VOL. 1. PRINTED AND ; PUBLISHED. BY lI.ENJAMINUI*NNAN. Tnu. Doi.t.min'arro Furry C per annum. _payable semi-annnally in advance., Ir Mit paid with in. the * ear,will be chargel tomll those who re- Mike the paperfree of poinage. Tb mail subscriheri •$3 per annum. If not paid within the year, SO cents will be added to the price of subscription. WEEKLY, Two DOLLAR'S per annum, payable semi-annuall in_advance. if not paid within the year.s2 50 will be charged Advertisements not exceeding twelve 1 i nes will be . 3 1 charged $1 for three insertions—a 'd 50 cents for one insertinri. Larger ones in orurml. on. All advertisements will be in rted until oudere opt. unless the-tame for wh. di they re to be continue is *Pacified .and will he charged accordingly. Ye irly acsertisers will be charged $l2 per annuw: i nttlud ikg subscription to the pa pe r -!-wi t h t hepri vi lege of keeping one advertisement not eXceeding 2 sqoares stan ling during the year. and the insertion of a entail er one in each cillw r for three successive times. All letters addressed to the editor must be postpaid. otherwise no attention will he pai d to them. All notices for meetings. &c. nd other notices which have heretofore been inserted gratis. will be hargedls cents etch, except Marriages and Deaths. • Wanted ' 1 . i , YOUNG man, of loud . moral .habita,' ho Can speak the German and' E nglish e n . gouges. about 17 or Iti years of age, and ho -writes a good hand, to attend in a Store nn the NVert Branch Rail Road. Apply at thiaolfme. JUN 4 1ti3i.5143 , , Bricks! Bricks 100,000 Bricks will be daddy for sale at the Kiln on the Port Carbon road, on the 6lnst. Persons wieung to buy, will apply to. TIIIO 'IXIIIURN.Itt the Kiln, or HIRAM PARKER, Ponaville. N. It Two other KOn'e of.tbe same number each. will be ready—one in August ■od one in October. • :Pottsville July 4 PUBLIC •Sh.LIE. WILL be mold at Public Sal, on Saturday the 11th of August next, at the Pennsylvania Hall, in the Borough of Potuivifte, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. A certain Tract of Lind situate in' ' ' Barry township, Stihuylkill county, ass about 10 miles from !Pottsville, and 6 'al. from Mineraville, old the Mahantaniro road, which runs -about one mile thrutivi toe tract—and Deep-Creek also runs about the tome distanceihrough the same. This hind wag surveyed under warred!, dated the 18th day of Septeniber 1792. One tract contains 399 acres 130-perches—the other 290 acres and 43 porches and allowance, and will be sold together or in small lots to suit put choo•ets. About 30 or 40 acres of the land is cleared, there is an orchard 'egad bearing apple trees on die pretni.e.. The improvements consist or two Houses, a Bern, a good Saw Mill, and seats liar at least 12 snore, if required.' . I This tract of land is without eisception the beat oak timbered tract of land in the county, and a considerable portion of it first rite farming land. Tae East end of the tract is ib the immediate vicinity-. of the Coal Region, and as well worthy the ottchtion ot pereonsertgag in making rail roads, canals, or is the Boat Bui ding Business. The land will be sold low, an on easylerms Any person wishing to view the remises, coo ob tain any,intormation required E John Deatrich chiding on Ow same. 'Persons wishing to purchase the whole or only part thereof can de sit by 'itkplying t i either of the subscribers previotis to the day of sale--but if nut ,neld in the meantime, it will peeitively be sold on .the day Mentioned above. I • The following gentlemen havki. seen the land. and we give them as a hot of references. 'John Dreher. Orwqrsburg. 1 Dr.. .Stemberger. Mineroville. Datiid D. Leiria, 5 Lodkii. Jacob H. Ziegenfuss, Allinerstrille. Dougherty.ll.ewie C. Schuy lk ill Haven. Who-will give correct intormallna respeettng the same if application be made to either of the*, or to the subscribers. WM. B POTTS, Orwigsburg. • JOHN HUGIIES, Hniun July 4 1838: ' 5144 KIWIERTON BOARD IING WHOM» ORDER THE lIIIPMILINTISAiDFACE or EMMOR KIMBEIL i reirektra.-AIIIOAIL Kue.u. MART ILIONRIt, MAILTRA Kugua. GEOTREMIC ICIMS6II.• ", Airslidera Teacher.--Maaosarr B. Hermit's. - IN this Seminary, Females : are instructed in Needle Work, Spelling, Reading, Writin g , A- Tithrnetic, Book Keeping. Algebra,English ram mar, Composition, Geography. , History, Clironol °go- Saline, "Natural Philosiophy, Chennstry, Drawing. Painting. and-the French Language. TERMS—For Boarding add Tuition, eacept ing the three lest named branches. One Hinidred and Forty Dollars a year, payable quarterly in wilvance. Fur Drawing. Painting, and the. French tan; 4ttaga, •FiveDullars a quarter additional, each branch. Washing charged at 37i cents a doze 4, and • Books, Btationary ‘ ike, at the 'tore prices.: Did a and -Bedding., the' use Of the Library and Class. Books, are furnished Aci the e upili without - : • Pharile.'' Vacations, in the Fourth! and Tenth Months, and to the SCholars who do not remain I-at the , rticirscli this time is nut charged. c l . . F:1 A r farther information, P ' rents and Huard * ilia* are-respec t fully reforrets o Edward B Hub ble, Orwigshors; Joseph F.: rroll„ Port Carbon; John M. Lewis*, George M, Yenning', Pottsville; Or to John Scholl, Schuylkill Forge, - heir Port .?!•. Chotoov-all of whom have cb4dren at Kimberton ) Wiwi. *in - Berton: June 25, Isl9B, 30-6 w I Encinthrge Home anufaatireis • COnttl,Ctionarr - ffliatenthciory. VELE subscribeirespectOlv annoonceit to the ! public that he bail commenced the hitinufac threat" Confectionary in all its various brioches, it his Store in Centre-Street, nearly oppeitite the Pottsville House, wheie Confectioners abd utb , ere can allays be sop t illholesale MO' retail, tithe blest Philadelphia Ugh prices. Country Merchants aro respectfully Mgicited .R 4 focasli 4l9 sad examine bin Monk-WM Ponthasing Prd• ,101141.8:C. MAO?. : , • , . , . ocm , xx , o, i , nu i zo *,, tx p npio our non ?Amerman op tsar ir."-" 4 " , ...... um" Itlucli - W 11 "1 2 " 1 " 113 I WILL 'MACH YOU TO NIL * rat .., 1 UNDENIABLE IP Asa rano? TO CHOWT I - D 1t....L.E1-1) S Sarsap*rilla lil . 1 Irills Art the most effectual purifier pfthe Blood and Animal" Fluida that , have ever been discovered! The following Me some only of the .. ..,LATE CURES; Effected sad h t iard from durinkt,7he 4 pOit TWO MONTHS, iii Philadetthia.. - Louisa Simpson. euked of violent p ain in her head and sides. witlr;muelr giddiness to tmhtch she was subjeci f.or three years. Julia tucker, relieved from habitual costiveness and want of appetite, with offensive breath and bad taste. I Joseph Marlow, cured of an ulcerated leg and arm. Israel Jones, cured of a breaking but all over his w hole, body. , s Sarah Jones, 'Mired of pain in her brcasts and sides much headache( and sickness after eating. William Mowbray,. cured of a Rbetimatiant. and swelling of his lip and fee?. havinebeen unable to walk any distance for six month* palm. Michael J. Rnskans. cured of swelling under his arms and on his neck, with' considerable breaking • out on his body. Elisabeth Craomfir,' cured of swelled breasts, pain irPher side. cornstant disgust to fo -diland much sick nese at her stomach. Jeffery Cline, cured of rheumatic pains and swelled .o.nts. Samson G. Howard, cured of a tatter and rash. a braking out user his body, with soma f i nning slam and uice.s.. Rev. A tanbx, cared of an affection of his throat. sweeess and atcerauott,whrch ?rotates!) affixttd hta speech. The following are tumid only of thelarge number of cures effeuted•tn Berko J.lontaott.eryi i huylktll, Le lugh. Lancaster, sod Northampton counties, during the past three nionthrs Junes Ureen, y.sq., cured of a scurbatic affection, ulcerated leg, sweiiedjoults and rheulnatic pains. Adam C. Carp nteri cured of vtofem pain in his "sides. much cost i tveness, bad appetite at d a shortness of breath, Rachel Snyder. cared of a difficuhrin bre thing habitual costiveness and violent paint in-her herd. 61-3 Michael Jones, his two daughters andyoungest sin , cared oI a breaking out of•dry and solbetimes watery pimples over their whole bodies, attendecl with great itching, frequent unpleasant feelings: in their heads, sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart, Otc. Thus family was afflicted for years, and never found relief from any Medical treatment, or from any medi dines, until using Dr Leady's Blood Palls and a wash directed by Dr. Leidy. .i Sarah Mclntosh, cured aif violent•pains in her back and loins. rheuumtism;swelled jean Andrew Green, cured Of griping pains, bin of ap ?eine. disgust fair food, and habitual cnstivenesa Adam ft. Ginnie, cured Of scaly eruptiokas and break ing out, soreness and painrthrough hiabunes. Dinah Cmwley, cured 4.r nogwornis end letter. Henry C. Re ney. Esq. cured of inward fevers, =oneness of his mouth, throat and nose, glandular swel- kings, &c. George Layman. mired of. mereeviigafreetion and violent rheumatic pains o"his head and gotten. Jonathan !Weald. Isaac Colman and John G. Thom• son, cured of vaiinus affeitions of the bead cos ire nes& so it eructations. titaness at the atilmach.&e. Sarah Jenkins. Alfred an I Tracy Jenkins. cored of affectmns of the Skin, breaking out. puns in then limbs. Numerous other instances might be published. but to swell the hat wo unnecessarily Marano the ed.. peuse of publishing them. . It mist be pia my seen from the fote , 4 oing. that the Wood Pills art in escolleM correctivelot• a dam ;tiered stomach, the cause of diseases to which the human system is liable. together with the impurily of the bleed. which exists in ill amuses, and in conjunction with a disordered stomachs very rapidly P 4 Mere tee the hu man body. • These pills dO not purge as powerfh 14 , as do most pills of the prevent day. (Which prod ,, te at stud ads chief as did everMereary.cts the stineMs, by Wlllkentug the systera.destsniying the knee and vigor of the bodj: and rendering it a prey ten constant slid uni.enutslis ease. distressed and bodily suffering ltral are. mild am, mild and gentle list their operation; ual only increasing the natural .dis4az=flirsends to carry off impert ties as they are; their use. nut rendering necessary any restraint &pin occupation or bumneen. change of living or diet, Or even a liability of taking cold from their ace. : • The process tor extracting the virtue of the Sarsapa rilla without oektroying its efficacy .ia known only to the pmprietarit . P epared only and sold wholesale and retail. at Dr: I,eidy's Health y.,mporium, Sod St below Vine, No. 191.—Also Sold by Jane 9 44 Pottsville. - • ' Wonderful Cures. Have Oen perlormed in, this eity,-44( thrboghttot ! the country. • I • DR LEIDY'S I. MEDiIiCAT EID M k It SA P.4It,ILLA. BRING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarsararilla„ combined with) other vegetable estrileF e whieb ren ders it as a medicine of &eat utility in cure °fall diseailes a mini frothimpinaties of the b ood, from im prudences in life. and constitutional Miasma formed or produced by the injudicious use cif mercury, arse me. bark. or quinine. In kbort,it is an invaluable edy forall. Rheumatic Affection. iGeneml Ileb4ity,.l.llceroos Sores. white Swellings 1 Diseases Qf the Liver anSI skin. Uleeratelf,Sore Throat, Ulcers pf the Nose. C anes. or diseases of the Wines; Scrofula, or Kinz's vii; Krysfhelacyn St. Anthony's Fire. and all unplea sant and dangerous affix:toms consequent to Syphilis, Luca Venereal,' &c • . So effectual Yias this medicine been In the cure of venous deees * for whir* it is recommended, that tt is far superceding all otliprprepitraboua of Sarsaparil. la. P inacea: AM. . It is now etaphyed by numerotta Obysicians. and has been introduce:n.4 the n into many hospitals, in firmaries. &c thr o ughout the tloniedStat es. It is a preparation of greater strength ( consequently - of greater efficacy) than my other ettrpct now made. is also much cheaper, btpng bet °penciller per boule, which is sufficient to make one gallien of Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Ind is bought by different druggists tot that purpose. . Numeneuscertificates hare heenrec . fired suid pub lished from time to tined, but in coat*ltence of the put =pantie *deriding newspaper p,;1 4 :1 cation oftbern . the must Incredulous cut be convin of the superior efficacy of Di Leidy's' Medicated, larsanajilla, by calling at Dr. , Leidy 's Health Emdo urn," too. 101 nortb - Second meet; below Vine. rAgn of the Golden Eagle and - Serpents; wberecertitleart . slarrid references can be given to handr.Ws of instal .14s iofthe most re. workable eons aver performed by any anedicien. Sold - by IliNllol, Pottsville. June 0 1 44 _ _ PrOposa!s. . i • PROPOS*LS i l l be reeeiv4l by Coot. ,the Co. mis m a r i ar k o t ftelmy dial County at, their d irt* in the bnrongh of OrwigehVg. on Monday the 30th of.loly. 1638, fir budding a one arched Bridge semis the riverSehaylkiil.nt Middlepori, with two dupe ributments. T'e t . Bridge to be roofed and Weather•boardedi * *ill tr 4 0 fiat i... i long; door to be 10 feet abo.olo )reter mark the Pelage to bi 16 feet wide e 'l2 fier Iligh. _To be tonstiveted Upon the igah ilk that &hail. kill Haven Bridge.. ; i. , , i PHILIPLintiAN. • . i , . BENIMI 0717, • ' Antal.youtieszit Orwipborg," Jiuldlll ' • • ;!'•1 ' 43' IL 1W I= us • • I.r C` 10" • - POTTSVILLE, PA. SATI3E4* *llo4l4l*6'ittLY, Resumption or Bushmen NEW DREG STORE. Subscriber smarm hie gra isful acknowl edgeinenta to the citizens of Pottssdiso ' l and others, who stepped forward to hii — misistancs af ter the loam of his. property by fire in December last, and would also acquaint them and the pub he generally, that he has 'gain commenced the Drug Susiitems io the house formerly occupied by charier' W. Clenmus, in Centre Street, to the Iporough of Pottmville, where may Owe,' be had general assortment of Drug*, Medicines, • , Paints, Oils, "001 1. 41 1 / 2 • 'Pie SOI 4►nd every other article in the above hne..which a diPposeo to 'ell on very low and automnio dating, ternw. N. B. EP Physicians prescription' carefully put up of the shortest notice. WM. T. EPTINP Pow's!llk, May 30,1&38. Caution. /VET undersigned cautions thy public against la purchasing or leasing the tract of land called Clinton Tract, on the East Nurgegian rail road, from Elizabeth Spnhn, or Henry Morris tor her, es he the undersigned claims title thereto, ■nd *lll institute a suit against any person attempt. ing to take the possessing thereof. Manheim, April 28, 1838 'Notice. flltiE Register of County having granted to the subscrilipPr, Letters of Admin istration on the estate of /leery Neigh, lots of the borough of Puttaville. deceased. All pentons indebted to the estate of the said Henry Nene' ire requested to make immediate payment; and all those having claims, are requested to present shem for Settlement to the suts.criber without de. lay. ROBERT B. NELIGH. june 2 42-6 Adminkrator. NEW IRON • & Hardware More. THE subscribers would respectfully announce to the -public, that he has added to his femme stock, /ran and Herds:Wee, consisting in part or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron; assorted sizes; Cast. Crissly, Shear. German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Mouse• hole anvils. Smith's Bellows, bast Steel hand, choping ind Broad totes, bails and spikes, together with a general assortment Of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re. duced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON. April 22 32 Teas! Teas!! Teas!!! g a n CH,ESTB and i chests of Fresh Green and black Teas, consisting of Orange, Pieco, Souchong, Pouchong, Gunpowder, Young Hymn, Old Orion and Hyson Skin, just received and for sale at reduced priees by N.. NA PHANS'ik CO. Several small chests put up for family use. may 2 A.. 33 Leaden IPipes & Hydrants. 110, BA N NAN has just received a lot of Lead "• en Pipe, which Ire will warrant to be of superior 4ualtty, 11 and 11 inch. Also.Sunimsr and %Viola. Hydrants. constructed of the best materiabe, all of which he will sell cheap, juin 13 45 . New and Splendid GOOlllll. THE Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity ate tee ' ik pect luny invited to call and examine a most splendid assortmebt of Painted Lawns, Jacemette, Printty Black and White Lawns, Mouslinedelains Lyonaise, Hosit an, dark and light kid Gloves, Worsted, Cotton and Silk do Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shawls. YAK • 'Plain and painted bordered linen Cambria' bdkfe. Bilk & Cotton, bleach'd & nnbleach'd hose, do do Embroidered do At the store of N. NATHANS & CO. may 19 311- Flooring Boards. CAROLINA worked flooring boards, plough. rd, tongued and grooved ready for laying, 1, 11 and li inches of diffe•ent quality and price■. constantly on hand, ind for sale in lota to suit purchasers, upon application by. letter to JAMES M. PATTEN,. - Planing Machine WharL:N. or MILLER & HAGGERTY. april 25 31—if PottsvOle. GREWIT naßeasx • p Valuable Real Property in Magnille, FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three glory BRICK STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances situate in Centre street, Pottsville, the prpperty of the undersig4d, brigether with nine other tenements in the %anti said building. and the lot of ground whereon the whole stands:, The brick building aforesaid. contains thirty feet in front—finished from the basement story to the garret in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand and a residence. is mint fa. vaorably situated. The foregoing properly will be sold on low and accommodating tents.: Part of the 'purchase money may remain on thi , prop. arty for a few years. it desired. Title indtsputa. ble, and possession can be given Immediately— ePtaY to G. M. JENNINGS. April 22 , 32—tr COA.Le • frOIE 8o her blreeeiviag from the A. Law .' too CollieOm, a fresh simply of the relebra: ted WOMB & LEWILIS RED Al3O COAL. sow halite at Ma "W. Pins street. Schuylkill.— Orders BR at the seas. Nu.lll Doak stmt, or at the whirl:44loe promptly attaerlait P.S. NIC E! on_ LS. Philadelphia. May 12.1838. • ••• TIIF. tiabsonibent * Mated yin: thewlind on Fairmoontdam, rout a Willow eit.Rafillciad; joining Ole onenceognid by- Dolton* Co. inirineparid Gat luenber. 314 an ;wbaAkgr and oinimia4on. .12aqiikettlewan4. sertinrirocr Oln peend iltagiltahchaf t or. atal SITOm . en. .pc • re CO inns 20 , . ' - • - iort CRErton •Feuimihry, .- , R SA LE ' WILL .bs so d at private ealg„ the Foundry i l VIVI *amend sitnetedatPort Clinton,&tbsyl. kill county, on very reasonable terms. - Thili Foundry is at-, tr commencement of the-Little Selfbilkill . and Misquebenna Ilan Road; now i making, and .ifr in a short finis be one of the best sitdatinns the country to do a large bosi nese . Forte= ,41. c. apply to ' PARKE & TIERS. 'lron Founder., Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. E-63t .. jelly 29 READING limit 4ND IRON WORKS, AVE on band HROMER ANON. RHERT do. ROUND & SQUARE IRON; COIL SCREEN de. • It 4Th Rp4D • de. Bar Iron or .4y size drawn to order. Nails and spikes or alllpiemyfor pale at t e lowest City prices. *ELMS. WHITA ER Reading. May l 22. 1838. 40—Imo .11.I' TERMEr, • , . (from i Adedelphis.) LAIDEMILMILIIIIII SEAkeit. Rki ' ECTFUI,LY_ tenders her services to ( :Ladies nf Pottsville and the vicinity, and hopes is the neatness of her work, quick des patch And moderaha charges, to merit a share of -their patronage. • Her residencei Is at Mrs. B. Mason's, opposite the store of Aetna. Nathan, & Co. in Centre Street. ` Jone : l 42—. JOHN POTT 32 EXPRESS LUt or STAGES. PURE Proprietors of this Line,(Sthich has been fitted op in a superior manner for the 'mom. odation of the Travelling Community.) respect- fully announce to the public that the Line will positively commence running tetween POTTS'VIAE 4 I.'IirLADELPHIA,. on Wednesday tie 2d of May, and will continue to leave their office at the iffeansyluraist Halt, Pottsville, daily at 6 o l 'clock. 'A. M..and strive in Philadelphia, at j 6 o'clock P. M. at the followirg later of Fare: To Orwigsburg, so .50 Port Clinum, 75 Hamburg, 1 00 Reading, 200 • Prkttatowo, * 300 Trail , .62a Norristown, - - -450 ~ Philadelphia, 5 00 For Sesta apply at the. Pennsylvania Hall, Poutedlke, Here" Hotel. Reading; and at their Office, No. 25,.North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. MINTZER do Co. Pottstown. BAWL OVENSHINE, Phila. : . EVANS &CALDWELL. De. May 2 Proprietor*. Choice 'Fines and - Liquors. N. ff&TELASS & CO. .HAVE on hand the following choice Wines .z-s -and Liquors which they _warrant genuine. and offer for iale on the most favorable terms, consisting of 50 Basket. Champagne Wines. of Key, Hick. • ory, /Star, Woodcock, Anchor, Grape and other broods. 10 Baskets Sparkling Whhe Burgundy, 10 do Old Boa. 5 cases Old Grape Juice Port, SO do Medoc& Si. Julien Claret, Also—a few dozen of the much pelebrated East India or Star'Madeira, Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry hi bottles, do Madeira. Muscatel do Curracoa. Perfect Love, Rose, Boyne% Annis mute, Annixseed Cordial.. do' ON DRAUGHT. Madeira, Pale, Brown & Gold Sherry, Lisbon, Tenerife, Mar. Madeira, Malaga, Malmsey, Dry Malaga. Muscatel and Old Port. Champaign. Brandy of the Pinet brands, Cognac, Bordeaux & Charante Brandy, Holland Gin. of Pile Apple and Fish brands, Jam. Spirits, M. Whiskey. N. E. Rum, . Com. Gin, Coin Brandy &c. Tavern keepers from the neighboring towns, are respectfully• invited ki call. N. B. Gimts_delivered-tolnj — part ofthifto. rough or neighboring . towns free of expense. may 2 • 33 For Sale, A vatatutbk Tract of Coal Land, 'LYING and.beiny in the township of Horwis •A wegian. on the \Vest Branch near the West Branch Raif Road. about dour miles from Schuyl. kill Haven—there is sae-or more Coal Veins punts% through this and. For information'ap. ply to A /At= • • at Pottsville,. or Mr. HOFFMAN. March at Readier. CALL AT THE . New 'Establiiilinuent, Corso of Cea4re mad 'Shrift &recta Pattsoilis ! TME subscribers respectfu ll y announce to their friends and the public isnerally, that cher loos taken- Mestere 'Smokily occupied by Jacob Wi l k Co.. corner of Centro end Market streets, where tfisysto now provided With& choice awoOmesit of ' low. atthet l ac iet ined talon atillossoY low. ostprosas. r, 4 EFAZZAiIIDit MAUCH. N. R. "AU kinds at Conceby bodges iskea at the higbssi t aiiirket,prioes• % . April' 1 ~ ! 4-8 .'' . : Ailltia ' beat' , Citi. Piela). . . • - FlNiri Wawa CO Slir Madeira. IPPOltier -", "Bar # . Old Port.: Hats*„ -. . Heekboisten 44 tiobit, ~_. lialiCEfroirii iind aiild Sherry. 1 AislV.46 I OEM.. Claret: SPIIIWEWINKVie derrases, isli Rhenish lime or Autosilharquili. ~, r - • * lOll 0 1 0 .41 4 . : 111 Y 18, 0qf.!! ' l i t ili: al !P ' t ii,6 1 1"111 4 1 1 .1b P riat:... - • . --, ' ' itellallUerai r ..a k I 4 , cry't, • 1 • 0.- r,R,..... -- , 1 , - . i.. f .i•lyrap os aii, _. , • 'lto oil" !wpm-wirosnatreizi: F 71 7 4_ 111-..7 . •.• Leo on ins asqa nanuar..--Mainutiox A CARD. I. ASBAGEMENT• mil 1 lIIN SILVER ) - • TAILEISIi • ' • eln iriforteisg his Mee& and the public. t t he continues !ha fbirscronv under the -Penney' nia Hail." in Pm:trills. He. hopes his Pam repo don for keeping a respectable Erato lishosent.'a fir ed daring th e ; experience of 5 years in the meal of business. and a desin. to please. any merit a tinuance of their favors and tattoo.. age. I 1 JOHN SIIWER has made arrangements with Mr.. Robert-Harmer. of khe "Corn ie° idis." N 0.44. 'North Third sureet,l Philadelphia fora supply of all the delicacies wMch the Phdadeiphia market can afford during the Summer season. Bfil or ,Fare ! Roast Beet cold. per plate. Corned do do ' • do Fried Ham 4 Egii, do Green Tunis Soup, ' do - . • Lobsters, Sardines, ?real) Pi Salmon. Spiced Ely rs.. 1 'Old Made' Wind, per bottle. 150 Old Pale erry Wine, de . ' 1-50 Old4lrowe do do 130 Old ,Part do do Old Lisboai _do do 100 Chimptiffre. (Polinaro.) do London Brown Stout do Pepper's,Smith's dr. Aechers- XX Pale Me. Apartments are alWays in readiness for Sapper Partieryfrc arid those who call may *speed to receive every. atientilm. Pottsville. May .11. 18311. 38-tf - PARKER Se CO. 31 1 5C t : ri ERS 4. TAILORS, • ( y Parker & Willieres,) ("WAVE moved on the opposite aide of Centrt. A.Allitteet, la few doors above Norwegian Street where they l offer for sale a select assortmint it, Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of the mo.t fashionable colors, with an elegant assort merit of Sommer cloths, Vestings, Lthen and Cot ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves, Sn penders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds . Gentlemen'wearing apparrel. which will be made to ord r in the most approved style as to the workmansb p, and warranted to fit equal to any in the pity or elsewhere. e• P. S. P. & Co. keep on hand an excellent as sortment of ready-made Clothing of all kinds, which will he sold at very low rates. - . jone 17 _ • üblic Notice. A 9 it app4sarr, that because Mr. Crane obtained no pa nt for smelticit Iron Ore with An. thracite Coal in this country, Many suppose that they are now ,at _liberty to adopt the method of smelting Irentpri with Anthracite by the use of a heated air blast; although I gave notiai list you that Ia patent for 'melting ,Iron Ore with Anil: cite Coal. both by the use of a cold li r atmospher* aid a heated air blast, I would now inform the blic again, that on the 14th of Jan. usiy, 18313,11 received a letter Pram the Commis-, sinner of Patents at Wubington, stating: "Sir, open examining the case 04 Mr. Crane's applica tion for itent for Smelting Iron by means of Anthracite, have viewed his chum as interfering • with your tent of Dee, -1810 , and have given notice to h INI attorney of tka decision." Every, attempt to s elt Iron ore with anthracite by the usec of a hat air blast. is in infringement upon • my patent , gainst which .-', I caution and warn all men;as I shall prosecute every one tithing:nil upon my rights, according, to law. And I fur ther offer to dispose of patent rights tbr the erect,: ing of fore an, •Ccording to my patent, upoii very mode to terms. FR E ERICK W. G EISS- ENNA ' TNER. • New Foil'. May 16,1M48. —1 y NEW BAIKEftY &COPFECTIONAItt ESTABLISHMENT. Frederick C. Epting ESPECTIFULLY informs his friends and mg. the public in genera 4 that be has opened a new Bakery lid Cmgfectt onary Establishment in Norwegi n Street, next door below the Arcade in the bo ugh of Pottsville, where he will al ways keep on hand and bake to order all kinds of Cakes of every variety of Patterne—and where alspi4lll always be kept on hand, Breed by the Loaf. orate excellent quality, and of a large size. His °NlGH:denary comprise, • large and •gen: eral assortment selected with care, and sold at the 'very lowest rates. F. C. E. would &leo inform families that he is prepared to bake Family Bread' for any- nornier who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the Andrei notice, aid on the inoet.reasonable terms. • : april 21 30-3 m New G4oods. A r oi ne4l sitsortment Of fresh and reasonable zw. • Om rec lved = consistin g in part of ilDry Geode, Groceries, I nardware, - trnsviare, . ckerei, , it,' Piaster, Ire» 41c0.1 I bo sold low for cash. Tip hitting in cash for all knodonfenuntrir prroducw.l i JOSEPH WHIT! &SON. ..) ' - rbon, Dee! 1 • - 2 which wi I price paid Mount k ' itted is it ~ Mtn- TO ship., - i 4ll ' I — ell" THE' hipoide isha . bitsais of Norsegian tow*- , ship hi Elabaylkdi County. are repuestad !in an at, tha odisrattbe . satin:Aber. at!mt ter: be an Monday's Wades:Oars abd Sitiordaj'a: sem oesh July court. , a*l Par 0004 trill Conway • School Tag. for ths•ppie I :ren t ' alms tat idiotism*. trill besansd sob isle! whit it* MOW therewill ; Wittily, Thigaii, isis-10 praisOirtbs auterityoteisk tallith": ssibtakirlireseilw . • --, 1 t. -A .-11.' k. ^A.T . I .1., Po: , IR MAW .;, . *Poe Amilitv writ. ___..--;-• 1 Gaols! New GiOds calked by N.liathaies new tot uportmeit of 1101rber lad Bois 4 yawed missiles and lawns, wpm/ y- bur head a int pions et Engibk very 10/ mei Also. a aphodiil mo t r ad* purbneres, Vesting, fe. getlersim's Besomer wear. to iiiitaWrtmen4 of Limas, dop e allosliasi Ne \ Jon T IL. and • mar hiss wakh nif Prints ai sortmeot Alips, with A et aPeTi. i n aptil I ME OE CALL AND SEIBIU4v • RE:PEIVEII a "apieiiiiiir !iind Summer' Goodic - c — andiftilt in "Ct - • itzer • Goods, Groceries, IQueensuam Liquors;Ac. - which I sod ritepared toned cheaper . ever offered in 'Shis market for cid", uf in e for country' prodhce antis Menial miiiietooll. . 9.41.Pi11f* • To Old 31.4,41. 'Agency for 'Line of Packets frootAird . • pool to PhiAzderphia;%.,i.ci, $ 18 4 . 121 25 25 MBE SLIBSCR I HER his been- - aptidutust .gent Bettie Bleirati4 Copc's Litie,ol3.iver. pool Packets, between Lixsrpool apd Phitndelphla and Will receive the pennies mosey th ous who wish 'to send for their friends Waif old • country. and also,will procure Bills Borlfibiliper sons who wish to Ittaostnit Money to their irked* abroad. Imo IN& The Packets belonging to this Line are fitted up in a superior manner. and are ciminiiiiiifed by persons who pay great attention e olafort and converitence of passengers—acd havOiettu _reit satisraciion to pa:imagers sensually. - Ern id grant' who intend sanding In this find it to their advantage reengage their pallier' in this Luis, and land at 'Pkiiladeiphie; Iberian% by dointr use the fare and expense float New Yu& to Philadelphia, which - is fourrarfivedol. lees for each individual. -I 00 . 37e The ran* of fare will be made known by.apply in at the One of the Miners' Journal. . J ane 30 ' • 0. BANiTA; J 14. TA.PILTYAS ELIXIR :•,:p for the instantaneous censor , TOOtH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its graded paefeetiots - BY MONSIEUR CHABERT.. This id to certify that I have tried toliterl(Pur" as Elixir its several cases Of Vieth Ache:lookb' I have certainly found it'of very great mike. • ' • • J. 13. JIARVEY: Member of the Royal Collegeofilarganits. London,!Sept. 10, 1830. A friend stepped in to,say that be bad imd i fly the Fire King this morning, and witnesseiLb 'nervationScup° of the Tooth Ache. One HUIi boy in paMoular, who looked cross enough to bits• a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minotae - atalled' at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.-11. Gazette. ! A fresh supply of the.above Ehzir lid and fianaki by ' BANNAN t . • Sole. Agent for Schpylkilliounty. July 13 'Wholesale and Retaikilry Good Store. VIOLLCiCK &WEAVER have just received' . in addition to their extensive assortment of .DRY GOADS, Super SOFerior Blue and Black Cloth, shperior &nby coloured do. hew 'style ,:ces. simeres, guineas and 13everteens,ininerarfos tiansoin. Feb IS" 111411er & Haggerty/ WHOLESALE BIND RETAILrh • Dy7Goods,Grocery,Wine +LiquorAwn (Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.)._ - THEIR Coons:ion with a Mime in Philadelphia: • enable" them to keep on band a very_kiten sive assortMent of good., which they at Philadelphia prices. St •re and Tier* lieSpers: and private families, would do well' tiPtalf'and' judge for *imparts. . • r., -1:t • april 191 91. Wietherill & Briitlkeic;,.' • lAT 7HI. Otti S'PAND__ l ' -" - No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, • . • EAST SJDE, c ,=.•._'•- Teaks DOoselmox vas C0R14211 or.Aactifftr.-• ~_ _' PHILLADKLPII/4 4 N 111 A U FACTUR ERSOI 6, ' White Lead dry and t Calomel, , •• '. " , !,1 t+ VOUII4 in Cil, f Red Precipt, %,. Red Lead,White do Litho's. Vitriol Alb. Chrome Yellow. Snip. Quinine.. "e.:.'4,.., do Green - Tart. Emetic - • ' do ' Red . Ether Mph:: '— ,:".• Patent Yellow , do -Nitric r 'T, • Sager Lead do Acetic.* •,. Copperas ! ,Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol ! , Com. - do 4q.Fetetisi • .- Acet. Morphia -,, • Moriatie %cii Selpb. do Epsoin Salts ' Lae. Polither . Taw Acid Opi. de Nareot. Sop. Carts Soda • Rennes !Weikel Corms, Sob. Mere. ' Ethiopo do.. , RefiberdnrChadn 3 b o 7 , Sal Nitre , Brimasoooll'orae/ &e. Offer for made the above mentioned-4toombto gether with a geneiirassortmenc of „ m faibte,jor' iv and ly e Ron. and twiny bther article i*Obetni eat and Medicinal line. --. •, •vi . .01'. Reinginanufsetwers oral l the snicks c eiiimintsOid under the above bead, rhea pledge timmaelves to saps ply their freeda and the public on the most resin:ma [ ig• term. 1 Wiedoer and Picture Maw 1 'Octont6,ll...to 34 30. Oct 3 1631 her now on hand slide ittnrer And I.?•torehooes. en Centre and Rainiest' 'abeeta.• arportment et' Goods. stdreldeAr'iltei• , task mike : Beni Iron of Heeded sines,,. • ' Band and Hoop do do Nai*andSpikalltoidedo •do . fkiej.litnend&pqniusra dec., Yaill and elakfa do 1 -• do 9 1 04 1 . 1 . 011 62 ' • liers. a gaaanraallatial4: • if AllisPnbk* be la iadlistattedsWlliesk . Jan - 1t71.41701a. Iskiti 'altflavibiii $0 ,17rrsrin f ra; TOwid .--- wuncE is:hereby' aivea. that. ii:',lßlietioat ix' NINE PIRECTOR..byI tha*dahlias» is thaj raatitatioa,"iiitilitaday. ,thy 9th day of July .nest, Wawa Ihial_ltelidaAtt!. s'and 4alciak M: et. th e rettheilleithAljo; or die Board. EDWARI7rO9I4II I ARMY" • po i , g 3 48-4 • cuniammut i bPati*". 4o ; - t , 4016-7-,OIL, am" win 1184-111 T-7 . 717' 'YO - 17 .4 7-7 ' tea,- ;ft 46461000*. Flu/0C ME . • - , tr '. lll l l : • y. • lIMMI vAt, - • OEI OMR UM NE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers