit d to call and examine n molt splendid =bourne of • Painted Lawns„,Ja nails, Prints, _ 7. Black ad Whirls wns, .Mooslinedelains L omuse, Hoskin, !lark and 1 ght kid Gloves, - . Worsted, Cotton's d Silk 'do 4 Fancy Handkerch fs, Shawls, Veils, I, Plain endpoint/4 idered linen Cambric - hdkfa. :Silk & Cotton, bl ch'd & onbleacled hose, do - do ...Embroidered ' At the store of 'N. NATHANS & all 1 mayl9 . • 38 . vAst it -• • • I ; ..AtraIETSII4., 1838. • • ;14 1 D : iR,E 74.444 k -I►Wing."*??!9s4" Mortimer!' noko:, deb - a:hope Inthiladel bop pulsed a very \ : 1 4 1 : dr. which they will ll at Store and Tavern- keepers would do' welt to atit and 3f- 91/6 uf, N. I.:Thila.Co. ER & H6GGERV4.,-. Jane 20 L AT THE • CA ' Sew Corner of Centre THE inbscri their friends the, have taken Jacob Bull & streets, where the impartment of tablislunent, ad Market Street& Pottsville -re respectlidly announce !to d the public generally. that - store formally occopi_ed by corner of Centre sad Market are now provided witha cM4oe GOOdfly • Dr - 11 Li which they are d eat prices. N. B. All kin the higheit mu April 1 ors, • c. • termined town albs very Tow HAZZARD & STRAUCIii sof Country realties take 4 ai - prises. d oustrionm. To 0 ne of Packets from Litkr to Pkiladetpkia., p 'EWE WPC: IBER has been qrpointe ~ A- A: gent for th Messrs. CUR% Line of Li i pool Packets, het n Liverpool and Pliiladelt4da.' lee and will reoeiv the passage money, tram dposs who wish to d for their irk - ruts{ in the old , country, and also, will procure Bills ft! those per sons who may dish to [transmit sneaky to their triemis abroad. i The Packets belonging to tbli Line are *ted up in aatiperior nner, and are conimanded by persona who pa great attention , to dieconifort and conventenee of passengers--aud s i base gmen great satisfactio to passengers generally. Emi grants who in d studding in this yogioii.ili find it to their a vantage to engage their passage in this Line, an land at Philaildphl% tbey.iwill. by so doing, saw the tareand capriole from ,kW York to Philadlphia. which is feu. or 'dol. dol lars for each in ividusi. - . I L i• The rates of fre will be made knolirn by ply. ing at that OSCO of the Miners' Journal. june 30 ' B. BANN . Wethl mill & Brother, I; - IRE OLD:.STANiI, I . RTH FRONT STREET,. EAST.S.I.DE, ,4 i 4 - Timis Dow m Tie 'Coaxes - br Jitumt Sr. i P DIF1.1 1 10.214! L ' MANU 'MITRE? OF • White Lead dry Calomel. , r , iti;dßed Prec 6 r a tiid d , ill C ' . White 'do i° ' - garalle I : Lith a yr,. • Vitriol . Alb .i ••• .1 , • Chrome Yellow " all P•--% • ' i do . Green Tart. Use*i .do Red Ether Solgt.. I , Patent Yellow . dO Nit* it 11 Sugar Lad , - dt o :--Aast*. Copperas Limar Casette ~ 04 Vitriol , . Cam. (110 ; 1 Alt. Fortis Aces. Moroi& , , . hlwriitie Acid &dph. do i 1 Epsom Salts Lae. Seigle, ' I _ • .Tart. Acid, - fbil• altl i bil*L ' IllapCarb. ACTISSI13411.1111! t . ~ . • Coring; Sib. M re: - ' Edda*: - 11e.c . .. ," - jiwieemio pllor. Sal Nkre, , ''. "Bois:. are.. 011ec for le the above_ niersi4ggra, to. Win. with a - Mil asionnent - iir Pa iet4 Dnna and Dye Stalk le d every other aft w ic ii tl I:tie - ll:hand cal and+ bleditiial line. _' .:„'• •- , ', - ' . ;l tited . Beusmanittnrer Of au this_ ender the him head. they Pledge thestielng' to sop. plme y thidetrimadi and -the pa , MrS on the most tenant Wallaal tenni. , , .ctureclam,, • --, . - --, " - , trap 9 lkitpll ....AO. - ._ 4 . : * a Iri SD ..04S1 1837 - •• 1 ' . % lEM • -., - • --. T, CAW .°l"^7' thej.,...."` Da nri - - -16:. . jorkbalist citZbuqrusta, ' ' al ' l ' l " ml. " w ilj a ll ig Williais Wail./ ask . i t im r ,of welik mos nvistillidiloo4,r, =le3e. m•w ls sive r 2 - e VA alialt Y. l „. 44 C;c ' s , ii i..= r i a l: - por Nalrar l i ab " * " . - i - , - ,61, , ez „. 3 , vomisteonE4 „ iv ~. to, ' 05r. . •:: Itialliii* ;41. GOO* 21111141 # 1 . 1i ', 7•411141'. --lier‘reme2'.44r. aftr — Firo:t o •`1 m0ir.141114. 11 0 11 4 &g& =OM rbileadieisJoly U. 1838. .1 ,13i441°' 1:f. , 311., ap, , . rZ istbismaxer.zilfa.:7F;P,..„ • —•-• • Pub eltilitlPPee"lbat bea ms Air. qtroi, ~nopatent4orstroatiqvlronViwwi it inn 'llbrecite Coil InZthis country, manyjitappose that ,they are now, at Dberty adopt** ; method of rawaluni Iron ore- with - AithraciteDy thence of ea •heated air .bliait; although.l "nave. mike - kit ':gear that,l had pitsrit stnelthig Dia Ore with Anthracite Cosi:both by 'the we 04 . ed.(' latinnipheric aid 'heated air Wait, I Weald now. inform the public avdp.' that on the 14th of-lan-. Icily, 1838, I received I letter froar the Commie.' ,siooerot.Patentsat Wasiringtou,otitioir "Sir, upon examining thebaseintliriVrineetipplica h** fork PatelltlWgeoeltion kontibi maze of `Anthracite; I have viewed his chime" interfering 'with your patent of Dec, 1833, - aid . have givennotice to his attorney of dais decision:" Every attempt to atnelaron ore . With anthracite by the client a,heated air hlaajt.i's artioffinement upon m, patent„, against which caution, end -warn allinseenai I ihallprolecute every one,infringing wpbn'AmY rights, according to kW. And 1 far ther offer to dispose of patent rigtitirfor the erect ion°, furnace% .accorting to my - patent, upon very moderate . terms. ' FREDERICK 192GE1188 'HAMER. York; Maj 1,0838.. • For Sole, - vaictuabte Tract of Cciai Land, LYING. and being in the township of Norwe. weglan. on the West Branch near the West Branch Rail Road, about four miles trom Schuyl kill Haven—there ii roe or more Coal Veins passing through this And: For inforination ply to JACtiB . R RED; ai Pottsville, - ur Mr. Iif*FMAN, at Reading. March .25 34. Resumption of Misinesti. _Amur DRUG_ STORE. THE Subset iber reusing his grateful & s al:tow!. edgements to the citizens of rottsviUq p , and others, who-stepped forward to Kis azsistance of WV the loss of his property by Bin in •Decediber last, and would also acquaint them and the pub lic generally, that he has again commenced the Din Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W. Clemens, in Centre Street, in the borough of Pottsville, where may always be had a general assortment of 01111 MS, . Medicines, Paints, • Oils, - , Dye And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low and atcommo `dating terms. J. • N. B. rr Physicians preacViptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. [ WM T. EPTING. Pottsville, May 30, MM. Reading Nail & Iron Works, RAPE ou •land Whir Iron. sheotof 'various ASli7llll do. and alio, all the different sizes ; ba r ' 'front also, round and square iron' from up to 3 inch Railroad iron of•the earlobe sizes, punched • inifcceintersuult, and cotto the angles ready for use; and band iron... All sizes nails and spikes— also, gun iron of superior quality. All of which ate offered for sale at the lowest city prices. REIMS, WHITAKER 4. Co. Reading,June9.s, 1838. ' 50-0 • IrE3 1141.116.111 Mitt Valuable Real Property in. Paten:ilk,. - FOR SALE - • ', ' . • . THE undersigned offers for sale all tbat well known three story ERICK AMORE ' AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances situate in Centre street, Pott,ividle, the . property:. of the, 'undersigned, . togethe i r t with'. n ine other 1 ten tenements in the rear of saii -building', 'and the lot of ground whereon the whole-stands. The brick bedding skircsaid, contains thirty feet in • front—finished from the baiernent story to the • garret in the best style id workreansliip,ind both as a business stand and a residence, is moot fa:. notably situated. The foregoing property will be sold on low and accommodating terms. -Part of the purchase limner may remanton the prop. . erty for slew yea:* if desired. Title indispota. 1 hie, and-poesession can be given irnmediately-r . appl yto •-•- G. M. JENNINGS. Apnl iaw-tr Pottsville. To ligmberniella. PROPO6ALi3 will be receividipy Ma building Committee of the Patna% Town Han. up to Monday. the 6th of August; for the whole-or any part of the,figlowing Bill ofLumber. to be deliver. ed Go tha premises as icon as possible. . PILdEM. , - LENGTH:;,,,,, _•, 7 White Pine Girdins, 50 ft. in.....,-14 by 9. 7 Hemlock }Mg Posit. 10. 4 6" ........46 Ars - 9 14.. do. , • Queen foam, .6 , - 9- ---L , 14 by 91 14 dn., Bracts, -. . , r ,, 9. " , i ---z 81iy7 14 . do. do. - . •• 6 4.3 t , —, 7 -„ ~9 by ; 7. l 14 do. Rafters, 26 " r;—„ 12 ity.l3 16 dO:' Purloins,. 20 ” ' ••••12 by i 76 do. ' Rafters; .28 " 7 .:" .•'":-n, _„6 4 b 4 do. -Ridge Pollv, 20 ". . .- 1 -;• at . 8,.., do. . Plates,. .• 20 " ... — l2 . b• ; 273., ;; _Joics,. •. '. 18 ", 4,",:•.. 4 .1-12bY ',.1 189 , -do. - d 0...: :, , 11,"-.64".1 7 ,1by., i 2 dct.,. _ Reams, •41 '1•16 4 .... - --19 tit* 266 'do, ' Joice;' -'. ' - 10 li "- 4L`=\sl . 4y . 8' Poisons gentling iiiiirt 'tgiGitlit`will Olgiuisliieit tiai the time at which they Mud deliver the,tunh, beriandibe gaid,pplitbar, to be ; gobioci, to tioutp, pr oval _ Ur. D ORM ( riaittaillen and priactp# Caipiti '.•...,. ..- ~ . . •, ._ 4. ,4 4 1 --,.tI2II,SBIELLEt; I ' .1- GEORGE V.:WYNROOP; ~) ,- , ..JACOB SEII7iNGER. - -v 4l. ' ..,, :`Building fxamitlea.: , ,Pottible,til i 25,1338.. 0 --- ': -, 57r-31 . -;,- . _ . _ .. , ,;,,,,,, ~...,.,,fstratv-vow.., .t ,- - - 4 ',f o l: . ± ganitlfiD4iiiiy fr osi , iWouseteitiiin,ii , '.. 7 Moth :Movies Cow. Miseinear ibis bottoi 'ehinil, iwo wethe a go, a jam BRINDLE;:c9, ..' with 014 otyWith,thifiottere7, l ! . .4%. 1i:7, - *.: ' lioni.'inth oleo' go "oath of bar shoulder. . *a liar in her forehead .. WhOeverj wilt. return' slit eow, to the enbeeriber - or.. give.: biro' iithinsniled whet,be con • pi -bar ! iints t ,eliell 3 / 4 0; , rounealily; ntratilld6% , 1 . • : •:. z. ..:'. ,•;•..- ~.' "---.. ,-; r ; is,,;:': : 4 , , -7... -,4" ; ~,,... 2 -'' :. •`. .'''. 'ArbRE itYAN. - IL t• ' : r#14.0.11!.41.4i ti! * 3 : - : . ; - . - - : SeT3l( -..Popiarlgoluvir aid it l igiefri#4C - Ade•-;„ '26 l ooo * Fget - tSth 7k4a117 . . 40.606 PlistirinkLab. fir - SADILUM 71 AI,L,Tat 1 144 ,41/1 e 14 * 3 # 34 ' ' MEM WM IMO RE • ~ • NEE MOM IMIEMIENI3 0 !!!! ."47: 1 147 ,14 r,:, • ' - _ , 3 aYift 0.1 ; 1. • • . , ••• ,, f: . ; • • E3IM „ , .• 4- ‘; 6 ' • '"'') ' ' • 3 . 61N1.P.434:64._” tirUBLI4Y - SAL - WiLirbeigold Puha 1 .- 4.l&er, AnguittnestAt the Zeim - 11,, of liall, in, the Borringls . ato.2•Akritt' AIM , Acrii&m:'''' • • crrout" sttuvi ist Barry_, topenship, 4:lb 4abotitlOviilti and r so.l from'Minersville; oik the Malialitai road.' "which. rant tbcar.:oaiiitrtifulto ' tNreulth..A" same , k di - 70d 3341". Creek, nine' I skint. .t.he,,etina,dislinace dircegh the me rA This ' hindiati serveYed under warrants date the/.80 day of September FMB. One-trim. acres 130 •perches— , the other •NO acres antl43' perches and allegesince;• - ind Willseitioltrteirediter— or i n iwalt lots to solt pprshseellt. Atailk Bo t '46 iiita a the lnlidis cleared,thentenrcrwikardl otircW'bearinirOPPto t rees ("ngskreinseiri',„! • IThe improvernenti consist 'of twci'MMtalej a . Batifn a geed Saw Mill, and its atiebt.l2" Immo( required. -41;5 • This,tract *fiend is without exceptiopWbest tinibered tract of land in the courstyiismi a. considerablertion °fill first rate , reist gn &of the tract is in the' vidinity,ot the. Coal Region, and te lire IttePtipt_ct pefsons engaged in makuier:ratt road!. canal, or in the Boat Building:Rumness. The land will be sold low, and on 'tlte4tirms. Any , person wishing to view the premises, , cartotre lain nay information required from John Destrich• residing on the same.• . - Persons wishingtapurchase the ,wholeottinly Part - thereOfcan'do sci by applying to either. of the subacribirs previous to the day of salt —Antif not' aoid ip the meantime , it will positively bektiliren the day reentioned_above. • - the following gentlemen have seekthcjind,• and we give them as a list of referencesi.....;„ John Dreher, Orwigsburg. •. - Dr. AcHtettiberger, Millersville , : David D. Levais„ 5 Locks. • Jaeob7ll. Ziegenfuss. • Lewis C. Dougherty, Sehuylkill.llnrit ; .4 Mr 66 'will give correct information ieapettinstherl same ifipplication be made to tither althea. or; subsciibers. , , • . . NM: 11 POTTS, Orwigsbute:ciA , - JOHN. 1111GHES, Schuylkill flaxen• - • July 4 1838. ' -0111,41. - • Pori.Clinton Foundrr FOR SALE- - WILL be sold it private sale_, thoiyoundryl pleasantly sitnated at Pqrt Clinion;Saitiyl4- kW county. on very reasonable term!.', Foundry is' at the commencement Schuylkill and Sdsquehanna Rail Roaditnovir snaking, and will in a abort time-be , otwof the' best situations-in the country to do , a largelost. obis For terms,ilie. apply to- -; PARKE ic. - 110113. Iron Fouggleto, or ISAAC Port. Clinton. poly 29 Davy's , _ FOR 13ip.LE by , , MOARIS,TASKER &31ORRI 4 3. 3d and Walndt'stitThila.; Ebilade! hid,. June 30 . .10 7 6* • UPERIOR Jersey Canvasse d ." delved by ; N. NATNA.I4iB;"&'Cro. ; ; Potteville, July 21, 1838. Crab }MDR. Etipezior 'Crab Oder, el' tor Bile by, • MILLER & 140E11117.1 July 11, 1838.5. • .1- 7 3!. - A -CAUD. • • -11( ~ . , • _,..:,• , SUMMER ARRAN . GEMEN't- .. - V , ST I , ......-.--. .. .. i . . , t . ~L , .4. ) '• • istIMIN SIIIVER . i;. ... - 4 '. 4 ~ X.4.1c.g1 pleasure in Woman his.fri-ndi v ainiith4 -. publie, that he continues his Rar i acrengMagler the "Pennsylvania Rail," in. • PettuVillit. . LitCliiiiies hii.past -wlputation 'fur keeping a respUctable'Retab...4 • liaihawmt. Umpired during the experiehceArf ii.r. hilhe seine lute of business; and a dtir el° may merit a continuance of their fav ,v`aiiii:pait4n..- . age.- - - • . • 4 - - '',l: Li - P . OA . : _. .1001 , A , 131.1tV,8R has made arrangenienitietaldr. A i :Robert utter, ofthe "Cortinconite,"ll 4 loAVA • .Third iftrfeet, Philadelphia foie atipPlirofce delicaeierlach Ahe Philadelphia markeirtati ' ' &Minter season, f•!1. 5,..41P.iY • - 1 - • ' hill .of. ..Fare.... • •4i „....,! 5. , -, , - Roaat Beef, cold, per plate, . ..... ~,,.._„,41014. Corned da do N Fried • gankit'Egge, do _ „ ink - do ',-` - f 2 : 4 .20 ' , • Green Funk:Soup, do • -.- ' ...x..4-t.ftviii* . ' . Lobsters. 2 , • . Sardinia t..,rk?4 !...F. , A -FiestPickled Sahnon, , - v. .K,,ta' 14,,,._..3v,' - . eak Oysters. .. - ..... ~' 1 .. 1 '1'1...7i I” Old v lifideha MM. pet -biittle,-.• IA , „ :Old Net Sherry Virine, -4 . - . . ode 1.- . 4. , ..'-F , • paw A.. Old'Eletrilm !.....-. do - ..-..., -...- do ,;., 1 ,4 -, .vr,..,1:4r Okt Ptire, • ." do . ; . do- ~., '4 5 40, ' Old LiiMon . _ r do v • do -. • ..-.,:•.vili.illYi '•u?'• Chatt4%ne.7(Yalmetto,)— '', dia.. ti. , t! . .6. , ` 2- 00, ~,,t4,o a dret t irowaStotit, . - , do. -_,..,..!_"v-i. t..t...r. [ '''Pefipees,Suaith's & *cher' XX P1iin.011 4 4 1. : . ...i..qlMartinents rare always in readigesiliW: .Partvies• ditctandfthosetwho call may esPeiet tZta• eveTT.agention - • 'A.--; • '-' -,.'...,.b.11„'1'e 17 .frfl v. .Pottiville. May IL limn; ' ` , -,.: -..-..;,,-...,;• - . --- :,-',_aqi-161;14.44.4 ~....,L • - 0..... , -04,1 ACIIIIr - • - `T 4 lIIELIULF---, , - . 4 ,1 - *v., - - iIOI. - cot LNEirtirolls4 - g, - 43-tiii, ..iit.. r.4,liiiii-mocittp;. - ; - dia . pis lo lol4. , - idobi this &Unita* comfits& tat . erietx , 47 Pfrignilo,Pftittainl7.l4,lPauqtateluTh !t_i!ut.eit. Tili"° ' ll4e 4 ll4l ' 3e*a 8 1 12 1 1 i * eirl i li13=.., iiiiholit a ottovery oit . i , ._ _ _ con i wi nt ry a subject orptch egret. 2rit:c io : aillakeil the ! Pablic that ' such. a jar:l4 b Z 19.',',.Tiie vented P. 1 0 1 ...c anvinc . c. * itil li n , lo•oodlilatirm• • wmA. philarn - vititch it acts . ?!* P han. view . 4 -- ii ; s4r 4 dMitted fact thali t his US i f e lth a ll oO* ll , 4l ' calilettiiik Pead‘chP! or c h=se who:tlWr.."' • primarily fr* the stom a he - may ' lest 'Mt that inether Nervous -liettdaf the' first ,emse.; It 2, the a t rhiti L oigatt'. awac l or detaiued. dui** !ilikem-bas 4,„-1 vitiatede oiv through - The' alio 14 , 1 stomach,' --t n, iemoratioltwafaqiataiaaod lint they . ot thii orttem.Altie - Opiertyl, - se. tia th 7 l " iti e ri a eminently calculated tcp attoitt. 7 . Ighas teln ed position catutotbe'unitioierfed;jo - IL ji lba headache. bliot*titta thisooner sewers withwooer will- their ottStnin tit winced of,. it. the , -,--, - stirs liti restonttionl,_* , lie,lth-,..4,...Pri, '' 4 --A . oiciail`rePounwor , " ••r", 77 „.,„ ' ..,. a. ;hid a a p otbecaties, ' l V . ,:t4aii' - '6 4 ”" •'...- , whitleittile - i4d'Reta' 7 t a nt s .. - -.:-s- , --3: ti. TH Tho ! Erg*Nrirftktan Ra ., . -p ''' ;Aiiiihii : kittrsi.lo3B. --; _ , - . ME , r, =; • 1 4;*.4i-air. ,,,, , EMEI MB IMO . : ), 1 .4...:...c.. , . . V RE l kr • v IMI EN