6 I Anol.her base lie front the prolifiaeoinage -of the loco limo's, aailenitto the counter, -by the !out Master at Ilerrisburg,; Mr. . Teaeeltiand.-Inher hontst members of their mail party. How--tirese:Loro, are ;lived to lying. _Read the following:; - Fromlthe - Petmsylvania Intelligencer. e ill 'The 'Keystone and eporter ---ia-question of rsteitt-- the ',Reporter thug. its . own words—Loootbeoltblse . hood' nailed t ti It la well known that the Loco Pocos are trying toga( abroad the impression-that. Gov.' Rtlncr is an abolitionist, fiir the:pur pose of injuring him, not being able it) lay any valid charge against his admitaistriation and .ko iiceompltsh this nu means are too 'low, no falsehooft too base. They raven -INVADE TUE SANCTUARY OF TEE PLIN•pTRY -and DRAG INTO THE ARENA. OF POLITICS the holy occupant of the put. - :pit. The Pennsylvania Reporter of 'week before last contained the folloWing,article, - as a communication, ENDORSED AS 'TRUE by the creditor, although at the 'Dame time HE KNEW IT TO: BE FALSE. --JOSEPH RITNER. AN ABOLITION IST-PROOF POSITIVE', Pimply state a fart, which neither Joseph Ritner, nor any of hi's friendi,.,Will -dareto dispute. The Rev. -plathan'Stetn, pastor et the Episcopal Church of liarri - s . burg, has leave given him by his congre .gation to suspend his labors, as their pastor, on Recount of the ultra abolition principles which be in defiance of the known -of the congregation, ens constantly in the habit of preaching from the sacred desk.-- Mr. Stem's la tors are consequently to 'terminate .on the 30th.d ay of dune inst. That fact being made known to Ritter, he forthwith Ore written noiice to •the vestry of the church that he would hold his pew no longer, and. thiA the rent of which strotild cease on the, day Mr.. .Stem ceased to be their pastor;; As fur '{her- evidence of the length the , Governer suffers his ultra-abolition principles to 'car my him, he declared to a gentleman of this . .plaee,..that he held pews in the : churches of llarris.burg, only when the pistnrs 'of •which were abolitionists: Theee are facts. -which will not be contradicted, and the people have a right to, and ought to; know . tthetu. PRO PATRIA." Upon - the appearance of tae aboee ar -,cle there was a good deal of exc4etnent in Harrisburg, where it was known,tp be untrue. The vestry of the clior,A ; touk ' the matter in hand at once their proceed ings are aiven,in this paper. The follow ing cirtificate was signed by Messrs, Pea cock. and Parke, two WARM OPP() -NENTS.of Gov. Rimer—the former Poet Maiteri and the latter one of the editors of *he Keystone. The conduct of Mr. Pea codk was fair, independent, honorable and Above board, but there was-- - something asystaious in the course of Mr. Parke, ti the Reporter declares exprcssiy.that IT WAS 'HE who furniThed "Pro Pettis" with the grounds of ins.charge agairkt Gov. Rrr,:gra and slander IX Mr. Stem But 4o the eertificate, which triumphantly-nail= the base slander to the counter: • Thei undersigned members.of St. Ste phen's Ichurch, Harrisburg, do certify that ton the evening of the 20th inst. the vestry met at the House of James Peacock, and that +Rime time before. the meeting was erganized for businese, and in our presence who a e members of the vestry, Thomas H. Bu rowes, also' a meinber, staled that he wag sorrow -that he had to inform ,us of the lots of a pew 'holder, that Governor Ritner had been desirous for soirefiree to give .uP his pew, and take-one 'iri-Mr. ..Sprecher'4, and was not in the habit of • going to St. Stephen's. Mr. Burrower al so said that at his request the Governor bad co vented to hold thr pew till the irreg.: aeattirUe, when a change in the Rectorship being about to take place, he could with drau without exciting unplealant feelings. Mr. Burrowes then gave formal notice to • - the Treasurer . of the vestry (Mr. Peacock) that Governor. Ritner desired to give up his pew at the end of the current quarter. We also certify that nothingfurther took . place On the subject at the meeting inques tion, ad that Gov.. Ritner did not then or tit any !other time give written or other no tice to! the vestry of the intention CO give ' up hii pew; and also that neither Gov. Ritner nor any. of his family have been in the general habit of attending l'it..Ste phea's' church of. which be was ;a pew holder for itkaut twn years' and 4 Ott J.k NIES P&A )CK. . , BENJAMI. M.E. , ilarrisburg„ June 29, 1838. ;,! • In connection with the assertion f the " Reporter relative to Mr.-Parke, we,' ; ' 6 kW... Lice to..that gentleman, give the fo(leivittg :- - card from an extra Keystone of Satairday: TO THE PUBLIC. , • • . In the Pennsylvania - Reporter of l rfo-day is 'contained an article. which ti calaelste, to givit!the public an impleSsirinthatil had frinsished the facts coal:oiled -in thri info,- .-ollitionlof "Pea Pattie," in the lag Re porter., I immediately calla& up,.nll'?e-ed .. lon and learning that but few of thi Nl' • pers had been struck offend none set out; requested 49 correct it uveriny dwnr4igna.. lure. 'This twin denied- Wili:heMaiare that the-only facts I ever 6ommitnicOed to any body, were the same Contqinvil 4 - the certificate 'written by fir. - Burrow e# an 4 signed by Mr. PeacoCk tandamyefit; lo ~_~ ; .~..n..., ";~.. 1 I . ___,'-- _, ... Fitt, 1-144.110WIteljtaren shelestryst ilia paw,abqaWalloilitriiii; i sinned at the end of - Juneistnd alsoitheli& j the same titn Mr. IRO trlllo.4tie ' lhir pastor of th church,. mid+ was:going to , lease. When therefore the certificate was 'presented to !me, I very chh, eerfnlly signed it as contanking the Amur . rthe rase. I never to aay-bod that Mr. Stem 'had leave o rabsence- j on account of his ab olitionism, apdl nese heard from any mother source- than the communication o f 1, , Pro -Patri t o i s " _that the •fitivernor had made -the declaration that ' , be only held pewsinlchurehes where the Pastors -were abolitionists.'i 1.. BENI AMO -PARKE. tlarrisburg,-July 7, 1838. The fellotg genVernan have signed certificates 1 at they (although members. of the vestr y } never heard any thing about Gov. Ritnei's giving up hia pew : • •E. W. Re#BERTS, A. 0. !MISTER, - JAS.- WOODMAN, JAMES S,„ESPY, • GEO. 'W. LAYING. Thomas n. Burrowes, Esq. gives the facts of the,case in the subjoined -certifi cate. 9cflwas a$ my instancelhat Gov Ritner first took a pew, in St. Stephen's Church. His' reason for doing so 1 believe Was a desire to aid the congregation which was .then much ,4 debt.' Some tune IWO, per- laps a . ”.ar ?vhen learned•that the deb was nearly paidjhe wished to give up his pew, but etdnv earnest request conticitett to hold-it. iThe reason set forth in the certificate w Messrs. PeaC.ock and Parke was the onelassigued by nae, by his direr tion,for gi%ing ti;) the pew 4tt the "time he did; but I also underztand that another rea. son-: influenced him, which was that 1119 AID (MEDEA TO BE Nu DINGIER necessary, the church tieing out of debt. Phis how ever, I did g it state to the ieury, because I knew that the Governor did not wish to have any thing said about his generous contributionto the church, for such I be- lieve to be. Niis paying 114 e pew without using it. THOMAS H. BURROWS. Harrisburg, - June 30, ls3B. ' Mr..Richiard Drinker, of Luzerne coun ty., certifies liiat he was in the Governor's room on the '29th ofJune, when -the sex. ton presentcd the bill kir pew rent to the Governor, and that -he paid it, and said nuttiing aboin giving up his,pevv. The sea ton also certifies to the same circumstance. No one appears ever to have heard the Governor say that he "would hold no pew,, in a church the minister of which was. not' an abolitionist;' and such an assertion would be proved untrue by 'his holding as he does, pews in the P,resbyteriaii church of Mr. DeWitt, and Lutheran church of Mr. Smeller, NEITHER of whom are abolitionists. The 10114)wing proceedings oc.the westr are important. . . "At a meeting, of the vestry of St. Ste phen's church, Harrisburg, duly convened at the Howe of James Peacock, Eq. on the evening of July 5, Ib3B, All the members tieing present except one, their attention Was called to iC communication signed Pro Patria, and puttlished in the late number of the Reporter, . whereupon the vestry deemed themsthes called upon, in itirtice to the,, Idle rector the Rei. Na than Stem, to unite in the following decla• ration: First: That the in-inuationa made in the cotninunication of Pro Pattie, relative to the Rev. Nathan Stein, we wootas RITUARRANTRD RV TUE TACTB OF TUX CAS V. Secondly. That his seperation from the Congregation of St. Stephen's church Was entirely uts.olV2r 'VOLUNTARY ACT.; his resignation having been handed in nearly. three months ago when such a movement . would not have been thought of ay the Con; gregatiou. - Third' That the opinions ofthe Rev'd Nathan Stem on the subject of abolition, WERE -NOT THE CAUSE of the severat• which has taken place, an intention to visit Europe some time during the summer be ing the o:var REASON intimated fur his leav ing the congregation. s ' Messrs. Peacock and Buirowes were appointed a committee to wait on the Edi tors of the* Reporter and ask the immedi. ate' publication of the above proceedings, which all. Editors who May have inserted the'commenication ef Pro Pattie are re quested to 'transfer to; their columns. Extract .from the reunites. . JAMES PEACOCK, Pres't. Attest—A.' O. 11EISTER, Sec. protein Let the candid or. ALL PARTIES read the above. It proves the slanders of the op- 1 poiition about Gov. Ritrier's abolitionism “WEIOLLY .UNWARRANTED BY THE FACTS- OF THE CASE." We hope the press throughoat the slate Will he careful to titmice it at length. . Desperate,. indeed, must be the cause of that party that is nomPelled to resort to sueh.meams to sustain tteir sinking can :didate. ` ' - It is the majority the - loco Corot 'Berke County ig prteirely inied• for ' Mithfen. herr bet dith i ..Itir=of the antral Comntittre in! 1835. 'They !aimed a Majority in 1835 of 3.5 !—the}` re - toed - 07' Iris—leas than One Air of their eytini e: , That "their cal. en.latione ereinow made . ark 'ft triniilari'dali 4 and * that the reee4. will Vain Ch o . 151ithciderikidence Awhatner.cikalle platetiiiiii _itsfeigAittsiiiii bare , a reason to iddebt; —VA , ,idit, •L , '., , - Js* -- t`t : • '" n' - ','<,r. '.'. • -• - -,;,;;, t5 , ,,-: - *-'-far:MY o ,n - Wtetii - . 7 --.:, „... 4 't:.'-':' 'eitin-iii -4 ih r iiiiirli:lch help s to ail+, /ha - "lmre itmfingiteetwiety more; than a steidratte#denee at,tltetouse of worship, it rid- ptoper f vegard4or the'first day ofihe we . -fifvetrhead of a'family should go to c arch, en examplekto- its members; and every bunch of a family should go to, 'phu ckinirlitatiini of the example of pa- . rents whir-limed them and watched over thei• bt;st interests. Lounging in streets and bar-rophi on the Sabath, is abomin able, amideSeives execration; because, it lays ; the kmodatiun- of habilis which 'win one; body aid souL Many eyoung man can l l da - tethe; commencement of a course of , distappatioldwhich made him a burden to hitnielf and ahis friends, and 'an object of pity to his doemies, to his Sunday debau they. Idleness is the mother of drunken ne the Stibfiathis to young people, gen s eratiy, an idle day; therefore if it be not properly k4pt, it were better . struck out of isience. It is good to keep the Sab bath, because the laws of God and man ord in that!! it should beirept. The man the will nest abide by the laws is a bad mais—a bad man is a pea to the society pestiosociety [inlet be cut off; there fora, the Sabbath breaker must die fur his sina. qo to chtach—if you are a young man justl entered on business, it will establish your credi4 . What capitalist would not sniper -trus - t a new beginner who, -instead of r issipatiPig his -time, his character end his rminey,l-n dissolute company. attended to is burs ins-on week days, and on the Salpyttla amieireil .at the house of God.— Go to church, with contrite heart, and betiding a , lcriee at the throne of your nii keri, pour n` sincere thank offering fur the inei . cies of the past week: PO to church, ladies , and remember that religion most udorns the female ea:tr act - Tlx . e Fatuity Circle. From the ikew York Mirror. ' coNna.Artirs. 0 tin who know'at a lenient hand to lay S..fie - A on morrow's wound, and slowly thence— ,Southing tq sad repose the weary sense— Steitlest the lhog-forgutten pang away ; Th p e. would!' call my only hope at last, And thiniee—when thou hadst.dried the bitter tear that flow`ll in vain o'er all my surd held dear— I look'back on youthful stiffsings pest,' fu greet Bleb peaceful evening with a smile; As some lone'bird, at day'a departing hour, Sings in the sunbeam of the transient ahow'r, Forgetful;thiough its wings are wet the while:— But ah t how much must that pour heart endure, Which hopes from thee, and 0140 alone, a cute ! it has been observed by a distinguished divine, thlit in order' to obtain a proper sense of the irgir ern - Lance of tiny spience, and of the worthy iyed beauty of the objects it embraces, nothing mare islnecessary than the intent and persevering study of them; and that such is the consummate perfec. than of all the works of the Creator.l hat every -in. -qqirer discovers a surpassing worth, and grace, I and dignity wthat special department to which he has..peoul arty devoted his attention. What. ever.the, wa k of philosophy on which he may • enter, that will be the path which of all others will appear tp him the most enriched by all that it fitted to captivate z the intellect and write the iinagination,'_ l . "Yet, before we can attain that elevation frorn which'we may look down upon and cilmprehend;the mysteries, of the natural world, otlr way mink be steep and toilsome, and we most lama to read the records of creation in a strange lahgnage. But when this is once acquired, it be. comes a mighty instrumental thought, enabling qii to link together the phenomena of past and fe -1 tdro times, 4nd giving the mind a domination offer many parts of the natural world, by teaching it !to comprehend the laws by which the Creator ties ordained that the actions of material things shall be .governed." in the whole circle of the sdiences, theretr, perhaps, none that more strik idnly illustrates the force and`truth of these re. marks, thanilgeology; none whose language is more. mystelous, yet which offers to its votarits rdwards so rich, so wondrous, and inexhaustible. In the shapeless pebble that we tread upon, in the rode mass of rock or clay, the uninstructed eye *mid in vain seek for novelty or beauty; like Ithe adventurer in the Arabian story, the inquirer finds the cavern closed to his entrance, and the trick refusing to give up the treasures entombed . within its stony sepulchre, till the talisman is ob ligated that den dissolve the enchantment, and an. fold the wondrous secrets which have solong lain hidden.—Mantell's Wonders of geology. -. NUF.lsfarir OF CONTROLLING FA prond;irritabl,e, discontented and quarrel acme person, can never be happy. He has thrown a tempestuous atmosphere around himself, arid must forever move in the regiewof storms-- Hp has employed pure means to •embitter life, whatever may be his external circumstances.-- He has beep the architect of his temper, and Misery must, be the resell of his labour. But a person who'has formed his temper and disomi. dens of mine alter a right model—who is hum ble, meek,clieerful and contented ? can commonly find a convenient shelter when (Wenn ken by the storms of Wit. It should therefore, be our early lesson to subject the passions, appetites and de sires, to the 6warol mitt gdance of reason. The first. are the gales to im pel us in the voyage of life, but the :last ought still to sit at the belie, and direct our course. The strafe', when it slow. lit dfteendaiwith a hoarse murmur from the ntountain and ripples ,through the plain adorns aiid enrichet the scene; but wheel: rushes down it} a roarifigland impetuous torrent, overflowing Hbanks, It ? carries., devastation and ruin dlong With it: so, ;When the passions, appetites and de, sues," are k ep t under duo restraint, they ate a ulleful and , licitating part of our nature; but When they e allowed to rage with unbridled. filryi they crimmit fearful ravages on the chars& ter which thhy were fitted to adorn and exalt. We Oust - watell'Oyer the movements of the heart acid notiuddlge, with secret complaceneY, to im„ aginations Which wo would he ashamed to stow. Il we wish tareeetreana-of life to be pare, it ought t 4 be our with to' preserve the fountain whence it 4wwunpellititd. s•Keep thy heart with ail dili nett-Tor orit.ofit are the issues is: life." -. VICE AND V/WC& That the. - person or he' . 14 , 110- perform, Ir dty by_etoeyincLheirrill ' of tlyr - cceicre - 00,440 .viiiints person, or h e , wticrltoii liotiitiohliNnlint is mitedstoqxby;reatonsad,Cothielad6Cl6l6. - eot-ti , 71911i, " . litfelity — are trotbi so'obrtimsti- - . - lEEE ligroarifixer. br G3OLCOT 7 a ITILSA.L TA,7 r. Valli . iitivis4am' , eintiiiied fobsiffietthOtelmt age. • Ail ineft, indeed:el:Cm *greater (mica de gree of nessinesseq_ptim husijustrixtuouiman exiled:: wit failse: thiii:the VicTilits. ''' , Thert cat i r mates a lime - joys which the trieral - cdrislitution of his nature impart.: the lastnot only loses - Moe: joys!, brit sufferer the miseries! flowing froth a dis approving Mind. The good person also -enjoys the esteem, and affection of his tellow-men e -- 1 Gook at: two cbapacters ; the one is pious, upright humane, temmabrand it:di:Arlo:it; the other is irreligirium, unjust, malignant, treacherous, indo. lent asid debauched. Which of those two imuld you choose .for your friend ? To which of them would- you -commits triatif? Alt men Blatantly, soil with one voice, give the preference to the virtoone character. They esteem him; they love him; they wish him well. But the vicious person is the übjecief their contempt or detestation. TRUE LADIES. “The true lady,” says Dr. Cotton Mather, in hie Essays to do,Good, "is one yr holeeds the poor and relieves their indigence; the original mean ing of the term implies one Jobe distributes bread. In the days of primitive Christianity, ladies of the first quality would teak out the sick, visit bespi. tale, see what aid they wanted, and assist them with an admirable alacrity. What a 'good report' !tare the mother and sister ofWastanxen obtained from hie pen, for their unwearied bounty to the poor ! Empresses themselves have stooped to re. have the miserable, and never appeared so great as when they thus stopped." Verily there are prayers in alms; and, "is, not this the fast that I have . chnsen, saith the Lord." The expression of thr beggar at-ong the Jews was, "deserve something by me;" among us it might be, obtain ' ed !•something by me." • US= "I I" religion," says Law, is his Serious Call to a Holy-Life, ••commands ua to live wholly unto God and do all his glory, it is because every other way is living wholly against ourselves, and will end in our shame and confusion of face." Mankind too frequently wed opinioox, and, having taken them- •• for better or.vvorse," con cairtrit a point of bonnet to maintain them ever after; though Reason and Truth aim for a divorce. POTTSVILLE. SATURDAY MORNING JULY 21, 18:18 Or Pamphlets. Checks. Cards. Bills of Ladrng. and of every descriptum. neatly printed at this (fay at (Acton:eta cash yrices. Committee of Correspondence for the Borough of Ponsvillo. Smooch). Leib. George lieial.r, Esq. • John ileffoer, • B njamin 'Bantam.. James•S'illyman, Jr. Geary Stager. k:nt. John T. Werner, Andrew B. White, . Samuel Harm. . . Let the People, Remember that DAVID U. PORTER voted in the senate last AVin ter to instruct our .SenalOrs and Representatives in Con gress to vote in favour of the odious and infamous Sub- Treasury Bill. slow is your time Mir News. • The. Miners Journal' will be furnished until the election, at the low rate or Twenty-live Cents For each subscriber--or 25 copies week lyfor 85. Notice to all indebted to this Establish. 'av g.—W e mould respectfully infurm all indebted to this Establishment, that we are bu.ily engaged in making out their bills, which we hope they will be prepared to meet, promptly. We would also inform them, that we made but few collections at the Commencement of the present year, of teat year's arrearsgee, owing to the 'pressure of the times—in consequence of which we are sorry to state, that we.our selves are now pressed, so that we are under the necessity of requesting► all in debted.to us, locall and pay their bills with as little delay as possible. Our distant friends' will please also to make their re mittances without delay. . A Collector will wait on those tesiding in this Borough. Off' From all parts of Schuylkill Coun ty, we continue to receive the most grat ifying intelligence of the prospects of our worthy Farmer Governor, "-Old Joe."— Ritner has ale aNs been a- favorite with the Farmers of Schuylkill County, and nothing but party trammels prevents them from supporting him in -a mass; Now is the time, fellow citizens, to throw off these party trammels, which have been riveted on you by a ,few deeigning demagogues, for the purpose of procuring office. The cry of "turn coat" is now shorn of its ter rors—thousands are bursting their fetters, and comity , out manfully in favor of Joseph Ritner and the prosperity of the Country, all over the State. It is more honorable to be a "turn-coat" now, than to be linked to a party, whose measures are now con demned and 'rejected by the people through out the whole country. tr - r. We observe the names of two persona on the list of certifiers to the cha racter of David R._ Porter, •in Hunting,don County, who state that they hive:known him for the last 20 year!, who resided in this Borough but a few weeks ago We, also learn that a• number of the other sign ers have been•in Huntingdon County but a. short time, ,ttinl same •of thorn -*nil not even naturalized citizens. ,Gotten, indeed; •must be the character of that mantwho is Compelled to resort to such means to Trop it' upk- . • • , Otr•We tire authorized to state l. bi the gentleman, who Ia charged with ..hadting out of a bet-01,8200 -On the election of Jo• seph Ritner i that he - withdrew iliel,heti,he• cause his friends advise# him to tlelso; and not bet with estroiliegiPedlar. 111 has "AM nuthorised us-to-state that, the i1i21710 ere t l eiidy - to bet with enriiiiperreth for s ter Alan on the same Opedilione t . Nip is folk, e; ; r;,~ ; ~ ;; y;,; a t Beat rigo i n eationt-.' fa. is a Pal/F. l tie is con cabletor-Itereral tea; sone. 'lt might be. sufficient to say that it is prohibited;brihe - Jamerthe , land, to Condemn- it - iirlhe *etiolation 'anti -:who desire to see-thelawa Tesilectedami tobeY.. Independently, ..however; ,of t his .con sideration, •it 'is, It practice often highly Mischievousin ite coneequenees. It often happens that neither4taily can afford to rose the - tinaiteir%tiked,- when one or the rither'innst Ase.r r - The-lass frequently falls upon the familyo the latter — the inno , emit wife and children, wl may suffer treat a Want of the ordinary comforts and Necessaries of life-in consequence of the bet—nay their very daily bread may be taken out of: their mouths by the better, staking the hard earnings of his and . their honest industry. Bin if bets were confined to those only who could afford to lose the money they stake,-stilt the • practice is da inverous! Betting on elections often leads e ' to bettingon horse-races, and bet ting at cards and other. games. The.man who loses on en election, may be tempted' to redeem his-loss by betting - on something else; and thus gambling in its- worst form commences—and with all its train of at tendant evils, vices and' crimes. There are some who imagine that beniare indt cations of the - strength of candidates.— Whenever, however, an equal bet is made, I the inference or success deducible from such bet, tsjust. as wren,* .on one side as the other. Nothing , call) be more fella cious thaw to 'suppose that:this is a test of the strength' a candidate. -It -may be an evidence of the strengtn of a propensity to- bet on both sides—but nothine. more I -Aug if, when' an-unequal bet is made, such as two to-one, it may be but a trick to produce the idea 'Of-strength - , whire no re til strength etOsts or at most, it (114 proves that one man is willing to Ask more , than another, from - some cause or other best known to himself. No good to either side results from it. 'Lotteries have been sop , pressed in our state, and we think betting -on electifins next demands attention. Reading and Philadelphia Rail Road. —We have heard complaints with respect to the charges for passengers on this rail road, which we feel it out duty to state. There are two passenger cars employed on this road, in one of which the fare.is $2 and the other $3. The difference in appearance between the cars is blight-, and there is no difference in accommodations. This is the ground of dissatisfaction. It is thought that s2too,is high enough fur either, and if the Company are disposed to make distinctions, it would be better to provide lirditiaiy covered cars, and reduce the fate in such to $l. By the : present -arrangement,. the fare through isjust the same as it was before the_ completion of the rail road. •The advantage :justly ex pected from rail road• travelling, is not merely. an "increase . of speed, but a reduc• tion'of price. Weintilte these-remarks in a spirit of perfect good feeling to all inter. ested. The Louisiana Election has terminated in the most gratifying and triumphant manner to the Whigs. Our readers will find the returns in another column.. It will be seen that the Whigs have elected their Governor, all the members of Con gress, together with a large majority of the Legislature. , National Bank and a Sound Currency" was the rallying, cry. The Van Burenites are aghast!--their ' cause is now absolutely desperate! Lou isiana has taken the lead—she will scion be followed by Missouri. The ciample she has set will be imitated by a large majority of her sister States. We rejoice to bee at length the triumph of sound principles, and evidences of the - sure overthrow of corruption and ty,raony. The country is now thoroughly. alive to the importance of the issue between the "Gov ernment and the People." That the peo ple will no longer submit to a system of corruption and , tyranny, is now manifest. The acts of those who pretend to etercise the powers of government, have signally 'failed in the Louisiana Election. We shall now see a seriedinl- unparalleled tri umphs and victorieirgorn one.end of the 13ciion to the other.` in- There is not a re artstoctatic family in the State of, Pennsylvania, than the Porter family—and they have nearly all grown grey„in, office. Peter B. Por ter, of Laniinste,i, now deceasedovho was appointed ,Go.vereor of stichi g anJ l Gen. Jackson, when he visited. this State, drove a carriage-and four horses, thus aping the nobility. of England—ind • should David .R." Porter, who now boasts of his wealth, after cheating honest - laborers out of their daily pay, be elected - Governor of Penn sylvania, he no:doulit will he seen also ri ding about in biscarriage and f l our. How different .from the- republican simplicity- of our-excellent former Governot; Joseph , Ritner. • TeinpeianceLechire.—On Wednesday 'evening the lith inst. a Temperance Lec Lure was delivered •hy the Rev. W. Ruw 7 land, editor or the "Cyfaill," New York, to a respectable. congregation at theiCal vinistic methodist'S Chapel, Pottsville.- - We are glad to ; announce that the . Tem.' pet:Anew' 'Worm , ha s. commenced in this neighborhoodamongst_ WfFsh - -tesidOnts, in the enlistment ..of.3~ , :tper ‘ nWsi):olhe impartial ty..tottil:l4titteaTtpyily this small beginning increatwa - Aihtitigand folds: ' =I •. ,, ,Ttifti4rj,"l l . 6 o" Fit .man is , • f'l,4,lwrit .„I.IIA. 1" ;41itenti# Cifikise'ye.be‘ween they words,-a•'.BREAD, or-NP 0:Y. - No' nun can'be , , rnerasuresof Martin VanhO same Filpptiit:Davla we.li#quetitty hear person yin Buren ;man, but 1 in David 'LlN:ker." . fiere I advocating - and Supporting d tires s , ,belongipe.to•the stoo l radicals detested , Sub l Treasury 13 . Bank—and the success of t upon The success of the 4th ofiuly Porter Conven i ll burg • Reaulved,.. That we h, denee it; the, talents, inivgr /icon principles of Mar President of The United" St Can you identify these they are identified already, infamous in thsir conception! can in principle—and whiehl (electing with indi#Oation our widely extended countr no' man . etin support the on portin g the l ather; no ma! Dania it Porte ,tvith.) Martin an Bore*. .Governok Ritner was de of the stupid -Porterites to , of the Shinplaster Syste, whichfirSt sprung op in th. of - M i ssissippi. •New, Rituer ha, I,ssned his Pr ishing-theM from the - State' Ling them to the flames, declare it Lobe a stopici ac fustian a nt:nperisical damn of them even go so fur as a .resumption of specie pa the worst thing that could . country. The people. can -the honesty and Sincerity ites. Verily, we believe, leaders weldd sell their di fit'"the party." Row can the Muhfenbi srupport Porterl---W hen the Convt tat nom. mated Mtihlenbere- for G assets. bled at Lewistown, David irter, , an office holder under Gov, visited Lewistown, and denominat members alba, Ciinveiition "traitor party," and heaped upon them ill 'Sive and vile - epithets he could thin ~. Vet this man now calls upon these:t' itnie to a. lect him Governor at P ti.ylvaoia. If el elected, no hlublenhere m RneediezpOet office from him. It iittl - 6 uniting that as soon as ex• Governor % of to 4 pos• s r r.ession of the-office of Cott it 4 r of the Port `of Philadelphia ; he turned e t ry Midden. - berg man mit of office. 1 ; • ,11 1 In Union. trlnship, Hu . ty, where it was stated thall get all the votes- but tiro o serve by therlast Iluntingdoi a large meeting .or the fri: Ritner has been held ih th The ,rneeting was, orgapii ointment Of a President, debt", and 5 Seeretarjes—a of 40, whose names all ap pointed to report , resoluti. pears to be ho lest? than 5 ner, without taking into co, balance of the meeting, w abo'ht SO to' 100 persons. the assertions of the Porter i f wo's, nom's your Cha Judd Dollars Is ready. at any Loco who can prove that the State Debt has . one cent since 30ettit Ett. elected Governor of t e we know you' are. fond of you don't swat . get'the 3101 will think that yeal.are t niti-i to lying, When you 4 assert Debt has been increased an of ikree tallions dallars,si der has been in (trice. A letter from a l gentlem.4;in t flirt! County, to 'a gentleman uph, states-that Ritner brill=carr tat County "all hollow," and winds up Ibi,f saving, "if You heve anY. money. to sint4 bet! it on old Jog—you can ; make m 64, iha way, than•by carrying inn bff-ind I the (big tienes.' We are tiipPost'd't s'ind hope the advice given will n t ful &red: The author of the above I t r hit ..P 1 1V• elled through a number oft VV rn carries. Berko ofu ti.otejrues• -1 lculate on Poiter in titer thou ' A Porter man trO . M.lteltik County,declared day last, t hat th e y dikpot more than 1500 rialoftt3;*i Berke: Wei-won'tigiiote. sand rnajorkti,...; in Witidiiir ton/nithi ; 'B Joseph - 4jt.o4 ‘ ttotily •' . . i but y'art;-'Ot 4 lttr tin )13(K icon 6) OctoWL! 1 - ,: htitiniiifrieeiv - AndltiltiOti ':'-i Stich ti pin 't •,o:',"iloettie 4- Oinset ii Secretor, ' - giviti*deis• to the disburst ;thl7oO k i idliia . y out Ike mon ;ilitotif hy.tneans of checks. itniftSubarensurY , - . '.6,....... , ,, , , , ,• ' t 0 '2'l= g - "' -Cheese in manufaitured' • a, laboring Work fllve L rtY. _ i m other AD. 'ed:Jo the at'the t,i..orier—yet Vl i am no' 41 !e . upport a ; a - tee men lei ame Meant • ' e ri i . ! . 1'; a; b i; o ol Y r ta4t et 1 -k - H t . o r a: f e b a in ° : b th :T h it 4_ lip at 'Harris si t full; eon". i r andirrpbb. i n . , I fir l un.! Buren . t s. I e' mere thin 12=1 nil-republi• I . li people are iyeiy teart of Wc-RVot, ;irithoureup. an 'cupport ttsvpporging. • • afidiiy some b 4 the!aut hot '4—a litystem i distotte State /til Giivernur to inn. ban. I od enottoii: ht„ Poyterttes --ithe prude. an —and some u klechrre that .oots . will be h ppen to the t nw .judge of )1 'the Porter. kt half of the :o belie. ii)gdorvCoun. troiterl woof(' tCiree l i r e Pb . .. ourrihl. that J o s of . Joseph' t own hip.— dOv he ep iceii.Presi. d committee w+re e ap• ~ 1 4 !fere ap. Auer; r'Rit r stern ' on the nu bered o, m ch for, 1 4is bu. g t , h 7fo u r . • , due ments lin in rensed in' r. .ha been tale. itoces, >nay, 1 and if I % Ihe Ipeople rEwfull given hit th State 1 • unity upwards I cill.loseo Rit• ii :. MI 3 • • rife dottitty, 41" otei! three f uestlay of twter. 40 h re. - ! '; 4 11 of4o4liiiip hoihisMOokst Pbtatoes