VOL. 1. PRINTER AND POWS .D. WENJPiMINBANINAN. SiligrAgrrarinsir, , . DOLLARB A;II) FIFTY C pet annutn,l payable semi-annually in advance. If of paid with-, In the year. $4 will be chargei to all hose who re-1 valve the paper free of postage. •To mail subscribenll s3per,annern. • If not paid within the Wear, 50 cents will be added to the price otsubscriptltp. WEEKLY, - Two DotA.Arts per annum. payable! semi-ininuall in:advance. If not, paid within theyear, $2 50. will 'be charged Advertisements not eaceeding twelve ! lines will be! charged $1 feethree iiisertions7-and 50 centafor one ! insertion. 'Larger ones in proportion.; All adeertriernenta will be insenetl until Ordere i I • ont. unless the time for whi they ate in be continue laspecified,and will be charged aoeordingly. Yearly advertisers will be.charged $l2 per annum: Including subscription to the paper—wit the privilege of keeping one advertiaement not etc ing 2 squares @tenting during the !bear. and the ins on of a small er onigtp each paps r for three successite times. All letters addressed to chg . editor meat be post paid, otherwise no attention will be paid to them. All notice. for meetings, 3r.c. andt i l i her notices which hive heretofore been inserted , tis, will be hirge 1 25 cents etch. except Marriages! and Deaths. To Rent. TUE Coal Schwa.' and LatndingA belonging to the D enville & Potiavilla Rail. Road Com pany, at Mount Carbon. The name: being in ev ery te'vovct well calculated for the itiltipping• of coal. The aline may he rented with or without twenty Goal Car a..ail in good order.—Also, the ierpe warehouse and wharf. Esquire of Mount Carbon, July 25 P IT BLI OE. wl4l, be sold at P blic Sale, on 'Saturday the 11th of August est, at the Pennsylvania Hall. in the Borough o Pottsville, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. • • A cer tain Mae of Land situate in Barry tow ship, Schuylkill' county, aaai , about 10 ID les lion Panville, and 6 la a from Miner vine, on the Mahantango road, whic rims about, one mile tiiiiiu2ll the tract—eh Deep Creek also runs about the came distanc through the ieime. This land was surveyed under . warrants dated the 18th day of September 1792 One tract contains 399 acres 130 perches—the; other 200 acres and 43 perches and allowance, and will be Sold together or in small lota to . oluit Purchasers. ;About 30 or 40 acres of the land is cleared, there tb aiilorcitard of snood bearing apple tries on the premises. The improvements consist of tern iltilses. a Barn, a good Saw Mill, arid seats frir at ,least 12 more, tf required. This tract of land is vliiitriateAception the bent oak timbered tract of land in the county, and a considerable portion of it first rate farming land. Toe East end of the 4 tract is in the immediate vicinity of the Coal Re ion, ant is!well worthy the attention of person engaged in making rail loads, canals, or in the t Building Business. The land will•be sold lo , and op easy terms Any person wishing tomiew the preibises, Can ob tain any information reciniic6 from Jblin Deatrich residing on the same. Persons wishing to purchase the *hole, or only part thereof can do so by ariplyinet.O either of the subscribers previous to the ilay of/Jule—.but if not sold in the meantime, it will p:eitivaly be sold on the day mentioned above. The following gentlemen have seen the land, and we give them as a list of references. John Dreher. Orwigsbutg. Dr. A. Steinberger, Minersville. t David D. Lewis, 5 Locks.. Jacob H. Ziegenfuse, Minersville, Lewis C. Dougherty. Schuylkill Haven. Who will give Correct information respecting the same if application be made to cluer of thew, or to dui subscribers. • WM. 8 POTTS, Orwigiburg. JOHN HUGHES, SchuAkill liaven. July 4 'lB3B. N CI : VP IRON & Hardware Store. THE subscribers would respectfdlly announce to the public. that he has added to his furnace stock. iron and. Hardware, continuing in part or American and English Bar Iron, Mope and Band Iron, Round Iron, assorted. sizes; Cast, Crawly, Sheat•German and English Blist er and Steel Vices, Mouse.hole anvils. Sin th's Bellows, Cast Steel band. choping and Broad axes, nails and spikes, together. with a general assortment •of Iron Mongery, all of which .will be sold at re ducetfprices, by JOHN CLAYTON. April 2 I 32 SP ENDID Ingrain Carpeting or Matting and Entry Corpetto by • •N. NAT Pottqville, July 21,1838. - - W,„OPE11.1011 Jersey Canvassed Hams, just re. ►7 etiied by N. NATI! NS. & Co. Pottsville, July 21, 1838. 56 KINBERTON BOARDIN UNDER THE BUPEILINTENDE. EDIMOR HIMBE ltachers.—Atuann. Muslim MARTHA KIMBEI. GERTHI7D6 KIM Assistant reacher.-- - Mnaonitre IN this Seminary. Feinalee. ar Needle Work, Spelling, Readi • rithmetec.„ Book Keeping. Algebra, mar, Composition, Geography, Hi ogy, Botany, Natural Philomph Drawing. Painting, and the Frenc TER %IS Boarding end ing the threW, it named branches. and Forty Milan a year, payable advance. ' For. Drawing.-Painting, and th guar , . Five •Pollars a quarter ad branch. . Washing chaiged at 371 cents Books. Stationary, drc. at the stew teds and Bedding. the use of Class Books, are furtstehed to the charge. . Vacations, in the Foun' and and to the Scholars who do not School. this time is nut charged. Fur further information, Parent • tans are respectrully referred to F,r lev. Orwigsborg; Joseph F. Cerrol John fli. Lewitt, George M. Jennie or to John Schall, Schuylkill Poi Clinton—all of whom have child rei School. • t • Kimberton. June 250838. , .. . 4 , - r , 0 - ?. 1, - , %': • ~,_„ ,' a • - i- .t , ' ~ . 4 . _., '' - ,-- 4 11 W °IP. . • - . ?CaYOU T 0 IPI ARC Z THE. 1t01 . 4 , 24,11;4 Tap NITILAND tiIFO OUTTION Tilt exitistp cur:Tax Notirratilik 1111 t? 11 4RBIClE ILLOIvk ~ StB W T L TO ODN HANDS ANNIRIIONCT ALL NATINIZ TO OMR Ogg AND PI:ZASUNZ..—Dit . . - ' ) I WILL Tr THE PAMPHLET LAWS of last t n'aession of the Legislature. have been reeeive4 al the Prothonatary'a Office of Schuylkill county, and are ready I.a:be:delivered to these entitled lb them. L. ADDEDIR I ED. Pr& h•y. 156-3 Orwiguburg, July 21, ink Gildifig. • A. Q,U 11(11T., -1 OOHING-GLASS and Picture Fran* Gild. er, next door to Mr. John Menarronli, Lyon 'Street. Old Frames re gilt ,io the neatest man. per, and at the shortest notice. 112-3rno april 28 •i ' . EXPRESS . LINE OE' 'STAGES. ,FIHE Proprietors of this Line, (Asibith bin been m- fitted up in a superior manner for thelaccorn modation of the Travelling Comniunity.) (aspect. I fully , announce 'to the public that the Li fie will positively imminence running ketween . POTTSVILLE PRILADELPEbA, on Wednesday the 2d of May, and wiltfiMntinne to leave their office at the Penniylverniti Pottsville, daily at 6. o'clock; A. M. and airive in Pinta&lphia. at 6 o'clock P. M. at the folloVvirg rates of Fart: To Ora. igsburg, SO 50 Port Clinton, 1.5 • " I lamhorg, 06 Reading, 2 be • 3 00 Trap, 3 N‘,Trtstown. 4 Su Philadelphia, po For Beata apply at the Peoneylvento. 0311, Pottsville; fittree lintel; Rending; "and tit their Office, Nu. 25, North Street, Philadelphia. • MINTZER & Co. Pottstown. I S 11% OV ENSUIN R, that:. EVANS & CALDWELL, Do. May 2 Prop4etors. rno•s FEIARP. Supetintetident. . 48-3 'ROYAL COLLEGE OF - SURGEONS, LONDON: 'VHF.. Original Hygeian Universal Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. 1111 SK IN. Esq., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Liceu. time of Apothecaries Co.npany, Fellow ' t of 1301. Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen sion Association, Lancaster _lrlace, Waterloo Rridge; and Perpetual Pupil tif Guay's t and Si Thomas' Hospitals, London. , • These pills having gained - acelebrity iinparal lelee in every section of the Union, are now con sidered by all those who value good health, India. pensable as a family - medirine—Tatronii,ed by a numerous body of the most 'eminent'Physicians both in this country aid in Europe,—is sufficient, it is presumed, to stamp their character in the es timation of every thinking man, and it is hoped, a far better recommendation than the course re. , sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled prOlehders, who to mislead and deceive the public, publish what they call practical proofs and certificates of Cures, that exceed all boOnds of rational Credibil. ay, and most of Willett; if not all, are either gross fabrications. or procured by fraud end connivance. The editor of the Long Island Farmer; says-- "This medicine has obtained an unprecedented degree of well preserved popularity. Having tak en these pills ourselves to advantage and-Witness ed-their beneficial effects on others. we have no hesitation ir. recommending them to the public as a Wife. salutary and useful family medicine." beNtine are genuine without the signetore of the General Akeiit on the label; by whom the a bove medicine is imported into this country. J NO. HOLBEIN, 129. Waverly Place, Gen`l Agent for Mt.. A supply of the above Medicine just ;received and fist sale by B. BANNAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill cpunty. • 2- Also sopern just received ANS & Co. SCUOOL. cz 011 ART KINIXER 18. fIuaLET instructed i Writing, - [ &huh Gram 'tory. Chronul , Chemistry, ' Lingua go. union. except. Gus Hundred quarterly in French La n krona!, each lo dozen, and i prices. je Library an i.npils w ithotit _ . enth month*, enlitin at the and Gnard ward B. Hob• ,Port Csoboat ge, Protractile; • ~ near Poet at Pribberron 50-6 w =NI Illiskiu s s rills. July 16 Proposals. PROPOSALS will be received by the Com mtssionera of Sch.iylkinnonty at ;their of fice in the borough or Orivigahurvon ;Monday the 30th of July, 16.38, for building a 4 arched Bridge across the river Schuylkill, at lkitddleport, with two atone abutments. The Bridge to be roofed and weather boarded, and will bgso feel long; floor to be 10 feet above low watet mark— the passage to be 16 feet wide and 12 feel high. Tu be constructed upon the plan of the: : &buy' kill Haven Bridge. PHILIP OSMAN, BENJAMIN PQTT. Al3'M. L. SOMMER. Orwirthterg. Jane 16 ;46- Musical Instrument. , l IHE stitiscriber has just received and offers -s- for sale i .4 keyed German Flutes, plain, i • Octave Flutes, - CLarionets, . i Flageolets, • -!: Violins, - ' 1 Fifes, Violin Bridges, Pihs, Strings and Bow-batr. Clarionet Reeds, • ...i , Guitar Strings, .l Violin Bows—extra finieh. t lie respectfully invites the public to call and . 4. , examine his stock. JOHN S. C. MAiTIN. 4- .. may 5,1838 Mould Candles. Q 'loxes Mould Candlee, received an lconsign to' ment, and for sale by- the Box, at manorartur er's mice. •• SAMUEII4 Pottsville, July J 4, 18.8 ' Poplar Boards add Plastering 20,000 FEET inch 'ropier Disrdoi 40.04:110 Plastering La t h, for b L y kin. Pottsville. July 14. 1838. 4g- 12 YEARS Old Monongahela Rya %Vhiskey, being the stock ofa private Gentlemen, de ceased, and sold by order of Eiecutors i lust re ceivcd and rutin& by . MILLER & BAGGURTY June 23. ' T4B I t c 2ft% BARRELSsuperiot Yard, Fli 1 -ow tbelkAneduct jn't. safe by SA MUEL HOTS, Pottsville, July , l I , 1831 "" F AND AN POTTSVAILLE GENERA; . , SATURO : 4;i*? R' NG 4131.* 14S. Rooks! very low. BANYAN' off e r. for sale the - Toppi/log 0 -No atlndard work, Wile very low prices at tacked: Home, Swollen and Miller's England 4 vole. sheep, with plates • $lO 00 Clatke's Commentary, 4 vols. sheep, ` 12 00 Wesley's Works, 10 vols. complete, 11 00 Buck's Theological Works, 6.v015. sheep, 400 Scott's Bible and Commentary, 3 vols. . Sheep,6 00 Byron's works, Dearhurne`i Editian„ Sheep. 4 25 Win's Ancient History, 1' voL sheep, 41 " 7Dearborne's Edition with Maps and plates. - 4 25• . Jnoepbox I vol. withlata,a 2 25 - Marryait's 'works co 014 a. 1 cot 3 25 Moore a workai Libra rEdition 2 25 Earnsc:works,2 00 ; Cowper, and Tbompaotra. works; 2'25 Paley's works 2 00 Burden's village Sermon,. • 2 00 Doddridgs's Family Expositor. : 350 Encyclopedia of Geography, 3 vols. with 1210 cuts and 100 Maps,. ' 10 SO Fox's Book of Martyrs, with plaids. 2 25 McKenzie. 5000 Receipts - 1 37 - Together with a variety of other Books at very low rates, to snit the (lines, July I 32 lIAZZARIi& STRAUCIVS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry-Goods, Grocery and Li -. gam. , Mare, Corner of Centre and Market Streets, Pottsville April 8 78— PiMUM , . BIT DEB rints.—THE subscribers have appbed to the• Judges of the Court - of Com mon Pleas of Schuylkill county. ter the benefit of the reveral Acts of As...egibly passed for the relief of In solvent Debt Ors,& Int the said Judges have appointed Monday the 3tith day ofluly nest. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Court flo,ise. in Orwigshute. (or the hearing of us and our s creditors. when and where they may attend if they think proper J %COB LINDEN! MUTH, HENRY ANSPACH, JOSEPH HOWIE'S* MICH A EL. SA N DO,* DANIEL BRIT PON, Jr.! THOMAS MILL.* CFI A 'ILES CHESTER, GEORGE W. beIAW, June 30 50- PROCLA M AM:lL—Whereas the honorable CALVIN BLYTHI, Esqoire, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, and Schuylkill, in Penn• ay Iva nth. andjustioe of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in said counties, and George Roush and Amid Vost:. Esquires, judges of the court of Oyer and Ter. miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial , of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Schuylkill—by their precepts to me directed, tested at Orwigsburg, the 10111 day of June 1&18. have ordered the Court ofOyer and Terrain. er and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Or wigsburg, on the last Monday, of July Deal. (be ing the 30th of said month) to cooLinpe one week. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the coroner the justicei of the peace, and constables of the said county of Schuylkill, that they ere by the said precept commanded to be then and-there at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said eity, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all cit Or remembrances, to do those things, which to their offices appertain to be done. and all those that are bound by recognizance., to prosecute against the prisoners that are, or then ihall be in the jail of said county of Schuylkill. are to be their and there in prosecute them es shall be jost. ' PET ER F. LUDWIG. Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Orwigsburg, June, 30, IE6B. 50- God save the Ccrminovoraith N. B. The witnesses and jurors wh ore sum moned to attend said Court, are requested to serve punctually. In cape of non.ahendance, the law in such cases made'and provided will birenfoiced. This notice is published by particular order of the Court, those concerned will therefore govern themselves accordingly. TAPUYAS ELIXIR • for the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its greatest perfection BY SIONSIEUR CHA BERT. This iv to certify-that I have tried your Tapuy -as Elizar in several cases of Tooth Ache. in which I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY, Member'of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, Sept. 10. 1830. A friend stepped in to say that be had visitee the Fire King this morning, and witnease“is marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. On/ little boy in particular, oho looked emits mow% to bite a ten penny neat clear off, in ten•min6tas smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. S. Gazette: A fresh supply of the above Elixir just reach,. ed and for sale by , B. HANNAN, Bold 'Agedt for Beintylkilleonnty I—ly July 13 R holesale and Retail Dry 11QUACK & WEAVER hive just received in addition to their, extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Super Sucerior Blue and Black Cloth, superior fancy imloureif do. new style cas. sirneres, 'animals and Beverteens, miners' fur- tians, Feb 18 14— riViliE .1011 R DI ALS of the last session alba Le gislature ofTennsylvania, have been received at theCommissioneer Office of Schuylkill county, end are ready to be delivered to those entitled , to receive thcon Orwigsburg. July 21; 1638 Benjamin W. Cumming s dITTOBXEi" .IT Lefill IRAs removed hie Offsoe to Centre Street, op peke the Brick MBlittng of George M. Jen nittftw, where he will .attend to all business en trusted to him in the line of his pro&ssion. Oct 21 48-tf Leaden Pipes & Hydrants. B. 41ANNATI - her jest received • lot of Lead= . Pipe, which he will warrant, to be ofw soPeilor quality, e, end inch, AlecOuninter end Winter Hydiantik honstructed 9f the hest of which 'he Will tieU cheep. jaw • ur from . Ited ,an Good store. JACOB HAMMER Clark. 56-3 tr - 4 , - 4 0 • .. li-A INERT •. . •. Miner akiiiiggerty, wikansA.LiF AND -RETAIL Dry► Goods,Grocery,Wine ¢ Liquor Store ! (Neat door to IMortimer'ellotet.) THPIR etranecion lOW a 'house in Philadelphia enables them to k?ep on band a very goqds, eaten. ld siva assortment of s, which they will sell at Philadelphia prices. Store anti Tavern keepers and private families, ould do well to call and judge for themselves. 1 april 19 i . . .. 31 Fliworluitg Mardis. CAROLINA worked flooring 'boards, plough. rd,s4igued and grooved ready for laying, 1, 11 and 11 inches of different quality and price., constantly on hand, and for sale an lora to suit purchasers, upon application by letter In JAMES M. PATTEN. . Planing Machine Wharf N. L. Phila. CO. or MILLER it HAGGERTY, april 31—tf. Pottsville. COAL. TIIE Subscriber islreceiving from the A. Lam ton Collieries, a fresh supply of the celebra. ied - SPOIIN & LEWIS R ED ASH COAL, now binding at his vi harfi Pine street, Schuylkill. Orders left et the office, No. 81 Dock street, or at the wharf, will be promptly attended to. F. B. NICHOLS. Philadelphia, May 12, 1838. 11 Storage. ►Subscribers tlavtug tented the wharf on ' a Fairmount darn, foot of Willow St. Rail Road; joining the one occupied by A. J. notion & Co. are prepared to receive Coat, Lumber, &c. on wharfage, and cnmmi.sion. Enquire of the sub. scribers on the premises. frr at 28 Sout It W ha s yes. CLARK& ( 0. 47-13 c, pine 20 Neist . and Splendid Goods. eillfE, Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity are res it pectfully invited, to call and examine a most splendid assortment of Painted Lawns, Jac melts, Prints, Black and White Lawns, Monslinedelsina Lyonaise, • Ho•km, dark and PEN kid Gloves, - Worsted, Cotton st.il,Sil k do Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Veils, Plain and painted bordered linen Cambric hdkfs Silk ilk - Cotton, bleach'd dt unbleach'd hose, do do Embroidered do • At, the store-of N. NATPANS & mayl9 " . . CALL - AT THE New Establishment, Coffer of Centre and Minket Street* Pottsville subscribers respectfully annotince to a their friends • and the public generally, that they have takes the store formerly occupied by „sob 801 l & Co., corner of Centre and Market eets, where they are now provided witha choice alsortmenkof • • Dry Goods, ' Groceries, Liquors, dm. which they are determined toseil it the very low. eat prices. HAZZAZD & STR MUCH. N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. April 1 ' -2-6 • To Old Countrymen. Agency for Line of Packets from Liver pool to Philadelphia. • THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed A gent for the Messrs. Cope's Line of Liver pool Packets, between Liverpool end Philadelphia, sod will receive the passage money from those who wish to send for their friends in the eld country, and also, will procure Bills for those per sons who may wish to (transmit money to their friends abroad. • The Packets belonging to this Line are fitted op in a superior manner, and are commanded by persona ,who pay great attention to the comfort and convenience of passingers--and have given great satisfaction to passengers generally. Emi r rants who intend residing in this region, will find it to their advantage to enrage their passage in this Line, and land at Philadelphia; they will, by so doing. lave the tare and 'expense from New York to Philadelphia, which is four or flu dol. lairs lor each individoal. The rates.offare will be made known by apply ng at the office of the Miners' Journal. jone 30 B. BANNAN. . Wetherill & Brother, , AT 7HE OLD STAND No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE, TRIMS DOORS ?ROM TAR CORM/ Or ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA MAN U 14` ACTUR ERS OF Whits Lead dry and t Calomel. •ground in Oil, S Red Precipt, Red Lend. • White do Liiharse. Vitriol. Mb. Chronic Yellow, Slip. Quinine do Green Tart Emetic do Red Ether Sulph. Patent Yellow do Nitric Seger Lead do Acetic Copper*, Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol Com. do Aq. Fortis • Amt. Morph Muriatic Acid . Suiph. do 1 Epsom SaltiLac. Sulphur : • Tart Acid 'Opi. de Narciit.• Sop .C.inrb.Eoda Kerma Mineral • - Corms. Sub. Mere. " Ethiops .'.dri, • Refiners ofchamphor. Sal Nitre,SiimOriuMßiinut,' Etc. Offer for ante the aboye ,mentioned httitles.m. ether With Loeser.) allotment of Paints. Drop' and Dye..Sttiltst and every other itrticle in the Chew cal and Medicinal line. Reins manufacturer" of &lithe ariieles enamel** under the Miele bend. they pledge - thempelves to edp. ply their friends and the public qd the uioahreasona tde terms. • lirmdow akti Esclare*Glass,frop 6 8, .lo 24,36. . Oct 2l 1637 '.• • , ~ -/ l" 48"., To coal Divalent: THE Sobscribers: Laving taken' the large arid anuriodloos whirr CdlloWhill it (or corner of Canowhill ant: Wilarn streets : l on the Schtiylkillosear : Fair Illoo:OVPh.liadelpbta; are prepated to 44esiviarig quantity' f Poal:•Latiitsir aco, o n whniftge e f stormy:: on the open, wharrOr onctoivomer, on the' rriOst reaSimiithlifterrne Every attention:Old to tool conaigned.teinhark: Rtferiatet 4 —Mr: Bait, Schitilkill • MUCH `&:itAvEßS•nck. Thiladepitla, Julyll, 1838.. MO . , ISER. i - Public Notice, ASzoitilpaPPeaten-tn4fothrastm.beelcatireg 131rorn.ConrenewobtithaiAnned raCite Coal in this country, many suppose that theY are now at ltb2rty to adopt the method of smelting Iroa ore with Anthracite . by the use of a heated air blast; although I gave notice, last year that I had a patent for smelting Iron Ore with Anthratite Coal, both by the use of 11 cold atmospheric and a heated air blest,. I wouM now inform the public again, that on the 14th ofJan nary, 1838, . 1 received a letter' from the Commis. sinner of Patents et Washington, stating: "Sir, upon examining the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a potent for Smelting Iron by means. of Anthracite, I have viewed hi. claim as interfering with your patent of Dec, 1833, and have given notice to hu attorney of this deciaion." Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the use of a heated air blast, is an infringement upon my patent, against whiCh L. caution and warn all men; as I shall prosecute every one infringing upon my rights, according to law.. And I for thee offer to dispOse of patent rights for the erect ing or furaces.tiCeording to my patent, upon very moderate terms. FREDERICK W. GEISSENDATNER. New Yort. May 16,183E1. 37-1 y For Sale, A nalauable Tract of Coat Land, PING and tieing in the township of Norwe a-A ivegian, on the West Branch near the Weat Branch Rail Road, about lour miles trom Schuyl kill Haven—there if the or more Coal Veins pas Ping through this .and. For information ap. ply to March 2Z 34 Resumption of Business. 'NEW DRUG-STORE. T" Subscriber returns his grateful adknowl edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to hie assistance af ter the loss of hilt property by fire in December last, and would also acquaint them and the pub-. lic generally, that he has again. commended the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles %V. Clemens, in Centre Street, In the borough of Potte!ille, where may always be had a general assortment of Drugs, Paints, Glass, And every other particle in the above line.lwhieh he is disposed to sell on very low and ateomniir dating terms. N. B. Er Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. Wll.l. T. EPTING. . Pottsville, May 30, 1838 Encourage Home Ma atfact urea. Confectionary Mantitactory. riIHE subscriber respectfully announces to the J IL public that he has commenced the Menefee• tore of Confectionary in all its various branches, at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pbttsville House. where Confectioners and oth ers can alrays be supplied wholesale and retail, at the hiwest Philadelphia cask prima. Country 'Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and examine his stock before purchasing clues here. nov 4 Notice to Coal Shippers. THE Subscribers have taken that well known wharf formerly occupied by Bunting, Clark & Co. second wharf below Callnwhill street Bridge and have made arrangement to Receive coal on storage. All CAtal shipped to their wharf will be attended to with care and punctually, and deliver. ed according to.order by JOHNSON &--ENGLEMAN. Philadelphia. July 11, 1838. 53 IRON & STEEL STORE. TILE subscribers have constantly on hand a full assortment of Iron', comprising Round and Square Iron! from 3-16th up to 6 inches di ameter; flat Iron 3-16'h by No. 4. W. G. up to 6 in. by I} in.; boiler, flue and sheet iron of best and 24 quality, suitable for lining car bodies or sehutes; rail road iron I i.by #, le by I, 2. by I, and 2} by 11. They are also prepared to receive orders to import Rail Road Iron upon the most advantageous terms in large quantities; also rail road car axles. A Coll assortment of Steel, comprising east and shear' steel—American and English blister Steel• German and spring steel, and round Iron and octagonal steel for drills. MORRIS di JONES. S. W. corner Market and Schuylkill Seventh St. Philadelphia c June 21,183 i. 49-6rno ' BOOKBINDERY. BBANNAtN has commenced a Book Bind 8 cry in connection with his Book Store, where all kindslot Books• will be bound at the shortest notice at low rates. Blank Books die. of every description made to ordet: at the lowest rates--and the trideaupplied wholesale at Phila. delphla prices. , • , • April 11 ' • 27 .• •, * COAL LAND • For S ale, or to be Rented. ' - . 11"1AT.cidnible tract ofLand called the 6Clin . IL ton Tract,' belonging to" Elizabeth Spohn, situate on the trek Norwegian Rad Road, next norilt:or, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, i. 'offered tor Slide bn accommodating tams; or the Coal Mines Will he leased severally or together to an approved Jeittolt- • Apply to '' •• •. . " HENRY siciafirs,.. • _ • , . 34 & Walnut Street. Reading! Nail & Iron lirorkii im-AVE 'on, hand boiler Iron. aiieet-of :carious do. apd also, all the different s k me har iron; igloo, roonri, and square iron from op to - 3 hick Wined on of the - TrariOtte sizes. punched and connienenik, and entto the angles readL for winand• band . iron. Alleitesurrilw and epikle—' rim iron Of aupetiotemitlity. All of which Ittaxdrernd for isle at thiplowent city wham • ' KEIBIE; WHITAKER 4 Co. . ; Reiding,lone2s, , 50—tf 4%tonta , and Good Spring Creek 4 Rnat 1.• -: ?""-- 0T CE is hereby litcga given,. - that pump' a . nt: : :toa t Nfa er supplement to theses, entilletothich to incortate the Swatare , and Good SprlncHalt 1i..0 Road , mpany and its supplement. .Boekf:will be i lter open by the Commissioner - cie nottieof them, •reetive subscription 1., to the sttiek if the abdve ail Road. ' 7 id -At e Merchants Coffee House IQ the - Oty of Philide phia, at the Henan ofJohn Colemaintetthe Borough of Reading, and at the House of-Henry W. Conrad in the Borough of Pinegrover;lol2lllons day tho' 30th day of July 1838„and at the_Houie of Mai Shindel in the Borough'of Leh**. at the House of George Nagle in- the Borough .of Harrisburg, at the House of Michael GraefEltx the I3otougb of Orwigaborg; at the Haan of Samuel , Hamon in the Borough of Danville:find at the House of Geoige.Ferree in the Borough of Cerliski, on Monday the 13th day of Atigust 1838. The paid Books will remain open for Nig dar at each !place, and will be transferred until there is a suScient subscription to.complete asidlroad. which ks not to exceed 100,000 dollars at sso per shale, five dollars' will he reeeited.on every-share et the time of subscribing.. . Isaac Starr, Wm. M. Roberts, Isaac Eckert. John Haber, I Marcus Csoffman, Pant Barr, JACOB REM), et Pot toy ille, vr Mr. HOFF %lAN, . at Reading. Medicines, Oils, Dye StutD, JOHN S. C. MARTIN 511-tf David Krause. Wm. Levan, Samuel Webb, Samuel Gan, David Grienawald Simon 13uilefurd, Cherie :McClure, Charlett A. Snyder, Peter rtlbert. Wm. Denuldeon, Charles Fridley, Julyll4 IF3B, stray Cow. QTR AYED away 'from the oubseriber, a Black Cow with a white face end a black upper lip. Any person returning said,‘Cow to the subscriber at the Bear Ridge Colliery, or give such infiirina tion aa may lead to her recovery, will be liberal. ly rewarded. R. R. • July 14 544 Caution. THE undersign' d cautions the public against purchasing or leasing the tract of laud' called Clinton Tract, on the Fast Niewegian rail road, from Elizabeth Spohn, nr Henry More* tot her, as he the undersigned claims title thertto, :and will institute a suit against 'Loy person attempt.. log to take the possession thereof. JOHN rim. 32 Munheitn, April 28, 1838 Port linton Foundry FOR. SALE WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly - situatedat Port Clinton, &Amyl. kill county, on very reasonable terms. • This Foundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the best 'situations in the country to do a largebusi ness For terms, &a. apply_ to PARKE & TIERS. Iron Founders', or ISAAC MYERS. Port Clinton. - S -63t Davy7it Safety 'Lamps FOR SALEby MORRIS,TAgKER & MORRIS. 34;and ‘Valnut at. Phila.' Philadelphia, June 30T uly 29 ' Crab Cider: . 3MIDS. Superior Crab Cider, reeeivedand 4 for sale byrj.• MILLER & PoUsville, July 11, 1838. A. CART,. stimyEß ARRANGEMENT..: JOHN SILVER, TEKES pleasure in informing his friendiat'althir• public, that he continues his Reset-roar under the... Pennsylvania Hail." in Pottsville. lie hopes his past reputation for keeping a respectable Eatab- • tishinent, acquired during the esperience, of S jean.' in the same line of business, and a desire to pleat*, may ment a continuance of their favor' and patron-: age- JOHN SILVER has made arrangements With Mr. Robert Harmer. of the "Oirtuicopiie." N0.44,,,,Ndrth Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of ill thril l ,. delicacies which the Philadelphia market can afford' ) during the Summer 'season. Bilt of Fare. Roast Beef. cold,• . per plate, Corned do do - do . Fried Ham 4- Eggs, do Green Turtle Soup, do ' Lobsters, ~ . Sardines, ' . Fresh Pickled,Salmon, ' Spiced ` , •:.e., Oi - sters. Old Madeira Wine,'....'l'.4t per boltlP(7 . - , '„-,140.Z Old Pate Sherry Wine, do '... - 4. '1 110:;...` 7 Old Brown do . do '.... ~. ',1..80 - • Old Port • do •do 'ff . •* IW' , ~. Old Lisbon do - do •'' 1 Off"• ,i Chempaigne. (Palmetto,) do , ' ZOO London Brown Stout, do -...- Pk . Pepper's, Smith's St Sechel's XX Pale Ale. Ppartmenui are always in readiness fpr Saes' ties,dze and those who call mafoespectaoreoesus ., every attenuorf. Pottsville. May 11, 1838 • 111EADACIIIE*,...i. , . • ' SICK OR NERVOUS. 4. tgr The eitnordinary reputation that.Dr.Aliatte'si remedy for this dist:Tann; complain) Id: itlrm„' day is certainly a matter of - much istonisledent. Tlibt.so much suffering should have ensted•forlgeß wi bout any discovery of an effectual pnorentibes or cure ;•is truly • subject of mtich„regret. but Dr. S. now wearers the public that such 1 remedy hail vented as will convince the moat tcredulous.4lThe • .principles uialn whichit acts are simple Rog plarepi It bran admitted fact that this complaint. wheffice • called lick Headache, or Nervous Hisidachearriele.' primarily from-the stomach—those who ,;hick a b et' • havethe Nervous Headache may' rest * * that this organ.' the stoinich. is the first ca tt the -lrysteM-has become vitiated or debiliated. the stomach.. and that only through .the wet ;Chinned resat they meet _a restoration of the ; healrhy factions of the systeln. This' io Dr; -*oolues.resnedy . is eminently calculated hi ~hairs.. ' The truth of this position cannot be. oantroverteti e *l. the vintner sufferers with. the headache lheinieleteit:' yieced of it; the sootier will their actifetingireaklis -restoration to health.. Di. Spabb_pledgep tow pysofeW imponottipa ou this fact. The'remeir ms be had Of rpothecariei. l ' • tv4 , . WJtotusatle and Retail by Cameo& dk•cerfiNo. flett,ber NtarVork. aadßatail by Wlot retiritie. July 21.18:11k . . . H •- ~,- 1....4M II OE 112 1 NO Commissioners. 54-9 t CO ,J2k 25 45 EZI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers