The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 11, 1838, Image 3

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APERSON who is Com:Lnt of
ir leding a
Steam Engine, to whom ral wilta will
be given. Apply, at the Nor American Coal
ComPany's Office. -
Centreville Mines, July 11.1:-. : 33
Dwelling House anted.
WANTED to rent a .good‘ sized Dwelling
House. in good order. rottsvilht. Ap
ply at this office.
Pottsville. July 11 , WIS.
Notice to Coal 13 . ippers.•
I HE Subscribers bawl taken that well know')
T wharf formerly occupied b Bunting,Olark
& Co. second wharf below Call hill street
- and have made arrangement tolleceiye CoM on
storage. All Coal shipped to their wharf Will be
attended .to with ears and paw:4l4lly, wad deliver
ed according to order by
Philadelphia. July 141836. i 3--
To Coal Den ere. •
'ITIE Subscribers having taken the large and
commodious wharf on Callowhill street (or
-corner of Canowhill and Willikm streeta,l en.
the Sibuylkiihnear Farr Mount!Philadelphia; are
prepared to receive any quantity 6f Coal, Lumber
&c.on wharfage or storage, on t a te open whirr or
and cover, on the moat reason le terms. Every
attention paid to coal consigned to them.
References—Mr. George Schuylkill Fla %
veniMr. Philip Huffs, Pottsville.;
Philadelphia. July 11, 1838. , 153-3nso.
List of Letters
RLM AIN MG in the Porq,Otfice at Puttseine,
on the first of July, 1839.
Anderson Thome, Moore Skeplien
Auhey Jonas Maliek' )aamb A
A urand Peter Normal John
Barclay John , Milton William •
Berrey Junes MongapFrancas „
Brs miler John Miller Dent y
Braes Galilean* Mc Menery Neal
Brown Mary McKean) , John -
B ritz M Ts G MeGowen Thomas' .
B•yan 'Lawrence McConnell Mr
Buckler Daniel McGinnis Enoch
Camino John McDowell Theadons
Carrel John • lllc(:ay' El zalioth
Caufman Jacob McCarrell Jane '
Cheuon torah McGriet Alexander
C.vaier Nathan M. Voir? 'Alexander i
‘1.41. John McAlivier Ralidel
Craft Lewis ' • McMahen Michael
nein Ja nea Noble llexander 2
Coward WW C Nash .1 Ines -
Cr) tz Jacob Owens Samuel
Davis Edward • Odenheimer George ll
~ llivis John Obuyan Lawrence
.bindorf Nicholdb Oliphai i t k James
Dougherty Pitt Preyu onnh
Downey Patrick Fowl ichael
Mei. II Jane Portir panty •
Eberheard Nickell Prior Thompson '
Ellis Hogh ProbesX Thomas •
Engles. John . Quiodlip Elizabeth
vans Mrs Ann 2 Rhoda Wm
Evans David Reed !donee
Evans William Riniswett Jacob
Everett Samuel J Reeder links F
Eyer Jacob Riimfit 1W m ._
?ening John E Rorer Hoist •
Fields Sarah Reaga & Sybert
Fring &mud -• Ramle David
Fleet Charles Soled' . W •
Fletchall Fleenor W Ruckell.loseph
Forster Joseph Richardson John '
. Foust Miss Elisabeth Ramsey Robert
Fries Jesse ' Rees S Rees
Gebhard Catharin Smith John K •
• Germane Abraham Smith. Thomas
• Gilmer John Smith Mrs Mary
Gilmoran H Thomas Stepleton Patrick.
Goudhurn John Sheeret Agnes 2
Griffiths Mrs G Sheriden, James
Grundy John Shilabig Daoiel X
EliiilerNicholis Sharite Mans .
Mau b B Suppler Abrham W
Hancke Joseph Sehoester Richard 1:11
Hayenbrcck William Schinolds John
Hickman Anngilina Stanifir Ming
Mtn:demi Robert Schunek•Danel
Hill Daniel Stephens Martin
Hintoc Joseph Soheibeihud John .
Horlucher, Mary Shaffer Henry A '
Hornung F G Santa George
Houser Stepben Seamen John
Hutchings Mason lfimniiins George
Hutchinson John Stephenson William
' - . Hyde D W Simpson Thomas
Jennings & OdenheimerSymotts George
Johnston John Stripling Stepher '
Johnston i Samuel Simples Elizabeth
' Jones David Sett James
Junes Jeremiah SUchter Geo K 2
Jones John • Spayd Beni 3
Junes John P Thompson George 9
hoes Mrs Mary Tourism! Regal 41 1 , _
Eaton John • Thorns. John
Kemeny John Trel®o Benne •
Kedy John . Thorritoe Michael
Hit% George Thid Philip.
' Kline Joseph ' , Ttiorknon Binj
Kurd Cat* 'Fogarty t 7 Patrick
Lay Miss Vadusen Franklin
Law Omit . Words James
Leek William ' Woollies:1 John G
• Llscia Wall Woeliver Armin
Lindeemouth Daniel Widdicombe John
Lott Howliti • Weir Dqncan
Lowther Edward Waters %le:andel
LutrGeo W • White Michael
Monley Junes . Wenn-naiads Andrew
Martin William Wargo Elish S
Mealy Hsnny
• Marts Abraham Wets hi .Pacob
Marts Jacob 2 Wethorill Charllse
Marts Simon Women liebeeeM
• Mlllafranklin a. Wallbiter Samuel
Morris Evan Warren Sainted
Metre John Williams Rhyg ,
Er PeflOolltalling for Idlers oo tne above Est,
will please say there are adirertiseek.
Mowlotion of Polineribilp.
FIVE Co-Partnemship heretofore existing be
••• tween Wm. Nice I. d. Moedie, trading
,onder the firm of I. H. Moodie & Co. is this day
dissolved ht mince consent. Those who have
elainisetgatnet said firm, will present them t o L,
E. Moodie for seUlement; and ill who kw* them.
Wyse indebted to wild Ann: es also to the late
Arm of Nice & Moodie: are required to mete
immediate payment to I r . It Moodie. to who
hands the book !di Fprii.#llemer4.
N. B. The Wilma will hereafter be &sided
ird by I. 11.1Ieodis, et the old stand, neat door
from the northeast cornet of Centre end Norms.
Sian Iltnestk, end respeetftaly
,eolieite seastino
zoos of pobhe petionare.
1 Patteeille. lane 30,1838. 50-3
cr Mil Swim. *kook Wort tiro ties.: OM/
chaps Ude sew.
T HE Co-partnermhip heretokoin existing under
the firm of Christian and Stewart, has this
day been diseased by Milton consent, the busi
ness will he settled by William Christian. All
those having claims again. the said firm are re•
quested to call and nave .them settled, al* those
indebted to said: firm ate requested to ill and
settle their - accognts-
''he• business ;will be .carried on it the same
plats by Win. Chrudian who by ckise attention to
business hopes to metit the Patronage of their
former customers and the•publie 'entrant'.
Minersvihe. icily 6..1838. 52-38
stray 'flare,
• i STRAYED or Stolen from
,1 > the premises of the Subscriber at
Flowery, Field Farm. a. DARK
11r il l . BROWN-MARE; said tram is
little lame on the right bind
Whoever has taken op said mare or can give in
formation wbereahe can be found, will he reams
able rewarded by N. NATEIAN&
Pottlivil, July 6. 1839. 52-3,
Brick Laying, &c.
PERSONg Pottsville, Millersville It" their
. 1 °- vicinity are infoirme‘ that the subscriber
has removed from Philaddlphia to this place. and
is preliared to ongeriake to erect Brick or Stone
buildings at the shortest aotice. 'He Could fur.
Matt brick and other for chimneys to
those who may wish it. lie has a few goo:
workmen with him. Pettions who patronise him.
may expect to Neve work comp ed. at or pear
the time Stipulated' 54 the com Minn of their
et James Gillingham's, Centre St.
Pottsville, Jiine 27 , 49-4*
WHEREAS, some person or persons have
stolen a quantity of lumber limm where the
subscriber is now erecting a dwelling house ill
lhahaniango Street, and on several occasions di*.
Hotbed the walle•ot the building by removing the
Buick. et night, and otherwise tnjuring the build
mg. I hereby offer the above reward fur the ap
prehension •ndpo;niriclinn of any person or per
.ens who are, or hereafter may be, guilty of the
like acts, or fur 'any informatio•t respecting the
persona., that may lead to their
June 30 .50-36
TIiAT valuable tract of Lend called the "Clio.
ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, neat
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountern; is
offered for pale on eccommodating terms; or the
Coal Mines will be leased-severally or together
to an apprdved lenacit. Apply to .
• 345 - & Walnut Street.
april it 27- ta
IS hereby given. thtt the following named Ex
iecutora, Administrators and Guardians have
settled their accounts in the otfice of the Register
of Schuylkill County, and that the said accounts
will be presented to the Orphans' Court to be held
at Orwigsburg, in end for said county, on Mon
day the 23d day of July, 1838, for confirmation.
1. The account of Valentine Brown and An.
drew WU - lower.. Executors of the last will and
testament of Arians Hummel, late.of Wayne town
ship, deceased..
The account of Leonard R label, Administra
tor of the estate of Herirll /Hiatt late of Manheim
township, deceatted.
3. The account of Henry 'Ega,. Administrator
of the estate of Cloaca Berringer, later of Schuyl
kill Haven, deceased.
4. The account of John Bruner and Henry
Bruner, Administrators of the estate of Jacob
Bruner, late of the borough of Minersville, de
5. The account of Jacob Alspseb, Administra
tor of the estate of Elisabeth Strong, late of Low.
er Mahantengo township, deceased. • .
C• The account of George Reber, Administra
tor of the estate of.lnhis Reber, late of Manheim
township, demised.
7. The second account of JonaiGuldner. Ad
ministrator of the estate of George Jacob Goldner,
late of West Penn township, deceased.
8. The account of Abralfam Mei kel and Reu
ben Merkel, Administrator of the estate of Abra
ham Merkel, late of East .Itrunswick township,
9- 4 The account of Elijah Bensinger, Adminis.
trator De Boni. non, with the will annexed of
Cornelius Hoffman, late 'of ardor/wick township,
10. The account of John Foch, Guardian of
Elisabeth and Jesse, minor children of John Mil
ler, late of Manheim township, deceased.
1.1. The account of Henry Houser, Adminis
trator of the estate of Eve Houser, late of West
Penn township, deceased.
12. The account of Jacob Shade, Administra
tor of the estate of David Maurer, late of Mahan=
tango township, deceased.'
13. The account of John Rattorf.-Adminiatra
tor of the estate of &maws Bailor', late of Pine.
grade tmanship dheaaed.
14. The account of LodWig Berger. Guardian
of Rellme. Jonathan, glisaheth and Henry Geb
art, minor children of fonethes Osbert, late pf
Pinegrose township, detpeased.
Register. .
June 30 50—
rrl H B subscribers have constantly on hand •
full aspurtment of Iron, comprising Round
and Square Iron from op to 6 inches dr.
epees; flat Iron' 3-16th by No. 4, W. G; up to
6 in. by 11 in.; boiler, due and sheet iron of best
andid quality. &pitiable for lining car bridles or
'chutes; railroad tronje 1, 1 i: by e, 2by e.
end 2e bye. -Tiwy arb.also prepared to receive
orders to import Rail Mad Iron upon the moat
adventagstrus taros in large quantities; rail
road car axles.
A cull ituortmettiol Eheel,tompriaing east ind
shear ,teal—AineriCan and English Ohler Steel•
German and aprin, lanai. and Maud iron and
octagonal Oat for drill*,
S. W. corner Marl* and Sr hoylkill-Seventh St.
Eildladelphia, gone 21:183.3. _ 49-6 mo
Gilding. • •
LOOSING-GLASB and Picture Frame Gild
er, next door to Mr. John Mellarron's, Lyon
Aron.- Old Frannie re gilt in'thir neatest Man
son and at the shortest tiothie. . 351-3nso
epril 28
Dates ty
Al and at Me WO 10•41 en
920 Reward.
For Sale, or to be Rented.
• 4 ••••:4it" ;=. • 1
Vairuble coal Lands
THE SUBSCRIBERS, Midget:ft of-Geo. W.
- 11, Baum, will expose to Public Sale on Friday
Ole 13th daof July nail. at 1 o'clock in the at; ,
terhoon, at the house of R. A. Beaton is the bo
roagh of Tainaqua, in the County of Schuylkill,
the, following described Real Valet=
First—The undivided 0100 third part of 4 a cer
tain Mpasogge, tenement and tract of land. situ
ate. In Rash township, Schuylkill County, adjoin
ing the town of Tamaqua. and lands of the Little
Schuylkill Navigation & Rail Road Co. and oth
ers; containing WO acres, more or less, (except
sizlots of gtound in the town of Wettemberg,
heletofiire sold) Tllil tiactot lend Is handsome
ly 'situated; the Little Schuylkill and Cattawissa
rail road passing thiongh the same. There ere
a number of coal drifts open on the premises.
from which Coal of the best quality has been fur
nished—Akin, the undivided half of a certain
trait of Coal Land. situate in Barry and Norwe
gum townships. Schuylkill County, bounded by
lands of John Hartman, Peter gnat* and others,
containing 152 acres inure or less. This tract
of land a situated'on a branch of the Big Sehuyl.
kill, a few miles from the head of the %Vest Branch
railroad. and contains a horizontal bed ail supe
rior coal, with 'stout seven feet light uncovering,
on which a shalt has been sunk through Coal
thirty-three feet deep. Upon thistiact
of land th6re is a isle log house and
1 4 • . stone kitchen, (now occupied.. a tax
/ I _
ern.) with stables, sheds, iIS-c. The
old Suhbpry road passes immediately by - the lay
ero."--Also. a tract orunimproved lend. situate in
Rush township. Schirlakill county, bounded 'by
lands of Peter Knahb and vacant lands. enniain•
log- 397 acres and allowance. This tract of land
ahuunds with Coal of s superior quality, a few
miles from the Little Schuylkill rail road. -
The terms or pale s ill be made known by-the
AiSignees un the day of sale.
CII 11tt.F.4 FR AILF-Y,
Assignees of Geo. %V. Banco
June 27
Rending \ail &Min 'Work's,
IIAVE on hand boilersheet - of various
I 1
sizes do. and •lwi, all the different sizes liar
iron; also, round and turare iron from if up to 3
mph Railrua.! iron of the various .izes, punched
and coUntersusia; and cut to the angles ready for
use; and band iron. All sizes nails gird spikes—
also, gun iron of superior quality. of which
are altered for sale at the Warts cite prices.
Reading, June 25. Ib3a 50—tf
Slift - lET'S SALES.
By Virtue of several writs of rendifioni
poses and Lenart Fades, issued opt of the
Conn of Cummon Pleas or Schuylkill County,
and to me dtrested, will be exposed to Pu6 l ie
Sale, at the hour s of Edward tYCOnizor, inokeep•
er, in the bnrcohh of Pottsville, _ _ .
(ha Thursday the 12th day of
JUly, 1838, at 10 o'clock A. M.
All - that Certain lot or piece of ground, situate
on the soutlewesterly side of Centre Street in the
bc;rough of Pottsville, in the County of Schuyl
kill, to Morris's Addition, Beginning at the die.
lance of three hundred and twenty feet southwest.
wardly fiom
.the line of Market Street, thence
southsvardly tlong Centre Street, ninety feet; two
inches to a 20 feet wide street; thence along said
20 feet wide street, north 70 degrees, 12' minutes,
west 138 feet 5 inches to the line of lot No. 26;
thence eastwardly along the said line futile place
ail beginning, together with the hereditament.
and appurtenances, consisting of a three story
stone building, containing four tenemanta—late
the estate of:Joseph Lyon.
✓lt tke same time and place, all
that certain lot 6f ground, situate in
the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill
IS 4 :ounty, bounded id front by Norwe
ilia Street, northeasterly by lot of
Robert Woodside, and on . the rear by • ten feet
alley, and southwesterly by lot of Ambrose Crow
ley, containing in front 40 feet, and in depth 85
feet, marked in Jacob Alter's additional plan to
Pottsville, with letter L. M. with the apportenan
era, consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house with a kitchen, anifnccupied as a tavern—
late the estate of Ambrose Crowley. '
At the same time and place, all
the two full, equal, undivided fourth parts or shares
of all that certain measuage or tenement, and
tract or piece of land, situate in Norwegian town
chip, county of Schuylkill, and State of Pennsyl
venial. beginning at a post in a corner of the land
belonging to the New York and Schuylkill Coal
Company, thence-north 60 degrees, east 321 perch
es to a post; thence north 20 degrees, west 20
perches; thence : south 70 degrees, west 86 perches;
thence torah 2(1 degrees, west by land of parte
Duncan, 1324 percher; thence by land of the New
York and Schuylkill Coal Company, south 60 de
grecs,. west 314 perches; south - 30 degrees, east
164 i perches to the place of beginning, contain
ing 324 acres and 74 perches, celled Marys Fan
cy, with the appurtenances—late the estate of
(hi l'hursday the 121 h day of
July. at the public hnuse of Philip foyer. in thp
town of Schut !kill Havre, at 4 o'clock P. M.—
All those three contiguous lota o" ground, 'situate
in the town of Schuylkill 'Haven', in the• County
of Schuylkill. bounded by Columbia Street. lot■
No. 138 and 142, and by -a 20 feet alley; and
marked in the general plan domed town, with the
reto. 13. 1 , 140 and 141, containing 60 feet each,
and in depth 227 feet with the appurtimancea—
late the estate of George Dori**.
On Friday the 13th day of July ,
IMP. at the house of Peter Filbert, innkeeper, in
the boroogh of Pinegrove, at 10 o'clock A. M. All
that certain Int or piece of ground; sit.
... sate in the borough of Pinegroire, in
6 : 6 ; the county of. Schuylkill. bounded by
the rail road on the east, by °twigs.
burg rued un the' south, by Tulpehocken road on
the west, and a fifteen feet alley on die north, con
taining one acre more or less, with the appOrte.
fleeces, consisting of a large two story dwelling
house and kitchen. spring -house, office, and •
frame stable. The house is now occupied 'ea a
tavern—late the estate o! Amy W. Conred.Esq.
On Saturday the 14th day of
July, 1838, at the patine home ofJamrs Tiggart,
in the borough of Tamaqua. at.lo o'clock the
forenoon.—All that certain undivided one third
part. the whole, into three equal- pans, parted
and divided, of all that cesium messuage. ten
smolt. acrd tract of land. vitiate in flash town
ship. County of Schuylkill, bounded by lands
of John Kershner, Philip Mower and others",
containing in the whole, two hundred ,and twen
ty acres. more or hnorith the appurtenances.
excepting out of the same six !obi of ground
in the lawn of Wettingbnriy, numbered in the plan
of the said two witb,Nos.l6, 51, Mk 61.63. 61.
It being part of the same premises which George
Kemp, Daniel Kemp and George Kemp. jr. by
their deed dated th e 20th day of_March. IM. did
rant and confirm auto George W. Baum.4.-Aboe,
till that certain undivided atm half part; the nitele
he pasted and divided late two sisal part. of
all that genets treat attend, ornate to Nemesia'
and Barry townshiPa,counq • aforesaid, with the .
appurtenances—it being theaame premises which
Dr. Benjamin Beater and wife, 11 their deed de
lied the did grant. and confirm unto the
raid George W. Banm. Also. all that certain un
divided one half part, the whole into two equal
parts, parted and divided; of all that crtain mes.
image, tenement and tract of land, situate in
Rush towrathip, enmity aforesaid, bounded by
lands of Peter Knabb, and vacant land, contain
ing in the wholeP7 acres, and allowance, more
or leas—it being the same premises ranch the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by patent dated
the 27th day of January, 1832, did grant and
confirm unto the said George W. Baum, enrolled
in patent B. fl. vol. 30, page 541;,witt, the ap.
portenances—ipte the estate °treacle Bieber, Juke
Bieber and George W."Boism.
(hi Friday the 20th day of July,
183$1;atthe Muse of Henry Stager, innkeeper,
in the borough of Pottsville ; at 2 o'clock P. M.—
sass ffrOlind, situate in the Borongh of
; Pottsville , numbeled 44 448, bound
ed northwardly by Market, eastward.
Iy by Chamber Street, southwardly. by Norwegi
an street, and westwardly by lot now or tote fiord
Pattenain,slontaining in front or width each 61Ift.
and in'depth each 244 i feet, with the appurtenan
ces, consisting of a two story Dame dwelling
house.—Also, all that certain piecep.parcel or Jul
o f g round situate in the Borough of Pottsvillii,
bounded oorthwardly by 'Avenue, eastwardly by
lut of John Porter, south and soutliwardly by lots
non , or fate' lienjsmin Erq. with the appur
tenances. containing one acre more or leas—late
the emste of
At the same time andcplace„ .
one full and Undivided 16th part, the
• whole into 16 equal parts, psrtsd and
BO divided, of acid in those three adjoin
trig.—tracts or . pieces -of land, situate in
Nitro e l oast town s hip, county of Schuylkill; 14
tract bounded by land of Henry - Genie and Philip
Wagner, and VBC.3ill land, thence by the next de
scribed tract and land of Leonard Reed. and va
cant land. containing 421 acres. 152 perches, and
allowance-2d tram, bounded by the next des
cribed land mild land of Leonard Reed, by land
of lie 6rst above desertbed and vacant land, con
tainirg 220 acres, b 0 pet chee,' and allowance
-3d tract, by land curveted to Witham Wagner,
and claimed by James Minded, and land of Leo
nerd Reed, by lane of meat-wird shoes described
tract arid vacant land, by. land of John Moyer,
anal containing 351 acres. 120 perches, and, al
lowance—the said three tracts of land by a romott
survey. 'containing together 1153 . sere:. 149 pe.r-.
chef, strict measure, with the hereditamenra and
appurtenances, consisting of • dwelling Louse, ate
—late the estate of Thornoe . noren.
On Friday the 20th day td July,
1838, at the honor of Henry 'Christ, inneeeper,
the bouivgh of Mineraville, at 10 o'clock P. M.
One fill, equal, undivided one third part of two
thirds patty of nineteen traentieth petits of all that
certain tract or parcel of tintmproved land, situ
ate on the head waters of the Swatara River,
formerly in Pinegrnee township, Berks County,
now partly in Pinegruee. partly in Norwegian,
partly in Lower Alahantango, tin' partly in Bar
ry townships, SchuslkillEounty, surveyed on the
20th, 22d, 23d and 24th days of May, A. D. 1793;
in pursuance of ten warrants dated respectively
the 12th day of January, 1793, granted to the Fol
lowing named persons, art: • Robert ,Irwin, for
439 j acres and allowance; Elijah Weed, Mr 4391
acres and allowance; George Weed, for 4391 ••
eves and allowance; William cools.-Esq. tot 410
acres, 114 perches and allowance; John Cook.
Esq. for 445 acres" 91 perches and allowance;
Jame,. Miller, for 440 acres 59 perches and allow-.
once; Robert Lyon,. for 450 acres. 148 perches
and allowance; Andrew Carson, for 412 acres, 6
perches and allowance, containing in the whole
4366 acres, 6 perches and allowance, bounded by
lands of the New York and Schuylkill cam! Com
pany, and late as surveyed to James Wilson, Esq.
and others—late the estate or. Wm. Levan. .
Seised, taken in execution, and to be maid by
Sheriffd Office, Orwics
•burg, June 23 ; 1838. # 48 .
PROCLAMATION.—Whereas the honorable
CALVIN • BLYlne, Esquire, President of the
several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties
of Dauphin, Lebanon. and Schuylkill, an Penn
sylvania. and justice of the several Courts of Oyer
and Terininer and General Jail Delivery, in 'said
counties, and George-4%64h and Daniel Yost,
&quires, judges of the cutlet of Ayer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of
all capital and other offenders, kit the said county
of Schuylkill—by their precebis to me directed,
tested at Orwigshurg, the 30th day of June
1838, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Termin
er and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Or
wigeburg, on the last Monday, of July next, (be
ing the 30th of said 'month,) to - contindb one
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the coroner
the justices of the peace, and constables of the
said county of Schuyltill, that they are by the
said precept commanded to be then and there at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of said eay, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all
other remembrarices, to do those things, which to
their offices appertain to be done, and all those
that are bound by rCerignixances, tO prosecute
against the Pri.finers that are, or then shall be
In the jail of said county of Schuylkill. are to be
thee and theteto prosecute them as shall be km.
PETER F. LUDWIU. Sheriff'.
Sheriff'. ocher: Orwigsborg,
June, 30. 1018. i SO-
God save the Commonwealth
N. B. The witnesses and jurors who are sum
moned to attend said Court. are requested to serve
punctually. In case of nonattendance. the law
in such cases made and provided will be enforced.
This notice is published by particular order of
the Court, those concerned will therefure,gwvero
themselves accordingly.
PROCLASIATION. , —Notice is hereby given
that a Cuurt of Common Fleas, for the trial of
cities at issue,n and for the cour.ty of Schuylkill.
will be held at 0 wigsburg. in the' county aforsued, on
Monday the day of July next, at 10 o'clock in
the foienoon. '
Therefore all persons having suits pending. and all
persons whose duty it shall be to appear at said Cour t
will take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
glerifsCfra. Oracksburg. 1
Jane 3t). 1838. 50-
10" Punctual at tendernse is deinevied 'ef the Jurors
and , Witnaties cannoned to attend this Court.
lmistmo Ell. DEBTORS — THE subscribers
have applied to the Jges of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Snhuylkill c l uuty. for the benefit of the
coverall Ammar Aembl for the relief of In
solvent Debut' .t that t • said Judges have appointed
Mande, the 30th dajofJuly neit. at 10-o'clock in the
ferennon. at the Court House. in Orwigshunt, for the
hearing of= and oar creditors. when and where they
may attend if they think per.
1 ACOB USDE ig &tutu,
~; -«;.. a
lIIIIE au der has j ust "all ved and Oars
••• for sale
4 keyed G min Flute ,
. plain.'
tsi; es
Octave Fl .
Flageolets,' ;
Violins, I. z .:
- Violin BridPins, Whip and iloir.lnur.
Chu t
ionet e els, Res.
Guitar Sin gs.
Violin Bowe—extra finish.
He respectfully invites the. call and
examine his stock.
may 5, 1 838
Miller & Rittitgeity,
Dry Goods,Grocery, Wine + Liquor &wit
(Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.)
THEIR connexion with a tropic in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hind a very exten-
sive aisoitment of goods. which they will sell at
Philadelphia prices. Store and Tavern keepers
and private families, would do well to call.
judge for themselves
IF looring Biiardio
C AROLINA worked flooring boards, plough.
rd, tongued sod grooved ieadv for laying. I,
II and le inches of diffwent quality and,
punai a atly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit
purchasers, upon application ,by letter to '
Planing Machine Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co.
april 2.5 31—tf Pottsville.
T HE Sufweritter is receivini from the A. Law
ton a fresh supply of the celebra.
ted •SPO N & 'LEW IS II ED ASH COAL, now
landing at his wharf, Pine street, Schuylkill,—
Orders left. et the Mfice, No. 81 Dock street, or
at the wharf, will be promptly attended to. -
Philadelphia, May 12,1838. 42
T HE Suhaertbera having rented t%e wharf on
Fairmount darn, runt of W dinar St. Rail Road;
joining the one occupied by A.. J. Bolton & Co.
are prepared lo receive Coal, Lumber. &c. on
wharfage. and carrunkaion. Enquire nfthe tub.
*maims on the at2s Smith Whereat.
pine 20 417-1 y
Leaden Pipes L . Hydrants:
BBA N NAN.hav just received • Itit of Lead
"en Pipe, which he will warrant to be of ■
superior quality, j, a and inch Also,Suennwr
and Winicr Hydrants, constructed of the best
materials, all of which he will sell cheap.
joue 13 ' 45
New and Splendid Goods.
TILE Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity ars•res.
pectfollv invited to call and-examine a most
splendid assortment of
Painted Lawns, Jac melts, Prints,
Black and White Lawns,
Mouslinedellins Lyoriaise,
Ho.ktn, dark and light kid Gloves.
Worsted, Cotton and Silk do
Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Veils,
Plain and painted bordered linen Cambric Imilds.
Silk & Condo, bleach'd & unbleacti'd hose,
do do Eiribroidened do
At the store of N. NATHANS & CO
mayl9 • 38.
Nelv Establishment,
Corner of Centri and Market Streets Pottsville
911 H E subscribers respectfully announce
.their friends and the public generally, that
they- have taken the store formerly occupied by
Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market
streets, where,they are now provided witha choice
assortment of
Dry Goods,
Liguria,. c.
which they are determined tqigell at the very low
est prices. H AZZA RD & STRAHCH.
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken a
he highest market prices.
April' l 2-6
Superiot Wines,
(41 the lowest City pu Cu.)
riIHE celebrated Old Star Madeira. Sparkling
i ]
J•• Burizti dy. Old Port. Hock, Hockheitner,
Lisbon, Te , eriffe, Pale . Brown and Gold Sherry.
Also—on dratteit, Claret, Spanish Winea s Vin
de gravee. - nd Rhenish Wines Of excellent quail.
ty, at 50 ctijl per gallon.
Siorekkepers and Tavern keepers will be sop.
plied at wholesale prices, at
may 2e • 40 g Centre St.
,New Goode! Ntw Goods!!
- 101ST received by N. Nathan! & Co. i new
" and elegant armrtment of Spring and SOM.
mer Printv; painted minding and lawn!, amninp
which mix be found _Jew pieees of Englirth
Prints at a 'very low rate. Alan,' a splendid
sortment of Cloths; Cartimerep, Venting. &e.
Also. Gentlemen's Summer wear, torether
with a general assortment of Linens, Checks, Di.
*pers. Ticking!, Mutiny, du. &e.
april 14 28
Nottwegian Township.
THE taptable inhabitant! a Phornegian town.
*hip in - Sehoylk ill County, are request's' to
call al the hffice of the subscriber, at Port Car
bon, on MOnday's Wednesday's and Sattwday's,
anti) nest July court, and pay their respective
County and Schaal Tax, (es the year 1838. Per
sons residing at a distance, will be coiled otr for
said taxes, when it is hopttd there will be no de.
lin9nenta, so as to preclude the .necessity of diw
training property as thsdirects.
Colketori„ •
48 . z:
run Carbon. June 23
Painted Jacanets.
_TUST received and for raleby the sotweribeiw
e. • (eta pieces of Splendid Painted - .laeonetv.
together with a chn;ce yelection of chintzes &c;
, April 21
P L'
%rrsvuxE TOWN HAL •
VOTI Ii , is hereby gives. that as Mottos
Am wi he held fix NINE DIRECTORS; by•
the Stockholdersis this &siltation. as Ilinaday
cwai l i
the 9th d of July nett; bowies tliit boors if
3 and 4 ti' oelt P. M. at tbilhautnylirsals MIL
By of the Board., . •
June 431 . 48-5 Reeretary,
I-.:: , ‘ :':.-:"--,,,,, It.
- •
Storage. '
The Subserebers to thi
Public Notice. _• ' •-( h
A s it appear, that because Mr.Craue cibtaiiiid
DO paten for smelting Iron Ore with Xis
thracite Coal appea r,
this country, many apprise — Ail
they are now nt liberty to adopt the arnthiClif
smelting bailor. with Anthracite by theitil'or
• heated air blast; although I gave nalim. - laut
y*r that 1 kUd a patant for smelting IronOiti.
with Anthracite Coal, both by. the use Of aCAold
,atmospheric, and a heated air blast, I would awe
inform the public again, that on the lith otisis.
bary. 1838. I,in:waived a letter from the Commie.
slimier of Patents at Washington, stating: 4/W
upon examining the cassof Mr. Crane's applies.
tion for a patent for Smelting Iron by s meane or
Anthracite, I have viewed his clamor intaiferf,hg
with your patent of Dec, 1833, and haitilKien
notice to his attorney of this decision." - Eirei7
e i
attempt to sm' It Iron ore with anthracite by the
useof a heat air blast. in an infringement upon
my patent, s brat which I caution and navel
ail manta. 1 a all proseaato every one 11111in/tag
upon my rights, according to law.. Anti Air
ther Offer to dispose of patent rights for theerient.
lag of faunas, according to my patenVopen
very moderate terms.
New In:MCI:Hay 16,1898. 37.4y', .
Frederick C. Epilog
RESPECTFIJLLY informs his friends maid
the public to general, that be bas opened a
Bakery an 4 Confectionary Establishotni
in NorwegianiStrcet: nesj door below the Arcadia
in the borough of Pottsville, where hd
ways keep on' bend and bike to order. all kinds
olcakes of every variety of pat terns—apielthere
also, will alweys be kept on hind, Breed by tbai
Loaf, al an eecellent quality, and of a large ylic.
His Confectionary comprises a large and pn.
'oral esiartment selected with care, and sold at
the very loweirt rates.
FX,..E. would aIM inform families that. ha in
prepared hi holm Family Bread for any number
who prefer farnlithiee their own Flour, at 00
shortest notict, and on the most reasonable terms.
a pril 91 • -30-3 -
Choice Vanes and I.iquorn
NAlitithild t CU.
HAVE onhliand !he' illowing choice Wines.
and Linton' which they warrant genuine,
and offer for sale on the moat favorable terms,
mewl : ding of '
50 Baskets Champaign Wines. of Key. Hick.
ory, star, Woodcock, Anchor, Grape and ousel
10 Baskets Sivarkling White Burgundy,
10 di, Old Hock,
5 cases Old 'tGrape Juice Port,
50 do Mcdoc Julien Claret.
Also—a few dozed of the much celebrated Rad
India or Star Madeira,
Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry in bottles,
do Madeira. Muscatel do
Ourracoa, Pc.rfect Love, Rosa, Norma, Annie
ague, Annreseecl Cordiala. do -
Madeira, Pair. Brown & Gold Sherry. Lisbon.
Teneriffe, Mar. Madeira, Malaga,' Malmseys
21ry Muscatel and Old Port.
Chimpaigne prandy of the Pinet brandh
Cognac. Bordeaux & Charente Brandy,
Holland Gin'l of Pine Apple and Pooh brands,
Jem. Spirit., '3l. Whiskey, N. E. Rum,
Corn. Gin, Corn Brandy &c.
Tavern keepera from the _neighboring towns;
are respectfully invited to call.
.N., B. Gcande delivered to any part of the bit:
rough or neighboring townie free of expense._
may 2 33
For Sale, •
~• A iiraillutbie Tr - ad. of Coal Land, -.-
LYING abd being in the township of Norse-,
wegian !on the Weal Branch near the West
Branch Raiilload, abooi tour miles train Schuyl
kill Heven4there is Joe or more Coal Vetter'
pealing throligh this .aud. For informatitia . ap:
149 .to 1 • JACOB REED;
at Pottsville,'
at Reading.
March 2d'
Resumption of Business.
THE Sul:Scriber returns his grateful acknowt;
edgements the citizens of Pottsville and
others, who Stepped forward to his assistance lif
ter the loss of his property by . fire in I:ktember .
last, and would also acquaint them and thir pub.
Ito generally, that he has again commenced the
Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by
Charles W. :Clemons, in Centre Street, in the ,
borough of Pottsville, where may alteays
a general assortment of -
Drugs; Medicines,
Paints,, Oils, .
Glass, - Dye Stuffy
An every other article in .the above line, which'
he is dispoadd to Belton very low and atconinin•
dating ter*.
• N. B. Eir Physicians prescriptions easprialljr,
Put up at thp shortest notice.
%VM. T. ErtING,
Puttturtliej May 30,18.38..
To Old Councryniessa.
Agency fOr Line of Packets from
pool to Philadelphia.
THE SU I DSCR I DER' bas been appointed
gent for the Messrs. : Cope's Line or Liver.
pool Packet,. between. Liverpool and
land wall receive the passage money ftom those,
who wish to send for their friends in the old
Country. and also, will primate Bills for those parrions who fla y wish to ( transmit money to their
Wends ab •
The Paciiits belonging to this Line arer.llo4
up in a superior manner, and are commended by
peraons . whO pay great attention to the . combat
find eonvenfence of passengers—end hive glees
great satisfkmian to passengers generally. Emi
grants whoi intend residing in-this fegion. Wilt
find it to theft advantage to engage their passage
in this Ltns, and land at Philadelphia; they will.
by so doin. save the fare end expense from Nis
York to P iledelphia. which is four or floe del
for eac individual.
The rates of fare will be madc known byapfily..
,Ing it the ieve of the Miners' Joarnal.
June MI I B. 'DAMMAM....
ripHE'sdhscriber has now on floodlit Itle *le. .
and *rehouse on Centre and Rail Rose
suss% a full assortment of Goods. suitaide foe the
mei region Wit : '.. - '
Barr !roil 01
animist sig '
Band und Hopp do • do
Nails Ind P . pike Rods do do . , .
,• •
Basel. Round kikinsta do do . ' - . - r
N o ails 111;,11pilcas do do
do .' - . ' •
Cd do
Bard a Bawd saisartiasat - I
All d w IA ha is selling at isidocod_ •lisiasisk,
35a99 '. 'Z' J 'CLAYTON:" i: