The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 07, 1838, Image 3

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.. , .
There is a treat :pollutel elntest- to be
fought in Pe.nusylvania. , Oa itt depends
the fate of,Martin, Van IBurett, and he
knows it. . ,flkipuld , he base Pennsylvania
—should Porter be defeajed By The Old
Firmer of Washingtorierounty—shouldl
the trained " racer of the po ticians be
beaten by the people's old w ou horse, •
then "the little magician" falls 'like Luci-
Ter—never to rise again." Therefore it is
that: the "Glebes" are,scr ple ntifully scat.
teredever the State, and the under strap
tiers of the party 5 ,50 plentifully supplied ,
with treasury shin-plasters,..,to" aid the
cause by the assistance of "the blockhead's
argument," a BET. And by the bye, there
is a vast difference in the material used by,
the loco focoi of this season from thatt
which they sported before the people int
1834. • ~
Then, every fellow of them, had gold — 7
Jackson gold, which they nroinised to the
people as a currency—ju.t a ) far currency
as it has all run away—flow they produce
.Van Buren shin ,p laste rs—irredeemable
paper—and this it is_ which they offer to
bet against the old . farmer. Now this
continental money comes—it ran come,
from no other place than Washington— , -it
is put into the hands of the lotto locos here,
in order that so far as the influence of a
bet can go, the cause pf Porter and Nan
Buren may both be .st rengihened. We
call upon this state of things—to observe
how closely the interests oC Porter and
Van Buren are connected; land we tell
them that every whig who clods his vpte
far Porter by so much strengthens the na
tional administration whicti he abhors.
Nay more—every' Whig Who does not
vote for Ritner, by that n tich weakens
the cause which - he loves.— enn. Re pub.
/icao. .
It is stated that Mr. VA .
leads this r•uininer to visit t)
phur Spring,s,.aind other, w
of good repute in the •Allegl i
We %would advise him
peregrination to the i Hermit'
ludi sweet communion wit
.ou .3 predecessor," on the dol
their lionses."—Bott Pafri
Western and Sirius steam rs,,were the .
two fist that. ever came from Europe,
and Ow we have the plea , re of announ
cing the arrival at this por of the Canal
boats Great Western, an Sirius,, from
Pottsville' direct, being the two first bees
from that place loaded 'w th coal, under
the direction of Messrs., nekton & Ste
vens, of the Camden and mboy Railroad
and Delaware and Rune Canal Co.—
'Said Coal is consigned - to ymour & Mal.
see, Greenwich, - corner Of Ring street,
and is now discharging from the new pier,
called „American Pier, between Spring
and Charlton street. • Th, Coal, it is said
is a superior article,. and •ill be sold at a
much less price than eve before offered
in this city.—N. Y Stet _
- Dimensions of the Briti
"British. Queen," steam s
the American trado,' w a
great pomp in Londim, o
The'riumber of passent
commodation is to be pi
• whole 280. The= folio
have been publishqll by
the builders:—
Length, extreme, from fi ,l .
to taffrail,
Length on upper deck,
Length of keel,
Breadth within paddle h
Breadth including paddle
Tonnage. . I
Power of engines.
Diameter or cylinders,
Length of stroke,
Diameter of paddle .whe
Estimated weight of eng'
era, and water,
Do. 'Or coal fur 20 day's
Do. of cargo,
Draught of water with t
weight and storey,
The BruishAueen i i
let gem ship in the world,
rs, by 35 feet, any shi t
..,.otr The Borough of
county, whiCh wavalwi
trict againsf,us, and at
election gave a majority
mar in 10cfolier.1 The
selves admit that 'Owl!!
will have a small tnijori
blr. Times. how will y ,
The Bridgetown' Cl,
great eclipse `of the su
place inn the 18th cif
tibe hours of 3 and 6 ..
litoon. The obscureti.
he apparent size of t
to leave a ling of Ii
timid only' from four t.
ittes.- It is stated that
Richmond the ring wi ,
appearance of the sun
Blinder crescent. T
central eclipse of the
, 1854), and. the next
Intmmtry will be in
"''thirty-one years hen
who have now mod,
life will live to see it.
- 4
Gazelle. • .P 4- , „ le.ilt9Fß
Loco Raman - OLT `•-arriseutsoaririam
TO THE PUBLIC: -a4..= ;
- • . it -5
Seeing my name in•the Jest . toswilqwn
Republican, among • the list Of deligitei.
to the Van . Buren edit. Parter-ri*co
Sub-Treasury, • ahinplalliir Con4._nik!D> to
meet at Harrisburg on tbeittli cifTUly ireit,'
I desire to give asiearlytoimlaaPublicino
tice• as possible, Vat I iconsider it a base 1
fraud -and imposition, on . tibe-piiiilic end a
gross insult to misell'Ao haveit ‘ ',lnsyrted
there, (as it' was) without my consent or
knowledge; and -I ?ffeuldi,Eurtlierlitate.that
in giving iny . ..,vateffergiArisor et tliaext
October eleiiionl .i weitlif be : extr mely
SQ cry to give it to . a hOree lace r , - a gambler,
a paramour of a egrcie'S c ompanion and
a rich insolvent debtor who would 'plead
the statue of limitation's to a suit brought
by a pour honest cre4itOr for an 'honest
debt. ,l know Porter toe well to vote for
him. How religious or moral men can
reconcile their conscience,. to - vote,for him,
' know not; but .this I do know, that let
others do as they will..l.tmdeterm*d to
give my vote. for ;the FAIRMR Was!iing
ton county, who hati been tried andfound
faithful and the best interests of his
country and whnse chttripter stands;unim•
peached and uninyeadhahle.
From the National Intelligencer.
an Friday last, about eleven o'clock at
ght, when sonny of our citizens loot re-
ned to rest, and many others were, about
to do su, tho.snuntl of . solemn music was
hewnd prmeetlip,q from the wee( insiUrils
the eastern ;mai t,f the city, alond'Petatisyt
yank avenue. iSoon afterward:4a. Muck
inneral procesium.made its appearance.—
fliere were prOitatily Ant less tban•four or
fire hundred persons moving lip eouples,
lit the tram. they were , preee.,torl
persons on horsebick, aid to Amend hab
iliments. A imp-part:tit cofftetas borne
upon the ithouldurs of several other persons
upon tho skies of wliirfi, in verll:true let
tars. e. e inscribed the words ‘Sl:fit.'llaeAs
trait." At the tail of the brokers-i ~8
Ittrilti transparent revolving laiiteen, affixed
' to a pole, was exhibited, on the sides or
whicli were dttf. rent iescriptiorjr, such as
‘•Gtory enough!" "Splaturyinit4alone!"
"Down with the Monster!" &c.,. As the
process moved: towards the Capitol, the
number of persons Was cortsitleribly in
creased, so that, we are told,ithere were
not probabl) 'less then three thtiesano-per
sons present when the C,roffin Wes plunged
into the Washington venal; Where it was
• BußE:si in•
,e White Suf
fering places
o extend his
gr, nod there
nfall of "bath
finally dep(i9tvl; a brief addresii, or et time
having previously been made 'Dyer the de
anct remains •of the •bmonstke whirl
a was supposed to contaip,... I. .
We notice: this. mock tunersl pageant,
which has been .much the topip or conver
.ation- here within the last twig diys. as
one of those local necurrencel which we
are expected: to chronicle under the head
of "Home Intelligence," withnutlnowing
with whom it originated, orfbi whom it
was coriductd It Is right td state. tow
ever, that it was all done in . an e'rderly man
ner, and without any pther distkbance of
the -peace -than the firing a few guns at its
h Queen. —The
ip, intended for
launched with
the 24th ult.
• rs for whom ac
wided is in the
ing particulars
tthe autinmity o
We learn on good authority, that a (ha !
inguished Van Buren leadei, his' written
o the president, requesting him to instruct
ho Globe to whip' into Abe rinks some of
he refracuicy -Vwi.Burenites:m this place.
—Raleigh Regntei..
The reqiiest is as reasonahle as that 91
the Smithfield drover to his ?neighbour— ,
"I say, Jacky — these cursed', sheep von't
move in this •Veat*r, - lent!' us a bark of
youk dog, vill you.-4-Lou. JournaL
- Miss Angelina grimktbsti been astride
the aintlition hobby
. mere than five years.
—lY.' Y. Age.
We consider it 'very unbecoming in al
lady to ride in that manner.--i-ib.
• Compunetions.--7 4 4amesub-treasurer un
der the government. of ilisiachusens his
sent an anopymousi letter to the Secretsiy
of the State, enciaiing $484 which he says
he Owes the Common wealttili, el Pic
ayune. ;
We suppase ltd has turned' either Whig
or Christian—ib. ; •
ure heid
!xeli, 40 6
boxes 64
1(62 tons.
, 500 horse.
77i inches
7 feet.
18, 30 feet.
nes, boil •
500 tons.
-600 tons.
500 tons
e above
16 - feet.
believed to be the
the length exceed•
in the British Na-
The fellow Burk, inaioed for swc'ar
ing falsoly -sgs inati Mr. Clark, the Mayor .
of New York,. hai. been aCquitted -on the;
around of insanity.. Ws tire not certain,
but most of the hico.focos, if brought to
trial for their-crimes, might procure ph lic: 1
quittal on . tbo sante ground.-4.
Lewisburg, in
lye the hardest dis
be last Governor's
1 y Fii
against Ritiier of
for the Old r-
Porter men them •
be a tie, but we
. Mark that.—
, iilewunt fur this
r. - • .
Moniirosm.—The Peuosybinta Reporter dye
"Joseph Ritner has spoconted.John D. Foreman,
a . lxigh mason. to be,a Justice of the Peace for ono
of the Townships in Meteor enmity.
This seems strange immortal *llo:Reporter. 'Jo..
sephilitner; bas . shoivn most , cleitly by hie con.
.no ,perseetuir or masons; and
that he Voit7t ootiMip. of apislicants for °thew
whether they are Maims or nht. Ilia teem .en.
quiryt39 - It he. 11 0 1 1{ 14- j" 1101 01 1 061 " V Such It
course of conduct. well belltaithoWld lamer for
then station, which he now so honorably and
honestly Rile. r
• '
tri „, cle speaks of a
which will take
ptember beta een
lock in the after
n will not be Will,
Inopn being such
!ht which will eon
. six and a half min
at Washington and
I not be perfect, the
being that of n very
is will be the'
last ,
n until May 26th,
ett/ eclipse of that
ugust 7th, l 1889-
- How few Ofthoee
!.. the meHidiao of
ffora * . giae — r •rite fibeheit Herald, Mitt
egt?, l 3 - Y*.q tg.utMOlTi iatt" . ;mre, 4 4W! Ihil
'ffag and' aeas:tp . pv t riliennelor • pelt errata' le
complete—lit:We - fittiblreity*hich ere give jt
the teat ait-Our itineetity. 4 ; -
The N. Y Gitettiotthe 3rd nnonneei
Steirerawm. the yeetnik Pth'etelibr - fif the CoMmee.
eial Bank of Finridi.iattemlitied t abacrictl a fear
dcYr 9 inec with. its !wets.. 141?3 1 0,,5,a 0 ,t•
rested mil Mao ordeatniamil
hadiPPollin specie. BeiitleirA - 41025.*Inclus
Commercial Bank paper— ins hid ta-beitingths.
Gan the aolbaritiett -4 0•04 1 ' 1 0 6
iiemmittet - •
4 -
finweifgaigit him Po . ,
info court wi
.4 1 0.191 . 'that aneKej 0
. eight in the steamboet
of tending „hie 01
rourid a boil Masint.l
orient. /e ' Me. Mackenzie
own ence."
Bot)i}touitais off'
adjourn on the 9tivo
Loci Feu) cuidilate
The Convention - his ,
now a member of Coil
date is. Edward Rent.
early in'Septewber.
- • ,
&Ms Packets.—WalLsern.frum Mr. Bimodal
the chief engineer of the Siiini. end with pleas
um that the British add American Steam Nevi
gallon Company. haws contracted for the imam
dies building of th large and splendid--
steaidahiisi to run bet am - COrk'ind this port. 1
in conjunelion with "British Queen" They
ire al l to hi somewha, larger {than the 8. Q
Weimar that they wilt be christened. President.
Grum Britain. and *Oohed States. • The •keel of
he 111 ' 4 ' named has 0144 beau laid.--Nee
MK): ;Whig.- ' -• I -
Senator W right's nee tiuti-Treasor.y
Bill bas been defeated in the House by a
majority of lb. i
M 4.11R1
On Thursday the 28th ult. by the Rev..
Mr. Flossioger, M. MARTIN IIKRBEhl:.•oi
Lewisburg. Union F ty, to Miss V.LIZA.
swim STAGICR, Henry Steger,
Esq. of this lobiougli.
On the 4th inlet. by the Rev. 'meth
McColl!. Mr. lista]) COkWAY. 10 miss
sin Bitowx, both of )linersville. f
In this borough very suddenly, on
rhursday morning last, Mr. tilsonus
,xichtylkill Coal lltratte.
Shipments of Cpal for the week, endiLg on
Thursday eseaing last
Shipped kf
Dejawste Cual Co
George H. Pons,
Charles Lawton
Heilner &„.Son
I% A Coal Co
Bell 4 Bolton
A :Siemberger
S .11 Reeve Co &
Manes &.Spencer
Hodgson &. West
Pi E Hamm & Co
Siilvman &
Bull & Co •
M Murphy
S , Bronke
N Evans . .••
Char lea t3hippen
0 Bast
TC Witham, dt co
PalmerGarrigmea ' •
J. W. Schenck •
Neligh• & Co
CM Hill
Davis & Olwine
Wm,Wallace & Co
Bennett & Taylor
R. G. War
J. C. Cirso‘unas •
Potts & Barman • •
Wm. Bosbyshell
H Stanton • 2
LC Dougherty • 2
51,Weaver..... a
Sundry Shippers, • 15
• 268
"Per last report, • 1870
Little Schuylkill
Theraßowing is the amoonfof Coal transported
en this Rail' Road, for, the .week ,ending on
Thursday evening last: :3109 tons
,per last report 16.252
wan' elltAtiell RAIL ttUAD:
The following is the *mount of - Coal irsnirrwied
on this Rai Road for the week ending on
Thursday e fling last. '52.55 tons
Per last Report 46,464
Total • 51.720
ROBERT C. BILL, Collector.
The following is the amonntnr Coal transported
on this road for the week ending on Wednesday
sterling bud, 2068 WWI
P.r last Report, 18453 _
; To,tal
The following Is the •moont of Coal transported
on Weir Road for the week ending on Saturday
evening lilt. 3654 tons
' -Per last keilort, 13001
71E1#1011i I ii. - 'IIIADE- 48,311 .
For the *feet eluting on the 28th
1— • Brats: ' Tons.
Meech Chwil4,. 6;427
Beaver Meiduir, I.l7l'Mahon, ; •• 9 - 1 491
troTAL Oiiirmrll.l73.* 2 •
Maack 762 119;11tk.
Beim illesibff: 313 15.601.
Hallstatt:• O
- 1 - 4;Canteileydr•
tits gait 041 W. &Wag at
.14:61 *k their . b!
leg ilse' eßia:
t Thursday i Grand
H ikliiciaies . 4 against
diitaki - 40 . 1 114 0 aft kat
,A. 1441; Oa' itm.
1: 'roe bills dive bien
Raiiiielaer, arid !kith-
Intends' tin conduct hie .
BTU ;kite - agr!ed to
, Gnawer of
hated lamb Fairfield
ress. The• Wbig
be election takes place
2193 r
.. 121.37r1
IitiTRANZLEA.PrtR. Col eetnr.
• MU
CEO. Ft AMEX: TY, Coll,ector.
A. EL IPOTTS,Cellector.
, A wriatoknietifei,unhik Ithmu•-fire
Eosins paßiLwal*hfalisat VPIANNIO
of Win. 1444 rimr WeibidaYevethrlk rid
litor /1 " B°' ` ias s
EL •
• Ileurirl••
"I g PottiVit t ' OO! 64838.. • :524
o I
retpiazi.44,l" ; loi.
the lad, Was we on Fn.
WHEAT fi r Olill.
ou t .ri !A; .
w MAP 1, f 0 este T hal , is demand, '
RYE. FLOUR 200 perturt. in demand. •
BUCKWHEAT F U,R 250 per,demind
RYE, bj the load cam by the bushel—ready
stile . -
RYE CHOP -65 cee per babel in demand'
OATS SS cenue— dymle. :. ~ • •
POTATOES •40 .pei bushel-if/deemed.
01:11RN.-65 cafe Waal in demand.
CLOVER. SEE 5.1 per-tonshel.
0 4 4
TIMOTHY - SEE 00 per babel. •
FLAISE I SI 1 per bushel in demand.
WHISK)... cents pergallon.
BU P l'E ,14 anti per Found-12 Rep - 12 ants
EGGS-12i cents ar dome. .
L .1 Ro—ll cents Per pound.
TALLDIVI-9 centlper pound. •
HA MS Wheats per mooed, : - - • •
CORN IFS) gents per uhel la demand.
BACON—. 2 cents )iper pound.
EF.ESWA —lB cents per pound. •
rt.:ATI - mit: 4 -6 2 ants per Found. , '
COMMON WOOl.l-40 cents per pound
MACKEREL. by thebbl. No 1, $l2 00 N 1 2.211
SALT-21624 per pbl.; e? per bushel
Pl.AS•reit. is worth $7 00 per eon.
11AV -$lB. per ton. -
Mill Creek . an , Mine Hill Navigation
avd,Rai Road Cu:nixing. •
THE Board of 3tanagers have this day declar
ed a dividenddlf four per cent for the lastsig
months, on the Ca' its! Stock of thin Pompany,
payable to the Stoc holders, or their legal repre.
sentative sifter the 6th lost at the Wire of the
Tfeasurer, at the (flee of Dircouut and Deposit
at Port Carbon,
• ' • 11 1 ,11111:1EVS WHITNEY
• . , 'Se cretary and Treasurer.
[ Port Carbon .1.0 2, 1838. • , ". 6:1-3
Pottsville Water Company.
VIIE lard %misers have thts day declar •
s...ed a dividend three per cent kir - the last
viz 'months, on the Cash Stuck of said Company,
payable to the Sti*holeers or their legal. repre
sentatives after the 15th twit: at the office of A.
•Grahain,Tressurer„ corner of Centre and Mahan.
Pottoille July, q. 108.
Dips°lntl - on.
THE Co.partnership heretofore existing pnder
the 6rm of Christian and Stewart, has Ibis
day been dissolved by mutual consent. the blvd.
neva will he settlqd by William Christian. All
those having deigns agains the said firm are re
quested to call an have !bent settled, also thole
indebted to said tun ate requested to cell and
settle their accounts.
The business will be. carried on at the same
plum by Wm. ChOstian who by close attention , to
business. hopes to! merit .the Patronage of their
tormer.dustomers and the public generally.
Minersville, July 2, UM. 52-31,
- 326
siray Mare.
STRAYED or Stolen from
I> 'the premises of the' Subscriber at,
Flo ery , Field . Farm. a DARK
w it BR WN MAREi said mare Is •
_ litt Woe on the right hind leg. —.
Whoever has tali ri up said mare or can give in.
formation where he can be found, will he reason
ably rewarded by;, N. NATHAN&
Pottsville, July ! 6, 1838. . 524
Brie *Layiiiit s 'Ae.
PRSONS in ',Pottsville. Mineraville and their'
vicinity are (informed, thit the substriber
has removed from Philadelphia to_ tbis place. and
is prepared to tinertake tosseit Brick or Stone
builaings at the Shortest notice. He could fir:
rash brick and other materiuls for Chimney, to
those who may !wish it. 00.MM' a few good
workmen with him. Pe:sonspho patronise him.
may espect to . litre work completed. at or near
the time stipitlaied for the completion, of their
• at IJimea Gillingham's, Centre St.
Pottsville. June 27 49-4 44 s
Dii‘aolutiOn or raiiiiership. 1
or HE Co-Partnership heretofore 'misting-be •
tweet' Wini Nice 41. H. Moodie, trading
under the Aral Of I. H. Moodie & Ca is this day
diraolved by minuet consent. Those Who base
claims against laid firm, will present them to 1,•
4. Mbodip for rettlethentland all who knowthem.
selves indebted ito said firm, as alio' to the lets
firm .oprice. oir. Moodie. are required to make
immediate payinent to I. H: Moodie, In whose
bands die book' abt lelt for emtretnent.
• I • ° wet Nick • •
• • .I. H. MOODIE.
N ? B. The fla tness will bereafier be combust
.ed by. I. 11. M ie., at the old stand, nest door
front the noritaast cornerof Centre and Norse:
gianStreete and respectfully solitim 'a contimk
ante of public patranage. - . •
pattspilK hue 30, 1838. ~ . ,50-3
ozr *lionise, Milton, insert titres time', and
i k charge this °Mee. .
- - •
. .
- ..= 0 lltewatid; . ,
W; m
EVERE S. ai person or persons: h a v e
stolen qhantitj or toniberfrom.ortenathe
inbacriber is ow er e ctin g a &redline boons -in ,
Mahanrango reef. and tin intvetvlocitiodona dia 7
tnibed the w la °Mini Wilding*, removing the.
Stints at nig 't. sod o th erwise itlorinp th e build ,
ing. I !Isiah offer' the 'above reward ter the ept
prehension a conviction I toy perecoi or per ..
von* who or bereaftei ntar be., bitty of the
like 4011. air i any Infor ton_ reikratting the;
pews; that ay ina4,tel eireTt:oletieNO. - • ',,
o tE,
PH, ttivot.t.y.
I J ul i e - 30 0 ...." ' , • '-` :" ' 4'
30-3 e
. try-
'COAL LAND.: , ~
4); -, : F Sale, or to bi, Rent efl: . t '
FlitlAT:va eabboriet of Lithibialled-ibe'oble.
'the Tr. t " belonging to Elisabeth BPI . the . 4
alteaaa oa sb ;nig NerwegiaS Rill Reid,. arail .
idrthi of: an iditsining - thsk Peittl-Meaaitabae Is
oTaior rot ter ealanthoolothar 'thrthit Se .Ihil
ClitiVylattll pitlillse issaid . simailsr , ', Sethigethet
10 ii` toasts toasts'. • ASple 10 - • • . •
,t-• - - I - 11ENEYNORRIS,'
I Iwo" ; w ir b ilig.
;print • i
p _ 1 -v- ••:' , k.. -- k-gi- .775; :- .4 4 ,
•I ' , I',
--1' ,
W---s`' , ' 4, 44-1-- -.7- 1• li 11-, --.
... 1
c ..
`Aliew — l "liiiost
...un: .. ... ail
. meCiUtre; Adagio iutd Goardiatii hive
Alleijifieli iitioa , hi the i titYtei 011ie Reeiter
J r
of Schuylkill Cosa ), atikkho tits said impolite
will bq present - id tbe Orphatia`Cueit *be held
at °napkin. is ' odious** 4**aq...on Mow
did tbill3d_day. Ja1y,1834, for kotteratatioo.
1.. The Ikeeptutt Vs-kit - lhowit and Aii
direwVillovor' fresh,* Of litiflaietaill tad
testameal of A fiiiiiniA, !atilt Wafite town
ship, dieing& I;' ' _ _ ~._ ,' .
L Tha account lEoPeaardßiellei t Aldildaistra.
lot Orlin qatete r of, artßillieWaiii okblitabeim
township. _ • t ~ t , 4 - • ..1
3. The
_ateoontioffleory:E, Adadlitstrator
of tbemegataol thlika iktnegirattUf ordelboyl.
kill Hate% dem ' . ' - 1 I
4. TIN al," '^ii(Jobti : 'llnuisie - iiiiii Hem&
Brauer. Adamant stora,,of the , estate. of Jacek
Bnuter, late of thq.lonough :of; litiietsville. de.
5. The accoontiotJacoli Abpath, Administra,
for of the estate or BlisseetA &tot& lint of Low
er Idahantango tiaroship. decenieed.
fr The account. of George: fteb6; Administra
tor of the estite Of,Tolin Rebitr.lite o ' Manheint
township, decostad. -
7. The secondlaceount aflame Goldner, Ad.
mioistrator of the estateafGeorraecnb Goldner.
late of West Pena township, deceased.
8. The sccottof Abraham, Minkel and Reu
ben Merkel, Ad ihistratut of the elate of Abra
ham:Wl:dilate of East I ltruitilanck . township,
deceased. ,
V. The accoutot of Elijah Bensparcr, Adminis.
traitor De Bowls nes. with the will annexed of
Cornelius Ilogitian.luto of Brunswick townihip„ H
deceased. 1 -
10. The nciented of John Koch, Guardian of
DlisoberA and Jesse, minor cJillren of John 11th
1 1
kraals of Man lam township. eceased.
11. The account of Henry Guyer. Adininio.'
altar of the estate of Zee Houser, late of West
Penn townehiK deiteamd.
12- The' amino* of Jacob Shade, Adminiltra.
tor of the gnat° of David Mairtr.late of Mahan
tango town.hiti, deceased.
13. The account of John Bettor,. Admini‘tra
tor of the esteof Susanna Bauorf, late of Pine•
grove torehdhl deceased. • • .. ,
4: i
14. The cc tint of Lodwig Berger; Giardina
of Sal one, Jonathan. Elizibrat and Henry Geb
cm, minor children of JouistAqa Gebert, late of
Pinegruve town ship . deceased. t.
Jungl3.2 , I .513- . . , Regiwer.
S ~
Itatt.Triv . . SAL ES..
ICON Virtue Of mineral writs nil Ceedirioni Er-
R./Nooses mid Learn Farina.' betien out of the
Court of en:ninon Blear (di SvheYlkill Count , .
and to ine...daected, will be exposed Public
Sale, at the Natalie of 'Edward ISConnor; imikeep
ecru' the borningb of Pottsville,
•On 'Thursday the 12th day of
July, Is3B, al 10 o'clock N. M. .
,All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
on the routliWesterly side of Centre Stems in the
borough of 'l"oitscille, in the• County of Schist I
kill; to Morrrs Addition. Beginning at the die
tance of thr,ec hundred and twenty lees southwest.
wardly from the line of Market /Street, thence
southwardly along Centre Sliest, ninety feet, two
inches to a 21) teat' wide- streekthenee along said
20 feet wide street, north 70 degrees, 12 Minutes
west 138 feel 5 ruches to the line of kit No. 26;
thence eastwiirdly along the said line to the place
01 beginning, timether. with the hereditament,
,oppurienances, consisting of a three story,
stone building, containing four tenemantas-late I
the estate of „icissp• Lyre., I
stit the same time . and place I all
• :` that certain Iota( ground,' situate in
. r the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill'
lii I liunty, bounded . , iii front by, Norwe
gian Street,. northeasterly by lot of
Hobart Woodside, and on the rear by .a ten feet
alley 4 and southwesterly byObt et Ambrose Crow
ley, Containing in front_4o ,feet, and in depth 85
feet, marked in Jacob Alter's additamal plan to
Pottsville, with Jetta 1.. lit with the appurtenan
cm. consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house with * kitchen and Occupied ass tavern—
late the. estate of Anima Crowley.
slit the same time' and place, all
the two full.equal, undcridedfliurth parts or shares
of all th captain messelge or tenement,' and
tractot eee Khalil, situate in Norwegian town
ship,. e tY of Schuylkill : end State or Permaylt,
vania: 'beginning at • post ip a corner of the land
belonging to the New lf r ork and Senlylkill Call
Conmany, thence north 60 degreesorest 321 pariti
es to a•posit thence Minh. 20 degrees, west 20
perches; thence south 70 degrees, weett6 perchat
thence t.brth 20aegrees, West by land of-Genege.
Duncan, 1324 percher, themeaby land cif thellew
Yprk lid Sehnelkill Coal Dimapiny , south 60 de
/rem!, we'll 314' percbest aniith 30 degree!,. "vest
1644 perches to the ipfacelof .beginning. a&liiirsi
-ing 04 Imo and 74 perches. milled MareriPen.
-eV, withite appurtenanciaMi• the estate of
Juba r`tisa
.., "Ot t Wlitiriday the 12th day of
,lily, at the public house of Philip Boyer, in the ,
town of Selinylkill flaxen.! at'.4 O'clock ` P. 51.—i
All shiretfr- situate,
of ground, -situate*
in the town.of Pcbuylkill, amity in theSCountal
of Sehuylkiil.biunded by Coimhbia Street, lots
No. ,138 and 142, and' toyi at:23Teet alley, and
marked in the remit plan of said town, with girl ,
N05.,133, 140 and 141, Min, tainiug 60 Ifeeteachl
and is depth 327 feet ot t lhe site§urblininas-.4
.. ..
late he, ” I :."kte of gtoigsrieria. . ,
~ . ll* friday theriath dal of S ol
1831", atithe house.of Petei,Filberf, ainteeper, iii'
the boron h,,of Pinegrov4, at 10 seckickA.lll. All
•.- that certain lat. or piecaof ground ,sit
.. s sate in the ilaroogtvot Einegrove: in
Al'se' the society of tchilyikill. bounded If,
al i
the railroad on the eastliY 'Dreeigii.
burg rim on the south' birTopeirAenivogo on
themost,land a fieeen fiat alley - onuii,cMijit; cop
Wining one ace ionic or i lesi,mitiqh*:appitilts
ciances,Mmsisting of a large tvloMtOris .direjling
house and kitchen. septiiig-hiiiimg. of fi ce; anif , "i"
frame stable. The house is new riceopied• ac a ]
tavern-tie the isataie
, er p frpi4 . o",:".. Danner!, giiq.
• ' Oii i .Saiestilav , the i i4th ' day
Jul', l':•*8, at thifpulaitotteebilaittreTaggrist,
"lit - thee . tritigliiif TIMMS ii;:aS 1.0 - *Chveltlii the
:1 0 : • -..Bll..thlt'eitteili;llimii i id id , il
',014 1 .:0 1 'd
,•Plit.i:,. ,rehoitiss info . sce„,e,itu4, per. tritied
I .
,atui: di dek Of Ali, dm, cerianvoinessuage;:#n
esteo, ad•Sraci. of lan • situate in 'Rusiv,,town
ship, asp 01 , &line kill. beninded -bY-10alii
*(ti ti -t•Neriihner, - ' Ph lip. , Masser" 4 rid •• othori . ,
•.ipoOtiiiii Ntinlhe. whole' ten hundred end. taken..
:ji,,.*!li":"ltoleto 'with the'; .
t or'exiMiptitig" iiiir - of the; iMina'ali Intl Of.:" lid
in. Sown ofWettingtortrvemnberid lit ";i d llen
[et's* Mad Sawa with Nos,-46,57, SI. 61, 63 51,
Is being part of the mite premisee - why rIFIVI
l lceMNlDantel Kemp sled George-Xemp. jr* by I
I tSelesited dated Oat 20thdeyof Miyele.:llNlidid
':itilindlipefiini:iiiitapiol-'W.lhiriiii,.. 110.
inittfritetr _le
alit 'at et :trtfittindiil atm ikiltioitil.fhs'eihrilel
i llik - ' -11 4 11 ,0 i• -1 0 .6- , I IP f°14 11 1k 1 "10•I iir '
too;._ ...sietlit .
~ienummi n .
iisb. rieltd,_
tl ei ora ttotkin sd. Pter v il ith6,6 , bio
li , ' ' qu ' l T4 l ,l, thgrW ellia r li de ir
r' - 4 ‘ 1 01 .-, . • 1 ir 6 07, - 411.
4-...,L. - l . • .. VA
_ . .
' .
led itudb.- . ...110.0111/An 1 4114908 6 . 1 111 1 t
saidaetwieW:lkitaik. ••• Aktlllll ,
diyidedmro half pert. BiliWkoltilkliklfile 'At ild
parts. parted led.di idid. ofaUikat 001011.11111akf .
staagal.",temoacatlead lineal: . st kdatt:&ria*),ll
Rushloatatkipli :awl -"Masa**
_ilr ai s it
lands wllvatar , Ksibbioadi tracsitlantli' • .
log In Am whoa, MT dem andOl ; •
or Isis-it *dog thirster& priMal°' 'WA 1 •
Conat4pwiiillkiere:l l lotiii ll 44 l l . ' '' l 4 ll .
5 ,
IV ,
' iliti27lll.: dni"lit Januiry,"lB,32;'; diri„ 0400'.
eio4 4 -0 110 the iditi.Avoiii.W.; 8aiii04000 :
in,paraiit,B.,G t ml. 30 :9 01 8 0 ; 5 4 , . _
_ l,-, ,E lllfL h i k&
„weakling:ay.-law, tbai oshataut Aiwa ammrAiyuww
.akikar , wadidarrO. /klain. -, 1 , : ":":2?;?, ---4'4A!*:
7- ,Ok fridaythiAoth ~,,,..,,,1
I„,s,st the ,beini , of-llenrj.4l4•lK:, Rim - .
'in the-borough oflPottaville, at-2 o'clookfa
All „ Blum - two, tooeti tuou
ground. situate " hi': tits_ lkweiiik,
Piatbdiille.numberesl44 A 44.,
ed northweadly. by,litarket. eaattital
I,l ly . by.Ubamber Barnet. soutkwairdly • bp-liarestaqa
mtstaMit.-and wcatwardly by loalnow otjlettalllumell
Patterson, containing in front or WidthelekillilL
and in de pth each 244 i feet, with theeppiriclidia ,
cant; M nsisting of a two stet,' - frith", IWO*
housi.t-Alm. 460, certain_ *est .. .lire***
of glwit i dp. ratuattin abs,,BorogghTuf.rcidgelllo. •
bounded *ahwordly, by. Avenue, tastwartilyr Ay
lot of john,. Potter. sonth and M i lathWirdly itylebi
now Or late -Benjamin -Pott.'Este. with1 • 0444,118.'
tenahemiontaining ono acre - 'LlOrt.'hils
Ws alinti, of -t-. , ---r .
AI the s ame time amilittett,
•• ~ ,-,.....1' ~ . ......4 *
one full and undived,f6tl.4._
. w hole into 16 equal parts. parlefilddli
• 81 ~ :ivided. of and in thosetthrlTel44ll l "
t og tracts or piece' of landombrikte6lll
Isoriaeg mai. township. county, of-Beitt 1 111:111144
tract bounded by land of Henry GettlivindlVF
Wagner:end vacant I"nd:them* by ut„tr, l 4&%"'
"wiped tract arid land of.kotiard ,Redl . ,
. s , ~.,,pW.,16
cant land. contvlniu2.4Bl 1C , Z4.1 52 ..POI9 II P I / 4 01.94„
api'matugt 7 .2d pact, ; bowl by the roctit:
Bribed land atilt land orGeonird ReetrikBf
of the first above detheribtd and vaearit'lind
tsidirg 220 odes; 80 peiehei. and &Unveil, " v.v .
3tl tract, by latid surveyed to " Whilliarii,_ , ••••,• i ,
and claimed by, el:MIMI DUOdlill; anitlO:
nand Read; by Inns: of the:Jed:aid, atm, timer „
tray:toad vacant lacd. by land or lohn i ":l6laggi.
and 'containing 351 acres. 120 • pereherventwilol
- he said three tract* of land kti WO
stsrse,y. clustaitstog !nether 1153 screr. l - ‘ 1411! a
cites, .trot mesossre , with the& heriiiiienieitliC
a pPuttettancev,entive , tioqtof a dwelling jiii .
-late the ~tale of Thomas klacen. =. , E-.-,lo'. ':
On Friday the 20th &rid - Z . 4p ...
1.838. at the litsts.w. of Henry 11 1 ;Nri.1,itthte4.441 , .
ihe - borough of Slanervville,ii. 10 u'ektelefall(3
One full. equal, undivided one third pa1t , "61,1. . onnineteen twentieth partial', silt. .
cerisin..traet or parcel of unimproved Lando irikaa
ate on the her! waters- of the Swatereo,filin
formerly in P negrove township Beelid - Ctily:
new partly iii Pinegrove, partly in •Dleftipitik -., i
pertly in Tarsier ahantangis; en? poriliar*.
r townahisa4SPot IttiliCetanty.autVarA„
20th, 22a. 234-Ved 24th day' of May. A.-I).,
in pursuance of ten warrants dated respcativady
.the 12th day•ef January. 1793, granted taithil M.
lowing - named personi. , vii Robert -Frayiktor
419iocres.141 allowance; 16bj.h Weed.lo'4-Vi. ,
sere' and 'Romance; George Weed. rti!,4w.c...
, • cres and allowance; William took. Evq,, • * 418
semi, 114 parches ,and alloniance; lailin....esioki ' .
E.l. for 4451 acres 91 percher and' -allowaate:
Jimies-Millet for 440 seres.s9-pereheviindidlow. ••
..tree; Robert :Lynn, f0r450 acre"; 14810thas .;
and allsiwaricr Andrew Carson. for
,412 - ittfini; 8
perches and llettiance, containing . hflliti':•l4olls •
4366 acres,` perches and allimance...boty
lands of lb*ii
ew York and Schuylkill Gooti:Cam
. party. and laie as surveyed to James Wdstutase.
.2nd otherit-latedheestati: of wit, Letrou L'Ata , t 6, . .
• , Seized, taken in execution; and toicie,uototi•
1 I PETER' Y; 1:1110W1434
: Sherif:Nl:Rt l; 4 e. Orwigw. / ' • • :,„ .11' -
; , burg,l Jun 23 . 1838 . f . , ,••,,11,'
IBROCIdtMATION.—Whereto **IMO& •
.m• Caixim BLYTHE. Sonuire. PresitnettiCAlihs
several Courts o(Common Pleas of the.
Pf Dauphin, Lebanon; and lilehoylkillion
kylvanni, and jostioe Kthe several : dant!~ '
end Terminer and General Nit 'Delhi'': ~)
counties, and Geary- AMA andlknlar, Sok '''''
Esquire., indica of the Assort of 4,I3PSOMUrn.
miner snd General Jail Delivery, fisl.:4 tii' ' of
All capital and other the4M:=
iof Sehnylk ill—by their precepts ta,gic
=tested at Orwtgaborg. Abe= 30ilt Miirof-linti
-41838.1116P pr i dered theCotirtarGyerinidThinin
:er and Gencral Jail DelirtrY, to Os fitilltOr -
1 wiirsbMgoo the ,last Monday. 01441,i,
.• :On
line- the 31/th of said ainoth.)lo,lpolinf*Tta -
. NotiCtithertifilro hereby .givenitotbineinner
the. of the peace, and cohataidosinff4be
balite° ' ty of Eichoyhtll). that iliWiiiiVtlin
sioriceir . , commanded ,to bet - then'sq at ,
_on tic , • iii the forention 01,5aid,4147,40 '.
t alie, s. inquisitions. examinatrus..,
other membrances. to do thosittbingsi - In
their of sPpert.oin'W hed°ll " 6 " l " l " . '
• that afe , tpound by , reedinisaneeniftin
against thil*Prifnet• th 4 arei iir':'ill.E.Cll.49m
j i
... e , ,
again' tha ~ ___
ist.4 01 PEPor , opypt3iaf Sa4l)ll4;iiii(Whok
broil' Athol, tirtivetote thok iiilialtlet.
: 3 4 ge t: -1 - - PETER - F. LOPVFNAtiet_
shed s Office. Orwisabargs i : -..---- - -.. 1 4: 1 4P4'
Jun 3ft. I,B3Ekk i , ' • ( -:.,.. ~., ~-,lolllllk v i
( Geisetwr e Peatatearealilio.l . J
• Bt. R. The wiumeses and jorora" , iihiritiii
mooed to attehd said Court, ilre titliirt
jainctuaily. In r caiwi of oori-attetidikiat*Via ..
ire:saidi alteee,made and prov . i4o‘ollsAirtmosii,.
Thu, not 4 pqblithe4br penieiliir4F4K4
.theClaarli, , thosa canceraed-will iffenforetaair,
.themphrtft accurdingly, . =Wag ts•
•I , riCutut irif .Conimon PlearyibillatirOal.Of
ea .abientei,in and for the county : of'. di; •
will heta n t Ortrigabort, in thtreountjilicti ear •
'Mond y be 21Id; day of linly nom atalli _
... T r o w , a n pen p us harinlynnintra
Yiersonktirboae duty -it shall be to apirearokt
'atiii *odorant' govern. - ibetneihree
p ike
€ • - •i
--, -.•-, ...TETER F,LlM.Yelailard :r SIP
.. • . 4 ,: ri • ,>. -..-.6,..-* - .- •
..1 yo x y,;•--. t,- --.. -..-,•,. -:,.. :7 , .. - -. 41:-...y14,,,,, p,. .
fFoir ~ .„....f,.. . . • .,:,:,..„,: . .....4;4 . .w.„..t 0 t t
Iyi otordliT;DESTOßti•orilrenbaniam •
'a hi' ehapplitrilto , the'Judgen: , orthor*Ort,,',erCiap.
twin , eke otliebnylltill reounty.tonHatienratar the
to I MtlitirAiPerilbll.llarsed krifteroailit in.
iota* Orilifil. a thit the 'Aldred'," liineieftelateilt
,fdat.lPthdayitilaly neittAtleettleielliarbel.,
lii - . - .lke the` Criartltnise;:ritthirigibi 4~tbili
blab terialtedrinientilitotsrwite
,nitit !And tribe/ thinlertroin.., -- I, `-- - ik?,,4- ,-.,,, .
, i,, ,,
:".i.•z* , 'l.l, -' 'JacoB LIN DENNIUrIII. - „1P..141t., - .
'''' 1" '-' HENRYANSPACHeT,r.-4..:,
1 * t - ' - 1 -AatEPH l ,lll3GliEs. * - r ",/..:;?
. • I " - BitCtlAFti
i .' 1 , ' DANIFILI 0,11117r01%,,,,r0V
' - THOMAttilkill[ter- ',, ," i
• CHAill= CH
PVIROA IW;O c , 1 k#4...
lone 30 -' 1 f — - - - , 3 .-- , '-,, ..,-;;; .- •
s•—x— ,
„1 %WA: ,
IS " At
--e,'. 4 . ;-_.• 1f: ~1,:i.P44",1M?;:,-'
~. 1