II IerTMER DEMOCR•ICY Against Porter and the i Aristocratic Sub-Treasury Democratic county pleeting. WIDE Democratic Republieartomf Schuylkill a". county. favourable to the re4clection of ear ' present worthy Farther Governor t of , Washington county, Joseph Ritnee, and all those who are bp \posed to the principles and measures of the cer opt National 'Administration qf Martin Vanti- I L Ten. whore - aka tt was to saddle that most arr . to erotic and odious Sob-Treasury System upon e free and enlightened citizens of t i rs great Union, for the porPope of placing the " arse and sword of •the nation." , into their own hands, in order to oppress and fyranniznover the People and destroy the - best interests of Me county . 'ln short all those who would like to see the iekidency in the hands of the Patriotic Willie.. H. Harrison of Ohio, or some other staunch epublican, who • would go for his country, and n fin a particular "party:" are reipectfully invited ito attend a gen eral county meeting, to be held in the Court noose, in the Borough of Orwigaborg, on Tues day the 3lst ofJuly next, at half past I o'clock. P. M. for therpurporie of adopting such measures • as may be deemed necessary to secure the re-elec tion of our excellent Governor,. Josepn Ritnera sad for carrying out the great priMcioles of Demo cracy which was once opholden t'y a Washington, a Jefferson, a Aimon-Snyiter, and to make the pre paratory arrangements for the formation of -a coun ty ticket, to be supported by the tree citizens of Schuylkill county, at the next Onlober Election. .4 . general attendance of the true Pennsylvanians ofthiwcounty, on said occasions, is respectfully T solicited, - I 1.1.1 1M KOCH, DANIEL H ILL. CIIIIILEA ()ENGLER. • JOSEPH FERTIG. Sen. LEONARD SHOLL. Democratie Standing County Committee. Jaly L 4. 1838. ,AdministratorlO Notice. :ETTEIIB of Administration having been JI-al granted upon the estate of Juan George Gaehmlich, deceased, dabs of Pottsville, entice is hereby given Mall those indebted to satd.estate to make immediate payment, and all those haying clJt ne against a i id. estate writ ple i.e present them for settlement on or before Monday the third day of September at the house of D. G. Yuengling ii Pottsville, at which time and place the tritons will settle all accounts properly anthem], cited. FREDERICK BECK, D. G. YUEN . GLI NG, Adminisuatars rotlpville, July 18,1KIR !toffee Officers • For the Boroti'gh• of Pottsville. • William &liveley, Jacob Kline, John Shippen, - ' Daniel J. Ridgway Jamei M. Lewis, . Lastrence 'Lawler, Joim Silver, , - Jam6s M. Heathy, • ~. John Soile, Charles W. Cleineon EQ. Henderson, - Ralph Lee, blivtr Dopbsort, Enoch W. McGinnis James Silly man, Jr • Ewld. O'Connor, Samuel H. Leib, Joseph Weaver, John 'Jennings, William Cooper, - Philip . Woltioger, James Clary. George H. Stichler, iseaC Thom psoii, John Curry, - Jacob Kohler, ' Henry Boyer, - 1 John Lenhart, John L. Cotio, - T. J. Baird. — t , JACOB It RED. Chief Burgess: Coal Land. FOR sale . between 3 and 41W acre* of good coal land within a few miles of Pottsville. aud.orie ofa rail road.• For particulars apply to the subscriber at the Penosyktania 11.11. CHARLES' B. YOUNG. July 18 IRON & STEEL, STORE. tilashbaeribers have constantly on habd • full assortment of Iron, comprising Round and Square Iron from 3-16th up to 6 inches di. ameteri.4lst Iron 3-16 M by No. 4. W.G. up to 6 in: by'7i in.; butter. flue and sheet iron of best and 2dquality, suitable for lining car bodies or schutes; rail road - iron l by i. 1 by 2 by and 2,1 by They are also prepared to receive orders to import Rail Road Iron upon the mast advantageous terms in large quantities; also rail road car A'ru,ll assortment of Steel, comprising cast and shear, steel—American and English blister Steel. German aAd spring steel, and round Iron and octagonal steel for drills. MORRIS & JONES, a W. corner Market and Schuylkill Seventh St. Philadelphia, June 21, IMO. , 49-6 mo . XLMBERTON BOARDING SCHOOL. ONDKR THE 6UPILitINTrat MICR 07 EMMOR KIVBER. Tercherc—Asumu. Kixiiiik. M ART KIIIIIRR, MARTINA Kiwasa. GIARTRODR G I KIKBRI. Assistant Trackey:.—Mmi. Aitrr B. lICIBLET. IN thts-Senimaiv.. Females arc instructed in A. Needle Work, Spelling, Reading. Writing, A- rithmetic, Book Repping.Algebra,Engliah Gram mar, Composition, Geography„ History, Chronol ogy. Ratan's,' Natural Philhaliy, Chentistry, Drawing. Painting, and. therench Language. TERMS For Boarding 4od Tuition. except ing the three'last named,bra4ches. One Hundred and Forty' Dollars a year, yable quarterly in advance. ..f. ' For Drawing. Painting, algid the French. a gnates. Five Dollars a quarter additional. each branch. . Washing charged at 37i cents, a dosemi and Books. Stationary, &c. at the store prices. ;1 rand Bedding, the use of the Libras} and CI _Dierks. are furnlsbed to the pupils without ;1 cha ge. Vacations, in the Fourth' and Tenth months, and to the ticlxdari who do not retinas at the School. this time is nut charged.. FOr further information. Parents and Guard ians ave reipeciftilly . referrse to Edward B. Hub. Isv, Orwigsburg; Joseph F. Carroll. Port Carbon; John M. Lewis. tilsorge Maieimingo, Putforpe; or to John Scholl, Schnylk e tl Forge. near P Clinton—all of whom have ildtzn at Kimberton School. 34 • Ktniberton. June l 2s. 1838. _ 30-5 w Mould Candles. . Wiliam Mould Candles, received on Consign ‘" 3 meet, and for sale by the Box. at asanafiketar er's pies. SAMUEL BARU , 6 Pattern Is, July 14,18'8. Ad- MIME • BOOK- NMI n _ • BANNAN halo Cntrinteneeci. try in connection with . his where all kinds of Books will ;In shortest notice at Ipw rates. • 4 • of every description tOatle to order 1b lowest rates—and the tradosopplied wh at delphis prices. April 11 . n e onsthi W. Cumming, AITTOILMEr sir HAS retno.ed his Office ICI Centre 'Street. op: aposite the Brick Soilding of Glair M. Jen ningic where he will Wend to all t business en. awned to him in the line of his prtifeasion. pet 21 48-tf Lot far Sale. . WILL be "told cilar Soo Cant , a lot situated on William Street in th:a buongh, adjoin ing the Lot on which Luke Lee m i aow building a dwelling house. 'The lot is 55 feet front on William Street, by feet deep. Apply to , May 30 41 • 11ANNAN. CathOlic 11440 IDIOMS 6 Key to Paradise, True Piety, . Catholic Piety. • • , • Douay Bible. • Poor Man'. Cagechbun and Small Catecloent hod received and fur rile by IL lIANNAN. Dec 23 - EXPRESS • LINE Or STAGES. II E Proprietor* of this Line, (which has been i fitted up in a- simerior manner for the accent modation of the Travelling Community.) respect. Tully announce to the public that the Line will pfpitivrly commence running tetween POTTSVILLE 4. PHILADELPHIA. on Wednesday the. 2d of Nay. aal will continue to leave their office at the Pennsylvania Ea. Pottsville, daily at,6 °Select. A. N. and strive in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. AL at the followirg rates of Fart: To Orwigebtirg„ . . $0 50 . Port Clintstn, 75 • Hamburg, 100 Reading, • 2 00 Pottstuwnl 3 00 • Trap, 3 64 Norristoirp, 4 50 Philadelphia, 5 00 For Seats apply at life Pentiaylvania Pottsville; lien • Hotel, Readtni; and at their Office, No. 25, North Fonith Street, Philadelphia. 31 INTEER & Co. PailliOlDa. SAII'L.OVENSHLNF:,Nag. EV ANS & CA LDW ELL, Do. May 2 Proprietors. 'ROYAI, COLLEGE OF st 7 R GE:a/I'A' , Lax' no.v. 55-6 t . Pills. THE Original Ilygcian Universal Vegetable Medicine, prepared by W. MISGIN. Eaq., Member of the Royal 4..;011ege of Surgeons, Licen. state of Apothecaries Company, Fellow of Bal. Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen t.itm Associatiom Lancaster pluee, Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil ofGuay's ■nd St Thomas' flivapaels„ London. These pills having gained acelebrity unparaL leled in every section trf the Union, are now con. sidered by all those who value good heahh, india pensable as a family medicine—patmnized by a numerous body of the ma* eminent Physicians both in tho country arld in Europe,—is sufficient, it is presumed, to stamp their character in the es. titration of every thinking man, and it is hoped, 71 far better recommendation than the course- re. ported to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders, lath?, to mislead and deceive the public. Faddish what they call practical proofs and certificates of Cures, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil. sty, and most of which, if not all, are either:gross fabrications, or procured by frond and connivance. The editor.olthe Long Island , Farmer, says "This medicine has obtained en unprecedented degree of well preserved popularity.