The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 23, 1838, Image 2

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    The Family
From the 11ene York
On, joyous siring i thou but Nought Mice more
Beauty and mirth unto au and shore";
The free blue wave, and the -ma rtjoice
To'hear the sound ally ghtd,em emu:
The lulled skits are o'er thee . d,
The meerterf brightens beneath .y mead; •
Andes yule, Bowery' then' - "citing
To treettity return.'oh, joyous sp
Herald of summer ! thou comest ",.. h
A *wing from heaven onto the
The glorious light of thy sunny e
Bath brightened the mourners. I I
With the tuft breetS of thy Bret.,l
Awake sweet dreams of life's me
Joj is around thee! Each Het
Is glad in thy presence, oh, lovel
Alas: there are hearts which n
Thy beauty and I ragranee may
There are eyes, which even thy
No more shall kindle with joy a
But not for the dead well mourn
Shall flush with gladness the mile
-O'er it thy faiteet Bowel* we'll
Emblems of hope and a .brighter
A glance at the various condi ions of human
life is sufficient to show that cri ry and unhap•
pines@ prevaiL Although many are the causes
which hay.e conspired to mingle sorrow i 4 the
cup of human existence, yet two ignorance and
immortality, more than all other have engend
ered the evils that beset mankind To establish
the position that Ignorance is .ne of the most
proflick sources of misery, only a reference to
those nations where the genial olio of science
ard civilization has never shed their renovating
and vivifying influence, is necess try Go, mark
the Infatuated Hindoo. who prostrates hirm.elf,
beneath Juggernaut's idolatrous car, confident .In
the belief that this, and this only, can placate the
wrath of his tutelary deity, and Overt impending
curses from his sacrilegious head. - "Witness the
heathen mother, who, in violation pf every parent
al tie, devotes her child to glut thcrocodile's vo.
recite. 13ehold. the pyre whose de tructive fl ames
are . k.. r
d frith human victims—the eller that i
with the
.blond of beauty and nocenee. Ob •
eerie the thousand nameless rites t at ignorance let
poses, the performance of which i velvets, In deep
and undistinguished misery, the a tons that ob
serve them. Superstition (the o tiring of ignor.
once) throws its spell around hese barbarous
rites, and dignifies the most nnpa lined entormi
tielwith the appellation of duty Every man's
observation, however superficial must furnish
ample testimony to the position hat immorality
is the cause of wretchedness, he'case of the
intemperate man, upon whose ha gard features
is portrayed the index of his ca eer,- bears evi
dence indubitable to its truth. Not only does
his guilty soul vibrate with angu sh at the touch
of conscience—but, the disgrace at friends—the
alien from morality—he 'juke 01: rankling shaft
of sorrow deep in the bosom cit ionaciuns inn)
cence. Yes, his immorality eiltends 'it, iv&
ence to the plighted partner of hi} bosom—to his
ragged, suffering children—to the whole circle of
relatives and friends. It is so with every species
of immorality. Mark well the votaries of vice
whereverthey way be found. and you will discos
er that, in the most secluded recesses of their tuf a .
my, misery, with its indigenous train, embitters
the joys of humanity and casts is sombre veil
over those unTading„ quenchless enjoyments,
which virtue only can originate.
li n
There is • must admirable I contained in
the following extract from Miss annah More's
'Strictures on the Modern Syste of Female Ed
ocatioil :"—"Since, then, there is a season when
the youthful must cease to be oung, and the
beautiful to excite admiration ; leant to grow
old gracefully is, perhaps, one u the rarest and
most valuable acts that can be to ght to woman.
And it must be confessed, it is most severe
trial for those woman to lay down their beauty,
who have nothing else to take ai. It is for this
sober season,Qf life, that educatin should lay up .
its rich resources. However dieregarded they
may have been, they will be want 'd cow. When
'admirers fall sway and flatters me mute, the
mind will be driven- to retire wit in itself ; and if
it finds no entertaininent at home,
t will be driven
back again upon the world, with ecreashd force.
Yet, forgetting thi., do we not mto educate
OW daughter. excluskvely, for thetransient period
"et youth, whep it is to maturer l fe we ought to.
advert ? Do We not educate fore crowd, forget
ting that they are to live et home 1 tor a crowd.
end' not for themselves ? for shnw,Jand not fur use?
for time, and not for eternity ?"
Nekwithstanding all the diffore i
almost every individual, from h
tnent, is disposefl to give • prof
tire land. The Greenlander vi
his icy cons and the managem,
frojeft; kr any er country or
To the Inlander other spot n
such charmi as, I I The ft
hi&jourt, surrounded by deserts a
lieves his native land to be the m
of the earth, and considers hinter
tunate and happy of human bet
holder in the midst of inountai
enjoys good health, often reach
would not exchange .Lapland f.
a king. The native of Congo be
other part of the world was for.
but that the kingdom of Congo
ship of the Supreme Architect,
&ye have prerogative and advan
rest of the earth. - Although
were broken, the dust of their
bind mostmen to their native lat
eolleskentie deride the thought.
ANL& frequenting the tomb ofhis
&Minted wanderer of the Amer'
plainly palling the gran tram .1
parted relative,Will awaken ay
Lions in every ingenious and affe
The evening air blew chilling cold ;
Gwinneth threw her apron over her shout
ders, and went to the woodhouse fur fag
.gots. Ellen lea left alum% ; her : eyes fell
upon the stump of the witheried, rose tree ;
`Tat was Edwards's giftV: slid she.
mournfully.—"peace is not/ restored, he
will return—he win think I hive neglected
it, fur, alas, it has - withered, But no; Ed.
ward znwt come no more to put cottage."
Hearing the returning steplof Gwinneth,
she wiped away the startin . tear, for she
well knevi . Om her good . other woul,l
chide Gwirmetb entered trembling.;
"Marcy t my child, come and listen
surelyl heard t h e Abbey bell toll." , Ellen
turned pile; site listened with breathless
agitation: again the heavy hell struck with
awful reverberation.—"Oh:r
l i ngoid eye.
1m flowers,
oiog hours.
spring ! .
ler more •
fullitOre ;
!unbosom bright
light ;
diet down
Ellen: sh
walk feeb,
e brv. •
nearer co
shabby a
and a b:
marked ti
the dread;
and love
struck : El
hands we
child, wh
him, the
ance, led
hut intim
len fixed
tree, in al
not see it
' Wh'
embark -
Our iron
the pang '
An enter
quired de l
moment I,
friend as..l
days, fell,
ing the at!
not to qui,
arms fru
was brok
Ellen we
terance ;
"1 retu
vessel tb
my lathe
you hell=
to bo so
so dearly
now see
Aut afrio
ter rue."
cried G
i p cot l
' Ellen
here hut
let his ha
'mother r
have the
;and coin
cea of climate
bit — MIN iamb:
ence to his ria.
I not abandon
of of his 'frail
1 the globe has
I mtschadale in
t. d tempests, be
t eligible part
f the most Ifn
i The Lap
'• and storms,
• old age, and
.r the palace of
l i siveji that every
ie4 by angels;
the workman
ne most there
aerl above the
very other tie
lathers would .
d. Let not the
The native of
neertore„or the
' n wilderness:
e grave of • de
pat betick ems.
tion.te mind.
'Nl3ll6+ di.
'.But i
Replied E
of bidy
will you stay with us? answered
tured Ellen : "Oh, we shall- be
i ugh in that ease?' and our debt
e will be in part discharged; for,
dward, we owe ail. . Ytfur in
are first raised my otind (ruin ig
nora nee, nd if virtuous sentiment animates
Ails breas , from you it denvewits source."
i You ar unjust th yourself; Ellen; in-
Istructions bestowed where there ier.not jo.
)nate virtu , is like the vain attempt at cut.
itivating a rocky soil. But how,l my lolre,
.can you t ink of supporting an idle intro
, der? Yn r means are but scant though
;you ht•ar is ample."
.. ' . .
. "We ill work the herder," staid Giin
u'eth: "w knit and spin, and h'stre a thOu
isand way of getting a penny' and wheys
iyoti•get st nng and healthy, you can wor k'
"Mr. itsinorris work !" exclauued the
indignant Ellen.
i i
I "*hd why not,. my child!'! rejoined
113winneth. "is there any disgrace in hon-
I'll ingust i ll I Mr. Fitztnorrieis hot proud,
and . whe
~ with some juice
_Of simples,-
hich you, Eller, shall gather ire have
• theft his eyes, who knows bat,jby the fa
' our of (haven, his sight may be restored?
rhos. Elln, he will. assist out bthors,„ see
our cheerS I endeavors to inakit bint-flirget
;11 . past ini Fortunes, and we then -be th e
appiest peasants in Langollen." , • •
4 "Excellent cr e ature!" cried i tEdwarXr,
.-'• ' • -
l's ! . i „T.,'
the enra
happy en
to you,
r land (Willer. "rhs-P 4 1. 411 ,
1 Viotti* Mike' _
ow did Gwinneth daH upon,.this
child, who lay ileowdoso OW*
a rt
the hieelr, virtu s child of
sans. and obi Oros tendedi bo
son of the weal raw/Poen
7 . In the rustic sports of the
le the, abbey, Edward -had often
--, , often pressed the fair hind
with rspturei to his lips; itnd
n her ear accents of pure urt•
love. But parental authority
; Edward was ordered to accept
of the rich, , the haughty LaJy
::s heart proudly revolted; yet,
a father, hitherto fond and ten.
eath. He implored a respite;
granted his petition and the re .
bleb Edward set red was ordered
yet his departing words breathed
• tweet affection to his Ellen, and
1. gift was the rose tree which
L I ewaileci.
caress sake l_my child," said
"be composed; I will step to
nd see if any one passes from
. Dear, now - be comforted."
now stepped to the gate.
e I as I live, here conies a and
the bill !" The word revived
flew to her mother's side. The
cended the hill; he Seemed to
y and leaned on the shoulder 40
:ore,' thought Ellen, "that is
form," but as he approached
jecture changed; his dress was
d disordered, his hair uncombed;
ndage passed across his eyes.
;e sufferings he had. endured in
;u1 climate—for Edward it was;
, on revealed him to the wood. r
en. In a moment each of his
e seized by Gwinneth and her
forgetting, in first joy at sight of
hocking change of liiif appear
' ina in triumph to the cottage:
i i soon succeeded, and 'while El
ler eyes upon her withered rose
guish exclaimed, " Alas ! he can
ntri." Edward began his reci•
j. 1 left' you, my dear flientli, in
le with a father's command, I
I ' • L
with my regiment ko Egypt.—
i l s were successful in all their on.
; I alone seemed doomed to feel
of disappointment and sorrow.
il i rise in which I was engaged, re
-patch and caution; when in a
f general a• tack, my dearest
earliest companion of my happy
overed with wounds. Disobey.
ict orders of our commander,
our posts, I bore him in Imy
; the scene of horror: for this 1
I % and discharged in ignominy."—
!t; her heart was too full for ut
itlie poor old woman sobbed a.
ned," said Edward, "in the first
I t sailed, and returned but to see
breathe his last. Even be too
against my happiness,,for, would
e it Ellen ? he bas disinherited
exclaimed Ellen, "la it in nature
kited ? A child he once loved
" returned Edward', but you
le in sickneas and 'sorrow, with
d to cointOrt, or a home to Abel•
, never, my dear rem master,"
inneth "while the sticks of this
ng together." .
asped his hand &neer between
I poke not. On a sudden mime
n darted across her mind: she
d f.ll, and sighed deeply.
ails my E len 'I" asked Edward;
not confirm the Words of her
e!" said Ellen, "I am thinking
the Lady 'hater will be, , to
mwer of restoring you to wealth
it. She can do all that our
my Ellen gives me her love."
ward, ••1 will not seek the (*aim
~ . . , -
"mrwhile litelcoatti plain active- it
hide: nt;11 itmstliway—on, the ,- . - of
thciAtill,t Jett, a yew !miller ;. I. will
bang :hint to tide i cup ef your inter,":
and speed biota his journey) ,
Ellen was utinllling that hi should leave
her so seen; thntigh lii for a few minutes;
but Edward- continued able t about two
bows; her terror was insup ible. The
night closedin 'and Edwarctd d not return.
Ellen's couch was wetted. with her tears.
and morning found - her pale of sad. & She
waited at the- door inanxio expect/hien,
and with a scream of wild j y exclaimed,
"He is coining." - •
He was supported by an lderly man,
and Ellen hastened• forward t le&I her as
sistance also,. while Gwinn th prepared
their homely breakfast. E and seemed
breathless with fatigue. and the stranger
accounted for the delay, avyinig that be bad
wandered up the country, fearing his com
panion' had forgotten him. i
"Ah ! you are cold - and \ wet," said El-
"No, my love; you see I pave a great
coat. I 'Sound my little parcel at the lodge
wherel rested fart night.
"And that lodge, which as once your
cruel father's, should be your ," said Ellen.
"But no; be was not cruel, E ward; for he
has given you to us." _
"Come, come, this is ne talking."
cried - Gwinneth, "while the • ' r youth is
cold . and hungry; and see e -tiers bow
they rordown hr's cheeks." -
ilDo your eyes pain you, Edward?" en.
q'iired &len: "let me was them with
zapring water."
'They do, indeed, said he.
In the gentlest manner priossible, Ellen
removed the bandage, and hfull, expres
sive, bale eye met hers, bea ming
joy and
love. She receded with a scream of sur
prise. fie threw oWhis costfand discover.
ed his dress decorated with very military
Ellen forgive this deception—it was
my father's stratagem—and here is a wit.
news of your disinterested affection. lam
not dishonored but promoted by my noble
commander, to military rank.:! •It is true ;
indeed,' said the old gentleipan. sus
pected my son of an unworthy choice, and
dictated this stratagem as the Olean. °lcon
fi-rination. The Lady Hester disdains a
poor soldier, and now my Eilward has to
sue for your acceptance.
Dumb gratitude seized the trembling El
len; she fell at the feet of Owen, bathed
his hand u ith her tears,,--aid vainly
tried to express the-feelings oilier heart.
The rustic meal passed sometime unregard
ed till composure WAS restored, & the be
nevolence of the intention rendered it a re
past palatable even to the Eatonet.
'Your rose tree is withered,' said Ellen.
'lndeed, I could not preserve i it.'
'Heed it not,' returned Edward: It .was
a hot house plant, sod could ill endure the
slightest breeze of mischance.. You Ellen,
are the blooming Wild Rose of Langollen.
whose native sweetnes is butlincreased by
the homeliness of the culture it recelied.'
Ellen, blushing with joy, gave her hand
to her lover, who that day led her to the
A bbey, where the delighted peasantry came
to make them their heartfelu gratulations
and, in the happiness) of his children, Sir
Owen found his cure; and the aged Gwin
neth sunk into a peaceful grave, beloved
and revered by her dutiful child; and to the
arms of Sir Owen Fitzmorrii,.is now ad
ded with proud triumph,‘ the blooming
From the Somerset (N. J.),W ig
Questions for the People.
. Did you expect that, when Adam's ad
ministration was condemned for expending
SlO l OOO,OOO per year, Mr.' Van Buren
would increase the annual eXpenses of the
Nation to,!35,000,000?
Did you expect that the late and present
admioistratiod would increase the number
of office holders, after clamOring so long
about reform?
Did you expect a worthless paper cur
rency when the-Van Buren men so loudly
promised a metallic one?
Did you expect when Congress gave you
the surplus revenue, that Van Buren would
keep one quarter of it?
Did you expect when Mr. Van Buren
came into office without any national debt,
that in one year we should be in cleht ten
millions, with a certainty of adding another
ten millions at least, in another year?
Did you expect that the administration
would pay congressmen in gold and silver,
and soldiers, pensioners, and jday laborers
in paper money?
• Did you expect, after abolishing a Na.
!lona, Bank, that the PrrOident would
advise the very worst description of a
Government Bank, controlled by himsel
and his officers, as the Sub•treasury Bil
directs? •
Did you expect theodminiltration after
sayin-g io much abOuteconorey, would ex
pendfevery year, more than; our national
income? -
Did you expetct, alter having been so of
ten told bribe Vali Buren men that the
deposits Banks would furnish a good' cur.
reocy, and keep the deposited safely, that
the same men would so soon ;tell you that
the banki are - worthless and the money
Did yon expect, efler the administration
had so decidedly condemned paper money,
.that the Government itself Would issue it
in millions upon ; •
Did pare:pew; when the tate idminis
!ration' promised to reform a currency
.MM Inn = i M
that it wcialeave
known - -
Did yon expectembanuipmentsed-nqa
- vital the Van thireii men protnisid*h
treat - prosperity?
Did you expect, alter having been pre
tailed plenty of gold and alter, a sottml
currency and good times, by the Van
Buren men, and also experiencing well
times 'as we actually do, that Mr. Van
Bantu would himself tell .you• that •4 4 all
commuoities are apt -to look to govern.
mmit for too much?"
Did yOu expect any administration would
dare: to exact specie from the people in
payment of dues, and yet refine to pay the
same people in gold and silver?
Let every man for himself compare the
expectations raised in his mind by the ad
ministration itself to the :units as they
now show themselves, and ask, " have I
not been deceived?'" , Can an adminis=
tration that promises so much and does so
little, and that little bad, be the one to get
my support?"
Is it, moreover, any wondet, that the
whole. country is taking a firm staid a.
gained Mr. Van Buren? T)te recent elec.
tioturshow the gather*" of a atm.& of
popular indignatipn, t& strong and 'taxt
just to be resisted by the lirent, or any
other administration so wilfidly blind and
so resolutely destructive. Mark this pre
What would be Gained I
What a ould the people gain by the de
feat'of Joseph Ritnes, and the election of
David R. Porter? This is by no means a
question of trival importance—it is a grave
one, and demands of the people -mature
and cfaspassioriate consideration. If on
calm reflection and deliberate inquiry, it is
found that there is nothing tole gained, it is
proper that we inquire what would be
LOST an the change of administration?—
What would be lust to the principles we
uphold, and to the great cause of conser
vatism and good government? In this mat
ter "we do not act in ignorance or upon un.
certainties. The principles of our opponents
are known. to us and understood as well as
our own. They are diametrically opposite to
the principles which we cherish 4. advocate.
The people are not called upon in this in
stance, to cast their • vote! for men with
whose doctrine', in morals or politics, they
are but slightly or superficially acquainted.
The men are both known; their principles
have passed in review befureaa people,
and doubtless have undergone the ordeal
of required scrutiny. JOSEPH RIT
NER as the Governor of this greet and
flourishing Commonwealth, has done im
mortal honor to his party and to his State.
He has elicited the 'eulogium of political
enemies, and won the enthusiastic com
mendations of his friends. lie has made
the best Governor this state has ever had,
since the halcyon days .of Simon Snyder.
He has husbanded the resources of the
Commonwealth, whilst his policy has been
munificent—he has paid a large item of
the public debt, and repealed the State
Tax. he has managed the public improve.
ments so admirably, that they now begin
to yield a revenue to the State, and Will
speedily diminish the debt which was in
curred in their construction; he has eleva
ted the moral and intellectual character of
the State, by protecting lea:ning and put
ting the.means of education into the bands
()revery poor man's child in the Common.
wealth. He has maintained the laws, and
fearlessly rebuked their infringement when
occasion required. He has manfully re- 1
sisted the. reckless and prodigal powers-at l i
Washington, and nobly resented their inter-
meddling in the affairs of our State. He
refused to convene the Legislature for the
purpose of legalizing the suspension of',
specie payments, thus holding the banks up 1
to the letter and spirit of their charters.
He vetoed a mammoth improvement hill,
which would have mortgaged the farms of
every property bolster in the State. In
abort, we challenge a scrutiny of his acts;
they present GOVERNOR RITNER, in
a proud and commanding position—they
speak volumei fur his wisdofn, his prudence
and his sagacity.
We recur then to the inquiry with which
we set out: "What would be gained by de
feating Ritner and electing Porter ?"
What has Porter done,'that renders this
change desirable? Are his political prin.
ciples better suit advance the prosper.
ity of the S e? In what consists their
superiori ? It is because he is the firm
friend of Van Buren ? If so, is it the wish
of the'people of this State that the policy
of yen Boren should take the place of the
saboary measures which have diatinguish
; GOVERNOR RITNER'S administra
tion ? What would .be gained by the
1 change t Why the war against the credit
system would be kept up, the infamous
Sib-Treasury scheme would be foisted
upon the people, tho SHIN PLASTER
SYSTEM would be perms:aged, and the
erusade againit the BANKS would go on.
The public improvements would hitartialli
and decay, the old system of ripecelatiOn
and prodigality would be „revived, the
whole batch of Loco foco fanatical chins
eras would take the place of the sound
common sin and piaciical views l Of the
- present hoe t Executive.. . The
hungry," would he v ly thei losers ; the hungry,
famishing Office hunters only would -be
benefited by the exchange. We ail the
sober mituled citizens of this State tb min
der therb things, Old find, if they can,
Pease. Tehr4pk. ' .
t i 7 .
. .
ar i= legs.
gad of
Ws Val at dal,
' In order to , pla
reach of every, ..
Gubernatorial• c
the conclusion t
the meekly ion '
lady . until the
next. at the low
or TWELVE; '
dollars; monthly
received Until it
each per month,
Or• Our frie
County, will p
mittiOg the , us •
feel disposed ..
• AN active in
15 or 18 years,
wanted at this o
the printing buti
Committee of Co
Simnel D. Leib," •
Joint Heftier, -
James Sillyman, Jr.
John T. Warner.'
Wain B. Hu I
been appointed by
rniasioners and the
Schools. Collector q
for the year 1838.. I
To the " °riding Men.
The Van Bu c n Party have hitherto
attached to the ~ • lye. numbers of the 1
working classes, throughout the country,
simply by repr , ...nting themselves as De
mocrats, and the r opponents as Federal
ists. This ga ,,. . of Imposition they have
played off so to. , that the working men
generally care a w no longer to be decei
ved, especially si • e they have discovered
that true Dem. rats are invariably the
friends of the . - .ple;and that the conduct
of the Van But , in party is proof enough'
that they are not the friends, but the ene
of the pea lel Now we hold that
the industrious c sought to oppose the
Van Buren fact n•r:iot because of any
word or sound w stsoever, but because the
Van Buren facti n is opposed to theii best
interests, as the hole history o their ad
ministration provjes. We assume ' that this
is a sufficient rea i n for the working men
to withhold their , ,support from any faction
or party whatsoever, provided it be foun
ded in fact; because whosoever or whatse,
ever is opposed tics the beat interests of the
laboring classes, must necessarily be op.
posed to the hest interests of the whole
community at large; for it is well known
that the laboring classes constitute the
substantial strength of society, die bone
and sinew of the country, and . hence the
Van Burenites are continually endeavoring
to chain these classes to their car of tri
umph, by the word " Democrat." Now
if there be- more magic in one word than
another, it is surely in this, because it hai
wrought miracles in many instances; that
is, it has so far silenced the voice of patri
otism and the dictates of reason, as to in
duce many of them to support their bit
terest opponents ; and to suffer themselves
to be blindly led by a set of corrupt, heart=
less demagogues, intent only on promoting
their own selfish views and nefarious pur
poses. But the eyes of thousands are
already. opened; the scales have fallen;
they have at length discovered that these
'pretended Democrats are in reality wolves
in sheep. clothing! whose piteous bleatings
are but the howls of hunger after office!
and whose virtuous indignation against
Federalists is only a rage for spoils!.
The proof of the opposition of the Van
Buren faction to the working men lies in
this, that nearly l all their measures have
had a direct tendency either to depress the
rate of wages, or to abolish wages altoge- '
ther. For the truth of this assertion, we
oppeal to every man's own observation and
experience—public and, private improve
ments have- been arrested, manufactures
have been stopped, commerce has been
paralysed, and a bard money currency
converted into shin plasters—and who can
doubt that these effects have been produ
ced by the measures of the Van Buren'
administration? And who does _not know
that these causes have thrown hundreds of
thousands of working men out of 'employ
merit? Let Mr look at htime! The coal
trade Was.fiourisling beyoexamplit; its
prospects were in the big t degree
tering; miners, mechani "Ind laborers;
to a man, throughout this gion, were re
ceiving constant employinent and the high-,
est wages, the edifier wenabled to give
this employment and th wages, because
his-cesi was in demand, i nitdemanded lair
.ie i
prices; the blessing s or - suciessful industry
were every where felt, and not a cloud
could be seen to dim,the prospect of the
future! But no sooner had the effects of
the measures oldie government begun to
operate than the whole picture was chan
ged, slid for the last year, in this region,
the working ; men have begn struggling
against the.difficnities and embarrassments
produced by these measures; and how
much longer they will have to 'struggle
must depend in i great measure upon their
successful museum in thiti:wer of n the
government on the people." - .
Mtg. -
RNING JUNE 93 183&
• • Cords, Bala of Lothig,
isserePteora. Nally raide • d at
coal Vats. •
osirr . (Orli
• our paper within the
tionttog the present
test s i have come
receive aubscriberi to
1 . I, to be forwarded regu. ld Tuesday of October
' , le of FIFTY CENTS;.
111/SCRIBERS for five
Isubscribers will alikpbe
t period, at 124 cents
yaNe in advance.
in various parts of the
act as agents in trans
and cash of those who
subscribe for .that Pe-
l elligent, boy, aged about
f good moral habits, is
ce, as an apprentice. to
ponlence for the Borough of
George Mildew, Esq
Ikejarnin Hannan.
Rent" Starr, Eaq.
Andrew 8.-White,.
nel Hartz.
tag. of Port Carbon, has
e Schuylkill. County Corn.
Directors of •the Common
the County aturSchool Taz
night tut, the Watcb-nutke
L.:lresaMe, - be-Centre stree
by one or more thiMma, and
of property stereo tberefro
thirty-teveti watches, am , , g
eevertiliorgreat Value—ithe
ted at about 1800. Several , f
were the. property Ofiodif
left them at the shop to , -
The thieve', cleaned: 4 ' , * Of 1,
thoroughly.-taking comic
valuable witchei, mid leavin
.ral of inferior quality.
valuable watch that este
.tioa of the thieves by sit
It warthe watch of a lad ,
hundred dollar., and had
a -nail, but fortunately, a
watch had been hung . upon
in, front of it,io as to co
means It was overlooked.
effected an entrance by cu
the back door and pushing
which secured it. There
in the - shop to interrupt lb
miscreants, and hence the'
field for operations. There
be-some one well armed to
less' shops.. It is a preca
now appears ought never:t ,
Several individuals haVe ,
suspicion. -A little black
who goes by the name of
has been in custody for a
consequence of his real or
closures.' He has charged
ed' persons with the offence
been arrested and commit
rough jail. We hope that
~i o ve, be made_ to ,ferret out
he reward offered is a hu
• Powder. — Large quanti i- 1 of powder
are used for mining purpose i' our region,
add we are pleased to see h t the article
can be- manufactured am°
_ 1 up in suffi.
cient amount tiiaupply the dand. There
are a numbei of powder mil s' In the coun.
ty, all of which, we beliertOtre doing a
good, basin ' . We havel latterly been
using, in our mines, powder olanufactured
by P. F. L wto, Esq. ne*Orwigsbwrg,
and we can say with safety th a t it is sur.
passed by none that we .hale,priet with or
heard of m our region. W o 're gratified
to be thus able to bear testimony to the
excellent quality of the pow etainqueation,
and hoptyhat the manufactorqr will go on
prosperously and he enabled largely to
supply the demand.
Joseph Ritner has made la rangemcnie
to pay off the State Debt. , I , * reelected,
it will disappear like the de . before the
effulgent ray! . of the morni i sun. ; If a
change takes, place; all Hi aitangements
will be changed, and the S '" Debt will
nog be paid of; or, at least, h period will
be greatly prolonged. • T,h' one should
be a sufficient season to -ti,ject Joseph
il ti
Ritner; when the. commo , Ith Would
reap no. advantage, but suffe ' solute sad
positive injury, from a, chan
David R. Porter, is
kinds of. currency—gold and
office holders, and rags fo.
He is in favor of compelling,
in this region to pay specie
at-the, which km
mail contractors, while the p
be content with rap. Wha
master and mail contractors
this ;place, and region, The
Ater cent. should be levies upot
for their benefit.? Have th#y;
themselves the direct enend4
gion, by advocating meat=
almost ruined our trade; ched
parity; reduced the price : 4
thrown hundredi opt of eni
a period of eight months in I
Can you therefore Tine for I
ter, who. is in favor of makil
distinction between the offic
the people?
Joseph Ritner rebuked. th
era at Washington for thin
over the people—and they a
ing their "Airelings" and ",
into this state: to electioneet
and defeat his re.electign.
The man 'of Malaise' is sel . Om an office
hunter,. and advocate those eitsurel only
coat advane-the prosperity .. the country
and gives lemioloyment to - Iljclasees f
people. e ogee holder?, o' the oth er,
hand, are • impelled to- adv. ,• m h the; flirt
enures 4 : t t e party right or - . g. Lott
round you a ri d see bow m- n • bust
men adv t o the election .fl Diorid ~
Porter, ow t manynr.ollie a' • Ihere"i
this region i n his favor? I . lithe •*0
want o ffi ce ' Would, they a Irtita
The' sures op dto their inte :4
why do yo advocate meaau • .theyr
trate them,land the miner and bo re s it'h
e t
them? Is t prudentl isit ki . , - Ili . just?
Is it not w 'rig direetfy . " ' Avow
OWa int llt is in- I*. ). sa,:that
theinieres of the explored a" ,' thif ent.
pteyer are" pposite— l the . a tentified-1-•
they are - t iime#Soil t 1 C mill who
would tell y n that they err , ideltsjed,
is your —shoolhimi as Y, n winifid a
end! . - ..:- ~. 7
i• - i
i Abje*of Pa 4/ To fur
!lr ~,, ti ts ota r . e 'ithingOasY,
rgogues, and . h Ifil the, into
o are the,Dupcs he hloolta i t
'. - Jeitizen, whom tthese :vent,
upon by betray i him, Ind
believe this are his
'-ltierve/ friends h r enemies.
, ,
what la
,"gru c 7 1 4: - W
making hi
friends -.7a
lop of Mr.
vas entered
rge s, menet
inststing of
ihich were
olepstimit• ,
be / *althea
a, wlbs bad
lit a pl pr red
e save.
e,o rya.
rth bout a
hun upon
sa e nail
Icl t, b , which
le thieves
ti g a hole in
k the bolt
r nol person
orkof the
- ti a cleag
t i t
I pin jewel.
t‘ 3:Which it
1 (* l id il e h e ni te y d s .
ti ar ted on
a gedi +varlet,
4 lack Bill,"
d, y or two in
.i. , tended dirk
. etai 'color.
il.. d e ,tie
d l T r
t y h o: e .
b o x e l u ei
a r r h ret 4 i bo o. v n e r
,thie thieves.—
Rvor of two
silver for the
he people.
eery person
or his :letters
*dlover to titer
dple have to
liits the post
ler done fur
Itax of flee
the people
not proved
of the re
that have
d our prow.
labor, and
r tyrnent for
past year.
id R. Por
this odioutr
older. and
Rice hold
ranni al n i r
now sen -
aoairun hirll,