The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 14, 1838, Image 1
lUMiNSI VOL., =I TENTED AND PDBIII3IIED, DYBENJAIMIN BAN,NAN. . • . - ~ 11111111112- . • • . ,Teitucx pol t irmi Of?' FIFTY urn per annum. payable semi-annually tn• advance If not paid with. will be charged aU those-who re i. `Cate the paper free of postage. To mail subscribers Irrrierwnnonx• lint paid within the year, 50cents Mrilkberaddedtothe price ersubsc iption. ' ' • ' .. - ' .W.EEK.L.Ir, 1 Two Dot.t.ace per annum, payable pempannuall in - adtrance. If not paid within, t eyear.s2 50 will tiechargesi Advertisements no tfexceeding t el ve lines will be charged $1 for three insertions—a d5O Celltil for cope insertion.• Lam* ones in 9tOrq inn. .kti..advertrisenaents will-be in rted until order'. notopiless tbe timefurwh: ih they are to be continue is suecifiria„and will be charged accordingly. Yearly acsertisers will he chanted 811 per miens]: inch' ling ..thscri ot ion to thepaperi—, with the privilege of 't wiping one Advertisement not exceeding 2 squares 'stan linty il firing the rear. a nd Ahe Susertinn cif a SIXI3II. er 419 in rich lan. r for three sitcbessive times. All letters uddreseetl to the edit+ mit.t be post paid, otherwise no attention will be paid to them_, i All nottee• for inectings. Ste land other rtlice . g which hails heretofore been in.epted gratis. wi I be barged 25 cents each. except Marriages and De . tbs. • Wanted. - A PERSON who is -Competent of tending a ti Steam Engine, to whoml i iberal wsges l will be given. Apply at the North American Coal Company's Office DAVID NICE, Arent, Centreville Miner, July 11. l:,838: • Dwelling House, Wanted. WANTED to rent a goof! sized Dwelling House. in good order, to Pottsville. Ap ply at this office C. ANGEL. Pottsville, July 11,1838. 0-3* 'TO Coil Deilers. THE Subscribers hiving 'liken the large and 'commodious wharf onflowhill street (or corner of Caflowhill and W Ilium streets,' on the Schuyiltill, near Fair Mou 1, Philadelphia; are la prepared to receive any quanti y of Coal. Lutnher -&c. on whartage or storage, o the open wharfor under cover, on the most reanettle tenni.: Every attention .. pail tp coal consign d to them. Referencesk--,Mr. George st, Schuylkill Ha ven; Mr. Philrp Hr.ffa, Pottsvi le. i sl . STIP:ICH & HAVERSTICK. Philadelphik,JulY ii, 1838 i ' 53-3 mo. PROCL A M ATlON.,,Whireas the honorable CALVIN BLYTHE, Eiquir . , President of the eeyeral. courts of Common Pleas of the enemies of Danphin; Lebanon, and Schuylkill, in Penn sylvania, and justioe of the acv ral Terminer and General Ja I Delivery, in said Corms ofOyer I and. counties, and- George Raus and Deuiel Yost, Esquires, judges ot ' the courtkif Oyer end Ter. miner and. General Jail Delilvery, fbr the trial of all capital and other offender's, in the said county of Schuylkill—by their precepts to me directed, tested 'at Orwigliburg, the 410iIi day of June 1838, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Termin er and-General Jail Delivery,. to be holden at Or wigsburg. on the last Monde . at July next, (be ing 'the 30th of said mon ,) to continue one 131 Notice is therefore hereby • ivcn, to the coroner„ the justices of the peace, an , constables of the said county of Schuylkill, t at they are' by the said precept commanded. to , then and there at ten d'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their . rolls, recordS, inqui.itirs, e aininations, -and all other remembrances, to do th , se thingv. which•lo their offices appertain to be .one. and all -'those that are bpund by recognitoccs, to prosecute.. against the pri-onets that- a ,or then shall be in the jail - of said county of . chitylkill,.are to be then and thole to prosecuter won as shall be jusr PETER F.l UDW 11.;. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Orwigshorgl Jnne, 30. 1838.' , . God save the Comi 11,, B. The witnee•es and moned to attend said Court, punctually. In case of non in such cases made and prow Tina notice is vubliehed b the Court, theme concerned • themselvesbccordingly. " Hooks: ye 1, BAN NA N offers fo r m • standard work+ at t taeked. Hume. Smollctt and Millerts England . 4 vols. sheep. with visit :Iftke's Comrden la I y. 4. vot lvy's works, 10 iota. col .-Buck's Theological works. • Scott's Sittle.. and .Coinmeil . sheep, . Byron's works-.Dearhorne's Ancient kinry, Dearbotoe's Edition s • Ogles', - ,Ilosephos 1 vol. wilt; Owes Illtirryatt's winks complete, Mnore's works, Libraky Edj Burns works, Cowper and Thompson's v Paley's works • Borden's village Sermons, Doddridgle Family Expos Eneyelopedia °Monograph . , 1210•ents and 100 Mai Fox's Book of Martyrs, wit McKenzies 5000 Receipt* I Together with a viriety liwr rates, to Si!. the timed jai, 1 • - HAZZARD & TRAUI WHOLE S ALIA A ll' RE'eti Dry-Goodi l tery 'ail 41 • . itatoriS ore, [ ~ Corm of Centre nail tlfa ket Streets, f'ottiville, -' April. 8: , . i /.,. .. . E2B 'INSOLVENT BONDS PETITIO Jiand improved form, 'On printed: an. B. BA • New Goods t, ew G' is! ! - JUST, retie, fred:by - 15 Naha)* ilt.. . • near and ele g ant. "tuisuit ~ .t. : elapsing nd Sum. *sr Prints, pain . * .. ins .and 4w s, moon tabljh k. roisy, bi "flinria,•,' in w piecto rEn g lish grinclat.a ve r y less : . .k1i0,,, , rip did , ae. i 11 20 6 :0"": 2 4 1 44 ' . ' 1. 04.:C: • Oliii &c. AClftVexiii!N S' , 636i.te. ~ oPar t4ether 1 4 1 i .. •,°, 0 4T it' :94t .h tit ...n wp..41, , ...., ~.. 1 • " ' 1 „.„48 • , •. ~ , • 1 WILL TZACII TOO TO 'flag it Tux O.7TIEZ,ISIATHAIED • 'VAR C.o:pittnership, heretionreValltig alder. it- the firm of Christian lint: Steerartrbite thi. day been dissolved by fetal conisent,i the,lmsi ',CPS will he „settled % Mien! C.:hriatian,,, Al hose hiving elation+ agar pe the satia : aim are re viewed to call and 'nave tberti settled;'also thou *ndelred to slid- final' ate , -requested tp pll Bite •ettle their accounts. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN.. The biginess will be barried•oo sant , . ...Am= by Wm.:Christian sibobv'elose rittentron ')osiness hopes to merit itho:T'stronsie of their ormer . d The pepti c ll 2• , 1514. ' WILI4 CHRISTIAN. Itilv'2:lß3A; 52'4" - -Stray - hare. - • - STR Alt Et) :• at *Wee from . • the pretnittos of the Sithaeritter. at , 1 F'frovrery Field _Perms. ,e DARK . BROWN MAIZE; .aaid m are is a 3'11. 1 _....- -- - 'little :hm on the.right hind leg.L. Whoever has taken op valid mare-or can Rive. in. lomat ton where.ahe can be found; will be reason. ably rewarded by ' 7 N. NATI-IANS.. Pottsville, July' 6, 1'339. ' • 52-3 WHAT valuable tract of Land called the "Clin ton Tract," .belonging to Elizabeth Spohn, situate on the what Norwegian -Rail Road, next north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is offered for sale on accommodating tetlins or the oil Mines will be leased severally or together to an approved tenant. ;Apply to. TIEN RY MORRIS, 3d & Walnut Street. • 27—ta ESE aortl 11 NOTICE - Ts hereby given, that the following named Ex. a Aorniwistritiors- and Guardians have settled their 9CCOUIIIIIiO the office of the Register of Schuy Dail, County, an d that the said accounts will be presented to the Orphans' Court to be held at Orwigshurg,ih and . for said county, on Mon day the 93d day of July; 183S,for confirmation. I. The account of Valentine Brown and An drew Willowy?, Executors of - the last will and testament of Adath Hurrimet, late of Wayne town ship, deceased. 2 The account of Lenora rd Rishel, Administra tor of the estate of Henry Rishel;late of Manheim township, deceased. 3. The account of Henry Ege, Administrator of the estate of Charles Herringer,lnte of Schuyl kill Haven, deceased. 4. The account of Jiihn Bruner and Henry Bruner, Administrators of the estate of Jacob Bruner, late of the 'borOugh of klinorgaille, de ceased. S.' The account, of-Jacob Maytag+, Administra. for of the estate of Eli:Okla Strong, late of Low. er Mahantango township. deceased. . Cr The acedunt of George Rebbr, Administra tor of the estate of John Reber, late of Manheim . township, decoaied. 7. The second h ccvn t of Jimmy Goldner, Ad. mi n ist ra I or of the esffl . a,. of Geo ge Jacob Goldner, late of West Penn township, deceased. 8. The,, abenant of Abraham Mattel and Pea hen Merkel, Administrator of the estate of Abra ham Merkel, late,of East Brunewsek township, deceased. 9. The Bernard/of Ellah"Bentanzer, Admints. trator De Donis ion, With the will-annexed of Cornelius Huffman, laid of Brunswick town hip, deceased 10. The seconnt of ;John Koch, Guardian of Elizabeth and Jesse, minor children of John Mil ler. Isle of Manheim township, deceased. "IL The account of- {lvory Houser, Adminic trator of the eatateof Eve Houser, late of West Penn township, decensr d. I 12. The Recount of Jacob Shade, Administra tor of the estate-of David Maurer, late of Mahari tango township, deceased. 13. The account ofJchn Rattail; Administra tor of the estate, of Susanna Batierf, late of Pine grove township decearied. 14. The acconnt of tonivrip Rereer. Guardian of Sal mie. Jonathan. eltto herb ,and I,lenry Grit too, minor children of Jonathan Veberi, -late of Pinegrove township, derriseci. • rJACCIK EIMVIM ER, Reveler. onweolth iirors who are sum. re requested to serve 'attendance.' the law willlbeeriforced. 1 particular Order of ill therefore goveLn June 30 l y tow. sale ttle follnarlng e very lir/prices aL • IRON & S"TMF•L STORE. rirtHlP, subset:awn , hive constantly on hand a full astiortionent of Iron, comprising lioupd and Square Iron (trim' 3-1 , 6114 up to 6 inches di airevr; 6.. t 'Lon R-16 h by No. 4, W. G. np to 6 in. by 14 in.; butler, Aim and sheet iron of tient mid .Oitatile - tor b • e •bodies or !whine.; rail road'iroti he 11 II by in 2by I: and 11 by #. y Pre also prepared to receive orders to Import Ritit t Elead Iron upon .the'mo4l advantageous terms tip large Inantittea; Mau tail rood car exits. ein on .sheep, 1' Ott i oplete, 11 00 . vols. sheep, 4On Lary, 3 polo: 6 on Edi~inn i vheep, 4 25 vol. itheep. ith 51a0s ag4ci 4 24 2 25 . 1 vu.l. '325 tiro 225 2 00 2 25 2 00 2 00 3 50 , 3 vols.!witb i 10 52 plates,. .1 2r 1 37 1 i fother•Booltsat very} 32 A (ell assririmont of Steel, comprielng cast and •hear steel= American and Enali-h blister Sreel• German and .vpring steel, and round Iron }red uciag°n"l steel lor bIORRISdt. /ONES, S W. corner Market iirrd*hoylkill Seventh St. Philadelphia, lone .450,1133. d. a 49-6ctio =I 'Gilding. .A. 0.1 IN N. - LOOKING -GLASS and Picture Frame OM' er..nertiirier to lift. John tiyort: street. Old Frames ieiriltlifthe.neatest rhifix-t ner, and at the shortestrtioe. : -32 -3 ma april2B' • 1 - ; Dav,rs safety L'mps Lioß SiLE by , , MORRIVI7 ASICER 4 MORRIS. 3d and Walnut at. Nina. 1 • I n Pbi)adelpfkbk, Sunk -511:1-60110 1111 d 1:1p. ;Instrpni..entg. rilHE;titotipriber Muting it:el:M*o and ,offer 1. for-tale ' • • • 1 4 keiectoerman Fluter, plain; • 00t011e F 11 1 .1.8.1, = 1.1 ; • - 1t • Clarions% • I s. ; • Flagmakii„ a• - Violin*, Fifes. - Violin -':110-11""blflr* Clarionetlieed!t: s•' ' " Guitar Emiinga.4 "4 • ' Violin Bolaa r 4), •'l` _ 11 " 6 "PeOtrallY tt0 461110 ..'0 19 , r 4l ff 1 ,4 1 ; 4-• • - ...tfa14Lit4,4•410011. - 411111iTati l. may .4038. , 1 4 , fir - 1 4WI" '4+3445 B—Nine for fah} 'NAN. naan=an!w . rNrr , l lie MEI =ME •.::,~: , • te ll COAL LAND For 'Sale, or to be Rented. IS CM= a orrinoi vas coOtaitwovrint4starrames..gertralwistai. Ihtt • • 4 2L , t mss..; ; Bffil , 17-4 ::;••• . 4 41 " f ' r • porrsviLLE,..- - ipAisA,TußaimiDto*NlNG JULY: 14, i 11338 i ' BM BOOKTBINDERY-.- - BANN ~, as connneneed Bind 'o,9lpn . etkiti StSre.` *hirein-M.1140r t it 1.4. ``' ,r it • pr. -every deserifAiOn made to.orderstibrioe'est lheavide soiplieCarbelesslast , PAP& delphia prices. • April 11 . 27-"' Benjainlin . Vanunint; ~.nrroirazr 'art Law 1.148 restiolteti - -hiaPtrioe toCentritAitreeti op I .l l l.posite thy, of Georgo M. icn ing~ where ho will attauti to all business:on litlwitott to hint in the hoe at his prokeoion. • tlet2l . r 4/34f • • Lot for Sale. , . _ % iru..Lbereld calm , 1/01. Catim'aint situated on William Street4A4hUilboroilrh, adjoini % iig the Lot on Whiles' Lobo Lee-m-01W building 4 ; dwelling house.- - , The - lot i*':s.s Teel frontebn William Street, by 1-10 feet deep: Annie to Mar 30 C. B. BANNAN. • Catholic Books Estrous GUIDE, II Key to Paradise, True Piety, Catholic Piety, . Dopey Bible, 'Poor Man's Catechism and . ' - Small Catechism ' - Just receised and for sale by B. -BANNAN. i Dim 23 • • ; EtPi/ESS ~ :i• I LINZ! or STAGES.- , TguE ProprietoreafthitiLine,(whichlms.been - 11 - Sited up in a superior spanner-for the accorn. i mum of.the Travelling Community.) respect. y announce to the public that the Line will zll d itively comnience running Fel ween rOTTSIKI4LE 4 PH4 4 4DEWPEDA,, In Wedoes4aitie 2d of May. ami,..will continue to leave. their efface at the Pennsylvania DoU,• Pottsville. daily at 6 o'clock . , A. M. and arrive in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. M. 51 the folloniirg, rates of Fare: . - To Orwigsburg, $0 50 Tort Clinton, • 75 Hamburg, 1 00 }leading, 2 od . . Pottstown, . 3 00 Trap, - 3 62ii Norristown, 4 50 Philadelphia,. • 5 00 For Seats apply at the Pennsylvania Hall, Pottsville; Herr's. Hole); Reading; and at their Office, No. 25, North Fotirth Street, Pniladelphia. MINTZER & Co. Pottstown. SA'I'L. OVENSHINE, Phila. • EVANS :& CALDW ELL, Do. May 2 Proprietor*. ;- ROYAL COLLEGE OF '. Sl/7/GE'Vil - S LONDON. Makin'slis. • • TtlE Original Hygeian Universal Vegetable Medicine; prepared by W. Id IS111N.; Esq., .Member of the Hu) al College orSorgeons, Lim. !gate of Apothecaries Company, Fellow cif Soh Voiirt Society.'Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen. 'akin Association, Lancaster place. Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual ;Pupil of Guay's and St Thomas' Hospitals, London. These pills having gained aerlebrity unparal leled in every section of the Tinian, - are nOw-con sielicred by all those who value good health, India pentable as a family medicine—patfoniaeclby a nuinerines body of the roost eminent Phyiicianti both in this emintry old in Europe„—is sufficient, it is presumed. to stamp their character in them. • timatinn of every thinking man, and it is hoped, a far better recommendation than the course re sealed to Hy ignorant and unprincipled preii-nders, who to mi•ilead and deceive the public, rpnbilth what they call practical proofs and certificates of Cures, that exceed all hounds of rs l credibil ity: and most of which, if not all, are either gross fabrications, or procured be frail nod connivance. The editor of the Long Island Fat met . . says "This medicine has 'obtained'"Rn unprecedented .degree of well preserved pnpirlariii. • Having tak es! these pills onowlves to adva n tage and witness : et:their beneficial eifectson others, we have no .hesitittlon iv. recommending them lathe iitiblie as a sate. salotary and useful fa mily-medietne." *.*None regepriam wrthoni the signature of Urneral ent ow d the ip Vibe!, by whom , the a. ,p O4B. bove medicine a •impnried into this country. JNO., HOLLBEIN. 10 Waverly Place, . . '4en'l Agent for U.S. • . A supply aqui abode, Medicine. just received and for sale by . `--. B. BANNAN, -1 4 .)ole Agent foachuylkill county. July 16 . .104tROPOSALS wilt he receieed by the- Com. Ls Wnevioneeyof eich•sy !kill County . at their ./A: Six in the. borough or Orwigahurg, on ..11fottilay - the 30th of./Uly. 1638. fn buildingone imbed.' lltidge .acrosathe • Hiddlapori,! with two atbncibittmenta. The Bridge to be' roofed and weaTber.boarded. and will feet; long; fltiqr la ba 10 feat..above low water mark— the pimp o be 16 feet wide and 121ite .1 high.. To be eonstioctetf Orin the ,phib of Mil - Siliuyl kill Hawed Bridges. - + - PHILIP OSM 16; . - BENJAMIN; , ; ITT ... 111P31.: L, BO t lINHR. • Orwigaburg. Aline 46 • • 46- . Port Clinton Fonn Vele , u4srlLL beisold'ativrirate tlia Foundry. v v pleiniantiraituateiditfarkelinuinAthuyi. kill enuntyb i Founds7 sat tito:LitOe Achoyikill end 411usilue,paurpt..F.iit Amid , , non. 'inaking... and `arillild.a short. tinkijbe:Ona lir hieCeitostioni in thii4onntO nen For tarrniii&c. applyint k :.4A.potrarikitzwes. - iron FooademPlSpit t i:, I_, _ =SE ECM Proposals. N ~x INII ilistrk t eisirente otaittkia aid) intintelr • 0;• ° gritY l rfttletirpariVilliikrenCiffiirEr; ' a- P rinAir and reir Air it. - hisnid:Out'lifilie' Capri of CiiiiiK ti Plea' of Setiuilltilr tolisty ', andlto 'me diretitid.'w . tie isp*sl a to - Patine ii t. Sate, at the hogs" of Ed irttirCorinor, irmittep 1 erg 10 the borough of Pottsville; - pc.Scii(4'tlati - 14' 144 'day of Jull. INS, 4 ti:pi:blip ticipseichniseTNEßatt, to the,botough4ll:amaquit. at.lo o'cloek-iu the foreno9 l l , --*Altatiat 1:414n .undigided ono third, parts* the: Who* Into, threcequal ova; parted and ditrided,.•oj elt,tbakeettam rifereuage. ten- , einittitiapiktroctrofjand, situate in.fluidi town. shiP:..Colinty,: Fit Schuirtkilf.,-boundedlby lands i.if litiq;Eaphiter i , Alain ,Illossell , end - others, c°P 404 .P.11.0411 trthote.kro hundred , and teen 'y stfllM339r4l4Dez-4900egiCP,0-aPPlkrtcrfince;': eseiMlteg,:ner ,at .111 ti tam; atir lota of grOund in the,totivikocWettiugborg.ouiphererkinfhe plan of the ; isid,terror with-401446.57, 59,61, 63.61. It b :tungisart of thesamk prenoseikwhich Geor ' ICcirip.baoiel euiranq George_ Kemp:Jr. by their deed dated the. 10,044, Hof: arch. 11126.dtd grant and confi fa poto ceorgn W . , tanni.--Also. all that certailhdivided o ri e half part, the whole to be parted an divided into two equal parts. o all that ecrtaiii tract of land. situate in Norwegian and Barry townlshipa.county aforesaid, With the a ppur tcoanlits-kt being the mime premises which 1 Dr. Benjamin Ifeelier and ante, by their deed da ted the i did grant and confirm onto they i aid George W.lllaitto. Also, all that certain on= diridettone hal* part, the whole info two equal parts, parted at d divided. of all that certain me.- suage, tenemert and 'tract, of land, situate ilo Rush township county afoireeaid, bounded by lands of Peter Knuth!). and vacant land, contain ing in the whoa 397 acres and allowance; more or leas—it being the same premises which the Coraniativrealth,of Pennsylvania, by patent d the 271 h day of January. 1832, did grant and confirm onto lie said George W, Baum, enrolled in patent 11..11 t vol. 30, page 541. with the op pu moaners,-te the estate of hose Bieber, Jobs Barber and G rge - W. Baum. On Fri ay the 20th day of July, I 1838. at the hOhse of Henry Stager, innkeepet. •in the borough kif Pottsville, at 2 o'clock P. M. All' those two contiguous lots of .„,,, ground, situate in the Borough of g • . 11-- • Pottsville ' numbered 44 it 46,1 roun d I • ed northwatdly by Marketreastward ly by chainbeei Street, aoutbwardly by Norwegi an street,and Westwardly by lot now or hoe Burd Patterson.coothining in front of width each 60f1. and its depth each 244 i •feet, wiib the appurtenan ces, consisting( of a two story frame dwelling hooce.—Aleo, allthat certain piece, parcel or lot of ground, Puente in the Borough of. Pottsville. bounded norehivandly by Avenue. eastward) by lot of John Porter4aonth and soothwardly blots now or late Benjainin Pott, Esq. with the appur tenant:es. containing one acre more or less-Qate the estate of ir--- - At -the i same time' and ..ptace, • • one full . and undivided 16th part,. the „..„ whole into 16 equal parts, parted and /I el diSided, of and in those three . adjoin. . - _ ing treble pr pieces of land, situate in Nursegiau toWnship , county of Rehnylkill; Ist tract bounded 'by land of Fleitryerettlehtid Wagner, and i , acant land, thenee — hy the 'Spit det set ihe.d tract and lend of Ldonard Reed. •anclve. cant land. umtaining 421 acres. 152 ;perches, and allowance-24 tract, bounded by the nest des cribed land and land of Leonard Reed, by land of the Brat above described and vacant land, eon. tainirg - 220 serum, 80 perches; and allowance -3d trait, by land surveyed to Witham Wagner,. and claimed by James Dundas, and land of Leo nerd Reed; bY land of the second attire described tract and vacant hind, by land of John Moyer, and containing 3.51 acres. 120 perches, and al Inwance---theraid three tracts of land by a recent -survey. 'containing together 1153 acres, 149 per ches. strict ineastirce.with the - h ereditamenta and anpuriOminces,consiattnt of a dUrelling !Muse, &t —late the estine of Thomas littrns. " On Filditi the 20M day of July, 1838. at the lionw of Henry Christ. innaeeper. in the borough of Miner - 04801e, at-10 ~flock P. M. One full, equal. unchained one third part of hero thirds parts ire nineteen twentieth parts of all that certain iractpr parcel, of onsinproved land, alto ate on the her< waters of the Swetara River. formerly-in pinogrove township. Barks Xonitty, now pertly in Pinegrova, partly in Norwegian. partly in LoWerMahantango, rue' partly In Bar ry townships. Sehttalkilltounty, surveyed on Oho 20th.22d.,23d et.d 24th days of May. A. D. 1793. in Mimi/ince of ten warrants dated respectively the 12th day, of January, 1793, granted to the lol lowing named per ,, ona. viz Robert Irwin„for 439 i acres and allowance; Ehjih Weed. for 4119 i acres and allowance; Georgia Weed; tiir 439} -2• cm and allpwance;.William Cook. Esq. jar ltlo acres. 114 Frches and allowance; John Cook. Esq. for .44 acres 91, perches. and allowance: James Mill r, Ibt 440 Screw 59 perches and aputir mire; Racq Lynn, for 450. acres, 148 ,perelhes and allowar Andrew Canton, for 412 *malt, 6 peiches ao 41owancc, containing in the whole 4366 . acrei, i 6 gerches and allowance, bounded by iands,pf the New York and Schuylkill-Coll Cum , puny, and leteas surveyed to James Wilson, E'q. I and otherit r iate *testate a Wm. Levant., Seized, ootteti in esecuttrin, and to he sold • -PETER F. LORWlG,Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiip. Orwigs burg, ..Inete-13.4 8 4 8 . - • P, AOCL4IO.I 4 IOPGIVaticis u tiiitel4 o ne that -a quattor 114 .thet Ansa . i3f causes in tbr "tbecounty ,will be held pitCliarigita.r ,r t is the conatjatbilisdom Monday tha-5131Aky at JOT next, 10 • echlifeldit the 'Dearman,. ,„,. 4 «r , - n Therefor" allpeopta,havitilt ad. Paiding..asitall pecans whOel)tttlgahaq to.awarat said C% tut,i take - nodee aii4 govern theittitiicedytliiii.4. - : rAnnrq; awe smipoike, t - • •-: • Atatllo.-1131184-$ - . rigviclAat*lti*Seisiliglitaikedireas Avon, inti Wiw= ttlitithetoilkia tkaiit.. • ir PiIIOLVEMP 'DEBTORIL-4THRetdiiiiiiities A hay" , applied te:: : alhe filehliar. albs Cant roteolie: mo d mi t of Seinilikialtal!lllBl% . lllikrilmi board of the i‘ .. . several. Aemeaf tilt Peawkill !ha Tirsetaf -I*. solvent DOW': ulw:Plidi ' 110itmdiated ,Moadei3Oe Sidi JFlrjriso: o'clock I, th e rote's**, at.the . . . x ,- - the . bearing pfaa - auelaiir . . • sad w - _th ey may atiewirlf.theilawlttr..---,. i. - , e•• - 7r- -.. €:, - -JACMUNDEINTMIUTIIi.•t: I 'l' r t .' _ . ;•.e. 11,1 11-`' "' : ' ‘ , l ' . " : ' ..•.`:: ,i7.4..r.p. , , - -f-; --• .. , :i hg!_. , .... , ' • •" -- - , ",,f.,‘,....,t—,..,•-: - 11. Dm, . • . 4 , ."...- . • ; ;,.. c - - .=. 1.:..:...::: . 3‘ . . ... ,, ,.0. - ~.• I , -. 4 --....--r , .- - :-.-,7;.- , .- 4 l i e --.4 - .0 , s."-4 . - It - .4: . • . . L "., f • i ii-, As. • ---- = r ---. - - ,-, t'2' . t c c Irt HT — X.O., ;,..., Ai*• ! k.i.,t . •,-..t. , -,•.# 1 , :: , - .- ~.,: ;V.- - 4.. -. •• • 1. - .4 , t', MESE itt-83(` If - . -"-- + .4 13= ---- .1-1 . = ' . . ~T. „_—___ . ...... vm Atatimpow,=lo . .. t -,1 ::: enillk *-.--" ....- k ,.. ---:, _ ' 4,_ t 1 ,6 - - .... 0 - - '''' k. 4 1 ti , • - •-4--f-s1 it erf . .4., , , .. . ~. „,, -,e st_ - .+ , ...g. - --.---- ...T . .. 1, - . a ,,, - ~,,. 3 ', : i. ,4- ' - . ' 47;..... , I. . 1 1 4 , , ~ , ', wk... 1,... 4 : t 4 .14 , ''' ' , .. A. . ", -, ' 4 ,....! . ` ' . - 0 ) o ' t . :t. . 1:' 4 U ".... ` . 1 ....- tl . -' ih N''. vs t , , '. '',)..1, ~ ./N ,""'' .' . .-- 1 ,- . .. 1- Arftw-. , v„r.i los-t-miairs4l? r". = r..:- ViLelr A - - 1 1 \. '.. , ~ , - i . . . _. Is R. i cery ~. -- 41 Cir 411 1 inteitri . IC*lii: 'AL/ : '•441*1:11 , , RETAIL . -DryiGoOdir, ,WinectbiquorStorf: . -'• •A - (Reit dooiVa:Ncortiinee,i lioteEl: . ~. THE, ItiOnneisiii itith hous e iti i nilsofelphis iii!,* them to ,k4Otiet:#444/ 4 • TerY.:extent, iiire.almrfinetnt of gtoils,\O!* the will sell at,, - 1 4 6ilidelptlit . u prices g *lCand i :l4l4 te e P er4 andpiivt! fanititiofouldilo ,;„topalAnt Afgfor emselves. • l' r '- sprit p' -' '-. gin,.,. looring - 11, rtivo INA worked floniAng toFlgued and itrcinied-,ready (inlaying. , 11 find melee of diffeint qualit y an d ..jirActor cupid-entry On ' fiend, Sod Bir rate in lota u , upon.epplicition letter to 'AA 311 it) .31. - PATTEN. rlani g Mechipel.WberX Co. . or 11ILJZI1 & lafacrEßTY., April - _ , rottsville. ' '- COAL. . r TBE Sphscriber is ricerrine•froM the A.-Law too Collieries. a fresh supply Of-the-celebra.ll led sPonpi th.. LEWIS RED I ASU COAL, 1110W1 landing at his Abair. Pine elOold.iBchuYikill-1 Orders left at the office, Nu. B l Doer Street, or , at the trh rt, will be promptly attended to. !' ... • F.t B. NICHOLS. ,Philadelphia, May 12, 1838. ~ 42 • THE Bobscnbere having tented the wharf on Fainrionot dam, Gott of Willo,BL Rail Road; joinieg the one occupied by' A.' 9. Bolton & Co ; are prepared to receive Coal, LOrnber, &c. On! . wharfage,' and eammissiOn. Enqiiire bf the sob, scribers tet the prentißog. or at 28 Reath Wharrea.!: BUNTING, CLARK & CO. june 2d t' 47—Iy , Lea . en Pipes 414 Hydrants.. 811. ND!AN has joss received I let cifteadi een ipe, which he Will tvarraiit to be eta 1 . superior uality, i, i and I inch. Also,lllummeli and Wi n ter Hydrants, constructed of the heal materialry all of *biota he will sell clap. . - jutie 13 i . 4% 1 • Newt and Splendid Goods. THE Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity are real , peCqullv invited to call and examine a. moat splendid *sentiment of Painted r e a woe, Jactnotta; Prints, Black and White Lawn; Mourlmebelaiae Lyona me. • Rosli n, alyk and lightlitl Gloves. Wonted; Cotton Ind Silk , do , Fancy Hpodlterchinfa, Shaysls. VeBo,, • , i Plain sod pointed bordered linen Cambric MIA Silk & Cotton, blesth'd & uobleaCh'd hose, I do do Embroidered do At the store ot N. NATHANE & CO mayl93B ... . . ~..... I - CALL TTHE . . . Iltew Estab 'diluent, -- ~. 1 - '_ Corner rif Centre end Merket-Streets' Pellswit THE subscribers respectfelly announce o their friends and the public generally, thin they have taken the store formerly Occupied By Jacob Rull & Co.. corner of Centre and Market streets, ishernthey are now provided - wtthaebnine alsoittonnt of • . . , Dry .. 6kmids t ' .".. ' - ! ..- • 1 1 'Groterfro, - 1 LiquersiAc., •.1 which. they are determined t Heel' at the very lop. eat primp. El A7ZARD & STRALICEI. ,, N. 8..,' All kinds of Coontrs Produce takentl the highest market price,. April I • , . I- . . 2-6 I - - s f" i SuperjorlllViiies ) . ' , (At the 4cnees . t ily price/4 rpflicelebratedOld or Madeira. Sparkling m• Burgundy. Old , Ports, Hock, Hnekhenner.- Liabonirreneriffe, Pale, Brown and Gold Sherry. Alosi-Lnn drairxht. elate,. Spanish Mittel, Vin de irrav l te. idd Rhenish alines or excellent quell. ty, al 5 cu. pergallan.. . , - - Siorskeeners and. Tavern keepers will be tip- . plied it leholessle prices. lit N. NATIIANS & Co. :' .‘ Ccetre fi!l.. may i 26 ,Ageno for Line ef Packers from Liierp I pall to. Philadelphia. - %IR: SUBSCRIBEIII,4ris bccn appoinied,A; in• ge . t for the Miura. repels Line of Liver. pool Packets, between Liverpool rind Philadsilphia; end , well reeebre the.pacsitee roles, froar_thams 1 who lab to send .for -o)eir Oland, Us the old wont! • and alto. willprocurel4Us for tho4e, per sons is may wish to itienswit moceykk !knit 'friend abmad,r. - --- '-'''''-'"'"-' 4 "1 . - • , The sekets beloegintto this Line, arp.,fiited op'irt soperbi'r insanergand are Corntnauiddit By person who pay great sttiintion to the eodifort and ven?enee'cif passengers=and • have given great Airitisitactien to passesige . re genet ally. ,i Ems: greats,whojeterriP this4egi ti or4rill Gad it :their adventige to edgeieltheir ' ge in - Line. met birpf.4•PhitadelphiirtliirfwilL by se oing, save the' are and expeneeftendNeve : York Phtladelphla;drhichz . fettiorAiidot; -lent to melt. ireftlidoielif-tr 4 L _.r -,.•:. .'•-•, 4,.-,-.4 ; . . _ Tete. oflarrewilllittisii , itnownApipply- Jetta the otheeortheitintirebutnel., •- .0 --,.. Auti 20 ‘:'...... :,. i it., - , r 1-7,41. OkNltAll..* 1 Tgelatill, fliAlkil , 110-11411M1 1 01Kills ~ .tri'lltitit::banti -twilit.. 111‘,4 obeet of-variona '•=.. . •Om do. and alio - , I.ll , illiedifranatt'sizev'hir ironotiso, round and moat* hula 4 fromll* to.' 3 ,t ; inch 'tensest iron of Ilia sari s ises,'ponebed 'and SOlneralik. and cut to .t,li , 4fieles ready ' for usq and band iroe' ItAniye I tali find 'spikes= Van. o pit'irotPorsopincti Tian y: - All` of whisk ~nre " `red for silt it tbs. kit t - eitylirieed. " . ..g - 3 - ' Re j:.„ -- .' --gallkiCW .O.KER-4,0/i. sing,' 0ne25,184,t , r ::.-9 , -- • 50:...rui i i I 1 A I ' t . A •'t '' I "Ir, 1 ' Auld flats , 4 kr ::. - ''. ISM .. -44:45"i0 - = RIZZI MEMMM :, , i i ::: , , ,, , ,, -..x.,tr - .5, ,, 2 It. Storage. o Old G',n.yineie. lotiee !Skippers: IS s6l.enlitrnt That 4 rteltlinoire haif roffeeitit 'beeetsiailbriTanlinir;clerk cillowhilfstresti Bake tieirirdiritiatigiiee*:iditaelti Oa, tow 4 AitzaersikiMied,:ALefr:iturflivq l !Fe , illidelphiaNr - ti - emit ~~~-~~ ~; • - tkt%tvx-Pttrkrt",t'krtkf-a-Nt ' 12 ' 47 -' j4 l i.einitigr o +442 t+4l' 4 't Ar4,,f, - 4.:;ar.4. atlu. - ; . ._ , _ • Y. , " s WI .1,141 . 4ALL . .-1_ , ..4?&. .;. ,,, .....,,Iplicil-'.. 0 .5' txuallar . neawo - viiam ' A 8 Ilepleare: that' berate. Steliiiis . liNid ao.roatiatforemehitt Tlrcel.eiroolllola. • :Wacker Coal igthia comeryilgaityampiliM4bat they , iscsmss Mlibesty - trr adopt thateitstilog of -saiebterlreio aealwitls itithrodiflifillilfliiii of , 11 ,1 sealml obi blastl , olthoogli fl , l64lkitlilHast you-Ail 11 bad almmot kit" imalthiebtOro .. with Anthrteiti Coal. beibilsiAlm sisolotifliold atmospheric' aad a heated iir ltbßitilisaillitstow ii* to the public again, that ostibeclW44an -oary,..-11338.11 received alettaa from threciehila. . liouerolt.PateatiAt,Witelthattoeietetioil,Alir, swots, einumaincthereaseof ,1111:Vriataliefbirea -1 Aldo ilk*" Maack!. Siiieltfait 'Tim - ilifikaliele of . #tithrictte, have viewed 'malarial ea ii4iiiig 4 1w 'so'kthlost, sest7of.Dee; - 133Vaitilpieis Ima ...oraicato 14 a ttorn ey -oft w ileiiiiiii4e4. ry attems to. 'trek luestoraleith aithiatiktil use Oa heated air iblest.lainsinfriaiorral, l44 4ca my peteot.4iralnat. which , . Llcautlimaithirersrn all meams lriltalMoseeotiteselY - missankerior - .°PProlnYcrighily according to;la.M. ..o.;4gioL , D . fit. then offer to dispose offamotsightefiliiiiir *mu Mg oi :furnaces, ,accortipg- to. soyTareqopon , .gery Moderate_ terms,. . .11-.1.. .'+',.:,.-,f7,),e1e; '.'',l l o .Fll EipERICK W. , CEISSEI9P4I I I2RI Now.lt94k, May 16 4 ,1838. ~..'-.,-.4v4411/41#4. ~. ... , lEI ;NEW n KEgir at cf.r4IFNCTLA ESTABLISHMIENfity*-a Fiederick ESPECTFULLY U. , the• ptibite in general, that be 4.0* - fiiro a • Bakery . and Confectionery in Nurwegianitrcef.'next door I,Cliiitetkiiliiide in +the borOughal pay. keep en hand acd bake tci:itkilek4l4)titida of Cakesoft j every variety orOitteini k l4.riii,:whare atoo. wdl always be kept oir hand, eed.b tie Loaf. of a* excellent guiltily...Bld ale - Mgt:4k" Hie Confectionary toinpripea•ii - litgraintrien. eral assortinent selected lwith arailleat the-very tnWeat rates.-' E would Ittlo,frifiiirefflinillirrillitikil .prepaied td.beke-Ftrialf 7 14liber who prefer furniehing thpir eborteetruitice, and on the t hpost renscieibkoterms. aprittl 30 oi" _ ChoiOe IWinies , ftitilLiquert • • • ,•3114 - AVE ion hind' lictoor I"mand Pylori athich Afief * Oa: 'anti-offer 4ir law on . the 626 5 ;ii°4l ) /= 4 * ' consisting 'of 50 ElitskSui .Ch mpaigne Nines-40E1% Bibb— . oryAltar, Woodcock . ; Anotior t - GiVili4otbot • brands.' - • /a- 'do Oti Hoek, 51 cum Old qpßePluice f'00” 4.4 * - so do Med0e. 6 4*4 1 44P), 01B460wiel Ablattila dazin Otttelibeckri.._ 010- India o 4 Star Madeira. , , Old Brown.,OnMalid Pala Nbasiibik . . 4 -Jo Made Ora, /toscaiel.,•. Curraine.4Perfesalane,; C:l4.4,4NOpopplikeido. nue oliseedConlials,-F ON D RAUGHT, •MadeinttifaKlynemdp . Odd Shemf. Lisbon, TegAlre: - Mar.. - Madeira., Malaga; Maloney. :Dry Malaga; Mnacatel and Old Pori. - .Champaigne inandroflthe. Pipatttbraadns Cognac. BordeauzAr. Chartnut , Bniadyy#er.7-4 Holland lgr e in of Pw A pple • na fell zElieadirot. Jam., Bpi nr„.M. W.hiakey , torn. Gni- Coat Brandy4ac.,,,: - . Tavern karma from the noighboadsibiena, , ankresikitfully inaitedinteallaWVV, N. B. Goode delivaied loamy-A peiteCalaloi.-. rough 2i orn n eaghboog toniaattakofeapemma' may 1.413,44 For - vidatutble Treettoftloatmd*A L YiNO snit being In the toirttleOitatlirew A-4 weoiN on theAVest firanetqaittligNifesg.: Brrneh Rail Road. alma Zoethila iiigatch l 4l-- ki Haien—Mein ' r .gie • pealing throogh:thie rod.: Foy iefotii~itlhu sp ply to' " r -• - JAAXICIiVEIt ,„ w ?fp. 31917110-r-; March', ce '"3h • Retpunitioil orilasineliW f . . • ...,- -. 7 ::..... - NW DRU G ,sirb :÷EiE %bees iberhims' bis'igilitArialiierebt-' . -*, edgemeota 10 thaniitisenalstiPtitterv(ltii ' alai ' etbers, *ha stepped finlearrk whileA*44w If. tee the les: of his property by , firs°iii ~Dee ' • Jashouidi wordli also sequiint thew itiaihe pub- -.. Itaxerierelly, thsthe +se strain 'conninis4eirshe , .I:tregibesineseire the house'Ssrmerlybeeepiedtor Charles *, Cleanns. in Centre Strettb°‘ '. boroughlofTottsvilleoeherettneielwayetst hail .; a teneral - assortment of. . „ -;^i .4 A3l.tril ; HrEfAlli' ' ' • Medlieineicie , ' 1 •Pli •• • ' 1 ' :011i4 1. 7*1-?''7 l P : :`A• 'Ana Oil,: • - -. ••• DYOIOIO4V IT 1 .Al 4 , 4 e6, l theillitlire.)o,444l4:wiligh'' ,'hirioititi•,)*Cto scif,sl4omipri,v34.osxamo— -1 AilrOit.Figne*. . •'., ...% .. ::s,,piflat63 4 .liiiP° PO!" ' ,44. 11 1 5 .50 1 ' 41 :4 1, " 4i,°ktlil44,,Tll°ltoll Pa t e . V . •:;:- ' '"N .' , .-e • : ' 1 -.....,i p0 . .....,.. " : 1 .. titi. iy. 5 .. 09;1838...7 ,...- :i. . ~ - ,. .:c . y..- . 1 „ -1,-. ,A. ~: iv Ertatiscriber boo attor Storehouse • stkeeisor fiirrasiortm 'COLT - a r lou the eht , I Balt Iron of. tuleorteiVele*l . , Hoop do ) -'•-•-',e7'-J- -- P•! tied Spi6lEtOdirdk): 1 Z. , 2 ,- • Steel. Round Squar e ' andHpiker dto , r!4 Coil dciA " • '"'Hirdwir.eilrnitotieialLtutiitiettnetif;'vt ,- '; oif-whicli imemelliet It reduced Pelee*, -2! , ' --i - jlll ,:it - :-, " . ,, ge 1 11 :..,—,.. "4- Ar 4 ,-.7 "4 : 44 ' ;$"'.. f..,1-: : - ; :: ConiketitinirryiNtuanleffift:! VilOinii.Criber reir . 4iiiiiii . iii46loo4l*, '. , 'Patine that he has ecgams"*111041184101 tore at Confectionary in ill'itii l ifi c a ' • at his Store l in Centre Street, nearlf. WV*. tfettiville Bonn. where "Ctrei.t' ii . tneei iii"a:Ah',. trie.eitiabraye bkatipflied wholiiilitlikl., -wild 414 Phllatielphiii:tiaihltriees: - , :,.Z. , • il p CAW itrY.,`.ll,tirehinia iris . :r4iteettillileVlsa toaa giiikOikiti' Wit . dock . tkt.a il e tt ha s ipt . I ,„ - .e: - ...• ' -,-- . :no* 41 .:;., - :l'.,=' '! : :" Y U