The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 23, 1838, Image 4

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    113 Jai. I
C .u.s. o o,..o.r..—whe has t i n sound a
een n d sci •
ia7 use it en e mi s m e tic Pt , bestowing a n d recess 11
ing it is scatty. It in the power !? r,-cepticasin to.
d "dietiieevrofeniy to deny diem. - •
• it his achieved an ascendant career of ase
itileess with h -distances the competition of mere
. pretension: and has grieved tf conspicuous
Matins s universal favor, by intrinsic worth alone.
iu proprietor may porn out the causes of its superi.
unity, without
. tocsin g th e . suspicion orlinvidnius
ems, 'instate' comriso D.
The he
• . mainficiarell by Dr: Wiliam Evans, at WO
Chaduan street, do not ,require his esplanetitni of
their etknowledged efficacy—for the twist eminent
physicaats throughout - the United States wilrfriely,
if appealed to, state the reasons whit-6 have induced
recommend them sio extensively and warmly
is 1114 do. And those reasons am. that thesejudi
"Mous medicines never injure even the most delicate
constitsaitais, and have, in almost every individual.
-ease for which they are prescribed, a -marked. an evi
dent,earely happy and perrnsment . effnacy... Physi
elan,. Moreover, lee that they are not offered to the
g6lic neon any quack theory of tnirifying •the blood,
to the latter destruction of the stomach and bowels.
PunTy, the blood frame)! Mimed -humors. they.unde
mislay ae 7 but not by destroying those viscera by
which bibane the blood can be sustained. They are
mompoonded upon a theory which supposes a stomach
to be very essential-agent to heath; and food, well
digested. to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.-- ,
They 4o not puri - y, men to ghosts, and make them
bok tie being* too refined to remain long in thus
world; but they make them aa human as possible, and
fit to eieCOUnief •the hardship., and f u lfil t h e oc c u p a .
tons pf a sublunary life. They dp not make a vio
lent pargatery of this life. to prepare men the faster
for guiltier. They pfbceed to on the sapposaiiin that
the blend, muscles, nerves. organs. excretory and se
cretory gland. mucuous and tegumentacy membranes,
bones land brains. of every human being require to
be antlied rah nourishment from as healthful a sto
mach 4s canjbe made and kept; and epon the doctrine
that nuke" the stomach and bowelsare in good order,
the blood and every other part Ofthe system will be in
And bow is it expected that they will secure health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enatiling the one
to digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
after he ninrtment is extracted is connection with
the surplus of bile, and the foul humors of the blood,.
mucous membraces, and stomach. And they accom
plish these great feats of medicine in the most simple
way imaginable. The A PF:RIE NT v A !WILY PILLS.
,if the Striniaeb be affected with wind. bile, or coated
eollectionecleir it out;by a natural but a moat in.
ennoble selyentactiOn, and cleanse. the whole air-'
meatayeaual.wsthost griping. and leaving it as free
withom debility. as nature ever designed it to be.—
They Ile not take the skin off tbe -stomach and bowels,_
and leive them like a piece of red velvet as all phy
sician" know the strong drastic pills do. but they
take nature kindly by the hand without crushing her
fingerit. They cleanseevery thing, without imparing
or nijuring any lling.
Whft this is - effected, as it matey is by die use ofs
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PI LLS, then come
the t•lebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
sires hen i stomach and bowels which before, per
haps, Weak :and foul because they were weak, and
endows them , with strength to perforet their impor
tant functions. without the aid orphysid. The CA
MOMILE, FLOWER. -when its valuablq principlei
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged by all phy
incises, in every age, to be die bee vegetable tonic
_'mown in the science of !oedema's —There is nothing
k lowa in the vegetable kingdom'of nature to equal it;
nothing that is at cnce so harmless and sci vigorous! ,
healthful. and in proof of this the proprietor of thy
'ter owned pills that are made from itapurest particles,
might quote almost innumerable authors, both ancient
and tiOdern. If his own practice had noeproved it to '
rens df thousands.
Theeffects of these pills are not only perceived in -
an Mehease of appetite mid genera? strength, but in
4 restoration of the body to that universal" vigorin all '
its fisictions, which indicates the return to perfectly
wend healths—The face, and general complexion,
Speak , volumes in their favor. and,thousamis or fe
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their-Comfort, their crimple:ion, and their 'strength,
whersfevery other remedy had proved worse than use
less. In nerveus diseases, of all kinds, they are n-w
acknowledged to die preeminent; gradually restoring'
firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance
and. changes which other. nervous renintl.PS occasion
Hap pY would it have been for many young persona
of bOti sexes who are now in the silent grave. ifiliey
had Married to check the morbid 'tendencies of their
stomach and bowels by theme pure tomes and linen-
ants, ' idiom resorting to quack remedies , the names I
of w 'ch • are concealed. and of which they know
nuthi tg. That dreadful scourge CONSUNIPTION.
migh have been checked in !ta commencement and
disappointed erns. prey, all over the land , if the fi rst
-symt ma of nervous debility had been counteracted
by AMOMILE chemically prepared; and those
bow complaints winch load to a host effioal male
, dies;might hate been ot relied Ivy that fine ale:dine
extraet of rhi ltarh; which is a leading ingredient in
the APEMEN r FAMILY' PILLS. Before both of
thesismedicines, which are adapted to a majority of
the riirlMSoll for which a hundred others are u n nectar
sari Y used, fevers, agues. b. bow. dtsorders. headaches.
female debility, male decline, indigestion. and liver
eirmplabit, would have entirely disappeared, whi.rer,
many of them bare proved fatal.
Ht be it disich-ctly understomlthat these medicines . ;
are in( offered. instead of there‘natural organs of the,
bodinwhich other medicines dispense with, is a -very
sualMary manner. They are founded upon medical;
knots/ledge, and no; quackery, and do not take all the'
red inticles nut of the human bleed- under the pre
tenc of purifying it. • In proof of which difference of;
effeci. let the faces and boons of patients testi
mony. They constitute a useful, effectual. and gene-.
• rally oplicable class of medicines for every Ismily,.,
and ng both tonic ana apenrnt. and of the best''
p ratifies known, no person or family should be
wit t them. They can be obtained w fin'esa le andi
retai of the proprietor. Dr. WM EVA N.M. New York.'
and f his agents in town and country. with diree-.'
dotal for use.—They are rapidly supereedaig all (afire
remedies advertised in the public prints, because they ,
areftod to belong to a very aiiperior el ma of popular
Med • rua. A single trial usually placeithem.high in pri;
tam estimation, as they are known to be in public,
preference, and to the opinion of physicians. ;
MOAT ST. PHILADELPHIA, where his medicine
stay be MM. Di. Wm Evans! Office.l9o Chatham
street, &est York, wherethe Doctor maybe consulted
'sal. : •
as uraL
VSP .1 .
No ,
,l f ai .PS'lA and HVPOCHONDRIACISM.—i
~..., 'rig Que.—Mr. William Sa Imon.Green ac
atm Third et., Philadelphia. of citedfor several
news Miltv t s l rom foll ac io tih i eld d a i C. r i t i r e, ditr= Pi p ° a n l i pita S ti c o k n ' ti
of Min. impaired appetite, sometimes acid and
tit mitetations. coldness and weakness of the
- itiM, emaciation and general debility. disturbed
ntat.i iii sense ofereaure and weight at the stomach
sitdl eating, nightmare, great mental despridencyi
I t
. a frligaPtafiainrs in
.ety e , h ur cohanvcek and
'lag -. d weeping' languor and. !altitude upon the
- ' r.'Sa moil bad applied to the most eminentphysit
, w considered it beyond the power , cif medr+
.tea toreittom him to health ; hiprever. as his afilic4"
is b ad veduced him to i very deplorable-condition:,
t l e
and vi g been recomMesided by a relative of his to
'Ri ta trls of Dr. Wm. EVANS' Medicine, he wig;
'`di I pairekl to.the office and prOcured a packagap
',to lc e OSP. he is indebted for his restoration to,
Ilk; Imillli and friends. He is now enjoying all 0,4 t
id • - of parfeet 'health. Persons desirous. if
A fft * tion, - will be ear iafied wit eve (dirt' ldiitice
• katianiahintrcureat.Dr i Wzn• rya= Mt . .
;IRO Cliathim st., New Nark p and in P . '
. '4kia,INO.I9 , NORTH EIGHTH St, 'We ' '
~i '
lb, ' JOHN T. WERNER. '
Sole-Agentfor SchtrylkillCounty. •
4Re,Nior.26 . I—jl .
Cheese! Cheeiie!l • ;
calls of premium cheese, •
pine apple. dii , -
for pals by . N. NAI'JMNS & Co. i
i sous
. . .. i .- 2 • l_
t5 . 0 .f iki .... ci t+..._ „ : „ ....!„... -„ ... ,
l i. " jitter siiiiiitheir. tehofinib; '''' ' :. RH. s. i l
11' Or ,rat a3 P 2r , 4o2ll / 4 " dftTf',. #. -: .:
it prontaiserit*citailTrinih (3
iiiiitit L ''' '• --' • - :', .': .; c '
. ' java.Mo. births; -''i 1 tr,:ir l' i _
St. Domingo and browneid $. 7 • ... - ,
- • ,111.
Orleans, Si. Croix, brew. 'ad E p,,,iii i , 1
i white Ilavantm.losfintilainfP ~. -, - ' ----=
New Orleans. Weir/ k a „ imion ,
India and sugar house ' r" -- . . .
i bnperial:Gitsi-Piartier:Yonng '' • ' , ,
I Hysnn. Ponchong.Orange Pee. taus
en. Sonchong and Rohe" '
. Bakers. Chases.peniaht &hank i ch oco l ate
' & Litiggs, and sweet spiked
: ' Prepared Cocon.Cocos Shells
Raiding. Carice. Harvey. '
- . John Bulls. Lehner, Anchovy. Sateen
Canton soy andOunie l
Gherkin. 'Novato. peppct. I _
i Mised.Ornion. Mangos. Pickles
! ! Lemon and French .
Olives. copra'. Anchovies
• Cayenne pepper. allspice sod Ginger
Cloves. Mice Nutmegs and.cassin •
Rice. flour of rice. starch . .
- , Comma. Figs. Reams. prone, '
Sweet and biter almonds. citron -
Olive Oil, wine bitters, lemon syrup -
Preserved ginger. cheese. codfish . , . '
' Herring. mackerel. salmon ,
White and colored wax, sperm /
- Moulded nal dipt Inflow ' sCandl e
' Palm, sof-leek& brown and yellow soap
' Old Madeira. old per!. claret '
Brown and pale sheiry. champaigne Wines -
- Old hock:Lisbon.dry cithiga I in wood
Sweet malagu. muscatel ' , & bottle
Milmsev,marseilles & Sicily Main.)
Scotch. insh, million gahela & cam twh iskr7
A n niseue. auniseed & peppermint cordials
Cognac. champagne, Spanish 4- can brandy
• Holland & coin. ein. N. S Bum '
Jamaica spirits
.F.ctra sup. span. inferiordo r
.Ha If Spanish and common cigars , •
Cut & plain and moulded glass ../ „ v .....
China and crockery
' ALSO '''''''
! _ -
a general assortment of Dry Goodir. &4 all of
which they are titsposed to sell on the lIII4IIt reasona
ble terms. Melds of Families and Tavcirn Keepers
are particalarly invited to call.
or Nair
DR. 108. 'LA PIERR E'S Sympatitick for the
safest, speediest, and perfert care of every
kind of wounds, ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous
discuses, arising from coning. squeezing, ,bnnd
ing,.boiling or the impurity ut the blood, ands's°
for curing Dyspepsia, heart burn, asthma, liver
complaint, cost iveuess, colicks, ronvtilenons,
fices.and rheumatick pains, tooth acfie, mid sore
eyes's The general agent. 'rof, G. Xirt Wagmir,
Reading, Berks county, Pa. offers gostis to any
person affected with either of the did diseases,
a certain quantity of the Symnathicki to be tried
end appreciated before making any exPense; now.
eerer, the application must be made lice of post
N. B. This artinle cannot he hea l genuine in
any drug store or appothecary sht. It is nut
neeirs. , ary to talk mach about it, it certainly
'will recommend itself to an enlightdred publick.
• • aeg 19 - 39—if
Passage from Enpland, Ireland, S cot
hind and Wales . -
.11niERSONS wishing b. er.gage passige fur
their friends, in first rate ships; from•the a.
!hove places, may now dose by applying to
enr the accommodation of those persons enga
ging passage for their friends, who may wish to
send them money, to enablethem to provide for
the voyage , drafts will be gii(en on the following
named merchants, - viz:
P. W. Byrnes, No. 3; Waterloo Road, Liver
pool; Daniel Wright:, a Co. No. 3, Robinson at. ee
Glasgow; William !Wiley; No. 25, Eden- Quay
DOlin. may 6 36
Vegetable Life Pills and Pbe
nix Bitters. •
Ctr• A CONITIIANT.—AII nations, frtm the remo
test ages, have had ships. but Iralumbos only found
nut the way to America Before the time of the
great Spanish navigator,'peophi were only enabled to
paddle about the shores. JIM illo with the Life Med•
icines It is 'but two short years settee I first yen.
turvd upon an unknown oceati.and I have tbscove•ed
the 'remote! object I Will in search of—HEALTH.
Vegetable med.emes were indeed known when I com
tnenced my search. but their use was not. By the
use oftbem, I have not only palmed from the dejected
invalid,to the bale hearty anu attire m in of business,
hut, comparatively speaking, J have renewed my
youth.• I can thus, with confidence in ink own eine.
rience, advise with my fellow einsens Does the
render w,,iit proof t hat tke V ETA KLE. LIKE M ED
ICI NF ti are stumble tq lus own easel ;I have on ale
at my office,s46 Broadway. hut dreds cfletters.Trom
mmek,f the moat resoectableeitizens
tive land. voluntanly olfrred in testimony of the air
Persons whose ermstitutions have been creel.) , ru
ined hy the •-all infaltible" mineral pikavaration of
the day, will bear me witness, that the Life Medi
canes, and such only, are the true camel to permanent
good health..} JOHN ItIOFFAT.
Tbesr medicines / have long bi-en knoWn and appre
Mated, for their exiraorrimar) and immlNliate powers
of restoring !Priem health, to ;ersons Sufferingender
nearly every kind of uisease, to w htch the human
frame is liable.
In many hundreds of certificate-) instances, they
have ere rescues! sufferers from these'', verge of an
untimely Ernie, afie: all the deeepthie n3strums of
the day had utterly failed:and to many thousandethey
have perminently secured that uniform enjoyment of I
health, without which life itself is but 4 partial bless.
ing. So great. inted, has their effic.ecy levagiablv
and infallibly I,roved, that it has appearto scarcely.
less than miraculous to those who were utacqinunted
with the beautiful philosophical pr nciple• • upon
which they-are entopounded.and upon which they
consequently act. It was to their 1111.4 I. fest and limbs".
his, action in purifying the apnngs and channels of
life a ad enduing them with renewed tbne ind Vigor.
that they were indebted for their name.' which was
bestowed upoh them 4rthe spontanetitui - teirinsin of
several individuals whose lives they had librionaly
saved. 1 .
'Mt proprietoracejoice in the oppounity afforded
by the universal diffusion of the daily_press forplac
ing his VEGETABLE LIFE PILUB within' the
knowledgeand reach of everrindindal in the cam.
muny. Unlike the host of pernicio sr .quackeries.
which boast of vegetable ingredients the Life Pills
are purely and set.aty vrorrainac, a d contain net*
thee. Aferenry.. Antimony. Arsenic. or any' other
mineral. in any form whatever. y are entirely
composed ofeztracta from rare and - werflil plants.
the virtties of whith, though long kn wn to several
Indian tribes. and recently to some inept pharma
corniest ehemOitik re altogethetunkiiti utri rhe i gno .
tent pretenders Id medical science; a d were 'never
befordadnainhiteredin so happily 'one lame,
*nation. - .
Thee first opernt k is to Icassen fr nt that:aslant
,the stomach an,d bowels. the - virtues ropuntierand
crudities cedurtantlY setting . aronnd, .
toot* the hardened team which telt tle the. con.
*lnto!, attic 'siesll'lritostirsei. - intftlicinne
only paniallyeleseethesi.and team ' eh - collected
masses behind; as to produce ha ' reoitivaness.
I with 'alt itstrain of evilkor redden Ar Itherwriith pa
imminent. dangers. -This fact is ',ell known. 'Wall
I /*tabu air Mullets. who examine the n- bowels
alter deattn and - ace, ttie_prejudlint: btent salatlie: .
fornild men tiganathe,quask to timettbetage.
The aectired7 e ff iet 'of .ow . VEG 01. E 4.IFE
l aw
" '
- 4:0W4V0r41 - 4aitiViaaiiiii
bythia alleisetithitifvellierthebiegs, the bath
lactimisfivehiChesiDtstf *Polk llPlifathet
aiflllsoatiliiforisrPsk..;7lloi food, which. ittir
red eidamfroosilotamewcteftheliver.aed. theta
6 %
them and,nourtShed„by
.food combo n
womb, twitirseilreelr thiltegh 't he ,irea*yenever
eviamat of die system and triumploottlyitsfmnts the
hiinlieworreahlfarildtiottlinAreheek4.__: ,- -
linisanilisettses, to.' W?ticle.thfi, Vegetable,' Life Pills
are Well knoWn to be infialiblee— ,
DYSPEPSIA, by threughly clegnaingtheltst and
second stomachs, and cfeawtg.s'fldw of pare healthy
'bile,listeadefthe st*:andecrid kindo—nindenty,
f a ltl=Aelkiirt , Less fk irr aoilio
ReadellmeN4 Anxiety, law
gatiatisdAtekacholy winds erethegeneralaymptoma
of Dyspepsia. will nannikans natural co of
ha core. Costly' mess. brelauisibg the wh e length
of the intestine/ With■ salseet pracess:'indwithout
violence; all +(Went pis leave the bowels costive
within two days. and Cleleni, by remove
tag the sharp:acrid fluid/ by whichlhesai commaints
we occasioned, and by promoting_ Me. lubrieltise
secretion ofthemnens membrane. reepeolog
by restoring the blood to a regular eirculationodironh
the process of perspiration in some cases, and the
throng h solution of all intestinal obiontctibna in other/.
The LIFE PILLS haire been known to cure Rhin
mad= permanently in three weeks, mid "Gout in half
that time, by removing local inflammation from the
muscles and - ligaments of the joints. Chopin of all
•hinda.ty freeing and suerigthening the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfulty,on these or
gans.and hence have ever been found a certain reme
dy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also Worms. by
dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slime
matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
Conitamption. by relieving the sir vessels of the lungs
from the mucus, which even slight colds if not retire.
eel becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Ulcers and' beoeterate S&P, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pills gobs to the blood
and all }minors; Scorbutic ErtmOom and Bad Com
,Foexterns, by their alterative effect upon :the fluids that
morbid state of which occasions all Ere:price com
plaints. Sallow. Cloudy :and esker disagreeable Can
gomens The use of these Pills for a very shorttime.
will effect an entire cure of Salt rheas, Erysipelzas
and a striking improvement in the Clec-neu of the
akin COMM= Colds, and /oftsurtoxi. Will always be
cured by oneidose, or by two Men in the worsecases..l
Piles.—as a remedy for this moat.distressing end ob
urinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserver •
distinct and emphaticvecommeodstion. It is well
known to hundreds in this city, that the Prop r iet or. '
of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with
this complaint for upwards of t hirty fiveyears, and that
he vied in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole eon:wags of the Materia Medics. He however,
-at length, tried the medium which he now offers t o 1
the public, and he wap cured io a very short time,
after hit recoreiy bad been pronounced not -only
improbable. but absolutely impossibk; by any human
means. •
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The preprietorscif the
VienKT,AIILK Lire PILLS does not foliate the base,and
mercenary practice ofthe quacks of the day, in advis
ing persons to take his - Pills in . imptuantinea. No
good mecheirre min possibly be so required. Therm
Pills are to be taken et,bed time every
night. for a'
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The us tai dose is from 2 tols. according to
them:munition of the person. Veryclelicate persons
should begin with but two, and increase as the nature
of the case may"'Name thine more rdbust.or of very
costive habit. may begin with 3, and increase to 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they, will 'effect a su ffi ciently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These rills sometimes occasion title:ow and vont'' ,
ng. though very seldom, unless the atomach is vele
foul; this, however. May be considered a favorabe
symptom. as the patient will find.horaelf at Dame re
lieved. and by perseverance will own recover. They
4 usually operate within 10 or 12 haws, and never give
pave, unless the bowels are rerypolch encumbered.
They may be taken by the most delicate females an.
der any meow/tenet:a—lt is, bowevr n . e reirommend.
ed, that those inlater periods of pregn y should teko
but one ate tnne, andthuscontieneto,keep the bowels
open: and even two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a eotuuon of two table
spoons relief water. may ,he given Man infant in the
follewingeloses—a tea spoon full every two hours till
it operates; for a child from one to five years of age,
halls pill—and from five to ten„one Oil'. -
THE PIII.ENIX BITTERS. are a 0 called,becauae
they pitmen the power of restoring the expiring em
ber of health. to a glowing. vigor throughout the
constitution, as the Menai is he restored to
life from the ashes °fits own dissohdion. The Plea
nix Bitters are entirely vegetable, clnipcived of root
found only in certain parts of the western country
which will infallibly cure FEVERS ANI3 AGUES,
of alt kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely all
the effects o f Mmenry . infinitely - sootier than the meat
powerful preperationwofSareaparilli t and will imme
&lately curette demrtnioatontof BUM) TO-,THE
HA ED; never fail in the sickness Meade* to young
females; and wilt be found ri certain remedy-in all
cases of nervous debility and weakness of themes( he
paired constantiona. At is a remedy fur Caroni-end
hyliamatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phcenix
Bitters will be demonstrated lir the use o f a s i ng le
bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters is half a wine
glare full, in water or wine, and thistquantity may tie
taken two or three times a day, about half an hour
before Meal& or a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted :with indigestion
after - theale, these Bittern will prove invaluable, as
they very greatlymcrease the actionkof the principal
viscera, help them to perform their rime:lo'l2.mM en
, able the stomach:to discharge Ingo the bowels what
' ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and
speedly, removed, appetite restored; and the mouths
of the at sorbent vessels being clevesed. nutrition is
facilitated. and strength of ',cid) , and energy of mind
are the happy results. For fan her partenlari of
TERS. apply at Mr. Moffat's office, N 0.546 Bredway,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25
cents. 50 cents, or $I per box; and the Bitters for $1
or per bottle: Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected.
Itiveme obstinote and complicated cases of chronic
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaints.
Feirer and Ague, nysneisna. Palsy; Piles, iqury front
the use of merenry,..rrannee, and other. diseases of /n ag
standing. it may he necessary to take both the Lire
Pills and the Phtenii Bitters, in the. dose before
N. B —These Pills and the Bitters, will get the
mercury out of the system infinitely tester than the best
preparations of&eibparilla, and a certain remedy for
the if the Alive to the head. droll violent .
ackectiodoideinterec..&c.--A ll persons who arepredis.
posed lotrixecroiredso. &a; should never be without
the.Lifis ortbe. Bute f otiose in time w ill
save life. They equalise e.cirtu ation of the blood,
draw all pressure from the head. prespitation. a n d
throw-off every impurity by the pares of the skin.-
For sale by MILLER di HAGGERTY,
a gents for the Proprietor.
Pastsville 26 I 4h-lv
Cer.Oe Street
. Religious, liVorksd
. BANNai ties join received the following
religions -works, London a nd America ed
Rion', which offers for able Ohesp.
Original F„antily Seymour,
blassiliona,', Sermons.,
~Leland6 a view of :Deistical ,
Sturtevant's Preacher's Mahual, 2 Tots,
Drew on the Resurrection,
inwairt , the Font, ,
Rrilgu'd on z the J 1 , 014=131.
Fabef onjandali;rs. .• 1 ,
Jami taP_.r ;
Prize Yanaa v St:Aglaia Msbaeasiona.
Cluisdaa rather at flomei_
A hlother'oßequeatam qe-
• . .
Old Gl'ape JrdeerPort eisv , tei
VERY sorierbwOhrtr_afte Sado
do Rittal'comikawdlo; do
vi:ii7lloi.k4 do4o,...,lldur,..l6liiiddirw, .111 t wood
and bowie& imiwnot cap Lobo 'bind
Duff Gordon 4.-Cou, Merry , whir?: Pico Madeira]
Sicily LcitTeisesiliVlOldTifellolwo;
dry olwiitMsbikKiitiONltS 4.11.E - falitid by,
-april 28 " .
i . •
F . " poix.
1' I pPoef Qrb i > Folat
Item:op* every.dayikom9 ft o
the Office.* Diactioat'}ood-Deposit4ffirlhlr-Per
pose of ret:Miring deposits to any mount Woreth
ceeding top, from anyone person, Wit Which
are totem* of 4 percent-rill be paid mreftery SS
and upwarda,butam interest aallowed .
any trachoma parts of_SS. The Nishakt-oranyi
part wary be strewn eaten &leg .00thw, two%
fans weelmont the oilier on Mondays. The bak,
eines of the Society Will be 000docted by the
officers and mlbagers, until the.**
hloaday is May next.
,resident—.-AQUI.LA. BOOM. •
• temed ). pow
Joseph Cmigl
Edward Ifoghes ' E. 8. Want,
lamib Bulk • dame Tamar
1.. Whitney. Secretary and Treammer.
AMC!. 3d - or the Chaffer. emolument
whatsoever shall be received by t h e Presided(
or Managers for their services, nor shill any
Manager become a torrinver from the melts.
Lion. ' oft 1. Mt
Accompanying • each bottle of the Elpecifick,
pointing 'out in a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stagei of these diatrea.
sing diseases—also particular 'directions respect
ing diet and regimen, and how
: patients are to
conduct atouFh every stage until health is re
suned-Lfor earn and useless would be the 'pre
seriptions of the ablest physicians, wecompatried.
with the most powerful and useful witklieMes, if
the directions are not falthihlty adhered to.
The public are informed fhattbedepositions of
287 persons have been taken before proper. am
thoritica in the cit} of Lancaster, all completely
cared in the most desperate eases of consump
tion, some of which are detailed : in the bills se
companying each bottle.
she A supply ofthe above Bpecifieli has been
received and is for sale at this o'ffies,
Match 12 18
Swaim's Panacea.
A S the intemperance and luxury of the age We
hastening the ravages of seorbutic complaint,
and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou
sands have destroyed their constitutive:shy neglecting
to apply the proper. remedies—to sucluSwainia Pan
acea must be, nod has been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain andeffectual means of restoring' hem
to perfect health and vigor. Few . families Ire whol
ly exempt from *carbine affections, which exhibit vs
nous symptoms, at eruptions. ulcerations,
loss ofappetite and dejerttion, ail strisingitiati impure
blood. and if not properly attended to, produce the.
greatest i*ry to the constitutotien, mid may be Wo
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Pomo* it mom
mended at this meson of the lean ass tektite', testa
retire of the 'system, thereby invigoratingdre trestle-
LiORI. and enabling it to bear the debilitating dffectsof
the summer season. It is conveyed -by tbettrcula.
ting fluids. and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in 'vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite.or prediepositon taaffentions
of the limp, dkr... No one. however, istadvised to use
it without convincing themselves ofthe truth of what
is here stated.
This medicine is now aired with success is an parts
of the maid, and is gaining rest reputation in"ft.
A fresh supply of the Medicine jost received and
for sale by B. HANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Wilmette supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell again. at Philadelphia
g ees
hl ay.l4
0 4, I'6
htstsravire lUltspatem,
%SAKE both limited bre petpetual Insurances
/TA oo Brick, Stone or Frame (kidding", Stores.
Hotels, Mills. Strns. Stables. 'Merchandise. Furni
ture and Property urevery description,against ions
ur damage by FIRE.
The 'Delaware County Jniutsnce company wil.
also insure against kiss on all kinds of marine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the imago:ma
tion of goods, wales. ainemercA,ndise by water. or by
ntil way, upon terms as favourable as any other is
For any Bather information on the 'object aril).
soninee. either areinst Fire. marine or inland HA&
A poly to HI.NRY Cr. ROBINSON. A rest.
jaly 15 34—tf At Rehm !kill Haven.
Fire Insurance Company.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
Brick: Stone or Frame Buildingclittoorv.Hotels
Mills Barns. Stables. Merchandise. Farniture.and.
Prop FlRE.erty_of every description.apiost leas or damage
The subscribes has been appointed Amstetfor the
above mentioned Institution and ,is now
make lostotarmits apon every desenption of property
at the lowest rate*. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
Potlmdle, Feb. 27. 1836. 15
The Philadelphia Fire
MAKE both limited and pe rpetual I OiranCet es
13 11
'lila, Stone or Frame _____ ngs. tirtr. Resale.
.11Iills, Earns. Stables, Merchand i
se. Furniture, and
'PropeitY or evaiidescripiion. against !purer dainage
by FIRE.
i nrorisv
The sobeerMer bag been appoinied z A mit hit- the
S'thereniebtainedinatitutiomand is now i stig so
IMake Isivemicas epee "vet, desetilltiear
` at tbeievrest rams. W.Xl4gaN A A . .
Pennine. Feb 25 1107 . ~ r Ito-
H swaine* t'swa • •
- -Sweho's Folloceosjollt.rietir6
Dell freak ;root the proprietor. Npwarris-ot
liventy.Five Thoesand Bunke •etthisivaingbie
eilleess were sold last yeir. aid the Jetrrontijo
hiereuing. For sale by the doneo, or single bottle;
Price $ per bottle, or three bottles for OS by
Miste Agent For SebnylkillaCooes7.4l
_Also Swaim'ilfennifoge. • -
. ,
• HOUR*. 111L0r:hi Norwegian
SINN. nearly, oppisibi the residence
t i ll ofß.l o . Poway. now occupied by
Willie**. Leib. Thelon's tat 6
feet trout by 30 feet iti•deOli s with a kitchen and
cellar in the teartnewt- ociry..two twins' on the
6rat,seeond and thirdittorr sick; the whole of
said Nome well'phuitered andpainted. Also an•
thcellent'arell of water at the dowr—doeiat i. 201
feet Pont. by KO feet in depth. with a 9 fiat 14•
ley on the , west end of said house.
-for further particulars inquire of "
Mount Carlo]. Nor: 5.1831.
)\ I. ( )1.1.1-:(;I: OF
• At t .s , Loxim)\...
MINE Original Byplay Universal. Vegetable.
Ja- Medicine; prepared by W. MiSKIN. Esq.,
Member of the KoyalColkie isalorgeons. Licen.
nate of Apothecaries Company, Fenno , - of Sol.
Cant Society. Surgeon tuft's Royal Union Pen
sion Association, tancirster place, Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Vapilvflitay's and St
Thomas' liosOtsle, London. _
Those pills having gained &celebrity unparal
!eke in every section of the Union, are now con.
indexed by ail those who value good health, India
pease - hie as • family medicine—patronized by
numerous body of the' mast eminent Physicians
both in this country and in Euronee.s.isauffieient,
- it is presnined„ to stamp their character in the es.
timation of every thinking man, and it is hoped,
a far better recommendation thin the. %mune re
sorted to by ignorant and umprithipledpreicnders,
who thmislead and deceiire the public. publish
whin they tall - practical proofs and certificates of
Ceres. that exceed all bounds of rational credibil..
sty, and most of which. if not all, are either gross
fabrications, or procured by fraid and connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Farms - , says
"This medicine has obtained an unprecedented
*VMS of well preserved popularity. Having tak
en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness
ed that beneficial effects on others, we have no
hesitation ir. recommending thenvo the public, as
'a safe, lialtitary and usefial family rnedteine."
10 ,0 , None are genuine Without the signature of
the Omani) Agent on the label,by Whom the a
bove medicine Is imporfard Into this country.
/NO. HOLBEIN. 129 Waverly Plate.
• -
Gep'l Agent for U. b.
A stipply of tha above Medicine just received
and. for sale by B. BANNAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
ths. Colds.
ispilions.Spittisrg aJ
Diseases V the
:MAN, .f the C 4
Jolt 16
The subscriber has dimeowsted a method by which
wywraraf that nimble toot, , .
- -
Mayheektractell without losing my eifita meiPcinal
properties. This Vnedichne is prepared after a re
teipt ado!, Medical College.' receipt recommended
by the Faculty u the beat formula for the prepare -
stun oldie thud eatrrct or/lamps rine.
This &trent may be given Wilb perfect safety to
children, and isnouscientiously offered to the public
as a purifier °film blood, which in all cases will great
-1 alleviate audits meaty *likely cure the following
disesteem ;
Obstiliate eruptions of the akin,
Pimples or postaiison the face. .
Bites which arise heat an impure held of body.
Sealy eruptions.
Pains in the bones,
Chmnie Attenuation.
Them - MOO !nil.
• •
White Swellings,
Syphilitic sytnprotriii
And all disorders arising from an ittipure stare of
the blood:either by • long residence in la hot and un
healthy climate:or the injudicious use of mercury.-
1 have thought it necessary to attach a few certifs.
eatesef its. benetic.ial effects. from persons wen known
in the county,as refesupeec
Reading July, 13, 1837.
We the undersigned. baring used the Compound
Fluid • Extract of Sarsaparilla. (prepared by (Norge
W Oakeley) in our families. most cheerfully recomu
trend it to the public, as a cheap, safe and efficient
medicine, in diseases arising from impurities of the
This is In certify that I was for Pao yearn ahlicted
with an obstinatemspetigonrousafrectinn in one
legs, which broke into numerous ulcers, for wch
tried various remedies, which but increased the dis'+
ease, when I was recomteended to try Mr. Oakeley's
preparation olltarasparilla. I tlid so, anti after using
several bottles 1 am happy to state that the ulcers are
entirely removed abd my leg healed Witness my
Had this 16th oay orAuguat. 1637,
JOHN R. COMER, heading.
This certifies that toy little sun. about 8 years old.
had suffered for a Imig time from extensive sores' on
the right knee sad leg. (supposed to have been whim
swelling.) which I found illmossible to bed. by even
the aid adds must respectable . medical advice, until
Islas recommentied to use Mr. George W.Oakeley's
CompoondSrup of &Imperil* eight bottlestifirbich
not only bleated he sores but perfectly restored the
ehiltrs Wan Which had suaMed *With ihkunalpuence
of this Sakti**, CATHAttiNE, BtNGEMAL
The abort else Was presented to me. both before
and atter the mita Mr. Oaltelne,ssyrup dr Barsipa.-
rills. until bare no haitatioam believing that it jnaat
the agent of his restoration.
Ilesding.flept. U. 1837.
A rOrwiipbtang
' Wasciagtos, Noe 20, IBM
Mr: Wintry.
consider it my duty mkt you know distil*
use of the half done batiks ofyokr %Waage Saraji -
rills teat l' got of Juni last. has entirely healed
my leg, the Doctor told me it was era serofulous char
acter. and the use col your medicine Would probably
benefit it. The five bottles *are tioi taken befor e it
w as healed, hut I took the With to make the ciple
certain; it is now better than two months since I end
any. an d there is no a ppearanceota retain, etylphyp4.
ciao thinks the care perfect. Youm.&c..
The above 'stiluable medicine may be had et
the' subscriber's wholesale and retail Drug stole.
Math Fifth street, Reading. and at most ahhe prin
cipal thug stoma:: Fresh Oho and Medicines. at
thelowsetcsalt pticee,ahe kept. %retie by the Sub.
acsiher. ; .•• GEO. WI DAKELEV.
Also, to be had at: - .mires of Heiedenreitlf &
Kits Eiseman Ilialistrand Dr. Ford. Putt
trientlitemw InalitsoWfatid a therstore ellfettiol
& Strauch.PMMtillec , • •`•
Jam 13 • 4-6 mo
B. Tel pretreat ilapoaitioa. my Signature - wit
ateompury the lateral' each-bottle.
heitsaletaad-Retai Hard
'," Ware store
opoitoct'N*EAVEßlavejust received in ed.,
ditionlq.their foriner'elocktpf Hardware
OPrialt kg% 4400 . Went Po Ide,d
pinos;'.iiNnnted east steel des, broad -
seas Sew luitehetiqUainemikatiyi& Muffins :
snail and fitmereldenii, dnirst bans -
bellow!. cut& *re fi t anils,4. di. k 46 in. ant
then: int aed double plane ironi and . pl,aneil; ,
leeks; liiebei.idnitee rannown.ienlid aid
Imam libef i alitei end b -a aquages
'MI of wbieb are eirered i se theinolit '
ins tense "
INlikhes Pills.
- I iiiithi - 13 , 0 t: to,w -Box
LOW . stuiliiperi oit-Bi
.sollthi Ititiladelpkia Alen
- ` l 4 , QuErow
• Who datisii bow the titles, talicsoy
infierki• 4f,thillithaislan t i t ~* , ,
EVERY manosisaadood ,
eta the
or the otiose. is ?my- liewi
out Owl ;Kited etatioscootobiraccoini
sal garlic) , or Eikist,oariliktin run
resureingfroorthelonoiniryahot at
Ask any respesuilt ble phrlitisir the
is thessostifitociour ,porsjiter if thrail
Rill he. attIIAPARO.LA: ~
&Oleo it topy %kin it 191 iikykl`cia
it so univeradly. - lalt betteee. vf its
mushiehle prooorximg—
. • De. Liativaem 4i r. i ncr o d - 4 14 .- L, the
**hue of the Barth is obtained • *high coo
dieriroatfarforthood'in stele manner • m pal
therefeomiloitherrtriaerorlotth e the
This cannot tie do by any other ' at
'caw is kaolin enly to Dr. ILeidy, a ai o
his obi.•
These Pia, are *red to the pehli' b the tM
,IT .10E1,1111'
. .
cotnpouuded princl i pally :of • Setae rilta and with
which combinied - ngredienta (Fria' 1 o the'consti
lueen) rendering them Mote effect behlg genei
laxative in their effects: tlipit terryin off corrept
moat from the 'latent Very, gredually. as vrebout
dticiardebility or any inconvenience ' ctienle ee
&lent quantity; however. they will freely, sod
'' 'may be employed or given to
,the s • delimit, and
even to-infants. Iteistra adJe mid tre
getiet„reyeirieg relerat freare - riemotres
from vegeTer habiti.orficesx, • • • any '
These pills have been pre-emiriend ilticaetftd 1 4d
from their convenient fern. must:soo e or teed% bike
the place of all the different prepare . of Disrap+
such as Syrups. Decoettons. ts, rAtO
are containat m'bottks, tfrige to be
_, ma are
cormeniankfor taking ar being tarried at
These pills have. durbig the past tv
imply tested. Newspaper , advertising
expeadve. ample testimonials from mil
ciansand other, encamps .y the direen
They are particularly recommendrid In
Rheumatic affections, Dry and watery pimples .
General Debility. and a tuts of the fate
Ulcerous sores of - and
throat, verse and body. ly e apd blot-
Diseuesof the Liver, ches o the skin,
Skin and ,Bones, etter. worms,
Pain over the region of risible.
. 0 baptise,
beaky, breastouid 'to amid' •i , riburn,
mach, `ttomacb ogbs, Liver
Pain of the eider. along compl in waterbrash,
the haik and spine, ern ta 1 ons, and acid-
Inward fevers, foul brea itleso stomach,
a hod tastein the mouth 'andel "ons, as
Flatuteticv. want cif app sweUi g C ud bordenMg
site. coisrvemessr, ehreeps ofthe lakiiisofthe neck,
• of the stonisch,.and ' in the rains, under the
aigeition. . arms, a d along the
• spine. h breast:Am
and the whole train ofdiseases sea dig from impu
rity or the !dotal, as also constitutional (limper pro
duced by Ukase of barks , Quinine , Otrkenic, Mercury
or tither Minerals, also in impendene inlife Sypbt
, • ,
lin, Wm, Venereal, dm- de-
Price VS Cents
Prepared only and sold What d Retail at br.
T idy 's Health eviporiutn, 2nd st. '•vellow Vine, An.
norAlDEß. yoi, have a cough r c
An their consequence* Colds rai
imperceptibly. and insinuate t
human system: finally settling
ending an cosuinmption.
How often is youth cut down wb
by the Consumption, anti folloWed
parents who are in a Measure the ca
store in. negl toting to raped
tag in childhood. looking upon t
tions.and not ttratting their notice
baa eomMenced its Work end Wald
This isnot a fanciful representation
ens instances steer which prove di
In tnanhoad colds ternimate in th
not progress so rapidly as in youth;
ever, in both youth and manhood be
and not revivifiedvs trifling affecttor
sive idea that has no doubt shortetti
. (Price 50 Cents per b e
Tx an invaluable preparation. disco, „
and cetebtrated Vermin Physician, '
it upwanfit of titty years, in hie own
many, throughout' Which country i ,
that time Most extensively, and since
in CoughLiColth, Influesma.t atarr
ting of Bhiod, Wholoping Ploughs. '
li a
and Sid all ACC-lion. of the Brea
arrest° moaching cohitutpption.
Much y bestial in praise of th
but newspaper advertising tieing t ,
satisfactory evidence wid be foun ,
upon trial. as well as numerous.. ~ 1
compan,ing the direetions. ..I.4wa ,
were sold in Philadelphia alone tin
ref.& convincing proof of its efficacy,
lay would never have been sold.
chits are oreLEI p
aned and sold only at
• Dli. DYHEAtiII
t a
1 .1
, .
eli ,
1. ;
.A IL WAYINO IF-J.4'4ldt ' 4
21 bY 5-8 bidets '
2 bY, ' 416 -; `, •'t
Ibr :1414i • Efeittiblelbt,.:
4iipiifirott;hia Ounlerentt
at awarittileist ) 1 e az
Thitekandifiihitato-seit the a
1 1„14,G...RA T,4 1
sl:4l , ,Solttit Stool S • '1
- 'Phiadefpbll.lllttich 15183
RRADER.did you ever see a t.
and leapt his anfferioget Ifni
he is* pale: then and ghostly looki
apparently hanging by a thread; h
unhappy; his solthring. halescribah
Areyod Mut h troubled with Platte
Soateruttationi milting from yours
went .of appetite. Waterbraih.'e
Mouth. or foul breath. pain or a he
numb. &Omega alter eating, Headed
once favorite dishes. &t ;If yen
with anyof the foreptinewimptot
the picture of the Dyspeptic. and
remedy the dostiequeseee itnmedi:
• . coRimAL
A actin' failingg and etcacioi
Andlthe whole train ofafrections
eases of the Liver, Stomach
The abbnimedieine it warrantf
ry- or other mineral preparation* i
ttrelyoftegetables,safe sod Muzi
plhisant to the taste. It may tie
yOtttig and oldrequiring but mode
diet only: -
NuMbrnua tbstitnonials hate L
publisbed;its reputation is so well
mentupon its virtues is unneeessei
rr HAI AWL 7.1111 MIN A 1111401.1
titer recommendations accompar
round each bottle.
.pace One D.ollar.per
Sold in Philadelphia at
Dr. PCS Leidy'alfisalth Eiupiit
81 , "and b 7 ft - •
Baas! 5 ,•• • s
Ugh Vi r k
asp Ifni.. Tic de Grave Wit
1 11 " r iifili4*4l l ;4lt. male .
,16440...18 Pig
of Dr,
ird Pills
Milt pin
or tl4 . 4.up_iyer- 1
his 111111Wer
ygarL ben
tpg so retry
phya ,
Ord, belillre Dr
th u lYi rt ß
Ales g t
oda l
the lamp and
l ' .
leau es pected •
heirfraves by
gof t eit piem
tialds wen Eliot
is trithog affet ,
Mil the destroyer
otll'e of its victim.
(#r daily soma
' e tray tmt do
h abotpd how=
eolYrh"lvt4saoadr oiled to, 1
A 1V0 4 .1 '
red by as; regular
bill'. eau*, ed
deal in Ger
a beep during
• ' ally employed
alof the. Breast
ad Lubgs, and
a , .ve
e4pensive, every
nio all its effecis
onmendationa tie
ilit 7M)O bottles
' the nest IVIIII
t,OO lake a gram-
T i ia 7l bote meth , .
3 Ritll, .
ow Vine at.
41 A 77'0N.
in ed tiyipesit.
. fbeeiit to eat,
ig, bieq, bus Ine
r ' susetable and
le : ..
. ' . Crusiveness.
ba aoriti in your
vi ems siyour igo
lb: Diairdst to your
. much troubled
• , 'ng *fore yml
a ag resolved to
WI prociune
iemedy ;
4.5710 N.
ovitini tit* •
ointet4oeis. -
toe ro ited ooefook.
i tom "
o kik , •
rei ti •' 7 in
, •tk
~,,, • y•
".0 are
r , • , ' a
4 1 °
- coning Coal,
lioles, and icon
e arida.' I Spli nog
oN &