The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 18, 1838, Image 4

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    : i col%tornlrl7l.o
Al ASllnitly wit CONVENTION out d
MW 7
10111 . INZIGHT. . s
WE, The , Peopl‘ of the Commonwealths Penn-'
sylvania, ordain an d esitibliab . this Constithan .for''.
10 Governipent.
! • A.ETTELE 1,.,
Section T. The legislative poweiofthia Camino'''.
viweith 'shall be !vested' In • General .AsSembly;
Vehicti shall consiatof a Sentiteind flouseitillßepre-
Putative,. I -.• • r!. • I .
• Section IL Tim representatives shall'itelcbaseri
F lly by the Citizens af the city of Philadelphia
, dof each county respectively on the second Tues.
lof October. ,
Section 111. 'NO person shall be a represMitative
Who shall Dot have attained the age ofturehty-one .
Yea* and have been a citizen and inhabititat of the
State three years next p ing his electioNland the
last year thereof in inhabi nt of the airitrirf in and
for which he shall be chosen a reptesentatibel, unless
be shall-have been absent on the public business of
the United States or of this State... . !
Section IV. I#ithisi threes years aftei - the first
Meeting of the General Assembly, and within every
Wibsequent term of seven years, an enunieration of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in su4h. man
tles u shall be ,directed by law. The manberof
representatives shall, at the several periods of mak
ing such enumeration, be fixed by . the Legislature;
and apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and
she several 'counties, according to the number of
taxable inhabitants. in each: and slibli inset be less
than sixty nor greater than one hundred. Each
county shall have at least one representative, but no
eounty hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa
rate representation until a sufficient number- of tax
,able iuhabitants shall be contained within it, to
entitle them to one representative agreeably, to the
ratio which shall then be established. 1 - ,
Seetion 'V. The senators shall be chosen 'far three
iears by the citizens of fthitadelphit aod 'of th e
veral counties at the same time, in the samegnan
er, and at the same places where they rdialk.vot4
or representative's.
Section VL The number of Senators skill, at the
venal periodg of making the ennineratien before
entioned, be fixed by the Legiiiature nnd.'appor-
Itioned among. Abe districts formed. ae..kiireinafter
directed, 'according to tWe nombenef taxable inhabs
; tants in each i and shall - 6efer be les( tyall One
!fourth, nor greater than one-third; of the number:of
.1 Section VII; The senators shall be chosen in di -
triets, to he formed by the lettoilatirre no dis
trill" shall be So farm-d as to entitle it to elect-mare
than two senators, utiles* the number orlitaanfife in
habitants in any ail or conuty.shall, eft any lime,,
be such as to entitle It to elecentare than fare, ti no
Icily or county shaft be rattled to elect fl ore.
)four, senators ; when a distil:et shall. be 'emit tied;
I of two or, more countie4.they adjoiriirt
neither the city of Philadelphia nor any kaunty *hall
be divided in burning a distfirt. • ,
Section VIII. No person slicWhe a,seirstor, seia
shall not brave attained the age of aultaty-feii,years; •
and have beep a'ritizen and inhabitant all the State.
f . four years 'text before his sheelas,t,year
I thereof an inhabitant of the di.t let for whicb..he
i shall be chosen, unless he shall h eve love absent un
I the public hasiness of the United States or of this
Stater anil-suitpi-rson elected as aforesitid. shall hold
said office affir he shall have removed. from such dirs. ,
Section ft The senators who only be elected at
the first general election after the adoption of the
amendments to she constitution, shall be ititided by
lot into three classes. The seats of the tenants of,:
the first chrts Mai be vacated at the eritiration el..
the first ye o : u lt r of the second clas , t,at the gepiration
of the sec year ; and of the third clad at the ex
piration of the third year ;'.so that thereafter one
third of the tchok number of senators may he chosen
every year. 'The senators elected before the aidend
meals to the:constitution shall be adopted; shall hold
their offices, during the terms for which: they shall
irespertivelY hart , been'erected.
i Section 4. The General Assembly shall meet on .
the first Tuesd a y of January, in every year, 011ie.%
sooner convened by the Governor.
Stion El. Each house shall choose its. Speaker
! and other officeT; and the Senate shall also choose
, a Speaker pro temporei when the Speaker shall ex
, ercise the oificc of Govenuir. .
Section XII Each house shall judge of the (rah
' fieations Of its members. shall
be determined by a . ..comniittee to be selected, formed
and regulat in such manner shall be directed by
r o
law'. A m • rity of each house shall ceinstibite a
! quorum to 0 business; but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to day, and may bd-aulhorized by
' law to compel the attendance of absent ntembers, in
I such manner and under Such penalties as may be
I provided. - -
Section Xlll. Each house may detirmine the
rules of its, puiceedinks, punish its members fur
disorderly fiehaviour, and with the ainOirrence of
two-thirds, expel a member, but not a sicond time
1 fut the gam, cause; and shall have all other powers
:- necessary for a branch of the legislatuie bf a free
State. .
- .
.. Section XI V. The legislature shall not nave power
to enact lams annulling the contract of sivtrriage in
any rase where, try Imp, the -marls of Chit „Connnon
wealth are, or may hereofter be t!mpoweriti to decree
a divorce.
Section XV. Each house shall - keep :thiourea] of
its proceedings, and pobli.h them weekly, except
such parts as may requite seerecy: al , the yeas
and nays of the meMiters on au* quest n shall, at
' the desire of any tWo of them, be ente r ed on the
journals. '
Section X VT. The doors of each house amot of
committees of .the whole shall be open, tirllesi,
when the business shall be such as ought; to be•kept
Section XVII. Neither house shall,.Withont the
• consent of the
,other, adjourn for More lban three
days, nor to any othef piece than that in which the
two houses Shall be sitting.
Sertimi'XV 111. The Senators and representatives
shall receive a compensation fur their services to be
- ascertained by taw, and paid out of the treasury of
the Commonwealth. They ',half -in all eases,' ex
- treason, felony and breach or suety of the
peace, be •privileged from •arrest during their at
tendance 'at the Cession of their respective houses,
and in going-to and returning from the same. ' And
fur any speech or debate in either house] they shall
not beluditioned In any tither place.
Section XIX. No Senator or representittive shall,
during the tinge for which be shall have licim elect
ed,i be appointed to any civil office unde this cum
monwealtkwhith shall have been e tixt, or the
emoluinents of which shall have bee !increased
during such time t and no member of ngreia or
other person holding any office (except fl attorney
at law sad in the-militia ) under - the U States
or this Commonwealth, shall be e membiriof either
house during his contiraanee in Cons or in
__ 1
Section X. ' When vacancies happen in either
house, the Speaker shall issue writs of ilectiiM to
ill such vacancies. - I 'd
Section XXI. All bills Tor raising re+nue shall
originate in the' house of representatives, hut the
Senate maypopo "m ern
amendments as in ocher bills. •
g ect i on , -r, No " money shall be n from
the &astir hue in consequence of ap rupriaticas
nettle by law.
-Section XXUI. Every bill which hall have
Passed both houses shall be presented! to the Go
verner. If he approve he shall sign it,lbut if he
shall Dot appro'e he shall return it witliihis ohjee
lions to the house in which it shall hatfettifigin?•_ted,
who shall cuter the objections at large pun their
juurnali Mid proceed to re-crinkideri II; iiirer
suck rftgonaideration;two-thlrili olthat' :', nie-ih:4l
agree to pass the bill, it shall he sent I , the alk
How aod To* Likattl. •
J U:43" received and for '.area Rut* ortow
anCfoiv Linea.
. -._ _ . •- - -
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ti:. ,
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ir eitariklificO l e t, ..:„.:' ' . - i ts ,.'. ~ .b y sioro_. ,
2411 bi r ~,...L. ImArs,, ..:Pu!Plzeh
I .74
thirds of that `lipase, _ .e - iiji..tro .-----el k `
caber thtvetes of botlibinises4thsfilie w
noy year (tnnynfaid IliewassanitlierimlsOno
far orugainSt therbill. almil. be metered esthilijawiQ,
ward Mich. bonso.mopeetively.. ir so ,t Lill shall
najt3he get. waled, by the GaireroMMitilitgVlkdom
(§anditilt. eategptafter it sljallhave Imen ,prg-, -
sented to hinr,if a lbe it Iwor roll[, manner' anti;
6e sad Winless tine Gjmnral Assembly, it
.theft sonriMent;pievent its . Musk; id which ease
it 4 idial 'ttirr's tilo,-virtleileitait i lisilt itithirfitiegif
days ifter their Mint Sneetines.. -', =, ix, " ' '' 1 '
- Section* XXIV Pihnety order„ rmiblotion or vote
to which Abe . nonerwrenee Of botirl houses may be
nemossaiMeseept on sAitentioir 4- erijournmEnt)
IMO Il e
. presented to . the Governor, and before it
shall hi effect , be approved by 14m , 0r being di* r
annoy, shall be massed by tufothirds of both
biomes ;cording to the ruler and ,ttoillationi. pre
scribed in ease of a bill.
` teetkin XXV. No corporate botlyiltalt belteretiffer
ereated;renewed or extended, with banking ertdis
coimting .privileges; without six nunellts - pritvious
pubrw notice of the intended applitation•J or the
'vie }n such manner as that be. prescribed by law.
Nor shell any charter for the purpOses aforesaid, be
emoted for a tong& period.thantipenty gears, and
every such tfinrter shall contain trielawse reserving
to thdlogistature the power Matter, revoke or annul
-the. same whenever in their opinion .it movie WU..
' Hoes trthe citizens of the tommontcealth, in such
manner however - that no infustfeenhatt be - done.tathe
corporator*. -No law hereafteratarted, shalt create,
renew or extra the charter of more than one corpo
ration.` - '
Seedon I. The 'Supreme-Executive power of this
Commonwealth shall be vested ill a Governor. -
Section 11. The Governor shall be chosen en the
second Tuesday of October, by the citizens of the
the pla ces whenf they shall re
spectively,' vote fur representatives. The returns
of every election for Governor shall. be sealed - op;
a n d trans tt ced to the seat of. government , directed
to the Spea ker of the Senate;who . shall o , a and
publish them in the Presenceid' i thl mers cif •
both houses of tlie,,legislature , ..". 'The person having
the highest number - of vites
.., alipill be - Governor.
But if 'taro or moirehAl. be equal add higheit in
Votes, one a!if -them drill be chosen Governer by the
jaint vote of -the members of linth houses,. Goys.
tested:eleetions shall be deletminedlby a Committee':
• to be beleeted,from both houses of the legiXlittire,
ild - formed and 'revilated in such manner •as shill'
•be directed tiy law. , - shall'
be • "
' - Section 111, The Governor shall hold his. 01(1(4
,during three years hem !de third' Tuesday of lona
- ary 'aixt ensuing his election.:- nod' shall. not' be'
capable of holding it longer Gran sis 'any term
of- nine syears. 4 ' .
- Section LV, lie..shall be at lealt thirty years-of
ate, and have been a ci:izen and at inhattitant,ol
this State levee years next before 'his election ;
unless :he shall have been absent on. the public
-business of the I.lrtited States or of this Siete. . , .
. -
Section - V. No •thember of Contress or person
- bolding:any office under_ the United - States a this
Statetshall exereise the office of Governor. ...
,Sestion iii: The Governor shill at stated tirries
I - receive for his - services a epalperVaatiOn, which shall
he - neither increased nor dimihished during, the
I period fur which he shalt ha, e been elected. ,
Sictioti'Vl I. lie shall be commander id-chief of
' thi , entrycand navy of this:Commortwealth;vnd of
the militia, except when thev iliallle called into
the actual.serVice oT the eared States,
. 'Seethdi VIII. - lie shall appaint'aS'ecretark of the
COrttrannveath-during pleasure; sand he shall nomi
nate and by 'and with the advice and consent of the
Amite...appoint all judicial officers of courts' if
record, en! as t irtherigise provided jor in.this Cori-W
-in/4ln. 'tie shalt laze power to fill alt etuatuies
-Thal may happen in such judicial offices - during the
remit of-the Senate, by granting commissions which
shall expteent the endle their nett ' , titian : Pro
vided; that in acting on exerutitie armvinations the
Se,nate shall sit .with open doors, and-in confirming
W . I rpeting the nominations tilythe -Governor, the
vole skoll - b; takew bit yeas hour nays.
Setting] IX. He shall have power to iemit..fines
forfeittares, and grant reptieves• and pardons',
except in cases of impeachment.
Section X. He may requite Information in writing,
from the officers in the executive department upon
aely sidiject retiring to the duties of Hi . * respec
tive gullet-4 . :
SeetiOn XI. He shall, tram time to time, give to
the General Assembly information of the 'Cite of
the Commonwealth, and recommend to their con
soler-trim] such messmes as he chill judge expedient.
Section XII. He'may,on extroordinary occasions '
convene the &mend Assembly ; and in ease of
disagreeinent bet wren the) two houses, with respect
to- the time of aditurnment, adi tun] them to such
rune as' he shall think proper, not exceeding four
seri e.n X 111. Lie shall take care that the laws
faithfullylee executed. '
S. rtion XI V. In C.o.e of the denth or re.i.friation
of the Qiiernor, or of his removal from office, the
Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of
Governor, until another Governor shall be duly
qualified ; -truVin-such case another Governor chat.
-be chosen at the next annual election of representa
tives, unless such death., resignation or removal,
shall occur within three eaksidar months tinnedi
elegy preceding Such nett annual eleitips, is wkich
case a Governor shall be chosen, at the second suet
eroding .annual election of representatives. And
if. the trial of a contested election- snail Continue
longer than until the third Monday of January
next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor
of the but year or.the Speaker of the Senate who
may be In the exercise of the executive authority,
shall continue therein until the determination of
such' dontested election, and untiLa Governor shall
be duly qualified as aforesaid, .
Section. XV. The.tiecretary of the rommonweaUh
shall keep a fair segister of all the official acts and
proceedings' of the Governor , and shall, when re
quireel , lay the same and• all pipers, minutes and
vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of
the legislature, and shall perform such other duties
,as steal!. be enjoined him by law,
Section I. In elections by the citizens every white
freeman 'ofthe age of hienty-one years, haring ye
sided in this state one year, and In the election dis
trict where he offers to rote, ten' days insmeigiately
preceding suety -election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, which shall -hare been as.
seated arkaid ten days before the election, shedten t ioy
the Tiger of an elector. But a daises of the-acted
States who had previously_ been iz qualified voter of
this State, and removed therefrom and retarned,plut
who %hall have resided in the election district, and
laid tares as aforesaid, shali•he entitled to opte,qtkes
residing in the state sirownths. Protried, that white
freemen, citizens if The United States, between -the
ages of twenty-one and twenty-tiro years, and lav
ing resided is the State one year. and in the election
district ten days as ciforesaiii„ shall be entitled to
tote, although they-shalt sibt have paid lases.
Section 11. All elections shall be by ballot, ett
eept those by persons in their tepresentattve-ear
cities, who shall vote viva vote!
Section EEL Electors shalt in ell cotes, except
, felonyvand-breach or surety of the peace,
:e ra ;A li vileged from arrest, during their - attendinee
on, elections, and_M-going .to and. returning from
them:. • ,
• " f ; • ARTICL t „ vnt. •
Seeti - c ' m I. • The Rouse of 'Representatives shall
have the sole power of impeaching.
Section IL All impeachments 'abet' be tried by
the Senate; when sitting for, that purpose, the
Senators shall be upon ailither affirmation. No per
son shall be conyinte&witbotti—thrt-nddcarlimeellf.
two-thirds of the mernboroprilient..
nectieh:_lll. The 'l7eVeintor; end Nar other civil
officers ho&r this Commonweath, shall be Ilibileito
Impeachment for any mislentesnour in odic.; but
iudgment, in . such easen, shall knot extend further
than to removal from remeom4 disqualifumtioß to
bold any dike of honour. trust or 4nofit„ tmde.t, Oda
Commtonwealth The partY 'whelber convicAe4 or
I, Sha r.:3lolfine s 'lndia. Stetlike
re4l4o:re • •
„ lilll4ll l l4Wear&it t ilrr•
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),-.%1 7 .2 , 1 ARTICLIVC- L,. :...: -1 '
l • I._ Theljudielar ;ogee, or;this Common.?
weir, Will toe' veilea he a 'ffiyre* Cart; in
Courts 'OyeiihdtTeriblierinfrGeoieril 'Jail De-
Seem roCourt-ot ConnuitrPleas, , Orybanetoint,
Court, sad. a Court of Quarter Sessions
- ow r , ...ft Ilttellicourlt)i 14 Justine* or
1 111 , , 21 1 4 11 kimek ,004, k toetts U ,1191 legislature;
all r a Ja me rilillin irlsbUSll..„.
1- tee 13 Tr. Titillated oft ffe - StiPriMe &mil, if:
the set ' Cowls of COMMA Pkiiiirand gr o wl'
othergoterts of Record as are or shalLbtestablished
bilditirchal ,1 - be - rimdrekited by the ;Givernor, and by
and trifh treit-t iiiir 1 4 01,graidisipjjointed an d
comentationedby kin., The judges of the Supreme
court shall *id trier offises for * 1....1 - of Masi
'vein it,'thiy' shall so tong behave theMselves well.
rho presi dent of titiseviral Cow di ii , coi.i.
Pleas . of sucligther Cowls of Record as are or
shall _estardisded by law; and all other judge* re
quiref o belea. iarthe law; shall hold their ekes
~ tersai often. years if they shaft so long behave
theta resiiello • .Tire Associate Judges 4f Ike Courts
of C Pleas shall hold their offices for the. term
of fi ve earitligs,,,Calliolom3oore themselves
well. - But for any reasw4le cause Oath shall not
be s ufficien t grounctqf-iisriMatfment, the Governor
mayr e may of them wide address 4f two4hirda
of vac branch of the ingiotature.. The udges,qf the
Court and.: he' presidents the several
Court o f Common. Pleas shall at stated Ones receive
fort r services an 'adequate comp =lion to be
fixed Taw, which shall not be dimin hed during
their continuance in office, but they shalt reeeke no
fees or perquiiites of Ore, nor hold any otherojire
of profit under this Commonwealth.
• IIL Until otherwise &rated by lase, the
Courti f
Common _Pleas idattl continue as at present
establ Not more than floe-counti, ;hall # any
time. i ncluded in one judicial - district organized
for said 'Courts
(section IV.: The. jurisdiction of the Sureme
comrtinhall extend over the State : and . the judges
Them*, shall by virt7f.their.otiient, be jp.tlet.
of Dyer and Nermiiiet a dGetteral Jail • Delivery, in
theaeyetareouotiek.- - -
, Se4ion V. The judges of the Con t a u lif Cummun
'Psiitt each county, shall bye - e or. their'
alike* tiijiksticesdaf Oyet and Tenn' r and Gene
' rat nu DeAvery;for the tiiso 'of chpit4l and other
offenders thotein ; 'soy two of the said judges, the
preebleitt, being one, - Shall be a quern' : but they
Shall ,notijold-e court' Of oyer and t flier, or jail
*livery, A t i any county , when the j gial of the
kuprelne Court , or any octhem, shall sitting in
'the' Shine county . The party accuse ,as well as
• .iblaSt e . Mmitil.7ballb , hials nyder such tygulatibus as
.prese,ribed biriaw,iemove the, indictment
anti- preeeettingS,"or -a Imi:script thertof, Into the
stapreme Court. ', _
Ser,tion VL The Supreme court, and the. several
courts of 'et:rumen pleas, shall, beside the powers
heretofore usually exercised :by them, have the
powet of a court of Chancery; so faras relates to
perpetuating of ,testimony, the btainiug of
the ,„
i a
• evidhnee from
. places nut within the tate, and the
:care, of the he rons arid estates oft se x‘to are
- uoniCompotes ettettlis. And the I , 'lnure shall
'vest in the mid courts Filch other pourers to- grant
relief in equity, as' shall be found necessty r and
• May; time to time,seularge or ,dimi ' h those
• powers or vest them in such: other court as tee •hall
. judge proper, fur the due adriduistratiun or justice.
Suellen VII. The judges 91 the court of common
pleas of each comity, eny two of whom shall be a
quorum, shall compose the :Court of 'Quarter Seat.
sions of the peace, and orphans' court thereof ; and
the register of ,wills, togethermith the said' judges,
or goy two of them, shall compose 'the segiater's
court of 'each eounty. -
• Settles VIII. The judge} of the courts of "common
pleai, ihaU, with* their:respective counties, have
tbe irike powers with the* judges of the. Suprime
Court, to tasue writs of certiorari to the justices of
the peace, 'and to cause their proledings to be
brought before them, and. the like rig t and justice
to be done.
Section IX. The president the Court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
court of pommon pleasthew respective
counties, shall be lustiest! Of the price, so far as
relates to criminal ' matters.
figiction L A - regiitees Mike, for the probatiof
twilit aid granting letters of administration, and an
office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept in
Section XL The style of all process shall be
" The Cominopwealthaf,Pennsylvania." All prose
cutidnasshafl be chiriel on In the naive and by the
authprity of the CoMmonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and Conclude 0 against the peace and dignity of the
Section I. Sheriffs and coroners shall, at the
times and places of election of representatives, be
chosen by the citizens of each county.' One person
shalt be chosen for each office, who shall be commis
timid by .the Governor. They shall hold their
offices for three years, if they shall do long behave
themselves well, and until • successor be duly
qualified; but. no person shall be twice chosen or
appointed sheriff, in any,term of six years. Vacan
ciesi in either of the said offices shall be filled by
anppointinent, to be made by the Governor, to
continue until the next general election, and until
asor shall be chosen and quali fi ed as afore
sai '
sl i me
Lion IL The freemen of this commonwealth
shad be armed, organized and discitlined for its
defence, when and in suck manner as offlly be directed
by Iruo. Those who conscientiously scruple to bear
arms, shall not be compelled4o do so, but shall pay
an equivalent fur. personal service.
Wcfion 111. 'Prothortoteries of the Supreme
C.4rt shall be appointed by the said Court fir
Mel term of three years if they so lung 'behare
theinselves well. Prothonotaries and clerks of the
giliaother courts, Recorders of deeds, and Ite
lsv of wills, shtnal the times and plain of
*Won of representatives, be ekdal by the pars.
fied electors of each county, or the dabids over
which the jurisdiction of said antrts extends, and
l e i s t: commissional by the G or. 7"* .
hold their_ offices for three if they shall
so • - behave themselves toe d' unlit thiir
successors shall be duly quail The kiss' k
iwi shall provide by law, the number of persons
in Each county who shall hold said Offices, and
hate many an. - 1 whidt.of said offiees shall be held
Zeesoneperson. Vacancies in any of the laid of
shall be filled by appointments to be made
he Governor, to continue until the next gene
-ralj elation, and until successors shall be elected
mid qualified as aforesaid.
Section IV. Prothonotaries, clerke of. the peace
and, orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriffs, shall keep their offices in the
county town of the county in which they, resins
tie, shall be'ofticers, unless wiser the Governor
t la
i I, for .. I reason:, dispense 1 therewith, for
any term not *. ceit' er ja five years after the county
awl be* I
li;eetlon V. I commissions shall be in the 'name
endl by the authority of the Commonnealth of Penn
sylvania, and *sealed pith the Stabb seal; and sign
ed by the governor. . ~
*Mimi VL 4 State ;treasurer, shall be elected
annhally, by joint rote of both branches s( Of leitill-
Were. i , 1
Section VII.: Jessfuxir of the periee. or aldermen
.shaO be elected in the several ,worek boroughs,
townships at the time . of the election of mon
sters &Oki qual ifi ed
s poqrs thereof_ i s . such
nu er as aka - Wr
commissioned. ON t !
~ .M's e ;but .nqi,for
VI mi r e. fl ia4
men unthout tfie t.
li:-. 1 tikd . ekd,Orl' Walsh
` '.7. • I
. ntmentla npt
shall be eketr4'
ille 4 i tr fq2477•l2o l
june 13 'p. i 441•3
riv, -
trittiZ 1
" r 4. ft e l een
2 2QI • n One yew; ace'
&PS ase u irty /Wag lebie
been so' lo 4: i7oatigosue
sitsigderaita aen
'Own taithi;i the limits'
. of the ,
County or candid out of rolsiri it shag . have beef)
taken.' No hismber of Congres? from Oa tide,
ep.erson hohfing or exerciongvoN . office or
/neat iltarisr pivfit.uan bailed
4aitet,bloa 84,0 time holder axretreany .
offwe'in this Gale, to which .a talory,is, or fa, or
are_ by kW, annexed; and th,
tore may by '.aid deehwe what Stale obes:
eompaale. 1 nieusber of the SeneditxtrOfi he
hatae4frepraentativa shall be appoiitid.
Garmaor to any office daring . Me tenni/if i . t.h .
he shall have been eleded.
Seddon IX. All officers fur a term of yi
shall hold their offices for. Ilse terms rasped'
spcsifietkoniN on the: condition that they so k
- behave
themselves well r and skit barc.ammi ois
'amvictitm of misbehaviour in offsee . or of any ist.
famous crime.
Section X. Any person who. 'shag, after
adoption of the amendments proposed - by this
*mutation to the Constitution, fight a duet or
send a challenge for that purpose, rbe alder qr
abettor in Aiding a duel, ahal/he deprlvalof the
'riett of holding any office of hOnotir or profit In
this State, and dull be punished othermisein - such
manner as is, or may be preserilied
the executive may remit the said o.fttych,,and all
its ditguahluanons.
Section I. The legislature shall, as Mott as coti
veniebtly may be, provide by law, for the establish
ment of , schools throughobt the State, in such
manner, tbat the poor may be taught gratis.
Section 11. The arts and sciences 'shalt be pro
moted in one or more, seminaries of learning. -
Section HI. The rights, privileges, imurunitispi
and estates of religious societies and corporate bo
dies, shall remain as if the constitution of this State
had not been altered or amended.
Section IV. Thc-kgistattsre shall not invest ally
corporate body ar individual with the privilege
of taking private property for public tae, without
requiring such corporation or rndividiud to make
compensation to the owners.," said property, or
give adequate security therefor, before such pro
perty; shall be taken.
!embers of the Gener4l Assemtly, and all offi
cers, executive and judicial, shall be bound by. oath.
or affirmation, to support the constitution of tbiA
Cormtom oreil , h and to ncifotm the. duties of their
respective .offices with fidelity.
. .
Tipt the general, great and essential principles 'of
MeV and,free government May be recognised and'
unalterably established, W R DECLARE, THAT
Section 1. All men are born equally free and in-,
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible:
rights, among which are those of enjoying and de- ,
fending life and liberty, of acquiring,. possessing,
and protecting property and reputation, and of pur
eeing their own happiness. ,
Section 11. All power is inherent in the people,
and entree governments are founded on their au
thority; and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ; Par the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible
right to alter, reform pr abolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper.
Section 111. All men have,* natural and indefea,
sible right to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their town consciences ; no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship; or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, control or interfere with th e sights
of conscience ; and no preference shall ever be
given„ by law, to any religious establishments pr
modes of worship.
Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be-i
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pa-,
nishments, shall on account of his religious mai- ,
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this Cominanirealth.
Section V. Elections - shall be free and equal. ' !
Section VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore,
and the tight theresif remain inviolate.
Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes in -examine the pro
ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go
vernment: And no law shall ever be made to re
strain the right thereof. The free communication
of thoqghts and opinions is one of the invaluable
rights of man ; and every citizen may freely speak,
write and print on any subject, being responsible
for the abuse of that liberty. to prosecutions for
the publication of papers investigating the official
conduct oroffieers, or men in a public capacity, of
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may- be given in evi
dence : And in all indictments for libels the jury
shall haves right to determine trip law and the facts,
under the direction of the coin% as in other cases,
Section VIII. The people Shall be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea
sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant to
search any place, or to seize any person or things,
shall issue, withouti describing them as nearly as
may be, nor without probable Mule supported by
oath or affirmation.
Section Ih. In all enairnalprtmecutions, the ac
cused hath* right to be beard by himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature and ruse of the lc
cusation against him, to meet e witnesses face to
- face, to have compulsory proce for obtaining wit
nesses in his [atom., and, in indict-`
ment or information, a speedy public trial, by an
impartial joky of the vicinage; he cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against himself ; nor can be
be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless
by the judgment of his peers or the law of the
Section X. .No person shall,Jor any indictable
offence, he proceeded against criminally by infor-Sa
thin, except in cases arising ib the land or na val
forces, or in the militia when in actual service' in
time of war or public danger, or by leave of the
court, for oppression and misdemeanour ip office. No
person shall, for the same offence, be twice, put in
jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any man's pro
perty be taken or applied to public use, without the
consent of his representatives, and without just
compensation being made.
Section Xl. MI courts shall he open, and every
man for an injury done him in his lands, goOds, per
son or reputation, shall have !remedy by the due
course of law, and right and justice administered,
without sale, denial or delay. Snits may be broniht
against the Commonwealth in such manner, in rich'
smarts, and in- such cases as the - legislature may by
bitr direct.
Section XII. No power of suspending- laws 'Omit
be-exercised, unless by the legislature, or its au
thOrity. •
Section XIIT. Excessive bag shill hot, hoe re
quired, nor excessive fines im sed, nor cruel ru
niitinnents ineieted. -
Section XI V. All prisoners }hall be bailable !by
sufficientaugeties, unless fur capital olfenats,--wben
.ht proof is evident orpresumbtion,great.i and kbe
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
gUlPellded...unless when.ixicases of rebellion mint"
„trazion, theeublielpfety may,!mire
gecticm Xy. COMMESSiOII. OYU ancTermuier
or jail delivery shall be issued.,
. • feetir PieWerlitut `de b
Ificrels not strong presumptiOn of fraud, semi not
be continued ita.pibmf, after delivering up his estate
-for the 7 bertefit of his creditorsl in such manner-se
shall be prescribed by law.
Seftion XVII. No e pLal jack) asyjastr i
"P4I AWXVI "fra-C V NIIi be ep:11110
•Se 11.'• fie"r Tre anointed of
heasunlor felony by - the.legislature. , 7
X1X.. , N0 attainder shalt wore corns
pf blood, dor, except:during Welke ockbe i tdraeleri
forfeiting of.eable to tiecollie/ 01 4reflaikt
h - Peren , tia, 4 1 4 destrox . , their Own
vi?!, lbeit asleep& or !Tat # flats
fi.A.I 3 S• RAP:. INS-Aulort/Teind.'und
t ill itO lL 'Alr-•" 16400 41 4 , 014 1 0 K •
. vv. .4.MCcRERAIta'
Age 16
e •
;:tea any , nll ' • "...,
CaSna t tri .; - . 4
them , 41'
: I #64
. Soeiat ' at •'' . - ' ' VA
Ale manner , kirininitilifinfetheil for .
, and to itidekelthoic - avested nit
it govicagienvnid Nistist '1,:,.,,„
-proper •purposes, by,,rptditiouk
. ..,,,_t_. - -. • ~
Sectabn-11111. i tilNeortkirttil bear arms,
in detenceof theteseFresvand the Sfite shall mit he
Ilneithatied,en .....;:. if :.6:kii{a2 44 . ..{ . • 4i .." ..s.
'Section XXIL Itn'itandirig army in• time
of peace r be kept UP without the eon Vail's Le- ,r 1
gislatp.n. 1 .*.nt-thn military. eases, and'
gatrafith i lt t alniffa c s :4411 -ivil
.0 48 ,tftlionuixilrfd *1141.0: 3 4Pg1i ' ".'lie PO_ . c'ib
erg in any_fuse rithout the . amp!, 0 4, tk;
aweer, nor in time of 'walr k tnat itt,, a. • • ner tt)' . le' , .1 7) ' ' •'''' ''"
Section - 10/IV: le. lettislature' s not grant
any tithaef:siobility:nr••hereditary .• :action, beer
create any office the ippointment to w 'el/cabin be
for-a longer-tens thaisduring good beiniviour.- ---s_j
Section XXV, F;llOgratkon, timunthel. State shall
not be piehibitet' - • • • _ , , ,
v ‘ en
' 4
Seek% XXVL to t . tart . spinet . nignst I
. .
of 'the h igh 'powers setuch ure lisee de egate4,. 5
DECLARE that ; eierilidng hillds lb is -ex
cepted out of the general powers of go ti and
shall, for ever remain immolate- • 1 . ::Y
•• , ' • AhtTICLE X. ' i - • •
day stmenduunit . ninendmeats to this conststu
tion may be " in - ths7Sirottie.or - 41ause of Re
presentatives, - and if the same shall betageeed to by
a majority of the members elected to each douse, Such
proposed ammulnient or e llm' ts 14 be entered
on their journals, with the yeas an nays , taken
thereon, and thet;erretary of the Cominemuvedth shall
cause the same to be published three menths before the
nett election, in at. least . one newspaper in mem
cows' y in trhirh a neWspaper shall be published ; coil
if it the.legislature nest afterwards chopensuch pro
posed amendment or , amendments shall! be aim . * to
by a majority of the , members elected tq each house,
the SerretarN - qf the :Commonwealth salt cause the
same again to be pahlishidlik manner oformaid, and
such proposed amendment .or anuesdnepsts .shall be
submitted to the people in much manneriasut at
time, at Oast three !Maths, after being ISO agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shay' prescribe ;*
and if Use people shall approve and-sniffy such
amendment or amendments by a majord l y of the gun
lifted raters of this State voting thereon, such amend
ment or amendments shall become a patt qr'the Con
stitution, but 'no amendment or amendments shall
be admitted - to the. f
more than i e . oftener than once to f ive
• ; Provide:4l it 4 amendment
be submitted, they s be lisbniitted in such manner
and form, that' the People may cote fo' or againit
each amendment separately - and distinctly.
That no inconvenience may arise from the altera
tions and amendments in the COnstithtion of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is-hereby declared and ordain
edi 'Mt, v ' I
Section I. All laws of this Commonwealth in fort%
at the time when the said alterations) and amend
ments in the said Cpnstitution shall take effect, and
r „
not inconsistent therewith, and all hts, actions,
prosecutions, claims,- and contracts as ell of indi
viduals at of bodies corporate, shall continue as if
the said alterations and amendments had -not been
Section 11. The alterations and amendments in the
said Constitution shall take effect front the tiorday
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
44 4 4.ht0 , i11,...The, hums, sections,: . articles of
40! rifintchnittlltt ,,Wltiell sections,
- Med, shall
I t * -.
. i * ll 4;iikri.... Ala lithe
' . ..-.'...- 2
~Thg' , makAiseitibl vouchr-sha.t
- - litr*Skil' sitlltatc&hislid ,;lind thirty-
E. t
eittlirstirraitiltittlelti vaiifeitiii• retOfore, nqt
withstanding the provision in the eloventh section
of the first article, Mid shall at all liners be regarded
as the first 'General Aiserohly thidee the 'amended
Constitution. i
. Section V. The 'Governor who shalh be - electelf. in
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be
inaugurated on
the third.. Tuesda y in January,
eighteen hundred'aini.thirty-nikm, tq which time
the.present executive term is hereby extended.
Section VL' The coinmigioneof the judges of the
Supreme Court, who may be in office on the first day
of January next, shall expire in the fopowlog man
ner: The commission which beim the earliest date
shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Do
mini one thpusand eight hundred and fOrty-twor the
commission next dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall
expire on the first day of January,nno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and fo rt y-eight; the
commission next dated shall expire o the first day
of January, AntiO Domini one thousa' d eight hun
dred and fifty-one; and the commis!! on last dated
shall expire on the first day of Janu s , Anno Do
mini onethousand eight hundred and ty-fonr.
i f
Section VIL The. commissions ofhe President
judges of the seVeral judicial distric and of the
associate law judge&.of the firstjudie district shall
sa i s
expire as follow's: The commissions o f one-half of
those who shall have held their officesten years or
more at the adoption of the amtmdinentar to the consti
tution, shall expire on the twenty-sew; th day of Fe
bruary, One thousand4tht hundred an thirty-nine ;
the commissions of the other half of those who shall
have held their offices,ten years or moat the adop
tion of the amendments to the cons ti tution, shall
expire on the twenty-seventh day ofebruary, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; the first hall
to embrace those Whose commissions 'hall War the
oldest date. The 'eammissinus of all t e "remaining
judges who shalt not have held their Offices for ten
years at the adoption of the 'amendments to the con
stitution shall expire on the. twenty-sekventh day of
February nett . after the end of ten years from the
date If their commissions. ,
Section VIII. The Recorders of the teveral May
ors' Courts, and other criminal courts in this Com
monwealth, shall. be appointed fur thi. same time,
and in the same tnannerl tut the pretident judges
of the several Judicial districts; of those now
office, the commission oldest in date shall expire .
the twenty-seventh day of February, lone thou d
eight hundred and forty-one, andlhe *hers ev ry
two years thereafter according -to their respec ye
dates. Those oldeabin date expiring first.
Section IL The legislature at its first sessi...
der the amended constitution, shall divide the .ther
associate judges of the State into fourelas The
commissions of those of the first clasa e
on the twenty-seventh day of Februik eightde
hundred and forty; of those of the s if dais o .
the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen Mtn
dred and forty-eite II of those of the 'thud class on
the twenty-seventh day'of. February, eighteen hun
dred and forty-Oro; and-of those of the fourth class
on the twenty-seventh day of Februhry l .eighteen
. hundred aud..Umr-those....-.:Tlicsaid classesfrom the
first lallsabill;hreinenge4.4lseonlileg to the
seniciiiVortlireoenitssunis of tbe'lefeliTjudi"
`Section X Prothonotaries, clettr-of seversi
courts (except of the Supreme Court4recordereof
deeds and registetNOßaddritilljm firs elected under
the amended ConstituOni' at 'the election of repre
sentatives in the_year-eiglitien hundmd and thirty
nine, in such manner as may tie prekdbed bylaw.
Section XL The appointing power shall remain as
heretofore, anitidl alters in the appointment of the
executive department shall continue M the exercise
of the .duties- of sthelefespecfive offices until the
legislature shall pass such laws, as may be required
by the eighth section of the sixtharticle of the
amended consfitutioniiind-uttlitaPPoilltocuts shall
be made
. andel sorb larss . sj unless theircoMmivions
. sliallite'supersedeirby new appointments, or 411
sooner expire
_hy own limitatinol, or the slid
offiCiiiihilYbecome fabarit by drath ur re . signation,
and.spirh laws shall be - enacted by the 4 firkt legfsla
Section XII. Tifffital/feelito for aldermen and
~ justices of the peal% Snell
as'bOld in the yesyear, ulSre'L,M4- 4 1t , I ,ttig,449r k ‘.
or co,n, ye;
.r4A t t l s
Old Jamaica Spirits, r k. 1 44 -1, ..P0. 0
.2136Vhditlffilfunee,—for sale 14
- June 23 0211,11 vtSt -
arefr n
- other
Chat I_4-
John V,.._•.. ~
I t o b ia t .fi ; I
William C k, • : Wm: ve d,
A. J. Cliffe . Hizani 'n ,
Lindley , 'let, Matthias ennypacker.
R. LC' ran. I James kg,
Thos. P . pe,
! amei ison' Porter.
Joshua - F. x;1 Saint:rA. Pinviance s•
Walter CA*, • ' ' 4%. C. Re .
Richd..M. Crain; • lA I H.l ad' . .
Geo. T. Crawford, Geo. W. er, ;
Cornelitiverner s t ; .. ' I Jnantitter'. .
Benjn. Makin, 1:1. Gold It4ters,
John L. APC4then, ' Samuel Royer,
E. T. BPI/emelt; James M. gusset!,
James M" - hert,y, Daniel SlicOr, •
Mark•Darttli,: John Minn. S cott,
Harmer Henrik, Tobias fen,
John Dicky,', G. Seitz r;'
-Josbui-Dielunsoni - • ---Geo.;lie I •-• -1- -
Jacob•Dintngrar .,• , 11enry, ' in k i •
Jai. - Disiiiigan '• ''' ' ' Cetirte' hi fete, '
J. IL Dohnell ' i • Thomas ill, ! -
Joseph M.Doran, Geo. Sm th
James Do slop, W. S ' t ,
Thomas Fiarle,, ' Jo seph i ely,
D. M. F ItY, -
arty JOO4 B. teliigere,i
Robt. Fle mg, . Jacob S. nit I,
Walter F ward; - Ebenes . r '. Stns . -levant
John Fon roll,. Thomas I • • rt,:
- Joseph Fri, Jr. ' Moigan .'c homit,
John Fuller, • - James r , ..,,
John A. Giimble, ' ' Thomas' , aver,!
William Gearhart,-..._ Jacob B. • idman,
David Gilinore, ' , k ,. G. Wit , • '
Virgiftraell, - " eo. W..' , wird,
William L. liarris, R. Youn •. i - ;
hnas Hastings, • I
est;)-S. Strocn,§ecretary. 1, • ot• -
' A
rArt, t Asiitant. 4cretaties•
IJ. WttztAxa, c .„..., • .
' SECRETARY'S OFFICE, i ''''.." - 'i .
I certify, that the foregoing is ski e t and literal
copy of " the Constitution of the nwealth !if
Pennsylvtatia as amended by the o ention of clae
thousand eight ' hundred and • RC ven—thiy
eight," deposited in this offiee-ob 26th. day. of
FebruarY,i 1838 ; the amendsriento ing in Oa*,
and the retained portions of the pr nt Constitu-.
Lion in .r4uto letter. ,
i THO. H. BURRO t ....... • '
Sec'y of the. nViealth!
, .. .
„. 1
lIIIIAKES pleasure in: itiloysiainc iirfriends and the
- 11 - Public, that lie continues • Ins n motes under
the -.Pennsylvania Hall," in' Pet i e. He, holies
his pasereputationTrii keeping it'' e table'Estab
lishment. acquired during the • ce Of 5 yews
in the sam(eline•of briiiness, and itsire o please,
may meritia continuance of their avers and pat-tin
age- I_ ,
JOHN SILVER has made arrange ants with slr.
Robert Hacriner„ of the "Cereocopie, , N 0.44, Pli,rth
Third Street, Philadelphia fora irii ly of all- the
delicacies Which the Philadeiphilmi#•ket can affo rd
during thel Summer season. • . E 1
• Rat of jai ey
Roast Ekef,• cold, per ilate, 4 .111,
Corned [do do do I .12i
Fried Ham 4 , - Eggs, do
I 1 1 ,
Green Turtl e. Shop, do i
• !I
Lobster*, • . o
• !
Sardinea, ti
Fresh lidded Salmon, l
Spiced 'Oysters., - • r
Old Madeira Wine. • pe r ttt, 150
Old Pale Sherry Wine, •d 1 1- 50
Qld BroWn do • • - d i; 1 50,
Ofd Per. do ' d it l 1 50,
Old Lisbon o ' 6 ii OO
Chain •e. (Pa l metto,) d • , 2 i* -
. on Brown Stout , a , ni
Pepper' , Smith's & Secliel's • ale Ale. -• '
Apartm nut .are always in in for . Super
Parties, and . those who call ma e tto receive
every en Clem', - - ~ A
Pottsville. May - 'll
,Fo the:nstark
Discovered and broogl
This is to Certify the
as ELixn. n several ens
have eettainly found
Moniber fifth° R
tondo, Sept. 10.1831
A.ftienti arepre4 io '
the Fire King thir , mot
mairr.lionVoure of the
boy in partieularorhe
a ten pen4y. nal clear
etlhe deb.yettloatiii
Ccizette:l'"'" --4 "' l '
ed . :and fcit:iale-biy"
. 1 2. 4")1e
July 1$ •`T .
.„:i. •• NF.IW
~,,,...,..,... qt...., .
...;?' .I . l' • '
* ,
..._•_ **sr&
irnitl bsenberg It,
the ictittlic; that
'Mika" inirEngliel
Iropilltid.tron, .aat
Shear. ratan" and'El
Cast StetitbatiV; eliiii -ttinftl..
and'Oia, tokeitter r __ , g 4 .4 I
I ltll,, be sco Rl'
tita4Ori'lea; Al - ' ' JOH ()LAMP]
April St 2 Mt ‘1 —1 • •
' 32