The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 23, 1838, Image 1

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    - V-OL. 1.
Philip. : oak,
RI3SPECTFUV.Y a Dundee to hit friends
and the public in g eral, Unit hi haa again
commenced the Coach-A , eking stmts .- in Nor
wegian Street, three duo a below be Arcade in
the borough of Puttsvill. where he is ready . to
Manufacture to order all. , icds o vehicles at the
.aliortesk notice, of the , - and at the
lowest rates. Ile has al .on hand, ready- made,
Bartmehes. Carryalls, Plosions, Chariotros.
'Cited:ken,. Ruggles, &c. • hich he invites the pub.
'he to can and examir.e .r themselves- The ar.
tides ars all mannfact .•
.. ondeir his personal
litapeetion, and he will rrant them to be equal
to any manufactured elefohere. i
Repairs 3f every desce 1 . •. n done at the sliort.
eat notice, and on the m• reasonable terms.
N. R. Coal taken in , yment hir vehicles.
aped 18 1 29 3m
A HAIR covered jrn. , marked "J. AL. W.
Taggart," . Tamaqn ,^ - corit'aining For Caps '
and ether Merchandise; i is supposed to have been
taken 'ln mistake from t e• store of the subscri
bers last October—Ptob4ity it may be in some of
the ,Siore.houses on le Canal Line, between
Philadelphia and Potts ale; the Proprietors of
which rill please cause ran examination of their
Store houses to be made fbr said Trtink.-4 Re
ward of Thirty Dullarait c ! he paid up t the de
livery of the Trunk and twits to
1 No. 22.4, north ourth Street,
•Philin§elphic. : May 3141638. ' 4-4-3
A Teache Wanted
A PSlibljN qualificti to teach Schub!, will
find immediate eMplorment in the public
'Schools in the Borough 101 'raaclua, at a liberal
salary. •
Letters addressed to tie wW.criber, Tamura,
Schuylkill County, Pa. HI meet .. ith prompt at
tentioc. OH N B WA In.', -
Secretary of Boa d of school Directors.
June 9 . • 44—tf
---- , - - .
Steel; Pens.
JOSEPH GILLOT"eI Double Damascus Bar
rcl Pena. 1 •
Do , Eagle Pen g!, and.
The Magnum BonOm Swan Quill Pena .
Together with • varteti of other kinds. ;Ind rt
'existed and for sale by 1 B. BANbAN.
June 9 . ! - 44
position of th e t runes, Ministry and wor
ship of s the Protestant ' piscopal Church in the
totted Slates, by the Rev. Brzusais Doss, Rec
tor of Christ Church, Philadelphia . , jest received
and for sale here.
■prillB 29
iraIHE euhscntar hastnou on hand at his Store
a. and Storehouse or/ Centre and Bail - - Roar'
streets, a full assortmen of Goods, suitable for the
coat region vi:: I
Barr Iron of asserted sizes,
Band sod .Hoop do
Nails and `pike R do do
.- Steel, Round & Sq are de — do
Nails and Spikes o do
Ooal Shovels klo do
Hardware, a genial astiortment-
All of which he is Killing at reduced prices.
Jan 13 9 • .1 CLAYTON..
For Sak,el to be Rented.
TRAT valuable tract of Land called the
ton Tract," behniging to Elitabeth Spohn,.
situate on the west Notwegian Rail Road, neat
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is
offered for sale cin acconUrrodattng terms; or the
Coal Mines wale leased severally or together
to an "anted tenant-. Apply to
3d & Walnut Street.
a a stil 11
Caution.' ", • . -
TIME undersigned
the ptcblic against
. 0 . porebasing or lea at the trait! litand calla 0-
Clinton Tract, on the n lEast N.rwerian rail road,
From Elizabeth Spott or Henry M4rrai for bet,
as be the undersigned; - claims title ttberetnt, and
wall institute a suit itiratost. any person attempt
ing to Lake the possession thereof. •
' Manbeim, April *IS3SL 32 .
prim Register of husliill County hating
t t
A oted to the to &O. Letters of Adana-
LW . on tin; e.t5 . 1 , 1 M. Beare Ilfefiga, late of
the Aor Putt Ile. deceased. All persons
ludas to the estait of the said Henry Mtge
-ere teq , ex! to melt immediate payment; and
all thoo barn( elai,s, are remserted to preoret
them settlement the sotocruber without de
keit. 2 - 42-6 Astmtnwreme.
iti --- FF.W IRON
&Wawa* Store.
THE subscribers 'Would respectfully annalistic
td the that he has added to his fat mee
stnekansat and fiatheare, consisting in. part or'
Americepild English Bar Hon. Hoops and Band
lhossArmind yen ? Unsorted suer, cast. Crawly,
SimeacGennui and English Blister and A. M.
Steel Vices, kionsehide moils-Smith's Etelkors,
Cast steel hand, dewing' and Broad area. Dias
t led spikes, toe/abet with a general assortment
of Iron llosigery. all Of which will be sold at re
duced pries% by JOHN CLAYTON.
April 92 •
Claret Wsiee, &c. &e.' -
CtiAT63l% LAFITIT, Medoe nod St. Job
an. Vintage 1614 received and fiie ode stye
doped priors. by MI.P..ER & lIAGGERTY.
nay 46 .40
Teas! Teas!! Ireas!!.!
juri CHESTS and cheats of Fnasb Green
Immo and black Maas, 'coa.isting of Glisav,
ptcm. Soneincir. Pirothang, Groncesrder. Yuan
flywit. Old Hem *Lad Hymen Skin. jusati received
tad kr molest, reoteeed prices by
N. NATHAN'S atop.
&metal sea eletmb pot ep lortanOly
may 2 t 33
&Mad OH, "Pickles, Act.
irAmEs mum& c¢ sdperior
tad Oit. At foI assortorcor or, Was. Osborne
Cs& Piddles, for odeby •
muum a HAGGERTY.
may 216
1 i
i 6,1= Tr. ioo forms:mints gamete
(At Eke - lowest City,
WIRE celebrated Old Star MI
••• &woody. Old Port, Re
Lisboa, Teneriffe,r Pale, Broiro
Also- - on *aught. Clam-USp
de graven. and Rbeniab wines
ty, at SO eta. Fier gallon . .
Storekeepers and Tavei
plied at -wholesale prices. at
New and Blend d Goods.
THE Ladies of Pottsville an vicinity are rea
pectfuily invited to tali and examine a most
splendid , assortment of • I
Pa itged Lawns. Jac melts, tridts,
Black and White Lawns,
Monslmedelains Lyoname.
Hoskin; dark and light tid Gloves,
Worsted, Cotton and Silk do
Fanry Handkerchiefs, Shiwls;
Plato and painted birds-fled born Cambric Was.
Silk dr. Cotton, bleach`d & untileach'd boss,
do do. • Embroidered do •
At the store - of N. NATUANS &
may 19 • 38
ritAROLINAI worked gooiiitg boor*. -Pough.
p4l, tongued and groovedready fix laying. I.
and 14 incEnto of different finality and prices,
Constantly off Ilona, and for Male lots snit purchasers, upon application 4 , letter to
4 ..., ~ , „, ...-4.2 - L , '...t.1-•-.1- -...4.4..-z . :.." - ,..2 .. ..... j:,± 4 .,: . .t . .., _ •=1.,;, , ..: - _ , -z. .4 ..1 ... ....1,:1'«` - *.i VeLZis:«3 . I'. - ' ) .1',.... , Z . "* " " . .t '' . .%.-..'.r.::,....,1Zd„,1' . . f.. 4 :7fit...4
.. .1 la 7t ,e 55,... 're, •ef s 5, ~,Tki ;,,, « ... < le: i .;.." ...I.
Utt. tt3-.. o• « « a:, 1111bNICIROIIMI,
"'" 1 '''
r ' *l' .• 1 ' ''' . 1 . ''''
' ..'
t‘r ' - ' -- ' 4
Superior W
may 26 40
Flooring Iloards.
Planing Mac] hind . Whirr:N. L. Phila.. Co.
ipril 25 31—tr Pousville.
GREzr 13.11841FatIM8:1" ' •
Valuable Real Property in Pit:hi/if,
THE . undcriigned offers for sate all that well
kdowo three starry BRICK S7ORB AND
DWELLING HOUSE end the appurtenances
slider in Centre street. Pothiville_, the property
of the undersigned. Usgethe ‘ i with nine other
tenements in the near's& sal builaing; and the
lot of ground whereon the bole stands. The
brick building aforesaid, contains thirty Ret in
front—finished from the eat story to the
garret in the best style of len manship,and both
-as a business stand and-a' res deuce, is most Ea.
voursbly sitti'eted. The fore ing property will
be sold on lowind accomm sting terns. Part
of the ow:them money may remain on the prop.
erty for a few years. it de it . Title indisputa
ble, and possession can be -immediately—
apply, to G.' JENNINGS.
April 22 32—tf Pottsville
Encourage Mine naftuinres.
Confectionary Bt
rpHE subscriber respectfu
pub!e that he has eornm
tore of Confectionary in all i
at his Store in Centre Strata
Pottsville House, where Cow
ers can always be supplied
at the lowest Philadelphia
Country Merchants are
to call and exa►nine his
ei.eik bete.
no v 4
. sz, S
Dry-Goods, •Gikic, and Li
quor 'sit
Carney of Centre and Mork Streets, Pottsville.
April B
THE Sotostriter is Tees" r ifiern the A. Law
• ton Collieries. a fresh • pplr of the ceirbra
ted sron N & LEWIS RE ASH COAL, now
landing at his a hart Pine • rect. Schuylkill--
Orders left at the office, No. 81 Dock street, or
at the wharf, will be prompt attended to.
Philadelphia, Miy 12, 1 42
BHANNAN has coin led a Book Bind
• cry in minner..tion w . his Beak Store,
where all kinds of Books ill he bound at the
shorted notice at low rates.
of every 6eseription made 1.
rates—and the trade MI - •
delphia prices.
.refirtl 11 .
Benjamin . XV.. ;
aTTO Raiz 21-
RAS removed hie Office
posite the Brick Build'
'nags, where he trill an
trusted to him in the line o
Oct 21
Cboice Wine* a
N. MATH 4.11
101 AVE on band the fat
' I
and Lapors which
and Om fin. sale on the
maMMing of
50 Baskets Champagne
ory, Star, Woodcock. A
to Basket. Sparkling
10 'do Oldlioik.
eases OW Grape Juice
SO do Medoe & St. 3 • - 1
Aum—a few doses albs
lo•fra or Stai
Old Bears: Gold aod:Prole
de Madeira; illsobeil
Corneas. Patfeet Loos;
setae, Anakeeed Caro!'
Madeira. Pak, Bros* &
Teseriffe. 'Mar. NI •
Dry Warr. Mosaitel
Chairpaigue Drandy
Carmic. &Oar= dr.
Holland Gia4 of Pine A •
Jam. Spirits. '3l- Wh" •
Cam. Gruk oiln Broody • •••
Timers keepers '!role
an nwilisyfully Wrier' sid
wog zo o s Asp salsa 4IITIPIa etanourriaHia,. *craw muds•wlLLetiaisarwriiiro Owe +sail SUIAKet MC ° 4 f gavaritAxl) 1144.11/
others. Who
ter the ion of
hit, and would
he generally,
Drug Business
Charles IV, r'
borough ofP
'deb*. Sparkling
I IL, flockhenner:
I od Gold Sherry.
• ish Wines„ Vin
excellent Tali-
i l pers will be sop•
ANS & Co.
Centre St
reueral a• . "eat of
Dims, 'Medicines,
Paints"• . I Oils,
Glass, Dye Staub,
And every ether article in Ow above hoe. which
he is disposed to sell oq very lois stades:memo
dating terms 4
N. B. rj• Physicians Preicriptioes easefully
Put el' at
44.1mitteIt 141 7141 . .T. EPTING.
' Pottsville. May 30,:18313.
05 , GOOD f eboylkill Canal .Boats built of the
!I beet materials. nearly new. will be mold cheap.
orac6ang 4 tor Coal at the market Ake. ' Ap
0 1 7 to B. BANNAN.
May 30 41
New Goods! New Goode!
ADM' received by N. Nathan. & Co. a new
'UP and elegant assortment of Spring and Som
mer Prints, painted muslin* and basins, among
which may be found a few pieces of English
Prints it a very low rate. Also, • splendid ar.
sprit:neat of Chew, Cassimeres, Vesting. &c.
Also. Gentlemen's - Sommer wear, together
with a genital alhorteridnt of Linens, Checks, Di.
*pers. Ticking; Maslins, &e. &e.
spril 14 - 4128
Boots and Sheet.
NATHANS ie. Co. have on bans large
4. 11 •assortment,,. of Gentlemen's and Ladies'
Soots and shook which ibey will sell at 'a losr rate.
may 19 38
HAVE on lased
• Bar Iron of aoy ale drawn to order. Nada
and ' , pikes of all sizes, For aide at the krarest•Caty
Reading, May 92,1838. 40-Btoo
r.W. TERxE,r,
ulimor DRBI agazra,
announces to the
• eed the Manufac
various branches,
nearly opposite the
and alt
o. •lesale and ye/ail.
sh pric!s.
tj ESPEXTFULLY tender. her ..mice. to
the Lads. of Pottsville and the vicinity, and
hopes by the maness of her work, quick des
pateh, and moierse charge.. to merit a sham of
their patronage.
Her reside/ at Mrs. B. Maroes, opposite
the atom of Messrs. Nathan, & Co. in Centre
—Jane 4 ,4Ll—
pretfully .elicited
befoie paretsasing
• •
.j.111 , -"A JD Jig ,
P RE Proprietors ofthis Line.tahtch has been
IL fitted op in a snPenor manner Si, the ammo
modatioo of the Travelline Community.) respect.
fully innounce to the public that the Lime well
positively commence runnincletwera
en Wrier:dal tite 2i sr May. and will continue
to leave their tiffice at the renewing-iris
I 'Pa:seine, daily at o'clock. A. M. and ainve in
:Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. a. at tawfollowire
'rates of Fare:
• To Orwersbner„ $0 50
/Port C3intoo, 75
Hamburg; 1 00
Reading, • 200
Pottstown, 300
Trap, 3 62i,
Notrialoen. 4 50
Philadelphia, 5 00
For Seats apply at • the Pennsylvania Halt,
Pottsville Hen's Howl, Readier; sod at their
Office, No. 25. North Fourth Street: Pinledellibte.
MINTIER. & Co- Pouffes.
8.41011 L. OVENSIIINE, Phil..
'ay 2 Prsiorieters.
order at the lowest
wholesale at Phila.
I I . I g,
• T I.IW,
to centre street,
of George M. Jen
to all bunions
hia profession.
HAVE restored os the oppoei* , side of Cents.
Stred, a few doors eturie Norwegian Street
where they offer kw sale a select assortment
Superfine Broad Cloths and Ca:4mm of the
mad fashionable , colors, with an avant "MO
mat ef Salome? kolotbs. Vesting% Lanes and Cat
ton Wits. Cellars. - Bosoms. Sleeks. Gloves. Sus.
pendia% Mies and maim lime, and all kiads of
Gestiameies wearing mmairrid, iohieh will be
mode to order in the most appraised sty* as to the
worktnanship..and warranted tot equal to any
in the City or elsesisere. '
P. S. P. Z C.. keep on. hand - an ezerdsat as
sortment o ieady.made Milting id all buds.
shah will broad, an ray bur ratan.'
d Liguori.
ir. CO.
• &vice Wines
y warrant genuine,
1 , • • favorable terms,
B 4 Muml.Y.
celebrated East
Coal Merchants, Land Proprietors
and others, are respectfully is
formed by
Madam Smith,
tr=ue Meister, Lila Siregor,..te.
FVELATIre etopsosieed a porescoset •
mL dews ie Petbrinlis.ited is preparea to naive
sod estiiheterilV eleevle in basis' ens yid' ohm*
be mai liefrieseL -
• IL 8. is oleiereibeei to insist its 'meting to
Pouswilis sod its vieisity, which anseigemeet
we malls bits peesteallv to edited to these
tmamsss=a=ed Is adobe' g, wise wiry essaley
Sherri in battles.
Kayoed. Aso*
! • • Siam Lidos.,
MateVl, ?Warm
i • •
Old Port
Pine Inands. •
.' "BMATo -
' and Fah hnuadd,,
li . E. Rain. *
s6:ll . teirilig Ulnas;
lb! bs'
ff3 r
11114S1 isishemlood - •
Deniers hruilbsi is ovaryl.
Pasqlsominfall, *OM, NM 314 em
p44TnruxE li pk SATURD M*iilNG 41314 23,1833,
Of Bodiless.
her retains his greteftil icknowl
tO the adonis of Pistred
ped.S3remrd to his awl nce at
is ifroperty Sr! in tier
'also acquaint them and the litsb•
;..t he hiuragain Watiinerneed the
I 11 0111111:1011e.Sumest i tioenpittd by
•in Centre reet, in the
i ilk, where may always be had
Boats tbr Sale.
(Filmed, Berber & W(liam%)
juts 17
NEW : ~ scunr.acicomrEcnotimtv-
E . TAB LISHM ENT ? ' •-.
erick C. Epting •
Taw > FULLY informs hie friends and
m'a• Se Ohba in general, that he has opened, 11 .
Bakery Confection&r9 Establishment
in Noes • a Street, next door below the Arcade
in the ro ugh of Pottsville. where he Will al
ways k on hand mid bake to order all kinds
ofCakes every Variety ofpaderritt---and 'where
also, will always be kept on band. Bread by the
Loaf. of ab cacellent quality. and of ',large size.
His ttnfecfionary commtles a large and gen
eral assortment ticketed with , care, and * sold at
the seryinrest rates.
F. C. woold also infoim Stales that he is
preptred o Joke Family Bread for any number
who prefer furnishing their own Flonr, at the
slimiest Ounce, Hut on the must reasonabte terms.
aprilVt, 30-3 m
'looks! very low.
BBAN NAN offers for sale the folksating
• atindard works at the very low prices at
tached.• •
Hume, Br i nollett and Miller's 'England
4 vosneep, with Plates 210 00
- Clarke's mentaly, 4 vols. sheep, 12 00
Wesley's orks, 10 vols. eomplete.. 11 00
Bock's Theological Works, 6 vols. sheep, 400
Sciet's B(ble and Commentary, 3 vols.
sheep, 6 00
Byron's Works. Dearlinnne's Edition...beep, 4 25
Rollin's Ancient History. 1 ml sheep.
Dearborne's Editicia with Maps and
• plater.
Josephos a vol. with plates
Marryattei works complete. t vol.
Moore's Works, Library Edition
Cowper a d Thompson's works.
Paley's works
Borden's village
DoddrtiWs Family Expositor.
Easy is of Gcogritpliy, 3 vols. with
13b eatsand 100 Maw, 10 50
Fox's Bn4k of Martyrs, arab Oates,. 2 25
McKeniio4oloo Receipts 1 37
Together with a variety ofother Books it very
low rates 4 the times.
july - l. I 32
lew Goods.
genciral assortment of fresh and seasonable
Goo s, must received—consisting in part of
f t - Dry Go_ods,
. Hardware,
Mackerel, •
.t Salt, Plaster, Ike. ikc.
which will be sold low for cub. The highest
price pan) in cash Swan kinds of country produce
Mount Carbon, Dee 2 2
j For the instantaneous cured
Diserrse4d and bmoght to its greatest perfection
This bi to certify that 1 have tried votu. Tapuy
as E;tiztrilin several cases of Tooth Ache, in libido
I have certainly found it of very great service.
Meriden tithe Royal Collegeof Surgeons.
Lood.Sept. 10,1830.
A trio* stepped in to say that be had wishes'
'the Fits in this morning, and slammed his
otarvalkMs cure of the Tooth Ache. One link
boy in poticular, oho Motet ems* entomb to bite
a ten penny nail dear or, is ten mifiotas smiled
at the decayed tooth and derma its pain..—U. S.
Gazau, •
A fresh supply of the abOve Elixir just receiv
ed and fiiir sale by BAN NAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
Jody IR 1-1 y
Musical Instrument&
wine entiscrsber has just received and offers
- 11 " for r t.
4 keyed German Flutes, plain. .
Octave Flutes; - •
. .
Viohnk • • .
Fifes. i .
Victim( Bridges, 044, Strings and Bow-hair.
Clarionet Reeds,
Gi:%.... d itrunrs, .
Vr Bovri•--extra finish
• He folly
the public to call and
esainin his stock.
may i, lIKIB. 34
r Public Notice: .
A S itappisars, iharliecame Mr-Crane obtained
4"L ec i rent for ameltitg Imo Ore with An
thracite Coal in this country, maey suppose that
they our at liberty to adopt the method of
sindeng Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of
e beamed air blast; although I gave notice last
Sear LILO had a patent for nettling Inn Ore
with Anthracite Coat both by the use of a cold
kteampberic sad a heated air blast, I souk now
inform the public again, that as the 14th of Jan.'
nary, OM I received a letter frees the Commie
sneer yf Patents at Wasblingtae. meting: 403 is,
open esammusg the cue of Hr. Crane's apphea
ten inro patent for Smelting Ito by meals of
Aettinsidea have viewed his dabs as interfering
with yiP, patent at Dee, 1833 lad have riven
notice * lei attorney albs decision." &my
ants* to smelt Ina ore with anthracite by the
eseofnihnited air bbin,is an 'jarring:atm anus
ST SSW, iitabut. eibieh I notion and ware
all menas I shall prestatabi emery to mfibiging
eposrights, yeernifent to law. And I far=
the my e
eace to rbapose of patent tights Air the erect-
ing at piens:es; attpanrier to isy t pahinti wpm
any Moderate
liforetTork, May 16.11338. 37-1 y
kiffiller k inaggartYl
Drytiaßreceryi Wm. Uurseit&crie
estilsorS Ilitaninesir IlateL)
e m metigli with a bean is 'l l lsissielphia
MAC . co limp Is MEd • "my ems.
j a w or gases. trbit' b Mey inn/sell as
prieTh es. &me iselresta beeves
mil prO' Me famTm. wail is wen s eall sad
judge - iiir timesedist.
WWI, 31
Mead ithc Followin g. Interco. ing ant!' Astonishiv Fq(l4l.
MORE conclusivelprooficof the extraordioa
efficacy ofDR. 'WM. 'EVA.N'S celebtat • ,
Camomile and Aperint Antibilious Pills go It
leviating afflicted mankicd. -
To James Dieltson. , 36.,'Coathill. Boston. A •
for the =leaf Dr. Wm. Evan's Camomiil
I LowELL. Nov. 15, 1 6.
Dear Sir-LRnowi'og by experience that ever'
reference that the Ifflicied receive of the bene -
cisl results-of medicines, cheerfully ofnrjrni
to the public in behalf of DR. Wall: EVANS
CAMOMILE P1LL., 1 4. 1 have been afflicted f
the last ten yews With distress in the head an
chest: often so bad of to deprive me of sleet) f•
three or four nightain succession, bet have ne -r
found relief by any •sit my Merida` pritireript
until my wife saw the advertisments in *baps •
when she persuaded me to send for smite, whi .11
I did, and obtained tWo boxes and bottles.' whi
resulted in almost completely reroriog me
health, although 1 haiie not yet entirely -,
them. Should'roo consider this any benefit
yourself, or the public., von have my cheeribi o
mission to publish it. Yours. respectfully.
THOS. R. GOODHUE, Centralia
NNTERESTING CASE Cared •by • Dr. I' l
Roups's Caiunnilo' Torisic and Family d I
eel Pit,—Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN. corner/
Shippen and Geoigeir streets, Philadelphia, atr- i
ed for seven years wltb extrema nervousness;
which he was not able to write h.s name— r
inpuoins were, entreaties, daily spasmodic pa
in the head, hum of appetite, palpitation of
heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter- i
bility of engaging in any thing that deman
vigor or courage, sickness' and weakness
(eine debility; disturbed rest, a sense' of pre=
and weight at the stomach after eating. g :
mental.despundeney, severe Lying pains to
chest back and sine, eastiveness. a dislike
society and conversistion. Mr. B. has made t
of "armee medicines now before the publics ,
tow effect, until; observing in a public pa
some cures performed by, Dr. William Eva
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient. Pings
was induced to give thern'i trial, of which b
at any time happy to state that, they Aetna
cured him of the above distressing disease.l
2 25
3 25
2 25
2 00
2 25
2 GO
2 00
3 50
ErPersons who doubt the above erne, are
respectfully directed to thewbove mentioned
arm, at the north wilt 'corner of Shippen
Geroge. erects. BENJAMIN BOWL
Philadelphia October 24,1837.
Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Blow , e,
N. 6th street, oear Second, Williamsburg, affl d.
ed for the last ten years with the Liver compla at,
catapktely restored to health through the
'meat of Dr. W "Evalta. Symptoms—Habit 1
constipation of the bawds, total loss of %met ie,
excruciating pain of'the epigasti ic region, t
depression of spirits, languor and other Drat s
of extreme debilitY, disturbed sleep, inorai. to
flow of the menses, pain in the right side, co , ld
not lie on ber left side without an agiavat
of the pain, urine high colored, with 0 0 1,1 r 6 7 P •
toms indicating great derangement in the f
none of the liver. .
Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the , rat
physicians, but received bat little relief from
medicine, till Mr. Browne procured sonte of
Wm. Evan's invaluable preparations. iehic , ef
fectually relieved her of the above dititr ng
symptoms., with others, which it is rit t - • ial
to tnumate. • JOSEPH BROWN
City and County of New
Joseph Browne. tif Williamsburg, Long I. nd,
being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
facts as set forth lathe withinatatement, tow ich
be has subscribed liis name. arejust and yrue
Hasbacd of the said Hannah Brbwn.
Sworn before me this 4th day of January. 11 t .
INTERESTING .CASE of Ter bocofai i on
santptisa..-211r. John Rare! applied ob t - lst
day of September et' the office 100 an
Arms, laboring under the following slyer=
A slight apitting of blood. distressing cough at
tended with an etpeetoration of purulent am ter.
nigbt sweats, general eanciatino, difficult of
breathing on exertion, with a well =liked
flush on the cheek. On examination. the
wax foowd to seowd well every where eieept
der the left cleric-6N anti in the arm pit
same side.
Trstitatrat —Directed to tale the rest.
Can:Pa:soe Pdlsf with the expectorating .^
pnend. lit die same tone an injonetion. to es
kale &yin when the bight sweats had erased
arpoebiestion slightly 4itwiniabed. a.shght ;
coughihg ladl-'reatainitig in. the moaning. I
dered as usual to continue the medicine, a
mill in the cease •s2a
continued rapidly inernming, without the
cough. Caned at the Orme on the 4th of
'montboriteinsi- tent returning his
Thanks fir the benefit be bad obtained.
The above
dumg his treatmea
"TA ,
Mr. Robert
the above duty
Languor. Smut
ache, difficult
tare across the .
Way and rdesurrese.
mead positron, withal'
ins suffocation. pap'
Mg cough. aqrreor
sinems. grcat*hili'
oe energy.l - Me,
thought dreamer"
existence at
is e pabbe pl
Comes : anofficam; .
red him ta iam=,
riesohed in ec
of his Cuirass. r''
I this decianstion
I souse es esi s.
width be is bepeakt,
the silos lectilis
hit 'OM
rallifid* so
NU. Her c
.• -.,-: :-k
. • - • • ,
- • -, 4,, :., • ",• ...;,-* - ' "k. N't, , •:;, l 4 , ,, , z- r: 5, - .1. k
_•'''.. ',.
s . • . i . ,-.
spirits, %signor, 'extreme debility„tlietn*id aliep
great pain in hidi side. eciald:not
, aitiewittiont-an iggratation parts,isio
the bead; dime+ of:sight. withetliii4yeriptotne
indicating grest'derangenientintherfanietiens of
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser has madonna of
rious medicine's now before the' piddle Alia
ceived no relief until she was.ediiiteclAti . snake
trial of Dr Evan's Pills, of Which:SitilOntql
to state that they effectually relieved :Ng ; Of WNW •IT''
anitee distressing symptoms, with otbul o mbich
are not essential, to intimatep,
Mr. Drenhiser, (husband , of the.- *be" Mrs
Brenbiser. had' een.
years isdieteff-with
distressed state piles and coatisent*..4twltich
he was effectoMly cured.
perfot cote. dieted k IllckestattaV Di.
William Evens.
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4111 atrectiAillinisuto"
burg. afflicted with the abase mximistint 4is three
years and nine months, during ishich , time .he
had Louse crutchei. His chid symptoms were
exeraciatinipain in all . his joints, hut 'especially
the,hips, ilpnlder. knees and ink's*. an, ag
gravation oldie pains towards oighliandiarthe
most part all - umes from e.Steinal heat,, an obvi
ous thickening of the fasirla and ligaine -1 tite r with
a complete loss ofmnsculai power. For the ben
efit of those afflicted_ in a similar manor% Mr.
Gibson conceives it meet to say that the:pains
have entirely ceased. and• that his joints have
completely recovered their natural tune, 'atilt be
feels able to resume his ordinary business:
DYSITI'Sf A ste : HYPOCIItirADRIACISSIe G. Kenny. No. 113. lands *bee .
between Stanton and noustio n inneete , afflicted!
for ten yearn with the folkiwinediatrewiing.aympi• .
Acid enibtatien, daily spasmodic piing in the
head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the,heart.
&mess and dimness of eight; could not lie ow her
right side, disturbed rest, inter inability-Of en.
gaging in any thing that demanded" vigor or
courage. sometimes a visionary idea Of rwaggre :
ration of her disease, • whimsical-averwan to
particular perverts and place...groolidleserappre.
hensions of personal danger, and poverty. an irk.
sonseness and erearineas oflite,discosiented.
quietude on ever . * slight ocessiouoilie conceived'
sbe could neither die nor live, she wept. limanted
desponded, and thought she led s 11104 Miserable
lite, sever wis'one so had; with frequent. mental
hillneinstiens. %lrs. fieni.y had. the advice or
several eminent physicians, and had rtinousse to
numerous medicines. but could-not obtain even a'
temporary alleviation of her distieming.etete, till
her husband persuaded :ler to make-trial of my
mode of treatment. She is now quite :relieved,
and finds herself nut only capable of attending to
her domestic affairs, but avows thatehe enjoy, as
good health at present aa'she did at any . pendia
of her existence- .1„ °KENNY.
Husband of the atoresaid . AnneiNenny.
Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836...
Peter Pinckney, Com. of Deeds
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orangestreet, N.
Y. 'filleted for five years with humeral habitual
Asthma. applied at the office 100 Clattbabrareet
on the VI of October, laboring under the follow
ing symptoms. A sense'of tightness across tie
chest. with the greatest difficulty of breathing,
distressing cough, generally endiegwitheopiotas
expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed resat,
the face turbid an I ofn livid butettuld not be
in a hoiizontal position without .the sensation of
immediate suffocation, languor, theeridness, and
dizziness in the, head, and hos of appetite.
Mr. H. applied to the most eminent. physicians
in this city, likewise used several other remedies
without obtaining any permanent benefit; tintO
his triends peso:ivied hint in place himself inkier -
Dr. William Diana' treatment He is new re
lieved of his aimplaiat, and ealkdat. ides office
yesterdal. grow tor that he had .susr words to de
press hurgratitide for the benefit be had receiv
ed. October 21. 1637.
We do hereby sub.ealse emrsivortures to the
truth of the a bore:corm that thentaternant• is in
. every respect true. SA RAH IMIENHISEB
r No. 11 north Eighth street. rediuts4
-. 4 erulidelohia. Oct. 21st. Inl. •
Dr. W Al. EVANS* Medical Office.' for the
sale or bia excellent Medieitie, la at 1 0 10.19; north
Ei t ktb street, Philadelphia- 4"
Sold by
Sole Arent far Schuylkill CountyF
Port Clinton Foundry
W -
ILL be sold at private sak i the FeeslGlry
pleusuatty situated et Post.Cliatee.Sebayi-
Itill enemy. on very -reviewable tango. .This
Foundry ks u the ceramentensest of the Little
Schuylkill and Suarprclinuna R. acne'
". making, and will in a abort time bit coirof tee
best situations in 'the country to , do a lame bora
nen For terms,&c. apply ta - -
Iraq Founders,
joly 29
The Irseispaly
°pc Cousepesetary.
• .
IROM the stories of Antra artirSintt. and
above ace hundred other‘vnitetted
'in London .by the Rertgioves Tnet Society, tens.
ea and abridged is tiro volumes; with !Ups ash
Eagraviets- Ibis valuable woriris . in
pares, at2i ends eat*: Twelve parts are already
norpieted. and cm beobtaiemedatibeers
Book State where subspipetoie te
eered. •
lone 24
Lilt toi -,
Salie. -
.._ ' -
WILL. betook, emicariaa,94ll,;iartaiuiated
Oa W atialP Suva* tbiilo4lo. 'Akin
iretbe La of • - r . 'bieh taikLee4l , l24l o balleist
a direirag lasare. The lons 55 - Set 'fres' tas
°MMus Strew. by 110 bit limp.. AO* 110
May 30,. 41 . - IL HAMAN.
bent. 11111101 1111 F
wort GUIDE..
• :
Hey Otrarrue.,
, Troe
- Cuba= nary.
NOM MaxiCs eekiss rood •, • -
Small Odoebrrar. • .•
.Iliert received and ter ask by. 8. 13~
Dec .
N~ ,t~
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