El ellei VOL. .1. , PRINTED A 'D PUBLIID. F: 8 - y11E144:I-MIN HA. NAN. azzas-winntz*, • Tulin 5101 .tans axe Furry C per lumen. grayableeenti-annually in advance. r a nt paid 'With in the year. Si will be charged to al those who i se c eeive the paper free of puma, ge. To ail subscribers Emir annum. If not paid within th year, 50 cents • will be added to the price orsubscrip ' n. , • . - .• WEEKLY.i • ' Two Dos.s.a.an per annum . payable aemsenanall 'in advance limit-paid within thd year, se, 50 w 4l be ehartteci Adverusementsnek exceeding twelve lines wit' be -.charged $1 for three insertione—andteems for one insertion. Larger ones in PrOrnio rtEAll advertisements will be *nee until ordene oat; enteerthe time Air whtth they are to be•contipme is siniteiftedtaild will be charged atcondingdy: Ye tidy acvertisereyill be charged 412 per annum; including antweriptionlo the paper—With the privilege of V. eeputi one advertisement not exceeding 2 squares sum ling during the year. and the insertion ofa =link er one In each pitirr, for three auccesnive times. All lervers addressed to the editor wit be postpaid. otherwise no attention will be paid em. . ' Ail novices for meetings.-&e. an - they noiic4s which have heretofore been insert gratis. will be target 25 cents etch. except Miirnages and Deatha. - IRON & STEEL STORE. Tali subscribershave eonsttly on hand • .a.;, full assurtment - of e on prising Round and Square bon from 3--!6th up to 6 inches di ameter; aft True 3-16th by No. 4.. W. G. up to 6 in. by in4beiler, flue and Sheet, iron of best and quality. suitable for lioictr car bodies or sehutes; rail road iron I i by I, li by is 2 by and 41 by . f. They are also prepared to receive orders to import Rail Road Iron upon the most advantageous teratiln large quautitier, also rail road-car axles. . A toll assortment of Steel, comprising-east and shear steel—American and &which blister Steel- German and sating steel, and round Iron 'end octagonal steel for drills. \ • " MORRIS & JONES, S. VI. corner Market and Sr. huylltill Seventh St. Philadelphia, /one 41,183 i. ,19-6 mo IaMIMERTON BOARDING SCHOOL. r _ mem. Yaw SIITSKINTWuIkiNC/".07 ')-• ERROR UMBER. Teackers.—Asunsu. Kistamt, Maas Ka*w M*l.llla Kinms.„ Gseractis Kislaza, Assistant deader.--SIMLIGAS B. Hcaur f .. IN this Seminary. Females a instructed in A. Needle Work, Spelling. Reading, Writing, A , rah mettc,Dook Keeping, Algehr ,English Gram. mar, Composition, Geography . . istory, Chronot ocy. Butaor. Natural Phil. y, Chemistry, Drawing. Painting. and the Fre ch. Language. TERMS.—For Boarding and union. except tag Lb? three last panted tislanotten, One Hundred ant-Forty Dadra a year, pa) stile quarterly in advance. For Drawing. Painting; and he French Lan guage. Fire Pollan a quarter dditional, each branch. Waahing charged at 3'4 teens a &nen, and , Books, Stationary. Ac. at the st Prices. Beds-and Bedding, the use of the Library and Class Books, area famished to pupils without charge. - Vacations, in the Fourth a Tenth months, and to the Scholars who do 'n remaia at the Sehool, this tone is not charged For further information, Pa nts and Guard ians are respectfully referred to Edward B. Hub lee. Orarkgsburg; Joseph F. Car 'ell, Port Carbon; John M. Lewis, George M. Jen tine, Puttartlk; or to John a 11. schuox ia eti xve, bear roil chnum—in who*, hare dal at Kimberton School.ot . JuneKt 55. lan Novld Candy 4112 Sites Mould (imam r "menu and fir gala by the sea ps co 'Po twine, July 14, 1133 d. Gilding.! A.QUINi Looirucc-ct..4._%• and Pie! er. Drat door to Mr. John street. Old Frames to eldt in oar, and at the awned noises spell $8 A -- CAR SUMMER 91RO JOIL' SIL H TVIERS pleaseite to in • oehtie. that tre enotioaree the, — Peassylvaera Hag:" in • bat Past septum* far keepsig a Eibairess.*Fred 4W-el the .' to th e same eof busaiess. sod may went w eastosaaece of thew *Ss ,11.13: 1 1 SILVER has made arra Rebell lid .of the -Comas° Third at Philadelphia For i delve:toes seined the Pk • • - • Ovid; the Slower swami of Rai* ale.. 001 d. . FCC • Canted de de • Fried ale • eepEOM, : dib Ogee.lir/it Sde Lobetere. Sarduiee. item& Padded Salim% Sowed Orden. • Oki Madeira Was, pet Old Pale %eery Webs. . OFd Brew de • - Old Pan • Cdd Lisboa de • use. Matn)a ra Som. 14491Wa.Slarlis Seders liputseats are &brays Partgaioke. aid those Irbeo can every sneabea. Pbetta*Aby NEWT & Riurd T sabookilmus wiesid - • thE plabbenfilatt bs has era, bait sad iiigmbetre. - • A'mu'se„ Esgiiislatu Ira k Resod irate assented • minana aid EWA Sturni %cos, Iltimiumbel! • • Out Sad haat, cimpsog mad .ad giikesoardrar with a eicad_hat 31 , 1 !agesty, all of whisk Pm's. I .9.prEl 9 MN 1 - • ' _ I wu4. Ica you:armaments vx.t.i C i s THE ZO:ralqin af.lXO,PErtr+) BOOT - i ERY BANYAN has • rnetileq n ,floek otidkj_lllind . cry in connecti. • _with this• gt,w , ..e. where all Ainds of Boots &maid ' the shortestnotice at low Take. 3• Blank 800 s &c. ' of every description made to et it, the loireit ratcs—arol plied the trade iWp Wholesale at hide delphia prices. April!' Benjamin . AV: eiannning, .41TTOJEGII0 o r IICIAS rimmed his ee centre Street, op. A•u-posite the Brick Ba ldm of deorge 11. Jen nings, where he will attend to ail . businise' en trusted to him in the Seib of , profriition. Oct 2t 411.0. Lotzs c. WILL be sold- m CAIN. a lid situated on William in • is borough, adjoin ing the Lot on which ke - now building dwelling house. Th lot • 55 feet front on William Stzeet, by 110 = t seep. Apply to May 30 41 • f B. HANNAN.' cauma4 Books GUIDR, a Key to Paradise, True Piety, Cattiolic•Piety, i • Decay Poor Alan's Cateciaiam and . • Small Catechism. -t )ust received and for de by" R:BANNAN: Dec 23 5-- EXPRESS LINE Or STAGES. ruHE Proprietors of this IliveXwhich has brew fitted up in a superior rininner fur the-accom modation of the Trundling Oominunity.) reeved. fully announce to the Radii that .tha UM will positively commence nonnurg tetereen POTTSVILLE 4 PHILADELPIPA. as Wedaesday the 2d if Mey, and Will Continue to leave their office at the PeoasyLvertis Bell,, Pattand/e, daily at 6 O'clock, A. M. and at nve in Philadelphia, at 6 B'd:et P. M. at the , followirg l rates of Fare: , • To Oneigsborg, t 00 50 ••• Port Clinton. Hamburg, 1 00 • Reading. 700 Pottstown. 9 00 Trap, - 3 624 • Norristown, . 450 .. Philadelphia. 5 00 For Seats apply at the Pennsylwida Pottsville; Merin floret Reading; and at their O'Sce. No. 25, North Fourth Street, Pniladripbri. -MINTZER* Co. PealieSl9ll. S .441' L. oir ENSH 1 N E., Phila. • ' • EV.4...NS Si.C.4LDW ELL„ Ds. May 4 Rapider.. ROYAL COLLEGE OF Si /?ur,oxs - • Le \ Day. Mistsln's, Pills. TE Onginal Bygehin Universal Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. ?RISKIN, E.q, Alembee of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ltecu tiate of Apothecaries Coiipany, Fellow of Boa (inert Society. Surgeon to the Koval Union Pat sine An... Betatro- Lancaster place, Waterloo Bridge; and Peepetuall Pupil uf Goal's and St 1 Thomas fiospaals. : LOcdon. These pills having gauged &celebrity impend- Wee in every section of the Union., are now coo ;Ordered by all thuseiwbo shoe good health, lades portable as a family meifietne-r-patroniaed by a nevem= body of the mast eminent. Physicians troth in this, cpurtry aid ip Europe,—is eatficierit it is presumed, to stamp limy character in the era timeline of every ibitsling man, and& is hoped. a far better neconimetidatton than the course re sorted to by ignorant and treprtocipled pretenders, who to mi-dead and decree the public. pubbial what they call praeticul proofs-and certificates of Cares, that exceed all hoeinds erratic/nal medibil. rte. and west of which, ifintit all, are either grass fahrroations, or procured II lured audOXllliranCle. The editor °Oahe Long ` island Farmer, says "This medicine has obtained an unprecedented degree of well preterred popelarity. Having tak en these pills ourselves to adrantage and whom,- ed their tenefiesal effeets ion others. we base gm hesitation it. recommendinethem Soda public is a safe. salutary and weird family medicine" I • *None are genuine Without the signature rof t the * General Arent coo thellahel, by whom the a. hove medicine is imported into this country,. JNO: tiOLBEIN. 129 Waverly' Places, Getel Agent tier U. S. A supply of tbe above lliedicisme jest receired ' and for wile by B. BADMAN, 50-6. • • ea Contsivi . at inaaufitriur EL LI 3R 7Z. L - OE 12! re Frame Gild eßarnao's, Lyoe - neater-% man -12-3aao =I ER, Ws friends aad tine RzrEcroaT uader • - He tapes reaieetable - • Ec~l~- of s years, a dean to please; Amon and paella- th with Mt No. 44. Nardi limply or an tbe =Tibet can afoot N I 30 " \ 130 I 30 , 313 100 ! Oft 371- =I Eilia gm ".777 I • 1 to him Sarcoma put' ear 131aciiii +tad Bead • Oise. ikEiy. Cl I' sad A. M. Sakitkeis anionareat heoldid at fib' I • CLATICK • 'ice y. ~._••......._,....„..,..:,...___, _:-, 0 ---.?,•-•• . • , . . ..... .._ , ' _...., 44,.. . . , , . '•-. 1 . 1.- 1 \ ':.4:111:11 'IP -- : VILIM OMBRA-LA: IFERTIS R': - ' 1 -- -'' - '''. l".."' f. :'-' .: I '''''' * .-- . 1 i "‘ '''.... '' . l _•. ' .. - . 1. :. -- - ' "-- - i-4,:::'' - ''2 . 4 -- —'' '''' . '' ' ''' .77, ' 'P.' ':'':".: 1-- - - : ; . ... 4:.- - . V 'eji : ; i-`,:i.,, , '.._i - 1 1 :'= , :: , - .7* - ;: f . ... 3, - , + , ... 4 .". 4. - ,. ....Y ., .I, :ri t r.,, ,,, ,, : ,,„,...,,,, : ,A, , „ : ,,, t , ~.. ; 1 1 . 4 : ..: .1" : • •', • ' ' - -•-• .. -' ! . . :-.. i ''' '' , i 1. ' ''' •• '• I . ''''. ' 'Ai -Z,, :i;: ,. : "1 7 , ,i ; ..`..., ..i ' ':, n ' ~ : i :'''. .• - -.. 1 ' I 1 1 1. - 'sou 4eutfor Schuytkill ecTty_ July 16 Proposals. Patoros us •di be! remised b y the Geo otateiosers of Comsty at their of- Gee is the botottet of 41:proiretterg. our illeoderf the 30th ofJely. 108. fie r biAtieg a one arched Bridge across the user Scireytkitl. at 3liddlepart. with too nose abouseate. The Bride to be roofed and weather-twarited. and will be 50 fret keg; ooor to be IA feet idioms los metier twee— the passage to be 1.6 feet side sad IS feet sak . To be eacoarsete4 epee' the plea titbit 11011 Ham" Bridle 10811LEP OS3IA I K BENJAMIN POTT.' B'3ll. L. BOUGIEMPL Oiirigebeerg. Jeer 16 46- rirr i srniger p_laSi , ll . lo:nse sad fts Olard Gensaii pkia„ Octave Chnaile. Fhkrollf. raga atilessaras. !bine ai4 - IIMP4mr. GOO Stnags„,, , Irian apm—ezirt . oo46 . • - ropeetrear islnZ w in - .sue. bit Meek. MI may S. IS*. IMM!I MMM E'E MG 'Boo ' 1 very 10*.,. r.-- goit , Bow . ,offersl.93resais the ibilese v ii?s a" . standard works•at ilea very low guns, Hume. SOMfleti ond Mb?" England. r • 4 vols. Ibeep„ with plates slo 00 Clarke'sVeiomentary, 4 vols. sheeP, 12 00 W'eslers Waal 10 vols. evonpkte, . "11.00 Buck's Theolog cal•works. 6 vols. sl,. 41* Scutt's Bible and Commentary,c3 • sheep, ! 1. . - 600 Byron's works, Elearharne'sEditioa4p, 4 25 ; Rollin's e t .History, 1 voL Deirbomelt Edition with-Maps 1, plabin. ~ • _ . . .. • . - -41 25 , JOllephllll 1 . ti)l. 'f ., :th plates 1 225 Marryau'" vror v ecimplelh. 1 vol. -- 1 - 3 25 , Moore'._ via4ks, 'lraq Wiwi!, . ' , 225 Borns Irak". , • . . " I 2,00 ••• Cowper aoThompson's works', '. . 1 25 lers 2 CO Barden?* Viilsie'Setmons; '''' " ! •., 2 00' DoddrsdgN Family Exposktori 1 350 Encyclopedia oFGeormith.Y. ll 'yob- wilt 1210 cots and 100 Maps,. • lO 50 Fox's Book of Martyrs. with fames, . 225 McKeoxies 5006 Eeceipt. i l 1 37 Together with a variety of other 800 s 0 very low rates, to snit the times. . • joly 1 MS HAZZARD & STRAUCO'S:. WHOLESALE AHD :RETAIL Dry-Goods, Grocery :and Li .- gook Store,• • • Carrier of Centro and Market &redo koltsrille„ April 8 • 28— . pißOCL.ll.3ll.ATlOlifw—lietice is lieteby given .1.• that a Court. of Common Pfau. for * trial of causes at isaue. is and for the county of behailkill4 will be held at Oterigsburg, in the county aforaaid, on Monday the 234 day of July neat, at 101eciockin the'farenoott. • • 'j i Therefore all'persous basingerits pendikt and all persons alake duty it shall be to ammr at paid Comm. will take notice and govern themselves accadingly. IPETER F. LUDWIG,SheM . SAirics*e. Ckvisbarg. I :, - luxe 31:LATM: . 50- ll t 3 Puratat attendance iscfarecaded "cil tae Juror! and Witnewat amazed to mired this Ckacit. N SOL% ENT DEBTORS--THE isabecnberi I have apphed to the ;lodges of the Coon of Com, moo Pleas of Stbuyikill county. for the benefit of the several Actual' Amicably paned for the'ie iefof ln. solvent Debtona;& that the said Judges have appointed Monday the 30thilay of July wen. at 10 cielock in the keen:low. at the Coen Hasse. ianrwigatiorg. for the bearuql of us indoor creditors. when and "bete the} may a wail if they ihialt Qeoper- JACOB LINDEMMITTIL HENRY ANSPACH,. • JOSEPH HUGUUs• MICHAF.L UNDO' DANIEL BRITTON, Jr• THOMAS MILL• CHARLES CHWTER, GEORGE W. SHAW, Jaee 30 30- PROCLA u hTlObli—W . berms the honor** Calvin Divine. Enquire. Preeitent of 11 0 several Courts of Common Pleas cir c le cocottes of Dauphin , Lebanon * hod Sehoylk m Penn and justice of the several rts of Oyer and Termioer and General Jail Delivery, in counties, and Geroge Reese and 'hair' rali. &quirts. judge, of the coati of Oyer and Tei. ruiner and General Jail Delivery. for. the trial - Of all capital and other offenders. in the tied county of Schoylkilt—by , their weettev to me direete?, trued at Ourtgeborg. the 30th diy of Jude 163& hare ordered the Court of Oyer and Tent er and General Jail Delivery , to be hoick= at - erigeborg, on the tau Monday, at July next. leg the 30th of inid month.) to cfatume , week. Notice is therefore hereby given. loth* reprimP' the iosirces of the peace. and constables of the said county of Schayleill, that they; are by - the said precept commanded to he then bad there It ten-o'cloek, in the forenoon of said eat, arab their tolls, reenrda. inquisitions, esaustona. and ill other remembraoces. to do those Mop. which 'to their offices app(ritain to be done. and all More that are bound by rersortisonees„ b pisreecrile against the prisoners that are, or then shall be to the jail of county of Schuylkill, are to be then and these to proseesse them as ilia be : PETER F. Lunwiti. Sheriff • Sheriff's Office, Orwigsturty, j- June s 30. I 813. j 561 Oa *roe air Csinesitires4L. N. B. The witnesses and jurors *ho are We mooed to attend said Court, are retionned to serve puomeany. In case of non-amodwboe, the hoe in such mum made and provided win be enforced. This notice is peldisbeil bf partiedlar order of the Court. Acne concerned win dwiefote stories< ittecosehos accordingly. TAPUYAS ELIXIR For the tastaahtnesos case of THE TOOTH ACHE;• Diseorened and lintocht to its cres4st ocrfectio' BY MONSIEUR CEA BEET. This is to acetify that I base tried sour Tapley as Maw in several casesofTanth Athos la shied , I have eettainly found it of eery treat, service. • J. UOVEY, , illetatser of the Royal egeoporgepod. Loodon. Sept. 10.18:01 ' I A felted stepped is to say that he had sisitee the rue On this monolog. sad *tamed *i s marvellous cpre of the Tooth One Tads boy io partieular. aboloalteretoss essough s h= a tee penny' wad Wear talf. in tea Robust . = althe decayed tooth and defiled its latne—g. Gazette. A fresh supply albs ibose Ebzir Just ream ed wad for mac by B. BANSAN, Sala Ages* for Sthsfyibilloottati I—ly Jail 13 Wholesale alail'Retail' Day' Good Store.T =POLLACK & WEAVERlmrsiasst •neon •w, is saiitios is their spiessies simmering& of DRY GOODS. Scow &wen* 111se sod Klock Cloth. =mist &sq., pawed do. "es aiyis pas. sittiSettsasil Bestrimem.iiisene Ar t/um. • F= 18 14- Crab Cider. 3 Zul 4"igi* (4 " cidt 4 is , ' lowa & thiGGEM dint iii fittij rl46sllll"ailt Una waritimonratmi....4mshm' Als:wincalniLq4 iptsamyr *TO oxiiiidui To Out trinkAlu? I- f•,•••• 441- ' • ' • ME tvor-Paolt l . rtrLy2 .. - , illin:r l : l 'ltiltigrtY . "l • WIIOI.IZ .• " '4O, RE - Mill Driemiii. . - t ' ... Wine4;Xiquoilftet i . • (Neat door #) Mortimer' Hotel.) • I"._ , • trifiEj.ttortnezina with A house istrbila . phis. . enables them ' ~r? keep oa hand a. very ' tam sittramortMent ortsattsiititieh 114 will .at ebOadellihittririmir. sioin4naTevern . Women sad I=fi n to n it Morould do well to: el .annt jachre. vim. ' •- - • :-- . "P*4l 9 - '-: ! • •• # • - • - .(IAROLINA wetted floorlpg bciartfa, • *nil: roogool and'enamed amply Awl:00.1, 11- and &kindles difTaient quality and Vi m ,. giaatsm/y ofi and&i: ale m lots. salt saltPardi!lulenkuPPo,llfPn'ication by letterto • JAMES M. - PATTER. Planing Machin Wharf:N. L. Phila. Co , • or MILLER & BAEGERTY. - • april ti 31-14 : - Pam*. . • • COA.le.. - f • frtHE tob o:Merit a scribi ia recehrinaroin tbetA" Law. AL toe fresh supply alibi eitle bra, tea 'sponti & L WIS RED 41811:COA . 4, now Itodiof at his wharf, Pone street, Schoylkill.- Orders left at the office, .No. 811 Dock street, Or - at the wharf, will be promptly attended - to. F. a .NICRD,LS. . • .Fhtladelphia, Stay 12, 1848. Or • 1 32- WIRE Sobacribers having rented t.Se wharf on ' Mk Faiernociatetam„%wt of Willow St. Rail Road; joining the one crieupied hy r A. .1. Bolton dc.' Co. are , prepared to receive Coal. Loin*. ace: 'an wharfage. and COVPlnission. Enquire oftbe Ins. Scribers an the premises. or at 28 South Wharves. BUNTING. CLARK & CO. 47—ly jaw 20 Leaden Pipes de. Hydrants. BAN?( has just received • let of Lead en Pipe, Which be will warrant to be of • superior qualiti,l, t said 3 inch. Also,Sominer and Wiotcr nydr t aiota, constructed of the best anaterials,all of which he wall fell cheap join 13 • 43 New and Splendid Goods. - TE Ladies of Pottsville sot vicinity Sire res pectioUT invitod to call and exa.aune,n mad splendid assortment of Painted Lawns, Janinetta. Prints. Black and White Leans. Moushnedelains I.yonatse. Hokin, dark and light kid Glows. Worsted, Cotton and Silk do Fancy Elandkerehiefs, Shawl*, Pens. Plain and paisteif badereff linen Cambric bdkfs. Silk ift. Cotton. blesch'd k.loobleacked hose, do do Embroidered do At the store of N. NATHANS dq CU. may 19 • 38 CALL AT 'THE New Eitablislinsrast, Center of Centre end Ms ket :Aires •• e %IRE subsertiters respectfully an nee to A. th eir &sends and the public genes y. that they baire'taken, the store formerly occupied by Jacob Bali & Cii.;eorser of Centre and • Market weds, w Sere litey are now prosided withisehoicHe aworunent of Dry . O . O OY • 'Grocer i es, • Liquors, ace. whieb they are Wetesioioett Lumen at the eery low• at prices, HAZZARD & STR ADC& N. EL All kinds of Country Produce xakeo at the highest market priers. April 1 t . R-6 . To Old C-olustrymitas. Afar if Packets from Liver _pool to Pkikidelpiria. • THE SUBSCRIBER has been apptlinted rid for the Messrs. Copes Line of Lis' er pool Packets. Woven Lieerteol and Philadelphia' . art wilk-receise the passare messes frdnir those who wish to sped Gw their friends id the old essootry. and also, will procure for um.* per secs who coarlwish to Waren& moor" to their trends -abroad) The Patketabeiongtog to this Lin' e ant fitted ap in apaperiat manner. atad ale commanded by miaow shorty-tweet attention to the cosafiht an/ easmalute of call hatee gives great satistantiann top ieagers reaotakr. Erne: Grant: who itifiesd reasdint in this' teem, sill find it to their idea stark to enrage their Pirate in this Lane, add hal at Plaiadelphlic they will. by SO we tba hure and =Pelle from New Y e a, 1.; phdidelphig, which isfewr or floe &A lm far each *fiends& • The rates otigue era be mule inmeuralbrepply In at the ei-Wif the 'fibers' Joarual- . imam B. SAFIAN. • Wenierili & Breaker, AT.7111. OLD STAMP No. 65 NORTH FRONT EAST SID& Thum Doom, rsori sat Coasts or disco Sr. I rITIA.A.DELPILIA. MANUFACTURERS OF ' iwiabuid *good f - Calomel. . ploodior. Red re• ' Red L. :. .- ":•Wake d - 1 Wine. .. : - . Wind A. Clitene-Tellon. Re l PArbie• do bleat Ton.JUresie • de Rd I. : Edier_Sdpk- , Pat Yaws I . ' • do Ririe , - Sow Load ) do An did - ' h Lawn Cootie 01 °1 7:h ' CAW A. A 4. Feeds ' Aces do • liesinie And! Sid* do - L RporreSake ee.Soiplor : Tan. Arid ' Old-de ?UM* • Sete_ CS& St e. NIMES linagig Cdrios.Sdo. Edlipi_di,a. liestesegllONNOlon SDI ririon.Mninor.Eiror. die. OlfeeliOdelbeelone iseraismdl , :Anialsnio• genie! Ind' tireeeral soneniest effete. Derr anditijo od every odowaraiSeilides Cltni Wood km . - ofalldiesetideo l inimmord befeLeheYPWßAhonee edetbeap.memostdm Warp. ad diapsdb hie semi. , i I .IFionniordroionGlokTeimStiill3ll4 . OARIIII3Tr- . r • . k ' ... :,,.,..-, '-.:.:•:.....)101/3Millailf '_, , - ''' '-' "i! • ; r2ll*, l llr . ' iii.rbili. ..r PliaddriAo , Jae II ' Wits* _ Storage- HMI • . Notice.. - • s-it - e.brarie obta ined no •patent==,Sre sinalti4 -Inoti Ore- with 10- 4 hfici*Cantatritias roumiii.rsinoy suppose that :alai ire hew -at litt tp to ist.the method of "anialturgirou - ore'waleAntli4citehy the use of •ilieated aid blist - ahlintr4h I !Owe metes last yivar that 1 heti: e s pandit. fior• ainefting Iron Ore withAuthracitereal. both bf,t.the nitk.o 7 a cold abnosphirie*4 ritested air lrisitif would. new inter= the publierigaili, that on the 14t6'ef.leis... eark..-18, lam:rived I litter - front the Commis , -honer of P,stents iit Waiiiingtairodatingr - "Sir, apeo examining the ease of Mr.'Crane's applies, lion fora Ottani for Smelting Liar by mesas of I Airtlihette,l have Siewithis elaim;as interfering with your. Ala* tit Dec. 1813., and have given htsoldlinoey orthis ti:teisiom." Every ‘ ,attempt to unitelt„lron ore frith 'anthracite by the nept . a heated air blast„is an infringement upon my intent, 'against Which citation and warn all mema_l4.sdiall prosecute every one. infi inging upon my rights,-according. to taw. Aid 1 fur ther offer to dispose of patent iights for the erect. itig of furnaces, aceorCing tp my patent, upon very atdderate terms. FRED/WICK W. GEISSENHAINER. - : New Year. Shy 16, IS4S„ ' NEW BAKERY at coximcnoNA.R • ESTABLISHME*T. • •Eimiterick C. Epting. WiIIESPECTFULLY inftams(bis friends and Al."..ther ;Kibbe in general, that be has opened a new Bakery and Confectionary Establishment in Norwegian Street. next door below the Arcade iq the borough of Pottsville. where he will al ways keep on hand and bake to 'miter all kinds of Cakes of every variety of patterns—and where also, willablays be kept op band. Bond by the Loaf, of an excellent quality and of a large size ' His Confectionary comprises a large and gen eral assortment selected with care, and sold at the very lowest rates., F. C. E. would AM Isamu thusirurs that he is prepared to bake Family Bread for. any. number who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable teems. april 21 • - For Sale, A valtatable Trad of CoaL Lauri, L'`ING cod being in the township of Nei s& wegiani on the Wcat Branch near the West Branch Rail Road, about - war chiles from Schnyl finventhere is Joe tor more Coal Veins psoeng throngthitis -and. • For inforniatiun ap plyja ' JALXID.REED; at Pottsville; .ar Mr. HOFFMAN. at Reading. March 25 34 ' Resumption of EMIT DREG STORE. TRE Subseriber retprna hin veleta acknowl edgenents to the citizens of Pausinge and others, whostepped'fivarard tplie eassiatanee af ter the loss of his propertY bj fire in December' last, and mould also isieffipattit lbws and the generally, that he has **in commenced the Drng Baituess in the houseforaierly occupied by Charles W 4 Clematis; in Centre Sued. to the bonxigh strattsaille. where may always be bad a renefil 11.1913irtinCla of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, . Oils, Glass, :Dye Sts, . And every Ober article in Ude shove line, which he is deposed to sell 00-cery ic* and aaannmo dating tonna- N. B. 13" Physicians prescriptions carefully pat up at the shortest potion EPTECG. • Pottsrpt; May 30.1538. Encourage HOW Marafactures. Confeetiolumr liassulatetery. THE subscriber respectfully Mmounees tot* pabrie that he has commenced the Manufac ture of CuMfectiooary in all . its Tariuma branches, at his Store iu Centre Street. pearly oPPorite the Pscsalle. Hasse, where Cmifectioners and oth ers cats alnaes be sopedied whohnale and retail. at the lowest firdadelphia cash 'priers, County i Aeretrards are respeetfonwlsoSeited to can and examine his snack before porchasiUt eiresrbere., I=l3 Notice to Coal Shippers. 111114 &Ascribe= leave takes that well heart' artiarilaraterit occupied bur Booting. Clark & Co. arreciod arbaihrelow csEowbiridreg Bridge and bale made arrange's:seat* Receive Coal co storage. La.ll Coal shipped to their wharf will be Weeded to with care and tiaCtalft. nod dettrer=. ed accord i ng to order bT. . - JOBICSOB & ENGLEMAN. Phi6*lpkia.3uly 11.. - 1838. 53-- Iteadiag Nail & Imo Works, KfTree heed boiler lroo , rack maims of do_ ad she. an the digSmot sins liar ism slick reered and avert life" from ap to 3 inch Railroad rune of tee feariona slam pesoella sedeosaterseek„aadest to the , ngfire'ready Ahe ounaad bead iros. All eimrsaas and/pike.— she, runtime offorfilskeirpfity.. Ail of Iliacia are alferid for ealeat tbairesa dty prira, WAXER .4. Co. 7-I Reurratjusess. .!St _hi* of the goal A Tr* 1161111. Ireitico. Swills et die Coil 4 7- iteglam. - pit imp in Petri Book kratoesemo soma The tehisce aiii-s2 St emit 1 , close thetanceta. Appise . • IS. p RIDGWAY. Jr. PomoOlie. Ably 14.111111. • iregillszaiegal•nikgtaim. tie eimdmilrims "AMC a.. g OilhombilV litsieto l ainsor arCiamba OWN litleeto diellea Fair nossacilidstipiel% aft isrepurimairtaiseimsorylissias3 * °Mail. Laiber Small lidisrigeklar , isragft. die open wirstfir soda arergilli *it anaktiallikiktimar - Eilv . sisevirkpritisessfes#o4Aitakaw *Me haillik BMOCS Is, ItkORSTIC/V J Sri 1111 K ES-3ssa. • I " i . ' L . _. , -„,..' - '..;.:.,•v.iaa.,11.;;:t!•15 - Ai..1.,• 1-1,4 .4.::. - •- 1 -.0. ..1: ~,a t .F.,1A;;M*•114: 2 14 • ' {7', ••e• qs•rt-7 ••••..Vit.••••tr , - 1••••:••!2•• • 6 '..t , ri,.,sr•imie,• 1 ' ' '• • .' ' ' 1, MM EMI MEE 1- ' OE • Swell knee. folNyorusi„ eeetars... " , led added theit4sccoants the oifice,of the Eninder at Siihrijilk' contai n ; aid that An.said)allan* be pros c atedtOiNe Cliphaosi CotkWttn* sit Ornigsburg. in end fist" soul eousty.na-.111/o*._ day: tbe234day.ofJoly.lB3B. for amforstratni. 1. The. ak- RM. of Valentine , Brown 06414 Ati . 'dm* Willonerk , Esneatont of the last inill i;dopicot of Add= ihnortef. late of Waiiiiiotitt- - - "shitii deteentd. • • •Tbinetnant of Leonard tar ot.tikai*ede of EiOni RisKiauilorakibeing ainehip.,dietsussi. 2. The Ete..AdairOsintior 4capot oflllenry . Of the estate of Cheihe Ilettioger, late of aVatilb• kin Hosea. , deceaaed',. 4. The • +=Dom of Johii Brower OndAfenty' Bruner. Adinitdstratkre of the .estate• oftJoish Same. 44 craw bclecolfb of " 1 "0 - eii . Thettecount of ;Tacob.Mapach. tot of the 'notate af.Efiza' bah StreegJataiirLa er .Maihantango tovenShin.• deceased. . 6. The account °Nudge. Reber. illanhiiihra-• tot of the estate - of .10a Reber law of Mo4beiall. tairtship.. deceased. ' • • • 7. The second acoonnt of .faass•Goldner;'Ald. ministrator cohi estate of George Jocakeriaildm late of,West Penn tcrnship.,Aieceaseil. • "' • 8. The account o " -Abrahatelletker4id ben Menet...Administrator of the eifiteTtot M Meth!, late of 'East ihnnswick decease& 9. The amount of Elijah Bensinger. Adroinis. trator De' Boris SIM with the will Inneitti: of Cornelius Hoffman, late of Bronswiat township. 'damned: t IQ The seenont of ;John Hock Guardian of Errs' 'bra* and km, minor children ;Oohs - AP. let, late of Manheini township, decetiscd. It, The:account of Henry Houser.. Adminits. trator of the estate of Eye Hosier. late of Wets Penn towriship: deceit's( d. .; It The. account of Jacob Shade. Adminietra. tor of the mute of Duaid Maurer, tango township, deceased. LI The. account of John Bottorf. kihninialtra tar of the estate of &mamas Bagel. lice' of grace tcrenship.deceased. • 14.. The account Of Ludwig Berger— Guardian of Salame,,Jonathan. Elisabeth and. theriry,Geli. en, minor children of Joan: Jaw .Grber4.,liihn a - Pinegrtire township, del:infest. JACOB HAMMER BcgialieF. WILL be sold at private sale. the Fourrthy pleases tly uated at Port aniten„lredirryl. -kill county, on very reasonable - rentingF?"Thie Foundry is at the cornateneement of ilssilitths Schuylkill and Susquehanna Els*Easd; now amain . end will in'a 'hurt time be . an t . e Pin: best situations in the country to do it lafgebasi. per For terms. ece. apply to ' • , PARKE& "Illjaa iron Founders, Philedalo444 at'ISAAC AALYIOIS4 - . Portel JOHN S. C. MARTIN. to-a Ceara WK. Si- I. '44' 4, :1-I , ';, . : MEM Jane 30 50- Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE jolt' 49 Dwelling House Wantol.- 'WANTED to lent $ pod siz ed Di" Mag v Howe. in pod order, in Pouseilha., Ap. Ply at this office. Pottsville. 10ly 11, 183 P Sealant mut Goad Spring Creek Rai( - Road. TOTIGF. is hereby ;give s . that • painiantt lase fort* supplement to the act; mesh* Peet to incorpo r ate the Sinters and Geod.* - .64 Rail Road Cornpany and its nmplestwoL DAS will be kept Open by the Comaiiiisiemers amount of than, to ma: We subscription to the storkilf Oar above Rail Road. At the, Merchants Coffee House in thei.sirdy Or PhßadelPhia. - at the House of Jahn Borough of Reading. and at the flonseUfßasty W. Conrad is the Borough of Pinegrom;nisabies day the .10t11 day of 'July and.at the:Heats of Erma Shield in the Dinxigh of LebeireM i at. the Home of George Nagle in the • DirtnOt‘or flartisbory. at the Hasse Of Michael Grief in the Dirongti of Orwigabarg, at ibid. mint or Suomi Hamm in the Borough of DasnriliN sod at the Home of George Ferree to the.Bomoghot Carlisle, on Monday the 13th day orrimveatHoB - said Books'will remam Open foir sin lags at each Owe. and will be transferted umal Uteri is a wificient saincripiiins to complete mid milk which natio exceed 100.000 Oases at 050 per I sham Lee &Hari 101 be received Mt wettri l iAsier tithe ti suliseribing. Isaac Wm. IL Race Isaac ' e at. • John Haber. ‘.° • Man= oilman, - Paul Him Smolt nileford, David Kranterto - r, . Charlet &lam Wm. Leese,. ~. • 'Oeirier Snyder. Samuel WititV" , ' Peter - Samna INAd G tiV- GM Glades Frailty; :ri.'. - :1 -, Cataiiiikiaga, ,A. 91 rsi 4 183& s*ray Cow. ; YELPairay heat the adreriber,ite•Bliek with a white fire *sea - Week epitatfir. a • • tetantin said cow to therah ai • = lake Cara). Pr gift y lead is beestetwe ry. 4 • • • •,,,,;+v---4134-3 tips COALLASEFri•4•:7_. • For &di; arts reebtebleti4ettite t !dis. Tined: berieging : te lErtidesb gisitha„ o scet_ , ,Z . feweetglem Analamit - 1 1 4:12 wed ad the tbe Pettetrabse‘mtplet sale elb aeeets" dui the ea be butted eireerallyeelogisber teems Mohr Is lI&NRY Mai* ss k ViraSsatptsed.7 ohmage north altered Cad ice, CIE 1: - asaer4arl . med canons the rsiagaint t „, brio* deatratlithailitallat I- :. 'That.aa ths sulart. - APO s.ar a • 1 1 01 figliiii 4 darn' tilli t - 1111 * * ' ll6l . 4 o l # l e***- 6111 .1 11 1, 1 1 16 - • : •P: ~ -,Ampaptimir Asa Skin*. ' ' • r -- -' 1 3 7 :, , ME Ei enitm sibs italia liellei I= CI EIS ~:. rte. -- • .4 4 ' NO. 5604‘,-:: J-J,i51... SO.. EMU