The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 23, 1838, Image 3

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Tb 4 Steam Pacifet• ' ulatlki *Atilt:est in k
a Gale on her Nay fp to Chidaston to
BaltimOre, and up , al d '
of ONE trUND
' The Hon. Monsen Brimin, one of
Pennsylvania's nobles i trns, bas been re
nominated forZongrei , by the WHigs of
Allegheny county. l, Hit will be elected by
Ofir TIiCitISAKD JEAJO4ITY. Mark our
"All Hain The Cry is Stilt)
They' Come!!" ..
. We publish below, an additional list of
persons who decline 'he honors of the
Porter Convention. •4he probability is,
that if -the names of seceders continue to
pour in, in the present ratio, for a week
or two more, there wit be little left of the
Porter Delegation. We published the
'names of 15-in our 1/ist. The seceders
are men of standing—{substantial citizens
—farmers, who are not in the habit of
blowing hot one day and cold another.—
We welcome their appearance and com
mend their patriotiami Their sense of
duty to their felloW citizens and themselves
impells them to renounce Porterism—they
are unable to Swallow ii pill so bitter and
detestable.' There are some, however,
who bolt it . down, let: make terrible wry
faces!" To all such, we say, they had
better come put manfully, at once, and as
sort, their determination to throw all such .
" physic to the dogs!". i 1
yea Tee lIINILitIi . JOUILMAL.
Ma. &wham I have learned that, at a
Porter meeting, held all . Pottsville, the sth
instant, my name ' was used without my
consent as a delegate tb their.. convention,
to be held at Harrisburg, on the 4th of
July next.. Now, altheugh having been a
- supporter of Gov: NVolf at the last election,
I tan no longer 'reconcile it to my con-
science to aid,,directl or indirectly, in
carrying out the pernicious measures of
Martin Van Buren; I therefore declitii3 the
honor intended, as ; I lhave come to the
conclusion to go foriv country and the
election of our truly Democratic Pennsyl-
vania Governor Joseph Ritner, the farmer
and not a lawyer.
~,Y u will please to in
sert- this'in your pa p er &
er from your friend
and humble servant, .
Wea' Penn, June 1'
ter- papers, of the 1
friends of David R. P.
a delegate to old a con*ention of
youngmeq,at Harris urg, oil the 4th of, and not applroving of the prin.
clples.and measures of Hutt party, I would
through the medium ofi your paper decline
the honor conferred on me, believing that
the present Farmergovernor JOSEPH
HITNER, has guided the helm of the
teystone State, id 'each a manner that
will entitle him to th support of every
true Pennsylvanian;' and shall therefore
give him my humble support at the com
ing election, if my lifeland health is spat..
ed till then. - , 'JO N YARNELL.
Barry township; Ju e 21. 1838.
MR. BANNAN: fn t
the 12th of June, inst.
locos have nominated
the Porter convention of young men, to be
held at Harrisburg-, on the 4th of Jul! ,
next. This was done without my know
ledge or consent; and I would therefore
*take known,- - that I am not any longer a
" collar man," and go for a party "tight
or wrong," if the y abuse the ! powers in
welted in them. Altho i th I did at the last
gubernatorial election support, the Hon.
Henry A. Muhlenber , and have. always
been a ponsistant Jac ikon man, I can not
but support the re-election of our present
-worthy chief magistrate, Joseph Ritner,
as I am. conscious that his administration
is based upon those Oundamental Demo
cratic principles cherished and upheld by
.our,immortal Jeffers° ; and, do sincerely
believe, that Farmer kiln°, is,the best
.governor we have had ince the days 9f Si
Barry foie:lshii!, g e 21, 1838. _
MR. &swam": In t e Porter paper of
. ' , the 'l2th inst., I pe eive' that the loci)
foco sub.treasury Per rites have nomina-
Dated me as a del-=vgale, to attend a con
• vention, at .11irrisbh - r on the 4th of July
next, file the purpo 4 of prooloting the
sinking cause of that once powhrful party,
whose wild measures,l"experitbentb, ' and
tinkering with the currency, hell+ been the
Oise of a great deal of miwhiet; and al
most ruined our once flarishieg country.
I l i
I have always been, and am et, a tho
rough going bemocrat, and shall not sup
port a man whose,--princinles rein direct
opposition to Amine y, and rto ,favor of
modern Loco-Focois .. Sub-Tteaftryitany
Van-Bureniem, Coal. I . mparqlsm, Ate.—
In Joseph Ritner, I .. rceive the friend of
the interests of Penns lvania,the man of
the nople, and the u. compromising ene
my of loco-focoism; an. in David lt. Porter
weilid the advocate .f loco-focoism, and
the humble servant .f his FAcelleney,
the "little Magician and the Federal
ilovernmetit, which as made a distine-
Jon between .tbe . Ile and the office
olders of the Nation. I Adminiiitration—
living the latter silve and gold for their
•rxices, and ther'rept• irredeemable rags
,‘ the shape of ten. I shit} there
re vote for a - true 'ennitylvaAtan, who
Is done SO much holt , to liii4fiee state,
,nd parties for
his wit'ittacto hadViiidepea4mC course- be
has liursual , 616141 gs *o halt
yeses administration—enditheteeSkis Jo.
/mph 'Ritter, the • FartneilleOssitinztoe
*qounty: • ACM' INEBRIVINE. •
Barry townstip, June 21. , . •
The following persons lined. serving
as Delegates to the Porter conTestioq.
and declared their intention to support
Joseph Ritnee, in the last Journals :
! -
; 13yfrieLati140elf,:. __•i
••" • • • _OHN:ll4l3sAtit:
Fst.t.ow Lsloacas.—Who condemns the Bob.
Treasury System in the strongest terms I The
The Richmond Inquirer, the American Seeded!,
the Cintinnitti Republican. and-a number of Ind"
kg papers- Best contributed to the election of
Martin Van Boren. They prOnounee it a meas
ure that would prostrate the industry Of the
Country, andjniduee the laborers to an equality
with the slaver end Beth of the Deepot of Rap
ala. Fellow Laborers, ought 'tie not to believe
these paper, if we have doubts about the cot=
redness of the statements of the Whig Papers ?
If we do, how can we vote for David. R. Porter,
who, in the Senate of Pennsylvania last winter
voted In favor of instructing our Senators and
Representatives in Congress to vote ibr this
odious Bill, and .who is pledged to sapport it, if
elected? We cannot not—and I for one, wit.t.
The People are Coming!--Slang Back
ye Porteriteall.
The last Lehigh Journal, publishes a
note from the following persons. in Heti
delburg township, in that county, who de
cline sorving on tile Porter committee °rid
gilance, and declare their intention to pUp
port the honest German Farmer, Gov.
JOSEPH RITNFR, for re-election.
, 1838.
g seen in the. Pus-.
th inst., that the
rter nominated me
The Office holders tell the Miners and
Laborers thattheir employers are their
ustiest' If the office holders are their
friends, why do they not give them em
pigment. Query? Hew many men do
the office holders in this region emptoyl
e Porter paper , of
I pee that the loco
e as a delegate to
• We give the proof.
Samuel Sturgeon worked for David R. Porter,
and Porter owed Samuel... Sturgeon nearly seven
hundred dollars at the time re took the benefit.
In consequence of Porter not, paying him, be
Samuel Sturgeon was compelled to avail himself
of the benefit of the Insolvint Laws; and he posi
tively swears that "the reason whereby he becawe
insolvent, is the loss of a large sum of stoney due
hint by Patton 4- Porter, amounting to about $7OO.
Porter declared at •Harrisbarg last winter. that
he was worth,flo,ooo, and his friends publicly
proclaim him to be worth $40,000. Samuel Stur•
geon is a poor man, but by his industry end hen
eaty. hes paid eau the creditors he owed prior to
his taking the benefit, without 'mining vas cent
of the debt due Aim by Porter. If the conduct,•
therefore of Sanibel Sturgeon proves him to be an`
honest man, does not the conduct of David R. For ,
ler, in this transaction, prove hinito be a dishon
est man—and an enemy to the poor man.
II the above charge against Poker is false, let
the party get a certificate firourSamttel Sturgeon,
dating that be I. paid. He_residos t in Hunting
don'Coanty. •
A Laborer who has had hii eyes open.
KEPT BY Joins Saves,.
Sun Rises '9 o'clock. 3 o'clock.
June 16 , 71' 76 84
17 • .69 18 76
18 70 78 76
.14) 61 70 74
20 84 68 72
21 64 70 78
22 69 ' 79 88
Sign:.--The Lejainori Courier states"
that at , a raising in Ikonire? Township in
thai county, a vote was ulcer' for Gover
nor which resulted as follows :
• Ritner i ----- 37
Poker l i - 1 , ----r . 2
Neutral ~ 1
Poitir has raged . le ,gookoktak, time, we
know—bot theliettraiwed tiage are sorqtaw
distanced sad aoinetinitilteak down. Xa.)*.
thaw remain, eidir; we hope obr Lotiofotto.ri
will not exhibit too mock ehegrta when they And
their blooded cooreardiAbebi d by an 'oatraiiid
wagon bone" at tie October Lsrliate Rep.
• [Friend 'lle64iii "of. fice Buntitigdon
Journal ; says that the: 4irlan Grort is , too
weak in the genets; 1 0.4un'tiver. 0. 10 41 11.
ed groUnd - --'Ed. j.j!' -
iinS' JtTIAL.
j• Awn. 1831 L
~Mr.Casib inosedthat the anninines to
now take.* li-Tressurr 11141.
ilergitita. 110 ff '4 to take op the !tykes
Mi*Cambreleng 'would say to thnientlasits
cram Pmes7kratia. and to the tommittoa that
it must be avian •to e l that this au the only
Ackland& bili nojw remaining; after this should
be _debated aid ilepossitSf.ihn Howe could go
and finish the public - hiatuses ietnalnivg. He
kris sure all was amtkimie to golvoia, and it mu
best. on all agponnte. to -betroths question on it
decided in o 4 soy or other.
The committee: by telleni, voted to take up the
Su Treasury bill:--134.
The Bills* and through.
Mr. CambrelecT raw, and wee • about to ad
dress the commitait, when
Mr. W. Thompson asked him toi eld the
door for a moment ; to allow him to offer a sob
okras for the bill. Mr. Canrareleng teaseling.
Mr. Thompson moved Ms proposed substitute.
Mr. J. Garland said that before the gentleman
from New York proceeded. he would make a mo,
lion which should directly test the Apelike on
the MU. 'He meant to meet it trout to front,
without resorting to any amendment. He moved
to strike out the enacting elmse of the bill.
Mr. Cambreleng then went into en expos, in
explanation and support of the bill.
He wee &flowed by Mr. Picking on the.ssene
side of the question.
At the hoer of recess. Mr. Pickens gave way
for a motion to rise and the atonalities roes.
Tie Albany Evening Journal states on the an.
thority of Mr. J. W. Touxa, a Deputy Marshal
at Oswego, who ,arrived at Albany on Monday,
express from Lewistown,that the Patriot* of Dpper
Canada hairs again made a rally as *Asir son
soil—haviritz formed a camp in "Long Swamp,"
(an extensive marsh lying between Grand Isl.end
Chippewa Creek) where they are now 'fortifying
themselves. The nucleus of this force wu
formed'hy refugees who crossed over from the
'United States in parties of twenty or thirty at a
time, so as to evade British vigilance, but volun.
• leers are said to be flocking in to them from all
quarters. The number entrenched when they
were discovered is supposed to be y. 0,11200 to 400.
The alarm was instantly given, and an express
sent off to Toronto for a reg ular force to extri.
cute them. This news says the Journal, ii very
vague—we believe it comes by way of Toronto—
but we think it may be substantially relied upon.
This evening's Waiters' Mail will either refute or
confirm it.
Anotlter Report—Extract tram a letter from
P. C. H. Brother Esq to a gentleman in this city.
dated Queenitton, 14th June, 18315:.
• "To day the report is. that the patriots are
kicking op another mass with us. It is said
that they crossed last night below Lewiston, and
are now in the forest between this and St. • Cath.
• Aiother Sfrearibeat Disaster—iarniag of the
Washinguno,—We have . receive d from our etw
sespondent at Buffalos an account of the destrue•
lion of the steamboat Washington by fire, on the
morning of the sixteenth lastant.cdf Silver Creek.
with the estimated loss of fifty lives. The Wash
ington passed the North America while the lat
ter lay at Erie, in the early pan of the night;
and was not again seen by those on board of the
North AmericiFtintil a bright glare of light in
the direntiog of Silver Creek induced the ceP
tain to put about in apprehension of some dins.
ter, When they found the noble boat a burning
hull on the waters, without alivjng being aboard.
The hike was covered with hats, bonnets, trunks.
baggage, and blackened fragments of the wreak.
The letter of our correspondent gives the partic
ulars of this sad disaster :
Correspondence of the Courier and Enquirer.
Rterraco. Saturday. June 16.
Dreadful deeideet !—Stesinaboat Washington
burst t—Alty lives lost I—lt is with the most
painful feelings thst I write goo, that the new
steamboat Washington; Capt. Brown, look fire
from underneath the bars of the furnace. about 2
o'clock this morning. when about throe miles a
bove Silver Creek, or about thirty-eis from this
city, and waa burnt in the water's edge, with alt
the properly On board; but what is most lament.
able,"upwarifit of forty persons, paiikerigers and
crew. ire supposed to have perished.
The other dey a Van Duren Portents in our town
cornered a sound old Milner man from the coun
try, and begun to expatiate on Porter's prospects,
talents, 4-c. Altir he had gone • while—"well"
said the countryman,"l have lived sixty years
M Peinsylvaniit— f or forty years I have taken
part in polities, and until he game to the Legis
lature. I had, not heard of David -IL Porter.—
W hile a member of the Home, was he distinguish
ed fur ability 7 Or has he ever made any speech
es or reports in the &mete I have been. a coo.
slant reader of the newspapers, and yet I have
not seen any evident% of his having done so; and
I cannot therefore believe him to be a man of
talonti, or fit to govern the CommotiWealth of
The Loco foco Pcuterity hung " gis lower lip.
lad said no toots about Porter's talenta...-47. 8.
Double Dealing of Ac Lees Foca Candidate.
Letters frOm Fayette County, inform us that
considerable' excitement has been produced in
that region, by the exposure of an extraordiary
piece of tactics, sometime since practised by Pot
ter. $t seems that a vacancy recent) existed is
the Ace of S. Marshal for the western Di o.
'tries of Pennsylvania; and among the applicants
far that plaits, was Captain McClelland, a leading
and influential Democrat, and a mionbei of the
Legislature from Fayette. He was warmly re.
commended to the President by, General Porter,
and had reason to believe he would receive the
appoildinent f I 4 inn* out. however, that a.
nothei individual was appointed, and it was
then somertained. that the irvecessfal *Ararat
hertelio been warmly reenemseded by Ms double
desdieg Gessrai r ! The facts have been made
public by Captain, McClelland, who is now ex.
erting himself td the utmost to secure the defeat
of an individual Capable detach • rank duplicity.
The Captain.** before observed. is glee of tats
most active and influential., densocrats ofFayette
Comity, and bit of arts will not be without
eiderable effect. ,
We believe that this is not a
•sobtary instancslin the Matiory of the Loon room
candidate. While running for the Renato, we
are toldithat he j fireweed his ropPort to six or
eight of the candidates far - the Sherdfalty, who
IMO in the at the sine time :,, ,• This sort
of businesavey vary well auitittiond
Then. es ii.. 41411 no doubt datovei to his
exit, It will vs the itemise' reprobation of
every hooorablsi and honest . Man.—Phi/a. la.
-We kers from the Enlist; 'papers. that
steam ebip,is be atemedhately matmeeeed at
Bristol. as Wows the Great Western, to be
named „The Citi , of New York."
Pulaski'ladle& _
A.- SPECIAL. esstiairef Pa%saki lotaga..l".
it& will be leek at the assatalataost
day eveaTni mutt, Ittaii Mk at Warta 7 (e
-clat*, P.. W.
rattetsal assidaaat is mewled.'
him 23 • -4134
Schuylkill Coal Trade,
Shipments of Coal for the. week. medic" on
Thursday mmainglast:
I wage Coal Co
R. Potts.
N A Coal Co
Charles Lawton
Neil ify &di=
SS Reeve &
S Ballast &Bon
Bedpan & West
,Sdlymon & Nice
S Brooke
J 801 l & Co
Aldose & Spencer
A Sreinherger
T C William. 4. Co
111 Murphy
Bennett & Taylor .
A Lewitio
L Chapman
R Bill
G But
P E Dunne & Co
R. G. Lelia
Neligh & Co
Polls & &Wm ,
Davis & Olwine
ft flichart
ft Woodside
T Beatty
R Kest
Palmer & Gerrigoes
Charles Shippon
J Stanton '
Wm Boebvaltell
Sundry Shippers
Boas. , Sam.
64 3542
IS: 844
13 730
H • 571
10 , 543
10 • .
5 4F1
8 4531
•8 4351
8 435
8 434
• 7. 394
.7 394
7 . 385
7 - 368
6 . 338
6 331
6' 315
S 276
5 • 272
S • 069
5 258
4 221
4 '219
3 170
3 164
3 158
3 , 154
3 153
3 110
2 108
2 • 104
20 943
• 303 16.30.5
Per hug ?apart, 1260 72,781
1563 8906
Little Schuylkill 49 - 2400
June 9 Jos Thomas,
14 Niagara
F Kepner
15 Niagara
18 L McLane .
Jos Thomlui
-20 Milo of R.
21 8 Bradford,_
9 T Jelfersoo
Milo of R
2 Ann of Colrain
3 Amelia
8 Decatur
Geo High
16 Boats
33 per hut report
The following is the amount of Coal transported
on this Rail Road, for the week ,ending on
Thursday 'venial last: 4086 tons
per last report .7914
The following is the aohount of Coal transported
on this Rail 'Road for the week ending on
Thursday evening last. 6347 tons
Per, tastlteport '33983
ROBERT C. HILL, Colketor
The following w the amusing of Coal tren4orted
on this Road for the week ending on Saturday
evening last, 26:15 tons
Per last report, 7357
H. H. POTTS. Collector
For the week ending on the 14th inn.—
. Boma. Tone.
Manch Chenlk 123 4,344
Beaver Meadow. , ..., 72 '2,462
Hazleton, - -,:
_IF 420
Hawk Cheek. '576 27,759
Beaver Meitlow, 297 12.816
Hake., , '27 419
Acquit is ROINAPIIS free ihreetslals, rj to
- 9th Jots, tachrsiee.
OW am % with 2,654 time
Per4sat_Report. 8097
. Postrosio. ha. 13. 1838.
WHEAT 101.0131 L h 7 the hot Ime Werth "Fri?
50. T
I 45:par pushel. in demand,
RYE FLOVO e lir gy " ,11.1.121L
BUCKWHEAT F uR It 50 per despond
Riff., by the load 80 cease to die touniet—readi
RYE CHOP 'l3 cents per WOW'. demand. 1
OATS 38 mom—reedy vele-
POTAT4I3 40 cents par baba indessond.
rARN snow per boalsol is deemed.
CLOVER SEED-415 5 0 Pet Nobel-
TtearriWlKED-00 00 per bushel-
FLAMED-51 11 per Mabel in demand.
WHOM-45 ants pet plies. _
Burrza :4 wets per peend--in R igs 111 elm
. ,
EGE4I-1 vests pets:rms.
LARD-Imete per paned.
'TALLO .9 orate per Send.
HAM' llsem per posobik-
CORN CHOP 80 area per bushel in demand.
BACON-53 nests per pea& _ .
awe per peeled.
FEATH— _siencoper pound. •
CORIUM WOOL -40 none per roved 'r
MA 'by the hhiJiltk r i WOO P's 2. all
11ALT.;.41 Oli per VW/Timo imiliii.
PLASM is worth VOO per toe.
HAY VII per tell * ' .
• 16/00 11}.11 1 1 r ARfte
12TOLEN hem beaters Orthe'
t• Wednesday esebt. the tOth host. the *glow
, 4ing described Wateths. -
I Paten t lever Gold Watch. No. , •
bled guard vihand.
I Ladies Gold Watch, double back, T. Tram.
boll. maker, Paris:
2 Plain lever wateheksone with a silver chain
and her. -t
1 Patent levee, with arbor wisp:meat. and 6
Pain extra jewels. •
6 Liverpool watches. 4 os. eases. numbers
31163.32634, 32651,32654, 34607. 38696. '
5 Enghsh watches.. . •
1 Second bind English watch, capped.
2 WatarlN 9 oa. can, Bonin/OFt outlier. Lis.
.2 Swiss Watches. &able caged; and 'biol . 16
Watches of Tarim* manufactures. particulars
not recollected.
The above Reward will be paid on the appre
hension and conviction of the Thief. or a ration.
able reward on the recovery. of any part of the
Property. • L. FISHER.
Pottsville, June 23, IS3S. • A 48.-
sismaxrra SALtS.
By Virtue of several writs of Yeadifialti Ex-t
poitaa and Lanni Fatieg; laved out of the
Court of Common Pleas. of Schuylkill . Coucty,
and to me directed, Will be exposed to Eublie
Sale, at the house of Edward O'Connor, innkeep.
et, to the borough of Pottsville,
On Thursday the t2th day of
July, 1838, at 10 o'clock A. M.
AU that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
on the southwesterly aide of Centre Street in the
-borough •of Pottsville, in the County of &buy'
kill, AM Mortis's Addition, Beginning at the dis
tanee of three hundred and twenty feet southwest.
wardly flour the line oLktarket Street, thence
southwardly along Centre Street, ninety feet, two
inches to a 20 feet sidersireet; thence along said
20 feet wide street, north 70 degrees, 13 minutes,
west 138 feet 5 idches to the line of lot No. 24
thence eastwardly - along the laid line to the' place
ut beginning, together with the hereditionents
and apportenances--late the estate ofJoseph Lyon.
the same tirne,and place, al
• . • that certain lot of ground, situate in
aria the Borough rif Pottsville, Schuylkill
;1 6 ; ikianty, bounded - in front by Norwe.
jinn Street, northeasterly by lot of
Robert Woodside, and on the marl) , a ten feet
alley. aa southwesterly by lot or Ambrose Crow.
ley, containing in front 40 feet, and in depth 85
feet,. markerkin Jacob AlterNi additional plan to,
Pottsville, with letter L. M. with the apportenan
ces„ consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house with a kitchen, and occupied as a tavern—
late the estate of Ambrose Crowley.
At the same time and place, all
the following described piece or land, situate in
the township of Norwegian, Schuylkill County,
beginning at a white oak, thence by land ofhlat
thias Waggoner. north Ste degrees, west ninety
seven perches to a white. oak; north 85 degrees,
east 52 perches to a Spanish oak; north 5 degrees,
west 20 gerchrs toe atone; north 85 degrees, east
97 perches to a pine; south S degrees, east 34 per
chei to a black oakrsouth 85 degrees, west 6 per
ches to a chestnut; South 5 degrees, east 172 per
hes to a post; north 71 agrees, west 131 perches
ko a Walnut; north 35 - iezrees, west 98 perches
to the place of beginning, containing 112 acres,
together with thei beredimurients and appurtenan
ces—late the estate of Daniel Baia.
lit the same time ,and place, all
the two full, equal, undivided fourth parts or shires
of all that certain manumits or tenement, and
tract or piece of land, situate in Norwegian town'
ship, county of Schuylkill, and State of Penneyk
mania: beginning at a post in a corner of the land
belonging to the New York and Schuylkill Cod
Company, thence north 60 degrees, east 321 perch.
es toe post; thence north 20 degrees, west' 20
perches; thence south 70 degrees ' west 86 perches;
thence north 20 degree, west by land of George
Duncan, 1321 percher, thence by land of the New
York and Schaylkill'ecitiCompany, south 60 de
grees, west 314 perches; 'moth 30 degrees, east
164; perches to the place of beginning, contain:
ing 324 acres and 74 perches, called Mary's Fan
cy, with the appurtenances—late the estate of
John Leval.
1612 91,486
P 44
.8t the same time and place, a,
the following described piece or parcel of land,
situate in the township of Norwegian, county of 1
Schuylkill: beginning at, a poet corner, thence
by land of Daniel Bolick north 5 degrees west 172
perches to a chestnut; north 85 degrees, east 6
perches 'to a black ask; north sdegrees, west 20
perches to a pine sapling; north 85 degrees, east
118 perches to a pine;leouth 5 degrees, east 80
perches to a stone;vout 13 degrees, west 82 per
ches to • pine; south 5 degrees, west 36 perches
to a stone; souttr2s degrees, west 25 perches to a
wild e_berry; south 10 degrees, east 32 perches to
a stone; south 60 degrees, west 26 perches to •
spruce. ' north 71 degrees, west 40 perches to the
place of beginning. containing 1483 acres, and 24
perches, neat measure, with the appreitenancea
—late the estate of Themes Heath.
On Thursday the 12th day of
July, at the public house of Philip Boyer, in the
town of Schuylkill Haven, at 4 o'clock P2M.- 1
All those three contigoons lots or round, -situate
in the town of &hay:1E111 Haven, 'in the County'
of Schuylkill. bounded by Columbia Street, lots
No. 138 and 142, and by a 20 feet alley, and
marked in the general piso of said town, with the
Noe. 1..19, 140 and 141, containing 60 feet each,
and in depth 227 feet with the apportenancew—
late the risible of George Eiterick.
On Friday the 18th dal of July,
183 P, at the house of Peter Filbeit, Innkeeper,
the borough of Pinegrove , at 10 o'clock A. M. All
that-certain lot or piece of ground, sit.
la nate in the Borough of Pinegrove, in
the county of Schuylkill, bounded by
tbe rail road on the east. by Orwigs.
burg toad on the moth, by Tulpebocken road on
bet atestoend a fifteen feet alley on the north, con
taining one acre more or le" with the appurte.
=item consisting of a large two. story dwelling
hours and kitchen. spring -house, office, and •
frame stable. The house is sew occupied . .. •
I tavenlate the abbe Henry W. Geared, Esq.
On Saturday the 14th day: of
July. 1838; at the public house °flames Taggart,
in the borough of Taniaipta. at 10 o'clock, to the'
forenoon.—All that qiirtOn uddivided one third
pare. the whole loth ,t ii* equal parts. parted
'end - divided, of an that, certain messuagee ten
ement, and tract of lend, situate , in Rusk town
ship, County of Schuylkill. bounded by lands
of Jobs Kerebeer, Philip Mower and others,
containing in the whole, two hundred ind twen
ty acres, more or 'loss. ,With the oPParbefuliasee,
!swept erg out of Op skmit-sis kats..of ground
in the town of Wetthqfbqrg, deplored in ,hp plan
of the Wild bwn with Nos. 46. 57, 52,
61, a, gs.
It being part of tbssasse pismires which . ge
Ramp; Daniel Ramp w .george Kamp. jr. by
their deed-dated lbw day of Kuehl lni. did
groat led conlitno u nto go W.Jialms*-Aleo.
.all dial certain until enela*pert ? the whole
n be parted and divided into bib !Till ports, of
90(1 --Z4l
all thitoertaintract °Mod. stoats te4N •
and Barry towsahipammusty agiviteu wi
appurtessitem—it king *mune weal&
Dr. Beijamio Becher and•wife:tiltheir •
ted the did grant and coefirWieti
raid George W. Baum.4 Aho, all thet .
diyided one half yam the: whole into 7 *4.
parte, patted led thelogifilk
maage, tenement and tract of.. land, Ad* •
Rush township, county alba:said; - bon • •
lauds of Peter Ireabb, and vacant land, bon
log le the whole*? ores and alkiwtoet4'"
or lese— belotthe same pretoimi Nib
Commonwealth of Peonsylvaniacb.),loeo:-
tlm 27th day of January, 1832, did - -
confirm auto titai said George W. Baum,en
In patent B. 11. vol. - 30, page 6411-witlrthe
Meteniisceie—late the estate ofkwee Milan!
Mier and Geirga W. Benno,
Seized, taken in execution and to beim*
Bhiailee Office, Ora/iv-4 .-
1 burg. June 23,1838.: : `
• Norwegian TOwnildp.. , ,
riNfIE taxable inhabitants of Norieginl4,..
JIL ship in Schuylkill county,;,art-rreq
call at the office of the au*riber. at Pori
bon. on Monday's Wednesday's and.
until nextvJuly court, and pay their"
County and School Tax. far the yearlB3B: .
:sons residing at s distance, will be calla' •
said taxes, when it is hoped there will be as to preclude the nii*sitio
training property as the law iirects,- •
Part Carbon. June 23 • -•
Stray Mare.
CAME to the premise.. of the irekscr)bi
the 21st inst. a Dot Colored MARE. 121
years old, blind or an eye. The owner is
ed to come fi.iwartr, prove Property. Pet
ind take her sway, otherwive she will
cording to law.
SAMUEL. pup :
West West Mines, June 23. • 4:
$2O Reward. ".
RANAWAY from the subscribers en lb. 91
inst. an indented apprentice to the: b eel
smithing business, nemed Methuselah Lew .111 y.
aged about 18 years; 5 feet, 5.0 r 6 finches .igi
He is from Wales, but speaks Englia4 very. we
All persons are hereby cautioned againkt ha be
ing said apprentice. The above reward wIL I
paid to anyone who will deliver that° lb. lu
scribers, or lodge him in any jail in the aim ."1)
wealth.. HAY WOOD & SNYD
Colliery, Works, Plittsville, .kme 23
.. •
To Rent.
THE Coal Rohl:lles' .and Landings belori m ging
to the Danville It.Pottsville Rid Road' 'rn- ,
pang. at Mount Carbon. The same being es.
cry respect well calculated for the shipmn of
coal. The same may be rented with -or-wi out
twenty Goal Cars. al! in good order.,—dtlad i the
large warehouse and wharf.
Enquire of. THOS. SHARP
Soperintsrnd t.
Mount Carbou,ne 23
Stray Horse. 1
CAME to the stable of the subscriber bout
two weeks ago, a BLACK HORSE;bout
10 'years old, with a star in his forebea is
spavined in the left hind leg. The . owner l s re
quested to come forward, prove property,Pay
charges and take him away, otherwise he . s
sold. ' JOHN SAYI4II..
45 4 3 .
WESTERN Hams. Shouldars:_.& gr,F4 - 7,e.
calved on 'consignment a prima lot; which -
will-be cold low for cash by the ilbd. to close
sales. apply to
Schuylkill Haven, June 23•
- 48--
June 24
WESTPHALIA HAMS.—A. few. Hhdis of
prime yVestphslia Hams, put op expressly
for family use, received and for sale by
Jane 23
SALMON, SHAD &e.—tTle - kled Salmon; No.
I Shad, N0.,l -Mackerel._ Bologna. Sausage.
Burlington Herring, &e. for sale. by .
Jane 23
1.6). YEARS Old Montmgahelye Whiskey.
Aid being the stock of private ` Gentlemen. de
ceased, and sold by order of Executors,iest re.
ceived and for sale by
MILLER & 11.1GG.EItrr.
June 23
LEMONS & Lemon Syrup; an additional top:
ply, received and for vale by
June 23
LOAF S UGAR..-2000 Ibe. good soft - Loaf Su.
gar, porchased expressly for Tavern Cer.p•
eni! use, for sale 'at a reduced price, by
,48 •,
Jane 23
'Old Jamaica Spirits, • - s
Do Clierry Bounee,--ror sae by
June 23
The Subscribers to the!
iIIgOTICE is hereby riven. that env Election
A:‘ - will be held for NINE DIRECTORS..3)y
the Stockholders in this Institution. cus,*noilay
the 9th day of July nest, between. 1111!,t104111 of
3 and 4 o'cbck P.M. at the Peonsylitots,Bill.
By order . of the Board. .
48-5 - Secretary.
Jung 23
nd impmeed ford, jug panted- end -for' .ale
111 8. BANI.L4N:
TH.E Register of Schuylkill' Criunty, lie*g
granted. to the subscriber Lethns4olNLAKin;
isthmian on the estate of John McGmt4interinf
Nor elegise township; Schuylkill Cot` nity;diniees
perions indebted to the saidJshis itfcOr -:
are requested to make immediate:
all those having litaims am rola:o44# - present
them for settlement to the substriber.irithout ifs-
Ise.. HUGH r ICINSLEY..; •
- Admiiiis*rator.
• Port Carbon. May 16,1835. .
Leaden Pipes tit illydgants.
rt,„MAlSTNANfiaejoit received a lot4iliiird
.&afen Pipe, 'which be will warrant. 'to ~- I mrof-a
superior.guality, e s # and # inch. Also,Stirivinir
and Winter Hydrants, constrneted#llKtiod
Inaterialsoill of which be willaollAer** -
jam 13 -
suptiti of Celestia l .
teived astlor oda by
pine 13
0 . for
est re-