0 poTTsviLJLE. WEDNESDAY , " MORNING, lttNg!2l, 10it. rr H Paar il iddeti tril,every accts. cerdff.-nwf. .p mat; and awilmeali,# tin Wes idgictowie.3ll34- tr et' itorosrrtoAl: ..1 _ Li c - iw . ptace our paper ,within the regcbi of every person, during the present AltitieniatOrial content, we have come to the ,conclusionAw receive subscribers to ,the -tree y Journal , to be forwarded' regu- . , larly - an . 1 the seeptietueitday 4 OciOber iteit,n7 low rate of FIFTY CENTS; or TW iirE SUBSCRIBERS , toritfivc, Azilaie• orKliatity subscribers w4t-witiO ba veceive r tt tomtit that period, et 121 cents luta peq month, payatle *advance- : ' 47" Our &leads, in various parts of the County, wilt please act as agenti in ti ens: Inkling the names and cash ofthose Who feel disposed to subscribe for that, pp , APP It ENTICE 1. AN active intelligent boy, aged about }5 or 16 yeas, of good moral habits,'ls wanted at this office, as an apprentice,to the printing business. , Committee of Correspondence for the Boniugh of Tottarill‘. • Samuel D. _Leib, George Heisler, Es% {• John Heffner, B njamin Hannan, -.- Ames &Hyman. Jr. Henry Steger. EN; John T. Werner,' Andrew B. White, • -4, &Irene Hertz. - Money Chili of Schuylkill Counly. The members. of this Club will meet a Stager's, this ewenin'g at $ o'clock. Kr Friends of Ruiner, in Schu)lkill sountv,..desirous of becoming members of the Club, will report themselves to the '`officers. To Correspondents.—.• Duke".—" Whig," and PA Scrap" shall appear looter A Porter paper asserts; that: " the citi zetteof this Commonwealth give Governor Ratner credit" for the shin-plaster oq stem! jly this assertion is meant One of two things, either, that Governor Biteer man sfartureand issued all ,the shin-plasters that ilifckl cr. the country from .Mdine to Plu nder or that he caused them to bemanu factured and issued directly orlindirectly. Now, We assert, that neither r.r these. pro positions can be true, though there may be persons in the world iporant enough to believe either of then,. Wi know :hat the leaders of the Porter party disbelieve , both themselves; but no matter fur that, if they can only induce others! to believe them 'l their ends will • be gained; their sys tem of falsehood and imposition will sue ceed in proportion to the nutnher of dupes. Thermirculate this -calumny among per sons who have paid no attention to the causes whith have produced the shin-phis ter system, in the hope that some of - the *ignorant may behave, though they knew that the good sense of the majority will' reject the calumny. If, however, Gov. Rimer established the sltin-pluster system, he most be admitted to have gone ahead /of the-" Little Magician," for be commen `feed operation@ in Mississippi, thence cros sed oper to New York, thence to .Phila delphia, thence to Baltimore, and so on throughout the country, a i nd during all the time remained at- Harrishurgi In klissis tipple the banks first 'suspended specie payments, and were followed by the' bunks of other portions of the' 'west, where the - specie circular bore hardest upon the pee - ple. The banks of the city of NeW York preceded those of Philadelphia, and . the *last among the latter banks to agree to the measure of suspension was the U. S Bank. The shin-plaster system sprung from the neentsity of hiving change supply the Firmer medium suddenly ,withdrawn from circulation by the suspension of specie payments.. This @nonentity' was caused by those measures of the General Govern ment, which tended to withdmW thesitkie of the country from its accustomed Phan . pets, among the chief of which was the specie circular! Now the above are un deniable facts; and if an, haW can Gov.. Rimer be justly charged with creatine. a shin-plaster currency? Listen to his sett. extracted from his Inatigural Message to the legislature: "The idea that money was tp be Made by speculating on the inconvenience of a metalhe currency, or that paper money was to in 3 created, merely to enable a few to realiziilarge,sunni of money by turning the act of its creation to their own account, never for a. moment entered time Minds of those Who adopted this expedient. Their object was the °alum/mot of a representa tive. polarising all the utility end value, without any of thlinconveniences of the thing represented. In this point of view THLINCAEASE.OF TOR SUBSTI TUTE BEYOND THE AMA/. VALUE AHD AMOUNT OF ITS FRINCINA tfli A FRAUD UPOpl THE PUB. LIC; amid the men who takes it in payment fir his goods. or his hold, _lB CHEATED The . following extract is (tom his last message to the legislature. ;Speaking of ,the issue of shin-plasters, he Says:. "They are, every one of their, civilly in thin of the act of Assembly ottliaMth of April, Is2B, on tbe subject, and will disappear as isoon as thirimpriseacd coin of the country resumes its usual - Orr& then, without regard to thelime of tedeoinforn set forth on the Glee aftbetd, be it one, Iwo, or* years, with or without, interest, the holderaiwilletther demand instant payment, or sae for,,aod recover the penalty of $5, and inter est. inflicted on their issue by the existing laws. "But ailt.4 . All. the thorough._ and permanent remedy'fpr the whole evil mop conie &ohs! West. iogbin. WOW Congress ,shall deV , ise 'and adopt some means which will skein gist: es a currency equal over the whole. sold to the wants or. the Whole VOkinj and'until the Ilistionil Gevernipent 1441 consent to elluw the pi,m4l, to jildge of its I • • ... 7, . ~..t., „-...?'2, 0 ,*,... ....4 ' -*' '''' " '' . " -i ii l ihatarAtiii'lio 06 t C att- urea suitati'ltiseis to ; t wastsAberiv _ „ z_. -1N,., , , _. _ ~. v ' D -",. .- ! g elletallid -P s O gi U lel lk e°4 -0 ,1411 . e frl V lr bak,e4.lo-I,llo:...legtalature la Octeber; - !e', i t a ey—riellitlitYiliar ftii.toropertYt-eo - ille' liiiirpbioricountr e ritr?now oat -Warmly ; ,„ ilein to*iiiiiircevi and,tnkand PAW lOU 0/ 1 1/ I .g "Pe.3 t x. en to*liiii n e gi. l i k ab le ~,,,,p,iiii or k i i.- suppor . tf - cillOse, pht:Ritner. far - Goiernor.. Ir s ont f r an y g am ut ~, .. „ ..,. ;.,,,+ ! .,.. 1 . ~. Dituplun . county., Atr, Telegraph lessen*: Gov. Ritner is so fir ,'fi-00.4liejeg the SkUgiv.e-ROner Pa increased majority. -a I ;indult-4Hk adiriittte rif the iiiiiiim that he . Gloriokarsitiof the itner . Admix. has proved- himself to be its-meat fermi !• s, ,_.,_ caion—The Harrisbu g .chroail i e (table oplatnent...- he ' ha's dowsed : will con. states, that .Gov. Rimer h declared itii, I tintte to do all in his power to restore a' uttentionnottaborsowMore hen $200,000 , : suund currency to the country. Bil t /P "r". ofthe $6130,000 !Miff...nth° iced t e - the It ter, hiscampetitor, is the advocate of. the •, e _., , 'le thus, saving td, the state the st*.ireaaury scheme; and hence, in favor simi of TiVENTY.EII3BIT THOU . - Ofit'espe tMtinithe reign of shin plasters! , 8 * 1 ND DOLI..A.R.S. Tb r e arm giver* ' for not borrowing the too is, that the receipt's Bowing into the tury will be sirfficient for all public pt ,poses, without ilis the balance of the loan. This isfarrning the State to. some purpose. Farmers of P consytrania, would you 'dismiss so faith., fu a public servant from yo6r employ, and -engage another of doubtful apacity, repo Evidenee. 7 Ey referring: to the Evidendi hi:relation to David S. Porter, it Will baseen that ' , David WNlurtrie and Evan CObe itrititcknotofedgeel creditors, that he *attain' their mune" as creditors to the court of comican pleas of Sooting- I -don ,coutity; Now, if these debts have been• distharged by hiin„ is it likely •that suits woidd be pendingfor tkeirrecopery '—one of - the suits commenced bbforiti his discharge, and the other recently, on a promissory note? Is it not a fair inference from thafect, that they were acknowledged. to he due, and that suits are now pending for their recovery, that they still are due? The reason why these suits were not pm tied to before was, that it is only late ly that David R. Porter has attempted to hold property in his own name. His friends have now proclaimed that he-is worth $40,000. If he is worth this mo ney, he can evade the payment of these acknowledged debts, in but one legal way; viz. by pleading the limitation law! This it is believed he will do. How then can any set of men say that he has discharged all his honest debts? W here iir the evi dence, beyond their naked assertions? Mr. Cambreleng has announced to the woe I* that the Sub Trcaburi System "nutskeentione for years to mune, in spite of all the latoentateener bore or cisewhee The entire paragraplc-in which Mr. CA/MIMI, lif•G uses this remarkable language, deserves spe cial attention. After his gratuitous assertions, that - confidebee has been restored, that business has been.revived, and that therefore every mate rial of to the Sub Treasury has been re.• moved, Mr. eA AIRRIELENCI as the confidential ad. v ii.er of Mr. VAN BUR Eft and his organ on the .floor of the House, thus meets the question'befure the people:. uNotwithstimditrg these satisfactory re‘ultif, it is still attempted to excite the fears of thow who are engaged in trade. The mere idea of debating the question is made s sabieeyif Fa rim, the press encourages the most fesritat appre. [tensions, the stock exchange rain commotion,. and the banks, after promising resumption, are suddenly eriested. And what is the A:laudation for all this commotion and alarm r How-ean it possibly effect the trade or banks of theeount , whether Congress should or should not regulate by particular laws, a systeacwhich es already e stablished by a few general lays, ancrwhich mast in any event be continned for years to sante ? Suppose we reject this bill and go home, does Ike Sub•Treaeuty cease? No, sir, it meat continue as it is now, the low of the land, and will eontim I me through 1838,'38 '4O, and 41, in spite of all the I lamentations here or elsewhere. We see in this languages new and stribmg evidence of the vile abuse of the ward .Demom • ratty."' .Th is man who is et heart an aristocrat of the first water, pretends to be a Democrat, and holds language only fit for the mouth of tyran nical despot.. What right has he toscoff at the lamentations of the people ! Who made him a judge add a ruler?' Who. authorized him to in sult the nation? Suppose these lamentations were groundless, are they not aineere and honest'' But they are not groundless—they arise from a clear perception of the ruin which must await the country in the event of a System going into. operation which is intended to give to the office. hOders en onrestrained privilege to plunder the Treitiory. We suppose that this htnguogs has been dictated by Mr. Van Buren—we could scarcely believe that M r. Ca mbreleng would have 'the hardihood to hold such language without au.. Warily. We know that he stands in the relation of a privy couns.llor to the President': if so, the master and not the servant is the principal,offiu dcr, and should be held responsible !. Can any man now doubt tibia the Democracy of the Van Buren party is only calculated- fur the 4neridion of Algiers or TurkeyT . . Rr eovery pf Stolen Property. —Tho 37 watches, stolen from the shop- of Mr. L. Fisher, mentior.ed in OUT last, were found under a stable in our borough, contained in a bag—a pig having rooted them partly from their -place of concealment, so that they were discovered and conveyed to the owner. The crystals were nearly all bro ken, but the watches apparently not much injured otherwise. A journeyman in the employ of Mr. Fisher, has been arrested and committed, charged with the offence. . We publish on our first page, the speech of Mr. Morris, delivered.'at the Young Men's. Convention, at Reading. The youthful appearance of the orator, and the high character of his 'oratory, produced Tote a 'sensation of mingled surprise and admiration atpong his auditors. The speech is excellent, both in style and mat ter, and, we commend it to the attention of our readers. The proceedings of the Convention, which are ih great request among our frieuda; we , expect to receive in a few days. ' Plan of the Town Hall.-ILIDEW Swint, Esq. draftsman, land.survOor and civil engineer, has obtained the premium of folly chillers, for the best phin'of ,the Tnak 'Hall, 'Teo, dollars were also awar: dad so TUOMAS 8. IlinozwAY, jr. and Joifrrn G tonna each, for plena furnished. Wu have ant seed the plans, andel cause; casnin s2y - any thjng aboutlbeir uaellts. _a , ""*.t..:-..415: 74-V-•,' • EOM A NEW DICTATOR- there was a majority of abinit 1000 votes against Joseph Rimer, in Lehigh county, is 1835. The majority against him was only 131. Our friends in that county con fidently assert that Lehigh will give Jo seph Rimer from two to four hundred majority in October nest. The office bottle's are all simplied . with Treasury Shin Plasters to tic f on the Elec. Lion. Were the ten milt one issued by the Governmen for this purpose? We hope the people willanquirs iota this mat ter., tr is stated that' persons at Harrisburg, who ha4no money or their ow,n, are flour ishing 10trTreasury Plustera to bet on the election. W . berci •.do they, gel ahem ? A member of Congress writes, that large sums of money have been bent into Penn. si ivaitia to secure the election of David R. Porter. Are not these thin plusters .a pats of this money ? We learn Irons .Ithilade fur carrying coat to the abroad. are very scarce.. gretted at this season of th Pio Resignation Yet.—' taw; that David the dodger! at home_lf so t why do Ili and elsewhere, call upon hii office of Senator r that th) place , with a better man' confident of being elected .oes he not resign?—Pent - [Because David R. Poll he cannot be elected Got also knows, that if he resit Senator, a Whig will be el Neves in the old but goo " a bird in the hand is w' bush.—Ed. M. J.]. Great Freshet and Loss of Life of Hollidaysburg.—We refer our residers to, the account of a very destructive fresher,: which occurred at HollidaYsburg I ,and which was attended With the loss of" several lives. We learn that the transpor tation ot,goods will be carded on by means of wagons, carriagert, &c.juntil the canal , is repaired. • A resolution has been adapted in the llonse of Representatives nt Washington, : to adjourn 00 the 91h of 4uly.' The Sen ate has not yet acted on the resatution.-- : The sooner-the better fur )the couittry. SIiTN-PL ASTERS. 4—The -unmean ing cant of corrupt and degraded editor's, Would endeavor to charge, upon JOSEPH MINER, and the part Y that supports him, the authorship of the i sum-pLAsT E Rs: In the name of all' that iS reasonable, we ask any man of common Sense, how could the Governor of one states effect The other states? It is the Natiotiai Government 'which alone can effect every section of the whole nation. Could Governor Ritner cause the suspension of 4pecie payments in the state of New Yedr, where they have a Van Buren Governor—William L. Ntarev't Is he such a. mare cypher, that our " old Dutch fool," asithe Porter men term him, could nut.siett him? Could Bit!. ner cfo.e the specie vaults of the NeW Hampshire banks? where that little Vaa Buren &lour horn, isms. bill, fills the gu. bernatorial chair? Was; "-old Joe" too many for him also?' The, farmers and la borers are not so very du . .nb arid blind, that they cannot see that ;Van Buren, and Cie men who rule the nation, brought on us this national. ealamityl. Have we not dared them repeatedly to inter the conflict --and to the " victor belongs the spoils." We stand ready to prove !hat Van Buren and his party are the cause of the present Shin-plaster currency?—Hunt. Jour. "Ifs-lain Slave Trade:—'l'l l i BustooCotirikt gives the following shocking i cident codeetnitkg eon of the captured Alan , shi which 101 l Africa with 442 slaves— - • &ilium' wasfendralimoni: them on the vop age. Tile captain by name ol'Cullingwood, me t tending to be shotrof water, called his offiee re together, and said, ‘ll the siaea died a natural death. it would bo the lbas o the owners of the i ship ; but if they were throw alive into the aim, it would be the loss of the undirwriter s :t ong, he urged that it would dothe s:crnel; to thYoti . the. poor hick Wretches lido-the ea to suffer that'll loiterer Mit 'slew daysi,undevitbe disorders with whichthey were 'Mimed: - The mate °biected4 as their wits no preileet want ut water ; but the 1 captain prevailed, aid he cad to be picked out front the-ship', cargo 133 slap* wkc lien!' bj his orders; Otsien`iltreinto bicsca wigjettn-si , in bkrar e • • • - i 'iii 4A ..Y . • `fir isill Mb ' a i ..R i T, lOIL • ;' ' ,4 l4llria:egllaiii Sintsyfitali ne 1 i'le.la!PY !.511.4.u1, detl.oilid,„Mr aerie ii! -&` ~- legaielethb 'Porter Ciiiirehtiorry toihe id at HarriSharg; - oulthe 4th.ofinly Einar,- i ilod baring since, toad induced by mister,. T- •• resentatioa to sign a paper s the contentii of :ishich I could . not reed, cinnwermanding iss I understand, my rientiorents ,expreared iii you in my . communication.. Ngw this nto infuria.the publm9 , in rimlicatic% ofmy own- character, that I !reiterate those senti. intmts % and that I will not, as long as I bear ' the natiterof a freemonj be lowed, by any set 71; Nen, to support a puny whose principles I detest. ' i - 'IOH ANN ES BECK ER, with three burrshrs fur Joseph Rituer. Witnewr--Sarnuel Vet. • West Brugswick Jine 2!, 1838. . We understand that a gentleman who has recently returneo from the west, al twalgti a Porter man himself, • acknow. ledges-that it is lost labor to vote fur Por tee- He says, Wm 4onsi than useless for the 'Porter men here to spend their money, far that the West is going for the Farmer of Washington county three to one. over Porter/ This is good news,' but only a grees with our own advices. There can be no doubt of Ritner's corning East over the Alleghenies, with an overwhelming. majority. We therefore note this merely because it comes from the opposition.— Lt will flutter the Ptirter Van Buren men not al , little„and we eaper l t they will make every exertion to colinteract the news. If no other wpy Wei* they will probably impugn the gentleman as authority —per haps ibis veracity! Who kanwel our pa ng that Ai a mbeting of the friends of . .loaarit RITNER, In Porter township, Hunting.ion county, the following resolution was adop ted:—" Resolved, that no number• of 'cer tifiers of the character of David R. Porter can `EXPUNGE' '.the Record& of the Court. hia that vessels &teat msrkets 'his is to bye. re : year. The. Lettem-4The Evidence. Some worthy " tapersolifteation" of greatness—some writer of resolutions, fur sipoptaar assemblage's of the people," : yes read us quite a lung boutily, about our ex amin a ti ou of the Lett!er gig ;d by the:the 84 Citizens—We defy, Pim or any of the 84 `to point out one sentence to our remarks which is not literally true. His ogee items t.f a few of thii singers, and spying that we call them liars, is all fil-cm-red...— We know what we are attimt. We oz attuned the letter' with cindor; we showed the weight that should be given. to it, and we asked the question— li false- witness was not borne against their neighbors. We here PUBLICLY:, DARE, any one of the 84, or any of Porter's scribblers to an swer the questions contained in that exami nation, separately aril; eterfinies/y. Let them be so answered; and we here pledge our selves to palish thdee answers: Why do Mr. _Poker's scribblers pour out the vials' of their wrath VII us. We have repeatedly agreed to correct any mis iaternent, when it shah appear that we have trade wrong charges. Arid it is PROOF POSITIVE, that our CHAR GESare TRUE to the letter, when they 'cannot give us a elkoice to correct them. They may pass Hick denunciatory resolves against us; they we harmless; when every man who reads our paper must agr/e, that we act !bitty in asking , them to give us the chance to correct our errors; IF WE MAKE ANY. Never was their better evidence of the terror is the reliks ola party, than is given now by Mr. Porter'Sfriendsl The charges that we have. nrade--;-Ous willingness to re tract—if we make any errorous state ment—and the it'd inability of Porter's friends to overturn one of our aisertains, has scattered dismay and confusion Ono their ranks. „They pretended they wanted the PROOF—and :WO gave (lie Records Of the Court—and they prove that Porter admitted he then dwed, Mr. hi'Mertrie and 'Crain—and th 4. prove that both' of those eemleinen hatle SUED lIIM for the lord ettrints. And tam certificates are pro duced—names are :paraded in long array before the public, deny ing that ••such things are." Can the certificates of exasperated and inisgUided partisans obtitetate the Re cords ? 6 - . 7 he Reporter" said long since that Porter was prepared to prove, ope of those claims (M'ltturtrie's) unjust4if lie :is prepared, let hint prove in the Aygust 'Court. if PREPARED, be wilt not 'strive to hove the suit put off. If prepared lie would not shun it trial. Let him come up tia the rack, vet hen prove the demand, dishonest then, and!he wilt take a burden off the consciences 'of his certifiers. njE DARE 1110. T. the Porter men lie very popular le people there, im to resign his it)! may .1111 his Md, if he is so ,Governor, why n. Tel. er knows that, error—and he ns the office of - ted. He be proverb, that rth two in the Great Flood--Destruetion. of Proiierty and Loss of We at Hollidaysburg. Extract of a letter tutbe editors of the Spirit of the Thera, dated, ~,,., ' ' HOLLIDA rBBI7IOI, June 19th, ort4ll. This 'dada was visited this morning, with a Flood which, for ,violence and desdruc. Lion of property, far: exceeds any. ever, wit. nessed in this part of the country. h i commenced '4ing last !eight about I 1 utclock, and continued to pour ao Am interrupted torrent Until'about 4, Whom the waters ofluniata wire found to be r ing with fearful eaPiditY. • The arches et . the. viathictwere won ftindirtiulEcieitt. 41, al iisi the passage oftbe Iluiid i acd:tho '4ole - ~ ME .:,~. E~' ~~ Easton Fa*. LOugingdon Journal, MN , A , ••••-• ets.' t ;it C'eLyeiiiiti7:44iefe iron 144:01 - 2.ireter the l er npikezpremMtiausinantin , itai sheet of i tekb tile., rail road fur tits bank, for hlf a mile. The water:centinued to rise i u lit was 4 , .iiir &feet dee p 'in the lower .41 41.1, and the intiabitants wit t ie CoMpelled I itiek safety up eteirti.—Mr- kter t rask• - - ife;tandt tate children andivervant girl left eir house amtattempted to e,Mape. Mrs. . and the. children weret-drowneri, and Mr. 'll. 'end the aid oariovirlyt escaped, be ing rescued, the alliner 'by !airick mitb and another, and the fatter by J. C, dotes at the imininent haaard.6l their own lives; Mr. ins. Kemp, of the Pilig Li;m, alto narrowly escaper! - droweing. (ither' lives are said to have been lost, but no bodies nave beeti riinvercd slice poise 01l Ars. Barrar.k and t h e two children., The wetst op o ad . On* Osen to the top o - the viaduct,.. ad were Ilewnag comPlptely Over the rail' ail beige !ve it. The stem of kluiers. Culbertson & (Mentions, Mend ing between the bridge and the viaduct!, was carried entirely away; nothing being left of it but, the, dour - which lodged on :Se tiny of the viadtlet. , . . . The wave ; at length. forced breaches i•l i the railroad between the viaduct and Weigli ' scales, throngh which theLwaters! now forced their Say, carrying with theeone of Dougherty's triple Wahl, whit was r standing on the road, and tow hes high and dry in a neighboring field.. This ad ditiunal outlet lewered '. the I waters i tvia; duct and on the railroad below. A.,„ in . ' o'clock the Waters begin te fall, and dis close the damage they had been doing. ,* The rail toad is washed away ii t some. plac e s entirei down to the; origin+ soil, the stone blocks hanging 10 the rail; iii other places the'earth and stOne are Nash-, ed from around - the blocks; Them are four breaches in the canal between Ibis and Franklin, and it will take same weeks- to place it in order kir business again. • The turnpike bridges are carried away, and from ail parts-of the country on the branches of the Juniata we hear of saW.Mills swept fa crops destroyed, fences; carried ;a way, and garden. demolished. : . Gaysport, and the botbmi from thence to- Frankstown, present a scene 'of destruc tion pitiable to rook ripen. • Several. canal boats ate ; lying in. the woods; at the dry dock two !Moses are swept away, the families:barely l eicapin with their lives. ' 'The feeder to the can - . 1 6 al. -so swept off, in short, a feW 1 bores I as de stroyed what will take the labor-of hundreds of - hands many days to restore. Charles flughes had bis house, furniture, brickyard, 150 cords of wood, and all his spring work carried Off barely saving his family. An estimate of the Whole amount ()floss cannot yet be made. Office of the WilaringtOo Advertiser. Jove 18th, I 8 HEART-RENDING CATASTROPHE. um. or Tot max rikcerr PTILAI3III. Wilk a Crew of 37. and 150 or 191Paosenters-- . and only 17 saved. On Thursday, the 14th inst. the Sten . Oter Fu- Luaßt, Capt. Dubois, left Charlestun for Baltimore. with AbOilt 150 passengers, of ,whom about 50 were ladies. • At' about It o'elnek on the satire night, while off the North Carolina coast, say 30' miles from land, weather moderate and night dark—the star board boiler exploded, and the Vessel was lost; with all the .passengers and crew except those where names are'enuureraled among the saved it the list to be found below. ! - . We have . gathered the follotring fads from the first mate. Mr. Hibbard, who had charge of the boat at the time. Mr. Hitiberd states that at 10 o'clock at night he was called' to the eManiand of the boacjtand that he wee pacing the premien ade•deck in front of the steeraga house— r itrat he found himself shortly after stood the man deck lying between. the mast tad side the boatt.—that upon the return of conaciousnesir, he had a con. fused idea of having heard an explosion, ;some• thing like that of gun powder, Immediately be rare' he discovered himself in liii then situation. lie was induced, therefore, %arise and walk aft, where he discovered that the boat midshins was blown entirely to , pieces—that the head of the starboilla was blown oat, and the top torn open --that the limbers and plank on the stbrboarti aide were forced ;wonder, and that the, boat took in water 510 - ever she rolled in that direct: tion. He became immediately aware ofthe bor rows of their situation, and: the danger of letting the passengers know that 'the boat was Sinking, berme lowering the small boati. Ile ptoteeded c ti therefore to do this. Upton dropping e boat he wee asked his object; and he re plie that it was to pass round the steamer to semen in her condition. Before doing this, however he took in a couple of. men. He ordered the other boats to be. lowered, and two' were ehtirtly pat-int* the water, but they leaked so-much in . consetpience of the long exposnre to the sun, that one ior them Slink after a fruitless attempt tdhail her! He had in the interim taken several (rem the wateeuotil the number made tip. la the other boat afloat there were eleven. While they' were 'making a fruitless attempt' to bait the.smkll boat. the Pulaski went down with a 'dreadful ierash— in about 46 minutes, after~ the iesplosi66—frot6 boats now insisted4apon Mr. Hibberit'd directing their course to the ahem, hut ' 4 'he resisted -their ti remonstrance4replyitig that hi would n t aban don the spot until daylight . At about o'clock ice the incirni n .r. they started' inj the' mid tof the wailing °Ohm hopeless beings; who trerelfiesting. aronu itt.seery, direction-, open *pieeea of the w ;to peek land. •whlettit4rt About thirty mules distant - Atter"O(a- ullipt thirteen hours the personale both boati - hecione tired and iiisist•- ed that Mr. Hibticrd-shiinkt rind; ibis he ; opposed thiaking it Waal° proceed alcing the coast sad to enter some oneloTits numercins in.leUC but he was at length famed to. yield to the general desire, and to atienstit,a !aiding Upon the beach, a link EastorStumie Inter. He advised Mr. 'Cooper. of Gni. who hitik- commaneof-the other boat. and a couple of Ladies,. withWtero children coder his charge, to Watt until his boat had first Lianded. -se he'ipliiiireeded: much danger io the tempt, antabouldthey - aiiCeeeit; they might aiiaist him and the ladieli and children'. There wereeleven persons 43 Hop mate's- lent o . (hiving taken two hlack;,.aromen, from Mr. Cooper's) - Of thien-terix passengers, orti of the crew, acid tliw,.74,nevo. women were rowiiett and'abt gained - - Atom in tei After *kiting fir is sighat. wiliChliir l- ''' iid acun the mate, Mr. Ci3oßei:i.andihkenco tone • -- 4 -` •, -- 1 . zirli.ri ':e.:: , i - ',',. •,- . I ' E loodcidiniitidat three bow 'Mg*. 04 1 Clot 1e . t *...f 86 ,P- SENIIII L *intVoila* they . rem& ink inititAktusday Wtor icii , Witidtitbin.. The in hen this willtut 9 044ak- • baitiedly 'painful eitiairoPhe th i t . tWis t the American coast. Youth had hen 11,1,159.0310.40ik a ammo (Wadi ► Anuerinek i sa "Deli, monthly years and. And 144 ih . ivast..yraterw.,!!ilf - WriliaiiC.niel. seen it d l ee vide ounconituunity, then t intelligence hasprodueed. Th Patti., is-engraved' ousel/art s wear theaspeet of thole &wive dead. -We feel assured that solienude.to - alliviate the dint tupelo survivors who may vehicles hal* already. beep se our town end provision made 2 alone-tfinaboie was placed fiotn the , states Gaze hive in various 'ways . been ,san • . UINON COU Tbeciatinty committeehis ship elections, Mir the purpoii- This we like to see. T oftba 16th .aaysi--'oo itUr•- Men'iretilfointion, we heard marked tel our ASTONISH: would would have a majority in !poi and. we have reason to sag NFIt WILLHVAE A LAR •IN THIS COUNTY, th,an h time: Ili . dor bcirough,there will support.. him this fall, t him before; and we dare the as ONE into SUPPOZTLA If Galoll Jail AGAIN." i • . . Prom the Globe of . 1 "Is mon? OR amaliorrrua car SFEITENT/Ei.CITIZEN WI IN MESE. OF FINE OPEN NET INXILEPTICES• OP MUCH THE mime Aso .ncrrves!--The tr from the . pdatiience of rigge terfeit notes. Every aohata dlaghter. will travel ;pan f , of the BMA alone; to'show their liege monarch, will r paper... roar year., instead of"eig have paned, and atilt *hall the told , —echo answers, "r —Charleston Free ereia. I The lent airlisle RepubP "Sometime aroma though ty would give Porter a large have ehanged`our opinion .0 and now - think the .add the other horse."' Office of the Bulletin, Ng ENOLAND-AND TEXAL-A has been entered into by the through her minister with dee, not, for certain stated independence of Texas tint i to a recognition. THE EMT, R ON . MA - RITTED.-43n Th 21st inat..bj , the Rev. Natha &Lorre; one of the Editors to Miu &marten', daug Dowdium'all of klarriaburg, ANOTHER EDITO MARRIED —At Lama; • eniug,the 12th inst. by Ltrruta Rienstuk: Esq. „itt Lancaster Riaminer and He AHEM daughter of :the late that city.. 1 I lieiN & . EP, 1 i -,- ag atibseriben have co , full as ientinen of Iron. Ind Square Iron fr na 3-16 i atneter;. flat Iron ..1.46th by 6 in. by 11 in.; Loiler, flue an and 2d quality, imitable for schuteNt rail road Iron .l 1 by and 21 by 111 They are also orders to import Rail Road advantageous terms in largo road car asilca. ' It rull aasorttirent of Steel, 1 sheer steel—. American and D Gernmiianct spring steel; a octagonal• steel for drilla.. `.. MOR • S. W.-corner Market and &- Philadelphia, June :Valuable C . FOR S E &SCRIBERS, Baum, will expose to Pu the 13th dug of July next, a tertian, at the house of R rough of Tathaqua, in the' 11 , 41 . ty of Schuylk' 1, the following described Real! , te: • , • First--The undivided. one LI rd part of a. • lain thessuage,,tenernent an • • act of lend, ii I - • ate in Ruslitownstdp, Schuy la I Courtly. adjui - ,ing_the town of Tamaqua. 4.14. anas,of the La - 1 Schuylkill Navigation &Ra I. otui CO. and u ' - 1 • ers‘pontaining 220' acres,. . 'or .less, (rye t six rots orgrotind in thW . of Wettembe •t. heretofore Sold.) . .This tract Ifi nd is handson -. ly situated; the Little Schur ' i and - Cattawi a rail road passing through th me. There • o a windier of coal 'offtin the 'uremia ~ fro* 'which Coal of the best . utility has been f - iiibhed.---Also, the ondivide. half of a• coo s . - tract ofCoal Landosituate in Bitty and Nor - Van townships,. Schuylkill t i t, tictunded • v lands of John Hartman, Pete aob quid 44 This '' containing 152' acres more of land is situated on a brand kill, a kvirmiles from the head' railroad, and contains a boriz rioi coal, with stout seveMC fei tru wbicb a shalt his been 1 thirty-three feat d -ef land there is* al •1111111 Ili O. • • stone kitchen, (ho _ ern,) wittCstabl ; old Suub !void passes . * tro.--A* a tract of intim Rush towshiti, lauds of Petri Hikibti aria s . ing 39Thicidaind„ abuoudawith of a r miles fromihe Schoyl i Thrkffitaitofaile will be n .41tigtiocamit the day of sal CHAR I JOHN B Assignees • ..I.k&;Grazette, Philadelphia •ait iiafe r .aaaid: fbrwird bills la E a at de 1 r.. 1 nal r in. 1 le II the &rot bad, in •41;hor} distance • 'a, of °oaten f Pride,' eve. , •", nd then warted ' • • t the 'two pa sse , (18th June) [alnd the most F , lOCeorred upon we, and ighnei Othtt-ondSound Win*: !. tiwty,. roll." Ite,ltiltion per. toji of thie ...,.. 7 1: I likingetaray in. , t. nettiiioled all ;1 Tor their Sown feela 0 anxious 'IT otthose on for. m _:11 • y aniolig VP, an d 1 ~ v I.4mi to bring into I • r their reception. iri. , type, we learn e i lite% 49L persona , difirint the wreck. r 4 a a m ait fig town: 1 ot i tormtne a het:, l e ew Berlin Star ,aty to- the •Youn t lit iteveril times re. , ENT. that Porter i n§clunty. We aay, that GOY: BIT. , R MAIJORITY :, rl loamy farmer F, r . FIFTEEN who t l a oevet aouportal :.° l i , `"THAr . 7_enwTh.LLTZ A_ PROPH I P 4 1 1 634. ' , THIS T9IE 11% B TX A LOAG sILI -I'o .1F , , ,, T111100G11 THE 1 f . , 4 - c-L.c. WILI. ,v ere will be free `.- ithr. - and watt_ , . :ti I, man's wail acid 1 , , The satelitil 4ir subjection is ptilti at the 64 Lt ‘ t)r nine month ' p ~a.lc#wher i -.Hy I don't kno.." I 11....tyi5: - - , 1 moerland co h. I . .. ajiirtty. But i e p . Vetter inforo l e . try be put u.' , u 1 • lILICANII. Joss ineretal tr• TSrallt govern Mr (ileat Britain. , na. recognize i effect tantarn. +''' :AG tIN,. i• owning. e 'em. MT. R. . f 1.1 e tatelligen r, - of Mr.. Jo n I. l' I GOT;TE: r o lort -Taindly 'l , - r... 1 j ßev. M Bra . r,. i r Editor of a !al „to Miss E z olio Reitzei r all of 1‘ I . TORE. subtly subtly 'on han d . 'a comprismg Itoohd. pto 6 inches Eh r d... 11, W. Co. upqo ~ 'beet iron or b4st in i ng tar bodies or fi It by i, 2 by; I, p ~ pared to rrceiVe A LL ' upon the most Ir. , ntities;. alio iitil . , prising cast and. . 'bib blister Steel; .dq . . unit Ifori and II & JONES; l u kilVst. 49-6nin I • I rids ! E. , 't neei.of Gen. iv. .1., Sale; on frif!Py 1' '::1oA in the Of 7ileittoil in as. .3 j:S , C irk 1 "the Ittit!,-+!il he Vii i : l itlt a n a b e ' L lifT tiht : c o ri a it'agEh k "; gar) fig .t ' t r 1 lo' a d ' au tu t - 7- heits, l ita. a iilki an lrbi gate a , a - I I I aiya iYa bounded 9 ' t Isaas, coots . . -his tract o la d i ;splits : li . .. f egal do known by I FR AILEY, ..- , ENIIIAry ..:- ' . tiit'llta - .I.li thai 49 . 1 •;i 1i ' ill iit; le • ,4diorisiero y ofrie ...'`' --'''-i. i El