voL. `PRINTED ' 1111rBENJ UNIX' ' • • - 0 Teats DOIAJIII4 arta Farr goy-able meroi-anittotlly i • d hi the year. $1 will be Arg',.. ,ottive the paper free or =Ls am $3 ier annuls If not ,alt will be added to the prte4 o • .WgEILL ' ' • Two DOLLIMIII per annum. Payable sempannuall le advaemi. If not paid within] the year.tt BO will be charged Advertisements not exceedi:itwelve lines wiltbe elmnied 01 for three insertion .--and and 50 cents for one amnia& Larger mops in oropWrtion. All advertisemenia will be. • nserted until ordere -out. onlessthe time for whi 1h they are to beiebotinue is eftilled ,and will bat changed accordingly. Yearly ac +admire will be charged 012 per annum: maladies subscription to the paper—With the privilege orkeieping eneadvertisement not exceeding 2 squires man ling during the year. and tinsertion of a retail er one in each papr r for threes ccessive timet. rs All letter addressed to the ed tor most be post paid. hF otherwise no attention will be paid to them. -All notices for meetings. &c. and other entices which have 'hereof° been inserted gratis, will be harged.2s cents each except Marriages and Death*. ' ELECTION . ; WE HAVE A CAPTAIN GOOD AND TRUE Air —"Attu) Lana Eras." I • 1- When Wisdom mildew thei ship of State, ...And Justice holds the helm; No drlving stormof frotviiin¢ fate - Can e'er the birk o'erst:hetriV* Ckannt: We Nivel captain and true; The people'. ma , 1 trow: • He's steered them safe all tempests thin.; They call him Ciptoia Ju! No sounding . name, his trte, we own; No iitled tinsel there; Yet kings inightlanvy onitheir'finone, A name so good and far. He The School House decks the wayside hill; Tba Boatman's merry horn, Alattg the gay Canal, is sill • Hverd noon, and night and morn. • Then here's the e s p. And up the rugged mountain's side, And o'er the miring Behold the Locomotive g de, • And vreelthlglide in ito train. Then here's . 4a. • . And he who Virtue makPi his guide: And Mind directs his ray, A Captain fit the free tolguide, Stall we forsake him?! Nay! Then here's 4c. We'll cone from every 1111 and dale; From mountain, vane , plain; And when we met Octutier's gale, Give him the twilit again Then here's &c..{ —Wilkeskarre Advocate. I PLOUGHBOY . . From the New Y rk American: ' I • -- ~„ . TtlE WI,. IT LIZOT. 0. W. PATIII2I, U. 5. MINT. . ' Oh! shun the bowl!—ibe di-sughtheware, :Whose stride but ITIOCkii, the lips of man; When foaming high withwaters rare— ' i hs Ohl never (Oben the go t then. With friend. we love, um sweet to sip The necuit'd juice at el of day. Ise Yet trust 'e nut the syren hp That wins to cheat, an tures to slay. Oh! shun the bowl, and thou shall know A deeper spell than swiins in wine; Thu' bright us hours of • meet glow. Their trimsnr. clouds brtrfly shine. d i IA few short days in ma. eas past, And thou wilt rink nhnown to years; • Within:l t a hope bevondli e bi;o4, Or I I . Which moans above grave of tears. Oh! leave the bowl—if ti art wise To shun the path of g illy fame: The burning road where afigutrh lies, And perjured honor w4epa for shame. • In aher years iionle chke ing ray From virtue's smile wit I o'er thee spread, And thou wilt Wills the better way . Thy erring steps were teeth to tread. • Oh! shun the bowl—as th'ii wnuld'st leave The poisoned spot whe e reptiles tread, , 1.:.„, wtdow'd hearts for t ee should grieve— For tete, untimely Wear be slx . d. Yea! Seise missy be thelfearful toe . To prove, 'ere time huh dimtu'd thy brow, A etre—nod yet tee tette n tas not Of them woo weep - tf Mogen vow. Bast thou a bride whose every sigh 'Deep trembles with the joy it gives? Bast thou a child whose meek mild eye Lives ir. the Legat tufa/ter (Wes? - Then, shun the bowl—toe draught be mare, Whose smile but mocids thb-tikis of inch; When foaming high with waters rare • —Oh! fwVet 10,1 Ph theohlet then. To Areamericz,— fhe only way. lof a young MILO to prepare tudaselli tar usefulness, as to de , tote himself to study dMing his leisure hours. Fait, be anduitetuus in you• business; never m.o. ' plain that yotiereohligr iar. to work,—eo to it with alacrity and cheerful's. and it will be a 'tabu which will make yinaireispected .snd . belovid by your meter or employe' . make it your business to see and-promote his nterest.—by taking Care etas. you will learn toi take cake of your own. ut ie Young men cif the p nt day are too fund of getting rid of work; the seek for easy and lazy employMent, an kg id! tym out to be boor miserable vagabonds. Tee mast avoid all wish. as to live without labor:labor is a Maiming rather than a curse; it teak - ;:en healthy, and procures them food, clothing, an; every other necessary thing, and frees them f •us temptatiOn to be dl.. honest. . . . . bit . Ainfm, &Tzars or R A —A pram/ lad,. Me minnit great personil and mental accomplish- Anent, and also rich In is wfirld'a . gooda, _rem witted alt Farrin on, N. Y, only fifieeft day. of seerfri4o. Mg impalkd to the fatal deed by diamarefinyt th t her husband was • Daaweavo.—/ Fester dorrilaer. . Segniseig eni g ma -Tina wee 4 e prone Opect th morel!' . mentenoe. He die i wiAl and family nod lc 6. The *melt ty 'folk Chet Joetice Saw. MI ' the aseteoce. c ir i as 4 meat in th e "Dill" .411 Fr• ea remade OD - aen eal ' ly.reaso wed to iliaon...: 4 , • . , _ 77 - 7, . • • WILL Mca:Tou r itaolvinkiltiowWl*.TalutiAllOn) isuroxortitosiminia(vzuts'iWairikiitithrri as; ,1 1 TO, opfitOnir#lll SPEECH OF EDW A.RD if MORRIS, in the Anti- Vinediures -tY 4 t O W 4 16 ;f 1 • Qutvention, ate Reading, :Tine stk, . 1 18;8., . Mr. President, ,and of the Mnientioui4iitn*ttittif tke - *Okold of maohoodo4, , k, ..iiiittiif;FOginiril,wfib my cotentporarienAhe rot% *tie of thiebody, e deep interest iktiteropecet ß iphi* this. Convention is isseinbled. We, sir, who .4 4 ,*x.dx. 52 Csw*i per seem. e. If not paid with to all thole who re- To mail nnhaerihen in the year,tiOcents are just entering - lupo.i active , life, cannot be indifferent to political contests, which involve so much of high principle, and have such an important influence, fot good or ill, upon the fortunes of, the common. wealth and ourselves, Is that which is av prosching in October bent. '!While a per annal interest, to secure fool -our .pirm of life a,gavernment which stalll be promotive of social security and happiness, urges us to mingle, in political warfare, we riV, im pelled-by the ditty we owe to our Autintry, and the institutions which have shielded the liberties of our ancestors, to range out. selvei with the 'W hig party of thetioion. and to join in the groat battle which is ap preaching, for the vitafication of a violated constitution and An o,ipressed people. if any apology, then, is needed for our early p irticipation in political contests, it is to be found in the greZprinciP;es, which are now at issue, and the deep stake wb have as individuals in their decision. We are gathered together in this , ancient town, ° like the Oreeke at the Olympic games. We have come up from all parts of a widely extended commonwealth, like them, to strengthen our devotion to a com mon countiy, Al an interchange of senti ments, by personal converse, and by mu tual vows of fidelity to our institutions. We meet with the same object- the de fence of our liberties-wand we coqperste with the unity of feeling and sympathy that belongs to men engtged in a solemn and important undertaking. .13light shades of political difference are obliterated, and all personal and party feelings are merged in the zeal that possesses us in behalf of tour - country. This is nO time to divile and quat tel upon ,points of,inincir interest. • A perilous and tremendinis crisis has arri ved. The existence or the constitution is periled, anarchy and social confusion threa ten to enguiph all order and libesty. All men are called upon by the regard they have for the well Vegulated freedom we enjOy, and their apprehensions of the aw ful consequences that must ensue upon its destruct )))))) , to confe4eraie in this hour of need, and to join in a .holy crusade to re ' cover the constitution *ton the iiifidel hands which are now,desecrating itseacred character. He epho can be indifferent a such a crisis; is a coward, end he who fal tars between party dr personal .preju 'ices and his duty to the. country, is a traitor, and dims not deserve - M live under our free form of government. When I . bank abroad . over our state, I am surprised at the 'extent of her natural resources and power. fetins)lvania stret ches _over an extent of territory, large enough fm. half a dozen Italian kingdoms, and almost as capacious as the island of Great Britain lidelt. We are placed in the gap between the northern and southern sections of the Dania, and are the great avenue of transit between these important divisions. Within our borders, beyond the mountains, rise the sources of the' nvtir which opens a ebonite' cf eirminimication for us to the most distant „regions of the civilized and unsettled west. The Dela ware, which sweeps its broad current by the city to which I livei expands into au arm of "the ae.i, and,gives us a wide portal to the Atlantic, over which our produc tions are carried to s.II the kingdoms of the old world. OM. sod yields bounteously to, the husbandman, while mines of inexhaus tible_ minetiul wealth ate boned every where beneath the curt ice ? Towering mountains, whim _summits are bathed no an, ationspiiere of cloud, are oluthed, from base to pe.ik, with.Firests of the Moot use ful timber, vbile their sides are pierced with shafts of coal winch run into the very heart of the mountain. Beautiful sireains of water, course the• state io every. direc tion, opening chaonels, Of conveyance in alinost every quarter, . while the canal winds its way iu Solemn stillness, among the moat remote 'solitude*, 'giving life and animation to inert labor. _ When I "reflect, that in addition to these' natural advantage's, Our population it made up of - the descendaote of the most industri ous and nioral 'Batton' of Europe, I think _that wecan claim for. Pennsylvania the pos. session ofalliheelementa that tend to make up -a powerful! and' if iurishing common= wealth. The , destinies of such a state ought to he entrusted to long tried and-ex perienced hands, avid not toMen who, like our opimOnte lf tqa to t x-mearkamLeardid _i n 1 . thCii: viewsto i fie, 140,4*aten.. to any doing of diunit.iii.thmv . . pill' y, of wiattomrin their ossemu lithiliniiiiatiOnf , 4. he Imam* and splen dor of thavOlikitti4' ° ~ ',on' entjitioniet_o . their keen te,;pooolkitf liiii com. ,menwlislth h aws . , alletideityllielielec.tion of a. fAciverni q l,. - -lit ' Outober;-ala , irestitm which will have a; moat s important !. bearing inn woe Ihrsretort. _ of n reople in the So A, to he Kr. Kneeland's Court o l ittended by his Umber female friends ad. at he direction of Wild, the Clerk, reed is !sixty I days' imprison. I. '.lilr._llEmeeliod Made soe, I:- was immediate. maictipt. MNIIIIIMIIminm.- . - . - - ' . 1 ' •i. 't-4'1,..","<!;-t-'--,.,.,-,-r,.:f"J:14:7-Tc!::'',•':\PX4......7f:.14-14;-;•L;.7-1•.',HI''..,,.41.4:14i,,-,-; ...., 1;,t.73,: . ' . , • : . -..- 4 ,• ~. . . IM 't * :',..*..;.. • 4 , - \`-- A lf-f .., - . 1 . 1 ... ' '. .. " ' .- ,., i?..., * rti t - , r , . - - ..:,..--- --••,, , t , -, • .. rs . . ....... _ . . ,„ • , -.3.,f,g,...*, . . ~•, N.,.• • r -,,,, _ ..,•,- A .• - ~ ! 7,;, .7.lt::' , ' 6 , -. o —z -f''' ••-.: '• - , 4 .' , ' 41 . , : :.- ' 1 '' ' ''' r . ;':'-'-' '''... • ~,t .: ' ,4-- •. • 4 kit , , • '''''''''-''' ''''' ' ' 1- :." ' • .: ; . .. ...'" '-'. .'' :''' " '-',. -. - _li ..' ,,r -N'i:' . •'ll. , .-.":" 1.. ” . if .. -- Y , :l:''''': ,. ." ."' ~.•,',. ' . .r.5'.t ~ - ~. .• • - ': . 7,' 71,2LXDPP I .. ... . ,:. .4 .7 .. . tig ., :si gNlEßAi,, -...: i . :l 2 , r. . ,„.,_.,,,,„ '''..- -..,...;.:',..:•',-.` ',..r.i,..:;- - 4,--3-- i- --, 4. '`` 3 • .. • • -. - ; . . , 4 .- . ; ',. , '='' ' .l'.l. - .: . L.,' r i:' . : - ..' 4' ,.t .. ..; - :;77.••• .. ....',. 70 :f , , 't, - '''';'-' 1 ,- '.7. 7 *..-..-f,- - ,1 1 -i.. , • F , ..,..1,-.C.:! , y=7,iu , a , A , *:.' . 04.1 , 11 , ?:r - 0 1 -' , • ' ..1 1 1.)TTI4V ILL* PA4=WE DIV ESDAT; OR 4 IIING-JI3IIIZ=N4 . J , - upm. the kilts**, of this, state - fur ,the three ensuing , years. '' The y are to - emote bet Ween two, reandidatiististept - R4er; the' er*Ctierit provernor, and:Thttiiclit;,Por. ter. The quali6Catious and meritit,of the (More attested by a highly successful and • beileficial admiaistration. Of the other. as he ie in po way kilos by his public acts, we kn ow; ,no,thing, eicepCwhat we gather from . the pledges and promises of his party —;ri party proverbial for its faithJand gross vibbition of solemn coo. ttactsiand pledges. • Ritner, is a native Penneylvanian, born and bred , on it 41 .F T iplYashingtpn ccianty. Of 'simple' tea. and, tidbits. he bats'carried t . bit plain coin. mun sense prudence and economY"which :distingoiltheJ him iti his-private relations. 'Under'his admtnivtraticks, the state has prolpe, red herded .preeedent., - Tire State ,Deb‘ has been diminished; -internal iO3- - tnivemente pursued on it liberal , and me - tended scale4nd a just discrimination exer cised in the chartering of corpomtions, eo as to prevent individual enterprise fr.,rn being crushed by the.irresistible rivalsbig, of large monoplies. The character and institutions of the state have been upheld against the dictation and abuse of the Fe deral Executive 'and his organ. During the tidnrinistration of George Wolf. Penn. riylvania was a servile vassal in The train of a foreign and arbitrary power. No line 'of poliEy could' be pursued, or no measure sanctioned, which was not first approved by the cabinet at Washington. Theinde pendenie of our State Executive was but a mockery, and Pennsylvania, instead of being governed at Harrisburg. was, in re ality, ruled by-ilie,powerst# Washington. We were mortified witnesses of the pliancy of a Pennsylvania Governor, in decla , ing himself 'one, day in favor of the United atee Bni.k, and the next, in obedience to foreign inStructions; consenting to be the vehicle 4.f - abuse and c..luinny against the same institution. Juseph Ratner rlallted at such,a aim nelessilebaseinent of person- al dignity and character, and, in his first message, he abs•.lved the state frum it,. unholy connection with the corrupt cahi• net at WaShington, ant declared his in tention of governing Penney l‘ania by tier own constitution and nut the whims and prejudices of the Federal Executive. He has consuriim,ateci bin intentions, and has liberated the stale from a thraldom, which threatened to destroy all her native energy of character, and her aspirations alter C'onanercial nvealth, acid intellectual die• nct ion. But, Mr. President, the great triumph of Mr. Ritner's administration, and, I may sav,,the noblest benefaction that has ever been conferred upon Pennsylvania, is the successful establishment of a system of Com non Schools throughout the state. 1. give his predecessor credit for his effitris iii . this philanthropic cause, but i claim for Mr. Rioter the merit of completing and perfecting, that which was but in its in fancy when tie s tank it to. his 'Charge. Whorl he commenced his administration, 'he found the aui t ieet of . Conamou School' Education, strange to say, very unpopular. In one district, nis pp Hutu s had achieved an. overwhelming majority under the bat. tle.cry of " No Cotuuron Schools," and, indeed., throughout the state the popular teeling was strongly adverse to the ass tern; but, sir. Mr. Ritner, ail a legislator and Citizen, was oppressed with the all. absorbing importance of Education in a free state. He knew that long continued ignorance must debase the . .publat "mind, and that it must generate licentiousness, which, sooner or later, would .usuip the dominion of law and order, and deliver us up to a wild and fearful anarchy. Moval •bi those philanthropic impulses, he com mitted hinisell . to the!udvocacy of comm. =noel education, and with a vigorous in dependence, regardless of optional conse quences, he determined to stand or fill in nts elf .rts to change the popular mind in favor of tte.a . giitem.k He persevered, un daunted with repeated and .disheartening repulse,!, until he hraught . the.whole cum tnot(wealth to his aid, and'. succeeded in L securely establishing . .the system. fon ierity will bless the name of the man, to the latest generation, who gave them an educated ancestry, and. handed. down to them the lass and liberties of Penniylva• nia, fortified and illustrated by a race of educated and eultgbtenedintai. I bold up Mr. Ritner, sir, not only as a benefactor of Pennsylvania, buts* an honored advo cate of the highest is terests of humanity. The man' who can cause a blade'cif glass to grow, says it political economist, where none grew befors is a more illustrious be. nefactor Or his.raceihan the warrior who Could pile up Whale hecatombs of slain to his honor. Howl much more deserving of ISittulitegratiPal4 is be, who, like our kr . finer Gosernor,:sando"ws,a johns with _the means or universal eihieition,:and enlight• ens. the minds of tFie F iiaoOlck. *ilk the •know letlge that J ads to the_ liegiti .Sitiim *ll de s irable iii 'Nei misfortunew,no,dieasters,.tiolitical of civil, 'esti - take from this mart the sweet enjoy, tent, dist it retroiimst eptithis ui labors for education' Must giie him to the =MEER 121=1Z1=iii M= ff=== inienVitratre ,tiirk.i lii all vietssitetimi-he will:sll4Pj nigley iit,lik ihihi4vet!rlittand ill!ntit y f t al l ay . !fifiine d f mii by . ..revere* it et lift* fen ' - ' Ott he_l4tin' Piiet; be - may exclaim Si . . a truth iliiii futurity will 1 confirti ' - , , I , • '*l . citiki . ' :swamis ;eke pews:intim, ' 11 9. *Nue II in PfrlllilidUllialtins; • . ! ritiritnati iratier idos. now Aquae bambino ' roadt&mire; auf iinasserabdis Ass:iirom aeriss„ at Ogatamponua." . 1 •, I I turn, sit, front this bumble and . limper? 1 feet yliview of the services of l air: Rimer. to Abase of his opponent. David R. Porter ; .onAbis thveekl, i ain comi4led to join ie the general_ in quiry—" Who is her' No one scams know anything !of this new -candidateihenie he comes, ; what he hail il r donie ‘ `.or in ct what manner hi man be:is. Upon minute inquiry, it is fouind recorded upon the journals of the Legislitureohat he has been a member of that Wily for some 12 years, but nothing mote is told of hint, tharethat he ihan been a silent liniter.l.ll that tin l , NO liviportant measure has origins. tad ith him, and no speech has ever been .delivered b him, by which we might guarie his mental depth or :his political profundity. i In fact, air, his pbhtical life is a perfect bliink, and his` warmest friends confess that they have nothing to urge in his behalfbut his votes. t Even these bring notheig to _his credit, for having beedia violent partisan through his whole life, lie has voted according to the Mandates and re " ipiiiiitions of bur 'pojiticul leadrrs, end not according to the unhia-ed dictates 61 his own judgeipent. Ile has th. et r.ie not even bad an ooportunity of . ..terming hi own ,juilgiviesit. I am within the stile' limits of truth, when 1 say shot hr is shill 1,.w in intellect, pahry isi his PICIVIA0)111.. aid without a single Inch thdt capacitate d man for Giivertiur of incite. II lie digs to the extreme met of Viso Buret .colittra.. Ile i. a Loro F. , eoto the brood ,sa rattan ol the'nord. He rmip_arted Get'. "Jacksonrin his most arbitrary acts. sidiart with Mei in his attack's on Pennsylvania in -laments. is an ardent friend of the flea t sant tittent i of political ct.i , uption—the raft-Treasury,—astal radical, to a danger. Hui tlegrer, in all his pointed', opinionse • le it to such a man, so deficient in al the high essentials of mentaliquelificnteitt , and Pio narrow in, his viewto ;that we !Wr to deliver up the destinies of this great State. Can we trulst the. interests DI Education, ul Internal Iltipriiv. merits, and of all the 'great concerns cif, the Commie.. wealth to a Man ofeueh paltry pre-trimmed? No, sir. I shudder to anticipate the million, ties that must fall upon us frirm an admit) istration guided by curb hands. . Heaven forbid that we should fall into 'ouch keeping We should be delivered up,' bound hand and, foot, to the Kitchen Cabinet, ,and ,we could expect nothing else than a desolating a ar upon our best institutions, and the moat cherished interests of Pennsylvania, and a total wreck of our prosperity., I cannot conclude sir, without adverting in terms of gratitude to the illustrious ser. vicesßf the two great Whig: leaders in the Senate of the Unned States., , In the dark eat Our of despondency, under the iron rule of Gen. Jackson, in the very crack of .doom, when the veil, of the' temple seemed about to be rent, and the agonized spirit ul the constitution seemed about to•expire iii a donyulsion & that should agitate all nature to its centre, these great men amidst the universal consteynation, maintained a com• posed front. They-stood the brunt of the tempest with heart of steel, and called upon the people to he of good cheer. Thrdugh the gloom of the night we heard the voices of our pilot statesmen and followed them with cheerfulconfidence. They exhorted the people with words of might that sunk deep into the minds of min, and, though their influence was not immediately felt, they have now operated to the antiveninl awakening of the nation. , The mighty ,words they addressed to a slueibering peo ple were . •,, . • 4---*Notitoch aerie as flub "Formthe fierce demagogues 'rethinking rage iTo madde.p for a moment and.epiret . .Ilot words a bicb bear the spirits of great deeds Wir o ed kty the futurewhich the dying breath Of (medal's martyr shapes as it exhales, ' ' And to thi meat enduring forma of earth- Commits+to linger in the eraggpahada, .. Of the huge praUey, 'neath the eagles home, Or the, cave, where the tempest vleeoe. , rill some heroic heroic leader bid Mein wake To thri thrill e world with eehoear 4 ' De Henri Clay and Denied' Webster were the pillars of light that led us in our Oran eerings hrougb the desert, and now when !hp prop lets proclaim to usifrous the Mount Pisgath hat the promisedlland is insight, let us n -tirget the men Who, undei Pro. vidence, ved our libertatalfroin oierthiow, and bro ght the'people to it land of rest rind i s hope. ! The.a lUe of this pent 'contest, Mr. Preside! , is in the hands - of 'the people, and • is 01 them tet decide libeller Penn. eylva taFshall harken tolbe violets ef her sister • tea to joim the carious'. ranks or the *ll . mil. tiT !whether she shall 611 i haclein - her formeit_ degenerate e.oeditioa lonia believe, but . that sba :mill _be true ,/ era Au - ' rand thecteltntri, and, thatjn the 'itijiinii . ail glentiontof aseph Ri t ter she will - gts :assurance of t 10inikese Of her poor),' 1 faith , will t ha t artlittli mitt nor • z" - • earS/Wia l o l "Talk T IW 00 ,F 111 " ' PR I * • ME 'l=%, . . and brighter di than :11 • . - , ever 'shone upon. '944 grklmi l l' imid do Parg oo o 4lllo egile" " hi.aitiont ead imeorit."..:-.No!ietterilw.hia ,_ drat fillow:dole, but. prar they: all Anettrigedier our beloved country xi tbeeonstituttott ros efront the night` 0114,i dirk and blood? -- r i p p e is t hi I, t h e oko l l i t;as iug ons . 4 .43, 0 revolution., - IMfl , Exchange at Nett , York; on London 91 a 94.. per cent. premium. - . Agrienliiirslisyrtla Britaia."—There are in Great Britain 60,u3 / statute acne* of land, of which 1000,000 tire oriide• 19.350.000 tneadow;and 26,31:A907 Utienkerateid: Of these... 3,900,000 are of wheat, at in estimated value of X25.0:15,000; of oats and beans, 3,600,000, at the value of 515,760.0014 or bar ley andrye.l,2oo.ooo. , estrinated at .C6,720.000i , Of roots, as poustoest turnips. lic. 1400,000, alit value 91 X 1,800,000; clover, 1.400,000 at the tibia of .C 5,600,000; and hops, 53,816, at an estimated valve of .C1.881.560;' leaving 0.646.184 acres itr Callow. The estima ted annual value Ot meadows, pystureir and mar. 'lies, as 50 s. per acre, is also, stated ,as 48,375.000; and uneiltivated wastes . and moors, at 2.. as 2,- 638;8N0; making the gross value of the enflame proeuee Of (treat 8riti0n...6123,912,450.. Lord - Palmerston, it ii Said. is to be married 'to Lady Cowper, sister fujard Melbourne. We leirii that it is the, niention Of the New-, castle-ark:in Tyne and Ciitale Rail-ay Comps. i . ny to emnpleta that great undertakteg in Jane, next, when the eptire dletauce, sixty miles, be tiween - New Castle and Ceirin•le,'will be run in three hour., being twenty !miles. in the hour, in eluding ill the 'stoppages at the intervening sta onus. It *a singular fact that Within the space nfthgee hours on Tuesday marnti✓g, we Laid hail, ,snow, thunder, ligliming, wind, rain a9d sunshine.— Meula/ons paper. Electsteity —Why is the fireside an unsafe plat* min thunder ■tore' Decease the iartion 'menu. [natter or out, with which the chimney. is lined. lets as a conductlr tor she - Why is the middle M . a& apertuient the safest place during a thunder warm , Becm,e, should a twirl M strikMa builusitg,or enter in at airy or the window., it :an take the direction -thing he walls, without *Diu' mg thecentteet the room. A daring robbery took place on Riinaida Moor on Monday evening, attended by many aggrava. ted circumstances.. William Duthie, a travelling hawker, whilst proceeding from Rothbury to Aln wick, wee waylaid by hit own brother and two iner permit, an 'nehmen, Whit cruelty ma I-ireat ed him, and robbed him or his pack and £l2 in money. Two constables are in amuck of the pri• sowers. . State of Trade. —Rosiness in the warehouses cull continues extremely !dull. The yarn mar set is-without soy alteration, and lbw bemg'hol. iday weak, no purchases have been made in wool the presetting opinion teems to be, that they wil not, at, present, be lower, and staplers bold firm ly •at laic week's prices.—Aeitester Jour. To egpedile lhs'eommonirutlion between Log. don andlilasjois i a line, of iron• .team vessels is in progress being built for the Liverpool and Glasgois stations, to sail every day at a regular hour liom both stations. - It is calculated that when established the communication between Glasgow and London. via the Birmingham Rail way, will be less than 30 hours. The London and Birmingham Railway will, when Completed, have ibiorbed a capital of six .Stessening Extssordinery.—The Royal Victoria Steam Ship sailed from Annan Water root on Wedneiday, at one o'cloCk in the afternoon. and arrivediat Liverpool the same night at half pist 10 o'cldck, thus Performing the voyage of . 1.0 mites iikrune hours and a half, including a gill at Whitehaven, which occupied, fifteen Minutes. Railvay Traerliing.--The railroad from Par-' to to 'logo°, if met by • railroad at Dover to l.ocdon, will reduce Paris and London to a mere . 14 hoots between them, 1. $. provided the sea is not im asuitile. The. vi:svage from. Bologne to Dover,;and vice versa, a almost reduced to a car tairiy,!32o ow of 365 days to a mere transit of three hbors. The railroad to Brussels from Par is will Ireduce the jourpey from the latter to the farmer city to 8 boors, and 11 to Bologna. IRELAND. Italian Leghorn hats ire at present much worn in the higher circles.—Dublia Reg. ._ A fOw drops of sweet spirits of nitre will effec. toally banish the Cisacz species (Anglice, bugs) IMP your couch. • : • A 901 M —Some one has neirly frightened the city of Dublin "from its propriety." by circuit. ling that an earthquake was to take place on the 10th of May. Several personi actually ahandon ed hmisa scd liume, to order to avoid this 'awful calamity. We are ogled, however, to learn that the word!) , citizens are returning to their homes, hiving found out that the report was merely the idle, although we must say; miachievous pro. ductiof a wag.—Dregbedo Argus. To Rexene Penes tiliGlais.—Put so ft soap ob the p tty for a few hours. the putty becomes as soft as if it bad been put one minute before, tho' the patty we* before as hastias a close. _ SGOTIANIi. Ctirious instance of tSwittellisgA'wonian in erail!pressing a may for payment of LI; be gave his eon, promising to pay bits own order, and said Os most write up thebill "Accepted: No mote, she accepted tbepaynsent: This - the fool i oh Woman dtd.nnd the fellow: under the pretence of getting the note die:minted, made her pay ZS inst+d of receiving if.-'-fitirling Observer. A/Polite, Met —)V,e Wilted lately that a fe maul bad been robbed - en the Queensferry road. of a hank 'Cheque/or .00, and some loose money. rherobber has since returned tha cheque to the owr; i n I letter, in which be politely regrets that'be esnnot , from his necessities , afford to if_ bank the money. but promises, if be is sue. m easeful. inlpreulation, to return, it _also:s :Me stlvir mounted epee-melee are not mentioned.-- Perhaps the rogue require, them to enable Aim m ein through his new speculation:—CaktdOilits' Illetrorv, ‘ tintaissity.--A -111e1; penmen In hierinityer. • i **Laird bless't4 grand enuneil. ' tha;parlia ' men!, and grant they msy . ang : together,." A :Ttry Allow staitding by,, , replied; "Yes, -alr, all my heart. anil : tha amain the immee-4ul I 111 Me it 111 . 916, • Or of all red people— vfer ,, MEM . , 1, 4 t i72,c - . 4.4 , :11r,,,* - ' l ^,: it ,ltr • - • .- . - „ 1 iiiM=ISIM E!!I - - Birth &inset& -1.4 A female passettgir• on board the. Snowdon stisaunetvrer harlarytase to Besumarls, this ' eek wiscdclivereCatterew. The One was be o f-t h e Ortneslie4 : kid` the otbm•liear• Baum its. This teci . iiiiitalSl-born; The mother; who rom her appearandehiolle in arespeciable:•apke is doing well:, . She is A na tive of-the princi Sty, and states herseLeth be the wifeta4 a. mates to ode of tha.Weitindictrad: era froM Liverpool, and that sbo'lessma,Weay to lee. her (inlaid •I - • niktal:o" . . ‘,.....,_ reasiosithahirillran 'aid Cost Conipatay, a-P-The Third [loaf : jeer! Meeting °tibia EatmEtitty7„was held at their o ea, ie• this eltjr,'..iiit' - Ttladay, Colonel Daubeney -in the chair ; •wheil I - highly satistactory Repoli , of their iiroCiOdilOatiad of the prpgress of the werks; Was - ,Midai•by ,the Directdra,aed a dividend, aethistitWiitfivaspee ' cent per alumna o n the !outlay. was -jfeijircd.-• Notwatlnitandang . the tinosual severity4sf the weather, whichas..considerably retarded the progress of the tia„ . so that the ,fnrpaema 'are „ I are not yet in bl t, making hem' 78til . Seient profits for the Oyment of the dividied: . base been derived frona the tents .of the leoilipany's - houses and shopsel a lbw minor:amides'. • :Sub- scriptiena were e ered• into at the. Meeting to- wards the erection of an independent'Ghipely at the Corn pa ny!ti town of Victoria; and if ii also an contemplation'! to erect an Eptsetipat Chapel there as well is 'other places .of religious *cr imp. Coniicla from 'Pen6igshire.—The Governor. Ruthin gaol passed through Chester; - 6n -Wed nesday last, with the folluwing- indiviailite sen tenced to transpottatiod for 'fifteen year. each; at the laat•Deithigshlre aaaltes and seeintilisißob ert Ruberts,, Thomas Williams,. and tTkismity Roberts, for harass stealing; Wm :Davies, for burglary; and Elias °vireos for.sbeim . stealing. -.Nat $. . 1 .. . - - —a • • • • I have S hereby given; that the subscribers ha pur chased a GREY HORSE, sold' at:piiiidiblies Sale et Port Carbim by Olewine-& "Robtnewin.; be. in# the property;;f Schanty: pur chasers have hire the 11oreeeto W illiamEchanty, to nuke a trip oil the canal to Philadel - Phiii;Thte la therefore to cabtion the public ageing - n*lu; +aid Horse, es bells oar property. ' • iiSf;oß LONG. ,••• • !TOBIAS WINTERSTEIN. Port Carhon, lime 16 464° • , • • "~ :~~~: =IN • V V lIAPN ,1.4111./We".4-$7., Intbnialikni. Wattled QF PE PER FeI.RHI.Y... who •left: hlifbibther Neon the worm . g of the 13th hnie,r=inst: , In Pottsville, sonde which he has not-been' heard trom. Said Fancily is occasionally delicious. He bad on i CbiP. Hat; a striped Cotton ,Ro*L.. about, and blue pantaloons with ainitilitinne knee--also slightly marked with the smell pOz. Any information rulativeto the abovilareanKwill be thankfully received by . JOHN. FARROZI47. t . ' • ' WILLIAM NEVILLE, Juno ,16 464* Oroposals. PROPOSALS will be receive d by the. com muniuners ilifSchoylkillCciunty - at their of fice in the borough or Orwigsburg, oti' , 3kinday the 30th ofJuly; 1838., for building awntrainhed Bridge across tbe Ti vet Schuylkill. at. Mififileport. with two atone .abututeota. The. Bridge to , be reefed and weather.boirded, sad will bts o l. feet long; floor to be' to feet above low waiter the passage to be 16 feet wide and Ififeer high. To be constructed upon the plan of the SOuyl kfil Haven Bridge. • PHILIP BENJAMIN - POTT. j - A WM. L. BOUGHNER. Orwipburg, June 16 •46 CA.141. AHED. SEE!! • JUST RECEIVED a splendid assortment of spring and Sumner Goods.- consisting -in pail of Dry Goods,. • • Groceries, • Qikeensware l • • Liquors, dee: ' which I pm pr pared to sell -chestimyr than ever offered-m; this Market for aid'. -orstiveschange for country produce, at the highest moist , .rice. . • r K Storage. /Vitt Subscriberwhaving iented the Wharf on Fairmounll dain.;fout of Willow toad; joining the ona occupied by A. 3. Bollon.iir. Co. and prepared to receive Coil, LunOer . ._.44. on wharfage. and comniitaion... Enviinzi:oftlni i job. scribers on thh prerylves.-orfit,2fl§outh,:Whes. ILL_ _____ _fy n... ihe moudy otithn Heffner an —. A — ary— H ,-- t agerl, Eq. in tlus-Bciroughtof Puttsqleilletifilliqltall be diiipomed of accoilxiiitir wive,: ',II!, fe ;there fore tp give nob:ie.-In, the areiliteri"tif tht:.enid William Itei#ly, tti: . aiii)eieli . ..: l : l 44e.Y - ,thej o th l ea day orlitlY' eit it the _bailie ;i:of . flefirY 1.48,103 r, E'it• ;.in the .noy - .9 1 0. - 4.*Ki**Zial i f f eeoer' then and the . lictftecover niakintilttitr. ..thyir demand* ag bly to the direatunis pf ttinAnud --- - d,' Untleth a , isflunr, A. 1838:1 I ". . .4 i GEORGE CIS) • `l.liiitt2o l ' . I ' ".‘ 4.72 . -4'' . --..._...4.____ : ..; 49.0( Juan 23 II --Q , F.i ... CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers