... important to - theßicker , . ... ,• 'tot , WM..' EV A rig 9„. J . '.. el . 61WILE PILLS. Au l stIITD EFFECT.—When a toned Maki sei : sat ' ,rierdy. of diseases has.long,been in gene awn by tbe ohne, bestowing blessings end item ii. Weise, it itsearcely in the poWer of seepticitiM to • . St its vittnet, or ofenvyto denythem, When it had achieved an ascendant career dr use • illness wbk hi distances the conipetition of. nere 'bested: pretension. and has secesed • _cianspiOuout laden m universal favor, by intritutic' worth atone. is proprietor may point-out the causes of its Amen rity, without incurring the suspicion' of invidsous. -in instituting the cempariton. -. -1 'llse CAMOMILE and FAMILY A ERIENT PILLS. manufactured by Dr. Willism Evans; et 10H., leas, 'Witham' street, do not require his explanation of their acknowledged efficacy—for the- most ealment hysiemat throughout the United States will freely, ;appealed to, state the reasons which ha wrieduced Them to recommend them so extensively . and Wbrinly as they do. And those reasone are, that thesh judi cious medicines never injure even the most Mitre:ate constimuLtis, and . have, .te almost every indlindual case for which they are prescribed, a marked. tin evi . dent, a truly happy and permanent efficacy.- rhyti. Mans. moreover. see that they . aro not offereitto the public upon any quack theory of purifyiug the - blood. to the utter destruction of the stomach and.bewelis. ilorify the Wised from all diseased hunaort,they*de •niably du; but not by destroying those viscera by which alone the blood can be sustained. They are compounded upon a theory which sepposesh stomach to be a very essential agent to health; and food, well digested, to be a valuable friend to dusts and blbed.— 'they do not pure,- men to ghosts: and make them • look like beings too relined to remain lung in this world: but they make them as human is 'possible, and . fit to encounter the hanishil s. and fidfil the tescupa tihrin of a sublunary tire, Thay do not =Oren vio• lent purgatory of this life, to prepave'men dui faster ' for another. They proceed ut on the auppositiOn that the blood, muscles, nerves. organs. escretory and se , cretory gland, anacuotis and- tegumentary membranes. 1 bones and brains, of every human being termite to [ be supplied with nourishment from as healthful a sto mach as can be made and kept ; and upon the doctrine that unless the stomach and bowels are HI good order. the blood atelevery other part Mile system will be in 1 diton'er. . And how is it expected that 'hey will am-ere:heal th I t o the stdmadh and bowels, Why by enabling the one 1 to digest' food. and the other to carry oil what is lett after del eutruneet is extracted. in connection with the surplus ,if bile, and the foul humors ''ofthe, blood, mucous inembracet, and stomach. And they accom plish these great feats of med.cine in the nrostiniople I way imaginable. The A PERIE NT FA all LY PILLS, if the stomach be affected with wind, bile. crrxeraied 1 . collections, (ilea r flout, by a natnraebut a Most tn. i seasible, solient action; and cleanse, the whole ali , mentary'eamil. without griping, and leaving it es free without- debility. as nature ever designed it en be.— I They do nottake the skin offthe stomach and bowels. !• and leave them lake a piece of red velvet, as ill phy , siciani know this strong drastic pills do, bet t hey ' take nature kindly by the hand wtthout crushing her fingers. They cleanse every thing, without impanng or tremens any thing. 1 . When this is effected, as it iiimary is by the psi of a i few of the k•NNtiLY A PERIEN'e eILLS. then come. ' we celebratied CAMOMILE or TONIC PI t.L.S. tu ' threngthen a 'stomach and; bowels which before. per . hap& weak land foul beiuse they were weik. and 1 ' endows- theft with stre igth to perform sheirampor , tarn functions, without the aid of physic. The c'A ; MOMILE YLOWER, when its valuable principles are chemtcally extracted, is acknowledged by all play ' simians, in every•age, to be the beat vegetable tonic known in the science of niedicinv —There is nothing 1 k learn in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it; nothing thuds at fence so harmless and so vionousli healthful, and in proof of this the. proprietoe of thy ' recowned pills that are made from its purest particles, might quote almost innumerable authors. bothOncient and =Menai if bur own practice had not proted inn tens of thou I Thweffec s'of these pills are not only perceived in an increas cif appetite and general strength, but in a reatorction of the body to that universal vigor in all its functions; •whieh indicates the return to perfectly sound iheallis.—The face, and general complexion, speak volumes tin their favor, and thousanda of fe- males can testify how much they have contributed to their comfrirt, their complexion, and their laringili. *hen every other remedy had proved worse than use less. In nervous diseases, of all kinds, they are usw acknowledged to be preeminent ; gradually restoring firmness oil body and mind without these'anhoyance and changes which other nervous remedies raj e:Amon sleepy woeld it have been for many youne:penions of both stems who are now m the 'silent grave: if they hail learned to check the-morbid tendenciesaaf their stomach toil bowels by these pure tonics and aperi eats, without retorting in "quack remedies. the names of which pre concealed. and of which they know ea: t hing. That dreadful scourge CO \ SCAIVIION. might have been checked .n 'ts couunianceMenf and diaappointed of its prey. all over the land, ifahe first trynitnoss of rtervons debility had been counteracted by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; and -these „ . bonreicomplainis which lead to a host afield mala dies, might have been obviated by that finemlcalene extract el rhubarb; which is a leadine ingredient in the A.PF.RIENY f' ANIS' L Y PILLS. Before Lech' of these medicines; which are adapted to a• tnajority of the purposes for which a hundred others are noneces *idly used; fevers, agues. Gil ious discord's,* helidachet. . female debility, male decline. indigestion, and liver complaint, would have entirely disappeared, Why re I army of them have proved fatal. i ' Bit be it disdi:.ctly understood-that these medicines are net offered instead of these natural orgies of tae ' body which other medicines dim- maim with, •in a very seminary inanner. 'They are founded upon medical knnavledgel. and not quackery, and do not take all the ' rod imamate. our, ef the hu•nan taleruir under det pre leiteiveisf verify %nett. In proefol which difference o( .. effect let the Careened forma of patients bear testi . ' many. 'l' bey ronstitute a minfal. effectual. and gene • rally applicable class of medicines for cacti, family, and 'being both tonic auto aperient. and 'efahe best preparatiops known, on peruse of famir ateruld be without them. They ein be obtained whalilitale and retail Mahe propnetor, lar. WM . EVA NS, New York. ' and of his ageint in town and country, with deem • tions for use. =They are rapidly supercedmg pli other remedies advertised in the public ennui, because they are found tp belong to a very Allipe'imar ci ois 01' popular medicine. A single trial !emity placer them high in pre . vats exemption. as they are known in be n public • preference, and to theiminion of physician s. . Dr. W* EVANS' OFFICE, No. 19 11ORT111 FIGHT ST. PHILA. DEI.NII9, where his medicine . ma} be had. Dr: Wm Evans! Office, IDO Chatham v street, Neer York, where the Doctor testy be Consulted as dada'. I DYSPEPICIA and if YPOCIIDXDRIACI /3114. = - brenutirtgVaSe—Mr. William Salmon4remist Shove-Third .at.. Pliiiadelphia. afflicted :for several loarawith the following distressing symptons: Sick ness at the stomach, headache, dimness. ,palpitations of thp hersrt„impaired appetite, sometimes !acid and Mt eructations, coldness and weakn* of the s. enweiation and generatdebility. disturbed' reitt,li seise of pressure and weight at thel stomach after easing. ntgh tmare. greet mental d'estindeney; meagre firing pains in the chest. back and sides; costive „aces, a dislike for society,or convernmitin,ollmtarT sighing and weeping languor an d Ipon the least exercise - Mr. Salmon had applied to the most eminelit considered. it beyond the power Of medi bine!to restore him to beaith ; however. as Ills afilie- , ;done hod reduced him to a very deplorable conditioh, ,and haying been recommended by a relative, of his to nrik,etrialtif Dr. ;Wm, • EVANS' Medicibe,} he with ' diffandqpsiied torte of fi ce and procnl4tackage, whic e sal”, he a indebted for hit tlon to tirk :beg - end Mends.. He is now enjoying all the Mistier of perfect -health Persons- desurons of IWO - 0 titformitlinkiirilllss satisfied wish wer e cedar. oThii care at Dr. Wm. FM* Medi cal Office a:100 Chitthatnwersilear. ir or* ;.and in Phil adelphia.iNo:l3 P,101121i. St.it-. • kisold • • r JOFIN 1 1`. WP.RNP:II, • ' • Sole AgetrifireSafiny lkdiCounty. ottssrlle.Nos.zS 3-. t • IUITE*TPLIALI A HAMS,—A • fear .4ibd...0( 77, prime Westphalia listos. t ptsEalt.eapressly for enmity use, received and GrestaPthly 3.1 ILL ER A. fIACOEVTY: nue 23 I, 016'. I= - • , -,; , N-. 1 'lsamu,- - thFFER co - loud - it their whleitalid. __-/ . lup• ° LP•liGivairy z;, re; Ceette. 'dinairtieteirWiNt_ street i prime . elmentpf hGroderiee4lnstffil; lotsir r . • ' % a... 7 t $.71 ,F4-4 - A- ..,.. l • ' • . • Jaii:filoi ` • .l 1 i , frit St. Do o • . and brown y N. Odes . St. Croix, bi l l:andt . R.;.,.. z Jr Ititeillas na,loafat A P- ) 7 -- New Grl -s, West ° won 4.. ii India and .. r horse) . ' imperial. t. n 'Powder. onng ` • ilyson,Pir hionfOrang Pee- Teas co. Sone ..1s an Babes, . Bakers, C .l ses,Spanish.Rehrtutz t Chocolate, &langs. nd kiweee apietel S , P re pa r ed ; sac. Cocoa sheUs Reading. rice. Harvey. , John Bull Lobster. Auchory. Sauces . Canton so, and Currie Gherkin. 'mato. poppet.) ?Nixed, 8 ; . +Mango% Y Pickles Lemon an. French_ Olives, ca. '. Anchoviee Cayenne . 4 pper.alhipice and Ginger Clovea..M ce. Nutinegsandeassia '' Rice. 800 01 rice. starch • Curl ants.' iga. Relying, twines Sweet an'. bitter almonds. citron Olive OIL toe bitters, lemon , strap Preset • -. ginger. cheese, codfish Herrintr.! , ackerel. salmon White an • colored wax. sperm t candle Moulded and dips tallow 'Palm; . - egatedbrown and yellow soap Old Marldira. old port, claret Brown a d pale shei ry.thampalgne Wines Old hock Lisbon.dry intlaga in wood Sweet tri doge. muscatel & bottle Malmsey, 1113 mill,' 0. , Sicily Modes.) Scutch.l mill, monongahela & coin whiskey Annwetse annisced di peppermint cordials Cognac.hampagne. Spamilli 4 , coin brandy Ig hllandl , com. Gm. DI. E Runt ... Jamaica- pinta Extra ay .span . inferior do Hall Spa lab and common cigars Cut & i in and moulded etas i I li ware I China a crock A er L y so • veneral ass n meat of Dry Goods. &c dm. all 61 which I hop are moused to sell on the most reasons. ble terms. Ile de of Families and Tavern Keepers are particular] invited to call. Passage f England, Ireland, Scot. • and and Wales. pr:RSON wishing ti , ergage panne for their iris do, in first rate ships, from the a. txwe places, ay now do au' by applying to• WM, HAGGERTY, Cer.tre Street. mmodation Of those persons env". for their friends, who may wish to ney, to enable them to provide rut aft. wi!l be given on the following ants, viz: CM, No. 3„ Waterloo Road, Liver. right, Co. No. 3, Robinson st. eet linen Aliley , No. 25. Eden Quay, may 6 36 • Fm the tie. ging passage send them in. the'voyage, • named mere P. W. Dv; pool; Daniell Glasgow; WI • Clot fiIHE Su. II general' Green. Invig Man. Bl'lekr which will Pottpville, • I , IHE au, riber has now on hand at his Store and StiiWehouse on Centre and Rail Roar' streets, a fulliassorunent of Goods. suitable for the coil region i 11..? - Barr Irian of snorted sizes, Band ad Hoop do I t do ' Nails ad i• pike Rods do do - Steel, 11 mid & Nowa do do Nails sod Spikes dp do ,Coal Sliovels do . do Hardwire, a general asssortment. All of which he i. selling at reduced prices, Jan 13 1 2 • i CLAYTON. MOPFAT'S i"?...getaple Lift Pills and Me . 2 ._. :I nix Bitters. rr Aco lin.kisT.—Aii oationa, frcm the vemo. teatagos, kma hid ships, WI Columba, only found out the waTito America. (Before the time of the great Spants navigator, people were only enabled to ,addle anoni the photo'. Juin so with the Life bled. ,einea It isitbut tem short Yea , s amen I first Ten. cored upon Oh rinlcunwn ocean, and I have discovered the dratiouniobject I was id search tif—IIEALTII. Vegetable mnd,cines were indeed known wht a I corn. meoeed my Search. but theirwas not. By the use of thenhrt have not only p aned from the dejected iniodid,is the hale hearty and store m.,n of buimetts. DUI. compaMtavelv sneaking ? I have renewed my youth. 1 eathuth.with confidence in my own expe. hence, sdvije with my fellow cilium; Does the Mltirr w.ntproof that theVEGETARLE LlFk:blEtt. MINES arefiudablo to his own case? I have on fibs at my offaer Broadway, huhdreda of letters, from some of the, oat resnecillAt c.ipaentrof this my via tire land. vofuntarily offerestim testimony of the sir. tues of A GrD VEGETABLE MEDICINE. Personsmein constitutions have been cearly to. , fled by tbe,'+all infallible" mineral pinparatiotiv a ihthdly. win boar me wit miss. that the Life Medi nines. and a/nab only. are the true cause to permanent good health. . JOHN MOFFAT. GENERAIg REMARKS RELATIVE TO MOF F vrs LIKE PILLS AND PIICENIX BITTERS. These medicines lin VIP long been I. now.. and , a re ili elated, for their extratirdinar) and immediate powers of featuring perfect health. to pertons suffering Under nearly every kind of oisease. to which the Litman frame is liable. . , In many ibiinnreds of Certificated Instances. they have eve oral sufferers from the very vergetit an aniline!) , g ve, after all the deceptive nostruMs of i the day h tterly failed; and la many thousands they have- perma cut ly secured that uniform enjoyment of health. wit at which life iiselfis but a partial hirer. sc ing. So peat, Owed, has their efficacy invariabhi and infallia proved , that it bait appeared. scarcely less than loos to those who were unacquainted with the utiful philosophical 'principles Upon which they' litre compounded . and upon which' [they eonsequend' act. .It was toitheir manifest and sensi ble, actioa 1 . purifying the...ming* and channels of life 4id ett uing.thear with renewed tonb and Vigor, that they w indebted for ;their name, which wars bestowed a them at the spontaneous requeid of several individuals whose forte they- had. obviously iii t eared. ',i _ The proprietors rejoice iuthippponunity afforded by the univ 7 ; 11 , -i..asion oftho dallipressi rot o rs& ing...his V 'TABLE . WEE PILLS . with' ' the knowledge nd teach ofeve i 7 individual in tbi porn j Atr audt7. b like the -host O pemiciotts" quackenes. which tof 'Vegetable i gredienwthel.ireipills I anii 'purely ad POLRLY VIPORTA RIX, OLAVOIRIIiftei• then Mitre ry.„ "Antimony, Arsenic'. tiar - iiny" Other mineral. in any form what! , .E. 3 They are entirely composed fa:tracts .from and powerful plants. the virtues ! f• wltt.h, thong g. known to - several Indian tri-and recently to some eminent tibarma mak:anti ' ists.arealtogether unknown tothmigno mot yire_t era to medical irientetand were...never hernia entered in so, happily. efficacious mum bination. -.-: •-• '. ,' - : _ • . --:."- :. Their 5 operatioa is tato** ffetillte OtUdi of the sto ,' ad boireht.the various impuritieil - tuid. crudities lady:setting .ireinff, them:: and eta re move-the ' Waved laces vOliichcoliect-th tWoon. volutions- the. Antall _intestines. , Oth. er: Inedlclues "wily . , . *, ~' aleanserthese.and lei* fuopt. Maui* • 7 , lid, as to:pride* habitant cistiiiinew with all i ruin of maker *olden diarrbiel,with lb " imminent ; angers. This fietli "weft **Alin - Ito ill 'reg u lar* 1 ~,, ' , whtfinglffillitraft l' N in • . '''' ' ; 134 ThiliWajtISIDKItilEdetifibeiiii.44.10-: il e & . • . "oigilmififtelnack mediciiiviiit * ikkag The Lad* , ' effect of 'di VEGEI'AIILE4,4II:' s and Cassimeres.. tither has in Store a large and sentiment of Blue, Black, Brown, In Green, drab and mitt Cloths— Sim drab and milt Caasimerek, Bold very Cheap. -SAMUEL HARTZ. uly 14, 1838. 54- s i - TIMBSMI . atin-.1.41,t4,14°: Rlbra k imAciatiOttbsiaad!be • . , : . , and hjible-lnesnit;thrißier seir-theitinp, . . healdifill l i softie ofiihielt 4finay dePeiehf'npon. regularity' of thilerieary imettas,l-Thalitio IS, w - lakes its risdlistior fron.tbr sgemej4ifthe fiver the-lungs be:Qua:it s lats-der beat% being psnfied by'' Mem tronhe 4'o,6l,l'mA : coining m a camas alitunie.coarso -Nelf.. thionh the einifaenevre eirihy part eithe r iojitern and triumphantyiromusthe" banner of health in the blooming cheek. • A The follow .lesiong the distreasi mg minim, et being 'diseases.* - -Which the Vegetable Lffe Pills. animal] abowato be iefalliblw— ,, . DESPEPSLkairrthroughly cleansinn the first and second atemachS, and creating &Bowel pure healthy bile lfi ,, ipttat aa stjetd_Of the- Male and acrid hisdprEistuksq, Paia tithe Reatit; Le r i Beitatiture midlkait-Restiestness, l pte -- 4nsime, /anal guor.am(Afebincholy which are th general symptoms of Dysliepwa. will vanish. sac mammal edneetmence of Mi l ton% - costiveness, by cleansing the isr hole length 1 of the jubilation'', with a solvent erects and without violence; tit 'idlest purges leave . the wels, costive within Pad dam itemrra dual by remove .ing the sharp acid fluids by which complaints are occailonedi and. by priamotin t e lubricative secretion on he mimes membrane. s opal kinds, byrestoring thehlood to a regular circa! wan, through the-process of:perspiration in some sea,' and the through solution ofall intestinal obstructons in others. The LIFE PILLS have been knowq cure Rhin meths= permanently In three weeks, and Gott: in half that time, by removing local Mamma ion from the • muscles and ligaments of the joint Beceasies of all beds. by freeing aid strengthening the kidneys and -bladder; they operate most delightfullY on these or gaes,and hence have ever been found leeriest reme dy for the worst-cases of Greed. Alta Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slim matter t Which - these creatures adhere; Asthma and Coasu 'en. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight coals 'foot remov ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful diseases. Scurvy. Werranna lateterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Ptilsgive to the blood and all humors; Scorbutic Emptier**. led Bad Cass prenons. by their alterative effect upon ;the fluids that morbid state of which Occasions all propi' ve cow. elands, Sallow. Okay, and osier disegrasabk Cons- pleavarta ' The use ofthesePiUs for a eery Manama will effect an entire cure of Sall Tritest, Erysipelas and al striking improvement in the Cleanness of the skin common Colds. and Influenza. will always be cured by one dose. or by two even to tlie worst cases. Pilot—as a remedy for this most distressing and oh. agnate malady. the Vegetable Life .Pills deserves a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with this coutpleint for upwards of fratyfiteyears, and that •he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Muerte Medici.: H e h owever , at length.tried the mediine which be now offers to the public, and he was cured in a very abort time after his recovery had been pronoMiced not only unprohable.but absolutely impossible, by any human means. piRECIIONS FOR U SE .— Toe proprietors ofthe Venters me LirePtth." does not follow the base and mercenary practiceofthe quacks °film day, in advis ing persons to take his Pills in large sioantitier. .No good medicine can possibly be ro required, These Pills are to be taken at bed time every . night , for a week or fortnight, according to the obetnacy of the disease. The usual dose is from 2tots. according to theconstitution of the person. Verydelicate persons ybould begin with but two. and Increatie as the nature of the-nave may require: those more rebus. or of very costive habit, may begin with-3, and tecream to 4, or' oven 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happy change to guide the patient in • their further use. These Pills sometimes occasion 'tearless and vomry ng. though very seldom,enj-ms the-stomach is vile rook this, however. may bb consideml a faverabw symptom. as the patient will find himself at once rit. lowed, and by perseverance will soon recover. They usually operate within 10 or 12 hours; and never give pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered. They they be taken by the moat delicate females un. der any circumstances.—lt is. however, recommend ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy should take but onest a time, and than continue to keep the bowels open: and even two may be taken when) the patient is very costive. One pill in a solution of two table f r y spoons full ofwater . may be given to n infant in the following doses—a tea spoon full eve two hours till tt operates; for a child from one tofive years of age,, bait a pill—and ken five to ten, one dill. THE PHIENIE BITTERS. are sti called,because they possess the power of restoring the expiring em bear eV-health, to a glowing vigor. throughout the constitution, as the Phanix is said to be restored to life from, the ashes of its owe dissolution. The Phe nix, Bitters are entirely vegetable, composed of root found only in certain parts of the Western country which will infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely All the effects of Memory. infinitely - soonerthan the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. and will imme. dietely cure tit...determination of BLOOD TO THE HA ED; never fail in the sickness incident lit young females; and will be found • certain remedy in all cases of nervous debility and weakens Of the most im paired constitutions. As is a remedy fol CArolik and Inili Rhenmatistiz. the efficacy tif the Pinot: Bitters will be demonstrated by the use of a single bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters ii hall's - wine .glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be taken two or three times a ihry.•about half an boar before meals. or a less quantity may be taken at all times. To those who are as Frith indigestion drier meals,. these Bitters will prove invaluable, as they very greatly increase the action Of the pnneipal viscera, help them to perform their ftinctions.and en able the stoniaeh to discharge into the bowels what ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily _and speedly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths pf the alsorbent vessels being cleansed. nutrition is facilitaied. and strengths of 'Jody and energy of' mind are the heap, ;Milts For farther particulars of MOFFAT'S LIFE: PILLS. and PHCENIX BIT TERS. apply aihlr. Moffat', office, No. 546. !Imam,. New York. where the Pills can bee obtained for 25 cents , 50 cern ., o r 111 per box; and the Bitters for $1 or $2 per bottle. lE Numerous certifica tes of the wonderful efficary of both. may be there inspected. In some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic and inflammatory Rhembatism. L ver Viimplei o r s , Fever and Age& Dyspepsia, Palsy. Rites. ituryfross the use of mercury. quinine; anti °M dismays of long Mending. it may bo net-malty , to t in e both the Life Pills and the Mentz Bitters, in tdose before re commended. - N. B —These- Pitts and the Riuers, will_get the triercoryout of t he system infinitely faster than the best preparations ofSarsaparilla, and a certain nemedy for the reshrne y . the blood to the hood. or all vrobng At,.. echelakdouktirear, ete.—All-persineswho itre4m.dia posed to ploy, &c., shquld never be Without. the Life its otihe Bitters. for one doss in time will save life. They equalise the circulation of, the blood, draw all pressore from the bead, respiration, ind threw off' everyimpurity _by the porerof the skin. Far rile by , .-, MILLER & HiIiGGERTY; , A gents for the Proprietor. Pottsville. 26 -.. r . 40-ty Works: fuip BANNAN — has just received the Following V 6 " l "a religious works, London and Activica ad Ideal, which Nei_ offers for sale cheap. ! *Oriebillatkiliffidiesona; Week E ' 'lllhissilloeie &Woos, . Leland's Slew of Deistical Triteri, Sturtevant's_ Preacher's Manual, `Vole, Drew on the Resurrection, Drew on the Soul. Bridge's on the Poreltn-C3CIX, Faber on Infidelity, 4' James' Christian Profeeinr, 4 . Prise Essay orilteligions Simnel4l - mh Christian rather at Home, ; t _A Mother's Requegotry Old Grape juice Port 'UTERI' superior old grapu.ju" Port Wigs, , do do Royal cerdpefty do - do do du bottled q do- do 1 1 6. 1. 6 P1wi!AJ do_PAidAdli ,b,bileir4:llloo3g: lila 2 60114 irs.rrsuprrir 111:. Aiobo aid Duff Geoffteal *WA, INM a rleini , Sicily U ldsteitir4tio:tredsilik, ' 1 1 ' Alaikii 117 t ntg e r t r il l "4"4s &% g 8 fe„.4t • = I - POST CARBON , , - . k . Saving' rumnd.Sock4y.-,3 FVugkort-carbaksaiint.luiLsoctisty; Ai* no.wCflipen day ~f 149 3, ...O'clock it otßiscount and Depbeitifor the pur. pea', Orreceiving depocitilciany2 arriourit UM ea. weeding 000; from . any one 'per" upori ' Which an interestat per cent will be• paid - du every and upwards,but ao interest will' be -allowed on any fritetional loads of $5: ,The whule rattily part may be drawn out catering , notice, two to fear weeks, at the office on Mondiyir. The- be. ainee of the 'Society will be conducte4 by the following officers and managers, until the first Monday in May next. . • President—AQUlLA BOLTON. Managers. Sainoel $. Potts • E. S. Warne Jesse Tercet Joseph Carroll Edward Hughes Jacob Bull L. Whitney. Secretary and Tieasorer: ' Article 3d of the Charter. •"No emolument whatsoever shall be received by the President or - Manager. for their services, nor @hail any Manager become a borrower from the tostits. tion. • oct 3 46tf - . CONSUMPTION CURED. INDIAN SPECIFIC For the p time Acore Sitii of Corgite,Colds.Asthitat, ziClllO i mp. . , O rli Cori o rp i r ea l s , e ?it o t . i f op t :j . to z .0 p0 n c e .e . jzt . z. „, 4:1,4; .„„ 1 . f.:O, _.„. FREEM4N. of ths City , 'pea-, of ZAINO dlr. • DIRECTION, . Accompanying each bottle of the Speeifick, pointing out in a conspicuous manner, all the symptoms in the different glazes of tbese distres sing diseases—also particular 'direction' respect ting diet and regimen, and how patients are to conduct through every state until health if --- stored—for vain and useless would be tbe'pre scriptions of the ablest physicians; acoMnpimied with the moat powerful and useful-Medicines, if the:directions are not faithfully adhered to. The public are informett-that thedepositions of 287 persons have been-taken before proper au thorities in the city - Of Lancaster, all completely cared in the most desperate cases of consump tion, some of which are detailed in the. bills ac. I •companying each bottle. •-.• A supply' of the above. Bpecifick has been received and is for sale at this office. March HI 18 A S the intemperance and luxury of the age are IS:hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou sands have destroyetitheir constitutionsby neglecting to apply the proper remedies—to mach, Swaim's Pan acea must be, and has been, more than doubly valua ble as a-bertain and effectual-meaui of restoring them to perfect health and vigor. Few families are whol ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va rious symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility. loss of appetite and dejection, all arising from impure blood, and if not properly attended to, produce the. greatest injuryto the censtitutution. and may he im parted to their offspring. Swaiuts Panacea is recom mended at this Season of the year, as a valuable resto rative of the 'System, thereby invigorating the constitu tion, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula ting fluids. and corrects their tendency to all those diseases whichoriginate in vitiated blood, diseased liver, depraved appetite.or prediartaiton to affections of the hinge, dic. ,No dee; however. tiled vised to use it without etinvincing themselves untie truth of what is here stated. • This medicine 'avow used withauccess in all parts of thb world, and is gaining great 'reputation-in Eng land. A ficabsupply of the Medicine just received and or sale by s B. BANNAN. Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. Whocan supply the above medicine wholesale to hem whom wish to gall again, at Philadelphia prices May 14 26- Insurance Company. CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW, =coo°. CUARTEIt PERPETUAL. MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores. Hotels, Mills, Barns, Stable*, Merebatiatze, Furni ture and Property of every descriptiothitgainstioss or damage by FIRE. MARINE 1114) INLAND 'INSURANCE. The Delaware Cohnty lururinee company also insure against loss on all kinds of marine risks and againit the damage or losi upon the transport*. lion of goods, wares. and ,piere.indise by water. or by rail way, upon terms as favourable as soy other is citation. For any further information on the ,sulbject of 1111. apnea. either Realism Firr. marine' or inlafid risks. Aply to HPARY G. ROBINSON. Arent. July 13 34—tf • it Schuylkill Haven. or WILLIAM B POTTS. At Oniipburir. Fire Insurance . - Company, MAKE both limited - abd perpetual 'pompom' on ANA Brick, Stone or Frame BuOdings.Storrs. Hotels Mills, Barns, Stables. Merchandise. Formrare.and. .Prebertyof every deseription,against loss or damage 11 . FIRE 'The subscriber has been appiiinted Acts, for the above mentioncd Institution sad is now preened to make lusotuxces ;lion evray deienptiiin of property at the loirestrates. BEM AMDIIIABNAN Podsvilte. Feb. 27. IN& • •15' the Philadelphia tire _ AND. INLAND NAVIGATION INSURANCE • CAPITAL AuThoMED LAW,S do 009. CHARTER PERPETUAL, MAKE both limited sod peeked lisariiiiti'os LAllikielt,StoostorrnmeSsaldittit.Sioiei.NOtels • ) 151 e, Rims. Stables. hterelmodise, Furniture; aid bcr° y feiery description,agaiostlossordissee IrE. • - .1 - , Tbs itm‘sitteir has been appealed limmirrar the alonimeuttoned Institution audio now . mewed to mAlto brotriarfcito opole oyes* teticription orprOpetty attholboiest rues; BEIVJAMM - BATMAN. Pottivtile.Fel) 25 1227, ' i k" ranaceak , '2n ticiZEN 8104. ffini*„:jkaiiaie" . ' , wridl6ll - tram - tho propahnof- - Atitardild Seseuty, 7 ,Er Thousand • Bottles .of ibis salad& medicine.V. we te i c lr eqierfeal.W., l l ,6 **uld WiridiSt pethidger, 4,17, Siltlrlij h • Also Swahn's %Whiff*. ! c SwaiWs Panacea. TigeTto SPRING GA DEN =2l/E1 * WIPPC.4 4 / 8 4 PAW" . 1 - !soot sit9ii,TUAT 7 Dlit::LE11)11, 9 0 • Areeke seastefeetaal-piarifterethe Blood and Animal IYaide, that have ever " , 'bees' disii,vered. , , The'' ritrt ionme of,the ffecied 415:14""1'jr. LoAiraSinipson,tUre.OfiSleritpain in herhead. and aides: with mach glddiuels' to' wince she was , subject f.ir three years. Jam Stocker, relieved Roat habitual-costiveness and want of !appetite, .witk offensive breath and-bad taste.`, Joteph Marlow, cared ofan ulcerated leg and arm. Issue/ Jones, cured Of a breaking out All , over his whale body. Sarah Jones, cured-of pale is hei breasts and sides much headache and sickness after eathig. William tdowbray„ cured- of a Rheidnatiim. and awaiting of ha legs and feet, having harp unable to walk, any distance for ail months past. 'f Michael J. Hoskins,. cured of swelling under his artramind .. on his neck, witit-conaideraMs breaking out - hil body. Elizabeth Creamer, cured of swelled beeasts. pain in h r side , constant:hokum to feed. and ankh sick nen at her stomach. Jeffery Cbne, cured of rheumatic ring 4rid. swelled joints. Samson G. Howard, Mired of a totter and rash . a breaking out over his body, withoome running sores and Weer*. Rev. A. Canby.curell of an affection' Of hit throat. soreness and ulceration, which pprifously affected his speech. The following are somnirrily of thalarips number of cotes effected in Berke. Moneron.ery, SctuyikiU, Le high. Lancaster, and Northampton counties, during the past three =intim Jonas preen: Esq., cured of a scorbutic affection, ulcerated leg, swelled joints and rheematie. pains. Adam -C. Carpenter, cured of violent „,pain in hie Akre& much costiveness, bad appetite aid a . shortneaa of breath. , Rachel Snyder, cured of a difficulty in bre thing. habitual costiveness and violint.pains in her herd. Michael Jones, his two daughters and youngest stn, cured of a breaking out of dry and sometimes-watery pimples over their whole bodies; attended with great itching, frequent unpleasant , feelings in their heads. sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart, Ile. This family was afflicted for years, and never found relief from any medical treatment, or from any Medi cines, until using Dr. Leidy's Blood Pillsand a Wash directed by Dr. Leidy. Sarah Mclntosh, cured of violent pains in her back and loins, rheumatism, swelled joints. ite. • Andrew Green, _cured of griping pains; loss of ap petite, disgust for fond, and habitual costiveness. Adam It Ginnie, cured of scaly eruptions and break ing out. soreness and pain through his bones. Dinah Crowley, cured, of ringworms and letter. Henry C. Rot ney, Esq. cured of inward Faveri, voreness of his mouth, throat and nose, glandular swel lings, &c. George Laymati. cured of a memorial affection and violent rheumatic pains of his bead and oozes. Jonathan Stroud, Isaacculman and John G. Thom son, cured of various affections of the head, cativo. ItIetILSOUT eructatiolra, sickness it the stomach, &c. Sahli Jenkins. Mrred ind Tracy Jenkins, cured of affections of theskin,breaking out, pains in their limbs, dec. Numerous other instances might be published. but to swell the list wo .1d unnecessarily increase the ex pense of publishinttliens. It must be plainly seen from the fOregoing, that the Blood Pills are an excellent corrective for a discirdereo stomach, the Cause of diseases to which the human system is liable. togethrr milk the impurity of the blood. which exists in all diseases, and in conjunction with a disordered stomach,,very rapi iy prcistrates the hu man body. These pills do not, pumping powerfully as do most pins of the preszV t ai (+Mich praline as much mis ohiffas did ever ' .or the minerals, by weakening thasystem,destroying e tone and vigor of the body: and rendering it. a Prey to constant Ind unisersal dis ease. distressed and bodily Suffering) /Ware mild and mild andggin e in their operation. and only increasing the natural discharges alfAiOgly to carry of issynri• ties as they anwrr-wa by their use. not rendering necessary any restraint from occupation or business, change of living or diet, or even a liability of taking cold from their use. . The process for extracting this virtue oftbe Sarsapa rilla without aestroyintits efficacy .is known only to the proprietor. ' r P•epared only and solewbnlesale and retail. at Dr. Leidy i Health Emporium, 2nd St below 'Vine, No. 191.--Also Sold by B. BANNAN, Jape 9 4i „ Wonderful cures. Mae been perforintd in this city, and throughou the country. LF.mrs MEDICATED SAIISAPARILLA. BRING s concentrated Quid 'extract of Samar mills. combined with other vegetable extracts, which mn dem nos a medicinoof.great'utility in the cure of all diseases arising fitunimpuritiesof the-blood-from im prudences in life. and constitutional diseases formed or produced byrhe injudicious ose of mercury, arse nic. bark. or quinine. In short,it is an invaluable rem 'ad fur all. Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, Ulcerous s'•• es.-white Swellings Diseases. of the Liver and skin,Ulcerate'd Sure Throat. Ulcer" of the N (Ise. Ca ries, or &sea ses 'of the Bones; Scrofula. r.tr ino's vilgErysipelas. or St. Anthony's Fire, and all unplea sant and dangerous affections consequent to Syphilis, Lucs Venereal, &c. &c. So effectual has this medicine been in tile care of various &inure far which it is reconimended, that it is far superredingall other pre#.trations of Sarsaparil.. la, Punnet: &c. it is now empined by numerous physicians, and - has been introduced by the n into many hospitals, in firmaries. &c throughout the United:Stat es. h is i preparation orgreaterstrength (consequently ofgreater efficacy) thin any other extract-now made. is also much cheaper, being but one dollar per bottle, which is sufficient An make one oallon of Syrup of ' Sarsaparilla. and'iabought by different drugging for tit* Purpose. Numerous certificates base been received and...pub lashed from time to , time, but in.eamseonenoo of t he. rem expense attending newspaperpoblication ofthem the most incredulitys can be convinced oldie superior efficacy of Dr tildes 'Medicated Sarsaparilla.. by at Dr; Leidy 's Healthr • Einporinm," A No. 101 ettith Second street:below Vine , sign oft hli Golden Eagle and Serpent." where certificates andreferences vi to - btblref inei fieost=ze ver erfa imed -att medicine. Sold B. WI Pl&kirrottsville: Wholvote . aiiid Retail; Hard . iitareStoire. oLIA:iC11, dr: WEAVER havejtaireeeived in adl ii dition *their; formes stock of Hardware Moiwoliole anspaisptingkey7dirietii;katent scow plater.ertwranted east. steel tam broad axes. punt do; hatcbete,bimonteri. Beatty§ & Mains adzes. wait and fihnifebrills, - anteing knives.blacksmith ots;eat & fi'in. east spikes. Wnile.ent teddoobleiplanewonit Ind planes. assorted Inds, latches. bieigan a.!,1 *crews, sound and square tooltiCinail:plattes' tand ii -p Innarea. tikileferbjeliineeferedewthe moot aecOmmodat ?gum. ;‘, if • FeblB 14 .'• '' .. s' t i ll.' GOOde. .. .. , . .. A -pkie_takik, , moot or . 11.!i21) and . seasonable '' l UdbdsjOist etee o tre&—torunating la purCof • —; Dilr:oedigi ClioCerieiti - • , 'Hirrawart, ft • : . ..':.— aiet ke io swre l •..- , _ ... Nii rel, a , . -, . • • , ~.• i- ' , , Salty- , Plasteirpacia.qke. jidgieitirin- bissiald-Ibir-rar , esthe-Aloviigbust Pries Paid iO Mk,. re ti iiiirWiprodooe. ._ w atB4, • • . 4 ' ,:‘, 7 1 1 1.u-N-lik? -18 14 N:. .• -I . ...I , - . .Upwardct.of • 0,000 11)/elt: itb r . LeJdy's Sassaparilla or. 140 d Pi i 1d is 6ilsdelplriie`'sib { , • 0 'P. Who S4it'si Wit know tte7eiresee, dmeatraßL properasisi EITERY - maitZiroinair. aid-CP.4'R r fidia:a. . answer tlfabove, as every p . pprt q'tbroegb. out the - United•Suites ciintami avcoind lb e aeries istlefitwey of &naps Mb; le peiftjr - 'Warrant restemngfrous theAmeas sperm hewers. AO silsiesPectable pbreician the Wu: TThat is the Moat effoatioisperitier of the to Answer wdl be. •S.utesrmtua.c. _ Suffice km ivy then, it all physich it so universally.what Utter caldemee teraltiable ;tripoli& Da. him'. has discovered' a me., virtue of the Sarsaparilla ii obtained centrumf form: and in such manner therefrom; Whited gfrotrinpv in the This cannot„be done by any Other.' coatis knairtienly to abd his own. These Figs*. offered us thippublii - DU. LEI.Dril SAR_ ..11811,./211iLL tat stool compounded ' principally of Saar whiclibli combined ingredien mutes) rendering them - -laxative in theireffects, piori from the 'proem clueing debility or my , ficient quantity. howevi may be employed or even to infects, being gutitae, .req u iring no. from regular habits or., These Olt have be from tbeireonvenieat f the place of all the dii nib. such as Syrups. are conatinai is &oda convesicatfor taking or These milkhave. di ampli tested: Newel expensive. ample testi Mans and others accoi They are particular' Rheumatic ifFectioni. General Debility, IJlceroui sores of throat.noseand bed , Diseases of the !liver; Skin and Bon* Pain over theregion of heart; breast., acid mach, Pain. of the: sides. the backend ;pine, Inward freers, foul bre it bad tamale the me Flatulency. want of m tite.costiveness, crat of the iricanach, and aigestion, and the whole train city of the blood, as a, duced by the weal Btu or other Minerals, :ego Hu, Lees, Venereal, do Pride Prepared only and. Leidy a Health Etapoi 191 •. CODEliiinPti . t ',DEADER. if you have ecou h MI their consequences. Colds en imperceptibly, and insinuate th le the human system , finally settling u , f ending in cons:minim A WORD TO PAR *How often fa south cutdowa w il i • by the consumption, and fdllowed o' parents who are in a measure' he us -. ature death, in neglecting to reined c: ing in childhood. Imklng upon:the e ll Lions, and not attracting their notice it has commenced its work atd mad • e This isnot a fanciful representatio r on* instances occur which prove th r In manfioed erotle , terminate in The sit i not prOgress Si rap dry as in youth; 4.6 ' ever, in both yob.. and mamboed I and hot regarded as trifling affeetio • o sive' idea that has no doubt shorten ' e sands. • ••• DD. BEtTIT 2 PULMONA Rig PfIF.S.E tr (Price E 0 Cents per 't . Is an invaluable pteparaMoti, disco ' and celebrated Germanlphysichm, ' it upwards - alley yezos in hie ow many, throughout whicth eountry" s that time most extensively and sue elf in Coughs:COWL Influences. Cam hisi ring of Blood, Whooping Cotiplat. atki, j and Sides. allaffect fond a the .41' 24 • arrest of approaching cneumption. Much may be said in mire oft)) 6 . , but newspaper advertising-being to e i aatistectory, evidence Will lie foun upon trial, as well as numerous rec in marten tog the directions. Dywa , were aord in Philadelphia alone d4l ter. ft convincing proofed itsefficacy or , Lily would never have been sold. . eines are prepared Jig sold only a • DR. LEIDY'SREALTH ..ir .it. • ' Secnn P bl • " - PREIRONIT.ARY AND IMPORTANT INi RRADER; did Yon slier sees and leara4his sufferings? lint he is a pale, thin and gbaldy !cold apparently hanging . by a dirtmd; It unhappy. his suffenngs indereribid Are yod nmelatroubled with Flan Sotireitteraitansariiing ernite*oiri wear or appetite. Witterbrasb. a mouth. or-liud.breath;.pain irt a Tub tbgehtSlakneSialler eating. once farctri , e dishes. tbc. If you .witb,peyortbeforegoing•sympton the picture ollhe Dyspeptic, and I non* t!te. e diequnnees, iromedit „..._ „ • D: LRIDYVVONIC ' - ,AND A CORDIAL. liven* railing. and efficacirm • DYRPPPRA OR iNDR And the train °reflections alien ofthirLiveri Stomach I Theaboye Medicine is warrant or other mineral preparations; urely of vegetables. Bale and ear "pleasantto the mate. It may be r youtik and Old, requiring but 31( diet only. . Nioneraus temimonialsbal published; its seputationis so nientuptin its virtoesia rr RAS Nam ?AILED IN Cher recommendations at rotund each bottle. . tIIIGP Price One Dollar So hl in Philadelphia 'at ! Dr. N. ii Leidri Vine - St.—and try • I May b- • • • RA AWAIT #O. b 1 1 4 NO ArREIVA babel - It Sweet Yb 2 kvi , 4117 . :77‘ 4 Z1). I. b* 1 . 1 ' 4 40: 2 .Stettibie re itliti7atiiiii;At:4s.,'degs.tr at Plott i )ittdfitkop to tun the ' - f!"4l4. l 4l;t3otitti Front Street 15,1836. ' iiil 4 4tellased exPivol iV li ktliit;;l#l M t it re4tiiou ittEßllk 40623 - 110 • 1 '► toga 1 - ten ind i r gs i" i highly cos. ea.- 16 make pills . Ilan. Do dos pro is ' dukovery of by tbe name of IS •!beutare of Ith prog.rem roughout Clungs and • expected : . • raves by r . eir prem. *ben elle. ' i leg dia p destroyer 0 its victim. :lily eumer- Pl#4 6 bo t w do . Reinded to, ti e ra tido h of thou ' ti.. - p; a refalsr employ td crke in der ten during/ llY'emPlo34 stknas,Biat• lof the Brent • Leaks, end Iv qq medicine. rOrse, esr ry O!tii drivel ligation, cc- WO bottles! Oa past nal.; a se-sroph-t art• V' at. • ETON. !IlDppepue,i e it to isy.i miserable bit hie miserable Log . Cos vc nes , s.l I taut. irryotori iess a iryour Ito 1i tat to yowl no tt troobledr l mil before you! ; resolved to notate It.PEPTiC for I firten4 001 ve7f to! say: Far.: EN COAL' El Coal. IdA eat Ipitcin 41U. I I Afar liregPt tint. 48