The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 14, 1838, Image 3

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    tract ofa letter to the
Herald and Sentini
Ili old Berks . the Whig
anniversary of Nation,.
and never with so much
fourth,olJuly just pasts I
persoris who participated.
of the day was unprecedett i
tbusiasm• that was manifest
casino in favor "of the g
deed cheering• to the pat
liam Adams, Eel. former!,
Congress from this county' the head of the J
ticket,. was President oft
assisted by a large numbe
fifths of whom supported
berg at the. last election.
with us, strongly enlistein tlielcanse of,
ei r)
Ritner and our country. epend upon it
old - Berka will give a go(r I. }mount of her
on the 2cl Tuesday o October next,
for scarcely a day passes
,but we hear of,
change; change. The lode) focus admit it,
here, though abroad When 'there is nine to
gainsay, they endeavor by - bragging and
blustering arid offering betty as to the over:
whelming majority of olderks tocheerup
Of drooping si irks of the faith
ful.and sustain
In Reading alone we can count nine
ty seven changes, and atong these are
some of our most lateen itil citiiens. It
is calculated that of those ho were present
at the ceNbration of the fi urth, one halt
were opposed to Ritner ' he last election.
I , _
Is nut this some earnest 0 - 1 the future.?—
The Declaration °andel) ridetice was read
by Dr. Heibsenan, son of the late senator
from Lancaster, county-tend the oration
was delivered by George Geti, Esq. at the
last election a within andlnfluential friend
of .11uhlenhefg. After the cloth was re
moved the President of the (14 y gave a com
plimentary toast to Henry S. Spackinan,
Esq. of your city, who waa present by invi
tatton. This drew forth one of the most
eloquentspeeches it has ever been my, lot
to hear. tie fairly nettled ) the attention of
Um audience for upwards tif an hour arm! 8
half,- making a deep and-abiding impres
sion el' he minds. .of 4. aid winning
for , :hienself the rPputation Of a finished ora
tor.• The next nay the citizens of Read
ing vine him a dinner. Philadelphia has
really reason to be proud
. of such a son.
It would afford us here, Much pleazure t:,
see him in the Senate of the State. After
the speech of Mr. Spr.ckneari was conclud
ed, a procession was formed which march
ed.into town a ith music playing and ban
ners tying—.( counted more voters in that
prod astern than the loco picos were able
to 'muster a ith all their efforts,-and with
all the money that they spent so lavishly,
coming felon God kerma. s ent
The re•
sub is, that our display being so unexpect
ed has confounded them- T -they are chop-
Tallen—they are dumb-founded. Depend
upon it, our vote in this celerity nett Octo
ber will Wolfish friend and foe. ,In 1832
Wars majority over Riteer was but 330
and he was borne along by theoverwhelin.
ing influence of the second saviour. . Why
- should the ex iron master do letter riding
at he does the wind-galled, spavined horse
of Van Burenism? ,
The little County of
.trie will give a
larger majority for i Ritner, than Berks
wi[l . give for Porter. - .
Celebration of the Fourth of July at
Schuylkill Haven. •
A goodly number of ' the Citizens ,of
Schuylkill Haven and vidinity, of all par
ties, inspired with such feelings as should
fill the heart of every trim American on
that day, assembled' and celebrated our
Nation's great festival, Man orderly, qui•
et and becoming manner. All felt the
day was hallowed { and the spirits of the
departed heroes of '76, Were hovering o
ver, and looking down upon them. No
party question, sectional interests, 'or pri
vate_Teuds were allowed to; disturb the hap
py associations which the occasion called
The morning was ushered in in. the u
sual manner, with the hearty rejoicings of
the people. The Schuylkill Haven Greys,
a neatly equipped and well organized corps,
under the command of• Lieut. M. Mellen,
Paraded at an early houi, and after the du
ties of the morning, tail( up their line of
march, to West Branch Vtilley, were they
were received with hearty welcome by
our enterprising and worth:) , citizen, Leb
hens Chapman, Esq. His mansion was
thrown open, and,a bountiful collation pre
pared in a cog! arbor, i'n the adjoining
ground. After an hour "pent in refrelph
ing.both mind and body, unmindful of past
fatigues, the corps took leave of their host,
filling the air with loud cheers in testimo
nyof their gratitude and i kindly feelings.
On their return they acCeted sinsiktr civ
ilities from Robert C. H . t
I, Esq. Weigh
Master and Collector on dm West Branch
Railroad. i .
.-At 2 o'clock, P. M. the militaiy an.l
citizens assembled on thellsland, a green,
well tihaded, cool and [delightful spot,
she r esh e y were orgeniscd by appointing
n il
DANIEL SAYLOR, Ell. }item ant o
the day; Joui RUDY, BANIVEL MOR , IXIEIt,
IEL STAGER, Vice Press Mini; and Brno!
S. Bayles, Secretary. . .
The Declaration of i pendenep was
read in the German lang ge, by the Rev.
Chas. F. Krell, after wh ch be adcfPullmid,
the Assembly for a few minutes In the
same language. The se was Ikea re
peated itrthe English la "re deer,
- --\ .
- • tied4l ' ps-ag ' ~ :,1 .s "manner' •- ' • .
distinct I , 'reel Ye by L. C.
Poughertyi gig. - ' .
Lebbeus Chitpina , Esti:, tbewaddrzssed
the assembled }citizens in a pertinent, able
and appropriate srech of some fifty min.
utes, which wiislisteeed to With breathless
attention. The long, loud and reiterated
-cheerer, spoke Iplainl the approbation of
the multitude.: Th imeeker can receive
no greater etilteriam . 3 .of': 7 rne address we
say nothing. T he flaiiikeziracts will
speak for theitiselvei. - ft".:
[The remarks of Or. Chap m an will be
given in our nett.]
Edito a Of the
id, dated
my , 7, ;1830.
celebrated the
-pirit as on the
he millibar of
in the festivities
t 4 and the en
. d upon the oc
cause was in:
' t heart. M
a. member 'of
and a few years
clumn electoral
e day. Ho Was
of (Akers.; four
Vol f or .M Uhlen
They fare, now
After the' Oddre the Company sat
down to a table neat and bountifully fur
nished, witha l the is bstantisls and define
ries,of the etedson, by mine host of the
Washington- Hotel, iFred'k. Hass, Esq.
upon which a blessi g was invoked by the
Rev. Mr. Krell. ensconced 'under the
overhangiag l fuliage fromthe burninortiyi
oft be sun, the icompitay amply refreshed
themselves. ; After ijethovingthecloth,the
following toasts we, drunk and responded
to by the roar of muketry and the hearty
°beers of the assembled populace.
Its The Jay we ctiletwate, '
2. The PretiitlentNile United States,
• 3. The, Guvern •
r •C the Stitt* ul Penn
sylvaisi.4, • •• , ' :
4. Tite v jlidicary or the UnitediSiiktes,
5. .14.Artny aftd,Navy of thy Vatted
• 6. The surviving sOldiers of the Revolu
7. The Civtl, Pontifical and Mop] insti
tutions of our country—alike guaranteed
by its C..tistitution and Laws.
8. The Cornniei4al, Agricultural and
Mechanical institutions oldies Union. .
- 9. The Yeurnanr l
of the United States.
IU. The Literary ' rid Scientific . trunitu
lions of our country, is best and ;poly seem
11. The land we live in—The birth-place
of Freedom., I
12 . The Anietican.Pair,
L:Chapnian, Esq't The German pop
ulation of the Co•nmunwealth of Peons)
vania—honest find ttue to the countLy of
their adoption. .
Geu. Kauffitan. The stars and stripes
of our national` flag may it : ever be pro
tected by the Anieri i 6n people.
A. L. Wilkins.—.l
Heulth to the sick—h il l:or to the brave;
Riches to the poor, a freedom to the slave,
Wm. J. GoLid. L. Chapman, Esq. ora
tor of the day-.whoin anekquent speech
of nearly an hour,: a t tracted the attention
of a delightful. audi i nce, and displayed a
profound knowledu o e r of the history of our
country from its ea lest period--He has
more than fulfilled the expectations of all
Upon which 16.1 Chapman arose and
responded in a short 'but.: appropriate
H. G. Robinson. 'The coal in the bow.
els of Schuylkill County and the present
sumptuous dinner. I As well might We
expect the former th remain dormant in
the hills, as that the latter should be con-
tent with its presentl abiding place.
Samuel Mortimeti. The fair sex •of
Schuy. [kill` County.
Gideon • Bast. The year 1776—and
the sons of liberty who resisted tyranny &
declared themselvesTrce and independent.
A. W. Saylor. . The land of Out fiber
ty- and freedorri. ! . .
F. Haas, Eeq. The citizens of Schuyl•
kill Haven—by their liberality manifested
this day, we can judke cf their ability.
H• G. Robinson. • The German inhab
itants of Sclinylkill County--pioneers of
the coal trade.
E. S. Sayler'. 'Pm Farmers and Me.
ehatrics of . Schuylkill County—Sound
heads, strong Intridand honest hearts ;
not ashamed - to wor - for their bread.—
Tbey are opulent, for they have enough
—they are grateful fbr they mitt they drink
and are content; asking nova but' their
God to be gracious Ito them.
Wm. %V. Otto. The arts and sciences;
fostered by the %and of liberty and industry;
may-they long continue to bloom and flour
isli and gather strength, and the stranger
end 14 , 1mi-sae& of every clime and nation,
receive a hearty well:it:tine, and find an easy.
luny in our 6ripy country.
Jun. B. Kennedy. Washington and
Lafayette; their deeds are firmly wrought
_in the recollectiona -of all liberal hearts;
then fame is deeply 'stamped on• the tablets
of On ufortality.
Peter S. Lawrence. Col. J. Bickel
his manly appearance, baronet with the
highest approbation,ot the Schuylkill Ha
ven Greys.
Doct. a H. Shat en. The greatest or,
nament'in the literary world, is found in
the native talents of the femillo.'
W. J. Goodo , Woman—may she-never
feel the want 4a protector.
Jonathan D isler. Dr. Benjainin Frank
lin and the yen ce tigs which he smacked
on the cheek; o the Queen of . France. '
Lieut. M. M Ilen. inn. M. Bickel—
His charactec s a Msil and military man,
deserves to be (rank .among the noblest
and best in ouitimici ;I
. * - .
Col. J 4 M: Bickel. The Vokinteers and
Schulkill Haven Civ i c s—May they remain
and become morels , . more united in prin.
eiples of true ; paid. jinn. from;, this day
forward as king ' r they `wear tilt
badge of their fount , and - may jarting,
wrangling and iftiput Oe n neve* be whop!
Wed among t he t; ~ mar Mir cantinalt
s.. ~ --rte- ~~.4 ~ c.~
REGV 141(i r TOASTS.
, . .
•' • •
ith their honomble body toed . m Abe
eknifis - ofeili : -. l l:o4ted -- Wieshkgg wa.
i n n mainteiding principles, and cherishhig..
tove fqr Afpublican Glory, . 1
Chas, !Dangler. lincreledgifts.n
ars! diffusion, the best preservation - or*,
oublican "attil Liberty.
B. Kennedy. ~ The Schhylklll county
it—May their virtue ever coutsibine their
B. A. Shaffer. Here's . hoping. the A
erican, Eagle- may "fly over. the atliintic
ilcean and set in the garden Of England,land
luck the fillies ut France. - •
Lieut. Mellen Mark &hinny Wayne-r
1 ne of the noblest and best generals olbis
ay, may his name be remembered um
is watch-word at the old Mud Fo—
emember Paoli. " ,
j Wm. Weaver. The motive power of
Bchoylkill county—the hammer and ; the
j H. C. M*lly : The tree of Libel..
tr-May it - er stand, and may its
.1 ranchei wave m the free breeze of libel.-
" b. Boyd. Benjamin Franklin—A bright
star in the horizon of our country's glory,
hisedeeds shall live perpetual u his name,
May we all emulate him.
Jno. Delbert. May the freemen of Lib.
arty be steadfast and never forget Liberty
and itidependencr.
Jacob Delbert.- PennaylVania foreier—
May her public juvenile institutiOns con
onue in their present date of success and
Danl. Saylor. Peace and plenty tO all.
Win. H. H. Russel. The Schuylkill
Haven Greve—May they live long. end
prosper in their present engagements/
Benj. Deihert. We will sink Or
live or die, fur the cause of our National
Glory, our love of country. and our- sacred
rights; which can never be aliake,n from
tbeir-Iniimistionas intig as They are gnard
ed with a jealous eye s by wise and enligkt
ened citizens.
: 11. G. Robinson. Schuylkill o
Greys--Their 'Military discipline prove
in us they can -he depended upon
.in tune
nf need.
Jun. •1. Minie. The Schuylkill Haven
Greys—May they live,till! theirlwads are
as grey as their coals.
, W. S. Chapman. May the bright sun
of Freedom continue to shine with inereas.
ing splendor do our happy land, arid ihed
na benign influence over thb nations ut the
Doct. Shannan. • The Schuylkill Haven
Volunteers—The gentlemsoly deportmesit
of both officers and men, and their strict
attention to military rliscipline, will ever be
their passport to social friendship.
Danl. ii. Stager. The Schuylkill Ha
en Greys—Citizen soldiers—Their milita
ry apprentice dues bonur to the coun-
Wm. James - The (Treys of Schuylkill
Haven--May they live till thelf back bones
saw the hoards for. their coffins. - '
Joseph Wriolison. The Schuylkill Ha
ven Greys,—Their military and gentleman
ly deportment entitle them to the highest
esteem. •
L. Chapmn Esq. Fred' Haas
Esq., our worthy host --Ile has tnetoally
arid faithfully fulfilled his engag ent in
prnvidinir our repast.
John Rudy. )Moechten alb d Little
dtesen tag feyern so gesinnt sein wie
Waschington gesinnt war, so wuerde es
ein opfer dew alien den wahren freyheit
Police Oaken§
For the Borough of Pottsville.
William Shively, Jacob Kline,
John Shippen, Llaniel J Ridgway,
James M Lewis, Lawrenre Lawler,
John Silveri - James M Beatty,
John Seitz, Charles W Clemens,
E Q Eenderson, Ralph Lee.
Oliver Dobson, Enoch W McGinnis,
James Sillyman, Jr Edward ()Tonne!,
Samuel D Lewis, Joseph Weaver,
John Jennings, William Cooper,
Philip Wolfinger, James Clary,
Geprge 11 Stichter, !ileac Thompson,
John Curry, Jacob Kohler,
Henry Buyer, John Lenhart,
John L Cubo, T J Baird.
Chief Burgess.
From Paulatm's Daily Atlvediser.
Where were he 2,000 Whigs (said to
have been, at Harrisburg) when the Gov.
ertior'S house was rudely assailed by, the
mob? Where was the / police of Herds
burg? (perhaps they have none.) ybere
was the Sheriff? the cOuptables? the stitch
men? And above all, where was tile
ilens of our capitol?
This insult towards the Gbyernor, was
an insult to the people, to the. common
.wevlth of Pennsylvania.
Our Governer, Judges and magistr,stes .
must be respected, or at least not insulted;
it is a duty we the people, owe kti them: and
If the citizens will not *tact the‘gov
croft! from Man% (no matter Which party
elected hint.) it.ia ihno - we had sought for
another place for the capitol of this
; Had it been any other man, area the
humblest citizen of Harrisburg, wbbse
Douse had thus been attacked, the Gover
nor 'Lathier Magiatiale, would forthwith
lieut dispersed - the mob in "diablit.quick
pme,"! to the tune ofthe•ltiiiie? march."
ousioi i er the hilletind Tit inky: lt g the
duty of the (leveret* to prated the poison
MI 114
Party.tore oi~n= t od,lc : ia.a►ery
aline.4„,:tlo . ,
etti.of .the Gtii;errninlui and.ptup.
, 0.
• 11t.4411K1 EQ.
At Ortrigibinrg, oUTueedertheAdinst;
by the Kew. M. Heypek. Mr.lJAcos H.
ZteettNiiini, !Merchant of Mieeisiville,
Schuylkill County, to Miss :lame& Lim
ofiteWing, Beikbipmfity:' ,
A N adjourned meeting pl Pulaski Lodge. Na
216, win be bele' afthe usual plasm. on Mon
day imening nest, July' 16tb, at hilt put. 7o•-
clock, P. M.
renewal attendance friswinatted.
Jule 14 54..1
Against Puler 'and 'the ArliefoCr is
• •
Democratic County 1111
E Democratic Republican Schuylkill
county, favourable to the lectern' of our
present worthy Farm, Governor of Washington
county, Joseph Rimer, and 'all those who are bp.
posed to the principles and' measures of the car.
relit National Administration of Martin Van Bu
ren, whose aim it was to saddle that moat ayristo
critic end odious Sub-Treasury System urine the
free and enlightened citisens of this great Onion,
for the purpope:of placiug the "purse and sword
of the nation," into theit own handi, in order to
oppress and tyfanniie over the People and destroy
the best interests - of the country. In short all
those-who would like to see the Pleitidency in the
hands of the 'Patriotic William B. Horsham of
Ohio. or some other staunch Republican, who
would go-for his country, and not fie "'particular
"party;” are respectfully invited to attend a gen•
eral county meeting, to be held in the Court
House, in the Borough of Orwegsbarr, onTuest.
day the 31st of July next, at half paid 1 o'clock,
P. !11.: for the purpose of adopting such - measures
Ai may be deeded necessary to secure the re-elec
tion of our excellent Governor, Joseph Ritner,
end forcarrying out the great principles of Demo
c v which we. once apholden by • Washington:.
a Jefferson. a Simon Snyder. and to make the pre
paratory arrangemenis for the Ruination of a &tun- ,
Itir uctier t to be. supporteif by the iree . chisces of
Schuylkill county, at the nest O'cober Election.
A general attendance orthe true Pennsylvanians
of this county, On said Occasions, as respectfully
Shipments of Coal a the week, endir.g on
Thursday evening last :
' Skipped by Beets., lees.
Delaware i..lual Co 43 2278
George IL Potts, V. 6 1379
Bell it Bolton • -17 '. 878
Hodgson & West 15 799
8 B Reeve & Co 15 . 787
Charles Lawton 14 757
Milne. & Spencer II 681
14 A Coat CO Ii 573
8 Brooke' IL 565
T C Williams 4 Cd 10 549
Wm Wallace &Co -. lO 524
A Steinberger ' ( 8 ° 124
A Lawton 7 ) 372
- -
I; Woodside 7 - 368
Nash/it° 7 ' 363
Bennett & Taylor T • 3.59
M Murphy T 350
S Heilner& Son 6 ' 323
I. Chapman 6 3231
G Bast 6 317
J. C. Cirsomons - 6 314
Davis & Olwine 6 • 317
N Evans • 5 26g
&Hyman & Nice a Oa
C M Hill • '5 3.54
J 801 l & Co 5 250
Palmer &Garriguea 4 - . 206
R Stanton 4 160
L C Dougherty • 3 ' 154
R Hear . 3 ' % 158
Heim. Baker & Cd. 3 166
J, 8. Runkle & Co. 3 155
J. W. 'Schenck 3 150
R. G. War 3 112
P E Hamm & Co 2 105
N Nathan Si 105
Payne &. Allen - ' 9 • 104
Sundry Shippers • 19 ' 899
June 29,8 Bradford 58
80 Mobile' 56
July 2 Niagara 66
3 Roaring Lion '5B
4 J Thomas -- ' ...56
5 F Repon4 ' 56
C Focht 64
7 8 Bedford - 56
9 Mobile .., . ' 66.
10 1.- - Mcb* $6
The tailoring the a • - let Diet huspened
on I m o R o l god, to _Umvir,./i
ThiCreitii=es lits 4! -- ;; ;SUShele
*jog • • • 014111,,
Democratic !Needing County Committee.
July 34. 1838.
Pichu • lkill Coal Trade
_ - -
325 17,007
Per lut report 2138 119,661
2463. l 36 668
Little. &Multi"! 67 3,380
, WO .. 140,048
11.. Niagara;
12 .1 #ll3cimlui
I 2 boats :
SS ; I F 4 14 •Smi t
67 '
norm' cAusos lt.*ile-ROAD.
tw a t
NANA" eigAritierantr.
pnq this Rail Siva the' eadhvib
Thursday evening tut,5 991 tine
Per kat Report ,Aldl2o
Mita! i . 57.710
ROBERT C. BILL, Collector.
MILL- eR OA IT: ROA lit,
The folk Awing is the amo4nt of Coatttaosported
eatithkroad foe the week Sadler= Wedneeday
eianiorlsw, • !WO fade
Per laskßeport, . • , 20511 ,
T otal okx).ooEsTit,caleator.
The following is theutintint; of Coal 'transported
on this Rand ror - Ibi in* ending on Sato/kir
evening list, . 3035 tons
Per last report•; • MSS
Arrived at Roadost from itioesiL!,l4 op 'to
' 42d Joni. isettesios.
115 Boats. vrith . 3.432 tons
• Per last Report. 17459
Tote, 20.931,
Patinae. Jury 74,. 1838.
WHEAT iFLOU R, by the lead wait worth 'on Fri
day ST 50.
WHEAT I al per pusheLin demand.
RYE FLOUR 200 purr cwt. in demand.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 8 50 per cwt. in demand
RYE, by the load. 7AI cents ; ny the basted—ready
RYE CillOP 65 cents per bushel in demand. •
OATS 78 lcells—ready sale. -
• POTATOES 40 cents per bushel in demand." -
11075 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOY Ft SEED—.IIS4,-,per_busbel.
'TIM IfY SEED-Ajt2,ooe ibushol. . -
FLAXSEED-41 It per *obel in demand.
WHIerK,EY-42 cents per gallon.
BUTTER—I 4 centsper pound—ln Kegs 12 cents
EGCS—It cents perdosen.'
RD--I cents per pound.
TA LLOIr9 cents per pound.
ITA MS I cents per pourd.
CORN CI OP 80 cents per. bushel Wieland.
BACON-12 cents per pound.
• RERBWA X—lB cents per pound.
FRATITER.N62 cents per pound. - -
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound'
MACKF.RF.L. bytbe bbl. No
.1,4112 00 No 2. $ll
SALT-21621 per bbl.; St per bushel
PLASTkR. is worth V 00 per ton.
RAYOIB, per ton.
RESPECTFULLY informs the' Citizens of
Pottaville, and the public generally, that he
is prepared to perform all operations in the stove
line, such etc tlugging..Filing.Cleaning, Extract.'
ing, dte. with apatiisiec and on the rboet approved
• Eteekton't Premi um Porarelairt;TeetX Inserted.
agreeable to t h e wishes. of applicants -..Terms'
moderate. •
N. B. Ladies and others well be attended to at
their respective derellinge t or at Mr. Helmet's.'
next door below Mr. Er:titles Drug Store.
Platteville:, July 14, 11138. '5441 .
Swatara and Good Spring Creek Rail
Roadi. -
NOTICE ii hereby give, , that pursuant to ai
further supplement tit the act, entitled an am
to incorporate the Swataratind Good Spring Rail
Road Company and its sup . plement. Books will
be kept open by the Commiisioners or some of
them, to receive subscription to the stock of Abe.
above Railtoad.
' At the Merchants Coffwe !loose in the City of
Philadelphia, at the Bessie of John Coleman in the
Borough of Reading, and at the House of Henri
W. Conrad In the Borough of Pinegreve, on Mon
day this 30th day ofJuly 438, and at the hone
of Eliza Shindel in the rough of Lebanon, at
the House of George Nag 4 in the Borough of
Harrisburg,• at the' House Mich sal Greet in ,
the Borough.ot- Oreigsbu, at the House v f
Samuel Mahon in the Bor 4sigh of Danville, and
- at the Holies of George Ferrce in the Borough - of
Carlisle. on Monday the 12th day of August !WA
The said Books will remain open for six daps
at each place,. and will be transferred until there,
is a ionficient aubsicriptirm to complete said road;
which is not to exceed 100,000 dollars at $3O per,
Aare, five dollars will be received an every share
at the time- of subscribing.
heat Starr y • Wm. M. Roberts,
Isaac Eckert.. • John Huber,
Marcus Cauffman, ' Pea) Darr. .
Simon Goileford, D•iid Shure,
Charles McClups. Wm. Levan.
Charles A. Sayslser. Samuel Webb,
peter Filbert.. 13aMnel 'Gass..
Wm. Donaldson, ' David Grienawald • ..,
'• Charles Fridley. . ,
, ' • • Commissioners.. ;
Jelly 14 It l 3B. . .44-91
, ,
Clotiiit,and cassimeres. ,
I.IIIHE Subscriber. has , iu-Store a-, large ini
;m- ,generall assortment of t' Slue. Black, Brown.
7 .0
Green; Inv' big Green, drib and mist Cloths -er
Also." Black Blue. drib and mist . Cassimereas
Which will sold very Cheap. • -
SoiellUEL; HARTZ.,
. •
. Pottsvill4July 14, 11338: . . 54-
Comma Flanelivand Linen*
ARDS Plaid and , Whitakreoliiiiii
ael—Mao.. oUrailatry
Flax Pita : . for aala at aced whim by , - •.*
- _
_:- DEL HARIZ. - -..*
Pottavil July 14i 1838.1.• - -•-- 54-: - -'
_ETES ; = remaining n the'PaikOffict- it
Tamar - na. Pa.'fidi:r 'ISM , ~- -
_____4_ - , , ,-.;";
Hialty'L. Jahasaa.. SDI ha 1 / 4 1ktarior, William,
Glida,l - : liiillefaraan Mathes. Samuel - NU
gent- ' ' - ' I Whia.WHITANGEI,4S4. P.:144,1- ,
j 41,04 I . 1 I t , . 54-.1
, 1 . . . •
- SilliY 1
t i o
lII RAVELD mill Ilam , sabileriher, a Black
Caw-whin a_awhito ; tam and attack oppei lip.
Any peraoriltetarnirig said 'Cowls the subscriber
at the.Batr Ridge Colliory, or giire each inform..
t 1 lead ' • lise raeavary. will liiiiheial-.
... 1 ...
1 1 -'- .-. r ,---... :511-5 . : ,
Cial'aegiag• 1 -;
OW iiiittleie or:* 411
41 01 5 4.10 1 4
s lt 11)-B1U 4 st. 1 :
iT**llr l
- 54
I ,
2710 VP
H. .H.lVOTTS;Cullector.
. -
- RIOUS NEWS 2-17 :' f
Wvatop the lerisis:to - nio
##n2 that Gov. anrXESI
L .;uUeda. -„ PriklaiNadkon
airing .all the ilanha:litt
thiscetate toresonsee'lliPeek
!Payments on or beanie - Are
or &agent nett. -
- - Mould Cradles:
Boxea licadd Caddies. received oei:
meat. add for sarei t by the i lloz. at mansifaetad.
Cr's pries. 1 • SAMUEL
! • Pottavillei .y4,14.183E1.
,„ .
Poplar floarlf.s and Plastering. ILA
Itt),OOO.,FF:E7' I inch Poplar Bosnis t '
: 40 upolPhistering Lith. far *We by
July 14.1E38. 541:
Mill Cr at el i k and Mine Hill Nati/WON
an Rail Road Cqn5pe11y..,,,,,,,t-r.•.,#
rpnE rd of:Managers have this Cay-teeklirs
ed'a ditridend origin: per cent for' ttoklests i rt
months, ord - the Capflat Stock of thii.Corottiqi
pays hie to the Stockholders, 9r thitilirptirepres
sentativeniter the 16th inst. at theidfitt_
Treasurer, IM the Mice of I",)hetuunt ma oireposit
at Port Cizttom
i . Secretary and Treasurer:. 7 .
Port Carbon Job' 2 1 1838 . • . -514 •
• ,
P‘!BLIC - :
wita. eold,ittinblic Sale. on Saturday Ord
11th ;of August nest, at the Penosyksishi
Hall. in Ibis/Borough of Pottsville, at 2 teeloak II
I i.!--
the' eller s tuxtn.
• ; A cere . :la Tract of - Land sift/444:4'
.. _ ,
..,..,.,... T .
•.. . • rry township, Schnylkilt=eiwTly,„
bowl° miles from Puttiville. - anilH,
- :1 1 1
from Mmersvilie, on the Mahan*kiii .
---- °ad. which runs ate** . hitched*
through -il l tract—'-and Deep Creek ilso;riiiii
about the. swine distance through the came: =rTliiii
bindery, surveyed underwarranui dated 'belt&
day of Sewiember 1792. One tract containi'MM
'acres 130.nercheathe other 009 acres-4nd a
porches and allowance, and will be sold higethei
or in small lots to suit purchasers. Abort" ill
40 acres of the land is clewed, there is an oreharil .
of gourlbearing .apple trees on the premise's. =
Thei - iMprovements tons* of two Boruaw. Of .
Barn. a good Saw Mill, and seats for it least lit
more;:trreq ired.' ' : '- s -4 , -=' , " - z-V - -
••• Ilia tra4 of land is witbeut exception-tins best
.), tim tract. orlandlin thk county, and a'
considerable portion of it furst raid farrwins Janda
The gist cind of the tract is in the imniadiatri
vicinity of Ole Coal Region. and is well wortht.
the 'email& of persons engaged iii makingillit
road.,ii.s, or in the Boal Building lilueineis,
hail will besold loss. and on easy - Orr;
Any rsonittriahing to view the piemlipr.,capo •
tit . any inlbrmation required from John Deatticlit , ,
reinling ooberiame.
, Pet ions wishing to purchise the whole - i f:wanly"
pa rt.-thereofican do so by applying to either art*,
substrabenspevious to tlui day ofsale.— hut
'sold in the centime, it win positively. hiveoht .
the day toe b ooed above,
The follo mg gentlemen have. seen . •
t 4: ieWl4
and we givp ,them as a list of references.
John Dreher. Orw tribute. • . ---=
De. A. St mberger. Mineksville. - ' -
David D. Lewis. 5 Locksi,
Jacob H. iegenfusp, Mineraville. - .
Lewis C. Dougherty. Schitylkill 011/1121. .'1
Who.will gve correct intorrnation respecting thii
owe if app lication be made , to chair ofthem. el
..: •,
to the subscribers.- - • •
• 'WM. POTTS. Oruiguburg. • ,
July 4 1838. 51-1.1.11
oak& THg surgaterermsece 01
Feachers r —Alosn.. Mums. at inualllts.
' Amish, nil Teade7.-;-511Lanaityr B. from* Y
I N. this Seminary: Fete* are initrictett hi
Needle Work, Spelling, ,
tid:nue, Book Keing. Algebra,English Gram:
mar, Compositio'n, Geography.. History. Qum&
atty. Iletan i: Natural Philswaphy. gotoristrY:
Drawing. biting. and the French.Unguage,
TERMS - For Boarding and Tuition, except.,
idg‘thiftbrir ) fl
last narned-branches.Dne ondrash
and Fatty ' xliars a year, payable quarterly bir
advance. •
For ; Dra4 l ing. Fainting . Bed the : French Leisf,
Fi Dollars a quarter addittortal ; .
Wasbil charged at 371 • cent. ta-, dollia b . •
Books: But onary. Itte. at the stnreprices.,
Beds an Bedding, the use of the f l ibriOr rots
Class &pkg, are furnZsbed to the - pupilließbiiiie
Vacation in the Fourth and i'ent. ' l4ontba;
and to the sCholars who do not remals ; at, the
School. this/ time is nut charged. ' .
For'fartt er Information, Parente. arta
taut are - peetfUlly receiree tofdward
Orwl bore,t.loseph F. Carroll„Pot
Johtellt., wis; °t wee liftJenniegi.',Poliltriilleil
or to Jobb = Schuylkill Forge, neittap,
Clmton=a of whore havechildren allasibt*
School. •
Kunber • . Jima - 25.1:K '
..,..,,:h- ..„....„ 1 :„.„1„4.
Philip liiiiO4,,- ...:-,:,,! :
_..., ~ „... ...
OPP ~ FULLY ,announces tir blirfrietrie
'llid . . pu blic io general, thaCbe hesuitsii ~.,
commence . :the` Cosek.3laking Hosiners in No 6:
wegian.three doors below the ,Akeikiik, ,
the Wring of PritisTrlle. where he ii , telifyi'Atit:
minufaetu to order all kinds of tehiehit et th.:.: ;
shortest: hre. of the best roaterials;iset attack l'.i
bluest rites. Me has also on hand, reidr, viil4l4- , '"-
B stot i e .Carryall., Phieforni.... Cherie*o. •
c o idia lo , Buggies, &ei'whickhrihiviteethe puha
he tetall end examine for.tbenteirhoml:7l**V :
les are 4 11 ornalkhlettiiert. indei hie,
iio4o , o„Auid brintlltmairsat dont t, losil - pit •
ieasy..ea*factursd eiwiibite. , .. -, ,-,- - . -7 1i 1- :; : z5.;:i.;../
i iiii
'' Itfp*#a,T:*p:g - aiiieripteo,amiiat4:gigik
I'M wail! moot asiesiablitiniiiit. l .
2144;: ' jam in payioutC for 'Akira. ,-:
' I 1 1 1 .!rie . '. • • 29 ins 'j
• t...!,,, - ,