PtYrTSVILI.Fi f WSINSEIDAV MORNISG, JULY* 4838. D pampikteXileat t Gorda, :WI of Ledtrg, wed Firilas of every deseripamt.lioallypriateOat Ofagt;atthelowst oaskjorioas. - • _Lx9l . rittee-efteerwiliengenee for the Omagh of T gret u ritAiehr, • 'George Heisler:EN. • ! . lettitliedfier, Ovnjantin &man, I mo Viliall i 3r. Henry 'Stager:Eft. Ji : . cibieT. orner, ' Andrew B. White,- - ' Simnel Hertz. , Let . the People Remembitr that 'DAVID R. PORTER svotedin the Senate last Whi ter to instruct our Senators and Representatives in Con gress to vote in -thvour of the vdious and Infamous Sub- Treasury Bill. • Now' is your time for Newi. The Illineca' Journal - will be furnielied until the election, at the low rate of Tiventy-11 ve -CCM. - For each subscriber—or 25 copies week. ly for $5. • Notice to all indebted to this Establiids aient.—We would respectfully inform all indebted to this Establishment, that we ire busily engaged in' making out their which we hope they will be prepared . to sheet reinptly. We would els* inform them, that we made but few collections at the commencement of the resent year, of last year's rrearsges, owing to the pressure of the times—in consequence of which we are sorry to state, that we our selves-are now pressed, so that' we are ender the necessity of requesting all in debted to as; to colt and pay their bills With its little delay as possible: Our distant friends! willplease also to make their 're. anittances without delay.. A Collector will wait on those residing in this Stirough. , O The Coal Trade at pecaent is wretchedly dull—and unless a change soon takes place for the better, a general spa. pension' of the business for a time must take place in this region. .This depres sion is caused by the inability at• present to sell the article, unless at ruinous sac rifices. Several of the operattrrs have already ceased . mining. We hope the friends of joSePh Ritner will not forget the County Meetipg,to be held at Orwigsburg on Tuesday next. Three lines of daily stages now run be tween this place and Reading; and we lettrn that a fourth line will'ahottly be put on the route. Hundreds of the citizens of the Metropolis, who have expressed a desire Id visit the Coal - region 4 f Schuyl kill County, will now find good accommo dations on the route, and in the region, at our numerous and spacious hotels. More evidence of tke dishonesty of Da rid R. Porter.—We re&rour readers, to ati'extract from the Western Argus, this week's Journal, which puti to the blush all that hap yet been brought ,to light respecting the character of David R. Porter. We also refer our readers !Olin ex. tract of a letter written from Holidays btirg, Huntingdon County, to the editor of the Gettysburg Star, which, furnishes a few more particulars respectingtheeonduct of the Loco Feco candidate for Governor. Outrzders must bear in mind, that Joke braker resides in Huntingdon County, and if the charge is not true,' it can easily be refuted. It is stated that there is a majority:o( two on joint ballot opposed to Van Buren in the Legislature of Virginia. • ();:rThe Porteri tea, by the abuse t hey heitp upon Gov. Ritner for issuing his Procla mation commanding the Banks to resuMe specie. payments, proclaim theMselves the opponents of the resumption of specie payments L►'y the Banks, and in favor of continuing the Shin piaster System. Signs.=-6 a Harvest field in Manhean township, a vote was taken for Governor last week, which resulted as follows: For Ritner • 11 Porter •Manheim township has heretofore poll ed three to one agaihst Joseph Ritner. • A vote was also .taken in this neighbot• hood, among a company which hid acci dentally congregated together, which re sulted as follows: For Ritner 12 • Porter' • - DO The Richmond Enquirer, in alluding to Gov. Ritner's Prioclarnation, says, "that all doubt and uncertainty is DOW removed. The Banks Must resume." The !•Banks of Virginia and Maryland, 'Was believed, will resume simultaneously with the Banks of Rennsitivania. The Harrisburg Chronicle states, that if any doubts that the Howe of Gov ernor Rinser was attacked by the P orter mob. wiiidb absembled at Harrisburg .on the 4th of I uly, he, need only visit the reg. dente, an see_ Tor himself. Ona.4.4be els at he do4r bras beaten our rf its • oa. an • Abe door and window-shutters wean :boa indented, and otkerwisit. a , nese4.!; T't e half the vile epetheis "hasped fitrillbst! • °versos -have nat been putilishf d. Mac • the Potter men at liarritiburg aye deni that the house was attacked,- he neigh •um of tke Governor intend tea dying to t • fact. • orwiria • ' 46:3=mlicisigt-4-ottaira.Hr..H . . • _-- • - Eilliteriii COFFI4OOIIItifICC. ic--- - d r ii . l , , 1,4-".-t0rid5...,z..,-.. . .! ' Jely 18 1838. , gow Frain the ,iSinnitioa I Eass-gisi`n l in ilif. Ilia ( unity , ( unity ,l 'a 114itity wilt aut weed la/ t 0.1130 its • There hoe bees ?wiry little, Chime I. thiniCandy'sinolla4 dram, and ibrd, lithe lisibeen*iner ineniP. , ' ' - r ICOrni, .11,Ady PiTB3l3. ME Pates% 'estriatity in ,Nuritamption County, cannot emeedl3llo votes, and ohms otous Hiends are the "PiOad that it, will not be snore than to 250. 1 rhe friendrof littnetr are wit* end sanguine et menses. In Munroe County, the majority fdr Porter will be between I and 60t In Wayne Honnty, you can set down Porter's majority at*, and in Pike at 850. Three years ago the majorities in Wayie and Pike counties were upward; of 1200 votes against Ritner. hineussrown. July 18th, 1838. In Juniata County, Potter will toe a small -majority of from SO to NO votes. A number of -chances have Taken -place in our favour, and we cannot learn ofvpingie man who, has changed against as. The majority against Ratner in this County dirio years-ego was In. Br.s.utboirra, July 18,1838. Au respects Centre County. I can only state Porter cannetget over 800 majority in'this coon ty; and some of our filen& think the majority will pot exceed 700. Nothing has injured Rib. ear here, and , we know of a great meal , who supported 'Wolf and 114nhlhiherg, who are tow active in the support of Jeseph Rimer. The ocoss bitted vote not as its 1835, was 1116.—curd the meet winguiois 'Porter men do not claim over /OW The gain es principally' in Penn's-Valley, amen the German Farmers, who know that Farmer Ritnet has farmed the Stile well enough, and they are determined, as Air as their voice can go, not to discharge him. We have cheering accounts from Clearfield County.' Hviereionost..fuly 16,1838. Ritner's majority in 1815 GM both Wolt and ibluhlanberg, has about 800 votes; and Ritner's majority. at the ensuing McMinn over David R. Porter, will not be less than 800—and many afoul' friends calculate on 1500 majority. Porter is losing ground every day, and most, from the nature of things, continue to hse anal the eke; Lion. Our Ohm& are active and sanguine ensue. cm.' A bet Was offered on Saturday by a good and responsible min, of $5OO, that Ritner would Wave SOO cosjority--end also $5OO that he -would bare 1000 majority in this county, whichhas re. fused.' The bet was offered at the Porter Head Quart...sirs this town, -by-David Leech, raj. trans. porter on the Canal. The bet on 1000 majority would have been taken ifit had been made Napa. rate. 10i THE /MIRA' JOUIIIIIII. . THE FUNERAL. " Tread wally with that sable bier Passe o'er that grave No dark and deep What thine' be bath no kindred here, Who cannot gaze and 'weep? Who cannot weep for him? Youth in its bloom bath faded, The manly fordw is dim", Bright eyes in death are shaded. Muse o'er that lonely grave ! •One shert:sa.d vigil keeping; There's one beyond the wave, That oft fpr him is weeping. He was her only boy, Wbe now lies still and cold; Oft hatblier" font heart beat with joy, His bright looks to behold. He left her sheltering side, Alma: that Youth will roam; And wandered far aid wide • From that kind Parent's home. NM parting boar ;was brief; No friend or brother Dear him— No mother bashed her grief, - With heir porde to cheer him. Theprecinue soul has fled! Now leave the clay to rest; The earth beneatS his head—, The green-sod o'er his breast. Oh! gently the sad tidings tell To her beYood the wave, And tell her we will guard it well— , tier Edraard's lonely grave. The Loco Fuco Press accuse Governor Ritner of playing off a humbug upon the people, aed thereat get most unaccountably wrathy. Now, Mr. Locofocos, do you think that you have a prescriptive-right to alt the humbugs in the world bepause you have appropriated , su many. of them to yourselves, and tried their efficacy up on the people? Why May not Gov. Bat tler have one single humbug, if .such you will have his proclamation, as well as An drew Jackson and Martin Van Buren five hundred? But this is not the cause of your com• plaint. " You yourselves, were humbuging the people in your outcry against non-spe cie paying Blinks, and this ,Pnielamation hat blown yowl. buildings sky,high, and taken from under you the verylbualatien upon which yea stood. Yoh are mit an gry with the Gevenior then, f)r blunting= lag the people, which he haft tait'done,Amt. foe preventing you doing it.;--Coax..4fer, More aeon Sisipe.--Meaeureirare bi king to edtabliab a line of Mimed ship* from Rotterdam tdr New York; to male are passage in twelve day*. All the Rhine now being anyigated by steins, .we slug have mere entigratice of Abeciene, and from the other Germanism, Swims pima: cep. In a slitir,t time the Allentin _twain will - be hiseinglet with meant aid. oped in coal sedolte.--_ N,. There ,areia toa faetoriesactuat operatioa,and eight ate bei4g built. -la addition eras capitalists bare:parObase4 ter possers,..wip a view,io erect radmieli; Reap, Rip is sr akeaiag.._ • , MEI ' • ; • .1 eat, %us, _-i• O IIOIIWEVIDENCIL Bast - week - ire publiihed extracts from -Abe !records of Huntingdon county, Stn:nr ing he litne:matmer and circumstances of Data R. Potter's taking the 'benefit of the inactive,* huffs; bet .the facts, nor in ' our poseessinis ' c o nnected with 'that matter, place thdUnie Foce.cmulidite in an tin- enviable emit*, and nahibithircharacter in its true light before the people. The Huhtingden toasty" records ;make out a pretty strong case against hits, bet those of lifer r county, - connected with them, WILL ASTONISH AND STARTLE EVERY MAN - OF MORAL FEELING IN ,THE commoNwEALTH. Wei invite the attention of they people to the 'fitetn we are about to present. The Huntingdon couity records show that David R. Porter was disnharged from . confinement under the insolvent laws, on the 10th day of Pebreary, 18119, MARK THE DATE. To obtain that diseharge, i he was übliged to take the following oath. ' 4 1.• A. B. do swear, that 1 will deliver up. and transfeeto my trustee or trustees, for the use of.. my creditor* ALL MY-PROP ERTY that I have or claim any tide to or interestin st this time,sod all debts, rights and claim" which I have at this time, .or that 1 aro in any respect entitled to, in pos. session, reversion, or remainder; AND THAT i HAVE NOT DIRECTLY,OR INDIRECTLY, et any times given, sold, conveyed, leased, disposed of; or entrust ed key patt of my ; property, rights, or claims to any person whereby to defraud my creditors or any atheni, or to secure, receive or expect_ any profit, benefit or ad vantage thereby." ih dehisce of this oath, THE RE CORDS OF BEAVER COUNTY SHOW, that instead otdelivering op to his trustees, for the use of. his creditors, all hisproperty, debts and claims, DAVID R. PORTER COLLECTED, in kis . 08 On saute, And for his Qpiutiee, BETW EEN EIGHT AND NINE HUNDRED DOL LARS, from two chivies of this county, to whom he had previously sold land in North Beaver township' I—On the sth of December, 1818, a very short time before he filed his petition, Porter sold a tract of Donation laud, No. 1771), in this county, to Meseta. James Kiddo and Alexander Russell, for the sUm of two gormand dolt him The deed ackowledgee the recept of die whole purchase money, - while it would seem that bat about one half was paid down, and notes or bonds giten for .Ibe balance. These obligations were held by Porter when be 4 swore mit,' and were *Seaver& proceeded uponnd collected as tisey becanuidue. The drat entered of maid in the Prothotary's office, in dock et, No. 5, page 147, 'as Mows : AUGUST TERM, Isl 9. 1 David R. Porter, Semmons Debt, $2,- , vs. 000. Served M. 24, hilliest Kidd() and March 20,1520, rule Aleii. Russell. ' to. choose arbitrators Iss'd July 2'21819. j at the Prothonotary's office, on the Bth day of April nest, at 12 o'clack, to bear' and determine all matters in variance between the partite in this suit. Exparte rule on part 4141E4 Served by Sheriff, M. 22, bth April, 1120, J 110166 Kiddo, one of. the Defendanti, appear in person; and confess judgement to plaintiff for five hundred and thirty &Mitts and eight cents debt. i • Defendant, James Kiddo, files three receipts, to wit: one bearing date 10th A pril, 1820, for $20,00; one 33dSept. 1820, for 465,00, sod one dated; 13th Feb. 1823, for $91,00, which payments satisfie s this judgement, debt and inte ' st, leaving abidance of $22,28, which i ,applied to a judgement against laid , de ants, see No. 51, April, 1820. • The second, appears in .e 4 te volume, p. 230, and is entered as a capias case, debt $669,66; issued 10th April, 1820. .0n the 29th March following] Kiddo ap-' pears and confesses judgement for_ $176,- 65 debt. On the 16th Dec. 1834, judge ment satisfied. The third obligation entered April term, 1822, same volume, p. 467—issued April Jst. Sum liquidated by Prothimotary at $lB2 74, In November, 1825, Kiddo paid $173 87 1 2; and on the 1101 of July, 1829 4 the debt, interests and mists settled in full. ' ' It eppcars, then, that on the Oth day of December, 1818, Porter made his deed to Rid& and Russell, taking their oblige. tions for a portion of the purchase money. At the January term, 1913,00 month af. terwards, he applied for the beitefi of the insolvent laws; and on the 10th of Febru ary, at a special court, was dischared from confienient. In July following be enter ed suit against Kiddo and Russell, for the collection' of the first bond doe; and in 1820 had 1822, 'Welber bonds were en . 100,4 and finally ail settled. • , ajt_ not plan, then , to every mind, thatORTER DI Dt OT DELIVER :UP FOR THE USE 'OF'''' RIO CREDITORS, all fiht, property, debit; and ilahris, as rapited by rallia:pd .the.insolvent- ' oath? , Judge ye ir are tolled upon maistam ina ehletioo to t highest office in theConuminWealth. 4 ri . belie more evidence at land. It wodl seal alai David .R.'Porter was out in iitiOunty le December 1818, lust be; ftee i be took the benefit,tfo l r.thei purpose ofOnkting property out cif his ha p& At the:Flied*** the land•soid tt - Ifiiildo and iretiell, fie ownedSie - hund eihmrea on it iltive'r, in this enemy, w ich Was tux* ! a mortgage - ' lii the floiltinitkai V ! hank; for 416 W 044W' its val . _ ~ , • , oa. To Iteep the ,hldlance frOm biscial , icon, We find, upnOtite 'records a ' deeilea= ecutedhy "him to his *Other, George B. Porter, dated thclktb, sued rectirded,the 14th of Dee:ember, IBIS—SOME - TWO OR THREE, WEEXs BEFORE HIS APPLICATION TO THE COURT FOR RELIEF 1 ' The consideration is stated at OW, eubjedt tettentortgage; butany iirbettenniclentlyllaite, would , have answered the same purpose.. G.eerie B. Porter ificei probe* was not then here and perhaps knew nothing . of the circem stance. The Bank, however, iireshedwpcei • the mortgage, ulit' President ,bctight tn. the land to cover the claim . ,'ln. 1931, Porter get It assigned back tj him, tipo . ~ ' the payment of abort the principal add In 1932, SOLD IT FOR $lOOO. If flak ing the last conveyance, the deed to' George B. Porter is not recited. . -.. . Let the reader again look at the insol• vent debtor's oath above, and in view of the facts here stated, decide for , himself whether David R. Porter. appears to have acted fairly and honestly by his creditors. We have set forth the facts as they appear on the" record—let the people - decide upon them. Extract of a letter from ' °Marburg, Bentiagdoa County, to the editor or the Gettysburg Star: He [Porter] took the benefliof the inmeivent laws in •11319, largely indebted to tanners, wixidsnatters,' colliers and 'common laborer', who worked at his furnace—a fitreaie at whit& (contrary to what some have stated) he resided in person, and helped to Menne. Before he look the oath, lb conveyed tolatis Shinebreter (a very honer' Ger man who he puianadad to content to it, but who deeply regrets it,) bonds, lands and property, of, the value of six thousand dollars "Rid he hat sixes had reestattegeri is hinseff. In the meal. time, his, creditors, supposing all was lost nag, lecteitto look attar theft clefts. Several of them" compromised the small spinal other lay quiet 'un til the. statute of liimitation• has barred their claims.—Until within a short time Mr. Porter ' has held no property in his own name that was I lmown to his credltors.—lint being Prothanota ry for 12 or 15 yearsrhe was purchasing property I in the name of others. One assuiple of which crisis in the nisighborbood. A Mr. Somerville died letting a widow and orphan heirs.. He owned a treat of land adjoin-' ing the eerie! basin and the Rail goal in this place. This was before tt was known to the 'public where the Canal would terminate. There were large Judgments standing open against Somerville on the docket. but had been mostly paid. All ,this Porter, as Prtithonot, knew. Two confidential friends of his went to the widow and, inducing her to believe that the judgments' would sweep away tM the it, gave her a few hundred dollars for it, they agreeing to pay the judgments. They th en hid satisfaction en tared on the judgments' (YAW !had/els retina. 4 raj and became the owners of the land: They were in favor with the canal Commision ets, and knew that the canal limb end here. Thu, an immense estate wee taken from the widow lb • mere trifle, and , David R. Porter was one third purchaser, althotigh in the urines , of others! His interest teas ankecnre until with in about a year, when he solds out to another Partner led received In °schen a good farm in Woodstock Valley, & other property estimated at about sixteen thottsand Nibs these b Ithings have been disclosed, Ms creditors have called on him tot payment but he refuses td pv one dollar! lie even denial the debts, least his acknowledging theta should take them out of the statute of limitations, end be sliodld be dampel• led to pay! 01 =NOW A iNCE A FARMER BOUND Bor. GOVERNOR Governor Ritner was once a BMW boy to iamb Myers. Eaq., an independent Fender or Camber. land county, who brought him lap. At the late celebration of the 4th of July at Carfislei Mr. Myers, president, gam the reliving toast: Jacob Myers , Pre dead of the Dayi— Aware Rrnma—He Was maws,. a ooeb Mt, and has still groin better: every thief he did he . al. ways did wit= he made a noon mama, a aoab unuitsvoa,end is a szarooem novaanos.,r Burs maths ebses taut! i A PENVSYLVANIA WAGONER-GOVER. NOR UTNE& The Farmers, Wagoners find Laborers o f Pennsylvania, who were so ablyi and triumphant. ly defended in congress nitwit the slanders of time Vanßerea members ofthe &nth, by the Hon. .Charles Naylor, will read the Following thrilling paragraph from his speech on de occasion with pleasure. It is a merited tribute, giving unvar nished facts in the simplest lava a ge. •'4 appeal (said Mr. Naylor.) the Represen. tatives of Pennsylvania. I ask on, sirs, who is JOSEPH RlTNER—that die Inguished man who, at tins moment fills the E cutive chair of your Stale; a man who, in 4111 that constitutes high moral and intellectual IMO, has Ant supe riors in this country--one who *as all the quali ties of Head and Heart netscespag le m - accOmpliab the great statesman, and who pit in a moist enlarged degree all the elements Of HUMA s t ore GREATNESS. Who sir is he —A NORTH ERN LABORER -.— A P NSTIVARIA WAGONER—who, Air yearn his' team from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, ihrier the moan tains and over the moor," not , ! , whistling . la he went"— - T then by deep him." tt. ibr the high , retie for A ctlme 1 scarce murder than the ,.._ _ .., en" 6 71 the name 4afGllotge ei — ditnc, fleet tannic., may .in Anne Angelic County' in Uri 'Stalk' a' the 1 night of the Nth.,daliberately dbidlistrged - g fo g ' at hie - toe, a you th- eeeni "mid e t -ait O c ahl and killed Mot instmitly. Tile whit& %harp en 4 tered his body. Not matent with this be spdea, sp i cz e... , I Voted tit kit/ ano th er of ids ami ' w -.....1ie had confined fits that Peerage: The 7 ' g ewe; beli ever made_his escape f a w .in thw act ofdoing which. he was at a cererely wenn. 'dad.- The wretched f is sal tohave limo in a State ciftemporary bum ity, Mau and br o gibi on' by,the free use of ' '.....-114d4 Nem - , deeetieeitiV -- The Gifer* wb ha. 0 been &airing ,that the Mni 'Statist -Alai ceettifresomn \ bul'atoeid not, no - meta* thin it waits 10 reionie„but cannot! ature i ntad. Maio mot e • . : Gamerlrear.-41 , re - aThiserlike tenth *ash? Wye give epl '. Became 'evekr , body shoal& have one ef his Iva, Ott *, , lpeseir_bii,_ •Nven filledgreen wria *Can. ire Maritet,Selliteare r ott Thiciiiia,y,aoll'esata Ohs dame! . .. , _„ •. , • ~. -, 5.:.51-!..-4: 4 t, 4 2. - 1t`.1.V ., - - - ..• . r —.41: ,-• • :-.,•••• - r.1-..,, , ,...- - -• -••• . ^.^:...•;::"v" , • ! , - . .. , i , - - ---A - * Hal !CidiliditilidisMi v g nr g. '. - Vffi:ribblirS i t !‘ ltills:' s, ' -•'s* 0 ;9 eclOck,P. M. , , ' Part of conk edifices having been worked off we-atop the Odd to insert the Edelen cholyiidelligince, thstt-oer town has this Aerate experienced, the most destnic live fire known:bet* for years.. Malf a agars, lbetwibdi 'Walnut• and Markets and Eborth and Fifth streets, has_been ttes leoyell• 'The fire originated ' ina stable belonging to llir: 'NO, near Graydon's toindrn * , mil 'it communicated to the lumber yard *Metiers. Bonnier' dr Sim mons; adjoiliftlie . tielir,brick building of Capt-'1C.1., *Mc Ir;iirideli; together with some ten or a:daten frame 'buildings, wail entirely deiltroyed ~ Mes s rs. 'lfoantan dr, Simmons, Ceder & • a4anno,u we under itiind,iire We, prin c ipal • aiifferen; Capt., Neenah had Ibis poperty insured. , Everything waione *the fire com paniettuici citikens thateorild be done, and the progress pf the flames eras , arrested, even after many had despaired and _given IV the:splendid Lutheran church slid ad joining bloclioui loot beyond hope. Male and female labofed earnestly; the latter, particularly% deserve amise for their conduct; and the rankest po litical and per , gond animflMtiee were forgotten in• the strife for the protection of the property of filllowteitititta.—Priet. ttstefilfgenco'. A cord[.-4The Worcester 'Spy gives an account oran appalling thundershower, which visited that place on the evening of thei 10th inst. and was remediable for the, vast quantity of electric - fluid . with whit 111"a"Pheeit'aPro***betitited. We 4.164 . the. 14.41tiritia tt ri- - 14:0iirks: 04f - tree Was CoosidiWnblitiiditratity4.dilicharge, • Wptbaid from the ear& to ;tile cloud, a circumstance, which, as is well 'known to the scientific,- is not of uncommon occurrence, brit of which a considerable 'portico _of the com munity seem not Ito be awarei In this in mate, the splintering of the wood is all in an upward Idirecticin, earths splinters that remain attached to the tree; Are at tached by the tippet end; and the other in dications cdmospond therewitbi leaving no room for doubt as to tha' fact. This shows us the importance of having light ning Conductorsno constructed as to re eeite,the dischatige and county it otZ ,in either direction, with, the same facility.' A coritspiledeet °fibs New Yolk Com mercial saye- - -- What a beaulifuleccomnie• datioo is the till ;road. frogs. Philadelphia to Baltimore to the travelling world; and and how, much does that world owe to What I cannot - helpscalling the istrepidity of litivrftwit New t. The winter has been despoiled by . it Of lbl tenWts; end the spring -tine, and summer, and autumn made more delightful. I was in a car that his no equal among all that I have seen in this cettntryi It Was made by Imly, of Philadelphia. - Jce.water, retreats--com forts, and of all ions. The pretty little children romped aild played in it as 11100 they were in a paVlov, These tars ought to be on all our io4ds. • Isoniaiivai.--Te election in Louisiana resulted is follow $ The Whip have e lected the Hover ior p all the inembere of eagretti ad the Legialatttre wilt stand e►i follows :— In ,the Senate;ekoins Whip to mien Loco lowa, in the'llouse, thirty one Whip to *laical Loco Focus. Ve ry wolj fqr the present! The Newborn N. C. Spettatet Sa i te that Senator Strange wpll ramp - his mat in the U. S. Senate Were the meeting Of the next Congeal*: ' We are now tiro log for late from England, by the a mer itoyal WOliam, j ea a spiel - '. V to . .1 taw , erpool rep. made m 1:E lives, now noir lIIIAIMILD Tvll, rimao, at the illitillCO of David /I Porter 'himself. At the deka( J l 4l. Cel ebration at Lewiatrivin, the Ceramist° .wu given by Porter's stin4 . °' By John Fresh—. me yen' ag in years, BOTH. , OUT THE AID OF- A FATHER,'bot ekl en. ough in knowledge ulnae:tate thirlight of, a eiusen,and had I a1 v I abantd gine it Ao JO. - sEra HITHER, the eelAtioghk atedesinan,„ the supporter of P e ons yl nie pigmy, and friend of the poor man?shts in preference ke HY' FA. lite, THER, DAVI D : RTBEr s 'a jelielsed arida ) twat and demagogic; iiviEw OFI '_ - ' P iftswale;,Agiiss, An , WilgetT FLOOR;.WI tea nas !north onFri , daKi 1511 - ' ' .. .- , • • HEAT 140 per Whip demand. • • RTB KLOUR - I OD est.le demand. • -BUCKWHEAT F RII BB per CIISI. in deemed - RTC, by thetas* 10 Warm- Write beshel-resdy sale. , -1, ~ ; , . • t RYK CROP '6s'ess pelt busheiia &mass. ,1 OATS - Si eani-Oet y sate. . FOTATMS.4O nes per bushel in dinsand. • lIXIIM-ild cents per in demand. • CLOVER SEE PO per bushel. . TIARYITIT 00 per be" • F . p-41_ is bushel le donuts*. , Eltrel ten persalkta. --. 1 ' BLIWER-444'ente. powid-M Key hearts EGOS-19 cents per own. - . ] ••• • - Lit RD-10 cows mar • , ~-_...• ~,,: "TALLOW 4 -4esseiC Owl . • 1 • .' :HAMS lt a ti na r . -r•.. -- • -... ZORN CH Per **WI 011:11SpL• 7 •• i, BACOA-l2 e hi lie pounik , . _ 4 , --.:1... i ..-,,, ..„.. BEESWAX-re Per Pone;;;'-',it l f . l . ' '' ' ' FENTHEII6-111 ' per pismii"p w ;;;- - i•-•. , 4 ,1 COIHMON WOOL.744owourver '• - .'; „-'-. AfacKEß,F.L.l4.the • . " No1:11 11 00 . NeKe$1* • BALT•;-1 filli per bl* • BT*Whnilidi ,• , . •' PLASTER: mmemlit -so per• Wit : .. ' •;. • .. • HAY elll per pst. - -..-•'. j , .- „ • z1 1 :V--1 - • -,..- i ,„ ••4:.e , . • . , ' •.^ =I itnr ,, ;me _ AfTe ... Ar44#4-5 Fragdia _ nowityc'fivoixtif •iithent worthy Tv maim-J*4lh I pose's to the ptiL rapt recd whose aim it twain/Lad ;Akan &kind enlightened 1, for the OrPoPe of Oat natlon:' into then ofnutesalad tyrannize the but intent). of Mr those 'to would like to hands of the Fiftieths Oh* or sorne.other bt would - gi fiir his - Country. "party;" are; era! minty 'electing, to Boum, in the Borough of day the 11s1WfJuly molt, P. lff. f o r the purpose diiliay:l4 deemed net two of our excellent aid for carrying out th rwricy which wagoners a Jefferson a Simon Su paraterritlisigennoitifoi ty tinket to be aepported Sclinylkill idiot,. at - A general attendance k of This. :66unlY, on said iotioltee\ • Wit tai a *Aber THE X1161;IM IMO DAN] Hlli 108/ r a _ f , itekimenite. hmain i ridy iSfe , lOa &rough A Whip, The to ed by tee:Wile h. et rbttrilleklutriS, rtetA witcitiOsAul ;Hi 'I. Conti:Mee of th, Monday. the 6th of Aui partuf the MoUring Si ed of the prein P hms se-sson lIIECD. • 7 While Pine dirdori, t f Hernloilt King Poet*, .14 . do. Queen Pods. 14 do. Braces, 14 do. do. • 14. do. • Rifler., 16 ' do. - Purloins, I 76 dob Rafteri., 2 4 do. Ride, Dols; 2 8 do. . V 37$ do. s Ake; • L 189 &X 00.. I 2 do:" Beam.; 4 M . do: 'Nee,. 11 Per.criii sending In dor. the time adwhlah they c her; *lsidro 'aid Lumber to' plural fif thd Building Carpenters; 6 a li t -- 1 1 .= • uncovered. and'aothetimee eves tkr'eluM l Liety to a.: void thejestsind aoeers oftbeir.aeltu the re tokirder of their 'hies ire eirits4uently spent in re. &extent. "A - o°4 net 'even the loss of thoperty fills tke)ge.,neratie thin, g youth with thatl beery waking gloom audoei theft= of hie haul. To aiert all these fibula:tit etiftmitaitees.OLOßlDGENlßAL/d OF COLUMBIA stopethebair-froto edlitg lon the first e islet:Won and a Vew bottlee restehte again. It hketiteipleduces ebrows and whin ' ; Prevent' Ste- hair froth' tn ing gift. Makes it ei a 4tautifolly; and fregejtiftom - ..- Phuartius ' tea atlas firstrespectatiliti tin - pp/Sit °fair rimer cif Oldridp's • lasheittresheien the pelpriercinr. • t itr• et the (911010.14 . ~ROBERTVH ItTON, gig. late a of Mike ! ' delphis, hie i • .is mey be seen -. rr.tethif hip thavacier of Arlitterag gentlezdemi_, The undersign tfo hereby cerufy that we Massie' the Balm of Ccaum in discovered by J. 11 • }dad *hare found it highi se rviceable not only a i prevea-• tire 'gains:titer g eillithair• hetll i e ee- 1 *w h i m s , fig . THACHER;sett - . ..•.;;;,,.-•: . Methodist Al inter in st. Geor t e t • ~ N 0.85 NOT* ' ' • JOHN P.tINGLES, SM. ' JOHN D..IT_HOMAB• IC, 4..1 , Race st• - jaw 13.• FIIEY,, 101 ~,„, OUCH tURDY. - WIS . - 7 "•• ' at. I JOHN 0 HD. Jr. NW Arch - . - The aged. ansl . vibe mem., .-', . w ip, lake may nut alitge . its rviltierner ~'.l • , - yet it will canasta; itevinsesin the ' --!! - n ofthe public, wham it Is ern that, ihrei:t Ode • - Vene ers are more tbaii ,yeati'efavt ? itidthe t•thiblet di less then 90; ...-', .?' ' . ..' - ' • 46 - --• d‘r . , t ___, _' • 40, ' ' the Maffei] P. '. • :.. 1 ,4;!no. ALM or Framern. •/- ..____,' • --' - '''''.- .-.. Ciy_friPhilatielobiti• -"-i ' k kW/04E1M , OI4I; Mayor of • - city . of hilidelphiti.,do bicerufy titailpet ttegesine at ed withiliternel: bglusaohn &IF - - - Hugh IleCirdyeeltirie . ate Meted` to - - vecteti- Seittevttial ley : gentlemen of i • - midi* aPectabilityOutd much foil credit a-. -be giMpa to the Med Certifies ' - . ~ In witiein 'whir 1, 1 bete Bemurrito • ' y Math I) el , and aimed eke seal °t i the city to . et; die (j. 154 Meilltdity.ofDemnber. dec.. , , • . 'r' - x ::. - • .. r • •'' „ , BERT ,WHAIMO • i a -r. CaitthALzr`litine. amine erithett a -.-- - _steel migravedOraiiter l'' Fani,vr .N eam .;. i o n. Whetted° Mititl - byettineocliaud C 0. ,, Flea. it etklll l`t il t ilo C.f i f 1 1 1 4,-..**Oftl i 1833. : ace Anylut ton of oar rashingtos rho are op. t Ole our. Van 80. /Wrist°. Open the it Union. si sword ceder to Id destroy A short ' all diner M lb, • IlarrMmi Iblierts; nth; e a partindlar fattesd a eon t ei the Colin ca Tu n . ut I &Wei, reh Maalaras e the melee. :ph Rheas es of Demo. 7uhingtoo, ike the pre. 'lota cum citizens et tber Election. rstwybraniant respectfully EH whin. 54- Akey reward. the bundle! ta Hall, op Id /hole or any i f to be deliver. Ito. T . --1 4 by i —l6 by 'A ---14 by It --;• by , ..,-=:.- 9 by 7 1 1-12 byll • . —lO by 0, 8 by by 1.1 ea 1 . r--- . r--- g A 1 —l4 by 3 " 1 -12 by 1 ... . 1 —l2 by 3 'I -i-'--12 by 3 .4 ..—...; 8 by 3 dm a 1 l hone orso• an I ei the Darn.: I srib to the apm: tthe nd prhseipsi I UZi5 iittise. 57-3' t."•• fl_o.l t — rioc Oq 2 =I I s t i 8 R. 111.1 LI litlit the framed Magee the' :57-Ir