Dissolution. . ' THE partnership heretofore existing betwee4 Wm. C. Leib and 'Charles Christ, trading ,ImJer the firm of Leib and Christ, merchants to the BOrongb of Pottsville, was dissolved by rott , too) consent, on the first of April, 1838. Allipert. sons indebted to the firm, are tequested to intik Immediate payment to Wm. C., -Leib, and a those having claims will also present them td hi for settlementibe bhing authorised to 'settle th baldness of thy,late firm. . WM. C. LEW. , • I • CHARLES CHRIST. Pottsville. July 28, 1838. 584-3- Notice. PrHE Register of Schuylkill County havi l granted to fhe subscriber , Letters of Admi . titration on the estate of Edward Wilde, late f Pon 'Carbon, deceased. MI persons basin I t cliims against the estate of said decehent aro3 r - quested tomake known the same to the subscriber without delay.' . CHARLES W. CLENIENK Administrator, Pottsville. 58-6 July 28, 1838. Notice. THE Register of Schuylkill County having granted to the subscriber, Letters of Anmin trtration, de bunts non,. on the estate of ',lan** Wilds, late of Northampton County, decealed.+— All persons having claims against,the estaterof said decedent, are‘requested to make known the game to the l aubscriber without 'delay. CHARLES W. CLEMENS, Administrator, de bonis non, Pottsville,' July-28, 1838.58.:61 • Fresh .Syrups. LEMON, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Olinger BleekberrY„ Also fresh Lemons, paper shel Almbnds, Resins and PIO, just received by N. NATHANS. Pottsville, July 28. 1838 The Philadelphia and Read ' ins Rail Road, Will be opened for Traoel between Reading and Norristown, IA Tuesday, the 17th of ' July. 1838. HOURS OF STARTING. • From Reading at 8 A. M. and 21 P. M. From Norristown iit 71 and 11 A. M. Daily Fares. Between Reading and Norristown, - First Class Can, $2, Second Class, SI 50. Between Readingand Phoenixville, First Clime Cars, II 50, Second Class, Ild 00. Between Reading and Pottstown. lst Class Cars, 75 cents, 2d, 50 cis. Between Pottstown and Norristown, First Class Car. St 25.2 d do'B7i . Between Pottstown and Phoenixville, let Class Car, 75 eta. 2d do 50 as: Between Phoenixville and Norristown, let Class Car, 50 cts. 2d do. 37} eta Between Reading and Douglassville, Ist Claes Car, 50 cts.2d do. 37i cts. . The hours of starting from, and arriving at Norristown, are arranged to connect With the Rail Road between Norristown and Phileidelphia. Passengers are requested to procure their tick. el before the trains start. Reading, July 21,1838. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR Ithe grandest orria.nent belonging to the human frame. How strangely the hiss of itchanges the countenance and prematurely brings on ih appear iiaste °fold age. which causes many to recoil at being uncovered. and some•imes even to shun society to-a void the jests and sneers. of their acquaintance; the re manlier of their live' are consequently' spent in re. ancient. In short. not even the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavY sinking -gloom as does the loss of his hail. To avertall these unpleasant eircumitiances OLDIIIDG E.'S BALM OF COLUMBIA stops the hair front falling off pit the first applisration and a few bottles iestores it :s tin. It likewise produdes eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the bilis from turning grey. mites it curl beautifully, Mod Dees errant scurf: .Numerous certificnres of the Scat respeetibilitj.to support ofthe virtue ofOldridgee Wm. are shown by theproprunors. I' Read the logewing i , 1 ROBFRT WHARTON. Esq. late Mayere Phila.. aelphia, has certified. as may lie seen helot's , to the higb character of the following gentlemen. ----,‹ The undersigned dO herebyeert.fy that we hte used thMitalm ofColumbia discovered by J. Oldrl ~e . and bate fend it bignly serviceable not only as a preven tivilardist the falling off of ha Or. but Asian certain re storative.WM. THACHER, senior, . -. Metho dist Minister in 84. George charge. • ,NO flfi North Fifth-street. *JOHN P. INGLES. I . Arch street. • JOHN D. THOM 4. , M. D. 1531 Race at. eiirs. JOHN S. FUREY, I Spruce at. HUGH MaCURDY. 243 South Id at. JOHN, DARD,Ii. l Arch st. The aged, and those who 'at in wearP g %I. may not always experience its oral, qu I es, yet it wilicertainly raise its Vint' ijl Oiesnma • nof the. public, when it is known thatthree of the a ve sign. ea are more than 50 years 0 age, sad the d eke not lass than 30. - _r , . c {From the IV CS9PIONwEALTH or City P L'ItOBVT:WHARTON, MuladellOher.da hereby eartif 3 red with Mears. J. P inglu. J McCurdy, whose Oames.are ticide„.that bilo .they . are gentlej specta. to the aid cer tn . witeeis acid caul (L. Sj.siith'dk Cannon.-411 same. aLc. Wholevile or Sire et New r'!)UM111411 4END► 'Alba% ' - I i'Ar""'' .. ' • Notice to - atromettim , Jamu Rivai!'antiAtiiainha- inairi ~. .... .. air4a, Virginia. APublic. Letting will be held highs in of' Lynchburg, on the 12th September , M. of ell the work riot ;now . andei Pokoract. Op, a hos of the Canal lieqvelp 0E4144 tind.oti - Aily. of Richmond. - ' • .. .i 1 • , . . Thus work consists of 39 Looks. 43 Culverts. 3 Aqueducts, 2 . Towing path bridges; (one of which is scrossi,lament tivera about 129IFarm and ROad Brid ea, and 'from 3010 40 se Lions, besides several easy seething beftveen , ynch. burg and the BI e Ridge. The Locks will generally be of dry Iti sonry sheathed with plank. .' 'The situation Hof the work will be. pointed out to Contractors bp , the Assistant Engineeryqm the. line; and the..general - plagg_and specifications will be exhibited at the Office Of the aubsoriberqn the City of Rich maid:Until the 9th'of Septcui r., and in Lynchburg at the time of letting. The valley of the Janie! River is rem kably healthy. . i . CHARLES ELLET. Jr. Chief 11 3. 7 r of the ) . R. and K. co pony. July 28th 1838. , .tl ,Swatata and Good S p r ingpi .Crer# Rail Road. XT'OTICE is Itereby given.-that pursuant_to at •+- 11 further supplement to tbeeet. entitled an act to incorpm ate the Swatara and Good SoriOg Rail Road Company' and its supplement. • audits will be kept open by. the commissioners or. Some of them, to recei* .subscription to the stoelf of the above Rail Rolf& , -. At the Merchants Caret- House in the ity of Philadelphia, at the Nettie ofJobriColema - in the Borough of Reading. and at the House ofi Henry W. Conrad in the Borough of Pinegrove, do Mon- day the 30th•dey of July 1838, and at-1114 House of Eliza Shintlel in the Borough of Lehtinon, at the. House of George Nagle in the. Borough of Harrisburg, at the House 'of - Mich •el Gratr in the Borough of Orwigsburg, at the use of Samuel Hamon in the Borough of Pansille, and at the House of George Ferree in the Bb4ough of Carlisle, on Monday the 13th day of Angdst 1838. The said Books will remain open for kilt days at each place, .knd will be transferred aid there ip a soficient !subscription to complete s id road, which is not to exceed 100,000 dollars at $5O per 11 share, five dollars will be received on eve r y share at the tune ofisubscribing. :saac Starr, Wm. M. Robevhi. Isaac Eckert., ,John Huber, : 1 Marcus Ca ofron,aol Pool Barr, Simon Guilethr , d, ' David Kraure, 34 Cherie -cCluve, Wm..Lvvan. Charlee A. Snyder, Samuel Webb, . Peter Filbert, . Samuel Gags, , Wm. Donaldson, David Grienawald Charlie Freiley July 14 1838. Commies oners. 54-9 t KIMBERTON. BOARDING SCI 001. UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE 0 EMM' OR KIMBER. Teaches.—rAßlOlLlL ICIDIRER, MART I MUTER MARTHA KIDOZR, GERTRUpS KIMBT.R. I Asailltant Teacher .—MARCIAILET ... B. 111111 LIT. IN this Seminary , "..? ary, Females arc imit'ucted in A-Needle Work, Spelling, Readini. - Waling, A rithmetic, Book Keeping, Algebrs,Engii h Gram mar, Composition, Geography, Illistory4Chronpl ogy, Botany,. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Drawing. Painting, and the French.Lehguage. TERMS-.For Boarding and Tuitior except ing the threelast named bran Ches. One Hundred and Forty Dollar" a year, payable pinnedy in advance. - ' , For Drawing, Painting, and the FriLch Lan guage,` Fiveltollars 'a quarter addittopal, each branch. • ; : • Washing charged at . 37i cents a d ! ozen, and Books, Stationary.t&e. at the store prides. • Beds and Bedding; the use of the Li rary and Class Books, are furnished to the pupi s without charge. • ! • Vacations, in the Fourth and Tenth months, and to the Scholars who do not remain at the School. this time is not charged. ' • For further information, _Parents and Guard ians are respectfully. referred to Edward B. Hub. ley, Orwigsburc; Joseph F. Carroll. Poi t Carbon; John 51. Lewis, George M: Jennings, Pottavtlle; or to John Schell, Schuylkill Forge, near Port Clintola—all', pf whoui biome children at Kimberton School Kruiherton. June 25 1838. i • 54-6 w 58-Imo I " r 4m.. 4 1 11 . 4/' T., Xs ‘..- ' . .1 . .., vt ? I, (.... = Z" . " ...a ~... 70. • e :: 0 r.... :. .... ). \ Z • ' U4 lb 'A. ROYAL COLLEGE OF RAI/ ir;BOATS,LOND ON T . liE Original Hygeiiin Universal'. Vegetable Medicine, prepared by %V. M 'SKIN. Esq., Member of the Koyal qollege of Surgeons. Limn , pi i hate et A 'theearies :Company, Fer of Dol. Court Socie 7, Surgeoll to the Royal Onion Pen lion Assoc anon. Lancaster place.. Waterloo Bridge; and s Perpetual Pupil of Guey's and St Thomas' Flospitals. ',linden. 1 . • These palls having gained acelebrlty unparal• leled in every section of the Union, at.e.now con. sidered by ill these who value good Illealtli, indis pensable as' family rnedicine—pati,entzed bY a numerous bedy of the most eminent Physicians both iri thib i country ami-in Europe,.-ris sufficient. it is presumed, to sunup their character in the es timation of'every thinhing roan, and it Is hoped, a far better; recommendation than the course rd. sorted to bY ignorant itnd unprincipldil pretenders. who to mislead and deceive the ,puleie. publish what they sall preen* proofs and ettrtificates of Cur_es, thef t exceed althounds of rational credibil. tty, and miakof which - if not all. are pither gross fa bri cationi, or proeueed by frouda el connivance. The editor of thirliong Island Fa}Ti er j : says "'this me cl Wine Nut! bbtained r ad rapre eedented degree of well irenerredpopetlarity. if Having tak en these pi Itioureetscito advautagoinnd witness ed their be teficial Abets on collinn,iwa have no hesitation 4' recommending them 14$ he public as t e ti a safe. sallitary and useful. family tit:lietne." * * *floral ate genuine without Wigniititre of i ; the.Greneral AgenVon the label, by ! hom the*. bore mediiine is imrarated into this tiratrari • - JNO. 1111,LBEIN, 129 Ve. itly• Plane, I' G4n'l Agent et • Mb. . A sopnlY of the above 14edieine.jj st ' reeelied and for wile by; . ! ' • B. BANNANw• I - Bale Agent for Schuylkill - county. July I6j . - .• • • -' ! I -2.- 1 ,ayot.l Ppnvavt.Vaao+l 4 . iladelphia. 1 Mayor of 1 c4ir.of that tam we ll alumni , hn S. Furey. aid Hugh igued to the abdvie mil ...an of charactei and re aildlbe given • /Get iny hand, be Mee& this )N t r. se steel wi agents 12 °X 1 et, et, street. on, and 4,l2riwit, )P`ri V Nc. i -ly see pr ' r' *C i i• i a Miskin's Pills.. I • ▪ • Gil tag. ..1 * fiGoLifiBB.ln4iTiotora-frune :at dont•M Wanbn - fliiicE4rton% Lion Frinits,4l4ll tleaMat man. • theshniost-nititai. the • 32-3 mo . • ceaati Mould „Oodles , moafii -Can fr noel dien Coiseto and for saki loic Box. insinufactut 1 : ' V` • 1 . OT?" I July li t 03s, . 1 1 , - it.- '- _ _ ~,...„.-,,-. :. f , .4 x.n-.%' - .Ax:; , w , :- , . c . 1 4Z,r•; ,, -! , f M ,- ‘ 4 ":T:Ti: '.7,,t,1,1T4011001.1fU1r ~ ..r-20 1 7IffAfti'4":.f.*: t lopt_.-.11A19:2 AN - offers v tin , irilS' 4 t hstiblitiliiiig i I; MX fOitiiiidard worts itt"-thel serf 14,310140 VA , tacked: •• , •—1 • _ ..-- ' • '. ',-- •-- •• .1! MMus; Smollett and Mil tii• En `-. ••- A -.I tvolt. sheep, with'si les' ' 'llO 00 a, Clarke's Commentary, 4 s. - alteep, ••"'-'92 00' 'Wesley's works; 10 vols.- mtiletc. •:- - 1 - 1 00' BuCk's Theological work s o 6 vohi. sheep." 4 00' Seutt's 'Bible-Sad Commentary. 3 vials, ) . . sheep. . . 6 Byron'slvorks. Dasrbarne'rEdition.abise p;4 2.5 00 ' Rollin's Ancient Ilistory I vol., sheep. • - . I/leads:woe's Edition ,w al . -Maps and - •' plates. • I • ' 495 Josephs* 1 vol. with plates - - ~ 925 Marryatt's works complete, 1 voL 3 25 Moore's works, Library *Mon 2 25 Borns works. . i • 200 Cowper and Thompson) (-wor k s.. 2 25 raley's works. • ,- 2CO Burden's. village Sermon's. 2 00 Doddridgz's Flintily Ears:whor e 3 50 Cncyclopedis of Gcography. 3 vols. with 1210 cots and 100. Maps. . 10 50 Fox's Book of Martyrs. skith plates. 2 25 McKenzie* 5000 Receipt* 1 37 Together with a variety of other Books at very low rates, to snit the timsa. • .; joly 1 11AZZA RD & STRAUCEPS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry-Goods, Grocery and .Li quor Store, Corner of Centre and ilifirkel Streets, .eottrarilir. April 8 Wholesale and . Retail Dry Good *tore. CILLOCK & WEAVER have just received P in additinn to their 6ztensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Super Sucerier Blue and 'Black Cloth, superior fancy colbured do. new style ass. simeres„ sattinetts and ileverteens, miners? fus 'lens, 4c.Feb IB 14— Caution. THE undersigned captions the public against• . 11 . purchasing or leasing the tram of land calltrti Clinton Tract, on the : Ekst Norwegian railmoad4 from Elisabeth Spohn, nr Henry Morris for ber.:.! as he the undersigned Claims title thereto, and!: sill institute a suit agiiinst any person attempt.: Log to take the possessina thereof." JOHN POTT. 32 Manheien, April 28, 038 EXPRESS LINEI Or STAGES. t iIHE Proprietors of this Line, (whit been: JIL fitted up in a superior manner for the accom . modation of the Travelhog Community.) reepect= fully announce to the public that theiLine will positively commence running Letween ' POTTSVILLE 4: PHILADELPHIA, on Wednesday the 2d of May, and well continue to leave their office a 4 the Pennsylvania Hail; Pottsville, daily at 6 o'block. A. M. and 'time in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clOck P. M. at the followirg rates of Fare: 1 TO Orwigaborg, ! $0 50 Port Clinton, 1. '. 75 Hamburg, I 100 Reading, ! 2 00 Pottstown, i 300 Trap, . . 3 62i Norristown, , 4 50 Philadelphia, ! • .5 00 For Seals apply 4 the Pennsylvania Half, Pottsville; Ilcres lintel, Reading; and at their Office, No. 25, North Fourth Street, Pniladelphii. MINTZER & Co. Pottstown. SA WE. OVENSHINE, Phila. EVANS & CA LOW ELL, Do. May 2 . i Proprietors. NE " IRON & Hardware Store. THE. subscribers w4iild respectfully announce to the public. that the has added to his for mee atomic. Iron and Hardtpare, consisting in part or American and English Bar Iron,floops and Band Iron. Round Iron, a+ortrd sizriq Cast, Crawly. Shear. German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Mouse.htile anvils. Smith's Bellows. Cast Steel hand, choping and Broad axes, nails and spikes..together with a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re. duced prices, by JOBB CLAYTON. April. 22 32 Pr4)posals. PROPOS tLS wilt he r..eeieed 'hy the Com mi.sioners of Sidpiyikill County at their of fice in the borough Orwigiborg. on Monday the 30th orittly, 163/3, for building a one arched Brioge semis the risr Sehnylkia, at Middleport, with two stone abutments. The Bridge to be roared and weather hoarded, and will be 50 feet long; floor to be LA feet above,low water mark— the passage4o be 16!feet wide and. 12 feet high. To he constructed upon the plan of the &buy' kill Haven Bridge. PHILIP ORMAN, BENJAMIN POTT. A WM. L. BOUG H N ER. Orwiesbotire. .lullo 46 46- • Benjamm W. Cumming, aTTORJVIE 141111", HAs • removed tile Office to Centre Street. no posite the Brief Building of George M. Jen flings, where he wip attend to all business en trusted to him in airline of his profession. Oct 21 484 • . Leaden Pites '414; Hydrants. lop-- .BANIV AN h v. jag received a lot oftead -1 mile,' Pipe, whi h he will warrant.to Ix of a superior quality, I, i anti 1 inch . Also,gornmer and Wintc r . flydr elm constructed of the beet material , , all of wh ich he dill sell cheap. • joue - I3 , . .. . 4S 12 YEARS 01; Monongahela Rye Whiskey, t . A. being the et b ofa-private Gentlemen, de. ceased. and Fold .b order:of Executors, ineti re ceived and for sale v. ' • - • ' - MittLER 110-.4AGGERTY. ' 413.: Jitne 23 11111/lEsubOcrikier Ihas , wt. remised and, caste -tor sale ,1 71 I . 8 keyed German 'alas, . - Octave Flutes, ' ' ' ' ' Claniinets, - - Flageolets, 1' Violins; . • Fifes, Violin Bridges, Ina, illtrings: end Boartliair. Clerionet Reeds, 1 - i , • Guitar Strings , ••! ' r • • violin Bodr.;!—+ l L*NL ' Reria r dir t inituthel4ol44 . 44 W l examhis .stook. '_ _ OW A C. MARTIN.. marl, 18111. ' 144 IBSEN ffel WHOLESAik 4 :ool;iiE7'ALC i f f ,(Neaki'loor, met'aHtgeh), a- ElRetlanlision Ili& whom lo . , atiableethesi Ooteep im - vhind' eaten. sive aesortriveat . goodk:whicir'they Ina earl at Philadelphia piece. . Shore sod Tillman = l itt:f!fri ,nd,pr,i%oste fa milies,:Of, O k Olil. !LILL to catl sot Cody, for themselfes... - • . opal Li 9 . . Flooringpoirds. . clAßOLlNNtworlied flooring bciards, adi.tongued and grooved re.ady. for ht.Pl i ni. 11 and 11 inches, of ilifferent quality to Price eltnstantly on *band, and far salt in lota cut purchasers, upon appli cat ion by letter to .* JAMES M. PATTEN, Planing MachineWhar& N. L. Phils:Co. ;, or HILLER & HAGGERTY.. •: april 25 .21—tr • Pottsville. • 4 • •, COAL. ' - " T t rE Subscriber is receiving from the At. Last. 'et-et . tpn Collieriet a fresh supply of th lebrU. ted SPORN* LEWIS 11ED' ASH CO A 1)01 , landing at his %barn Pihe street, &buy ki11.4- Orders left at the office, No. Si Dock street, Or tat the wharf,"will be promptly attended to. • ' _ • F.•}3. NICHOLS. Pluladplphis, May. 12,1838. 0"" Storage. • ' THE Subscribers having tented the'wharf on Fairmountliam, fout of Willow St. Rail Road; joining the one occupied by A. 3. Bohan & Co. are prepared to receive Coal, Lumber. &c. on wharfage, and commission. Requite ofthe sub• scriber" on the premises, or at IIS South Wharves. BUNTING, CLARK & 47—ly pine 20 New and Splendid Goods. TH E . Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity are rea pectfullv invited to call and examine a most splendid assortment of a t Painted Lawns, Jazinette7Prints, Black and White Lawns, Mouslinedelains Lyonatse. Hoskin, dark and light kid Gloves, Worsted, Conon ard Silk do - -• Fancy Handkerchiefs. Shawls, Veils, Plain end painted bordered linen Cambria kikfa. Silk & Cotton, bleach'd & tinbleacted hoes, do do Embroidered do •At the store of N. NATHANS & mayl9 38 Corner of Centre end Marker Streets I:'ottsitille WIRE subscribers respectfully announce t•t - their . frien/s and the public generally, that they have taken the store formerly occupied' by Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre lied Market streets, where they are now provided withe ahgice assortment Of Dry .Goods, . Groceries, 'Liquors, &c. which they are determined t men et the very low est prices. HAZZARD & STRAIN:H. N. R. All Cods of Country 'Produce taken a the highest market prices. April 1 Agency for Line of Packets from Liner pool to Philadelphia. rrHE SUBSCRIBER, has beer appointed. •• sent for the Messrs. Cope's Line int - IL4Fer. pool Packets, between Liverpool and Philadelphia. and will receive the paiwaite money frhm those who wish to vend for their friends to the old country. and al.o. will procure Bills for thew Per- MnIS who may wish to ',transmit money to their friends abroad. CALL AT THE New Establishment, To 0 Id ountrynias. The Packets belonging to this, Line are fined op in a aoperior manner. - and are commanded by persons who pay great attention to the conifort anJ conven'ence of passengers--ar.d have given great satisfamion to passengers genetafiy. Emi grants who intend residing in this reginn,!will find it In their advantage to engage their pasiage in this Line, end land et Philadelphie;ithey by en doing, paye the faro and expense from ;few York to Philadelphia, wbieb is dr five, dol lays for each individual The tales of fare will he made known by Apply n 2 et the office of the Miners' inurnaL june 20 " B. BANNArI. Weekerill & Brother, ; AT 711. E. OLD STAND No. 65 NORTE' FRONT STREET. EAST SIDE, ; 1 - Tom Dooms room Ton Comma on A/Mil ST. PIT! LA 11l IMPITIA, ' 1 111 AN U F Acruit IFIRS 0! White Lead dry and / Calcmiel. mound in Oil, S Red Precipt. Red Lead. White do . : Lit harp. Vitriol Alb. : , Chronic Yellow, Sulp.quinine , do Green - Tare Emetic do Red Ether Sul ph. Patent Yellow do Nitric ' .. Sugar Lead ' do Acetic ; ', Copperas lunar Caustic - 01. Vitriol Com. do Aq. Furls Acet. Morphia • hluriatie Atid Sullth. do . Epsom Salts Lac. & , olphor Tan Acid Opi. de fcarcdt.. Sup Curb. Soda • Kerma Mineral Cams. Sub. Mere. - Environs doi -... Refiners ofCbtimptior, Sal.Nitre.Briorimone,illorm. Ate.. Offer for sale the above mentioned ankles. to. gether wish a general assorunent of ealuts., Drugs and Dye Stuffs. and every other article ih the Chemi cal and Medicinal line. ; ! Reins manufacturers of all the articles enuMerited under the above head. they pledge themselves . o sup ply their friendi and the potato on the Most ions ble Imam. 1, 1 Windo* and Picture Ghats. from 60. to' 400 °MIR 1837 ' 4ti;• , • To C oa l . IPesildii. R; , TIE Subscribers Laving Laken the large and commodious wharf. on Callowhill street (or corner orCalowhill and William •stmeNl on k theSchoylkil ;veil. Fair Motait.Thiliidelplilattise prepared to receive qoantity of Coal. h)siber Ace. on I/hurtle or stOrage ? on the operr _ arf or antics eirrerofrithe moat rtaimtible tarok , !erg itteminti paid to coar consig_ned to them. ' i • ' Riferneeia, Mi..Ceiii if •Bast. tichOytirArria. Tietirlill:Thiliji 1144 Pottaville. _:- , E . " l * -" trocca &mAvEktmair,, _rhitsdeipt k ia.,iity 11.1838. -• :,51-41no. 233 1141tREDIatIpatior Family" ' r from .s Ilia Acquadact Malta.. jut - Cot • tand foralsi ' . Tule*" lin 'Nome, by . . - . SAMUI2I HAltift. lit'ottailleauly 110838: POPcii. koards anti Pkuteiing , 24 ! 4***ET Om 1040W I Vo4ril; 40,* Tkiabuinit ZothArr edit k ....;,,-- , r ei - teiwAiriiet uassir ium 141"" t . 4 2- * -1 ==3= I===== MNE ' , 43.1t• 'z'''. - iv, .. ,i ,Alli it appeairsi. that-betiacmali.Cratotobtained ... , ,..--no. paterit -for ameltisg Iron Ora , with An. thracit4Cloal iciihis country, many Oppose that 'they are now at liberty eo adopt the Imetbod of 'melba( Iron ore with' Anthracite bY the use of i heated air blast; although I gawk notice last year that I had patent for smelting ,Iron Ore withAntbracite Coal. both by disuse of a cold Atmospheric and a-heatetair blasicl would now inform the public again, that on the 14th of-Jan. It hary."lB3l3, I received a later from t e Commis. siorier al Patents , at Washington its ink: "Sir, .Ripon exannnitig the easeof Mr. Cwo 'il epplicv lion for a patent for Smelting Iron by Meade of Anthracite,' hbireviewed his claim- al interfering with 'out paten; of. Lk0„.1833, and have given notice to his attorney of this- decision." Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with_ - anthracite by the 'lir of • heated air blast. is an infOngement upon 'my patrol,' against which 1.• ciiutioo and warn all Tents. I ahalfproseeute everyone whinging urionony fights, according to law. • And I &W. then 'offer to dispose of patent rights foi the erect. WE of furnace:6,, according to my patent, upon very moderate terms. FREDERICK W. pEISSENtIAINER. New York. May 16.1838. ~ 37-1 y = For Sale, . ' A valtataide Tract of Coal Land, ,YING and being in the township of Nonce. 0 -a wegian, on the West Branch near the West Branch RIR Road, about iuur miles trom-Sehy kdl Haven—there is Ale or more Coal VOins passmg through. this .and. Forinformation ap. ply to JAWII . REED; at Pottsville, OT Mr. HOFFMAN, , at Reading. March 23 34 ResOmption bf Businesit. NEW. DRUG STORE: TE Subset fiber returns his gratefql acknowl - 1111 edgements to the citizens of Pottsville 'and others, who stepped forward to his mwistance a f ter the loss of his property by fire in Decernber last, and would also acquaint them and the pub lic generally, that he has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W. Clem, ns, in Centre Street, in the borough of Pottsville, where may always be had a general assortment of • Drugs, Paints, Glass, And every other article in the above line; which he is disposed to sell on very low and atcotwalo dating terms. N. B. ET Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. WM. T. EPTING. Pottsville, May 30,1838. Encourage Home Manufactures. Confectionary Manufactory. ritiE subscriber respectfully announces to the. Jit public that he has commenced the Manufac tore of Confectionary in all its various branches, -at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pottsville House, where Confectioners and uth ers can always be supplied wholesale and tetail, at the lowest Philadelphia cash prises. Country .Vlerchanta are respectfully solicited to call end examine his stock before purchasing el.ew here. • 112 3 nov 4 IRON & STEEL STORE. TILE onhoutibers have constantly on hand a full aitsortment of Iron commixing' Round and Square Iron from 3-1 6th up to 6 inches di. omelet.; flat lion 16 , h by No. 4, ‘C G. op to 6 in.. by le in.; boiler, flue and sheet iron of beat and 2d quality, soluble for lining car bodies or • echoic.; rail road iron fe by 1, le by e,.2 by e.: and 2e -by j. They are 'lvo prepared to receive' orders to import Rail Road Iron upon the mo.t. advantageous terms in large quantities; also rail road car axles.. ' A cull assortment of Steel, comprising cast and' .hear steel—American and English bluster Steel' German and spring steel, and round • Irdn and. octagonal steel for drills. \IOTt3 ONE, S. W. corner Martial and huyl 'll . Seventh St. Philadelphia, June 21, 1839. 49-6 mo BOOk-BINDERY • • BBANN Alsi ha. commenced a gook find • cry in connection wish his Book_ Store, where all kinds of Books will be bound at the shortest notice at low rates. : Blank Books dm. of every deseripuon made le ordir at the loweit rates—and the trade sup Plied wholesale it Phila. delphis Prices. . . • April II 27 COAL LANP For Sale, or to be Reiled., rn AT valuable tract of Land called the "Elba. m- ton Tract," belonging to Elirabeth Spohn, situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, neat north of, and adjoining the reach Mountain, is offered for sale on accommodating tempi or the Coal Mines will be leased severally orlogether to art approved tenant. Apply to HENRY MnRRIS, 3d & Walnut Street. i * •pril 11 TAPUYAS ELIXlit i - ~ For the . instantaneous core of THE TOOTH ACHE t . blgeovered and brought to its greatest rfec4on • lir MCiNBIEUR CfIABERT. , _ This is 'to certify that 1 hive tried roar Tapt . tr , as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whicb 1 have certainly found it of Very great Service. , J. B. HAR%tEY. Member of therßoyaleollege of Suggeokir. London,Bept.'lo. 1830. ' -. A frieitd stepped in to 7 h that he hid visited ..hiti Fire:King Olt inornin ~ and •witziesiecil - his 'marvellani cure oreT thoo Ache. One 'guilt boy in purticuleroebolhok!c cross enough tolbite a tenyenny nail Clear Off, in ten minutes sntile4 itutherdielyid teeth *and defied its pain.—l.f. S. *.Saxe . , I.- e;ry KfiWils arniply of the - 00e Elixir ,. r . riodititirfcir silo bf ' II,IIAIgSAN, ',, ''''' Bola Agent fisr Sehoyfitilleoon ,; 1 • -1 6 4 Y r. 'r- July 13 CAW 8° 11 ' 4 04 loulanie ! i g , -grog 6; - ,- hand boiler - Iniii;Vii344:ititiOi. • •to iluLDapaillit ii.rotlinrille:Aothiloari • and alio, all the".,dilreit4litiaWtair puny. at Mount carbon. The same being W(44 alga; round and square irrire,:fitn airy. respect tba .'or inch-Railroad iron of . the variourralieei.poitabial coal. The num may be recta without and coonteraunk.and nt.to the ongliit(*44:filir twenty hritiod 'ObleiA; the me; and bald, iroaAAll 44i:01414'in: ii b ir " y ul thcc um i ir b ia t , 1.; , also, gun - Esqiiirs of .• THOS'III3 'arrollkoMl Sit mile* the „ ..%r, mien t• • ' -;* dab . REIM% wurr Moat Carboo,./aly - ma., i • - I PUBLIC , SALE': , ILL be said at Politic Sale; oil Saturday the' 111 * .1 , 11th of m uguitest, at the Peopsyliania Hatl, 4 in the Bo ro ugh of Potfivillevat 2 Oclootiebk the:ternoon‘ '' •'': - ktrtatn ''' Trait of - laid- sittititr 7 ''is • . • ~-Blirrf toelnthip," Seboylialbaiy • . - ••• • about 10 mites from" PiitteilUe;tifia . ..k. ; ; deliV Minersiille, on the Meitner**, :: roed.,: whucb runs ' ebetit t ..qdrOluisf ; Out. AO ibis tract—and Deep Creek Ahlflintit *hot tiih same distanee throtighths sli s 4iAtilve land waisurveied under wurraistilinted &OM' day of PtePt.,e,lni* ri c 42. 'Poe traci,euntaitti 299: scree 130 perches-tie, collie 100 - ticreit4l4,43 perches end pn6wance. and , will be,seditOi&sf or in satin lots its suit purchaveri. ' Abdtlooor . 40.4cres of the lendis clearedoberis is in itriddirit of ghod bearinglapPle trees ontbe - prentire, ' • • The improvements consist of trio Hi= t Barn, a good Sew Mill i and eats _for : o.l : :12- _.. mote,' If required. ' - ~ , 4 • hie tract of iand.is without eititeptitet *time oak timbered tract of land in the countiiptiti it co iderable portion iof it fi rst rata farmingAlll4 - T;) East end •uf the; tract is in tho-irtudiiinate vic pity of the:Coal Region, and is well' s ,ltOrt th ' attentio`n at persons engaged in nuilitiligiell -.. raids; canal', dr in the Boat-Rending Boeing* -.-. The land wiH be sold low. and On trieViiitino. ' Anly person wishing to view the lite.mlieii.iiiiiiobe - . thin any itilorniatiem required•ftom John Pitatkiele , minding on.the same. • • • . _ .., s, ,r, Persons wishing to purchase, the wildcat-4)01y . .:• ....._ part thereof can do so by applying to eitnerartne subscribers previous to the day of eale—builifilaill sold in the mear.time, it will positively be iiiold'oo ..• ~ the thy mentioned above._ • 1 The following gentlemen have - seen - ths,, - and we give them ati,a list of references. :;....i' - jJolin Dreher, Oiwtgabot e. .., A s ,Dr.A. Steintwrger. Minersville.- . v -' -r : David D. Lewis, 5 Locks. 3. 'Jacob H. Ziegenfuss, Minersville: Lewis C. Dougherty, Schuylkill Haven:' Who will give correct information respectbielisf slime if application be made to eituer earthen:4ov to the subscribers. l'f WM. II POTTS.; Orwigaburg. . -•- JOHN HUGHES, Schuylkill Hayes. .ittly‘ 4 1838. . - 5141. 'Medicines, Oils, Dye Shoal% JOHN S. C. MARTIN 504 f .Rents ,~ •.~ ~_ NEENig Port Clinton Foundry. ) ; FOIZ SALE - 'TILL be sold.at private sale. the Foundry' pleasantly situated at Port Clirim,Sehityl: kill county, on vet:) , reasonable t rms. This' sundry is at the commencement of thol4ttle huylkill' and Susquehanna Rail Road, Wow Making. and will in a abort lime be one °rider hest situations in the country to do • laNetinsi, nese For terms, &c. apply to . - A PARKE & TIERS. Iron Founders, Phtladelpidt, or ISAAC MYERIEti, , , Port Clit tbtl. . 6-63 i • jnly 29 Davyle Safety Lamps 0011. SALE by A: PSORRIS,TASKER & moat's; 30 and Walnut at. Phila. ! Philadelphia, June 30 50-6a1,0 QOPERIOS Jersey Canvassed Hains,jost*Y ',letived by' N. NATHAN'S Co. Pottsville, July 21,1838. . • . SS; Crab Cider. . fl MUDS. Supatior Ciab Cider, received:and ; luP for Bale by MILLER & 11AGGE Pottsville, July 11, 1838. .b3= - A CARD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JOHN SILVER, rip AKRS pleasure in informing his friends and ihif pbblic. that he continues his Itasecroaa'aindet ho "Pennsylvania Hall." in P-torville.- Hopei his put reputation fiir keeping a reseeetableEstiti•". lishment, acquired during the experience'nf aletura in the 'amebae of business, and a denies, to please. may morn a continuance of their favors and patrond age. JOHN SILVER has made arrangements..withOr. Robert Harmer. of the - "Cornucomm." N 0.44; Third street, Philadelphie for a supply of all Ste delicacies which the Philadelphia market can afar& during the Summer season. • • Bill of Fare. Rust Reef. cold, per plate, Corned do do Fried Unto 4' Eitelt, do Omen Turtle Soull,_ do Lobstfrs. Sardines, Fresh Pickled Salmon. Spiced Oysters, . - r •:' Old Madeira Wine. per bottle. 1 eta. 4 Old Pale Sherry Wine, do 'LAO : Old 'Wawa ,do ' do• L. 50 Old Port 'do • do L'''•l• 40 Old LiabOn .do ' do .• 1 Oa Chlmpaigne. (Palmetto.) do % . IVO; London Brown Stoat, • do ;rk Pepper's,§Mith's St See.hel's XX - Pale Me:- - Aparrmehui are always ih readiness air Sotort Parties,dtc and those who call mar expect toreccava errry . altration. Pottsville. May 11, 1838 HEAIDACHE;. SICK OR NE RITOIT&-.. 2 `The extraordinary reputation that Dr.Spoliteir remedi for this distressing.' complaint is mei , gar gaining it certainly a'matter of much astonishment. That.so muchloillering should have existed foraged gal bout anyd•aeovery of an cffecttial,prsiventive. , or CUM is truly a subjea of much regrct..bot Dr:Si Now anuses the public that such a remedy has beensos: - , i , erneal as: will convince the most creduleni.Fqh. principktli upon which it acts are simple and platn.o—. It is are'ldmittea fact that this complaint,whether called sick. Headache. or Nervous HeadacheAttliss primarily from the stomach—those whetithink`they• -bare the Nervous- Heade( he tnay..ting ossur i l.:thark. this organ. the stomach. is the ,firaticittemil -system has • become vitiated. or debillteiktfitombibas. stomach. land that only through. the . 2:mingi,s.etneket mow they ,expect a restoration , ofilte4litinoW,ind' healthy functions of the system. Spohn's remedy is eminentivealetilitildloTtittain.— Thetrtab cennotbe c`tintroyettiitLand., - the sooner loWrers with the, headache - become con singed of it , the. sooner will their .iitifferinite.end;lot , restoration to health . Dr. Spohn pledges his pvilli* . • • siisnali.repouttlan on therfact. The tomcat - 111/20i: had oftspoihearies. .• • :1.7r4 Whottitile. and. by Comstock & 04 1 , Plumber St. New York, andltetailbf. .;- Whf. 2 1 . .:Yog434loNiul/1/. . 7 11 OE E tri in w . Ist ss Ell