The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 30, 1838, Image 1
VOL. 1. AN 11 ; ?" 8J_A.1117114 11111111. • • .Tuaaa Doi t t.ass AND Fir r payable aeual-annitally in adiran in the year, Si will be char ceise the paper free of INUIA e. 113 per annum If not paid wit will be added to the price aim. WEEKL Two Dot.Laan per annum. in advance. If not paid widen . be charged Advertisementiaot ereeedin charted $1 for three insertion insertion. Laigel ones in pro All advertisements will be out. unless the time for *hi h t isspeadied.and will be charged Yearly a4vertisers will be c inetmlieg subseriptionto the pa of keeping one advertis ement standing during, the year. and t er one in each paper fur three All letters addressed to the Otherwise no attention will be All notices for meetings. • which hare heretofore been i h arged 25 cents etch. except . Wanted lin A GIRL who can come and veto understands bowie work of a small famil this Borough. 'Apply at.tlt 'one 16 Norwegian T 1 1 THE taxable inhabitants ship in Schuylkill Coo 1 dill at the office of the sub. boo, on Monday's Wodner4 until oast 'July court, and County ant School -Tax, for sons - residing at a distance, said tax* when it is hoped. tintinents, pc, as to preclude I training property as the law , . ; Port Carbon, June 23 Catiti 1, THE undersivied cant 10 1 l purchasing or leasing t Clinton Tract, on the East from Elizabeth Spohn, or I as he the undersigned will institute a suit arum ling to take the possessiou Manheini, April 2S, 1 !Wolff! • • • WILE Register Of stehwilkill (lonely haviqg i. granted to the subect4r. Letters of Admiti isitation on the caste df Hoary llietigri, late of the ISonsigh of Puttsrille, dieeeased. All persons indebted to the estate of the said HearY Nertge are requested to make imiineshate payment; and all thasp.havrag claims, arse requested to present them lot settlement to the imbscriber without de /ay.. ROBE RT B. NELICH, lane 4 42-6. • 1 Admiaigtratar. NEW RON `& Hardware Store. THE subscribers would i'elipectfully announce to the public, that he leas added to his forms stoek, has and Hordtearn, consisting in part or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron, aSiorted sizr-s, Cast,, Shear. German Mid Engltsh Blister and A. M. Steel Mouse-bole anvils, Smith's Be!knots, Cast Steel band, hoping; and Broad axes, nails andspikea, together sit a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all w ieb sill be sold at re. dueled priers, by OHN CLAYTON. April 42 - Teas! Teisil Teas!! ! . gam CIiENT T S andbests of Freria Green • ' 01 ".. and black Teas, iconsiatiog of Orange. Picea, finseichong, Ppuchotrig, Gunpowder, Young Hyman. Old Hyman and Illswat S'kin, just recessed and isr sale at reduced prices by 1 4 414 14A THANS & tn. 'Several small chests pit up for tarnily use inaY 2 33 ' Aotfre. - THE Register of Schuylkill County hawing -m granted to the subrotriber Letters Of Admin. *ration on the elate of) J.A. Mr Grata. late of Norwegian Aownship.Sdhurlkill County, ih-eras, ad: All pervnas indebted; the sard Jean MeGrorta. see requested to make mediate , pa r ment; and . all those hariaz clams re revuitted to repent. them for settlement to t sorinieriher trithout de lay. E . GH KINSLEY, Adatins4-atii. Part Carbext. May 16,1 I `tS. - 37-6 Leaden Pipe & HYdraii . &ANNAN bus joist received a lot of Lead -01 Pipe,_ which bei will warrant to be of a superior tauslity. anid I inch. Also.Sumatar aud Wieder Hydraeta.i coosuroeted of the best materielle, all Of:which he will sell ebeap. jaosla 1 43 $2O Reward. The SubslribCrs to the I 1, AN.AWAY fruM the subscribers n i the 9th ALS inst.' an indented apprentice to the black ill,n4SlMLEi TOWN MAJ.L. I swathing , teminewe named Mathinielah Leweltrn. NOTICE is hereby given, that in Election 1 aged about IS years. 5 feet , snr 6 inches high. *will ,be held fortINE DIRECTORS, by ; He is ham Wales. but sneaks English very well. the Staeldieldwra in tb Institution On Moaday i Aft persoise am ea hereby utinard against barbs:tr ibe 901 day of July rteet..lietween the bows of , IMF said apprentice- The above reward will be 3 and 4 &click P. M. at the Pencuilwansa Hall. I paid to any one who will deliver him to , the sob. Hy order of the Board. Scribernrir lodge him in an. WI in the Gammon. EDWARD OWE'll PARRY. wealth. El & li" WOOD & SNYDER. 49-5 . !' Secretary, j Coniery Works, Pottsville, Jame W 43.-3 Julie 113 MIRE oubserther has; non as band at hut Stare and Storehouse on 'Centre and Rail Roe? attneta. a fun antortasent of Gtiods, coital& for the ant melm Barr Iron of nisOrted sizes, I'Band ant Hoop dics •do • 1 Nails sad spite &ids do do aertitoood fr.. Sailors do do Sias and.Spikea do do P goal Morel . ' • jdo do flardwarit, a adamdral ampooroomot All !of irbigatb• is.sblhag at reduced Prices. j a , 1 3 • 9 . MX YTON. Strai Rome. CAWS tothe eta" of the ;übserilsW about two Witiiiii, BLACK HORSE, about 111 yews ohCreit t to het Ica rebca d a a 4 is swiped ha the ' kg. The weber es re =caw ni. Prime Mien,. Pa, end take way, otherwise he will be eta, JOUN SAYLOR. SelmsylkA Haves, Jim 'A 4S-3* . . , . . .. • :. . , . , , • ~•... . . , , i I *ll.l TrAce TOO TO FULLCZ Tat ROWRLA OFTEIR WTH AND , iqt.1361 OUT FRO! TER CAVERNS OF Tux Iliotomums,, EILTAL+ WHICH wuttarvicropulaTare *INANE. LID NOTONOT ALA, NATURO TO 001 nig AND i ' • . . .• ' • , I.IBIIIID, New and Splendid Goods. THE Ladies of Pottsville and Vicinity are res. psctfallvinvited to call and examine a most splendid assortinem of Painted Limes, Jackinetts, Prints, Black and 'hits Lawns.' • Mansion Ins Lyonaise, Hoskin, d riVand light kid Gloves, Worsted, Cotton and Silk Ito. Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Veils, Plain and painted bordered linen Cambric hdkfs. Silk & Cotton, Winded Sr. imbleacti'd hose, do do Embroidered do At the store 9f N..NATHANS & CO. marl 9 38 A NN AN. =I Cam's per annum. . If not paid with to all those who re-, •To mail subscribers in the year 50centa cription. theaemi-ananall the year, 42 50.w.01 twelve lines will be and 50 cents for one mon. , serted until ordere l ey are to be continue coont rged =l3 per annum; r —with t he pnv,ilege Ix exceeding 2 squares insertion of a small ! ccessivetimes. CAROLINA worklid flooring boards,-ydriniii . no:l, tongued and grooved ready for laying. I, and inches of different quality and priors. constantly on hand, and for sale m lota to suit purchasers, upon app!icatioa by letter to JAMP3 'M. - PATTEN, for most be post paid, id to them. 1.. and other notices Iserted gratis. will be arrittges and Deaths. Planing Machine - *bat; N. L. Phila..C.o. or MILLER & HAGGERTY, • april 25 . Pottsville. OARI T lia/C6JILIVS!! Valuable Real Property in Pottavilk, • FOR SALE diately, well recommended. `. king, to du the cd three persons,,in office. THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three story BRICK STORE AND DtVELLINO HOUSE and the appurtenances sitaate in Ceitee street, Pottsville, the property of theL node-signed; together with nine other tenements in the rear of said-buthaing, and the lot of ground Whereon the whole stands. The brick building aforesaid, contains thirty feet in front—finished from the basement story to the garret-in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand anti a oesidence, is most fit vourably situated- - The foregoing property will be sold on low and accommodating terms. Part of the iturcialse money may remain on the prop erty for a few ,years, if desired. Title indittputs hle, and possession can be given immediately— apply to . •G. NI JENNINGS. April 22 3e-4 r Pottsville wnship. lit' Norwegian town tr are rtitrested to ribcr, at Port Car ies and Saturday's, pay their respective the year 183 S. Per • • be called on fur There will be no de rthe necemity of dm directs. LIAM Et, HULL. ;,, the public againf.l e tractor land eatiAt4 'orwearian ratl mad. ory Morita for her. Confectionary Manufactory. rrHE subvicriber teSpectfully announces to the palate that lie has commenced the Manufac ture of Confectionary in all its rarities - branches, at his Store in Onitra htem, Ready 'opposite the Pottsville House, where Confectioners and oth• ers can always be supplied wholesale' and, retail, at the lowest Philadelphia cash - prices. Country Merchants are - respectfully solicited to call avid cominc bis stook before purchasing el.ew here. title thereto, and any person atteily4 ereor JOHN POTI, nor 4 12 YEARS Old Monongahela Rye 2i' hiskey, being the stock of a private Gentlemen, de ceased, and sold by coder of Executors, just re 6eived and for sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY. June 23 48 COAL. TSubscriber i s receiving from the A. Law ton Collieries:a 'fresh supply of the celebra ted SPOHN & LEWIS RED ASH COAL, now landing at his wharf. Pule street; Schuylkill.— Orders left at the *Stec, No. 81 Dock street, or at the wharf, will be promptly attended to. F.• Philadelphia. May , l2, 118. : Choice Wines and Liquors. N. NATnAris ag co. LEAVE on band the following choice Wines •.R..l. an d Liquors which they warraqt genuine. and offer for sak on the most favorable terms, consisting of 54) Baskets Champaigne Wines. of Key. Hick ory, Star, Woodcock. Anchor, Grape and other brands. • 10 Baskets Sparkling White Burgundy, 10 do Old Hock, 5 cases Old Gripe luiee Port, 30 do Medoe & St- Julien Claret. Also—a few dozen br the much celebrated East • India or Star Madeira, Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry in bottles, .lo Madeira, Muscatel ••'• do Curraccie. Perfect Lose. Rose, Noyeen, &ISt:kiss, Bette. Annisseed Cordial... • do ON DRAUGHT. Madeira, Pale. Brown & Gold Sherry. Liom, Teneriffe, Mar. Madeira, Malaga, Maldusey, I Dry Malaga. Muscatel and Old Port. Champaign Brandy of the Pint brands, !Cognac. Bordmax & Charitte Brandy, Holland GM. of Pine Apple and Flab brands, 7 Jam. Spirits, AL Whiskey. N. K. Rum, Com- Gin, Com Brandy &c. - . Tavern keepers from the neighboring towns.. are respectfully invited to mall N. B. Goods delivered to any part of the Ix.. rough or neighboring towns free of expense-. may 2 33 • . . • trt . .4.; ,; : 4-... , - 5 : ~, t ,:- ; p..,, .v , . : =:4: . ".- 5 ;; 5 -x, 4 . ..-- MI .. matp: TIME' Flooring Boards. Encouraze Home Manufactures. JOHN S. C. MARTIN 50-tf ;Sent airalg, Coaland Loading. beta to Ito Da tott.rdlie Rail Road COM. pan . at Mount Carton. •Ttre same being in es ery respect wet calculated' for the shipping of coal The 'mine mai be rented with or'without meaty pal Chro al! in good order.--Atio. the Inge warehot4te and wharf. Faignire of !'SHARP. Saperintendent. Mount Cuban. Jane Sa • - 46-3 A L IVESTEO Hareg* = Shoulders A. Sae; le. -ceirsti easitionseet • prime lot. •rbiet" • .in beta' kr. for cub by the Mad: to dine maks. applj to MILLER It, HAGGERTY. CS Jose 24 fro' abds or • prima liresiapinha linina pen avespritsilly fix family nee. tied and fir Tilif ' aULLER HAGGERTY. innecn . • 9, AxD , Porers- vinGiag 6ENERALIAIti . voitiviEß. • 1 .• POTTSVILLE, P,A., SATURDAY MCiII.NING JUNE 30, 1838. Itemunption of Business. NEW DREG STORE. THE Subectiber returns his gratefokrekabsrl edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and others,who stepped forward to his assistance at ter the loss of his property by Ire in December last, and would also _acquaint them and the pub lic generally, that he has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W. Clenuins, ,in Centre Street, in the borough of Nati-vine, where may always be had a general assortment of Drugs, I Medicines, . Paints, Oils; Glass, . Dye Staab, And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low and ateornato dello, terms. N. B. LT Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. W M. T.F:XTING. Pattxville, May 30, 188. • Port Clinton, Foundry FQR SALE • WILL.I6 ! . sold at private sate. the Foundry pleasantly situated at Port Clinton. Schuyl. , 'kill county, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry is at the commencement .of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rid Road, now making, and will in a snort time be one of the hest situations inthe country to do a large busi aegis. For terra', &c. apply to PARKE & TIERS. Iron Fourelers, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MY F.RS, Port Clinton. july 29 ILEA lib ING - NAIL AND IRON WORKS; HAVEnn hand SOILER IRON, . MEET do. ROUND Er SQUARE IRON, CO A L SCREEN do. • R .11Th ROAD do. Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails and spikes ofall vim.., for sale at the lowest City priers. REIMS. WIJITA ER Ar ro• Reading. May 22, 1838. 40-6ino air. TERME'', (from Pkilodefp ZIALIWCIP 113133111 MAIO= ESPECTEULLY tenders her Services to alg' the Ladies of Pottsville and the vicinity, and hopes by the neatness of her work,, ,des patch, and moderate charge:NJ° merit a share of their patronage. - Her residence is at• Mrs. B. Mason's, opposite the store of Messis. liathinr St Co. in Centre -Street- June 2 • 42 EXPRESS LINE OF STAGES. P r HE Proprietors of this Line,(which has been ..a‘ fitted- up in a superior manner for the accom modation of the Travelling Community.) respect fully announce to the public that, the Line will positively commence running tetween POTTSVILLE ty PHILADELPHIA, ea Wednesday tee 2d of May, and will continue to lease their Office at the Peaasylvasria Hall. Pottsville, daily at 6 o'clock, A.. 31. and atnve Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. AL at the followirg rates , of Fare: To Orwirsbarg, Port Clinton, Hamburg, Reading, Ponstown, Trap, Norristown, Philadelphia, bile. Notice. • • AS it appe that because %Er-Crane obtained i no pate t yu fir sefeltisi loon:Ore With An thracite C in this country. many suppose that ' they are noe at liberty to adopt the Method of smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the dole of 'a heated air blast although I gave notice last year that IL had a palest for smelting Iran Ore with AnthraSite Cvsekboth by the use of a cold atmospherin and a heated air blast, I would now ' inform the Fipblic again, that on the 14th of Jan nary; IS:18,1 received a letter from the Commis- Wooer of PaleMe at Washington, stating: ' "Sir, upon essuraning the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a pitent for Smelting 'bon by means of Anthracite, hare viewed his claim as interfering with you, plitent of pee, 14 , 33, and bare given notice to hal attorney of this decision." Every attempt to ,(melt Imo ore with anthracite by the use of a h * eated air blast:is an infringement nice i my patent, Oigainir, which I caption and warn all mamas I shall prosecute every not tuft living PARKER Sc. CO. - : upon my 4rhts, according to laic. And I fur : ther offer es dispose of patent rights for the erect- MERCERS 4.. TAILORS, ling of futtlces • ace°'ng to ai, patent, upon (nonstedy Parker le Winiimuj i very modern e terms. , FREDERICK W GEISSENHAIN M E WIAVE removed on the opposite side of C-entzt ! N ew y o i,k . m ay Id. 83& 37-..1y m-m. Street, a few doors abore Norwegian Street 1 . where they offer for sale a' select assortment is, ; ' Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres Of the 1 'W .llii ß . . /.. I ES er A t ASD ggerty :RETAIL , Most fashionable cokirs.erith an elegant assort. 1 ,„ meat of Summer Oaths, Vesting+, Uteri and Cot. lln,I In, Gnr • XlilsiGnmenri Wine 4. LitigaerSlore ton Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves. Sas- ; (Nest door to MortimeepßoteL) Fenders, linen and cotton Hine, and all kinds of ; THEIR .nnexpots w 4th A hearse in Philsdelpliia Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, which will be ' um ' them to keep on hand a very lexica .made to order in the most approved style as to the 1 sive t of goods. which they Warta' at workmanship, and warranted to fit equal to any 1 Philadel is prices. Score and Tait ll2 keePers in the Celt or elsewhere. 1 a nd : p l ay a families, Would do . Well to eall and P. S. P. A. Co. keep on band an excellentes:. i judge kir themselves. emir:Emu pmready-made Clothing ot all ktnds, - a Iff, uhseh will be sold at very low rates. 1 june II For Seats apply at the Pennsylvania Hall, P o ttsville; Hen's Hole), Readuar; and at their ' Office, No. 24, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M I NTZ ER & 6 0. Pottstotra. • OV ENSHIN E, Pails- ' EVANS & CALDWELL, Do. Przgariesors. OE W therill & Brother, 1 AT 1112. OLD STAND . I i Coal Merchants, Land Proprietors 1 N o . 03 NORTH FRONT STREET, and others, are respectfully in- ', Tm . ii„„ w H'Tes E t s va T i s tmuani E. or &yes si:.! • formed by , s. PiIIuADIMPLHA; 1 Bailee smith, . i a rdi A, l l l,7 l7 .l FA CTATIOILS OF .1 civil Engineer, Land Streeyor,.4.c. ; - , K ea . ill can . S • wu. Red Pricipt. T HAT be has commenced a permanent red , L a b ari • r Pottsville.adoicae deoer in and is prepared to receive i w. • and sathfactorily =emits all bossiness with Much I , , s ort be may be filmed. do H. S. is deter to comfine his practice :to I Ill' - I r do come, PosmoSe and its tidally, which arrstogethent I 1 ..„,,,........, •• lamer will enable him plactoally to attend - I° those cs. 'C - 7 Coos. 'do 1 1 gentlesmai engaged in musing, who may employ. A .., - Aces. Idombra MM. - eid Solpls do. ' Mapa bandsennely finished. and AreldUetora. Efima Designs &raided in entry style. - .. Mut. • Lae nt - Mile .. Renosyboanit Ha. ApritiS.lB3B. 31-2 mo I SIP- Sal - L it . ' 45 111 : 11111 .7:: . • , busby Mare. . I embasipaoti Sal Waro,Dninewme,iona., 011 or for sale the ahem oswithadd artici" os. to irlAVE or the premises alba milwenlier an row. *d i eseseral tmmmeas id" faints. Devi the 21st inas. a Duo Colored MARE. 12 or 1S aid Dye , andeleWlldwerliOdielo lad Qom years old. blond of an eye. Ms owner is request. PA ad . of an aNdit-0.0.....d. Ed to toms froward. probe property, pay charges 'hose Lead *!kJ ple*Hnwoodsessei sep and take her away; otherwise she will be sold air monies to law. that mi i • t h e F ab, ll ' b e us , mi . = " , . Sa-VVEL BROOKE- ' Wald* sad Pocono Gins. fors 68„ is sass. Wes West ]lines, June 92. 464 I outpsy: IS- - gram EWE .NEw BAKpity & CONFECTION EST.iiBLISHMENT. • • Fr4T i riCk 11 ESP LLY informs, his-, fr iends and . I the publ9ln general,:that be has opened a teur Bakery and bonfeesionary Establishment in Norwegian P.treet, neat door bele, the Arcade in She borough of Pottsville, where he will al • ways keep or4nd and bake to artier all kinds Greatest of vaiiety of patternef—and where also, will laurels be kept on hand, Bread by the Loaf, of an ex4ellemluatity. and oft alarge vise. His Confectionary comprises,•' large and on. oral assortmen. Selected with care; and sold at the very lowest rates. _ F. C. E. woitld also inform kmilles that he is prepared to b4e Family -Brea for 'any number who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the shortest notices and on the Most reasonable terms. sprit 21 , 30-3 m 'ew Goodis. . 4 generil .... rtufent of intit, and. seasonable I 'W Goods, ju .• reeei ved--ixonsisting in part of •• D y Goods, . I G - 1 ceries, .Hardware, . Qfleensware, . Mackerel, S 4 11t, Plaster, fkle. Ace. which will be [ sold low for casn. The highest . rice paid in ' for all kinds orcountiv produce. , . . JOSEPH WHITE si. SUN. Mount Car n, Dec 2 2 . : • TA UYAS ELI.X.IIV, For instantaneous cure of. TH ei l TOOTH ACHE; • Discovered an brought to its greatest perfection - BY _ ONSIEUR CHABERT. Thais to crify that I have tried your Taput , as Elixir in serrate:ages cb of Tooth Ache, in whi I have certain y found it of very, great service. - - ~ • 'J. B. HARVEY, Member oftlMßoval Coll.. Surgeons. London, Sept. 11X3830. • A friend sopped in to say that he lied visited the Fire King Ithis morning, and twitnesaed his marvellous cute of the Tooth Ache., One little , boy in perilar,'who looked cross enough to bite a ten penny 41 II clear o ff , in ten minutes smiled at the decay' tooth and defied its pain.—U. S. Gazale. i A fresh au lY of the above Elixir just receiv. ' ed and for B. BANNAN, , July 15 7, Agent for Sch . aylkill county I-1 y NI cal Intitimments. it, riNHEsn ibex has just received and offers ia. fin sale 4 keyed Flutes, pfain, Octave Flutes, ' . Clary:meta, l . IFlageolets,S Viohne, i I Fifes, Violin Bridges Pins, Strings and Bow-hair. l Clarionet Reeds, Guitar Strings, Violin Bowes—extra finish. He respectfully invites the public to call and examine his rock. . JOHN S. C: MARTIN_ may 5,1835. 34- 80 50 75 - 100 2 00 3 00 3Qi 1 450 5 00 ' I Seperior Wines, • At tke , /ersesi City priers.) • THE celebrated Old Star - Madei r a , Sparkling . Burgundy. Old Port, Hock, Hockhenner, Lisbon, Tekteriffe, Pale. Brown and Gold Sherry.' Also—exti draugSt. Claret. Spanish Wines. Vin' de graves, end Rhenish wines of excellent qua . ty, at 50 CIL per gall*. ' Storekeepers and Tavern keepers wißbe sop tgiadat wholesale prices, at N. NATNANS & Co.". Centre St. may 26, 40 NeW Goods! New Goods': J EST received by N. Nathans & Co. a new and elegant assortment of Sprjpg and Sum mer Prints, painted martins and lawns, among which may be found a few piec pieces of English Prints at at very low rate.. 'Also, a splsodid as sortment of Cloths, Cassitneres, Yestwgs &c. Also, Gentlemen's Summer wear, together with a general assortment of Linens, Checks, Di apers, Tick' gs, Muslins, &e. sprit 1 4 • CALL AND SEE!! JUST RSCEIVED a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of • Dry Goods, Groceries, • Queens!‘ are, Liquors &c: • which l'am prepared to sell cheaper than ever offered in this market tot cash, or in exchange for country produce,'at the highest market t .sice. J. C. KERN. Storage. THE4lbombers having tented the wharf on Fair Mount dam, foot of Willow St. Rail Road; joining the one occupied by A. J. Bolton & CO. are prepared to receive Coal.. I umber. &c. on wharfage, and commission. Exiquire of the.sub scribers on the premises. or at .28 South Wharves. LIVIITING, CLARK & CO. • june 20y • WHEREAS, in pursuance of an act of Gen eral Assembly of the CommoOwealth 'of Pennsylvania, an attachment bath been granted by the su ham iber, one of the Justiiies of the Peace in and for the County of_Schoylkill, at the in stance of David Frank, of the borotizh of Potts. Merchant, against a certain William Reive ly, in the county aforesaid, Miner; wherein cer tain Goode, Chattels and Effects of the said Wil liam Reively have been attached, and are now in the czeuxly of John Heffier and Henry Stager, E, the Borough of Fottsville,lintil they dial be disposed of according to law. This is there fore to give notice to the creditors of the said Witham Reively, to appear on Tuesday the 10th day of July nett at the house of Henry , Stager, E.-q. in the Borough of Pousvilk, Innkeeper, then and there to discover and make proof of their demands agreeably to the directions of the aiiid act, the 18th day °finite, A D. 1838. - GEORGE HEISLER.; Joie 20 47.-3 A CARD. . SUMMER ARRANGEM E NT• JOHN SILVER, Tik ti KES pleasure in informing e friends andthe patdic. that be continues tus Itaritcroar ander the *Pennsylvania Her in Pi-ttcrille- Ile hopes harpast reputation fur keeping a respectable Esiab- Winton. acipured- during the expenenee of S ears in the same line of business , and a desire. to please. may merit a continuance of their farms and patron age- JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr. Robert Render. of the "Cornacotam• Nei 44. Norib Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the debt:aeries* which the Philadelphia market can afford dazing the Sommer seasilat. • Mil of Fare. • 1 Roast 13tier, cold, per plate, ill 1141 C"..orned de de do 12) Fried ilam 4 Eggs, , do ' Z Green; Tonle Soup, ,de 25 - ',..nilistera. Perdition, — nosh - Tickled Salmon.— Seined Oysters, CM Madeira Wine. per btirde, 1 50 'CiatPa.e Sherry Wine; do 1.50 Old aroma do 'do 1 50 OM Part do do:- 1 50 Old Lisbon do • do 200 ' Chunpaterie. (Patenetto3 dtt •.2 00 Loodoe•Browa Stoat, do 37) Pewees, Smith's ..t SerJaers XX Pale Me. Apartments ate always in madmen; for Sapper Partsen,ite- and those who call mars eget= to receite emery attentme. • Portstille. May 11. IS. 33-42 i For Sale I A rahnteitk Theta of ?7oal Land, i • 4 1 r . YaNes and being in the township of Norse. ! /LA wiifian, on the West *inch near the West 1 Branch Rail Road, about war miles trout Schiyt kill Fianew—titere is Jee or ,ntore Coal Veins 1 p;su t :g . through this .and. JACOB irrana FEE r a p: . • . • at Pottsville, 47 M. r HOFFMAN, 1 March 21. C. 34- .• at Reading. CALL A J T THE -r Cer,rEentdiMbnlrisbncat w t try; seer.. Firetarin WEIR sahserdrera rekpectfaily anneanee to J ll, - their fries& and-the parte generaßy, that' they hate taken the store fornaertynocapied by. = tail &,Co.; corner of Centre and Market wheretheY are non runrided inba choice anortkoent of . Dry Goods" Groceries, :• • '-' Likpuors, kr. - - *kith tbey are dateratined caaell at the imus low. ! c l al tr. , NOLAND & STRA N. A ll kiads.of - Conatz* Produce taken at Ole marks prices. A l• r tI-6 - Wirolesale aid RAM Dry Good Stare., , . DOLLOCK & WEAVER 'brie jest ; *awed AL adrition to Oleic eitemishe asmietiminit at DR DODDS. Sager Serene' r Sloe and MA P • •superiorfaseireaciareddaponroyis- cas e - - qun t iumetts a#d Bewerbrosioaseneilst. • iker- '• 000.LBS4AM.V. just veceitsed and kir sgiebf the intrieraser t .1- C. HEM 46- juM 16 —Da.1014 1 13011 • UNDENIABLE AND MOOT TO SNOW TRAM' 13 Rs. LE I DIIOI4 - Sarsaparillsi Are the tort effectUal purifier elthißlood and Animal Raids that kaie -air • been discovered: The following ate some .oidisit Ali LATE, LIMES . • , • 'Effected inut heard frail dariieg Siksimia _TWO MONTIIS, is PkiZedelpkis. Ermine Simpson. cured.ef 'vattlentyais .. herhaad and sides, with much giddiness to whack skisAiras subject far three years. r • John Stocker. relieved , from _babdinta costhenems and want of appetite, with offensive breatV4ind l ind taste. Joseph Marlow, eared of an alcentedJazanif Israel Jones, cored of a bre4ing oat oast bin whole body- • Sarah:Ames. cared "of pain in her breasts =dead: much headache and eickness after eating. . Willem Mowbray. cared of a t ßbeinotatisni r lod swelling of his legs and feet, basing been onahlito walk any distance for six months past. Michael J. Hoskins. cured of under' arms and on his neck, with co lbseeking out on his toady. t El Cranmer, cured of awelled breasts,- pain in her aide. constant disgust to -I d, and mach tick nes, at her stomach. ' Jeffery cline, cured of rheumatic pains and naintleill joints. Samson G. Howard. cured of a tester and 1211. a breaking out over his body, with some ranningsmores and ulcens - Rev. 'A Canby; cured of an affection of Ins' throat. soreness and nu-mutton, which pretiqusly affected hie spee T ch. he following are rime only of the large number:of cures effected in Berms Montgomery. Schullkill.l.Le. high. Lancaster. and' Northanipintramunties. dining the past three months Jonas Green. Esq-, cured of a scorbutic affection. ulcerated kg. swelled joints and rheumatic pains, m . Adun . C. carpenter, cured of violent pain his sides. much costiveness, hod appetite auk a shortness of breath. Rachel Snyder. cured of a difficulty in breitbing. habitual costiveness and riolent pains m her.berd. Michael Jones, his two daughters and riimptsest.n, a;ortid of a breaking out of dry acid sonsetunessmany pimples over their whole bodam, attended with went itching, frequent unpleasant feelings in their lies* sickness at the stomach. and pains coiner dm Wirt: atc- This faintly was afflicted for years , and never ßiend relief from any tnedicid treatment, or from any medi cines, until usinga. Dr. Leidy's ',Blood Ms and a Wash directed by Dr. I ul y . Sarah ?dclutosh. cured of violent pains in bits back and loins, rho:madam. swelled joints, Etc Andrew Green, cured of griping pains. leis of ap petite, &must, f o ur food. and hattitualcomineness. Adam ft. Guinn', cured of scaly eruptions and break ing out. soreness and pain through his bones. Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and amen Henry C. Rocney, Esq. (=color Samna fevers. soreness of his mouth, throat and nose, glandular als& tinge. &c. George Layman. faired of a mercurial afreake ud sicilentrhenniatic puma orbs, bead and omen. Jonathan S • Isaac Colman and John.G. 'Thom son. coxed of various, affections of the' bead. costive nen. soar enictmunik. sickness at the stonsaet o t ' Sarah Jenkinii.Alfied and Tracy Jentian, of affections of the Am breaking out, pains ia thatlimbw du. _ , Ilatnemas other instances might be padirethed. ittit to swell the hst wo .1d asinceetiaarlly increase Ake"- pease of pabhshing them It most be matt* seen from the fore that the Blood Pills are an escellent cottective for adii edereid stomach, the conic of douses to which the heema penis hat* together with the impwritrethe Need which exists in-all diseases. and in conyunction with a disorderedimmach, very rapidly mostrates the los man body. These pills do ..pmre, as powmfiay as die. moat pill, of the oreseniidaiy. prance as mock lois: diet =did Ever srr y,or the wetbsnist the system.daistroying the tone and Tiger of thelittly. . and rendering it a prey to constant and universal :trek ease, distressed and bodily soffennti Bert are sae end wild awd grade. is their aprratios. sad Maly inimialag the notard discharres sdicatsdf to carry 4 mapsra tea as they car ccMxted der war r set nrothemog necessary any restraint from occupation or beinem: change of bring or diet. or' eiren - a• liability of tithing cold from their are. • The process for est:ratting the'sirtnecifthe Sariagov: rale without oestro t iVag its efficacy boson only to the proprietor. Pmrared only and sold wholesale and tetra'. at to. Leidy s Health linporins, 2nd Si below Vine, No. 191.—Airo Sold by . B. BANNANT. .1 Jose 9 44 Pottsville. Wonderful Cures. Hove berm priforaltof in thia city, cad tininkayi tie murntriu. • • DR, LEIDrII • L. MgDICATED' SA RSAPARIL • ElFiNG`a *Detaining9 anal enract of Spa: comb** with other vegetable estracte.:ltic" rte .dent nos a inedume of O* ait. l / 4 1r. * the rate of all diseases arming from ativainiea °file blood. from ism.; *deuces in Iffe.and ecosstraitional &asses Amsted or produced by the in:. - . mimeo* use ortnercory, ast er air,. bark. or Tanis* • la damn is so insahsable rear; el l rot elt tit Affection. General DebiTity, Ulcerate Sores. state Disie*es of the JCiver tad alai. I:lke:afire Sore t. Ulcers of the liotteXao ries. or &tested of the Bonccrofttla. Mr Srars "Et stl;Errapetas. or St. Antilawes Fite. and all soot and dac e -erous affect** consequent to onummu, Loci Venereal. ize- So effectual her tharmediase beta the :rate of various diseases kirfr± r ii is tecastieraded. th at at . is farsoverceidteg all reparstiose olifiantartmll la. Psoacec dx- is anr eistpined by ututteroon pitYaicianu,' and lam Wen earodacedbr then odo temy bpainuda. in &marks, gle,- throe:et:ma the Vatted Sues. It Is a preasannieoor eleater attend! Icaiseepenatly orgasm efficacy) dau...any other eta= now-unde, is oho womb chea;:er,: bang but one &Bar per Nada, whit* is Toffees:a to( cube one raw or Ifoyear Sonapaella. and t boogie, by tftfeseiat doggies far Nuanettaarcenfeates base been reedited aindjt Fatted frotname to atm. but la COUtieriire VreattFpelligkattrlkraigllWlNlMM!lebbatMilleftbOil the must soctedtdotat eats be ed Vdtensie dfacrey of Car Lenkr's • alb at Dr: Leidyis " 101 math Seam:tweet. below Vine h , olio G o ma •• Eagle all &nem:" *hem easti'fiza refenesele az=rea to. bandieda inatthe most re am caw peekrared=tymeraime. hie 9 *old by -;. alt rat - - 44 100Koi3ALs call be searhed by they, e T:ineeebeses• of peirgyiiillCosory lbi, r foe% tbe boron* ei : y Abeam of hat. lEga. See-boadirrie • l• Bridge demos the eiver , Sehitylt6B.atlibidivirti Iwo two mane eibsegiesibi- TholArrikstio reared and wesubet-boarded. asiffirili - be SO feet ioag Sece s be be to ket abimloitiiaktif the tyre a. be 16 feet Wide bad'it-feet' To be easarorred qua Sbee.idairOtbs% " PHILO - waumairrort All3l, I.:z 34/2e 16 46—; • L • 10 rIVR" - - EMI sa EMI NO