The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 11, 1838, Image 4

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. .
. pobiertrungs •1-
assesso sr sirs cornsernos moss teosisso
11171IMILD AID Tisurrriayzaw
• -113111ThELSIIIT..-
hre. Peopiof this CooinvArOrealth of Peon
valt‘Thri orthin "hisd establish this Constitutiao,for
ri014111,111111101. • .
- , ' AR'T'ICLE
- • illether.l. The legislative pommel this Contemn.
eteltli abaft. be vested, in Gentian Asseiubly,
'.,: t itifictriallionsist ors Senate antiAleuse orllepre. I
Tbe represmaritiiea shall
bY the titirens: ilie eitfor tphis
'lied at wiebcoterty respectively on the seiiind es.
nictle a totmer. • !.•
ILL Pro - person - shall ise * representative
-,sibershall not nave attained the age bUtuenty-one
_yeats,isisd have been a citizen and irthabitantiof the
' ~.11kake Ogee years next weeding., hieeteetioh, mid t h e
:het Year thereof an in of the : distrid tintod
_ tgwhich be *hall be chosen simmering:tee, unless
Ithe= t irs cu ll atlui n
=TV. Within three yesii after the first
of the CerierafAssembly, sad Within every
subsequent term of seven yams, en enumeration of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such man
ner waitron be directed by law.: The' Number of
teirreeisMatives shall, at the several periods mak.
few sueh enumetation, be axed by the Legislature,
'led apportioned mat% the city of Philadelphia and
the • several counties, according to the ado ber of
lasterdit inhabitants in each : and shall never be less
Sae sixty nor greater than one hundred., - Each
mainly shall have at least one representatiliei but no,
solely hereafter erected shill be (lidded top sem
' ' - latis representation until a siifficietit number of tax
, able 'inhabitants shalt be contained, within it, to
entitle them to one representsitice sgreeablY to -the
Wino which shall then be established.
liktetket V. The senators Shall be chosen for Wee
by -the citizens of Philadelphia and! of the
Weiretal counties at the same time, In eh* same man
ner*, and at the same places when they shad! vote
-Ist representatives.
Ileetslm V.l. The number of Senators a t the'
'errata! periods of making the enumeratlon before
rintisted,-be fixed by the L eg islature and spoor
=l am ong the districts formed as hereinafter
,acconling to thenumber titatika inhabi
ted, each t, and shalt never be less than one
fourth, nor greeter than ace-third, of the notriber
representatives. . • •
• Section VII. The senators shall be chosen in
' Islets, to be rimed by the letisLittne ; Nit, no dis
• Viet shalt be so formed ds to en:flte LI to qeet more
time two senators, sinless Isle nionb.r In.rehte iii
' ihnittants in any city or roiney Mal, at dmy tam,
*LAW* 4.1 to entitle tiro siert more Woe bid no
city or comity Ant/ tee entitled to elect more than
four serestars t when a distract shalt be composed
of two or more aunties, they aka% be adjoinieg ;
.writtmer the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall
be divided in (aiming a district-
Sectiqn I. 111. NJ pe.aau shall be a senator, who
shall Sot have ermined the age of tweuty-filre years,
and have been a citizen abil,inhabitarit cf the State
_ .
four tease next before his eketi•nt, and Ihe!taat year
• thereof an inhabit-envoi the dietriot for Vtiich be
• Wail herehntena. naives hi shalt hare; heen atnenera
thet.publie of the linnet, States-or of this'
State t end no person thrift( as afar stall, snarl Add
tes‘t *to titter le Gina boor rersocesifonseisacA
tecfts TX. Ike senator* tan; rese?' elected al
the first general 'denote after fAe rketelif the
asserotsterds to M b
r cenatitition, skattdirtied by
let inteOntnee riesses. The ales if the' maitre 0 -
114:11rat dais dal he raestnt et the ityfriation if
ter first yew; get tee se and Wart at tAI exptiation
4/ . s ke tarsi d oar ; and et tie tkird rtsaa at the er
.er If tkr Afra Par t so fiat theregttes see,
lA:Mile A. orkote asentber of sonstors•asas4e chosen
, mere "Mr. The senators elected before die cram&
*Ws to the constitution skit/ .e adopt...4od! held
their elk" darisie: tie terms for-nIU4 0;4 , shall
rootireke Useless elected.
Section E. The General Asset:ally shali meet on
- the drat Tuesday:a !swarm evert tear, =ten
uounercontremed by the Gaertner. '
iSeinclomit, Esc/Online -shall chops* ''.tpeaker
unclothes officers,. and the Senate sins choose
a Speulter pro tenipoce„ when' the 14pcatmc shill ex
eseke the otbot of Gore:nor.'
Pectimi .1(.11 Each house stlajueze of the tali-:
Gestic= of its members, Contest...l Icetims Malt
be determined-by a committee to te s keted, formed
and regulated in sort manner as shs:: be directed by
law. di ensynity of each he rse 4,111 ec‘statute a
Woo= to do hosier,: ; but a an slier elonher way
adjunct& front day to day, and ne.r be aretir.isrld by
Istw let:rentopel the attendance of einem inkontern, to
sorb inmate and maks soch penalties as osay be
ga ss :CM Each boom mole tbleetnise the
mks • i.s proc , ssedbact, pus-4b its somabers tux
ditiorderly bebasrsor, and with the criespreace of
tirestfilrds. expel a neemter, tent not a tore:gad time
Si* the same mom; and shall meet passers
-leeesiary for a branch of the lees: Z4teile of a hi*
Ihate.l -
• I . Socha el NM Thrfel , 7:ll4here AIM oce.lestre,seerer
is food fusee exesdi l esit the sootroct eflOtrriam in
- coy otsesrirre.43, Pre-. lA, -oasts 0'4144 Common-
Areltith etre air errs iorrefler be rotpoverOd to items
1 . .
s &mere. .
X. FAkth buu ce exalt be et a journal of
ets proesersorl 4 , at Vette ovelay, except
seek parts es buy require secrecy: add the yeas
wad gamut the members era' aey quest* at
- the dikos of any two of them , be nattered on the
kilicsals• '
&Mims XVI. The door;. of semis dhoose =el of
eleheateeee of the srbole smell be•laplea s unless,
*hint the Inetiness areal! be such ags *KM to be Inept
a=IXITL. Neither - horse stall, without the
itf the other, adijouth,fOr Mime than three
days, Or to ary other plate than that in whieh the
twolhaes than be sitting.
Section Xllll- The Senators and fetwesentatives
theriee a contacted:Son for their' serriees to be
be law, and paid ocitof thWitreascry at
the Conosnoowealth. They shall in all cases, em
end tretraw fairy and breech or saresy of the
pow% be privilege!! from meat diuitif at..
tatillocae at the session of their .tespe4ire
sad ii to and rettunitte front the haine. h =
toe alp or debate in either haat, their shall
aiet 4 questmed is any other per!
Za-X. , . Ito motor at repretentatire
eosin the tithe for shaft be ill- late been &rat
ed Ore appointed to any actl. ethyl theler this Can
ainewealth shall have teen I .4:sinated,,oir the
asnotaanents of which stall have bed italicised
sash thaw 'and no riaesVConistess
elbeeferaes toeirrrig any office t • 'of attorney
at Wm and is the otafttia) wider Chita States
Or this camager.ith, than be a washer of either
baste, daring has conianiassee in coven or Ist
• •
filtetian Na. - maws Incaution &popes- in eitber
O e Speaker se twee albs, of election • to
11111.4Macitoles. •
7triettita XXL Alt toMs fav i raisioi s k ihr e i i i nt s atin
• ' a we," in the bane of to .aotes.,,lnt ttaf
Saaaste Ray promo anseattinento as in Whet tolls.
'hipetini XCit. New waver stint he trairta from
tts'httaseey tort is canwspeoee di appevixiat ifts
ut rett law.. ti
Every bili . #ler have
pasold- bo th barna elan p
be bid ni the Gs.
ocrapir. if he approve he shall spar hot it be
shall, ti ve OA Mora wth bis reVee
doss the ar•tsiet than !ha apiesinhail,,
who noes the ..thineFfiaps Ott
.jeac. , . and pewee, „fpap i e, 4 ,
iamb te-eaeaisee. stip' ar Aoliseqball
• atm. less the st Alain lie Wet er•ilkthfrati-
emirs sE
pionizz ei str i , 0 4, wi t ,
lic o iv • )101 . '41 , -p i t . : l l, - •
• Nikke
. i
shill bp e rect , and 41 sproVehrby
thirdiarthatliiiiiiiitifiall Dirtt - lair iludihfincli
menthe votes - of bollalmont&thalt be SletenStied ,
by gess And nays, andi the isames of persons!voting 1
for or against-the hill *GI be entered on the Jour-
nals of each boon sespeetbneisa= if finy , blit shall
not fbe returned by . the Governor within to days
(Sur excepted). after it shall halls, been -Pre
sets to him, it drain* a law in like manner as if
be signed it, unless the Getheral Au by
Adjournment, prevent its return, in which ease
. -bi*laer -West eept, - bileit' with* thus
- ' alter their next Meeting. • ' _
trop'XXIV. Every order,-resolution or - yote
to which-the concuteenise.of both beams may be
beiessary (except on a question of
shall he. presented ttr the Governor, before it
sha}l take. effect, be improved by him, or bring dis t ,
a*oved, Shall be repassed by two-thirds, of both
!lutist* according to the rules and thnitStions pre
-scathedth 'ciiii - or ir lgi:' ~
Bertsch XX:Vc . No *pm•M's bode *kerne her rePir
trestedoestented or aslendert; withlarsOng or dis
roviried Prielleges4 without six seerloks previous
-paddle mace qf ti intruded application. for Out
oxide in such mmuntri as oat, .be prescribed by tam.
/far Osit any charter for thcparposes offorestiiii,ibe
grardo for a 4MlParrio twenty stelni, rte 4
every saki charter contain a clause reserving
tathe treistaturethepotocr to alter, recast or annul
flar sear whenever th. their opinion it- way be inju
rionelo the cittusui of the casnaanwealth, in sack
=saw however Md. no Minorite shall be done toile
corpsentars. No brac hereafter enacted, than create,
or Laosi the Ourrier of more than one corpos
-- . • - ARTICLE tl.
tg;efion 1. The Sdpreme kxemstive power of this
Commonwealth shall be vested in a Governor.
,Sectioo 11. The CrOvemor shall be chosen on the
escond Tuesday of October, by the eitl2-.^5 of toe
Commonwealth, at the places where they still' re
spectitielrt vote foi representatives. The returns
of every election (Or Governor shill be sested up
and transmitted to the seat of.g mat rrocot, di.eetert
to the Speaker of the Senate, who , !trial -tpso and
publish them to the presence of the members of
both homes of the legislature. The pe.icor - having
the highest' numb* of votes AC) be Governor.
Bat if two or rrionri shall be equal and highest in
yotmr, one of thcmisholl-be chosen Governor by tbe
joirit tote of the trembers of both bows. Con
tested elections stn. be determined by atommittee
to bemeleeted front.- both houses of the legislature,
and funned and regulated io such manner as shall
be directed by lava
Section 111. The Governor shall bold ltio' office
during three years from the third Theoctly of image
entotext ensuing las eieeLion, and 511411 nor to
e7p2ble of hoitmg. it longer than cis in :by term
of nine rears. '
i - Section IV. Ile shall be at lent thlrty years of
see,and h.ive been a citizen and an habitant of
this State seven "ears next before ' election
Unless be Alan have been stew?* o the pubtai
business of the 1.714ted Stems Or tfn this State.
Section= V. No rnomber of Cipieresa or person
holding any office tinder the Unshod States or this
Stale shall exercise the nat.? of G.isemor-
Seetion s Vl. The Governor shall at stated times
lesseive for his sereices a conipoensatidn., which iha 11
be : wither incordied nor diminbed during the
period for which be shall hare, been elected.
Section VII. I shall be commander-in-Chief .of
the army and nary of Ibis
. Cemrcsmssealtlti ai.d of
the militia, excepl *ben' they st i sil be called into
the actual service of the United States.
Seerion Vitt, Fh shrfl oppoint o Secretory of the
Corwansrredi A d.ring pLesture, an.: si-t a:mai
m:ft al.t by Ertl vtirh the cultice real raiser: if the
Seattle •oppolat 411 jndirinl limes of carats ti
rerrird, nut= othiririse prettidettfor in thas Cour i-
Wien. 11e ihsn' hate peTer to f.2t all rocancinta
( that ear; hapre fa vich ftalb-id t es cfmrias the
re. 4 of the Sewn, 63 eraiting roartissiont whirl
65011 - e,pire at Mit end dor their Wert sirens :
Wed. that in sr . vti.g on . exerwrite wonlitio: iou the
Senate shoal sit mi.h open doors atal is conjirming
or rej- hag the etassinedi,sas of the Governor, the
, rote *Lilt he takeA he rail 'wad nes&
' Section th.". Hirshatif Once power to remit fines
nisd forfeiture's' s and grant repriir. et and paninos,
except in eases of impeachment.
Section X. may require ii.bnu , tion in writing,
from the °Meets -I.A the executire 4part-4mo( upon
,ny st , t•ject relating • to the duties of their levee-
Erse odkes.
,Seetioe XL frant time to . time, Rice to
t4t. General Ametetl+ly halformation oT the, awe of
the Cwiteclearealth, sat reta,eramer.l to thpar eon.
aerationintela t eieusums as be >lOl juke ezireitenL
Seetiou XIL may, on extraorthosry uecasiams,
enheene the Getters! Asserntir ; and .in e., ,e of
ft - averment between the tyro iraitaes. with to et
W the time. 4.144.arntrte.4,, ad) 41. n Wens to inch
time as AC SkLai 1.11.4PCX, lAA etc.ecaicb Lair
g"eti n fie oto take tote that the [roes
be r.ithfultv parented.
. 4 .•• ewes NO% in ere: of the desth ve re.
of the Governor, or of hit wutosal frail °Mee. the
Smelter of the Senate shall esancirre the office of
Governor, eani 'apostur Governor shall he duly
qualified ; bet is sari true raptior Gee:craw. sfiat
be chases arthe nee mud ifecrion of repeeresre.
tires,. wife= -sorb .dwarb, rehireatieu re . restorel,
shell avow wilAis New catuadne ass. bs inuoisti
steirpftwelisestatir Next etuneal derides, be which
;sae rt. Gamow /LW be chum et tie denied este
rending easerst - eiertion q representatfeis. And
if the trial of a contested election "ban outlines
larger than until the tiled Monday of Jocose!
, next euitihg the election of Governor, the Governor
Of the fist year or the Smoke of the Senate who
!lay be in use exercise of the executive authority,
Shall continue therein cow the , determination of
such Militated eteish . so, and until a Governor :ball
be thilyr quarified as aforesaid.
• Section XV. The Stergary of the roaeatonwentth
sleal keep a fair 'review of all the offiesel oats and
proceedings of the Gosernor, tad dun, ellen re
gunnel, by the awns and all papers, minutes and
vouchers, lei:knee thereto, Wee* either booth of
the lefislatesse, and shall perform an* other duties
es shirr. be tojebedisen by ble. •
Section C. ho eta-thus by the Viti--rts nary edits
fires= det tbe ages( tersey-aate yeare kerertg re
sided th thee *ate oar paw, sad ix the election- &s
-trict metro ha viers to rate., an thy: isuredietely
Prat'eding 2 14 election, sad mini* are years paid,
a Style ?arty tar., which rksl2 boxy been as
ps:ice tan days Ware the dee:es, Afdi allay
flo its ea erecter. Not a Wires ea, natal
Stater who bat preriausty hoe* a paste bed rater of
'Ws Shea, sae eusaced *minim and rearned r erad
itearatatt hue midair bit the areetiaa district, and
paid huonadOreariot allaktorabliarlerler.aiar
vesatiaria the state sit wane Provided. that irlkitt
frethico, if theU States, hennas the
if tieithfp:ow Mad years, anotioat.
• bat eadded iio the Sharma year, and fa tit dettiaa '
die: eel tat dope ar alaresaii,-shall be elititted to
ire. anlosagto. nerstralt rot box paii hues. '
Sortickll.:, All ebeetioas ;tan be by banal. es..
' (nit thaw* pentoon thee areseatufs4e alga,
abo tau viva eau
' Seeniel 'Electors can m sill mu, tare*
[treasug . helaii.aad haw* ar sailUet itl isep uee.
be prinbeged beam alma. dasiag a
ec efeenea; and la going m and from
thew '
gerti:Te - ti 'AL noose Ad, ' ---." • - shall
bare the aslo Teareia
Section IL siaspesebtoeuto shodd be- - bi
the Smith ;I Wilegii Lanai ha eau. ••• she
Senator elan he Wail oink arantaatisui So -
austun hamsevirtal . itinteat the '
twa-thiabo at ale soecabus present.
Settles Tbe Garenest, sad an - !ITU_
alreers rabi c
isayseehmored . For ikmy. .;ad is4sinta a b
.1 01 / 4 2 beani1 aubotasecsbin aistentadAltarther
resienial heat Uthee,,aud ahoopu
16assy, aniebritaiitait,bard gearecitadtitillit
Abesusasonoudgir, be poteT labeler eattieSid ei
'TO* Lai*
it ., a7p~ J r ' •
- -„ itaZARD ac ICUL
v , =.K
- 4l O
. - -... , ,,-.4* , ..............-....-- ,
RuSk , N
0W tIOVIEt*I4i.`-;-,-.
it - '-'o l '''''' .- 4 4 " V'S i'' ' , 'a.J. #4,A 4 t rt .1 ,4 ". W--_-t,' '-;,,„e-v•-A,A,
4 ---,,,,, - .V.r7
11111 iminrieteest
r go pasislammt Mes-ortiistm i sate, •
" ' ' ' ARTICLE P. ' ' .! '''''''
Seetinn L The jodisi4 power of is Coeneban
-wealth shall to, Sestid iq a S Court, in
Courts of Oyesimi-Tertainst and- lag 1 0 0-
livery, in a Court of Common Meas. ' Marts
Region's Cannoned 1 tCourt of QOM!!! Sessioas
.61 the Pesee, for eseh pony ; an .10em of the
Paseanel-lanteh otherCoarts as * legislature
may (rein time to time establish!
Section If. 714 fairgilkf-lhe Cond. of •
ilit wises/ Airte erCepatiap PI ' Stud qf each
Mkt-Corte qf - Reeireldiant Or shall established
bylaw, Asti be,wanhotedly Um " , and by
and with therinmseit 41, the-She ets - et and
pounissienedby him. Th e foga th e. supreme
Court shall kqld their cffiess for the term of Mem:
.i o2 ,* if tag Ptan to long Mane thienseices w cl/. -
Thepresideatjudges of the sfteral Cants of' Common
Pleas and qf each Other Cants of Retard as are or
*al be satal4ishalby /Mr, and alt other laps re
quired to be learned in tie lam, shall inlet their of
far the term if ten years if they shall 6 long behave
thentselses wiefl. The Associate fudge" of the Courts
' ce Common Pleas slat/ bold their officissfer the
of Ace years if they shall so long
• welt. But for any -reasonable atast it trid=
be sufficient ground of
_impeach:neat; the- Ormernor
may room any of den on the mare* of taw-thirds
of each braisch.qf the itgialahere. The judges of the
Supreme Conti and the presidents :of the several
Cavils of toeing* Plass lima at Mated times remise
for AO' arnica an adequate compensation to be
fired by trae,rwhich shall not be ditaboithed during
their roatinuanee in arum, but they shall rereire no
fee: or perquisites of offset, isor hold )any other office
of profit under this CUTIMORICRaiL ,
Section 111. Ma il otherwise . direrfed by low, the
Courts tf Common Pleas shaft mas at pretest!
established. Not more than Jiveh ie s shall at say
time be included in hoe judicial et orgartizoi
for said Cm 0 tr.
1 Section IV. Th e jurisdiction oil the Supreme
I C•nreshall extend over the. Stateldand the jades
thereof. gist) by :hue *Obeli oMes, be kitties-%
a Oyer and Tettnioer and General *a Delivery, in
the several tint:Wes. . .. ,
- - _ .
Section V:' The judges of the Coin of-Common
Pleas, in each county, shall hy rn tirtue of their
offices, be justices of flyer and Te hoer
,and Gene—
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial 'of catital 'and whet
offenderi therein; any two of the Said judges, the
presiient being one, shall be a qmirom : but they
shall not hold a court of over and trier, or psi
delivety, in: any county, whet th judges of the
Supreme Court, or any of them, sin 1 be sitting in
the same county. The party ace , is well as
the Comotonwealth, may, under we regulations a •
shall be prescrffiet by law, remove the indictment
and priceedings, or a transcript 1, into the
Supreme Court.
Section VI The Stuiteme Court, sod the several
courts of common pleas, shall, bedide the. powers
heretofore usually exercised by them, hare the
wescourt of- a of Chancery, so f r as relates to
the perpetuating ' of testiminy, obtaining of
evidence from places not within t State, and= the
care of they penmen and estates o those who me
rim compotes
ms. And the egistature shall
Ist i fft
vest to thesaid courts such other veers to grant
relief in equity, as shall be found necessary : and
may, from time to time; enlarge o diminish those
powers or vest them in such other co . sas they shall
judge privet., for the due Nimbi' non of justice.
Section Pll. The' judges of the of common
pleas of each county, any two of hint shall be a
shall compose the court of Quarter Ses
sions of the peace , mad orphans ' rt thereof ; arid
the reg Later of wills, togethe r with the said judges,
or any two of them, shall compote the register's
court of each county:
Section PIM Theysidges of the Tres of common
pleat shells within their re:petit:lv counties, have
the late peeress with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to issue writi of certiorari the justices of
the pew*. and to mese, their • to be
brought before them, and the like Opt and justice
to be loon. . !
Section IX. The president of the court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
coast of emartion pleas within their respective
counties, shall be justices of the peaceqe hr as
• relates to criminal Matters.
Section Z. A register's ogee, far the probate of
wills and plating letters of administration, and an
office for the recooting of deeds, gall be kept in
each comity.
Section XL The style of all I proetss shall be
."The Cottimanarealth of Penosylva Ma- prcoe
nations stddl be tarried on in the name and by the
atrharity 'id the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and combs& " against the peace and dignity of the
same." •
Section L Sheri& mad examen shall, at the
tin** and places of election of representatives, be
chosen by the citizens of each comity. Our reran'
aka he Muses for eisrliepike, trio shall be commis
shoed by the Governor. Thep shall bold their
offices for three yeast, if 'they shall so long behave
tbetuselces *ell, and until a Successor be duly
qualified but no „person shall twice Mises at
appointed stimiff,in any term of Six years. F2C111 . 21.•
cies in either of the said Allem ;shall be filled by
OS appointment, to be made bp the &tremor, to
continue mail the next geaetallehetla, tad until
a successor shall benhoses and qualified as afore
Section IL The freemen of this corotocuirealth
shall be aimed, erszeized and i disciplined for its
'defence, sawn and in sack Maser es Easy beitirectest
by Than Those who couscientktly monk to heal
anon, shalt not be onemlied to as, but shall pay
an equivalent for personal terrine.
Section fl •Ptndootatwrier, of de &plead
Court shall be emaciated by 4,6, said Coed for
tie terra e three year* if- airy so bag befkazie
thewselea well. Protkonotwils cod ek,*, of thr
seeeral parr snorts. Reeerekreiof eked; s o d E.
giitera of will . s, :Jodi at eke Saes and Am of
eiretom 1 representatives, be carded by tie psi-
Jed eieetarz of ascii county, of. at &g rids as
raided tb foracaetioo of said ...•• le e.dende.soat
`shall 60
, comesrirsiened by tie Coreraor. The w
thl ed.
skatti4 their office: for yews T . day al m a
so bog Wort amoebas cod wail their
-asteessats-, akar be duly foal Th kgie* io.
tart aka provide by iota die umber of pavans
in eaefri cursor who ikon said fffitra, ai d
Jain oradAy iredeottie' A of mad ,hoes shall be Add
Torassese . thesa of
Zeas the sSftbsl by ap • to be Riede
ro to miaow the wad=
ral &aim, wad until sawsilt& be
gad qv:o*d sts aforesaid. j
sect Prothro/aeries. Clerks of tle peace
tad a,m' count, neekders elf deed% reska_ers of
wins. old kbetilis. shcallAnsp their oak's is the.
county 'Oran or the c4tuty Ca :bind 114*; man:-
lively. Amine diner; Weis atm% the egroecolor
shall, 4t special remakas, avant thecenith, fol
*ay Imo not eateorruNg Ire nats after the empty j
shall ,re heetiele ' . .
Seem V. An eemosoissiont pia be iis the 112/1:*
and by:tbeaothotity,t4 the Covosamealtd of Nolo•;.
41120*.atoi be staid !with State seal,lact
.ed Ity the Caesium - •
Stet iak VI. A Staraev.ll be deli*
aunioatr, by isiat tote of bed One Isis
am ,
Sectipea NIL. Jfeit of ica pea= fr arldowee
Ad fle. &dal 4 tie w
titra wae.4. b..... g i v .
ca hig.kipi• ,se ite : titr e tit &aim' a :of, me,.
=lra q tr/ imp.
aka Oy i= "r e=
cassocliciowd - - by
~ fot a
sazoi 4;
but ' 62 faelurii, ar 6 errgii: all
ekcl sort time tee jar the pares eirksZ,
was *god Lk eameametof adif9ras 4th clawt' --
OM decant n'akirrs.ale4 sioar ew 6a
I VAL aito - 4 4eAeoe eketica or cp.
aria; `'' ' 'in Me toesefitaran,
- Ala
Cktiol - we be &meta/
, ,
5 I ! I Leis.aitzet. gicemta &ad
I 44,11111,00.
, Jz C. KERN,
isail 16 lir 016.
it:—TrileitifirshitM . hbrz:ol4' , iitiy 7
lice InilltigoviilfrOisidY itto '••/, i int kw , • a
eititen wisptinhotu l 4",t, 4 4- -:ft. 0 ,, gear ii:
before kitiCsolsOiritnientof th . county shall A .
.'bee.frito kir, ettrell: but if 0 Flail not 'ectiist Um* .
so -long tended; then within the &eta of 4be
anglify or Counties out of.Mit'. it A‘Oli hare 6,
(Often. No member of •' : ~ , : s from thti state,.
or any person bolding or --- tr any offiet or
appointment of trait ar'prti! In- - - the' United
States. studl at the some tints ~ , or exersi.n any
offus its fitissdate, to. Which a - • my isoefsesl ar.
perquisites sere bylaw; a • •• • ; and the &Oh:-
tura so • •._by ' lwo, declare are Stateistfres ma foz.
compatak. No Indorrer of Ike Senate or of 'the
house of npreseriterdrshall be appointed by
Governor to any ojper during'the term' for whfeh
he skull hare been aided.
eiemionlX. All officers f3at ntspixta. term of yes=
dial/ hold their Rpm for 1h terms ,rel y
epee freer' Only on the ornerie r that they so tang
Mwe themsdres toll i and be renamed an
ornaiction of misibettadensr i office or Of any )in
famous dime. - .
Section X. Any person • shall.: en. he
adoption of the .tunertdraer proposed *by this
Contention to the Constitur, n,flgistia duel or
smut a eltalkngr for that ,• , ark air& tor
abdtor in fighting a dud, • be deprived_of the
right of Web* any office honour or profit in
this &ate, andsholi be pia i d otherwise in 14d ,
manner as it, or may be • - "bed by lath ; but
the tweeutire may remit the paid offence amd. all
its disquak/notions. '
A aims. l'i.
Section I. The legialsture s ali, ss soon ss con
yenteotly may be, pro-vide bv.titw, for the ess. .t.:ish
meat of Schools througtoeati the st.,:e, io Such
manner th .e the peer way be Ought Faits-
Sec , Loa 11. The arts ALDO 94lente* ss,a Le pro
moted in one or more serail:pun" of )raining.
. Section lit. The newts,iviteks, immunine.
' end esfatis of religi•na ...tie es arid coop,ra:e. t i t , -
dies, shall restrain a. if the OW iteliA3 of this State
had not been Altered ar t amen d . ..
Section IV. The !Tdal' shall not inrertnny
u l l
corporate body or iod;riehcal tertA the pri&kge
of taking pr•rate property for puble use, without
requiring such corporation or indrridurd to mat
compensation to MS Ottgt(if. mid lihileSSAN or
give adequate amity th . or, before such pro.
party 4011 be taken. .
Members of the General ,Asseintly, and all AS
vets, executive and judicial, shell be bound by oath
or affirmation, to support the. constitution of this
Commonwealth and to oerfotbi the doties of their
respective offices with fidelity}
That the genteel, great and essential princMles of
Melly and free government mac be recognised and
inalterably established, WE DECLARE, TH AT
Sectiod L. Alt Men are bmio equally free and In
dependent, and have certain ti rt and indefeasible
rights, among which are of enjoying and de
fending life and li berty, o acquiring, possessing
and protecting property and Seputation, and 01l pur
suing their own happiness. - _
Section U. All power is .Mberent in the people,
and all free governments mei founded on their au
thority, and ,instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ; For the advaluminerst of these enth4 they
hare, at all ernes, an unaliiable and indefeasible ,
right to atter, reform or abor their government, in
such manner as they may th ink proper.
Section 111. AR men hive natural and indefea
sible right to worship A - ty God,according to
the dictates of their own ; no man can,
of right, be eourpelled to ;mend, erect, or suppo rt
any place of worship, or to tare any ministry
whist flis consent; no authority can, tastily
re ‘f
ease whatever, control or in ere wi th the rights
of conscience . ,; and no ' ermine shall ever be
given, by laii,.to any establishments or
mode' of worship .
Section IV. No person Nri
big of a God and a future si
nishatents, stall on account
menus be disqualified to bo
trust or prnet under this
Section V, Elections shall
•Seetion VI. Trial by jiuy
and the right thereof rennin
Seeing' \i IL The printing
be free and ainsl
shalt be u heretofore,
inristatn.- -
presses shall be fnee to
s m unman the pro
or any ba*theo
n ewer be madel OS re
* free commooleatitin
one of the ioriluabie
rizen may freely neat,
ilea, beige
. In prosecutions far
. seurtigating the otheriat
a public %% I *(4, Of
is proper for pu t r. hi
nny be been esi
ents for tibeh jury
se the taw and the bus,
met, as in other sues.
shin be secure ihtheir
sossessiows, from earns
- : And eo warrant to
my person or rts ,
6 -lAt them as neatly u
`• • came supported try*
vermand: And no - bw
strain the right theme
of thoughts and opinions
sights of man; and every -
wrap and on say so.
for the abuse of that libe
the publication of papers
conduct of Whom, or men
whete the matter published
fotantioa. the troth
dewy: Aid is all
don lame a right to
under the rreCion of .the •
Section VIII. The • •
persons, bane; mere and
sonahle steendon and seers
mutts any pkacr. or to
shall kale, without
=V he. mg without • • •
oath of athanatiou.
SeCt.b.,C-1.- Aso rn nm
eased bath i tight to be
. retort, to deemed the ..-
estiaticco art best him, to H
face, to halm compelsorr
emus in his from, sad;
meet or inform3tina, a
impartial jury the
I • preset-swoon Om Indict
j` Y POtive trait by en
ate: be cannot he. ono
. • t himself, ant can he
F, or propert4,lwiless
1. -3 of the law of the
pelted, to 'ire err:levee
be deist . .. E../ of his life. I
by the yirt i porat of 6
Section X. No person . all„ for any indictable
offence, toe proceeded bacon:tally by intar-la-
Stn., except in cases ansiim in the bad qr naval
fames of in the militia w ben in actual'write in
time of war or public dander., or by leare'd the
mon" Jrfi cm-esti ci and atis4ecneariata in *Mee. No
person shalt, far the tame offence. be twine pat •in
kW:Ay of hie or limb nor shall way wro's pro.
petty be Lbw' or applied
` its one. hrot the
consent of his nroresenatives, and witbioto just
compensation !Wk.' isiode.
Seetnaa XL All mss. stall be open, aid every
mai tat an injury dame ;n in his bads, cubits, per- ;1
sou or Imputation, shall have remedy. by tber thee
coarse of law, and riarbti sad joidee administaied, •
without sale, rietnia/1 or drbv. f sits nay
wainst the Coronanereadth in inch wan
omits, and in sorb roiled as the ' - 14 1 0 by
bar 'Siert 1
I . Sarno' i XII No perVrei . of oarieorresjf ideal
be exercised, ini:lai by 1 die legt#4 o3 ", Or All 13-
thacts' I
Seetiao 'SIM £.3..55,,1.e aim sum eel; be re
quirekaor excessive furies inquiet. nor ;cad po
nisinsents indicted. ;
Seeder' XV. All Pa...nen ‘ 1,43 be babble by
reaming entries, maim; r-,4 , 1 afizt, eaten
the woof is evilest or , we -..-.... greet }' and the
pririleice at the writ of `auras =spas sat be
......- e ../aiel, ordess.rrbea„!is eases at nteuieti ca lis t
'rubs, the pabfic safeflsay ovule it.
Fectio XY. Ma aunigunin . e aturer sal Terminer
arkil delivery straLbe ireard. . i , .
' S rise :OA The' e f a de664 vi m .'
there is sat etreag pt -
el .U.kWl,- , { tal=ent
be ersatioaal s prima? , w dermakievop 1 . &. errata
fad the-Week at ea eristitresja - emir marrow as
alialtirepreamlied 44 , . ~:, . i _ ,
L 7- :
:,.. 7 :,ter.t!pia AVM Se = poi. Azty.,,,,a2FA 6s s eactimets,
...)Se mete. _ • ' l = l— Xlli itn4 te , -la . - ,,..f.
p .
!roma or filmy o
,si c ia llere...
Seetki . a 'ICC- No aaritairerriadVirvek' '' '• - '
etbised, car, rant Zak* Sleeken*Weeder
kerfestare of estaar ear. • , a
later at wadi- proms • shalt , deatazar , • sairli
Sam.alatly .leseeart _ lert4a . ia
edilMtit* litrwiink - - sew
Or: ' - iiikair. A.- , +. -,- -
. N. 4 .-. 1 1- :, : :-, 41111,11fMkir, likilaßirnikrb,*
. f ,
;. -4r.
gill' t"... t - _
~,--. 'gnu - . • 1 t .„..,„ - ,n - be killed by
casualty- qtaierthatirlhiwito 4 tore by ninon
.. ....
Seiticiti XX,. Ifitatith*e)ra a tight,. its a Pew.
m i ta,
able matmer.r astit - bieltoge, foe, their mama ;
gottd r asil to. apply :.thile la, with th e meets
of: goveremeut *;tatheselor. wuwea, OR, - ether
PrOPer . Parma ; . 4.- poidc.4' • or mutat-
Section XXL - Thirright of , cit4ent JO bent; inns,
in detente of themselves and thd State, ahill not be
. A •
~...: S eetion PaLlClOttieldintikurehenPat tnn ,
of Peace, be...keptmiltinmkehn consmit of *halo;
gislator ; adtd „the ;military. 'WI, in all Ammo. and
at all {hots, be in shriet;itthon*mtion to„the 4401
• Section Malt *aicildiei, Anil, in time of, peace.
'be qitartered in any , lwithoitt the erinseit of the
, - i nor us time ofdar;barbreintabiairtO tie
lowselibed hrlimr . ..,! -, c ., All, - . , ~
Section EMV, teiblature shall pot,grant
i be
-any titli`of -- uphill ' 'or liereAimry distinct: WW,
crikate any MSc, the appoittept to , whichihall be
for a longer toxin than during good bebasione, .
Section XXV. Emigration - from AtiiiState .itiall
not baprohibited.. , .... - I ~ .4', 4 ,,, 3 .4.
_to . guard ; whist transgressions
of 'the high powers whir-time have delegated. WE
DECLARE, that entry thing ; this article is el
icited but of the ueneralpowe ofgovennziest, and
shall for ever remain inviolate....
IRICTE-- 3 r , --- ' ".„
Any ant - endisenriorwris to this eggsgits
-1 frog nor be.propaiiid in the Senate oelloust of lb
presentative*, and if the same dial/ Ge avant to by
a majority of the weathers elected -toe& rA )4orde; seek
proposed amendment Str•GlLVOlMAlagshail be entered
on their journals,. with the *nu and nays taken
1 (Anson. wad the twretary ,f theiConatainrsulth shall
rause 'be same 'cr be pa:Xs/Led three mesalis before the
neul geetion. in at least pne yterepa ß er in ere ! "
I COWS y in trhlth a newspaper shall be published; and
If it the leristat ore nest afterwards flown midi pro
m:net ananutmeno or amendments shall be agreed to
by a majority of the utnnbess elected o eat A horse,
the Secretary iff Ike f aaamin-rialth shall ruts the
sane again to le pi,blished in manner aforesaid, had
' sack proposed aninnintent ..07 amendments sibil he
su'init:ed to tkeinriele . insturknusaner and at such
Iliac at Nutf thi•eeptiai, aver bei,%a so wed to
- by :he tiro houses its the :1410 uie shall preSardoe ;
and if the people shall, apprOre and ratify sunk,
ainendment or anniatinisite-try-aanajority of the gas.
/Jed solos of. this :State tratiwtherems, suck amend
ment or amendments shall bedtime apart etthe ran.,
dilation ; kit no datandftmt or amendments shall
be sulnuitted ec t:qople offs* au* niter in fire
Warr : Pr - ff twee than lam amendment
be sabralfted, they' Ibe submitted fa such manner
and ferne, that thn people Mai rote for or againit
each amendment separately and distinctly.
That no ineonvenienee may arise from the alteta.
lions and amendnierits in the, Constitrition of this
CommuniseAgi t and in order . to carry the same into
complete optima, ft is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That, , .
, Section I. All liwaof this Commonwealth in force
at the time when' the said alterations and amend.
mints in the said Coestimtien• shall take effect, and
not inconsionint therewith. and all rights, actions,
mysecntions, elaiins, and contracts as well of indi
viduals as of bodies corporate; shall continue as if
the said altatatkois and 'amendments had not been
Seetinn if. The' altentions and amendMents in the
said Constitution.lthall take effect from the brat day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. •
Section The charms, sletams, and articles of
the said Comtitutionewhichmernain unaltered-shalt
enotinne to beZtived.and have effect as If the
said Constitution d not heesi amended.
Iv. General Assembly trnicest4.l
eonrene in Dectinber, eighteiii hundred and thirty
eight, shall 4:octangle its session. as heretofore, not
withstanding the provision in the eleventh section
of the brat article. and 'WI et all times be mended
as the first Gesieml .Assetuttlyinuter the amendfd
seknowledies the be
te of reveal* atel po
of big tertgiog a Iseati•
anY= . oe Vaal of
Section V- The Governor Who shall be elected in
(*tuber, eighteen hundred 41 thirty...agile. shall be
insoeurated on' the third I Tbm:day in January,
eiztanen handfed -and thirt-nine, to which time
the present exectrave term is hereby extended.
Section VL The ecaumnssiOns of the judges of the
Supreme Court, who may be la officeran the firstday
i of /arum; ties& shall expire in the following man.
ter: The ammeissinn ,wltich. bears the earliest date
shall engine on the first day,of January, Lam Lai:.
mini one: atousand cleat .fra... and furty-two; the 1
osonaintooel e dited shall ;expire on the first day
of January, As Doatini one thousand eight bun
' died and forty yet the ecomiantifia next dated shall
expire on the ,first day of January, Anno•Uomini
' one airwoman eight hundred and forty-eight; the
comminiun newt dated-110lb expire on the firm day
, of JthalrY. Anne Domini One thousand eiebt taus
dyed and Oftycne; and the cournisane bet dated
, sh .11 expire on the first day cf January, Anna Do,
" mini one thou:nand eight Inarkired and fifty-four., •
Set-tin:a VU. The come anisions cf the Presitlent
1 kites of pie seem! rap! districts and of the
' associate bye oddest the first jogrwialdistrkt shall
ex: ire as fa es r • The eraminiasewmof - nae-haff of i
those who 1.500 -have held their races ten years or
more at theadintann of theatuendinenta to decocted- ,'
tutiou„ shall upire.cia the canny -sesenth day of Fe- 1
horsy. one thousand eight *inched and thirty-nine;
the commissicar.mof the othes load those who shall
I hare bad Ogle offices ten pars or more at,tbr mien,-
' tine of the amendments to! the comstituti.n, shall
canine on the threnty-errenth day of Febtuny, one
thogrood right hundred and 'forty-two ; the firstinll
' to embrace thine Whoseconaznissine• 0 shall tear the
oldest &ate. The , coamossiotersef all the nemainiem
. yo.dges whosliall not hare !held their offices far ten
years at the afiosati . ori of theatnendrairsits to the too-'
3 .litution "half expert; on the nersatcy-serecoth day of '
- Fehrenty next after the end of ben yens from Abe )
date of their OnocoOsinas. ,
Fiction VIM The Itimard.ers of the several May- .
ors' Courts, and other criminal courts in this Cron
monarealth, shall be appointed for the , same acne.
and in the inane inanner, as the president judges
of the senenil *tient districts, . of those now in
cce, the cutimainion oldest in .date stall expire on
the twenty-seventh day ,of February, one thowered
eight hundned and fo ty-m'e. and the others Avery'
two years Alleged* acondhe to - their' respective,
dates Ttree oldest , hi date expiring first.
Section EIL The legislating st its 'first hisisiata un
der the amended rematurra' rano, shall aside Abe other '
assneinte, pees of the State into far dames. 'The
commissices - bfilacte of the first dam stral empire
' as thig - twestr -err iati d#,Of - Fehrtnighteen ,
Modred andlorty.,„ of thole of the second class on
the- twelKS-senelitghlY crif'eauctlY. eighteen blow
deed and
.f.dety.ome3 of. thine of the third elass , at
the twelitylevett3 dutyof;Febrtnalsekkeekhlthr
&led and fultyleariss'und of those of, dies fottrebattas s .
on tbe tactle oblig of fehniasy. eightet - !I•
bendred nod ,-Ith-enc: " fibs said times fixot die
Gm hi tie fittdit stem
, ;re . Ourt aeisseCenellithe
letifieri#4l Ilteisererair
, - feenas ii l'istlionOttrbir, desks nkthe weed
cattle ietheipteCthe Legnine— e:ltaget) remniess.:af
-4 "e d =-2 41 "41.54 11 : 1633 t befirsiktietted mess
the togiaitettlogg4 at therettelialk ins MM.
' ,L lM_4 l . l .i*!tß.,-.31W ddltee.o..kolodscal and arittY- I
, gire,;th thiWnswassermsMarbe pee exited by taw. •
~, ...Fteedethn.;lll4ppotnisse...puser shantensain ea
rhesesellea. 4odtillnileasalbs - tie siipaivineut tithe
etoecollst, dull conitmee ea the -'
.11/r- - tinele.4pectice races uat '
lughthmenarnical pea lasts. as Sooty be
br,..tlat eithth section , the shah 'ankle air '
and:simentledenustinstlos ma appgiairms,
be utadcwoder sachatorso o olis their -
dna be. sagessedicTby eteor:opegiannentcer shell
sooner expire, kg their gnu :Stattatints or the said
411442 4,1 1 _ k,1 4 .,5: 11 m 1 4 4 W a r l it Vilk"S4ra
iiii4S- '
1 - prosreetioos,: the se
, scl by biriaself oat his
re and nose of the
the eritee..esi Eire to
session miner. tne•
vide fof,the serii
11141044 11 ,1 41 : (
their **ties ou t .
dad; whietOtantwfiii
new ianunisiviii„ at
theinommiashins shat
restintany that
itialtitntiun of
4-4hiPs • dr
534 thirty-00
'146 -4 17nifect Ste
Dizisrer4s4li r.
- gplrna itrks r
Jainb Ratiduhr,
. yr:
lindreie;Sedford," I -
Thos. S. Bell;
jazirnaMoritell Biddle, 1
lebbens L Sigeluf •
SanaL C. Botileury. _— -
Chas. Brews, 4 - 'ISO*
Pierer Butler, •
Samuel Caney, •
John Cummul,
Tama,* Cunniaglum,
lgm Oa:Moron,
Georg s e . thatirners,
John Chandler,
Jos. R.-Chandler,
Ch. Chauncey,
Nathaniel Clapp, .
,lames Clarke,
John-Chris, • -
William Clark,
A. J. Cline '
LinMell‘ Coates; •
IL E. cicharn, •
Thos. S.
Jaehua F. Cox.
Walter Craig
Richd. Crib;
Geo. T.:Crawford,
Cassabas Crum,
John Ll:Kahan, • - •
E.-T. *Dowell, J:
Julies *Sherry, Darn
Marla Minh, y
Harmar Denny,
John Did* ' - G.
Joshua Dickerson, - i Geo.
Jacob Dillinger-
Jas. Donagaa,
j: R. Darnell,
Joseph IL Doran, • •
James Dialop,
Thaizas Earle, •
D. ht. Fatrelly,
Rota. Fleming, •-
• Walter Forward,
John Foullcrod,
'Joseph Fry, Jr, .
John Fuller,
John A. Ga mble,
William Gearhart; •
David Gilmore,
Virgil Grenell„ •
L Hanis,„'
(Anzac) IL &mar, Seereariy
Ilmniagatnin F
I certify; that the fingerling is
copy of " the Ciaustitution - of, •
Pennsyleaufa as memernded by
thousand- eight inutdred and
eight," depositga nil this.. offiee .
Febriam 11833; the
and the retained pentionok
Lion in ragman Lerner., . I
THO. • • ,
Elcourage *ale M
Contiectionkitry' N
THE itelr . weriber,in*teetto
pobfle that be ton cone
tare of CoeSetionary in all
at his Store in" Centre lei
Poeferille , House, erhere Can
ere can araill be enttphed
at the basest - Philittelphia -
Country - Merchants ere
to all stud examine trite woe
1 1P
wit 4 • .1
12, Y EARS Oil
being the sikek pr
erased, and said '
ma t wet a
mired sod fat 14 .1
ail Jamaica
Do Cherry . ,
Jane 21
• 'boa f or
GOOD satin &c.a.
bee matterta' 67, nevi
ezehanged-har• at the
PI/ -
Stiv 30
- 103VENT.G1
IT fel Peits,
• The 'MAIL
Tozetnief 'wit%
June 9-
50 cues?*
sad • Ahm
Piece. Sawbank;
11... a; Oki-I
and fix. wale'
rock bdex
Vgre- ;AIM
WlL . billiiinew
60 1 * 1 ! Yan
bk. rope!iin
Aril 32 3
1 - •
AIM 18313
tdr - 44111Asy d
el: the
Pkieed afar
‘loll3o! mhos,
apsrly ite the
. k ; 11 1- r - rI Z *rteibul
CarA t .
. it.
i • 1 r
i •,,
, i
witlo Gaideleues.
1 1 11 9 1 11 t rig•
, atm
d sir
- ?sk i
the pleP