?...... , I -- 1111111Mnia 14t I* • IWO'S i. CU, WAV :EV A N ; r MILE Pn . .• . ''',FFECA—Wfien a und and eel of diseases has wog , &ten io gene Ale, bestowing blessing - ft and icceii scarcely lathe power qflicepticism to ' . or al envy to dny,tigini s ' 'thieved an ascendant' cflreer of use nuances the competitihn of mere Mt, melbas semeed ,eponepictsous eel feriae, by intrinsic oatorth alone, y -pond out the causes Orate sueeri warring the sespiciori bf insidious -the comparison. , 'I - ALE and FAMWY ' A EHIENT eared by Dr.. Williem tans. at 10 0 do 'not require -his e at Mention of lilted efficacy—for the most eminent ;bout the United .States wilffreale. ate the reasons which hate induced egd them so exteneyelyi and warmly I those recedes are, that these judi' never injure even the Most delicate ind have, in almost every individual they ate prescribed; a marked, aneve ppy and pennament efficacy. Physi r. see that they are not offered to the ' quack theory of purifying the blued. erection of the atoutach and bowels. from all diseased hunters, they untie tot by destroying their viscera by - blood can be sustained. They are ?compounded upon a theory which supplies a stetted' to be a very essential agent to health; and food, well Iditrest ed: to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.r• ;They do not purey,men .to ;shwas. and make them ! look,..like beings too reined to Female long an this I world; betthey maim them as human nal possible, and $t to encounter the hardships: -and fulfil the occupes tions of a• sabluaary life. • They do poi make S vie lent pergatorj of this hie, to prepare Men the faster for *nether. They proceed tia on thesepresume that, the blood' i mnscles, nerves, orgins..excietory and se loretoty gland. =carpus and tee-time - ultra menibranek. 'banes and brains. of every human beleg require to be supplied with - nnurishment from as healthful a sea ' mach as can be made and kept ; and upon the doctrine Ithat unless the stomach and bowels are in good order, the blood and every other part of the system will be in dison'er. . ' And howls it Pipette 'the t • hey r in:sr.-we health to the stomach and bowels? - Why by Needing the one to digest feed, and the other to carry off what is left after the nutriment is extracted. in connection with the simples of bile. and the foul hurpora ofthe bland. ; Mumma menabrases, and stomach. And they Scoriae j plash these great feats of medicine in the most simple way imaginable. The A PERT E NT )....‘ bll Ltri LLS. ! if the Stomach be affected with wind. bile. or coated Icolkactkma,clear it out, by a natural hut a most le i sensible solvent action, and chinned, Abe whole ali i mentor} canal. without griping, and Waving it. as free without debility. an-nature ever designed it to be.— iThey do not take the skin °trine stomach and bowels. f and leave them like a piece of red velyet, as all tihy- I siicians-know the strong drastic pills do, but t hey take natnrceltindly hy the hand without crushing her 1 engem. They cleanse every thing, Without 'wearing ,er injuring z any thing. • - . 1- When the is.effected. art it iisuary isthy the use of a -few of the-FAMILY A PERI Ea. ' r PI CI'S. then en nic the-celebrated CAMOMILE or TO ty IC IN'LLS. to strengthen!' stomach and Jewels which before, per haps..wealc and foul because they were weak, and i endows thmn with strength to perform their impor i wit functions, without the aid of physic. The ...A -1 !WHILE' FLOWER. when its rideable prineailea i ^are chemnially,extracted, is acknewlesiged by all phy . =mak -in every age, to be the boat Vegetable tonic known in the science of medicine -,- - Istiere is nothing lateen in the vegetable kingdom of, nature to equal it; . nothing that is at once so harmless and ao eigorouslr • .healthfle, and is proof of this the Maiprietur of thy reeownedpillethat are made from its purest particles, ' might quote almost innumerable mithora, limb ancient arid modern, if his own practice Iliad inoLproved it to 1, tens of thousands. ' . Theeffecta of thesepilla are net, only Perceived in an increale of appet ite and general. strength, but in a restoration of the body to that universal vigor in all its functions which indicates the return to perfectly sound haeltk—The face, and general complexion, speak volumes in their favor, ate thousands of fe males can telitlfrhOw much they harp contribilimi to their comfort, their complexion, and their strength. when every other remedy bad proved worse than use less. . In nervous chaeasea,of all kiniia. they are n.w acknowledged to he preeminent . ; gradually restoring dirmeess Of body and mind, without those annoyance and changes which other nervous reMedies °centime • Happy would it bare been for, 'natty young persona of both sexes who are now in the silent grave. if I hey hattleetted to check the morbid testhencieinof their atilich and bowels by these pure tomes and epees- Haigtitliout resorting to quack remedies. the names, of al *eh are concealed, and of which they know *miring. ' that dreadful scourge co Nst; NI i-rioN. might y been checked in its coremencemen: and disappointed of its prey. all over the land, if the . first symmins of nervous debility had been counteracted by camohnix, chemically ,prepOred: and till) • bowel complaints which load to a hOst of fatal mala dies, might have been °trotted by ithat film alealinel extract of -rhubarb; which is s leading ingredient in the APERIENT' Fir% MI LY PlLLS;Beture both of these medicines, which -are adapted to a 'majoity of the pormates for which a hundred others are no neees easily used, fevers, ague'. bilious diseirders, headaches, female debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver complaint, would have entirely disappeared, win re many of them here proved fatal. -Hut beat diedirctly understood that these medicines are Cot offered instead of these natural organs of the body which other medicines dispeese-with. in a very summary manner. They are ,founded upon medical knowledge: and not quSckery, and Ile not take all die red particles nut of the human HMO under the pre-' tence o.l.purifying it. In gmofof Which difference of effect, let the faces and teems of micelle bear testy ' sate.- They constitute a usellil, effectual. and gene . rally applicable clays 9f medicines; for every family, and being both tonic' ano aperient.,-and ef the best preparations known, no person or faint) - should lie willat them. They can be obtained whole:rale and • rein Oche proprietor, Df. WAI EVA NS. New York. and of his agents in town and reentry. with duce hoes for OM—They are rapidly sueerced•ng all other remedies advertised in the. public Mints, because they am kilo*, to belong to a very superior class of popular mediethe. A single trial usually places them high in pri vate estimation, as they are lumen to be in public r . preference, and in the opinion of physic ians. Dr. WM. EVANS' OFFICE. N 9. 19 NORTH WHIT ST. PH - ILA DELPHI/a. Where his medicine maybe had. Dr. Wm Elaine Office, 100 Chatham attest. New York, where the Doctor may be consulted aireseati ._ .. • Illali r SPE ' A and 41VPOCTIONDRIACISM.,- WaMeading Cave—Mr. William Sahnon.Oreen et above Third st., Philadelphia, attlir. ted ' for several .yearn with the following distreivink symplons i Nick-- neraiLtho atocrutch. headache, limpness, palpitations or , rt, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and arti " , 0 7 3 e il a tt k y nez t o u f rbed the. P". ' • es t ! nl em cia ac i ta ° t n io s O cn and i" gr i nera ai l. a d rest; a sense of premiere and weight at the vtotnach , k after eating, nightmare. great Mental deapndency, 11eVelra flying pa inu in the chest. Nadi and sides. costive-' Milk a dislike foraociety, orvacinvelivo ion, involuntary , saghmg nd weeping languor sod lainude upon the htart " , • ; • ' Mr. on had applied to the ronsteminent physi cian,• considerM it ,beyiand th e power of med _ i -4* re him to henith ; itivivever, as his affiiti- Mat reduced him teed Teri doplorable condition, .. aidliat beeo recommended by a relative of his to Maki . of Dr. Wm. KVAISFS' iMellidirie, he with &Dna repaired to the officeand itrocured a package, to whic be says , he is indebt9d Aar his restoration to lira, lb and fnends. Do Is now enjo;ying all the . • ' a /to. f perfect health. Parsons desirous of farther infbrinadon, will be satisfied with every ptirti-' catarofhis astonishing core at pr. Wm: Evans' Medi-, =es. RIO Chatham at. New 11 !ark r•and in Phil-I e..Nek./9NORTLEIGWR St. ;4iol4hy. . . JOON Ir. 'WERNER.' ne Agent'ur R'ilaylki)lCo'unty. . fliTA fl 11 ON, SHAD sue c " 3 ' i. No. L -.Ma rr, -- Bu 1110 u liiititia._fec—rOr i . e ~. .r` i • ' ' litibLEß'& , HA. e f 4rltle.tilov, iii --.,,.:v.,.... - -.... a - 1 , K 1 ,-itiarittiki - ,it 104T0. - ... - .... . . , 11IFFERfar sale at the! 1, 4 hoiesate in lieu ite ‘4.1.7 thareq•li.torie, Gen ' " .3"doorilwilogr: 11 1 , 'Wei stniet, a dime aasoluaeat 'l' fresh GrOeeria4cOnsilt ing 40- . • 'i• alkY.,.4o,l:igairee ' ilc o fki P 4 , : , ~', gol --ti . Domingo yr • , .; 7.. N. Orioles, Sc. Cro" 6rowLia,4/ sari ' go • ' vthitailasanna,loar,iolltioir 1 3 - New Orleans. West: ? m 0 i,,,,,, led* awd *altar_ bowie) laaperial,Oun Poyter, Young} .. . . 11.Iyaoa, Fouchong.thfange Pee - Tea" co. Senehong and B4hea ._. ... ~ Rake* Cha;eti,Spihish , Schmitt t: checeiate • -& Linos, and iiwdel spiced Prepared Coces.cocoa shells . Reading. Came, nem. • , .• John, gulls. Lobster,lAnchovy. }Sauces,. Canton soy and Currie • Olicrkin,TOW2/0. pepper. . Mixed.Oninn. Mangoe, Fickle. -Lemon and French 1 . . • Olives, caprea. Anchovies • Cayenne pepper. allspice and Gamier. I Chives. Mace. "Nutinegs and causia ' Rice, flour ul rice, 'Larch . . - Conant*, Figs. Raisins. Prone' &Weer and bitter alinonds. citron " • olive Oil. wine bittirs. lemon syrup .• ; -.. - Preset /fed ginger. cheese. codfish • . ~ • , Herring'. mackereg salmon . . N .— • White and colored tWax. sperm t gaud Wadded andclipt fallow Palm, variegatal brown and yellow soap Old Madeira. old pert, claret • • 'grown and pale gbh, ry , cbampaigne Wines Old hock, Liaboa.dry milaga in wood Sweet nialaga. niuguitel • Sc boult Malmsey. marseilldis & Sicily hlailea. • Scotch,irish, monongahela & doe' Whiskey ' Annisette. an nisecd& peppermint cordials Conac,ebamringdb. Spanish it. com brandy Holland &..coin.Oln, N. E. Ruin Jamaica spirits 'Extra' sup. span. firrerior do 'gall Spanish and 'common cigars Cut & plain and moulded glass Ware • Chi na,and crocluiry 8 .8 't -so • a general assortment of Dry Goode. alte Ate. all of _lv hid', dill are disPoseOlo sell on the most rensons ble terms. Heads of Families and Tuvern Emmet* are parlacularly anvited eta AT REDUCED FRIOES. AT THIS OFFICE Jos. LA PI ER R Symput hick for the 0 - 7 safest, speediest, and perfect cure of every kind of wounds, iileertl, caneer'nnd all cutaneous disearitm, arising, front Tutting. squeezing, burn ing, boding or tin. impurity 01 the blotuf, ands'.(' for eirring .Dyspepsia, heart burn, 'asthma, liver complaint, emu iveueas t colicks, convulsions, d iar r• Mei and rheurnaticls pains, tooth ache, and Mire rives. The general agent, Prof (4. Xav Wagner, Reading, Rerks county, Pa. offers gratis to airy person affeettul with either of the said diseases, a Certain quantity of the *mita lock In he tried and apprec , ated before making any expense; now ever; the application must be made free of post age. NL •B. Thin article cannot he had genuine in any drug store or appathecary shop. It is not noorys?ary . to talk intleh about t., as it certainly willlrieconoutend itsell . to an enlightened politick. Passage from England., Ireland, Sco land and Wales. 13ERSONS wishing It ergage pastrige fur !!.. their Iriends, hi:first rate ships, from uni a hovp placta, may twit:, do an by applying to WM. ILAGGERTY, Centre Street, For the accommodation of those persons enga ging passage for thOir friends, who may a c It to send them money, tsenable them to provide for th,;.voyage, drafts vettl be given on the following named merchants, viz: r. W. Byrnes, Nit, 3, Waterloo Road, Liver pool; Daniel Wright,:Co.No. 3, Robinson at. eel ratisgow; William Miley, No. 25, Eden Quay, may'6 36 Vegetable Life Pills and rile- nix Bitters. • A COI, CHAS P.—All nations, frcm the remo testages. have. hail ships. but Columbus only found out' the way to America Before the time of the great Spanish navigsior, people were only enabled to paddle abdut the shores. • Just with the Life Med nines It iv but two, short years orrice Litre yen• lured upon an unknott.oi ocean. and I have 1113cm/elm, the ~ r ec, o ut object t .Was sea'rch of—IIKA LTD. Vegetable medicines Were indeed known when I Corn mrsited pty-4warch. hut their one was not. By the u se o f Omit, f have notonty passed from the dejecten invalid,'" the hale hearty and at live nt..n of bettor:as, but. complcatively speaking, I have renewed my youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own expe rience, advise with 'my iellow citlzens Does the rehdr.r w ,ittprn.ifti, ,heVI ETAIII.F. FKIVIED NI-1:4 are isinablo to Ins own casef 1 have on file at my utlice,Slti Itrithhway, hundreds of letters. from some of 01^ most reratneet aide cit teens of !hit. Ent na tive land, voluntarily ,rdfltred in testimony ofthe vir tues of A 60111..) itt.b . ..I•ABLE li\ B. Versontioor ho,e ronatit idiom; nave been nearly Ott- toed by the -all intlllible" mineral preparation- of the day, will bear tne Wit nese, that the Life Medi tines, ant 'web only; arc the tr.te cause to permanent good health JOHN 111OFFAT. OEN F.RA E fIENIAIMS RELAtri vi.: TO MOF vArs LIFE PI LLB AND VI REN LK BITTERS. These mmlici nee hive long been k nowt. and appre Mimi. for their eitiaiirdinary aed immediate newels 1 of regorine pe r rmi ingalth. to ?era na marine under nearly every kind or °Meese, to y hich the benne frame is liable. ' ~ • In many hundwidet• of certificated instances, they have'eve rescued :flutterers front the very verge at an 'untimely ^rave. ariet i all the deceptive nostrums, of the day kid utterly failed; and to Many thousands they have permrtuently are ed that mithorm et.j4ritent of health. without Which I itself is but a part* bless ing. So great. jellied, ha thew 'efficacy'llniihbr and infallibly proveth that i has appeared scarcely less than mtraculotisito there whoiwereutoeqtminted with the boletifel i philosophiral principles upon, which they are cineimundcd.and upon which the) , consequently .Irt. 'II was to their 'ma cifeat and sensi ble, action in pprifylng the springs and channels Of life ild enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for theirleime, whidh was besteweu upon them at the spontaneribe request of .. F everai andainduah i Whose hiss they had obviously so% ed. 11-. The proprietors rejoice In the opportunity afforded by the universal dilfusion of the daily prsss. fur piac.- ini his VEGETA FILE ,LIFE pi I.Ls within the knOw . leuge ind retich of evbry.indivnivat in theoriom mtnity. ,Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries. Which boast of vegetable ingrediebts.the' craps are Furehand 604144 v FOK I'ARLY.it. Cher Mercury. Adithnony, Arsenic. norAr ' :sifter mineral in ' any fiiritt whatetin. , They it ' Vial 4 1 16 cOmpoSed ofextr44 from rar4;pnd .poweiliit'pliots.- the motel of whith, though mug known to i several 'lndian wales. end i4cent ry nyernme einipent fib:lima ! ieentidal chemists. foie altogether unknown th the ignite rant pretenders toMmdical scienpiet and were never before OSlEWillielefig , in so t happily efficacionira-cOm. 'hinationi . . ' Thetr first opt:stolen is to lemon from the comsat - the stemsch e , clwels. the rarousimpuruies and, medittes ermstrint setting+ironed ther m . sil to,nly. itt tnive the harden . fares which col leer\ to tie ;c op.. volutions'of the eilith humstinei Other' Medicines ,holy partudiyelesiMetheserid leave such :Ohllecietr ;re , issei Wend( if ,10 produce babitual'claithattiela; ;with all its tram qf q.iis, or amddch diarrhmSounthrts iteinmen) fisogeni4 This fact illicit, knoin: 4 4o , ,ath iniatiAr otonpultstikihii PL:ullittei lilil l elnill4- 1 9 1 00 11 After aOlii, and fi . c. the prejit i Actilicse stritok i :foliiiedtn^w Cal' i -the Haack eMce qt the *O s 4 ,rhe second elf i of the V.EMET'ArILE LIVE . . Pickled Sitimon.,Nl4. angna Sing:met rail EITIETIM opFAVS 'Mk - wir" . 'V' ' PILLS he to clenesegietanted the Maddee,itnd bittbit:btilaWthekniet-lovia lunge , the healtAl "cu°ll.B.r.ldackkelAre kl-deP lll 4 l 4 3 s o lt t i l li I se Oftlie,_soustirja/atike.:„.r. r 11424 14 V!hl ' Its iiiirdelor:critut ilia °' liver 1!, - babielipsakiiitailte telt. 'being ,thins - era thentlina 'eto4i4slien lir AM' 60'1'04 *mit don ntoiiittcli. comma freely -theetth'the Yblis.igieWlf esetreattoftbe eyelets:gaud Settimphanq•tbautita the` baptizer:P(lolth in.therldisorning etveek./: .• • The followi ng Srelubbbßthethstfereing mica of human diseratres, to.sebich.,the Vegetable Life rag are well known to be Infallible . — Dyspr,rsiA, by.tbroughly eleansiny the end and ' second storeachs,and cresting it . flOw o infre'healthy bile,-insiod, of the etslellsed itetrid kindsFz- Ffeettreery. Palpitation of Ike Mere Lop 4Appettte. Efeatt-buna .'ad el t esel.e... Restlessness: IMterrwa", Anxiety. LaTM ;uor.aitdahlelandwly .wkieherwthtgeeend symptoms of Dyspepsia , will vanish, as a natural consequence of -its corn Coskeeness.bynleaneitigthe mivhele, leeith of them warned with i solient premiere, and without violetiee; all fiblent purges leavelhe berates costive within two days.: TharMaxt and.Cslok4, by r e mo ve. tog the sharp acrid fluids by which three ermseisints are ocelautioned, and by promoting the lubtricative secreeorioftholnucusatembrane. Feversofalikends, by restoring the blood to a regular eirculetioo, through - the process of perspiration in 'tome cbses. end the through seluti on ofall intestinal obletruefious in others. The LIFE PILLS have been known ti? cure Rhen maul= permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by removing local eillanunatibn from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Bromic* of all kinds, by freeing aid strengtheineg the kidneys and bladder; il*y operate neat -delightfully on these on Bans; and hence have ever beet found a•cenasnrenie dy for the - worst cases of Grovel. Also Worms, by dislodging tram the turnings of the bowels the slims matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and Consumption. byrelieitng the die vessels of the lunge from the mucus, winch even alight cold, if not remov ed beComes Widened, and produces those dreadful di „,,,,,,,,. ~,,•,,,,,y . (peers and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood and all humors; Scorbutic Enrpriems, and Bad Com. merlons. by their alterative effect ueorif the flade that morbid state of which occasions all ',Eruptive tom. plaints, balker. Cloudy, and other citangrearble ( tan. plextions The use ofthwie fills for serene shertomei. wilbeff ect an entire cure of Salt rkimi. ErysrpelaS and a striking imploveudeat in the aeeeness of the skin Cmomon Coldsauul Indiumma. pill always be cured by one dose. or two eve{i in t.} , e worstcases. Piles,—as a remedy for this most distressing and oh stinate malady. the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a distinct and emphatic recommendatibn. It is well known to hundreds in this caty, , thatthe Proprietor of these Invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with l i -this complaint for upwards ot thirty firlyeeirs. and that 1 tin :ried in vain every remedy preser lied within the whole compass of the Materia Aledica, lie however, at length, tried the mediine which hei now offers to the public. and he was cured an a vrry short time. 1 after his recovery had here pronoun , ed not only improbable, but absolutely Impossible, by any human means. DI itErrioss l.'01: USE .—The proprietors of the Vent:Tarn,. L'ark Pius does not follow the base and mercenary prac;lee of:he quacks oft le day, in adv Ls- 1 ing persons to take his Pills in large + quantities. No / good medicine can possibly be so required. There Pills are to tie taken at bed time every night. for a week or fortnight; according to the obstinacy of the disease-c The usual dose le from `1 to 5. according to theconsottnion of the person. Verydelicate persons should begin with but two, and increase as the nature of the case may require. those more reheat, or of very costive habit, may begin with 3, and orereaso to 4, or even 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happy change to guide the patient in low further use. These Pills sometimes occasion sleekness and voniry ng, though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele foul; this, Ire over, may be considered a faveralso• symptom. as the patient will find himself at once rit tiered, and by perseverance will severe recover.. They usually operate within 10 or 12 bouts, and never give pain, - wiles , ' the bowels are very miuch encumbered. They may be taken gy the most delicate females Un der any circumstances.—lt is, howek , er, resommend ed, that those in later periods of preghancy should take but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels open: aryl even two may be taken ivhere the patient is very &reeve. One pill in a solution of two table spoons full of ware r, may be given to an infant in the following doses—a :ea spoon filll every two hours fill it operates; for a child from one to: five years of age, belle pill—and from five to ten, one pill. THE PIRENIX BITTERS, :Irene called.becaose they possess the power of restoring , ' the expiring-em bers of health, to a glowing vigor throughout the constitution, as the Phimits is salt restored to be ier life from the antics 01 its ow iv el isso I morn. • 'file Pine nix Bitters are entirely veeMable, , °imposed el root found only in certain parts of` lief western count " which will intailtbly cure k ES EIRS AND ACHES of all kinds ;_will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury. infinitely settler than the most powerful preparations ofSarsuisin la. and will 'name dtately cure the determination of I.OOD TO THE II %Et); never fail in the sirl-nr t 'warn! to young 1 remalet; ; and will he found are a im remedy in all eases of nervous Moldy and weak eta oft he most im paired constuntious As is a remedy for Chrordoteetl loflaraatorg Rheumatism, the, efficacy of the Phertiiii Bitters will be demonstrated by Ole use of a Engle Nettle. The usual dose oft lir se haters is half a wine glass full, in water or wine, and tins quantity may be taken two or three times a day, ribollt hailer+ hour before meals. or a less quantity May be taken at nil times. To those who ale atflicto with indigestion after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable, as they very trendy alcrease the actron of the principal viscera, help them to lerforin their functions, and en able the SI"MlICI. to dißehaTßO iniii the liowela what ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and speedly removed. appetite rOstored. and the mouths 1 of the absorbent vessels being cleansed. nutrition is facilitated, and strength of nely and energy at meld are the Moil results. For far art particulars of MOFFAT'S LIFE P 11.1.5. a n rtICENFX BIT- Pk Tuts: seed y at Mr Meffne'm MR N 0.546 Brialway, New York. where the Pill. can 4 0e'pbtained for 25 cents. 50 cents, or SY per box ; arid t lie Bitters fetid or $2 per bottle. ILT Numerous" c4taficates of the wonderful efficacy of botle may be tgete inspected. Inge-one obstfirate end complicated cases of chronic and infliminatiity Rlieumatudn, Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague,-Dyspepsia, Palsy. Piles. injuryfeosi the use of mercui3r, grannie. and ether disuses of long standing. it may he neceroaly to take both the Life Pills and the Phceoix Bitters, in the dose Ware re commended. N. 11.—'fbede Pills and the Bitters, will get the mercury onto! the system infinitely taster than the best preparations ,of So rsoparilia. and a eel tarn remedy for the rushing . of the OW to the hod, or all violcni-hced arhnt,fir dreekrrreer. /i.e.—Atli - To - erns who are predis muted to apopicra l ,ruhry kr., should never be Whhont the Life Piffeortho Bitters; for One dose in Owe will save life. They equally: the eineldatatin of the blood, draw all pressure from the heat', respiration, and throw off,every impurity by tin' pores of the skin. For saleby MILLER ,i TIAGGEarrv, - .1 gentsfor the Proprietor,. 4(t-Is - Pntlaville. 4R !Religious I'Vorks. 1 • DANNAN ties just rockived the following, •- s •reltginuii worko, Londoi end America ed ikons, which he caws fni salt. (+esp. Original EhmilV'Snrmotni, 5 . M Sermons; (.eland's view of Del:diet - 0 Writers. Sturtovani's Pteveller`v Manual, • Dreseon thellesorrection, Dress on tho-Soul.-' , . Bridge'vs on the 'Nam OLIX. Fatter on infidelity. „ • Janreerlttiratin - Prefettsi.t.. . 1 Prize Ewa* bibscnsions, ctristia.n rJ, haF. at !lonic. "fir Stothcfcßequcst,. l 4 ' 1- APP in:Cc _oil . r , Inc, c.,. c.,1,- `Til;4 6 - 1 . li v ..- if -- 74 ..1 77- il.. ggx ayveiierAiir., pa mac Porto Wi n al. :. 1 .. ..... do , :',oo,,apyal -ouipan,yAo A to. 1 1 ~..2 „ . : : .,...*6 k e t t atie ... .• .410 f do- 1. TOYAF.ia'Aisfr, ° .4, -#, 4 , 0 ,. Oil a4aira„int,wand.' .. ana',batk Vss. avapoy...ioki , Att-ladak .an .• g, frOBATIA 43.,...'hev0ca, Pic* haa!inilai. 3161 -rmkg. 4 TPAt i o,.. " TfePlairel ald-Pill; : •.. dry irtirre ß bj, . ip l i f oneir, i &c. Ste. for tadb by af _VI .. . '" tILLEF. & lIAGGIMU T april ...8 32 r ..,611 f,of. •v . ike.:id; 1,.,...__ , bo. Jones' to, I .th e ley. will too einuinOed bj tilt ifoltit;int airman and tnenagira, until . the Oral,. Monday in May'next. t''' , ' I , ' I " ' ••• • , .President-4QUII.A 110,1:11;30N. t j Mama err- . , 4.osenb Carrelll.4 . barn 4. - Potts .Edward Heels E. S. erne Jacob Byll r riser J.. Whitney, Secret ry an Treasurer. `;'Article i 3d Of-the . Ch der. 'No emolument Msoever shall be re ived , y the President or Minagers':,cor their servi • , nor shall any 'Manager become a bo rower,. om the Anstiut. Lion. • .. obi 3 46tf ' • CONSWIPTI NC e ED.. • N DIAN SPECIPIC . For the ,prevention 4core ofiCoughh.Colds,Astimos, A onsum i ltions, Spitting of Mood, Pisearrea of the TIA . • Awl greastaickLungs,4c.pre -14 • - pi:tredtri ITIr.CI f ARIMA REEII!AN, of the City of Lancaster. DIDECTION, Accompanying each! bottle !of the Specificli, pointing out in a conspicitouS manner, all the symptoms in Of different stages of these &strew sing diseases--tilso particul'ar 'directions respect ting.diet and regimen,Snd how patients are .to eoridilet throup every stoic ;until health is re stored—for vain and , useless would be the pre seriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied with the most powerful Rail useful medicines, if the directions arc not faithfu4 adhered to. The public are informed that thedcpositionaof 287 persons have been takenlibefore proper au ' thoritics in the nit) of Lancaitter, all completely cared in the most desperate cases of consump tion, some . of which are detailed in this . bills ac company i ng each bottle. e a , A au poly of the above Bpecifick has been rce,eived and is for sale at this office. Mardi 12 - IS Swaim's Panacea. aS the intemperance and llxory of the sge , are hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints and rendering the blood more impure: and as thou sands have - destrdyed their constitutteroby begleeing to apply the proper remedies — ti sock Swaiiiils Pan acea must be, and has been. moue than doubly valua ble as a certain and effectual means of restoring them to perfect health and vigor. Few families arc whol ly exempt from scorbutic affecuona. which exhibit ve nous symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations, debility; loss of appetite and dejection. ail arising from impure blood. and if not proper attended to. produce the. greatest injury to the constitutudon, and may be mi parted to their offspring. Surat:ifs Panacea is meow mended at this season of the year, as a valuable resto rative oft he system, thetl , by invigorating the constitu tion, and enabling it to hear tlieidebilitating effects of the summer season. his con leyed. by the circula 'tiar fluids. affd corrects their ttri'dency to all those ti led disesaes which originate in vi blood, diseased liver, depraved'appetite6or ispositon to affections of the lungs, &c. No one, o ver, isiadvised to use it without convincing themselv of the truth of what is here-stated. This medicine is now used a Ittrsucmlis in all parts of the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng land. I A fresh supply of the MediCine just received and for sale by B. BANNAN. Fole•Apent for Schuylkill county. Who eanisupplyibe above - - Medicine - wholesale to them who wish to sell again, s k t Philadelphia prices dla♦ 14 26- iSit tP ( !Y• CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW. r 450000. ''. CHARTER PEO PETU AI -1%.f ARE both limited and; perpetual Insurances iv. on Brick, Stone ror Frame Buildings, Stores, ['amis.:4We', Barns, .tables!, Merchandize, Furni ture and Property of every ‘scription, against loss ur damage by FIRE. AIR/NE 4,\D INLA.IND: INSURANCF« l i The Delaware County i alliance con.pany wit also insure against loss on a kinds of marine risks 1 and againat the damage or I ss upon the transporta tion of gotnis. wares, and tnetandise by water. or by rail way, upon terms as favourable as any other in ati tut ton.. .. _. For apy further informatiOrr on the subject .rif in surance,' tither against Finti.imarine oy wind risks dirik#4.49.r........i1ikA1ki..41401141k1itiV111,-Ar....ent,t • • 3ve kt Schuylkill Haven. or WILLIAM B POTTS. At Ot - wigsburg. .• . Fire Insurance Com' Phu . y• faiimi E: both limited and berpetual Insurances on /VA Brick, quints or Fri= Buildings,,,Smievalotels Mill's: Wins; Stables. ' Merthandize. FurnitureJuid, Propert,yof every ilescoptieia.against toss or damage by FIRE. ' - - The subaciiher has been i .ppointed ACKffirr forth*? ti y aboil Dow prepared to make 1 risURANCES apon eve, deseSt ptinn, of property. at the lowest fates. , 8E1.N.1A51131 BANN.S Pl. . rotitivilie, fek rt. 183(t , , 15 WheFhilad Iphia Fire IN LAND NA VICIAII lON INSURANCE CORP NY. CAPITAL AUTHORISE BY LAW;SSOO,OOO. eta RTER,PE PETU At, Iwo AKE both fisnited„andj ql erpetuat Inituntiees - on UI. L Brick, Simmer Frame nildinge.Stdresotels, Mills, Barns, 'Stables, Me handize, Farnitiirt, and Piiporty of every deseriptiein, aphistlons °Ohmage by FIRE! The sebecriber hirbeen iippointed Acracirof the above mentioned InatitutinAt andin'tieinrj!ireirjed to tiWelinir a firenervilha otE,Miett4 `Map MAYON AV, ...... l ".'• ' . l Allt(4Wo ,lo *.WATl*ii; - -;g4 -- 4, Oitio7. - Eti •Stitkitn tFaseeellirlgit-reettitt .. ,svd t (salt canri frt eottrietaadifpwardent *way-Five TinAnninik• tlesynt ttiteealciiblet medicine were ford lisg _ 1:; - .04thir dreit t viiii Increasing. For #44 - y l o iot.q4iingle bottle. P r i ce $2 per bottiB - *IVO, 41,5 by 4 .. , : -- 7r.,-4%; 1 . 1 1 344 ONAN. Flo Agent ni - Zaiuyik ill Cbtatty. Aleo. §K aim's Verrelfute. eve :3:41 SPRING GARDEN' • • . ' 1 E kiIIiScIODER WkFEReAT i s . --- • • ~- . ..:4.,,uu. a c ,Lniin Norwegian' Liju .:*treet.iliar:. ,:n.pyrutite,rhe residence ON. 'F,tp. anioviaii occupied by Williatir D.:Till:li qtheilioure 'is 16 • weerrosirby 30 leetlin depth; with a kitchen and cellar in :tbe•trasernenti story. two room, on the .ret,,second and third Acorn each; the whole. or said lionire well 'plasiereel and painted. •Alsonn err:client 'well - of water 6t the. door-Lthe lot is 20 1 feet, front, by 170 fort tri depth, with a 9 feet rd. ley on'the.westrerirt of said house:. Fog further particulars, inquire of f - • ' NO'S. SILARP, . , 'or.'3, 1837. j . . any •ct to Mount Carbon; • itiiSkilPS rings T in T HEOriginal' l ygeion Universal Vegetable' • Medicine; p pared by ANT AIISION, Esq., Member of the R oyal College of Surgeons), Lion. lute of .Apothecariea 101.upany, Fellow of Sol. Court Society, uegeon to the ,Royal Union Pen ston Association,. Lancaster _place, Waterloo Bridge; and Pertietnal Pepil:Of-Guay's and St Thomaellospitab, Landon. These pills havinigained, ncelebrity unperel. leled in. every . section of the Upion , are now con. sidered by all those who value good health, Midis. pensiible as a fetidly medicine—patronized by a numerous body of the moat eminent Physitiians both in this Country aid 'in Europe,— is sufficient, it is presumed, to stamp their character in the es. l i thhation or very ! hinking man, 16d 'it is hoped, a far bette r recommendation than the course re sorted to b ignorant and Unprincipled pretenders, who to misled Mid deceive the p bile, pufAish what they callgpriictical proofs and certificates of Cures, that e;iceed all bounds of ra tonal credibil ity, and most bf Which, if not all, ale :eith - ee ' c ross fabrications, or procured by fraud and connivance.. The editor of the Long Island Flamer, says "This medicine has obtained' an imprecedented ii degree of wellTreserved popularity Having tab. en these pills ourselves to advihtag and witness ed their bene fi cial effects on oti .. her , we have no hesitation ir. recommending them to the public RS a safe, salutary and useful family Medicine..? I, ,,*None are genuine without the signature of the General Agent on the label, by! whom the a. hove medicine id imported into (hit country. JNO: HOLBEIN , 129 Waverly Place, Gen'l Agent for U.S. • A supply- tithe above Mcifteinel just received' and for-sale by B. HANNAN., Siget Agenlior Schuricili copay. 12,- July 16 Important Disc+sery. The subscriber has discovered a 4nethod by which be virtues of that valuable loot, ' THE SARSAPA4ILLA, May. betxtracted without losing ani , of its med , cinal properties. This medicine is prepared after a re ceipt of the Medical College, a receipt reeornMentled by the Faculty as the hest formula for the prepare , . Lion of the tluid'extract of Sarsaparilla. • This Extract may be given with perfect safety to children. and Is conscientiously offered to the, public as a purifier ofthe blood, which in all cases will great ly aileviate and in many entirely cure the following diseases: Obstinate erutions of the skin. Pimples or po Btuleaon the face. Bile* which mite from an impure Scaly eruptions, • Pains in the bones, Chronic rheuMatism, Tetter, • Scrofula, or hing's evil, v White Swelliags. Syphilitic symptom!, And all disorders arising fiom at the hlood.either by a long residene healthy climate or the inprdiciouit I have though it necessity to att mites of its beneficial effects, from pi in the county, as references: Medi) We the undarsikned„ baying oar the. Compound Fluid Extract of (pr pared by Ceorge W. °libeler in;ourthmilics. most !cheerfully recom mend it to the public, as a cbeap.l safe and ethcieni medicine, in dunsases arising fro ml impunuca of the blood. 1 , JOHN MILLER. • WM. R. MILLER. • M. S.! RICHARDS, WM. I Itl - 10A DS, This is to certify that I was for iiwo years afflicted with an obstinate oripetigrmsons flitttion In one filmy!' legs. which broke into numerous ulcers, for which 1 tried varinua remedies, which hut! increased the dis ease, when 1 was recommended tit try Mr. Oakeley's preparation ofSarsaparilla. 1 did so. ann after using several bottles 1 am happy to state that the ulcers are entirely removed and my leg ,hepled Witness my nand this 16th coy of a ugust. 147 1011 N R. COILLER, Rending. 'This certifies that my little son 'about 8 years old. had suffered fur a lost time from I levensive Sores on' the right knee and leg. (supposed !to have besu white swelling.) which 1 found impossib e to heal.' by even the aid of the most respectable medical advice, until 1 wns recommenced ,to use Mr. George W.Qakeley 'a Com poundSp!up of Sarsaparilla, e g ht bottles of w hich not only t healed he sores hilt prrfeetly festored the child's health which had suffered Itch inconsequence of this affection: CATHARINE AINuEMAN. 7th ahoy Ptoin at. Rending. • The above case was presented; to me, brio before! and atter'the poi of Mr. Oakeley' syrup of !Sarsapa rilla. and 1 have no hesitation in believing that it was the agent ,ofhistresturatirm. JNO.A.. ESTER. At. D. ReMling, Shpt. 12. 1837. Wilming o n, Nov 20, 1837 to 144 you Um!, MI Mr. Oakeler; Si, tiiy;-1 consn. -iy duty ._ .4 you .._ .iss use of the half dozen bottles of your valuablq-Sarsapa. riga teat I got of ruin June iast.'has entir4ly healed MY leg.the Doctor Mild me it was Oa scrofulous chat acter, and the Use cif your. pedicine would; probably benefit it. The,five bottles welt not takeMbefolte it Was healed,- bin . I tbok the' slid to. makekthe cme certain; it is now better tlyin two nathsinecb I gist d any , an d therein no appearance I a ieturNmy physi. ciati thinks the - cure peifeet. Yours*c. r r - CH. RLES BROWN. v c tit 1 -ET:The above -r' Inahlmmedi ine may be hail at dig. subscriWs, holiztalle an retail -Drag stole. North Fifthstreet, in .and at most-of the prin cipal- drug stores: - F h-. and Medicines; at, lbelowelncluibi.plicesodsoi for sale the sub. scriber, :; _ - . , i c W. OA bELEY. Alio. to be bad at: the atones of Heiedeoreieh & Katz KutztOiil!fwiti: Mi ni nd Dr. Ford. Potts tovin ;PeferriKnabli:Ofey; sod at the store etliazzartl & Straittr, Potliti le.. ' . , ~J an 'l3 -i. : '• ' N 8., .74.fpiet; accorepanythe' tat ,C • (.- 1 1 of each to • -1' P 1 120t1tOcK 81 - . t. .Akeft tin illtitiiin totheiriformer woe 41dousttho4euttrilit.springicey -11114r9w.,itlatt-cm, antetletist 8 Iliiina do. hatchets, ammera, Be socket and • ' • 4raw ar. ifilnws, an ..,,, 'Adiaill6.4:4 , stugle.aut:oodop jeplantir, icitkag lite ~,,lito es m. 11 scr, bolia. ateel N !ageiiiiit;..ov , ' All or wi i ilia . 'ciffered!on t. ing tends , . abit of bdtly. immure illate 0 in a hot and un PC 011111e112UrY. ch a few •certili , • as well:known , July 13, 1837 der it m n. ny signature wil itte. eta il Ilard- and . Irt gttob 1 eliisi received in vl ! of Hardwire" ' I vices, pateietiiplitinl eel axes; trona tub*: nye & 114vilininereit. ng 'anvil:blacksmith i '5 aSee , ll4o44rpiliee, i i lad .1449044100r1i6 • I ,,,unftfillid 11 9t4ge I fl i t ti_ . ;,iot ~., y e oat aceemni °del Feb 18 14 WES •UpwardaA of , 30;01 1 . Item Leidifs Sassitilari la or - 11l sold in Vhillidelp : "a' alon tib ' - ' .• . A . no does Alt iorigoAs. . dam In'oPerlies Cf4il ..,.*_ , IM! IV VERY man. Woman, r -WA answer thaihsgp,,as. out the United Stateireontati sal efficacy of Siusapaiilla, nntiooing,from the hirman.,3l,, Alk any respectable jilwr is the mesa efficacious parifir will be, §AJUSArARILLA. Su ice it to my' then, if it so univetsal c iy= h e w inixiluab/epr • Dn. LEiDY as discover*. virtue of thaßinaparilla ii 0b,... centiated form,,,kipd iiisuc# CP 1 1: therefronVtoithourdirstroying i This Cannot be'done by any o f I cess is known only to De Leidy. , his oivn, , , , , - . L . - These Pillionffe orVvi le the pr : .. sm. Lktp . SARSAPARILLAoR ' compounded principaßy Of which is Combined ingredient! lotion) rendering them more laxative in their effects, thee ,Carry! 1 mom fronfthe system verigradnal: clueing debilittor mit inconvenier ficient quantity, however. :they art may be eiriPlOyed or giveir to. du even to infants. being a wife an& gettire„,..feetanne no. restrMnt ii from re,gularfiabits orfrom ere ' These palatine been pecet from iheircetnvenient for*. nuts, the plate of all the different crept nlla, such as Syron.. Decoctions, are contained in bottles; liable to be r convenient for raking or beii - These pills have, during .... amply tested,. Newspaper ad , expensive, aliple testimonials i mans and others accomptity an They are Particularly mcomi Rheumatic affection's, General Debility, Ulcerous sores - of th throat, nose and body. Divorces of the Liver, • Skin and Bones, ' Pain ofer the region of tb heart, breast, 'Lind sto ' mach, t Pam of the eider. alon • the back and spine, Inward fevers, foul breath. a bad taste in the tnouth, Flatulency,. want of alt lite. cost !veneer, cramps of the stomach, and ,in Ingestion, arms spin and the wliele train of diseases r • rity of dm blopd, as also constitut. duced by the use:oi Barks, Qeinin or other Minerals, also impende Its, Lues, Venereal. &c. Price •25 Cents a Prepared only and sold Who!' Leidy's !Health }:inporium, 21ed st. 191 • Consum ti DEADER, if you havel P a oug as,their consequences. Ids unpurceptibly, and inrinuat ling the human system. flaunt , se ling ending in consumption. • A WORD TO PAR flow often is youth cut-d Own by the consumption, and follow parents who are in a measure the mute death. in neglecting to rem jug in childhood. Idoking upon th none, and not attracting their nod. has commenced its work and din This is not a fanciful represented ous instances occur which rove t In manhood colds ternimaii in t progress so rapidlyee in out not ever, in both youth and Man ood and non regarded as trifling *Bev sive idea that has no doubt short PR. Ri.cort sands. . PULMON ARY PR.B.S t: (Price tri.Centh per i n Is an invaluable prepramtfon disc and celebrated German ithy - clan! it upwards of fifty years ill hie o' many, throighout which citiun 1 that time most extensively - and i in Coughs,Colds. Influenza Cat. ring of Blood , Whimpink, ough and Sides, all affections of e B ! .arrest ofapproaching coitsu ptio Much may in said in prat e o I but newspaper advertising in ' satisfactory evidence' will fri I I upon trial, as well as nufneimusr cetnpan, Mg the directigns. Up I were sotd:in Philadelphia alone ter, a con vinging proof olitseffica! thy woctkl, never hare been sold' canes are prepared and .aufd only . . •OR. LEIDY'S HEALTI; VitMONiT A R AND-IMPORTANT IN FADER, dul you oversee n lipid learn his suffetdagel 1 he is a pile. thin and ghaatly lo apparently hanging by , a thread; unhappy. Eta sufferings , ladeseri Are you much troubled with Fl Soureructations arisingifrom ye want of appetite. Walerbrailb mouthor Rini breath, , ora 'mach. Sickness alter ealtin!. lie , once fat/01'14k dikhes, o!kn. If y with any . of the foregtoing ympt I the picture of the Dysgep c. an i remedy the consequences imm DR: I.EItorS'ICONIL` ND 'CX)• lIA . . ",..2% never (Idling and effica ; DYSPEPSIA- Cr IN 31 And thewh e train cifa 'ectio eases . ° the Liver, omac The alma medicine is warra 0' Vr other niineral polio bon tirely. of vegetables: sate nd ea _pleasant to the taste. - - !Er o ay be young and old, requiting ut in. diet only.. . .; Numerous testimenidls ave.. published: itti reputation is; so we • went upon.its- virtues id envie • IT HAS NEVI:K FAILED IN A SIN , ther recommendanuni itecom. round each bottle- . 117 Price One boiler per .. Sold in Philadelphia .4 ' Dr. N--. 11• Leidy's litlablitiO Vine St.—and by I''''f fl' gll May 5 that the IMPAY IR 4"afil-;- Nl.- 2thy.s Bineh Ali way , 1. .:46.t.:• • - .11 k• -4-Y4 •:.t ,-iguitable . All the lion eottoters• at ttlareheet..4sl:,tlegreett. Patel' aost Space.% tot th . , • nlitijk 4. ._ it: foot . Phie* '• 'A 1 .11.41A.ip orv o re l w il eal era' rise, toilet expr 2-Smo June 23 II ; , I II ,s id' Dr. okidlh I E I 'i QC igh- Ter. I M ikici , ceg c- ro zinnia anti with entl t 1. l a d ad sarsap? - Ac tchi, r ang , are I - ,t, bein , in no yeti .F 0 phoi. pinipie e s of the f4ce • Bad Scaly 4 chez Tatter, &rofu ' Jamul! Sion ins. hod blet irskin, . WOllllB, :rysipelas, 1 . Jearthurn, (loughs. Liser tin, witerbritrh. tOons4nd JO lte stomactli,; ' 'affectons, 1 as sod arderting 3 ilds ott he neck, Niins, nder the Old aJong the u t ilig t;r ftm l. d lct c pu-. - ie d n iss id, st Ire- Mercuryin ts life, Syrtis -- ' ! e end Retail ai Dr. , ' low 'Vine. !Nlt ic t I , say. ( Gland OW' 11 j t • o eold,ibeware or eitalli prolzse 1 . 'lles throug at i. , rr. the lenge and ' , . - I c * 11 . h . lene j . t exird .^, i their', gray by / 'anise of their re.em in tOlde irten lat. ; • rif as trifling ffec •o entil the dest yer n e ; e4 p re r c ;t i r i l y ts n y u i ti a m r. - ' flint. i , • t .e e irat i , tdo e ly ib it u end 6w t . c .. . . ,Ifer it is a elu tbehiresof u ' j i: ME F43 ula/ 3ed Ger : .Ting • oyed Si it ; read mine, very e ets a Be tike El ptic, say, life !a and 'Mess, !sional r your ial IN3 ?El Ow' . - 4ni very Ei4, I, r , tip the' a— its ~ A inle 1 1 # 13 Y. Sons n ft- 1 4 4 below le. Pot 34 'COAL IRON I 't IBltr o Sem eitml boy*. TOD t J. • Ph Iron dcf ing -1,4 s , . se cia o , ; , !icing phi. -If rood. ig 1 (Se gal" lav b ; GE Ei HA' I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers