The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 30, 1838, Image 3

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    . .
parting instruction, and *e hare learned
from a :gentleman, •who*, daughter has
been for some time at theschool, that her
progreas has far outstripp his most san
guine expectations. In view of all which
we have no hesitation in mmending this
Seminary to the patronage of the public.
Car Ireland,
Jsmatity —John cam a • mite of Irelana,
about 26 yearsof age, was drowned in thaschuyl•
gillsCamal, nearly opposite the Salem Coal, Mines,
Norirevan township, in this panty, on Thum
day. moining las i t. An ingnelit was held on the
body before Justice Hull, (by perroislicin of the
Coroner.) Verdict of the iuri, `accidental death
We are requestOd to a
Ptlttsville Band, will :par
streets in the forenoon an.
partake of a Dinner at the
Connor,. on the ensuin..
American Independence.
Tie Okt.Guard.— A lOter from Lon
caster county, states that Ritner will
3,600 majority in that county. is
majority will more than balance the ma
jority in favor of porter, in Berks, Mont
gomery and Northampton counties.
Judge Rochester of
formerly run fur Gover
was among the persons
the wreck of the Pulaski.
Lo'edfoco 'trickery.—The 1 , ;
at Williamsport, Lycomiog co'
to forward papers which suit
leging as a 'reason for conduc
that the mail was TOO ?DLL?
- 1
' Poetical The follow 4 scrap of poet-
ry has been !tainted to us for publication
by a gentlertian who info r med us he pick
ed it up in the neighborbod of .dinersville.
At his request we ins ert it. The scene
described is one which frekpiently becomes
an awful reality, wherel "the .pestilence
which walketh in darknefis, and the sick
nesf which destroyed) at noon.d.iy," pre
vat". Fur ourselves; iwe confess that
th 4 ugh we may allow (*selves to laugh.
at 41.
e emptiness of pride, pr the vain glory.
of serf conceit, when' the/ exhibit them
selves in the walks of bipMesscor plepshre;
-we have 110 idea th,it the poet, I inghing
at such a seeds, as that ' described, is any
thing more than strong, figurative language,
intended to convey a whalesome moral
The poetry is said to be it good imitation
of Coleridge.
I wandered in achurch.yard, v pi , ben Death's shafts
fell thick and fast,
And human cones eight or len, into one grave
were cast;
The funeral trains no longer came with mournful
step arfrektin,
But the hearses rattle() merrily, as they went to
and fro, ' ' •
I sat upon a sepulchre, and li could not help but
To see the bodies there interred without an epi
ta ph. . I
No mass, stone with fulsorok lie was set above
their head, ! ,
But rich and poor togetbes slept in the same nar
row. bed.—
I laughed! I
,could not help ; but laugh to think
' . how poor is pride;
For those twist 'whom a gulph bad been, now
slumbered side-by side...—
The bloated drunkard's horrid cores, laid by that
of the child, ' •
Who locked withip the arms of death, still looked
as though he smiled--
The bead of one that eret Wu Sited with vainest
Now tested on the restating earth, are dead beg
gar's feet. • „ .
laughed, and who woultlriot have laughed, such
things as these to see =
I sat upon the sepolchie„and 1 laughed heartily.
11011. TUX mithis's rotapui..
TO a'E. T.
My friend, my early friend, my but, my only love,
I offer thee once more the humble tribute of a
That beats ; to brood upon the precious memories
• of the past, •
Fhe joyous dayrof•youtiv and love, when nought
of •sor row
Or of woe bidimmed our path; when nought of an.
Or uf pain dire intercept the generous flowinge of;
our sools, .
Save the dread thought of years of absence from
the some;.
Hallowed by youth's first gnshitigs forth of ten.
&trans. •
But. eh! how dwells- within thy soul's deep
The recollections of those hours of stored, holy
3 0 .1 • 1
The "hour of evening sacri fi ce," wheit heart with,.
• heart • i ,
In sweet submission bowed before the mercy seat,
And in the buoyancy of yodth's bright hopes, an
offering made .
Of person and of soul, to iliewho an our - daily
paths 4
Theltindmit blessings ofhlo lovelatb shed.
-The-boar of @deist joys, when. friend met friend
With cheerful smile, 'rotate, "the ; joyous hearth,
And kindred feelings knit the 'souk of some • who
now • I • •
Are tossing on keg rough 4nd stormy see.
Are these to thee ea but al viaion,of the night.
Whose shadowy images still float upon the mind
In faint remembrance, -seldom or ever recalled
Amid the sunshine and' thej smiles that , now sur.
round thy path?, i •
Or do they born upon_the altar of thy helot, with
Undecaying vigor—there to bloom in eVisilasting
prime, . '
. While lite shall hold domiiiion o'er thyj powers.
E'en ~.the sturdy oak, ishen winter • chilling
wind's- .
Hankbared Its limbs, doth reek fresh root in
It's own oktive earth;so bath my early lose,
When stripped of all its' frePhnesa by the blast
Of disappointment dreanl ii winter of !the soul
Sought a still deeper root • id the springs eflife,
t n
And there lies buried, ti the spniig i of ardent
hopes !Pigged. I
Shall dissipate the gloom that round it ihange,
And bid it bloonslin one eternal sunshine, never
mote to die,
While hie shall. animas .
And when earth's,pdvirm
ed above
. Whom partings, trials,
Phihnietpkie, Jens SO,
4 111, Italit The Cri_As Still,
They Coin ir!
Screws.-4,14 must be admitted :that
screws are difficult things to be managed
in ratter) menkinery; and, when they get
loose, the innehinery is apt to' all, to pieces
unless the sot4ws are quickly replaced.—
It is well known that the Porter Chnbibus
to Harrisburg„ has lost a ;goal many
screws in this, county,end xtuMixor is
still increasing. The omnibus looked quite
full when it: started, but the vehicle
has lost so !natty passengers; and, withal,
become so 'Oozy; that, it is somewhat
doubtful whether it will ever get to its
journey's entl.i . However, we suppose that
new screws will be procured by hook or
by !rook, and the omnibus Will rumble on
over its rough road.
nounce that the
de through our
afternoon, and
Hoiel of Mr. o'-
A nirersary of
Ma. HANNAN: I have learned that at a
Porter meeting, held in Pottsville the sth
instant, my name was used without my
consent as a delegate to their convention,
to be held atS Harrisburg on the 4th July
next. As I p ave been a cutmorter of the
Washington armer, the truly democratic
Pennsylvania Governor, and see no reason
why I should change my sentiments, I
therefore decline the honor intended.
Tours respeetltilly,
ew York, who
or of that state,
ho perished in
Ma. BArdwn 1 observed my name- to
the Plirter paper, as a delegate to the 4th
of July convention, which was used with
out my tonsent. lam in favor of letting
welt enough tone; and will gn for the re
election of Joseph Ritner.
ofoco Postmaster
linty, has negltxted
'n Cloy. Rimer. al-.
so extraordinary
Ma. BANSAN: In the Potter papers, I
observed that the loco-Cocos have comitta
teo me as al.delegate to attend their con
vention at flarrisburg, on the 4th of July
next. They had no business to use my
name, to promote the sinking cause of Van
Buren and Porter! and f shall support the
truly PennSylvanim Governor, Joseph
.Ritner, the Farmer of Washington county.
MR. PRIER: In the Porter papers, I
observed that the friends of Porter have
nominated Me as aAelegate to nttend their
convention pt Harrisburg, on the 4th of
July next. This has been done without
'my knowledge or consent, and therefore
deoline the !mime conferred on me, as I in-
tend to support Joseph - Ritner, the Wash
ington county Firmer, at the next election,
believing hip administration has been the
best since the days of Simon Snyder.
Wayne township, June 23d.
0:;1-• We tire authoiized by Mr. Joseph
Kimmel, otthis place, to state that he had
a conver.ation with his brother Samuel,
since his name appeared in the Pottsville
Porter papirthat he assured him that
he had not , authorized the editor of that
paper, nor 'any other person, to use his
In Heidelberg township, ;Lehigh county.
The last Lehigh Journal - contains the
names of t4e following• persons in Heide]
burg township; Lehigli County, who de
cline serving on the. Porter Committee of
vigilence,_ r and declare theit,intention to
support Firmer Riiner.
The abOve ten makes no less than twen
ty eight persons who have declined serving
on the Porter committbe of vigilance io
Heidelbore township.
We republesh the following table of Election
returns for reference.
`Cyliciall Elation Returns-1835.
Mc Keanskintg, 81 ..- 62
West Penn i 56 77 _
Pine Grove' a 155
Friedenebarg, 86 100 '
Schuylkill Eleven, 61 ' Sll• #..
Upper Mahlolonic, 10 ' 127
Lower Malitutango 41 6B
Berra, i 21 30
ion, "
Ranh, '
Mmenrville ,
Port Carbcalr,
Tamaqua, .t
*adman; heart;
r;. ear, to be renew,
1 re is w 0..... .......—_
a, are aaknoiro.
Fax voureae Jothutai..-
Port Carbon, June 28th.
i` AD - AM SMITH, Jr..
Rimer. Mohtenberg. Waif.
104 239 93
214 69 96
18 52 . 28
5 21
20 . 28 13
27 31 23,
32 3 33'
19 31 13
833 1179 858
Resdefeh.—This iadividual. Who was Ter*
eyed so notion", by paling Pessideut Jaelean'ti
nose s a fewi l Yeirs ago, and igainst whom proee"
has been Waited and re-issued. fir that aweault,4; :
though ne*er seflrid, has "'warily Caught g
- trial roe th 4 often". He was aware that the dep,
oty marshalt, at Alexandria, had a writ for hW
arrest, andthe came over tothe District from IRO . :
ginia, and ; invited the olfiess to is it. wide
was done. He was then bail.W, being held lo
sum of lied hundred dollars. The trial will tat
place next October. Mr. R andolph has nip
that Gemini liusksonchail Ihe sommoned tout'
tend ai a *hoe" Of 01111:11 th e old Glassral
won't "MC MI the court au Flo. in that case;
is to fine r. Randolph fig atlsaulte.4suratel
of Ceauntrie. • -I
FOlMllltli AIM A DAY...../61 10 1 . 181 PerarT sari
that "the tiae.bieeiry Grua
,OTe a y em ir
i nnern„
list feiret• and mkt; "thati mg n eats
be fold fseiaNl freer —N 1 14 • '
ermi AL.
On Thoriday mooning.* 28 toot. by
Rey. Joiockb Mx, OL •
zoili; to 81Izos SARAH ihatint, both of
Cod Tirade.
ithipmeas of Coe: five the Week, saiticir on
Th.isrsdny evening led
4 11 kilqied h►i
Delaware Coil Ca
Coarse H. Potts,
N A Cosl Co
8 B Reevo & Ca
Charles Lesion
Bell tt Bolton
8 liedner & Sc.
A 43teinherger
Hodgson & West
J Bell &% Co
TC Willman 4 Co
M Morph)
S Brooke
Miloes & Spoon
Sillymen & Nip
Boinnett & Taylor
L Chapman
P E Hamm & CO
A • Lumina
Ikt Evans
Milnes & Lloyd
L C Dong horn
CM Hill
Neinh 4 Co
Palmer & Gannets
Davis & Morin.
Hewes Saber 4 Ca
R. G. Lela r
G Best
MI Weimer
Potts & Saurian
R Richart
R Woodside
1 Stanton
Win Rothyehell
Wax Wallace& Ca
Sundry Shippers
Pet last report,
Link Schuylkill
26 F Kepner
27 Joi Thoonia
' L McLane
28 8 Bradford
28 Gen High
6 Boats
49 per last report
The following is the amount of Coal transported
on thin Rail Road, fur the week ending on
Thursday evening lash 4222 tons
per last report 12,000
Toil - 16.259
NA THA/It OLE - AVER. Collector.
The following is the amount of Coal transported
on this road for the week ending on Wedneaday
evening last, 2344 tons
Per lasi Report, IGIO9
OEO. HADIIBTY, Collector.
The following is the amount of Coal transporteil
' -on this Rail Road for the week ending on
Thursday evening last, 6133 tows
Per last Report 40.331
ROBERT C. HILL. C46.olketor
The following is the amount of Coal transported
on etis Road for the week ending on Saturday
evening last. • 3109 tons
Per last report, : 10.192
H. H. POTTS,Collecu3olx.
Arrited et Remised from thasedide. stp t.
9lAJinsf. incise*.
103 Boats. with
Per last Report.
Paul Ariss SO, lOW
WHEAT FLOUR. b 1 the lead wu worth u Fri.
day V 50.
WHEAT I fQ per umbel; hp dewed.
RYE FLOURS 00 perewt. is ilesabd.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1 IA per ramie deitud
RYE. by the load 10 cute by the
RYE CHOP 65 seats per bushel ia demand.
OATS 116 seats—ready sae.
POTATOES 40 casts per babel is kilad.
IX/RN-416 casts per bushel is linseed,
CLOVER SEED-05 AO per bushel.
TIMOTHY SEED-111 00 per bade&
FLAXSEED—SI It per bushel is dessead.
WHISKEY--42 coats per galls,.
BUTTER—I 4 coats Eip seats
_EGGS -14 cents per deems.
LARD-40 coats per posed.
TALLOW-9 seats per, peed.
HA MS 19 cents per paardi
CORN CHOP 80 to per bushel is deemed.
BACON—PI cents
FEATHERS-61 ceetsper posed.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents pot pelted
MACKEREL. by the Mi. No 1.51100 Ps s. St
SALT—I en per bbl.; 8T par Medal
PLASTER. Is worth 5; 00 pot W.
HAY $lB per tea.
1111110tiENTDEITOIRE—. • umbletibses
: Ise l l: 1 1 : 141.41 ." thi Jedrol OOP ,
mos of Schuylkill earaty.hir Mos& of the
imperd Acme,' Amiably p U fir do male Is.
;selr,at Debtersolt.that dos authips haw s
ibleaday dm 30dt day ail* mug 10. Weft is de
&mow at the Coen Hamm. la Orwipberm fir the
hoar* ass endear maim wins and wino
I rally awed if tbq dimikSoar._
Joan 110 Id-
• *writs,' •
les=gives. that the following mead 14-
Adoehtistratairs amid Gumbos; hats
nettled their somata is the. OW of biffi lbeleftir
or Safiiikill Coale% ma -thibt the odd
,11,0 1 14 6
will be promoted tolls Chipillisiess Coin* held
et Orwi Lpfore..le bed for mud eeeety, Mew'
diky tbe day of July 11138 6 for ofielletpotion.
The moot of Valostiee alma. end An
drew Winooper. Executors of the loot - vat am &
testament of Ademi Howast, late of I's* lowa.-
ship. demigod.
Thu Immo of LeoffOrd Nisbet; Adiefeietra
tor gibe ammo, UI*T Rieke . 4 late of Maithohit
toweehie. deceend.
S. Thu ozooont of Henri Ege Adinbustratoo
of the estate of Marko MarriAger v kle of *Ay/lO
WA Hem. *ceased.
sa st,4o
. 20 1087
15 813
.13 194
13 660
14 6149
1 - 679
47 3
. 443
• 40
931 1159
4. TIN *moot of ;obi BMW! aid Mary,
Broser. Admioloratore of the seats of Amok
Brew. late &the terrace' of Dliatereeßle. del
ceased. . •
5. Thu amount of Jacob Alipaelt, Admioistrad
for of the estate of Xlisshate StroPfslate of Loir
sr Mabastangottoiroship. deceased.
6 11 ° wont of Georte Reber. A/inhibit:al
for of the estate of Aka Reber. late of 31anibetas
towcahip. deceased.
7. The second account of Jonas Goldner. Ad ,
mini/neater of tie estate of Gorge Jacob Goldner.
late of West Penn township, deceased.
8. The amount of Abraham Mel kel and Rea.
bee Merkel. Adotialatritw of tba situ, of Mr.
Ain *Asi a late of East flnutswick towitabip,
9. The seeount of Elijah Bessuer, Minh&
trams Pe Beinia 11•11, with the wi ll summed of
Condi= Hoffman, tato of Branimilek township,
10. The amount of - John Koch, Giardini of
Slijeleth and Jam, minor children of John
ler, late of Alanbeiai township, deceased.
11, The accOant of Henry Housfr, Adminia.
trolor orate crusts of Esc Ikasser, late of Went
Penn tawrishlP, deemed.
12. The account of Jacob Shade, Administra
tor of the estate of•fleeid Meurer, late of Malmo.
tango township, deceased.
11. The account of John Battorf, Administra‘
tor, of the estate of amen, Bawl, late of Pine
grove township deceased.
14. The account of Ludwig Berger, Guardian
of Sal me, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Henry Gab•
ert, minor children of JairetAmt Cried, hue of
Pinegrove township, deemed.
50— Register.
307 16,396
1563 89,086
June 30
PROCLAMATION.—whereas the honorable
Came" %mei; Esquire, President of the
several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties
of Dauphin,Lebanon, and Schuylkill , M Penn.
ay Irani". an jmitice of the several Canna of Oyer
and Terminer end General Jail Delivery, an raid
counties, and t Gssrse Reach and, asniel
Esquires, judges of the cuort of . Oyer and Ter
miner and Geeend Jail Delivery, for the trial of
all capital and other offender', in the said county
of ilicheylkill-.-by their precepts to me dirceted,
tested at anywhere, the 30th day of June
1838. have clawed the Court of Oyer and Termin
er and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Or
wigsbore, on the last Monday, of July next, be.
ing the 30th of said month.) or continue one
lErla 105.482
53 2.710
1923 168,192
Notice is thsreforetereby given, lathe coronet
the justice: of the peace, and constables of the
said county of Schttylstll, that they are by the
said precept commanded to be then and there at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of said eel., withsbeir
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinatsoos, and ill
other remembrance. to do those things, which to
their alms appertain to be done, and all thaw
that are bound by recognisaneta, to prosecute
&pipit the prisoners that are, or then
,sball be.
io the jail of said county of Schuylkill, ari to be
then and theta to prosecute thew ,as shall be just.
• ' PETER F. LUDWIG. Eberle
Merin. Office, OrwillthcFl*
Juni. 30. 50.
N. R. The Whammies and jurors who are sum.
mooed to attend said Court, ate requested to •erne
punctually. in case of nonattendance, the law
in such cases made and provided will be enforced.
Them notice is published by particular-order of
the Court, those! concerned will therefore govern
themselves aceo-diagly.
M.MOCLAISATION.--,Notice ii hereby given
that *Mud of Conunos Pkan, fbr the tnal of
ceases at Wee, in and for the county of Schuylkill.
will be bald at Orwipborg, in thee:aunty aforsaid, on
Monday the 23d day of July next, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon.
Therefore all persona erring snits pending, and all
pane= oboes duty it shone to appear at said Cowl.
will take notice and govern themselvesactel=7.
Sheriffs We, Ortaigaurg.
Jane 30,183K3 30,
ET Pullet mid ark/edam is demanded of tie Jame
end Witaimes asuisomed to Mend thin Coat.
ragehm.--AsiaAn. Mazy Ka m%
Qhasap Kllllsl.ll. Gamilyis Kansa. •
3,097 loos
Aseishrat Tbseirtr.--Measeape B. Hnuay.
IN this Seminary. Females are 'instructed In
Needle Weik, %telling. %adrift. Writing. A.
Animate. Bonk Keeping. Algebrs7Aglish Gram.
lams CompositiothOetorraohe h tery. Chinon,-
on. Botany. Natural Phi ' T , im etn t a i ly .
Drawler. Painting. .ad the Language.
TERMS—For Boarding and Tuition. eaeept.
tog the throe last named breathes. One Hundred
and tidy Dollars a Year. payable quarterly in
For Drawing. Rioting. and the French Lan.
page. Five Dollars a quarter additional, each
beam* '
Wuhing charged a 1 .371 mats a demo, and
Books, iltationam &a. at the store Flees.
bads sad l inn. the us of the Library and
Claso Books. Ors furnished to the mils without
Vacations, Is the Fourth and 'Tenth nwistbs,
and to tbe Scholars who do sot twain at the
School. this tints is sot ehareed.
Far limber infiumation Parrots sod Girard:
tans are reeprefully rehriSt* tri Edward It Hair'
Orilisborg; Joseph T. Carroll. Post Carbon;
Jobs 12, Leiria, Georg* N. Amiens, Mary J.
Hubby.Pationtlq or to Jahr Saha. Schuylkill
Forge, sew fbrt Ciento...all &whim base ail
dote at Intsberies &hod.
Kinolertai. Jess 23. 18311.
• 111111 ewird.
entrW'aws,- p
it •
-m* ar Pena. have
stoke e goenth oflembee frees where die
ie sew • leg 1 1 Ihrellist loamf is
Ifeheeteep Street; end es eitenkleeeasieee diet
hided the *iris of the beildieg by rimerieg the
Melte ape4•l4 end etbereieeimpul s es the build-
Jag. I , liowift Arta the ahem mord Arlie op.
prebeeelea eateuevidise el, lay peal tie pot
' OM sr bereeftee d gli
Is les, 'pike at the
hie eeteta.;, tor say tabu* reepeet*the
PK bet te ei 4ti eeietiiiii," '
' 40111 lififygr.
sieeter '
hee IL
1 . • fie-.
old ins Ski Cinumuustmakft.
ism Tws sanatirrianovrai of
i$ 2 •
wilt,r of several writs P
eot V ' ieni .
AN and Leestri Facie s, lamed out of
C/berl son Pkas of Schuylkill County,
and to d irected, will ba exposed to Public
Saki. at ' booms of-Edward IrConese, hiokee p .
a,* theborou gh ofl'ottsaWe,
On Thursday the 124 day of
July, I at 10 o'clock A. M.
All th at certain lot or piece of ground, sites*
on the roithweeterly side of Centro Street in the
borough 134 PM/rifle, in the County of &hayl
kill, in' Swill's Addition. Beginning at the isa
tame of three hundred tied twenty fret southwest.
wardly Bent the line of Market Street, thence
mutineer/11,y 'along Cattle Street. ninety ftio, two
inches tolilll,tesit wide street; thence along said
SO feet street. north 10 degrees, 12 minutest
i t
waif 138 1 I 'aches:to the kw of lot No. 28,
thence eistwardly along- he said line teethe place
of begin' log. together with the hereditamesis
and ap .. rtecances. ter 'sling of a three story
stone tiii. ding. enotafining fine teneniante-,late
the eats of.heejsk Lyon.
At ale same time 'aid place, all
that certain lot of ground; situate in
the Borough 'of Pottsville, Schuylkill 1
I.loonty, bounded ie front by Norwesi
zian Street, northeasterly by lot of
Robert Woodside. and on the mar by a ten feet
alley. and southwesterly by lot of Ambrose Crow
ley, containing in front 40 feel, and in depth,l3s
feet, mafked in Jacob Alter's additional plan - to
_Pottsville; OA letter L., M. with the apportenan
cm ftniiiiidng of a Iwo story frame dwelling
bones with a kitchen, and occupied as e tavern—
late the emote of A:abeam Crowley.
All thr same time and place, all
the twlull.equal, undivided fourth parts°, shares
of all t at ,certain lilleAllege or tenement, and
tract or Oros of land, situate in Norwegian town. .
ship, ecluety of Schuylkill, and State of Penney!,
vania: beginning at a post in a corner of the land .
belonging to the New York and Schuylkill Cos/
Creamy, thence north 611 degrees. east 321 perch.
es to alpeat thence north 20 degrees. Wet Illil
perchekthenee south 20 degrees, west Bfr, percher,
thence, no 29 degrees, west by land of . George
Duncan, I 21 percheh thence by land of the New.
York and .oirtaill foal Compsny.,amith 611 de
grecs., weir 3 14 perches; south 30 degrees, east
1641 perch to the place of beginning, contain
ing 324 i and 14 perches, emitted Mary's Fan
cy, with 't appuitenanees—late Um estate of '
AAR yens
Oh ''huraday the 12th day of
July, at th public house of Philip Doyen in the '
town of Sc oy !kill Haven. at 4 o'clock P. 11.- 1
All those ree contiguous lots re groOnd, 'situate
in the taw of Schuylkill Myren, in-the County I
of•Sehuylk il, bounded, by Columbia Street, lots
No. 136 a d 142, and by a 20 feet alley, and
marked inrhe general plan of said town, with the
Nos. 133, 140 and 141, containing 60 feet each,
and in depth 227 feet with the appurtenances--
late the.te of George Erseriek.
On r 'day the lath day of July,.
103?„Iat th house.of Peter Filbert; innkeeper, in
the Wrong of Pinegrove, at 10 o'clock A. M. ' All
that certain let or piece of ground, sit.
tilli oats in the litorough of Pinegrove. in
the county of Schuylkill, bounded by
the rail road on the east, by Orwigs.
burg food on the synth, by Tolpehoeken road on
the west, mid a fifteen feet alley on the north, con
taining one acre more or less, with the 'ripener.
minces, eonalating of a large two story dwelling
fosse end kitchen, spring-honse, office. and •
frame stable. The house is now occupied as a
tavern—late the estate of Weary W. Coarad.F.i.j .
On Saturday the 14th day o
Jetty, 1838, at the public house ofJames Taggart,
in the borough of Tamaqua, at 10 o'clock hi the
forenoon.-All that certain undivided one third
part.' the whole into three equal parts, Parted
and divided. of all that certain immune, ten
email, and tract of land, situate in Rush town
shil,Couoty of Schuylkill; bounded by land,
of hn Kershner, Philip Alosser and others,
coomintng in the whole, two hundred and twen
ty 'ems, more or less. with the' appurtenances,
exceptingor the same six lots of ground'
in the to werfNettingborg, numbered in the plan
of the said tAroljitith Nos. 46, 57, 59,, 61, 63, 61.
It being pail ofAhdreame promises which George
Kemp, Daniel Kemp and George Kemp, jr. by,
disk deed ated the 20th day of March, 1826. did
grant and , firm unto George W. Baum .— Also;
all that •• lain andieided coo half part, the whole
obe p 1 and divided into two equal parts, of
all that Cle in trivet Oland, situate in Norwegian
and Barry ownehips, county afuresaid. 'with the
apperten ces—it being the same premises which
Dr. Behja . in Becker and wife, by their deed da.
led the did grant and confirm unto the
mid Geer W. Blum. Also, all that certain on.
divM- . half part, the whole into two equal
.parts, par • end divided, of all that certain mew
suer to meat and tract of land, situate in
Ru h tow ship, county aforesaid, bounded by
Ueda of ' ter Knahh, and vacant landk contain
ing in the whole 397 acres and allowance, more,
or less—i . being the same premises which the,
Common math of Pennsylvania, by patent dated:
thol27t;h •LT of January, 1832, did grant aqd
confirm • to the said George W. Baum. enrolled
in patrol : 11, vol. -30, page 541, with 'the sp•
roitonan late the estate ofluse Bkber. Jokel
Birder an. Geergs W. Boom.
_ _
, sit
1 he bo
liday the 20th day of 'ldly,
s base of Henry Stager. innkeeper.
ugh of Pottsville. at 2 o'clock P. M.—
All those two contiguous his of
ground, situate in the Borough of
dPottsville. numkmal 44 4. 46, bound.
ed northwardly by Market, eastward,
i t yr i 'Welber Street enthwardly by Norwegi
enstreet, and westwa rdly by lot now or late Bard
tarson h
Pat' containing in front or width each 60111,
end JO de each 244 1 feet, with the appurtenanl:
ca, coos ng or a two story frame dwellingl
hoetuAlso, all that certain piece, parcel or loth
ofigramod. , situate in the Borough of Pottetilleil
bounded bwardly by Avenue , eatwarvily . by!
1,0 of loh Porter. south mad southwardly by lots
now or l ate
,Benjamin Pott, Esq. with the spoor.
tesarseeki containing one acre more or less—blatel
this same of =M.. ...... • ,
At. 'the - same time and place;
,one fuU and endurided ifith part, ,) I h'
' whole into 16 e9nal parts, parted an 1
rliiitled, of and in those that adjoilP
j .
ing tracts or 4iieees of Isod.Vitoate i'
Norvirn township. county of Elchoylkilli le
tram tided by land of Henry Gauls and Phili
Wagnesj f and neat lend, thence by the nest d
ahribed it'd and land of Leonard Reed. and a
oast land. containing 421 acres: 102 ralthes,
townie -2d hat, bounded by the neat
bed lad and land - of iwittnard• :Reed ,by le
lithe OM above described and vacant land, et i #,
tiduireg 220 acres. 80. psalms, and allewanee •
ri tiitet; by land surveyed to William Wet
claimed by Jame. Dada; and land of
dosl ' lent efthe wood ahem *Merl '
1111111 MS wait hued, by lad onolot '
ier,g ametaledig 3111 - sens. 110 -
.4111; .
llusimi-40. said thopometiof liiiitif it
likairkettlloll4l4i.N.l49 •
ekes, styme •will r. •
4 1 ti I
1 Ives et
- 110-41.
ePOidene Iwo* Fammistial g a ihre lline 4 . 1 .01 1 4 1 !
—lnto the estate' of florae Anteir: ''',
'On -Friday the 20th dayil July,
18* at the housavif Henry Cbrist. 'makeup:en is
icorthe 'Ceiba hilinen.ville. it 10 05,354. - r,
_,24. r . •
•" . Ibll„erinitl. undivided Doe 044 101 . 00
th parts of titutteen twentieth pertevitilkWt -
catkin. tract or 'parcel of unimproved lantivfaltrit•
ata no the head waters it the filwatara;ltivar i
fortherly in finegrove - township. Barks Orintry 'i,
owe partly in pine rove, partly in Norivirew slip
parSrum Lower Illahantanit, ant' pitily wilt
ry nships, Schuylkill Covinty.sarveyetilifthi •
'22d. 23d and 24th days of May. A. - A:1793, i
in,Prirstiance of ten warrants dated tviropeetivatt '
therl2th day of January: 1793. lbe-lttl
larVing osultd Persona, ris: Robert Irwin f* ~
439* acres and alkowance; Ella) Weed. t0i4291
acres and allowancq George Weed. fi3r 41114 1 1ii`•
era end allow : ince; William Cook. Van, fik4o
awns, 114, perches and allowance; Jutiiv..Ntlit: -
Esq. for 443 acres 91 perches and - allowance; ,
James Miller. Ric 440ecres 59 perches totaling
ante; Robert Lynn. for 450 acres. , 148- Pere*r
and allowance; Andrew Carson, for 412 kereri - S
pritches and allesmaee. contaiotaly in tke !whole
4306, acres, ii perches and allowance, bounded by
lands of the New York and Schuylkilltoftiteriat:
puny. and late ',surveyed to James WitiOit.i.
and others—late,the estate Of Wm Zavert.
.:.-, , .
Seized. ta A ken in execution. audio be. soli Dre!
PETER F. ;;UDWlG,Stierig t e
Filierift Office, Oriviirs. ...:_,
ymitg, Juni 23.18* t
Dissolution of Portakerstiiii.:
THE co.Partnenthip heretofore existing- tni'
tween Win. Nice 4 1. H. Moodie. -trading
,under the firm of 1. H. Moodie & Co, is thilAty
dissolved by. mutual consent. Those
elkima against egid firm. will -prevent thenilol,
:Er,. Moodie for settlement; and elf who know them,
selves indebrd; to. amid firm, as also to their*.
firm of Nice & Moodie. ere required to make
immediate payment to 1. H.. Moodie, va, thew
ibitada the books sre left for settlement.'
N. B. The Imainess will-hereaflerlasciindett.
led by I. El. Moodie. at the old !tend, neat dims
from the northeast corner of Centre and,Norlye.
;glen *meta; and reapecifully solicits tre.ontinai
raisee of public patronage.
Pottsville, Jung 30, _I 838.
QJ Miltoman, Milton, insert three times..aud
charge this Office,
First Troop tichvylkill Counlyikt .
111,x7 ILL PARADE on Wednesday the itlt dsy i
7 of July, 183& at lb otslock A. M.istilloe.,
times% hotel. fly Command.
lune 30
Daryl. Safety Lam '•
3d and Walnut at. Phiht.
Philadelphia, June 30 50-6 mo
. .
Reading Nail dc Iran.Worky
HeAVE on hand boiler Iron, shect.of vanotes
sites do. and also , all the different si s 'bay
iron; also, round and square iron from xiptii 3
inch Railroad iron of the various sizes unclteil
and countersunk, and cot to the atiglei ready fat!
use; and band iron. All sizes nails and *piker..
also, 1r un iron of superior quality. All of which.
are offered for sale at the lowest city pritiek . ;• '
- • ,KEIMS, WHITAKER 4; Co: - .
Reading,June.2s, 1838.. • - 50—tf -
To Old t?olisetrytieds.
Agency for Lini of POckets from Liaet.
pool to Philadelphia. • _
%%BE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed As
gent for aher- Messrs. :113Ope's Line of Liver
pool Packets, between 'Liverpool arts Philadelphia,
and will receive the passage money from aboes'i
who wish to send for their friends in the - oil , '
country, and also, will procure Bills for thiiisfp,ar.
ions who may wish to tranemit motley ra,
friends abroad. • •
Thir Packets belonging to thu Line are .fitted
up in a superior manner, and are cornmikiiiiderf•byg
persons who pay great attention to ther ikintfiga
and convenfence of passengers—and have given
great satisfaction to passengers generally. • &rt.'
. grants who intend residing in • this legion, will
.6nd it to their advantage to engage their paesige..
in this Line, and land at Philadelphia; they wdl,
by so doing, save the fare and expense from New •
York to Philadelphia, which is foes or five dol- •
Tars for each individual:
The rate. of fare will be made known by ap t ry
int at the of the Miners' Journal.
- jone.2o B. BANNA
WANTED, a good mining cariTter,.
can aim do house work, to whom mmatink
employmeot will begiven—apply to -
Pottsville, June 27.
Valuable Coal Lands
TRIBE SUBSCRIBER, Aiisignees of W.. •
Baum, Will expose to Publicelale on Friday r,
the 13th day of July nest , at-I o'clock in the &P
Jammu. at the house of R. A. Heaton in the
rough of Tamaqua, in the County of :likithttylktliwk-
the following ;described Real Estate!. ' --;..-,
'• firat—The undivided one third pail isfoi [ V4 .;.. 4 .;
fain messuage, tenement isod tract of haiLigilli,
ate in Rush township, Schuylkill,Cisontnaltylia-4 •
ing the town of‘Tarnaqua, and landiof the Little
[Schuylkill Nsvigation & Rail Road Co. and -OM:.
L iars, containing WO acres, More or less. (eMUipit° .'
' bt lota of ground in the town of Wisttemlie
_ sold:) This trailfut land tchandsOnss4, , i
ly situated; the Little Schuylkill and Gittamisem:
mil road passing through the same. - There are ~
a somber of coal frills , open on Abe 'preadiest -4 ! . !
from" which-teal of the heat quality ban beitifial' . _ '
0 4,h ie d,A14,, the undivided half .of ii!';' - .Mllt*t i
[ tract of Coal Land ', 'Will* in Ain, lind.?ii . •
1 gilt's' townships. Schuylkill Cunnty, betided lib ; ;
lands of John pluton% Peter Knabb aid- ' [ othera t t
containing 151 acres more or len:: ,Thii ., 'friett :
of land is situated on a branch of the Big-Settityli..
kill. a few miles (ram the head ofitieliFilstikiittelt=
railroad,apd contains* .linTinnunit bed: - ,*::Pto7,
rior coal, with about feet light inpireileg;,
on which a shift. him hmn ,stialt:throughOset- i
; shirtY,threelfeet deep..,Bpowthis tient, 4 ,
m of land there is si large.- lolhonse met 'i'
•is s Mont Militia% (Mite occupied saiiiVio I
II I erif,) with atables,..itiede; 0:7, - 114,q, !,
old Suribiry raid passes inuttedinlal*4:l‘l . 'i
eria , --Slan, Ilirket of nebnProved•lnn4dlintbailk =
Rash township, Schuylkill County,- homilwilokr ~i'
lands of Peter Knabb Ind earalnl Isadnv [ Yerninhlt"' i • •
log 39T sere. Ind illoWanessi Thlictiatitolflit* li
ji b uou d s y with dm! of e lope Fie qualitfe'ewl ,
mum fro m the Little Selfiry&llliall Tiad:::'''':;4: : : -. ! ;
- Tbs. terms of We oiltioLsiiia r illibil: , ,
rAindirsoco on thii day litlide..: i ,*„ , .. , , , --..4:6:g.,r.i..4-, .:
. . . • Atimuiztv_no,2_, ,
_JOHN. I.w.,r,,tii f.
• mai** , tif411ki1.07,401*,. Ili
/Die " ' --5.---7 i'''lll4 1 . r