The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 27, 1838, Image 3

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- St ..ay y arse. - -
`NAME to the tile.of • atibseribev. residing
'N.° at Mnont i Lan hee,,a.bUut a week - ago, a Key
—Hort, about y re old, the mar VI his fore.
bead; black' inane; tail ant -lega., The" owner is
requested to enmel forwarc, prove piiipterty, pay
charges and take ire away, otherailve he will be
June 27 49-35
3 0
1111ERSONS in 'ottavill ', Ildinersvilie and tbeir
vicinity are nform , that the subscriber
hair removed fromil'hilade phis to this place, and
iv-prepared to th flake erect Brick or Stone
buildings at the a , rtest mice- He could fur
nish brick and o het' materi...le for.'chimneye to
those who may ish it.i Ho bas a feW gout:
Workmen with hi.. Pe: ,ions who patnenive him.
may expect to h ove work completed, at or near
the time atipulat d for tt completing of_their
at snits Gillingham's, Centre St.
Pottsville. Juno 27 i 49-4*
Notice to Own'era of, Boats. '
TTHE following Boats Rave been apparently a.
bandoned (*the SehPylkill Canal. and will
be sold, it not moaned on pr before the .51h of Ju
y nett, to wit: William Warner. No. 35, Mount
Carbon;,Boata Nog.. 954 and 1270; Chili...vague of
Putns t ale, and two more tiv it hout.namea or rano
bars. Also No. s!of Mount Carbon.
By order of the Soho Navigation Campw
ny. . . 4011. N CONR AD,
I - Constable.
49-3 t
June 28
WANTED, tt. good toting carpenter, who
• can also (*house ork, to whom constant
employment give4—appiy to
;J01319. STANTON.
Pot tsvil le, • „lune 27
Wairited Immediately,
AA GIRL' whcrcan come well recommended,
and who . unierstancls Cooking, to dj the
house work of a small furrilly of three persons, in
this Borough.. Apply at th.s,uffice.
• june 16 46
Norwegian Township.
T taitable inhabitants of Norwegian town
ship in ScliuYikill County, are requested to
call at tinroffice Of the silbscriber, at Port
bon, on Mondaytil WedneSday's and Saturday's,
'until next July court, and pay their respective
'County and School Tax. for 'the year 1838. Per
sona residing at a distance, will be called, on for
saiiihtaxes, when;hoPed there will be no de.
linquenta, so as. lb preclude the necessity of dm
. training property as the It w directs.
Port Carbon, June 23
THE undersigned eau ions the public against
purchasing Or lealun. the tract of hind enlitd
Clinton Tract, in the Ea t Norwegian., rail rosit,
from Elizabeth Spohn, or! Henry Morris for her.
as he the undersigned cl f
tns title thereto,' and
will institute a suit age' st any person attempt.
ing to take fbe possessito thereof.
. ,
litianheim, April 28, 1438.
Ell I
rrHE Register of County having
granted to the subsciiber, Letters of Admin
tptration orr the estate 'lEllc:try Neligh, late of
the borough of Putsville,ideceased. An person.
indebted to the estate ofit i be said Mary NeNgh
are requested to,make mediate payment; and
all thoseliavile Claims, are requested to present
them for settlement to thii subscriber'tvithout de
lune 2 42-6
.1 `Adminktrator
& Hardwarb Store.
THE subscribers would respectfully announce
to the public, that he has added to his for nice
stock, Iron and Hardwarle; consisting in part or
American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band
Iran, Round Iron, tumor ed sizes; Cast; Crawly,
Shear;German and English Blister and A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouse•hols anvils. Smit li's Bellows,
* Cast Steel band, choping and Broad axes, nails
and . spikes; together kit t a general 'assortmen t
of Iron Mongery, all pf4hich will he sold at re•
duced prices,. by I JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22
Teas Testigi!! Teas!!!
sirb CHESTS %rid lichens of Flesh Green
"" and black Teas !consiating of Ora oge,
Picco, Souchnng, Pouciing, Gunpowder, Young
Hyaon, Old Upson and yson Skin, just received
and for sale as reduced Orient; in,
N; NA 111 ANS Si CO
Several small chests pfit up for family use.
may 4 i 33
. . . . - ;Nolte.
TIIE Register of Se mylyill County having
granted to the subscriber Letters of Admin.
istration on the skate of Jahn McGrath, late of
Norwegian townithip. Schuylkill County, dectess-,
ed: All persons intlebted 4) the said John :McGrath.
- are requested to inalta im mediate payment; and
all thmio having 'ttlaitris'C requested to present
tftedt for settlement te'tne tiobscriber without de.
i Admititsi-mor.
Port Carbon. N ay 16 " 1838. 37-6
Peff & nYdrants.
A- 11 '..en Pipe, w
superior quaiikv,
and Winicr Nf
materialt, all of
_Ojai 13 •
hap jrist received a 10t..0f Lead
ich he will warrant to be of a
and I inch. Also:Summar
.rants. constructed of the. best
hich be will seU cheap. •
•••tittsiTibers to the
retry given, that an Electron
for h DIE DIRECTORS,.... by
tht, Institution, on Mokday
y ne.4t, between the hoods of the Pennsylvania Hill.
5 • Seeretar
porrsv I
NOTICE is h.
will be held
the Stockholders
the 9th day of Ju
3 and 4 o'clock
By ordef &the .
June 21
ripTIE suineribe: h , , i
••• and Edorehouo o:
aireets, a full assorimen 1
coal region viz : ' i
- Barr- Iron :oage l
Band Sod H p .il
il l o
Nails and :'pi a ' . 1
, da do. do.
care do do
jo do
do . do
Steel, Round Sq
Mils and Spikes
Coal Shovels
Riirdware. l net
All of which kess,
Jan 13 , '
'and *Proved forin,
by •
, IAL u4 , ziaDese
eIpHE celeprided O d StuMadrtia. "SpOrkkei
Burgundy. - '.Old {Port. ffnekheuner.
Lhibon i - finiarn and Gold Shen'''.
Alsent domed,. !Claret. Spaded' nee.
de graves. and Rhenish. wines of eavilhall Veal.
tycit - 1
SlorrAeepers mod Tavern keepers ;dubs sop
,plied at wholesale prior. , '
N. NATNANS dri Co.
• may 26 • '4O • Cuitre St.
jug, 44.
New and Spiendid Gtiods,
rum Ladies Of Pottsville and vicinity are res.
peetfullf inancdito 4111 'and examine a mtist,
splendid,assortmebt.of t
Painted Lawns,--4anthetie; Prints,
Blank and W-hite Laskiis,
Mouslinedalains , LYoha me. . •
tio..kin, dark and light kid Gloves,
Worsted,"Cottoo v aLd Silk• do . •
Fancy Liandkerehierii, Shawl., Veils,
Plain and ykiiateaf bodered linen Cambric hdkfa.
Silk & Cotton, Waded kunbleacted hese,
do - do . ...Euihroidered . do
At the store of NATHANB &
may 19 • 38
C4ROLINA worked flooring boards, plough.
ed. ttingtied and ;grooved ready for laying, l,
11 end 11 inches or f tiffireot quality and prices:
conmantly on bend: end for sale an lota to snit
purchasers, upon application by letter to
• Planing Machine Wharf. N. L. 'Phila. Co.
april 25 al-tf 1 . • • PoUaville.
'Valuable Real Property in Pottsville,
THE tkodersigned offers for saki all that well
known three .story . ,BRICK STORE AND
DWELLING ROUSE and the appurtenances
sit.iate in Centre street,- Pottsville, the property
of the undersigned,•together with nine other
tenements in the rear of said building; and the
lot of ground whereon the Whole stands. The
hrtek_building aforesaid, contains thirty feet in
front—finished froth- the basement stout() the
garret in the best style of workmanship, and both.
as a business stand and a residence. is most fit.
vourably situated. The foregoing property will
be sold on low and accommodating terms. Part
of the purchase . mohey may. remain on the prop
arty' for a few years, it desired. 'T itle indisputa.
bk, and possession can be given" . immediately—
apply to
April 22
Confectionary Mantithctori.
,ISHE subscrfber respectfully announces to the
public thtt he has commenced the Manatee
tore of Confectionary in all its various branches,
at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the
Pottsville House, where Confectioners and uth
- era can always be supplied wholesale and - retail.
at the lowest Philadelphia. cash prices.
Country alerchents are respectfully solicitee
to call and examine bis stock before purchasing
nov 4 • .51.1i-tf
YEARS Old Monongahela Rye Whiskey,
being llieatek of a private Gentlemen, de.
ceased, and sold by order of Executors, just re
eeived and for sale by
. June 23 48
/VETE Subscriber is receiving from the A. Lair
. ton Collieries. a fresh supply of the celebrii
landing at his %heel, Pine street, Schuylkill.—
Orders left at the office., 81 Dock street, or
at the wharf,' will beipronaptly attended to.
- F. B. N,ICHOL&
P hiladelPhiir: May 12, 1838. 42
BAN NAN has commenced a Book Bind
cry in connection with his Book Store.
where all kinds of Books Will be boiind at the
shortest notice at lowrates.
Blank Rooks &c.
of every description made to order at the lowest
rates—and the trade supplied wholesale at Phila
delphia prices.
April If_
Benjamin W. Cumming,
aTTORXE . 0 1T .1.4911111
LT AS removed -his Office to Centre Street, op.
A Wposite-the Brick Buildibg of George M. Jen
nings. where he will attend to all business en.
trusted to him in the line of his profession.
(let 21 48—tf
11011 AVE on hand the following choice Wines
• and Liqulrm which they warrant genuine,
and offer for pule on the moat tavorable terms,
corisining of
50 Baskets Champiigne Wines. of Key, Hick
ory, Star, W , oudcuck, Anchor, Grape and other
10 Baskets Sparkling White Burgundy, •
.10 • do , Old flock,
5 eases Old Gripe Juice Port,. '
(A) do Medal & St. Julien (Aare.
Also—a few clarets attic much celebrated ;East
India or Star Madeira;
Old Brown, -Gold. and Pale Sherry in bottles,
do Madeira, Mtiacatel do -
Curractia. Perfect- Love. Rose, Noyaou, &noir
sette„ Annirieed Cordials,do
Madeira, Pale, Brown & Gold Sherry, Lisbon,
Tcneriffe, Mar. Madeira, Malaga, Malmsey,
' Dry Malaga, Muscatel and Old Port.
Champaigne Brandy of the , Piriet. brava",
Cognad. Bordeaux & Chariots Brandy,
HollarreliGing of Pine Apple and Fish-brands,
Spirits, M.:Whiskey, N.E. Rum,
Com. Gin, Com Brandy &.e.
Tavern keepers from ihe , neighborkng taints,
ere respectfully invited to gall.
N. IL Goods delivered to ant part of the he.
rough of ologhboring town free of expe nse .
may_ 33
nots'on hand at his sore
Centre and Rail Road
of Goods, suitable for the
$2O .Rt witill.
inpAli t orW 4 %Y from the inbersibers On the 9th
RAI' inst. asr indented aporentiee to the black
smithing businsas. named Matboselab.Lewellyn.
aged abOot 18 years. 5 . fiel, ls or 6 inch" hi/1 11 ;
He Is from Wales, but- 'pinks English ve r y . well.
All persons are hereby. eintiOned against lbarlqr.
tag eatd aPPreptirte• . 1/81,:ohogis toward wilt be
paid , to any, one Who wiltdolitOr WW2 t4eeu¢
scribers; or lodge limn in any jell tn.the nuke.
Colliery Waist , , Pottsville. June 23 44-3
1114188011MODI. •
jog at reduced prices.
PET! •.i3NS—New
printeei* for sato
B,I34NNAN. •
r I
F ioiwingrileards.
3.2—t1 Pottsville
Encourage Home Manufactures.
Choice %Vinci and'Lhitiors.
I rAj
.'' , 4ttiliumpuipii ., fitaidaas.- •
rrifiE tiatiscalbet mann bin irratefid
1-m edeemehts to the Pattsvile • and
Oben% whoiptepped *farad to his assistance of
ter the lose of his preverty by 'fire in December
last, and we* alas squalid time and th•
gamerally o that he has aeeitt commenced the
Pratt Rosiness in the house Arreterlyeceopied by
ides. W. Clean ns. in Centro, Street, to - the
• rough of Pattstille. where miry eiwaya:he bad
R general assortment of
Drugs . f i editines .
Paints 11/2
Glass, ye. tituilly
And every other article in the Silos, line. whist,
he is di■posed to sell on very low and at:noway
dating terms. • •
. N. 8..7 Physicians preserVioss carefully
put up at the shortest notice. •
Pottsvalle, ylay 30, 1838.
Dry-Goods, Grocery and Li.
gator (Store )
Cointr4 Caters sad Mffrket &reek, Pottsville.
April 8
New Goode New Good's! 2,
UST received by N. Nathan, & Co. a nelt
912 ' and elegant assortment of goring and Sum
mer Prints, painted, muslin, and lawns ; among
'which may be "found a few Pieces of English
Prints at a very low rite. Also, a splendid as
sortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting &c.
Also, Gentlemen's
. Bommer wear, together
with a general assortment of Linens, Cheeks, Di.
'lsere, Ticking*, Mu;lin., &e. &c.
april 14 , 28
hoots and Shoes.
N NATGANS at Co. have 2 on hand • large
• assortment of Gentlemen's and Ladies'
Boots and shoes, which they will sell at • low rate.
may' 19 38
HAVE on hand r-‘
R 41L ROAD de:
Bar Iron of any size drawn to •order. Nails
and spikes of all 'aizes. for sale at the blind City
prices. • KEIMS. WHITAKER 4 CO.
Reading May 12,1838. . 40-6 mo
dthr. TERMEr,
(from; kkiisdelphia,)
ZA.Diallo MUM MA2Ciiilt,
IipikESPECTFULLY. tenders her services to
alk the Ladies of Pottsville and the vicinity, and.
hopes by the neatness''s:of her work. quick des
mich. and moderate charges. to merit a share of
their patronage.
Herwesidence is at Mrs. B. Mason% opposite
the store of Messrs. Nathan, & Co. in Centre
Jane 2 42
LINE or =tidal.
rIMIE Proprietors of this Line4which has been
fitted up in a inperior manner for the aeCOM
modation of the Travelling Community.) respect.
fully annoonbe to the public that the Line will
positively commence running tetween
on Wedneeday die 21 of May, and poll continue
to leave their office at the Permaylriania Hall,
Po:broil/a, daily at 6 o'clock, A. M. and atria. in
Philadelphia, at o' cluek M. like fallowing
rates of Farm. .
To Orwigsbu; , P 1 50
Port Chilton, 75
Hamburg, - 1 00
Reading, 2 00-
Pottstown., 3 00
Trap, 3 62i
Norristown. 4 50
Philadelphia, 5 00
For Scats apply at' the Pennsylvania Hall,
Poiteville; !Irreg . ' Hole!, Readmai and at their
Office ; No., 25, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
MtNTZER & Co. Pottstown.
May 2
(Formerly Parker &
lIAVE removed on the opposite side of Centri.
Street, p few doori above Norwegian Swat
where tl:ey offer for sale a selectussortment 0,
Stiprr6ne Broad Cloths and Cassimereirof the
most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort.
inent of Bummer i.:loths, Vesting.. Linen and Cot.
ton Shifts, Collars, Bosoms Stocks. Motes, Sus.
penders, linen and cotton Hose, and ail kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, which will be
made to order in the most approved style as to the
worknianship, and warranted to fit equal to any
in the City 9r elsewhere.
P. S. P. St Co. keep on hand an excellent as
sortment or ready-made Clothing of al kaiak
which will be sold at ter, low rates.
Coal Merchants,
.Land Proprietors
and others, aro
fornied by
Hades Smith, •
Civil Engineer, Land Surveyor, •tc.
T HAT be has, commenced • permanent read
21 - dance in Pottsville. and is prepared to receive
and satisfamorily execute all business with which
be may be flavored. . , .
R. 8. is determined to confine his practice td
Pouvralle and its vicinity ; which arrangement
will enable hint punctually to attend to thane
irentlemenengned in whiling, who•way employ
Maps handsomely finished. and Arehjesetum
Designs furnished in every style.
Pennsylvania Hall, A . prilllq. 0138: 31-gmu
Bfray Mares -
Chithe premises of the sobeenlet erc
2let inat. a Dui ColbredMAßE, 12 of ISs
1.'11401d. blind of an eye. no owner is regoeic
ed to come %mord: pow' property. pal charges
and take her away.othirtire *berry' be told
cording to: hoc.
.842WEL 118001 d.
West West Mines,. Jam 23.' 44-3
toicir , ir i tniLvt -
litall► " .1 " TA
H IFrideikag . t: itipliiiii' , ,
nitiehtdritiu4:kdbu# his friends' l ed
the pakhe ialeaeral, for id liaajipaase a
lam and Confecithwutri Ethan:bunt'
in Norwegian Sueetorieat do* harm tlid Xreadir
in the borough of Pottsville.l.,lrhero be willt si
ssy. keepwo hand - avid Nike to ;order all Wilde
of Cakes of very variety of patteroe—aiid lettere
also, willtdrys berkept on bind; Bread by th e
Loaf, uteri teelluit qualNy , and of a tirge ritp,
Ole Con; n tionary eomprisea a' large led gin.
eral atottt ''' t selected with cue. AO sold 'llll
the very lowest rues.
r.c. E. arouklatro hifiwin 4 familiee that he is
prepared tolbike Family Bread for. any • number
kb* ;mere furnishing their own Flour, at the
shortest n ce, and.= the moss reasonable terms '
april Rt.
0 1
t 30-3 m
• ks :. very low:
II - B VAN offers for • wile the following
"0 sten ard works at the very- low prices at
lacked. i
Hume, Setrilett and Miller's : England '
4 vols. hsep, with plates. $lO
Clarke's Co
snedtary, 4 vols. iheep, 12
Weiley's w rks, 10 soh. cormilete, 11.
Buik's T.h logical works, 6 vols. 'sheep, 4
Scull's Bible' aed Commentary, 3 vol..
sheep, • • 61
Byron's woiks, Dearburne's Edition, sheep, 4
Rollin's Ancient History, 1 irol. sheep,
Deartarne's Edition with Maps and
plates 4 25
Josephes i rol. with *tea • i 25
Marryatt's corks complete. 1 Cull t: 25
Mpdre's works, Library Editieh . 225
Berns wor k s,2l . 00
1 ..
Cowper and Thompeools wens, 2' 25
Paley's works 2 00
Burden's Ohne Sermons, 2 I 00
Doddridge.f. Family Expositor, 3 50
Encyclopedia of Geography, 3 , vohi. with
1210 cite and 100 Maps, ' 10 50
- Fox's Book of Martyrs, with plates, 2 25
McKenzies'sooo Receipts 1 37
Togetherwith a variety of other Book* at very
low rates, to suit the times.
july 1 ,
New Goods.
& genera assortment of fresh and seasonable
Goods. 'nit received—emulating in part of
Dry Goods,
• Groceries,
gait, Plaster, &c. &c.
which will'be sold low for mom. The highest
price paid ni cash for all kinds of countryproduce.
Mount rbon, Dec 2 ' - - 2
- For the Instantaneous cure of , '
T 7
Discovered nd brought to its g reatest perfection
This). t 4 certify that I have tried sour Tapity•
as Eliitir in iseveral cares of Tooth Ache, in whirl ,
I havemy found it of veil) , great service.,
. • Mem rof the Royal Col. B.
Y '
gee A f R S Surgeon..
imn s .
London, pt.:10,1830.
A friend e
stepped in to say Olathe had visited
the Fire Hi . g this morning.. sad witnessed his
marvellous puns of the Tooth Ache. One little
boy in particular, wholooked cross enough to bite
a ten penny! nail clear' off, is ten minutes smiled
at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. S.
Gazette. f
A fresh dopply of the above Elixir just receiv
ed and for 4ale by . 11. HANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
July 13 , . • - I—ly
ilkisicill instruments.
riThEpultscriber has just received and offers
for said r
4 keyed German Flutei, Oda, . •
Octave lutes.
. •
Clarionets, ...
Flsgeoletir, • . .
Violin,. ! '
Fifes, ; .
Violin Widgets, rugs, Strings, and Roizhatt.
Clarioneti Reeds,
Guitar Mringa,
Violin Bows—extra finish.
He respebtfollv invites the public to call and
examine hip stock.
may 5.48. :34
. OPublie Notice.
As it appears, that bee:anise M r. Crane obtained
no patent for emeltir.g Won Ore with An
thracite Cold in this oonotry, many suppose that
they are now at liberty to adopt the method of
smelung lOU ore with Anthracite by the use of
a heated air blast) although 1 gave notice last
year thatlihad a pate A t -for smelting. Iron Ore
with Authericite Coal, both by the use of a cold
atnimpberip and a heated air blast, I would now
inform the public again, that oti the 14th of Jan.
nary, 1638, I received, letter host the Commis.
eloper of P tents at Washingtoriestatingt "Sir,
upon exam lung the ease of Air, Cranes applica
tion fora tent for Smelting .holy by means of
• Anthracite/ I hate viewed his claim as interfering
f a
with your tent of Dec,. MA I and have given
notice to h attorney : , of this decision." Every
attempt to melt Iron ore with anthracite by the
eat of a heated air blast, is an infringement upon
only patent. against 'which I caution and warn
all memas shallprosecute every one inft in
upon m r ghts, according to Itiw,x And 1 far
ther offer dispose of patent rights for the erect.
hag of (Unlaces, according to Ty patent, upon
very mode}ate terms.
. New Y k, May. 16. 1838. 37-1,
. .
er ic.ilagierty i.
ilky G ,Grocerg,Wine 4. Liquor Store
(N et door to Mortimer!' Hotels)
TIIEIS nnezion with a hoorahs Philadelphia
*nab! them "to keep on hadd a very eaten
sivananortjent of gouda, Which (they ; will roll at
Philadelp a prices.; Store '
and;Tstetn keepers
antrpriva Walk* would do *ll to call and
*IOW tliernsehtia.
spell 19 ' '-..,.-,
virESITAN Hams. *ThouWere & Side; re.
lo a rZ oo eoneigronest a-lychee bt. "Mob
*dr be mot for cub by th e altd: aue
ealee. , to
MILLER I ittegkert.
ism 44 • •' -
HALM 0A111&—A kw A I " of
Wuntst .pbargi Elunittu b P Y !Nonn i ,
MILLER i ritAGGarrY.
Jane ID 1
, - •
R olk sal e IFVIOI Ci r I
ti a
biteivslista 004.. f" -- •
OR E eanclunvelikinfk"isf. the extraorißnaty
"s efficacy Ofpft. , lo,Bl? EVAN'S 'fitelainated
Cair4nde'and Aperietht AngliDitiets Pilli,.it~i n 1
leviitting meted mankind:
To James Dickson, 36,, COrnhill. East" Agent
/bribe sale of Dr. Wm. Evan's Camomile Ws.
Lowst.t.-Nov. - 15:-183
D4gr sit...Kn o wi ng ', by experience than, er
referiince that the afflidted redeive of thh be .
ciateesolts of mecileine4cl 'cheerfully niter ine
to the public in behalf of DR. - WM. EVA S'S
CAMOMILE PILLS. haVe been. saint foe
the list ten yenta wit ) distress in the head, and •
chesti: o ft en so bad as' to deprive me of gee: frit.'
three or four nights in succession, but haven vet,
found relief by any of my friends' preseriPlroil.
niitil*f-wife saw theadvertamenta in the ps i n . er.
whet.' She persuaded me to send for some, *ltch
I didiand obtained-two holes and bottles, ieh
resulle.d in almost zoinpletely rehiring snip to
health, although! have not yet entirely finhilied
therri. Should you consider this any benefit to
yourielf, or the public, you haVe my cheettoliner.
mission to publish it: Yours, respectfully,
TIIOS A. GOODHUE, Centraltat.
NNTERESTING CASE Cared 6y -Dr. p 1 .,.
R taws's Camom il e Tonic and Pentily ,A •
eat Pitla.—Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of
Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect.
ed for seven years with extreme nervousneaS, by
which he was not able to write lus name4his
symptoms were, eriascation, daily apaimodie pains
in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the
heart„ giddiness sod dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of engaging in any thing that derriaaded
vigor or courage; sickness and 'weakness cx.
teme , debility, disturbed reat,a sedse of pressure
and *eight at the stomach, after
.eating;• great
mentil despondency, severe flying- pains in the
chest back and side, eustlverreai, a dislike; for
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of various medicines now before the public; but
to no , eifect, until, observing. in a public 'p
some cures performed_ by. Dr. William Eva u.s
Camomile Tonic and - Family 'Aperient Pills, he
watt induced to give them a trial, of which he is
at any time happy to state that they effectually .
cured him of the above distressing disease. '
rrPertions r ho doubt the abuse cute, are iboit
respectfully directed to the above mentioned her-
son, at the north west corner of Shippen and
George.. streets. BENJAMIN BOWS..
• Philladetphia October 26, 1837.
! .
• I.IIIG. ' I
Mee. Hannah Brown; wife of Joseph Broerne,
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict
ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint,
completely restored to health through 'the-treat , -
ment:ot Dr. Wm. Evans. Syclptoins—Habitual
constipation of the bowels, total loss of sopatite,
excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great
depression of spirits, lane nor and other symptoms
of extreme debility, disturhed sleep, inordijnate
flow of the menses, pain in. the right side, Paid
not lie on her loft side without an aegravation
of the pain, urine high colore r :. with:other sylmp
toms indicating indicating 'great derangement in the func
tions of the liver. i
Mre. Browne was attended by three of the ifloit
physiMans, but received but little relief from their
Inedienie. till Mr. Brorene procured some of Dr.
Wm., Evane's invaluable preparations„which-ef
fectnally relieved her, of the above distressing
syMpiorne, with others ] which it hi nift eaial
to intimate. JOSEPH BROW N . "
City and Connty orNeW York, as.
Joseph Brown; of Williamsburg. Long Istand,
being duly sworn, did depose and say ths4 the
filets as set forth in the within statement, to which
he hail subscribed his haine, are just and tr
Flnsbar.d of the said Hannah Browne.
Sworn before me this 4th day ofinnuniy.ll3l7.
' PETER PIN KNEY, Corn. of Deeds.
of Terbacu/ar l 'oe•
sumption.—Mr. John Row el applied ale . lh let
day of September at. , the office 100 Chatham
street, laboring under the following eymptonts:— :
A'sliiiht emitting of blood, distressing pug, at
-tended with an expectoration of purulent m tter;
night .sweats, general emaciation, difficult y ot
breathing on eaertion exertion ,. with a well walked h tette
flush cin the cheek.' On examination, the Chest
was found to sqund well every where except on.
der the left clavicle, and iiti the arm pit of the
same 4ide. I
Treatmeot —Directed to take the restorktive
Camomile Pills, with the expectorating m
•pound; at the same time an injunction oo c 11 in
four days; When the night sweats- had cease d. ffie
expecteration slightly 4iminished, ais light fit .tit
coughing still remaining in the morning. 1-or.'
i dered is' usual to continue the medicine,- and to
call in the course of a • week—when Sip health'
continued rapidly increasing, without. the 'least
cough. Called at the office , on the 4th oft this
month; quite convalescent returning his sincere
thenke'for the benefit lie had obtained.
The above patient chiefly used Milk regihien,
duritgbia treatment. ,
Mr. Robert Munriie, Schuylkill; effiicted with
the abdve distiussing Malady.. Symptoms—great
tanguor, flatulency, disturbed rest. nervous head
ache, difficulty of breathing. tightness andstric.
tore scrim the breast„, dizziness, nervous irrita.
bility Mid restlessness, could not lie in a hori
zontal position, without the sensation. of impend
ing suffocation, palpit flop of the heart, distries
ing cough , costiveness; pain of the stoma oh, drow
.sinetai,!great debility •• d deSeieticy of the nerv
num energy. Mr. R i .;J Monroe gave up every
thought of recovery av id dire despair sat ow the
Countenance of every; person interested in 'his
existence or happiness,Aill by accident he notteed
in a public paper some cures effected by Dr. Win.
Evaridii medicine, in his complaint, Whiebindu
cid him to purchase a packageof the Pills. irliiith•
resulted iriMutpletel y . removing every syatiptom
or his disease. _He w - hes to itaV his 11101110 for
this deClaration as, the 'those amieted With din'
same Or any lump , s autilar• to - thole Iffoni
which he is happily r led. mayliketibe relative
the same inestimable . efit,....
i. .....,—. - i. i
. LIVER dm l i kiitr sit itEAIiS
MRS. SARAII , -BREMiIiDER, wife of .Mr
4 .'- 1 . Alm iltetihiser,!Corner of Second 'Wait and
citirtzlOtown Road,Pl - iladelphis, affected 'for t h e
last six years with the Liver Complaint, was
,complittely teetered tobealth by Dr.• WM; R.
VANS:SCatrioenile Tema and Family Aperiiht
Pills. ;tier symptoms Were habitual costiseattias:
°zero sting pain in the stomach, depression, of
spl ' • 'languor' exraMi.debility,difflitrbentleispit
great 'it in hilt sideiMmliftiot JO" on her:•lefl
'aide Wdhout an aggra tion of pain „ ,dizzinitemlis
the biiiid, dimness uln a ht,..iiithialber. sample**
n i
indicating great dera .- ment in thelonetionsieff
the Liver. Mn. ii Bred bier has made trilatif Vs •
riowsmedieines now ”' fine - the Publit4 4- 1.61,<*
'calved - relief - untitiithe • Was advisedto4lnitho
trial, Xtri Eifinei fiihr,
o f which shit" is hsppY
io MS that they'e ff etitnally — ridieveal.hir .of- the
ot tio
above harassing symptoms, with otheni which
ate not easentiai to intimate,
. .
~r,.:- 4 ., , , ,. .- - ...: ::„ ..,.....:—.-- . .., . ..., + z, . ...- -. , -4 9:4- --. 4. ,i -4c4:1',,.:...H.-t.:A...c.01...:,......._,,,.„-,--_-44,
, . ,
• Mr, Brenher ' k uthip4 . 4,;4llllo"*lre l'itri .
avabiitti',l44,. .. •.,4ii - egitOlitiaiagli with a
riu 2,.
didrmil'itite pi A na Coiti*estcof Which
fur eratreffecteakre - Med. • .:. •
fi • •
'.it ,ger eat cars *Tee .ey ihitlretting*, VP •
- . -i- , . • 1 Wr
Mr.- John Oilreee;.ef,RAth 'itiierWilliain*.
berg, afflicted with illte above coniplefat Tor.three
Yr" ri„P,gfil Akitstoethir,.,,dnringeelhir*time - he
Jiliti..o4l,cichewjaivetietlY 031
ezerdeetgi l aini:lll hisjointig a b cially
in the hi"ehatldWre!
and.„ s actliled,?illt Ml
imitation tiftbeerer toWairdirnikkOfflfer the
tweet part slthinesternliftlitobvi- .
etrit h iCk eittairittherifflieWeetilikeitnAifilltilit
a cclall kttu butaofmeteekei pe : wer, t ,',„(,#te ben
efit et- e afflieteEiti,a imilte.'asaatili Mr.
Gibiron,..coneetive it eet to.eayrt
have entirely ; . and lhat htie , itthiteithave
cease irn
completely recovere d. their nataliattatteeand.he
feels able to_reaume ia ordinarrblisligelitkr
..i. , %....*. -4 - ~ii.",,a ,, ,,,
DYSPErbi 4 or urpompotpitirikqrsat.
Ate.,4 Aani G. K4stii,Vc,.l4l4,4tta ; street,
between Stanton and, Heoston.,:strelitri„.laffliciett
for ten, yeareWith
t fo low ig d istressing eye,
ms: ,'
-- -- ; g.,
AcideruCtation, dOjr-egaemodiefpake in the
head, key of atipetite;Paltritatiorfitfoler licirg gid.
dittesi and dionnestra f sight; emild %OTOS' her
righeside, disturbed
,Irest. - etter , liahiliti: - ..0 &-
gaging" in any thing that demercd:o 77 ,vigqr _or
courage, sometimes a Thilionary ideit-ofittaggre.
ration of heridisease, a.. Whimiteal l ,agerston to
perticularpersjonti and places, grectedkweppre- ,
hen.sions of personal 'danger an.) petal:44'lin irk.
'saneness and arearinitat of litc,cilissolteittedi die. '
quietude on every slight oceasion,iiher,WfAtved
she could neithe r rite or live. Ali it`iet4 laindnted
despopded,and thought she led .a. irusiLASetable
lite, never wairone aq bad, with frequent'irnental
nalluelmationii.,. Wei Kent., had. thri"-ailvice of
ac mal eminent physicians, and bad ilacontats In
numerous intificinee,lbut amid trot ebtairreven a
temporary allevration:orher ilistrespintratati, tiff
her .Ilosd persuadhd her t o make trial of my r
mode reatihent. She is ;now Vale relieved.
and a herself: nut only capable of attending to
her domestic effairsOnt avows that stir enjoys as
good health at preawit as she did at any: period
of her existence. - I J. KENNY.
, ' Husband "gf the aforesaid AnnelCenny.
SwOrn before to this 14th day of-Dec. 183 G.
Peter Pinekney, Como(' Deeds ,
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange iit i reet, N.
Y. afflicted for five years - with:humeral:looml
Asthma, applied at the 'Ace 100 Cliatiraeilstreet
on the 4t'i OTGiclober k laboring_under the, thllo,w
ing symptoms ; A sense of tightness. *arose the
chest, with the greatest difficulty of,-briaftting;
- distressing cough, generally ending-with Copious
"eipeetoration of viscid phlegm, diet - what rest,
the fade turbitl'and or a livid hue-,-coold, ricd lie
in a hcirizontal poattinn without the seesation of
immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and
dizziness in the head; and loss of appetite. •-
.. Mi. H. applied to the most eminent-.physicians
in this city, likewise :used several othervernedies
without obtaining any permanent benefit, until
his friends periusded him to placarhariselfender
Dr.. William Evans' treatment,: He is enar re
lieved-of his Complaint, and called it the office yesterday., avorrinethat he bad not worda „baez
press hue gratitude tor the benefit' he had semis.
ed. Octobe r 21, 107. - . .—,.
' hereby aubScribe our signatniii, thU.
truth of the abuse cures. that theatateinentic in
every respect true. . SARAH BRENHISER
• JOHN STEIF, Hiker,
No. T 7 north Eighth streitiTPlinqi..
00. 21et, 1837. :
Dr.'WM. EVANS`I,S Medical' 01Reej- for ;-:th e
pale °Phis exoallent Medicine, is aL.No.l9,tiortlz
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
. Sold by i J. T. WERNER.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
Port elimiton Foundry
• FOlt - SALE •
WILL beSold at private thit — FOuridry
v v
pleasantly situateXat Port Clintrin,Qiuilc
kill county, m l . very reasonable tertnrw r ,jTlitis
Foundry is at. the ciarnmericemeht, ofithoLittle .
Schuylkill and, Suaquchanna nail . 4ostp now
making, and will in a short time be "tine
best situations in the country to do` a httiilmai
Dees For tends, &O. apply to • -
Itoin Founders, Pluiatielititia,
or ISAAC 511tEW .
• Port tlnitpti, •
W ILL be wild miry FOR Cam. a lot tititialed
on William Street in this borough, Okla- -
Intl the Lot on which Lake Lee is now bpildipg
dwelling how: • The lot in 55 - feet. Pont:oce
William Strea r by 110. feet deep.. Apply-AG—A
May 30 4I • . B. BANNIM.
Catholic Books
'NOUS GulbE,
Key io PaoidiaS, "• •
True Piety 4 •
Catholic Piety.
Douay Mae,
. Poor Man's Catechism and
Small Catechise!! .. A
N Dl
must received add for sale by B
.. •
Dec R.
HAIR coverediTrunki marked." J. la:4
`CIL Taggart," Tempuras, containing Furl
:and ether Merehandikei• iris en praw e ete beta
taken in mistake' firkin the sture
tiers last Ocksbei. 7 o!fObapy it may mao . l a ti . iteintOf
the; Stere-horseit on the .Canal. IWO*. 1'i550 1 .„.:
Philadelphia raid Pintstillet the PlePneisomm .
which will
. please Citllie an examisitirilior their
'Mere houses to be raids foriaid .Trotrit,64Jitts
ward fThirty Whirs will be-paid op tlie~;
Avery tof the Trunk and content. to".*l -4 .# .
" 4 14 c
- •
• No; 225, northi'FroratltStrera,„
Philudelphia.MaY 31,1838.. 2,
• Stray. Horse .- fl ,
ri AKE to the stoblis.ritiliesulWrilier':!ahopt
‘l,l Hroweeki !iv:4; 5 4acrilol4M:abt
10 'maraca, with,iiishur
volved in thtt left bind leg. li,,ce;
quested to mule fOrward, prose property: pay
charges and • take biro away; otherw isebe will
Schuylkill Hisveri, Aute.23
z - - To • •
TCtiil4.tchulits sod Laadiiifilijoktit
• the Dioville & Pot.wrillo-RaILINO COSY
jin, al Mount Coilboo. The T oarosaiiiiiir-hrey..
try roped w,ell cal i culoted. : 643:611.4001 . 4r;110r
;Coal.; The goalie to 3i,boteirtiOitlifor.'lo4W;
twenty Co!! Cori. 2}o , goolirardir.4-,
warettouie44+!uf. •. '‘ • •
Enquire of THOS. SHAR?
-- Sniterintey4ent. ;
Mount Corbou, Anne 23 • - • 48-3 b
july 29
Lot iror sale.
i e X