The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 21, 1838, Image 3

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    r EditOrlal.COrresp ndena
,' From Corresponding C
• '.Wier Cazreca, my 15,1838.
"Ritner's majority - in Chester unty, in 1835,
- `-'was 670. Nit 4 'October it can of fall abort of
1000, Mid may reacb 1200. 0 friends arei
• the Porter Sub.Tre, myitee appear
1.0 be dispirited, knowing the , defeat. awaits
thaM.7 •
The majority for Joseph Rit,
County,.will not be leas than-40i
believed that a larger vole will
County than there ever was befo
•be the cue, the majority fir IL
will not fall abort of 500 votes.
majority was 138. .
From all the information we c.
'Porter can in no wise get more
Li? 'Lycoming County. Great
ken place, .particularly in the u
County; which induces ue to stip'
'to believe, that 500 is the most 11 1
and we,: will not be surprised i I
does not exceed 300. In 1835, i
Ihave just road a letter .from 1 1
t, Which states-that great chart ! .l
ken place in that county, and I.'
Old Joe will be greatly increased)
against hint three years ago wee
My impression is, that Ritne
150 to 200 majurity in this cou
Puco's admit themselves that it
tote—but we can beat them easii
tinned majority, and may proba.
- to po. IfOld Heidelberg turn
hut wall give over 400 majority
majority against us three years
Unwelcome news to litz
—The Newburyport Hera
the-Mackerel Ft+heries are
fail*and that of late there
more than' one successful .
four. • ,
rbe Grand Jury of
Geor - gia, has presented til l
of that State "as an evil
creasing ma ant t tide." Gem
only State that has legislatM
wOh propriety be presented
;That valuable Journal, the N.eW York
Courier & Enquirer, has been eeatly en-
Itirged, an is now printed on their [Jew
Repam Press from London, which throws
or 81200 impressions per hour. It is now
itlie largest daisy paper printed in the
What's in the wind? We copy the col
;owing important quete from the last Corn
merciat Herald:
k A Quere.—Will the Pennsylv;anian or any of
the Ad‘mistration organs, be kind enough to
inform cis how many of the Delngates that atten
ded the Porter Convention at fisrrisburr, on the
4th inst, called on their candidate, David R Porter,
and stated to hrm that as be had no chance of
being elected, he had better decline, and thus en.
able them to put - another candidate in nomina
tion? There are many true! Democrats , who
wish for further information on this subject.
'ln Pittsburg, it appears by the following
paragraph from the Pittsburg Advocate,
fhat.77 Wolf and Muhlenberg men, Who
Aietetofure opposed Joseph Ritner, have
voluntarily and publicly announced their
determination to abandon "the party,"
'and support Joseph Ritnerifor re-election.
In Allegany County, the Decnocrat• are deser
ting Porter by whole battallions The Pittsburg
Daily Advocate of Thursday, has the following
highly gratifying paragraph:
"We-feel a plea'sure and a pride which we can
not, if we would suppress, in liying before them
a communication addressed to the editor of this
paper, signed by senent4enen ;citizens, amiangst
them two Democratic Ex-SheriP and three Ed.
itors of newspapers, who heretofore were opposed
to Joseph Rithef,declare their
, purpose of voting
for him at the ensuing election l: Here is an ev.
idence of change to which we ctin opint with just
exultation. Every name on tlie list-is the rep
resentative of a substantial and restre'gtablo cit
izen: a t home .that fact need riot be stated,, for
here all are well and favourabli known."
The same paper of a recent date says,
that since the publication pf the list allu
ded toos. large number pf others have
r.atted; and also attached their names to
the list.
Many Wolnnen and M.th4ent
pressedlheir regret that they;
oppoitunity to sign the, paper, 3j,
ed in the Gazette, and thus cn
toward the defeat arid the pot
Treasury. Scheme'-we are ri
that an optiOrtunity can yet ht.
Papers will be kept at the (At
the old list with new names, 4
due time.—Yitisbargh Gas
The Pittsburg Times - alai
Governer Ritner in Allegheny
1500 votes. In 1635 the seine.
majority —it gave 600.
Betting on elections, runs h
club of gentlemen of St Louis, o
in sums of $l,OOO on the W
Congreis and the Legislature,
lion; and one thonstind dollars
ran is not re elecied - Presidento
A like mom is offered that .1'
will not bore-elected to the Uni
The condition attached
'ceraficate that the money
nished by the Government
Horrible Occurrence.—On T esday morning, 2
boys one 'twenty thy other seve • teen years lf ega,
apprentices 18 Messrs. Rock -• It end Wgoer,
.Theeksmiths, Spring Garden, • .hile at svori t
on a
sharp pieciaof iron just taken om the . for P, the
eldest deliberately walked to th other boy ned•rah
the red hnt instrument thioug , end throug h the
flesh, part - of his thigh. r He was imme
bxmcayed to the floapital !she .e he lies in a very
low and dangerous state. T e eggreitscOwhen
questioned as to the MUMe of th • horrittaet *plied
gbetause he did .not strike s ittlt" ~Ile las
cad.—Pkii Gos. . , I
spa snip Sitstaifcsi.
. •
Mr. Porrotta—l pave g y Amid that ap.j
peals or rsmonstrstices nin firer on the
subject of abuses *ere frOleas, Th e only wayli
is to arraign them before thistriburraltsfienmknort
sense, aria shame them into oily and reason. '
It-is Customer, in the Pest Orrice . department,i
when letters sreltent by indirect, ox roundabout
routes,tocharge postage tOritheincreash.ldistance4
00 many of my. letters, have to pay hity.per
cent inure than the regale:z postage, because kw.J
snoth,"l em told that theyido not 'come by the
shortest mail route. Let The ukis this;consts:
tent with. justice
Another practice is this,when char:
ged too high, the error is riever corrected unless
tire letter_ be opened in 'preeence of the Post Mae. '
ter. I general!y receiveimo , letters by a messun—
ger, sometimes at a cons' enable distance from'
the Post Office, and whet;,; ind on examination,
lam overcharged; I redress. Every pos.:
Bible and most coevumiog proof is rejected.
Those are only trifling and contemptible a.,
buses. Were they more 41sportent, they would !
raise our indignation. 06t they cannot exist,'
without exciting our natultl abhorance of Nino]
tide, whether committed coder the sanction oi,
low, or through the art t itrary regtilation of a
Minister. Yo iluiptile servant.
my 17.183 y
l er is Delaware
totes—and it is
• polled in this
Should quch
er it,iafbelieved,
n 1835, Ritner's
uly 16, 1838
p get at :present,
n 500 majori.
flanges have ta
per end of the
.se: and firmly
y can beat us,
AT au Adj turned Meeting hold in the;
Borough of 'filinaqua, ittictioylkili County„
on the evening of Jul 4 Orb, a Committee/
appointed at a former iinteeting to draft al
1 1 :eatable ann . , Resolqiuns, reported the;
following, whieh were initanimously adopt,.
ed: -
PIZEAMBLE.—At a dteeting of the,inhab,
itants of Tamaqua atta vicinity, hell nit
the 22d day id Deceit' . er last, it was Re.:
saved, 'Tat the Legislature be petitioned,
fur au appropriation tu'improve that part
i.f the Hart (slat% and,!%Yilkesbarre State.
Road, hewtuting at it ibiiiit Iliad 'Mile south'
of Lindiier's Gap, S'lM),lkill County ;front
thelic'e to the Burwi4 : turinake at liazle.j
ton, Luzerne County.«.-a distance ofabouti
8 miles. And also, that the Siipervisurti
of West Penn and Ruh townships, be re
quired to open and make.passable the road
ittrough the Panther and Locust Al-outgun),
G.p, thence to the town of Houle.—W here-I
as ; the Legislature fias made an appro-j
priatton (dune thous/44d six kindred dull
lars fur said Road ; and the Supervisor
have proceeded to open the Road required
of them to be opened, at a considerable
expense. It beconici the individuals that)
compose this meeting, nut only to sub.'
scribe liberally, (accprding as they may
be interested,) but tO use their endeavors
to-get subscriptions tn.cortiplete the whold
line of Road from Tlunaqua to Hazleton.
And whereas,; individuals and companieit
at a distance will be solicited to subscribd
to this undertaking, it is proper that thiS
meeting shouldinaehnown the advadta.
ges to be gained.—Ttle distance from Pitiq
adelphia to Hazleton; by way of Reading{
Port Clinton, and 'Carnatla, is 104 mile
By the end of thiti month, (July) 72
miles of this distance ; will be Rail Road
communication, viz :±from Philatlelphid
to Reading, 52 miles;,; and from Port Clin
ton to Tamaqua; 20. Miles, and 20 miles
of turnpike; and last)y the road we hay:
under consideration,ainiles ; but howeve
desirable this ine maj,. be, it would be im
practicable to start a stage- line before th.
last 12 miles is put ii order; •but with a
expenditure of $1500!or$2000,- in additin
to the state and township appropriations
few roads in the cot-Inry would compar
with it, there being hitit few hills to mak.
it objectionable: l'iXmake the advanta
ges of this route mote apparent •to th:
travelling cornmunitt, this meeting wi
contrast it with the route by way of Mauc
Chunk, Allentown, di,c.,,which im'now th
only one travelled. The Rail Road lin
by way of Reading, 4c. might start fro
Philadelphia, at 5 o'clock, A. M. as it no
does—dine at Port Clinton, ‘ at 1 P. M ;
end arrive at Hazlett:in and Beaver Mead
_ows, at 6 P. M.; and passengers for M me
Chunk by the same line, (as far as Tam
qua,) might arrive M Mauch Chunk it
the same hour. The line by way'ofAll'en[.
town, leaves Philadelphia - at 3i O'clock,
A. M., and arrives al t Mauch Chunk at Id
P. M. and freqdentlt much later, which
place if must be rerlembered is 20 mile t i
short of Hazleton, and'which can he rear
ed, as before stated,-at 6P.M.or 13 hourls
from Philadelphia bY r J way of Tamaqua.—l-1
This *meeting have Olt§ far only spokep
of Tamaqua; Hitzlet4, and Beaver. Mea.
' duws, hut the • t ravril to mid from' -the , *
new and 11 iurishing Coal Districts, though
considerable et thisi lima,. ana must -M.
crease, will be but ii small part, as th s
line must take all the northerii Susqu •
hannatravelling. i'he distance front H •
zleton to' Wilkesharxe, is 24 miles, rrt •
king but 128 :miles from Philadelphia; a
pas-envoi sturtiro , "tit an early hour in t o
10 . 10 m i -rig from W " .l4esbarre; will - sup. 'ii
',Philadelphia. Evei one acquainted'wii
the geography of ;the country,.. itno a
_Wilkesharre to be the diverging point, f
,all travelling north of that place. Th '
being facts, it remains fur this meeting-; o
suggest, to the Litrki- Schuylkill Navin:.
tion Rail Road and: ; Coal ' Company, t , e
Reading and Philadelphia , and N orristo7 n
and l'idadelphia . Riiil Road Compani : -:,
that they are deepl* . linterested, inasmu'ih
as the amount of _travel will be great, : o
t amount , they Ore not name, kno •-
ing that in every Ott of our tlourishi, g
country; where tra4illing facilities ha 'e
been improved andlperfected, travelkig
has increased in evekg instance beyond r .
conception. Thistheeting-will close t is
preamble by saying—the , only
that prevents opening •thisJise, is the, 2
miles of RoarreQepensideration, whi h
can be put in good eycler with the sum' .•
Dove named. , —;There i ferlibe it - . •-1' .
, • Reablved, That . 4' subscription pi t -r
their mujorky
was 827.
'ravvtord CotiN
eq have also ta-
at ihe v . .* for
The majority
my 18. 1838
Iwill have ftom
ty, The Loco
`will be an even
he above men
ly reach 250 to
out, that ;chi.
r Ritner
on was 131.;.
d %slates that
beginning 1,,
has not been
:easun out of
urke enurity,
great and in
irgia is not the
fres that might
1s 'nuisances.'
perzeria havirie ex
!have not hed en
trihote their mile
iif the Sub
formed to State
nThce, and
Pill be publi3bad in
s a majnrdff fbr
county eraaarrine
,•aper clairusid 400
h in Miees:Mti. A
er to bet slj3 oon,
ir cendidat*--for
:the Angus} elee
that Mr. VSn Su.
the United4iates.
omes. H. nton
edStateit SOate."
to the be) is a
ris not to beTur-
TingiltliilTEß4 9 4ololo4l4 •
' and th
be circula4W Tor
form'O(riaid papLitteatis ita'followip "We;
'the 'undersigned, 'agree and Promise t
"pay the Om set 'appoints to our mama's, t
"Jacob Faint, John Denpiston,ibt. Davi
"Ruiner, John K. Scititfk, DOnalo
" s on, Daniel McGlaughlin and Benjamin
"Renner, (who are hereby appointed
"committal to see the 'lmplant property,
"expendeceon the road . from - Taniscpia to
"Hazleton; chiefly however on teat part of
"the road: from Tamaqua toi
"Gap,) as) soon as the Sum of! $l5OO Of
"more of good subscriptions shall be obtain
"ed, and net before."
Resolved, That the Committee named
in the subscription paper, shall elect pne
If their number Treasurer, whb shall give
security to the remaining part Of the - Com4,
naittee, foi'' the trust.
Resolved, That John K. Smith, Daniel
McGtaughfin, Dr. David Hunter, James
Taggal.l, John Denniston mid i James D.
Brown; be a Committee of -Correspond
ence. • .
Resolved, That the Postmaster Genet.
al be petitioned for a daily, mail from
Port Clii4on to Wilkesbarre; by way of
Restdved, That in order thitt the views
of ill's meetirvz be more fully carried out,
the inhabitants of %V ilkesbar re and ilazle.
ton, and tither places interested, be .recom.
mended tVhold meetings, and adopt such
measures as will tend to the improvement
of the Road frorn'llazleton to %V ilkesbarre,
and petition for a daily Mail from Purt
Clinton to the latter place.
Resolved, That this meeting convene
monthly, at which time it shall be the du=
ty of the comnintee appointed to get sub.
scriptions, to report progress.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed 'by the officers, and pub.
lulled in the Miners' Journal, Pottsville.;
United States Gazette, Philadelphia ialia
I Vilkesbarre xavoc te , %V ilkesbarre, and
that there , be 50 copies printed on letter
sheet for circulation.
Resolved, That the expense of printing
be paid n it of the subscriptions.
Resolved. That this meeting adjourn to
Meet on the first Monday of Augu,t next.
J A NIES D. BROWN, Pres't.
D. Vice Neel. ,
B. Cg free, Secretary. •
J. K. Smith, Assistant Sect'y.
Correspondence of the National intellagencer.
Nicw OaLzsto, July 9,1638
Messrs.: Gales & Seaton: Our goner! election
terminated on the 4th instant, after the most so
vere and animated contest ever had in Lousiana.
The Locoencos made their death struggle. sod
have .‘died in the. as ditch." I have . delayed
writing you until we had suf fi cient retutna to
leave no doubt of the result; and I now intim the
pleasure to inform you we have carried the Gov
ernoe, the, entire delegation to congress, and the
Legislature. Mr. Pricer, their ;candidate, has
been for 10 years Mayor of this city, where
connexions and great official Influence had
made his friends calculate on a majority of 600
to 800, and the'Whiga always conceded that he
would carry New Orleans by 2513; to 300; instead
of which,he had only the meage# majority of 8
As proof that even this was owing to . the above
circumstances in his favor, the city hai given 630
majority for the %Vhig ticket to Congress, and in
the district about 1200 for Mr. White, our former
representative, and present excellent and,patriotin
Chief Magistrate, over-Mr. Slidell.
We have also carried sur entire city delega
tion to the Legislature—but the great triumph
has been in the 24 Congressional District, at
present represented by Gen. Ripley, which was
the hotbed of Van Bureniarn, and was always
considered as good for 1200 majority for the Ad
ministration—anti where, on this- occasion, we
have-elected Chinn by about 400.
Our-Legislature consists of 50 members. We
already hove returns of the election nt 29 Whigs,
and shall probably have 6 or 8 more—leaving
the lower house stand at 35 or 37, to-1S or 131
As our opponents clamor for the night of instruc
tion, our Senators, Messrs. Nicholas and litoutrin.
will have an opportunity next session of acting
under ihe (lifters of the Legislatnte.
The few parishes yet to hear from will mom close
Mr. Roman's majority. which Will probably be
about 1,000 ins poll of 12,000 'Mee. Mr. Cuir
land. the present Representative,-Walks over the
course in the 3d district without a ii ii opponent, as
the Locos thought it useless to st rt a candidate.
The Whig party . fought opealy and boldly
under the banner of Nt Natioral Bank aind
sound currency,' which motto headed their tick
eta, and Was Placarded in the sired's, This is the
first election for the new CongreyS„ sal I consider
the result as of the highest 413par/once, for if the
Administration could, by the grea t exertions they
made, have saved the State, it would, in a mea
sure; halo checked-their fall; but nqw it only ite
ceierates.their rapid deseent into the abyss, end
will havei a very favourable nfluence on the elec.
lams which take place net month in Arkansas,
Missouri, and Kentucky. ' .
Enormous bets were 4
ependi on th e result of
the contest, and our opponents n only lose their
candidates, but have the additi nal chagrin of
losing their money. Ver truly, lac.
Fran additional returns just ived, I think
the Legislature will stand as full WS:
Senate. ' 9 Whigs, Van Berea.
House, 82- 419.. 1 .do. ,:
• 4
At .. - • •
Majoiity on joint ballot 15. " There is same
hope that we have gained am:l4mi' Senator; lektich
would be 10 'and 7. .
• , • c , , 4
At. the recent Whig I'6dt/slat !Isere de Glee.
the 'roma
.ing fienticnenwas offered by Itzezttirt
i ra
Joaelos of Baltimore: :. ''.-
The — tie of Von...arren—Arbitflay of Ken.
* - 1
i4Ttarßo3: 4 ENat.AtroArmFfeANCE...
. -
Vocial Vz*GPM.. saptatatuit hoot
and Ibitatouri o caps. Roosam from,
Haire, arrived yestardef.+ We ban received by
these vessel' London papers to thelthr
and Liverpool, Punt . * Havre to theft. '• "[`_beyire very barren of Palitiesi - Tetellkiete *tinyy in
terrest. As the period Mn tfip eberortition
. 01
Queen Victoria drawn mai. the :Deis .of prepara
tion in the metropolis *become', • louder._ eod we
shall hear of Nut little else till the ceremony.
over. The embassies on this *mashie from the
different Monarchs of Europe. will vie with each
other in the number and Magnificence of their re
tinue. but thaddit the Giend Signor probably
!rite the most curiosity. .
The principal feature of the Loddon market is
the extreme abundance of Money and lomrate of
interest which has now been existing for a very.
considerable• period of time. Owing to that
want of confidence in mercantile trans4ctions
which has existed since the crash in the American
trade in 1838, money has been very largely with.
drawn from employment in discounting bills of
exchange, and has been consequently accomula
ted in London in the hands of the Bank of
England, and of the other private and joint stock
With en increasing knoweldge of the internal
affairs and resources of the various States of the
Eaton. there is daily a great disposition to invest
money In the r'espectivelhonds,—and on this sub
ject the recent letter of Mr. Biddle has here p-o
doeed a most excellent effect; for numerous
it dders of American securities were beginning to
grow en*irely bewildered with the accounts
about the sub-treasury bill—the hard money,
the Loco.Focos, and all Cie rest of the jargon
with which the Eriglisn newspapers have been
filled for the last twelve month.; and .in oppo•i
tion to which the picture of the whole iserual
affsirs of America is given by Mr. Biddle In a
manner,so comprehensively clear, and direct,shat
people in general have become convinced that
there is abundance of property as security, and
ease to take any interest in the question of re
semption of specie payments or not..
In the manufacturing districts, •operations
continue to be conducted upon an extensive scale,
and the prospects in the cotton manufacture at
Manchester, and the woollen business at Loeds,
are described in all the letters to be better than
for a long time past. Even in the remote mane.
factoring districts of Scotland, the population are
feeling the effect of the late cheering revival, in
the American trade.
PAIII*, June 7.
Mr. Muh!enberr, United States Minister to
Austria, and Mr. Clay, his Secretary of Legation.
were presented tp their Majesties. Accounts
tram Berfin of the Ist of June, state that Mr.
Henry Wheaton the American Minister, had re•
turned from Paris;
In Port Carbon, on Saturday evening
last, EDWARD WILDE, Civil Engineer, aged
27 years. '
Sun Rise 9 &elk. 14 o'clk. 3 &elk.
July 11 .76 89 89 94
14 74 76 77 77
13 69 74 76 82
14 72 79 84 86
15 . 71 84 88 88
16 74 83 86 813
17, 74 83 84 87
18 70 79 89 78
19 69 84 88 91
20 , .75 91 94 95
Schuylkill Coal Trade.
Shipments of Coal for the week, enditg on
Thtirir:lay evening last r.
Shipped &y Boats. . 7ons.
Delaware Coal Co . 48 2570
George H. Potts, ' 21 1141
S il Reeve & Co 16 850
S Heilner & Son 16 - . 850
Charles Lawton 15 801
Neligh & Co . 10 525
Mtlnes do Spencer 10 515
N Evanslo 507
Bell 19 Bolton 10 499
Hodgson & West 9 485
N A Coal Co ' 8 ' 436
A Steinberger . 8 421
1. Chapman B - 433
S Brooke 8 400
A Lawton 7 376
J Bull & Co 7 362
Bennett & Taylor 7 359
Wm Wallace &Co 7 . 3.52
54 Murphy 7 350
J. C. Cirsovions 6 315
&Hyman & Rico- 5 • 259
G Bast - t 5 264
T,C Williams e r co 5 . 272
J. W. Schenck S 250
C 141• Hill ' 4 • 213
R. G. Lelar ' 4 209
St• Weaver 4 • 206
J. S. Ruckle & Co. 4 205
J Stanton 4 201
P E Ilemm St Co 9 ISB
.I`3 vne & Allen 3 155
Davin & Olwinn. 157
R ichart & Mims 2 106
Palmer & Garrigues 2 105
J & M Saylor .9 105
Hewes, Saber & CO. - 2 105
Sundry Shippers
816 16.577
Per last report{ 2463 136.668
2779 153.245
Little Schuylkill 76 3,875
_l4 Johanna • 50
13 Penn Farmer , . .60
14 F. Kepner 55
—' Elizabeth - .. .32
16 Manhattan 36
17 L. -Mc'Lane, 54
Sam'l Bradford - • 56
.18 Mobile . 56
Farmer of G
,j. 56
9 Boat/
67 per last tispgrl
Lye rfotee_ Books.
- 110YERIS Ge man and /English Note Book r
read ; ainifor inds by •
. •. 1 • a iiANNik.
Potmville. Jul, 21:1838. • St-
The YolloiSing L 41» iiiiiouisearlUl tiiktilioreed
on this Rail Road, AR tha woo* %Tiding, on
• Tianesday milker ' • " 3547 tons
imst lasi 'sport ' 23.476
Total r . 27.093
.. , ..
The following isthe amount of / .1 transported
on this Real Road for .the leak ending on
Thursday evening last, Rill tons
Per last Reports7.7lo
• Total •
ROBERT C. FALL. Coilcctor.
The following. is the amount of Coal transported
on'tilis road for the week ending on Wednesday
evening lest, 21Q1 tons.
Per last Report, 225.9
Total 20317
GEO. EIADESTY, Coll -ctor
The following as the amount of Coal trdnsported
on 14. is Rued for the week ending un Saturday
evening last, 9515 tons
Per last report, 19,990
WM:7 , COAL TRADE-1838.
Tor the week ending on the 12th tnet.—
• Boats. Ton..
Mani; Chunk, - 153 5.850
Beaver 'Meadow, 50 1,839
Penn 'Haver., 11
Mauch Chunk, 1,178 59 876
Beaver Meadow, 491 19,909
Penn Haven, 96 , 3,532
Against Porter and the Aristocratic
Sub-Treasury B ill.
Democratic country Meeting.'
fillHE Democratic Republicans of Schuylkill
- 6 - county, favourable to the re-election of our'
present worthy Farmer Governor of Washington
county, Joseph Rit err, and all those who , are op
posed to the principles and measures of the cor
rupt National Administration of Martin lan Bu
ren, whose aim it was to 'saddle that mit arrislo-.
cratic and odious Sub-Treasury System upon the
free and enlightened citizens of this great Union,
for the purpope of placing the "purse and sword
of the nation," into their own hands, in order to
oppress and tyrannize over the People and destroy
the best interests of the country. In shAt all
those who would liko to see the Presidency in the
hands of tlhi Patriotic William H. Harrison of
Ohio, or some other staunch Republican, who
would go for his country, and not for a parucular
"party;" are respectfully invited to attend a gen
eral county meeting, to beheld in the Court
House, in the Boroughcof Orwigsburg, on Tues.
dity the 3 - Ist ofJuly next, at half past 1 o'clock,
P. M. for the purpose of adopting such mcasnrea
as may be deemed necessary to secure the re-elec
tion of our excellent Governor, Joseph Miners
anii-for carrying out the great principles of,Demo
cracy which was once upholden by a Washington,
a Jefferson, a-Simon Snyder andto make the pre
watery aeringemers for the formation of a coun
ty ticket, to be supported by the free citizens of
Schuylkill county, at the nest October Election.
A general attendance of the - true Pennsylvanians
of this county, en said occasions, la respectfully,
Democratic Standing. County Committee.
July .14. LB3B.
Pastal/e, July 21, • 1838.
WHEAT FLOUR, by the load was worth on Fri
day 17 50. -
VVHEAT 1 40 per pusbel. in demand.
RYE FLOUR 200 Or cwt. in demand.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 250 per cwt. in demand
RYE, by the load 70 cents by the bushel—rtady
RYE CHOP 65 cents per bushelin demand.
OATS 37 cents—ready sale.
POTATOES 40 cents per bushel in denrand.
CORN-65 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER SEED—SS 50 per bushel. •
TIMOTHY SEED —s2 00 per Imshcl.
. FLAXSEED—SI- 12 per bushel to demand. •
WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon.
BU rrER-14 cents per pound—in key 12 ants
EGGS-12 cents per douse.
LA RD-10 cents per pound.
TA LLOW-9 cents per pound.
HAMS 12 cents per posted.
CORN CHOP 80 cats per bushel ind emend.
• BACON-12 cents per pound. ;
BEESWAX-18 cents per pound.
FP. lIERS-62 cents per pound.
COMMON IVOOL-40 cents per pound
MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1, $l2OO No 2, $ll
SALT-2 621 per bbl.; 87 per bushel
PLASTER, is worth4l7 00 per ton.
HAY $lB per toe.
Kgray Hiorie.
WAS taken up on the Sharp
P i > Mountain on Thursday last, a BAY
„,jl.oll \ , 1 HORSE, with a
.roo round his
IN neck, about 14 years old, and is
marked on the neck by_ collar.
The owner is requested to come foaward, prove
property, pay charges, and take him away, other.
wise he will be sold according to law.
Mount Carbon, July 21, 1&& 56-31°
FASHIIJNABLE "Colored ' inborn Hats,
Prince de .Toinville, for mien and boy*, knit
received by' . N. NATHANS & Co.
Pottsville, July 21,1838. ~ 56-
SPLENDID lngrain Carpeting .
or Marling and Entry Carpettni;joat. received
by - NATPANE & Co.
.POttsyille..lo4 2,41838. att
QIIPgRIOT Jespey_ a ''"araa. jaat.ra•
S *
.; •NA Co..
, /tily 21,108: I,l', • kit fr.,
ti. U. POTTS, Collector,
• 1,713 74,317
SICK < oR. arraftvous.
ikr The- - estraordinsiTreputatio' it that Dr.thinhele
reittod); Ow- this dismumng - complaint ut* espy . day
'tsitungts certainly It matter of much astonishment.
Thum much sulfating .should have existafor *gee
without any discoyeryinran effectual proven**.
mow, him* a subject of much regret. but Pr.-Sawa.
assures tbepublic that such a remedy'hat itiell , lo.
vented u will convince the most tredulnitM• The
principles upon which it acts are simple aim
Iv is ak admitted,fact that this complaint, trblatber
called Sink Headache. or NeMoui Histkche.arbise.
primarily limn the an:much—those w ho think-they
have-the NEVIN:II Headache may rest asiered:thu
this organ, the stomach, is the first mustier, that.the
rfatem has become vitiated or debilated; bro . * the -
stomach. and-that only through the amts Chanel
must they +expect a restoration of thil natural:and
healthy functions of she system. This object.; Dr.
ISpotues remedy is eminently calculatedna:milin.—
Thetruth of dila position 'cannot he conwoverted.mid
the.sootrer sufferers with the headache beau:Main
vinced of it, the sooner will their suff'eringaMid. 15
restoration to health. Hr. Spohn pledgeii his-profes
sional reuttytion on this "anct. The retiedy -may be
had ofapothecaries. .
Wholesale and Retailnritoc
by Co^ 0.. 2
• kCo..
Fletcher St. New York. aCd Retai}by Wm:T.-ES/pg.
Pottsville. , .‘
ripliF. PA SIPIILEV LAWS ofltkelast iesuriOn
IL or the Legislature, have been receiyed•at this
Prothonotary's Office or Schuylkill countye sod
are ready to be delivered to th.ov entitled inthem.
Oiwigsburg, July 21, ISIB. 564
FIN • E JOURN 4 LS of the lastseation orthe Le.
Igislature orPerinav [amnia, have been received
at the Commission. r's Office of Sehoylktlidounty,
and are ready to be delivered to tho.e catlike:lo
receive them.
• Clerk,.
Orivigsburg, July 21, 1838. . • 56-3 "
RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizens of
Pottsville, and the public generally, ,that hp
is prepared to pct form all operations in the atm?,
line, such as, Plugging, Fding.CJeaning, Extract,
ing, &c. with neatness, and on the most approved
Stockton'. Premium Porcelain Teeth inserted.
agreeable tto the w Wits of applicants—'Perms
N. D. Ladies and others will be attended to at
their respective dwellings, or at Mr. DulmeNf.
nett door below Mr. Epting's Drug Store.
07" C. C. Williams will only remain in town
one week longrr_
Pottsville, July 14, 1A33. ' 54-3 t
rolice Officers
Fur the Borough of Pottattlie
William SCiveley,
John Siii open;
Janice M. Lewis,
John Silver,
John Seits,
E. Q, Henderson,
Oliver Dobson,
James Silly man, Jr
Samuel D. Leib,
John Jennings,
Philip Wolfinger,
George H. Buehler,
John Curry,
Henry Boyer,
John L. Coho,
WIL Übe sold at Public Sale, on Saturday the
11 t h o f August nest, at the Pennsylvania
Hall, in the Borough of.Pottsville, at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. •
• A certain Tract of Land situate in
Barry township, Schuylkill caunty„
s m about 10 miles from Pottsville, and C.
;V: • from Minersville, on the 51shantango
- road, which runs about one mils
through the tract—end Deep Creek also 4iias
about the, same distance through the same. This.
land was surveyed under warrants dated the 18th
day of September 1792. One tract contains 329
acres 130 perches—the other 200 acres and 43
perches and allowance, and will be sold together
or in small lots to suit purchasers.. About 30 or
40 acres of the land is cleared, there is an orchard
of good bearitig apple trees on the premises.
The•improvements consist of two Douses, a.
Barn, a good Saw Mill, and Seats for at least Is,
more, if required.
This tract of land is without exception the best;
oak timbered tract of land in the county; and a
ennelderable portion of it first rate farming land.
Tae East end of the tract is in the immediate;
vicinity of-the Coal Region, and or well Woithri.
the attention of persons engaged in making rait'.
roads, eanals,.or in the Beat Building Business.
The land will be mid low, end on easy terms:
Any person wishing to view the premises.can ob..
lain any information required from John Maria
residing on the same.
Persons wishing to purchase the whole, or *Or
part thereof can do So by applying to either ofihe
subscribers previous tojtie day of sole—but if not
sold in the meactime,ll will positively be sold cosi
the day mentioned above.
• The following gentlemen 'have seen the lantir .
and we give them as a hat of references. .4'
John Dreher, Orwigaburg.
Dr. A. Stemberget,
David D. Lewis, 5 Locks. "
Jacob H. Ziegenfusr,
Lewis C. Dougherty, &hayHuila Haven.
Who will give correct information respecting..the
same if application be made to eituer -attic* or
to Om Aubseribers. .
Witt'. It POTTS, Orwigsburg.
. JOHN HUGHES, Sehuylitili.Haven,
July 4 1838. • 51.-.14.:(
Administrator's Notilicoi_
L . gT'rEltS. of Administration having,.beei
Ja-a granted _upon_ the estate of Jaen , ararrs•
Gaeentlicl, deceased, late of PuttsvAlle,..notjavta
hereby given to all those indebted tp , .satit testate .
to make immediate pigment, and all O&M haviitg
claims against said estate will pleastireitent - therd
for .settlementon or .. before Mouday-the third-dig
of September at the houte...of b:
Pottsville. it which time and piece ,(be Adminis.
• Ireton - will settle all accounts properly ituttientli
tutted. . . -
D, G. YUENGLING.. , ; :
Pottatlle, July 18,1838
Pop i r Board's and Plasternt:.,Lert
20,000 FEET; inch Poplar Boardni i t
40 1)00 ri"taing
Pottniille, July 14.1438. .
12 EARS Otd
Y Monongahel a being the stock ()Fa priveteGentternektle4:.
:oeased, and sold by order Of Extcotorn4itateNf:
*Avid and for Will = • '
MILLEk k llAGG:tirnr,
June 2
Jacob Khne~
Daniel J. Rifitway
Lawrence Lawler,
J MCS M. 'featly,
Cha r les .W. Clemens,
Ralph Lee. .
Enoch W. McGinnis.
Ew'd. O'Connor..
Joseph Wavier.
teoixlr. •
Isaac Thompson,
Jaci , b Kohler.
Jolla Lenhart, •
T. J. Baird.
Chief Burgess: