The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 25, 1838, Image 4

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' •MMb WV i• ivpi pENIT. -yraraisnA,
AillitiOED BY Fat CM
.yr4FllO3 ;Teo ri017M31:1!!
e-, unativezvait—
• • 4,
iVE:ThePeople of the commonwealth of .Pmon-4
lyania,*dalct ana estattlisM ttOs Constitution fo.
-.„ ,
• • ••
•• - ARTICLE L . " •
Sec*. L pewit of this Veninien l
" . ItAL ',MI be vetted in a Genital Asieinblyi
lhalreonalat bt a - Senate and llunaierßepte4
naives. ' • '
-•-••• , The representatives shall be ellogeli
ually by tbe rtif. ns of the•city of Pbiladetpbil
of each cranny respectively on the tecintefues,
• y af,firctober.
Section 111. No person shall be a representative
, Ito shall not have attained the age of twenty-one
'ears, said have been a citizen-and inhabitant of the
tale three years next prececuag his election, and the
year thereof an inhabitant of the district in a+il
• which he shall be chosen a representative, unless
I shall have bees absent on the public business tis
-Gaited States or of this State. -• ..:
_Section IV. Within three years after the first
•ting of the General Assembly, and within estop/
. abserent term of seven- years, an enumeration of
i,.. bumble Anhabit:lnisigna he nude in such man
'. et as shall be (Steeled 55 , law. The. number Of
presentiliies Shall, at Me several periods of malt , '
g sucb enumeration, be Sited by the Legislature,,
nd apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and
Several counties, acconline to the number of
ban inhabitants in each: and shall never be less
ban sixty nor greater than One hundred. Mach
ty shall have at least onerepresentative, but no
linty hereafter erected shall be entitled lost seri:i
te representation until a sufficient nurniker of rax
• ble inhabitants shall be c.att.:ineil within it, to
title them to 0r... repreActit3tire ag reeably to sate
do which shall t , en be est:Milked!
1 Section: V. The senator: shall he chosen for theee
tears by 'the , citizens of Philudelphia and, of LIM
eseral counties at the same time, in the tune mMi=
nor, and at 'the same places where they shall v4a
jar representatives..
Section VI. The number of Senators shall, at the
Several periods of mating the enumeration bef4te
Mentioned, be feed by the Legislature and 'appew
• Honed among the districts formed as hereinafter
ilirected, according to the number` of taxable inhabt
...rnts in each.; and shall never lae less than .obe-
Louth, nor go•n ter than one-third, of the viumber of
lirprtsentalivhs. s 4
Section ' 11. The sen , tors .shlll be chosen iu a . i '-
ricts, to be f.,rntrct tt.t the Icttigi .tare ; hut no
rid shall he so formed as to m• to elect more
;than toro,sowiturs, unless the numh^r q f to.rable:in
t4atatants rn any city or county 41,41, ~ 1 any lime,
be such as C., ..7tiii. ele, - t more !Vin 1-^o. bat no
city or rev it,, shall be era ill-d In elver . were then
four sea:taw - 8 ; ttlieu a Thst.itt ail he cotettrir• eft
r two or wore e , ,enti , - , t. +he 4. ,11 hr .:14. , tnittz ;
neither the city of Phi 11,10 phi ton any county etiall
be dteitled in !anoint a disturt. • .
Section .1, 111. No nelson th-iii I , e a senator, who
Istri:t not h , re att.imel the age of twenty=4l‘ e yenS, ;
land haie t•••en , eiri7en and ir.h4dtant of the Stare I
four years hegt before his(t let-6,1.Am! the last year
!thereof an it haldtant of tl,e 6,:trle. In %shirt) he
shall he rh son, unless he shill h ve been absent on
the public business of the Unju-d States or of ; this
tate • and no person eleCted'as aforesaid, shaft hold
glad ;Pe alter he shall hare renewed from sachaii
Seetiair-LX.. •:The; senators who may be Wetted dt
he first gvierai election after the adoption of, the .
nittolinenti to the coral ittdion, shall be :divided' by
of ' nJo three classes.- The seats of the senators of
he rat class-shall be vacated at the expire:flora of
he yfac, tof the second class at the e.rpiraiion
, seconef year ; and of the third cites at the er
iration of ,thelbird year ; so that 'thereafter lane.
d of the whole number of senotpre may be chosen
cry year. The senators ele , 'ed klore the contrail.
• eat, to the constitution shall he adopted, shall hold
heircfrecot dieing- the terms for which they shall
especticely have been-elected. . .
Section X. The General Assembly shall meet on
e first Tuesday of January, in every year, unless
~ w er convened by the Governor.
Section XI. Each house shrill choose its Speaker
ed other officers; and the, Sea, to shill ass.. choose
Sycaker pro tempore, when the Speaker shalt eir
else lite *thee of Governor. ,
' Section XII. Each house shrill judge of the tit { M
n tions of its members.• il clocti:ms shall
t determined by a eommittee to he selected, f o rmed
MI regulated in snob manner as shot! Le direeteji by
taw. .A majority of each house shall constitute a
.nonun to do business; but a sm tiler number finny
• • lows from day to day, and may be I,,whorized by
law to compel the attendance of absent member's, in
inch manner and under such peualties as may lei
Section XIII. Each - house mey deteimine: the
rules of its proceedings, purf..,ll itt miiinberi, fur
rderly behaviour, end wit t the conebtrence of
o-thirds, expel a member, bot nut a second time
fur the same use; and shall have all ottil.r powers
necessary fur la branch of the legislature of a'. free
_Section XIV. The l , gisla.ture shall not hare power .
to marl lanes rsonall,ing the r . ontract of marriage in
any ('once a h4e, oi, Ito , :1,; coar.s of this Coottnors
wealth are or 'may hereafter be empowered to decree.
It divorce. . .
Section XV) each h ,use shall keep a jtiornel of
Its •proceediuge, and pubtidt them weekly. eteept
such parts a mey require eecreevt and the ;yeas
Ind nays of the members on any question shrill, at
the desire of ,any .t.wu of Lam, be mitered us) the
Section XVI. The doors of, each -house and of
committees or the whole *hall be open, unhtss;
when the business shall be such - as ought to he ',kept
Section XVII. Neither house shall, without the
tensest of the other, adjourn for more, than three
days, nor to any other piece than that in which.the
two houses shall be sitting.
. . .
ttection X VIII. The Senators and representatives
'shall receivea compensation for their services to be
ascertained by low, and paid out of the treasury of
the-Commonwealth. -They shall in all cases, ex
cept treason, felony t ind breach or. surety of the
peace; be - privileged „from arrest during that, at-'
tendance at the seesioe of their respective houses,
and in going to and returning from the-same. - And
for any speech or debate in either house, they 'pima
, not be nuesti4med in fifty other place. • :
Section XIX. Tai Senitor et representatiVe 4hall,
during the - tithe for wbith he shall 'have . been elect
ed, be P•ppatlited to any civil office under Mil m'-
monomania which shalt have. beep created, o Abe
emoluments of which shall have been-int
. docile such time t • and- no member of ..Coogrlint of
other, person holding any office (except of attorney
el lavirind i 9 the militia) under the United States
or tfillOrilman*eiitki, shall be'a member or either
TiihAiie ' tiring his continuance in Convent. bx .. in
Sextinn XX. When imeancica happen in either
.housp„ thi.,Fpr her shall hone writs of eletition - - to
:-fill Sinch-vamnetes. - -. •
SectiOn X 41.-411 hills , fortaising revenue shall
originate ~ in Ithe lionset of xePresoototives. lion .:the
Senate may t i i i ipeseediumniiments 'as in . othenttiVs. ,
Section X ' . flo -money. Shall be, drawn non
.thii`treosory , ot hi
,con%equenee of approp l riallans
,nude bylaw. , • .. .
.gection X l lll. Every hill 'which shall have
puttied both muses shall- he- presented•-to ihelGo
tremor. if he approve. he . shall,sigult, but _lf the
shaft. 444) .. ,e-he-shail tete - stilt Wltlattia.alijiei:
thins to e: curse in_which itshall hay,e iitigOttod„,
-vfizi , siloil -- E the objections et large. nen, the4r
nO tk iw
, inturOtal and proceed to - re:-consider it. ' if,
bait. . such I sek,erms• elation; two-thirdshf that tniutsi. * hilt
agree ta - -the billot shill he-setit withlbe elk
*Pi) .. a
Lnd p
ms' r
' X
t ' l i
1 i
invANthltllklLES: from $1 75 10 87 each
m jar re ived and lor dale trjr
junn B. CANN,q4.
TA' '
f 104.
• . " -.OW , *
,1 4 firris ' , Wan:WfvtliWch.,. liMar , t
'drill be '. :, , , , , ~„%hat2fairiproved lii,lti - -
ilikt 'Of 44 0 1,A1' Si.-041:094217r, put in inch
date4. ll l , 4 o o 4 : 9 4 , 4s i gi t t u r i e d
0 n=3 l ' it t Afti , . .d'tgr I "Yr i lialgr :.T.Vinr I
I li
for or kaoifor 'a b i rib)illie th e yo
nal* or et& qiinide iesPict . Welk; "'lf --4 anY`bill Sheik
not , o's 'returnedthe GoVernot Viilibi 'titiFdas k
{Sundaysesvepte 'Adler -It admit have - been pre=
seated to.trizejt i klsniam_ht like manuevas jr
he hail : it f , plea tbe:Genersl,Assemblyi by
theleadjagfamenfi'.rv e l lt - 4 $ P!mtlts fu jowl ease
it shill le ,ti'lior tititts,a sent back within three
llaYri:ol' feetlieirb nieetini.
gLetitlieDtry;' er , l hider , ri.orautibu or., vole
fo whictirlho• too e ace of both hormei 'irk). be
siecessarYArioetit n a question' of adloutireent)
shall be presented Ito the Governoroand before it
shall. take effect. be...approved by.bim, or-tningllis
approved,,;sturll be4bepassed by two-thirds' of both
houses according tO, the rules- and limitations pre
. scribed in case of a bilk ,- • •_
Sectili XX.Y. N Q ' corporatibodY:shill,be hereafter
created; 'renewed or' extended, withbeinking or dis
anotting'privileg,q, without Six Intnalts previous
public• notice of ate intended apPlicarion for The
scout in {itch manner as shall be prescribed by line,
Nor shall any charter far the purposes aforesaid, be
granted fora- longer period arm twenty 'years,-end
every such-charter shall contain a clause reserving
to the legislature the Finger to alter, revoke or annul
the samewhenever pi their opinion it may , be -inju
rious to the ;citizens' V the conunonwealth, in such
manner however theft no injustice shall he done to the
' corporatirrs. No taw hereafter enacted, shall create,
i renew or extend the charter of more than one corpo-
I ration.
Section . LL The Supreme Executive power of this
Commonwealth shrill be vested in a Govern Or.
Section IL The "Governor shall be...chosen on the
second Tuesday or October, by the citizens of the
Commotiwealtli,.at the places where they shall re
spectively, vote Liz representutives. The relpros
of every election for Governor shall be sealed up
and transmitted Mthe seat o( government, directed
to the Speaker of 'the Senate, who shall open and
putdish:lthem in 'ti re presence of the members 'of
both hOdses of the legislature. -Theyerson,,having
die( highe4 number of. votes shall be Governor.
Rut : if two or moray shall be equal and highest in
votes, one of thent shall be ebosen. Governor by the
joint vide of the 'members of .Eugh houses. COD•
tested elections shall be determined by a Committee
to be selected Trol u both houses of the legislature,.
and twined and re fated in such manner w 4 Shall,
be directed by law.
Sectilrrlll. The Governor . shall hold office
_ .
during ihree years from the third Tuesday of Jona
.ory next 'ensuing , tits election, and shall not be longer 4hou six in any term
Isin+ A : Cr "
Section IV. He 'shall he at least thirty years of
age, and hate been a citizen and an inhabitant of
this State seven Yeais next twf ire his election;
unless ht: sh .11 hire been absent on. the public
business of the lioit , d States or of this Sete.
Si caul V. No 'nit fh i L.f C,,ogiess ur person
holditi. a by-of:ice ue , lrr the Vatted States or this
le ;111 eixerri.e the office of
i: e etioe VI. The Governer 1,11111 at statNi time!
receive for hi< service. a r“frijee'r•ltiqn. which shall
be ;wither nor (1 7 mini•hed during the
period which he shall have been elected.
Sectlens tle-shai' he cenunagdet-in-cier of
Cosarms C:irm vue Ith , lid of
except when th"y shall be called into
the aeiyal seiVice of the United Stales.
Section lie skill upyuint a 4:Arretirry of the
Crwmku.::•^ll h during pl-asitre, and he shall noulh•
art , aud by and srstth the nitrite and consent of the
timed." argot hi alt judickl officers of, courts of
rerard i nut us prodded far in this Consti.
tut ion, HE that/ have power to fill all raranttiot
than may happen such judicial offices during ttit
reran of the Senate, by granting commissions which
shill elpirt at .the, end of their next SfBllloll : Pro.
tided, that in acting on exerutire numirsatirms the
itar4 shall sit kith rpm doors, and its coßfirmiai
or firths" o the nuativaiiuns of the tiorernor, the
earn( he talonalliy yeas and nays.. •
't.-ction IX. Be:Shall have power to omit finer
,n) farfenetres, Ana grant reprie.:es and pardons,
except in cases of impeachment.
S e rßan X. Ile may require inform•tion in writing,
folio -the officers in the executive department upon
sithject roaring to the duties of their respec.
tier .dfiees.
Section XI. He %hail, tram time to• time, give to
the (..4iiieral As,eriihiy i..firitiati.oi of the stAte of
Err , Coinmihivr.arti. and recommend to• their coo-
' , Oen; king; such rneaxures as he II jule,e expedient.
Section, N 11: Ile tnly,4t3 extr,ut , linAi y ect , tsbtis,
M11%714'11" the General As ; and in vase or
trlwe.-11 the ter6 with respect
t. too' :Nor of adj. urnme;ll,adj ! ".un;l,leFri stteit
tie shall ttetnk pro*, not exteeiliiig four
section XIII. He shall take Care sthat the laws
be i.thitislly executed.
. S, cfion XIV. In case of tote depth or resi-nation
of the Gayernorqr of, his removal from office, the
Spesiter of the Senate shall exercise the office. of
Gove4nor, • until another Governor shall be duly,
qualified; hut in 'such ease another Governor.shnf
be skarn at thenest annual election of representa
tires4unless such death, resignation or removal,
shall occur within three calendar' months *entail
atek jsreceding stichluirt annual election, in which
case it Governor shall be chosen at the se cond suc
ceeding annual election of representatives. And
if ibia.trisl of ti,.contested jelection sball.continue
lunge 4" thin -until the third Monday of January
- next 'ensuing the eleetidn Of Governor, the Goiletpor
of the last year or the Speaker of the' Senate who
may tie in the exercise of the executive authority,
shall Sismitinue thereto until the determination of '
such tuantested election, and until a Goverdor shall
be duty qualified as aforesaid..
Se4tion XV. nit/Secretary of the Conanonwealth
shall ?reep a fair register of all the official wets and
proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when re
quireil, lay the same and all papers, minutes and
vouchers . relative' thereto, before either branch of
the Le - 000bn*, and shall perform such other duties
as shad be enjoined him by law. •
Region I. Inefections by the citizens everrwhite
frevitan of the age of twenty-one years,, having re
sidedfin this - date line year, and in the electibn dis
trictOtere he offers' to vote ; ten dayv - inintediately
presiiling such etection, and within two years paid,
a Stdi'e or County -tat; which -shall have beets as
sessaint least ten days Wore the eleettan,-shall enjoy'
then . his of an elector... Bill iseitireen4rthe.United
i n
Slot who.had sari/oust). bens ci,gualilied voter of
this ate, and resumed theme anc! leturned,and,
who have reiddie7 in . the election 'district, and
paid as aforewici, shaitheeatitledlo - votetufter
r • .in Me itanisir monthi. Provided; that while
freetilen, citizens of thillnited States, between the
44es If twentp-otte and twenty two years', and hing- -
. ing: State ane-yulr f cuutrin the eledion
trisirft - t leastaps . gs,_qforssaid, shall be.. entitlei to
vote, although I shall not hominid (axes. .., . . , .
. Seition.lL ,A ll elections that) be by. ballot, ex
cept . Oune,by,pe,, as in Iben. teintlelltntivausin. -
-*lets who awn ate, sirs v,hee, .. - ", .
Section .. .llC treat:int atoll tell! Crs,4:excep,:t
tees*: teltaii: 1 1001 trirtiett'deirivaty e Allelegiae,,s
be 'prjvileged4r6on , wrest= deriiigr their att e ndaic e
on elections, and' hviiifog to and' retarahrt
the • —oir .. , -..-1,,, t.l
. s -. - t 4.-ARTICIA" IV; ' ' . I =-...c ';' 5 ." : 1 , - , :
Seekon 1: 714 lime of 'lliptileatatriii ihill '
have Ithe aotrpotti,erof• intpraehitig.. '.,' ' •
Sc4ion IL All innesehtnents shalrtvitriia by
the Om: tir atitgdjatiffini 'Tor that impose, the
Sena ' ra.shalliOntoti :4attvor ifflitititatat - klictifeo;
w i i
131ocantet•CiaithoUt ,the.m,carrenetriof
; itita of tbeleembere-preseat, --- --
gel ~0 1) 1 1 4. erber,AavettW, arid AI/ether civil
- eiriaeli a d*thik piaakidieoaltlOilialtb*LX4flo to
troliaii.thofearforTtioY 4 otiidaiheattaar4Wolkee a but
ent,'lnt-sueb r'll,sus;!shalP.-nat'' , efretifFifinifisi
a litotrah-fmto-oftlitneaad• - disodirtfteathoirta
.11ohf 4 y-nifiewod, honour/trot or ptotiq aisdefathis
Coos owealth t i The - party, etbetherot*PictelLor.
PoAcnoutAND --
Do Chen? IBounce.—Rir soli by -
iii4F 23 ' ”:,4,821 4 :
t -
` -7
Eitignietiltgletr :
. ,
4 -
' ellhelnes be recto indictment,
V ai td Ara t i , i t i n fifi tt i _ it i t
eat rang to taw
r , -, 1
1 4' ... i , <-, I,' ' 's
N?Seetionis rie4=lP , ttin mf , ifils torrition- ,
weaktihirw. Ap„t..l„4.,...pmnacour„:o
Courts Illyer anderand.GeneteiValliJ*- I
HAW, Vlltvattit '4l l/04fli y —kni t 's'Oite
IlielatilihrbittViint I art y brQua k iee eessiolis .- '
, of aiii , Reieal.Y W...eltarnifitt" JOSIX - co ii:the" - :
, Peeeil . 'ltivilid - sliett "otbite Mitts eettire :liigistainte" ,
1 mayirailtraine triltiiiiiisetablideL 4 7 W* - . 1 - i
Seetion IL 'The Ilgagei it lifir-ffiekineVOlS 7l , of
theaseceral Courts O. : Common illeai, and of such
other Courts Record its are'or than be estriblishkel.
by fowl Oil%
Ocialone : 8 :-4N44foternort and
on 4 triac * '‘Arilif ' O Ve:CPPOinted
eiatiniiroied Brhfin. • Thl `tif the' Sapriese
Conreslalit hold their ofk.k. for IV tersabf fella
, years - trot/ay shall so lane behave themseloes IN V.
The president judges of the seem, Courts qiCeseersini
Pleas.and qt.kruch other,Courts of Record as are or
shall be esiablishat by law, and ail other judges re
quired to'be learned in tie law, shall hold their offices
for the term lof ten years (f, lliershall io tong behave
theinselits pia The...lsle-We judges if the Courts
of Comm*, Pleas shafttid their offices for the term
of fire year* if they so Taig behave Manlove
melt. But for any titastosable cause which shall 'sot
be sufficient ground of impeachment, the , Gmersior
w i
may remote any of them Bathe address qf o-thirds
of each branch the legislature. The j es cf. the
Supreme Court and the-presidents or t several
Courts of Common Pleas shall at stated II receive
for their, services an adequate compensation to hi
tired by taw, which shall not• be diminishes/ during
their cmairmance in office, but - they shall receive no
feet. or perguisites of office, nor hold any tither office
f profit under this Commonwealth.
recuon 111. Llatil otherwise directed by law, the
, 'ourts of Common Pleas shalt continue as at preterit
established. Not more than jtesreotosties shall at any
time be included iss'one . judicial district organized
for said Courts.
Section IV. t' The jurisdiction of the' Supreme
Court shall extend over the State; and the judges
thered, 4211 by virtue of their offices, be justices
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in
the several counties.
Section V. The judges of the Court of Common
Pleas, In eac „county, shall .by virtue of their
offices, bleijustices of,Dyer and *miner ttnd Gtne
rol Jail Delivery, for the trial 4 f ,capital sod other
offendeti therein ; any two o the said judges; the
president being one, shall be a quorum t. but they
ahall not hold a court Of oyer and tenninet, or jail ,
1 delivery, in any comity, • when the judges of the'
1 Supreme Cuurt,or any of them, shall be sitting in
the same county. The party accused, as well as
the Commonwealth, may, under such regalations as
shall be presaltied ,bylsw, retrieve' the indictment
And proceedings. or a transcript thereof . into) the
•zuprenie Court.
SectinnWl. The SnpreinmCourt, and the several
rousts of common •pleas, shall, besidk, the pelmets
heretofore usually exercised by them, bave the
power of a court of Chancery, so far as Instates to
the petpetuating of testimony, the obtaining of
et idence from places not within the Stile, and the
core of the persons awl estates of those who are
non competes menus. And the legislature shall
vest in the said courts such other powerii to grant
relief in equity, as shall be round necessary : and
nioy, from time to time, enlarge or diminish those
powers or vest them in such other courts as they shall
i judge proper, for the due administration of justice.
l sectem VII. The judges of the court Of common
pleas of each county, any two of whom shall be a
quorum, shall compose the court' of Qtiarter Fres-
Awns of the, peace„and orphaustrourt tterisof 1 and
the register or wink - together with the hiid judges,
or any , two of them, shall compose the register's
1 . court of each county. , •
Section VIII. The judges ot the daartstif common
pleas .shall, within their respective coaities, have
the like powers with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to Mame writs of certiorari - to the justices of
the peace, and to cause their proceedinip hi be
' brought before them, and the like right and justice
. .„ .
to be done.
Section IX. The, president of , the 'court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
court of comnitur Pleas ;Within their , respective
'counties. Shan be justices of the peacel so far as,
relates ta-cirmaral matted. !
Section X. Al register's office, for the probate of
wills and granting letters of administration, and cm
office for. the recording of deeds, shall be kept in
each county.
Section Als The ptyle of all,pronceSsyshall be
" TbiCcitnrnoirwellth of Pennsylvania.' . All prose-
cabers shall be carried on in the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsyttania,
and conclude “against the peace and dignity of the
t same." .
. ARTIcLE, .
Section L Sheri ff s a nd coroners sball, at .the
times 'era places of elegibn of representative', be
choseety the citizens of each County. ' One person
shall be dam - for each o f fice, Who shall be mud:-
aimed by the Govenfor. They slant hold their
odices-Gor three-y=9of: they shall so long behave
themselves•arell, and until a successor he duly
qualified; butpo person shall be twice chosen or
NiVinted AherilTju any term of six yeasts. Vamp.
cies in either of . the said offices. 011 he filled by
sot appointment, to be made by the Governor, to.
continueistifit the next general election, and until
a suecogeor shall be chosen and qualified as afore
said: '!'
- Section IL The freemen of this commonwealth
shall, be-armed, organised and disciplined for its
defence, take/sand ilamechasaaner as sag be-directed
.4 lam. Those who•conscientiously scruple to bear
: arox,.shalt-not be compelled to do so, but shill pay
an equivalent for personal service.
1:11, Prothonotaries of the Supreme
Court shalt ~lic, a ppointed by,the said. Court for
the .I.erisk, if three years ij they SO 1 44 Wave
then4elics' mill Prothariotarzes and eierksvf the
several Oes,.., : ponsti, Rccordens of deride; pd Re.
gistiri of talks, all at the times arta• places of
eta:lion of representatives, be elected by theiquafi
fied electors of each county, or Me districts over
- which the juesulidion of said ants* ettends o anel
shall be amonissional by the , Governor.
shall *a the:sop:aft,. lbiee:keace if get SWI
so long &leave th em selves we ll ? and anti their
successors shall- be duly grusdified.. The Aglaia
tore shall provide by him, the number of persons
in each catiqr mho shall kohl said .07pe, and
hour mank:and iohich.of . said offiep shall be held
h44602e peT san., Vacancies in any of the said o f:
ass shall befilledby appointments to be' made
the Governor, tacontinue until the' viextgene
ral ekdiohi and until successors shallbe
and quabfird'as aftesaid.
Section It liilitholititaries, clerks
.or diet peace
and olphans*Mht teiurders of deedsocestps of
wins, and .sheiliA E ,Bl4 keep their offices on. the
lOW of At
, 4 5#tity in which stiiii,*pec
tiveiy, shll,'Wonlears, ,unless when the Gunflint
shall, for. dispense Gierewitii, , for
the county
.7shall*.e,bairerected,' - •
": neutron Y.,Alreohitigrimis balli tie in the r*tne
lifarbfirieedtratily - Of tim'coOtnota!eatb ufrAellu
..loo4lF4Aminalud.Yith tbil-St# o 1100;19Ulaign
e,itla , •
StOi, 'TmtturgiA Chaff
- arlsTalVefjOtta: eme , orboth branches ottife
Elecbc. ni "Indices of 'the peacCir'aidermen
shall .he.4.lected ware% &PIO*:
and tostlitddipestkikeeukelifraitleelkii,f con.
stables the quatiM wait- thfi,e'ofi 00-2sne
aqt laea r and shall&
,nossessrssiianustqabliebternor for I:‘lf,rm a
assts ali.#ll°‘
meet uritallit , sfihaist einty,of Ikea
edArtorsoithinif isiba4o# l l7( l 4or4S
Youth. . • '
h4l l llol.llltitipp*ri deafen fp;
shag be Aliqed-re rlipointat :ttt its& PC
.• . .
JUST_ leceiccol, aid lie
ilia 0* ` 1 •
&": ftitAtlCit
- 4.1 4
' 4 ' . 4 ...;".,A54:743'4'..,
1 bi le rArt4 1 144 0 1 Ica 62 aniP.l
- V,.<- n ftrir i ninc","„ l l l /11P
'SVlzenWasn,,sAlngllcrigilliVlC 'til
"befarPfdidipoudiiiik; 1 the conniy i have'
been: l l. l "4 4l ! vci flkili ma r it!i 0 4 notlisollaCis
iliute erme kft4A u zi ii ff , - zi La
. 0r.0. - iih t -: of, .74 iglu* bini
* ke n'
p i t i :(iiile n tlAiii t". " 44:4:Faft
as!pf, ii;ii pg',Ar`is pay, 70r
wominwd — .' ar 104140' 011 f; ale , Oa
Statee ! ihe algte same time boldyt:exerchie any
''fi-,..49,../.*).4.04,ev-khOsicA a+ skiiirithor-fr! ot
'perguuntes ate by kw, annexed; and the
tort may by law *dare ugsat .4104 offices are in
eompatible. No member of' the- Se n ate or of the
louse of representativesahall.beappuintaiby_the
Governor to ; any office dialng Ow tartn-for, which
he shall have kellelecteeL, ,
_, ~ 4,4.. i -.11-i& '
Section IX: ALI office's for a tams stfr Sri's.
shall hold their Ow for ,the tyrant respectivdy
specified, only on die concrdion thaLthey lui long
Move themselves wetly and shall be removed on,
conviction of miebduzeimir in office or of any in
famous crime. '
, Section X. Any person who . shall,..ejler the
1 adoption of the amendments propmeti by, this
Convention to the Constilittion,'figleta ibis! or
send a challenge for that purpose, or be aider-nr
abettor in Aiding:o4nel, shall be &pitied of the
right of /Jading any office of honour orpryfit in
las State, and shall be punished otherwise in such
manner as is, or may be prescribed by taw : but
the executive may remit the said offence and all
its disTudificatians.
. .
Section I. TIM leOslaigire shall, as soon as eon
veuientlx may be,,provide by law, for thetestabligh:
meat of schools throughout the State, in such
manner that the Poor may be taught gratis.
Seation . The qax. to .anth:selerteel sheik be _pns-
Oita iii 3 Orts or toose.seminaties of ' leaning. a
gecatin lIL The . i s rightt,, privileges, iinniunitlei
and estites - br relighting societies and ciiTurato bo
dies, shall remaintaso the eonstitirtion o this State
'hail not been altered or amended,
Section IV.. The kgisktlure shall not invest any
corporate body ar individual with the pricifrge
of taking private property for public use, without
requiring suchcooporation or individual to make
compensation'to owneri of said property, or
give adequate security Wick, before ... such pro•;'
party shall be taken.,
Members of. the General Assembly, awl all offi
cers, executive Mid judicial, shall be bound' by .ontl,
or affirmation, to support the' constitution of this
rpmmonvrealth and to !A.:form the dutivi.4 their
respective offices with fidelity. •
That the general, great and essential principles of
liberty and free government may be recognised and
unalterably established, WE' DECLARE, THAT•
Section L All men are born equally free and in
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
rights, among which are those of ezipying and de
fending life and liberty, of acquiring; possessing
and protecting property and reputation, and of pur
suing their own happiness.
Section 11. All power is inherent in the people,
and all free governments are founded on their au
. thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ; For the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all 'times, an, unalienable and indefeasible
right to alter, retina or abolhhtheir governinent, in
such manner as they may think proper.
Section IH. All men have vital - oral and Indefea
sible right to-'wprship Almighty God, seconding to ,
the dictates of their own consciences; Mimes can,
of tight, be compelled to attedid„ erect, di .support
any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, Control or. interfere with the. rights
of conscience ; and no preference shall ever be
given, byr law, to any religions establishments or
modes of worship.
- Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be- -
ing of a God and! a future state of rewards and Pa
tushments, shall: on account of his religious senti
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this Commonwealth.
Section V. Ele ction !
. shall be free : and equal.
Section VI. Trial by jury shall lie as heretofore,
and the right theleif remain inviolate.
Section VII. The printing presses stiall be free to
every. person who undertakes to examine the pro
evading! of the legislature, or any. branch of go
vernment: And no law ,shall ever be made to re
strain the right thereof. The free communication
of thoughts and ;opinions is one -of the invaluable
rights of man; and eAry- citizen may freely speak,
write and print .on any subject, being responsible
for the abu s e ort - liberty,' In lree r eethions for
the publication ' f Open - Investigating the official
conduct of office ,Or men in a public capacity, or
where the matter published is propefor public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi
dence: And Ind/Ornate for libels the jury
shall have a rightito deteridne the last and theiactis,
under the directien of the court, as in other eases.
Section:Wit The people shall be secure in their
persons ; houses, papers and possessions,' from unrest
sonable muchisand seizures: And no warrant to.
search any plied p or , to seize any person or things,
shim issue, without 'describing thesk4i 3 l . ll = as
may be, nor ,without probable "cause Po by
oath or allbutatitin. ,
Section LX. Id all crtmmal pieseeutions, the so-
cmed bath at to be heard try himself and his
counsel, to de ri m *dine nature and cause of the ac
cusation against i him, to meet the witnesses face to
face, to have corepulsour process fur obtaining wit
nesses'in lis.faVour, in prosecutions by indict
ment or information, speedy public trial, by an
impartial jury , of the vieinage t . he cannot be com
pelled to give *evidence ligaiost hiraself; nor cline
be deprived of his life, hlierty, or property, unless
by the judgment of his, peers or the law of the
lii ti ileison: shall, for' any , indfcfabie
offence, be pnuMeded-agitipst criminally by intorno.
than, except .in atiirni in the land or navel
forces, or in the militia when in aettralitern
'time of war on public dinger,Or 'by leave' of the '
court,for oppression and misdeineanotifitioffien. • -No
person shall, tot the'same _offence; be twice put in
jeripaniy of bfe or limb ; not shall any, pro
perty he taken sr applied to public use, without the
consent of bist . representatives, and without just
etm 3 PersztiVir.being
eta • s
Seal& NI: AWES:lifts 'hblf open abreVer3i
man for an injutt One hits in his bids: gooris,iler
r sOn or reputation,' WWI` have remedy by. thedue
ueurse of law; pupal right and justiceldmibistered
without sale, denialor delay. Suits may bebrought
agouti:vibe CotOrmtvnaltft in such manner, In such
qarte,'llad in snch. eases as the legislature may by
Section poweieti sospebdittg l wr
he'hiettited,"leii by the or - and ,
-li a„•••=-
,Section ..IClll.i.Exectsivpiltabell ,- 4 1 , 0 4; re
qielit-iilefssive Chet it impased;'ildr craol/rpe
-mstonents'infiictetL, •• •
- Sectimi„ X 11444 prisoners. Will -be hallable
suitcient suretleaotniess-for capital offences ••.sh-*
the' prnoris. esPeSit %Presuintivn.gre4.l
privilegii of the Writ ot haheas corpus ahallinot be'
sittpetidedonaless when, in cases of rebellion, Fr int'
vaskiii;tlWinitifin Safety. May rein-lie It. •
Section X Vittnititntessitittiftrand Terntiner
or jail delivers khall-bstittited.l !,•;., V. • - 2 .
.Section petson..of • a debtare.lWiere
I Aide., li"-not , stems.,o9, hmption'of fraud, tibill„noti
tin`eliedinfedl4Prtsoliskfter de) l ,Sl4l-kistAgfitte;
felhbe benefit Of hia incli
140 13e ktPr t461 WW 1i • ir ld• •
rifts pessfrdlo.iate,nor any law
impairingMt_rict a 416 1 1Lbe.10 1 44:
SeCtiOa -N o ,4Vattar . —Alta?* x} OP
Uvulae otie .'b y the legislatalie:
tictits` • NO attainder italkworkmx*lPPicri
lafatuttoiX 4 1 * Actnthe,fmtaluPtiltV- Otke- ,
lifel'oroPfh , PMW - A,441,44, 1 1411*0r0mtt 1
11141 - , Felt: U .lk, in creirepj siatural
-0001:118. BACOA' 4 4 inst,oceiireckaud •
--11olsale bypcm*iiber.
j t agii; 16 i 46
;: -
- .
• ;
ti la`oll °
n ce
thin iotiettee- -
,a; ltatate of Re-,
....., ~ -ft he agreed to by
Jrity of the u.. ted to eat A ,Elinese, 'such
mai amendment o. intense shall be entered
their journals, wit/ , yeas. and inisyt taken•
eon, and the Secrete, the Commaniemith shall
e the same lobe pub) d Agee meralut before the
t elect ion, in at 1m..... me ne*spager in every
VI in trhich a newspaper Arbil be pOlished; and
the kgislettuie neat aftemeards claim such pro
t amendetent or . cira/niments shall le agreed to -
majority of the , enembert elected to teach hbuse; '
I Secretary of the CeitfiliOnideath shall cause the
again. tolie published in manner aforesaid, and
4 , Imposed amendment or , rpnendments shall be .
. led
.& th, people iii such manner and at such
ti , ,alltust three mint , after being so agreed to '
bg I,two houses : siege, Ohl"; S ~xrescrile ;
... - '. . ~
' Ili f% ''' ' : '444 ' , 1 1. 4 4 7- ; 161 . . the con
.- ' .e . f0.1 ,, , , j'e - _. . ~' ,V o r ' than
•', . • - WSW. • '.. 7 0ftertiWtiftite - Orrii in five
ti... , ra ; Provided, that more than , one amendment'
be , • ekthey shalt belitPinitiAr . in such manner
•• . form, that the mop t_ may vote for or against
amendment separat told distindly, ... :-.
. .tS.' ':: • -
Do metinvenic ,11343 , ,,an5efr0W340 alters
tki :Mid,' amendnieite. ' the Conititn* of this
paieitlth, iiiit W " fc - ticiaiwvie - smiii into
ecieplete operation, it b hereby declared and ordain
ed That, i
don L All lairs of is Correnouvrealth in force.
at time when the • 'alterations land amend=
M 'its in the said Constitution shall take effect; and
no inconsistent Weal ith, and all rights, actions,
p utioni ; defies, an contracts as well of indi
vi uals as of bodies co rate, shall continue as if
th said alterations ,and amendments hid not been
msAe. ' '
fiection:ll. The alteration* and amendinenta in the
4, Constitution shall'teke effect from thetirst day
of emery, eighteen; hundred and - thirtyLutne. , •
don, ILL The clautes,.seetions,.aiad articles Of
eahle•otletitutb?os.te ' remain, • unaltered , shall
co finite to be contra and have effect as if the,
Constitution had no been aniend4 . .
. 'ection IV . The.t Oral Assembly , ma.'
eo vene in DeCenilief; — teen liinlre4 and thirty
flail a:nightie - 'he sessiap , as Heretofore, not
w demanding the provision in 'the eleve n th - section
of the first article ; aadlihaltat alt times be negahled
as thw fttst • General 'Aesembly imder the amended
lacstitution. ,1. .* . 1
. 0013 , V. The Governor who shalt be, eleele4 in
ober, eighteen !Mildred and thirty-eight, shall ,be ,
i 1
ugurated on die, Abini , Tuesday , , ,in • January,
er hteen : hundred kid Shirty-nine, to which time
tprisint executive t
O n' is hereby, eltended. , .
?Seethes Vi. The i ctia eons 'Of the Ittates of the
?; rime Court; 'MO' be binthee on the first day
of Janualy,neatohall plre in the following man
n I: The commission' hitch - bears the earliest date
sh 1,- - - -s day of Jr • Anno Do
' i
-o 1
•• -
11 expire on the fuel ~ay of January, Anno .1...
I l i one thousand eight hundredand forty-two; the
cc; miSslon next dated 'hall expire on the first day
of J anuary, Anno Efornmi one thousand eight bun- ,
d end forty-fiseithe i aiintnission next dated shall
're, on the' firit 'a y inluittary„ „Anno Martini
o thouirmoteithrt iidleirand forty4iglif;'the
Iwoissionitelit dated' litilrekidie cin 'the first day
of Sinuary,Anne'lloin flonePthelisand eiptliun
and fifty-onel'at thitramillision• last dated
shall expire on the -firs day 'of January , Anno Do
mini,one thousand eigh .buudred and fifty-four.
s Section VII.„ Th . e l . sions of die President
kvilies..of the several infidel districts and of the
asiteciate law.jpdgei or e fusqudiciaf district shall
l aw
eipire as folloWs : The Confessions of, one-half of
thliseviiirt shalt' havet letliiir othceslen years; or
more at the adoption of amendments toile coniti
tutiori,shall expire On tiverily-seventh day of Fe
broom one' thousand t hundred anal thirty-nine I -
• thb• commission! otthe t rher half of those who shall
Weir have held eir o ffi ces n years or more at the adop
tion'of the amendmen to the. constitution, shall
expire firt.the twenty *nth Pay iif *Yr* ry, one
thontindef,Ortilinge and krty-two ;‘, the firstball
tosembrice those Whoinetinirniiiiims shall bee . t)the
oldest date. The commissions of alitlie remaining
. jridges who shalt not hive lieldtheir oftlectiliir ten
years at. the adoption of the amendments to the con
' atitution shall expire o the twenty-seventh day of
February next after th end of ten_ years hunt the
date of their commissio s.
1 1 Section VIII. The rders of the several May
Courts, and other 'mina' moults in .thiSCom
mionveidth;strill Ikea '.
lilted fOr saute time,
and in the syme man er, as the u dent judges
of the several judicial , districts; ofthose now in
office, the commission oldestiindateshilll expire on
the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand
eight hundred and forty-one, ainitite others„every
two years thereaftsccording to their respective
dates. , Those oldestle date expiring first, ,- ~,
Seition IX. The legislature at its Crit . intact*. un
der, the amended cOnati ion, shalt divide the ether
asioilitejudgiti'nfithi tatelithidu s itliffik - -. The
commissionruf Ittniseatthe Friii ibiiihthall- expire
on the twentmffest:lM diy.fof tketutlery, eighteen
hundred aild'Wty)th tkettetlie -L eittond Mass on
Aliertitentyleiventb'f , FebintiryieiOteen'bun.;
dred and fortyitinlitpel thesel=" l ±'
i durd'-elass . on
theitXelahlteetedtt Al Re ' • eighteen:han
dfed and - two; of Mont) t i fourth class
Ort 4 theY.tWeety4even "day Ut:l:ol . iiihirY„ eighteen
IhruidittraddlortYlifirt l'''Titilsod'ealusei'froM the
lfilet - tti the-„f4tlh * * l o - - iiiiiiied hiebrding to the
slain/4 . .orlit!tk*M Otiefof the seVeratplges.
• - t- AeailtitrX.igrotOnO ' , . pelinics ,of the several .
cdur44excericiblbiii: I, Court) Irecordert of
fri el .“,4 o , .4 1 -4n ll ,terli PfwAle;shail be first elected under
-1,,Ttu...0..;•tkt Abe election of rapre
iet to tetilit ,fiar ' ' 'tein Ininfted and thiitY
I f .
l elik - ifith . tiiintlif 'nfiYl44lre3crtbid by "" I
• ' 4er.liot! XI. The luting power shall remain es
t 4 rer 6 tofec lulf itlr'ti - bilk appointment of the
11 0 llif ill'ifoilliOP ' ii 4 .46 ii*iiticd P' uciiiiPF .
• 014 , 44 Pon 'omit oill It '4 10 ,J. Pee eiP,en, iris, ,
' , .ol#tejleaf atis ti . r.ppic
,-. Ins urattlartri! eaattspf
piss 4 6 4 6 1* , 16P 94S* afte...T.0rp0104.7 :,
A 7 ol . iit•. 4 lkl
_-_.UuDilut lion PtiPnalut otit AaPjgr!k'nm]
:124TV',16%;:-.4%.'14:5iPa IPPieVfleettso)turpis, p„1
' ~. igglar :ra 4 8 1,40 P i :Um" " ma gitlwq... ll . 4 4lll o
:e W44l ulipapninetl .fsit*ll'-‘ 7 3ll l3 lll4 '. dd isO luld f l i : 44 : 14 4 711Pa tP, 1j"4 !i. lt b il 'I 2 Y 3 flN 'ag ;P; sl 7all l:
Opt smattuttied* e 1111 11t f0Ittili f il„ ItaPtattis
-SIP* efollm TOP ,-. JP!',l. s /,9tge , _ 'etW.fq . .
tiaslnhel Siiciathsti . oar. vil a t
itilflintleSKlln-- , Fer P - , 4 qlAPt
- "'se , s 7 PlLOtitollt 'Ota.4inatixe
I:abliel./A1.1 1 31
B4rhn 'hermit i c
June 93
selown a _
. 3)( tr i'
vide foripbe ei
election.: the ai
2 Pl**Filfluiv
ihetri*vecitid4 4..
daylwsmli" . 4dialibefika,
Det'iiif lllll44ll fof •,.. ..
la "illnaikiii 4*-.1 . 1 W: ..!' -' ' ••''' •• • ended
• conitifufts! s W. • •• ' :•' 'ari *--•to in
ciamentioni - We the officers and m • bile* of the
4 VOIRTIOOW _ C. to !, ...,., • lames at
.1. iiiiMer ' tiverib , :fi • Febro
ary; Anno Doi 7 - one tbouiand '.• t. liefdied
".• 11.1 1 41bir,itreiffiV, alid)ll.4l,lfilti• •- • • - • - of
. 7 ' 7.,,',#41-§WoliiirAnlevl .e.fiAst - , •M4iroral.
••• ' -•-• *-
"".: Spiiii iiitiAirtfdelt.
.--. ,, ,t..... -- ;. , t , - --k.-- ..., ,
Dinielikidew, 1 2 rari EL frAYi , : i 1
Wm...Ayree,•-,.:•;,.. ,1 • 1 -- Wm,, Hays, . a •
M. W....,dbildwio„ .
.1 1 Abm. - 11elffenstet, •
'F.pfiratii Hiiiiiir, ", t '''i ' • 361fifid, -
Jolfn li - Biiilay; , 1 1 WM. Bend • ;
Jacob Iliiiiddlir; `l' ! 'NFM: Mester -
Choi. lialifrnibt, ,: I :- WlDlalin H ,'
Andrew Bedrock - - ;' '- 'Par, Ho '• ;•• ••• ~
l'hod.l4-'liviii 3 " . n. 1 . . ' 4411: 1 10 F t; •
-Junes pernelllit 14 • dabei ',if , itif !
sLebbeus L; Iligel4 4! ' • Chirles -• • •
d i ,
Riiril."4::-DOlllalafs • ' ph " . •* imb '' * '
Cluti. 7 l3triyin, - - 'l' 1••-- . ge}imield.',: - -
'fireirsts*lffoinfc!' .firoefi Rd, '
Williain Biiiwn:, , `•
.j • AifriM'Xiiii
Pierce Butlers'" 'l' :• Joe. lfoin "• • •• •
%Mimi:Datil,' li. Jacob Kribe • t
.In,hu Camila* .1 'H. ailongr il'
Thomae.S. , Xu• . , David Lyons
Williara.Cri,ll, i , i• 1•• Alex. bflfee
Wm! DarlinOuri 1
Joell L ''' ' '
George,Chamtiers, f •W.M. Me • • •
John C handler, -% i
.•, . impel le ri l•
Jog. R. Chandlelf, l' l
. * Levi Merkelßill '
Nathamei Clapp, +i - ~.,James an lov
'JoinfilDlehilli-: 1 1 1. , • !•• • • ‘• it
JohniViask,p, ... ,•'. 0, • --, If._AleirlekT
Willia'jr; Clark, f • . Wm.,Civertte
A. J. lisle; ' rf HiMktifiaiiie
tinAtial:C•oaterr, ~ 1 ' Matthias.ten •
R. E. Cochran,- ; larrlei •• ' •
Thori. 'Etope, •11 7 . suise's if '• ::
JOshuk F.,-Cor,, • . ; Sian!: A. ' . -* .
Walter Crtig, .. jpt ' K. G. hogs .
Richd. M. Crain, i i A.,114 Read, 1
Geo. T....grakfordid , ,Ge 6. 1/44 r '
Cornelius ginni;• ' I Jim. Hitter; , i
Ilerija,,Maitin.; 1 H. Geld • •
John L:WCabeit,l ~ ' ' Samuel fto ;I
R. T. M.DoweD; '0 - • Jatnilv M. • ' I, •
James IVPSheisz, 1 . , Daniel Sa r,:)
Marl,Darrah, li i ;.. Johnliffirirrt," - '.
'H amar Denny, ' ; ' - ' Tdblior Sell ,
John Diekey, :, l i • Gs Seltset, . '
Joshua Dickerson, i - Gee-13MM
Jacob Dillinger , i . • 'HSPIX re 1 71
Jas. Donagan, i 1 Comm tkil etl, .
J. R. Donnell ' , ~ '; nallalia.ll-fi. ills
Joseph M. Derau„:l Ged.pnifth, .
James Dunlop, r , Ifri. ibifyi , ,
Thomaii Earle; • • .Tostlib'Sni i y
D. AL Farrelly, ' ? lifofr'X'Ste gn '
Rbbt..Fleming, 1! Jacob Sti f,
• Walter Forward,-! Ebenezer W. , turdevant
John Poulkrod, - i Tiumlas-Ta 1,,
Joseph -Fiy, Jr. 1, ' , • ,Mor&an -J. It_ 2/1, •
John Fuller :. .. 1", . • Janiaa Ted.!, •
John A.Dar;ible, !,.; -Thomas W•-• r,
William Gearhart - Jacob il id an, .
Da'vfd Giloiroie; ,i . R.' G:llfliit
Virgil Diane - 11;_
_.-d Geo. W. , • • .1 • aid,
William 7 r. - 11 7 441j ' R. Wong. I
Thoinas Hastings4l . • -. '. , • . ; •
(Attest,) S. SuocM, Secretary. '
- - -_---G; Rilikus; ''') . • - I • '''.-
_J. Wniimas, j -kf ' s4ll42l ' t "
SEcRETAILYxquic!„. . •
• . - • Erkkankuao;Fraimaliv , 18118. 5
' i s Viirk,4At di r t fOreiclfss,iirlari es 0 and literal
i s
copy iir , the. Con litution of tho'COM no 'wealth of
Fantail 'Maio ria• ended by Die 'Con ''C' kin of one
thinfsind" eight hundred and :Chi •a• ay.-0111y
eight," depoaltedlM- thisitilleevii ''. I -y of
February, 1838 ; fthe mmeridisesita . 4..iti r l-itoolic,
and' the , retained IPortionor of the p , t ,Cinistitu
lion ia roma/siert*. :!‘ • 7
Tillf IL woomy . .
.„,..,., ,_.....4 4 ., , sies_ot .thi. 0 -
-by .
elr cont. mow
the pliviers
'lv Or 'other
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Piall not be
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C. foram ' 1e by„,,,,,tere
luOrO bs t
. •
• - (Forstig . .( ., Parker Es' IWilli . a+,),
lIAVE refinnimi on the oppositg i 4 licentre
fEitriet; 'a fe* dciom'abdve Net 'e' ia 'Street
wkere;they,offer t ;for sale a select . ,::: ..:Spt o,
SOperfine ~ Broad: iCloihs en 4 - • . 4 . , 4 the
moat , fashkniablef eplors,witlrars ~„ ~. iison
mentof Summerpotbs,Vosti gs, rr irsolVet.
ton ..Skirts,..CollarS. Bosoms, 'mks ef oven See.
peodlinen A Hs i
.and cotton a an kinds of
tientlemen'n.,wzOinit api,rrel, w i ~ -,. ri/l. be
made to order inure inostippinied k as - to the
worktnanaltimtatOvarriniteiUto St elinai to-any
in the.Citror.etsekrbera. , • ,• il -.1 , 4-.4
. P. 10.. P. dr,....CcV keep on band an -e- .ileatas.
sortment of,'rea ...Wilke Ckithing " . tall kinds.
winch wilbbe-so at vati.low ra - 1 ' .•
j0ne,11...',. . 1.• . .- I . „,, i , -..
" *: 'OrliligliNis: - -
RAP WIT . IV: ten&O he A
' , yiel LeOlesi. ti s !etteville t ad ihe yk
h,cipee,.hfilie nee)heesajler work. i
jw:4h,iiiidii:ic4isei f fil t :ilei g ee, to merit i
Ahem itiAlkeelitli • - „ 1, ,- .4" ,
ffiitc,.. Tf rdence, 4l7l l. 'airs. p. Masqn'r
th'e'uire of Moot. :Sethent & Cr
Stii . eii . •' ' . . 11 .
•. APP,R. I II-A, .41.41. -
, , G
, _...
•c.,- „
r Propert y in.
• ~- FOR. SALE.
11$ apdepagaled ,offers foreale
i li
hat ;well
knewniireery,3Rl S I : 4ND
DWELLING-IpUSE and theAt. , t , , eta
situate: Certibs t etreat,
Pottpaille's. ~ e;:paditerty
of the under:4od, togs hor with a,, - tlither
tenements in idle:oar - of aid lbaila ~ , vial the
lot orgrckaait .w WI th wile*,
. ks+ , lThe
brick litaldiag,ite ids' . ~- ' ~
~ i *atria
front=-finished E - ail the LIRRIR . :la the
garret in the„hest Pler,r4 *Okra , ' . end b o th
as a balliaaaa r * a ' and;15:4101.11::; 15:4101.11:: JR !Poet fa.
mangy situritedj: The 3 fore ' , ''' A. : ' Ott wilt
be selii on low an acciiiiiasidii .-- ' e . IN Part
of the paiiiiiiik , fr,tlay file '; :o ' t he priip
ert'y for .a.fc.:*, : r t ivoiditaiksil. 4Ti a$ !Whipple.
bles mar Fidilibialitik'd*lar giceei dir—
applrlos'oo,l*'.4l"s";:"4: $4‘A .- 41.1111 - : :I 1 61$ 1
April le3liadl ' 4, 5 , - - , , - s:r. •-:$ c. 1 fie villa.
111 , 1114
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