The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 11, 1838, Image 1

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7 f , - '
. , PRI ;ITEM A N.D ,f! t :
a I , g. N J ARLIN
' - , ABS WiwiVii
4' --Vettia..noutdies AND Fier
vieteatileiesiti:anneally in adva i
„.41elbec a llit will be charg
`osaiest • per free of postage
. Alri new nt.. Ifnot ,paid tri
if nheiledsolhe price otite
• .. , ,
- WEE&
- ~ TWO . DOLLAR* per- annnes,l
4 , in, 1411.11 . 0. .If aot paid withi
be armpi: t . . . .
kdreirti cleats not fitee4blii
charged fl -for three insertiobis
,itepertien,h,Zirger Ones in • ' F
All id !Ornaments will be
Oat. Olivet the time for wh , 1h
, issneeillisd And-will he chit*
Tie triy Itsertisers will be e
tnelndiegeobseriotion to then
of Nrsemag one advertisemen t
:istett4ing clnring the year. and.
Sr PAO* pleb guar , :tor ihre
All letters vidrtutseil to the
otherwise no attentinn will be
411 'voices for meetinse.
which have tieretof9re been
barged 25 canto, eich. except
Frnm thir.liimbus Ttmltr
0 YES I T OCF: 1'
O vas! I.take the P4oorsi
Their trifling eO.l ie rue r misted,
Although I've stood fort r y years _
Upon the Printer!. ;
Talk not of warriors—F'pript released
. Earth from the terror,kat her kings,
He twirled his stick and dpirktierts ceased,
Ana.morning,strearrii along the East,
'Ort Freedom's bur ishea wings. _
L'' Ofeist Hake the paper ,
• , For ions and diugh•. , s t. tall and small,
. 2 . And'thay hrive been, t ,ugh thick and thin,
The past time of us a 1. ,
'picas nobly said, that s ould.a star,
. Be stricken from the .oine of Night,
A printing press, If slat .ned there,
Would fill the vatuu a to a hair,
And shed-a broad light.
That man who takes n 4 papers, -
Or taking,-pays not, when they're read,
Would sell his corn tgjwif a 'horn,'
Add live on borrowed bread.
1. -z The open the widd,dontain
Of Science--scatteral Education
;AllVer fife land, like Aiptiil rams ;
And-yet his labor and big pains
• Are halt his corn , .nwttion.
In a late number of Sintly's Mbeicellany is_ a
piectr:of poetry headed 1 t i mptations of St. An
. 4 thony " which winds uniw th the following sten :
iii :
There are many devilsithat walk this world—
',Devils large and deiill small, !
! Devils so meagre, andldelvils so stoat;
!!! Devils with horns and devils without;
Sly devils that go witii their tails uncurled,
• Bold devils that carry co hem quite 'lauded;
' , ! Neck devils, and d vils that brawl;
." haul devils and Inu h'nlg devils : -
Imp" - thr-churches an imps for revels;
Devils uncouth anddills polit •
Daviladewa black and de 'white;
Deiits foolish and devils! wise;
But a laughing wornidi %Vitt' two bright eyes,
Ii the wor rest devil 1(41511.
Asiother E/opeininti.—We 'halm been
favored by E'.quirepanic.
4) y, with the
ulara of an elopeme f a lady who ha.,
yawed allegiance toli liege lord, with a
fibremour, who posse d a good phiz and
uisinuating address. 1 The particular.
areas fellows: i
A Mrs. McKinley
tuted a complaint
setting forth that sh
add succeeded in e
prWparations for de
ry thing, with a b
hundred dollars, an.
two since, with her.
the name of Rickel
' c leaving her 141431
Oiefidelity of "dea
„cam* can be assi4 ,
` rt move on.the pa ,
the liesband is we
Animpeac.hable chi
Same is frailty."
Dittweries in fix
entof {he Observe
gent traveller ha d'
Colorado river, fift
-a-native tree whic 13 1 1
of odopechouc. e
that in the vicinity tif ,
d salt spring or sal ne
ofjoich excellent d
tbat it is thought
whole R!fiublie.,
abunitariea, is also
mine prairie,
valuable of all olidi.
the river -Trinity.
wA Co:Add:lay :tbtttlth
gpriptatit,wood to tall
would be the mostim
the while eatalooth.
grim Con.—
rhtl tiiiVthat sit thp i C;
Monticelin, SuWynn '1!
thelth,itist. .W s ilba
.Blika Walt*: s fra'
Liberty, in said dti, 13,1
— play also .seiideit
Witti ' t*pllolo ; I
devil thitvaiki-p*, 11:
411r,00`froi;Illit w
blisd iolsaa- -her la
• edieft aikuavbf-7
at we band ...;
tem sad tea tbovilusd in
- . •
- • ' - 4 -
- • tn i aa
• tn• '- * _ - * 4 .• •
ExclianOint, - Nrkw - Yea, chi Viudoir
7+ a:8 -per gent ! fitifititiitt 4 i ,
Prize "#Vit,:4liir:tiiialy-117, prize
fight fur: - .OU field
called ihe ktiCelFt4retiliiittlidra ante
trom - Lead Gate, (the latter being in the
county f I)hrhani, tied the Plice of con.
test being the'coianty of NUitlititither.
laud,) bet - Wpen RUlkrt "orbiiiter,
wrig tit, and kohn Biliwn,whiteidnith; both'
of tins towti. parties reached the,
'oeighb...rhobd of 'Lead Owe, about
• Enif<
"past 12 o'cliickiliticilieing boitters.
ut the two -,couAticigthe'ohject
was to pitch upon iit place where there
was leant lihelitioud, ofmterriiption. We
uiiderstand i. I. IVainsdy, Esq. a magis
trate of qui county, of ruriutph was
Lead. Gatn}iluntly :niter
,he partite teft 14'
out as they thud :gone beyond •6tr jut iKlic•
Cl:arra per annum
trot paid with=
to all those who re-
To owl subscribers
o the 'year, 50 cents
• :ption.
page Aertipan naafi
tbe paler. 412 . .50 will
twelve lines will be
and 50 cents for one
perted until- ordere
ty are in be continue
tined *lt per minnow:
per h %he orivilege
4 exceeding Zipinstree
hc. insertion ()faunal,.
seccessive times.
for mint be post paid.
aid to them.
• end other notices
n erred will be
riages and Death,
. _ .
Liu,, be had uu•puwer Io interfere.. Foi-
A.ter was decorated by Joseph Renate'.
411(1 %% 1111414a.E/lgltesit; all/11l BlAlWll.4j.inies
Wallace add t-teinent Etat'. • The tight
"wds of a very deter 11111 l et; character, auu
iron] first tb last each tif the 'combatants
seemed resolved to beat!, his opponent, it
possible. -. trite:ring was; funned with 241
feet ropes, and the spectators ranged them—,
selves-in nit outerring,i between SO and'
40 yards distant'. which - was' well :kept
Ihroughont,i . Forbister'S weight was 10
stone -51b..-tuid Ins . height 511 101 in.-.1..1
Brown weighea about 0 st. 6 - - 14. r. and• his
height was-scarcely sft 6 in. They fought
35 Euttrais.': Brown fur pie first 11 rounds
appeared to be.a match" :fur his opponent,.
but after that time, Cie length', weight and
apparent stamina Of FOrtmsteir gave him
all evident' advantage.. u the last round,
as described by the wit eases, Brown was
knocked dOwn insensible, and; was soon af
ter taken-from thegrourid to apublic house
at Lead .Gate, where 4 remained in; the
same condition until 1 - 0 lat night, when he
died. . • r
I , •
n 1 and fineater
a few days ago, insti
.frgliinst her . husband,
jhas afraid of her life,
ecting -him from the
hich time, E: he made
quire, packed up eve.
`man containing four
d decamped a day or
paramour (a man of
-)--n a voyage east
tniband to ponder nn
klvely woman." No
for this extraorditta.
.1 the betrothed, as
u ideratand, *man of
a " Woman, thy
,C einnatiatt.
s.- 7 -A correspond•
ales that an ridelli•
scove red; i near the
miles from Bastrop,
oduces gum elastic
ame writer states
he Mustangprairie.
hat been discovered
bundatice of water,
' cient to supply the
erel foal, in great
d not very-far from
iron ore, very -far
t, isttbuntint near
, in additi vita ibis,
-re_i!`Jin 10,00dauce•
1 parts of - Texas, -it
rtant ditcovery iu
N. Ort" ' sc.
!am' frorni c9riliti
i rcuit- Court held at
o. commencing , on
i. Ratcliffe, .an Co !
overed 1,400 from
titling physician in
, ,ty where the other
i an action - of criat
al:wife:: What 'ren.
ri• was the , faCt Hatt'
iild"the i 'pfainiiff gdi
e i * sow sp was ena.
.lPolla. 47" igetl 4 11",
vairdia Wig teVi:
,hit in pyaplasisLis
ayne and jewelry. •
. - .
. • , • .. - 4 -'. -- f - :,..: • , I .• . •
• ..
. .
t:',.. •• -.LP , f...; ..........;...., t-, g
..0t z. , 1. -4....;:i..,...4 .4,.!
, t .4".",..1,,i.g.,,F..;.-k, •.1..---,;•• , 4-.'4-;.',-4. ''''•-:-,r'4&`:''.rif-I,Tif*lT':it : ; l .73: - --7: tk•:.l 1, ' 4:.. - ......r . ''.....42-1- - -;..- 1 " -- r":"VrrL 4 '"
: .14 • 14
[A verdict of Mansl ghter has since
been returned against I.tester.]
Elopement. - An BM r of ;his kind has
created quite a feeling of excitement in
Falmoutn. On Friday eveuing a young
lady possessing minside ble 'property, tut
dependent- Of her res table parentS, led
home under thefreten of-receiving some
Money due to:her. Sh did riot return as i t
soon as wax 'expected ' which induced. a .
suspicion iii her - fattier' mind tharshe had
eloped with somebody, bat he could not
conceive r .hom, and he resolved to set of
to Exeterin search of her. ' The' 'young
lady had Walked to the outside of the town,
where the 'guard Of the Exeter coach pro—
ved to be he • LOthario in waiting, who I
handed her into a chaise and-drove to fro
m, returning in time to take his place 414
guard, and promising to take her on to Ex.
eter by the Coach. The father took - his
place on the outside of [the Exeter Coach,
with his (mitre son-in-Um as guard, - On • er.
riving at Truro- the gird (elm was en
his guard) the iun, after shirt.
ring the-door with a shim, 9AA lady' from
Falmouth' getting out 1" -- The father has
tened de : 4 , th and miming into the inn, ex.
claimed,.. 4 l4 is my daughterl" The run
ning guard called out to thn co'achnian
"All right;!"wlio ;dro l . on to the timii'd
end, where he toi.k the lady and con :
' ' • a
. veyed.her to Eieterotete the Oar was
wade ticith rieli and - I ' ppy the filliiiving
morning,iroon after 8. l'eliick. About4l:
o'clock' tire hither nrri ed, hut too late to
i .
prevent the union of btu cbild with what
he concei v ed a most ititeqqal match.
• An application Tic mode -at the last
meeting et the 'Town Council for liberty
to make q tunnel fruga l the spiial Tetigpos
Colliery; .under the Town Albor, • to- the
river Tyr. This e4raordmary projeit
was Ml:erred• to, the Foie - Roe. Committee,
who, haye - resol f ted to recommend the Con.
porate B y to,i
eir Propecti give their ; sanction to' it,
on far is snit - poor re extend.
Tins scheme for the cenve)tince of coals
for shipnient, though eitraurdinaiy,,is 'not
without "Prleedent... t A ?Millar tunnel,'
from ano ther cellierypear this town,-was
made several' jeers ago; and tied its nut-
let at the 'river moray' 1311 1 ii Close.- Tyne
our .I 1 . r 7
11 . 044Tracie.Hi is staled_ thai. ' older,
wereireo ou • ast week 4Or; 41., Q 0: tuns
of irootray —1 060 toils for export to A.
mertcaj atict4, tipttonstfor'constonptioaiit
home; tout. thiq saventli other eitensi vai or .
dens;.-ate abouC leilie_giyea fpejiop, rails
at chiti4:for jritlivity4new . formiog tp
this countryißipningiutar Acfrertiter.
.Asalpoiir W dow,,R:yeArs otero, ;nisi.
ding -at • kirltheat6i , flea •., [NEI& efiaki, 1
watiii!tirr4.oy" thet,o**,'EttilfdaY: ea at
her ay* bee ;ta,4vater, fan& in a : 46m
tiaCititit kediv r 4ed
roiled 49)1V, iiitp th 4 - 04 A 'X i tteurill4on"
o p tlz
in the trait; berbood saythrriaaree,we
'IY- rani! rtel4:44lt-,OOMetilliet i ,li ,ap
:pens aittvvery i oldoncipte In—Afitlifire.rax.
" ". klreidlitAbliOi#6llooo ~Aktirkti,“lli!lero
r lbeer l ihtruses ihasitakep:plaetlirel, ,:l't
'of Woreetlat tEirmaliaitisaw4,s2
;arbithiihmiiroiliiit ratt 4 lbejri a
mounted t 4 144. ! k • • •
u~ .
. ) p ~ u ~.`
~'• . .
~,,~,=g: s=ki
,I`4; t?...;!:•St ; 44 4 %.
141, - 'I 2 O7I I TSVitiIIiEePAi'VFEIDIASDAZTAI/001)/041nrit;liti, "
"."".'"`"": :7 ; • -.l'`• - .• A -
-'", -Aifocieriv'entillylujiliel -Chatnut . d-
PiiiiiniA9Mtg ',11144,1tc4,00 - iulty
',Petty Resa;tti Oita Asir) ot-Ilattng,hoill-: -
I „„ - t
ed a-catitlive.. ' , ''s hieesneltrinie.4nt tor.
au,ignoiant ancteigietlilitititite.i . dett Mat it '
would efielle 'her 4€69tedufAtiLioo!
.who ilia iiicked*oui of Ftwee.rt),
ion p`ret mice id' nu4ing. her .rieb if furnish.
ed' With the. - Meant' otattitkinr.tertain
, ~ t t t . or . t ,
- spenoe plot*. . I ,,The ;Illagntrate
orcl4edDliii:litiftlioll.pallfitikiilik penal
ty of 40s. and custeosod.4os. - thevalitle oi,
Otte Cat; and in! &fable - Of payttnint idle was,
!to ' remitted to-tit i H 2 Oisii,,
..„,:'#," cliiireeti*f,oi
fourteen daye..:RtiliOlinftl'ertit' dui', ge.
; but void sheAaa. actirritatettat liie, tine,
:that - she wool& have littf hek - own' ha in. ‘
to the boiling water ifishtv tio - theitight it
-1 !!-9 1 0d.: 11 ..atr 'a cA.•, - .14.1tar, t .1 , : - 41 a '
, Tlfe,custotna Revenue orals port of Li
verioonl is now one fourth of that orthe
whole ktligdotn. ~
Dover.--The royal residence is to be
inepdred in Dover,.Vastle fur The receir
.1401.4 the Queen.
SY The Lilt ;10c. eoenenz....
- Au—,Zkii . l3or
My barque o'er the billows dashes glorious; along
Though glad were the notes of the sailed boy's
song, -
Sad was my boacim,And bursting with woir .
rOb my heart's in old Ireland wherever go.
• •
The shores, they look lovelj; yet eiteerle*lOrato 4 ,
Bloom the lilies rd .- France, and the olivispfiSpain;
I think on the fields where the wild daisies grow,
And my heart's in old Ireland wherever I go,
Oh, the rosei and flier abandon theidainil, •
When the, summer's -gone by; bat , * shiunroon
Like the friend to miefOrtonei If blooms, oo the
snow; - •
Ohl my. heart's irrold Ireland wherever Igo. ,
More deer than thillowers 'Proinfltalylields,
h the red breasted daisy thatiliangles the fields,
The shamrodk wed havrthorp.and white blooinn'd
sloe ; ' - ' . .
A ,
Oh! my heart's in old Ireland !hemmer I go.
I sigh, and I vow, if I ever :loch home,, i
lio more from. my own hula cottage to amain. ~
W here , the harp Obeli remind, and the goblet shall
. Soul.
Ohl - my heart's in old Ireland wlmrever.l.gco
A Cooler of Deelling.—ln thit'DobliiA,ogen's'
Bench- on Friday, In the clime of "Me e• John
Crone • e..-W. Coate. Erg." Judge Iliiiton pro
nouoced the lodgment of the Court; ;Which was.
1 uoit The Oereediet:be confieed;in tbi gaol otthe!.
1 eniatitii , of Cork foilhe'sploi" or out .cideedai
'months; thilt he pay to theta - maw fine otS I AIOO,
and farther,' that be be -imprisonee-entil UM
line be paid;. and that.he- Sad security.
self in .C5OO. at?4,teio sureties ,in £l 5O
, each,
to keep the peace toW.ards all theQopenta su b jects;
holiPartteidarlktiawarilaithe'primitotor. l ,' • - , 1
'.' Mr, Cooper. M.T. - hir Shire i ls about' to char
his Mime °fame hitedred and EBY tefinehrlr ten
antoowho .apposed• him at tbe latZe c tion and
are inarrea t (4,r,e.(4nrrick-CA 7 . ,
, .. 1,.
The meeting of the Temperance Society at the
Indepeodent,,Chopel Jaet,.cottoing; Archdeacon
ti t
Hoare hi thiechite t iride:niwiied„ toiegehe Joh
Backing, thieelebniiiidcfirriningham•hhiCkarni .
whose-advocacy Of OW causer isdiallogoilhed-tet ..
plain aervoos style- ofideliveryiwrid haw narratiwe
was remarkeile,forineiniotea which.flovhrd end:
vfetion upon*.mindef his hearer's'', especially in
the or:ithe, and -humbler class of life,
Limerick Chronicle, May ;O.
Miniatera have determined to•inerease the Ehrit
to the Irish Board -Education- from .C 59,000 $o
£loo,ooo.`` Tins will enabls.ths Board increase
the echeok.
Sauct. for, thaßoast.--Senge for the Ctwadp. T .„
An action ha, been' mmetited. at the
d very ,ai rartyafi:riioafrviiecta.
Ms &milt at Cork:lfor tireacti of Iticiritiva mit.
tittgi. ageing-R&D Mama,. P: who
tun been recently united Jo another young
with a halm:tine fottuno: Before the rommenoe.
ment of legal proceedings, • with ha item
ponying fee but Whereat & attga waif - meetly
aubstitnied kw the real parties' nania. , twaa for
warded to the Hon.: nerolletfor Dublin. detailing
- all the, particulant pf nig tion's coon. bip and cat
resynatenett, ditlaibing him as "El, O &c. and
that Learned - Ventlentan.-neivr suapectiNr who
"B" yak not cmlyenpressed hit deckled opininti
of the clear calm *holm by the hurl plaintiff*
against the ttefeadant„brit (ecninntandeONtEno
tone should be lint io treking timV
amount,ea laid; .or-2 0 00.- . -
4111RENCe. or Ildin.--Variouleeditonrithrissirbout
the country have been vittingirith eas.lf other,a)
n eembioa zooid Bthriptje the belt-cud of abseace
'of tiaridiiiness. Among all'''thit tid iute ;art;
nein:lse beetitiPtidedhetterilistiAbilelleignr,
Ah, rune lady carried a letter to '..tlitot'Priit;
dropped .berselfirito the; taw -instead arl the litlioct
and did not , tlissexpt liri_miataba. SIP thlt dithi
aldied ker iribell:elCOVier4HangiOirelps*.l
if ram elrfyilc F ._ . t.,, , Soler Blinel—lite i ; .
bosun arta! Mayor,nUftely 4 ,Xstrb. wei roihad on,
Saturdiii s iveiiing_Asiilifa quantity:: of c elothitg.:
and of aboatlMO inqinineiy. 'lltis is indeed .,
r • “BeardiaitVrma in 64' '.i. ; :'
,4 ,• t .The-Miti aria his ba ll ." :.- _- :: • i:-._ - t*:.'ittz
--By the by. it,is. well- it,,it.the Ma.. insteitiO
the Goverookpr a sill wonikbe•bro iti-eisfeat
the i stati roi “fii - eie , isoieli t is:fireii :s",c4es
vi e
me i l a i drf 1 : ,: 2. ,- I+ ~...,' ly , ; 1_ ;.. ,:, ~ ..5., , , i. -', . „ .-).
' - 'lifeektiisiatilifaitioh-liae'beirisatiselie
~ y t 0
chisene , Of Ituffate,Wn ihe ieted,itt aieetit t ait•
- pototment - of trAir.fliitrahrinier entlatitimitter.
The dititrode,esedwitr ba filtlitmOtt with both Pari
tire. It 'sewed that the ireetiermotidSdAten*
read nor Frits:the 4 nglish'lsiOate 1101 V :row
4.eireollitiakasta is ;Mixed io rill le li tiefebbois
to aid him ia.dreitleoriochii heti* i'iT , - ,, -`4 l
, -
707 as roe.: - Dtaitaviati':-ITtie "A& tot Weald
;to he avertittfotir . ri'fdr the'litairbem._ 111400, be
Iliall4tr!indillti@TlW" ;-': 1 -1 . .i'' Pe '& l '3' 4 "
11 : 400iitelrinKRIONT, re/ 0 014
tbro*B; bouNgtocitwot 7- , - _PAM
ly. eod - it wHiatetilie iiiiit*al 1 iaribbi is
akW boars: - ' • ',- •-: ' ' '., ' .
• i
.4. 1 att likinuritnto; Alia*
0 1 1 1 11ENSIEgitAVOISRIVR - OF
4111 E - PEOriAir
lakirgertkanthe whole loco
face Mate , Convention ill
. ,
. 64
41al 1a a ii. . h it* , t*, .e_da .
Venerd 4 . was.,a glori a us
day . for .the
~. At 4 ofDatiphinCoun
ty. We'h vehad the, largest Fourth of.
4siliCileb bow eine. kriciwitin "Pirni4l
„.....„,..„,,A,of TWO - 'THOUSAND.
pereitin'be l ' g iif itteedifice, inilUding lbw
'guests' fro whiff : chanties. The 'Loco
rote* "II t sii.liati at their Stale' Con-
entl' . ' by NINE'HUNVRED. ' ' ' , ~..
f ilrwei a_glorioirifilitY. "'ln the morning'
- ilia 'streets , were
_Pretty well filled: 'wits
,Portirites-wlie were elieeklioratthe idea
of: having tkie day
,all to themselves, but
soceiia &eked the Phdadelphiaand Lan
caster guests in such numbers that they
_were positively appalled; banners with ap-
prune ;mottos, sucu as "RI INER AND
I Ldr,c. dr.c. were atreaining over the beads
of the asseinbled people, in all direction's.
This 'alb about 8 o ' clock,' A. M. , The
LUeofiteos then turned, out and attempted
.to palm*, ihow,, having, to give them a :
, fair, tratintate, upwards of eight hundred
at that time, which ouinberwas afterwards
somewhat increased. -ant we soon again'
turned the tables on-their terror.stricken 4
and wo•begone ranks, and marched into:
town with upwards of THREE, HUN
DRED frbm the upper end of good old
'Dauphin, who came In a boat with-their
banners and - the. National Flag streaming'
boldly over them. With these also march:
idtearly FOJR HUNDRED who Came
from litiloW,"accompanied by a most escel-i'
tent band - of music front York, engaged
foe , . the occasion. ' , . I
Wenow collected our forees and marched
to Wheels _orchard on the canal- below
loto. , Aboul TWO HUNRED were on"' '
f,W.- ground when the music and front files
-reached itf about FIFTEEN HUNDRED
'were in the proceilion; and about THRES ,
, 11UNDRED on . the sidewalks, besides 1
somapthefs who were tbo 'much fatigurid
in : i tuachteg thittlPlice to turn out. On
the ground all was hilarity aind'enjoyinent.
-The beat spiritanimated our friendsvanb
ealtellent ordtrwas preserved: The De
claration of independent's- wearied by 1
S. BhOch, , Esq. and afile addresses deliver
ed by Messrs. lathes :llama of PbiladePl
phis 4att 4,mes Cooper; Graeae, county;
-whose -thrilling eloquence electrified the
, wh ole lastinsemblage, and wag answerer!"
,:with , thunders of applause,, and firing - of;
cannen. At a good-hour iwe cadre 'into
THIRTY NINE marthed-in procession.
,and 4 helots dtipersing heard an Excellent
'ilmenit built Geo. Ford.. jr. of Lancaster,.
:which was received with enthusiasm by
the democracy:present. ' We then dismiss
.ed _Without anything having occurred to
mar _she harmony of the ronipanywerfait
r a .uoole is the bkekning thigreas and la:,
-fang a latch must ever attach to a portion
:of -I,,Ocofocos for their conduct while here.
The-Locaface 'van Barenites
-.7lHlackguardisaadt Brutal-
itir. ~, • ~, , - , ••'
Nibs greet Yen Buren Porter °onion-
lion has proved A FAILURE...IIw hay , .
ingMad but a few over one thousa l p del.).
g atei tiere, ow of TEN ,THO. : S AND.
APPOINTED I! ! Pertertatn d int take
'welliuttbnir theliql*ritey .of Pe usylva
nia. I- Set how , different *as ths - , . 14 %10,1
llie*iinermen;-6wis Dolt appoint ib!,l4;
mit* rye vitatritts iti go to ' Ailing,'
‘atid'Oifaust TWO I'HOUSAND:n faded.
Thie abovis-whit itleerent sPiiir abroad
atnOttgihB friends of the'plitiatet, diestierat,
'ie.v,and econeteical State .
~ atiteiniiitiliicort,
, iii a iit i 4balivitiing, i.hi'Limigiiiiii4 ,A:
~z7l:llle,conduckertetylimorticos the .might
"Wrote and ye:derail was bISORACE.
'.k U LL.:IN THE BVPREME; and shall!
the.4lesperateoneransda* Which , they ern!
drivek. t o - get .. along ...their. SubTrentiury
tts; d
Shinplaster eantirdate: r-Certi ' ii'sughtj
:andbefontiday yeaterdet nit:ailing, stMititel
jitreOnt times; tetifeasembled in' (toot ftif ,
'9car.4itneetreidencii , and 411 U - ' , hire,
.ihrlhet;4most , Nelgar. - stilii. , -al nit out`i
-"DAMN OLD itiElllTNEß—Wiritil
iD U. CH HOG,":with ounieroussimilarin-
SUlti ilipithetst at.- .. the: - same time, kicking,
the p ut.; beating - at the windowyend 'Oll •
ing thrbelt*retin ineinedinnerthat the : ,
,ehole,:iteiitlitioeSiiaiif iiiit(Aiiifurbed Anil -
0 .9.0 1 6; ladies:3i delicate :health sheeted sit
in uch;is tit endangerlheir lisle. Our own
Atrid l ince . =6 5- atiiiet 'o4' iili)ifejfibeq - the"
..Governor's,--and we- he ard'thenoise t !rtis..
PrietlYo :. The Ileti6' - nlid 'O e itiollitts Ire
'VeitAilfulii44o,* l ,- Olifitto - 9064eiii`
l oam
ilk triftiAft.***gibli , P944.*Oler
Jiiia of-HaraidienieNehte 4 It
• eall - upon, TESTIFY TO THEIR
, ,
a_elt fi;:i - - • -,,,
= „Iglietrltit**l.', l l,ls4,:jonk niert,
40 0 -llefitiqiiiiNk . .r ittkABLISE ';iii:
Ilicutliii4Oheltithe' 'lttillitt'ilioce . sa tt .
intivellAhreighriiiKai ' et`6l4tywerel is,
'wired billy dithille,sl rtes 4niiffi c etti
'HI HD' 'DA REIPT 4V:t.iiiV'''' 7 l' It E RR'
the lltodinidun'ontnii jirtithinititarY Wtin
-is only distioguished t'l baying' deft audee
'his creditors . But take Our lit:::
v'enge Ain't wipe off th LoCiAto iosultiat
TR It BA LL OT.BO ES3' the `f eettitin'e
v p,
pljatfulnrt. l '
. I The fi' ger ce r r if s Id at A i l i t,T e I N VAN BU Rir i i
f t B
'and his V hington las :114
palpably vt,ilde 4n d ie , whole Locorodi
Voitvention: - A large CANNON- beliig
iiittetitli- United titisieir, ees sent 'up Rum
iiiir - P4v .• Yard at Philadelphia, and th en
loutth U. S. Nevi 'sent along to - iiiad
and Breit. •'There *fire 'scarcely any ell'
- egatea - tont PhiladelPlitit but" CUST
HOUS OFFICERS rind - tither ag aim
ila f
.61 the era! governments Poor D sid
It. Pert r ! - his inaid ! dependence is on
FORE' N Alb.—hivinglio Penn:Ova.-
Me ebellgthi he inuite receive succorrll
abroad. i But the people of Peunsylv nia
; consider 'it en INSULT to their under.
standings*-for `a tuitional 'illtnittistrition•
thus to iiiVaide the Btute eleqive_arenalsed
With 'it i Officers an; money stfempt to
levy iheii. votes; and they brill triumph ant.
ly. re•Clect th e patrio RATNER, : w , has
Metall 'resisted and 1 ii now Sought tci be,
intuits Ille victim of, that.ahuse of pow*:
r' 110 Fail _almost forgotten to ,notes - the
Tait, thiti all the Purl rites were LABEL
LED, some with , paper bills stuck tin their
rat , i , collars and Borne with silk; min not
fell were dresied oitt in ribbands, fantas
tical curled around their fleas, whic h
youl :have served, had they been strodgek,
to lead 3 Uoic into the, ranks any who 'night '
Al ois a mptoins Of being refractory. they'
Iliad" ai most-ridiculous and disgustinl sp . -
Ipearan 9; . a.. n 4 cm beholding thew, eh i wite
;at a i ,whether hOmilet at their fully, Or .
,sigh' . w lilil regret tbe men deielielf 404 0
!AN ! AML ( I s
WAN FRE MEN should V d dill
;grade bernaelvesas servilely to wear the
; badge land declare theoiselves the 144:1te
;411tARICED•pertizsue.of ;fly all*-
. .
. i •.,. . .
E ' ad pe - Tally a, man, of such pohtical and
t;terldi I - lacier as Daiid 11,' Porter , .i -
f ; li c
s - - i o li rgaiiiiinitheirConvention h 'flits
'..iaP ~. t the 40qucois ,had'an A laye
r* to le. 0 , We..vratknot . presenti hitt hoe
*IR ' formeil 'iliatirti.cesolution- was ffer. , ,,
!eil kV a delegate7froFt Philadelphia listri
iiteP inat_pdure - Ciptia.ES till'EsvA Rt.
~ a - '*, ip Hariishitrg, 143 takeks, seat, 'ithin
the -i ctihtf - c: nier!tion. Th . wet
ore ulouvlitipp : li.y,:oika of ihe, 9v.
A ,iliffl !hit tilo .4 0 mutOdore laillb o_4l
.in.agty other gentleman,but shout hive
no okal invi'ationi. The Nesolutiolot.if -.
ter - c. witlerable squabbling . mop , v i lid
-dOWn anii4t the': cheers:of the ult.!" „Van
-flu iltri inAthe hisaeit of, a 'no in naid.
‘f,nt ittl'lnAl_ en. - * 0: - give: this as* _evi
,d4 - of the utiMpLApio nAß.iiip.
~,,,.. which 444' anilutgsithel.ocorocioi. l
Wit Callepon.ouffriendli a l mAlhble4l i e
4 ttite tavallit,earlyt;for the con fl ict. . I he
Incaocos, are Alisptrited, and the. Whole
current of popularifeeling, is and hasipeen
setting against theit..Locoroco Bub; re:Sit. -
, ury; candidate and 'in favor of JoSEOit.
arr.Npß:, cur-PATRIOTIC GO. It
,Npg,40.0 will he'f're-eteclediq a- sittri-:
_. , ..
1 / 4 (>4 0 t. 48 1 1 1-thattA -- ‘--- ' , ,
! H 20,'Oools! - t-.1: 7 -,,,
~.,. ',Their ,ConienttOff Alert will t he-Lo 1
_enfodo reanOithititi; for
• governor inloitely - :
MODE_ -FI A. M-f
I. in GOO
b,! D.
'S`' , ''' ,
. II" . ' ,
.. , OW Slap fj.44oiimentouni.—irt H6usi
se re
"of ''oprouentatives onFbuteday last. the ker.
tail before the "Hposseli Istfer tram -the . po i/
4114 Tresiurkiiniiiiiiit WA( resololio of the
25thipotant. shoiringihialsioanti Of expeoiliturs.
evelositte on the pubt .:debt, fie. loch . yeai., hoar
15 2 4 Itr I O3 . IT.IYA.7 3 0•16311 0 w 1 4,1= ,
../ul l OlO jurlll24 .. ~ $15,330.444 1711- '',
"I -- "Ditto '',,. 1855 - ' 11;490,159' pt ' •
r ;Vino ,-I.*'.-18- I '. -13.062,316 . 5 n ' .
-Dille>: p.,1827,1 , -- --''' -,- 12,653.095. IS i-r-
)itio- • -11128 it . - - 11.296.041 45
)ittck, .. : ")::, ::,
~,' , 12.66060 g!, • ,•
~ jm ,
88 ‘
Nile, , ' / 83 11 A '.. - - /3186446 trl '''
Ntih '''- 1 1 83 2 , -., -- . 16416.3814 ,,f
Ntto --Al vk 'r• -'' 12,711,75 t Ili' ' .1 !,.
htte . - - * - -I --',.. -^; -IRAnci7. I --,
mtio ,k,-. 4 , 1 ~- --,s, it3i4,950 , , ...„. ,
) 1 U44- t , - A '';:l , -',171:=:- $016111611; ;',- -
Clitio,, 1837 1 .,1 ; =;; 160.745; b: :,
fi- - 74iir.ilio - ti.najilnelade l payni, - Air,.
6 *t.iiiiildis, r iluji.44.'.4loo, 4' . 1 837
i5,r10,404 3IL, ,', , -..,-- ..- - , .4 i
whether' Irt h
1r Acres* good newpreime.;•;
- •yi4
)4e, f
4 '
Mind; lant
and convi
- - -
1 1 riatitrui owe. • 7iiaikollhat,
414 4 4 1104 1 00608iaiia;Vaa.amaraitb: atita .ia
/ 'ita:
; 4
"- 1 4:7 1 J.F.. -
t•T .
.00• 6 ,"
~t : - I,xE
0 - 1 . 14E " . : 4 1
_ - - -
"S - 1 - f . =lariekilliriCt"'..itP 4 - . 4 % . •
11*000 - Woke4o ,isli;readr - lier at
4he Kilo de the Port -Ceiten:niiii; Ili VII
•.,pas oo . lirtiefitigin tgl*; WinsaffottliO*44tf%
l '::" , '"r-- :. TliblaroY CO 1311. N. iitibiliritiOr
, . illit/i3l PARK fkrittllia . l,
- 'N. B. Twii'OtheirJHOi is Qt.thi;_lownsiOietat
each, libe reildy:-:eit 4taiostosoi is
October. I, : ' ' 1 .." - ::: - ','3.‘e.
. __
PoUrßille Jol~:4
P:ltillit 2- Aigkilt,; .
vulta, be weld atto, Ho : leOse ti 6 R7th•
'?..v.41r- . llth of Augirsb . eat, t the Teenailsenia the .Borough Cif of ille k ol2..olthock is
tine atiernoon.,.., • :'.' id . ~,.. 5 < 4: - . - ,r,-, : f.- • ....,. .
*1 oeilaan.. TriOi l of 4 1 4'. : 1 0 1 10..e 11 /'
Barry AO - ..' , Ahlii*SfichoYi gsPOPtY
about 10-Miles front , futnatille4ad •
• iii from Mineirle, on thealrebiiptanaG
road, wine runs iiiiiiitiqthrlatile
through 41i. thet"-Witi Oflitit.' refieVa*rine
ei r
/bout thl same sii4an. through OF taii*elrhis
land wassurveyed ithil wananti detedrAc lilth,
day of•ptember 1792 ' One trititeciniththe
A CT6II 1 3perches—the other 200 etre` trint 43-
porthean rid. silowsnoNl andwiltbamddlegethei
orli'smill lots to sail perchesers. About-10 oe
40 Nisei lathe lend le cleated,
rin thetiiti'llelthkard
of pouii*g atOpi ot(the'fitelilligr'
The Improvements cinsiat'ot teriAlbssied, a
I.Barn, a good_Saw,3l,lll L and-seeti for. e(least 12
more, if required.. -, ":1" . "'_. ' - -,, •,-. -- .
' • Thiattact °flied se withont ezeigialif.thelest
oak timbered tract of land , -in the-ocam* , lold a
considerithle pintien alit first htekfitrmirielood.
TM Emit end uf.thei Argot is fit Of line dicta
vicinity' of the gal Region, anditfialt_lino,l
the attention Of peliimitatorevid in einikaree,ll
roads, anal:, or is thelßordiltriblinlr
" The ;Hi will be,sold iow.ind oaltasytternm.
Any pe n likihingi,rthirfiNanisesilitto oir
vain any,inforniation lilted frms Aoki Dietrich
residinkon the same '. ' - ' - '"'*:..! . 7,' . .-
- Personswishing thipnialtass . ther
yert,thereof can deer Ityanplymtbs
althscitheri previou s th the r .,diyormile, , _
lold in the meantime, lemill posithrit
the_dayinentioned-aboNt. , .-....:* >..14 i:
-., The following-gentlemen havelseialhOud e .
:and, lesiva Mein atr it liidsrf refieterthr t : •-;,-,:,
t i ptoe
' John Dreher. Orli jiburg. . ":,, : ',.,1 ',„:„.
' 'DK* steinherie r midorime.` `' . ..'7:15 - 1 - :,': - . ,-
•,-- 1)&144 DI Lewis, kso ', -- . 4..-'4;;*. t -- . ' ~
Jacob at Ziegenf " Minaneille.-: r4t . ts
to9wit_CiDoultherli4t 13 Chufikfit II ~. _ ,1111 W. • 3
lilfhliW4giv. corrt; informetion esigis~ter
sane ifiapplieation . Made to-iithietituieth or
tothe **Ahem *- ' ~-, MY,':; - #S - 4,
- . , wia. a POrrre. ChingdOnia: 1
ilMiln 3 q4BarSchslßo4ool4.
lutY 1/ 13 : 31 -: I ' . .-- '
, . _ _.....,._
eel= inn fftrintssainagoli•., ' .
../keekers.—Ana. ' Twee.. Mlattlr e :l
Mhu*A KIMUIt. G*ralog Maas. i %4: tv ..i , ; .
40. tent Tiede* l l..4fillOAltnr:B.'neetr&“ i
.int tats Seminaryi Fe lei Ike tildliated iIPII
Alfeedla Work. Spa li . Reidiag.'Wellkigni AJ •
iithetepos;,booli Kee o Algetwit.Tegliiii,
i '4/4 Oletionlilooi -• Ow illOkeis:4o
Ibe. potaot.. Natorit,.Fhikteoilig;'- (310 k
ShitweivPairdiag.tang the tioglizoi g ,
• TERMS.....Fer lidarding iod.,7Faitk*egeopt:w
tog On three last twined branehei. 014 Iligretrodr,l
ealrerty Dollar" al yeir, piyableAulitaW, in 1
...1 44
a di on e a . A . , ... .: ...: , ;4. , 4 ~,,;*- ,''' 1 *
Tor Drawing. P 11.1 4 14 * O - I b ol -- 1 0,th. "'' 1 .
itiage,;: Fite Dolls at quarter :en I •
arlinell• " - :I - '..' ' -..' .''': ~..
„ Washing char • at 374 cents a. - danar,..itteLi
Boo' ice. Stationary. e. ot-theallieprieeC, - ' ;
-0 Btaletatil , lkddin ";thiitheidttliii Lit Veit* sett
gassjilooka. are fa w:alied tetbeo tiliyirillinn I
Oslo. • ~ .. , ; -.• ~P-,_
.- -..w-.4 - 4.;Z-4.-e. ; i I
' - VitOtietuti• le iti Mirth on'd7Fign i l l'o o "thei . .l •
And to the gehOhlf - who .do not.2stWea Ski l
ash ii wit** is not' hexed. -,...,'` .',' 4 ':;" 4 ' 1
~ F ' fa rther in fo" - ri.". Tiretiteledl Attird4 , l
'nes te reeteetibli re ifetettiElititriritillel4:
I•=layi-4/I)twigaboreJ , 'pit F:Cairtdpriititithiewl
lohe 111.. Lewis , G• • - 'U ,' Jinninely:•Tottitilktil
'h - i tu r ;4 l 4.l 36 `haik ' .b4Yikili-T.9fictiniarq-orti
chion—au of w, . have children al:Ottertail
-4 Nimbortoni la . . 25. , 11838: . .. ,-)- ir' r' ii , i
/VW undersigned eantkumgmrju 1
`•-m' ''' It sing or undersigned
Milne' WI'S stU I
ure a
alnico Tract:lStthe tearNtVitiritill:Tiiihiltd
fismni Elisabeth Spohn, iir Heerjidiciiiiiiitil
r f I:
sir firths undersigned 3 1cdsittos tetk- 4 '.**4"i: 34
wilfinititute a uptilgounitillY ii#llll4-•
inito take the ' : ion Ai. -go f. •'- - ' j
Int _
.47.17% , - -ROBERTAINUAIti
• , 4 *14,-a,A4llo,lli**o
, 'l' . ' 71 ''' - W Ir a llittelr'
4 1
' - Art , , ware-iltomm o -. 0 ,i
tutiiii:c:ii6ini, ,weisid4l4iiiariliii4iincil
--.. 1 iitfie — pu - b:ie:tha l• that he his :dial :::::4 1 1 1.4" 11.11 :1"1
mo c k; hoc and th'iimire,cossiiiiiiisieillif li
Asisrieaniedlaiiish &Ojai: itoopeiTNl*lol
Irop,R9und Iron jessorted - .. 0":110r11
Shear. Gerinis and English ...Midst- , -
* i
; Steil Vises; Moia,fitik 1nii, 19 .:,_ ~1 0 106..,7 , '
Cali Steethaii„ hoping Ishii Wm, _ -
: a nd spikes, pgsthsr - -WilliAltnifal, " I
of Iron liongery s if,Tof witiChlsiit et,
llu i ed,' P" 2 7‘ . b v: 11 ---- AI MIN . • - O.
AcZ: . • • 44 4. t
, .
„". • 1
• • " •`l.‘ l - • ;A4 ..• .; • x ., -;
• 1 • •'.
• "
..1" ,'. , _l, • :•;.-
-...,"•4.e. ,, tai5 , .-2,4 e .777 , •,, ,, •
!. I
f' ' • . `"
I , :at-:!..17:77 5,,, .t; -.,:-.,-,,.- ,-•-
1,..,6-... t
the q mili.. . ,
.74 ,
- r -.,,, , zi7--- ~.. AMY
COT -A...Q.:;--,_ 1*.7...1..i.
a t .
11 " '' 4 1 tread iii' ll
• - - _it', A r • . r.„
'eb-Roil R ot ' ~-Ap p i - --, - : : --,..
.--- :- -, • .:.--- . .. , ,,. 4 ::.*::.::; . 1
.....,,, .
P”,1 1011 *
116- =TERN:glirq
- 1 , .'O lll1 1 11 0 1 i -,
tosind ;tikeih 01:144..*7
galls. spiky*" - ' ' 1
- c•-•
• , _ -