The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 07, 1838, Image 4

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131 k. WM: EvArirs ,
AlritiLUSE ANDEFFECI".—Mbee a:solind mini Malang been lavas
c „,
. tlbo. 4 Fablss-bestwartelLbitstaings:eadrecetv.
IktitrAyrly in tke,pikares of scepticism to
• eV virtues. or 4 envie desig theist. .- -. ... ~
'• • "lebas'achlercii atratcMnbutt cateir.ofulti
%lanai' iibidt;' distances' thst cbeepetition " of rums
4iiireirel •prnatitsicht.Mal•bairiiecuAtd -'a nbitiminitits
1111Inimile universal favor. by intrinsic worth alosiu,
tibrimmaintorisarpoism out the -causes tittle aspen
'kith without incurnerthet 'utialuctet _afinvidiel*.
illitt*ilVlitillig-tilet,tmoopertsom , - .t. _
AIWA matudentired by Dr. %Valises Evans.:itt 100
Xbalbgns" inset;' do not require his 'explattation of
I fig io
• 4 .nelmowledged efficacy—for the moat eminent 1
salmi IhrOughtiet the United Suites litillikeelY.:
40410, state the reitiOna which lupus induced
ill iolecommend them soestenshodyiM warmly
litir4tbay do.- And-those reasons ire. thitAluseludi.
illioollL medicines never injure even the moat delicate
;.tsweethetiOis...and-_have. at almost every individual
.:ILlPP.CatY(bMh,thly are preaunbed. a markecl. an eel.
.411110 1 truly happy and peritilement e6m:l6y. Physi
espos.."" pliksover. see that they ars not *offered to the.
'O - 10114 — ,dpitli any quack theory of purifying the blond.
of the stomach and bowels.
-fy the from all diseased humoriathef node.
*ably do; but not by destroying those viscera by
twhich alone the blood cen be sustained. They are
Itaa. poundinl upon a theory which/upposes a stomach
~,tialm.A' ver y essential agent to health; and,foodoiell
- twined. td be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
They, do Mit puri 'y men to ghosts. and. make them
Aeolic likti 'beings too' refined to remain long in this
vicorld; Ma they make themes human_as possible, and
!fit to encouitter the hardships. 3 lid Jittfil the decupa
"tieni ore sinblunarylife. They do nor' make a too.
-.leat-purgatory of this fife. to prepare men the faster
duraeotheri They proceed a; on the supposition that
islitblood, muscles, nerves. organs, excretory and se.
t omboy glattd, toucuous and tegumentary membranes.
Immis and !brains, of every human being require to
' tin ebt,pliedierith nourishment from as heaktlpfial a mo
:loath as can be made and kept; and upon the doctrine
'ftlit unless the stomach' and bowels are in good order,
"the blood and every other part of the system will bele
. disopler. .
- 'And how, is it expected that therwillsecuie health
; _silythe stomach and bowels, Why by (mauling the one
Ao digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
7 u
* 'Mir the ' trirnent is extracted , ht conneetion,prith
dll surplu s o f bile , and the foul humors iifthe blood,
Ilocous me times, and stomach. And they a9com
. gfish these great feats of medicine in the mossaimple
limy Imaginable. The APERIENT FAMILY PILLS.
. rif the sto be affected with wind , bile, °rimmed
gear it out. by a natural but a most in
sensibleso , nt action, and cleanse,, tbq whole all
; *eatery Mial, without griping, and leaving it as free
"itiithout debility, as nature ever designed it to lux,-
Tby do nni take the skin off the stomach aed bowel*.
, end leave lib lib a piece of red velvet , as all phy
• Octane }n o the.strong drastic pills do. but they
• Mk, natur e indly by the hand. without crushing her
. - Firgesp. They cleanse every thing, without imparing
- ot mytmng any thing.
i When thiitis effected, as it natiFy is by the use of a
furor the FAMILY APERIENT PI LL,S, then come
the celebrated CAMOMILE or TON IC:PI LLS: to
--.-- - -
Arenithen a stomach and bowels which before, per ,
, baps, weak and foul because they were weak. end'
-. t %odd*, them with strength to perform their immir-:
ititeht functions, Without the aid of physic. The CA- '
0111 . WILE FiI.4IWER, when its valuable principles:
. AVM the,mically extracted, is acknowledged by all phy-
4 adidadik, in every age, to be the best vegetable tonic
• known in the 'science of medicine =There is.nothing'
, jl.lOllll in thooregetable kingdom of nature to equal 14
; notifies that ie at (-nee so harmless and so vigothusli
' beahltful, and in proof of this the Proprietor of thy
.ricowned pill a that are made from its purest particles,.
might l quote almost innumerable authors, both ancient .
mode's. if his own practice had' not proved it to;
tees of thoticads.
Timers= f these pills use not only-perceived in'
~..ant increaseappetite and general, strength ,- but in:
, 4istoration the body to that universal vigor in all,
its reactions hich indicates the return to; perfectly;
sound healtit.The face, and genetsl complexion,'
speak volumes in their favor. and thousands of re
' Cask:wean testify bow much they havercontributed to'
•frtheir comfort, their complexion, and their atrength,!
when every othertemedy had proved worse than use-,
lass.. In nervous diseases, of all kinds. -they are n-w
ecknow)aegeitto be preeminent; gradually reaming .
fitinneurof body and mind. without those annoyance'
• and, changes dinch other nervous remedies occasion
Happy would it ve been for many youqg persona,
Aillkatlitieses Who re now in the silent - grave. ifthey '
.'' had learned to cbe e the morbid tendencies of their ,
' ,. stonnch and Ware by these pore tonics and a pert- •
`.ents, without reso rt' to quack remedies , the names'
of•Whieb are goatee . and of which they know'
nothing- Thai dreadi scourge CONSUbIPTION.
h ri
slight beire bea. chec in , ta commencemen: and
,disappointed or its prey, all over 'the land, if the 6rst
. kymtnnao df nervous debility bad been counteracted
Ily CAMOMILE chentically prepared: and those
bowel complaints which lead to a host errata! mala
dies. Sleight have been obviated - try that fine alcaline
. extract of rhubarb; which is a leading ingredient in
• this APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. - Before both of
,thesamedicines, which are adapted to a majority or
Abu pwposes for which 3 hundred inhere are on epees-
sal* used.fevers, agues. bilious disorders; headaches, 1
tamale .debdityl,;. male decline. indigeslion. and liver 1
Complaint, woold have entirely disappeared, whore ;
many of them have,proved fatal. . i
But belt disdiactly understood that these medicines
- seem* offeredinaiead of these natural organs of the
1 very
body which o f medicines dispense with, M a
„ eammary man er.. They are founded upon medical
..3knowledge. a nut quackery, and do not take all the
„ tad muticke ant ofthe human blood under the pre
'lime Of purifying it. In proof of which difference of
,• Meet. let the facto and tortes ofnatients bear testi
^ - army. They elentlitute p useful, effectual:and gene sally aoplicabl class of medicines for every family.
„,,ayal being bo th tonic inn apenent, and of the best
.pt it k own, no person of family should . be
pignut them.: They can bwobtained whole ale and
' *l / 2 1itail Odle priprietor, Dr. WM EVA NS. NewiTork.
and of his agents In town and country: with dove-,
tiles for use—They are rapidly superned:noll other
,leinedies adver eoriomd an the public prints: because they
ire fated tote ong to a very peov clout of popular
. medicine...A ingle trial usually places them high ut pri
,.. vamesomation, as they are known to be in public
preference, and in the opinio n or Opticians.
' - Dr. WM. EVA NS' OFFICE. Nit. 19 NORTH
ii3ORT ST. PIMA DELPHIA. where his medicine
'' they be bad. Dr. Wm Evans! Office.lloo Chatham
Mee. New Terh.where the Doctor may beconaulted
' Milyhdoesting Gase—Mr. William italmonoGreen st
- 'ohm-Third . at.. Philadelphia. arbilled for, several
y2llB wailthigoviiiii distressing symptom,: fish
z: ammo tbs ato h. headache: didn't*" palpitations
of thm ion" impaired apposite, sometimes: acid and
il "Poisslossig =3p:tattoos. coldness andlarmiknese of tie
releitsiiietities. emaciation and general dehilily.ilisturbad
-, tasAmannes pressure and weight iamthe ittomacti.
lisid?ag. mailman.. - great mental deepndency.
severera as in Mechem. tusei sad eirisii,aostive•
liiMi. a Melia foisOcipty r . or comae: rtalmioloolas3 1
POZ I M 111 "" goagainlPHir
. . ~
_Agy, had applied to the mai eminentliyei-
ortAirosewbo owilow it beyand:ilie pow of wadi
.;iorodo ,hi m to lowoh.; h owev *,o 4 . d o ° .
, d . i mit h p d him toe miry deplerabletoOitioss.
7 1 4 ,,„,,. Nam roxisamesided ity *minims of to
b,,viat Dr. Wm. N.VAEr e llo, Mimi&
sill Mild* to thOdiceied 7 - , pachays.l
ett ,Thi c bili ma.. be is indebted - or hie ressorathm tot
ruilgig o saWasidifneoda. He is adyr egjoyin g in t h e !
bh a *fact . health. Pains drairoor ort
(g:w a l l y afeon.srill bosittiried With every pertH
..sillar able li , i hing carent , Dr. l Was. Evens bledi.4
:i • ftta 6 - 11i, cos.looChhamst.N Mo rk ;
and la Phil
hiss. NpekirNOßTS FIG : St
' by 101 'WERNER.
.' . • . 1 30)e , Agentrotr•Ohoylkineounti- I
' • - . Nov:s .--.. .1-t0
IikarESTPITAtI A [IAMB:- f Lihdi
lyeastehalictlamp. Rid
ase. - teartved:ind Weil, - -.. „ 0 -
• t
, .
41M,01 tocsaleiit arierlitoild- )16 - =
Cilfitr 4 - 3 .40 44 414 4 .
I nertle a Pi me nuroisientorikesh
ingr -
her: Rio.. 4gOroe
&.Homingd browned
I;Orleasta.lsl. Cools: two" al &gut
' • " hitellavanesulirafand hemp •• -t;
; •-New Oriente. t Blahs *
t India and near booty
• hopeutial' .Gua ?nyder. Youl 4 • •
'Hymn' ,Poncleong' — .Ornate Pee- Tea!
' co. Souchturgand Bohea
, • filidoweiclausel.spuiash.selauti
. oy.uomptood sweet sliced timeolaits
'• :yerepared.Ccieon.Cocoa shel)s
nswitig.caOcc Harm. •
Salls.Lohater;Anchovy. }Sluices ,
• Canton oy sad Carrie
; Gherkin:Totristo. pepper, '
• .) Nisei:Laden, Mangpe, Pickles
•'• • 1 'Lemon and French
e Olives cares, Anchovies
Cayenne pepper allspice and Ginger
t Cloves. Mace. Nutmegs and cassia
Rice. Omar of rice. starch
Conant', Figs. Raisins, Prunes
- ' Sweet and tiltter almonds, citron
Olive Oil. witie bitters.lemon syrup
Preset red ginger. cheese, codfish
' Herrin's. mackerel. salmon •
W hire and colored wax,
sperm 'P
- • Moulded and dipt tallow
Palm, variegated brown aid yellow soap
• Oki Madeira, old port claret
Brown ind pale ohm sy.chainpitipe Wines
Old heck, Lisbon.dry mrlaga in wood
• Sweet malsga. mnscatel & bottle
hlalmser, manes Ilea Sr Sicily Made'. J
Scotch. i deb, monongahcla & corn whiskey
• , Annteette. aniseed & peppermint cordials
Cognac. champagne,Epantsh ft corn brandy
' Holland & corn. Gin, N. E Hum
Jamaica spirits
• Extra sup.apan, inferior do
Half Spanish and common cigars
Cut & plain and moulded glass /
China and crockery Ware
a general assortment of Dry Goods. &c. &c." 111 of
which they are disposals° sell on the mom reasons
blesennt. Heads'of Fnmilies and Tavern Keepers
are partictdarly invited to call.
For Sale
D R. JOS. LAPIER RE'S Sympathick for the
safest, epeedlest, and perfect cure of every
kind of wounds,•nleers, cancer and all cutaneous
diseases, arising from cutting, squeezing, burn•
ink, boiling or the impurity of the blood, and also
for coring Dyspepsia, heart barn, asthma, liver
corii plaint, costiveness. !mulcts, convulsions, &arr.
time bud rhenmatick pains, tooth ache, and sore
eyes. The general agent, Prof- G.-Eay. Wagner,
Reading, Berke county, Pa. offers gratis to any
-perann affected .with either of the said diseases,
a (Nortek quantity of the Sympathick to be tried
and - appeeciated before making any expense; how.
ever, the application must be made free of post.
a ge..
N: B. This article cannot be had genuine in
any drug store or appothecary shop. It is not
necessary to talk much about it, as it eertainly
will recommend itself to an enlightened priblick.
aug 19 39—tf
Passage from England, Ireland, Sea-
kind and Wales.
DERSOI‘I4 wishing ti engage pagans for
their friends, in first rate ships,Trom the a.
bove places, may now do so by applying to
• Centre Street.
Fot the accommoilation of those persons enga
ging passage for their friends, who.may wish to
send them money, to enable them to provide fot
the voyage.drafts will be given on the following
named merchants, via:
P. W. Byrnes, No. 3. Waterloo Road; Liver.
pool; Daniel Wright. g. Co. No. 3, Robinson et. eel
Glisgow; Wilhite Miley, No ? 25, - Pen' Quay,
•Dublin. may 6 36
Vegetable Lice Pills and Pbe-
nix Bitters.
1:11. A GO VITAS - T.—All nations. frail the remis.
test ages. have had ships, but Colunitais only found ,
out the way to America. Before the time of the .
Arestfi j ialush navigator, people were only enabled to*
paddle about the shores. Jinn so with the Life bled
%Line/ It is bat two short years since I first ven
tured upon an unknown ocesnoindi have discovered'
the precious object I was in search uf—HEALTIL
Vegetable medicines were indeed known when I corn
mencexl my search, but their use was ACM BY the'
use of them, I have not only passed from the dejected the hale hearty and attire man of business,
but, comparatively speaking, I have renewed my
youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own expe
rience, advise with my fellow citizens • Does the
reader want proof that theV ETABLIK LI VIK Id ED
IMES are suitable to his own case? I have on file
at my utf1ee...546 Broadway, hundreds of leuers. from
some of the most reaneetablecitizenit ultimo rot na
tive land, voluntarqy offerel'in testimony of the sir
Persons wbonaermatitatiops balm beeemearly m
ined by the -all infallible" mineral preparation. of
the day, will bear me witnesc that the Life Medi
ointoi. and iniebonl.ate the true aloe e to permanent
good - heal th . 4 ' JOHN MOFFAT.
Them. medicitor have long, been knotirt., and appre
Mated, for their extraordinary Mid immediate posers
of restoring Detract health. to persons suffering under
early army land. of oiseaili, to bich th e - human
frame is liable. , •
In many hundreds of certificated inetancei, they
have eve rescued µtamers from the very verge of an
iintimely grave, artist all the deceptive ntistnrms of
the day had utterly, failealoinll to manyibousanda they
have permanently 'teemed that uniforut enjoyment of
heelth, without whidh life itself is but a partial bless.
big: So great. inoed. has their efficacy Minima&
and inildlila!y Proved: that it has appeared seemly
less than miraculous to those who werephomautinted
with the beautiful philosophical Ormoles mpon
whkbthey are cOmpounded. and up*" Which Abel
consequently act ivires to their manifest and 111611111.
bili; /fetid% in purifying thd spring' and channels of
UN a nteniluing thentwith ienewed tonerand vigor,
'that they were indebted for their name, which - was
bestowed upon them suite spontaneous request of
several individuals whose lies they had obviously
The proprietori ffu oejace in theipirtunio allude d .
by the univocal diffusion of the „press, for pati
ent bie VEGETABLE LIFE 1.13 Within the
knmwlatge and.mech of every individual:hp the COM
musky. Unlike.. the host of perch:aka quackeries,
whie.b boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life paw
ans Purely and mot.m,v-VIOGILTAILM, and Mi.
tea Memory. Autimony, • Arsenic , nor any other
reliant in any Ann whatever. They are entirely
composed cote:tracts kite rare and powerful phone,
thevirtuster which. though long known to. omen)
-hulas trilest.Mid•recenUy meows imminent plumem.
cuatical arealgether unknown to the *no.
Mat pretenders to mal science; std were parer
, before administered in 6o happily t eflicaciouie tam.
`bitietion. , • • •
Their gra Ppenttion is to loosen front Mai:Maloof
the stomach and bowels, the venom" impurities. find
crudities constantly setting mooed theism and 114 re.
more the ifsedes4 feces which calker is the; Con
volutions- of the „sae!! , War .inedicinea
only OfeffeeilWA 3 eariAedi 00 41
.ragel tklifind, IMAM ro t _
with all 'tetra's of eviEhotianddeit aut, i
imminent dangers: This het iewoll'Aniciri':66 all
regular miftterniMi. aver=etnie iue dtir Wasik holeela
allervioatlnwradhemactlie,pregodiceordiedit WO in
• Aimed tairsisedliM ihe=flugki of
The. mooed , vireo orrheSVANETABI46
MEM- . latiMmairdu44 , '
• • - • • . • 1-
Tile/r4Cfit t0,9/821 414 0 118 19.. "and the blailder;iiid
1 1 /4" lll l ls • l *. l .i e e r .: al k i .A a 4 1 °1 4 .' ,theihe.aithrai
neduief iiiktikuttitolideperida upon thelniguliritY
4( thetoiharrerffasuL Thilko b :tlhich . taker. it*
Trod from the.agencY of the by and' iheluip
befirieltisen into the been, ' dine ptitrifßd by
them -imd - ncrurished by food imam* from a clean
ettiniach, warm freely through the veins. renews
eiempart.of the systemaati _ tinatlyeateints die
binnerieT - Weatit
_in tbe*iialie9o .
xrieul 4
' The following are stools the tf ' ' 'lig varie7
bons diseases. to- which.the Vegetable Life Pills
aretwellknownto he infalliblree - I . .
- DYSPEPSIA. by threutddy cleariiing thafint and
meetidetemeachs; and creating a flow of pure healthy
bile, ineuntrk of the stale and acrid ki ;.—Fb a bdericy.
Phos.ofthe Heart isiesV ileart•lntra
m i me.
aid nowtechs. Beetlessoess, lad ' . A nx ii iy . h m .
rimmed Afebstefiedy - which are the gtnerateynamoms
of Dyspepsia:will "mu as* nature con
sh, sequence of
its Mora : 'Costiveness, by 'cleansing the whole length.
of the intestines .With sr seldent emcees. and without
violence; all violentlpergem leave the bowels costive
within two days. Dtm-rhm and Cluilera,by remove.
tug the sharp acrid which them compiaints
are occasioned, 'and by, promodegahe lubricative
secretion ofthenilimiti - , ,, le t te. reteriefailhinds,
by resulting the bloodtoi r circulation . through
the enclitic of perspi 'on in some eases, and the
i hrough Solution °fall intestinal obetrUctions ill others.
The LIFE PILLS have been knowp to cure Rheu
matism permanently in three weeks.rand Gold in half
that timer by removing focal inflammation from the
muscles nod hgaments of thejoints.i Dropsies of all
beds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfidly on these or
gans,and hence have been found a cerain reme
dy for the worst cases of Gravel. ;Also Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of die bowels the slimy
matter to which these creatutesedtere; - Asthma and
Consumption. by relitning thew-vessels of the lungs
from the mucus, which even alight colds if not ninny.
ed becomes hardened.abd produces those dreadful
diseases. Sarroy. Men and fereterate Sores, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood
and all homonu - Scorbutie Enryittente, and Bad Com
plartons, by their alterative effect open the Buds that
morbid state of which occasions all Email* com
plaints, ',Saw. Mode. and oho djavreeable Cime
pinions The use of these Fills for a were shorttime
will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum, Eirtipeias
and a striking improvement in the Peamess of the
she Cammen Colds. ead InfhetSitt. wall always be
cured by one dose ,or by two even toile worst cases.
Pike—es a remedy for this most distressing and ob
s e na t e m alady, the Vegetable Life Pill. deserves a
distinct and emphatic recolumendation.. It is well
known to-hundreds in this - City that the Proprietor
of these invaluable rills, was himidlf afflicted with
this complaint for upwards qftkirty yiteyears. and that
he media vein every remedy prescribed within the
w h o l e ,mmpass of the Mateo* Medic.. He however,
at length. tried the mediine which be now offers to
the - public, stud he was cured in a very short time,
alter his recovery had been pronohneed not only
=pro b a ble, tot absolutely impossible. by any human
DIRECTIONS . FOR USE.---The riroprietors oftbe
Vs:arrests Liss Prue doeanot Itillow the base and
mercenary practiceofthe quacks of the day, in advis
ing persons to take his Pills in large. quantities. No
rod medicine can possibly be so required. These
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night. for •
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual dosage from 2to 6. according to
theconstirution of the person. Very-delicate persons
shouldbegin with hut two; and increase as the nature
of the case mai , rNuireithose more robust. or of very
coiltive habit, may begirt, with 3. and increase to 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes 06011i013 sickness and vomry
rig. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
foul; this, however, may be conaidered a favorabe
symptom. as the patient will find hitnself at once rit-
Iteved,and by perseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 bouts, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.•
They may be taken by the most delipate females un.
der any circumstances.—lt is. however, reeommend.
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one eta time, and thus continue to keep the bowels
open: and even two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a "elution of two table
spoons full of water. may be given to an inflint in the
followingdosee-em tea spoon full even two hours till
it operates, for a child front one to five years of age.
half • pill—and from five to ten. one pill.
THE PHI:EWE BITTERS. are so called,becanse
they possess the power of restoring !the expiring em
berirerhealth. to a - glowing - Trigoi throughout the
constitution. .air the Phonic is said. to he restored to
life from the ashes °fits Ow o d issolotion. The Plies
nix Bitters are entirely vegetable, composed of root,
fours nl in cer.ain parts of the ,western country
wh'' w I infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of al kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely all
the •of Mercury -infinitely so ner ths n the most
powerful prepariitiores ofSlirsapard a. and will Mime
diately cure the determination or LOOD TO TilEt
HAIM; never fail in the sicknesi totSetrtttryoong
females; and will be found a certain remedy in all
cases of nervous debility and toeaktotot of themes' im
paired constitutions . As is a remedy for Churn/coed
fa Ithitunedies. - tbe ermine, of the Phenix
Bitters wt I be demonstrated bt the use of a single
bottle. The usual dose ift hese bitters is half a wine
glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be
taken two er three times a day, about half an hour
Before meals, or a less ,quainity . may be taken stall
Antes. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable, as
they very. gbeady ingease the action of the principal ^
viscera, help them to i.erform their funcuons.iind en
able the stomach to discharge into ;the bowels what
ever is offensive. Thus indigestibn is easily and
smelly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths
qf the atscirbent vessels being cleansed. nutrition is
Refloated, and streeigth of Sod y and energy of mind
ate the Danny results. For farther particulars' of
TERS. apply at Mr. hfoffat's 0ffice,,,N0.516 Brodway,
Neir'York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25
cents.'soonts. or $1 per box; and,tbe Bitters for $l.
or $2 per bottle. nor° Numerous Certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected. i
In some obstinate,and comphmted case of chronic
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver, , Comphints.
Fever and Ague. Dyspera. GI s a i d in joty oi frogn
W me of mercury, .qui n
and other d 4imers
standing. it may be , necessary to 'eke btoth the 1 17 e
pees and the Phenix Bitters, in 'tie dole before re
commended. i
N. R —These Pills and the Bitters. will get the
mercury out oft he system infinitely taster than the best
preparation' ofSirsaparilla. and a certain, remedy for
Unrest/tomblike aced to the heed. or afflitioleat head.
achot,de—do , ..le , ff•dix, are.—All persons w lin are pr ev ia,.
posed to eisspiery.paisy. &e., should neviirbe without
the Life its or the Ebner*. for oak d in time will
save life. Theyequalize the circubmon the blood,
draw _all pressevrelitun the.besadi p hation,and
throw effeveryimparity by the pores o the skin.
Fair sale by . MILLER & RAG ERTY.
agents for the , Hewn
Pottsville. 26 Ire) 4041
,on 1
) in
o the
i p
Itejilifijui IWO — r IL
88AN..0. b.. joit - rectiTed t4e-Following
iiitiOsis viiiirki,J.,on,dori, ind Arnetleaced
i tiv:liiiirvii!sfsli Ile 'Weis loi sale heari,
. ' thitnalraiitili:Woionil. ! , 5 vuls.
.. Moisibliiiiii Sermons, - : '
- ' Lelvid'i vieir'of bentleal Writers,
Eitigteptes - Pisivet,er,7•Maiioal, 2 ruts,
brewpkttie'Resikir4 — setioi.
' Drii on die fool, " ' .
Briiikei on iiiePsilgibtlX. .
',- Vibe - fon lildeli;v, ' `
- . Jimer4bit4skiai Profissinr,
. Xfilii Earitviiifiteligious Dissensions.
„...I"risiiiin Pitts. liisigis.,,. _ ___
Allii:OvirTalt4ties; A te. sip-
Old' Pori Nine; 4.c.
VERT, ' o . ,!ape*tic !Ad grapcjo,i%ott
dol4Rcompany do Ao
41 .bl y tre l ai c 'do do
:94nnieripr •Madeira, in wood
110 0 -*UM, 4;141 ,M. Lobo, rid
lAfrAtilor4oo4 pagerry Picoidadetra,
'Mali , liladefro,WileeF4rp t .rati 44 1 ;idn,
drY,,p#Ktoosilif wise,. &a. &e:. for ale by
it."Trii ;no ' I • I, 32
;;'...:i_.. , ...nildiiii,-"Fillidlsiociefi i r Til
Irg,fick2; - 4,l4'll'iLlitilikolg Socla Ili
Ja . -1 1°If !Ten Rvel74l ll Y *OM
P 43:.) i
•Pie9ftea(DlacouTO - andD*Wlcifet
pose of. receiving 4epoits tnaay, ago*('
seeding PA from anyone tWpin, iS4 , I.
in interest of 4 perEept will M paid do It*
and npwards,but P 6 in 4144111 TM :allOW:
any . fractional jini . rtn o gt: - TIWi - wkiiki:ilf
fe I
part may be drawn on on gleit.g iiiisiticte
four 'Weski t it the oillie ifitlfon — dttys. AfiAe.
sines of the .Society i i i l ll ,be..nohdllol:d bi
following offientwawd, *age*, anitil:thi; I
Monday in May nezio : ,
President-444E1M; BOLTON. •
Ifallfi h ei*i. . - .'' • .1
Joiteph. Cirroll ' „/tiftto2tel.l.... PAM :- 1
Edward -Hughis '' $: Id...Warne I
Jacob Bull ~* • T Jame Talier .._-; -
L. Whitney, Secretary andTrenstwer, i
Article 3d of theatter.- - "No emaluinent
whatsoeter-lball - be , ' lied :by the Preelllent
l e
or Msnagititifsr , thei la•nrices. nor shall Pay
Manager , ;beetumili , rtiviierlftimi the Mloo
tioiu •- ; 1 , • L-. • '. i " . 1 ' 1 7oct - 3 4;Mf.
. .
• , airistimiP4ON GYBED. , ,/
''r r ', : -jINDIAN . BPECIFI P
__ r , - ..prike pretwirtissAkuss
• , '. SP,* of Conghts.Cohis,Aolloomis,
t r . op
, 1 ti\
,4•6l.ovs_iptiono. Spittle* of
er . l i ji Blood, Diseases of i the
9 4 t 11.4 itreastand Lungs,4e.pre.
V A ri". y . *walk, pr.CLARKSON
4 4 • --•.-. - k,I2.SEMAN, of the City
""=" ." of Lancaster. 1 .
. .
' Accompanying each bottle of the Specifick,
pointing out in a canspienons manner, all , the
symptoms in the different stages of these distrew
sing diseases--also particular directions respect-,
Wog diet and regimen,and how patients are to
conduct through every stage until health is re.
stored—for vath and uselesii would be the pre
scriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied
with the most powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions are not faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed that the depositions of
287 persons havet,Oen taken before proper au
thorities in of 'Lancaster. all completely
eared in_ the most desperate cases of consump•
lion. some of which are detailed in the bills ac
companying cab bothic.
',' A supply of the above Specifie has been
received and is for sale at this office.
March 12 18 1
Swain 9 s Panacea.
AS the . intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure: and as thou
sands have destroyed their consutuat.tne by neglecting
to apply the proper remedien—to such. Swaim's Pan
aces must be, and has beim, more than doubly value.
ble as a certain and effectual means of them
to perfect health'and vigor. Few faunlies are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va.
rious symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
loos ofappethe and dejection, all arising from imp:lra
blood. and if not prbperly attended to, produce the.
greatest injuryvathe constitutution. and may be im
parted to their offspring. Swaines Panacea is reeom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable rem.
rative of the system. thereby invigorating the constitu.
lion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effect!' of
the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. and corrects their tendency to all those
Adiseases which originate in vitiated blood, di red
liver, depraved appetite, or predispositon to affection's.
of the lungs, &e. No one, however. isiadvised toner
it without convincing themselves ofthe truth of what
is here stated.
This medicine is now used vi - itb success in all parte
orate world, and is gaining great reputation in Lag.
A fresh slimily of the Medicine jest receivediind
For sale by B. BA NIVAN. , '
• Sole Agent foi•Scheylkill cent*
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish To sell again, at Philadelphia p_rices
May 11
Insurance Cats:pony.
MARE both limited and perpetual Insurances
/vie on Brick, Stone or Frame Bedding'', Stores. Hotelsailills, Barns, Stables Merchandise, Furni
ture and Property orevery d ription,against loss
_damage by FIRE.
- - - - - - - -
The Delaware „County' In urence company en].
also insure against lou on al kinds of marine Oaks
and against the damage or lo upon the 'tensions.
lion ofgooda, wares, and me _anise by state, or by
way, upon terms as favo. rable as try tither is
For any further infonnatio on the subjeet of in
surance„, either-against Fire. urine or Wit d' risks;
Apply to 40-4.'NRY D 7.11 t MASON. Ae nt.
JOY 4,4clug •
Fire Insurane
MAKE both limited and p
Brick. Stone or Frame
Mills. Barns. Stables. -Mere
Proprirty r of every description
by FIRE.
The subscriber bas been appointed' A ppm , IbV the
above Mentioned Instltd,l* and is now-pLepared trs
Mahe ith - 11711A - N - aiiii - alitin every Enliellty
at the Ipweat rates. ' BENJAMIN BANK 4N.
Feb. 27.1836. ' 15
The Philadelphia Fire
•ND •
AKE both limited andiperpetnal Intioranetili oa
ANAI-Briek.Stone orframellnifdingsiStores. Hotels,
Mills, Barns. Stabler, Menrhandise. Furniture, and
PropePropertyE of every deseripticistigainatlosawydamapr
'rliiiiithseriber has been a ppoinied .Airmer for the
above titieeponed_ Institution and is now prepared ,to
Mahe IseIEMANMOI upon every description of popperryi
theriowest rates.. —•• BENJAMIN - BA titNIAN:
• . ;Feb SS 11331 ' . .•
, Rbglesailv and- ' littall..llordie
'''„, ..., ' ' iiisoll , 9lT- : , * i
• - 51416204 iiiikiea : 1 . ob.rOcktwkatv. :Eitte r —Teceiveol,o:'
iMIXV: . ,
_titutia.toab t ite-tonner et o Hardwaaj
I Sweire'lL'eeeee4 pet *or; !I Itilutteoleoleamrikt.eprioigktO vicar. pitest listed +
Aiv ied r f rom di, 0 pwerfle.ektilffen Pletterrieted fact creel, We. .U 6:
.Be;seaty.Five Thousand ides of Ikhis sl4l4 o 49 l 4 l l l (9.o.,juktOelikbri! , um qi Me ws *a%
medicine 7were ' enid ' ilii r irtilpti the
4°4ld): itici e rt 4 =lll l 244: 1
41 1 . 1 1 1 ,167iiii lies:
inFikosing.rtireelasilil ditzeti k ep.e!pidg, pip
11 einiiii cutitteltititi 'Plait - Ciotti aid iiiiiietiii; ' rtect
Prlpolig per t#es or three het gee„ • 1 5, ot. kali: • - If - " trol etieiVrOtlitiTti ettipire
rl - a,l- ‘ - ii ' 1 ti* it -,.. ~.4--` r.. illietk ' ap i rliallek (4 , 1' 7 ,
pill Or SchuylN u , ri, Am o r 9 ,
g reil y
,401witi*ttruttfute... ' mg tem* - , • Feb, 1k.%-ltrr,4
: - --,
. .
THEautplop ltaqiiiti t tiiii4ed
.. "1! . : Orgire
4:44 - st i o t ig,- -, 4... , .
Octavo /1 'l'. Iti Ta Ili ' 1.1
• Clar. l o o a4 ..„. , , 4, k :
1., rae, , ,, f , g ' .l"a
%. ViCgilka rld . .44 1 0.--4110 3 11s,alltd ikw-lair
' Clationealtr ~ f
' GititirStiii" ', 1 / .
--.l7l4iii"liikolAistrii Stash.
„Hi k irespoot44la7.4oirites lite public to nail and
tutaatifilklaikilts 4 ,-,, ,-, ..L
. _ ,--). ; -.: - 401111 B.'C. - PdAIVI Ili.
Ansi 5 : 11 * '` s . 34-
, Ft( )\-.). 14 ( (11,1,E(;E (),IF '
.ti( /e(;/:0.1 - .S' , LOATDOAT.
MASkin I S ,Pills.
T HE Origiultl Hygetan Vntrersal Vegetable
Medicine, prepared by W.SM ISK IN, F. 4.,
Member of the ttoyal College' of Surgions, Licen_
lute or Apotheiaries Co.npany, Fellow of 801.
Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union. Pen
lion Associatun, Lancaster place, Waterloo
Bridge; and Npetual Pupil of Guay's and St
Thomas' flospitbl., London. '
These pills.having gained .celebrity untiaral..
I leled in every section of the Onion. are now con.
1 sidered by all thiise who value good healtliOndis.
peosable as a family medicine—patronizedby a
numerous body of the most eminent Physicians
both in this country ald in Europe,—is solfi l eient,
it is presumed, to stamp their Icharreter in the es
timation of every' thinking man, ind it ip hoped,
a far better recommendation than ie cburise re.
sorted to by igncihmt and unprineipl d pretenders,
who to mislead =and deceive 'the p , bile publish
what pactical pronfli and Certifi c ates of
Cures, that eaccid all houndlOofratlonal credibil
ity, and most of which, if not all, are either gross
fabrications, or phieetred ti,ifrind and-connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Farmer; says
"This medicine has obtainer( an unprecedented
degree of well preserved popularity. flaying tak•
en these pills outi,selves to advantage and witness
ed their beneficial effects op Others, we hairs no
hesitation iv. recommending them- to the public as
a safe. salutary it i nd ,useful family ineditrine.7
I, 4,•Nrine are genuine without the signature of
the General Agent on the 18601, by whom the .s
-hove medieise islimPorted inth thircountrv: '
JNO. HOLBEIN. 129 Waverly Place,
i Gen', Agent for U.. S. ,
A supply of the above Medicine just reeeived
and for safely : B. HANNAN;
Soli Agent for Schuylkill conrity.
Impotant Diiscovery.
The sobacnber has discovered a method by , frbich
he virtues of that 'valuable root.l
May be extracted twithout - loshig any of its medicinal
properties. This, medicine is prepared atter a re
ceipt of the Medical College. a .recetrit reeommended
by the Faculty as he best formula for the prripara
turn of the fluid extract of'Saratiparilla.
This Extract may be given with perfect safety to
children. and is POnscientiously [offered to the public
los a pari6er oftlat blood. which to all cases will great
lyaileviate and , kiqmsny entirely ,us-the following
diseases:. t . •
Obstinate eruptions of the Oda.
Pimples or poMules on the faCe, -
Mies Which arias fronsan impure baba - of body,
• Sealy eruptione.
Pains in the bones,
. Chrimic rheumatism,
Scrofula. br King's evil.
White Swellings,
Syphilitic symptoms., i • ~
And all disorders 'timing from an Impure state of
the blood,either hit, a bang residence in 1 hot and un
*Webby climate, dr theinyudicidus use of mercury.
1 hare 'hones - A necessary to attach a few clertit
tastes of its benefiiial effects, frOrit,persona well known
in the county, as feferencea: • .: •
• . f Rattling, July 111, 1837. '
. . .
We the undegned. having need the Compound
, fluid Extract -,o gftroaporilla. (pre p ared by G eorge
W Oakeley) in our families. meat cheerfully recom
mend it to the pnblic. u a cheap, safe and efficient
meocdk icine. in dittSses arising finsu impurities of the
I bl.
', , i• • ' JOHN MILLER . '
• • 'I - WM. 11. MILI.FIt. :
i - WM. RHOADS. !
l• ,is to tern r tbat.l 'WSllrfor two years afflicted
with so obstinate stperigesualiffection in one of my
legs.which btoitq into nurcerotto ulcers. for which I
tried various remedies, which but increased iiie dis
ease. whin I was Vecamtnended to try Mr. Oalielley'a
preparation ofktitsapanfia. I did so. sea arieritning
several bottles I Inn happy to ote that the ulcers are
I entirely removeciptud my leg, ealed Witben my
nand this 16th day- of august 837
JOHN R. 'OLLER, Reading.
This certifies dre my little stn, about 8 peat* old.
I. had suferedrur a ong time from extensive sorts on
the right knee and leg. (supprard to havitliete, white
'swell:mg.) which 1 found.impointible to heal. byteven
theaid of the mein respectable inedicaljadvic4 until
I was recommended to use bly.lGeorge W.Oakeley's
,EempoundSyrnp of Sarsaparillai eight lxittlesofwbich
not only healed •he sores but !perfectly radored the
ebild'i health 'Alfa Lid so Iferi.i, much in conaetitionno
of this affection. i - CATHARINE. IDNGEM . N.
~ 1 7th above Penn st. Re ' ing.
Tisk above case wal prrsent i ti to, me. both font
iind atter Die use af•Mr.'Oakel fssyrop of pa
ritla.and I have on hesitation lti believing that! was
the agent of his restoration.. ! - i
3NO. P. HIESTER. 81.,D.
Rending, Sept. IL 1837. , 1 1 .
Wifminigtos. !for. 20, 181 n.
Mr. (Melly. , •
Sir:—l coned ~ it my duty rd let you knew tintae
nosofthe hairdo n bottles.tif ear valuable Sukenik
rills mat I got o no in June at. has entirety healed
my leg.the,Doctor told me itw iota serofuloui chat
setts. end 'the use of Your Medicine witald probably
lifted( it. The fr e ;bottles,wifre netlike') be ore it
was-bealed, kit took the stxtb to knake th 1 etre
certain; it is new nit . thin tir menthe since
any. indtherwurntr,apPearme oft•ieturn. my phypi.
- clap thbtki 'lke 'ear& Peril. • Yourii ,it."l
- . • • - 1 , 11 • •-:•.,-:., - CHARLES BROWN.
• )rpTbei atierrit -• trihnible Medicine i may be Iliad at
the: set ribeen wbeleadia 'sit tetail• Drug Stow.
_,Nottlai listrestoßsedi4,,amiat,niost °libel prin.
"e i r*l'dts ` 81111 .1•.•-kre'h UMW,: mud Idedscham. at
!lit - kits ca sh Ormias t ahst k r ef fornale • by tit sub!
4 1
_,!, ._ 4 ' 'l6 W. °AKE EY.
Also.t itibedlikie sm . of 'Heirdenr tar
Kahle' ut wnliWiti 'Mintier and Dr. Ford ints..l
- loirl t -- . "Kifibti:Oleifaiekat the afore • ni
drStrsitek,Poudyille:- t -, • . • i
Jin.1711, , ,!... i.j - -
IN. 8.. To - '
•,- tool Inautonces oa
Mingo. Storer. Hotels
andizo, Farniture,and,
againit lOss or damage
" • 246ann
p+entlyst* signat4te Mil
,1 0the !pet tne,.
1 ..104'
ViteWidayrtBl3fsaiptfi°l!s° oillii°lol4lfpilltt
Ikoll/111 Pliila4eiphOt vAo e. - • I
. 4 Qs 119 - , -1'
Nudeii.„,,i:„..i.q.i' - .;„,'
pmenkisfu..s...porilk, ~. 1 ~,.!
112iVERY man. wouind. an ehildi rearmed.
.M'A answer the above.ial eileryn PeFer,througl.
out the United States containii aceou s o fibe atom •
gal efficacy of Sarsaparilla. ip 'port • the Mord mat
from the Aviva a/ i syshist ilenams.
Ask any respectable priiiii;nt ' ' t i c. Übe
is the swat VlP:mum:Al* dig oo rw r
will be. Sassoraniu.a. ' j. • ' . •1 '
' Suffice it to sty then, it all
e ;thyrsials reenniesead
it so universally. what /etter nun eitipte et Its
mrattoße picpenuet ' 1 - , 1
Da. LEIDY has dtal i n:ted a : *Nie l g.
virtue of the Saraarar iis o iti ` .iitexhigghty fi res centrated form. and in suc h no '. to ineke_,
therefrom.indiout de ,g 7. ' itteitaley.
This cannot be done hy iury li - reati.abegro.
cets is known only to Dr ,y, i a dienhrei) Cif
ins own. • • ' •
These Pills are offered toll* pe hi y the' name of
1 1 ,
DR . Obir. k Y c r
compounded principal of ' steeps Is end with
which is combined ing len t (fri -10 d to tie canto.
tuflon) rendering the pre in I. Emil, nuts
laxative in their effec t lus rry I tr cob,. mi i 4.
more from the system e. Pre pen -etd w'fbeel Pr!'
ducingdebility orany ri Dresden . Taken in sup
iciest quantity . how" rt-they veil rge freely. sial
may be employed or given to the s ilelipate, and I
t i
even to infachs. bring a airfe and hyr efficnacivard.
grain, ' a , no rein?.arailicie 'et or dereekt i.
from vita/as or ian si c any knot -I
These pills have be ep preeminent successful 1,
from theirconvenfeet forts. must . On ror later tali
the place of all the different preparbri it s of &rya
ralla. such as I.:traps- Ileincitons. cm. de 144
are contained or Wilee4lialk fp he 1,1 1 and arehir
convenient for laiiiorg or 61'ing tar n Ilikmit
These pills baiie.ddrieg the pan lin years. beeii
amply tested. Newspaper advertising being no re 4
expensive, ample terithannials float
o t x t =emus phy
Clans and others acerimpi y the ditty ions.
They are particularly 4 commen# 1 in ' i
r i Dry and atery pitegyel, •
G l e h n e r n ral t [7le 4 bility t ! wilrf and iiiis les of tne teen
Ulcerous . sores of ih and bird ' . ,'
three!. noseand bock*. i Scatty /u t i tons. and Wart
Divorces of the Liver;) , chats ( e skip. l
Skin and Bones, 1 I ettri. 1 gworew. ;
Pain Over the resion ofi, Si.rofuls. ilirystreiss, - i
heart, breast, and at aurdice, lit althorn.
mach. -1, L+ cb • rouglis. Live
Pain of the side,: ale complains. witerbisoL
the hack and spine,.{ Sour eMcnitions4ad a
inward fryers, foul breath. , hies cif the stomach. ,
a bad taste in the mot Glandular I alleetaine.
Flatulency, want of app 'swelinfl and harde
m ning
e.costiveness, men Of the.* ',di ofthe nook,
of the stomach, and lin in the genies, tinder the
aigestione I I arms
fr lid along din
1 , spine, t breast, dic. 3
and the wholetrain ofdbreasea readirlt ng from Imp*
rity of the blood, as ali(o'consiitatiendisesser pr...
duced by the use of Barka Die, Mercettyy
or other Minerals, aLci'lit anpend ci in life,typhl
kis, Lues, Venereal. &e. fro. i
Price '24C .
ents a . i
1 1
, Quininel A it
Prepared only and scid Whole d Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Emportinn.2o4 at. I ow Vine, fl.e.
191 !
: 1-... i i
consumpti • ' !
Ea RADER. if you hitreAleough r Id. beware Of
RS their corisequencesc' Cialds eithrallyivogrem
imperceptibly. acid in:innate the es ;brougham.
the human system. finallyi treating upo the lenge tad
ending tn consomptioni 9 I "
How'often is youth bet down w irlesstilexpecital
by the consumption, a id- followed toithelr paves by
parents-who lire ins measure the Of theirprate
stare in neghctintto reined Ida wfien Silk'
ing in cluldholid. lookie upon di " s trifling Wee
tions,and not attractingtheir node e tilthealesiioy Or
h as commenced im work and ,me re. ofilstriettes.
This is not a fanciful ntltresentatici . rdsily insole
oes instances oecbr wttielt prover
In ;maimed cold' terrnmatein *Tibet Jo
not progress so rapidi le red' ,• ilt'Pld r'''
evi.r. In both youth an d!mantiond ter y etaid tb,
and not regarded as tri ine affect' aril for irlis stdelti
sive idea that basso ckatin shone pielnreatofthos
sands. - i '
- mt. BECHT
4 d
(Price LOjCenta per ) r ' 1
I f
Is an invaluable preparation, dis e by a regolar
tr d
and Celebrated German Physician. w o tuis,eintlmed
it upwind, of MI years in his o n_Tractice in C. h.
many. throughout which countryr it ras been dune
that time most extensively mid nu allytem iloy
in Coughs,Colds. Influenza". Cam le. donna Sr t
ting of Blond , Whooping Coughs P in cram
and Sides. all affect lent pf the Br and Longa nib!
s l
arrest ofappioai king entwomptio ~ ;
Much may herald in; praise of eilbove medic ine.
but newspat er adverzwarig hating t nix! eus ye, ear,
onntlactont evidence will be fou .diut all, itivirff is
upon trial, well as nineerona r c crierdationiii*-,,,ing the diminish'. II rcbi of IMO tikes
r i g
were so ! d in Philadeli hi l l alone rilig theps lier.
ter. a convincing proof ef,its armee . in tinge a -
thy would never have been sold : - e above
tines are prepared and slid only t . ' I - ' ,
i i
Seco dl:ielcier',V -
• i 1 1
— 7 — ' -,.. f i
, - Alkt IMPORTANT INF I IMATIO iv i • 3
fIRADE:B.4.d you ever see a C nianed Opt • . .
and learn his sufferings! If n . ,Isulini ii A
he is a pale. thin and ghastly 1.. •ng t. . lb ' - i a
apparently hanging byla thread; m . .
unhappy: his sufferingi i indescrilia I', I , ,
Are you Much troubl ed Vrith Fla . -.1 .0
ci ; '
Soureruchatikap arisin Rom your . Neb . . 0 • -
want of appeite. Witterbrash. a b , , taste in j.
mouth. orfoul breath. in or ab - • it'
mich. Sickness after ea leg, Heads h I„ Di iill. - • ir.
once favorite ' dishes, e.. If you. a - inn . ‘ ...
withmiyortheforegoi igi7mpto tr, . : befo . u
the picture of the Dye e tie; end yerlv • •
remedy theeensequen Mimed' i` Procure
DEL - LEIDY% TONI 1 AND A =Mt '' '.
f lk
...,, ; 1 , CORDIA L. .-i, .:.1r '. '
A never idling anal of carieue-emedy fo - v
DYSPEPSIA-IR IND 43.145710 N. - '
And the :rabble. train:cif ffection r - . hint 'froM
_ h misesefthe Life ,Stomach ~. Intettl. ..%
Teabove mediein . warren d trprn, •
57 or other Mineral '
pr Aerations; it cone ye
*hely of vegetables.e end- t . bienv.
pleasant 10the Mate. ilemay be . e
JOUDellillifddi rlllippilitgj but m, .1 r eyes OS
diet only. t '
-Numerous tentimoniala lune . • tent 4
priblishedlitairepplathr sso well ~ 4 ~ fiber
rent upon its virtues ta tin -- • •
~„, 'it* ye
IT mut aILTAR Liu mu r, [1 I 0., . l. r r. ,
thee reirernmeridnio al . 7 . ..tbgrtgess ••
round each bottle_. _ , . r .
Eirr_Piica OPW P;i": a per, • .i . . it- ' 1 .
Sold iii Philadelphia 1 . '
...n Defii. B. Leidy's. tleEni - .'. ii t titicSedAelOw
A Ail.' ottimillo:
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Elf Suitable to °
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Proo t
Mgt do )5.1
1694 AVG.
'ere : !sief; liter aCvenuce ,
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Janelar ' .••fry,•
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bolesi and is fat
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